WorldCement November 2014 Preview PDF
WorldCement November 2014 Preview PDF
WorldCement November 2014 Preview PDF
November 2014
November 2014
November 2014
09/ Comment
11/ News
19/ Keynote: Complying With Chemical
Steve Minshall, CIH, CSP, Ash Grove Cement Company, USA, talks through the
Globally Harmonized System for Classification and Labelling of Chemicals as
it applies to Portland cement.
Working with and handling cement has a number
of risks. Mark Mastrangelo, Polyco, UK,
discusses the hazards workers face
and how to keep them protected.
explains how the group is working to advance
environmental standards at its facilities across
Let me introduce you to 39 year-old James, a
uez Cement Group of Companies, a subsidiary of the Italcementi Group – the world’s fifth biggest cement producer,
labourer working for a UK house builder. The primary duty
is one of the largest and oldest cement producers in Egypt. Its industrial network comprises five production facilities,
James, just like many other construction workers,
at each plant. The company follows international safety, environmental and energy policies, a philosophy that embodies the
is not necessarily aware of the hazards he is exposed
foundation of a sustainable workplace for staff as well as the communities where SCGC operates.
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to operate
Sales the thermal
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monitoring of
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the kiln shell at
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its Kaloleni plant
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100/ Worldwide Coverage
Melanie Saxton, Geometrica, Inc., USA.
November 2014
World Cement
November 2014
World Cement
A-C Equipment Services
A-C Equipment Services Corp. • 6737 W. Washington St., Suite 1400 • Milwaukee, WI 53214
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November 2014
Dominican Republic Cemex announces Canada Exhibitor registration now open
launch of solar power plant for the 2015 IEEE-IAS/PCA Conference
Cemex Dominican Republic has announced the launch Exhibitor registration is now open for the 57th Annual
of a solar plant that will provide renewable energy for IEEE-IAS/PCA Cement Industry Technical Conference, which
its cement plant in San Pedro de Macorís. The plant will be held in Toronto, Canada, from 26 – 30 April 2015.
comprises 5040 panels with inverters that capture the During the conference, attendees will visit St Marys’
sunlight and convert it into energy. Bowmanville facility, the largest cement plant in Canada.
“The contribution represents 1.5 MW that will allow “This year’s conference technical content is shaping up
us to produce 2.2 million kWh/y, equivalent to the amount to be one of the best ever,” said 2015 Conference Chairman,
of energy consumed by 2000 homes,” said Jesús García Martin Vroegh of St Marys Cement. “No other conference
Cárdenas, Director of Operations at the plant. brings this level of technical knowledge to the industry.”
The solar plant, which is Cemex’s first in the Caribbean, Tutorials will be held on 27 April 2015 and are open
is in line with the group’s sustainability strategy, which to all conference registrants. There will also be new
aims to reduce the carbon footprint of its operations and professional training sessions and general session
mitigate their environmental impact. Cemex plans to presentations. Attendee registration will be open soon.
continue to explore other sustainable energy solutions, Exhibitors can register on the conference website:
such as wind and hydropower.
November 2014
World Cement
November 2014
21 – 24 April 2015
2 – 6 February 2015 26 – 30 April 2015
24th AFCM Technology Symposium &
World of Concrete IEEE-IAS/PCA Conference
Las Vegas, USA Toronto, Canada
Hanoi, Vietnam
November 2014
12\ World Cement
Consistent-quality cement without wasting a watt.
November 2014
14\ World Cement
I AM 100%
November 2014
France Haver & Boecker wins Lafarge Worldwide Industry appointments
Global Supplier Award 2014 Holcim Ltd
On 17 September, Lafarge hosted the Global Supplier Urs Bleisch, Corporate Functional Manager and a
Awards 2014 at its headquarters in Paris, which member of Senior Management of Holcim Ltd, has been
recognised the best initiatives of its global suppliers in nominated to be a member of the Holcim Executive
seven categories, including: Health & Safety, Sustainability, Committee. He will keep his current responsibilities for
Performance, Product Development, Emerging Market, Holcim Technology Ltd, Holcim Group Services Ltd, and
Logistics, and Strict Working Capital or Financing the project management office of the Holcim Leadership
Solutions. Journey.
