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Anna University
A Course Material on
Soil Mechanics
Being prepared by me and it meets the knowledge requirement of the university curriculum.
This is to certify that the course material being prepared by Mrs.B.Arul selvi is of adequate quality. She
has referred more than five books among the minimum one is from abroad author.
Signature of HD
1.1 Introduction 1
1.3.1 Foundations 2
1.14.1 Permeability 20
1.15 Compaction 21
2.1 Introduction 30
2.6 Permeability: 36
3.1 Introduction 45
4 Shear Strength 53
4.3 Cohesion: 55
4.4 Stresses: 55
4.7.1 Unconsolidated–Undrained. 61
4.7.2 Consolidated–Undrained: 61
4.7.3 Drained: 61
4.9.1Shear 63
4.10 Liquefaction 64
5 Slope Stability 65
5.1 Introduction 66
Nature of soil – phase relationships – Soil description and classification for engineering
purposes, their significance – Index properties of soils - BIS Classification system – Soil
compaction – Theory, comparison of laboratory and field compaction methods – Factors
influencing compaction behavior of soils.
Soil Mechanics
‘‘Soil mechanics’’ is the study of the engineering behavior of soil when it is used
either as a construction material or as a foundation material.
This is a relatively young discipline of civil engineering, systematized in its modern form by
Karl Von Terzaghi (1925), who is rightly regarded as the ‘‘Father of Modern Soil
Mechanics’’. An understanding of the principles of mechanics is essential to the study of
soil mechanics.
A knowledge and application of the principles of other basic sciences such as physics and
chemistry would also be helpful in the understanding of soil behavior. Further, laboratory
and field research have contributed in no small measure to the development of soil
mechanics as a discipline.
1.1 Introduction
The term ‘Soil’ has different meanings in different scientific fields. It has originated from
the Latin word Solum. To an agricultural scientist, it means ‘‘the loose material on the earth’
crust consisting of disintegrated rock with an admixture of organic matter, which supports
plant life’’. To a geologist, it means the disintegrated rock material which has not been
transported from the place of origin. But, to a civil engineer, the term ‘soil’ means, and the
loose unconsolidated inorganic material on the earth’s crust produced by the disintegration
of rocks, overlying hard rock with or without organic matter. Foundations of all structures
have to be placed on or in such soil, which is the primary reason for our interest as Civil
Engineers in its engineering behavior.
Soil may remain at the place of its origin or it may be transported by various natural
agencies. It is said to be ‘residual’ in the earlier situation and ‘transported’ in the latter. The
application of the principles of soil mechanics to the design and construction of foundations
for various structures is known as ‘‘Foundation Engineering’’. ‘‘Geotechnical Engineering’’
may be considered to include both soil mechanics and foundation engineering.
In fact, according to Terzaghi, it is difficult to draw a distinct line of demarcation between
soil mechanics and foundation engineering; the latter starts where the former ends.
The use of soil for engineering purposes dates back to prehistoric times. Soil was used not
only for foundations but also as construction material for embankments. The knowledge was
empirical in nature and was based on trial and error, and experience.
The hanging gardens of Babylon were supported by huge retaining walls, the construction of
which should have required some knowledge, though empirical, of earth pressures. The
large public buildings, harbours, aqueducts, bridges, roads and sanitary works of Romans
certainly indicate some knowledge of the engineering behaviour of soil. This has been
evident from the
Writings of Vitruvius, the Roman Engineer in the first century, B.C. Mansar and
Viswakarma, in India, wrote books on ‘construction science’ during the medieval period.
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The Leaning Tower of Pisa, Italy, built between 1174 and 1350 A.D., is a glaring example
of a lack of sufficient knowledge of the behaviour of compressible soil, in those days.
Coulomb, a French Engineer, published his wedge theory of earth pressure in 1776,which is
the first major contribution to the scientific study of soil behaviour. He was the first to
introduce the concept of shearing resistance of the soil as composed of the two
components—cohesion and internal friction. Poncelet, Culmann and Rebhann were the other
men who extended the work of Coulomb. D’ Arcy and Stokes were notable for their laws
for the flow of water through soil and settlement of a solid particle in liquid
medium,respectively. These laws are still valid and play an important role in soil mechanics.
Rankine gave his theory of earth pressure in 1857; he did not consider cohesion, although he
knew of its existence.
Boussinesq, in 1885, gave his theory of stress distribution in an elastic medium under a
point load on the surface.Mohr, in 1871, gave a graphical representation of the state of stress
at a point, called ‘Mohr’s Circle of Stress’. This has an extensive application in the strength
theories applicable to soil.Atterberg, a Swedish soil scientist, gave in 1911 the concept of
‘consistency limits’ for a soil. This made possible the understanding of the physical
properties of soil. The Swedish method of slices for slope stability analysis was developed
by Fellenius in 1926. He was the chairman of the Swedish Geotechnical Commission.
Prandtl gave his theory of plastic equilibrium in 1920 which became the basis for the
development of various theories of bearing capacity. Terzaghi gave his theory of
consolidation in 1923 which became an important development in soil mechanics. He also
published, in 1925, the first treatise on Soil Mechanics, a term coined by him. (Erd bau
mechanik, in German). Thus, he is regarded as the Father of modern soil mechanics’. Later
on, R.R. Proctor and A. Casagrande and a host of others were responsible for the
development of the subject as a full-fledged discipline.Fifteen International Conferences
have been held till now under the auspices of the international Society of Soil Mechanics
and Foundation engineering at Harvard(Massachusetts, U.S.A.) 1936, Rotterdam (The
Netherlands) 1948, Zurich (Switzerland) 1953, London (U.K.) 1957, Paris (France) 1961,
Montreal (Canada) 1965, Mexico city (Mexico) 1969, Moscow (U.S.S.R) 1973, Tokyo
(Japan) 1977, Stockholm (Sweden) 1981, San Francisco (U.S.A.) 1985,and Rio de Janeiro
(Brazil) 1989. The thirteenth was held in New Delhi in 1994, the fourteenth in Hamburg,
Germany, in 1997 , and the fifteenth in Istanbul, Turkey in 2001. The sixteenth is proposed
to be held in Osaka, Japan, in 2005.
These conferences have given a big boost to research in the field of Soil Mechanics and
Foundation Engineering
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water. ‘Laterite’ soil, in which certain areas of Kerala abound, is formed by leaching. Harder
minerals will be more resistant to weathering action, for example, Quartz present in igneous
rocks. But, prolonged chemical action may affect even such relatively stable minerals,
resulting in the formation of secondary products of weathering, such as clay minerals—illite,
kaolinite and montmorillonite. ‘Clay Mineralogy’ has grown into a very complicated and
broad subject (Ref: ‘Clay Mineralogy’ by R.E. Grim).
In Hong Kong areas, the top layer of rock is decomposed into residual soils
due to the warm climate and abundant rainfall .
(2) Alluvial soils: transported by running water and deposited along streams.
(3) Lacustrine soils: formed by deposition in quiet lakes (e.g. soils in Taipei basin).
(5) Aeolian soils: transported and deposited by the wind (e.g. soils in the loess
plateau, China).
(6) Colluvial soils: formed by movement of soil from its original place by gravity,
such as during landslide (Hong Kong). (from Das, 1998)
1.5 Soil Profile
A deposit of soil material, resulting from one or more of the geological processes described
earlier, is subjected to further physical and chemical changes which are brought about by the
climate and other factors prevalent subsequently. Vegetation starts to develop and rainfall
begins the processes of leaching and eluviations of the surface of the soil material.
Gradually, with the passage of geological time profound changes take place in the character
of the soil. These changes bring about the development of ‘soil profile’. Thus, the soil
profile is a natural succession of zones or strata below the ground surface and represents the
alterations in the original soil material which have been brought about by weathering
processes. It may extend to different depths at different places and each stratum may have
varying thickness.
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Generally, three distinct strata or horizons occur in a natural soil-profile; this number may
increase to five or more in soils which are very old or in which the weathering processes
have been unusually intense. From top to bottom these horizons are designated as the A-
horizon, the B-horizon and the C-horizon. The A-horizon is rich in humus and organic plant
residue. This is usually eluviated and leached; that is, the ultrafine colloidal material and the
soluble mineral salts are washed out of this horizon by percolating water. It is dark in colour
and its thickness may range from a few centimeters to half a metre. This horizon often
exhibits many undesirable engineering characteristics and is of value only to agricultural soil
The B-horizon is sometimes referred to as the zone of accumulation. The material which has
migrated from the A-horizon by leaching and eluviations gets deposited in this zone. There
is a distinct difference of colour between this zone and the dark top soil of the A-horizon.
This soil is very much chemically active at the surface and contains unstable fine-grained
material. Thus, this is important in highway and airfield construction work and light
structures such as single storey residential buildings, in which the foundations are located
near the ground surface. The thickness of B-horizon may range from 0.50 to 0.75 m. The
material in the C-horizon is in the same physical and chemical state as it was first deposited
by water, wind or ice in the geological cycle. The thickness of this horizon may range from
a few centimeters to more than 30 m. The upper region of this horizon is often oxidized to a
considerable extent. It is from this horizon that the bulk of the material is often borrowed for
the construction of large soil structures such as earth dams. Each of these horizons may
consist of sub-horizons with distinctive physical and chemical characteristics and may be
designated as A1, A2, B1, B2, etc. The transition between horizons and sub-horizons may
not be sharp but gradual. At a certain place, one or more horizons may be missing in the soil
profile for special reasons.
The morphology or form of a soil is expressed by a complete description of the texture,
structure, colour and other characteristics of the various horizons, and by their thicknesses
and depths in the soil profile. For these and other details the reader may refer ‘‘Soil
Engineering’ by M.G. Spangler.
The following are some commonly used soil designations, their definitions and basic
properties Bentonite: Decomposed volcanic ash containing a high percentage of clay
mineral montmorillonite. It exhibits high degree of shrinkage and swelling.
Black cotton soil. Black soil containing a high percentage of montmorillonite and colloidal
material: exhibits high degree of shrinkage and swelling. The name is derived from the fact
that cotton grows well in the black soil.
Boulder cla: Glacial clay containing all sizes of rock fragments from boulders down to
finely pulverized clay materials. It is also known as ‘Glacial till’.
