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Journal of Criminal Justice 29 (2001) 271 ± 285

Feminism for the mainstream criminologist

An invitation
Jeanne Flavin*
Department of Sociology and Anthropology, Fordham University, 440 East Fordham Road, Bronx, New York, NY 10458, USA


Feminism has historically been peripheral to the study and practice of criminal justice; mainstream
criminologists have not been widely exposed to feminist perspectives. This has contributed to perceptions that
criminology is about men and feminism is only about women. Consequently, many criminologists and criminal
justice practitioners have yet to understand, much less appreciate, the importance of feminism's contribution to
criminology. To address this problem, this article explains some of the major feminist insights in the interrelated
areas of epistemology, theory, methodology, and policy. Examples from the criminal justice literature are used to
illustrate both the basis for feminist concerns as well as the diversity of feminist scholarship. D 2001 Elsevier
Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

Introduction The rapidly expanding body of literature on women

and gender suggests that the days when a criminol-
It seems pro forma to begin an article on feminism ogist could pass off a study of men as being a general
deploring the fact that mainstream criminologists do and generalizable study of crime are numbered.2
not ``get it.'' This work, however, is authored by Accompanying the increased attention to gender has
someone who herself did not always ``get'' feminism been increased opportunities for funding for research
and only in recent years has come to recognize on women, gender, and crime. For instance, the 1994
feminist insights as not just helpful to understanding Violence Against Women Act not only provided
the relationship between gender and crime, but essen- additional rights to victims of stalking, domestic
tial. This article assumes that many criminologists' violence, and sexual assault, but also marked
dismissal of feminism stems as much from ignorance US$1.6 billion for programs providing services to
and misinformation as deliberate, ideological resist- women victims of domestic violence. To take full
ance. The purpose here is neither to attack main- advantage of the opportunities available to integrate
stream approaches nor to unequivocally defend gender into this research, teaching, and practice,
feminist ones. Rather, this article represents an invi- however, requires an understanding of the myriad
tation to academicians and practitioners from all ways in which gender shapes both men's and wom-
intellectual and professional backgrounds to consider en's experiences in the criminal justice system.
the contributions of feminist thought in theory, meth- Feminist criminologists have been at the forefront
ods, policy, and practice.1 in pointing out that when women and other margi-
nalized groups are ignored, devalued, or misrepre-
sented, society in general and the understanding of
* Tel.: +1-718-817-3863/3850; fax: +1-718-817-3846. crime and justice in particular suffer as a result.
E-mail address: jflavin@fordham.edu (J. Flavin). ``Feminism'' and ``feminist criminology'' refer not

0047-2352/01/$ ± see front matter D 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 0 4 7 - 2 3 5 2 ( 0 1 ) 0 0 0 9 3 - 9
272 J. Flavin / Journal of Criminal Justice 29 (2001) 271±285

to one perspective but a diverse set of perspectives continue to assume (falsely) that ``feminism is about
that, generally speaking, focus on women's interests, women, while criminology is about men'' (Naffine,
are overtly political, and strive to present a new 1996: pp. 1 ± 2), which, in turn, keeps feminist
vision of equality and social justice (Rafter & Hei- perspectives marginal to the discipline.6 The result
densohn, 1995). Feminists generally share a view that is that many academicians, practitioners, and policy-
gender inequalities exist in society and that these makers have yet to understand, much less appreciate,
inequalities should be addressed, though they may the importance of gender and feminism's contribution
differ in their location of the source of the problem to criminology.
and the measures to be pursued.3 As will be described To address this problem, the present work dedi-
in greater detail below, feminist contributions to the cates itself to explaining some of the major feminist
understanding of crime and justice cannot be under- insights in the interrelated areas of theory (including
estimated: Arguably ``no other perspective has done theories of knowledge), methodology, and policy to
as much to raise societal consciousness about the criminologists unfamiliar with feminism. Following
oppression of women and gender inequality'' (Won- an overview of how gender was addressed in the
ders, 1999, p. 113). study and practice of criminal justice, examples are
Despite feminism's impact on the study and presented that illustrate feminist concerns as well as
practice of criminal justice, many scholars and practi- the diversity of feminist scholarship.7
tioners lack an understanding of even the most
rudimentary aspects of feminist criminological
thought, much less feminism's relevance to criminal
justice. Part of the problem is that much feminist Women and gender in criminology
scholarship is still published in specialized journals
(e.g., Women and Criminal Justice, Gender and When the question arises as to why many standard
Society, Violence Against Women, Feminist Theory), criminal justice texts dedicate relatively little atten-
included in ``special issues'' focusing on some aspect tion to women, one of the most oft-cited responses is
of women and crime [cf., Journal of Contemporary that women comprise a small percentage of those
Criminal Justice, 14 (2) (1998); American Psycholo- involved in the criminal justice system. For example,
gist, 54 (1) (1999); Homicide Studies, 2 (4) (1998); according to official crime statistics, women comprise
Corrections Today, 60 (7) (1998); International Jour- only around 7 percent of prison inmates and 11
nal of Comparative and Applied Criminal Justice, 21 percent of jail inmates, 21 percent of those arrested,
(2) (1997); Crime and Delinquency, 41 (4) (1995); and 14 percent of all sworn officers in large police
Journal of Criminal Justice Education, 3 (2) (1992); departments (Federal Bureau of Investigations [FBI],
Southern California Review of Law and Women's 1998; Gilliard, 1999; National Center for Women and
Studies, 2 (1) (1992); Social Pathology, 3 (2) Policing, 1999).
(1997); Law and Social Inquiry, 19 (4) (1995); As a justification for neglect, many people recog-
Justice Quarterly, 12 (1) (1995); Crime and Delin- nize that this explanation falls short on a number of
quency, 35 (1) (1989)] or receives book-length treat- fronts. First, while women are underrepresented as
ments that require more of a commitment than many victims, offenders, and workers, the number of
nonfeminist criminologists are willing to invest.4 This women involved in the criminal processing system
literature frequently assumes a baseline level of is large and growing. Currently, women account for
knowledge that nonfeminists or scholars new to the nearly 2.3 million of those arrested, including half a
study of gender and crime may not possess. As with million arrests for index crimes and 83,000 arrests for
other approaches, feminist scholarship often relies on violent crimes (FBI, 1998). Nearly 64,000 adult
terminology (e.g., ``androcentricism,'' ``intersection- women were being held in local jails at midyear
ality,'' ``standpoint epistemology,'' ``gender essenti- 1998 and almost 83,000 women were imprisoned
alism,'' ``reflexivity,'' ``doing gender,'' ``hegemonic under the jurisdiction of state and federal authorities
masculinity'') that Ð while widely recognized by (Gilliard, 1999). Over 32,000 women are employed
many feminist-oriented criminologists Ð alienates in large law enforcement agencies and another 42,000
rather than informs practitioners or scholars from are custody/security staff employed in state and
more mainstream orientations.5 federal correctional facilities (Bureau of Justice Sta-
Feminism and mainstream criminology seem trap- tistics [BJS], 1997; National Center for Women and
ped in, if not a vicious cycle, at least an unproductive Policing, 1999).
one. Historically, feminism has had a peripheral Secondly, policies and practices that dispropor-
relationship to the discipline on the whole and main- tionately affect men have an impact on women as
stream criminologists have not been widely exposed well. For instance, it is women who shoulder the
to feminist perspectives. Many men and women economic and emotional responsibility for child-care
J. Flavin / Journal of Criminal Justice 29 (2001) 271±285 273

