Sun Java System Access Manager Release Notes: Version 6 2005Q1
Sun Java System Access Manager Release Notes: Version 6 2005Q1
Sun Java System Access Manager Release Notes: Version 6 2005Q1
Release Notes
Version 6 2005Q1
May 25, 2005
Part Number 817-7642-12
These Release Notes contain important information available at the time of release of Sun Java
System Access Manager 6 2005Q1 (formerly Sun Java System Identity Server). New features and
enhancements, known issues and limitations, and other information are addressed here. Read this
document before you install and use this release.
The most up-to-date version of these release notes can be found at the Sun Java System
documentation web site:
Check the web site prior to installing and setting up your software and then periodically thereafter
to view the most up-to-date release notes and product documentation.
These release notes contain the following sections:
• Release Notes Revision History
• About Access Manager 6 2005Q1
• What’s New in This Release
• Bugs Fixed in This Release
• Installation Notes
• Known Issues and Limitations
• Documentation Updates and Errata
• Redistributable Files
• How to Report Problems and Provide Feedback
• Additional Sun Resources
Third-party URLs are referenced in this document and provide additional, related information.
NOTE Sun is not responsible for the availability of third-party Web sites mentioned in this
document. Sun does not endorse and is not responsible or liable for any content,
advertising, products, or other materials that are available on or through such sites
or resources. Sun will not be responsible or liable for any actual or alleged damage
or loss caused by or in connection with the use of or reliance on any such content,
goods, or services that are available on or through such sites or resources.
• Client SDK:
❍ Repackaged SDK (Authentication, Service Management, User Management, SAML,
Policy Client, and Session components) so Java application developers can better
integrate with Access Manager.
❍ Removed the dependency on the serverconfig.xml file and minimized the footprint of
the jar files.
• Federation Management:
❍ Support for the Liberty Alliance Project (LAP) Name Identifier Mapping Protocol
❍ Support for the LAP Identity Web Services Framework (ID-WSF) Discovery Service
Specification, Version 1.1
❍ Support for the LAP ID-WSF Authentication Service Specification
❍ Support for the LAP Metadata Description and Discovery Specification
❍ Support for the LAP Liberty Identity Federation Framework (ID-FF) Extended Profiles:
◗ Dynamic Identity Provider Proxying
◗ Affiliation Federation
◗ One-time Federation
◗ Name Identifier Mapping Profile
◗ Name Identifier Encryption Profile
• A performance tuning script is available to tune Application Server Enterprise Edition 8
2005Q1 (8.1) as a web container
Supported Browsers
This release of Access Manager supports the following browsers:
Broswer Platforms
Microsoft Internet Explorer™ 5.5 SP2 Windows™ 2000, Sun Linux, Red Hat™ Linux 8.0
Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0 Windows 2000, Windows™ XP, Sun Linux, Red Hat Linux 8.0
Mozilla 1.7.1 Windows 2000, Sun Linux, Red Hat Linux 8.0, Solaris™ 9 and 10,
Solaris™ OS, x86 Platform Edition, versions 9 and 10
Netscape™ 4.79 Windows NT, Solaris 8 and 9
Netscape™ 6.2.1 Windows NT, Windows 98, Sun Linux, Red Hat™ Linux Advanced
Server 2.1, Solaris™ OS, x86 Platform Edition, versions 9 and 10
Netscape™ 7.0 Windows 2000, Sun Linux, Red Hat Linux 8.0, Solaris 9 and 10,
Solaris™ OS, x86 Platform Edition, versions 9 and 10
5050332 On Linux systems, amserver stop does not stop the amunixd process
5049218 Error in Console While Searching for Users When User Management is Disabled
Installation Notes
The amconfig script now supports deployment of additional instances of Access Manager using
Application Server Enterprise Edition 8 2005Q1 (8.1) as a web container, after you install the first
instance using the Java Enterprise System installer.
For information about running the configuration scripts, see the Access Manager 6 2005Q1
Administration Guide.
See also Installation under Known Issues and Limitations.
amadmin on SDK Installations With Secure Server Throws Exceptions (#5107584)
In Access Manager 2005Q1, if you install a full installation of a secure Access Manager and then
install an SDK installation to use the full install, exceptions may be thrown. This is because the property has the wrong value with Web Server.