Calich: Soil conglomerate of gravel, sand and clay cemented by calcium carbonate.
Hard pan: Densely cemented soil which remains hard when wet. Boulder clays or glacial
tills may also be called hard-pan— very difficult to penetrate or excavate.
Laterite: Deep brown soil of cellular structure, easy to excavate but gets hardened on
exposure to air owing to the formation of hydrated iron oxides.
Loam: Mixture of sand, silt and clay size particles approximately in equal proportions;
sometimes contains organic matter. Loess. Uniform wind-blown yellowish brown silt or
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silty clay; exhibits cohesion in the dry condition, which is lost on wetting. Near vertical cuts
can be made in the dry condition.
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The structure has a large void space and may carry high loads without a significant volume
change. The structure can be broken down by external disturbances.
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3. Desert soils, occurring in Rajasthan. These are deposited by wind and are uniformly
4. Alluvial soils, occurring in the Indo-Gangetic plain, north of the Vindhyachal ranges.
5. Lateritic soils, occurring in Kerala, South Maharashtra, Karnataka, Orissa and West
1.9 Phases Relationship
The three constituents are blended together to form a complex material. It is also
known as block diagram. Dry soil and saturated soil is known as two phase diagram.
Wt = Ww + Ws + Wg
Vt = Vv + Vs = Va + Vw + Vs + Vg
1.9.1. Volumetric Relationships
i) Void ratio
It is defined as the ratio of volume of voids to the volume of solids.
e = Vv/Vs; the void ratio is expressed in decimal.
n = e/1+e; e = n/n-1
iii) Degree of Saturation (S)
The degree of saturation (s) is the ratio of the volume of water to the volume of
S = Vw/Vv; The degree of saturation is generally as a percentage. It is equal to zero
when the soil is absolutely dry & 100 % when the soil is fully saturated.
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na =
vi) Water content (w)
The water content (w) is defined as the ratio of the mass of water to mass of solids.
w = Mw/Ms. It is also known as moisture content (m); it is expressed as percentage but used
as a decimal computation.
1.9.2. Volume Mass Relationships
i) Bulk density (ρ)
The bulk mass density (ρ) is defined as the total mass (m) per unit total volume (v)
ρ = m/v.It is also known as Bulk mass density, Bulk density, Wet mass density and density.
It is expressed as / 3, / (or) / 3.
iii)Saturated density(ρsat)
The Saturated density is the bulk mass density of the soil when it is fully saturated.
ρ = /
iv)Submerged density
When the soil exists below water it is submerged conditions. When a volume of v of soil is
submerged in water, it displaces an equal volume of water.
v)Density of solids
Density of solids is equal to the ratio of the mass of solids to the volume of solids. Ρ =
γ = ,.The bulk unit weight is also known as the total unit weight (γ ).
It is expressed as / ( ) /
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It is defined as the weight of soil solids per unit total volume. γd=
γ′ = ; ′
= −
The specific gravity of solids for most natural soils is range of 2.65 to 2.80.
Here = 1000 ( )1 .
ii) Mass specific gravity (or) apparent specific gravity (or) Bulk specific gravity
It is defined as the ratio of the mass density of the soil to the mass density of water.
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e = natural voids ratio of deposits; When the natural state of cohesion less soil in the densest
form e = e min, ID = 1.
15-35 Loose
35-65 Medium
65-85 Dense
( ) ( ) .
ii)ρsat= ) =
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( ) ( )
iii)ρ = ) =
. .
iv) = ) =
v) = ) =
. .
vi)( ) = ) ( )=
(1 − ) . (1 − )( . )
= ( )
1+ 1+
1.10 Water content determination
Water content of soil sample can be determined by the following any one of the methods.
i)Oven dry method
ii)Torsion Balance method
iii)Pyconometer method
iv)Sand bath method
v)Radiation method
1.10.1 Specific gravity determination
The specific gravity of the particles is determined in the laboratory using the following
i)Density bottle method
ii)Pyconometer method
iii)Shrinkage limit method
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Gravel : 80 – 4.75 mm
Sand : 4.75mm – 0.075mm (75 micron)
Silt : 75 – 2 micron
Clay : less than 2 micron
Particle size distribution of a soil is determined by a combination of sieving and
sedimentation analysis as per procedure detailed in IS: 2720 (Part 4) – 1985 and its plasticity
characteristics are determined by Liquid Limit and Plastic Limit as per procedure
detailed in IS:2720 (Part 5) –1985.
1.11.2 Symbols used in Soil Classification:
Symbols and other soil properties used for soil classification are given below. Brief
procedure for Classification of soils has been explained in tabular form and Flow Chart.
Plasticity Chart required for classification of fine grained soils has also been given.
Primary Letter Secondary Letter
G: Gravel W: well-graded
S: Sand P: poorly graded
M: Silt M: with non-plastic fines
C: Clay C: with plastic fines
P: Peat I : medium plasticity
O: Organic soil L: of low plasticity
H: high plasticity
1.11.3 Other soil parameters required for soil classification:
Cu : Coefficient of Uniformity = D60 / D10 .
Cc : Coefficient of Curvature = (D30)2 / (D60 * D10) .
D60, D30 & D10 are particle sizes, below which 60,30 and 10 percent soil particles by
weight are finer than these sizes.
Plasticity Index, PI = Liquid Limit (LL) - Plastic Limit ( PL).
Coarse-grained soils: Soils having fines ( particles of size less than 75 micron) < 50%.
Fine grained soils: Soils having fines more than 50%.
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Conduct liquid limit and plastic limit test on soil samples as per procedure given fig
Based on above soil parameters, classification should be done as per procedure explained in
the following table/Flow Chart. The classification should be done in conjunction with the
Plasticity Chart given below.
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1.12.1 Sampling Procedure:
i)Ballast shall be removed up to the bottom of ballast penetration, and/or upto the top of
subgrade i.e., just below the blanket level. (160 cm from CL of track or 20-30 cm away from
the edge of the sleeper)
ii)Disturbed /undisturbed soil sample (min 2.0 kg) shall be collected by excavation or other
iii)The excavation pit shall be at least 100 mm below the bottom of ballast.
iv)Collected soil sample shall be kept in a poly bag with seal, so that, fines are preserved.
v)A slip of location (km/chainage), section, divisions alongwith name of zonal railway shall
be placed in the poly bag.
vi)The excavated pit shall be refilled with local material and be well compacted.
Only two types of tests shall be performed on each sample.
a) Atterberg limit tests (Liquid Limit and plastic limit).
b) Grain size analysis (Mechanical sieving).
Atterberg limit tests: IS: 2720 pt V 1985.
i) Mechanical /LL apparatus
ii) Grooving tool, Casagrande, ASTM
iii) Procelain evaporating dish, 12 to 15cm dia
iv) Spatula
v) Balance (Physical or electronic)
vi) Oven
vii) Wash Bottle
viii) Air tight container, IS Sieve 4254 of a 600 mm x 600mm glass sheet, ix) A soil
sample weighing about 120 g
b) Procedure:
i) Liquid limit:
Air dry the soil sample remove the organic matter like tree roots, pieces of bark etc.
About 270gm of air dried pulverized soil which is already sieved through 425
micron, IS Sieve is taken.
Water is added with air dried soil to make a paste and ensure uniform distribution of
moisture throughout the soil mass. Clayey soil left to stand for 24 hours.
A standard groove is made in the soil paste by the grooving tool suitable for the type
of soil.
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The cup is made to fall freely through a height of 1cm by turning e ram at the rate of
two revolutions per second.
The no. of drops required closing, the grave by about 12mm in the central portion is
Determine moisture content of representative slice of soil from the groove and
including the soil flowed.
With increasing water content, the number of drops required to close the groove shall
not be more than 35 or less than 15.Determine the moisture content in each case.
A graph is plotted on semi log paper, with no. of drops on log scale as abscissa and
moisture content on natural log scale as ordinate.
The water content at 25 drops is read from the graph. It is the liquid limit (LL)for
the soil sample. Generally these points lie on a straight line.
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4 4.75
10 2.00
20 0.850
40 0.425
60 0.250
100 0.150
200 0.074
1.13.2 Gradation:
Gradation is a measure of the distribution of a particular soil sample. Larger gradation means
a wider particle size distribution. Well graded Ù poorly sorted (e.g., glacial till) Poorly
graded Ù well sorted (e.g., beach sand)
The range of grain size distribution is enormous for natural soils. E.g., boulder can be ~1 m
in diameter, and the colloidal mineral can be as small as 0.00001 mm = 0.01 micron. It has a
tremendous range of 8 orders of magnitude.
Example: If you have a soil sample with a weight of 150 g, after thorough sieving you get
the following result.
4 4.750 30.0 20 20 80
20 0.850 40.0 26.7 46.7 53.3
60 0.250 50.0 33.3 79 21
100 0.150 20.0 13.3 92 8
200 0.074 10.0 6.67 98 2
The last column shows the percentage of material finer than that particular sieve size by
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There are a number of ways to characterize the particle size distribution of a particular soil
D10 represents a grain diameter for which 10% of the sample will be finer than it. Using
another word, 10% of the sample by weight is smaller than diameter D10. It is also called
the effective size and can be used to estimate the permeability.
Hazen’s approximation (an empirical relation between hydraulic conductivity with grain
size) k (cm/sec) = 100D10D10
Where D10 is in centimeters.
It is empirical because it is not consistent in dimension (cm/sec vs cm2).
Uniformity coefficient Cu:
Cu = D60/D10
Where D60 is the diameter for which 60% of the sample is finer than D60.
The ratio of two characteristic sizes is the uniformity coefficient Cu. Apparently, larger Cu
means the size distribution is wider and vice versa. Cu = 1 means uniform, all grains are in
the same size, such as the case of dune sands. On the other extreme is the glacial till, for
which its Cu can reach 30.
from Cu = D60/D10 , then D60 = CuD10
Coefficient of Curvature Cc
Another shape parameter, as the second moment of grain size distribution curve, is called the
coefficient of curvature, and defined as
Cc = (D30 D30)/ (D10 D60)
A soil is thought to be well graded if the coefficient of curvature Cc between 1 and 3,with
Cu greater than 4 for gravels and 6 for sands.