when a male parent is incarcerated. Also, as correc- Recognizing the importance of studying women
tions budgets have been increased, state funds to on their own terms, some scholars have adopted a
support low-income women and their children have more advanced feminist approach. For example, Beth
been cut along with social service jobs that are E. Richie's (1996) interviews with women inmates
disproportionately staffed by women (Danner, 1998). led her to develop the idea of ``gender entrapment'' as
Moreover, while the criminal justice system is a means of understanding the criminal behavior of
overwhelmingly male, gender is relevant when we battered African American women. For many of these
are discussing men's involvement in the system as women, Richie (p. 4) concluded criminal behavior is
well as women's. Gender is the strongest predictor of a logical extension of ``their racialized gender iden-
criminal involvement: boys and men perpetrate more, tities, their culturally expected gender roles, and the
and more serious crimes than do girls and women. violence in their intimate relationships.'' Richie found
There is a benefit from asking, ``Why are women so that nearly all of the battered Black women in her
underrepresented in crime?'' as well as examining study occupied a privileged status in their families
why men are overrepresented. Also, both men and growing up, receiving extra attention, opportunities,
women ``do gender,'' that is, handle situations in such and material possessions. These women, however,
a way that the outcome is considered gender-appro- also felt burdened by a responsibility to ``make good''
priate. Studying how men and women accomplish on their families' investments in their futures. As a
masculinity and femininity prompts one to consider result, their identities were closely aligned with meet-
how social structures constrain and channel behavior ing the needs of others, an identity that made them
that, in turn, may influence a person's criminal or vulnerable to abuse as adults (Richie, 1996).
law-abiding behavior or their actions in the work- Feminist criminologists hope that, in the future,
place (Martin & Jurik, 1996; Messerschmidt, 1997; approaches such as Richie's, which recognize a multi-
West & Zimmerman, 1987). plicity of factors and offer a richer contextual analysis,
Discussing gender and crime is definitely an easier will be the rule rather than the exception. Theories and
exercise now than it would have been thirty years ago. research will ``reach beyond the current stereotypes of
Since the 1970s, hundreds of books and articles have women, and beyond the current real lives of women,
appeared that reflect the in-roads feminism has made to think of women differently'' (Naffine, 1996, p.
into criminology and related fields. Feminism's influ- 143). The knowledge base will be transformed to
ence, though, has been far from uniform. Most crim- include a theoretical and analytical focus on the
inal justice scholarship, practice, and policymaking interacting relations of class, race, and gender, as well
that consider women and gender adopt one of three as sexual orientation, age, and ethnicity. Admittedly,
general approaches (Daly, 1995; Goodstein, 1992). to date, feminist approaches have worked better to
In the main, most criminological scholarship focu- criticize than to construct core theoretical frameworks
ses on men or extends theorizing based on men's as Richie did. Although critiques are valuable in that
experiences to women without offering any reconcep- they call attention to women's invisibility or misrep-
tualization (Daly, 1995). In contrast, some scholars resentation in criminology, feminists and nonfeminists
recognize that women's criminal justice experiences alike generally recognize that feminist perspectives
are often ignored or distorted when one simply ``adds must move beyond criticizing from the sidelines if the
women and stirs.'' A second approach, then, includes criminal justice system's approach to gender is to be
feminist research that focuses attention on crimes that reconstructed. This poses a major challenge given that
adversely affect women more than they affect men, one's inherited ways of thinking obstruct one's ability
such as domestic violence. This approach also pays to imagine or comprehend new ways of viewing crime
attention to the ways in which women's experiences and criminal justice (Collins, 1998; Daly, 1995; Eich-
differ not just from men's, but from each other based ler, 1988). By acknowledging some of the limitations
on characteristics such as race, ethnicity, class, age, of mainstream approaches and considering feminist
and sexual orientation. While addressing women's perspectives as one possible means of advancing the
``invisibility'' is an improvement over simply adding understanding of gender and crime, feminist and
women and stirring, scholarship in this category still nonfeminist scholars hopefully can work together to
evinces a tendency to treat men as the norm and address the criminal justice ground remaining not only
women as the anomalies. Such an approach precludes to be covered, but plowed and replanted.
efforts to achieve fairer treatment of men and women
throughout the criminal justice system. If an entire
field has been shaped by a male norm, then one must Feminist epistemologies
seriously question whether the issues deemed impor-
tant to the understanding of victims, offenders, and Epistemology refers to ``theories of what knowl-
workers include those that are important for women. edge is, what makes it possible, and how to get it''
274 J. Flavin / Journal of Criminal Justice 29 (2001) 271±285

