Abrams, Janes IDR and The NII Stali Website

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Sources: Mainly from posts on Tanknet the premier source of tank discussion online.

Also from Stephen Zaloga's various

works on Russian MBTs, GSPO forum, BTVT, Vasiliy Fofanov's Russian MBT site, Hilmes' books, Hunnicutt Patton and
Abrams, Janes IDR and the NII Stali website.


1.    I have usually listed the best frontal armour equivalent, even the mighty M1A2SEP or T-90A will not have the same
protection at all points on its frontal arc. Some points will be weaker, especially say the upper front turret or the gun
mount. In many cases the measured LOS armour thickness will differ from the protection estimated above, often that is
because of the incorporation of exotic compounds that offer better protection than an equivalent weight of RHA against
some threats. For example, the LOS thickness of the glacis armour on the basic T-72 is about 550mm, but RHAe protection
vs KE round is far less.

2.    Protection levels for US MBT's are larger than usually quoted because the US standard is for a 30 degrees oblique shot.
To return to US Army style measurements divide all figures on chart by 1.15.  NII Stali estimate M1A1HA turret at
700mm versus KE, 850mm versus CE for a 30 degrees oblique shot. GSPO/BTVT estimates M1A1 at 480-500 versus KE
and 790-840 versus CE, M1A1HA at 530-550 versus KE and 750-780 versus CE, M1A2 at 770 versus KE and 1000-1200
versus CE. In 1979, Soviet analysts estimated the XM-1 glacis protection as 490-575 versus KE and 550-600 versus CE,
with the turret 400-450 versus KE and 550-600 versus CE.

3.    The quoted figures are with Kontakt-5 ERA i.e late 1980s T80U or T80UD version. Without K-5 protection of front
turret is  275-750mm vs KE and 960mm vs CE. BTVT estimates T80U w/K-5 max glacis 800mm vs KE/1100mm vs CE;
turret 860mm vs KE/1200mm vs CE.

4.    These figures include Kontakt-5 second-generation ERA. Russian estimates suggest T-72B Model 1988 with K-5 ERA
turret protection is about 750mm vs KE. BTVT estimates T90 at 800-830 versus KE and 1150-1350 versus CE.

5.    Turret side is 138mm; turret rear 58mm. M60A1 turret reportedly suffered from substandard cast armour reducing
protection offered. This was rectified in M60A3.

6.    Turret side is 160mm. Hull side is 80mm.

7.    Turret side is 170mm. Hull side is 80mm.

8.    Includes Kontakt-1 first-generation ERA. 

9.    "Monkey model" sold to WarPac/Third World clients with stereoscopic coincidence rangefinder and lower grade steel
armour. Used by Iraq in 1991 Gulf War firing poor quality steel 125mm rounds. In 1984, the CIA assessed the base T72
protection as glacis 350mm vs KE and 450mm vs CE, turret 450mm vs KE and 450mm vs CE.

10.    "Monkey model" sold to WarPac/Third World clients with laser rangefinder and lower grade steel armour.  Used by
Iraq in 1991 Gulf War firing poor quality steel 125mm rounds. In 1984, the CIA assessed the T72M protection as glacis
350mm vs KE and 450mm vs CE, turret 450mm vs KE and 450mm vs CE.

11.    "Monkey model" sold to WarPac/Third World clients with laser rangefinder and glacis applique plate (after tests
showed M-111 could penetrate old glacis) plus "sandbar" armour in turret front. In 1984, the CIA assessed the
T72M1/T72A protection as glacis 400-450mm vs KE and 450-500mm vs CE, turret 500mm vs KE and 650mm vs CE.

12.    With ERA fitted becomes 250-290mm vs KE & 580-720mm vs CE.

13.    Turret side is 140mm vs KE & 220mm vs CE. Uparmoured Ariete is 570-600mm turret vs KE and 1140-1360mm
turret vs CE.

14.    Turret side is 290mm vs KE and 450mm vs CE.

15.    Lower hull front of Mk1/3 version had ERA = 520mm KE & 800-1000mm vs CE. Side hull had ERA = 130mm KE
& 820-840mm vs CE.