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1.14.2 Compressibility
It is related with the deformations produced in soils when they are subjected to compressive
1.14.3 Shear Strength
It determines the stability of slope bearing capacity of soils and the earth pressure on
retaining structures.
1.15 Compaction
In construction of highway embankments, earth dams and many other engineering
structures, loose soils must be compacted to improve their strength by increasing their unit
weight; Compaction - Densification of soil by removing air voids using mechanical
equipment; the degree of compaction is measured in terms of its dry unit weight.
1.15.1 Objectives for Compaction
Increasing the bearing capacity of foundations;
Decreasing the undesirable settlement of structures;
Control undesirable volume changes;
Reduction in hydraulic conductivity;
Increasing the stability of slopes.
In general, soil densification includes compaction and consolidation.
Compaction is one kind of densification that is realized by rearrangement of soil particles
without outflow of water. It is realized by application of mechanic energy. It does not
involve fluid flow, but with moisture changing altering.
Consolidation is another kind of densification with fluid flow away. Consolidation is
primarily for clayey soils. Water is squeezed out from its pores under load.
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γ ( z.a.v) = γ(zav)
It is clear that in the above equation, specific gravity of the solid and thewater density are
constant, the zero-air-void density is inversely proportional to water content w. For a given
soil and water content the best possible compaction is represented by the zero-air-voids
curve. The actual compaction curve will always be below. For dry soils the unit weight
increases as water is added to the soil because the water lubricates the particles making
compaction easier. As more water is added and the water content is larger than the optimum
value, the void spaces become filled with water so further compaction is not possible
because water is a kind like incompressible fluid. This is illustrated by the shape of the zero-
air-voids curve which decreases as water content increases.
Compaction Curve
Compaction curve plotted γd vs. w.The peak of the curve is the Maximum Compaction (γd
max) at Optimum Moisture Content (wopt )
Plot of dry unit weight vs moisture content
Find γd (max) and w and Plot Zero-Air-Void unit weight (only S=100%)
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Free water
Water is free to move through a soil mass under the influence of gravity.
Held water
It is the part of water held in the soil pores by some force existing within the pores.
Such water is not free to move under gravitational force.
Adsorbed water
Adsorbed water is that water which the soil particles freely adsorb from atmosphere by physical
force of attraction and held by force of adhesion.
Water is the vicinity of soil particles subjected to an attractive force basically consists of two
i) Attraction of bipolar water to be electrical charged soil.
ii) Attraction of dipolar water to the action in the double layer, cation in turn attract to the
Structural water
It is the water chemically combined in the crystal structure of the soil mineral. Structural water
cannot be separated or removed and also not removed by oven drying at 105-110°c.It can be
destroyed at higher temperature which will destroy the crystal structure.
Infiltrated water
Infiltrated water is the portion of surface precipitation which soaks into ground,moving
downwards through air containing zones.
Pore water
It is cable of moving under hydrodynamic forces unless restricted in its free movement such as
when entrapped between air bubbles or retention by capillary forces.
Gravitational and capillary water are the two types of pore water.
Solvate water
The water which forms a hydration shell around soil grains is solvate water. it is subjected to
polar electrostatic and binding forces.
Ground water
Subsurface water that fills the voids continuously and is subjected to no force other than gravity
is known as gravitational water.
The weight of water in the tubeis s pp orted by the surface tension of meniscus
circumference in the tube.
Surface tension
Surface tension of water is the properly which exists in the surface film of water tending to
contract the contained volume in to a form having minimum superficial area possible
The surface tension of water is double the surface tension of other liquids.
Capillary tension (or) capillary potential
Tensile stress caused in water is called the capillary tension or capillary potential. It is also called
as pressure deficiency or pressure reduction or negative pressure.
= . 4( ) max = ( )
Zone of soil strata saturated with capillary water is called capillary fringe.
2.5.6 Soil Shrinkage Characteristics in Swelling Soils
Understand soil swelling and shrinkage mechanisms, and the development of desiccation cracks;
Distinguish between soils having different magnitude of swelling, as well as the consequences on
soil structural behaviour; Know methods to characterize soil swell/shrink potential;
Construct soil shrinkage curves, and derive shrinkage indices, as well to apply them to assess soil
management effects.
2.5.7 Bulking Of Sand:
As the moisture content of a fixed weight of sand increases, the volume also increases--up to a
point. This is known as "bulking".
Bulking of loose, moist sand in the increase in its volume as compared to dry sand. Bulking is a
well known phenomenon particularly in the trade of aggregate for proportioning of concrete.
This phenomenon has been known since 1892 when it is was investigated by Feret at French
school of Bridges and Roads.
This bulking phenomenon of sand is explained by moisture hulls or films which surround the
sand particles. The contact moisture films, adsorbed to the sand particles by moisture surface
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tension forces, tend to cause the sand particles to occupy a larger volume as compared to their
dry state. Generally bulking of sand increases as the particle size of sand decreases. This is
because of the increase in the specific surface area of the sand. Upon further subsequent increase
in moisture content in sand, when a maximum increase in bulking volume is attained, bulking in
its turn decreases, and upon the inundation of the sand the surface tension forces are neutralized,
and most of the bulking, in such a case vanishes. As a consequence, the sand particles now
rearrange themselves into a denser packing.
Effect of bulking on sand
Bulking of sand in a loose state of packing decreases the bearing capacity of sand considerably.
In compacting sandy soils, low densities are usually achieved because of bulking.
Permeability is defined as the property of a porous material which permits the passage or seepage
of water (or other fluids) through its interconnecting voids. A material having continuous voids is
called permeable. Gravels are highly permeable while stiff clay is the least permeable and hence
such clay may be termed impermeable for all practical purposes.
The flow of water through soils may either be a laminar flow or a turbulent flow. In laminar
flow, each fluid particle travels along a definite path which never crosses the path of any other
particle. In turbulent flow, the paths are irregular and twisting, crossing and recrossing at random
(Taylor, 1948).
In most of the practical flow problems in soil mechanics, the flow is laminar. The study of
seepage of water through soil is important for the following engineering problems :
1. Determination of rate of settlement of a saturated compressible soil layer.
2. Calculation of seepage through the body of earth dams, and stability of slopes.
3. Calculation of uplift pressure under hydraulic structures and their safety against piping.
4. Ground water flow towards wells and drainage of soil.
= =
ℎ ℎ
Constant head permeability most used for coarse grained soils.
( . )( )
= 10 ( )
Falling head permeability test relatively used for less permeable soils.
When water flows through a saturated soil mass, the total head at any point in the soil mass
Consists of (i) piezometric head or pressure head, (ii) the velocity head, and (iii) the position
Head. The below shown Figure represents the flow of water through a saturated soil sample, of
length L, due to the difference in elevation of free water surface at A and B.
At the upper point a of the soil specimen, piezometric head is (hw) a - At the lower point b,the
piezometric head is (hw)b- At any intermediate point c, the piezometric head hw isequal to the
height through which the water rises in a piezometric tube inserted at that point.
The piezometric head is also called the pressure head. A piezometric surface is the linejoining the
water levels in the piezometres. The vertical distance between the piezometric levels at point ‘a’
and ‘b’ is called the initial hydraulic head H under which the flow takes place.The position or
elevation head at any point is the elevation of that point with respect to any arbitrary datum. The
position head Z is taken positive if it is situated above the datum andnegative if below the datum.
A symbol φ is sometimes used in place of h to represent the hydraulic potential or the potential
function. However, when φ represents a product of k and h, it is known as the velocity potential.
The loss of head or the dissipation of the hydraulic head per unit distance of flow through the soil
is called the hydraulic gradient i = h/L . By virtue of the viscous friction exerted on water
flowing through soil pores, an energy transfer is effected between the water and the soil. The
force corresponding to this energy transfer is called the seepage force or seepage pressure. Thus,
seepage pressure is the pressure exerted by water on the soil through which it percolates. It is this
seepage pressure that is responsible for the phenomenon known as quick sand and is of vital
importance in the stability analysis of earth structures subjected to the action of seepage.
CE6405 Soil Mechanics
For loose deposits of sand or silt, if voids ratio e is taken as 0.67 and G as 2.67, the critical
hydraulic gradient works out to be unity. It should be noted that quick sand is not a type of
sand but a flow condition occurring within a cohesion less soil when its effective pressure
is reduced to zero due to upward flow of water.
A flow net for an isometric medium is a network of flow lines and equipotential lines
intersecting at right angles to each other. The path which a particle of water follows in its
course of seepage through a saturated soil mass is called a flow line. Equipotential lines are
lines that intersect the flow lines at right angles. At all points along an equipotential line,
the water would rise in piezometric tubes to the same elevation known as the piezometric
head .
Laplace equation for two dimensional flows.
1. The saturated porous medium is compressible. The size of the pore space doesn’t change
with time, regardless of water pressure.
2. The seeping water flows under a hydraulic gradient which is due only to gravity head
loss, or Darcy’s law for flow through porous medium is valid.
3. There is no change in the degree of saturation in the zone of soil through which water
seeps and quantity of water flowing into any element of volume is equal to the quantity
which flows out in the same length of time.
4. The hydraulic boundary conditions of any entry and exit are known
5. Water is incompressible. Consider an element of soil of size ∆x, ∆y and of unit thickness
perpendicular to the plane of the paper Let Vx and Vy be the entry velocity components in
X and Y directions.
Then ( ) + .∆ ( )+ .∆
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+ =( )+ . ( )+ .
ℎ ℎ
+ = 0 = −( ) = −( )( )
ℎ ( ℎ)
+ =0
+ =0
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based on trial sketching. The hydraulic boundary conditions have a great effect on the
general shape of the flow net, and hence must be examined before sketching is started
The flow net can be plotted by trial and error by observing the following properties of
flow net and by following the practical suggestions given by A. Casagrande.
2.8.3 Properties of flow net.
The flow lines and equipotential lines meet at right angles to one another.
The fields are approximately squares, so that a circle can be drawn touching all the
four sides of the square.
The quantity of water flowing through each flow channel is the same. Simiary, the
same potential drop occur between two successive equipotential lines.
