A Flexsim-Based Optimization For The Operation Process of Cold-Chain Logistics Distribution Centre
A Flexsim-Based Optimization For The Operation Process of Cold-Chain Logistics Distribution Centre
A Flexsim-Based Optimization For The Operation Process of Cold-Chain Logistics Distribution Centre
With people’s increasing concern about food safety, cold-chain logistics distribution centre is playing an important role
in preventing food from going bad. Now cold-chain logistics distribution centres have the problems of too much
transportation, low degree of automation, unreasonable layout planning, complex distribution process etc. It is
important to solve these problems in order to achieve efficient distribution. Firstly the modeling and simulation for the
operation process of a fruits and vegetables cold-chain logistics distribution centre by using Flexsim software is
realized. Then the paper analyses the preliminary output data and finds out the bottleneck and idle resources. Finally
this paper makes adjustments for the system to get a better result which hopes to give a reference for the modeling
and simulation for the operation process of other cold-chain logistics distribution centres.
Keywords: Cold Chain Logistics, Distribution Centre, Operation Process, Modeling and Simulation, Flexsim, Optimization.
1. Introduction
270 Vol.12,April2014
By using modeling and simulation theory and of the system precisely (composition of system,
Flexsim software, this paper firstly analyses the system organization, suppose of parameters).
process of a fruits and vegetables cold-chain
logistics distribution centre and then builds a f) Simulation and running. In order to forecast actual
simulation model for this distribution centre; moving principle of the system, it is important to
Secondly the paper gets the efficiency of key understand the output response with different inputs
equipment and workers by using Flexsim so that the and different simulation mechanism.
preliminary output is analysed; Finally the paper
finds out the bottleneck and idle resource and g) Outputs and analysis of the simulation results.
makes several adjustments to improve the
operation efficiency for this fruits and vegetables Specific steps are shown in figure 1.
cold-chain logistics distribution centre.
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Based on the above analysis and considering the 3.3 Data Collection
reality, a fruits and vegetables cold-chain distribution
centre has resources including technical cold By collecting data, the paper uses variable t (day)
storeroom, sorting and packaging equipment, (t0) representing the refreshing time of the fruits
workers, information service etc. and vegetables. The paper classifies the fruits and
vegetables into three types according to variable t.
This distribution centre is divided into five areas: The kinds of fruits and vegetables for simulation
receiving area, circulating and processing area, include short refreshing time of the goods
tallying and sorting area, storage area, distribution (refreshing time t<3), refrigerated goods (3t7) and
and delivery area. The cold-chain distribution centre frozen goods (3t7). The arrival interval of the fruits
includes specific areas below: and vegetables follows Poisson distribution (10,1)
(min). The goods arrive 4000 per batch and the
a) Receiving area includes unloading, checking and average weight is 1000 kg per batch. The
storing goods. Fruits and vegetables remain a short distribution centre arranges the machine, equipment
time in consideration of shelf life in this area. This and staff according to different process. Receiving
area involves the elements including checking area is equipped with conveyors, workers, checking
equipment, conveyor and workers. equipment and the time dealing with the fruits and
vegetables per kg follows Uniform distribution(2,5)
b) Circulating and processing area mainly deals with (min); The time that circulating and processing area
fruits and vegetables from receiving area (washing, deals with the fruits and vegetables follows Uniform
partition, packaging etc.). In this area the resources distribution(3,5) (min); Tallying and sorting area is
contain processing equipment, workers etc. equipped with sorting machine and workers, the
time sorting fruits and vegetables per kg follows
c) Tallying and sorting area mainly sorts and packs Uniform distribution (1,3) (min); The working time of
the fruits and vegetables. This area involves the Distribution and delivery area follows Uniform
elements including sorting area, conveying distribution(5,10) (min).
equipment, automatic sorting machine, workers etc.
3.4 Modeling for the Operation Process of a fruits and
d) Storage area contains refrigerated storage and vegetables Cold-Chain Logistics Distribution Centre
freezing storage. The resources that this area
needed are goods shelf, forklifts, workers, freezing According to the analysis of the operation process
equipment etc. for cold-chain distribution centre, this paper uses
flow chart to build the system model. The model is
e) Distribution and delivery area: workers should also the simulation module for the operation
send fruits and vegetables according to customers’ process of this Cold-Chain Logistics Distribution
demand, reasonable route, and time restriction. The Centre. Compared with actual process of this cold-
resources of this area involve vehicles, workers, chain distribution centre, the simulation module is
conveying, equipment etc. As figure 2 shows, the reasonable. Figure 3 shows the simulation model
specific operation procedures are as follows for operation process of the system
272 Vol.12,April2014
Figure 3. Simulation model for operation process Table 3 shows the conveying rate of Conveyor
of a fruits and vegetables distribution centre. 19, Conveyor 22, Conveyor 25 is respectively
68.1%, 84% and 28.6%. However, the conveying
rate of conveyor 25 (Sorting-delivering conveyor)
4.2 Set the Assumptions is only 28.60%, and the block rate of conveyor
25 is 38.60%. It represents that staff or
Simulation model is abstraction from real system to equipment of conveyor 25 didn’t deal with the
mathematical model. So the paper sets several goods in time, in other words, staff or equipment
assumptions by surveying this distribution centre. of this area is not enough.
