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Hindawi Publishing Corporation

Depression Research and Treatment

Volume 2014, Article ID 730891, 8 pages

Research Article
Resource Utilisation and Costs of Depressive Patients
in Germany: Results from the Primary Care Monitoring for
Depressive Patients Trial

Christian Krauth,1 Jona T. Stahmeyer,1 Juliana J. Petersen,2 Antje Freytag,3

Ferdinand M. Gerlach,2 and Jochen Gensichen2,3
Institute for Epidemiology, Social Medicine and Health System Research, Hannover Medical School,
Carl-Neuberg-Street 1, 30625 Hannover, Germany
Institute for General Practice, Goethe-University Frankfurt, Theodor-Stern-Kai 7, 60590 Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Institute of General Practice and Family Medicine, Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena, Bachstraße 18, 07743 Jena, Germany

Correspondence should be addressed to Jona T. Stahmeyer;

Received 12 May 2014; Revised 15 August 2014; Accepted 15 August 2014; Published 9 September 2014

Academic Editor: Janusz K. Rybakowski

Copyright © 2014 Christian Krauth et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution
License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly

Background. Depression is the most common type of mental disorder in Germany. It is associated with a high level of suffering
for individuals and imposes a significant burden on society. The aim of this study was to estimate the depression related costs in
Germany taking a societal perspective. Materials and Methods. Data were collected from the primary care monitoring for depressive
patients trial (PRoMPT) of patients with major depressive disorder who were treated in a primary care setting. Resource utilisation
and days of sick leave were observed and analysed over a 1-year period. Results. Average depression related costs of C3813 were
calculated. Significant differences in total costs due to sex were demonstrated. Male patients had considerable higher total costs
than female patients, whereas single cost categories did not differ significantly. Further, differences in costs according to severity
of disease and age were observed. The economic burden to society was estimated at C15.6 billion per year. Conclusion. The study
results show that depression poses a significant economic burden to society. There is a high potential for prevention, treatment, and
patient management innovations to identify and treat patients at an early stage.

1. Background amount for the largest part of disease burden [6]. Almost like
no other illness, depression is associated with a high level
Depression is the most common type of mental disorder of suffering and reduction in quality of life and imposes a
among adults in western countries [1]. The German Health huge burden on individuals, family members, and economies
Interview and Examination Survey for adults (DEGS1-MH) as well. A recent analysis has shown considerable deficits
determined a 12-month prevalence of 7.7% for unipolar in diagnosing and treating depressive disorders in Germany.
depression, 6.0% for major depression, and 2.0% for dys- A large part of depressive disorders is not diagnosed as
thymia in Germany [2, 3]. The lifetime prevalence of any routine screening or standardised diagnostic instruments are
depressive disorder is considerably higher (17.1%) [4, 5]. rarely used. The minority of patients receives an adequate
According to the Global Burden of Disease study, mental and guideline based treatment [7–9]. Depressive patients utilise
substance use disorders were fifth leading disorder category health care services more frequently and produce higher costs
of global disability-adjusted life years (DALYs). Further, than people without depression [10–12]. Several international
mental and substance use disorders were the leading cause of studies have estimated the burden of depression in various
all nonfatal burden of disease expressed in terms of years lived contexts and have shown the costs arising from this disorder.
in disability (YLDs). In both outcomes, depressive disorders A systematic review by Luppa et al. provides a good overview
2 Depression Research and Treatment