Smaller the dimensions of the field, greater will be the hydraulic gradient and velocity
of flow through it.
In a homogeneous soil, every transition in the shape of the curves is smooth, being
either elliptical or parabolic in shape.
2.8.4 Hints to draw flow net:
Use every opportunity to study the appearance of well constructed flow nets. When
the picture is sufficiently absorbed in your mind, try to draw the same flow net
without looking at the available solution ; repeat this until you are able to sketch this
flow net in a satisfactory manner.
Four or five flow channels are usually sufficient for the first attempts ; the use of too
many flow channels may distract the attention from essential features.
Always watch the appearance of the entire flow net. Do not try to adjust details before
the entire flow net is approximately correct.
The beginner usually makes the mistake of drawing too sharp transitions between
straight and curved sections of flow lines or equipotential lines. Keep in mind that all
transitions are smooth, of elliptical or parabolic shape. The size of the squares in each
channel will change gradually.
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The portion between any two successive flow lines is at flow channel. The portion
enclosed two successive equipotential lines and successive flow lines are known as field.
Let b and l be the width and length of the field.
∆ h = head drop through the field
∆ q = discharge passing through the flow channel
H = Total hydraulic head causing flow = difference between upstream and downstream
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Stress distribution- soil media – Boussinesq theory - Use of Newmarks influence char
Components of settlement–– immediate and consolidation settlement – Terzaghi‟s
one dimensional consolidation theory – computation of rate of Settlement. - √t and log
t methods– e-log p relationship – Factors influencing compression behaviour of soils.
A soil can be visualized as a skeleton of solid particles enclosing continuous voids which
contain water and/or air. For the range of stresses usually encountered in practice the
individual solid particles and water can be considered incompressible; air, on the other
hand, is highly compressible. The volume of the soil skeleton as a whole can change due
to rearrangement of the soil particles into newpositions, mainlyby rolling and sliding,
with a corresponding change in the forces acting between particles. The actual
compressibility of the soil skeleton will depend on the structural arrangement of the solid
particles. In a fully saturated soil, since water is considered to be incompressible, a
reduction in volume is possible only if some of the water can escape from the voids. In a
dry or a partially saturated soil a reduction in volume is always possible due to
compression of the air in the voids, provided there is scope for particle rearrangement.
Shear stress can be resisted only by the skeleton of solid particles, by means of forces
developed at the interparticle contacts. Normal stress may be resisted by the soil skeleton
through an increase in the interparticle forces. If the soil is fully saturated, the water
filling the voids can also withstand normal stress by an increase in pressure.
The importance of the forces transmitted through the soil skeleton from particle to
particle was recognized in 1923 when Terzaghi presented the principle of effective
stress, an intuitive relationship based on experimental data. The principle applies only to
fully saturated soils and relates the following three stresses:
1.The total normal stress ( ) on a plane within the soil mass, being the force per unit area
transmitted in a normal direction across the plane, imagining the soil to be a solid
(single-phase) material;
2 the pore water pressure (u), being the pressure of the water filling the void space
between the solid particles;
3 the effective normal stress ( ) on the plane, representing the stress transmitted
through the soil skeleton only.
The relationship is:
The principle can be represented by the following physical model. Consider a ‘plane XX
in a fully saturated soil, passing through points of interparticle contact only, as shown in
Figure. The wavy plane XX is really indistinguishable from a true plane on the mass
scale due to the relatively small size of individual soil particles. A normal force P applied
over an area A may be resisted partly by interparticle forces and partly by the pressure in
the pore water. The interparticle forces are very random in both magnitude and direction
throughout the soil mass but at every point of contact on the wavy plane may be split
into components normal and tangential to the direction
of the true plane to which XX approximates; the normal
and tangential components are N’ and T, respectively.
Then, the effective normal stress is interpreted as the
sum of all the components N’ within the area A, divided
by the area A, i.e.
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If point contact is assumed between the particles, the pore water pressure will act on
the plane over the entire area A.
Then, for equilibrium in the direction normal to XX
′ ℰ ′
= ℰ + =
ie = ′ +
The pore water pressure which acts equally in every direction will act on the entire
surface of any Particle but is assumed not to change the volume of the particle; also,
the pore water pressure does not
cause particles to be pressed together. The error involved in assuming point contact
between particles is negligible in soils, the total contact area normally being between 1
and 3% of the cross-sectional area A. It should be understood that N’does not represent
the true contact stress between two particles, which would be the random but very
much higher stress N’, where a is the actual contact area between the particles.
The pore water pressure at any depth will be hydrostatic since the void space between
the solid particles is continuous, so at depth z = Hence, from Equation is the
effective vertical stress at depth z will be
= ( − ) = ′ ℎ ′
ℎ ℎ ℎ .
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Shear strength of cohesive and cohesionless soils – Mohr – Coulomb failure theory
Measurement of shear strength, direct shear – Triaxial compression, UCC and Vane shear
tests – Pore pressure parameters – cyclic mobility – Liquefaction.
Soil failure usually occurs in the form of “shearing” along internal surface within the
soil.Thus, structural strength is primarily a function of shear strength.
The safety of any geotechnical structure is dependent on the strength of the soil
Thus shear strength is “The capacity of a material to resist the internal and external
forces which slide past each other”
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Thus shear strength of soil is “The capacity of a soil to resist the internal and external
forces which slide past each other”
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4.3 Cohesion:
it is the force of attraction between the particles binding them together. cohesion is present
in clays and silts but is normally absent in sands and gravels.Cohesion (C), is a measure of
the forces that cement particles of soils
Angle of response
Soil composition: mineralogy, grain size and grain size distribution, shape of
particles, pore fluid type and content, ions on grain and in pore fluid.
Initial state: State can be describe by terms such as: loose, dense, over-
consolidated, normally consolidated, stiff, soft, etc.
Structure: Refers to the arrangement of particles within the soil mass; the
manner in which the particles are packed or distributed. Features such as layers,
voids, pockets, cementation, etc, are part of the structure.
In reality, a complete shear strength formulation would account for all previously
stated factors.
Soil behavior is quite complex due to the possible variables stated.
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Charles Mohr
The Mohr-Coulomb Failure Criterion:
This theory states that: “a material fails because of a critical combination of normal stress
and shear stress, and not from their either maximum normal or shear stress alone”
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The shear strength parameters for a particular soil can be determined by means of
laboratory tests on specimens taken from representative samples of the in-situ soil.
Great care and judgment are required in the sampling operation and in the storage and
handling of samples prior to testing, especially in the case of undisturbed samples where
the object is to preserve the in-situ structure and water content of the soil. In the case of
clays, test specimens may be obtained from tube or block samples, the latter normally
being subjected to the least disturbance. Swelling of a clay specimen will occur due to the
release of the in-situ total stresses. Shear strength test procedure is detailed in BS 1377
(Parts 7 and 8) [7].
The specimen is confined in a metal box (known as the shear box) of square or circular
cross-section split horizontally at mid-height, a small clearance being maintained between
the two halves of the box. Porous plates are placed below and on top of the specimen if it
is fully or partially saturated to allow free drainage: if the specimen is dry, solid metal
plates may be used. The essential features of the apparatus are shown diagrammatically in
Figure. A vertical force (N) is applied to the specimen through a loading plate and shear
stress is gradually applied on a horizontal plane by causing the two halves of the box to
move relative to each other, the shear force (T) being measured together with the
corresponding shear displacement (l). Normally, the change in thickness (h) of the
specimen is also measured. If the initial thickness of the specimen is h0 then the shear
strain can be represented by l/hr and the volumetric strain (v) by h/h. A number of
specimens of the soil are tested, each under a different vertical force, and the value of
shear stress at failure is plotted against the normal stress for each test. The shear strength
parameters are then obtained from the best line fitting the plotted points.
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The test suffers from several disadvantages, the main one being that drainage conditions
cannot be controlled. As pore water pressure cannot be measured, only the total normal
stress can be determined, although this is equal to the effective normal stress if the pore
water pressure is zero. Only an approximation to the state of pure shear is produced in the
specimen and shear stress on the failure plane is not uniform, failure occurring
progressively from the edges towards the centre of the specimen. The area under the shear
and vertical loads does not remain constant throughout the test. The advantages of the test
are its simplicity and, in the case of sands, the ease of specimen preparation.
4.6 The triaxial test
This is the most widely used shear strength test and is suitable for all types of soil. The
test has the advantages that drainage conditions can be controlled, enabling saturated soils
of low permeability to be consolidated, if required, as part of the test procedure, and pore
water pressure measurements can be made. A cylindrical specimen, generally having a
length/diameter ratio of 2, is used in the test and is stressed under conditions of axial
symmetry in the manner shown in Figure. Typical specimen diameters are 38 and 100
mm. The main features of the apparatus are shown in Figure. The circular base has a
central pedestal on which the specimen is placed, there being access through the pedestal
for drainage and for the measurement of pore water pressure. A Perspex cylinder, sealed
between a ring and the circular cell top, forms the body of the cell. The cell top has a
central bush through which the loading ram passes. The cylinder and cell top clamp
onto the base, a seal being made by means of an O-ring.
triaxial apparatus
Triaxial test
The specimen is placed on either a porous or a solid disc on the pedestal of the
apparatus. A loading cap is placed on top of the specimen and the specimen is then sealed
in a rubber membrane, O-rings under tension being used to seal the membrane to the
pedestal and the loading cap. In the case of sands, the specimen must be prepared in a
rubber membrane inside a rigid former which fits around the pedestal. A small
negative pressure is applied to the pore water to maintain the stability of the specimen
while the former is removed prior to the application of the all-round pressure. A
connection may also be made through the loading cap to the top of the specimen, a
flexible plastic tube leading from the loading cap to the base of the cell; this connection is
normally used for the application of back pressure (as described later in this section).
Both the top of the loading cap and the lower end of the loading ram have coned
seating, the load being transmitted through a steel ball. The specimen is subjected to an
all-round fluid pressure in the cell, consolidation is allowed to take place, if appropriate,
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and then the axial stress is gradually increased by the application of compressive load
through the ram until failure of the specimen takes place, usually on a diagonal plane. The
load is measured by means of a load ring or by a load transducer fitted either inside or
outside the cell. The system for applying the all-round pressure must be capable of
compensating for pressure changes due to cell leakage or specimen volume change.