1. Edit
2. Change the property to
3. Restart the web server.
AMSDK Installation with Web Containers Contains Broken Links to Shared Components on Linux
If you install the Access Manager SDK on for any web container on the Linux platform, several
shared component Links are broken.
Remove incorrect links and create correct links.
To remove the links:
cd ${AM_INSTALL_DIR}/identity/lib
rm -rf jaxrpc-spi.jar relaxngDatatype.jar xsdlib.jar
To create new links:
ln -s /opt/sun/private/share/lib/jaxrpc-spi.jar
ln -s /opt/sun/private/share/lib/relaxngDatatype.jar
ln -s /opt/sun/private/share/lib/xsdlib.jar
Rename the xercesImpl.jar in opt/sun/appserver/lib for Red Hat AS 2.1 or 3.0 or in
/opt/SUNWappserver/appserve/lib for Solaris 9 or 10 for both SPARC and x86. The JVM
classloader will then be forced to use the shared components’ xerceImpl.jar in
/opt/sun/share/lib for Red Hat AS 2.1 or 3.0 or in /usr/share/lib for Solaris 9 and 10.
Installer does not allow user to enter protocol during AM SDK installation (#6180090)
If you install the Access Manager SDK, the “Access Manager: Web Container for running Sun Java
System Access Manager Services” panel does not ask for the protocol of the web container that is
running the Access Manager services. The installer assumes that the web container uses the http
protocol; however, you might need to specify the https protocol to access an SDK installation that
uses an SSL enabled Access Manager installation.
In the file, set the protocol associated with the Access Manager server
installation to https. For example:
Remove the servlet.jar from the CLASSPATH.
Avoid these warnings by:
• When using JDK 1.5, add encoding="ISO-8859-1" to the compilation command line.
• Use JDK 1.4 to compile the samples.
If you are compiling with JDK 1.5, follow these steps to set up the LD_LIBRARY_PATH:
1. Find the Readme.html or Readme.txt file for the SAML samples in the xmlsig directory.
2. Under section 3 “Instructions to set up the XMLSIG sample on Solaris,” in step 4, set the
LD_LIBRARY_PATH as web-server-install-directory/bin/https/lib.
3. Add /usr/lib/mps/secv1 to LD_LIBRARY_PATH to pick up the JSS library and its
User Modification Notification Through Email Is Not Working (#6212964)
The User Modification Notification through E-mail mechanism, located in the Administration
Service, is not currently working.
LDAP Authentication Is Doing Anonymous Bind for LDAP Directory Server Connection (#5090018)
Access Manager is not passing the bind DN and password to Directory Server for an LDAP
connection, which affects authentication when the anonymous bind in the LDAP Directory Server
is disabled.
Enable anonymous bind for your Directory Server.
Use UserToken for a non DN value and Principal for the DN value.
Reloading the Session Timeout Page Will Authenticate User with Valid User name and Password
At the login page, if a user waits for the page to timeout and then enters a valid user name and
password, the user will see the session timeout page. The user will be authenticated to Access
Manager if the user reloads the page without re-entering user name and password.
Command-Line Tools
ldapsearch and ldapmodify utilities in /opt/SUNWam/bin directory do not work correctly (#4954779)
The ldapsearch and ldapmodify utilities in /opt/SUNWam/bin directory return fatal errors.
Add the DirectoryServer-base/lib/ path to your LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable.
1. Correct the path of the following commands:
❍ ECHO=/usr/bin/echo should be ECHO=/bin/echo
❍ uid='/usr/xpg4/bin/id -un' should be uid='/usr/bin/id -un'
❍ /usr/bin/tar should be /bin/tar
❍ /usr/bin/rm should be /bin/rm
❍ /usr/bin/grep should be /bin/grep
❍ /usr/bin/ps should be /bin/ps
❍ /usr/bin/ls should be/bin/ls
2. Modify the check_for_invalid_chars() function. For example:
check_for_invalid_chars() {
echo "$1" | grep '[^/_.a-zA-Z0-9a-]' > /dev/null
if [ $? = 0 ]; then
return 1
return 0
System creates invalid service host name when load balancer has SSL termination (#6245660)
If Access Manager is deployed with Web Server as the web container using a load balancer with
SSL termination, clients are not directed to the correct Web Server page. Clicking the Sessions tab in
the Access Manager Console returns an error because the host is invalid.
In the following examples, Web Server listens on port 3030. The load balancer listens on port 80 and
redirects requests to Web Server.