on cost of illness studies [13]. In Germany, different studies approach aggregated data from national registries and official
have estimated the costs of depressive disorders with different statistics are used to quantify the expenditures or burden of
data sources in various contexts [11, 12, 14]. However, infor- a disease. This approach uses highly aggregated data such as
mation on indirect cost (productivity losses) is not available claims data. In most cases information is only available for
yet. As depression is associated with restrictions in social aggregated disease groups. In the bottom-up approach, data
functioning productivity losses are of major importance are collected directly from a sample of patients or patient
estimating the cost of illness. The relevance of depression records. With this approach, specific types of illnesses and
related productivity losses is shown in several international subgroups (e.g., depending on disease stage) can be analysed
studies. Indirect costs account for over 60% of the economic more easily. For the estimation of the societal burden, data
burden of depression in the USA [15]. Similar conclusions has to be extrapolated using national prevalence data.
were drawn by Ekman et al. and Sobocki et al. who estimated
the costs of depression in Sweden. Productivity losses due 2.2. Data Source. For the present study a prevalence-based
to sick leave and early retirement accounted for 88% and bottom-up approach was used to identify depression related
86% of total depression related costs, respectively [16, 17]. A disease specific resource utilisation and costs. Costs were
British study by Thomas and Morris underlined the relevance determined taking a societal perspective. Data were obtained
of indirect costs. This study estimated the indirect cost to be from the PRoMPT (primary care monitoring for depressive
over 90% of total costs [18]. patient’s trial) project. This cluster randomized controlled
Mental disorders are the leading cause for early retire- trial examined whether case management provided by prac-
ment in Germany. About one third of all early retirements tice based health care assistants in general practitioner (GP)
in 2007 are attributed to mental and behavioural disorders. practices is effective in reducing the symptoms and adherence
Further, major depression is a leading cause for sick leave of patients with depression. The intervention group received
and is associated with long work disability periods. In 2012, case management over one year and the control patient group
the average work disability period due to a single depressive received usual care. The primary outcome parameter was
episode (ICD-10, F32) was 46.4 days and 64.6 days for a depression symptoms. Secondary outcome parameters were
recurrent depressive episode (ICD-10, F33) [19, 20]. adherence, quality of life, health care utilisation, perceived
The objective of the study is to analyse the resource utilisa- quality of care, and days out of work. Study design was
tion and costs of depressive patients in Germany. Subgroup approved by the ethics commission of the University of
analyses were conducted for sex, age, and severity disease. In Frankfurt [25, 26].
addition, a projection of the burden to society is stated. A total of 70 GPs located in the federal state of Hesse
participated in the study. Patients already on treatment were
screened by GPs in consecutive order of appearance in the
2. Materials and Methods practice and in case of depression informed about the option
2.1. Cost of Illness Studies. The aim of cost of illness studies to participate in the study. Inclusion criteria for patients were
is to identify and measure all costs caused by a specific diagnosis of major depression (PHQ-D screening confirmed
disease [21]. Cost of illness studies is performed to illustrate in clinical interview) with indication for antidepressive treat-
the burden of a disease on society in monetary terms [22]. ment, aged from 18 to 80 years, ability to give informed
Policymakers use this type of study for justifying budgets, set- consent, and sufficient knowledge of the German language.
ting priorities in funding research, or developing intervention Patients who were suicidal or addicted to alcohol were
programmes to ameliorate and prevent diseases [23]. Cost of excluded. In total, 626 patients were included in the study, 99
illness studies can give precise information in which areas of patients dropped out [26]. Data was collected from patients
healthcare provision costs incur and where saving potentials at three times: baseline (T0), follow-up after 6 months
may occur. Furthermore, cost of illness studies enables (T1) and follow-up after 12 months (T2). Sociodemographic
focusing on specific indications and patient groups. Different and clinical data were assessed by means of questionnaires.
subgroups can be analysed in order to detect differences with Data for resource utilisation including general practitioner,
respect to sociodemographic or clinical characteristics. medical specialist contacts, psychotherapy, hospitalisation,
and prescribed medication was collected using patient ques-
Cost of illness studies can be performed using different tionnaires. Additional utilisation data was collected from
methodical approaches. The perspective chosen for the eval- the patients’ medical records. Detailed information on study
uation is of particular importance and needs to be adjusted design has been published elsewhere [25, 26].
for study objectives. Analyses can be carried out adopting the Complete data (T0, T1, and T2) was not available
patients’, payers’, health care system, or societal perspective for all patients. Further, time points of cost measurement
[24]. Cost of illness studies can be performed using a preva- deviated considerably from planned intervals. In order to
lence or incidence based approach. The prevalence approach cover resource utilisation of a one year period appropriately,
is the most common methodology and estimates the total patients were included in the analysis if an interval of five
burden of a disease in a given period of time. The incidence to seven months between time points of measurement was
based approach calculates the lifetime costs resulting from a observed. If intervals of measurement were shorter than five
disease [21, 23]. months or longer than seven months, patients were excluded
Resource utilisation and costs can be measured using as a full one year period could not be observed appropriately.
a top-down or bottom-up methodology. In the top-down In total, data of 263 patients were analysed in this study.
Depression Research and Treatment 3

