Guidelines For Industry

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ITUPublications International Telecommunication Union

Development sector

Guidelines for
industry on Child
Online Protection
Guidelines for industry on
Child Online Protection

These guidelines have been developed by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) and a
working group of contributing authors from leading institutions active in the sector of information
and communication technologies (ICT) as well as child protection issues and included the EBU, the
Global Partnership to End Violence Against Children, GSMA, the International Disability Alliance,
the Internet Watch Foundation (IWF), Privately SA and UNICEF. The working group was chaired
by Anjan Bose (UNICEF) and coordinated by Fanny Rotino (ITU).

These ITU guidelines would not have been possible without the time, enthusiasm and dedication
of the contributing authors. Invaluable contributions were also received from the e-Worldwide
Group (e-WWG), Facebook, Tencent Games, Twitter, the Walt Disney Company, as well as other
industry stakeholders, that share a common objective of making the Internet a better and safer
place for children and young people. ITU is grateful to the following partners, who contributed
their valuable time and insights (listed in alphabetical order of the organizations):

• Giacomo Mazzone (EBU)

• Salma Abbasi (e-WWG)
• David Miles and Caroline Hurst (Facebook)
• Amy Crocker and Serena Tommasino (Global Partnership to End Violence Against Children)
• Jenny Jones (GSMA)
• Lucy Richardson (International Disability Alliance)
• Fanny Rotino (ITU)
• Tess Leyland (IWF)
• Deepak Tewari (Privately SA)
• Adam Liu (Tencent Games)
• Katy Minshall (Twitter)
• Anjan Bose (UNICEF)
• Amy E. Cunningham (The Walt Disney Company)

978-92-61-30081-4 (Paper version)

978-92-61-30411-9 (Electronic version)

978-92-61-30071-5 (EPUB version)

978-92-61-30421-8 (Mobi version)

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© ITU 2020

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The explosion in digital technologies has created unprecedented opportunities for children
and young people to communicate, connect, share, learn, access information and express their
opinions on matters that affect their lives and their communities.

But wider and more easily available access to online services also poses significant challenges
to children’s safety – both online and offline. From issues of privacy, peer-to-peer-violence, and
violent and/or age-inappropriate content, to Internet scammers and crimes against children
such as online grooming, and sexual abuse and exploitation, today’s children face many serious
risks. Threats are multiplying and perpetrators increasingly operate simultaneously across
borders, making them hard to track and even harder to hold to account.

In addition, the COVID-19 global pandemic saw a surge in the number of children joining
the online world for the first time, to support their studies and maintain social interaction. The
constraints imposed by the virus not only meant that many younger children began interacting
online much earlier than their parents might have planned but also that the need to juggle
work commitments left many parents unable to supervise their children, leaving young people
at risk of accessing inappropriate content or being targeted by criminals in the production of
child sexual abuse material (CSAM).

Criminals are profiting from technological advances, such as inter-connecting apps and games,
fast file sharing, live streaming, cryptocurrencies, the Dark Web, and strong encryption software.
However, they are also profiting from often uncoordinated and hesitant action on the part of
the tech sector to effectively combat the problem.

Emerging technologies can be a part of the solution, for example Interpol’s artificial intelligence-
based child sexual abuse database that uses image and video comparison software to quickly
make connections between victims, abusers and places. But technology alone will not solve
the problem.

To reduce the risks of the digital revolution while enabling more and more young people to
reap its benefits, a collaborative and coordinated multi-stakeholder response has never been
more essential. Governments, civil society, local communities, international organizations and
industry stakeholders must all come together in common purpose. 

Recognizing this, in 2018, ITU Member States requested a comprehensive updating of

our guidelines on child online protection. These new ITU guidelines have been rethought,
rewritten and redesigned to reflect the very significant shifts in the digital landscape in which
this generation’s children find themselves. In addition to reflecting new developments in digital
technologies and platforms, this new edition addresses an important lacuna: the situation faced
by children with disabilities, for whom the online world offers a particularly crucial lifeline to
full – and fulfilling – social participation.

The technology industry has a critical and proactive role to play in establishing the foundations
for safer and more secure use of Internet-based services and other technologies, for today’s
children and future generations.

Business must increasingly put children’s interests at the heart of its work, paying special attention
to protecting the privacy of young users’ personal data, preserving their right to freedom of
expression, combating the growing scourge of CSAM and ensuring there are systems in place
to effectively address violations of children’s rights when they occur.

Where domestic laws have not yet caught up with international law, every business has an
opportunity – and a responsibility – to bring its own operational frameworks into line with the
very highest standards and best practices.

For industry, we hope these guidelines will serve as a solid foundation on which to develop
business policies and innovative solutions. In the true spirit of the ITU role as a global convener,
I am proud that these guidelines are the product of a global collaborative effort and have been
co-authored by experts drawn from a broad international community.

I am also delighted to introduce our new COP mascot, Sango: a friendly, feisty and fearless
character designed entirely by a group of children as part of the ITU new international youth
outreach programme.

In an age where more and more young people are coming online, the ITU child protection
guidelines are more important than ever. Industry, governments, parents and educators, as well
as children themselves, all have a vital role to play. I am grateful, as always, for your support and
I look forward to continuing our close collaboration on this critical issue.

Doreen Bogdan-Martin
Telecommunication Development Bureau, ITU

Table of Contents

Acknowledgements ii

Foreword v

1. Overview 1

2. What is child online protection? 3

2.1 Background information  5

2.2 Existing national and transnational models for Child Online Protection 13

3. Key areas of protecting and promoting children’s rights 15

3.1 Integrating child rights considerations into all appropriate corporate

policies and management processes 15
3.2 Developing standard processes to handle CSAM  17
3.3 Creating a safer and age-appropriate online environment 19
3.4 Educating children, carers and educators about children’s safety
and the responsible use of ICTs 22
3.5 Promoting digital technology as a mode for increasing civic
engagement 26

4. General guidelines for industry 27

5. Feature-specific checklists 37

5.1 Feature A: Provide connectivity, data storage and hosting services  37

5.2 Feature B: Offer curated digital content  41
5.3 Feature C: Host user-generated content and connect users 46
5.4 Feature D: Artificial intelligence-driven systems 51

References 56

Glossary  57

Table 1: General guidelines for industry 28
Table 2: COP checklist for Feature A: Provide connectivity, data and hosting
devices  39
Table 3: COP checklist for Feature B: Offer curated digital content  42
Table 4: COP checklist for Feature C: Host user-generated content and
connect users 47
Table 5: COP checklist for Feature D: AI-driven systems 54

Guidelines for industry on Child Online Protection

1. Overview
The purpose of this document is to provide a direction for ICT industry stakeholders to build
their own child online protection (COP) resources. The aim of these guidelines for industry
on child online protection is to provide a useful, flexible and user-friendly framework for both
enterprise visions and their responsibility to protect users. They are also aimed at establishing
the foundation for safer and more secure use of Internet-based services and associated
technologies for today’s children, and future generations.

As a toolbox, these guidelines also aim at enhancing business success by helping large and
small operations and stakeholders to develop and maintain an attractive and sustainable
business model, while understanding the legal and moral responsibilities towards children
and society.

In response to substantial advances in technology and convergence, ITU, UNICEF and child
online protection partners have developed and updated the guidelines for the broad range of
companies that develop, provide or use telecommunications or related activities in the delivery
of their products and services.

The new guidelines for industry on child online protection are the result of consultations with
members of the COP Initiative, as well as wider consultations with members of civil society,
business, academia, governments, media, international organizations and young people.

The purpose of this document is to:

• establish a common reference point and guidance for the ICT and online industries and
relevant stakeholders;
• provide guidance to companies on identifying, preventing and mitigating any adverse
impacts of their products and services on children’s rights;
• provide guidance to companies on identifying ways in which they can promote children’s
rights and responsible digital citizenship among children;
• suggest common principles to form the basis of national or regional commitments across
all related industries, while recognizing that different types of businesses will use diverse
implementation models.


Child online protection is a complex challenge that encompasses multiple different governance,
policy, operational, technical and legal aspects. These guidelines attempt to address, organize
and prioritize many of these areas, based on existing and well recognized models, frameworks
and other references.

The guidelines focus on protecting children in all areas and against all risks of the digital world
and, as such, highlight good practice of industry stakeholders that can be considered in the
process of drafting, developing and managing company COP policies. They provide guidance
to industry actors not only on how to manage and contain illegal online activity against which
they have a duty to act (such as online CSAM) through their services, but also focus on other
issues which may not be defined as crimes across all jurisdictions. These include peer-to-peer
violence, cyberbullying and online harassment, as well as issues related to privacy or general
well-being, fraud or other threats, which may only be harmful to children in certain contexts.

Guidelines for industry on Child Online Protection

To this end, these guidelines include recommendations on good practice in meeting the risks
children face in the digital world and how to act in order to establish a secure environment
for children online. These guidelines provide advice on how industry can work to help ensure
children’s safety when using ICTs, the Internet or any of the associated technologies or devices
that can connect to it, including mobile phones, game consoles, connected toys, watches, the
Internet of things and AI-driven systems. They therefore provide an overview of the key issues
and challenges regarding child online protection and propose actions for businesses and
stakeholders for the development of local and internal COP policies. These guidelines do not
cover aspects such as the actual development process or text that COP policies for industry
could include.


Section 1 – Overview: This section highlights the purpose, scope and target audience of these

Section 2 – Introduction to child online protection: This section sets out an overview of the
issue of child online protection, outlining some background information, including the special
situation of children with disabilities. Moreover, it provides examples of existing international
and national models to keep children safe online as possible areas of intervention for industry

Section 3 – Key areas of protecting and promoting children’s rights: This section outlines five
key areas where companies can take action to ensure children’s safe and positive use of ICTs.

Section 4 – General guidelines: This section provides recommendations for all industry
stakeholders on protecting children’s safety when using ICTs and on promoting positive ICT
use, including responsible digital citizenship among children.

Section 5 – Feature-related checklists: This section highlights specific recommendations for

stakeholders on concrete actions to respect and support children’s rights, with the following

• Feature A: Provide connectivity, data storage and hosting services

• Feature B: Offer curated digital content
• Feature C: Host user-generated content and connect users
• Feature D: AI-driven systems

Target audience

Building on the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights,1 the
Children’s Rights and Business Principles call on businesses to meet their responsibility to
respect children’s rights by avoiding any adverse impacts linked to their operations, products or
services. These Principles also articulate the difference between respect (the minimum required
of business to avoid causing harm to children) and support (for example, by taking voluntary
actions that seek to advance the realization of children’s rights). Businesses need to ensure
children’s right both to online protection as well as to access to information and freedom of
expression, while promoting children’s positive use of ICTs.

United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.

Guidelines for industry on Child Online Protection

Traditional distinctions between different parts of the telecommunications and mobile phone
industries, and between Internet companies and broadcasters, are fast breaking down and
becoming blurred. Convergence is drawing these previously disparate digital streams into
a single current that is reaching billions of people in all parts of the world. Cooperation and
partnership are the keys to establishing the foundations for safer and more secure use of
the Internet and associated technologies. Governments, the private sector, policy-makers,
educators, civil society, parents and caregivers all have a vital role in achieving this goal. Industry
can act in five key areas, as described in section 3.

2. What is child online protection?

Over the last 10 years, the use and role of the Internet in people’s lives has changed considerably.
With the prevalence of smartphones and tablets, the accessibility of Wi-Fi and 4G technology,
and developments in social media platforms and apps, more and more people are accessing
the Internet for ever-increasing reasons.  

In 2019, over half of the world’s population used the Internet. The largest proportion of Internet
users are people under 44 years, with Internet use equally high among 16–24 year-olds and
35–44 year-olds. At the global level, one in three Internet users is a child (0–18 years) and
UNICEF estimates that 71 per cent of young people are already online.2 The proliferation of
Internet access points, mobile technology and the growing array of Internet-enabled devices,
combined with the immense resources to be found in cyberspace, provide unprecedented
opportunities to learn, share and communicate.

The benefits of ICT usage include broader access to information on social services, educational
resources and health advice. As children and young people and families use the Internet and
mobile phones to seek information and assistance, and to report incidents of abuse, these
technologies can help to protect children and young people from violence and exploitation.
Child protection service providers also use ICTs to gather and transmit data, thereby facilitating
birth registration, case management, family tracing, data collection and mapping of violence,
among others.

Moreover, the Internet has increased access to information in all corners of the globe, enabling
children and young people to research almost any subject of interest, access worldwide media,
pursue vocational prospects and harness ideas for the future. ICT usage empowers children
and young people to assert their rights and express their opinions, and also allows them to
connect and communicate with their families and friends. ICTs also serve as a paramount mode
of cultural exchange and a source of entertainment.

Despite the profound benefits of the Internet, children and young people can also encounter
a number of risks when using ICTs. They can be exposed to age-inappropriate content or
inappropriate contact, including from potential perpetrators of sexual abuse. They can suffer
reputational damage from publishing sensitive personal information either online or through
“sexting", often failing to comprehend the implications of their actions on themselves and

OECD, “New Technologies and 21st Century Children: Recent Trends and Outcomes”, Education Working
Paper No. 179.

Guidelines for industry on Child Online Protection

others and their long-term “digital footprints”. They also face risks related to online privacy
stemming from data collection, and collection and use of location information.

The Convention on the Rights of the Child, which is the most widely ratified international human
rights treaty,3 sets out the civil, political, economic, social, and cultural rights of children. It
establishes that all children and young people have the right to education; leisure, play and
culture; appropriate information; freedom of thought and expression; and privacy, and to
express their views on matters that affect them in accordance with their evolving capacities. The
Convention also protects children and young people from all forms of violence, exploitation,
abuse and discrimination of any kind, and sets out that the child’s best interest should be the
primary consideration in any matters affecting them. Parents, carers, educators and community
members, including community leaders and civil society actors, have the responsibility to
nurture and support children and young people in their passage to adulthood. Governments
have an important role in ensuring that all such stakeholders fulfil this role.

With regard to protecting children’s rights online, industries need to work together to strike a
careful balance between children’s right to protection and their right to access to information
and freedom of expression. Companies should therefore prioritize measures to protect children
and young people online that are targeted and are not unduly restrictive, either for the child or
other users. Moreover, there is a growing consensus that promoting digital citizenship among
children and young people, and developing products and platforms that facilitate children’s
positive use of ICTs, should be a priority for the private sector.

While online technologies present many opportunities for children and young people to
communicate, learn new skills, be creative and contribute to improving society for all, they
can also pose new risks to the safety of children and young people. They can expose children
and young people to potential risks and harms related to issues of privacy, illegal content,
harassment, cyberbullying, misuse of personal data or grooming for sexual purposes and
even child sexual abuse and exploitation. They may also be exposed to reputational damage
including “revenge porn” linked to publishing sensitive personal information either online or
through “sexting”, a way for users to send sexually explicit messages, photographs or images
between mobile phones. They also face risks related to online privacy when using the Internet.
Children, by nature of their age and developing maturity, are often unable to fully comprehend
the risks associated with the online world and the possible negative repercussions of their
inappropriate behaviour on others and themselves.

Despite the advantages, there are also downsides to the use of emerging and more-advanced
technologies. Developments in AI and machine learning, virtual and augmented reality, big
data, robotics and the Internet of Things are set to transform children and young people’s
media practices even further. While these technologies are predominantly being developed
to expand the scope of service delivery and enhance convenience (through, for example,
voice assistance, accessibility and new forms of digital immersion), some such technologies
could have unintentional impacts and even be misused by child sex offenders to serve their
needs. Creating a safe and secure online environment for children and youth requires the
effective participation of governments, the private sector and all stakeholders. Focusing on
the digital skills and literacy of parents and educators must also be one of the first targets, in
the achievement of which industry can play a vital and sustainable role.

United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. All but three countries (Somalia, South Sudan and
the United States) have ratified the Convention on the Rights of the Child.

Guidelines for industry on Child Online Protection

Some children may have a good understanding of online risks and how to respond to them.
However, this cannot be said of all children everywhere, particularly among vulnerable groups.
Under target 16.2 of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, which aims to end
abuse, exploitation, trafficking and all forms of violence and torture against children, protection
of children online is vital.

