OECD Pedestrian Safety Urban Space Health 2011 PDF
OECD Pedestrian Safety Urban Space Health 2011 PDF
OECD Pedestrian Safety Urban Space Health 2011 PDF
Urban Space
and Health
Research Report
Summary Document
The International Transport Forum organizes an annual summit of Ministers along with
leading representatives from industry, civil society and academia.
The International Transport Forum was created under a Declaration issued by the Council
of Ministers of the ECMT (European Conference of Ministers of Transport) at its Ministerial
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The International Transport Forum’s Research Centre gathers statistics and conducts co-
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© OECD/ITF 2011
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This is a summary of the report Pedestrian Safety, Urban Space and Health. The report
was developed by a group of international experts representing 19 countries, under the aegis of
the Research Centre of the International Transport Forum at the Organisation for Economic Co-
operation and Development (OECD).
Recognising its wide benefits, the purpose of this report is to emphasize the importance of
walking as an integral part of the transport system and the vital need for policies to promote
walking at all levels of planning.
This summary document comprises the conclusions and recommendations, as well as the
table of contents of the full report, together with details of the experts who contributed to the
This report was produced by a working group of experts. The report presents research findings and not necessarily
the views of International Transport Forum member country governments.
Walking has great potential to contribute to high-level government agendas for more
sustainable development and should therefore take a central position in urban transport
policies. Ensuring that walking is an attractive alternative and complement to motorised
transport is a core response to the challenges of climate change, fossil fuel dependence,
pollution, maintaining mobility for an ageing population, health, and managing the explosion in
motorisation expected in low- and middle-income countries. Because trends established today
will determine the future of cities for many decades, action is needed now for the sustainable
cities of tomorrow.
2. The vitality of a city is closely linked to people being out and about on foot for many
purposes. Beyond walking for access to goods and services, these other activities in
the urban space are collectively termed “sojourning”. Walking and sojourning are at
the heart of urban life and contribute to liveable, attractive, prosperous and
sustainable cities.
Cities are places to live, connect and socialise. Urban space is for sojourning as well as
moving around. Walking is fundamental to human existence and the quality of life.
Because walking connects people, it has an essential role in the liveability of cities,
sociability, learning, and developing one’s own personal independence and identity.
Pedestrians generally make the most efficient use of scarce space in cities. Pedestrian areas
and the intermingling of people bring vitality to cities and economic benefits to retailers.
3. Walking is, however, the neglected transport mode and, despite being at the start and
end of all trips, is rarely captured in government statistics on mobility and is often
neglected in planning and policy development.
The simplest, most sustainable and cheapest means of locomotion has been largely
taken for granted – despite the fact that all trips begin or end on foot. Walking is a necessary
complement of public transport. However, motorised traffic has generally received priority,
exposing pedestrians to crash risks, pollutant emissions and noise. The entire urban
environment, including the road transport system, should be designed with greater priority
assigned to the needs of pedestrians.
Traditionally, street and urban design have not focused adequately on the needs of
pedestrians. Fortunately, in an acceleration of a trend that had by the 1960s already been set
by some pioneering cities and towns, the past practice of overlooking pedestrians’ needs in
favour of the car is now being reversed in many cities.
France (2008)
New Zealand (2007)
Austria (2004)
Switzerland (2005)
Belgium (1999)
United States (2001)
The Netherlands (2007)
Germany (2002)
Norway (2005)
Finland (2004)
Sweden (2006)
0 0.5 1 1.5 2
6. Pedestrians are amongst the road users most vulnerable to traffic injury. It has
become highly challenging, especially for older and young people, to cope with the
complex, sometimes hostile, traffic conditions that characterise today’s cities and
Pedestrians do not pose a significant risk to other road users, yet are exposed to life-
threatening risks from them. However, they have been overlooked in the development of
current traffic codes which have been focussed on facilitating the flow of motorised traffic.
Insecurity, whether real or perceived, has a major impact on the decision to walk,
especially in relation to children and elderly people. Of particular concern is an observed
decline in walking among children, in part motivated by their parents’ perceptions that walking
is a high-risk activity.
