405b-Principles of Auditing
405b-Principles of Auditing
405b-Principles of Auditing
7. This kind of audit is conducted generally between two annual audit ______.
A. internal audit.
B. interim audit.
C. final audit.
D. continuous audit.
9. Before the work of audit is commenced, the auditor plans out the whole of audit work is called _________.
A. Audit plan.
B. Audit note.
C. Audit programme.
D. Audit programme.
10. A number of checks and controls exercised in a business to ensure its efficient working is known as
A. Internal check.
B. Internal control.
C. Internal audit.
D. Interim check.
16. A kind of audit conducted for a part of the accounting year is called _______.
A. Periodical audit.
B. Partial audit.
C. Cost audit.
D. Interim audit.
19. The audit that is made compulsory under statute is called _________.
A. Statutory audit.
B. Partial audit.
C. Complete audit.
D. Continuous audit.
25. Which of the following is not true about opinion on financial statements?
A. The auditor should express an opinion on financial statements.
B. His opinion is no guarantee to future viability of business.
C. He is responsible for detection and prevention of frauds and errors in financial statements.
D. He should examine whether recognized accounting principles have been consistently.
36. When a transaction has not been recorded in the books of account either wholly or partially such errors are
called as _________.
A. Error of commission.
B. Error of omission.
C. Compensating error.
D. Error of principle.
37. Verification of the value of assets, liabilities, the balance of reserves, provision and the amount of profit
earned or loss suffered a firm is called _________.