Since 2009, the COP Initiative, an international multi-stakeholder effort established by ITU,
has aimed to raise awareness of risks to children online and responses to those risks. The
Initiative brings together partners from all sectors of the global community to ensure a safe
and secure online experience for children everywhere. As part of the Initiative, in 2009 ITU
published a set of COP guidelines for four groups: children; parents, guardians and educators;
industry; and policy-makers. Child online protection is understood in these guidelines as an all-
inclusive approach to respond to all potential threats and harms that children and young people
may encounter either online or facilitated by online technologies. In this document, child
online protection also includes harm to children that occurs offline but is linked to evidence
of online violence and abuse. In addition to the consideration of children’s online behaviour
and activities, child online protection also refers to the misuse of technology by persons other
than the children themselves to exploit children.

All relevant stakeholders have a role in helping children and young people benefit from the
opportunities that the Internet can offer, while acquiring digital literacy and resilience with
regard to their online well-being and protection.

Protecting children and young people is the shared responsibility of all stakeholders. For that
to happen, policy-makers, industry, parents, carers, educators and other stakeholders, must
ensure that children and young people can fulfil their potential – online and offline.

While no there is no universal definition, child online protection takes a holistic approach to
building safe, age appropriate, inclusive and participatory digital spaces for children and young
people, characterized by:

• response, support and self-help in the face of threats;

• prevention of harms;
• a dynamic balance between ensuring protection and providing opportunity for children
to become digital citizens;
• upholding the rights and the responsibilities of both children and society.

Moreover, due to the rapid advancements in technology and society and the borderless nature
of the Internet, child online protection needs to be agile and adaptive to be effective. New
challenges will emerge with the development of technological innovations and will vary from
region to region. These will be best dealt with by working together as a global community, as
new solutions to these challenges need to be found.

2.1 Background information

As the Internet is fully integrated into children and young people’s lives, it is impossible to
consider the digital and physical worlds separately.

Such connectivity has been tremendously empowering. The online world allows children and
young people to overcome disadvantages and disabilities, and has provided new arenas for

Guidelines for industry on Child Online Protection

entertainment, education, participation and relationship building. Current digital platforms are
used for a variety of activities and are often multi-media experiences.

Having access to and learning to use and navigate this technology is seen as critical to young
people’s development and ICTs are first used at an early age. It is thus crucial that all actors
are aware that children and young people often start using platforms and services before
they reach the defined minimum age with which the tech industry is required to comply and,
therefore, education should be integrated into all online services used by children alongside
protection measures.

2.1.1 Children in the digital world

 Internet access

In 2019, more than half of the world’s population used the Internet (53.6 per cent),
with an estimated 4.1 billion users. At the global level, one-in-three Internet users
is a child under 18 years of age1. According to UNICEF, worldwide, 71 per cent of
young people are already online2. Despite the minimum age requirements, Ofcom
(United Kingdom communications regulator) estimates that nearly 50 per cent of
children between 10 and 12 years already have a social media account.3 Children
and young people are now a substantial, permanent and persistent presence on the
Internet. The Internet serves other social, economic and political purposes and has
become a family or consumer product or service, integral to the way families, children
and young people live their lives. 

In 2017, at the regional level, children and young people’s access to the Internet was
strongly linked to the level of national income. Low-income countries tend to have
lower levels of child Internet users than high-income countries. Children and young
people in most countries spend more time online at weekends than weekdays, with
adolescents aged 15–17 years spending the longest periods online, at between 2.5
and 5.3 hours, depending on the country. 

Livingstone, S., Carr, J., and Byrne, J. (2015) One in three: The task for global internet governance
in addressing children’s rights. Global Commission on Internet Governance: Paper Series.
London: CIGI and Chatham House, https://​www​.cigionline​.org/​publications/​one​-three​-internet​
Broadband Commission, “Child Online Safety: Minimizing the Risk of Violence, Abuse and
Exploitation Online (2019),” Broadband Commission for Sustainable Development, October
2019, 84, https://​broadbandcommission​.org/​Documents/​working​-groups/​ChildOnlineSafety​
BBC, “Under-age social media use ‘on the rise’, says Ofcom”.

Guidelines for industry on Child Online Protection

Internet use

Among children and young people, the most popular device for accessing the Internet
is the mobile phone, followed by desktop computers and laptops. Children and young
people spend on average two hours a day online during the week and four hours each
day of the weekend. While some feel permanently connected, many others still do not
have access to the Internet at home. In practice, most children and young people who
use the Internet gain access through more than one device, with those who connect at
least weekly sometimes using up to three different devices. Older children and those
in richer countries generally use more devices, and boys use slightly more devices
than girls in every country surveyed.

The most popular activity among both girls and boys is watching video clips. More
than three quarters of Internet-using children and young people report watching
videos online at least weekly, either alone or with other members of their family. Many
children and young people can be considered “active socializers”, using several social
media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Tiktok or Instagram. Children and young
people also engage in politics online and make their voices heard through blogging. 

The overall level of participation in online gaming varies by country roughly in line with
ease of access to the Internet for children and young people. However, the availability
and affordability of online games are rapidly changing and the age of children and
young people first accessing online gaming is decreasing. 

On a weekly basis, 10-30 per cent of Internet-using children and young people –
consulted in a selected set of countries - engage in creative online activities.1 For
educative purposes, many children and young people of all ages use the Internet for
homework, or even to catch up after missing classes or seek health information online,
on a weekly basis. Older children seem to have a greater appetite for information
than younger children. 

Livingstone, S., Kardefelt Winther, D., and Hussein, M. (2019). Global Kids Online Comparative
Report, Innocenti Research Report. UNICEF Office of Research - Innocenti, Florence, https://w
​ ww​

Guidelines for industry on Child Online Protection

Online child sexual exploitation and abuse

Online child sexual exploitation and abuse (CSEA) is rising at a startling rate. A decade
ago there were fewer than one million files of child abuse material reported. In 2019,
that number had climbed to 70 million, a nearly 50 per cent increase over 2018 figures.
In addition, for the first time videos of abuse have outnumbered photos in reports
to the authorities, showing the need for new tools to address this trend. Victims of
online CSEA fall into all age groups but are increasingly younger. In 2018, the INHOPE
network of hotlines noted a shift in victim profiles from pubescent to prepubescent. In
addition, research by ECPAT International and INTERPOL in 2018 found that younger
children were more likely to suffer severe abuse, including torture, violent rape or
sadism. This includes infants who are only days, weeks or months old. While girls are
more affected, abuse of boys may be more severe. The same report shows that 80 per
cent of victims referred to in reports were girls and 17 per cent were boys. Children
of both genders were mentioned in 3 per cent of assessed reports.1

Data Snapshot2

• One in three Internet users worldwide is a child.

• Every half second, a child goes online for the first time.
• 800 million children use social media.
• At any one time, 750,000 individuals online are estimated to be looking to
connect with children for sexual purposes.
• There are more than 46 million unique images or videos of CSAM in the EUROPOL
• Over 89 per cent of victims are aged between 3 and 13 years old.

For more information about the scale and response to online CSEA see the
WePROTECT Global Alliance.

ECPAT and Interpol, “Towards a Global Indicator on Unidentified Victims in Child Sexual
Exploitation Material: summary report”, 2018.
End Violence Against Children, “Safe Online”.

2.1.2 The impact of different platforms on children’s digital experiences

The Internet and digital technology present both opportunities and risks to children and young
people. Some of these are outlined below.

When children use social media, they benefit from many opportunities to explore, learn,
communicate and develop key skills. Social networks are seen by children as platforms that
allow them to explore their personal identity in a safe environment. Having the relevant skills
and knowing how to tackle issues related to privacy and reputation is important for young

“I know everything you post on the Internet stays there forever and it can affect your life in the
future”, 14-year-old boy, Chile.

Guidelines for industry on Child Online Protection

However, with surveys showing that most children are using social media before the minimum
age of 13 and age verification services being generally weak or lacking, the risks facing children
can be serious. Furthermore, while children want to learn digital skills, become digital citizens
and control privacy settings, they tend to consider privacy in relation to their friends and
acquaintances – “What can my friends see?”- and less so in relation to strangers and third
parties. This, combined with children’s natural curiosity and generally lower threshold for risk,
can make them vulnerable to grooming, exploitation, bullying or other types of harmful content
or contact.

The widespread popularity of image and video sharing via mobile apps, and particularly the
use of live streaming platforms by children, presents further privacy concerns and risks. Some
children are producing sexual images of themselves, friends and siblings and sharing them
online. In 2019, almost a third (29 per cent) of all webpages captioned by the IWF contained
self-generated imagery. Of those, 76 per cent showed girls aged 11–13, with most in their
bedrooms or another room in a home setting. For some, particularly older children, this can
be seen as the natural exploration of sexuality and sexual identity, while for others, particularly
younger children, there is often coercion by an adult or other child. Whatever the case, the
resulting content is in many countries illegal and may expose children to the risk of prosecution
or be used to further exploit, groom or extort the child.

Similarly, online gaming enables children to fulfil their fundamental right to play, as well as
build networks, spend time with friends and meet new ones, and develop important skills.
While this can be overwhelmingly positive, in some cases, left unmonitored and unsupported
by a responsible adult, gaming platforms can also pose risks to children. This includes playing
excessively, financial risks linked to excessive in-game purchases, collection and monetization of
children’s personal data by industry actors, cyberbullying, hate speech, violence and exposure
to inappropriate conduct or content, grooming, using real, computer-generated or even virtual
reality images, and videos depicting and normalizing CSEA. These risks are not unique to the
gaming environment but apply to other digital environments where children spend time.

Furthermore, developments in technology have led to the emergence of the “Internet of

Things”, where an increasing number and range of Internet-connected devices are able to
communicate and network over the Internet. This includes toys, baby monitors and devices
powered by AI that may present risks in terms of privacy and unwanted contact.

Guidelines for industry on Child Online Protection

Good practice: Research

In the context of online or cyberbullying, Microsoft has conducted research into digital
safety and cyberbullying. In 2012, it polled children aged 8–17 years in 25 countries
about negative behaviour online. The results showed that, on average, 54 per cent
of participants indicated that they were worried they would be bullied online; 37 per
cent indicated that they had been cyberbullied; and 24 per cent revealed that they
had bullied someone. The same survey demonstrated that fewer than three in 10
parents had discussed online bullying with their children. Since 2016, Microsoft has
been conducting regular research into online risks providing yearly Digital Civility
Index reports.

FACES is a multimedia programme produced by NHK Japan and by a consortium of

various public service broadcasters with stories of victims of online and offline bullying
across the world. A series of portraits of adolescents in which the protagonists explain
to camera how they reacted to attacks over the Internet. The series, produced also
in two-minute clips, have been adopted by Facebook, UNESCO, and the Council of
Europe, and is available in many languages.

In 2019, UNICEF published a discussion paper on Child Rights and Online Gaming:
Opportunities & Challenges for Children and the Industry to address the opportunities
and challenges for children in one of the fastest growing entertainment industries.
The paper explores the following topics:

• Children’s right to play and freedom of expression (gaming time and health
• Non-discrimination, participation and protection from abuse (social interaction
and inclusion, toxic environments, age limits and verification, protection from
grooming and sexual abuse);
• The right to privacy and freedom from economic exploitation (data-for-access
business models, free-to-play games and monetization, lack of transparency in
commercial content).

Guidelines for industry on Child Online Protection

Good practice: Technology

The Google Virtual Reality Action Lab examines how virtual reality can help encourage
youth to become upstanders against offline and online bullying.1

In September 2019, the BBC launched a mobile application called Own IT, a well-
being app aimed at children aged 8–13 receiving their first smartphone. The app is
part of the BBC’s commitment to supporting young people in today’s changing media
environment and follows the successful launch of the Own IT website in 2018. The
app combines state-of-the-art machine-learning technology to track children’s activity
on their smartphone with the option for children to self-report their emotional state.
It uses this information to deliver tailored content and interventions to help children
stay happy and healthy online, offering friendly and supportive nudges when their
behaviour strays outside the norm. Users can access the app when they are looking
for help but it is also on hand to give instant, on-screen advice and support when they
need it, via a specially developed keyboard. Features include:

• Reminding users to think twice before sharing personal details like mobile
numbers on social media.
• Helping them understand how messages could be perceived by others, before
they hit send.
• Tracking their mood over time and offering guidance on how to improve the
situation if needed.
• Providing information on topics like using phones late at night and the impact
on users’ well-being.

The app features specially commissioned content from across the BBC. It provides
useful material and resources to help young people get the most out of their time
online and build healthy online behaviour and habits. It helps young people and
parents have more constructive conversations about their experiences online but
will not provide reports or feedback to parents and no data will leave users’ devices.
The app does not collect any personal data or content generated by the user, as the
entire machine learning runs within the app and within the device of the user. The
machines are trained separately on training data in order to assure that there are no
privacy violations.

For more information see, Alexa Hasse et al., "Youth and Cyberbullying: Another Look”, Berkman
Klein Center for Internet & Society, 2019.

2.1.3 The special situation of children with disabilities 4

Children and young people with disabilities face risks online similarly to those without
disabilities but, additionally, they may face specific risks related to their disabilities. Children
and young people with disabilities often face exclusion, stigmatization and barriers (physical,
economic, societal and attitudinal) to participating in their communities. These experiences
can have a negative impact on a child with a disability and lead him or her to seek out social

See Council of Europe, "Two clicks forward and one click back: report on children with disabilities in the
digital environment", 2019.

Guidelines for industry on Child Online Protection

interactions and friendships in online spaces. While such interactions can be  positive by
assisting in building self-esteem and creating support networks, they can also place such
children at higher risk of incidents of grooming, online solicitation and/or sexual harassment.
Research shows that children and young people experiencing difficulties offline and those
affected by psychosocial difficulties are at heightened risk of such incidents. 5

Overall, children who are victimized offline are likely to be victimized online. This places children
with disabilities at higher risk online, yet they have a greater need to be online. Research shows
that children with disabilities are more likely to experience abuse of any kind, 6 specifically sexual
victimization. 7 Victimization can include bullying, harassment, exclusion and discrimination
based on a child’s actual or perceived disability or on aspects related to their disability, such
as the way that they behave or speak, or equipment or services they use.

Perpetrators of grooming, online solicitation and/or sexual harassment towards children and

young people with disabilities can include not only preferential offenders who target children and
young people, but also those who target children and young people with disabilities. Such
offenders may include “devotees” – non-disabled persons sexually attracted to persons with
disabilities (most commonly amputees and persons using mobility aids), some of whom even
pretend to be disabled themselves. 8 Actions by such people may include downloading photos
and videos of children and young people with disabilities (that are innocuous in nature) and/or
sharing them through dedicated forums or social media accounts. Reporting tools on forums
and social media often do not have an appropriate pathway to deal with such actions.

There are concerns that “sharenting” (parents sharing information and photos of their children
and young people online) can violate a child’s privacy, lead to bullying, and embarrassment,
or have negative consequences later in life. 9 Some parents of children with disabilities may
share information or media of their child in pursuit of support or advice, as a result, placing
their child at risk of privacy violations both now and in the future. Such parents also risk being
targeted by uninformed or unscrupulous people offering treatments, therapies or “cures” for
a child’s disability. Equally, some parents of children and young people with disabilities may
be overprotective because of their lack of knowledge on how to best guide their child’s use of
the Internet or protect them from bullying or harassment. 10

Some children  and young people  with disabilities may face difficulties in using, or even
exclusion from, online environments due to inaccessible designs (e.g. apps that don’t allow
text size to be increased), denial of requested accommodations (e.g. screen reader software
or adaptive computer controls), or the need for appropriate support (e.g. coaching in how to
use equipment, one-on-one support to navigating social interactions). 11

Andrew Schrock et al., “Solicitation, Harassment, and Problematic Content”, Berkman Center for Internet &
Society, 2008.
UNICEF, “State of the World’s Children Report: Children with Disabilities,” 2013.
Katrin Mueller-Johnson et al., “Sexual Victimization of Youth with a Physical Disability: An Examination of
Prevalence Rates, and Risk and Protective Factors”, Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 2014.
Richard L Bruno, “Devotees, Pretenders and Wannabes: Two Cases of Factitious Disability Disorder”,
Sexuality and Disability, 1997.
UNICEF, “Child Privacy in the Age of Web 2.0 and 3.0: Challenges and opportunities for policy”, Innocenti
Discussion Paper 2017-03 .
UNICEF, “Is there a ladder of children’s online participation?”, Innocenti Research Brief, 2019.
For guidelines on these rights, see the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
and Optional Protocol, especially Article 9 on accessibility and Article 21 on freedom of expression and
opinion, and access to information.