In the triaxial test, consolidation takes place under equal increments of total stress normal
to the end and circumferential surfaces of the specimen. Lateral strain in the specimen is
not equal to zero during consolidation under these conditions (unlike in the odometer test,
as described in Section). Dissipation of excess pore water pressure takes place due to
drainage through the porous disc at the bottom (or top) of the specimen. The drainage
connection leads to an external burette, enabling the volume of water expelled from the
specimen to be measured. The datum for excess pore water pressure is therefore
atmospheric pressure, assuming that the water level in the burette is at the same height as
the centre of the specimen. Filter paper drains, in contact with the end porous disc, are
some-times placed around the circumference of the specimen; both vertical and radial
drainage then take place and the rate of dissipation of excess pore water pressure is
The all-round pressure is taken to be the minor principal stress and the sum of the all-
round pressure and the applied axial stress as the major principal stress, on the basis that
there are no shear stresses on the surfaces of the specimen. The applied axial stress is thus
referred to as the principal stress difference (also known as the deviator stress). The
intermediate principal stress is equal to the minor principal stress; there- fore, the stress
conditions at failure can be represented by a Mohr circle. If a number of specimens are
tested, each under a different value of all-round pressure, the failure envelope can be
drawn and the shear strength parameters for the soil determined. In calculating the
principal stress difference, the fact that the average cross-sectional area (A) of the
specimen does not remain constant throughout the test must be taken into account. If the
original cross-sectional area of the specimen is A’ and the original volume is V’
then, if the volume of the specimen decreases during the test.
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a high-tensile steel rod; the rod is enclosed by a sleeve packed with grease. The length of
the vane is equal to twice its overall width, typical dimensions being 150 mm by 75 mm
and 100 mm by 50 mm. preferably the diameter of the rod should not exceed 12.5 mm.
The vane and rod are pushed into the clay below the bottom of a borehole to a depth of at
least three times the borehole diameter; if care is taken this can be done without
appreciable disturbance of the clay. Steady bearings are used to keep the rod and
sleeve central in the borehole casing. The test can also be carried out in soft clays,
without a borehole, by direct penetration of the vane from ground level; in this case a
shoe is required to protect the vane during penetration.
Torque is applied gradually to the upper end of the rod by means of suitable
equipment until the clay fails in shear due to rotation of the vane. Shear failure takes
place over the surface and ends of a cylinder having a diameter equal to the overall width
of the vane. The rate of rotation of the vane should be within the range of 6–12 per
minute. The shear strength is calculated from the expression
specimen in which strain in one direction (that of the intermediate principal stress) is
maintained at zero throughout the test by means of two rigid side plates tied together. The
all-round pressure is the minor principal stress and the sum of the applied axial
stress and the all-round pressure the major principal stress. A more sophisticated
test, also using a prismatic specimen, enables the values of all three principal
stresses to be controlled independently, two side pressure bags or jacks being used to
apply the intermediate principal stress. Independent control of the three principal
stresses can also be achieved by means of tests on soil specimens in the form of hollow
cylinders in which different values of external and internal fluid pressure can be applied in
addition to axial stress. Torsion applied to the hollow cylinders results in the rotation of
the principal stress directions. Because of its relative simplicity it seems likely that the
triaxial test will continue to be the main test for the determination of shear strength
characteristics. If considered necessary, corrections can be applied to the results of
triaxial tests to obtain the characteristics under more complex states of stress.
The shear strength characteristics of a sand can be determined from the results
of either direct shear tests or drained triaxial tests, only the drained strength of a
sand normally being relevant in practice. The characteristics of dry and saturated
sands are the same, provided there is zero excess pore water pressure in the case of
saturated sands. Typical curves relating shear stress and shear strain for initially dense
and loose sand specimens in direct shear tests are shown in Figure. Similar curves are
obtained relating principal stress difference and axial strain in drained triaxial
compression tests.
In a dense sand there is a considerable degree of interlocking between particles. Before
shear failure can take place, this interlocking must be overcome in addition to the
frictional resistance at the points of contact. In general, the degree of
interlocking is greatest in the case of very dense, well-graded sands consisting of
angular particles. The characteristic stress–strain curve for an initially dense sand
shows a peak stress at a relatively low strain and thereafter, as interlocking is
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Progressively overcome, the stress decreases with increasing strain. The reduction in the
degree of interlocking produces an increase in the volume of the specimen during
shearing as characterized by the relationship, shown in Figure , between
volumetric strain and shear strain in the direct shear test.
4.10 Liquefaction
Liquefaction is a phenomenon in which loose saturated sand loses a large percentage of its
shear strength and develops characteristics similar to those of a liquid. It is usually
induced by cyclic loading of relatively high frequency, resulting in undrained conditions
in the sand. Cyclic loading may be caused, for example, by vibrations from machinery
and, more seriously, by earth tremors.
Loose sand tends to compact under cyclic loading. The decrease in volume causes an
increase in pore water pressure which cannot dissipate under undrained conditions.
Indeed, there may be a cumulative increase in pore water pressure under successive cycles
of loading. If the pore water pressure becomes equal to the maximum total stress
component, normally the overburden pressure, the value of effective stress will be zero,
i.e. inter particle forces will be zero, and the sand will exist in a liquid state with
negligible shear strength. Even if the effective stress does not fall to zero the reduction in
shear strength may be sufficient to cause failure.
Liquefaction may develop at any depth in a sand deposit where a critical combination of
in-situ density and cyclic deformation occurs. The higher the void ratio of the sand and the
lower the confining pressure the more readily liquefaction will occur. The larger the
strains produced by the cyclic loading the lower the number of cycles required for
Pore pressure coefficients are used to express the response of pore water pressure to
changes in total stress under undrained conditions and enable the initial value of excess
pore water pressure to be determined. Values of the coefficients may be determined in
the laboratory and can be used to predict pore water pressures in the field under
similar stress conditions.
Increment of isotropic stress
Consider an element of soil, of volume V and porosity n, in equilibrium under total
principal stresses ∆ 1∆ 2, ∆ 3, as shown in Figure, the pore pressure being uo. The
element is subjected to equal increases in total stress ∆ 3 in each direction, resulting
in an immediate increase u3 in pore pressure.
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Gravitational and seepage forces tend to cause instability in natural slopes, in slopes
formed by excavation and in the slopes of embankments. The most important types of
slope failure are illustrated in Figure. In rotational slips the shape of the failure surface in
section may be a circular arc or a non-circular curve. In general, circular slips are
associated with homogeneous, isotropic soil conditions and non-circular slips with non-
homogeneous conditions. Translational and compound slips occur where the form of the
failure surface is influenced by the presence of an adjacent stratum of significantly
different strength, most of the failure surface being likely to pass through the stratum of
lower shear strength. The form of the surface would also be influenced by the presence of
discontinuities such as fissures and pre-existing slips. Translational slips tend to occur
where the adjacent stratum is at a relatively shallow depth below the surface of the slope,
the failure surface tending to be plane and roughly parallel to the slope. Compound slips
usually occur where the adjacent stratum is at greater depth, the failure surface
consisting of curved and plane sections. In most cases, slope stability can be
considered as a two-dimensional problem, conditions of plane strain being assumed.
Design resisting moment. Characteristic values of shear strength parameters c’ and tan
′ should be divided by factors 1.60 and 1.25, respectively. (However, the value of c’ is
zero if the critical-state strength is used.) The characteristic value of parameter cu should
be divided by 1.40. A factor of unity is appropriate for the self-weight of the soil and for
pore water pressures. However, variable loads on the soil surface adjacent to the slope
should be multiplied by a factor of 1.30.
The following limit states should be considered as appropriate:
1 Loss of overall stability due to slip failure.
2 Bearing resistance failure below embankments.
3 Internal erosion due to high hydraulic gradients and/or poor compaction.
4 Failure as a result of surface erosion.
5 Failure due to hydraulic uplift.
6 Excessive soil deformation resulting in structural damage to, or loss of service- ability
of, adjacent structures, highways or services.
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where F is the factor of safety with respect to shear strength. Equating moments about O
The moments of any additional forces must be taken into account. In the event of a
tension crack developing, the arc length La is shortened and a hydrostatic force will act
normal to the crack if it fills with water. It is necessary to analyze the slope for a number
of trial failure surfaces in order that the minimum factor of safety can be determined.
Based on the principle of geometric similarity, Taylor [19] published stability coefficients
for the analysis of homogeneous slopes in terms of total stress. For a slope of height H the
stability coefficient (Ns) for the failure surface along which the factor of safety is a
minimum is
= .
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This is the factor of safety for the trial failure surface selected and is not necessarily the
minimum factor of safety. The minimum factor of safety can be estimated by using
Equation. From Figure = 45° and assuming that D is large, the value of Ns is 0.18.
Using the limit state method the characteristic value of undrained strength (cuk) is
divided by a partial factor of 1.4. Thus the design value of the parameter (cud) is 65/1.40
i.e. 46 kN/m2, hence
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The factor of safety is taken to be the same for each slice, implying that there must be
mutual support between slices, i.e. forces must act between the slices.
The forces (per unit dimension normal to the section) acting on a slice are:
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1.Define Soil mechanics.
Soil mechanics is defined as the application of the laws and principles of mechanics
and hydraulics to engineering problems dealing with soil as an engineering material
1) Define water content.
3) Define capillarity?
6) Give the fomula for finding the value of k(variable head) in the laboratory.
7) Give the fomula for finding the value of k(constant head) in the laboratory.
8) What is a flownet?
9) What is compaction?
The process by which the porosity of a given form of sediment is decreased as a result of its mineral
grains being squeezed together by the weight of overlying sediment or by mechanical means.
UNIT – 3
2 Mark – Questions
An isobar is a curved or contour connecting all points below the ground surface
of equal vertical pressure.
5. Write equations of vertical pressure due to line load, strip load an d uniformly
loaded circular area?