In the web-server-instance-name/config/server.xml file, edit the servername attribute to point to the
load balancer, depending on the release of Web Server you are using.
For Web Server 6.1 2005Q1 Service Pack (SP) releases, edit the servername attribute as follows:
<LS id="ls1" port="3030" servername=""
defaultvs="https-sample" security="false" ip="any" blocking="false" acceptorthreads="1"/>
Web Server 6.1 2005Q1 SP2 (or later) can switch the protocol from http to https or https to http.
Therefore, edit servername as follows:
<LS id="ls1" port="3030" servername=""
defaultvs="https-sample" security="false" ip="any" blocking="false" acceptorthreads="1"/>
WebSphere Application Server 5.1 Fails to Start After Successful Configuration on Linux (#6204646)
If you install the Access Manager SDK component for WebSphere on Linux and then run
amwas51config with correct amsamplesilent file, WebSphere will fail to start.
Add /opt/sun/private/lib in the LD_LIBRARY_PATH as follows:
In server.xml, remove the “/:” before the -Djava.util.logging.config.class option.
Indices Are Always Created For userRoot Irrespective of the Backend Name (#5002886)
The index.ldif hardcodes the userRoot for creating index for the attributes. It is possible to install
Access Manager on a rootsuffix residing on any arbitrary backend database name. The backend
name can be obtained by ldapsearch with base cn=config using nsslapd-suffix=SUFFIX_NAME as
the filter.
Federation Management Contact Person Throws Exception (#6213102)
If create a new Provider and then add a new Contact Person to that provider, you may receive the
following error:
The server encountered an internal error () that prevented it from fulfilling this request
Enable Show People Container in the Access Manager console, go to the specific People Container
and create users there.
Top-level Help Desk Admin Role With Read Only Access Can Create New Users (#5109348)
Currently, the default for Help Desk Admin role is set to Full Access. Changing it to Modify will
disable the New and Delete buttons in the navigation frame but still allow the admin to modify the
user entry properties.
Bring up the Help Desk Admin properties page, and change the view to available actions. Locate
the User row and change the setting from Full Access to Modify.
Modify the JSP so the height attribute is outside the closing JATO tag. In FSAffiliateProfile.jsp,
line 104 change to:
<td width="1%"><img src="<%consoleImages%>/spacer.gif" width=<jato:text
name="defaultAttrNameWidth" /> height="1" alt=""></td>
Note the /> coming before the height attribute.
Can Not Modify Services for Users as People Admin Role (#6174652)
If you are logged is as the top-level People Admin Role, you can add a new service to a user, but
you cannot modify any services.
Edit the display profile for the People Admin role and give it the necessary view menus and
available actions.
Exit the Federation Management module by selecting a different module (for example, Service
Configuration) and then return to the Federation Management module. This will refresh the
Logging Service
Logging Problem When Java Security Is Enabled (#4926520)
jdk_logging.jar may not work when Java Security is enabled.
If Java Security is enabled and you have a JDK version previous to 1.4, include the following
permission in the java security file:
permission java.lang.RuntimePermission shutdownHooks
Matching Entries are not Returned When nslookthrough Limit Reached (#5013538)
Matching entries are not returned to the Access Manager console even after reaching the admin
limits defined in nslookthrough.
Tune the nslookthroughlimit parameter to compensate for the number of entries.
To run the sample, the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable must include the path to the NSPR, NSS,
and JSS shared libraries.Set LD_LIBRARY_PATH to include /usr/lib/mps/secv1 for Solaris systems or
/opt/sun/private/lib for Linux systems.
EventService Runs into a Tight Loop When it Does Not Get Persistent Search Connection (#6205443)
The EventService (ES) thread successfully adds the listeners (LDAP JDK successfully adds the
listener) even when the number of Persistent Searches is connected. But, when a ES thread attempts
to get a response, an LDAPResponse reports (error code 51) that Persistent Search connections are
unavailable. The ES then tries to re-establish the listeners again. So, this becomes a tight loop.
Document Use of certutil For Access Manager SDK Installations That Use SSL Servers (#5027614)
Users are experiencing security-related errors and exceptions when trying to communicate from
SDK-only machines with SSL-enabled Access Manager servers. In this scenario, the Access
Manager SDK is deployed either on no web container or on a third-party web container such as
BEA WebLogic Server or IBM WebSphere Application Server.
