Genome Wide Association Study of Soybean Seed Germination Under Drought Stress
Genome Wide Association Study of Soybean Seed Germination Under Drought Stress
Genome Wide Association Study of Soybean Seed Germination Under Drought Stress
Drought stress, which is increasing with climate change, is a serious threat to agricultural sustainability worldwide. Seed
germination is an essential growth phase that ensures the successful establishment and productivity of soybean, which can
lose substantial productivity in soils with water deficits. However, only limited genetic information is available about how
germinating soybean seeds may exert drought tolerance. In this study, we examined the germinating seed drought-tolerance
phenotypes and genotypes of a panel of 259 released Chinese soybean cultivars panel. Based on 4616 Single-Nucleotide
Polymorphisms (SNPs), we conducted a mixed-linear model GWAS that identified a total of 15 SNPs associated with at least
one drought-tolerance index. Notably, three of these SNPs were commonly associated with two drought-tolerance indices.
Two of these SNPs are positioned upstream of genes, and 11 of them are located in or near regions where QTLs have been
previously mapped by linkage analysis, five of which are drought-related. The SNPs detected in this study can both drive
hypothesis-driven research to deepen our understanding of genetic basis of soybean drought tolerance at the germination stage
and provide useful genetic resources that can facilitate the selection of drought stress traits via genomic-assisted selection.
Keywords Soybean · Drought tolerance · Germination stage · Genome-wide association analysis (GWAS) · Single-
nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP)
* Lijuan Qiu Institute of Crop Sciences, Gansu Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Lanzhou 730070, China
Xusheng Qi Maize Research Institute, Heilongjiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Harbin 150086, China
1 Department of Plant, Soil and Microbial Sciences, Michigan
National Key Facility for Gene Resources and Genetic
State University, East Lansing 48824, USA
Improvement/Key Laboratory of Crop Germplasm
Utilization, Ministry of Agriculture/Institute of Crop Upland Crop Breeding Research Division, Department
Sciences, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, of Southern Area Crop Science, National Institute of Crop
Beijing 100081, China Science, Miryang 52402, Korea
Molecular Genetics and Genomics
food security, it is thus critical to increase our understand- biparental populations. Few studies were on QTLs underly-
ing of plant responses to abiotic stress; insights in this area ing drought-tolerance traits at the germination stage. Due
can support efforts to breed crops that can maintain higher to the unknown molecular mechanism of drought tolerance
improved yield under stress conditions (Condon et al. 2004; at germination stage in soybean, it is hard for breeders to
Morison et al. 2008). exploit genetic information on genomic-assisted breeding
Soybean is the most widely grown seed legume in the on drought tolerance.
world; and it is an inexpensive source of both protein and The present study used association analysis based on
vegetable oil. Drought stress is one of the most common genotypic and phenotypic information for a large germ-
adverse environmental conditions affecting soybean produc- plasm diversity panel of 259 released Chinese soybean cul-
tion (Dogan et al. 2007; Hufstetler et al. 2007; Mohammadi tivars and sought to identify genetic mechanisms underlying
et al. 2012), and it is now understood that drought affects drought tolerance at the seed germination stage. We used a
soybean seed yields (to at least some degree) during all popular method for phenotyping the drought tolerance of
growth stages (Boyer 1982). Typical yield losses associated germinating seeds for each cultivar in our association panel,
with water deficit are about 40% (Specht et al. 1999); how- and used a total of 4616 SNPs for our mixed-linear model
ever, depending upon the intensity and stage at which such GWAS. In total, we identified 15 associations between given
stress occurs, yield losses can be 80% or higher (Dias et al. SNPs and drought-tolerance indices, and three of these SNPs
2012; Oya et al. 2004). Due to the high costs of irrigation were significantly associated with more than one of the
and/or lack of water availability, irrigation is not a feasible drought-tolerance phenotypic indices. Five of the identified
option for most of the soybean growing regions. Therefore, associations have been previously associated with drought-
the development of soybean genotypes with drought toler- tolerance traits (canopy architecture and seed hardness),
ance, particularly those with the ability to germinate and supporting both the utility of our GWAS analysis and sug-
become established in water-deficit conditions, is viewed gesting that physiological mechanisms controlling drought
as one of the most economical ways to increase the stabil- tolerance in the germination stage may be similar to those
ity and sustainability of soybean production. Thus, drought known to help plants tolerate drought stress at later stages
tolerance has been identified as a major breeding target for of the plant lifecycle. Our study thus lays the foundation for
crop improvement (Rönnberg-Wästljung et al. 2005; Pennisi the molecular breeding of soybeans with increased drought
2008; Xiong et al. 2006). tolerance and generates multiple functional hypotheses relat-
A large number of studies have highlighted that tremen- ing to the basic biology of how germinating seeds manage
dous genetic variability underlies observed differences in water deficits.