Line load
q2 1
σz = z π x
1 +
Strip load
At, O σz = z [α +sinα cos β]
σz = z [α +sin α]
3 2
σz == q 1 − 1
6. Write an equation of vertical pressure in uniformly loaded rectangular area?
2 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 1 2
1 2mn(m + n +1) m +n +2 −1 2mn(m + n +1)
σz = q. 22 22 X 22 + tan 22 22
4 m + n +1 + m n m + n +1 m + n +1 − mn
l B
where m = ;n=
z z
σz = NXqXInfluencevalue
q → intensity of loading
9. Note down the westergaards equation for the vertical stress for a point load?
Q 1
σz = 2
Z2 π r 32
1 +2
σz = Z 2 kw
kw = π 2 32
1 +2
10. What are the disadvantages of settlement and the components affecting settlement?
If the settlement is excessive, meaning more than what is permissible for the
structure, it may cause structural damage or malfunctioning, especially whent eh rate of
such settlement is rapid. The total settlement St, of a loaded soil can be recognized as
having three components: the immediate settlement Si, the settlement duet o primary
consolidation Sc and the settlement due to secondary consolidation Ss or creep.
St = Si+Sc+Ss
13. What are the factors which cause the compressibility of clays?
The pressure that builds up in pore water due to load increment on the soil
is termed excess pore pressure or excess hydrostatic pressure.
Even after the reduction of all excess hydrostatic pressure to zero, some
compression of soil takes place at a very slow rate. This is known as secondary
consolidation. During secondary compression, some of the highly viscous water between
the points of contact is forced out from between the particles.
Cc σ 1zf
Sc = H log 1
1+Co σ zo
Cc → compression index
σ zf → Final vertical stress
σ zo → Initial vertical stress
22. List down the factors affecting time factor and hence the degree of consolidation?
It is the principle engineering property which controls the stability of a soil mass
under loads. The shear stringth of soil is the resistance to deformations by continuous shear
displacement of soil particles.
A principle plane is defined as a plane on which the stress is wholly normal on one.
Which does not carry shearing stress.
From mechanics it is known that there exist three principle planes at any point in a
stressed material. The normal stress acting on the principal plane are known as principal
c and φ
The rohr coulomb theory of shecuring stringth of a soil, first propounded by coulomb
(1976) and later generalized by rohr, is the most commonly used concept. The functional
relationship between the normal stress on any plane and the shearing strength available on
that plane was assumed to be linear by colomb. Thus the following is usually known as
coulomb’s law.
S= C+σ tand
C = apparent cohesion
φ = internal friction
It the normal and shear stress corresponding to failure are plotted, then a curve is
obtained. The plot or the curve is called strength envelope.
11. What are the field test to determine shear strength test?
• Field test
• Penetration test
12. What are the different types of soil based on shear stringth?
Cohesionless soil : These are the soils which do not have cohesion ie c=oo. These
soils derive shear stringth from the intergranular friction. These soils are also called
frictional soils.
eg : sand, gravel
Purely wherive soil : These are the soils which …… cohesion but the angle of shearing
……………… φ = 0.
13. What are the factors that affect shear stringth of cohesionless soils?
14. what are the factors that affect shear strength of cohesive soils?
Structure of clay, clay content, drainage condition, rate of strain, repeated loading,
confining pressure, plasticity index, disturbance.
15. What are the merits and demerits of direct shear test?
a. This is the only test where both the shearing stress and the normal stress on the
plane of failure are measured directly.
b. Volume changes during the test can be measured easily.
16. What are the different types of failure of a triaxcal compression test specimen?
Brittle failure
Plastic failure
A stress‐path is a curve or a straight line which is the locus of a series of stress points
depicting the changes in stress in a test specimen or in a soil element in‐situ, during loading
or unloading.
18. What is peak shear strength? West out the factors it depends on?
Peak shear strength of a soil is the max shear stress that can be rested by the soil. It
depends on percent day contact, drainage condition, stress level, anisotropy.
19. What is rohr’s circle? What are the characteristics of rohr’s circle?
The graphical method for the determination of stresses on a plane inclined to the
principal stress is called rohr’s wide.
20. Give the expression to find shear strength by vane shear test?
2H D
πD +
2 12
T = Torque
H = Height of vane
a) The factors which cause an increase in the shear stresses loads, seepage
b) The factors which cause a decrease in the shear stresses. This is due to
increase in water content, increase in pore water, weathering. or
The failure of slope occurs due to
i. The action of gravitational forces
ii. Seepage forces within the soil
iii. Excavation or undercutting of its foot, or due to gradual disintegration
of the soil.
2. What is a land slide?
Failure involving downward or outward movement of portion of the soil
is the case of natural slope is known as land slide.
If the failure occurs above the toe, then the failure is said to be face
2) Toe failure
If the failure occurs through the toe, then the failure is said to be Toe
The ratio of total depth (H+D) to depth H is called depth factor (Df).
9. What are the different methods used for analysis of finite slope.
4. Bishop’s method
2. Use of different type of soil or rack in the dam section with varying strength
and pore pressure condition.
14. What are the three forces acting in circular failure while analysis through
friction circle method?
The failure of slope is analysed thoroughly since their failure may lead to
loss of human life as well as colossal economic loss.
The force causing instability is the weight of the wedge which I equal to unit
weight γ and the area of the wedge which I proportional to the square of the
height H. It is a dimensionless quantity.
Sn =
FC γ H
Sn =Stability number
Fc – Factor of safety
γ ‐ unit weight
18. What are the Factor of safety used in stability Analysis of slopes?
19. Write down the formula for calculating factor of safety with respect t
Fc = cm (assuming friction to be fully mobilisede)
Fc – Factpr pf safetu wotj res[ect tp cpjesopm
C – ultimate cohesion
cm – mobilized cohesion
20. Write down the formulae for calculating factor of safety with respect to friction?
tan φ φ
Fφ = = (assuming cohesion to be fully mobilized)
tan φm φm
PART - A (2 marks)
1. Distinguish between Residual and Transported soil. (AUC May/June 2012)
2. Give the relation between γsat, G, γw and e. (AUC May/June 2012)
3. A compacted sample of soil with a bulk unit weight of 19.62 kN/m3 has a water content of 15
per cent. What are its dry density, degree of saturation and air content? Assume G = 2.65.
(AUC Apr/May 2010)
4. What are all the Atterberg limits for soil and why it is necessary? (AUC Nov/Dec 2012)
5. Define sieve analysis and sedimentation analysis and what is the necessity of these two
analysis? (AUC Nov/Dec 2012)
6. Two clays A and B have the following properties:
Which of the clays A or B would experience larger settlement under identical loads? Why?
(AUC Apr/May 2010)
7. Determine the maximum possible voids ratio for a uniformly graded sand of perfectly spherical
grains. (AUC Nov/Dec 2011)
8. What is a zero air voids line? Draw a compaction curve and show the zero air voids line.
(AUC Nov/Dec 2011)
9. What is porosity of a given soil sample? (AUC Apr / May 2011)
10. What is water content in given mass of soil? (AUC Apr / May 2011)
11. Define :
(a) Porosity
(b) Void ratio. (AUC Nov/Dec 2010)
12. Define effective size of particle in sieve analysis. (AUC Nov/Dec 2010)
13. Write any two engineering classification system of soil. (AUC Apr / May 2009)
14. List any one expression for finding dry density of soils. (AUC Apr / May 2009)
15. Define water content and compaction.
16. What are the laboratory methods of determination of water content?
17. Define degree of saturation and shrinkage ratio.
18. Define specific gravity and density index.
19. What do understand from grain size distribution?
20. What are consistency limits of soil?
21. Define plasticity index, flow index and liquidity index.
22. What are the methods available for determination of in-situ density?
23. What is the function of A-line Chart in soil classification?
24. Write the major soil classifications as per Indian Standard Classification System.
25. Differentiate standard proctor from modified proctor test.
1. Write down a neat procedure for determining water content and specific gravity of a given soil in
the laboratory by using a pycnometer. (AUC Nov/Dec 2012)
2. Sandy soil in a borrow pit has unit weight of solids as 25.8 kN/m3, water content equal to 11%
and bulk unit weight equal to 16.4 kN/m3. How many cubic meter of compacted fill could be
constructed of 3500 m3 of sand excavated from borrow pit, if required value of porosity in the
compacted fill is 30%. Also calculate the change in degree of saturation. (AUC Nov/Dec 2012)
3. The following data on consistency limits are available for two soils A and B.
5. The mass of wet soil when compacted in a mould was 19.55 kN. The water content of the soil
was 16%. If the volume of the mould was 0.95 m3. Determine (i) dry unit weight, (ii) Void ratio,
(iii) degree of saturation and (iv) percent air voids. Take G = 2.68. (AUC May/June 2012)
6. In a hydrometer analysis, the corrected hydrometer reading in a 1000 ml uniform soil
suspension at the start of sedimentation was 28. After a lapse of 30 minutes, the corrected
hydrometer reading was 12 and the corresponding effective depth 10.5 cm. the specific gravity
of the solids was 2.68. Assuming the viscosity and unit weight of water at the temperature of the
test as 0.001 Ns/m2 and 9.81 kN/m3 respectively. Determine the weight of solids mixed in the
suspension, the effective diameter corresponding to the 30 minutes reading and the percentage
of particle finer than this size. (AUC May/June 2012)
6 3
7. An earthen embankment of 10 m volume is to be constructed with a soil having a void ratio of
0.80 after compaction. There are three borrow pits marked A, B and C having soils with voids
ratios of 0.90, 0.50 and 1.80 respectively. The cost of excavation and transporting the soil is Rs
0.25, Rs 0.23 and Rs 0.18 per m3 respectively. Calculate the volume of soil to be excavated
from each pit. Which borrow pit is the most economical? (Take G = 2.65). (AUC Nov/Dec 2011)
8. A laboratory compaction test on soil having specific gravity equal to 2.67 gave a maximum dry
unit weight of 17.8 kN/m3 and a water content of 15%. Determine the degree of saturation, air
content and percentage air voids at the maximum dry unit weight. What would be theoretical
maximum dry unit weight corresponding to zero air voids at the optimum water content?
