The Relationship Between Emotional Intelligence With General Health and Academic Achievement: A Case Study in Iran's Health System

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Bali Medical Journal (Bali Med J) 2018, Volume 7, Number 2: 505-510

P-ISSN.2089-1180, E-ISSN.2302-2914

The relationship between emotional intelligence

with general health and academic achievement:
Published by DiscoverSys
a case study in Iran’s Health system CrossMark

Mohammad Ranjbar,1 Razieh Montazerfaraj,2 Mastoureh Pourmahmoodian3*


Objective: Today, emotional intelligence as a new scientific issue, plays Results: The results showed that average emotional intelligence and
an important role in various aspects of individuals life. Studies that average general health for students are (15.46 ± 99.63) and (11.36 ±
have been done in this area, explain the role of emotional intelligence 22.98), respectively. There was a significant relationship between
in different aspects of one’s life such as academic achievement, general emotional intelligence, general health and academic achievement
health, and social relations. The aim of this study was to determine (p<0.001). Other findings showed that there is a statistical correlation
the relationship between emotional intelligence, general health between some demographic information with emotional intelligence,
and academic achievement among students of Shahid - Sadooghi general health and academic achievement (p<0.001).
University of Medical Sciences in Yazd. Conclusion: In order to achieve a high level of academic skills, and
Methods: Siberia Shirring Emotional Intelligence and Goldberg future success, in addition to general cognitive abilities, students
General Health Questionnaire were used for data collection. Students should have suitable growth in aspects such as emotional control.
Average GPA was used as an indicator of academic achievement. To Therefore it is recommended for university curriculum planners to pay
analyze the data, Pearson correlation and regression analysis were more attention to emotional intelligence and the need for improving
used. it among students.

Keywords: Emotional Intelligence, academic achievement, general health.

Cite This Article: Ranjbar, M. Montazerfaraj, R. Pourmahmoodian M. 2018. The relationship between emotional intelligence with general health
and academic achievement: a case study in Iran’s Health system. Bali Medical Journal. 7(2): 505‑510. DOI:10.15562/bmj.v7i2.750

Ph.D. in Health Policy, Health INTRODUCTION
Policy Research Center, Shahid
Sadoughi University of medical Health is known as a part of human right and a of individual’s physical aspect, but mental and social
sciences, Yazd, Iran fundamental social objective. Health is crucial aspects should also be considered.4
Ph.D. in Healthcare Management, for fulfilling the basic human needs and for Mental health is the ability to establish a balance
Hospital Management Research
Center, Shahid Sadoughi University the improvement of the quality of human life.1 in life and to withstand problems. According to
of medical sciences, Yazd, Iran Emotional intelligence represents ability to prop- psychologists, one of the factors that promote
MSc in Healthcare Management, erly and adaptively identify, assess and express mental health and has a predictive role in this
Shahid Sadoughi University of emotions. It also includes the ability to understand regard is Emotional Intelligence.5 One of the most
medical sciences, Yazd, Iran the human environment, the ability to recognize important criteria of emotional intelligence is that
others emotions and using emotional knowledge how well a person responds to stress. There are
to facilitate the cognitive activities, adaptive prac- some emotional intelligence skills that facilitate
tice and thinking guidance.2 According to Mayer processing of emotional information and make
et  al., emotional intelligence abilities and skills the thoughts coherent. So, those who identify,
consist of four domains: the ability to under- understand and pay attention to their emotions
stand the emotions, using emotions to expedite and rebuild their moods, can minimize the influ-
thinking, understanding emotions and emotional ence of stressful events and easily confront them
Correspondence to: management.3 and as a result, benefit from greater physical and
Mastoureh Pourmahmoodian, MSc
in Healthcare Management, Shahid People who have higher emotional intelligence, mental health.2 Studies on the relationship between
Sadoughi University of medical have greater social skills, make better and more stable emotional intelligence and general health have
sciences, Yazd, Iran relationships and are better at dealing with problems. shown that components of both constructs have a Regarding The Constitution of the World Health significant relationship with each other.5 Like this
Organization, general health refers to a complete study, Slaskiet et al. as well as Schotte et al. in their
Received: 2017-07-13 physical, mental and social welfare and there is an study found that emotional intelligence is posi-
Accepted: 2018-4-15 interaction between these three aspects. Therefore, tively correlated with mental health. Their findings
Published: 2018-5-1 according to this definition, health not only consists reveal the importance of emotional intelligence