Haver & Boecker came top in the Sustainability Alain Bourguignon, currently Area Manager in charge
category for its ADAMS® technology, which is used for of Canada, UK and the USA, and a member of Senior
filling powder-type products into watertight PE bags. The Management of Holcim Ltd, will be seconded to the joint
technology was developed together with Lafarge in a Divestment Committee that was established by Holcim
mutual cooperation project. Lafarge Tarmac had identified and Lafarge in the context of their planned merger. He will
a significant customer issue: the wastage of cement be supported by Marc Soulé, currently Lafarge’s Senior
from damaged paper packed cement, for which PE bags Vice President Performance Management.
were an excellent solution. The combination of Lafarge In their new roles, they will conduct management
Tarmac’s customer and solutions-led focus with H&B’s presentations to potential buyers of the assets Holcim
technical expertise has resulted in PE bags being a very and Lafarge proposed for divestment. They will also
successful innovation in the UK packed cement market. prepare the option of divesting these assets, including the
Read more about the HAVER ADAMS® technology on option of separating these out in a single package, either
page 149. in Europe or worldwide. In this specific context, should
managerial resources be required, Alain Bourguignon
would be proposed for the future CEO role and Marc Soulé
for the future CFO role.
Holcim and Lafarge have previously announced their
intention to make substantial divestments in connection
with the overall merger process. Different options for how
South Africa’s Competition Commission has granted these divestments should be executed are currently being
approval for the LafargeHolcim merger on the considered and discussed with the regulatory authorities
condition that Holcim divests its stake in Afrisam and with potential buyers. Any option considered will be
within the three years following final approval of the subject to the approval of regulatory authorities and the
merger. completion of the proposed merger between Holcim and
Lafarge, and will be carried out in the framework of the
Two new technical committees (Natural Pozzolans relevant social processes and ongoing social dialogue
and Nanotechnology of Concrete) were formed at the with the employee representatives’ bodies.
2014 ACI Technical Activities Committee Summer As a consequence, Roland Köhler, member of the
Meeting in Waimea, Hawaii. The committees will Holcim Executive Committee currently in charge of
allow for better focus and alignment of projects that Continental Europe, will also take over responsibility
specifically apply to each topic. for the UK. The enlarged region will be named ‘Europe.’
Andreas Leu, member of the Holcim Executive Committee
Jim Rushworth, Co-Chair of the CSI Task Force 5 currently in charge of Latin America, will in addition
on Biodiversity & Land Stewardship, presented the assume responsibility for USA and Canada. The enlarged
BMP Guidance at the CSI Forum 2014. The guidance region will be named ‘Americas.’
presents the six crucial stages in biodiversity
management and explains the connection between 4B Components
operations and healthy ecosystems. 4B Group has announced the appointment of Johnny
Wheat as President of 4B Components Limited, with
Carbolite has published the first issue of its customer responsibility over North, Central and South America.
magazine, “the sample”, presenting instruments and “In his role as President, Wheat’s challenge will be
applications from the field of heat treatment and to continue the growth of the company and its brand
providing insight into customer-specific solutions on throughout the region,” said Nicholas Braime, 4B Group
a laboratory and industrial scale. Chairman & Managing Director.
November 2014
16\ World Cement
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with Chemical
Steve Minshall, CIH, CSP / Ash Grove Cement Company,
USA, talks through the Globally Harmonized System for
Classification and Labelling of Chemicals as it applies to
Portland cement.
he Globally Harmonized System for important to cement manufacturers: 16-section
Classification and Labelling of Chemicals, SDS; hazard statements; precautionary statements;
also known by the mercifully short acronym pictograms; labels.
