Inherent Factors Affecting Soil PH: The Type of Vegetation On A Soil
Inherent Factors Affecting Soil PH: The Type of Vegetation On A Soil
Inherent Factors Affecting Soil PH: The Type of Vegetation On A Soil
It affects crop yields, crop suitability, plant nutrient availability, and soil micro-organism
activity, influencing key soil processes. Soil pH can be managed by practices such as
applying the proper amount of nitrogen fertilizer, liming, and using cropping systems
that increase soil organic matter content and improve overall soil health.
Soil pH Management
Soil pH is affected by land use and Applying nitrogen fertilizer in appropriate
management. The type of vegetation on a soil amounts and in a timely manner (relative to
impacts pH levels. For example, areas of crop uptake) and using proper irrigation
forestland tend to be more acidic than areas of management to minimize leaching of nitrate
grassland. Conversion of land from forestland nitrogen.
or grassland to cropland can result in drastic Diversifying crop rotations to minimize
changes in pH over time. These changes are a acidifying effects of applied nitrogen fertilizer.
result of loss of organic matter, removal of soil
minerals when crops are harvested, and Applying irrigation water and manure and
erosion of the surface layer. Also, application other organic material that have a high
of nitrogen and sulfur fertilizers can lower soil content of calcium or magnesium
pH over time. bicarbonates.
Measures that minimize or reduce Using continuous no-till cropping systems,
acidification: using cover crops, applying solid manure,
and using diverse rotations that include high-
Liming to raise the pH of an acid soil. residue crops, which increase organic matter
Applying nitrogen and sulfur according to the content and improve soil buffering capacity,
needs of the crop grown. minimizing changes in pH.
Soil pH
What impact are these practices expected to have on soil pH and why?
Measuring Soil pH
Materials needed to measure pH: 3. Place a scoop of the mixed soil in palm,
and saturate with “clean” water (distilled
____ Probe and plastic container for gathering
water or rainwater).
and mixing soil samples
4. Squeeze hand gently until a soil and water
____ Roll of pH test strips
slurry forms.
____ 1/8-cup (29.5 mL) measuring scoop
5. Touch tip of piece of pH test strip 1 inch
____ Calibrated 120-mL vial with lid for long to the soil and water slurry. Leave until
shaking the liquid is drawn up at least 1/4 to 1/2 inch
____ Squirt bottle beyond the area covered by the soil (fig. 4).
1:1 soil to water pH test in classroom: liquid is drawn up at least 1/4 to 1/2 inch
beyond area covered by soil (fig. 6).
1. Soil sampling should be completed as
instructed in step 1 under “Quick in-field 5. Compare the color approximately one-third
hand test.” up the strip to the color chart on the test
strip dispenser (fig. 5). Record soil pH and
2. Fill scoop (29.5 mL) with the mixed soil,
interpretations (table 2).
tamping down during filling by carefully
striking scoop on a hard, level surface.
Place soil in vial. Add one scoopful (29.5
mL) of water to the vial, resulting in a
1:1 ratio of soil to water, on a volume basis.
3. Tightly cap the vial and shake 25 times. Let
settle for 1 minute. Remove lid, and
carefully decant 1/16 inch of soil and water
slurry into lid. Allow to settle for 2 to 3
4. Immerse tip of piece of pH test strip 1 inch
long into soil and water slurry. Leave until Figure 6.—1:1 soil to water test.
Record soil pH, and complete table 2 by nutrient uptake. Soil pH impacts nutrient
comparing measured soil pH to that given in availability and overall soil health. Soil
figure 1, figure 2, and table 1. Answer acidification can be an indication of excessive
discussion questions. application of nitrogen fertilizer.
In general, pH values between 6 and 7.5 are
optimum for crop and forage production and
Table 2.—Soil pH and Interpretations
Compare test results recorded in table 2 to values in figure 1, figure 2, and table 1. Are soil pH
levels ideal for crops or forage grown? Why or why not?
Based on results of soil pH test, is liming or other measures to adjust pH recommended? Why
or why not?
Acidity.—Soil pH lower than 7. Nitrification.—Oxidation of ammonium-nitrogen
Alkalinity.—Soil pH higher than 7. compounds in organic material or fertilizer into
nitrites and nitrates by soil bacteria, making
Anion.—Negatively charged ion. nitrogen available to plants.
Buffering capacity.—Ability of soils to resist Phosphorus fixation.—Tying up of phosphorus
changes in pH levels. Soils that have a high by calcium, iron, or aluminum compounds,
content of clay and organic matter have a making it unavailable for plant use. Fixation is
higher buffering capacity. impacted by soil pH.
Cation.—Positively charged ion. Soil pH.—Measure of soil acidity or alkalinity.