Guidelines for industry on Child Online Protection

2.2 Existing national and transnational models for Child Online

At the global level, several models are being adopted to keep children and young people safe
online. Industry stakeholders should consider these as guidance for international initiatives and
as a framework to ensure they spare no efforts to protect children and young people online.
The Internet industry is a diverse and intricate arena, compiled of companies of different sizes
and functions. It is essential that child protection is addressed not only by platforms and services
based around content but also by those supporting the infrastructure of the Internet.

It must be noted that the capacity of an industry to introduce a comprehensive child protection
policy is limited to its available resources. These guidelines, therefore, recommend that
industries work together to deploy services to protect users. By sharing resources and
engineering expertise, industries would be able to more effectively create “safe spaces” to
prevent abuse.

Industry cooperation

The Technology Coalition is an example of successful cooperation between industry

stakeholders to fight CSEA.

Transnational models

Industries should include relevant international guidelines in their structural programme as

well as abide by any relevant national or transnational legislation that applies in the countries
in which they operate. Industries should not only consider the actions they must take at the
legal level but also what activities they can perform and, where possible, seek to implement
initiatives globally. Some of the models that provide principles for such initiatives include:

• Five Country Ministerial Voluntary principles to counter online CSEA (2020);

• Broadband Commission for Sustainable Development, Child Online Safety: Minimizing
the Risk of Violence, Abuse and Exploitation Online (2019);
• WePROTECT Global Alliance, A Global Strategic Response to Online Child Sexual
Exploitation and Abuse (2019);
• Global Partnership to End Violence against Children, Safe to Learn: Call to Action;
• Child Dignity in the Digital World, Child Dignity Alliance: Technology Working Group
Report (2018);
• Directive (EU) 2018/1808 of the European Parliament and of the Council: Audio Visual
Media Services Directive;
• European Commission General Data Protection Regulation (2018);
• OECD Recommendation on Protection of Children Online (2012).

National models

There are a number of national and international models that set out the clear roles and
responsibilities of the technology industry in addressing child online protection. Some
of these are not specific to children per se but can apply to them as Internet users. They
provide overarching guidelines to the industry regarding regulatory policies, standards and
collaboration with other sectors. For the purpose of this document, the key principles of such
models, as they apply to the ICT industry, are highlighted.

Guidelines for industry on Child Online Protection

The Age Appropriate Design Code, the United Kingdom

In early 2019, the Information Commissioner’s Office published proposals for its age-
appropriate design code on the protection of childrens’s data. The proposed code is based
on the best interests of the child, as laid out in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of
the Child, and sets out several expectations for industry. The code consists of fifteen standards
including, location services to be off by default for children, for industry to collect and retain
only the minimum amount of personal data of children, for products to be private by design
and for explanations to be age-appropriate and accessible.

The Harmful Digital Communications Act, New Zealand

The 2015 Act made cyber abuse a specific crime and focuses on a broad range of harms,
from cyberbullying to revenge pornography. It aims to deter, prevent and lessen digital
communication that is harmful, making it illegal to post a digital communication with the
intention of causing serious emotional distress to someone else, and sets out a series of 10
communication principles. It empowers users to complain to an independent organization
if these principles are broken or apply for court orders against the author or host of the
communication if the issue is not resolved.

The eSafety Commissioner, Australia

Established in 2015, the Australia eSafety Commissioner is the world’s first government
agency dedicated to tackling online abuse and keeping its citizens safer online. As the national
independent regulator for online safety, eSafety has a powerful combination of functions.
These range from prevention through awareness-raising, education, research and best practice
guidance, to early intervention and harm remediation through multiple statutory regulatory
schemes that give eSafety the power to rapidly remove cyberbullying, image-based abuse
and illegal online content. This broad remit enables eSafety to address online safety in a
multifaceted, holistic and proactive way.

In 2018, eSafety developed Safety by Design (SbD), an initiative that places the safety and
rights of users at the centre of the design, development and deployment of online products
and services. A set of safety by design principles sit at the heart of the initiative, which set out
realistic, actionable and achievable measures for industry to undertake to better protect and
safeguard citizens online. The three overarching principles are:

1) Service provider responsibilities: the burden of safety should never fall solely upon the
end-user. Preventative steps can be taken to ensure that known and anticipated harms
have been evaluated in the design and provision of an online service, along with steps
to make services less likely to facilitate, inflame or encourage illegal and inappropriate
2) User empowerment and autonomy: the dignity of users and their best interests are of
central importance. Human agency and autonomy should be supported, amplified and
strengthened in service design allowing users greater control, governance and regulation
of their own experiences.
3) Transparency and accountability: these are hallmarks of a robust approach to safety,
that provide assurances that services are operating according to their published safety
objectives, as well as educating and empowering the public about steps that can be taken
to address safety concerns.

Guidelines for industry on Child Online Protection

The WePROTECT Global Alliance

At the heart of the WePROTECT Global Alliance strategy are supporting countries to develop
coordinated multi-stakeholder responses to tackle online child sexual exploitation, guided by its
Model National Response, which acts as a blueprint for national action. It provides a framework
for countries to draw upon to tackle online child sexual exploitation. Within the WePROTECT
Model National Response, there is a clear set of commitments from ICT companies relating to:

• notice and takedown procedures;

• report online child sexual exploitation and abuse (CSEA);
• develop technology solutions; and
• invest in effective COP preventive programmes and response services.

The Global Partnership and Fund to End Violence against Children

The Global Partnership and Fund to End Violence against Children were launched by the
United Nations Secretary-General in 2016 with one goal: to catalyze and support action to
end all forms of violence against children by 2030 through a unique collaboration of over 400
partners from all sectors.

The focus of the work is on rescue and support of victims, technology solutions to detect and
prevent offending, support of law enforcement, legislative and policy reforms, and generation
of data and evidence on the scale and nature of online CSEA as well as understanding children’s

3. Key areas of protecting and promoting children’s rights

This section outlines five key areas where companies can take actions to protect children and
young people’s safety when using ICTs and promote their positive use of ICTs.

3.1 Integrating child rights considerations into all appropriate

corporate policies and management processes
Integrating child rights considerations requires that companies take adequate measures to
identify, prevent, mitigate and, where appropriate, remediate potential and actual adverse
impacts on children’s rights. The United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human
Rights call on all businesses and industries to put in place appropriate policies and processes
to meet their responsibility to respect human rights.

For more information see End Violence Against Children, “Grantees of the End Violence Fund”.

Guidelines for industry on Child Online Protection

Industries should pay special attention to children and young people as a vulnerable group
with regard to their data protection and freedom of expression. The United Nations General
Assembly Resolution 68/167 on the right to privacy in the digital age reaffirms the right to privacy
and freedom of expression without being subjected to unlawful interference. Additionally, the
United Nations Human Rights Council Resolution 32/13 on the promotion, protection and
enjoyment of human rights on the Internet, recognizes the global and open nature of the
Internet as a driving force in accelerating progress towards development and affirms that the
same rights people have offline must also be protected online. In States where there is a lack of
adequate legal frameworks for the protection of children and young people’s rights to privacy
and freedom of expression, the companies should follow enhanced due diligence to ensure
policies and practices are in line with international law. As youth civic engagement continues to
increase through online communications, companies have a greater responsibility to respect
children and young people’s rights, even where domestic laws have not yet caught up with
international standards.

Companies should have in place an operational-level grievance mechanism to provide

a format for affected individuals to raise concerns of potential violations. Operational
level mechanisms should be accessible to children, their families and those who
represent their interests. Principle 31 of the Guiding Principles on Business and Human
Rights clarifies that such mechanisms should be legitimate, accessible, predictable,
equitable, transparent, rights-compatible, a source of continuous learning, and based
on engagement and dialogue. Together with internal processes to address negative
impacts, grievance mechanisms should ensure that companies have frameworks in
place to ensure children and young people have suitable recourse when their rights
have been threatened.

When companies take a compliance-based approach towards ICT safety that focuses on meeting
national legislation, following international guidance when national legislation is not present,
and avoiding adverse impacts on children and young people’s rights, companies proactively
promote children and young people’s development and well-being through voluntary actions
that advance children and young people’s rights to access information, freedom of expression,
participation, education and culture.

Guidelines for industry on Child Online Protection

Good practice: Policy and age-appropriate design

The app developer Toca Boca produces digital toys from the child perspective. The
company privacy policy is designed to share what information the company collects
and how it is used. Toca Boca, Inc is a member of the PRIVO Kids Privacy Assured
COPPA Safe Harbor Certification Program.

LEGO® Life is an example of safe social media platform for children under the age of
13 years to share their LEGO creations, get inspired and interact safely. Children here
are not asked for any personal information to create an account, which is possible
only with the email address of a parent or carer. The App creates an opportunity for
children and families to discuss online safety and privacy in a positive environment.

Examples of age-appropriate design include specific offers of some of the major

Public Service Broadcasters for certain age groups: for example, the German ARD
(Arbeitsgemeinschaft der öffentlich-rechtlichen Rundfunkanstalten der Bundesrepublik
Deutschland – Das Erste) and ZDF (Zweites Deutsches Fernsehen) target their audience
starting from 14 years old, offering customized content through the online channel The BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation) launched CBeebies, which is
directed to children under 6 years old. The website content is specifically tailored for
respective age groups.

Good practice: Policy and technology

Twitter has continuously invested in proprietary technology, which has contributed

to steadily reducing the burden on people to report.1 Specifically, more than 50 per
cent of Tweets, compared with 20 per cent in 2018, that Twitter follows up in response
to their abusive nature, are currently proactively surfaced using technology, rather
than relying on reports to Twitter. The new technology is used to deal with the policy
content areas of private information, sensitive media, hateful conduct, abuse and

Twitter, “15th Transparency Report: Increase in proactive enforcement on accounts”.

3.2 Developing standard processes to handle CSAM

In 2019, IWF actioned 132,676 webpages confirmed as containing child sexual abuse.13 Any
URL could contain hundreds, if not thousands, of images and videos. Of the images actioned by
the IWF, 45 per cent showed children aged 10 or younger; and 1,609 webpages represented
children aged 0–2 years, of which 71 per cent contained the most severe sexual abuse, such
as rape and sexual torture. These disturbing facts underscore the importance of collaborative
action among industry, governments, law enforcement and civil society to combat CSAM.

IWF, “The why. The how. The who. And the results. Annual Report 2019".

Guidelines for industry on Child Online Protection

While many governments are tackling the dissemination and distribution of CSAM by enacting
legislation, pursuing and prosecuting abusers, raising awareness, and supporting children
and young people in recovering from abuse or exploitation, there are many countries that do
not yet have adequate systems in place. Mechanisms are required in each country to enable
the general public to report abusive and exploitative content of this nature. Industry, law
enforcement, governments and civil society must work together to ensure that adequate legal
frameworks in accordance with international standards are in place. Such frameworks should
criminalize all forms of CSEA, including through CSAM, and protect children who are victims
of such abuse or exploitation. These frameworks must ensure that reporting, investigations
and content removal processes work as efficiently as possible.

Industry should provide links to national hotlines or other locally available hotlines, such as
IWF portals in some countries and, in the absence of local reporting opportunities, provide
links to other international hotlines as relevant, such as the United States National Center for
Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC) or the International Association of Internet Hotlines
(INHOPE), where any of the international hotlines can be used to file a report.

Responsible companies are taking a number of steps to help prevent their networks and services
from being used to disseminate CSAM. These include introducing language into terms and
conditions or codes of conduct that explicitly forbids such content or conduct;14 developing
robust notice and takedown processes; and working with and supporting national hotlines.

Additionally, some companies deploy technical measures to prevent the misuse of their
services or networks for sharing known CSAM. For example, some Internet service providers
are blocking access to URLs confirmed by an appropriate authority as containing CSAM if the
website is hosted in a country where processes are not in place to ensure it will be rapidly
taken down. Others are deploying hashing technologies to automatically detect and remove
images of child sexual abuse that are already known to law enforcement or hotlines. Industry
members should consider and incorporate all relevant services for their operations to prevent
the dissemination of child sexual abuse.

Industry actors should commit to allocate proportionate resources and continue to develop
and share preferably open source technological solutions to detect and remove CSAM.

Good practice: Technology

Microsoft uses a four-pronged approach to foster responsible and safe technology

use, with a focus on the technology itself, self-governance, partnerships, and consumer
education and outreach. Microsoft has also embedded features that help empower
individuals to more effectively manage their online safety. “Family Safety” is one such
feature, which permits parents and carers to monitor their children’s Internet use.

Microsoft enforces policies against harassment on its platforms, and users who abuse
these regulations are subject to account termination or, in case of more serious
violations, to law enforcement measures.

It should be noted that inappropriate user conduct is not limited to CSAM and that any type of inappropriate
behaviour or content should be handled accordingly by the company.

Guidelines for industry on Child Online Protection

Microsoft PhotoDNA is a tool that creates hashes of images and compares them to a
database of hashes already identified and confirmed to be CSAM. If it finds a match, the
image is blocked. This tool has enabled content providers to remove millions of illegal
photographs from the Internet; helped convict child sexual predators; and in some
cases, helped law enforcement rescue potential victims before they were physically
harmed. Microsoft has long been committed to protecting its customers from illegal
content on its products and services, and applying technology the company already
created to combating this growth in illegal videos was a logical next step. However,
this tool does not employ facial recognition technology, nor can it identify a person
or object in the image. However, with the invention of PhotoDNA for Video, things
have taken a new turn. PhotoDNA for Video breaks down a video into key frames and
essentially creates hashes for those screenshots. In the same way that PhotoDNA can
match an image that has been altered to avoid detection, PhotoDNA for Video can
find child sexual exploitation content that has been edited or spliced into a video that
might otherwise appear harmless.

Moreover, Microsoft has recently released a new tool for identifying child predators
who groom children for abuse in online chats. Project Artemis, developed in
collaboration with The Meet Group, Roblox, Kik and Thorn, builds on Microsoft’s
patented technology and will be made freely available via Thorn to qualified online
service companies that offer a chat function. Project Artemis is a tech tool which helps
to raise red flags to administrators when moderation is needed in chat rooms. With
this grooming detection technique, it will be possible to identify, address and report
predators attempting to lure children for sexual purposes.

The IWF provides a range of services to industry members to protect their users from
stumbling across CSAM. These include:

• A dynamic, quality-assured URL blocking list of live material;

• A hash list of known criminal content related to CSAM;
• A unique keyword list of cryptic terms known to be associated with CSAM;
• A list of details of domain names that are known for hosting child sexual abuse
content to enable the rapid removal of domains hosting illegal content.

3.3 Creating a safer and age-appropriate online environment

Very few things in life can be considered absolutely safe and risk-free all of the time. Even in
cities where the movement of traffic is highly regulated and closely controlled, accidents still
happen. By the same token, cyberspace is not without risks, especially for children and young
people. Children and young people can be thought of as receivers, participants and actors in
their online environment. The risks that they face can be categorized into four areas:15

Sonia Livingstone et al., “EU Kids Online: Final Report”, London school of economics, 2009.

