High-Performance Fumasep Ion Exchange Membranes For Electro Membrane Processes
High-Performance Fumasep Ion Exchange Membranes For Electro Membrane Processes
High-Performance Fumasep Ion Exchange Membranes For Electro Membrane Processes
FuMA-Tech – the company for functional membranes and plant technology – is one of the leading manufacturers of ion exchange
membranes for different electrochemical operations.
Our modern coating plant produces porous, non-porous and functional membranes with excellent resistance to acids, bases,
solvents and oxidation. With our new membrane coating line in a clean room, our further improved polymer production and a
´state of the art´ air purification which will meet all future requirements, we do another important step in the new markets of water
treatment technology, the innovative change of energy whilst using fuel cells as well as the energy storage with batteries.
fumasep® membranes are produced according to FuMA-Tech`s proprietary solution casting technology. They are supplied in stan-
dard sheet sizes for example of 200 x 300 mm, 520 x 520 mm, 520 x 1050 mm and other sizes on request. The maximum width
of 1650 mm could be produced on rolls with thicknesses ranging from 10 µm up to 500 µm.
optimized for electrodialysis with bipolar membranes. Na2 SO4 Bipolar Membrane Na2 SO4
The EDBM is the combination of conventional electrodialysis
for salt separation with electrochemical water splitting for the Figure 1: Electrodialysis with bipolar membranes in a 3-compartment cell
conversion of a salt into its corresponding acid and base.
µm meq/g % Ωcm² pH
Ultrex™ Membranes
The company
Focussing on water as the basis of all forms of life, and energy as the basis for a higher quality of life, FUMATECH
“Functional Membranes and Plant Technology“ combines the important tasks of providing energy and water.
The company is engaged in the field of fuel cell technology and membrane separation technology, particularly
for the treatment of aqueous solutions.
FUMATECH draws its particular strengths as a leading The high performance membranes are the heart of a proton
producer of ion-exchange membranes from its membership exchange membrane (PEM) fuel cell stack.
in the BWT Best Water Technology Group.
FUMATECH produces and develops
FUMATECH is committed to develop new products that will polyelectrolytes (fumion® ionomers),
accelerate progress in polymer electrolyte fuel cells. proton conductive membranes (fumapem® membranes) and
separation membranes (fumasep® membranes)
The company is both competent und competitive as a leading based on proprietary technology and designed for
supplier of polymers and membranes for manufacturing of high precision mass manufacturing.
membrane electrode assemblies.