Open access: and 505


in mediating stress and increasing flexibility. If 95% confidence level and a 20% correlation coef-
emotional intelligence can be increased by focusing, ficient between emotional intelligence and general
it can be used as a stress management technique.6,7 health, the minimum required sample size for this
The study by Oginska-Bulik showed that people study was estimated to be about 200. Of them,
with higher emotional intelligence have less job 155  ­individuals were undergraduate student, and
stress and health problems. In his view, emotional 45 individuals were graduate students. After deter-
intelligence has a preventive role in health prob- mining the sample size, the questionnaires (includ-
lems, particularly depression. People with high ing Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire, general
levels of emotional intelligence exhibit better ability health Questionnaire) were used for data collec-
to cope with stress, higher emotional expression as tion. The student GPA was used as an indicator of
well as greater management and control of them.8 academic achievement.
Hemmati et  al., have shown that emotional intel- Data were collected by a questionnaire consisted
ligence is associated with depression and people of two parts: the first part included demographic
with higher emotional intelligence have lower rates characteristics (age, sex, educational level, field
of depression.9 The results of some other studies of study, semester, location) and the Siberia
indicate that there is a positive relationship between Shiring Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire
emotional intelligence and mental health.10 Another (SibriaShiring),15 which is one of the most compre-
application of emotional intelligence is its use in hensive self-report tests or emotional intelligence.
the field of education and social learning programs. It is a questionnaire with 33 items consisting
Because in the twenty-first century, in addition to of 5 subscales: self-motivation, self-awareness,
cognitive development and academic achievement, ­self-control, social awareness and social skills. The
we must also pay attention to the emotional devel- test ranking is based on the five - options Likert
opment of students and to prepare them to engage scale. Replies are sequential and have 5 degrees
responsible decision makings, resisting against peer (always, often, sometimes, rarely, never) and a score
group pressure and the influence of mass media.11 of one to five was assigned to it. Scores for every
The mental challenges during university can person range between 33 and 165. High scores
cause anxiety, endanger students health and cause on this scale indicate high emotional intelligence.
educational failure.12 In this context, Parker et  al. Validity and reliability of the questionnaire have
examined the relationship between emotional intel- been reviewed and approved in Iran. Ranjbar et al.
ligence and academic success. The researchers stud- reported reliability of 0.81.16
ied 37 students studying in the first year at Ontario The second part includes the Goldberg General
University. They concluded that the academic Health Questionnaire( GHQ).17 The questionnaire
success largely depends on emotional intelligence was designed by Goldberg, which contains 28 ques-
and emotional intelligence can be decisive in the tions with four-options of answer in four domains
competitive process to achieve higher levels of of physical symptoms, anxiety, social dysfunction,
education.13 and depression. Questions 7 to 8 are related to
Austin assessed emotional intelligence in 156 physical symptoms, questions 8 to 14 are related to
first-year students studying medical sciences. anxiety and insomnia, questions 15 to 21 are related
Results showed significantly higher emotional to social dysfunction and questions 22 to 28 are
intelligence in females compared to males. In addi- related to depression.
tion, after the study, limited evidence was obtained This test shows the mental – physical state of
about the relationship between emotional intelli- a person’s health. The test ranking is based on the
gence and educational status of the participants.14 4-choice Likert scale, and a score of zero to three
This study aimed to investigate the relationship was assigned to it. Finally, scores range from 0 to 84.
between emotional intelligence with general health The total score is divided into three areas: perfect
and academic achievement in students of Shahid- health, disease threshold, and the deterioration.
Sadooghi University of Medical Sciences. General health scores are as follows: score of 0-28
indicates perfect health, score of 56-29 represents
disease threshold, and score of 84-57 reflects the
severity of the disease. The higher score indi-
This is descriptive-analytic research, with a cates worse general health status. Goldberg et  al.
cross-sectional study conducted in 2016. The study reported the validity of the questionnaire to be 78.
population consisted of all undergraduate and In Iran, the reliability of the questionnaire using
graduate students studying in Shahid - Sadooghi three methods namely Test-retest, Spilt–half, and
University of Medical Sciences. Stratified random Chronbach’s Alpha was reported to be 70, 93, and
method was used for sampling. Considering a 90, respectively.18