Guidelines for industry on Child Online Protection

• Inappropriate content – Children and young people may stumble upon inappropriate and
illegal content while searching for something else by clicking a presumably innocuous
link in an instant message, on a blog or when sharing files. They may also seek out and
share inappropriate or age-sensitive material. What is considered harmful content varies
from country to country; examples include content that promotes substance abuse, racial
hatred, risk-taking behaviour, suicide, anorexia or violence.
• Inappropriate conduct – Children and adults may use the Internet to harass or even exploit
other people. Children may sometimes broadcast hurtful comments or embarrassing
images or may steal content or infringe on copyrights.
• Inappropriate contact – Both adults and young people can use the Internet to seek out
children or other young people who are vulnerable. Frequently, their goal is to convince
the target that they have developed a meaningful relationship, but the underlying purpose
is manipulative. They may seek to persuade the child to perform sexual or other abusive
acts online, using a webcam or other recording device, or they will try to arrange an in-
person meeting and physical contact. This process is often referred to as “grooming”.
• Commercial risks – This category refers to data privacy risks related to
the collection and use of children’s data, as well as digital marketing.
Online safety is a community challenge and an opportunity for industry, governments
and civil society to work together to establish safety principles and practices. Industry can
offer an array of technical approaches, tools and services for parents, and children and
young people, and should first and foremost create products that are easy to use, safe by
design and age-appropriate for their broad range of users. Additional approaches include
offering tools to develop appropriate age-verification systems that respects children’s
rights to privacy and access or place restrictions on children and young people’s access to
age-inappropriate content, or restrict the people with whom children might have contact
or the times at which they may go online. Most importantly, “safety by design”16 frameworks
including privacy need to be incorporated into innovation and product design processes.
Children’s safety and responsible use of technology has to be carefully considered and
not be an afterthought.

Some programmes allow parents to monitor the texts and other communications that their
children and young people send and receive. If programmes of this type are to be used, it is
important that this is discussed openly with the child, otherwise such conduct can be perceived
as “spying" and may undermine trust within the family.

Acceptable-use policies are one way that companies can establish what type of behaviour by
both adults and children is encouraged, what types of activities are not acceptable, and the
consequences of any breaches to these policies. Clear and transparent reporting mechanisms
should be made available to users who have concerns about content and behaviour.
Furthermore, reporting needs to be followed up appropriately, with timely provision of
information about the status of the report. Although companies can vary their implementation
of follow-up mechanisms on a case-by-case basis, it is essential to set a clear time frame for
responses, communicate the decision made regarding the report, and offer a method for
following up if the user is not satisfied with the response.

eSafety Commissioner, Safety by Design Overview, 2019.

Guidelines for industry on Child Online Protection

Good practice: Reporting

Facebook, in an effort to curb sexual harassment on digital platforms, has co-financed

Project deSHAME with the European Union, a collaboration among Childnet, Save
the Children, Kek Vonal and UCLan. This project aims to increase reporting of online
sexual harassment among minors and improve multisector cooperation in preventing
and responding to this behaviour.

As one main purpose of the project is to encourage users to report content that is
upsetting or inappropriate, Facebook’s Community Standards are also relevant as
guidelines on what is and is not allowed on Facebook. They also outline the types of
users that it does not allow to post. Facebook has also created safety features such
as the “Do you know this person?” feature; an “other” inbox gathering new messages
from people the user does not know; and a popup which appears on the news feed
if it looks like a minor is being contacted by an adult that they do not know.

Online content and service providers can also describe the nature of content or services they are
providing and the intended target age range. These descriptions should be aligned with pre-
existing national and international standards, relevant regulations, and advice on marketing and
advertising to children made available by the appropriate classification bodies. This process
becomes more difficult, however, with the growing range of interactive services that enable the
publication of user-generated content, for example, via message boards, chat rooms and social
networking services. When companies specifically target children and young people, and when
services are overwhelmingly aimed at younger audiences, the expectations in user-friendly,
easily understandable and accessible terms of content and security will be much higher.

Companies are also encouraged to adopt the highest privacy standards when it comes
to collecting, processing and storing data from or about children and young people, as
children and young people may lack the maturity to appreciate the wider social and personal
consequences of revealing or agreeing to share their personal information online, or to the
use of their personal information for commercial purposes. Services directed at or likely to
attract a main audience of children and young people must consider the risks posed to them
by access to, or collection and use of, personal information (including location information),
and ensure those risks are properly addressed, and users informed. In particular, companies
should ensure the language and style of any materials or communication used to promote
services, provide access to services, or by which personal information is accessed, collected
and used, aid understanding and assist users in managing their privacy in clear and simple
ways, and explaining what they are consenting to in clear, accessible language.

Guidelines for industry on Child Online Protection

Good practice: Innovation

In 2018 –2019 UNICEF East Asia and Pacific Regional Office organized five multi-
stakeholder roundtables to share promising industry practices to address online
CSEA. Participants in the roundtables were leading private sector companies, such
as Google, Facebook, Microsoft, Telenor, Ericsson, MobiCom (Mongolia) Mobifone+
(Vietnam), Globe Telecom (the Philippines), True (Thailand), GSMA and civil society
partners, including INHOPE, ECPAT International and Child Helpline International.

As part of the same project, in February 2020, UNICEF launched a Think Tank to
accelerate industry leadership in the East Asia and Pacific region to prevent violence
against children in the online world. The Think Tank is an incubator for ideas and
innovation, drawing on the unique perspective of industry actors (product creation,
marketing, etc.) for the development of impactful educational materials and
identification of the most effective delivery platforms, as well as for the development
of an evaluation framework that can measure the impact of these educational materials
and messages targeted at children. The Think Tank is comprised of Facebook, Telenor,
academic experts, United Nations agencies, such as ITU, UNESCO and UNODC, and
others, such as the Australia eSafety Commissioner, ECPAT International, ICMEC,
INTERPOL, and the End Violence Global Fund. The Think Tank inaugural meeting,
held in parallel to the ASEAN Regional Conference on Child Online Protection, drew
together experts, including Microsoft, to explore technology and research possibilities
for better tracking changes in online behaviour, based on uptake of online safety
materials and messages.

3.4 Educating children, carers and educators about children’s safety

and the responsible use of ICTs
Technical measures can be an important part of ensuring that children and young people
are protected from the potential risks online, but these are only one element of the equation.
Parental control tools, awareness raising and education are also key components that will help
empower and inform children and young people of all ages, as well as parents, caregivers and
educators. Although companies have an important role in encouraging children and young
people to use ICTs in a responsible and safe way, this responsibility is shared with parents,
schools, and children and young people. 

Many companies are investing in educational programmes designed to enable users to make
informed decisions about content and services. Companies are assisting parents, caregivers
and educators in guiding children and young people towards safer, more responsible and
appropriate online and mobile phone experiences. This includes sign posting age-sensitive
content and ensuring that information on items such as content prices, subscription terms and
how to cancel subscriptions, is clearly communicated. Promoting respect of the minimum age
requirement by social media in all countries where age verification is possible would also help
to protect children by allowing them to access services at an appropriate age. An important
consideration that needs to go alongside this recommendation is the additional personal data
collection that this may entail and the need to limit the collection and storage of this information
and its processing.

Guidelines for industry on Child Online Protection

It is also important to provide information directly to children and young people on safer ICT
use and positive and responsible behaviour. Beyond raising awareness about safety, companies
can facilitate positive experiences by developing content for children and young people about
being respectful, kind and open-minded when using ICTs and looking after friends. They can
provide information about actions to take if they have negative experiences such as online
bullying or grooming, making it easier to report such incidents and providing a function to opt
out of receiving anonymous messages.

Parents sometimes have less understanding and knowledge of the Internet and mobile
devices than children and young people. Moreover, the convergence of mobile devices and
Internet services makes parental oversight more difficult. Industry can work in collaboration
with government and educators to strengthen parents’ capacity to support their children in
building their digital resilience and acting as responsible digital citizens. The aim is not to
transfer responsibility for children and young people’s ICT use to parents alone, but rather to
recognize that parents are in a better position to decide what is appropriate for their children
and that they should be made aware of all risks in order to better protect their children and
empower them to take action.

Information can be transmitted online and offline through multiple media channels, taking into
consideration that some parents do not use Internet services. It is important to collaborate with
school districts to provide curricula on online safety and responsible ICT use for children and
young people, and educational materials for parents. Examples include explaining the types of
services and options available for monitoring activities, actions to take if a child is experiencing
online bullying or grooming, how to avoid spam and manage privacy settings, and how to talk
with boys and girls of different age groups about sensitive issues. Communication is a two-way
process and many companies provide options for customers to contact them to report issues
or discuss concerns.

As content and services grow ever richer, all users will continue to benefit from advice and
reminders about the nature of a particular service and how to enjoy it safely. While it is important
to teach children about responsible use of the Internet, we know children like to experiment,
take risks, are inherently curious and may not always make the best decisions. Giving them the
chance to exercise their agency contributes to their growth and is a healthy way to help them
develop autonomy and resilience, as long as the blowback is not too harsh. While children
must be allowed to take some risks in the online environment, it is crucial that parents and
companies can support them when things go wrong, as it can off-set the negative impact of
an uncomfortable experience and turn it into a useful lesson for the future.

Good practice: Education

NHK Japan runs a suicide prevention campaign for young people on Twitter: In Japan,
suicides among teenagers peak when they go back to school after a summer vacation.
The return to reality is said to be the reason for the peak.  The NHK Heart Net TV (NHK
Japan) production team produces a multimedia programme #On the Night of August
31st. Linking television, live streaming, and social media, NKH successfully created a
“place” where teenagers could share their feelings without fear.

Guidelines for industry on Child Online Protection

Good practice: Education

Twitter has also published a guide for educators on media literacy. Drawn up with
UNESCO, the handbook primarily aims to help educators equip younger generations
with media literacy skills. Another aspect of Twitter’s safety work relates to their
disclosure of information operations. This is an archive of State-backed information
operations, which Twitter shares publicly. The initiative was launched to empower
academic and public understanding of the campaigns related to this issue around
the world, and to empower independent, third-party scrutiny of these tactics on the
Twitter platform.  

Project deSHAME, co-financed by Facebook and the European Union, also facilitates
the creation of resources for a wide range of age groups, with a particular focus on
children aged 9–13 years. As part of the project, a toolkit called “Step Up, Speak Up!”
has been developed, providing a range of education, training and awareness-raising
materials, as well as practical tools for multisector prevention and response strategies.
The project will transfer these learning materials to other European countries and
partners worldwide in order to promote young people’s digital rights.

Google has developed an array of educational initiatives, resources and tools to

help promote online safety for youth. One of them is the Be Internet Awesome
campaign around digital citizenship, created in collaboration with organizations
such as ConnectSafely, the Family Online Safety Institute and the Internet Keep Safe
Coalition. This campaign is targeted towards young people aged 8–11 years. It features
a web-based game for youth (Interland) that teaches digital safety fundamentals and
resources for educators, such as Digital Citizenship and Safety Curriculum. The Safety
Curriculum offers lesson plans for the campaign’s five key thematic areas, one of which
focuses on cyberbullying. In addition to this, Google has generated an online digital
citizenship and safety course for educators of students of all ages, providing further
support for integrating digital citizenship and activities on safety in the classroom.
Google also offers several programmes to help engage young people directly in
online safety and digital citizenship efforts. The global Web Rangers initiative is one
such programme that teaches young people about online safety and encourages
them to design their own campaigns around positive and safe Internet use. There are
also country-specific programmes for young people, such as the Internet Citizens and
Internet Legends programmes in the United Kingdom, launched by Google.

Guidelines for industry on Child Online Protection

In the Eurovision Youth News Exchange, the European Broadcasting Union gathers
15 European television broadcasters to share programmes, formats and solutions
online and offline. In recent years, teaching digital literacy and alerting children to risks
on the Internet have become central to their programmes. Among the most successful
initiatives of recent years are the social media ads and news programmes suitable for
children produced by Super and Ultra nytt under NRK, Norway's public broadcaster.

Good practice: Strategic partnerships

As part of a project supported by the End Violence Against Children Fund, in 2018
Capital Humano y Social Alternativo entered into a partnership with Telefónica, the
largest Internet, cable and telephone service provider in Peru, with 14.4 million
customers, including more than 8 million Movistar mobile users.

Several activities were carried out under this fruitful partnership:

• A virtual course on child online protection was developed by Telefónica with

the technical support of Capital Humano y Social Alternativo. This course is now
openly available on Telefónica’s website and the company is tracking the number
of people who enroll and successfully complete the course. The Peruvian Ministry
of Education agreed to include access to this virtual course through its official
• A booklet on Internet safety was created by Capital Humano y Social Alternativo
and distributed by Telefónica in its over 300 mobile sales centres. The aim is
to raise awareness among Telefónica customers of online safety and the risks
associated with online CSEA.
• An interactive game on online CSEA was developed by Telefónica with the
technical support of Capital Humano y Social Alternativo, which its customers
can play while waiting for their turns at Telefónica’s stores.

Building on the success with Telefónica, Capital Humano y Social Alternativo partnered
with Econocable, an Internet and cable service provider that works in remote and
low-income areas in Peru.

Guidelines for industry on Child Online Protection

3.5 Promoting digital technology as a mode for increasing civic

Article 13 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child states that “the child
shall have the right to freedom of expression; this right shall include freedom to seek, receive
and impart information and ideas of all kinds, regardless of frontiers, either orally, in writing or
in print, in the form of art, or through any other media of the child’s choice.” Companies can
fulfil their duty to respect children and young people’s civil and political rights by ensuring that
technology, and the application of legislation and policies developed to protect children and
young people from online harm do not have the unintended consequences of suppressing
their right to participation and expression or preventing them from accessing information that
is important for their well-being. It is essential to ensure that age verification systems do not
jeopardize the genuine need for specific age groups to access content that is relevant for their

At the same time, businesses and industries can also support children and young people’s rights
by providing mechanisms and tools to facilitate youth participation. They can emphasize the
Internet’s capacity to facilitate positive engagement in broader civic life, drive social progress,
and influence the sustainability and resilience of communities, for example, by participating in
social and environmental campaigns and holding those in charge accountable. With the right
tools and information, children and young people are better placed to access opportunities
for health care, education and employment, and to voice their opinions and needs in schools,
communities and countries. They become empowered to access information about their rights
and seek information about matters that affect them personally, such as their sexual health,
and about political and government accountability.

Companies can also invest in the creation of online experiences appropriate for children and
young people and families. They can support the development of technology and content that
encourage and enable children and young people to learn, innovate and create solutions. They
should always consider safety by design in their products.

Companies can, in addition, proactively support children and young people’s rights by working
to close the digital divide. Children and young people’s participation requires digital literacy
– the ability to understand and interact in the digital world. Without this ability, citizens are not
able to participate in many of the social functions that have become digitized, including filing
taxes, supporting political candidates, signing online petitions, registering a birth, or simply
accessing commercial, health, educational or cultural information. Without action, the gap
between citizens who are able to access these forums and those who are not, due to a lack
of Internet access or digital literacy, will continue to widen, placing the latter at a significant
disadvantage. Companies can support multimedia initiatives to foster the digital skills that
children and young people need to be confident, connected and actively involved citizens.17
In many countries, digital and media literacy, and efforts to close the digital divide have been
part of the mission of the public service media over recent years. The Italian Parliament, for
example, has proposed that the national broadcaster's priorities include closing the digital
divide and ensuring child protection both offline and online, an example which could be
followed by other countries.

For examples of youth participation from the mobile community see here.

Guidelines for industry on Child Online Protection

Good practice: Multiagency collaboration

Recently, Microsoft joined the global campaign Power of ZERO, led by the organization
No Bully, which aims to help young children, and the adults who care for them, learn
to use digital technology well and develop the voice, compassion and inclusivity that
are the heart of digital citizenship. The initiative offers early educators (the campaign is
targeted towards children ages 8 and under) and families with free learning materials
to help young children cultivate the “12 powers for good” (Power of Zero’s 12 life skills
or “powers,” for children to successfully navigate both the online and offline world,
including resilience, respect, inclusivity and creativity) and lay a strong foundation for
them at an early age.

4. General guidelines for industry

Table 1 outlines broad guidelines for industry for identifying, preventing and mitigating any
adverse impacts of products and services on children and young people’s rights, and for
promoting children and young people’s positive use of ICTs.