Create a certificate database on the SDK-only machine and install the root CA certificate for the
Access Manager server into this database:
1. Log into the SDK-only machine as superuser (root).
2. Verify that the required Netscape Security Services (NSS) package is installed:
❍ On Solaris systems: SUNWtlsu
❍ On Linux systems: sun-nss RPM
3. If the package is not installed, install it. For example:
On Solaris systems:
cd JavaEnterpriseSystem_base/Solaris_arch/Product/shared_components/Packages
pkgadd -d . SUNWtlsu
On Linux systems:
cd JavaEnterpriseSystem_base/Linux_x86/Product/shared_components/Packages
rpm -Uvh sun-nss-3.3.10-1.i386.rpm
4. Create the password file for the token password for that certificate database. For example:
On Solaris systems:
echo "cert-database-password" > /etc/opt/SUNWam/config/.wtpass
chmod 700 /etc/opt/SUNWam/config/.wtpass
On Linux systems:
echo "cert-database-password" > /etc/opt/sun/identity/config/.wtpass
chmod 700 /etc/opt/sun/identity/config/.wtpass
where cert-database-password is the token password.
5. Check the LD_LIBRARY_PATH variable:
On Solaris systems, check LD_LIBRARY_PATH to see if the /usr/lib,
/usr/lib/mps/secv1, and /usr/lib/mps directories are present. If not add any missing
On Linux systems, check LD_LIBRARY_PATH to see if the /opt/sun/private/lib
directory is present. If not add the directory.
6. Use the Certificate Database Tool (certutil) to create the certificate and key databases. For
information about certutil, refer to the following Web site:
For example:
certutil-home/certutil -N -d cert-database-dir -f config-home/.wtpass
certutil-home is the location of certutil:
❍ On Solaris systems: /usr/sfw/bin
❍ On Linux systems: /opt/sun/private/bin
cert-database-dir is the database directory for the certificate and key databases.
Change the default security encryption from JSSEncryption to JCEEncryption in the file.
amtune And Associated Files Are Not Delivered For Solaris-x86 (#6213019)
In this release, the amtune script, and its associated files, are not installed into the appropriate
directory for Solaris-x86.
Use amtune files delivered for Sparc-Solaris.
In amtune-as8, use the following syntax to enter the string:
For example:
Enter this change amtune-env:
Single Sign-On
Unable To Perform SSO With Different Deploy URIs (#4770271)
If the deployment URIs are different between two different instances of Access Manager, Single
Sign-on will not function properly.
Internationalization (i18n)
Group Members Are Not Listed When Group Name is Multibyte (#6197041)
In the internationalized version of Access Manager 6 2005Q1, groups members are not listed in the
Access Manager console when the group name is multibyte.
Revert these parameters to English in XML files:
HTTPBasic.xml: <HttpHeader>Authorization</HttpHeader>
WindowsDesktopSSO.xml: HttpHeader>Authorization</HttpHeader>
These files are usually installed into the following directory when Access manager is deployed into
Application Server:
These files are usually installed into the following directory when Access manager is deployed into
Web Server:
Create a sym link from docs_en to docs_en_US.
If you remove the UTF-8 character set, restart the web container after you have made the change.
Login Page Fails With Multi-byte Role Parameter On URL for ja Character Set (#4905708)
If you create a multi-byte role and then try a URL login with a user registered to the multi-byte role,
the login page will produce a failure error.
In order for the authentication framework to decode a multi-byte role value specified in the URL,
you need to specify gx_charset along with the parameter. For example:
Change the following symbolic link:
Run the Application Server with locale set to en.
Set email|local|charset (instead of only the email parameter) in the Email Address to Send Lockout
Notification attribute. For example:|zh|GB2312
If a user logs in using Self Registration in a multi-byte environment, the administrator must make
sure that the User Generator Mode attribute in the Core Authentication is not selected.
The user can select the Create My Own option in the Self-Registration login page.
Japanese Version Of Access Manager Does Not Work With Netscape 6.22, 6.23 (#4902421)
In the Japanese version of Access Manager, you can not log into the console with Netscape 6.22 or
Restart the server manually with amserver.
Cookieless Mode is Not Working (#4967866)
If a browser that supports cookies accesses Access Manager and the cookie support is turned off,
the browser will then continue to send the older Access Manager cookie. This problem causes
access to Access Manager resources to be denied.