GHS, has been imposed upon industry since
the Occupational Safety and Health Administration History of HCS and OSHA’s alignment with
(OSHA) issued a final rule revising its Hazard GHS
Communication Standard (HCS) to align with The HCS became federal law in 1983 and in
GHS (HCS-GHS). While the cement manufacturing 1987 OSHA revised it to expand coverage to all
industry is largely regulated by the Mine Safety and industries; additional modifications were adopted
Health Administration, Portland cement products in 1994. As its name implies, the HCS is meant to
are sold into general commerce and therefore the inform workers about the hazards of the chemicals
revised HCS-GHS rule also affects the cement sector. with which they work. The original HCS mandated
While most companies have grown accustomed hazard determinations, labelling and detailed
to complying with the original 1983 OSHA hazard information in material safety data sheets, a written
communication standard, the revised version is more programme and employee training.
complex than it appears on the surface. The revised HCS that adopts GHS improves
After a review of the history of GHS, this article on the original standard by providing more
delves into five areas of the HCS-GHS rule that are detailed criteria for classifying chemical hazards;
November 2014
World Cement
November 2014
standardising signal words, pictograms, hazard and Is it possible that OSHA will already have an
precautionary statements on labels; and requiring a update to the revised HCS-GHS standard before the
standardised format for the newly re-named safety final deadline of 1 June 2016? We will all have to
data sheet or SDS. OSHA’s HCS-GHS standard is wait and see.
focused on standardisation and the presentation of
uniform information to workers. In fact, OSHA calls it Why GHS now?
a ‘uniformity standard’. The answer to this question is ‘it’s in the numbers’:
OSHA did not recently conclude that aligning with 43 – 521 – 250 – 507 - 201.
the GHS was the right thing to do at this moment. Unfortunately, these numbers are not the key to
The process started in 1992 when the United Nations an early and wealthy retirement. They may resemble
Conference on Environment and Development lottery numbers but they have a more dramatic
called for the development of a globally harmonised meaning.
chemical classification and labelling system. In OSHA is required to complete an analysis of
late 2002, a United Nations committee adopted the the costs and benefits of significant regulatory
Globally Harmonized System of Classification and actions, and GHS certainly qualifies. So, what do
Labelling of Chemicals, commonly referred to as these numbers mean? They are estimates of the
GHS. From 2006 through 2010, OSHA embarked on a effects of the GHS that were developed by the
series of rulemaking notices and public comment in Office of Management and Budget (OMB). Here is an
order to align its HCS with GHS. OSHA published the explanation for each one:
Final Rule in March 2012 with an effective date of ll 43 – number of fatalities prevented annually.
25 May 2012.
ll 521 – number of injuries and illnesses prevented
With the publishing of the final rule, OSHA also
announced a series of compliance dates to allow
companies to fully implement the rule over time: ll 250 – annual monetised health and safety benefits
in millions of dollars.
ll 1 December 2013 – complete training on how to
read new SDS and labels. ll 507 – annual cost reductions and productivity gains
in millions of dollars.
ll 1 June 2015 – reclassify products; produce SDS and
labels. ll 201 – annual cost of the rule in millions of dollars.
ll 1 December 2015 – ship only with conforming GHS
labels. In effect, OMB is saying that this new rule
ll 1 June 2016 – update alternative workplace labels will save industry US$556 million per year,
and the written HazCom programme, as well as beginning after a four-year phase-in period. It is a
provide additional training on newly identified tantalising amount. However, astute readers will
physical or health hazards. want to continue to make a profit from cement
manufacturing rather than depending on a regulatory
Of course, the first deadline has passed. The next scheme upon which to make money.
major compliance deadline is 1 June 2015. Are these numbers accurate? Industry tends to
OSHA gave industry approximately 2.5 years to say that government inflates the numbers while
come into full compliance with the standard. An government argues that industry understates the
interesting aspect of the United Nation’s version of benefits. Given that OSHA’s Hazard Communication
GHS, though, is that it is revised every two years. Standard is – some would say chronically – in the
OSHA intends to handle these updates in any of top ten most cited violations, let’s hope that this rule
three ways, depending on the extent of the revisions: will achieve its objective.
1. Technical updates – for minor terminology
changes. Nuances of the revised HCS-GHS Standard
OSHA’s revised HCS-GHS standard contains complex
2. Direct final rules – for test clarification.
and nuanced features. Many of these features are
3. Notice and comment – for more substantive found in specific sections of the 16-Section SDS;
or controversial updates, such as additional or hazard statements; precautionary statements;
changes in health or safety hazard classes or pictograms; labels. Let’s look at some of these
categories. features more closely.