506 Published by DiscoverSys | Bali Med J 2018; 7(2): 505-510 | doi: 10.15562/bmj.v7i2.750

Students average GPA was used as an indicator

of academic achievement. To collect data, ques-
tionnaires were randomly administered to students
in the classroom. The study population consisted
of all undergraduate and graduate students of
Shahid Sadooghi University of Medical Sciences
in Yazd. Each of the courses makes up a class.
Sampling was randomly done within each class
as well. Inclusion criterion included students who
have studied at least one semester in the School
of General Health. Exclusion criteria were senior
students. Data were analyzed using descriptive
statistics (mean, standard deviation) and infer-
ential statistics (Pearson correlation coefficient,
regression, T-Test) via SPSS 22. Before the study,
verbal consent was obtained from all students Figure 1 
Correlation Coefficient of Emotional
participated in the study. They were assured that Intelligence and General Health in
the data was collected anonymously and only Students
for use in research. Code of ethics: IR.SSU.SPH.

From whole 200 participants, 136 participants
were women (68%), and 64 participants were male
(32%). And the number of undergraduate and

Table 1  C
 orrelation between Academic Achievement, Emotional
Intelligence, and General Health
Emotional Academic
Variable General Health Intelligence Achievement
Emotional *-0.324 1 0.122
General Health 1 -0.324 -0.027
Figure 2 
Correlation of Emotional Intelligence
Academic -0.027 0.122 1 and Academic Achievement in Students
graduate students was 155 (77.5%) and 45 (22.5%),
respectively. As many as 87 participants (43.5%)
Table 2  R
 egression Coefficients of the Impact of Emotional
Intelligence on General Health were living in the dormitory. Average scores on
emotional intelligence and the average general
Predicting Significance T-test Standard
variable level statistic error
β health of students were (15.46 ± 99.63) and (11.36 ±
22.98), respectively.
Emotional 0.00 9.269 4.991 - Linear regression was used to further investi-
Intelligence gate the relationship between emotional intelli-
General Health 0.00 -4.720 0.050 -0.318 gence, general health, and academic achievement
R = 0.318, R2 = 0.101, F = 22.280 and to determine that to what extent the score of
emotional intelligence can predict general health
Table 3  R
 egression Coefficients of the Impact of Emotional and academic achievement. According to Table 2,
Intelligence on Educational Achievement emotional intelligence was considered as the
Predicting Significance T test Standard
predictor variable, and general health was consid-
β ered as a dependent variable. The =0.101 showed
variable level statistic error
that 10% of the variance in general health is
Fixed amount 0.000 27.448 0.653 -
explained by emotional intelligence. Furthermore,
Emotional 0.021 1.843 0.065 0.122 There is a statistically significant relationship
intelligence between emotional intelligence and general health
R = 0.122, R2 = 0.015, F = 3. 397 (P <0.001)).

Published by DiscoverSys | Bali Med J 2018; 7(2): 505-510 | doi: 10.15562/bmj.v7i2.750 507