2.3. Cost Analysis. The analysis is based on direct and indirect for major depressive disorder in the DSM-IV. Each item is
costs due to depressive disorder. Direct costs are based on scored from 0 (not at all) to 3 (nearly every day). The score
healthcare utilisation and were observed over a 1-year period. ranges from 0 to 27 and higher scores indicate more severe
This included depression. Severity is divided in five different categories: 0–4
no depression, 5–10 minimal symptoms for major depression,
(i) Medication, 10–14 mild major depression, 15–19 moderately severe major
(ii) appointments with general practitioner, depression, and ≥20 severe major depression [31].
(iii) appointments with medical specialists,
(iv) psychotherapy, 2.5. Statistical Analyses. For statistical analysis IBM SPSS
Statistics 22 was used. Quantitative values are indicated in
(v) hospitalisation. mean and statistical differences were assessed by using Stu-
The calculation of indirect cost is based on days of sick dent’s t-test or ANOVA. For qualitative data Chi-square-test
leave due to depressive disorder. Sick leave was certified by was used. Due to skewed distributions of costs bootstrapped
general practitioner or medical specialist. Information on data was used for pairwise comparison of differences in mean
early retirement was asked but could not clearly be attributed costs. Differences were considered significant at a level of
to the depressive disorder. Indirect costs only represent costs 𝑃 ≤ 0.05.
due to sick leave.
For the valuation of health care utilisation recommen- 3. Results
dations of AG MEG (Working Group Methods in Health
Economic Evaluation) are used [27]. The monetary valuation 3.1. Study Population and Resource Utilisation. Sociodemo-
of antidepressive medication was performed using pharmacy graphic and clinical criteria as well as resource utilisation
prices. Prices were adapted from the German drug directory were evaluated for 263 participants. 199 patients were female
“Lauer-Taxe” and adjusted for pharmacy and producer dis- (75.7%), and 64 were male (24.3%). The average age was
count for statutory health insurance members. Missing doses 52 years (SD 13.9). Type of health insurance was known
(<1%) were replaced by defined daily dose (DDD) [28]. for 84.8% of the population. Of these, 97.3% were legally
The cost of outpatient care was calculated using average health insured and 2.7% privately insured. An average PHQ-
cost for doctor visits. Data from AG MEG were extrapolated 9 score of 17.2 (SD 3.5) was measured at baseline. Severe
to the year 2006 [27]. A general practitioner visit was valued major depression was diagnosed with 66 patients (25.1%).
at C16.06. Appointments with medical specialists are valued The main part of the study population suffered from mod-
at C34.86/visit. As no specifications for psychotherapy were erately severe major depression (𝑛 = 136, 51.7%). Mild
made in the survey, average costs for a psychotherapy session major depression was diagnosed in 60 patients (22.8%),
were used. According to information given by the German one patient suffered from minimal depressive symptoms
Society for Behaviour Therapy and the National Chamber (0.4%). At baseline, 49.8% of participants were employed. 24
of Psychotherapists psychotherapy sessions are valued with participants (9.1%) received pension based on reduction in
average costs of C70. earning capacity. Other patients were unemployed (11.8%),
Cost for hospital stays were calculated, using data from housewife/house husband (8.8%) or pensioners (19.5%). Most
the Federal Statistical Office. The cost of an average day in patients diagnosed with major depression suffered from
hospital amount C408 in 2006 without investment costs and one or more diseases. The most common illnesses were
cost of capital [29]. Total cost of C464.11 per hospital day endocrine, nutritional, and metabolic diseases and diseases
result, adding investment cost and cost of capital of C56.11 of the circulatory system.
per day [27]. General practitioners were consulted 17.6 (SD 14.3) times
Indirect costs were estimated using the human capital a year in average. Medical specialists were consulted 3.2
approach [30]. The valuation of productivity losses is based (SD 5.5) times a year. Patients had an average number of
on labour costs. Data from the Federal Statistical Office were psychotherapy sessions of 10.2 (SD 19.6). Regarding medica-
analysed and average labour costs of C90.77 per calendar day tion, antidepressants (76%) were prescribed most common by
were calculated applying average labour costs per month in doctors, followed by psycholeptics with 14% of total prescrip-
2006 [29]. Indirect costs were only calculated for the working tions. Other medications only represented a small portion for
population. antidepressive treatment prescriptions (10%). More than two-
thirds of treated patients received antidepressive medication
2.4. Subgroups. In order to estimate differences in the study (68.8%). Because of their mental illness 26 patients (9.9%)
population according to sociodemographic and clinical cri- were treated as inpatients. In average, these patients were
teria, subgroup analyses are performed. Participants are treated 31.4 (SD 23.7) days in hospital during the 1-year
classified by sex, age, and severity of depression. For the period.
distinction according to age, four age groups were generated:
18–35 years, 36–50 years, 51–64 years, and ≥65 years. Severity 3.2. Total Cost. Total depression related cost were C3813 (SD
of depression was assessed using the Patient Health Ques- 7851) per patient. Direct costs sum up to C2750 (72% of total
tionnaire. The PHQ-9 is a nine-item depression scale and costs, SD 5852) and indirect costs to C1063 (28% of total costs,
validated in primary care use. It is based on diagnostic criteria SD 4067). Among direct costs, inpatient care accounted for
4 Depression Research and Treatment

