Configuring Distributed Systems in A Java-Based Environment: Louis J Botha, Judith M Bishop
Configuring Distributed Systems in A Java-Based Environment: Louis J Botha, Judith M Bishop
Configuring Distributed Systems in A Java-Based Environment: Louis J Botha, Judith M Bishop
Abstract: Two advances in system design over the past decade are brought together in this paper to
enhance the process of building distributed systems. Component based programming separates the
construction of computational units from their configuration into complex systems. An accepted
technique for configuring components is to use an architectural description languages such as Darwin.
The resulting system then runs on an environment such as Regis. Arriving later, Java emphasises the
presence of the network, and thereby facilitates large scale distributed programming. This paper
presents the design, implementation and assessment of Jade, a runtime environment written in and
based on Java, which will support component based programming. Though most of the functions of
Darwin’s Regis environment are present in Jade, its internal structure is very different. Our results
show that using Java’s built-in networking makes for a simpler system with controllable system
overhead and good scalability properties.
Keywords : component based programming, network programming, distributed systems, Darwin, Java
1. Introduction
The introduction of component based programming has brought with it a different way of viewing the
software development process. When systems are designed and built using components, traditional
design techniques can only be used with limited success [1]. New ways of creating and verifying
software architectures based on components have to be sought. One approach is to view the
architecture of a system in a graphical format. For example, programs using JavaBeans are constructed
using complex graphical tools [2]. Property editors allow the programmer to customize beans, thereby
constructing complex architectures of components without requiring the programmer to write a single
line of code. The problem with architecting software graphically is that it is difficult, if not impossible,
to verify correctness and other desirable properties.
Software architecture allows us to view the overall structure of a system in terms of its constituent
components and their interactions. It views the structure of the system separately from its behaviour.
The fact that the architecture of a system can be represented programmatically using an architectural
description language [3] makes it possible to perform analysis with respect to properties such as safety
[4] and liveness [5]. More complex analysis can also be performed, such as behaviour analysis [6]. The
ability to specify a software architecture programmatically is important when software quality and
correctness are requirements. Languages such as Darwin [7] enable software architects to ensure that
the systems that they design are correct and feasible.
During the past few years, the direction software design had been taking has undergone rather radical
changes. Due to the huge range of applications that benefit from the integration of applications and
networks, the vision of Sun Microsystems to make the network an integral part of modern computing
has largely succeeded [8]. As the network programming technology matures, the basic techniques by
which software is designed, developed and deployed are constantly being re-thought and modified. The
recent past has seen a definite trend towards component based programming [9]. Components can be
replaced easily by other ones, either at compile time or at run-time, creating dynamically re-
configurable applications [10]. Libraries of components can be constructed and re-used at will, thereby
increasing the usability of code and flexibility of applications. Three leading contenders that are
emerging in the popular component market are Sun’s JavaBeans [11], the Object Management Group’s
CORBA [12] and Microsoft’s DCOM (Distributed Component Object Model).
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Much benefit can be gained by using proven concepts such as architecture description languages to
support and enhance current technologies. Darwin, for example, has been used with success in various
situations in the past. It has been shown that it can also be used successfully to organise CORBA based
distributed systems [13]. Figure 1 illustrates the split in responsibility between the language for
configuring components (e.g. Darwin) and the runtime environment that supports it (e.g. Regis). This
paper shows how the strengths of Darwin and its runtime environment, Regis, can be combined with
the strengths of Java in order to build a useful distributed system.
The Regis programming model follows the ‘software integrated circuit’ approach of program
construction. Self-contained components are connected by typed communication objects to form
distributed programs. An architecture description language such as Darwin is used to specify the
binding together and instantiation of the components.
A Regis program consists of a tree of components of which the root and all non-leaf nodes are
composite components, written in Darwin. Leaves are primitive, algorithmic components written in
C++. While such programs are closed systems, there is support for inter-application communications.
#include <process.h>
struct hello: public process {
hello(void) {
puts(“Hello world”); exit();
main() {
hello h;
Figure 2: Hello world in Regis
Figure 2 shows the Hello World program in Regis. This program has no Darwin description. There is
no necessity for one, as it is very simple (it has no constituent components) and it is not compulsory to
have one.
