E - Commerce Assignment
E - Commerce Assignment
E - Commerce Assignment
1. Factors
Starting from left, the first element Kimar and Dange identified are factors that motivate
customers to buy products or services online. They divided them into two categories:
external and internal.
The external factors are the ones beyond the control of the customers. They can divide
into five sectors: Demographics, socio-economics, technology and public policy; culture;
sub- culture; reference groups; and marketing.
Internal factors are personal traits or behaviours and include attitudes, learning,
perception, motivation, self image, and semiotics.
Based on such factors customer develops what Jagdish Sheth, a professor of marketing
at Emory University defined as two distinct types of buying motives: functional and non-
The functional motives relate to consumer needs and could include things like time,
convenience of shopping online, price, the environment of shopping place (i.e. couch
buying), selection of products etc.
The non-functional motives relate more to the culture or social values like the brand of
the store or product for instance.
The Customers use that knowledge now to filter their purchase options by 3 factors:
c)Trust and trustworthiness.
4. What are the different opportunities and challenges of e-business in India?
Ans. E-commerce has been on the rise over the past few years of time in India.
There has been an increasing number of instances where different e-commerce
businesses are popping up. The rise of e-commerce is mainly due to the ease of
availability of the internet.
1. Personalisation
It is certainly one of the most important challenges for the suppliers when it
comes to e-commerce business in the country and its stiff competition with the
retail stores. In a developing country like India, there are a lot of people who
still prefer retail stores where they can physically check out the products before
buying. The retail stores, on the other hand, provide a personal touch which is
quite difficult to be replaced with online selling.
2. Challenges of Shipping
Even though you have a great e-commerce website design and a good number of
customers, the challenges of shipping remains a concern. There are a lot of
issues related to the lack of supply chain integration, delay in delivery along
with a lack of proper courier services, especially in the rural areas. This results
in the frustration of the customers and hence a major challenge.
3. Currency
In India, there are a number of challenges faced by the customers as well in the
eCommerce business which are as follows.
5. Refund
The refund issue is one of the major hindrances in the e-commerce businesses in
India. If the product acquired does not match with the specification or the
product is a faulty one or any other issue, there arises a situation of return but
the refund in these cases takes a lot of time which pushes the customers in the
6. Trust
Trust is another issue that affects the e-commerce businesses in India such as
assurance of the quality product, guaranteed refund & return in case of faulty
goods and trust in the privacy of the personal data.
So, at any point in time, you wish to engage in an e-commerce business, opt for
a good e-commerce site development along with a great e-commerce website
design and appropriately analyze the challenges & opportunities in the business
for achieving successful results.
5. Briefly explain the role of CRM in digital world.
Ans. CRM stands for Customer Relationship Management. CRM refers to the
tools and the technical system that is used to perform optimal customer
relationship management.
You will also be able to track down the time of the day each customer is more
likely to visit a site to make a purchase. You will know the festive season or any
time of the year that is most likely to raise demands of a particular product in a
particular area.
Since you know the details of the customer preferences now, you will not waste
time researching and collecting data about what they are looking for. This way,
by the time your rivals figure out what the target audience is looking for, you
will have already presented it to them.
Retention Of Customers
With CRM, you can gather information from numerous sources including social
media and keep it composed in one spot, so you can utilize it when the need be.
By giving mindful client assistance, reacting to demands auspicious and taking
into account the client needs consistently, a business can improve levels of
consumer loyalty.
Easy Access Of Data Anywhere
The data on an integrated CRM system is centralized so that it is available at any
time and to any authorized person on any authorized device whenever needed.
You don’t waste valuable time or a great opportunity waiting for the system to
upload or the data to be extracted.
This increases productivity which not only directly translates into increased
sales, but also creates a reputation for your business.
Growing Business Reputation
Talking about reputation, a CRM system helps you with everything so that you
can perform with perfection and promptly, without any delay at all. The brand
image will be brilliant. Customers will look at your company as one of the most
efficient ones in the market. Your team will be the best.
6. Differentiate between ‘E-Commerce and E-Business’
7. “Consumers’ trust is an essential element of e-commerce”. Discuss
Ans. Lack of trust is a fundamental reason why many users won’t purchase goods or
services from e-commerce Web sites. Evidence suggests that the principal reasons why
people do not purchase via the internet are related to online security and policy,
reliabilities of companies (Gefen, 2000), and web site technology. Online trust is an
important determinant for web sites to succeed in marketplace, and for retaining long-
term relationships with consumers .
Consumers and businesses must feel confident that their transactions will not be
intercepted or modified, that both sellers and buyers own the identity they claim, and that
the transaction mechanisms that are available are secure and legal. “There is a growing
body of research literature dealing with online trust, in which e-commerce is one
prominent application. Several studies contend that e-commerce cannot fulfill its potential
without trust (Kuttainen, 2005.)”.
“The Internet has become an essential business marketing paradigm related to the
development of platform for trading, distributing and selling products this B2C e-
commerce is trust.
Trust is a crucial factor on the Internet since an e-vendor is considered a business entity
with which consumers are economically engaged in online transactions. Vulnerability for
consumers stem from the fact that they should provide their personal and financial
information to e-vendors in order to complete their online transactions. This puts
consumers at risk because the online environment exposes them to the threat of possible
opportunistic behaviours by e-vendors such as masquerading, misuse of personal
information, and even credit card fraud . Pavlou and Jarvenppa et. al state that for this,
perceived risk negatively influences consumer’s intention to transact online and decreases
the likelihood of such transactions.
5. Easier operations
There is a lot of technical expertise needed to build a site that can control both B2B and
B2C operations. A company developing a highly skilled custom e-commerce website can
do this work easily. Once that completed, the things become very easier as you have to
integrate systems like CRM, ERP, & related systems in a single place. You don’t need
separate integration for multiple sites in this case.