(Harding, 1991, p. 308). Feminist perspectives have Many feminists consider science and knowledge (as
made more progress in fields that have stronger well as our definitions of crimes, masculinity, and
traditions of interpretive understanding such as liter- femininity) to be socially situated and question how
ature and history. By contrast, the criminological disinterested knowledge or ``objectivity'' is possible
tradition continues to be deeply embedded in the in a society that is deeply stratified by gender, race,
scientific method (Naffine, 1996). Much of main- and class. As philosopher Sandra Harding (1991, p.
stream criminology is rooted in claims that ``science 59) observes, ``. . . [T]he subject of belief and of
is value neutral'' and ``scientific methods protect knowledge is never simply an individual, let alone an
against our scholarship being contaminated by sub- abstract one capable of transcending its own histor-
jectivity.'' Studies can be replicated, positivism ical location. It is always an individual in a particular
assumes, because researchers produce knowledge in social situation.''
similar ways, rendering individual criminologists Feminist standpoint theories assume that the per-
interchangeable with others. spective of the researcher influences what is known.
Are some beliefs better supported by empirical Standpoint feminists try to construct knowledge from
evidence than others? Yes. Are there advantages to the perspective of the persons being studied on the
using traditional (e.g., quantitative) research meth- grounds that the perspective of the oppressed or
ods? Absolutely. Does the use of certain research marginalized tends to be less distorted. The powerful
procedural safeguards mitigate against biased results? have more interest in obscuring the conditions that
Of course. These points are not disputed here. What produce their privileges and authority than the domi-
is challenged is the assumption that one can and nated groups have in hiding the conditions that
should strive to achieve ``absolute objectivity'' and produce their situation (Harding, 1991).
universally valid knowledge. A third feminist epistemological approach, femi-
Recently, in a special issue of The New York nist postmodernism, criticizes standpoint feminists
Times Magazine, Richard Powers heralded the for assuming that women are a ``clearly defined and
``vesting of authority in experiment'' as the best uncontroversially given interest group'' (Smart, 1995,
idea of the millennium. Powers (1999, p. 83) p. 10). While positivists and other ``modernists''
acknowledged, however, that thinkers ``from Lud- (including many feminists) claim that the truth can
wig Wittgenstein to Thomas Kuhn and beyond'' be determined provided all agree on responsible ways
have expressed concern of going about it, postmodern critics argue for multi-
ple truths that take context into account (Collins,
that fact and artifact may be closer than most 1998, pp. 196 ± 197; Wonders, 1999). Many crimi-
empiricists are comfortable accepting . . . That great nologists recognize that ``knowledge'' or ``truth''
empiricists have rejected initial data on hunches,
often reflects the perspective of those with more
until their observations produced more acceptable
power (e.g., definitions of what actions are consid-
numbers. That scientists need pre-existing theory and
supposition even to ask the questions that will lead to ered illegal, what constitutes a fair punishment).
data. That the shape of a question produces the data Postmodernists take this further, questioning whether
that answer it. any knowledge is knowable and rejecting the ideas
that there is a universal definition of justice, i.e., one
These concerns and others lie at the heart of that would be true for all people, all of the time
feminist epistemology.8 The most conservative fem- (DeKeseredy & Schwartz, 1996; Wonders, 1999).
inist epistemological program, feminist empiricism, Toward this end, postmodernism emphasizes the
basically accepts the value of the scientific method, importance of alternative discourses and accounts
but points out that ignoring women or misrepresent- and frequently takes the form of examining the
ing their experiences is methodologically unsound. effects of language and symbolic representation,
Feminist empiricism tries to correct ``bad science'' e.g., how legal discourse constructs different ``types
through stricter adherence to existing norms of sci- of woman'' such as ``prostitute'' or ``bad mother''
entific inquiry. This approach has filled in gaps in the (Smart, 1998, pp. 28 ± 30).
knowledge of women victims of crime (particularly Some charge that postmodernism basically
violence in the home and between intimates), the amounts to a ``call to inaction'' (Tong, 1989, p.
judicial treatment of offending women and girls, and 232). If justice is different for everyone depending
the experiences of women criminal justice workers on one's perspective, then what is the point of trying
(Martin & Jurik, 1996; Naffine, 1996; Smart, 1995). to pursue it? If one cannot be certain that the good
By contrast, other feminist epistemologies Ð quality knowledge produced will provide useful
feminist standpoint theories, for example Ð go insight (or a fair outcome) then, as one student asked,
beyond critiquing empirical practice to challenging ``Why not just sit by the pool?'' (Smart, 1995, p. 212).
mainstream criminology's empirical assumptions. Such criticism, however, paints an overly dismal view
J. Flavin / Journal of Criminal Justice 29 (2001) 271±285 275

of the postmodern perspective. Postmodern and fem- been seriously hampered by the fact that historically,
inist scholars recognize a responsibility to build most of it has focused on explaining men's experi-
bridges across diverse groups in order to work col- ences of crime and justice and assuming these
lectively Ð not to arrive at a universal understanding explanations also apply to women. By contrast,
of justice, but ``to do our best to make judgments that feminist scholarship has strengthened criminological
make the world a good place to be'' for everyone theory in two major ways: by pointing out the
(Wonders, 1999, p. 122). limitations of applying theories of male criminality
Regardless of where one falls on the ``knowledge to women and by developing theories of men's and
is scientifically derived'' to ``knowledge is socially women's criminality.
produced'' to ``knowledge is power/power is knowl- Scholars such as Dorie Klein (1973/1995) and
edge'' continuum, it is hard to imagine a criminal Eileen Leonard (1973/1995) have made systematic
justice enterprise where epistemology is irrelevant. attempts to apply traditional theories of crime (i.e.,
Yet rarely does it receive even passing mention. anomie theory, labeling theory, differential associa-
Given that one routinely encounters ``totalitarian- tion, subcultural theory, and Marxism) to women, and
ism,'' ``bureaucratization,'' ``psychopharmacology,'' concluded that these theories are unsuited for explain-
and ``heteroskedasticity'' in academic publications, it ing female patterns of crime. For example, Robert
is more than a matter of ``epistemology'' being a Merton (1938) also neglected to apply his anomie
word that does not roll easily off the tongue. theory to women. His theory holds that when people
The nature of the concept itself may contribute to lack legitimate means (e.g., a job, a savings account)
the reluctance to address it. It is far easier to open a to achieve socially accepted goals (e.g., material and
discussion by stating ``The following are some of the monetary success), they innovate (e.g., steal, write bad
major theories of crime causation . . .'' than challeng- checks). His theory also assumes that financial success
ing whether one can ever claim to ``know'' why is as important a goal for women as it is for men and
people commit crimes or any other class of ``truths.'' fails to address why women Ð who are overrepre-
Questioning how knowledge has been or ought to be sented among the poor and thus arguably subjected to
produced can be unsettling, and the process of more strain than men Ð are less likely to deviate.
inquiry Ð almost by definition Ð does not lead to Feminists have also taken issue with more recent
straightforward, universally accepted answers. Even theorizing that, while showing signs of trying to be
among feminists, this process has been described as more sensitive to issues of women and gender, also
painful, if inevitable and productive (Smart, 1995, p. has shortcomings. One pitfall occurs when scholars
11). At the root of the problem, no doubt, is that strive to create a ``gender-neutral'' theory that makes
most people were not intellectually reared to appre- no differentiation regarding the theory's applicability
ciate the importance of epistemology, much less to men and women. For example, Michael R. Gott-
articulate it. Yet recognition of the importance of fredson and Travis Hirschi's (1990) A General
epistemology and the biases of the scientific method Theory of Crime (1990) attempt to be linguistically
lies at the core of transforming the discipline. Gain- gender-neutral in discussing victimization and parent-
ing a better understanding of gender and crime ing. In doing so, Gottfredson and Hirschi overlook
requires not only filling in gaps in knowledge but the reality that violent victimization is not gender-
also challenging the assumptions upon which exist- neutral (nor race- or class-neutral, for that matter);
ing ``knowledge'' is based. nearly two-thirds of men's nonfatal violent victim-
izations are committed by a stranger, while nearly
two-thirds of women's nonfatal violent victimizations
Theoretical contributions are committed by someone she knows (Craven,
1997). Elsewhere, Gottfredson and Hirschi assert that
Charges that criminology is ``male-centered'' (or mothers and fathers are interchangeable in their
``androcentric'') raise hackles among students, practi- influence in the socialization process, apparently
tioners, and scholars alike who incorrectly reduce the denying the gendered character of parenting. Gott-
criticism to an attack on the sex of the researchers. fredson and Hirschi's inattention to gendered inequal-
The reality is that women are vulnerable to andro- ities is illustrated by ``both their gender-neutral stance
centric bias just as men are capable of overcoming it. when inappropriate and by lack of gender specificity
Male dominance of the discipline contributes to when appropriate'' (Miller & Burack, 1993, p. 116).
androcentricity, but is by no means the only source. Feminist scholarship has been invaluable in call-
Ideally, theoretical development is grounded in a ing attention to the ``generalizability problem'' of
larger literature, building upon the insights and many traditional theoretical approaches (Daly &
strengths of past scholarship. Past theorizing regard- Chesney-Lind, 1988) but feminist contributions to
ing the relationship between gender and crime has theory have not been confined to the level of critique.
276 J. Flavin / Journal of Criminal Justice 29 (2001) 271±285