Choose one of the following workarounds:
• Clear the browser cookie cache to remove all Access Manager cookies.
• Disable cookies in the browser.
Cookie Hijacking
The following information has been incorporated into the English version of the Sun Java System
Access Manager Administration Guide.
Security may be compromised when applications using the session cookies cannot be trusted.
When single sign-on (SSO) or cross domain single sign-on (CDSSO) is enabled in your Access
Manager deployment, http(s) session cookies are set on the user's browser. These cookies are
validated across multiple applications. When the Access Manager is deploy across multiple DNS
domains, the Liberty protocol transfers the http(s) session cookies from the authenticated DNS
domain to web application's target domain.
Although the user is automatically signed on to web resources, there is a known security weakness
when applications using the session cookies cannot be trusted. The weakness may be present when
an Identity Provider provides authentication, authorization and profile information about a user to
applications (or Service Providers) that are developed by third parties or by unauthorized groups
within the enterprise. Possible security issues are:
• All applications share the same http session cookie. This makes it possible for a rogue
application to hijack the session cookie and impersonate the user to another application.
• If the application does not use the https protocol, the session cookie is prone to network
• If just one application can be hacked, the security of the entire infrastructure is in jeopardy
of being compromised.
• A rouge application can use the session cookie to obtain and possibly modify the profile
attributes of a user. If the user has administrative privileges, the application would be able
to do a lot more damage.
Follow these steps:
1. Use the Access Manager administration console to make an entry for each agent.
a. In the organization that contains the agent to be created, choose Agents from the View
menu, and then click New.
b. Provide the following information:
Name. Enter the name or identity of the agent. Example: agent123
Password. Enter the agent password. Example: agent123
Confirm Password. Confirm the password.
Description. Enter a brief description of the agent. For example, you can enter the
agent instance name or the name of the application it is protecting.
Agent Key Value. Set the agent properties with a key/value pair. This property is used
by Access Manager to receive agent requests for credential assertions about users.
Enter a property value for agentRootURL with value equal to the agent URL with port
number. Note that the agentRootURL value is case sensitive.
Example: agentRootURL=http://server_name:99/
Device Status. Enter the device status of the agent. If set to Active, the agent will be
able to authenticate to and communicate with Access Manager. If set to Inactive, the
agent will not be able to authenticate to Access Manager.
c. Click OK.
2. Run the following command on the password that was entered in step 1b.
AccessManager-base/SUNWam/agents/bin/crypt_util agent123
This will give the following output:
3. Change to reflect the new value, and then and restart the agent.
# The username and password to use for the Application authentication module. = agent123 = WnmKUCg/y3l404ivWY6HPQ==
# This is the URL the user will be redirected to after successful login
# in a CDSSO Scenario. =
4. Change to reflect the new values, and then and restart Access
Manager. Example:
b. Enter the host name of the Access Manager installation, and then click Add.
You should see two cookies set on the browser:
Cookie Host Name
4. Run the Access Manager configuration scripts to deploy Access Manager in the web
5. Restart the web container.
❍ administration port
By default, WebSphere defines the server instance as server1, however it is unlikely that
you will choose to use the default. If you create a new instance, make sure that you record
the information for Access Manager configuration and deployment. See the WebSphere 5.1
documentation for instructions.
7. Verify that the installation was successful. To do so:
a. Make sure the server.xml file exists in the following directory:
b. Use the command to start the server. For example:
/opt/WebSphere/AppServer/bin/ server1
c. In a web browser, enter the corresponding URL of the following format to view the
sample web application:
8. Once you have verified a successful installation, stop the server using the
utility. For example:
opt/WebSphere/AppServer/bin/ server1
9. If you are installing WebSphere 5.1 patch, use the command line utility to
install the patch over the original 5.1 instance.
10. Restart WebSphere and verify that the installation was successful (see Step 7).
❍ The active Directory Server (either Local or Remote) does not have Access Manager
DIT data loaded.
❍ Access Manager configuration files are not automatically loaded.
❍ Access Manager web application .war files are not generated.
❍ Access Manager deployment and post-installation configuration processes are not
automatically started and run.
For detailed installation instructions, refer to the Sun Java Enterprise System Installation Guide
located at
Redistributable Files
Sun Java System Access Manager 6 2005Q1 does not contain any files that you can redistribute to
non-licensed users of the product.