5ICM Assessment
5ICM Assessment
5ICM Assessment
Unit tutor:
Date due for assessment: Date
Word Count:
State number of word used
Candidate declaration:
I confirm that the work/evidence presented for assessment is my own unaided work.
I have read the assessment regulations and understand that if I am found to have ‘copied’
from published work without acknowledgement, or from other candidate’s work, this may be
regarded as plagiarism which is an offence against the assessment regulations and leads to
failure in the relevant unit and formal disciplinary action.
I confirm that 75% of this submission comprises my own written work, in my own words.
I declare that the word count limit includes all aspects of my written submission. [The following
aspects excluded from the word count are; the declaration page, marking feedback sheet,
title/cover page, index/contents page, list of references/bibliography, references in the body of
the text, tables and appendices]
I agree that if my assessment is 10% over/under the word count the assessment will be
returned and you will have one opportunity to resubmit.
I understand that my work may be used for future academic/quality assurance purposes (this
may include being shared with other students anonymously) in accordance with the provisions
of the Data Protection Act 1998.
I understand that the work/evidence submitted for assessment may not be returned to me and
that I have retained a copy for my records.
I understand that until such time as the assessment grade has been ratified through internal
and external quality assurance processes it is not final.
Name: Date:
Student name:
LO1: Understand the nature, purpose and benefits of coaching and mentoring in organisations.
LO2: Understand the different ways coaching and mentoring can be implemented in organisations
LO3: Be able to support the implementation of coaching and/or mentoring programmes within an
Assess the factors which need to be considered
when implementing coaching and mentoring in
Students should please note that the above Assessment Outcome for this Unit is provisional
and is subject to Internal Acacia Learning verification (IV) and external CIPD Verification (EV).
CIPD Candidate Assessment Activity
Title of unit/s Implementing coaching and mentoring
Level 5
Credit value 6
Activity 1
The executive team have requested a briefing paper as the basis for an initial
discussion. In your brief you should include:
An explanation of the terms coaching and mentoring, their similarities and 1.1, 1.2
differences, their respective purposes and key benefits for different stakeholders.
At least three different types of coaching and three different types of mentoring 2.1
that can be implemented in organisations.
An evaluation of the role of line managers in coaching and mentoring. 2.2
At least five factors that need to be considered when implementing coaching and 3.1
Activity 2
After your meeting with the executive team, you have been asked to provide them with
a summary of your assessment of the current coaching and mentoring arrangements
and advice going forward. In your report you should outline:
A set of recommendations based on your assessment
A summary of how you could contribute to the further development of coaching 3.2
and mentoring in their organisation. 3.3
A witness testimony of how you have supported the implementation of coaching
and/or mentoring within an organisation 3.3
Evidence to be produced/required
Activity 1
An executive brief of approximately 1,500 words.
Activity 2
A set of justified recommendations and support proposal of approximately 1,500 words.
A set of justified recommendations for the scenario in the assessment brief of approximately 1000
words plus a signed witness testimony of approximately 500 words from a manager who can confirm
how you supported the organisation with the further development of coaching and/or mentoring.
All reference sources should be acknowledged correctly and a bibliography provided where
appropriate (these should be excluded from the word count).
Acacia Learning - Quick Guide to Successfully Passing
Assignments at both Foundation and Intermediate Level
[excluding Blended Learning Tasks and Assessments]
- rev 2 – February 2012 [MF-IV]
1.1. Read the assignment as set out in the CIPD Assessment Activity Template in
conjunction with the CIPD Assessment Criteria and follow the instructions in
both documents. [NOTE that for the 3 Core Units on the Foundation programme [ie
4DEP, 3HRC and 3RAI] that there are different assignments for those studding CHRP
and CLDP]
It is NOT sufficient to read assignment on its own as the Assessment Criteria
includes additional requirements which must be followed as well
complete your assignment in the format required [eg report, information sheet,
briefing paper etc]; structure your assignment and enhance your presentation with
for example sub-headings and numbering
comply with the relevant CIPD assignment word count - NOTE “In cases where the
CIPD set a maximum word limit you are expected to adhere to this. If you exceed
over 10% of the word count limit OR if your assignment is more than 10% below the
word count limit, your assignment will be returned back to you unmarked for
where an assignment requires you to eg compare, evaluate, explain, Identify, justify
etc, you must do this [and DO NOT just give a description unless this is all that is
asked for]
For all Units you need to update your personal development plans in accordance
with the requirements of Unit 4DEP
1.2. Become familiar with the Unit Assessment which sets out the Learning Outcomes
and associated Assessment Criteria – these are the criteria against which the
assignment is assessed and failure to meet any one of the Assessment Criteria with
result in the overall assessment for the assignment being referred. NOTE for
Intermediate level assignments only the highlighted Learning Outcomes and associated
Assessment Criteria need to be addressed.
submit your assignment to your tutor by the given deadline – Note “Submissions
that are delivered after the hand in date may be subject to delay in the assessment
being marked and the completion of the qualification”
include all documentation required by the relevant assignment [including Skills
Observation Sheet (SOC)at Foundation level for Units 3RTO, 3PRM,3LNA and
3DLA/Candidate Observation Record (COR)at Intermediate level for 5HRD] and
submit your assignment in one MS Word document [NOT Adobe PDF] saved under
the unit title and your name [eg 4DEP-AN Other]
include the completed Assignment Submission Declaration form as the first page of
your assignment
2.2. DO NOT plagiarise material from the blended learning website, the CIPD or any other
Bibliographic source - NOTE “Students suspected of the above offences [ie cheating
and/or plagiarism] will be the subject of an investigation and meeting with the Course
Leader. If any of the above allegations [ie cheating and/or plagiarism] are upheld the
student will be asked to terminate their studies with us. Fees will not be refundable and
the CIPD will be informed”.
2.3. DO support you assignment with references and quotes clearly sourced/referenced
from your wider reading using the Harvard referencing method – NB this is compulsory
at Intermediate level although it is only desirable at Foundation level. Use reputable
H&/L&D sources; and avoid Wikipedia, general GOOGLE searches, Oxford English
Dictionary etc.
2.4. ensure that you allocate sufficient time to undertake your studies away from the class –
this should normally involve 2-3 hours extra reading a week at Foundation level and 4-5
hours extra reading a week at Intermediate Level [this is in addition to the Blended
learning tasks].
2.5. Remember that a “minimum of 80% attendance for each module is required for the
award of the final certificate for modules undertaken. If you do not meet these
requirements for each module you will need to attend the specific module(s) or parts
you missed again. This may result in a financial penalty where you need to pay for the
cost again”.