4 Selectarc Tig 308l 309l Et 316l FT Web Anglais
4 Selectarc Tig 308l 309l Et 316l FT Web Anglais
4 Selectarc Tig 308l 309l Et 316l FT Web Anglais
Stainless steel TIG rods with very low carbon content, certified by the CWB (Canadian Welding
Bureau), for welding a wide range of stainless steel grades (301, 302, 304, 304L, 308, 308L, 309,
309L, 316, 316L, 317, 317L, 318, 321, 347, etc.)
• Certified by CWB to CSA W48-06
• Conforms to specifications : AWS A5.9 and ASME SFA 5.9
• Excellent weldability characteristics
• Low carbon filler metal
• Available in several diameters
Selectarc TIG 308L : Tensile strength = 87 000 psi (600 MPa) ; Elongation = 38 %
Selectarc TIG 309L : Tensile strength = 89 900 psi (620 MPa) ; Elongation = 35 %
Selectarc TIG 316L : Tensile strength = 94 300 psi (650 MPa) ; Elongation = 38 %
Selectarc TIG 308L = welding of stainless steel grades 301, 302, 304L, 308, 308L, 321 and 347
Selectarc TIG 309L = welding of stainless steel grades 309, 309L, 304, 304L, 308 and 308L
Selectarc TIG 316L = welding of stainless steel grades 316, 316L, 317, 317L and 318
Diameter : 3.2 mm (1/8’’), 2.5 mm (3/32’’), 1.6 mm (1/16’’), 1.2 mm (.045’’)
Polarity : DC-
Gas : Pure argon
Gas flow : 35 – 40 CFH
Packaging : 5 kg
MIG wires certified CWB : Selectarc MIG 308LSi, Selectarc MIG 309LSi and Selectarc MIG 316LSi
Flux-cored wire with slag FP (flat and horizontal) : FC 308L-FP, FC 309L-FP, FC 316L-FP
Rév.: 9_07