Genucom, KT-1000, and Stryker Knee Laxity
Genucom, KT-1000, and Stryker Knee Laxity
Genucom, KT-1000, and Stryker Knee Laxity
From Orthopaedic Consultants, Dallas, Texas, and ‡ North Texas State University, Denton,
These devices-the Stryker Knee Laxity Tester (Stryker, terior knee laxity displacements resulting trom atr anterior-
Kalamazoo, MI), the MEDmetric KT-1000 Arthrometer posterior drawer test. Daniel et a1.1 2 compared uninjured
(MEDmetric Corporation, San Diego, CA), and the Genu- knees and knees with ACL disruption using the arthrometer.
They also conducted their tests at a knee joint angle of 20°
of flexion and used 89 N of force. Their repurted mean
t Address correspondence and repnnt requests to Carl L Highgenboten,
MD, Orthopaedic Consultants, 7777 Forest Lane, Building C, Suite 106, Dallas, anterior displacement values were 13.0 man for ACL injured
TX 75230 knees and 5.65 mm for uninjured knees. Sherman et al.8
conducted a comparison of the KT-1000 and the University &dquo;test administration with two levels.&dquo; The dependent vari-
of California at Los Angeles (UCLA) instrumented clinical ables are the anterior and posterior laxity measurements.
knee testing apparatus. The results indicated that both For the Stryker Knee Laxity Tester and the MEDmetric
devices, while providing device-specific data, were able to KT-1000 Arthrometer, an anterior-posterior drawer test was
correctly classify 90% to 95% of patients with disrupted performed at 20° of flexion and 89 N (20 pounds) of force.
ACLs. The Genucom test was also performed at 20°, but the system
The Genucom Knee Analysis System, a computerized tool requires a force of 93.45 N (21 pounds), which was the only
for the evaluation of the knee, is the most complicated of deviation in test protocol between devices. Standard testing
the test devices. It combines a computer, a biomechanical procedures for each test device, as provided by their vendors,
digitizer, an electrogoniometer, a dynometer, and an inkjet were followed. Detailed descriptions of test protocols using
printer. It provides a variety of test protocols, which theo- the Stryker and the KT-1000 are available in the literature.’-
3, 5,
retically allows a total description of knee ligament stability. 8 However, the Genucom protocol has not been described;
Highgenboten and Jackson5 have reported that the device therefore, the essential steps in conducting a test on the
gives reproducible test-retest results for a variety of tests. device are given as follows:
Of particular relevance is an anterior-posterior drawer test 1. The subject’s permanent data file was established using
conducted on uninjured subjects. The knee joint angle was the system’s computer and stored on disk.
30° of flexion and the force was 93.45 N. The mean anterior 2. The subject’s test leg was secured with the system’s
displacement was 5.67 mm. thigh restraints, and an electrogoniometer was attached to
The purpose of the present investigation was to compare the lower leg.
the numerical results of anterior-posterior knee laxity test- 3. Seven anatomical landmarks (tibial tubercle, tibial
ing using the three test devices mentioned. Specifically, crest, medial femoral condyle, lateral femoral condyle, me-
reproducibility coefficients were estimated for each device dial tibial plateau, lateral tibial plateau, and the inferior
and a comparison of test results was made to determine if pole of the patella) were physically marked and digitized,
significant differences existed, and if they did, to determine and the distance between them recorded.
their meaning. 4. A soft tissue compensation test in three planes was
performed to compensate for possible movement that can
occur within the test apparatus without affecting the dis-
tance between the digitized bony landmarks.
5. The anterior-posterior drawer test was performed at
Subjects 20°.
6. The subject’s data was stored permanently on disk.
Both knees of 30 subjects having no prior history of knee 7. A hard copy of each test was printed, from which data
injury abnormality provided a sample of 60 knees. Ages
for statistical analysis was obtained.
of the 9 males and 21 females ranged from 16 to 44 years.
Each volunteer signed an informed consent that provided
information concerning the voluntary nature of their partic- Data analysis
ipation, the purpose of the study, and the anticipated bene- To estimate reproducibility, intraclass correlation proce-
fits from its successful completion.
dures, which incorporate an ANOVA model, were used to
determine the relationship between trials and if significant
Procedures differences existed between trials. A 3 (test device) by 2
(test) ANOVA with repeated measures on both factors was
Subjects received two complete tests on each leg. A complete conducted to determine if significant differences existed
test using all three devices was performed on one leg and between test devices and if the test device interacted with
then the opposite leg; then, each leg received a second set of
repeated tests. Correlations were also calculated between the
complete tests. Intertest reliability was estimated between test device results to determine their relationships.
the two complete tests. During testing with each of the three
devices, three repeated measurements, or trials, were re-
corded. Intertrial reproducibility was estimated from the RESULTS
three repeated measurements. The tests administered to
each subject were performed in succession on the same day. Reproducibility
The order of the devices used in testing was counterbalanced
across subjects, resulting in a Latin Square design, which As indicated in the Procedures, three trials or repeated
prevents order effects in the results. Thus, each subject was measurements wereadministered within a test or device
given two complete tests using each of three devices on each session. Intraclass correlations indicated that all three de-
leg, with three repeated measurements per device during vices demonstrated excellent reproducibility for anterior and
each test session. Anterior and posterior displacements were posterior laxity values across the three trials within a ses-
recorded in millimeters for each trial. Therefore, the inde- sion. The values are given in Table 1. Trend analysis indi-
pendent variables are &dquo;test device with three levels&dquo; and cated two significant trial effects, but the magnitude of the
Descriptive statistics and reliability estimates of laxity values
Intradevice reproducibility
As noted by Sherman et al.’, in order to obtain reproducible
(i.e., repeatable numerically) quantitative data from any of
these knee laxity measuring devices, the test administrator
must become proficient in the correct use and application
of the device and in the testing protocol. A routine testing
protocol should be followed each time for each patient tested.