soybean drought-tolerance traits (Frederick et al. 2001;
Mederski and Jeffers 1973; Specht et al. 1986). Tradition-
ally, drought-tolerant genotypes have been selected based Materials and methods
on observations of phenotypes for plants grown under
controlled conditions. However, conventional breeding for Plant materials
drought-tolerant crop varieties is time-consuming and labor
intensive, due in large part to the complex quantitative nature An association mapping panel composed of 259 cultivars
of drought-tolerance traits and the attendant difficulties in released in the Northeast of China and the Yellow River
making selection for drought tolerance (Charlson et al. 2009; Valleys was constructed (Liu et al. 2017). Of the 259 Chi-
Ribaut et al. 1997). Thus, if quantitative genetics or other nese cultivars (which were from 11 provinces), 217 were
analytical methods can identify genomic regions associated derived from the Northern spring (Nsp) ecotype, while
with drought tolerance, breeders would have more useful 42 were derived from the Huang-huai-hai summer (Hsu)
guidance to facilitate the rapid development of improved ecotype. Notably, these cultivars are known to exhibit both
cultivars with increased drought tolerance, for example using clear geographic differentiation and genetic diversity (Liu
marker-assisted selection. et al. 2017). Detailed information for these 259 accessions
QTL mapping on drought-related traits in soybean has is presented in Table S1.
been conducted, focusing for example on yields under
drought stress conditions (Du et al. 2009a, b), fibrous roots Phenotyping
(Abdel-Haleem et al. 2011), water use efficiency (Mian et al.
1996, 1998; Specht et al. 2001), canopy wilting (Abdel-Hal- Fundamentally, our strategy for assessing the drought tolerance
eem et al. 2012; Charlson et al. 2009; Hwang et al. 2015, of the seeds of the various cultivars was based the PEG6000
2016), leaf pubescence density, leaf wilting coefficient, and concentration for soybean seeds drought treatment reported
rate of excised leaf drying (Du et al. 2009c). However, all by Shu et al. (2015) (the PEG6000 concentration which we
of these studies have been based on linkage mapping using used was 22%) and the data analysis was based on Thabet
Molecular Genetics and Genomics
et al. (2018). Very briefly, 30 healthy seeds for each culti- The method described above was implemented in tool
var were selected; seeds were put into sterilized Petri dishes “ANOVA” in the QTL IciMapping software (Meng et al.
(15 × 15 × 2.5 cm3) containing two vermiculite layers: the mass 2015).