November 2014
World Cement
The ‘16-section SDS’ refers to the fact that the Both of these hazard warning statements apply to
revised standard requires a uniform 16-section SDS Portland cement and they cannot be modified. In
with prescribed wording used in several places. fact, you can view them as sacrosanct.
There is not space here to go into detail on each Similarly, in section 2.2 one can find precaution
of the 16 sections. The key points are that the order statements. These begin with a ‘P’, followed by
of the 16 sections is prescribed to aid uniformity; a 3-digit number that begins with a 1 for general
four of the 16 sections (sections 12 – Ecological statements, 2 for prevention statements, 3 for
Information; 13 – Disposal Considerations; response statements, 4 for storage statements,
14 – Transport Information; and 15 – Regulatory or 5 for disposal statements. The next two digits
Information) are not enforced by OSHA, but these designate a specific precaution statement, such
sections must appear in SDS. as: P102 – keep out of reach of children; P201
It is in section 2 – hazards identification, that – obtain special instructions before use; P405 –
things become more interesting for the Portland store locked up; or P501 – dispose of contents/
cement SDS. In section 2.1 the hazards of Portland container in accordance with local/regional/
cement are classified. This classification is an national/international regulation (to be specified).
important and complex new part of SDS. The Precaution statements can also be combined, as in
classifications for Portland cement include: skin P305+P351+P338 – ‘IF IN EYES: rinse cautiously
corrosion; serious eye damage; skin sensitisation; with water for several minutes. Remove contact
specific target organ toxicity after single exposure; lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue rinsing.’
and, possibly, carcinogenicity. It is the carcinogen Manufacturers have more leeway in selecting,
classification that is the rub for manufacturers modifying, or combining the precaution statements.
because it is not Portland cement that is the However, they must still be consistent with the
carcinogen but crystalline silica, which, if present in hazard classifications of the product.
Portland cement, is there in very small amounts. Give careful consideration to the use of
Section 2.2 of the SDS includes hazard precaution phrases such as:
statements. In the parlance of GHS terminology, ll P272 – contaminated work clothing should not be
hazard statements begin with an ‘H’ followed allowed out of the workplace.
by a 3-digit number that begins with a 2 for
ll P405 – store locked up.
physical hazards, 3 for health hazards, or a 4 for
environmental hazards; the number ‘1’ is not used ll P403 + P233 – store in a well-ventilated place. Keep
as one of the first digits. The other two digits container tightly closed.
designate a specific and uniform hazard warning
statement. For example, H314 indicates the health Imagine the implications of such phrases on a
hazard warning statement: ‘Causes severe skin construction site where bagged cement products
burns and eye damage’ and H317 designates the are in use. It is not typical that construction workers
statement: ‘May cause an allergic skin reaction’. would change out of their work clothes before
November 2014
World Cement
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November 2014
companies may elect to include the third pictogram
in their SDS and on their labels. Also, keep in mind
...the revised that OSHA requires that the red border on the
pictograms be used on labels; black borders are not
HCS-GHS acceptable.
Speaking of labels, the revised HCS-GHS
new label
must be on the label and must be identical to those
listed on the SDS. Likewise, the hazard statements
must appear on the label exactly as they are
requirements. The portrayed in the SDS. The hazard statement must
be preceded by a signal word, in this case ‘Danger’
precautionary for Portland cement and related products. The
pictograms also go on the label, including the red
statements borders. OSHA allows ‘additional information’ to be
included on the label but this information must not
November 2014
World Cement
Material handling
and sizing solutions
MMD has been involved in sizing and handling of the disparate raw
materials used in cement production for over 30 years.
The MMD Sizer’s breaking action makes it ideal for sticky and hard
material, both separately or combined. The “churning” action of
its twin shafts making it ideal for blending different material and
centralizing it on the take-away conveyor. Its compact profile, low
weight and the generation of minimal external loads enabling
it to be easily retro fitted in to existing plants and eminently
suitable for mobile units.
MMD also produces heavy duty, variable speed apron plate and
chain feeders which, when used in conjunction with the MMD
Mineral Sizer, and controlled by cross-belt analysers, can provide
a consistent blend of material, allowing for independent mobile
installations and a reduction in the number of stockpiles required.
uez Cement Group of Companies, a subsidiary of the Italcementi Group – the world’s fifth biggest cement producer,
is one of the largest and oldest cement producers in Egypt. Its industrial network comprises five production facilities,
which are located in Suez, Kattameya, Tourah, Helwan and El Minya.