Note that not all the steps listed in Table 1 will be appropriate across all companies and services,
and nor are all the necessary steps for each service found in this Table. The general guidelines
for industry are complemented by the feature-specific checklists (see section 5) and vice-versa.
The feature-specific checklists in Tables 2–5 highlight additional steps that are most relevant for
individual services. Note that the feature-specific checklists may overlap, and that more than
one checklist can be relevant for the same service.

Guidelines for industry on Child Online Protection

Table 1: General guidelines for industry

Integrating Industry can identify, prevent and mitigate the adverse impacts of ICTs
child rights on children and young people’s rights, and identify opportunities to
considerations into support the advancement of children and young people’s rights by
all appropriate taking the following actions:
corporate policies
and management Ensure that a specific individual and/or team is designated with
processes responsibility for this process and has access to the necessary internal
and external stakeholders. Authorize this person or team to take the
lead in raising the profile of child online protection across the company.

Develop a child protection and safeguarding policy and/or integrate

specific risks and opportunities pertaining to children and young
people’s rights into company-wide policy commitments (e.g. human
rights, privacy, marketing and relevant codes of conduct).

Integrate due diligence on COP issues into existing human rights or risk
assessment frameworks (at the corporate, product or technology and/
or country level) to determine whether the business or industry may
be causing or contributing to adverse impacts through its activities, or
whether adverse impacts may be directly attributed to its operations,
products or services, or business relationships.

Identify child rights impacts on different age groups as a result of

company operations and the design, development and introduction of
products and services, as well as opportunities to support children and
young people’s rights.

Guidelines for industry on Child Online Protection

Integrating Adopt an empowerment and education-based approach to child

child rights protection. Consider children’s data protection rights, their right
considerations into to privacy and to freedom of speech, while offering education and
all appropriate guidance through the company’s services.
corporate policies Draw upon internal and external expertise and consult with key
and management stakeholders, including children and young people, on child online
processes safety mechanisms to obtain ongoing feedback and guidance on
(cont.) company approaches.

In States which lack adequate legal frameworks for the protection

of children and young people’s rights to privacy and freedom of
expression, companies should ensure policies and practices are in line
with international standards. See United Nations General Assembly
Resolution 68/167 on the right to privacy in the digital age.

Ensure access to remedy by establishing operational-level grievance

and reporting mechanisms for any child rights violations (e.g. CSAM,
inappropriate content or contact or breaches of privacy).

Nominate a child protection policy manager or other designated

person who can be contacted for COP issues. If a child is at risk of
harm, the child protection policy manager should immediately alert the
appropriate authorities.
The BBC editorial guidelines (2019), for example, specify the
appointment of a child protection policy manager, which is considered
mandatory within public service media.

Create and implement company and industry standards for the
industry standards
protection of children and young people, with regard to the specific
to protect children
industry and features.

Developing In collaboration with government, law enforcement, civil society and

standard processes hotline organizations, industry has a key role to play in combating
to CSAM CSAM by taking the following actions:

Prohibit uploading, posting, transmitting, sharing or making available

content that violates the rights of any party or infringes any local, state,
national or international law.

Communicate with national law enforcement agencies or the national

hotline(s) to communicate reports of CSAM as soon as these are
brought to the provider’s knowledge.
Ensure that internal procedures are in place to comply with reporting
responsibilities under local and international laws.
Where a company is operating in markets with less developed
regulatory and law enforcement oversight of this issue, it can refer
those wishing to file reports to the International Association of Internet
Hotlines (INHOPE), where reports can be filed with any international

Guidelines for industry on Child Online Protection

Developing Establish internal procedures to ensure compliance under local and

standard processes international laws on combating CSAM.
to CSAM Establish a senior position or team dedicated to integrating these
(cont.) procedures into the organization. Industry members should then
report the actions taken and outcomes achieved by this team in their
annual corporate and sustainability report.
When national regulations do not provide sufficient protection,
companies should respect but exceed national legislation and use their
leverage to lobby for legislative changes to enable industry to combat
A senior position or team should be created within the organization,
dedicated to integrating these procedures and monitoring the
operations. These should be transparently reflected in the annual
corporate and sustainability reports and made available to the public.

Specify that the business will cooperate fully with law enforcement
investigations in the event that illegal content is reported or discovered
and note details regarding such penalties as fines or cancellation of
billing privileges.

Use customer terms and conditions and/or acceptable use policies to

explicitly state the company’s position on the misuse of its services to
store or share CSAM and the consequences of any abuse.

Develop notice and take down and reporting processes that allow
users to report CSAM or inappropriate contact and the specific profile/
location where it was detected.
Establish report follow-up processes, agree on procedures to capture
evidence and immediately remove or block access to CSAM.
Ensure that, where needed, service providers request the opinion of
experts (e.g. national COP bodies) before destroying illegal content.
Ensure that relevant third parties with whom the company has a
contractual relationship have similarly robust notice and take down
processes in place.

Be prepared to handle CSAM and report cases to the appropriate

authorities. If a relationship with law enforcement and the national
hotline is not already established, engage with them to develop
processes together.

Work with internal functions, such as customer care, fraud prevention

and security to ensure that the business can submit reports of
suspected illegal content directly to law enforcement and hotlines.
Ideally, this should be done in a way that neither exposes front-line
staff to harmful content nor re-victimizes the affected child/children
and young people. To address situations where staff may be exposed
to abusive material, implement a policy or programme to support staff
resiliency, safety and well-being.

Guidelines for industry on Child Online Protection

Developing Include data retention and preservation policies to support law

standard processes enforcement in the event of criminal investigations through such
to CSAM activities as capturing evidence. Document the company’s practices for
(cont.) handling CSAM, beginning with monitoring and extending to the final
transfer and destruction of the content. Include a list of all personnel
responsible for handling the material in the documentation.

Promote reporting mechanisms for CSAM and ensure that customers

know how to file a report if they discover such content. If a national
hotline is available, offer links to that hotline from the corporate website
and from any relevant content services promoted by the company.

Take all relevant services/data sets to prevent the dissemination of

known child sexual abuse content on their services or platforms.

Actively assess all content hosted on the company’s servers, including

commercial (branded or contracted from third-party content providers)
on a regular basis. Consider using tools such as hash scanning of
known child sexual abuse images, image recognition software or URL
blocking to handle CSAM.

Creating a Industry can help create a safer, more enjoyable digital environment for
safer and age- children and young people of all ages by taking the following actions:
appropriate online
environment Adopt safety and privacy-by-design principles in company
technologies and services and prioritize solutions that reduce the
volume of data relating to children to a minimum.

Implement age-appropriate designs in the services offered.

Present information to children regarding the rules of the site in an
accessible and age-appropriate manner, providing the appropriate
amount of detail.
In addition to the age-appropriate and accessible terms and
conditions, industry should similarly, and clearly communicate
information, such as rules and key policies. This should emphasize
acceptable and unacceptable behaviour on the service, the
consequences of breaking any rules, the specifics of the service and
what the user is consenting to through signing up. Such information
should be particularly geared towards young users and their parents
and caregivers.

Use terms of service or terms and conditions to draw users’ attention to

content in the company’s online services that may not be appropriate
for all ages. The terms and conditions should also include clear
mechanisms for reporting and dealing with infringements of such rules.

Guidelines for industry on Child Online Protection

Creating a Consider providing mechanisms such as parental control software and

safer and age- other tools that enable parents and carers to manage their children’s
appropriate online access to Internet resources while providing guidance to them on their
environment appropriate usage so that children’s rights are not infringed. These
(cont.) include block/allow lists, content filters, usage monitoring, contact
management and time/programme limits.

Offer easy-to-use parental control options that allow parents and

carers to restrict certain services and content that children can access
when using electronic devices. These restrictions can include network
and device level controls, and application controls. Considering that
this has huge implication on a child’s ability to advance their digital
skills and impair their opportunities online, these controls should be
designed for very young children in line with their developmental
context and with appropriate guidance for parents.

Where possible, promote national support services that parents and

caregivers may use to report infringements and seek support in the
case of abuse or exploitation.

Avoid harmful or inappropriate advertising content online and establish

customer disclosure obligations for service providers with content that
is intended for an adult audience and could be harmful to children and
young people. Harmful advertising can also include advertising of food
and drinks that are high in fat, sugar or salt.
Align business practices with regulations and advice on marketing and
advertising to children and young people. Monitor where, when and
how children and young people might encounter potentially harmful
advertising messages intended for another market segment.

Ensure that data collection policies comply with relevant laws

concerning children and young people’s privacy, including considering
whether parental consent is required before commercial enterprises
can collect personal information from or about a child.

Adapt and implement heightened default privacy settings for

collection, processing, storage, sale and publishing of personal data,
including location-related information and browsing habits, gathered
from people under 18 years. Default privacy settings and information
about the importance of privacy should be appropriate to the age of
the users and the nature of the service.

Employ technical measures, such as appropriate parental control tools,

safety by design, age-differentiated experiences, password-protected
content, block/allow lists, purchase/time controls, opt-out functions,
filtering and moderating, to prevent underage access and exposure to
inappropriate content or services.
Implement technology that can identify the age of users and present
them with a version of the application that is age appropriate.
For age-sensitive content or services, industry
stakeholders should take steps to verify users’ ages. Where possible,
use age verification to limit access to content or material that, either
by law or policy, is intended only for persons above a certain age.
Companies should also recognize the potential for misuse of such
technologies to restrict children and young people’s right to freedom
of expression and access to information or endanger their privacy.

Guidelines for industry on Child Online Protection

Creating a Ensure that content and services that are not appropriate for users of all
safer and age- ages are:
appropriate online • classified in line with national standards and cultural norms;
• consistent with existing standards in equivalent media;
(cont.) • identified with prominent display options to control access;
• offered together with age verification, where possible appropriate
and with clear terms relating to erasure of any personally identifiable
data obtained through the verification process.

For example, with regard to media standards, all media regulatory

authorities provide a set of requirements for age-related content and
Internet providers are required to adapt the repositories and apply the
guidelines to their content offer. See, Ofcom in the United Kingdom,
CSA in France and AGCOM in Italy.

Offer clear reporting tools and develop a follow-up process to reports

of inappropriate content, contact and misuse, and provide detailed
feedback to service users on the reporting process.

Ensure pre-moderation of interactive spaces designed for children

and young people in ways that are congruent with children’s rights
to privacy and their evolving capacities. Active moderation can
encourage an atmosphere where bullying and harassment are not
acceptable. Unacceptable behaviour includes:
• posting unpleasant or threatening comments on someone’s profile;
• setting up fake profiles or hate sites to humiliate a victim;
• sending chain messages and attachments with harmful intent;
• hacking into someone’s account to send offensive messages to

Take special precaution with staff members or collaborators who work

with children and young people, for whom a preliminary criminal
record check with police authorities may be required.

Refer any incident of suspected grooming promptly to the online or

interactive executive management team responsible for reporting it to
the appropriate authorities:
• report grooming to the executive management team and to a
nominated child protection policy manager, where possible;
• enable users to report suspected grooming incidents directly to the
• establish the possibility for direct contact through email addresses
to alert and report.

Prioritize the safety and well-being of the child at all times. Always act
within professional boundaries and ensure all contact with children is
essential to the service, programme, event, activity or project. Never
take sole responsibility for a child. If a child needs care, alert the parent,
guardian or chaperone. Listen to and respect children at all times.
If anyone is behaving inappropriately around children, report the
behaviour to the local child protection contact.

Guidelines for industry on Child Online Protection

Creating a Establish a clear set of rules that are prominently placed and echo key
safer and age- points from the terms of service and acceptable use guidelines. User-
appropriate online friendly language for these rules should define:
environment • the nature of the service and what is expected of its users;
(cont.) • what is and is not acceptable in terms of content, behaviour and
language, as well as prohibiting illegal usage;
• the consequences proportionate to the breach, for example,
reporting to law enforcement or suspension of the user’s account.

Make it easy for customers to report concerns about misuse to

customer care, with standard and accessible processes in place to deal
with different concerns, such as receiving unwanted communications
(e.g. spam SMS).

Be transparent and provide customers with clear information about the

nature of the services offered, for example:
• type of content/service and costs;
• minimum age required for access;
• availability of parental controls, including what the controls cover
(e.g. network) or do not cover (e.g. Wi-Fi) and training on how to use
• type of user information collected and how it is used.

Promote national support services that enable children and young

people to report and seek support in the case of abuse or exploitation
(see, for example, Child Helpline International).

Educating Industry can complement technical measures with educational and

children, parents empowerment activities by taking the following actions:
and educators
about children’s Clearly describe available content and corresponding parental controls
safety and their or family safety settings. Make language and terminology accessible,
responsible use of visible, clear and relevant for all users, including children, parents and
ICTs caregivers, especially in relation to terms and conditions, costs involved
in using content or services, privacy policies, safety information and
reporting mechanisms.

Educate customers on how to manage concerns relating to Internet

use, including spam, data theft and inappropriate contact such as
bullying and grooming, and describe what actions customers can take
and how they can raise concerns on inappropriate use.

Set up mechanisms and educate parents to become involved in

their children and young people’s ICT activities, particularly those of
younger children, by, for example, enabling parents to review children
and young people’s privacy settings.

Collaborate with government and educators to build parents’

capacities to support and talk to their children and young people about
being responsible digital citizens and ICT users.

Guidelines for industry on Child Online Protection

Educating Based on the local context, provide educational materials for use in
children, parents schools and homes to enhance children and young people’s use of
and educators ICTs and to develop critical thinking to enable them to behave safely
about children’s and responsibly when using ICT services.
safety and their
responsible use of Support customers by disseminating guidelines on family online safety
ICTs that encourage parents and caregivers to:
(cont.) • familiarize themselves with products and services used by children
and young people;
• ensure moderate use of electronic devices by children and young
people as part of a healthy and balanced lifestyle;
• pay close attention to children and young people’s behaviour
in order to identify changes that could indicate cyberbullying or

Provide parents with the necessary information to understand how

their children and young people are using ICT services, handle issues
related to harmful content and conduct and be equipped to guide
children and young people in responsible usage. This can be facilitated
through the use of tools and interactions with school districts to
provide online safety curricula for children and educational materials
for parents.

Using technology Privacy-preserving AI, which understands texts, images, conversations

advances to protect and contexts, can detect and address a range of online harms and
and educate threats, and use that information to empower and educate  children
children to deal with them. When performed within the smart device
environment, this can protect young people’s data and privacy while
still supporting them.

Public service and national media can play an essential role through
their programme offers (offline and online) to educate parents and
children and make them aware of the risks and opportunities of the
online world

Promoting digital Industry can encourage and empower children and young people by
technology as a supporting their right to participation through the following actions:
mode to further
civic engagement Provide information about a service to highlight the benefits children
obtain by behaving well and responsibly, such as using the service for
creative purposes.

Establish written procedures that ensure consistent implementation of

policies and processes that protect freedom of expression for all users,
including children and young people, as well as documentation of
compliance with these policies.

Guidelines for industry on Child Online Protection

Promoting digital Avoid over-blocking of legitimate and developmentally appropriate

technology as a content. In order to ensure that filtering requests and tools are not
mode to further misused to restrict children and young people’s access to information,
civic engagement ensure transparency about blocked content and establish a process for
(cont.) users to report inadvertent blocking. This process should be available
to all consumers, including webmasters. Any reporting process should
provide clear, responsible and adjudicated terms of service.

Develop online platforms that promote children and young people’s

right to express themselves; facilitate their participation in public
life; and encourage their collaboration, entrepreneurship and civic

Develop educational content for children and young people that

encourages learning, creative thinking and problem solving.

Promote digital literacy, capacity building and ICT skills to equip

children and young people, particularly those in rural and underserved
areas, to utilize ICT resources and fully participate safely in the digital

Collaborate with local civil society and government on national and

local priorities for expanding universal and equitable access to ICTs,
platforms and devices, and the underlying infrastructure to support

Inform and engage customers, including parents, caregivers, children

and young people, about the services ‎offered, for example:
• type of content and corresponding parental controls;
• reporting mechanisms for cases of abuse, misuse and inappropriate
or illegal content;
• follow-up procedures for reports;
• types of services that are age restricted;
• safe and responsible use of “own-brand” interactive services.