of the vermiculite in each of the two layers was 35 g. Next,
120 ml of PEG6000 or control (aqueous) solutions (22% or Genotyping and genotypic data analyses
0%) were added to the dishes wherein the seeds were sand-
wiched between the vermiculite layers. Subsequently, the In general, the genotyping and genotypic data analyses fol-
plates were incubated in the dark in a germination chamber at lowed the same pipeline as in Liu et al. (2017). DNA sam-
25 ± 1 °C, and the number of germinate seeds were counted ples were extracted from soybean seedlings leaves follow-
after 7 days of incubation. Note that seeds were considered ing a previously described method (Kisha et al. 1997; Liu
to have germinated when the radicle was as long as the seed et al. 2017). The population was genotyped using an Illu-
and when the radical was half as long as the seed. For each mina SoySNP6k iSelect BeadChip; this contains 5361 SNPs
cultivar, the five germinated seeds with longest radicle were (Akond et al. 2013). Chromosomal distributions and qual-
selected; the lengths of these radicles were measured, and their ity control of these SNPs followed a previous study (Wen
fresh weights were measured and recorded. This seed germina- et al. 2014). Powermarker 3.25 was used to assess minor
tion experiment, which also tracked overall germination rates, allele frequencies (MAFs), polymorphic information con-
was repeated three times independently. Therefore, the evalu- tent (PIC), heterozygosity, and gene diversity (Liu and Muse
ated germination traits which we examined included the fresh 2005). A subset of 4616 SNPs (with missing rates lower than
radicle weight (RW), the fresh radicle length (RL), and the 0.25 and MAF higher than 0.05) was selected from amongst
germination rate [GR% = (number of germinated seeds/total the 5361 SNPs for use in the following analyses.
seed number used in the test) × 100]. We used the data for Multivariate analyses, including principal component
these traits to generate indices that were defined as the ratio of analysis (PCA), model-based population structure analysis,
the germination-related traits (RW, RL, and GR) under drought and cluster analysis with a neighbor-joining algorithm, were
conditions to the same traits under the control drought-free used to cluster the soybean lines of the population into sub-
condition: DT-RW, DT-RL, and DT-GR. groups; the PCA and cluster analysis were implemented in
TASSEL 5.0. The Bayesian model-based program STRU
Phenotypic data analysis CTURE 2.3 (Pritchard et al. 2000) was also used to infer
the population structure; this assigned the 259 genotypes
For the three germination-related traits (i.e., RW, RL, and GR), into subpopulations based on the aforementioned 4616 poly-
phenotypic effect was partitioned into overall mean, genotypic morphic SNP markers. Ten independent analyses were per-
effect (Geno), treatment effect (Treatment), genotype-by- formed, with each including 100,000 burn-ins and 100,000
treatment effect (Geno × Treat), replication within treatment MCMC replications. We considered ten different hypotheti-
effect (Block/Treat), and random error effect in the ANOVA cal numbers of subpopulations (k) (1–10). The number of
model. Since the three drought-tolerance indices (i.e., DT-RW, subpopulations was declared when Δk reached its highest
DT-RL, and DT-GR) were derived from the two respective value (an ad hoc statistic; Evanno et al. 2005).
treatments, phenotypic effect of each DT-RW, DT-RL, and Using Arlequin V3.11, analysis of molecular variance
DT-GR was partitioned into overall mean, genotypic effect (AMOVA) (Excoffier et al. 1992) and F-statistics (FST) anal-
(Geno), replication effect, and random error effect in the ysis were performed (Excoffier et al. 2005) to investigate the
ANOVA model. Once the linear model of ANOVA is defined, population differentiations among the subpopulations that
total degree of freedom and total sum square can be partitioned were identified using STRUCTURE. For assessing LD, r2
into the components defined in the linear model, from which was calculated using TASSEL 5.0 (Bradbury et al. 2007);
mean square (MS) of each source of variation can be calcu- the length of an LD block was determined when the decay
lated, and the significance test can be conducted. To calculate distance of LD reached r2 = 0.1.