At any given time, around 30% of pedestrians have impaired mobility (because they are
overloaded, or have temporary or permanent health impairments). Because of the ageing of the
population in many countries around the world, public authorities must prepare for a future
where a growing number of highly vulnerable people will be even more dependent on walking.
7. Pedestrians suffer severe trauma from falls in public spaces and in traffic collisions
while crossing streets. The magnitude of the consequences of falls is known to be
underestimated. Older people have an elevated risk of severe injury and death from
both falls and traffic collisions.
It is estimated that more than 20 000 pedestrian fatalities occur annually in OECD
member countries, where pedestrian deaths range from 8 to 37% of all road fatalities
(Figure 2). Worldwide, the number of pedestrians killed every year on the road exceeds
400 000. In all countries, senior pedestrians (over 65 years of age) are the most at risk. In
OECD countries, the 65+ age group represents 13-20% of the population but they comprise
more than 50% of pedestrian fatalities.
A large but under-estimated, and sometimes ignored, share of pedestrian injuries
involves pedestrians falling in public spaces, accounting for up to 75% of all pedestrian injuries.
These injuries are partly due to an inadequate environment or poor maintenance of facilities.
This problem will increase with ageing of the population.
Source: IRTAD
8. Lowering motorised traffic speeds reduces the frequency and severity of crashes,
especially those involving pedestrians. Reducing speed also contributes to smoother
traffic flow, and enhances in many ways the liveability and sustainability of cities.
Pedestrian safety and the survival rate from collisions with vehicles are directly linked to
the speed of motorised traffic. Figure 3 illustrates the total distance required to stop at speeds
of 50 km/h and 30 km/h, respectively, taking into account driver reaction time. The risk of death
or serious injury to a pedestrian rises rapidly at impact speeds above 30 km/h. Travel speeds of
30 km/h can reduce the risk of fatal injury to a pedestrian by over 80% compared to travel
speeds at 50 km/h. Speeds above 30 km/h are too dangerous in mixed traffic zones and cities
should not permit speeds of more than 50 km/h on any road designed also to be used by
The large majority of pedestrian injuries or fatalities occur in urban areas and, according
to police reports, 70-80% of those in traffic collisions occur while crossing the road, including
between 33% and 50% at pedestrian crossings. These findings highlight the importance of very
careful planning in the design of pedestrian crossings. Pavements and crossings have to be
planned for optimal functionality, providing a homogenous, predictable and forgiving
environment, with safe placement of street furniture, signs, lampposts, to allow for a maximum
visibility between pedestrians and drivers. ..
Braking distance
Source: CERTU.
National governments and transport and health ministers can do much to support and
encourage walking, even when it is considered to be mainly a local policy issue. A clear vision
and political support at national level, backed by a systematic approach to understanding and
defining infrastructure quality for pedestrians, is an important complement to and support for
initiatives taken by local authorities. To achieve sustainable mobility, governments are invited
in particular to consider the following recommendations:
1. Integrate mobility management and urban planning and take better account of the needs of
pedestrians from the earliest stages of urban development projects and transport
investments, with the object of creating seamless, high-quality networks for pedestrian
2. Establish clear administrative responsibilities among relevant government departments at
all levels for co-ordinating walking programmes and initiatives. The purpose of such
arrangements is to stimulate and support actions in government and private sector
organisations in an integrated way. This might take the form of a national committee or an
interministerial co-ordinator supported by a national pedestrian observatory.
3. Improve knowledge about walking to adequately inform government policy development in
relation to this fundamental aspect of mobility. This requires a standardized methodology
for reporting, measuring and monitoring pedestrian mobility and injuries (from traffic
crashes and falls). Standardization would help to make the measurement of growth in
walking and sojourning a core indicator of urban sustainability and liveability. Efforts should
also be directed at the development of international comparisons of mobility and safety
statistics to agreed definitions. At a national level, such information could be collected by a
national pedestrian observatory.