Engage with the broader issues around safe and responsible digital
citizenship, for example online reputation and digital footprint, harmful
content and grooming. Consider partnering with local experts, such
as children’s NGOs, charities and parenting groups, to help shape the
company’s message and reach the intended audience.

If the business already works with children or schools, for example,

through ‎corporate social responsibility programmes, investigate the
possibility of extending this engagement to include educating and
engaging with children and young people, and educators on COP

Investing in Invest in evidence-based research and in-depth analysis of digital

research technologies, the impact of technologies on children, child protection
and child rights considerations with regard to the digital environment,
to integrate online protection systems into services used by children
and young people and better understand what types of interventions
are most effective at improving children’s online experiences.

Guidelines for industry on Child Online Protection

Typology of ICT companies

While these ITU guidelines are targeted at the ICT industry as a whole, it is important to recognize
that the services ICT companies offer, ways they operate, regulatory schemes under which they
function, and scope and scale of their offers are very different. Any technology company whose
products and services are targeted directly or indirectly at children can benefit from the general
principles outlined earlier and can adapt, based on their specific field of operation. The core
idea is to support and guide the ICT industry in taking the right measures to better protect
children online from the risks of harm while empowering them to navigate the online world in
the best way possible. The typology below will help provide a clearer understanding of some
of the target audiences and how they fit in the checklists in the following section. It should be
noted that these are only some specific example categories and are not exhaustive:

(a) Internet service providers, including through fixed landline broadband services or cellular
data services of mobile network operators: while this typically reflects services offered over
a more long-term basis to subscribed customers, it could also be extended to businesses
that provide free or paid public WI-FI hotspots.
(b) Social network /messaging platforms and online gaming platforms.
(c) Hardware and software manufacturers, such as providers of handheld devices including
mobile phones, gaming consoles, voice assistance-based home devices, Internet of
Things and smart Internet connected toys for children.
(d) Companies providing digital media (content creators, providing access to or hosting
(e) Companies providing streaming services, including live streams.
(f) Companies offering digital file storage services, cloud-based service providers.

5. Feature-specific checklists
This chapter complements the previous general checklist for industry by offering
recommendations for businesses that provide services with specific features on respecting
and supporting children’s rights online. The following feature-specific checklists outline ways
to supplement the common principles and approaches presented in Table 1, as they apply
to different services, and should therefore be considered in addition to the steps in Table 1.

The features highlighted here are crosscutting and several feature-specific checklists may be
relevant for the same company.

The following feature checklists are organized by and refer back to the same key areas as the
general guidelines in Table 1. Each of the feature checklists has been developed in collaboration
with key contributors and, as a result, there are minor variations in the tables.

5.1 Feature A: Provide connectivity, data storage and hosting services

Internet access is fundamental to the realization of children’s rights, and connectivity can open
up entire worlds for children. Providers of connectivity, data storage and hosting services
have tremendous opportunities to build safety and privacy into their offers for children and
young people. This service feature addresses, among others, mobile operators, Internet service
providers, data storage systems and hosting services.

Guidelines for industry on Child Online Protection

Mobile operators enable access to the Internet and offer a range of mobile-specific data
services. Many operators have already signed up to COP codes of practice and offer a range
of tools and information resources to support their commitments.

Most Internet service providers act as both a conduit, providing access to and from the Internet,
and a repository for data through their hosting, caching and storage services. As a result, they
have had primary responsibility for protecting children online.

Internet access in public spaces

It is becoming increasingly common for municipalities, retailers, transportation

companies, hotel chains and other businesses and organizations to provide Internet
access via Wi-Fi hotspots. Such access is typically free or provided at minimal cost,
and sometimes with minimal sign-on formalities as a public service, or by a company
to attract customers to its premises or persuade more people to use its services.

Promoting Wi-Fi is an effective way to ensure Internet availability in a given area. Care
needs to be taken, however, when such access is provided in public spaces where
children are likely to be present on a regular basis. Users need to be mindful of the
fact that Wi-Fi signals might be available to passers-by and user data compromised.
The Wi-Fi provider will therefore not always be able to support or supervise the use of
an Internet connection it has supplied and users need to therefore take precautions
not to share sensitive information over publicly available Wi-Fi.

In public spaces, Wi-Fi providers may want to consider additional measures to protect
children and young people, such as:

• Proactively blocking access to web addresses known to contain content that is

inappropriate for a wide audience, in addition to their efforts to blocking access
to CSAM.
• Including clauses in terms and conditions of use that forbid the use of Wi-Fi
services to access or display any material that may be unsuitable in an environment
where children are present. The terms and conditions should also include clear
mechanisms regarding the consequences of infringements of such rules.
• Taking all measures to protect against unauthorized access, which may result in
manipulation or loss of personal data.
• Installing filters on the Wi-Fi system to reinforce the policy on inappropriate
• Providing procedures and software to signpost and offer optional parental
control related to children and young people’s access to Internet content.

Good practice: The telecommunication regulations of most European Union member

states, for example, stipulate that access to the network must be identified, through
individual SIM cards or other identification tools.

Table 2 provides guidance for providers of connectivity, data storage and hosting services on
actions they can take to enhance child online protection and children’s participation.

Guidelines for industry on Child Online Protection

Table 2: COP checklist for Feature A: Provide connectivity, data and hosting

Integrating child Providers of connectivity, data storage and hosting services can
rights considerations identify, prevent and mitigate the adverse impacts of ICTs on
into all appropriate children and young people’s rights, and identify opportunities to
corporate policies support the advancement of children and young people’s rights.
and management
processes Refer to the general guidelines in Table 1.

Developing standard In collaboration with government, law enforcement, civil society

processes to handle and hotline organizations, providers of connectivity, data storage
CSAM and hosting services can play a key role in combating CSAM by
taking the following actions:

Collaborate with government, law enforcement, civil society and

hotline organizations to effectively handle CSAM and report cases
to the appropriate authorities. If a relationship with law enforcement
and a hotline is not already established, engage with them to
develop processes together.
Providers of connectivity, data storage or hosting services may also
provide ICT training for law enforcement.
If a company is operating in markets with less developed legal and
law enforcement oversight of this issue, it can refer those wishing
to file reports to the International Association of Internet Hotlines
(INHOPE) where reports can be filed with any international hotline.

Consider deploying internationally recognized URL or website

blocking lists created by appropriate authorities (e.g. the national
law enforcement or hotline, Cybertip Canada, Interpol, IWF), to
make it harder for users to access identified CSAM.

Develop notice and take down and reporting processes, and

link reports of abuse to those processes with a public service
agreement on the response procedure and takedown times.
See, for example, the UNICEF and GSMA Guide on notice and
takedown policies and practices.

Set up a reporting mechanism with clear information on its usage

by, for example, giving guidance on the illegal content and conduct
to be reported and clarifying what materials cannot be attached
with the report in order to avoid further distribution on the web.

Guidelines for industry on Child Online Protection

Developing standard Support law enforcement in the event of criminal investigations

processes to handle through such activities as capturing evidence.
CSAM Use terms of service and conditions to specifically prohibit the use
(cont.) of services to store, share or distribute CSAM. Make sure these
terms clearly state that CSAM will not be tolerated.
Make sure that terms of service and conditions state that the
company will cooperate fully with law enforcement investigations in
the event CSAM is discovered or reported.

There are currently two reporting solutions for CSAM online at the
national level: hotlines and reporting portals. A full up-to-date list of
all existing hotlines and portals can be found at INHOPE.
Hotlines: If a national hotline is not available, explore opportunities
to set one up (see the GSMA INHOPE Hotlines Guide for a range
of options, including working with INHOPE and the INHOPE
Foundation. An interactive version of the GSMA INHOPE guide
is available that provides guidance on how to develop internal
processes for customer care staff to submit reports of questionable
content to law enforcement and INHOPE.
Reporting portals: The IWF offers a reporting portal solution that
allows Internet users in countries and nations without hotlines, to
report images and videos of suspected child sexual abuse directly
to the IWF through a bespoke online portal page.

For providers of connectivity, data storage and hosting services

whose services involve some kind of content hosting (many do not),
notice and take down processes should be in place.

Creating a safer and Providers of connectivity, data storage and hosting services, can
age-appropriate digital help create a safer, more enjoyable digital environment for children
environment of all ages by taking the following actions:

Data storage / hosting service providers should consider

presenting the reporting function on all web pages and services,
and develop and document clear processes for swiftly managing
reports of abuse or other breaches of terms and conditions.

Providers of connectivity should offer own-brand technical controls

or signpost the availability of tools created by specialist providers
that are appropriate for the services offered and are easy for end
users to implement and offer the possibility of blocking or filtering
access to the Internet through the company networks. Provide
appropriate age-verification mechanisms if the company offers
content or services (including own brand or third-party services that
are promoted by the company), that are only legal or appropriate
for adult users (e.g. certain games, lotteries).

Guidelines for industry on Child Online Protection

Educating children, Providers of connectivity, data storage and hosting services should
parents and educators echo key messages from terms and conditions within community
about children’s safety guidelines written in user-friendly language to support children and
and their responsible their parents and caregivers. Within the service itself, at the point of
use of ICTs uploading content, include reminders about such topics as the type
of content considered to be inappropriate.

Provide children and young people with information on safer

Internet use. Consider creative ways to promote key messages such
as the following:
“Never share any contact details, including your physical location
and your phone number, with anyone you don’t know in person.”
“Never agree to get together with anyone you have met online
on your own without consulting an adult first. Always tell a trusted
friend about your whereabouts.”
“Do not respond to bullying, obscene or offensive messages. But
save the evidence – do not delete the message.”
“Tell a trusted adult or friend if you are uncomfortable or upset
about something or someone.”
“Never give away your account password or username! Be aware
that other people online may give false information to convince you
to share your private information.”

Service providers can partner with organizations that are well-

positioned to educate and support children on safer internet usage
and related issues.
See Child Helpline International and GSMA practical guide for
Child Helplines and Mobile Operators: Working together to protect
children’s rights for examples.

Promoting digital
technology as a
Refer to the general guidelines in Table 1.
mode to further civic

5.2 Feature B: Offer curated digital content

The Internet provides all types of content and activities, many of which are intended for children
and young people. Services offering editorially curated content have tremendous opportunities
to build safety and privacy into their offers for children and young people.

This service feature addresses both businesses that are creating their own content, and those
that are enabling access to digital content. It refers to, inter alia, news and multimedia streaming
services, national and public service broadcasting and the gaming industry.

Table 3 provides guidance for providers of services offering editorially curated content on
policies and actions they can take to enhance child online protection and participation.

Guidelines for industry on Child Online Protection

Table 3: COP checklist for Feature B: Offer curated digital content

Integrating child rights Services providing curated digital content can help identify,
considerations into all prevent and mitigate adverse impacts of ICTs on children and
appropriate corporate young people’s rights, and identify opportunities to support
policies and management the advancement of children and young people’s rights by
processes taking the following actions

Develop policies that safeguard the welfare of children and

young people who contribute content online to take into
account the physical and emotional welfare and dignity of
people under 18 who are involved in programmes, films,
games, news etc. irrespective of consent that might have been
given by a parent or other adult.

Developing standard In collaboration with government, law enforcement, civil society

processes to handle CSAM and hotline organizations, companies offering curated digital
content can play a key role in combating CSAM through the
following actions:
In cases of CSAM, for example through “comment” or
“review” features whereby users have the capacity to upload
content, staff should contact the executive management team
responsible for reporting such material to the appropriate
authorities. In addition, they should:
• alert national law enforcement agencies immediately;
• alert their manager and report the material to the child
protection policy manager;
• contact the internal investigation service by phone or email
with details of the incident and to ask for advice;
• wait for advice from the relevant agency before deleting the
material, saving it to a shared space or forwarding it.

Guidelines for industry on Child Online Protection

Developing standard If the material is identified, it should be reported directly to

processes to handle CSAM an organization specialized in Internet safety that operates
a hotline reporting system for members of the public and
information technology professionals to report specific forms of
potentially illegal online content.
For example, based on its Child Protection and Safeguarding
Policy, the BBC has released editorial guidance on interacting
with children and young people online. It has developed
further checklists and codes of conduct for working with
children and young people online, which also extend to the
subcontractors and external providers. Ofcom’s policy on child
protection for the United Kingdom addresses online content,
mobile devices and game consoles separately.
Implement a swift and robust escalation strategy if CSAM is
posted or illegal conduct is suspected. To this end:
• offer users a simple and easily accessible method of alerting
the content producer to breaches of any rules of the online
• remove content that breaks the rules;
• offer users a simple and easily accessible method of alerting
the content producer to breaches of any rules of the online
• remove content that breaks the rules;

Before uploading age-sensitive editorially curated content

onto a social networking site, be aware of the site’s terms and
conditions. Be sensitive to minimum age requirements on
different social networking sites.
The terms and conditions of each online space should also
include clear reporting mechanisms for infringements of such

Guidelines for industry on Child Online Protection

Creating a safer and Companies offering curated digital content can help create a
age-appropriate online safer and more enjoyable digital environment for children and
environment young people of all ages by taking the following actions:

Work with others in the industry to develop content

classification/age rating systems that are based on accepted
national or international standards and consistent with
approaches taken in equivalent media.
Where possible, content classifications should be consistent
across different media platforms, for example, a film trailer in a
movie theatre and on a smartphone would show customers the
same classifications.

Develop child-friendly and age-appropriate products for

children and young people that are safe by design and
complemented by a solid age-verification system.

To help parents and others decide whether content is age-

appropriate for children and young people, build applications
and services in all media to align with content rating systems.
Adopt appropriate age-verification methods to prevent
children and young people from accessing age-sensitive
content, sites, products or interactive services.
Provide advice and reminders about the nature and age-
classification of the content they are using.

A company that offers audiovisual and multimedia services

might want to provide a personal identification number to users
who seek to access content that can be harmful for children and
young people.

Ensure pricing transparency for products and services, and

information collected about users. Ensure that data collection
policies comply with relevant laws concerning children and
young people’s privacy, including whether parental consent is
required before commercial enterprises can collect personal
information from or about a child.

Ensure that advertising or commercial communication is clearly

recognizable as such.
Supervise content made available online and adapt it to
the user groups who are likely to access it by, for example,
establishing appropriate policies for online advertising to
children and young people. If the content offering supports an
interactive element, such as commenting, online forums, social
networks, gaming platforms, chat rooms or message boards,
communicate a clear set of “house rules” in customer-friendly
language within the terms of service and user guidelines.

Decide what level of engagement is desired before launching

an online service. Services aimed at appealing to children
should only present content that is suitable for a young
audience. If in doubt, the national authorities in charge of child
protection may be consulted.

Provide clear and factual content labelling. Be mindful that

users can arrive at inappropriate content by following links on
third-party sites that bypass contextualizing pages.

Guidelines for industry on Child Online Protection

Educating children, Companies offering curated digital content can complement

parents and educators technical measures with educational activities that are
about children’s safety and empowering for children by taking the following actions:
their responsible use of
ICTs Provide customers with specific and clear information about
content, such as the type of content, age ratings/restrictions,
strong language or violence and the corresponding parental
controls available; and about how to report misuse and
inappropriate or illegal content, and how reports will be
In the interactive world, this information should be provided in
the form of content labels for each program.

Encourage adults, especially parents, carers and educators,

to be involved in children and young people’s online content
consumption, so that they can assist and guide children and
young people in choosing content when making a purchase,
and help establish rules of behaviour.
Help children (and parents and carers) to learn to manage
their screen-time and understand how to use technology in a
way that feels good to them, including when to stop and do
something else.

Provide rules of use in clear and accessible language that

encourage children and young people to be vigilant and
responsible when they are navigating the Internet.

Build age-appropriate tools, such as tutorials and help centres.

Work with online or in-person prevention programmes and
counselling clinics when appropriate. For example, if there is a
risk of children and young people becoming too engaged with
technology, making it difficult for them to develop personal
relationships or take part in healthy physical activities, a site
could provide a contact link for a helpline or counselling
Make safety information, such as links to advice, prominent,
easily accessible and clear when online content is likely to
appeal to a high proportion of children and young people.