Increasingly, feminist perspectives are serving as the situationally achieve masculinity by attacking mem-
basis for theories of crime and crime control. For bers of groups (i.e., women, homeless people, people
example, Julia and Herman Schwendinger's (1983) with disabilities, religious, racial, and ethnic minor-
Marxist feminist analysis, Rape and Inequality, links ities, and homosexuals/bisexuals) who undermine the
the nature and extent of rape to the unequal gender hegemonic masculine ideal. Several characteristics of
relations and class struggles that capitalism produces. known bias crimes (i.e., age, sex, number, and
James Messerschmidt's (1986) socialist feminist alcohol consumption of the perpetrators, the language
work, Capitalism, Patriarchy, and Crime, sees both used during and after the attacks, the seriousness of
class and patriarchy as contributing to the type and the injuries) suggest that the prime motivation for
seriousness of crime. Radical feminist approaches, bias crimes is to accomplish masculinity.
which emphasize the role of patriarchy and masculine Similarly, Jody Miller (1998) reports that while
control of women's labor and sexuality, arguably the women and men in her study reported similar
have had more impact on woman abuse research than motivations to commit robbery, the ways in which
any other theoretical perspective (Simpson, 1989). they commit robbery highlight the clear gender
Another feminist theoretical contribution has been hierarchy that exists on the streets. Men tend to
to point out the absence of research on masculinity. use physical violence and/or a gun to confront the
Men have been treated as the norm in the criminal victim, and typically target other men. Miller (1998,
justice system to such a degree that their gender has pp. 50 ± 51) concludes that ``male robbers . . .
been ignored. The failure of criminological theories clearly view the act of robbery as a masculine
to address gender has led not only to the neglect of accomplishment in which men compete with other
women in theory and research, but also to the delay in men for money and status . . . The routine use of
recognizing that gender shapes men's experiences as guns, physical contact, and violence in male-on-
well as women's. Naffine (1996, p. 6) observes that male robberies is a reflection of the masculine
``crime, men and masculinity have an intimate rela- ideologies shaping men's robberies.'' By contrast,
tionship, so intimate that we often fail to see it, and so women robbers take into account the gendered
intimate that it can seem natural.'' nature of their environment by robbing other
In recent years, the attention to women and gender females who are less likely than males to be armed
prompted the reconsideration of what is ``known'' and are perceived as weak and easily intimidated.
about men's experiences and led to studies of mas- When women do rob men, they use perceptions of
culinities and crime. Much of this research relies on women as weak and sexually available to their
Robert W. Connell's (1987, 1995) conceptualizations advantage to manipulate men into situations where
of ``hegemonic masculinity'' and ``emphasized fem- they become vulnerable to being robbed.
ininity'' that is, the ``dominant forms of gender to The growing body of scholarship that considers
which other types of masculinity and femininity are the situational constructions of gender, race, and class
subordinated or opposed'' (Messerschmidt, 1997, p. also helps to address concerns that much feminist
10). In the United States, the dominant, culturally criminology (as with mainstream criminology) tends
supported form of masculinity is based on White, to be gender essentialist; implying that there is a
middle-class, heterosexual men and emphasizes char- universal ``women's experience'' or ``men's experi-
acteristics such as paid employment, subordination of ence'' that can be described independently of other
women and girls, authority, control, and rationality facets of experience such as race, ethnicity, and class
(Pyke, 1996). (Rice, 1990). The effect of essentialist perspectives
This scholarship emphasizes that race, gender, and has been to ``reduce the lives of people who experi-
class are not only social constructs, but also processes ence multiple forms of oppression to addition prob-
involving creative human actors, rather than static, lems: `racism + sexism = straight Black women's
categorical variables. As such, gender, race, and class experience''' (Harris, 1997, p. 11). Racial and ethnic
are not equally significant in every social setting, but minority women victims, offenders, and workers are
vary in importance depending upon the context not simply subjected to ``more'' disadvantage than
(Messerschmidt, 1997; West & Zimmerman, 1987). White women; their oppression is often of a qualita-
Crime provides one structurally permitted means of tively different kind. Theories of crime and justice
establishing a man's masculinity when other channels need to acknowledge, for example, that ``Black
for doing so are blocked due to one's race, ethnicity, women experience sexual and patriarchal oppression
class, or age. by Black men but at the same time struggle alongside
For example, Jana Bufkin (1999) relies on James them against racial oppression'' (Rice, 1990, p. 63).
Messerschmidt's structured action theory to illustrate In sum, overcoming androcentric theorizing
how bias crimes are a means of ``doing'' gender. involves more than simply extending theories
These overwhelmingly male bias crime offenders designed to explain male criminality to women or
J. Flavin / Journal of Criminal Justice 29 (2001) 271±285 277