16. Some Russian estimates give the Leopard 2 frontal protection of 700mm vs KE and 850mm vs CE. See
http://armor.kiev.ua Others estimate Leopard 2 as 380-400 versus KE and 650-700 versus CE. BTVT estimates Leopard
2A4 (1988) at 580 versus KE and 1100 versus CE and Leopard 2A5 (1994) at 830 versus KE and 1300 versus CE. In 1979,
Soviet analysts estimated the basic Leopard 2 protection as glacis and turret front of 400-450 versus KE and 550-600
versus CE.

17. According to a declassified CIA report from 1984, the US then assessed that the T-64A and T-64B had the same
protection level of 370-440mm vs KE and 500-575mm vs CE. NII Stali and Chobitok report the T-64A glacis as 299mm
KE/410mm HEAT and the turret as 364mm KE/450mm HEAT RHA equivalent protection (presumably for the 1973
model). BTVT estimates T-64A max as glacis 335mm vs KE/450mm vs CE, turret 410mm vs KE/450mm vs CE.  GSPO
estimates T-64B as 380-450mm versus KE and 500-560mm versus CE.  BTVT estimates T-64B as 350-500mm versus KE
and 450-600mm versus CE.  From 1981 on, the T-64A and T64B produced were essentially unified in terms of armour

18. Glacis figures after appliqué plate applied from July 1983. Original glacis of 335mm RHAe could be penetrated by
Israeli M-111 105mm APFSDS. BTVT estimates T-72A as glacis 400mm vs KE/490mm vs CE; turret 380mm vs
KE/490mm vs CE.

19. Russian estimate gives Leclerc turret 620-640 versus KE; 1100-1200 versus CE. French estimate gives it 650-700
versus KE and 1100-1200 versus CE.  These estimates are probably for the thickest part of the turret armour, which appears
to be at the corners, just like with Soviet T-XX tanks.

20. Russian estimate gives Merkava Mk3 turret 580 versus KE; 1200 versus CE.

21. Russian estimate gives Challenger 2 turret 800 versus KE; 1300 versus CE.

22. Chinese sources indicate that ZTZ-98 has a 220mm thick glacis of steel - glass fibre - HSS - steel sloped at an angle of
68 degrees (i.e. nearly 590mm LOS thickness).  They claim this gives protection of 500-600mm RHAe.  The lower front
hull is 80mm steel.  The turret front is composite armour with a claimed resistance 700mm RHAe against KE and 800mm
RHAe against HEAT.

23.  BTVT estimates T-72B max as glacis 485mm vs KE/900mm vs CE; turret 540mm vs KE/900mm vs CE.

24.  BTVT estimates T-80 max as glacis 350mm vs KE/500mm vs CE; turret 500mm vs KE/600mm vs CE.  BTVT
estimates T-80B max as glacis 450mm vs KE/560mm vs CE; turret 500mm vs KE/600mm vs CE.

AT Round penetration estimates:

(please be aware there is a good margin of error around any of these figures)

Israeli/Chinese Type-IIM (new) 125mm 600mm at 2km

Chinese Type-II 125mm 550mm at 2km

Pakistani Niaza 125mm DU 550mm at 2km

Israeli M711 (Romanian CL3254) 125mm tungsten 560mm at 2km (1995) (20:1 L/D) (also imported by India in 1999)

Chinese/Pak (old) 125mm tungsten 460-480mm at 2km (1993)

Bosnian M04 125mm tungsten 540mm at 2km (2012)

Ukraine 125mm Vitiaz round 760mm at 2km (2002)

Russian 125mm BM-42M "Lekalo"? tungsten 600-650mm at 2km (200?)

