Tax and Regulate
Tax and Regulate
Tax and Regulate
® $25
if marijuana were regulated, adults who buy marijuana
would not be exposed to hard drugs (as they currently
are, via drug dealers).
® $40
® $100 It’s time for a NEW APPROACH:
® $500
marijuana regulation and control.
® $______________
Our failed marijuana laws cost taxpayers $7.7 record 755,186 marijuana ✖ It would not allow marijuana possession or
billion a year,1 keep police from focusing on real access for those under the age of 21.
crimes, and fail to keep marijuana away from arrests in the U.S.—
minors. greater than the number ✖ It would not allow driving under the influ-
ence of marijuana, which would remain a
Regulation is the answer. of arrests for all violent crime and would be treated like other DUI
and control—to reduce the criminal market and More arrests are made for marijuana than
lower teen use. for all violent crimes combined.
Taxing and regulating marijuana would:
Marijuana use is far higher in the United States Marijuana arrests are at an all-time high of
than in the Netherlands, where marijuana is ✔ Make our communities safer. Removing 755,186 a year—which is one arrest every 42
sold in regulated establishments instead of on marijuana from the criminal market would seconds. That’s more arrests for marijuana than
the criminal market. In the U.S., 41% of people free up police time so police officers can for all violent crimes combined.
over 12 have tried marijuana—versus 17% in focus on violent crimes, property crimes,
the Netherlands.2 and people who drive under the influence And 88% of these arrests are for simple posses-
of alcohol, marijuana, or any other sion, not sale or manufacture.4
substance. Tax dollars would be used to
Drug dealers incarcerate real criminals who threaten What are the health effects of marijuana?
public safety.
don’t card for Unlike with alcohol and tobacco, no one has
age. If marijuana ✔ Reduce teen marijuana use. Unlike drug ever died from using marijuana. And while
dealers, licensed vendors would ensure marijuana isn’t risk-free, its risks are lower than
were taxed and that teens could not purchase marijuana ...
just as states that have implemented strict
those of many legal drugs.
card for age, because revenue. Each year, the government spends
$7.7 billion to arrest and lock up nonviolent
selling to minors marijuana users. Taxing marijuana would
can cause
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