Offer a parental guidance tool, such as a “lock" for control of

content that can be accessed through a particular browser

Cooperate with parents to ensure that information disclosed

on the Internet about children does not put them at risk. How
children are identified in editorially curated content requires
careful consideration and will vary according to the context.
Obtain children’s informed consent when featuring them in
programmes, films, videos etc., wherever possible, and respect
any refusal to take part.

Guidelines for industry on Child Online Protection

Promoting digital Companies offering curated digital content can encourage and
technology as a mode to empower children and young people by supporting their right
further civic engagement to participation through the following actions:

Develop and/or offer a range of high-quality, challenging,

educational, enjoyable and interesting content that is age-
appropriate and helps children and young people make sense
of the world in which they live. In addition to being attractive
and usable, reliable and safe, such content can contribute
to children and young people’s physical, mental and social
development by providing new opportunities to entertain and
Content that empowers children to embrace diversity and be
positive role models should be strongly encouraged.

5.3 Feature C: Host user-generated content and connect users

There was a time when the online world was dominated by adults but it is now clear that children
and young people are major participants on multiple platforms in creating and sharing in the
explosion of user-generated content. This service feature addresses, among others, social
media services, apps and websites related to creative realization.

Services that connect users with each other can be divided in three categories:

• Primarily messaging apps (Facebook Messenger, Groupme, Line, Tinder, Telegram, Viber,
• Primarily social networking services that seek and host user-generated content and allow
users to share content and connect within and outside of their networks (Instagram,
Facebook, SnapChat, TikTok).
• Primarily live streaming apps (Periscope, BiGo Live, Facebook Live, Houseparty, YouTube
Live, Twitch, GoLive).

Service providers request a minimum age to sign up to the platforms but this is difficult to
enforce as age-verification is reliant on reported age. Most services that connect new users
with each other also allow location-sharing features, which make children and young people
using these services even more susceptible to offline danger.

Table 4, which has been adapted from the rules applied by one of the largest social networks,
provides guidance for providers of services hosting user-generated content and connecting
new users on policies and actions they can take to enhance child online protection and
children’s participation.

Guidelines for industry on Child Online Protection

Table 4: COP checklist for Feature C: Host user-generated content and

connect users

Integrating child rights Services hosting user-generated content and connecting users
considerations into all can identify, prevent and mitigate the adverse impacts of ICTs on
appropriate corporate children and young people’s rights, and identify opportunities to
policies and management support the advancement of children and young people’s rights.
Refer to the general guidelines in Table 1.

Developing standard In collaboration with government, law enforcement, civil society

processes to handle and hotline organizations, companies hosting user-generated
CSAM content and connecting users can play a key role in combating
CSAM by taking the following actions:

Establish procedures for all sites to provide immediate assistance

to law enforcement during emergencies and for routine inquiries.

Specify that the business will cooperate fully with law

enforcement investigations in the event that illegal content is
reported or discovered and note details regarding such penalties
as fines or cancellation of billing privileges.

Work with internal functions such as customer care, fraud

prevention and security to ensure that the business can submit
reports of suspected illegal content directly to law enforcement
and hotlines. Ideally, this should be done in a way that does not
expose front-line staff to the content or revictimize the affected
child/children and young people. To address situations where
staff may be exposed to abusive material, implement a policy or
programme to support staff resiliency, safety and well-being.

Use terms of service and conditions to prohibit illegal content

and behaviour, highlighting that:
• harmful content, including suspected grooming of children
with the intention of either contact or non-contact abuse, will
not be tolerated;
• illegal content, including the uploading or further
dissemination of CSAM, will not be tolerated;
• the company will refer to and collaborate fully with law
enforcement investigations in the event that illegal content,
or any breach of the child protection policy, is reported or

Document the company’s practices for handling CSAM,

beginning with monitoring and extending to the final transfer
and destruction of the content. Include a list of all personnel
responsible for handling the material in the documentation.

Adopt policies regarding ownership of user-generated content,

including the option to remove user-created content at the user’s
request. Remove content that violates the provider’s policies and
alert the user who has posted it about the violation.

Guidelines for industry on Child Online Protection

Developing standard Indicate that a user’s failure to comply with policies for
processes to handle acceptable use will have consequences, including:
CSAM • removal of content, suspension or closure of their account;
(cont.) • revoking their ability to share particular types of content or
use certain features;
• preventing them from contacting children;
• referring issues to law enforcement.

Developing standard Promote reporting mechanisms for CSAM or any other illegal
processes to handle child content and ensure that customers know how to file a report if
they discover such content.
sexual abuse material
Build systems and provide trained staff to assess issues on
a case-by-case basis and take appropriate action. Establish
comprehensive and well-resourced user-support operation
teams. Ideally, these teams would be trained to handle different
types of incidents in order to ensure that an adequate response
is provided and appropriate actions are taken. When the user
files a complaint, depending on the type of incident, it should be
routed to appropriate staff.
The company might also set up special teams to handle user
appeals for instances when reports may have been filed in error.

Have processes in place to immediately remove or block access

to CSAM, including notice and takedown processes to remove
illegal content as soon as it is identified. Ensure that third
parties with whom the company has a contractual relationship
have similarly robust notice and takedown processes in place.
If legislation allows, the material can be kept for evidence of a
crime in case of investigations.

Develop technical systems that can detect known illegal content

and can prevent it from being uploaded, including to private
groups, or flag it for immediate review by the company’s safety
team. Take all relevant measures to safeguard services from
being misused to host, disseminate or create CSAM.
Where possible, create proactive technical measures to analyse
the objects and metadata linked to a profile to detect criminal
behaviour or patterns, and take appropriate action.

If the application or service allows customers to upload and

store photographs on servers that are owned or operated by
the company, have processes and tools in place to identify
images that are most likely to contain CSAM. Consider proactive
identification techniques such as scanning technology or human

Guidelines for industry on Child Online Protection

Creating a safer and Service providers offering user-generated content and

age-appropriate online connecting users can help create a safer, more enjoyable digital
environment environment for children of all ages by taking the following

Communicate in customer-friendly language within the terms

of service and user guidelines a clear set of “house rules” that
• the nature of the service and what is expected of its users;
• what is and is not acceptable in terms of content, behaviour
and language as well as prohibiting illegal usage;
• the consequences of any breach, for example, reporting to
law enforcement and suspension of the user’s account.

Key safety and legal messages should be presented in an age-

appropriate format (i.e. utilizing intuitive icons and symbols) both
at signup and in a timely manner as different actions are taken on
the site.

Make it easy for customers to report concerns about misuse to

customer care, with standard and accessible processes in place
to deal with different concerns, such as receiving unwanted
communications (spam, bullying) or seeing inappropriate

Provide age-appropriate content-sharing and visibility settings.

For example, make privacy and visibility settings for children and
young people more restrictive than the settings for adults by

Enforce minimum age requirements and support the research

and development of new age-verification systems such as
biometrics, using known international standards for the
development of such tools. Take steps to identify and remove
underage users who have misrepresented their age to gain
access. Consideration needs to be given to the additional
personal data collection that this may entail and the need to limit
the collection and storage of this information and its processing.
If not already in place, set up appropriate sign-on processes to
determine whether users are old enough to access the content
or service without compromising their identity, location and
personal details. Use nationally established functional age-
verification systems as appropriate, where relevant measures for
data privacy of the child subjects exists. A reporting function or a
help desk/centre that can encourage users to report people who
have falsified their ages.

Guidelines for industry on Child Online Protection

Creating a safer and Protect younger users from uninvited communication and ensure
age-appropriate online that privacy and information-collection guidelines are in place.
Find ways to review hosted images and videos and delete
inappropriate ones when detected. Tools such as hash scanning
of known images and image recognition software are available
to assist with this. In services targeted at children, photos and
videos can be checked beforehand to make sure that children do
not publish sensitive personal information about themselves or

A number of measures may be used to control access to user-

generated content and protect children and young people online
against inappropriate or illegal content. Make sure that secure
passwords are used as a step towards protecting children and
young people in gaming and other social media settings. Other
techniques include:
• reviewing discussion groups to identify harmful subject
matter, hate speech and illegal behaviour, and deleting such
content when it is found to violate the terms of use;
• developing tools to actively seek and remove content that is
illegal or in breach of the company’s terms of condition and
service, as well as tools to prevent uploading of known illegal
content to the site;
• pre-moderating message boards with a team of specialized
children and young people’s moderators who screen for
content that is in contradiction to the published “house rules”.
Each message can be checked before it is published, and
moderators can also spot and flag suspicious users, as well as
users in distress;
• establishing a team of community hosts who serve as the first
point of contact for the moderators when they have concerns
about a user.

Be responsible for reviewing commercial content, including

in forums, social networks and gaming sites. Implement
appropriate standards and rules to protect children from age-
inappropriate advertising and establish clear limits for online
advertising to children and young people.

Guidelines for industry on Child Online Protection

Educating children, Service providers offering user-generated content can

parents and educators complement technical measures with educational and
about children’s safety empowerment activities by taking the following actions:
and their responsible use
of ICTs Create a section dedicated to safety tips, articles, features and
dialogue about digital citizenship, as well as links to useful
content from third-party experts. Safety advice should be easily
spotted and provided in easy-to-understand language. Platform
providers are also encouraged to have a uniform navigation
interface across different devices, such as computers, tablets or
mobile phones.

Offer parents clear information about the types of content and

services available, including, for example, an explanation of social
networking sites and location-based services, how the Internet
is accessed via mobile devices, and the options available for
parents to apply controls.

Inform parents about how to report abuse, misuse and

inappropriate or illegal content, and how the report will be
handled. Let them know what services are age-restricted
and other ways to behave safely and responsibly when using
interactive services.

Establish a “trust and reputation”-based system to encourage

good behaviour and enable peers to teach best practices to each
other by example. Promote the importance of social reporting,
which allows people to reach out to other users or trusted friends
to help resolve a conflict or open a conversation about troubling

Provide advice and reminders about the nature of a given service

or content and how to enjoy it safely. Build community guidelines
into interactive services, for example, with safety popups that
remind users of appropriate and safe behaviour, such as not
giving out their contact details.

Cooperate with parents and guide them to ensure that

information disclosed on the Internet about children does not
put them at risk. Obtain children’s informed consent when
featuring them through their own user-created content, wherever
possible, and respect any refusal.

Promote digital Services hosting user-generated content can encourage and

technology as a mode to empower children and young people by supporting their right to
further civic engagement participation.

Refer to the general guidelines in Table 1.

5.4 Feature D: Artificial intelligence-driven systems

With the increased attention given to deep learning technologies, the terms “artificial intelligence”,
“machine learning”, and “deep learning" have been used somewhat interchangeably by the
general public to reflect the concept of replicating “intelligent” behaviour in machines. In this
section, we focus on the ways that machine learning and deep learning processes impact
children’s lives and ultimately, their human rights.

Guidelines for industry on Child Online Protection

“Because of the exponential advancement of artificial intelligence-based technologies over

the past few years, the current international framework that protects children’s rights does not
explicitly address many of the issues raised by the development and use of artificial intelligence.
However, it does identify several rights that may be implicated by these technologies, and thus
provides an important starting place for any analysis of how children’s rights may be positively
or negatively affected by new technologies, such as rights to privacy, to education, to play,
and to non-discrimination.”18

The application of AI can affect the impact on children of different services that are used
on social networks, such as video streaming platforms. Machine-learning algorithms, the
recommendation engine primarily employed by popular video-sharing platforms, are optimized
to ensure maximum views of specific videos within a given time.19 Touchscreen technology and
the design of these platforms allow very young children to browse and navigate this content.
There is a particular concern that algorithms that use recommended videos can trap children
in “filter bubbles” of poor or inappropriate content. As children are particularly susceptible to
content recommendations, shocking “related videos” can grab their attention and divert them
away from more child-friendly programming.20

AI also has an impact on child online protection with regard to smart toys. The distinct processes
involved in the operation of smart toys come with their own challenges, i.e. the toy (which
interfaces with the child), the mobile application, acting as access point for Wi-Fi connection,
and the toy’s/consumer’s personalized online account, where data is stored. Such toys
communicate with cloud-based servers that store and process data provided by the children
who interact with the toy. This model has privacy concerns if security is not applied at every
layer, which has been demonstrated by the many cases of hacking in which personal details
were leaked. Moreover, some of the hacked devices (including smart web-enabled devices
such as baby monitors, voice assistants etc.) can be used for surveillance of users without their
knowledge or consent.

When integrating response mechanisms to detected threats against children using these
devices by, for example, providing tips and recommendations based on detected behaviour
(as mentioned earlier with the BBC Own It app), it is crucial that the companies designing the
smart devices base these recommendations on evidence and develop them in consultation
with child protection and child safeguarding experts.

While some companies are advancing principles for the ethical use of AI,21 it is not clear if there
are any public policies aimed at AI and children.22 Several technology and trade associations,
and computer science groups, have drafted ethical principles with regards to AI.23 However,
these do not explicitly refer to child rights, ways in which these AI technologies may create risks
for children, or proactive plans for mitigating those.

UNICEF, “Executive Summary: Artificial Intelligence and Children’s Rights”, 2018.
See Microsoft, "Salient Human Rights Issues”, Report - FY17; and Google, “Responsible Development of
AI” (2018).
Microsoft Official Blog, “The Future Computed: Artificial Intelligence and its role in society”, 2018.
The Guardian, “‘Partnership on AI’ formed by Google, Facebook, Amazon, IBM and Microsoft”, 2016.

Guidelines for industry on Child Online Protection

“Like corporations, governments around the world have adopted strategies for becoming
leaders in the development and use of AI, fostering environments congenial to innovators and
corporations.”24 It is unclear, however, how such national strategies directly address children’s

Improving Facebook’s handling of suicide

and self-injury related content

In 2019, Facebook began hosting regular consultations with experts from around the
world to discuss some of the more difficult topics associated with suicide and self-
injury. These include how to deal with suicide notes, the risks related to depressing
content online and newsworthy depictions of suicide. Further details of these meetings
are available on Facebook’s new Suicide Prevention page, in its Safety Center. These
consultations resulted in several improvements to the way Facebook handles this type
of content. Policy regarding self-harm, for example, was strengthened to prohibit
graphic cutting images to avoid unintentionally promoting or triggering self-harm.
Even when someone is seeking support or expressing themselves to aid their recovery,
Facebook now displays a sensitivity screen over images of healed self-harm cuts. This
type of content is now being discovered through the application of AI whereby action
on potentially harmful content, including removing it or adding sensitivity screens,
can be taken automatically. From April to June 2019, Facebook acted on more than
1.5 million pieces of suicide and self-injury content on its site and identified more
than 95 per cent of it before it was reported by a user. During that same time period,
Instagram acted on more than 800 thousand pieces of similar content, of which more
than 77 per cent was detected before being reported by a user.

Identifying potential bullying or peer-to-peer

violence in real time and messaging users

Instagram is putting in place AI to root out behaviour such as insults, shaming and
disrespect. By using sophisticated reporting tools, moderators can quickly close the
account owned by the perpetrator of online bullying.


Guidelines for industry on Child Online Protection

Good practice: Use of artificial intelligence in the

identification of child sexual abuse material

Building on Microsoft’s generous contribution of PhotoDNA to fight child exploitation

and the recent launch of Google Content Safety API, Facebook has also developed
technologies to detect child sexual abuse content.

Known as PDQ and TMK+PDQF, these technologies are part of a suite of tools
Facebook uses to detect harmful content. Other algorithms and tools available to
industry include pHash, aHash and dHash. The Facebook photo-matching algorithm,
PDQ, owes much inspiration to pHash, although it was built from the ground up as a
distinct algorithm with independent software implementation. The video-matching
technology, TMK+PDQF, was developed jointly by Facebook’s AI Research team and
academics from the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia in Italy.

These technologies create an efficient way to store files as short digital hashes that
can determine whether two files are the same or similar, even without the original
image or video. Hashes can also be more easily shared with other companies and
non-profit organizations.

PDQ and TMK+PDQF were designed to operate at high scale, supporting video-
frame-hashing and real-time applications.

