Hazara Univers Ity Manse Hra: Assignment
Hazara Univers Ity Manse Hra: Assignment
Hazara Univers Ity Manse Hra: Assignment
Manse Assignment
Topic: what is organization and explore factors that
Subject: OTB
Proactive employee
Employee loyalty must be earned through a culture of respect and
integrity and learning and development. Established policies and
practices that promote a workplace culture stimulate employee
engagement. Listening carefully to what employees want and need and
providing opportunities and challenges to leverage the respective
talents of employees are important factors. It has been suggested that
customer requirements fulfil in a better way when employees are
engaged and to focus on work, it is a must that an employee trusts his
management and it is also beneficial to that organization. An
organization listen to the ideas of employees and take them into action
if they are profitable to the organization, and the organization gives
response to the employees by reward system or any other way to
achieve better performance. Engagement of employees with positive
attitude toward value system and interests of the firm/supply chain has
been pointed out important to improve performance of employee,
department, firm, and the whole supply chain.
The right tools and technology can improve efficiency and results
across virtually every business function.
But the wrong tools – or improper use of those tools – can be ineffective
and costly.
Organizational Structure
Summary chapter 1
But individuals do not work in isolation. They come in contact with other people
and with the organization in a variety of ways. Points of contact include
managers, co-workers, the formal policies and procedures of the organization,
and various changes implemented by the organization. Over time, the individual
changes as a function of both personal experiences and maturity and of work
experiences with the organization. The organization, in turn, is affected by the
presence and eventual absence of the individual. An organization, of course,
exists before a person joins it and continues to exist long after he or she has left.
Therefore, the organization itself represents a crucial perspective from which to
view organizational behaviour.
The field of organizational behaviour can be both exciting and complex. Myriad
variables and concepts impact the interactions described, and together these
factors can greatly complicate a manager’s ability to understand, appreciate, and
manage others in an organization.
The Hawthorne studies were conducted between 1927 and 1932 at Western
Electric’s Hawthorne plant near Chicago. The first major experiment at
Hawthorne studied the effects of different levels of lighting on productivity. The
researchers systematically manipulated the lighting in the area in which a group
of women worked. The group’s productivity was measured and compared with
that of another group (the control group) whose lighting was left unchanged. As
lighting was increased for the experimental group, productivity went up—but,
interestingly, so did the productivity of the control group. Even when lighting was
subsequently reduced, the productivity of both groups continued to increase. Not
until the lighting had become almost as dim as moonlight did productivity start to
decline. This led the researchers to conclude that lighting had no relationship to
productivity—and at this point General Electric withdrew its sponsorship of the
project! .
labelled Theory X. Theory X, which takes a pessimistic view of human nature
and employee behaviour, is in many ways consistent with the tenets of scientific
management. A much more optimistic and positive view of employees is found in
Theory Y. Theory Y, which is generally representative of the human relations
perspective, was the approach McGregor himself advocated.
In our relationships with organizations, we may adopt any one of several roles or
identities. For example, we can be consumers, employees, or investors. Being
the students of Organizational theory and behaviour future managers, we adopt a
managerial perspective throughout. The value of organizational behaviour is that
it isolates important aspects of the manager’s job and offers specific perspectives
on the human side of management: people as organizations, people as
resources, and people as people.