Power Flow Projek PDF
Power Flow Projek PDF
Power Flow Projek PDF
Load flow study which is also known as power flow study is a steady state analysis of an
interconnected power system during normal operation. This widely used in power system
operation and planning. Power flow study is supposed to be functioning under stable conditions
and it is represented by a single phase network. The power flow model of a power system is built
using the relevant network, load, and generation data. Outputs of the power flow model include
voltages at different buses, line flows in the network, and system losses. The study utilizes
simplified notations like the one line diagram, per unit system. Besides that, it focuses on various
form of alternating current power. This assignment required an analysis on the 118-bus power
system network given by using MATPOWER software under “case118.m”. The named software
is a package of Matlab® M-files for solving power flow, continuation power flow and optimal
power flow problems. It is intended as a simulation tool for researchers and educators that is easy
to use and modify. MATPOWER is designed to give the best performance possible while keeping
the code simple to understand and modify.
In power engineering, power flow study constitutes a large part in the analysis and design of power
system. Power flow study is essential in planning, operating, economic scheduling and in the
exchange of powers between utilities. They provide a systematic mathematical approach to
determine the magnitude of voltages bus, phase angles, active and reactive power flows through
different nodes, generators, transformer and load under steady-state conditions. Load flow
application help the MGC to maintain voltage drop at all buses should be within +/- 5% of the
nominal rating for all operating conditions considered based on the general criteria of acceptability
of design is used in load flow analysis. An efficient operating power system needs a method which
is reliable and efficient for the system’s load flow analysis to be found. A power flow analysis
method may consume more time than the others. This prevents the acquisition of accurate result
to a power flow solution as there are continuous changes in power demands and power generations.
In this experiment, we have been instructed by our lecturer to do an in-depth research on the
evaluation and examination of safe conditions on the operating network under our care. First and
foremost, we observed the results obtained from default condition where the loads given are kept
the same. The results obtained which is illustrated in Table 1 (as provided above) were obtained
using MATPOWER software under “case118.m”.
It can be observed that, the voltages (pu) are within the given range of 1.05 pu - 0.95 pu and fast
voltage stability index (FSVI) values below 0.5. Therefore, it can be said that the power system
network will be able to continue to operate in a safe manner. However, the results shown in table
1 are portrayed without massive loads that are needed by consumers. Hence we submit that this
system is stable and safe.
The simulation was carried out and index calculation was performed using MATLAB in order to
Verify the most sensitive indicator in identifying and locating the weak bus prior to load
Shedding. Figure below shows the index value obtained for 2 different scenarios. Figure 1 shows
The index value calculated for Base Case and figure 2 shows the results obtained for MW and
MVAR increment at selected load buses. From figure 1, it is obvious that all the voltage and
FSVI values are in the range of stable and safe.
V_magnitude from bus to bus r x z P_fromBus Q_fromBus P_toBus Q_toBus FVSI
0.967691944 4 5 0.00176 0.00798 0.008172 -1.032297 -0.267919 1.034306 0.274928 0.009239
1.05 4 11 0.0209 0.0688 0.071904 0.642297 -0.002177 -0.63364 0.013491 0.004071
0.984 27 28 0.01913 0.0855 0.087614 0.328758 -0.005921 -0.32655 -0.00432 0.001656
0.977121468 27 32 0.0229 0.0755 0.078897 0.125271 0.0176425 -0.12487 -0.03427 0.012063
0.966876693 38 37 0 0.0375 0.0375 2.433713 1.1360465 -2.43371 -0.88013 0.142867
0.992282652 38 65 0.00901 0.0986 0.099011 -1.812804 -0.576258 1.84493 -0.0837 0.036023
Figure 1 (Base case)
On the other hand, figure 2 shows the index calculated for MW and MVAR increment at loads.
Much more severe voltage drop occurs when MVARs are transferred as compared to the drop
that occurs when MW are transferred.
V_magnitude from bus to bus r x z P_fromBus Q_fromBus P_toBus Q_toBus FVSI
0.963212045 4 5 0.00176 0.00798 0.008172 -1.257492 -0.116498 1.26031 0.127175 0.004274
1.05 4 11 0.0209 0.0688 0.071904 0.747492 0.025691 -0.73574 -0.00413 0.001248
0.984 27 28 0.01913 0.0855 0.087614 0.461941 0.0863431 -0.45739 -0.08591 0.032927
0.928865328 27 32 0.0229 0.0755 0.078897 0.049255 0.0401905 -0.04914 -0.05775 0.020326
0.934731554 38 37 0 0.0375 0.0375 3.128785 0.3625827 -3.12878 0.017395 0.003048
0.972837755 38 65 0.00901 0.0986 0.099011 -4.68499 0.5292827 4.926084 1.133203 0.526519
Figure 2 (MW & MVAR increment at loads)
The greater voltage drop is caused by the fact that the current is more lagging. The voltage and
FVSI values found to have reached the unstable value for bus 32, 37 and 65. The bus 32, 37 and
65 are considered to be weak. Thus, we as power system planners are required to investigate
whether the power system network will be able to continue to operate safely. To make our
observations easier, we have tabulated and provided a comparison table in relation to this matter
in figure 1 and figure 2. All values that we have calculate in excel is per unit value (pu).
As we can see from figure 1 and figure 2 that voltage will drop due to the increasing of MVAR.
Since the range of the voltage magnitude and FVSI values of several bus are out of the range, it
can be said that the additional load in the system causes the system to run in an unstable manner
while not being able to cope with the additional load. Based on the assignment, the generator
output values are all within the range. With that being said, the generator is efficiently producing
electricity supply without any excessive generation. From this result, it is said that the power
outages could be avoided to the respect of overloaded generation.
This assignment has enlightened us and has made us understand that living without electricity in
the 21st century is unendurable. A great part of the world uses electricity to carry out their daily
routines. Even millennials today require electricity to get most of their work done. Indeed, a
quick and short blackout can cause numerous issues and has the impact of upsetting the
population. As an example, a power outage in a junction that is controlled by traffic light could
cause accidents which could claim lives and cause property damage. Power blackouts has
contrarily affected different association and people groups. In spite blackouts being a huge issue
in the power system line, awareness on surviving and preventing this issue is more wide spread
In this computer task, we are tasked to consistently evaluate the network under our care to ensure
that the power network is operation in a safe condition. The bus power system network is the
simplified version of the real power system network of a utility company. This task was
completed using the MATPOWER software under “case118.m”. This product has proven to be
useful and has helped us in completing this task and in obtaining results load, output generator
and line loss.
It can be concluded that if risks and the sources of the problems are controlled, blackouts could
be minimized. Power outages has the potential to become a major challenge if no solutions are
formulated. The conclusion put forward has been extracted from the findings of the assignment.
[3] Analysis of the Load Flow Problem in Power System Planning Studies, Olukayode A.
Afolabi, 30th September 2015
[5] Regulators, Mount Up: The Voltage Regulator, and How It Protects Your Circuit, Sam Sattel,