DEMO9S08FL16: 8-Bit Microcontrollers
DEMO9S08FL16: 8-Bit Microcontrollers
DEMO9S08FL16: 8-Bit Microcontrollers
8-bit microcontrollers
Get to know the DEMO9S08FL16 Board
Power Select Jumper
Barrel Connector for (USB or External)
External Power
RESET Button
MCU Port
Open Source
SW1 and SW2
DEMO9S08FL16 is a cost-effective kit targeting quick
MC9S08FL16 evaluation. It can be used to demonstrate
the features of the MC9S08FL16 devices. This quick start
guide is designed to get you ready to develop your next
cost-effective application using the MC9S08FL16
within minutes.
1 Install CodeWarrior™ Click Run Getting Started Tutorial from
the startup dialog, select a tutorial and
Development Studio follow the on-screen instructions.
for Microcontrollers
CodeWarrior is a powerful tool designed STEP
Install CodeWarrior
to help you minimize your time to market.
2 for Microcontrollers
CodeWarrior installation is a one-time
required step before connecting the board
6.2.2 Patch
to your computer. You must install the CodeWarrior 6.2.2
patch so CodeWarrior can create and
1. Insert the provided DVD into your
compile the MC9S08FL16 project. The
CodeWarrior 6.2.2 patch installation is a
2. Double click Install CodeWarrior one-time required step before connecting
Development Studio for the board to your computer.
Microcontrollers 6.2.
1. Install the provided DVD into your
3. Follow the on-screen instructions computer.
until installation is complete.
2. Double click Install CodeWarrior
Once the installation is complete, you can Development Studio for
take advantage of several CodeWarrior Microcontrollers 6.2.2 patch.
tutorials that will walk you through various
3. Follow the on-screen instructions
development tool features, such as
until installation is complete.
C Programming, Assembly
Programming, Using Processor After the CodeWarrior 6.2.2 patch is
Expert™ and more. Simply open installed, you can select the MC9S08FL16
CodeWarrior using the path Programs silicon when creating an application
> Freescale CodeWarrior > CW for and the MC9S08FL16 project can be
Microcontroller V6.x > CodeWarrior compiled correctly.
Quick Start Guide for DEMO9S08FL16
3 Connect Board 4 Run and Debug
to Computer Example Code on Board
USB driver installation is a one-time 1. Copy DEMO9S08FL16 Demo code
required step, to be completed after from the provided DVD and save to
CodeWarrior installation. your PC folder.
1. Remove DEMO9S08FL16 demo 2. Start CodeWarrior from the Windows
board from anti-static bags. Start menu.
2. Connect the provided A to B gray 3. From the CodeWarrior main menu,
USB cable from a free USB port on choose File > Open and choose the
your computer to the USB connector DEMO9S08FL16\FL16_Demo.mcp
on the board. file from the folder where you saved
3. The operating system will recognize the DEMO9S08FL16 Demo code. Click
your board as new hardware and will Open. The Project window will open.
prompt you to install the USB drivers. 4. The C code of this example is
Choose the recommended option to contained in the main.c file.
install the software automatically. USB Double click on the file to open it.
drivers for your board were pre-loaded 5. From the main menu, choose Project
in the CodeWarrior installation. > Change MCU/Connection. When
4. Follow on-screen instructions until all the Device and Connection dialog
USB driver installations are complete. box appears, select HCS08 FSL Open
The green USB LED on the board Source BDM from top right window in
should illuminate. the dialog and click the Finish button.
This operation allows you to select
different debug tools for the targets.
applied and must be selected as the
tool before debug.
6. From the main menu, choose Project stopped. In this demo, press the
> Debug. This will compile the source SW1 push-button to turn the buzzer on
code, generate an executable file and and off. Press the SW2 push-button to
download it to the demo board. When the LED1 and LED2 alternate blinking
the “Warning” dialog appears, click OK on and off. Rotate the potentiometer,
to proceed. the LED1 and LED2 will blink
alternately with a frequency related to
the potentiometer value.