All SCGC plants are ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 certified. They are also subject to comprehensive audits by the Egyptian
Environmental Affairs Agency to ensure full compliance with local standards.
SCGC employs more than 3500 direct staff, all of whom participate in ongoing safety training and advancement programmes
at each plant. The company follows international safety, environmental and energy policies, a philosophy that embodies the
foundation of a sustainable workplace for staff as well as the communities where SCGC operates.
The Kattameya plant.
Since 2005, Suez Cement Group of Companies (SCGC) In that vein, the company has implemented numerous
has invested a significant percentage of its industrial long-term projects at its plants that are designed to reduce
investments in the implementation of comprehensive emissions, pollution and waste. In fact, in 2013, SCGC
environmental and safety policy. received several awards from the Ministry of State for
SCGC understands that the cement industry must Environmental Affairs for its comprehensive environmental
take a leadership role in consolidating sustainability at management and performance programmes.
the root of its business. The company has therefore made The Kattameya plant was honoured with the
environmental protection one of its key corporate pillars, ‘2013 Greenest Company in Egypt’ first prize certificate in
driven by its comprehensive energy policy. This policy forms recognition of its ongoing initiatives designed to reduce the
part of the driving force behind efforts to move toward a environmental impact of cement production.
low-carbon economy and develop feasible environmental
solutions in partnership with the government and other Environmental projects
players in the building materials sector.
As part of SCGC’s ongoing efforts to reduce adverse Reducing emissions
environmental impacts, regular consultations and Last November, SCGC launched a new, state-of-the-art
information sessions are held with local stakeholders. A filtration system at its Helwan plant. The filter system
company-wide Compliance Action Plan was launched in reduces dust emissions levels to a maximum of
2012, with key goals set to be reached this year. 10 mg/m3, which is well below Egyptian and European
In addition, a project to convert electrostatic precipitators
The Suez plant.
to baghouses at the Kattameya, Suez and Minya plants was
approved in 2013 with a budget of LE116.7 million.
November 2014
World Cement
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The purpose of these two projects is to increase the participate and fund similar projects to ensure that the
percentage of energy it produces from refuse-derived fuels. renewable energy sector meets its full potential.
Also known as alternative fuel, this RDF is comprised of
agricultural waste that includes rice straw, and cotton Sustainable products
stalks. The hope is that RDF will soon comprise 14% of the Furthermore, the company’s products are made with
company’s overall energy mix. sustainable environmental practices in mind. SCGC controls
the quality of each cement type and strength class through
Looking to renewable energy its Quality Management System. The goal is to consolidate
As for renewable energy, Italgen, a subsidiary of the the company’s strategy to improve the quality of its products,
Italcementi Group, has signed agreements with the processes and services, thereby creating added value along
Egyptian Electricity Transmission Company to develop the life cycle of products.
the first privately owned and operated wind farm in Egypt.
Phase I is slated to produce 120 MW of electricity and cost Water management
€140 million, with the aim of eventually producing 400 MW of Water has been increasingly recognised as a key factor
power in the next phases. in sustainable development by major industrial sectors,
The deal will see Italgen build wind turbines in the including building materials producers. Cement production
Gulf El Zeit, which is currently under development, just north requires water to produce ‘slurry’ in wet process kilns, cool
of Hurghada. The electricity will be transmitted to plants run gases, improve the efficiency of process filters, control
by SCGC as part of the company’s plans to incorporate a fugitive dust and cool mechanical equipment.
higher percentage of renewable power in all of its facilities. SCGC is striving to improve water management practices
The government’s goal is for 20% of the country’s and efficient water use as well as apply reporting processes
electricity, approximately 7000 MW, to come from renewable in this area in line with the 2010 WBCSD Global Water
sources, such as solar, water and wind, by 2020. To reach Measurement Tool. Some 70% of total water withdrawals
this ambitious target, it is essential that the private sector were monitored by counters. The remaining 30% are set to be
counted by the end of 2014.