Russian 125mm BM-46 "Svinets" DU 650mm at 2km (1991) (22:1 L/D)

Russian 125mm BM-42 "Mango" tungsten alloy 520mm at 2km (1986) (16:1 L/D)

Russian 125mm BM-32 "Vant" DU 560mm at 2km (1985) (13:1 L/D)

Russian 125mm BM-29 DU 470mm at 2km (1982) (12:1 L/D)

Russian 125mm BM-26 "Hope" (1983) tungsten alloy 450mm at 2km (extended BM-22 13:1 L/D)

Russian 125mm BM-22 "HairPin" (1976) tungsten 430mm at 2km (most common round in late 1970s/early 1980s)

Russian 125mm BM-17 (1972) steel 310mm at 2km (simplified export BM-15)

Russian 125mm BM-15/Yugo M88 tungsten carbide slug (1972) 340mm at 2km (version of BM-12 with extended

Russian 125mm BM-12 tungsten carbide slug (1968) 315mm at 2km

Russian 125mm BM-9 steel (1962) 290mm at 2km

Russian 125mm BK-12 HEAT (1962) 420mm at all ranges

Russian 125mm BK-18/21 HEAT (1980) 550mm at all ranges

Russian 125mm BK-29 HEAT (1990) 700mm at all ranges

Indian T-2 125mm tungsten 500mm at 2km (1997) (appears similar to ChiCom 125mm round)

Iranian 125mm tungsten 470mm at 3km

Polish Pronit 125mm tungsten 540mm at 2km (2001)

1990s Polish 125mm tungsten round 460mm at 2km

Czech Synthesia 125mm APFSDS-T round 500mm at 2km

Slovak TAPNA 125mm APFSDS-T round 530mm at 2km

Soviet 122mm BR471B APCBC 162mm at 1km (129mm at 2km) (1945)

Soviet 122mm BR-472 APCBC fired from JS-III 191mm at 1km (165mm at 2km)

Soviet 122mm BR-472 APCBC fired from T-10M 247mm at 1km (210mm at 2km)

Soviet 122mm  BM11 APDS fired from T-10M 354mm at 1km, 308mm at 2km (1967)

German 120mm DM-13 390mm at 2km (1979)

German 120mm DM-23 470mm at 2km (1983)

German 120mm DM-33/Japanese JM-33 550mm at 2km (1987)

German 120mm DM-43A1/US KEW A1 590mm at 2km (1994)

German 120mm DM-53 tungsten 700mm at 2km (1996)

German 120mm/L55 DM-53 760mm at 2km (2001)

German 120mm DM-63/Israeli M-338 tungsten 680mm at 2km (2006)

German 120mm/L55 DM-63 tungsten 720mm at 2km (2006)

S.Korean K276 120mm tungsten 700mm at 1km (2004)

French 120mm OFL120F1 tungsten 590mm at 2km (1994)

French 120mm OFL120F2 DU 647mm at 2km (1997)

US M103 120mm APC 221mm at 1000yards; 199mm at 2000yards at 30 degrees

UK Conqueror 120mm AP 255mm at 1000 yards; 226mm at 2000 yards (1.8km)

UK Conqueror 120mm L1A1 APDS 446mm at 1000 yards (914m)

UK L-15 120mm APDS round 355mm at 1km/340mm at 2km (1965)

UK L-31 120mm HESH 460mm at any range (1960s)

UK L-15A4 120mm APDS-T 450mm at 2km (1970s, and exported to Iran before Revolution)

UK L-23 120mm tungsten APFSDS round 450mm at 2km (Apr 1983)

UK Charm-1 L-26 120mm DU APFSDS round 530mm at 2km (1991)

UK Charm-3 L-27 APFSDS 120mm DU 720mm at 2km (1999)

UK L-28 120mm APFSDS 770mm at 2km (200X)

US M829A3 120mm DU 765mm at 2km (2003) (Russian estimate 795mm)

US M829A2 120mm DU 730mm at 2km (1994)

US M829A1 120mm DU 610mm at 2km (1991) (Russian estimate 700mm)

US M829 120mm DU 552mm at 2km (1987)

US M827 120mm tungsten 450mm at 2km (never fielded by US)

US Olin GD120 120mm tungsten 520mm at 2km

US/Egyptian KEW-A2 120mm tungsten 660mm at 2km

South Korean 120mm APFSDS 670mm at 2km

Indian 120mm tungsten 650mm at 2km

Chinese 120mm tungsten 550mm at 2km

Russian 115mm BM-28 DU APFSDS 384mm at 2km (early 1980s)

