1211 Vertical Emulsion
1211 Vertical Emulsion
1211 Vertical Emulsion
Separated water drops coalesce and settle A turbulator installed in the firetube
to the bottom while oil continues rising. exhaust chamber provides additional
Water is removed from the bottom of the economy by reducing heat loss out the
treater through a valve-monitored siphon; stack. Since heat is transferred to the fluid
oil is removed at the top through a more efficiently, fuel consumption is
control valve. The desired oil/water level reduced as the heater firing is optimized.
can be maintained from the outside by Additional benefits: reduced thermal
adjusting the siphon nipple. stresses, longer heater life with less repair.
Description Shell Standard Standard Capacity (Maximum gas/oil ratio is 1000scf:1 bbl)
OD working btu/h 20’ Vessel height 27.5’ Shell height
pressure use rate Oil Water Oil Water
(psi) (bbls/day) (bbls/day) (bbls/day) (bbls/day)
For more information on the NATCO Vertical Emulsion Treater or other NATCO Group products contact: