Lay Beliefs About Treatments For People With Mental Illness and Their Implications For Antistigma Strategies
Lay Beliefs About Treatments For People With Mental Illness and Their Implications For Antistigma Strategies
Lay Beliefs About Treatments For People With Mental Illness and Their Implications For Antistigma Strategies
Objective: First, to describe factors influencing the public’s attitude toward treatment
recommendations for people with mental illness; second, to identify coherent belief systems about the
helpfulness of specific interventions; and third, to discuss how to ameliorate mental health literacy and
antistigma strategies.
Method: Participants of a representative telephone survey in the general population (n = 1737) were
presented with a vignette depicting a person with either schizophrenia or depression. From a list of
suggestions, they were asked to recommend treatments for this person. We used a factor analysis to
group these proposals and used the factors as the dependent variables in a multiple regression analysis.
Results: Treatment suggestions are summarized in 4 groups, each characterizing a specific therapeutic
approach: 1) psychopharmacological proposals (that is, psychotropic drugs), 2) therapeutic counselling
(from a psychologist or psychiatrist or psychotherapy), 3) alternative suggestions (such as
homeopathy), and 4) social advice (for example, from a social worker). Medical treatments were
proposed by people who had a higher education, who had a positive attitude toward
psychopharmacology, who correctly recognized the person depicted in the vignette as being ill, who
were presented with the schizophrenia vignette, who kept social distance, and who had contact with
mentally ill people. The variables could explain alternative and social treatment proposals only to a
small extent.
Conclusions: The public’s beliefs about treatment for people with mental illness are organized into
4 coherent systems, 2 of which involve evidence-based treatments. Medical treatment proposals are
influenced by adequate mental health literacy; however, they are also linked to more social distance
toward people with mental illness. Additionally, efforts to better explain nonmedical treatment
suggestions are needed. Implications for further antistigma strategies are discussed.
(Can J Psychiatry 2005;50:745–752)
Information on funding and support and author affiliations appears at the end of the article.
Clinical Implications
· The public’s attitude toward mental health treatment is not as logical and clear-cut as expected.
· Improving mental health literacy may increase social distance toward people with mental illness. Thus
strategies to improve attitudes and knowledge, for example, through education or through contact with
mentally ill people, must be carefully evaluated.
· More research is needed to clarify the relation between social distance and knowledge about mental
· This study highlights the challenges to research on public attitudes, f or example, the tendency to include
communicative and cooperative respondents who tend to respond according to social desirability.
· Attitudes should not be mistaken for actual interpersonal behaviour but should be considered as a proxy
measure of social behaviour.
· Because the linear regression analysis does not allow any missing values, we lost some respondents from
the original sample, owing to missing answers.
Several population surveys found mental health professionals We carried out CATI in cooperation with a specialized insti-
to be helpful, particularly with regard to psychiatric treatment. tute for survey research. The interviewers were trained and
However, their treatment methods, especially the use of supervised during the survey. If the selected person within a
psychotropic drugs, were regarded as harmful (3,6–16). Thus contacted household agreed to be interviewed, a date was
we have to recognize that the mental health literacy in the gen- fixed. In the meantime, we sent the interviewees written mate-
eral population, notably the knowledge about psychiatric rial containing visual aids to facilitate the interview and
treatment approaches, is low (17). increase data quality.
Although different research groups have addressed this topic, The interview included 3 parts. Part 1 included general ques-
we know little about the underlying factors of this illiteracy. tions about mental illness and psychiatric institutions, includ-
For a better understanding, we conducted a representative sur- ing the interviewee’s opinion toward psychopharmacology
vey in Switzerland on public attitudes toward treatment rec- (Cronbach’s á = 0.67) (19). Part 2 included a vignette depict-
ommendations for mental illness. Using previously published ing a case of either major depression or schizophrenia fulfill-
descriptive data (9), this paper aims to 1) describe factors ing the respective DSM-III-R criteria (20). One-half of the
influencing the public’s attitude toward treatment recommen- presented vignettes (n = 869) identified the respective psychi-
dations; 2) identify, with a factor analysis, coherent belief sys- atric diagnosis. We asked the remaining 868 interviewees,
tems (that is, whether beliefs about the helpfulness of who were not informed of the diagnosis, to indicate whether
specified interventions cooccur with beliefs about the helpful- the person described either had an illness or was in a life crisis.
ness of other related interventions); and 3) discuss how to
Eighteen treatment proposals (see Table 1) were then pre-
ameliorate mental health literacy and antistigma strategies.
sented. To increase data quality, we had sent these proposals
to the participants in advance. During the telephone interview,
the respondents had to, first, enumerate all proposals consid-
ered to be helpful and, second, enumerate all those regarded as
Abbreviations used in this article harmful, with respect to the person described in the vignette.
CATI computer assisted telephone interviewing The presentation of the vignette was immediately followed by
ECT electroconvulsive therapy questions on social distance toward the respective case
GP general practitioner described (Cronbach’s á = 0.86) (21). In Part 3, we assessed
SD standard deviation respondents’ contact with mentally ill people (Cronbach’s á =
WPA World Psychiatric Association
0.49); their rigidity (Cronbach’s á = 0.62) (22), for example,
individual preference for clarity and stability in life, but also a
low ability to adapt to changes; and their demographic factors.
W Can J Psychiatry, Vol 50, No 12, October 2005
Lay Beliefs About Treatments for People With Mental Illness and Their Implications for Antistigma Strategies
a = 0.55). Using multiple regression analysis, we identified Table 3 presents the multiple regression analyses of the 4 fac-
covarying predictors of the different treatment recommenda- tors extracted by a factor analysis. Pharmacologic recommen-
tion scales (Tables 3 and 4). dations were correlated with more social distance, a more
rigid personality, a positive attitude toward psycho-
pharmacology, and having contact with mentally ill people.
The explained variance (adj) is 6.3%. The following variables
were associated with therapeutic recommendations (R²[adj] =
Table 1 shows the percentage of proposals for the total sam- 0.182): a positive attitude toward psychopharmacology, rec-
ple (n = 1737). The suggestions mentioned most often were ognizing that the person described is mentally ill, younger
visiting a psychologist, visiting a GP, getting outside and age, keeping more social distance toward people with a men-
becoming active, and visiting a psychiatrist. Among the tradi- tal illness, having contact with people with mental illness,
tional psychiatric treatment approaches, 45% recommended female sex, and being presented with the schizophrenia
psychotherapy. Other psychiatric standard treatment meth- vignette. Those with a negative attitude toward
ods, such as psychopharmacology, psychiatric hospitaliza- psychopharmacology, those who were presented with the
tion, and ECT, were less favoured; only 23% or less of the depression vignette (the â-value is negative), and those who
respondents chose these suggestions. Sixty-five percent of the did not correctly recognize the case described favoured alter-
interviewees considered “dealing alone with the situation” to native suggestions. The explained variance (adj) is 9.9%.
be harmful. Moreover, respondents especially warned of Respondents with a higher education and those who correctly
hypnotics and sedatives and, to a lower extent, antidepres- identified the mental illness presented did not favour social
sants and antipsychotics. recommendations (R²[adj] = 0.020).
W Can J Psychiatry, Vol 50, No 12, October 2005
Lay Beliefs About Treatments for People With Mental Illness and Their Implications for Antistigma Strategies
R (adjusted)
0.063*** 0.182*** 0.099*** 0.020**
Table 4 Beta value of the multiple regression analysis on treatment recommendations (n = 774)
in the public discourse. The results of this analysis can be variables in a regression analysis and to be able to explain a
summarized as follows: considerable part of the variance.
· Laypeople recommended therapists, for example,
psychologists, GPs, and psychiatrists, rather than Comparison With the Literature
therapeutic methods for people affected by mental illness. The results presented here are a further development of our
own research and of studies done by others (see 9,13). The
· By means of a factor analysis, the treatment descriptive data confirm previous findings that the public rec-
recommendations can be summarized into 4 groups: ommends therapies depending on the case depicted, that is,
psychopharmacological proposals, therapeutic
more medical treatments for people affected by schizophrenia
counselling, alternative suggestions, and social advice.
than for those with depression are recommended, and psycho-
· The model best predicting treatment recommendations is therapy predominates over other psychiatric therapeutic
therapeutic counselling, which comprised the use of a methods.
psychologist or psychiatrist, not dealing alone with the
situation, psychiatric hospitalization, and psychotherapy Treatment Recommendations Are Organized in Coherent
(R²[adj] = 0.182). This model is explained by a positive Systems
attitude toward psychopharmacology, correct recognition The factor analysis revealed that the public’s beliefs are orga-
of the person in the vignette as being ill, younger age, and nized into 4 coherent systems, each with typical beliefs about
keeping more social distance from or having contact with helpful interventions for people with mental illness. Two
people with mental illness. The other 3 models groups (the therapeutic and pharmacologic suggestions)
(alternative, pharmacologic, and social) had a much lower involve evidence-based treatments, whereas social and alter-
explained variance.
native proposals include ideas that are not evidence-based.