Total population: 82.3 million
Adult population =
population at risk

4.000C Population at risk: 68.1 million


3.000C Prevalence rate: 6.0%

2.000 C
Affected people: 4.08 million
1.000 C
Average costs of
0C C3813 per patient
Mild major Moderately severe Severe major
depression major depression depression
Total depression related costs:
Sick leave Outpatient C15.6 billion
Inpatient Pharmaceutical
Psychotherapy Figure 2: Estimated total costs of depression in Germany.

Figure 1: Total disease-related cost per patient by severity.

(65–85 years) compared to age groups 36–50 years and 51–64

the largest part (C1438; SD 5523). Expenditure in psychother- years. The huge cost differences of the oldest group compared
apy amounts for C714 (SD 1369). The cost of outpatient care to the younger age groups are partly caused by sick leave costs
(general practitioner and medical specialists) was estimated which are not charged in this age group. A breakdown anal-
as C393 (SD 316). Drug costs due to depressive disorder ysis showed significant differences in pharmaceutical costs
were estimated as C204 (SD 308) per year. Antidepressants between age groups 18–35 years and 51–64 years. Outpatient
account for the largest part of drug costs. Costs are shown in care costs were significantly higher and psychotherapy costs
Table 1. lower in patients aged 65–85 years compared to all other age
The costs of the different age groups are shown in Table 1.
3.3. Subgroup Analysis. The analysis by sex showed signif-
icant differences in total costs (𝑃 = 0.032). On average,
male patients caused more than double the cost of female 3.4. Costs of Major Depression in Germany. The calculation
patients (male: C6308; female: C3010). A breakdown analysis of the burden caused by depressive disorders in Germany
showed no significant differences for single cost categories in 2006 is based on the results of average depression related
(pharmaceuticals, outpatient care, psychotherapy, inpatient costs per patient (C3813) and prevalence rates estimated
care, and sick leave). Detailed results are presented in Table 1. in the German Health Interview and Examination Survey
In order to explore connections between severity of (GHS). Population at risk consists mainly of adult population.
depression and costs, a subgroup analysis by different severity Assuming a prevalence rate of 6.0% [2, 3] and population
codes is performed. One patient with minimal depressive at risk of 68 million [29], a number of 4.08 million affected
symptoms was excluded, so that 262 patients were analysed people are estimated. From these data total depression related
in three groups. The analysis showed significant differences costs of C15.6 billion in Germany are calculated (Figure 2).
in total costs due to severity of depression (𝑃 = 0.011). The
pairwise comparison of mean difference confidence intervals 4. Discussion
for bootstrapped data showed significantly higher costs in
patients with severe major depression (C6302) compared to This study used a bottom-up approach to investigate the cost
patients with moderately severe major depression (C2971). of patients suffering from major depression in a primary care
The analysis of the different cost areas showed significant setting over a 1-year period. It is one of few studies where the
differences in pharmaceutical costs between patients with impact of disease severity on costs is analysed. Additionally,
severe major depression and patients with moderately severe differences according to sex and age were shown. The analyses
major depression. Ambulatory care costs were significantly included 263 patients. No differences with respect to sex, age,
lower in patients with mild major depression compared to and PHQ-9 score in comparison to total population were
severe stages of disease. Sick leave costs were significantly observed.
higher in patients with severe major depression compared to This is the first study which attempts to calculate pro-
patients with moderately severe major depression. Costs are ductivity losses due to depression in Germany. Unfortunately,
shown in Figure 1. occupational disability and early retirement could not clearly
Total costs were significantly different between the four be attributed to the depressive disorder, so that indirect costs
age groups (𝑃 = 0.021). The pairwise comparison of mean only represent morbidity costs due to sick leave. Mortality
difference confidence intervals for bootstrapped data showed costs were also not considered. This probably leads to an
significant lower mean total costs in the oldest age group underestimation of indirect costs, as indirect costs represent
Depression Research and Treatment

