Chapter 10 The Problem Solutions: Inha University
Chapter 10 The Problem Solutions: Inha University
Chapter 10 The Problem Solutions: Inha University
1. The ion spacings and melting points of the sodium halides are as follows:
The halogenic atomic numbers are Z = 9 for fluorine (F), Z = 17 for chlorine (Cl), Z =35 for
bromine (Br) and Z = 53 for iodine (I). The greater the atomic number of a halogen atom,
the larger the atom is, hence the increase in the interatomic spacing with Z. The larger the
ion spacing, the smaller the cohesive energy, hence the lower the melting point.
3. (a) The ionization energy of potassium is 4.34 eV and the electron affinity of chlorine is
3.61 eV. The Madelung constant for the KCl structure is 1.748 and the distance between
ions of opposite sign is 0.314 nm. On the basis of these data only, compute the cohesive
energy of KCl. (b) The observed cohesive energy of KCl is 6.42 eV per ion pair. On the
assumption that the difference between this figure and that obtained in a is due to the
exclusion-principle repulsion, find the exponent n in the formula Br-n for the potential
energy arising from this source.
7. What is the effect on the cohesive energy of ionic and covalent crystals of (a) van der
Waals forces and (b) zero-point oscillations of the ions and atoms about their
equilibrium positions?
(a) Van der Waals forces increase the cohesive energy because they are attractive, and the
ions in the crystals tend more to cohere. (b) Zero-point oscillations decrease the cohesive
energy because these oscillations represent a mode of energy that is present in a solid but not
in individual atoms or ions.
11. Silver has an atomic mass of 108 u, a density of 10.5 x 103 kg/m3 , and a Fermi energy of
5.51 eV. On the assumptions that each silver atom contributes one electron to the
electron gas and that the mean free path of the electrons is 200 atom spacings, estimate
the resistivity of silver. (The actual resistivity of silver at 200C is 1.6 x 10-8 Ω ⋅ m.)
The number density n is the mass density ρAg divided by the mass mAg of each atom,
ρ Ag (10.5 × 103 kg/m 3 )
n= = = 5.855 × 10− 28 atoms/m 3
m Ag (108u)(1.66054 × 10 kg/u )- 27
keeping extra significant figure. With the assumption stated in the problem, this is the same
as the electron density.
mev F 2m e εF 2( 9.11 ×10 −31 kg )(5.51eV )(1.60 ×10 −19 J/eV )
ρ= = =
ne 2 (200n −1 / 3 ) 200e 2n 2 / 3 (200)(1.60 ×10-19 C) 2 (5.86 ×10 28 m − 3 ) 2 / 3
= 1.64 ×10 −8 Ω ⋅ m
17. (a) When germanium is doped with aluminum, is the result an n-type or a p-type
semiconductor? (b) Why?
Aluminum atoms have 3 electrons in their outer shell, germanium atoms have 4 (see Table
7.4). Replacing a germanium atom with an aluminum atom leaves a hole, and the the result
is a p-type semiconductor.
19. Draw the third Brillouin zone of the two-dimensional square lattice whose first two
Brillouin zones are shown in Fig. 10.41.
The figure on the next page shows the third Brillouin zone. The wavevectors in this zone will be
those that do not fit into the first two zones but are not diffracted by the diagonal sets of atomic
planes in Figure 10.40 that make angles of ± arctan(l/2) = ± 26.6 0 or ± arctan(2) = ± 63.4 0 with
the x- or y-axes. These wavenumbers correspond to |kx|+|ky| > 2π/a (the condition that k not be
in the first or second zones) and
This is much smaller than the energy gap of 0.65 eV but comparable to the product kT ≈ 0.025 eV.
25. A voltage of 5.0 V is applied across a Josephson junction. What is the frequency of
radiation emitted by the junction?
From Equation (10.28), the frequency is