Russian 115mm BM-21 DU APFSDS 330mm at 2km (mid-late 1970s)

Soviet 115mm BM-6 steel APFSDS 280mm at 1km, 246mm at 2km (1962)

Soviet 115mm BM-4 steel APFSDS 200mm at 2km (1961)

Soviet 115mm BM-3 tungsten carbide APFSDS 270mm at 2km (for original T-64)

UK/Egyptian 115mm BD/36-2 APFSDS 460mm at 2km

Chinese Type-86 105mm DU 460mm(from "short" 105)/480mm(from "long" 105) at 2km

Chinese Type-93 105mm DU 510mm("short")/540mm("long") at 2km

Chinese Type-95 105mm DU 580mm at 2km (from "long" Type-83A 105mm)

UK T-2 HP 105mm tungsten round 560mm at 2km

UK 105mm L-28 tungsten cap APDS 120mm at 60 degrees at 900m, 250mm at 1km (mid-1950s)

US/UK 105mm L-36A1/M392 tungsten cap APDS 260mm at 1km (1961)

UK 105mm L-52A3 tungsten core APDS 320mm at muzzle, 280mm at 1km, 254mm at 1500m, 240mm at 2km (1973)

UK 105mm L-64A4 tungsten APFSDS 310mm at 2km (1982)

UK/Pakistani 105mm H6/62 APFSDS 360mm at 2km (1990s)

Pakistani 105mm DU APFSDS 450mm at 2km

Indian 105mm APFSDS 350mm at 2km

French OFL105F2 105mm DU 520mm at 2km (mid 90s)

French OFL105G1 105mm APFSDS 350mm at 2km (1981)

French OFL105G2 105mm tungsten 440mm at 2km (late 1980s)

French OFL105F1 105mm tungsten 250mm at 2km (1981/2)

French 105mm HEAT (AMX30) 160mm at 60 degrees

French 105mm (AMX13 FL12) 360mm at 2km

Canadian C127 105mm tungsten 460mm at 2km (1992)

US M392/German DM13 105mm APDS 250mm at 1km (1960)

US M-392A2 105mm APDS 260mm at 1km, 250mm at 1.5km, 225mm at 2km (early 1970s) (Rushed into service after
M392 problems in 1973 Arab-Israeli war)

US M-728 (UK L-52) 105mm APDS 320mm at muzzle, 280mm at 1km, 240mm at 2km (mid 1970s)

US M-735 105mm tungsten APFSDS 330mm at 1km, 300mm at 2km (1978)

US M-735A1 105mm DU 370mm at 1km, 350mm at 2km (never deployed)

US M-774 105mm DU 375mm at 2km (1981)

US FP105/Can C76 105mm tungsten 330mm at 2km (export only)

US M-833 105mm DU 440mm at 2km (1984)

US M-900 105mm DU 520mm at 2km (1991)

Taiwanese TC84 105mm APFSDS 450mm at 2km

Mecar 105mm tungsten APFSDS 390mm at 2km

German DM-23/Israeli M111 'Hetz 6'/South Afr FS Mk1 105mm tungsten 310mm at 2km or 150mm at 60 degrees (1978)

German DM-23A1 105mm tungsten 330mm at 2km (1980s)

German DM-33/Israeli M413 'Hetz 7'/Sth Afr FS Mk2 105mm tungsten 380mm at 2km (1984)

German DM-63/Israeli M426 'Hetz 10'/Sth Afr FS Mk2 Imp. 105mm tungsten 450mm at 2km (early 1990s)

US M456 105mm HEAT 350mm

Soviet BM-25 100mm APFSDS 296mm at 2km (late 1970s) [320mm at 1km]

Soviet BM-8 100mm APDS 238mm at 2km (1968) [257mm at 1km]

Soviet 100mm HVAPDS 200mm at 1km (HEAT 300mm) 

Soviet BR-412D 100mm APCBC 198mm at 1000m (165mm at 2000m) (post-war)

Soviet BR-412B 100mm APBC-T 160mm at 1000m (134mm at 2000m) (1945)

Soviet BR-412 100mm APC 135mm at 1000m (1943)

Soviet 100mm BK-354M HEAT 280mm (WWII)