Table 1: Costs of different subgroups (in Euro); number in brackets shows bootstrapped 95% confidence intervals.
Base Case Sex Age (years) Severity
Moderately severe
Male Female 18–35 36–50 51–64 65–85 Mild major depression Severe major depression
major depression
Type of costs 𝑛 = 263 𝑛 = 64 𝑛 = 199 𝑛 = 27 𝑛 = 91 𝑛 = 95 𝑛 = 50 𝑛 = 60 𝑛 = 136 𝑛 = 66
Pharmaceutical 204 (171–242) 213 (145–295) 202 (163–248) 126 (62–205) 198 (137–263) 234 (170–310) 202 (133–291) 201 (134–279) 167 (128–211) 286 (197–385)
Outpatient 393 (358–433) 380 (307–458) 397 (354–439) 330 (245–428) 354 (297–426) 386 (327–461) 511 (429–609) 305 (240–376) 405 (353–462) 447 (368–533)
Psychotherapy 714 (565–886) 1073 (614–1588) 599 (462–755) 879 (451–1384) 855 (600–1130) 826 (527–1200) 158 (38–312) 568 (324–833) 658 (475–871) 975 (525–1541)
Inpatient 1438 (833–2199) 2415 (895–4334) 1124 (515–1826) 2355 (13–5776) 2239 (972–3921) 806 (149–1663) 687 (119–1550) 1114 (82–2684) 1126 (507–1894) 2398 (690–4519)
Direct costs 2750 4081 2322 3690 3646 2252 1559 2189 2355 4106
Sick leave costs 1063 (637–1634) 2227 (795–3860) 688 (363–1116) 491 (78–1121) 1979 (932–3416) 906 (331–1609) 0 (0-0) 847 (82–2178) 615 (203–1319) 2196 (1072–3587)
Indirect costs 1063 2227 688 491 1979 906 0 847 615 2196
Total costs 3813 (2963–4967) 6308 (3681–9374) 3010 (2223–3880) 4181 (1416–7942) 5625 (3721–8175) 3159 (2152–4364) 1559 (856–2536) 3036 (1413–5236) 2971 (2117–4105) 6302 (3914–9242)
6 Depression Research and Treatment