In this study, the test administrator spent in excess of 40
hours becoming proficient with each of the three testing
devices and the three test protocols. The manufacturers of
TABLE 2 the Genucom System offer a testing and certification pro-
Correlation matrices of knee laxity test device results gram. The test administrator for this study has been rated
as excellent on the anterior-posterior drawer test by this
certification program. Hanten and Pace4found reproducible
results with the KT-1000 during repeated trials and repeated
testers. Based on our data in Table 1, we conclude that all
three devices can provide reproducible test results.
lnterdevice comparisons
The Genucom produces anterior laxity values higher than
a p < 0.0] .
either the KT-1000 or the Stryker, and the KT-1000 pro-
trend duces significantly higher anterior laxity values than the
was not greater than 0.3 mm and was considered
clinically unimportant. Complete test or device sessions were Stryker. As Table 1 demonstrates, a higher degree of inter-
individual variability will be detected by the Genucom due
given on a test-retest basis. Table 1 provides the statistical
to the larger standard deviations it produces for knee laxity
results relevant to the completed test session reproducibility
analysis. R was variable between devices but acceptable, the The posterior laxity values of the Genucom and the Stry-
lowest being the Stryker’s anterior laxity value of 0.74. The
ker were not significantly different from one another, but
trend analysis indicated no significant differences between
each was significantly different from the posterior laxity
test sessions.
values obtained from the KT-1000. The reason for this
difference may be understood by looking at the functional
Device comparison design of the three devices. The Genucom fixes the femur.
The Stryker attempts to restrict movement of the femur
The 3 (test device) by 2 (test) ANOVA with repeated meas-
with the use of a VELCRO (VELCRO USA Inc., Manches-
ures revealed a significant difference between the device
ter, NH) strap. The KT-1000 does not attempt to fix the
measures for anterior (F 2,118 62.77; P < 0.01) and
while the other device did. They concluded that each device
KT-1000 produced significantly higher anterior laxity values
produced device-specific measurements due to differences in
(F 1,59 130.31; P < 0.01) than the Stryker. For posterior
functional design.
laxity, the Stryker and Genucom values were not signifi- Statistical analysis of the results of our study (Table 2)
cantly different, but they were significantly higher (F 1,59 indicates that each device produces anterior and posterior
45.7; P < 0.01) than the KT-1000 values. Table 2 shows laxity measurements that are peculiar for each device and
the results of a between-device correlation. While several of
related to sensitivity and functional design of the device.
the correlations were significant (P < 0.01), they tended to
range from moderate to extremely low values. These low to Clinical
moderate correlations, along with the ANOVA results, in-
dicated that the anterior and posterior values were specific For the clinical practitioner, device-specific results do not
to the device used in the test. matter. The practitioner should be aware of the following:
1. The devices will provide reproducible results when pacity allows storage of patient data for subsequent compar-
appropriate practice and test experience have been achieved. ison of later tests to determine success of treatment and
2. Specific laxity values and results for one device cannot rehabilitation.
be generalized to another. Physicians must determine their needs in knee laxity
3. Past studies have demonstrated the Stryker Knee Lax- testing. If measurement of anterior-posterior laxity is all
that is needed, then the Stryker or KT-1000 will be accept-
ity Tester and the MEDmetric KT-1000 will discriminate
able. However, if a more sophisticated analysis of knee
between normal knees and ACL disrupted knees.1-3,8a
Currently, literature is not available supporting the ability ligament status is needed, then the Genucom and its asso-
ciated expenses may be justified.
of the Genucom to accomplish that goal. Oliver and
Coughlin’ have demonstrated, however, that the Genucom REFERENCES
test results will have a high degree of agreement for the
anterior-posterior drawer test at 30° with clinical examina- 1 Boniface JR, Fu FH, Ilkhanipour K. Objective anterior cruciate ligament
tion for subjects with an abnormal knee history. In addition, testing Orthopedics 9 391-393, 1986
2. Daniel DM, Malcom LL, Losse G, et al: Instrumented measurement of
the Genucom gives reproducible laxity values. Thus, it is anterior laxity of the knee. J Bone Joint Surg 67A: 720-726, 1985
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A final point that should be mentioned in discussing these 4 Hanten WP, Pace MB Reliability of measuring anterior laxity of the knee
instrumented knee laxity test devices is the cost factor. The joint using a knee ligament arthrometer. Phys Ther 67. 357-359, 1987
5 Highgenboten C, Jackson AW, Meske NB Measurement of knee laxity
costs of these devices vary widely, with the Stryker at $900, using the Genucom analysis system Med Sci Sports Exerc 21. S81, 1989
6 Markolf KL, Amstutz HC. The clinical relevance of instrumented testing of
the KT-1000 at $2900, and the Genucom at $49,000. While ACL insufficiency. Experience with the UCLA clinical knee testing appara-
the Stryker and KT-1000 are relatively simple mechanical tus Clin Orthop 223 198-207, 1987
7 Oliver JH, Coughlin LP. Objective knee evaluation using the Genucom
devices with a small cost, the Genucom is a complex com- Knee Analysis System. Clinical implications Am J Sports Med 15 . 571-
puterized system which allows a full battery of knee laxity 578, 1987
8 Sherman OH, Markolf KL, Ferkel RD: Measurements of anterior laxity in
tests for analysis of total knee ligament stability, including normal and anterior cruciate absent knees with two instrumented test
varus-valgus, pivot shift, and recurvatum. Its computer ca- devices Clin Orthop 215
. 156-161, 1987