presenting theories in gender-neutral terms. It ``some of the more difficult and interesting questions
requires recognizing gender as a social process rele- about the nature of (criminological) knowledge''
vant to the actions of men as well as women. It (Naffine, 1996, p. 4). For example,
demands that be overcome in order to essentialist
tendencies to consider the complex ways in which [t]here are feminists who have carried out the
more conventional (but necessary) empirical work
gender interacts with other social characteristics.
of documenting sex bias within the criminal justice
Compared to thirty years ago, more research and system. Feminists have questioned the scientific
policymaking efforts consider feminist theoretical methods deployed by criminologists, as well as
contributions. By and large, however, feminist theo- their highly orthodox approach to the nature of
ries have not been fully integrated into the study and knowledge. Feminists have engaged with crimino-
practice of criminal justice and consequently have not logical theory, across the range, questioning its
received the same attention as varieties of strain ability to provide general explanations of human
theories, social control theories, or individualist the- behaviour. Feminists have provided an abundance
ories. As a result, the richness and insights of feminist of data about crime from the viewpoint of women
perspectives have yet to be widely appreciated.9 At (to counter the more usual viewpoint of men), and
feminists have also helped to develop new epis-
minimum, evaluations of a theory's merits should be
temologies that question the very sense of writing
broadened to include feminist critiques and to con- from the perspective of a woman (or, for that
sider how a given theory might be revised to recog- matter, from the perspective of a man) (Naffine,
nize gender as a central organizing factor in social life 1996, p. 4).
(Renzetti, 1993). Ideally, to ensure that successive
generations of practitioners and scholars will not While sharing a view that gender is central to the
replicate existing androcentric and essentialist biases, understanding of crime and justice, feminist crimino-
efforts to fully integrate feminist theoretical critiques logical scholarship reflects considerable diversity and
and feminist theorizing into undergraduate and grad- originality in the choice of topic. As the above
uate curricula should be expanded (see Goodstein, quotation suggests, feminists have addressed time-
1992; Wilson, 1991; Wonders & Caulfield, 1993, for honored criminological questions. More recently,
specific strategies for doing so). feminists have applied themselves to newer lines of
criminological inquiry such as the impact of sentenc-
ing policies on women (cf., Raeder, 1993), the
Research methodology and methods blurred boundaries between victimization and crimi-
nalization (cf. Daly & Maher, 1998), and the media's
Just as feminists vary in their theoretical orienta- role in shaping perceptions of crime and justice (cf.
tion and their views of how knowledge should be Chancer, 1998; Danner & Carmody, 1999), to name
acquired, ``there is not a distinctive feminist method- but a few.
ology but rather a feminist perspective on the research M. Joan McDermott (1992) observes that feminist
process'' (Taylor & Rupp, 1991, p. 127). With this in research has evolved such that it is no longer just
mind, the following sections discuss major feminist scholarship that is ``on, by, and for women'' but
methodological themes as they are manifested in encompasses a larger sphere of inquiry. Feminist
criminological research. These themes relate to the scholarship includes research ``on'' gender that
choice of topic, choice of research methods, the includes men and masculinity; it recognizes that
subjective experiences of doing research (or ``reflex- research conducted ``by'' a woman is not representa-
ivity''), and the relationship between the researcher tive of all women's experiences nor does being bio-
and the research subjects (Gelsthorpe, 1990). Another logically male disqualify one from working from a
area of feminist concern Ð the relationship between feminist perspective. And, though remaining commit-
policy/action and research Ð is discussed in the next ted to positions ``for'' women, feminism ultimately
section. Admittedly, many of the methodological aims to benefit both men and women.
issues presented below are not unique to feminism
but are shared by scholars of other orientations, Choice of research methods and methodologies
particularly other critical ones, but their close identi-
fication with feminism warrants their inclusion here. One of the thorniest points of contention is the
discussion surrounding the use of qualitative and
Choice of research topic quantitative research methodologies; a debate that
has been described as ``sterile and based on false
As the work cited throughout this article illus- polarization'' (Jayartne & Stewart, 1991, p. 85).
trates, feminist criminological scholarship comprises Despite a perception that feminist scholarship is pri-
a substantial and mature body of literature that poses marily qualitative, ``feminist researchers use just about
278 J. Flavin / Journal of Criminal Justice 29 (2001) 271±285

any and all of the methods . . . that traditional andro- human face. For example, one can report that many
centric researchers have used. Of course, precisely incarcerated girls are concerned about leaving the
how they carry out these methods of evidence gather- institutional setting, but the point is better illustrated
ing is often strikingly different . . . it is not by looking by quoting girls' statements such as, ``I've been here
at research methods that one will be able to identify the so long, I don't want to just be thrown out. I'm
distinctive features of the best of feminist research'' anxious'' and ``I was scared to help an old lady cross
(Harding, 1987, pp. 2 ± 3). Not all feminist research is the street] when I was on [a day] leave once. I felt like
qualitative and not all studies that rely on qualitative I had institution written all over me'' (Belknap, Hol-
methods are conducted from a feminist orientation. singer, & Dunn, 1997, p. 396).
Quantitative approaches obviously offer a number Despite their advantages and roots in the Chicago
of advantages to the study of gender and crime, e.g., School in the work of scholars such as W. I. Thomas
findings from representative samples may be more and Robert Park, qualitative research methods have
generalizable, statistical techniques can handle more had to fight off a reputation as an oxymoron in
contextual variables and permit simultaneous evalua- mainstream criminal justice circles.11 Qualitative
tion of complex theoretical models and interaction methods are sometimes stereotyped as unsystematic
terms. Quantitative methods have come under fire, and politically motivated and therefore unscientific
though, for obscuring the experience of women. and overtly biased (Jayartne & Stewart, 1991, p. 93).
Surveys frequently require coding individuals' Also, because qualitative research may be very time-
responses into categories predefined by researchers, consuming since it tends to involve more and more
but the reality is that ``experiences don't come in little intensive contact with the research subjects, the
boxes that are ready to be labeled and counted'' samples in a qualitative study tend to be relatively
(McDermott, 1992, p. 247). Also, when using exist- small and homogenous (Cannon, Higginbotham, &
ing data, it is hard to avoid adopting a ``dataset Leung, 1988/1991). In view of the limitations of both
mentality'' and limit research questions to those that methodologies, many feminists join mainstream
can be answered by available variables. These prob- methodologists in employing a combination of
lems present a Catch-22 of sorts: one only collects quantitative and qualitative methods in order to com-
and records information thought to be important, but pensate for the weaknesses in one method by incor-
characteristics cannot be established as important porating the strengths of another. For example,
until the data are possessed. For example, because Barbara Owen's (1998) study of women prisoners,
most large databases were originally designed to In the Mix, includes a quasi-ethnographic study of a
capture information salient to the processing and women's prison as well as a systematic survey of
treatment of men offenders, characteristics that were female prisoners and parolees. Kathleen Daly's
particularly salient to women might not be recorded (1994) Gender, Crime and Punishment uses both a
(e.g., extent of caretaking responsibilities for children statistical analysis of sentencing disparity for a wide
and the elderly, childhood victimization experiences, sample of cases, as well as qualitative analysis of a
obstetric/gynecological history).10 ``deep sample'' of forty matched pairs of women and
By contrast, qualitative approaches such as inter- men convicted of similar offenses.
views, ethnographies, and life histories permit
women and men to articulate or conceptualize their Reflexivity
experiences more completely and in their own terms,
potentially providing more accurate and valid infor- While most scholars support acknowledging the
mation. This is particularly important given many limitations of a particular methodological technique
feminists' interest in examining the situation-at-hand, employed (be it quantitative or qualitative), feminist
``taking real life as the starting point, its subjective scholarship also emphasizes the importance of crit-
concreteness as well as its societal entanglements'' ically examining the nature of the research process
(Mies, 1991, p. 66). This view that subjective expe- itself. ``Reflexivity'' refers to identifying the
rience is part of science should not be misconstrued assumptions underlying the research endeavor and
as a belief that simply describing an individual's often includes the investigator's reaction to doing
experiences or feelings in itself comprises a scientific the research.
treatment of a problem. Feminists in the main recog-
For the most part, criminology is unreflective. While
nize the problem of viewing ``the personal as inher-
conscious that researchers should not bring their
ently paradigmatic, the individual life story as prejudices to the research table, many criminologists,
coherent, unified, morally inspiring'' (Kauffman, in their search for neutrality, fail to consider their
1992/1993], pp. 262 ± 263). Instead, many feminist own identity in their investigative enterprises. Per-
scholars use narrative statements to identify important haps this is the aftershock of attempting to impose
themes while at the same time giving their findings a the strictures and methods of the physical sciences
J. Flavin / Journal of Criminal Justice 29 (2001) 271±285 279