A. Continuous audit.
B. Balance sheet audit.
C. Interim audit.
D. Partial audit.
39. A sale of Rs. 50000 to Mr. A was entered as a sale to Mr. B. This is an example of:
A. Error of omission.
B. Error of commission.
C. Compensating error.
D. Error of principle.
40. Recording a transaction twice in the books of original entry is an error of __________.
A. Principle.
B. Commission.
C. Duplication.
D. Omission.
41. Errors and frauds already committed can be discovered under the system of ________.
A. Internal audit.
B. Internal check.
C. Internal control.
D. All of the above.
43. Vouching of the balances of all incomes and expenses account is known as vouching of ______.
A. Personal ledger.
B. Impersonal ledger.
C. Cash.
D. Sales.
47. The profits that can be legally distributed to shareholders are called _________.
A. Revenue profits.
B. Capital profits.
C. Divisible profits.
D. Profits prior to incorporation.
52. An auditor of a company will be held liable under the companies act _________.
A. if the destroys, mutilates, secrets etc., any documents, vouchers, books etc., with a view to deceive any
B. if he has examined all the documents of the company.
C. if he has not contravened the provisions of sec.227.
D. if he is an auditor of the company.
53. The main object of the audit of the cash book may be ________.
A. to verify the assets and liabilities.
B. to know that all receipts and payments have been properly recorded.
C. to check the internal control system in business.
D. to check the bank balance.
54. The purpose of the audit of wage payment is to determine that __________.
A. the work is executed completely for which the workers are paid wages.
B. the workers are paid the correct amount of wages under proper authorization.
C. the workers are working regularly.
D. none of the above.
55. One of the audit procedures to check the issue of share capital of the newly formed company is
A. the memorandum of association and articles of association.
B. the share transfer register.
C. the issue of debenture.
D. none of the above.
57. A good audit report must at least meet one of the following qualifications __________.
A. it should offer constructive and timely suggestions to the management.
B. it should not point out mistakes.
C. it should not be based on factual information.
D. it should not be based on balance sheet.
58. The work of one clerk is automatically check by another clerk is called _________.
A. Internal control.
B. Internal check.
C. Internal audit.
D. None of the above.
75. Cost audit under section 233(b) of the companies act is ___________.
A. voluntary.
B. compulsory.
C. advisable.
D. avoidable.
77. When at an annual general meeting of a company no auditor is appointed or reappointed. In that case
A. the central government appoints a person to fill the vacancy.
B. the board of directors appoints a person to fill the vacancy.
C. the managing director of the company appoints a person to fill the vacancy.
D. none of these can appoint a person to fill the vacancy.
79. When a company engages a Chartered Accountant as its internal auditor, the external auditor
A. need not check the areas covered by internal audit.
B. should ignore the existence of internal audit.
C. should incorporate the internal auditors report with his own.
D. should examine the system and efficiency of internal audit and devise a suitable audit programme.
80. Which of the following factors likely to be identified as a fraud factor by the auditor?
A. initial public offer of quality shares to raise additional capital for expansion
B. Bank reconciliation statement includes deposits-in-transit.
C. Plant and machinery is sold at a loss.
D. The company has made political contributions.
81. The most difficult type of misstatement to detect fraud is based on __________.
A. related party purchases.
B. related party sales.
C. the restatement of sales.
D. omission of a sales transaction from being recorded.
82. Which of the following is not likely to be a fraud risk factor relating to management characteristics?
A. Tax evasion.
B. Failure to correct known weakness in internal control system.
C. Adoption of conservative accounting principles.
D. High management turnover.
83. Professional skepticism requires that the auditor assume that management is _________.
A. reasonably honest.
B. neither honest nor dishonest.
C. not necessarily honest.
D. dishonest unless proved otherwise.
84. Which of the following information should a successor auditor obtain during the inquiry of the
predecessor auditor before accepting engagement?
A. Information about integrity of management.
B. Disagreement with management concerning auditing procedures.
C. Review of internal control system.
D. Organization structure.
85. The audit engagement letter generally should include a reference to each of the following except
A. limitations of auditing
B. responsibilities of management with respect to audit work.
C. expectation of receiving a written management representation letter.
D. a description of the auditors method of sample selection.
86. The use of an audit engagement letter is the best method of assuring the auditor will have which of the
A. Auditor will obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence.
B. Management representation letter.
C. Access to all books, accounts and vouchers required for audit purpose.
D. Co-operation from other auditors.
87. The use of an audit engagement letter is the best method of documenting ________.
A. The required communication of significant deficiencies in internal control.
B. Significantly higher control risk than that assessed in prior audit.
C. Objective and scope of auditors work.
D. Notification of any changes in the original arrangements of the audit.
88. An auditor who accepts an audit but does not posses the industry expertise of the business entity should
A. engage experts.
B. obtain knowledge of matters that relate to the nature of entity business.
C. inform management about it.
D. take help of other auditors.
89. The least import element in the evaluation of an audit firm system of quality control would relate to
A. assignment of audit assistants.
B. system of determining audit fees.
C. consultation with experts.
D. confidentiality of clients information.
90. The primary purpose of establishing quality control policies and procedures for deciding on client
evaluation to ___________.
A. ensure adherence to generally accepted auditing standards.
B. acceptance or retention of clients whose management does not lack integrity.
C. ensure audit fees is charged according to the type of audit work assigned.
D. medical policies.
91. Which of the following is not a quality control consideration on accepting a new client?
A. Availability of audit assistants with necessary skill and competence.
B. Provision of other services to the client which may impair independence.
C. Predecessor auditor advice as to whether audit fees were paid promptly.
D. Review of audit work done by one partner by the other.
97. Which of the following statements is not true about continuous audit?
A. It is conducted at regular interval.
B. It may be carried out on daily basis.
C. It is needed when the organisation has a good internal control system.
D. It is expensive.
100. When issuing unqualified opinion the auditor who evaluated the audit findings should be satisfied that
the ______________.
A. amount of known misstatement is documented in working papers.
B. estimates of the total likely misstatement is less than materiality level.
C. estimated of the total likely misstatement is more than materiality level.
D. estimates of the total likely misstatement cannot be made.
101. In determining the level of materiality for an audit what should not be considered?
A. Prior years errors.
B. The auditor remuneration.
C. Adjusted interim financial statement.
D. Prior year financial statements.
102. Analytical procedures issued in the planning stage of an audit, generally ___________.
A. helps to determine the nature, timing and extent of other audit procedures.
B. directs attention to potential risk areas.
C. indicate important aspects of business.
D. all of the above.
103. Which of the following statement is most closely associated with analytical procedure applied at
substantive stage?