the heritability in broad sense( (H2) for
) DT-RW, DT-RL,(and
DT-GR, the genetic variance 𝜎Geno and error variance 𝜎𝜀2 Genome‑wide association analysis
Molecular Genetics and Genomics
correction as 2.6 to balance the rates of false positives and Table 2 Descriptive statistics of three drought-tolerance indices for
false negatives. If many SNPs were in one LD block with the the 259 soybean cultivars
chromosome segment controlling the trait of interest, they all Traits Minimum Maximum Mean SD CV
could be called as QTL. In practice, only the SNP having the
DT-RLa 0 0.2286 0.0683 0.0474 69.34
highest − log10(P) in the chromosome region was declared as
DT-RWb 0 0.0935 0.0348 0.0213 61.27
a QTL. In this study, LD decay distance (r2 = 0.1) was used
DT-GRc 0 1.0000 0.3624 0.2681 73.97
to determine LD blocks; and this was the support interval
used to declare significant SNPs associated with a given SD standard deviation, CV coefficient of variation
target trait. a
DT-RL was defined as the ratio of radical length under drought
stress conditions and radical length under no-drought stress condi-
Results b
DT-RW was defined as the ratio of fresh radical weight under
drought stress conditions and fresh radical weight under no-drought
stress conditions
Phenotypic variation and correlation analysis c
DT-GR was defined as the ratio of germination rate under drought
stress conditions and germination rate under no-drought stress condi-
Three germination-related traits, namely RL, RW, and GR, tions
were measured in seeds for the 259 soybean accessions
under 0 (C) or 22% PEG6000 (D). The means, ranges,
standard deviations, and coefficients of variation for these distributions of DT-RL, DT-RW, and DT-GR among the cul-
traits are shown in Table S2. The means of RL, RW, and tivars of the population (Fig. 1), the three drought-tolerance
GR values for the seeds treated with 22% PEG6000 were indices which we calculated are apparently quantitative traits
1.5200 cm, 0.0260 g, and 35.6550%, while the means for that are likely controlled by multiple genes.
the controls were of 22.2885 cm, 0.7612 g, and 97.5167%, Pearson’s correlations between the three drought-toler-
respectively. Obviously, all of these traits were substantially ance indices were analyzed based on the means for the 259
higher under normal conditions than under drought-stressed accessions (Table 4). DT-GR was found to be positively cor-
conditions. ANOVA indicated significant (P < 0.001) vari- related with the DT-RL (r of 0.85; P < 0.001) and DT-RW (r
ation among genotypes, treatments, and genotype-by-treat- of 0.79; P < 0.001). DT-RL and DT-RW were also positively
ment interactions for all three measured traits among the correlated (r of 0.91; P < 0.001). Furthermore, the broad
cultivars of the population (Table 1), and genotype-by-treat- sense heritabilities for DT-RL, DT-RW, and DT-GR were
ment interaction had a much smaller variance compared to 85.69%, 84.59%, and 92.33%, respectively.
genotype, indicating that genotypic variation was the major
player in the observed phenotypic variation for the three Genetic diversity of the 259 accessions based
traits. The mean values for the calculated indices (DT-RL, on 4616 SNPs
DT-RW, and DT-GR) were 0.0683, 0.0348, and 0.3624
(Table 2), respectively, with significant (P < 0.001) variation Of the 4,616 SNPs of the selected subset from the chip,
for all three (Table 3). Given the substantial variation for the the mean values for MAF, gene diversity, heterozygosity,
Table 1 Analysis of variance Trait Source DFd Sum of square Mean square F value Pr > F
(ANOVA) of three germination-
related traits under 0% PEG and RL Geno 258 4230.71 16.40 17.26 < 0.0001
22% PEG conditions for seeds
Treatment 1 167,456.56 167,456.56 176,248.47 < 0.0001
of the 259 soybean cultivars
Block/treat 4 16.69 4.17 4.39 0.0016
Geno × treat 258 3280.25 12.71 13.38 < 0.0001
RW Geno 258 6.16 0.02 13.90 < 0.0001
Treatment 1 209.49 209.49 121,920.35 < 0.0001
Block/treat 4 0.50 0.12 72.25 < 0.0001
Geno × treat 258 5.81 0.02 13.11 < 0.0001
