Collective Bargaining - Wikipedia PDF
Collective Bargaining - Wikipedia PDF
Collective Bargaining - Wikipedia PDF
International protection
The right to collectively
...where free
bargain is recognized unions and
through international collective
human rights conventions. bargaining
Article 23 of the Universal are
Empirical findings
Union members and other workers
covered by collective agreements get,
on average, a wage markup over their
nonunionized (or uncovered)
counterparts. Such a markup is typically
5 to 10 percent in industrial countries.[9]
Unions tend to equalize the income
distribution, especially between skilled
and unskilled workers.[9]
The welfare loss associated with unions
is 0.2 to 0.5 percent of GDP, which is
similar to monopolies in product
In Sweden the coverage of collective
agreements is very high despite the
absence of legal mechanisms to extend
agreements to whole industries. In 2017,
83% of all private sector employees were
covered by collective agreements, 100% of
public sector employees and in all 89%
(referring to the whole labor market).[10]
This reflects the dominance of self-
regulation (regulation by the labour market
parties themselves) over state regulation
in Swedish industrial relations.[11]
United States
In the United States, the National Labor
Relations Act (1935) covers most
collective agreements in the private sector.
This act makes it illegal for employers to
discriminate, spy on, harass, or terminate
the employment of workers because of
their union membership or to retaliate
against them for engaging in organizing
campaigns or other "concerted activities",
to form company unions, or to refuse to
engage in collective bargaining with the
union that represents their employees. It is
also illegal to require any employee to join
a union as a condition of employment.[12]
Unions are also able to secure safe work
conditions and equitable pay for their
Only one in three OECD employees have
wages which were agreed on through
collective bargaining. The Organisation for
Economic Co-operation and Development,
with its 36 members, has become an
outspoken proponent for collective
bargaining as a way to ensure that the
falling unemployment also leads to higher
See also
11 U.S.C. § 1113 – Rejection of
Collective Bargaining Agreements
Canadian labour law
Enterprise bargaining agreement
Labour law
Labour economics
UK labour law
US labor law
Right-to-work law
Surface bargaining
Right to Organise and Collective
Bargaining Convention, 1949
2011 Wisconsin protests, related to
attempts to reduce or eliminate
collective bargaining rights for public
employee unions in Wisconsin
2011 United States public employee
Civic Openness In Negotiations
Project Labor Agreement
1. "BLS Information" . Glossary. U.S.
Bureau of Labor Statistics Division of
Information Services. February 28,
2008. Retrieved 2009-05-05.
2. Adrian Wilkinson et al. eds. (2014).
Handbook of Research on Employee
Voice . Edward Elgar Publishing.
p. 227. ISBN 9780857939272.
3. Pynes, J.E. & Lombardi (2011) Human
Resources Management for
Healthcare Organizations. San
Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass
5. United Nations General Assembly
(1948). "Article 23". Universal
Declaration of Human Rights. Paris.
Retrieved August 29, 2007.
6. International Labour Organization
(1998). Declaration on Fundamental
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Bargaining" .
10. Anders Kjellberg (2019)
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arbetsgivarförbund och fackförbund ,
Department of Sociology, Lund
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Industrial Relations, Working Life and
Mobility. Research Reports 2019:1,
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regulation versus State Regulation in
Swedish Industrial Relations” In Mia
Rönnmar and Jenny Julén Votinius
(eds.) Festskrift till Ann Numhauser-
Henning. Lund: Juristförlaget i Lund
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National Right To Work. Retrieved
13. "National Right to Work Foundation »
Right to Work States" .
14. "Communications Workers of America
v. Beck" . Retrieved 2011-08-27., 487
U.S. 735.
15. Illinois Labor History Society. A
Curriculum of United States Labor
History for Teachers Archived 2008-
05-14 at the Wayback Machine. Online
at the Illinois Labor History Society
Archived 2007-09-27 at the Wayback
Machine. Retrieved on August 29,
16. "Collective Bargaining Agreements
File: Online Listings of Private and
Public Sector Agreements" . Office of
Labor-Management Standards
(OLMS). Retrieved 1 May 2015.
17. lars. "OECD: The crisis is over, but
collective bargaining is needed for
wage growth — Nordic Labour
Journal" .
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collective bargaining under the industry
norm" , in Torsten Müller & Kurt
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Namit, Chuck; and Larry Swift.
"Prescription for Labor Pains: Combine
Bargaining with Problem Solving." The
American School Board Journal 174
(1987): 24.
Nyland, Larry. "Win/Win Bargaining
Takes Perseverance." The Executive
Educator 9 (1987): 24.
O'Sullivan, Arthur; Sheffrin, Steven M.
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Principles in Action. The Wall Street
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Smith, Patricia; and Russell Baker. "An
Alternative Form of Collective
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6(1984): 400-419
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[2001] 3 S.C.R. 1016, 2001 SCC 94
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Subcontractor Bargaining Assn. v.
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2 S.C.R. 391
Mathiesen, Kay. "labor laws on
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3(2009):55-74. Print
Ontario (Attorney General) v. Fraser,
2011 SCC 20
Reference Re Public Service Employee
Relations Act (Alberta), [1987] 1 S.C.R.
External links
Labor & Worklife Program at Harvard
Law school
Collective Bargaining Subject Guide at
the ILR School, Cornell University
Collective Bargaining, Labor Law, and
Labor History at DigitalCommons@ILR
Collective Bargaining Agreements at
GVSU links to actual arbitration awards
and collective bargaining resources
Retrieved from