· Medical treatments for mental illness were favoured by However, the discussion of these social and alternative belief
people with a positive attitude toward systems is hampered by the partly explained, small variance of
psychopharmacology, who recognized the illness of the the various regression models applied. Explanations in addi-
person described, who were presented with the tion to medical and pharmacologic treatment suggestions are
schizophrenia vignette, who kept more social distance, needed and would allow for the formulation of strategies that
who had a higher education, and who had contact with target individuals who favour the respective proposals. Thus
people with mental illness.
the subsequent discussion focuses on the 2 summative
Weaknesses and Strengths of This Survey
Before the results are interpreted, some methodological limi- Improving Mental Health Literacy at What Price?
tations of this survey should be acknowledged. First, this The results with respect to the medical treatment recommen-
study highlights general problems with research on public dations are controversial. Those who favoured medical treat-
attitudes, for example, the tendency to include communicative ment proposals were influenced by adequate mental health
and cooperative respondents who tend to answer according to literacy, that is, a positive attitude toward psycho-
social desirability. Thus we chose telephone interviews, pharmacology, correct identification of the vignette, a higher
which are considered superior to face-to-face interviews in education, and more contact with mentally ill people. This
terms of confidentiality and social desirability (24). Second, model would imply that the public’s mental health literacy
attitudes should not be mistaken for actual interpersonal needs improvement. Conversely, a positive attitude toward
behaviour but should be considered a proxy measure of social medical treatment proposals is simultaneously linked to more
behaviour (25). Further, different studies revealed a close social distance toward people with mental illness.
relation between attitudes and subsequent behaviour (14).
Our results suggest that greater social distance from people
Third, the response rate was only 63%; however, this rate is in
with mental illness is the price to be paid for better mental
line with other public opinion surveys (see 11), and it must be
health literacy. A possible interpretation of this finding might
taken into consideration that no incentives for participation
be that social distance from people with mental illness is an
were given. Finally, as the linear regression analysis does not
expression of helplessness toward those affected. One sign of
allow any missing values, we lost 94 respondents from the
this helplessness is the rejection of mentally ill people.
original subsample (n = 868) owing to missing answers.
Another sign might be trying to help people with mental ill-
Nonetheless, some strengths of this analysis should be men-
ness, for example, by accepting or recommending proven
tioned. This representative sample allowed us to draw a clear
treatment methods.
picture of public attitudes toward treatment recommendations
for mental illness. To our knowledge, this is the first study to These results lead to a contrasting procedure: either improve
include diverse demographic, psychological, and sociological mental health literacy with the consequence of more social
W Can J Psychiatry, Vol 50, No 12, October 2005
Lay Beliefs About Treatments for People With Mental Illness and Their Implications for Antistigma Strategies
Résume : Les croyances populaires sur les traitements pour les personnes souffrant de
maladie mentale et les implications pour les stratégies anti-stigmates
Objectif : Premièrement, décrire les facteurs influençant l’attitude du public à l’endroit des
recommandations de traitement pour les personnes souffrant de maladie mentale; deuxièmement,
identifier les systèmes de croyances cohérents sur l’utilité d’interventions spécifiques; et
troisièmement, discuter de la façon d’améliorer les connaissances en santé mentale et les stratégies
Méthode : Les participants d’une enquête téléphonique représentative de la population générale (n =
1 737) ont pris connaissance d’un scénario décrivant une personne souffrant soit de schizophrénie,
soit de dépression. D’après une liste de suggestions, on leur a demandé de recommander des
traitements pour cette personne. Nous avons groupé ces propositions à l’aide d’une analyse
factorielle, et utilisé les facteurs comme variables dépendantes dans une analyse de régression
Résultats : Les suggestions de traitements sont résumées en 4 groupes, chacun caractérisant une
approche thérapeutique spécifique : 1) les propositions psychopharmacologiques (c’est-à-dire, des
médicaments psychotropes), 2) la consultation thérapeutique (avec un psychologue ou un psychiatre
ou par une psychothérapie), 3) des suggestions de médecine parallèle (comme l’homéopathie), et
4) des conseils sociaux (par exemple, d’un travailleur social). Les traitements médicaux étaient
proposés par les personnes qui avaient un niveau d’instruction élevé, et une attitude positive envers la
psychopharmacologie, qui reconnaissaient avec justesse que la personne décrite dans le scénario était
malade, à qui on avait présenté le scénario de la schizophrénie, qui gardent une distance sociale, et qui
ont des contacts avec des personnes souffrant de maladie mentale. Les variables pouvaient expliquer
les propositions de traitements sociaux et parallèles dans une faible mesure seulement.
Conclusions : Les croyances du public sur le traitement des personnes souffrant de maladie mentale
sont organisées en 4 systèmes cohérents, dont 2 parlent de traitements fondés sur des données
probantes. Les propositions de traitements médicaux sont influencées par une culture adéquate en
matière de santé mentale; cependant, elles sont aussi liées à une distance sociale accrue des personnes
souffrant de maladie mentale. En outre, il faut expliquer davantage et mieux les suggestions de
traitements non médicaux. Les implications pour les stratégies anti-stigmates sont présentées.
W Can J Psychiatry, Vol 50, No 12, October 2005