Table 2: Cost scenarios (in Euro). The underlying resource utilisation data is derived from
the ProMPT trial. Previous analyses may differ because dif-
Type of costs Base case Best case Worst case
ferent cost-estimates were used [38]. Due to study objective,
Pharmaceutical 204 167 242 patients were initially separated into two groups, intervention
Outpatient 393 355 431 group and control group. Within the cost analysis all patients
Psychotherapy 714 548 881 were analysed, regardless of previous group. The comparison
Inpatient 1438 768 2109 of the treatment groups allows the identification of differ-
Direct costs 2750 1837 3663 ences in costs caused by treatment. Differences were not
Sick leave costs 1063 569 1556 significant. A breakdown analysis also showed no significant
Occupational disability 2847 1728 3965 differences in the cost areas. Additional cost for implement-
ing and performing case management treatment were not
Indirect costs 3910 2297 5521
included in the analysis. Average intervention costs were
Total costs 6660 4134 9184
C276 [38]. Although no differences in resource utilisation
and costs were observed, case management treatment had a
positive effect on the course of the disease. Intervention recip-
a huge share of total costs in international studies [15, 18, 32]. ients had significantly lower PHQ-9 scores, higher depression
If early retirement could clearly be attributed to the depressive treatment response rates, and an increased adherence to
disorder, additional morbidity costs of C2847 have to be antidepressant medication than control patients [26].
added. Including indirect costs of early retirement, average This study estimates yearly costs of C3813 per affected
total costs would increase to C6660 per patient. Direct costs patient (direct costs: C2750; indirect costs: C1063). Previ-
share a part of 41% and indirect costs of 59%. Rehabilitative ously published studies by Salize et al. and Friemel et al.
services were meant to be documented in the context of a estimated direct costs of C2073 and C686 per patient in Ger-
psychiatric inpatient setting. Nevertheless, healthcare service many [39, 40]. A comparison of the direct cost is complicated
utilisation questionnaire did not explicitly ask for rehabil- as considerable methodical differences exist. Whereas only
itative services such as ergotherapy and physiotherapy in patients with major depression according to DSM-IV criteria
ambulatory care, which may lead to a underestimation of were included in the present study, Friemel et al. also included
direct costs. patients with minor depression and dysthymia. Further, not
In order to analyse how uncertainty affects the results, all patients have used medical services. Considering only
cost parameters were analysed using the 95% confidence patients who received medical services, direct costs of C1264
interval. Beside the base case, the lower limit and the upper were estimated by Friemel et al. Study population in the
limit can represent a best-case and a worst-case scenario study of Salize et al. consists of patients who were diagnosed
(Table 2). with a depressive disorder by the treating physician. By the
Male patients showed considerably higher costs than application of ICD-10 criteria for depressive disorder, average
female patients, whereas single costs categories did not direct costs increase to C2541, which comes close to the
significantly differ. Costs are mainly influenced by few estimated direct costs of the present study. Besides varieties in
patients utilising a huge amount of health services. Costs of study population, differences in resource valuation and study
psychotherapy and inpatient care were about twice as high. period are found. Salize et al. developed a unit cost approach
These figures correspond with gender differences reported for average costs per patient visit. Contact rates and average
by public statistics of mental health: the lifetime prevalence costs per visit were not stated. Resource utilisation was
for depression for adults was 15.4% in women and only observed over an 8-week period and extrapolated on yearly
half in men (7.8%) [33]. At the same time, men in 2012 basis. Friemel et al. calculated costs using a cost per minute
accounted for almost the same amount of inpatient stays approach. In older patients a recent claims data analysis
due to psychic illnesses (ICD-10 codes F00-F99) per 100000 showed average annual depression related direct costs of
inhabitants than women (1704 versus 1679) [34]. This might C487 [14]. Another study showed an increased resource
be interpreted as men tend to show a lower awareness for utilisation and costs (depressed: C8,145 versus nondepressed:
health issues, tend to suppress depression symptoms, tend to C3,137) in older patients with depression [11].
postpone treatment, and to develop to more serious cases, A study by Sobocki et al. used a top-down approach to
finally needing more intensive therapy like inpatient care. estimate the cost of depression in Sweden. Total costs of
The excess of indirect costs due to depression in men over depression in Sweden at C3.5 billion in 2005 were calculated.
women might be explained by the generally higher full-time Indirect costs represent about 86% of total costs [32]. A
employment rate in men than in women in Germany which more recent study confirmed these results showing annual
was also observed in our study [35]. Patients from 65 to 80 costs of C17,279, 88% of these indirect costs [17]. The cost of
years showed considerably lower costs for psychotherapy. A depression among adults in England in 2000 was calculated
corresponding observation is the lower cost of inpatient care by Thomas and Morris. They estimated yearly costs of over
due to depression in elder patients. The fact that elder people £9 billion. Indirect costs represent 96% of the total costs
still make low use of psychotherapy has been described for [18]. A further study by Greenberg et al. estimated a total
Germany [36]. A major impeding factor seems to be the economic burden of illness $83.1 billion in 2000. Of this,
tendency in the elderly to underreport depression symptoms direct treatment costs of $26.1 billion ($3309 per case)
[37]. were estimated. Indirect costs including suicide related costs
Depression Research and Treatment 7

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[14] K. Kleine-Budde, R. Müller, W. Kawohl, A. Bramesfeld, J.
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The project was funded by the German Ministry of Education
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