(AUC Nov/Dec 2011)
9. A soil sample has a porosity of 40 per cent. The specific gravity of solids is 2.70. calculate
i) Voids ratio
ii) Dry density and
iii) Unit weight if the soil is completely saturated. (AUC Apr / May 2011)
10. A soil has a bulk unit weight of 20.11 KN/m 3 and water content of 15 percent. Calculate the water
content of the soil partially dries to a unit weight of 19.42 KN/m 3 and the voids ratio remains
unchanged. (AUC Apr / May 2011)
11. Explain Standard Proctor Compaction test with neat sketches. (AUC Nov/Dec 2010)
12. Soil is to be excavated from a barrow pit which has a density of 17.66kN/m 3 and water content of
12%. The specific gravity of soil particle is2.7. The soil is compacted so that water content is 18%
and dry density is16.2 kN/m3. For 1000 cum of soil in fill, estimate.
(i) The quantity of soil to be excavated from the pit in cum and
(ii) The amount of water to be added. Also determine the void ratios of the soil in borrow pit and
fill. (AUC Nov/Dec 2010)
13. Explain all the consistency limits and indices. (AUC Apr / May 2009)
14. Explain in detail the procedure for determination of grain size distribution of soil by sieve
analysis. (8) (AUC Apr / May 2009)
15. An earth embankment is compacted at a water content of 18% to a bulk density of 1.92 g/cm 3. If
the specific gravity of the sand is 2.7, find the void ratio and degree of saturation of the
compacted embankment. (8) (AUC Apr / May 2009)
16. Explain the procedure for determining the relationship between dry density and moisture content
by proctor compaction test.
1. The water table in a deposit of sand 8 m thick is at a depth of 3 m below the ground surface.
Above the water table, the sand is saturated with capillary water. The bulk density of sand is
19.62 kN/m3. Calculate the effective pressure at 1m, 3m and 8m below the ground surface.
Hence plot the variation of total pressure, neutral pressure and effective pressure over the depth
of 8m. (AUC Nov / Dec 2012)
2. Write down the procedure for determination of permeability by constant head test in the
laboratory. (AUC Nov / Dec 2012)
3. Compute the total, effective and pore pressure at a depth of 20 m below the bottom of a lake 6
m deep. The bottom of lake consists of soft clay with a thickness of more than 20 m. the
average water content of the clay is 35% and specific gravity of the soil may be assumed to be
2.65. (AUC Apr / May 2010)
4. What will be the ratio of average permeability in horizontal direction to that in the vertical
direction for a soil deposit consisting of three horizontal layers, if the thickness and permeability
of second layer are twice of those of the first and those of the third layer twice those of second?
(AUC Apr / May 2010)
5. The subsoil strata at a site consist of fine sand 1.8 m thick overlying a stratum of clay 1.6 m
thick. Under the clay stratum lies a deposit of coarse sand extending to a considerable depth.
The water table is 1.5 m below the ground surface. Assuming the top fine sand to be saturated
by capillary water, calculate the effective pressures at ground surface and at depths of 1.8 m,
3.4 m and 5.0 m below the ground surface. Assume for fine sand G = 2.65, e = 0.8 and for
coarse sand G = 2.66, e = 0.5. What will be the change in effective pressure at depth 3.4 m, if
no capillary water is assumed to be present in the fine sand and its bulk unit weight is assumed
to be 16.68 kN/m3. The unit weight of clay may be assumed as 19.32 kN/m3.
(AUC May/June 2012)
6. In a constant head permeameter test, the following observations were taken. Distance between
piezometer tappings = 15 cm, difference of water levels in piezometers = 40 cm, diameter of the
test sample = 5 cm, quantity of water collected = 500 ml, duration of the test = 900 sec.
determine the coefficient of permeability of the soil. If the dry mass of the 15 cm long sample is
486 g and specific gravity of the solids is 2.65. Calculate seepage velocity of water during the
test. (AUC May/June 2012)
7. A foundation trench is to be excavated in a stratum of stiff clay, 10m thick, underlain by a bed of
coarse sand (fig.1.). In a trial borehole the ground water was observed to rise to an elevation of
3.5m below ground surface. Determine the depth upto which an excavation can be safely carried
out without the danger of the bottom becoming unstable under the artesian pressure in the sand
stratum. The specific gravity of clay particles is 2.75 and the void ratio is 0.8. if excavation is to
be carried out safely to a depth of 8m, how much should the water table be lowered in the vicinity
of the trench?
9. Explain the falling head permeability test. (8) (AUC Apr / May 2011)
10. What are the applications of flow net and explain briefly? (AUC Apr / May 2011)
(AUC Nov/Dec 2010)
11. Determine the effective stress at 2m, 4m, 6m, 8m and 10m is a soil mass having γs =21 KN/m3.
Water table is 2m below ground surface. Above water table there is capillary rise upto ground
surface. Also draw total stress diagram up to 10m. (AUC Apr / May 2011)
12. A stratified soil deposit is shown in Fig.1. Along with the coefficient of permeability of the individual
strata. Determine the ratio of KH and KV. Assuming an average hydraulic gradient of 0.3 in both
horizontal and vertical seepage, Find
(i) Discharge value and discharge velocities in each layer for horizontal flow and
(ii) Hydraulic gradient and loss in head in each layer for vertical flow.
13. Explain any four methods of obtaining flow nets. (AUC Apr / May 2009)
14. The discharge of water collected from a constant head permeameter in a period of 15 minutes is
500 ml. the internal diameter of the permeameter is 5 cm and the measured difference in head
between two gauging points 15 cm vertically apart is 40 cm. calculate the coefficient of
permeability. If the dry weight of the 15 cm long sample is 486 gm and the specific gravity of the
solids is 2.65, calculate the seepage velocity. (AUC Apr / May 2009)
15. Explain in detail the laboratory determination of permeability using constant head method and
falling head method.
16. Explain in detail the procedure for drawing the phreatic line for an earthen dam.
PART – A (2 marks)
1. Write down Boussinesque equation for finding out the vertical stress under a single
concentrated load. (AUC Nov / Dec 2012)
2. Define normally consolidated clays and over consolidated clays. (AUC Nov / Dec 2012)
3. Explain the method of estimating vertical stress using Newmark’s influence chart.
(AUC Apr / May 2010)
4. What are the assumptions made in Terzaghi’s one dimensional consolidation theory?
(AUC Apr / May 2010)
5. What is the use of influence chart in soil mechanics? (AUC May/June 2012)
6. Differentiate between ‘Compaction’ and ‘Consolidation’. (AUC May/June 2012)
7. Write down the use of influence charts. (AUC Nov/Dec 2011)
8. What are isochrones? (AUC Nov/Dec 2011)
9. When a soil mass is said to be homogeneous? (AUC Apr / May 2011)
10. What are isobars? (AUC Apr / May 2011)
11. Differentiate Consolidation and Compaction. (AUC Nov/Dec 2010)
12. List the components of settlement in soil. (AUC Nov/Dec 2010)
13. What are the two theories explaining the stress distribution on soil? (AUC Apr / May 2009)
14. What is oedometer? (AUC Apr / May 2009)
15. What is geostatic stress and pre-consolidation pressure?
16. What are the applications of Boussinesque equation?
17. What is a pressure bulb and Newmark’s Chart?
18. Write the equation for stress in soil due to a uniformly loaded circular area.
19. Write the equation for stress in soil due to a line load.
20. Write the equation for stress in soil beneath a corner of a uniformly loaded rectangular area.
21. Write the Westergaard’s equation for stress beneath a concentrated point load.
22. Define co-efficient of compressibility and compression index.
23. What are the methods to determine co-efficient of consolidation?
24. What are the factors influencing consolidation?
25. Define Over consolidation ratio and creep.
1. A water tank is supported by a ring foundation having outer diameter of 10 m and inner diameter
of 7.5 m. the ring foundation transmits uniform load intensity of 160 kN/m2. Compute the vertical
stress induced at depth of 4 m, below the centre of ring foundation, using
(i) Boussinesque analysis and
(ii) Westergaard’s analysis, taking µ = 0 (AUC Apr / May 2010)
2. A stratum of clay with an average liquid limit of 45% is 6m thick. Its surface is located at a depth
of 8m below the ground surface. The natural water content of the clay is 40% and the specific
gravity is 2.7. Between ground surface and clay, the subsoil consists of fine sand. The water
table is located at a depth of 4m below the ground surface. The average submerged unit weight
of sand is 10.5 kN/m3 and unit weight of sand above the water table is 17 kN/m 3. The weight of
the building that will be constructed on the sand above clay increases the overburden pressure
on the clay by 40 kN/m2. Estimate the settlements of the building. (AUC Apr / May 2010)
3. A concentrated point load of 200 kN acts at the ground surface. Find the intensity of vertical
pressure at a depth of 10 m below the ground surface and situated on the axis of the loading.
What will be the vertical pressure at a point at a depth of 5 m and at a radial distance of 2 m
from the axis of loading? Use Boussinesque analysis. (AUC Nov / Dec 2012)
4. Explain with a neat sketch the Terzhaghi’s one dimensional consolidation theory.
(AUC Nov / Dec 2012)
(AUC May/June 2012)
5. The load from a continuous footing of width 2m, which may be considered to be strip load of
considerable length, is 200 kN/m2. Determine the maximum principal stress at 1.5m depth below
the footing, if the point lies (i) directly below the centre of the footing, (ii) directly below the edge
of the footing and (iii) 0.8m away from the edge of the footing. (AUC May/June 2012)
6. What are different components of settlement? Explain in detail. (AUC May/June 2012)
7. In a laboratory consolidometer test on a 20 mm thick sample of saturated clay taken from a site,
50% consolidation point was reached in 10 minutes. Estimate the time required for the clay
layer of 5 m thickness at the site for 50% compression if there is drainage only towards the top.