on criminology in our effort to make it more ``sci- hierarchical process. When one assumes that the
entific'' (Pettiway, 1997, pp. xv ± xvi). interviewer's role is to collect but never to provide
information, the interviewee is reduced to mere data
Reflecting on the research process calls attention
(Carty, 1996). By contrast, many feminists propose
to possible sources of bias introduced as well as
treating interviewees as informants or experts, and
provides guidance to future researchers. Reflexivity
using an open-ended format in order to permit new
also prompts examination of whether research can
questions to emerge during the course of the interview
ever truly be said to be ``objective.'' The identity of a
(Taylor & Rupp, 1991). A feminist methodological
researcher shapes even a deliberately noninterpretive
approach tries to minimize hierarchical relationships
research endeavor such as presenting transcripts of
within the research process. Ideally, the research enter-
taped interviews with women involved in drugs and
prise will strive for a collaborative and reciprocal
crime given that the researcher frames the questions,
association between the researcher and the subject
focuses the interviews, and edits the transcripts for
consistent with Ann Oakley's maxim: ``No intimacy
publication (Pettiway, 1997). Not only do many
without reciprocity'' (quoted in May, 1993, p. 90).
feminists consider subjectivity as unavoidable, but
Admittedly, there are difficulties and some draw-
some argue it may be a strength of a study. Barbara
backs in minimizing the distance between interviewer
Owen (1998) reported that the relationships she
and subject. Researchers responsible to funding agen-
formed with several prisoners led her to better appre-
cies may not have total control of how their studies
ciate the women's experiences from their own point
are conducted. The subjects themselves may not
of view. The result, she suggested, is a study that not
embrace the idea of collaboration. Particularly in
only contributed to a ``scientific'' understanding of
criminal justice, it seems unlikely that offenders,
women prisoners, but to a political awareness of their
victims, and even many criminal justice workers will
marginalized status.
see themselves on equal footing with the academic
In other words, it cannot simply be assumed that
researchers. Language, dress, age, and other cues may
one's choice of methods guarantees objective
serve as constant reminders of the differences in roles
research. Reflexivity strengthens the research proc-
and status between the researcher and the subjects.
ess by promoting greater honesty and awareness of
For instance, Belknap et al. (1997) noticed that while
the limitations and biases inherent in the research. It
juvenile justice professionals seemed to forget the
also provides a valuable guide to other researchers
presence of researcher ± onlookers while participating
who may be considering undertaking similar
in a focus group, many of the incarcerated girls in the
research projects. Further, as will be discussed next,
same study tended to check how the researchers
reflexivity encourages one to think about the rela-
responded to their own and their peers' comments
tionship between themselves as researchers and the
(Belknap et al., 1997).
people who comprise the research subjects.
Confidentiality and privacy issues Ð always a
concern when a study involves human subjects Ð
Relationship between researcher and subjects become even more important when researchers form
rapport, ties, even friendships with the study partic-
Feminists have criticized researchers' objectifica- ipants. Women respondents may find it easier to
tion and exploitation of their subjects, particularly reveal intimate details of their victimization or offend-
when information is gained through interviews or ing experiences when the interviewer is a woman. All
surveys. Objectification occurs when it is assumed researchers ``must take extra precautions not to betray
that a radical difference exists between the roles of the trust so freely given'' (Fonow & Cook, 1991, p. 8)
scientist and subject. In the most extreme positivist given that researchers may not have complete control
forms, studying human beings is treated, in principle, of how information will be used once it is gathered
as no different from studying things (Gorelick, 1996, from respondents. In spite of these obstacles, a num-
p. 24). While conventional criminology assumes that ber of specific actions may be undertaken to reduce
scientific detachment requires emotional detachment, the distance between researchers and subjects, e.g.,
the quest for neutrality and objectivity can be a sharing drafts of the report with the subjects and
disadvantage when so much emphasis is placed on soliciting their feedback, encouraging subjects to ask
``maintaining distance'' that context and recognition questions and responding with reasonable answers,
of the individual humanity of the subjects are strip- and reciprocating subjects for the help they provide.
ped away. As noted earlier, ``feminist research methods'' is
Part of the problem is that traditional guidelines for something of a misnomer. Many of the measures
interviewing (i.e., advise interviewers to adopt an championed by feminist criminologists can be and
objective, noninvolved stance; view interviews as have been adopted by researchers from mainstream
noninteractive) assume the situation is a one-way orientations. There remains a need, though, for
280 J. Flavin / Journal of Criminal Justice 29 (2001) 271±285

