This price list from Resto Unit provides the pricing details for a property unit with a super area of 4600.99 square feet. It lists the net basic selling price as Rs. 11,000, with additional charges for preferred location, EDC, IDC, and interest free maintenance security, bringing the total price to Rs. 64,781,939.
This price list from Resto Unit provides the pricing details for a property unit with a super area of 4600.99 square feet. It lists the net basic selling price as Rs. 11,000, with additional charges for preferred location, EDC, IDC, and interest free maintenance security, bringing the total price to Rs. 64,781,939.
This price list from Resto Unit provides the pricing details for a property unit with a super area of 4600.99 square feet. It lists the net basic selling price as Rs. 11,000, with additional charges for preferred location, EDC, IDC, and interest free maintenance security, bringing the total price to Rs. 64,781,939.
This price list from Resto Unit provides the pricing details for a property unit with a super area of 4600.99 square feet. It lists the net basic selling price as Rs. 11,000, with additional charges for preferred location, EDC, IDC, and interest free maintenance security, bringing the total price to Rs. 64,781,939.