1. Fruits and vegetables are sent to distribution Table 4 shows the idle rate of Transporter 20
centre by fixed batch and the arriving time of fruits (Transporter in distribution centre), Operator
and vegetables each day follows Poisson 29(Operator in storage area), Operator 28
distribution. (Operator in distribution and delivery area) is
respectively 59.1%, 96.3%, 56.9%. It indicates that
2. The fruits and vegetables arrive continuously the system has bottleneck from tallying and sorting
during simulation. area, storage area to distribution area.
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274 Vol.12,April2014
Object Input Output Turnover rate 5.2 Specific Improved Measures and Optimized
Item 1 47 32 68.10 Simulation Modeling Graph
Item 2 29 3 10.35
1. Adjust the number of machine and workers.
Item 3 23 3 13.04
Increase a vehicle ASRSvehicle 29 in storage area
Total 99 38 38.38 and increase. Processor 30 in distribution and
delivery area, and then cut Operator 29.
Table 5. Statistics of Elements Input and Output.
2. Change storage rule of goods shelf in frozen
The total quantities of Item 1, Item 2, and Item 3 storage area. When storing goods storage area,
are absorbed by Sink 5. Table 5 shows the take the distance into consideration first instead of
turnover rate of system. randomly putting goods.
Table 5 shows that the turnover rate of Item 1 is 3. Increase a staging area in front of distribution
68.10%; the turnover rate of Item 2 is 10.35%; the and delivery area. Optimized simulation modeling
turnover rate of Item 3 is 13.04%. graph is shown below (figure 4).
The total turnover rate is 38.38%. It means the 5.3 Contrastive Analysis
turnover rate of goods is extremely low and the
operation process of distribution centre has Table 6 below shows the contrast of two simulation
problems of delay and blocking. results.After the system is optimized, the turnover
rate per day of all kinds of fruits and vegetables
From the above analysis of simulation results, it surpasses 87%. The turnover rate of Item 1
shows that the utilization rate of equipment and (refreshing time t<3) reaches to 91.43% which is
workers etc. is low. The paper takes several improved by 23.33%; the turnover rate of Item 2
measures to improve operation efficiency of this (refrigerated goods 3t7) reaches to 88.24%; the
cold chain distribution centre. turnover rate of Item 3 (frozen goods 3t7)
reaches to 87.5%.
5. Improvement for the Operation Process of a
Cold-Chain Logistics Distribution Centre At the same time, the utilization rate of equipment in
the distribution centre is improved extremely. The
5.1 Problem Analysis using rate of worker 3 (operator 28) is improved by
31.5%; the using rate of conveyor 19 (receiving-
1. The backlog of goods from tallying and sorting processing conveyor) is improved by 16.70%; the
area to frozen storage area leads to low flow rate using rate of processor 29 in distribution and
of Item 2, Item 3. delivery area is improved by 12.96%.
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Name of entity Before optimization % After optimization % Contrast %
Item 1 68.10 91.43 23.33
Turnover rate Item 2 10.35 88.24 77.89
Item 3 13.04 87.50 74.46
Processor 19 69.87 73.45 3.58
Processor 9 79.44 81.08 1.64
Use efficiency
Processor 13 39.94 43.49 5.55
of processors
Processor 29 61.95 74.91 12.96
Processor 30 — 67.88 —
Use rate of Transporter 22 78.80 78.80 0.00
transporter Transporter 20 40.90 40.90 0.00
Use rate of ASRSvehicle 22 90.10 80.20 -9.90
ASRSvehicle ASRSvehicle 29 — 78.60 —
Operator 24 92.20 91.10 -1.10
Use rate of
Operator 29 3.70 — —
Operator 28 43.10 74.60 31.50
Conveyor 19 68.10 84.80 16.70
Use rate of
Conveyor 22 84.00 86.99 2.99
Conveyor 25 28.60 27.40 -1.20
276 Vol.12,April2014
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