criminologists to give more thought to the approach they arrest). Some women also may encounter a failure
to research. This not only means giving qualitative on the part of their racial, ethnic, religious, and
methods their due but also considering reflexivity community leaders to recognize ``a sexist problem
and the relationship between researcher and subject. within the community . . . as important as a racist
For example, research proposals routinely justify problem outside of it'' (Rasche, 1988/1995, p. 257).
their choice of a mail survey versus face-to-face Feminism's impact in the arena of domestic
interviews on the grounds of time and money. It violence and other forms of violence against women
should also be considered how the subject's race, has been substantial, but to confine feminism's con-
gender, and class might influence the choice of tribution to these issues is to sell feminism short.
research methods. Proposals should be critiqued not Feminists also engage in policy evaluation, asking
only on the basis of sample selection and measure- ``What is this policy supposed to accomplish?,''
ments, but also whether subjects were reciprocated ``How will it actually be implemented?,'' ``Who wins
for their participation in the study and what steps and who loses if this policy is adopted?,'' ``What can
were taken to reduce the distance between we do to improve on this?'' (Miller, 1998a, 1998b;
researcher and subject. Attending to these aspects Renzetti, 1998).
of the research process does not constitute sub- Women's stake in the ``war on crime'' is important,
scribing to a ``feminist methodology'' per se. though often unrecognized. While the public con-
Rather, it indicates a commitment to good research struction of the criminal is male, ``the hidden victims
practices designed to give greater visibility to the of many of the get-tough policies have been women,
experiences of women (and other historically particularly women of color'' (Chesney-Lind, 1998, p.
marginalized groups) and to increase the subject's xi). Feminists have played an important role in calling
involvement in the research process. attention to the unintended or unforeseen consequen-
ces of purportedly ``gender-neutral'' policies. New
sentencing policies have been implemented with the
Policy and action goal of treating women and men the same. With
regard to the Federal Sentencing Guidelines, Myrna
In reviewing the presidential addresses to the Raeder (1993) suggests considering sentencing fewer
American Society of Criminology, Ngaire Naffine men to prison on the grounds that it would be more
(1996) observes that increasingly, mainstream crimi- humane for men, women, and their children. Instead,
nologists are encouraged to be applied and practical, women have been increasingly incarcerated; a shift
to inform policymakers, and contribute to the public that has been described as ``equality with a venge-
debate about crime. Here again is an area where ance.'' There are other, less well-known examples to
feminist criminology has proven valuable to the consider too, such as Massey, Miller, and Wilhelmi's
larger criminal justice arena. Feminists have always (1998) finding that in civil forfeiture cases (involving
placed a premium on policy and action; one of the confiscation of assets from suspected drug
feminism's defining components is a standing and offenders), judges falsely assume that social and
overt commitment to identifying ``a set of strategies economic power are equally distributed in a marriage
for change'' (Daly & Chesney-Lind, 1988, p. 502). or intimate relationship. Moreover, judges blame
Feminists are perhaps best known for raising wives for their failure or inability to control their
awareness of violence against women and the need husband. Judicial interpretations thus ``often ignore
for laws and policies regarding marital rape, acquaint- not only the gendered power dynamics within intimate
ance rape, stalking, and other crimes that dispropor- relationships but also the structural limits to women's
tionately involve women victims. Feminists have also efficacy in disentangling themselves from such rela-
called for responses to women victims of crime that tionships that are present in these situations'' (p. 29).12
reflect an appreciation for the differences that exist In addition to women being harmed by purport-
among women. For example, a shortage of bilingual edly ``gender-neutral'' policies or policies aimed
and bicultural criminal justice workers creates a sys- primarily at men, some policies have been targeted
tem ill-prepared to address many battered Latinas' specifically at women and therefore are cause for
claims. Latinas and other racial and ethnic minority concern. For instance, according to a 1996 report
women must decide whether to seek assistance from an prepared by the Center for Reproductive Law and
outsider who ``may not look like her, sound like her, Policy, at least 200 women in more than thirty states
speak her language, or share any of her cultural have been arrested for their alleged drug use or other
values'' (Rivera, 1994/1997, p. 261). Minority women actions during pregnancy. Feminist perspectives
may fear that the police will not do enough (ignoring encourage us to recognize the harmful consequences
their complaints) and/or that the police will do too of criminalizing pregnant women's behavior rather
much (being overly zealous toward the minority men than expanding the availability of treatment for preg-
J. Flavin / Journal of Criminal Justice 29 (2001) 271±285 281

nant women (including those who have small chil- actually carrying it out. Do feminists wait for main-
dren, are infected with HIV, and/or on Medicaid). stream criminology to invite them to the dance? If
One major concern is that criminalizing maternal invited, do feminists attend even if it means being
conduct discourages drug-using women from seeking reduced to standing against the walls waiting to be
prenatal care and drug treatment out of fear that they asked to dance, or dancing by themselves as a token
will be subjected to prosecution (Humphries, 1999). feminist or woman on the faculty or editorial board?
Feminists have not limited their interests to poli- Do feminists hold their own dance, that is, continue to
cies aimed at or affecting women, but have also publish articles in specialized journals and books,
challenged the masculine basis of many programs teach specialized classes on ``gender and crime,''
and policies. Feminists have been critical of correc- and sit on panels comprised almost entirely of like-
tional officer and police training programs for their minded scholars? While this approach offers the
overemphasis physical strength, intimidation, and benefit of facilitating the exchange of ideas and
aggressiveness as a means for resolving disputes support, it also risks making feminism even more
while devaluing interpersonal skills. Similarly, femi- peripheral to the discipline. As the scholarship cited
nist criminologists are among those critical of boot throughout this article illustrates, feminists engage in a
camps for being unnecessarily demeaning and abu- variety of strategies, working as both insiders and
sive to inmates. The boot camp model embodies a outsiders to the criminal justice enterprise. By attempt-
distorted image of masculinity, one that emphasizes ing to meet mainstream criminologists midway by
aggressiveness, unquestioned authority, and insensi- explaining the strength and diversity of feminist
tivity to others' pain while deemphasizing ``femi- perspectives, this article presents another strategy.
nine'' characteristics such as group cooperation and Regardless of one's political or theoretical orienta-
empathy. ``Why,'' Merry Morash and Lila Rucker tion, feminism challenges criminology to reject andro-
(1990/1998, pp. 35 and 38) ask, ``would a method centric thinking. More generally, it challenges all
that has been developed to prepare people to go into people working in the discipline to be thoughtful
war, and as a tool to manage legal violence, be and relevant: Thoughtful in the theoretical assump-
considered as having such potential in deterring or tions upon which the research is based, the methods
rehabilitating offenders? . . . [T]he program elements used, the conclusions drawn, and the policies recom-
of militarism, hard labor, and fear engendered by mended. Thoughtful in developing the content of the
severe conditions do not hold much promise, and classes taught. Thoughtful in acknowledging the lim-
they appear to set the stage for abuse of authority.'' itations of criminological scholarship, in considering
The aforementioned examples are just a few of the the complexities and diversity of the people's lives and
myriad ways in which feminists have contributed to experiences upon which scholarship is based, and in
criminal justice policymaking and evaluation. Femi- communicating with research participants, students,
nist scholarship has called attention to previously and colleagues.
ignored policy issues, evaluated the impact of pur- Given the overt emphasis placed upon policy and
portedly ``gender-neutral'' policies on women, exam- action, feminism also challenges one to be relevant. A
ined the effects of policies targeted specifically at colleague once observed that best-selling detective
women, and challenged the value of criminal justice fiction writer Walter Mosley had more of an impact on
policies and practices based on stereotypical ideas of what the public thought of crime and justice than
masculinity and femininity. By definition, feminism academics did if for no other reason than millions of
gives great weight to identifying strategies for social people read Mosley's novels while most criminolog-
change and ending domination in all its forms. ical research was not considered outside of academic
Feminist perspectives remind one Ð not only of circles. Part of being relevant means making scholar-
one's professional responsibilities Ð but also one's ship accessible in how and where it is presented.
social responsibility to consider the implications of Prioritizing relevance also encourages collaboration
our research and policy for women. Ð not only among academics at other universities,
and of other ranks and disciplinary backgrounds Ð
but also with people outside the university setting,
Conclusions including policymakers, practitioners, lawmakers,
journalists, victims, offenders, and advocates. It
``If I can't dance, it's not my revolution.'' Emma means treating the implications of research for policy
Goldman's statement may make a great T-shirt, but her and practice as being at least as important as individ-
view is hardly universal among feminists. While ual careers and egos.
feminist criminologists generally agree that a trans- Although feminist perspectives pose a demanding
formation of criminal justice discipline is desirable, set of standards, the pursuit of these standards can be
there is less consensus regarding how to go about very rewarding. Feminism presents an invitation to
282 J. Flavin / Journal of Criminal Justice 29 (2001) 271±285