A component in Regis is seen as a single thread in a Unix process. Components in Regis are derived
from the Process base class. The Process class controls the instantiation and distribution of
distributed components. The Process class includes a scheduler. The scheduler is not pre-emptive;
processes run to completion before returning to the caller.
Components may be distributed arbitrarily on any of the participating machines. The Regis runtime
environment provides a remote execution daemon to achieve location transparency to the components.
The Regis Execution Daemon (RED) provides services for the remote execution of objects, creating a
large virtual parallel machine. Each virtual host has a unique identification number. RED maps these
numbers to a set of real Unix machines using an internal algorithm or by using user preferences.
Therefore a physical host may have several virtual hosts on it at any time. Each physical machine
taking part in the Regis virtual machine needs to have a RED running.
A useful feature in RED is that it provides for the redirection of standard input and standard output for
all parts of an application. When running a distributed application using RED, all the remote parts of
the application will have their standard output and standard error streams redirected to the main part of
the application, giving the illusion that the application is only executing on the machine where the main
component is executing.
Components send and receive messages on port objects. Ports use the C++ template facility: before a
port can be used, it must be parameterised with the type of data that the port can receive. Messages are
sent from Portref objects to Port objects. Before a component can use a Portref to send
messages to another component, the sender’s Portref needs to be bound to the receiver’s Port
object. All operations on the sender’s Portref will block if is not bound to a Port.
Portrefs may be passed between components in messages, allowing complicated modes of interaction
to be modelled.
1 #include <process.h>
2 #include <ports.h>
3 struct producer : public process {
4 portref<int> outp;
5 producer (int i) {
6 while (i--)
7 outp.out(i);
8 ::exit(0);
9 }
10 };
12 struct consumer: public process {
13 port<int> inp;
14 consumer(void) {
15 int i;
16 do {
18 } while (i);
19 exit();
20 }
21 };
23 main(){
24 producer p(100);
25 consumer c;
26 p.outp.bind(c.inp);
27 exit();
28 }
Figure 3: Simple producer-consumer example in Regis
The Regis Name Daemon (RND) is a primitive naming service that keeps track of all components that
are active in the Regis environment. It maintains a mapping from strings (which denote service names)
to pointers to the objects that the strings denote. It is possible to search for a name server, register and
deregister services, as well as locate a service in a name server. The name service is persistent. The
contents of the server are stored to disk every three hours, or when the server is killed.
Figure 3 shows a simple producer-consumer program. It consists of two components: the producer
produces 100 messages and the consumer consumes the 100 messages sent to it by the producer. The
two components communicate via a port of type int. Messages are sent synchronously between the two
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Even though Java is a general purpose programming language, the style of programs written in Java is
different from other languages. Because Java is interpreted and tightly integrates the network into the
programs, programs are often quite differently designed from their C++ counterparts. Java provides
some useful mechanisms that allow one to create distributed platforms with ease. Most of these
features, such as distributed garbage collection, object serialisation, multithreading and platform
independence, are not present in the traditional C++/Unix environment. Therefore it is not a feasible
option to perform a straightforward porting of Regis from a C++ and Unix based platform to a Java
based platform which does not rely on Unix system services.
The approach followed was to implement the functionality of Regis in Java without much regard for
the internal structure of Regis. The result is that most of the functions of Regis are present in Jade,
while the internal structure of Jade is very different from Regis.
3.2. Architectural overview
The Jade programming model follows the same ‘software integrated circuit’ approach of program
construction as Regis; that is, self-contained components are connected by typed communication
objects to form distributed programs. An architecture description language such as Darwin is used to
specify the binding together and instantiation of the components.
A component in Jade is seen as a single thread in a Java object. Components may be distributed
arbitrarily on any of the participating machines. The Jade runtime environment provides a remote
execution daemon to achieve location transparency to the components. Jade uses the RMI naming
service to provide components with glocally unique names.
