Atropine Treatment For Amblyopia (Lazy Eye) : Paediatric Information For Parents: Pharmacy
Atropine Treatment For Amblyopia (Lazy Eye) : Paediatric Information For Parents: Pharmacy
Atropine Treatment For Amblyopia (Lazy Eye) : Paediatric Information For Parents: Pharmacy
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treatment. Your child’s eye may also
be more sensitive to light.
If your child has a turn in the eye
(squint) you may notice the squint will
appear in the other eye whilst using
atropine. Do not worry about this, as
Figure 1 when the squint swaps from side to
side it often means the lazy eye is
starting to see better.
Important information:
In rare cases, once the vision has
Wash and dry your hands before improved in the lazy eye, the
and after giving drops. previously ‘good’ eye may then
Only place one drop in your child’s become lazy and need treatment.
eye. However, with careful monitoring by
Inform your child’s school about the orthoptist this is very unlikely to
their use of atropine and enlarged happen.
Store atropine in a safe place out
of the reach and sight of children. As with most medicines, there may be
Store atropine at room temperature some other side effects when using
(less than 25°C). atropine drops.
Do not use the drops after the These include mild stinging and
expiry date written on the redness of the eye after putting the
packaging has passed. drops in and an allergic reaction to the
Do not re-use single dose unit drops (when the eye becomes very red
preparations (“minims”). Use and itchy).
once then throw away. In rare cases, the use of atropine can
lead to increased eye pressure.
What should I tell the pharmacist,
orthoptist or doctor? However, this usually only happens if
Tell the pharmacist, orthoptist or doctor there is already a problem with the
if your child is allergic to any medication health of that eye.
or if your child has any other eye
condition, particularly glaucoma. General side effects not related to
the eye are rare and happen when
What are the side effects of atropine? small amounts of the medicine are
The main side effect caused by using absorbed into the body from the
atropine is blurred vision which can eyes. These include: dry mouth and
last up to two weeks after finishing skin, redness of the cheeks,
irritability and difficulty sleeping, high
If your child experiences symptoms not If you need to speak to the orthoptist,
listed here that you think are due to the please contact the Moorfields’ service
atropine, stop giving them the drops where your child is being seen:
and contact your pharmacist or doctor.
Moorfields Eye Hospital, City Road
Will the treatment cure my child’s Phone: 020 7566 2161 (Monday to
amblyopia? Friday)
Most cases of amblyopia are treatable
but the success of the treatment Moorfields at St George’s
depends on your child’s vision at the Phone: 020 8266 6120 (Monday to
start of treatment, their age and if the Friday)
treatment is used as instructed. It is
important to treat amblyopia as early as Moorfields at Ealing
possible for your child to end up with Phone: 020 8967 5766 (Tuesday and
the best possible vision. Amblyopia is Wednesday, ask for the orthoptist)
best treated before seven years of age Moorfields at Northwick Park
and later attempts to treat might not be Phone: 020 8869 3160 (Tuesday and
successful. Friday, ask for the orthoptist)
If amblyopia is not treated, the vision in
that eye will be permanently damaged. Moorfields at Homerton