4. Incorporate public transport services as an integrated part of the development of new
urban areas and the regeneration of existing areas, through planning guidance and
financial support for public services. This can support a long-term shift towards higher-
density, mixed-use, walking and transit-oriented urban form and a reduction in urban
5. Encourage the responsible authorities to give higher priority and more space to non-
motorised traffic and public transport in city centres. This includes a number of key actions:
providing easy, safe, well-maintained and secure pedestrian access to public transport and
to all city centre destinations; development of car-free areas; parking policies to discourage
over-use of cars in city centres; and regulations to prevent parking on pavements and
crossings, which undermines the quality of walking and, in severe cases, renders it
impracticable or dangerous.
6. Develop national pedestrian planning guidance for local administrations. Plans should be
required to give consideration to the impact of projects on pedestrians, and cyclists, as part
of project appraisals and environmental impact assessments. Plans should also consider
the development and setting of targets for future levels of walking, as well as addressing
needs for financial support. Public participation through, for example, pedestrian
associations should be solicited in developing urban transport plans. Safety should receive
specific attention in national planning guidance, with recommendations for implementation
at the local authority level.
7. Encourage employers to implement a broad range of incentives for employees to include
active transport in commuting trips. Government agencies should demonstrate leadership
in this area.
8. Adopt a safe system approach for the design of the walking environment so that it is
organised in such a way that specific risk groups are not exposed to avoidable risks.
9. Implement traffic-calming policies and generalise 30 km/h zones in city centres, residential
areas and other high pedestrian activity areas. This should be based on a functional
classification of urban spaces, streets and road networks, supported by appropriate
infrastructure design criteria to create low-risk and amenable urban environments for
non-motorised road users. To be fully effective, best-practice education, communication
and enforcement programmes are needed. The development of intelligent speed
adaptation systems is also recommended.
10. Encourage the introduction of high-quality education programmes in schools and local
community centres, to teach safe road user behaviour and promote the benefits of walking
through a range of effective forms of communication. Adult retraining initiatives are also
indicated. School mobility plans should be developed aiming to produce a safe and
supportive environment in which children can walk to school.
11. Conduct a critical review of current traffic codes to strengthen the legal and financial
protection of pedestrians in case of a crash, and give higher priority to more vulnerable
road users in order to provide safer, more equitable conditions among the different road
12. Develop a research strategy to better understand mobility trends in a changing society.
This should include evaluating the effectiveness of measures to reduce dependence on
private car travel, achieve higher-density urban forms, protect the environment, improve
health and achieve more efficient and sustainable use of energy.
CHAPTER 1. Introduction: Walking and the challenges of the 21st Century ..............................
1.1 Why the need for a publication devoted to a strategy for better provision for walking?
1.1.1 Walking as a cornerstone of liveable and sustainable cities ...............................
1.1.2 Walking concerns all, including the most vulnerable ...........................................
1.1.3 System-based approach .....................................................................................
1.2 The identity of walking ..................................................................................................
1.3. Vitality, liveability of the city ..........................................................................................
1.4 The objectives of a strategy for walking .......................................................................
CHAPTER 7. Need for a walking strategy: role of governments and stakeholders ...................
7.1 Understanding pedestrian quality needs ......................................................................
7.2. Developing a walking strategy......................................................................................
BIBLIOGRAPHY ........................................................................................................................
This report is the result of a three-year co-operative effort by an international group of experts
representing 19 countries as well as the World Health Organisation.
The Working Group was chaired by Mr. Thanos Vlastos and the work was co-ordinated by the
Secretariat of the Research Centre. The report was subject to expert review before publication.
The report was formally approved by the Joint Transport Research Committee at its April 2011
The Secretariat is very appreciative of all the time and effort the contributors dedicated to this
Guro Berge (Norway), Bruce Corben (Australia), Véronique Feypell (ITF/OECD), Marie-Axelle
Granié (France), Isabelle Janssens (Belgium), Francisco Lamíquiz (Spain), Rob Methorst (the
Netherlands), Frédéric Murard (France), Julio Pozueta (Spain), Catia Rennesson (France), Ole
Thorson (International Federation of Pedestrians), Maurizio Tira (Italy) and Thanos Vlastos
Peer Reviewer
Other contributors