Based on Table 3, emotional intelligence was the study of Parker and colleagues examining the
considered as the predictor variable, and Academic relationship between emotional intelligence and
achievement was considered as a dependent vari- academic success. The study participants were 37
able. The =0.105and only about 2 percent of the students in the first year of Ontario University.
variance in students’ academic achievement is They concluded that the academic success largely
explained by emotional intelligence. The t-test depends on emotional intelligence and emotional
statistic and its significance level also show that intelligence can be decisive in the competitive
there is a correlation between the two variables process to achieve higher levels of education.20 Some
p<0.021. studies of similar theme has been done in Iran, for
example, Samariin with his study titled “the inves-
tigation of emotional intelligence and academic
achievement in students” in 2006 concluded that
The results of this study showed that there is a the overall score of emotional intelligence and some
negative and significant relationship between of its components have a significant relationship
emotional intelligence and general health (r=-0.318) with levels of academic achievement (p <0.005). In
(p <0.0001). This finding is consistent with the explaining this hypothesis, it can be said that the
results of Sureshjani, Khosrowjerdi, Khanzadeh, and findings of this study and previous research clarify
Parker, indicating the significance of the relationship the importance of emotional intelligence as teach-
between general health and emotional intelligence able skills in academic achievement and sustain-
among students.11,19,20 Academic years is an exciting ability with educational environments. Emotional
and challenging period for students. During this and social skills training can lead to short-term and
period, stressors and challenges can cause anxiety long-term success. The inclusion of the concept of
which endangers students’ health. On one hand, emotional intelligence in schools and universities
having psychological problems lead to problems curriculum can help learners to cope better with
in doing homework, lack of motivation, anxiety, the school stresses, and so, it’s less likely to develop
fear, and concern. Mental health problems cause a emotional problems and quit their education.
significant effect in students’ mind. Therefore, they The results showed a significant relationship
certainly don’t have sufficient energy for educational between emotional intelligence, general health,
and learning activities. and academic achievement (p <0.001). We found a
Based on the results obtained, it was observed negative correlation between emotional intelligence
that among dimensions of emotional intelligence, and general health (r = -0. 324), with a correlation
self-control variable has a more negative correla- coefficient equivalent to 4/32 percent and a posi-
tion with health dimensions (r =-0.326). Among tive correlation between emotional intelligence
the dimensions of general health, anxiety and and academic achievement with a correlation coef-
depression have a more negative correlation with ficient (r=0.122), equivalent to 12.2 percent were
dimensions of emotional intelligence, (r=-0.361 obtained. This finding is consistent with study by
and r=-0.252, respectively). Students with high Sureshjani et  al, Aschvtet et  al, and Śląskieet et  al
emotional intelligence often properly manage that reported the significance of the relationship
anxiousness in high-pressure situations. These between emotional intelligence, academic achieve-
findings show that scores of anxiety test are reduced ment, and general health.6,7,11,19,20 The reasons for
when emotional control is increased. Emotional such approval can be argued that people with high
intelligence also plays an important role in reduc- levels of emotional intelligence are determined by
ing stress. Studies emphasize on the relationship the ability to cope better with stress, the ability of
between this theory and depression. This means emotional expression, and the ability for control and
that people with higher emotional intelligence, management of stresses. So it can be said that high
have lower rates of depression.6,7 Based on the emotional intelligence on the one hand by increasing
findings of the study, there is a significant positive coping skills reduces stress and affects individuals’
relationship between emotional intelligence and health. On the other hand, the emotional intelligence
academic achievement (p <0.001) (r=0.122). This skills increase communication skills and the ability
means that with increasing emotional intelligence, to establish and maintain social networks which in
academic achievement increases. Given that intel- turn affects individuals’ health. Also, students with
ligence has been defined as problem-solving skills high emotional intelligence have greater control
and the ability to learn and deal with abstract issues against stressors and properly manage psychological
(Slavin 2006), this result was expected. Another pressures. These abilities help them to control their
research that is consistent with this hypothesis is emotions and be flexible in confronting problems.

508 Published by DiscoverSys | Bali Med J 2018; 7(2): 505-510 | doi: 10.15562/bmj.v7i2.750

Those students which are able to deal intelligently ACKNOWLEDGMENTS:

with their emotions, have more continence and
self-confidence and attempt more to learn. We sincerely appreciate and thank all those who
Regression analysis was performed, and the helped us in this study, especially all the students
emotional intelligence was considered as predictor who participated in this study.intervention group
variables and the general health was considered as significantly reduced after the study compared with
a dependent variable. Regression analysis showed the control group.
that emotional intelligence significantly predicts
students’ mental health (p = 0.000). The results of REFERENCES
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