Figure 5 shows the classes comprising Jade. There are two main groupings of classes. The first
grouping concerns processes. Each process that runs in Jade is a subclass of RemProcess. The
Remote Execution Daemon (RED) is also a subclass from the RemProcess class, so in effect RED
is just another user-level program. The second grouping concerns the mechanisms for message passing
between processes. As in Regis, messages are sent from PortRef objects and received by Port
objects. There are some support classes shown, such as the REDMessage group of classes. These
classes and their use will be mentioned when they are used by the other classes.
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Regis had to rely on its own primitive name server, RND. Jade uses the RMI naming service instead.
The result is that there is no Regis Name Daemon and no nameserver class to act as a wrapper. All
naming lookups are done by static methods in the various classes, as explained later.
Regis used its own communications mechanism based on UDP packets. Jade uses RMI objects and
therefore it will use the RMI message passing system. One can therefore transfer complex data
structures and objects between processes, making complex object interaction possible.
Java does not have support for generics. Regis makes extensive use of C++ templates in order to
provide typed ports and messages. It was therefore necessary to slightly modify how ports and
messages are created and used. This will be explained in section 3.7.
The Regis runtime system has its own scheduling system, borne out of the need for thread-like
behaviour in a language and platform that does not support threads well. Java has full support for
threads and as such building an special scheduling system will not give us enough benefits. The
standard Java multithreaded scheduler is used in Jade. Experimental results have shown that the
scheduler seems to do a remarkably good job at scheduling tasks, including tasks that run remotely via
RMI. The behaviour of the Java scheduler is sufficiently close enough to the Regis scheduler to make
the change negligible.
No new communication objects have been created, as Java has a rich set of communications primitives
for communications using RMI, TCP streams and UDP datagrams. All remote procedure call functions
have been replaced by RMI invocations.
3.4. Processes
Processes in Jade are single threads of executing objects. All processes inherit from RemProcess.
Figure 6 shows the important methods in class RemProcess. It corresponds to class process in
The structure of a Jade process is rather different from its Regis counterpart. In Regis, all computation
is put in the constructor of the Process class, so that the Regis scheduler could handle scheduling
properly. Because all Jade processes are required to implement the Runnable interface, it follows that
all processing is done in a run() method.
In our canonical example, Hello World in figure 7 (c.f. Figure 2 for the Regis equivalent), the
constructor of a process contains all the code for instantiating sub-components or ports and binding of
The constructor of class RemProcess performs the action of registering the process with the RMI name
server. From that point onwards, any other process can get a remote reference to it and use it for its
own purposes. All processing is performed in run().
Unlike Regis processes, all Jade processes are instantiated using the RED server. To that end, there is a
utility program called REDLaunch, which allows one to start a remote process.
class hello extends RemProcess {
public hello(RED red, String name, Hashtable args) {
super(red, name, args);
public void run() {
System.out.println(“Hello World”);
Figure 7: Hello World in Jade
Ports may be typed or untyped. They are by default untyped, which means that any object can be
transmitted between them. It is also possible, by specifying a class type in the constructor, to restrict
ports to receive messages of only one type. All messages must be objects; this means that all primitive
types (char, int, boolean, etc) have to be wrapped in their Java object wrappers
(Character, Integer, Boolean, etc) before being sent between components.
Port references are represented by the PortRef class. They are initially unbound and untyped. When
a port reference is bound to a port with the PortRef.bind() method, it takes on the type of the
Port object to which it binds.
public class PortRef extends UnicastRemoteObject
public PortRef(String thiscomponent, String thisportref);
public void bind_thru(String host, String component,
String port);
// Binds the portref to a portref of a sub-component
public static PortRefIf resolve(String host, String component,
String port);
public void out(Object msg); // Synchronous send
public void send(Object msg); // Asynchronous send
public boolean bound();
// Checks whether the portref is bound to a remote port
public void bind(String host, String component, String port)
// Binds the portref to a remote port
Figure 9: PortRef class
The process of binding together of ports is rather complex and therefore requires some explanation.