A. It helps to study relationship among balance sheet accounts.
B. It helps to discover material misstatements in the financial statements.
C. It helps to identify possible oversights.
D. It helps to accumulate evidence supporting the validity of a specific account balance.
104. What is the primary objective of analytical procedures used in the overall review stage of an audit?
A. To help to corroborate the conclusions drawn from individual components of financial statements.
B. To reduce specific detection risk.
C. To direct attention to potential risk areas.
D. To satisfy doubts when questions arise about a client ability of continue.
105. Of the following, which is the least persuasive type of audit evidence?
A. Bank statements obtained from the client.
B. Documents obtained by auditor from third parties directly.
C. Carbon copies of sales invoices inspected by the auditor.
D. Computations made by the auditor.
106. Which of the following statement is generally, correct about the reliability of audit evidence?
A. To be reliable, evidence should conclusive rather than persuasive.
B. Effective internal control system provides reliable audit evidence.
C. Evidence obtained from outside sources routed through the client.
D. All are correct.
107. Which of the following Auditing Assurance Standard deals with Audit planning?
A. AAS-7.
B. AAS-8.
C. AAS-9.
D. AAS-3.
109. The working papers which auditor prepares for financial statements audit are _______ .
A. evidence for audit conclusions.
B. owned by the client.
C. owned by the auditor.
D. retained in auditor office until a change in auditors.
110. The quantity of audit working papers complied on engagement would most be affected by
A. management integrity.
B. auditor experience and professional judgement.
C. Auditor qualification.
D. control risk.
111. Which of the following best describes the primary purpose of audit programmed preparation?
A. To detect errors or fraud.
B. To comply with GAAP.
C. To gather sufficient appropriate evidence.
D. To assess audit risk.
112. Which of the following is not an advantage of the preparation of working paper?
A. To provide a basis for review of audit work.
B. To provide a basis for subsequent audits.
C. To ensure audit work is being carried out as per Programme.
D. To provide a guide for advising another client on similar issues.
113. The auditor permanent working paper file should not normally, include ________
A. extracts from clients bank statements.
B. past years financial statements.
C. attorney letters.
D. debt agreements.
114. Who is responsible for the appointment of statutory auditor of a limited company?
A. Directors of the company.
B. Members of the company.
C. The central government.
D. The state government.
115. Which of the following sections deals with qualification of the auditor?
A. Section 226(1) and Section 226(2).
B. Section 224(1) and Section 224(2).
C. Section 226(3) and Section 226(4).
D. Section 224(3) and Section 224(4).
117. The board of directors shall appoint first auditor of a company ___________.
A. within one month of completion of capital subscription state of the company.
B. within one month of the promotion of the company.
C. within one month of the commencement of the business of the company.
D. within one month of incorporation of the company.
118. The term of the auditor ship of first auditor would be from the date of appointment till _.
A. the conclusion of statutory meeting.
B. the conclusion of first general meeting.
C. the conclusion of next annual general meeting.
D. the date of removal.
119. In case the directions fail to appoint first auditors, the shareholders shall appoint them at _______ by
passing a resolution.
