HakiElimu Wideangle PROPOSAL
HakiElimu Wideangle PROPOSAL
HakiElimu Wideangle PROPOSAL
Submission Documents
1.1 Proposal submission letter
27 February 2019
Executive Director
P.O. Box 79401,
Dar es Salaam,
Dear Sir/Madam,
In response to your invitation to take part in the above mentioned assignments. Wideangle Media
has the utmost pleasure in submitting our proposal. We trust that our proposal is in full
compliance with your requirements.
Please do not hesitate to contact us, should you need any additional information or clarification.
Yours faithfully.
Jerry Mushala
Director | Photographer | Filmmaker
Wideangle Media,
Block 1826/82 Kahama Road Masaki
P. O. Box 25119, Dares Salaam
Mobile Phone: +255 713 888856
Email: jerry@wideangle.co.tz
2. Comments and Suggestions of Consultant on the Terms of Reference.
The Terms of Reference for this assignment are clear and adequately cover the key aspects of the
assignment. The proposed scope of work also provides adequate information on what is expected
of the Consultants and provides a reasonable framework for task.
Wideangle Media has previously been involved in similar videography and radio projects on the
welfare of Early Childhood Education, Barriers to Girls Education, Social Accountability,
Fighting the stigma of Albinism and Disability. We have had the privilege to work with
organizations such as European Union (EU), Aga Khan University(AKU), Children in Crossfire,
Foundation for Civil Society (FCS), Plan International, UKAID, USAID, ICAP, APHRC,
TEN/MET and many more.
Our experience will therefore enable us to achieve powerful and persuasive radio and
videography work that will affect the objectives listed on your brief.
Wideangle fully believes that gender equality and women empowerment are important in
creating shared value for our business and for society. We believe that different ways of thinking
complement each other and lead to better decisions. In other words, we strongly believe and
stand for gender equality.
4. Our Team
We have assembled a small yet highly qualified team to meet your requirements in a timeframe
needed to complete this project in time. Below is a summary of all our key team members:
5. Financial Proposal
5.1 Summary
This Financial Proposal is based on the consultant inputs and production costs necessary to carry
out this production as outlined in previous sections. All fees quoted are exclusive of VAT. We
estimate total cost, exclusive of VAT to be as follows:
Having been involved in similar projects, Wideangle has very good experience in child
rights programming and understanding of key global child protection codes and
children acts of Tanzania.
Video will have English Subtitle where required.
All the music to be used in the video and radio spot will be licensed and provide
certificate and contract to HakiElimu.
Video and Audio captured will be of high resolution and will cover different
perspectives and orientation i.e. wide, medium, close-ups.
Master copy of all raw video will be shared with HakiElimu after production.