GR Geno 258 321,549.25 1246.31 39.65 < 0.0001
Treatment 1 1,483,266.88 1,483,266.88 47,189.53 < 0.0001
Block/treat 4 638.88 159.72 5.08 0.0005
Geno × treat 258 261,366.23 1013.05 32.23 < 0.0001
Molecular Genetics and Genomics
Table 3 Analysis of variance Traits Source DF Sum of square Mean square F value Pr > F
(ANOVA) of three drought-
tolerance indices in the 259 DT-RL a
Geno 258 1.7360 0.0067 18.94 < 0.0001
soybean cultivars
Replication 2 0.0029 0.0015 4.08 0.0174
DT-RWb Geno 258 0.3494 0.0014 17.38 < 0.0001
Replication 2 0.0011 0.0005 6.74 0.0013
DT-GRc Geno 258 55.5808 0.2154 36.99 < 0.0001
Replication 2 0.0702 0.0351 6.02 0.0026
DF degree of freedom
DT-RL was defined as the ratio of radical length under drought stress conditions and radical length under
no-drought stress conditions
DT-RW was defined as the ratio of fresh radical weight under drought stress conditions and fresh radical
weight under no-drought stress conditions
DT-GR was defined as the ratio of germination rate under drought stress conditions and germination rate
under no-drought stress conditions
and PIC were 0.2773, 0.3649, 0.0751, and 0.2904, respec- with k = 3 was used in the subsequent genome-wide asso-
tively (Table S3, Fig. S1). The mean LD of the whole ciation analysis.
genome was r 2 = 0.2440. When the LD decay distance
was around 2,000 kb, r2 decreased to half of its maximum QTLs for the three drought‑tolerance indices
value; and when the decay distance was about 10,500 kb,
r2 was below 0.1 (Fig. S2); these results suggest relatively Fifteen QTLs, distributed in 13 soybean chromosomes were
slow LD decay in this population. The mean marker den- found to be significantly associated with the three drought-
sity was 204.27 kb for the whole population and, there- tolerance indices, and each of these explained (on aver-
fore, was assumed to have adequate power to detect major age) 5.81% of the phenotypic variation (Table 5, Figs. 3
QTL-related germination drought traits in the association and 4). There were two QTLs on each of chromosomes
panel. 12, and 20. Among the 15 detected QTLs some were asso-
Consideration of Δk values obtained in STRUCTURE ciated with more than one trait: 11 were associated with
analysis showed that k = 3 was the optimal population DT-GR; 3 QTLs were associated with DT-RL; and 4 QTLs
subdivision, indicating that the accessions formed three were associated with DT-RW (Table 5). The QTL located
major clusters (Fig. 2a, b). To validate and gain further around 16,289,406-bp on chromosome 11 (ss247449682)
insight into the genetic diversity of the soybean germplasm was commonly associated with DT-GR and DT-RW. The
panel, we constructed a neighbor-joining tree based on the QTL located around 39,325,657-bp on chromosome 17
frequency of shared alleles among the accessions. Con- (ss249472124) was commonly associated with DT-GR
sistent with the results from STRUCTURE analysis and and DT-RL. The QTL located around 46,546,046-bp on
the geographical origins, the 259 soybean accessions were chromosome 20 (ss250606162) was commonly associated
classified into three major groups (Fig. 2c). One group was with DT-RW and DT-RL. These three QTLs highlight the
composed largely of accessions from the Huang-huai-hai aforementioned strong positive correlations between these
valley region (41 out of 48); one was composed largely of drought-tolerance indices (Table 4). We consider the poten-
accessions from Heilongjiang province (107 out of 122); tial functional information related to these QTLs below, in
and the third group was mainly composed of accessions the discussion. Notably, 11 of the QTLs we identified are
from Jilin province (76 out of 89) (Table S4). located within 500 kb of loci reported in previous quan-
PCA has been proposed as an alternative to population titative genetics analyses in soybean, with 5 of them hav-
structure analysis for studying population stratification ing been previously associated with drought-related traits
from genotypic data (Patterson et al. 2006). A PCA of the (Table 5).