A. a general meeting.
B. first annual general meeting.
C. statutory meeting.
D. annual general meeting.
120. Which of the following statement is not true regarding appointment of statutory auditor by the central
A. Such powers have been conferred upon it by section 224(3).
B. If a company fails to appoint an auditor at a general meeting.
C. If an auditor refuses to accept appointment, the powers of the central government can be exercised.
D. Lay man can be appointed as an auditor.
121. The auditor of a government company is appointed by the C & AG. His remuneration is fixed by
A. the C & AG.
B. the shareholders.
C. the shareholders at an annual general meeting.
D. the board of directors.
122. The section which contains provisions regarding remuneration of the auditor is _____.
A. Section 224(9).
B. Section 224(7).
C. Section 224(8).
D. Section 224(6).
123. The authority to remove the first auditor before the expiry of term is with ___________.
A. the shareholders in a general meeting.
B. the shareholders in the first annual general meeting.
C. the board of directors.
D. the central government.
124. Which of the following statement is not correct regarding removal of first auditor before expiry of the
A. He is removed at a general meeting.
B. The shareholders are authorized to do so.
C. The approval of the central government is required for such removal.
D. The provision for such removal are contained in section 224(7).
126. Who out of the following cannot be appointed as a statutory auditor of the company?
A. Erstwhile director.
B. Internal auditor.
C. Relative of a director.
D. Only (2) and (3).
130. Auditor of a _______ company does not have right to visit foreign branches of the company.
A. unlimited liability.
B. manufacturing.
C. banking.
D. non-profit making.
131. Special audit is conducted at the order of the central government. Which section givers such powers?
A. Section 233(A).
B. section 233(B)
C. Section 242(A).
D. Section 242(B).
132. Who among the following can be appointed as special auditor by the central government?
A. The statutory auditor.
B. Chartered accountant in practice.
C. Any chartered accounted who is not in practice.
D. Both (1) and (2).
133. As per C & AG Act, 1971 the tenure of the comptroller and Auditor General is ______ a. four years.
A. four years.
B. five years.
C. six years.
D. seven years.
134. The part of Government Audit which is concerned with examining whether the money has been spent for
the purpose specified in Appropriation Act is called _____________.
A. audit of sanctions
B. audit of provisions of funds.
C. audit of rules and orders.
D. audit of financial property.
135. Audit of transactions does not include __________.
A. propriety audit.
B. efficiency cum performance audit.
C. audit of receipts.
D. audit of expenditure.
136. The income tax department has sent MR. X refund of Advance tax. The government Auditor detected
this while conducting ____________.
A. audit of expenditure.
B. performance audit.
C. audit of stores and stock.
D. audit of receipts.
137. Audit of rent, deposits and remittances does not cover ____________.
A. audit of borrowings.
B. audit of amortization of debt.
C. Audit of sanctions.
D. remittance audit.
139. Who among the following is eligible to be appointed as an audit of Government Company?
A. A chartered accountant in practice.
B. A chartered accountant whether in practice or not.
C. An auditor appointed by the A & AG.
D. An unsound mind person.
140. The statutory auditor of a Government Company submits his report to _________.
A. the BOD of the company
B. the C & AG.
C. the legislature.
D. the company secretary.
141. Which of the following statement is not distinguishing feature for computer based processing and manual
A. Errors in a CIS environment are less systematic as compared to error in manual processing.
B. The potential for human error in the CIS environment is greater as compared to manual system.
C. In a computer based accounting system, audit trail is in electronic form.
D. Computer processing offers management a variety of analytical tools.
142. To avoid invalid data input, a bank added an extra number at the end of each account number and
subjected the new number to an algorithm. This technique is known as _______.
A. Dual read.
B. Test for reasonableness.
C. Check digit.
D. Occurrence of correction.
143. When computer programmed or files can be accessed from terminals, access can be limited to authorized
individuals by __________.
A. appointing a librarian.
B. controlling passwords.
C. appointing EEP auditor.
D. Both (a) and (b).
144. Erroneous data has been detected by computer program controls. It has been excluded from processing
and printed separately Error Report. Who should most probability by review and follow up on this report?
A. System analyst.
B. Data control group.
C. Programmer.
D. Computer operator.
146. Which of the following activities would most likely be performed by EDP department?
A. Authorizing transactions.
B. Parity checks.
C. Distributing output.
D. Correction of transaction errors.
147. The completeness of wages figure can be tested by comparing the number of time cards to be processed
with transaction on wages sheet. This type of control techniques is called ___________.
A. Check total.
B. Control total.
C. Occurrence correction.
D. Check digit.
148. Which of the following will not affect audit in a CIS environment?
A. The objective of expression of opinion on financial statements.
B. Compliance procedures adopted by the auditor.
C. Performance of substantive procedures.
D. Evaluation of inherent risk and control risk.
149. Which of the following statement is not true of the test data approach in a test of computerized
accounting system?
A. Test data tests only those controls which the auditor wished to rely.
B. Test data should consist of data related to all controls prevalent in the organisation.
C. The result of test data indicates that all the application and general controls are functioning properly.
D. Test data processed by the client computer programmed under the auditors control.
150. Which of the following CAAT allow fictitious transactions planted by the auditor to be processed along
with real ones on client system?
A. Integrated test facility.
B. Test data approach.
C. Generalized audit software.
D. Parallel simulation.
Staff Name
Hemalatha G .