The simplest case of the binding is when a Portref object is bound to a Port object and both
Port and Portref are ports of two primitive components that are not part of any composite
component. This situation is shown in figure 10a. In this case a call to
one.out.bind(“two”,”in0”)will bind the Portref called one.out to the Port called
two.in0 without any trouble.
The situation gets more complex as soon as a component is encapsulated by another one, as in figure
10b. The problem is that nested components form a chain of Port objects all bound to each other,
from the outermost component down to the innermost one. Similarly, a chain of Portref objects
appears, running from the innermost component to the outermost one. In our example, should a
message arrive at outer.in0, the message must pass through an intermediate before it reaches where it is finally used. In even moderately complex systems, the number
of intermediate ports and portrefs quickly become unwieldy.
A solution to this problem is to flatten the component structure in order to remove all intermediate
(extraneous) interfaces [17]. Figure 11 shows how the structure of figure 10b can be flattened. From the
diagram it is clear that a Portref can then communicate with a Port across many levels of nested
components without the intermediate components’ ports generating unnecessary communications
overhead. The flattening of the component structure is automatic and transparent to the programmer.
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Figure 10: Binding of PortRefs to Ports
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When any RED receives a request to create a new object on a processor number for which it does not
have a host name, it randomly chooses a host name for that processor number and creates a new entry
in its mapping list. It then notifies the root RED that it has a new entry. The root takes the new entry,
adds it to its own mapping list and notifies all the other REDs in the tree of the new mapping. This
algorithm is prone to race conditions. Because the root server broadcasts new processor mappings to all
the REDs, the race condition will clear itself, with perhaps a few milliseconds wasted.
RED supports both synchronous and asynchronous component startup. The object interaction for
asynchronous component startup is shown in figure 12. The requesting component starts a
RemProcessClient thread, which returns straight away, allowing the requesting component to
continue processing while the new component is started up. The RemProcessClient thread
invokes RED.start(), which in turn looks up a remote object reference for the remote host’s RED
server. The remote RED then executes Exec(), which starts up the new target component.
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To cater for such cases, a synchronous mode of remote component creation is provided. Figure 13
shows the objects involved and the flow of messages. The requesting component starts a
RemProcessClient object, which does not immediately return as in the asynchronous version.
The RemProcessClient thread invokes a RED.start() method, which in turn looks up a
remote object reference for the remote host’s RED server. The remote RED then executes Exec(),
which starts up the new target component. As soon as the target component has finished its constructor,
the remote RED notifies the RED on the requesting component’s machine. When
RemProcessClient gets the message that the remote target component has finished its
constructor, it returns to the requesting component, and the requesting component continues, safe in the
knowledge that the target component is running and ready to be used.
3.9. Example
The example presented here is the Jade equivalent of the producer-consumer problem. Each component
is a subclass of RemProcess, including a root component that ties all the other components together.
Regis does not find this necessary; however, in order for our RED to execute the program, we need a
root component.
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The root component constructs all its subcomponents and performs all its bindings in its constructor.
It first creates a producer component (line 34) synchronously (ie. it waits for the sub-component’s
constructor to finish before continuing).
The producer component creates a Portref (line 6) called outp and returns. While root
continues, producer starts its run() thread (line 8), but producer blocks on the first
outp.out() (line 11) because the Portref is not bound to any Port object.
Root continues by constructing a new consumer component(line 35). The component is also
created synchronously; in other words, root blocks on consumer’s constructor.
The new consumer creates a Port of type Integer (line 21) and returns. While root
continues, consumer starts its run() thread (line 23), but consumer blocks on the
because the Port is not bound to any PortRef object.
The process of looking up a remote object in the RMI registry is quite slow. Only about 20 RMI
lookups per second can be performed to an RMI registry on the local host. However, once a reference
to a remote object has been obtained, one can use the same reference for many remote method
invocations. The remote method invocations are quite fast – about 250 Integer objects per second
can be sent between remote objects.
The results in table 1 show quite clearly that there is no appreciable difference in speed between
components communicating on the same machine and components communicating over a local
network. The available bandwidth of the network only starts to play a role when strings of length
10,000 and longer are being transferred. Considering that Java objects are usually only a few thousand
bytes in size, the results presented here suggest that the most important factor in determining the speed
of communications between components is the execution speed of Java (ie. system overhead) and not
the available bandwidth of the network.