entire set of 259 accessions with the 4616 SNPs (Fig. 2d)
also showed a clear separation of the same three groups
that were identified in the STRUC TUR E and neighbor- Discussion
joining tree analyses. The significant pairwise FST values
(Table S5) found between the three subpopulations (0.21, Seed germination is obviously an essential stage in the
P < 0.001) further confirmed the existence of three sub- growth cycle of most seed plants. The amount of water
populations for the 259 accessions. Therefore, a Q matrix needed for the germination stage is much smaller than
Molecular Genetics and Genomics
Fig. 1 Frequency distributions of three drought-tolerance indices DT-RL (a), DT-RW (b), and DT-GR (c) in the 259 soybean cultivars
amount needed over the whole soybean life cycle, but it revealed substantial diversity in an association panel of 259
is now understood that water deficits in the germination released cultivars (Fig. 1), and a genome-wide association
stage of soybean can cause severe effects on overall growth. analysis based on the 4,616 SNPs identified fifteen QTLs
Drought occurs frequently in the three main soybean pro- associated with drought tolerance (Table 5).
duction areas of China, particularly during the sowing time As noted in the results, our association mapping results
for cultivars based on the Hsu and Nsp ecotypes, thus caus- for the drought-tolerance indices were compared with
ing difficulty for sowing and germination. Currently, little QTLs previously reported within a 500 kb vicinity using
is known regarding the genetics of drought tolerance in soy- tools at Soybase ( Five of the
bean at the germination stage. In the present study, the distri- QTLs detected in present study, including ss246991464 on
bution of values for three drought-related phenotypic indices Chr. 9, ss247449682 on Chr. 11, ss248468442 on Chr. 14,
Molecular Genetics and Genomics
Table 4 Phenotypic correlations between drought stress indices based (Abdel-Haleem et al. 2012; Hwang et al. 2016; Kaler et al.
on the means of the traits in the 259 soybean cultivars 2017).
Trait DT-RWb DT-GRc Of particular note, the region which contained our QTL
for the SNP marker ss250269376 has been identified in
DT-RLa 0.9138*** 0.8542***
three previously reported studies (Abdel-Haleem et al.
DT-RWb 0.7917***
2012; Hwang et al. 2016; Kaler et al. 2017); the SNP that
***Significant level under 0.0001 for Pearson correlation test we detected is 3090 bp away from the SNP (ss715635661)
DT-RL was defined as the ratio of radical length under drought detected by Kaler et al. (2017) that was associated with
stress conditions and radical length under no-drought stress condi- delayed canopy wilting. In terms of our association panel, it
tions was notable that cultivars with allele G for the ss250269376
DT-RW was defined as the ratio of fresh radical weight under position had significantly higher DT-GR values than those
drought stress conditions and fresh radical weight under no-drought
stress conditions
with allele A across all accessions (P value < 0.01) (Fig. 5a).