Soviet 100mm BK-5M HEAT 390mm (1960)

Yugoslav M65 100mm APCBC 158mm at 1km; 136mm at 2km (1954)

Yugoslav M98 100mm APFSDS 150mm at 60 degrees at 2km

Pakistani/Chinese AP-100-2 100mm APFSDS 350mm at 2km (1986)

Chinese AP-1 100mm APFSDS 240mm at 2km (1980)

Chinese AP-2 100mm APFSDS 290mm at 2km (early 1980s)

Romanian BM-412M (M309) 100mm APFSDS 418mm at 2km (1990s)

Mecar M-1000 100mm APFSDS 350mm at 2km (1996)

US 90mm M82 APC (M36/M41 gun) 122mm at 1000 yards (913m), 106mm at 2000 yards

US 90mm M304 HVAP 199mm at 1000 yards (913m), 156mm at 2000 yards

US 90mm M318 APBC-T 117mm at 1000 yards (913m), 109mm at 2000 yards

US M341 90mm HEAT 300mm (mid 1950s)

US 90mm T119 (T41) APBC 152mm at 914m at 30 degrees from vertical

US 90mm T119 (T41) APDS 236mm at 914m at 30 degrees from vertical

US 90mm T119 (T41) HVAP 223mm at 914m at 30 degrees from vertical

US 90mm M3A1 (M46 Patton) APBC 119mm at 1000 yards (913m) at 30 degrees from vertical

US 90mm M3A1 (M46 Patton) HVAP 157mm at 914m at 30 degrees from vertical

Mecar M-652 90mm APFSDS 180mm at 1km (150mm at 2km)

French OFL-90 F1 90mm APFSDS 230mm at 1km (200mm at 2km) (early 1980s)

South Korean M-241 90mm APFSDS 230mm at 2km (1984)

UK 20pdr (83.4mm) APDS 280mm at 1000 yards (913m) [260mm at 1500 yards]

Soviet 85mm BR372 APCBC 185mm at 1km (D48 anti-tank gun and ASU85 only)

Soviet 85mm BR367P APCR 180mm at 1km (1960s)

Soviet 85mm BR365P APCR 110mm at 1km (1946-47)

Soviet 85mm BR365 APBC 102mm at 1km (WW2)

US M93 76mm HVAP 175mm at 1000m, 160mm at 1500m (1945)

US T91 76mm (M41) APC 122mm at 914m at 30 degrees from vertical

US T91 76mm (M41) HVAP 208mm at 914m at 30 degrees from the vertical

Soviet 76.2mm HVAP 61mm at 1km (HEAT 120mm)

US 76mm M464 APFSDS 230mm at 2km

US 76mm M1A2 (M4 Sherman) APCBC 89mm at 914m at 30 degrees from vertical (WWII)

US 75mm M6 (M24 Chaffee) APCBC 77mm at 914m at 30 degrees from vertical (WWII)

Fr 75mm POT-51A (Isr M50) 110mm at 1km

French 75mm (AMX13 FL10) 170mm at 1km

Israeli 60mm tungsten APFSDS 120mm @ 60 degrees at 2km

Soviet 57mm BR-271P HVAP 145mm at 500m

Bofors 40mm APFSDS 131mm at 1km

35mm APDS 90mm at 1km

Oerlikon 30mm APFSDS 97mm at 1km

30mm L14A3 tungsten APDS 63mm at 1km

2A42 30mm AP-I 44mm at 1km

2A42 30mm APDS 62mm at 1km

New 2A42/2A72 30mm APFSDS 79mm at 1km

25mm APFSDS DU 75mm at 1km

Oerlikon 25mm tungsten APFSDS 77mm at 2km

25mm APFSDS 56mm at 1km

25mm M919 DU APFSDS 30mm+ at 60 degrees at 2km

25mm M791 APDS 33mm at 60 degrees at 1km; 28mm at 60 degrees at 2km

20mm APDS DM-63 44mm at 1km (1988)

20mm APDS DM-43 40mm at 1km (1982)

20mm HVAP for Rh-202 gun 34mm at 1km

12.7mm API 19mm at 500m

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