Firstly, the interpreter itself by its very nature introduces a large amount of overhead on the system.
However, large performance increases can be achieved by writing efficient code. Some of the most
important speed improvements include:
§ Μinimising the number of local variables that are declared inside often-executed blocks of
§ Minimising the number of type casts of objects
§ Using primitive types instead of objects as much as possible
§ Only using threads and synchronisation when absolutely necessary
§ Using static methods as often as possible
The overhead introduced by using RMI as a distributed object technology is considerable. What could
be done in simple datagram-sized messages is often done using complex object interactions. The
naming service lookup procedure is a particularly wasteful procedure. This performance is not
acceptable if an application is going to perform many RMI naming lookups in a short space of time.
However, once remote references are set up, the invocation of a remote method and the marshalling
and unmarshalling of the parameters and return values give satisfactory performance.
It is possible however to construct programs that perform well enough, using RMI. For example, it is
feasible to construct a distributed Geographic Information System (GIS) using RMI to transfer complex
objects between the various components [18]. One should ensure that the minimum of RMI registry
lookups are done. Wherever possible, the RMI lookups should be done during a time in the execution
of the program where high performance is not crucial. With a bit of clever coding, one could pipeline
the RMI lookups, so that while one thread looks up an RMI reference, another thread is using the
results of a previous RMI lookup, so that one thread is always actively working while the second thread
is waiting for a RMI lookup.
In Jade, RMI lookups are minimised by performing a flattening of the component structure, so that
components’ ports can communicate with each other directly, without several extra layers of ports that
do nothing but pass messages on. However, when a component and its sub-components are created,
there is a necessary flood of RMI registry lookups (with an unavoidable delay) in order to flatten the
component structure.
The question to be asked is whether it is a wise decision to use RMI as a communications substructure.
RMI does have several very appealing advantages. First class objects can be passed as parameters.
Many of the novel features of Java as highlighted in earlier sections can be used over remote
connections. Many interesting component interactions is possible because of the fact that live objects
can be migrated. The price one pays is performance. It is the author’s opinion that the heavy penalty in
speed will not go away with the advent of better interpreters or faster networks. One will have to find
ways of coping with such problems.
One way to cope with the speed problem is to critically evaluate how Java should be used in a
distributed environment and how it should be combined with other languages. Something to consider
carefully is the granularity of processing that occurs in components. It should be clear that due to the
slowness of the communications substructure, it is of paramount importance to ensure that the
granularity is as coarse as possible. Each component should do as much work as possible before
contacting other components. Another point to consider carefully is the implementation of the
processing in a component. If the work inside a component is computationally intensive, it does not
make sense to code that component in Java—the performance will be greatly improved if the
component’s computational part is written in a language such as C or C++. With a little bit of help from
its Java Native Interface (JNI) API, one can painlessly interface non-Java code with Java code [19]. It
has been shown previously [20] that such an approach can produce satisfactory results.
4.2 Scalability
It is clear from the results in table 1 that the main bottleneck is not in inter-component communications
but rather in the overhead intruduced by RMI registry lookups. The result is that the system will scale
rather well, as RMI registry lookups are scheduled in such a way that it will not influence the
performance of programs. Each host has its own name server and Remote Execution Daemon, with
little traffic flowing between hosts that is due to overhead. Almost all the bandwidth can be used for
inter-component communications.
The Java virtual machine specification was very well designed. The Java compiler produces objects
that are efficient in terms of size. This means that the messages that are transferred between
components are very small, even though they are fully-fledged classes and objects.
The Java Distributed Environment introduced is an example of how Java can be used to create a
distributed computing environment that could use an architecture description language such as Darwin
to specify the software architecture.
Jade was developed in 1998 along with a revised Darwin compiler which creates Java source code from
a configuration description [21]. The compiler can currently handle examples of the level shown in this
paper, and is being completed to offer the full functionality of Darwin. A substantial example which
will test the performance aspects of the Java platform is being developed concurrently.
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