Final Essay Drilling
Final Essay Drilling
Final Essay Drilling
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Final Assessment – Semester II (2019 – 2020)
The two most commonly used methods used to kill the well are one circulate (Wait and
Weight) method and driller’s method. Both ways operated without pulling out the drill string.
The driller’s method needs two circulations, in the first circulation, the formation fluid
(influx) circulated out from wellbore with its original mud weight. The heavier kill mud is
pumped into the drill string in the second circulation. But the one circulation method required
only one circulation, the formation fluid circulated out from the annulus to surface, and the
heavier kill mud pumped into drill string after that to the annulus. The pump pressure in one
circulation method is hard to control, inversely in driller’s method it is easy to control. this
method needs halftime of the time that requires to operate the driller’s method.
Each method needs to keep the pressure balance in the bottom of the hole while circulation to
preserve the stability of borehole, this pressure balance required the complex calculation of
pressures, which include: (casing pressure, annulus pressure, mud weight, formation pressure,
and drill string pressure...etc.), and the one circulation method involves more calculation than
the driller’s method but It is easier to maintain a constant BHP by adjusting the choke.
some complications may be happened during the killing, for example, the plug of one or
more bit nozzle(S), it’s a cause of pressure drop, bit nozzle plug with wait & weight method
safe the well. But the bit nozzle(s) plug with driller’s method is handled easily by increasing
the drill pipe pressure while temporarily holding casing pressure constant. After the
stabilization of drill pipe pressure, the pressure of new circulating must be held constant
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Final Assessment – Semester II (2019 – 2020)
when the first circulation completed. If bit nozzle(s) plug during the second circulation of the
Driller’s, the simple reaction is to continue holding casing pressure constant until kill mud is
at the bit and then switch to hold whatever drill pipe pressure is shown on the pump gauge.
Hence, if complications arise whilst kill well process, it is easier to respond with the Driller’s
there are various drilling rigs that don’t have good capability to mix the mud effectively,
therefore, using the Wait & Weight method the kill mud cannot be mixed quickly and
effectively. But with Driller’s Method, this issue will not occur because the circulation can be
operated right away. Waiting for preparing kill mud for a long time can lead to increases in
Show pressure will be maximum when the top gas kick reach to casing shoe, while the gas
passes the casing shoe, the pressure shoe will remain at constant. The one circulation method
can decrease the presser shoe when the kill mud reaches into the annulus before the top of the
influx at the shoe. That is possible when the drill string volume is less than annulus volume,
inversely if the drill string volume is more than annulus volume the wait & weight method
cannot be helpful to reduce the shoe presser. wait and weight method is a better operation to
control shoe pressure, but by considering the gas migration problem if preparing of the kill
mud requires a very long time, the influx migration will increase the shoe pressure, in this
case usually the driller's method will use because the using of one circulation method can
increase the shoe pressure due to gas migration while preparation of kill mud.
In conclusion, the hole condition and expert have the main rule in detection methods.
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Final Assessment – Semester II (2019 – 2020)
Crumpton, H. (2018), Well Control for Completions and Interventions, Gulf Professional
Grace, R.D. (2017), Blowout and well control handbook, Gulf Professional Publishing.
Lyons, W.C. and Plisga, G.J. (2011) Standard handbook of petroleum and natural gas
engineering, Elsevier.
Roy, R.S., Nini, C.J., Sonnemann, P. and Gillis, B.T., (2007) ‘Driller’s Method vs Wait and
Weight Method: One offers distinct well control advantages’, Drilling Contractors,
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Final Assessment – Semester II (2019 – 2020)
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Final Assessment – Semester II (2019 – 2020)
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Final Assessment – Semester II (2019 – 2020)
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