criminologists, practitioners, and policymakers to 177) observe that feminist perspectives have made more
recognize the existence of sexism, to try to under- progress in fields which have stronger traditions of
stand its causes, and to work toward identifying and interpretive understanding. Scholars in anthropology, liter-
ature, and history are more open to questions such as ``What
overcoming all forms of discrimination that operate
are the effects of the social and political circumstances in
throughout the justice system. Fellow criminologists,
which knowledge is created and received? . . . What are the
consider yourselves invited. effects of the gender of the researcher, the audience, or those
studied or written about?''
7. Before proceeding, three caveats are in order. First,
this article is a primer rather than a comprehensive
Acknowledgments treatment of feminist criminology. In the interests of clarity
and conciseness, some concepts have been omitted from
This article has benefited greatly from the discussion and some important distinctions have been
thoughtful suggestions offered by Lynn Chancer of glossed over. While feminists tend to share a general
Fordham University, Mona Danner of Old Dominion notion of what is meant by a particular concept, the reality
University, and Helen Eigenberg of the University of is that a given term encompasses a range of perspectives
Tennessee at Chattanooga. and understandings. In some respects, the concepts
presented in this article and any categories discussed in
connection with them are ``ideal types.'' Relatedly, issues
of epistemology, theory, methods and methodology, and
Notes policy presented in separate sections here, even though
they are intertwined. Every attempt has been made to make
1. As used here, the terms ``mainstream criminology'' the overlap and interconnections apparent without being
and ``conventional criminology'' do not refer to a theory but overly repetitious. Lastly, the near-exclusive focus on
to an amalgam of dominant sociological approaches to feminist perspectives is not meant to suggest that only
crime, such as strain, social control, interactionist, and feminism has ``the answers'' or asks the right questions.
ecological theories (DeKeseredy & Schwartz, 1996; Thomas Many concerns presented in this article are shared by other
& O'Maolchatha, 1989). criminological approaches, particularly critical ones. For
2. While in the 1970s, the typical article published in example, feminism generally shares a view with other
one of four major criminology journals used an all-male critical approaches that the major sources of crime are the
sample, by the 1990s, most articles published in these same class, ethnic, and patriarchal relations that control society,
journals included a sample of both men and women and regards structural and cultural change as essential to
(Hannon & Dufour, 1998). reducing criminality (DeKeseredy & Schwartz, 1996;
3. Readers interested in a discussion of the various Thomas & O'Maolchatha, 1989).
feminist theories are urged to consult Daly and Chesney- 8. The present discussion of epistemology is grossly
Lind (1988), Martin and Jurik (1996), and Tong (1989). simplified in the interest of clarity and brevity. For excellent
4. Readers interested in learning more about feminist treatments of epistemology, empiricism, and criminology,
approaches to criminology are urged to consult any number readers are encouraged to consult Carol Smart's (1995) Law,
of the excellent texts on the subject (cf. Belknap, 1996; Crime and Sexuality: Essays in Feminism or Ngaire
Daly & Maher, 1998; Gelsthorpe & Morris, 1990; Naffine's (1996) Feminism and Criminology.
Heidensohn, 1995; Naffine, 1996; Price & Sokoloff, 1995; 9. This deficiency is also found in standard textbooks.
Smart, 1976, 1995). Earlier studies of introductory criminal justice and crimi-
5. Obviously, other factors serve to marginalize nology textbooks conclude that women are typically ignored
feminism from criminology. For instance, Comack (1999, or depicted in stereotypical ways (Baro & Eigenberg, 1993;
p. 165) posits that ``the essentialist and dualistic thinking Wright, 1992). A nonrandom sampling of the texts on my
that has pervaded our approaches to understanding issues shelves suggests the problem persists and the short shrift
like violence against women [i.e., `women as victims/men as extends to feminist perspectives as well. For example, in
offenders'] . . . has had significant implications for the discussing ``other branches of conflict theory,'' Senna and
placement of feminism within the criminological enterprise. Siegel (1998) cite only one feminist perspective Ð radical
So long as women are recognized only as victims and not as feminism Ð ignoring other major critical feminist perspec-
active agents, there is little need to embrace or integrate tives such as Marxist feminism, socialist feminism, and
feminist analyses into the criminological agenda.'' Others postmodern feminism.
(including one of the reviewers of this article) point to ``a 10. As Jayartne and Stewart (1991) point out,
refusal to engage in the ideas . . . [It is] too hard and quantitative procedures that are inconsistent with feminist
ultimately scary for those scholars or practitioners who have values can be adapted without abandoning those strategies
devoted their lives to either ignoring gender or to developing that can be beneficial to the research enterprise.
`gender-neutral' theories to change.'' 11. Thomas's own work on female crime showed an
6. The peripheral position of feminism is not unique to appreciation for the interaction between society and the
criminology but is a problem of larger sociology as well. In individual. He, however, saw women's physiology and
the classic essay, The Missing Feminist Revolution in biology as being at the root of their inferior position in
Sociology, Judith Stacey and Barrie Thorne (1985/1993, p. society (see Klein 1973/1995).
J. Flavin / Journal of Criminal Justice 29 (2001) 271±285 283

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