Some of the recommendations for businesses to align their principles when designing and
implementing AI-based solutions targeting children are provided in Table 5.

Table 5: COP checklist for Feature D: AI-driven systems

Integrating child Providers of AI-driven systems can identify, prevent and mitigate
rights considerations the adverse impacts of ICTs on children and young people’s rights,
into all appropriate and identify opportunities to support the advancement of children
corporate policies and young people’s rights.
and management
processes AI systems should be designed, developed, implemented and
researched to respect, promote and fulfil child rights, as enshrined
in the Convention on the Rights of the Child. Childhood, which
is increasingly experienced in the digital environment, is a time
dedicated to special care and assistance. AI systems should be
leveraged to provide this support to its fullest potential.

Incorporate an inclusive design approach when developing child-

facing products, which maximizes gender, geographic and cultural
diversity, and includes a broad range of stakeholders, such as
parents, teachers, child psychologists, and, where appropriate,
children themselves.

Governance frameworks, including ethical guidelines, laws,

standards and regulatory bodies, should be established to oversee
processes which ensure that the application of AI systems does not
infringe upon child rights.

Guidelines for industry on Child Online Protection

Developing standard In collaboration with government, law enforcement, civil society

processes to handle and hotline organizations, providers of AI-driven systems play a key
CSAM role in combating CSAM by taking the following actions:

Refer to the general guidelines in Table 1.

Creating a safer and Providers of AI-driven systems can help create a safer and more
age-appropriate online enjoyable digital environment for children of all ages by taking the
environment following actions:

Adopt a multi-disciplinary approach when developing technologies

that affect children and consult with civil society, including
academia, to identify the potential impacts of these technologies
on the rights of a diverse range of potential end-users.

Implement safety by design and privacy by design for products and

services addressed to or commonly used by children.

As AI systems are data-hungry, companies using AI for their

services should apply special vigilance with regard to the collection,
processing, storage, sale and publishing of children’s personal
AI systems should be transparent, in that it should be possible to
discover how and why a system made a particular decision or, in
the case of a robot, acted the way it did. This transparency is crucial
to developing trust and facilitating auditing, investigations and
recourse when harm to children is suspected.
Ensure that there are functional and legal mechanisms for recourse
if children are, or claim to be, harmed through AI systems.
Processes should be established for the timely redress of any
discriminatory outputs, and oversight bodies set up for appeals
and continual monitoring of children’s safety and protection. 
Accountability and mechanisms for redress go hand in hand.

Develop plans for handling especially sensitive data, including

revelations of abuse or other harm that may be shared with the
company through its products. Digital platforms and AI systems
should minimize the collection of data on children and maximize
children’s control over the data they do create. Terms of use should
be understandable for children to empower their awareness and

Educating children, Providers of AI-driven systems can complement technical measures

parents and educators with educational and empowerment activities.
about children’s safety
and their responsible It should be possible to explain the purpose of AI systems to child
use of ICTs users and their parents or carers to empower them to decide to use
or refuse such platforms.

Guidelines for industry on Child Online Protection

Promote digital Providers of AI-driven systems can encourage and empower

technology as a children and young people by supporting their right to
mode to further civic participation.
Refer to the general guidelines in Table 1.

Using technology AI-driven systems should be developed to support children’s

advances to protect development and well-being as an outcome in all system design,
and educate children development and implementation. The best available and widely
accepted development and well-being metrics should be their
reference point.
Companies should invest in research and development of
ethical AI- based tools to detect acts of online CSAE, and online
harassment and bullying, in collaboration with key experts on
children’s rights and children themselves.
Advances in AI technology should be applied to target age-
appropriate messaging for children without compromising their
identity, location and personal details.

Text of the GDPR (Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of
27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal
data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data
Protection Regulation)), and text as published in the Official Journal of the EU.

Revised AVMS (Audio Visual Media Services) amending Directive 2010/13/EU on the
coordination of certain provisions laid down by law, regulation or administrative action in
Member States concerning the provision of audiovisual media services (Audiovisual Media
Services Directive) in view of changing market realities and Text as published in the Official
Journal of the EU.

BBC policy:

• Child protection and safeguarding policy version 2017, revised 2018, and updated version
• Working with young people and children at the BBC;
• Framework for Independent Production Companies working on BBC Productions on
external providers rules about child protection;
• Guidance: Interacting with children and young people online on editorial guidelines for
on-line activities.

Investigation proving non-respect of age verification for social media in the United Kingdom:
2016, 2017; 2020.

Guidelines for industry on Child Online Protection

The definitions below are mainly drawn from existing terminology set out in the Convention
on the Rights of the Child, 1989, as well as by the Interagency Working Group on Sexual
Exploitation of Children in the Terminology Guidelines for the Protection of Children from
Sexual Exploitation and Sexual Abuse, 2016 (Luxembourg Guidelines), by the Council of
Europe Convention on the Protection of Children against Sexual Exploitation and Sexual Abuse,
2007, as well as by the UNICEF Global Kids Online report, 2019.


Adolescents are people aged 10–19 years. It is important to note that “adolescents” is not a
binding term under international law, and persons below the age of 18 are considered to be
children, whereas persons 18–19 years old are considered adults, unless majority is attained
earlier under national law.25

Artificial intelligence

In the broadest sense, artificial intelligence (AI) refers indistinctly to systems that are pure
science fiction (so-called "strong" AIs with a self-aware form) and systems that are already
operational and capable of performing very complex tasks (systems described as "weak" or
"moderate" AIs, such as face or voice recognition, and vehicle driving).26

Artificial-intelligence systems

An AI system is a machine-based system that can, for a given set of human-defined objectives,
make predictions, recommendations, or decisions influencing real or virtual environments. AI
systems are designed to operate with varying levels of autonomy.27


Amazon Alexa, known simply as Alexa, is a virtual AI assistant developed by Amazon. It is

capable of voice interaction, music playback, making to-do lists, setting alarms, streaming
podcasts, playing audiobooks, and providing weather, traffic, sports, and other real-time
information, such as news. Alexa can also control several smart devices using itself as a
home automation system. Users are able to extend the Alexa capabilities by installing "skills"
(additional functionality developed by third-party vendors, in other settings more commonly
called apps such as weather programmes and audio features).28

Best interest of the child

Refers to all the elements necessary to make a decision in a specific situation for a specific
individual child or group of children.29

UNICEF and ITU, “Guidelines for Industry on Child Online Protection”, 2014.
Council of Europe, “What’s AI?”.
OECD, “Recommendation of the Council on Artificial Intelligence”, 2019.
UNICEF and ITU, “Guidelines for Industry on Child Online Protection”, 2014.
See the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child.

Guidelines for industry on Child Online Protection


In accordance with article 1 of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, a child is anyone
below the age of 18, unless majority is attained earlier under national law.30

Child sexual exploitation and abuse

Describes all forms of sexual exploitation and sexual abuse, e.g. “(a) the inducement or coercion
of a child to engage in any unlawful sexual activity; (b) the exploitative use of children in
prostitution or other unlawful sexual practices; (c) the exploitative use of children in pornographic
performances and materials”,31 as well as a “sexual contact that usually involves force upon a
person without consent”.32 Child sexual exploitation and abuse (CSEA) increasingly takes place
through the Internet, or with some connection to the online environment.

Child sexual exploitation and abuse material

The rapid evolution of ICTs has created new forms of online CSEA, which can take place
virtually and do not have to include a physical face-to-face meeting with the child.33 Although
many jurisdictions still label images and videos of child sexual abuse “child pornography” or
“indecent images of children”, these Guidelines refer to the issues collectively as “child sexual
abuse material” (CSAM). This term is in accordance with the Broadband Commission Guidelines
and the WePROTECT Global Alliances’ Model National Response34  and more accurately
describes the content. Pornography refers to a legitimate, commercialized industry, and as
the Luxembourg Guidelines state, the use of the term:

“may (inadvertently or not) contribute to diminishing the gravity of, trivializing, or even
legitimizing what is actually sexual abuse and/or sexual exploitation of children. The term
‘child pornography’ risks insinuating that the acts are carried out with the consent of the child
and represent legitimate sexual material.” When using the term CSAM, we refer to material
that represents acts that are sexually abusive and/or exploitative to a child. This includes, but
is not limited to, material recording the sexual abuse of children by adults, images of children
included in sexually explicit conduct, and the sexual organs of children when the images are
produced or used for primarily sexual purposes. 

See the Luxembourg Guidelines for terms such as “computer or digitally generated child
sexual abuse material”.

Children and young people

Describes all persons under the age of 18 years, whereby “children” (also referred to as
“younger children” in these ITU guidelines) covers all persons under the age of 15 years and
“young people” comprises persons in the 15–18 age group.

UNICEF and ITU, “Guidelines for Industry on Child Online Protection”, 2014.
Article 34 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child.
Terminology Guidelines for the Protection of Children from Sexual Exploitation and Sexual Abuse
(Luxembourg Guidelines), 2016.
The Luxembourg Guidelines (as above), 2016 and the UNICEF Global Kids Online report, 2019.
Broadband Commission for Sustainable Development, “Child Online Safety: Minimizing the Risk of Violence,
Abuse and Exploitation Online”, 2019; WePROTECT Global Alliance, “Preventing and Tackling Child Sexual
Exploitation and Abuse (CSEA): A Model National Response”, 2016.

Guidelines for industry on Child Online Protection

Connected toys

Connected toys connect to the Internet using technologies such as Wi-Fi and Bluetooth, and
typically operate in conjunction with companion apps to enable interactive play for children.
According to Juniper Research, in 2015 the market for connected toys reached USD 2.8 billion
and is predicted to increase to USD 11 billion by 2020. These toys collect and store personal
information from children including names, geolocation, addresses, photographs, audio and
video recordings.35


Cyberbullying describes an intentionally aggressive act carried out repeatedly by either a

group or an individual using digital technology and targeting a victim who cannot easily defend
him or herself.36 It usually involves “using digital technology and the Internet to post hurtful
information about someone, purposely sharing private information, photos or videos in a
hurtful way, sending threatening or insulting messages (via email, instant messaging, chat or
texts), spreading rumours and false information about the victim or purposely excluding them
from online communications”.37

Cyberhate, discrimination and violent extremism

“Cyberhate, discrimination and violent extremism are a distinct form of cyber violence as they
target a collective identity, rather than individuals, … often pertaining to race, sexual orientation,
religion, nationality or immigration status, sex/gender and politics”.38

Digital citizenship

Digital citizenship refers to the ability to engage positively, critically and competently in
the digital environment, drawing on the skills of effective communication and creation, to
practice forms of social participation that are respectful of human rights and dignity through
the responsible use of technology.39

Digital literacy

Digital literacy means having the skills a person needs to live, learn and work in a society
where communication and access to information is increasingly through digital technologies
like Internet platforms, social media and mobile devices.40 It includes clear communication,
technical skills and critical thinking.

Digital resilience

This term describes a child’s capacity to cope emotionally with harm encountered online. It also
refers to the emotional intelligence needed to understand when a child is at risk online, know
how to seek help, learn from experience and recover when things go wrong.41

Jeremy Greenberg, “Dangerous Games: Connected Toys, COPPA, and Bad Security”, Georgetown Law
Technology Review, 2017.
Anna Costanza Baldry et al. “Cyberbullying and Cybervictimization versus Parental Supervision, Monitoring
and Control of Adolescents’ Online Activities”, Children and Youth Services Review, 2019.
The Luxembourg Guidelines, 2016 and the UNICEF Global Kids Online report, 2019 (as above).
UNICEF Global Kids Online report, 2019 (as above).
Council of Europe, “Digital Citizenship and Digital Citizenship Education”.
Western Sydney University, “What is digital literacy?”.
Dr. Andrew K. Przybylski, et al., “A Shared Responsibility: Building children’s’ online resilience”, Virgin Media
and Parent Zone, 2014.

Guidelines for industry on Child Online Protection


Describes all persons who hold a position in a school management or governance structure.

Grooming/online grooming

Grooming/online grooming, as defined in the Luxembourg Guidelines, refers to “the process

of establishing/building a relationship with a child either in person or through the use of the
Internet or other digital technologies to facilitate either online or offline sexual contact with that
person”. It is the criminal activity of becoming friends with a child…, in order to try to persuade
the child to have a sexual relationship.

Information and communication technologies

Information and communication technologies (ICTs) describe all information technologies that
emphasize the aspect of communication. This includes all Internet-connecting services and
devices such as computers, laptops, tablets, smartphones, game consoles, and smartwatches.42
It also includes services such as radio and television as well as broadband, network hardware
and satellite systems.

Online gaming

Online gaming is defined as playing any type of single or multiplayer commercial digital game
via any Internet-connected device, including dedicated consoles, desktop computers, laptops,
tablets and mobile phones. The “online gaming ecosystem” is defined to include watching
others play video games via e-sports, streaming or video-sharing platforms, which typically
provide options for viewers to comment on or interact with the players and other members
of the audience.43

Parental control tools

Software that allows users, typically a parent, to control some or all functions of a computer
or other device that can connect to the Internet. Typically, such programmes can limit access
to particular types or classes of websites or online services. Some also provide scope for
time management, i.e. the device can be set to have access to the Internet only between
certain hours. More advanced versions can record all texts sent or received from a device. The
programmes normally will be password protected.44

Personal information

This term describes individually identifiable information concerning a person, which is collected
online. This includes the full name, contact details, such as home and email addresses, and
phone numbers, and fingerprints or facial recognition material, insurance numbers or any other
factor that permits the physical or online contacting or localization of a person. In this context, it
further refers to any information about a child and his or her entourage that is collected online
by service providers online, including connected toys and the Internet of things, and any other
connected technology.

UNICEF and ITU, “Guidelines for Industry on Child Online Protection”, 2014 (as above).
UNICEF, "Child Rights and Online Gaming: Opportunities & Challenges for Children and the Industry",
UNICEF and ITU, “Guidelines for Industry on Child Online Protection”, 2014 (as above).

Guidelines for industry on Child Online Protection


Privacy is often measured in terms of sharing personal information online, having a public
social media profile, sharing information with people met online, using privacy settings, sharing
passwords with friends, and concerns about privacy.45

Public service media

These are national broadcasters or media that have received their transmission licence based
on a series of contractual obligations with the state or parliament. These obligations have
been extended in many countries in recent years to tackle the consequences of the digital
transformation through media and digital literacy programmes and obligations to address
the digital divide.


Sexting is commonly defined as the sending, receiving or exchanging of self-produced

sexualized content including images, messages or videos through mobile phones and/or the
Internet.46 The creation, distribution and possession of sexual images of children is illegal in
most countries. If self-produced sexual images of children are disclosed, adults should not view
them. The sharing of sexual images by an adult with a child is always a criminal act, which can
be harmful and it may be necessary to report such images and remove them.

Sextortion or sexual extortion of children

Sextortion is the “blackmailing of a person with the help of self-generated images of that person
in order to extort sexual favours, money, or other benefits from her or him under the threat
of sharing the material beyond the consent of the depicted person (e.g. posting images on
social media)”.47

The Internet of Things

“The Internet of Things (IoT) represents the next step towards the digitization of our society
and economy, where objects and people are interconnected through communication networks
and report about their status and/or the surrounding environment.”48


This abbreviation stands for “uniform resource locator”, the address of an Internet page.49

US Federal Trade Commission, "Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act”, 1998.
The Luxembourg Guidelines, 2016 (as above).
The Luxembourg Guidelines, 2016 (as above).
European Commission, “Policy: The Internet of Things".
UNICEF and ITU, “Guidelines for Industry on Child Online Protection”, 2014 (as above).

Guidelines for industry on Child Online Protection

Virtual reality

“Virtual reality is the use of computer technology to create the effect of an interactive three-
dimensional world in which the objects have a sense of spatial presence.”50


Wi-Fi (Wireless Fidelity) is the group of technical standards that enable data transmission over
wireless networks.51

NASA, “Virtual Reality: Definition and Requirements”.
US Federal Trade Commission, "Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act”, 1998.

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ISBN: 978-92-61-30411-9

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Published in Switzerland
Geneva, 2020
Photo credits: Shutterstock

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