c Further analysis indicated that the distribution of allele G
DT-GR was defined as the ratio of germination rate under drought
stress conditions and germination rate under no-drought stress condi- was also uneven across the three geographical subpopula-
tions tions; the frequency of the favorable allele G was only 5.98%
in SG 2 (mainly from Heilongjiang province), 12.35% in
SG 3 (mainly from Jilin province), but rose to fully 82.93%
ss250269376 on Chr. 19, and ss250606162 on Chr. 20, were in SG 1 (mainly from Hsu region) (Fig. 5b). Seed hard-
located in regions (Table 5) that have been previously asso- ness is known to be closely related with drought tolerance
ciated with the genetic control of delayed canopy wilting (Liu 2009). Thus, it was interesting that the region near
Fig. 2 Genetic structure and relatedness of the 259 soybean cultivars. from groups when k = 3; c Neighbor-joining tree constructed using
a Evolution of the natural logarithm probability of the data against K SNP data; soybean accessions from Heilongjiang are shown in red;
and the magnitude of Δk for each K value; b Clustering for K = 3 for those from Jilin are shown in blue; those from Liaoning and Inner
the entire panel of soybean cultivars. Each individual is represented Mongolia are shown in purple; and those from the Huanghuaihai val-
by a vertical bar, partitioned into colored segments with the length of ley region are shown in black. d Principal component analysis for the
each segment representing the proportion of the individual’s genome entire panel of soybean cultivars
Table 5 SNPs significantly associated with the three calculated drought-tolerance indices
Marker Chr Position Associated traits (R2%) − log10(P) Alleles and allelic effect Reported QTLs/genes
Molecular Genetics and Genomics
Fig. 4 Manhattan plot from the Q + K model across the three drought-tolerance indices: DT-GR (a), DT-RL (b), and DT-RW (c)
seek to confirm the functional contributions of the identi- the germination stage of plant growth. Collectively, our
fied QTLs in different genetic backgrounds and in different work will facilitate future molecular breeding of soybean
environments. Scientifically, the loci detected in the present for improved drought tolerance, which will help to ensure
study lay the foundation for deepening our understanding stable high yields in increasingly variable climatological
of the genetic basis of soybean drought tolerance during conditions.
Molecular Genetics and Genomics
Acknowledgements This work was supported by the National Key R Abdel-Haleem H, Carter TE, Purcell LC, King CA, Ries LL, Chen
& D Program for Crop Breeding (Grant No. 2016YFD0100304), the P, Schapaugh W, Sinclair TR, Boerma HR (2012) Mapping of
Development of Novel Elite Soybean Cultivars and Lines with High quantitative trait loci for canopy-wilting trait in soybean (Glycine
Oil Content (Grant No. Z161100000916005-06), the Crop Germplasm max L. Merr). Theor Appl Genet 125:837–846
Resources Protection (Grant No. 2017NWB036-5), the Platform of Akond M, Liu S, Schoener L, Anderson JA, Kantartzi SK, Meksem
National Crop Germplasm Resources of China (Grant Nos. 2018-004 K, Song Q, Wang D, Wen Z, Lightfoot DA, Kassem MA (2013)
and 2017-004), the Agricultural Science and Technology Innovation SNP-based genetic linkage map of soybean using the SoySNP6K
Program of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences (CAAS), Illumina Infinium BeadChip genotyping array. J Plant Genome
and the Improvement of Soybean Abiotic Stress Tolerance to Address Sci 1:80–89
the Climate Change (Grant No. PJ0121092018). Bai J, Mao J, Yang H, Khan A, Fan A, Liu S, Zhang J, Wang D, Gao
H, Zhang J (2017) Sucrose non-ferment 1 related protein kinase
Author contributions ZL, XQ, and LQ conceived and designed the 2 (SnRK 2) genes could mediate the stress responses in potato
experiments. ZL, ZG, YZ, XW, and HR performed the experiments. (Solanum tuberosum L.). BMC Genet 18:41
ZL, HL, ZW, BKW, YL, LY, HG, DW, XQ, and LQ analyzed data and Boyer JS (1982) Plant productivity and environment. Science
wrote the manuscript. All authors read and approved the manuscript. 218:443–448
Bradbury PJ, Zhang Z, Kroon DE, Casstevens TM, Ramdoss Y, Buck-
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Compliance with ethical standards complex traits in diverse samples. Bioinformatics 23:2633–2635
Cattivelli L, Rizza F, Badeck FW, Mazzucotelli E, Mastrangelo AM,
Conflict of interest The authors have declared that no competing in- Francia E, Mare C, Tondelli A, Stanca AM (2008) Drought toler-
terests exist. ance improvement in crop plants: an integrated view from breed-
ing to genomics. Field Crop Res 115:1–14
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participants or animals performed by any of authors. PM, Lourenço TF, Figueiredo DD, Margis-Pinheiro M, Costa
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