What is the time required for the clay layer to reach 50% consolidation if the layer has double
drainage instead of single drainage. (AUC Nov/Dec 2011)
8. What are the various components of a settlement? How are these estimated?
(AUC Nov/Dec 2011)
9. Explain the Newmark’s influence chart in detail. (AUC Apr / May 2011)
10. How will you determine preconsolidation pressure? (6) (AUC Apr / May 2011)
11. How will you determine coefficient of compression index (CC) from an oedomoter test? (10)
(AUC Apr / May 2011)
12. An undrained soil sample 30cm thick got 50% consolidation in 20 minutes with drainage allowed at
top and bottom in the laboratory. If the clay layer from which the sample was obtained is 3m thick in
field condition, estimate the time it will take to consolidate 50% with double surface drainage and in
both cases, consolidation pressure is uniform. (AUC Nov/Dec 2010)
13. Derive Boussinesque equations to find intensity of vertical pressure and tangential stress when a
concentrated load is acting on the soil. (AUC Nov/Dec 2010)
14. Explain the assumptions made by Boussinesque in stress distribution on soils. (8)
(AUC Apr / May 2009)
15. A line load of 100 kN/m run extends to a long distance. Determine the intensity of vertical stress
at a point, 2 m below the surface and
i) Directly under the line load and
ii) At a distance 2 m perpendicular to the line.
Use Boussinesq’s theory. (8) (AUC Apr / May 2009)
16. Explain in detail the laboratory determination of co-efficient of consolidation. (8)
(AUC Apr / May 2009)
17. A layer of soft clay is 6 m thick and lies under a newly constructed building. The weight of sand
overlying the clay layer produces a pressure of 2.6 kg/cm2 and the new construction increases
the pressure by 1.0 kg/cm2. If the compression index is 0.5. Compute the settlement. Water
content is 40% and specific gravity of grains is 2.65. (8) (AUC Apr / May 2009)
PART - A (2 marks)
1. Write down the Mohr’s-Coulomb failure envelope equation. (AUC Nov / Dec 2012)
2. Why triaxial shear test is considered better than direct shear test? (AUC Nov / Dec 2012)
3. What are different types of triaxial compression tests based on drainage conditions?
(AUC Apr / May 2010)
4. Explain the Mohr–Coulomb failure theory. (AUC Apr / May 2010)
5. State the principles of Direct shear test? (AUC May/June 2012)
6. What is the effect of pore pressure on shear strength of soil? (AUC May/June 2012)
7. How will you find the shear strength of cohesionless soil? (AUC Nov/Dec 2011)
8. List out the types of shear tests based on drainage. (AUC Nov/Dec 2011)
9. What is shear strength of soil? (AUC Apr / May 2011)
10. Write down the Coulomb’s expression for shear strength. (AUC Apr / May 2011)
11. How will you find the shear strength of cohesive soil? (AUC Nov/Dec 2010)
12. What are the advantages of Triaxial Compression Test? (AUC Nov/Dec 2010)
13. Define ‘angle of repose’ of soil. (AUC Apr / May 2009)
14. Write the expression for coulomb’s law. (AUC Apr / May 2009)
15. Define shear strength and failure envelope.
16. What are the shear strength parameters?
17. Define Cohesion and stress path.
18. What is angle of internal friction?
19. What are the various methods of determination of shear strength in the laboratory?
20. Write the differential equation of deflection of a bent beam?
21. What are the disadvantages of direct shear test?
22. What are the types of triaxial test based on drainage conditions?
23. When is vane shear test adopted?
24. Sketch the Mohr’s circle for total and effective stresses for undrained triaxial test.
25. Sketch the failure envelope for drained triaxial test.
1. Obtain the relationship between the principal stresses in triaxial compression test using
Mohr-Coulomb failure theory. (AUC Apr / May 2010)
2. Two identical soil specimens were tested in a triaxial apparatus. First specimen failed at a
deviator stress of 770 kN/m2 when the cell pressure was 2000 kN/m2. Second specimen failed
at a deviator stress of 1370 kN/m2 under a cell pressure of 400 kN/m2. Determine the value of c
and Φ analytically. If the same soil is tested in a direct shear apparatus with a normal stress of
600 kN/m2, estimate the shear stress at failure. (AUC Apr / May 2010)
3. A saturated specimen of cohesion less sand was tested in triaxial compression and the sample
failed at a deviator stress of 482 kN/m2 when the cell pressure was 100 kN/m2 under the drained
conditions. Find the effective angle of shearing resistance of sand. What would be the deviator
stress and the major principal stress at failure for another identical specimen of sand, if it is
tested under cell pressure of 200 kN/m2. Use either Mohr’s circle method or analytical method.
(AUC Nov / Dec 2012)
4. Write down a step by step procedure for determination of cohesion of a given clayey soil by
conducting unconfined compression test. (AUC Nov / Dec 2012)
5. Explain with neat sketches the procedure of conducting direct shear test. Give its advantages
over other methods of finding shear strength of soil. (AUC May/June 2012)
6. (i) Write a brief critical note on unconfined compression test. (AUC May/June 2012)
(ii) What are the advantages and disadvantages of triaxial compression test.
(AUC May/June 2012)
7. A vane, 10 cm long and 8 cm in diameter, was pressed into soft clay at the bottom of a bore hole.
Torque was applied and gradually increased to 45 N-m when failure took place. Subsequently, the
vane rotated rapidly so as to completely remould the soil. The remoulded soil was sheared at a
torque of 18 N-m. Calculate the cohesion of the clay in the natural and remoulded states and also
8. Describe the triaxial shear test. What are the advantages of triaxial shear test over the direct shear
9. Explain the Triaxial compression test to determine the shear strength of soil. (8)
10. Explain drained behavior of clay with reference to shear strength. (8) (AUC Apr / May 2011)
11. Explain the direct shear test to determine the shear strength of soil. (8) (AUC Apr / May 2011)
12. Explain the Mohr-Coulomb failure theory. (8) (AUC Apr / May 2011)
13. Explain with neat sketch Direct Shear method of finding Shear Strength. (AUC Nov/Dec 2010)
14. The following data were obtained in a direct shear test. Normal pressure 20 kN/m 2, Tangential
pressure = 16 kN/m2, Angle of internal friction = 200, Cohesion = 8 kN/m2. Represent the data
by Mohr’s circle and compute the principal stresses and the direction of principal planes. (8)
15. Compare the merits and demerits of triaxial compression test. (8) (AUC Apr / May 2009)
16. A particular soil failed under a major principal stress of 300 kN/m2 with a corresponding minor
principal stress of 100 kN/m2. If for the same soil, the minor principal stress had been
200 kN/m2. Determine what the major principal stress would have been if (i) Φ = 300 and
17. A Cylindrical specimen of dry sand was tested in a triaxial test. Failure occurred under a cell
(iii) The angle made by the plane with the minor principal plane.
(iv) The maximum shear stress on any plane in the specimen at the instant of failure.
18. Explain in detail the determination of shear strength using unconfined compression test.
19. Explain in detail the determination of shear strength using vane shear test.
20. Explain the shear strength behavior of cohesive and cohesionless soils under different drainage
1. Differentiate finite slope and infinite slope. (AUC Nov / Dec 2012)
(AUC Apr / May 2010)
2. Write down the expression for factor of safety of an infinite slope in case of cohesion less
soil. (AUC Apr / May 2010)
3. List out any two slope protection methods. (AUC Nov / Dec 2012)
4. What do you mean by Tension crack? (AUC May/June 2012)
5. Define critical surface of failure. (AUC May/June 2012)
6. What are different factors of safety used in the stability of slopes? (AUC Nov/Dec 2011)
7. What is a stability number? What are the uses of stability charts? (AUC Nov/Dec 2011)
8. State the two basic types of failure occurring in finite slopes. (AUC Apr / May 2011)
9. What is a slide? (AUC Apr / May 2011)
10. What are the different types of Slope failure? (AUC Nov/Dec 2010)
11. State some of the Slope protection measures. (AUC Nov/Dec 2010)
12. Mention the types of slopes in soil. (AUC Apr / May 2009)
13. Define stability number. (AUC Apr / May 2009)
14. What are the types of slopes?
15. What are the types and causes for slope failure?
16. What are the various methods of analysis of finite slopes?
17. Define factor of safety and critical depth.
18. Define stability number.
19. How does tension crack influence stability analysis?
20. What are the various slope protection measures?
1. Explain the procedure to calculate the factor of safety of a finite slope possessing both
cohesion and friction (c - Φ) by method of slices. (AUC Apr / May 2010)
assuming a potential failure surface parallel to the slope. What would be the factor of safety
of the slope, constructed at this angle, if the water table should be below the surface? The
saturated unit weight of the soil is 19 kN/m3. (AUC Apr / May 2010)
3. A new canal is excavated to a depth of 5 m below ground level through a soil having the
following characteristics: C = 14 kN/m2; Φ = 15°; e = 0.8 and G = 2.70. The slope of banks is
1 in 1. Calculate the factor of safety with respect to cohesion when the canal runs full. If it is
suddenly and completely emptied, what will be the factor of safety? (AUC Nov / Dec 2012)
4. Write down the procedure for determining the factor of safety of a given slope by friction
circle method. (AUC Nov / Dec 2012)
5. A canal is to be excavated to a depth of 6m below ground level through a soil having the
following characteristics c = 15 kN/m2, Φ = 20°, e = 0.9 and G = 2.67. The slope of the
banks is 1 in 1. Determine the factor of safety with respect to cohesion when the canal runs
full. What will be the factor of safety if the canal is rapidly emptied completely?
(AUC May/June 2012)
6. Explain with neat sketches the Bishop’s method of stability analysis. (AUC May/June 2012)
(AUC Nov/Dec 2010)
7. What are different types of slope failures? Discuss the various methods for improving the
of slices gave the following forces: ∑N = 900kN, ∑T = 420kN, ∑U = 200kN. If the length of the
failure arc is 23.0 m, find the factor of safety. The soil has c = 20kN /m2 and Φ = 15o.
9. Explain the Swedish slip circle method in detail. (10) (AUC Apr / May 2011)
10. Explain Taylor’s stability number and its applicability. (6) (AUC Apr / May 2011)
11. Explain in detail the friction circle method of stability analysis for slopes with sketch.
12. Explain any four methods of slope protection. (8) (AUC Apr / May 2011)
13. A cut 9 m deep is to be made in clay with a unit weight of 18 kN/m3 and cohesion of
27 kN/m2. A hard stratum exists at a depth of 18 m below the ground surface. Determine
from Taylor’s charts if a 300 slope is safe. If a factor of safety of 1.50 is desired, what is a
14. Explain in detail the various methods to protect slopes from failure.