Azu Etd 14692 Sip1 M PDF
Azu Etd 14692 Sip1 M PDF
Azu Etd 14692 Sip1 M PDF
William Kacheris
The thesis titled “A Novel Approach for Calculating the Feasibility of Urban
Agriculture using an Enhanced Hydroponic System” prepared by William Kacheris has
been submitted in partial fulfillment of requirements for a master’s degree at the
University of Arizona and is deposited in the University Library to be made available to
borrowers under rules of the Library.
Brief quotations from this thesis are allowable without special permission, provided that
an accurate acknowledgement of the source is made. Requests for permission for
extended quotation from or reproduction of this manuscript in whole or in part may be
granted by the head of the major department or the Dean of the Graduate College when in
his or her judgment the proposed use of the material is in the interests of scholarship. In
all other instances, however, permission must be obtained from the author.
I would like to thank Dr. Giacomelli for his advice and help in the creation and execution
of this research and for giving me the opportunity to learn and grow at the University of
Arizona for the past two years. I would also like to thank the committee members Dr.
Yitayew and Dr. Tronstad for all the time spent helping me to form a rough idea into a
I must also acknowledge Dava Jondall for all of the assistance throughout my two years
at the University of Arizona in both advising and research. Charlie DeFer and Don
Clifford, and Juan Gonzaleaz also deserve thanks for all of the time spent in the shop
constructing the a-frame. Thank you Neal Barto for your patience and countless hours of
Special thanks to Ken Hickman, Brooke Conrardy, Ashley Hanno, Caitlyn Hall, and
To my brother Matt, my mother Maribeth, and my father Peter for their incredible
support during the creation of this thesis, none of this would have been possible without
List of Tables……………………………………………………………………….........06
List of Figures……………………………………………………………………………07
Problem Statement……………………………………………………………………….12
Literature Review………………………………………………………………………...13
Modern agriculture……………………………………………………………….13
Introduction, description of urban agriculture…………...…………...….13
The state of urban ……………………………………………………………..…14
Local food………………………………………………………………..14
Success for local food in urban markets…………………………………15
Shanghai success story……………………………………………….…..16
Cuba urban agriculture Success…………………………………….……16
Barriers to Entry……………………………………………………………….…17
Zoning Restrictions. ……………………………………………………..18
Distributing of urban produce…………………………………………....18
Regional Food Hubs...…………………………………….....…………..19
Tax Incentives…………………………………………………………....20
System Designations………………………………………………………...…...21
Definition of hydroponics………………………………………………..22
Choosing a correct hydroponic system…………………………………..22
Growing area Concerns………………………………………………….25
Greenhouse Considerations……………………………………………...25
Materials and Methods………………………………….…………………………….....27
Hydroponic a-frame design/construction………………………………...............27
Crop Trials.............................................................................................................32
Transplant Procedure…………………………………………………….33
Data recording……………………………………………………………37
Proving validity of the system …………………………………………..38
Economic Model……………………………………………………………..39
Auxiliary Sheets....……………………………………………………….40
Labor sheet.....................................................................................41
Nutrient solution sheet...................................................................42
A-frame build cost sheet................................................................42
Cooling/Electrical sheet.................................................................42
Additional materials sheet..............................................................43
Main Page………………………………………………..........................43
System Assumptions..................................................................................46
Facility Designations………………………………………………….....46
Crop output………………………………………………………………47
Cost Breakdown………………………………………………………….47
Investor tools..............................................................................................48
A-frame capabilities.………….......…………………………….….…….50
System improvements………………………………………….………...51
Crop trials...............................................................................................................53
First harvest data.………………………………………….……………..53
Second harvest data....................................................................................55
Third harvest data......................................................................................59
Fourth harvest data.....................................................................................62
Model developed for use by potential investors…………………………66
Clarity from auxiliary sheets..........................……………………………67
Heating cost sheet......…………………………………............................68
Cycles as growth-time measurement.........................................................68
Investor tools..............................................................................................68
Year 1 analysis...............................................................................69
Example inputs….....……………………………………………..69
Sensitivity analysis…………………………………………….....69
Net cash position............................................................................69
System Design and Experiments.............………………………………………..74
Jensen Formula........…………………………………………………………......81
A-frame construction build list..............................................................................82
Pump sizing calculations........................................................................................83
Table 1.........……………………………………………………………………......……54
Table 2.........……………………………………………………………………......……54
Table 3.........……………………………………………………………………......……56
Table 4.........……………………………………………………………………......……57
Table 5.........……………………………………………………………………......……61
Table 6.........……………………………………………………………………......……62
Table 7.........……………………………………………………………………......……64
Table 8.........……………………………………………………………………......……64
Figure 1: A 3-D computer rendering of the a-frame design using Solid Works rendering
Figure 2: A view of the East face of the a-frame hydroponic system. Note the holes along
the length of each pipe and the first-generation reservoir, later upgraded to a
larger tank…………………………………………………………………..........29
Figure 3: A view of the South face of the a-frame system still under construction,
highlighting the aluminum struts forming the support structure of the system
which all components are attached to……………………………………………29
Figure 4: The Northern face of the system, the reservoir of the system is placed within the
empty space created by the a-frame design. The 416 liter reservoir is insulated
with a solar wrap and Styrofoam blocks to limit solar heat gain and to prevent
algae growth within the tank…………………………………………..................30
Figure 5: View of the return line bulkhead into the reservoir from the North face, a
13 mm diameter union was placed in-line to allow for simple servicing..………32
Figure 6: An example of a ‘Rex’ Lettuce seedling grown in Jiffy Preforma material, nine
day growth from start of seeding. ……………………………………………….35
Figure 7: The Jiffy Preforma growing material trays were germinated and grown to an
age of 14 days inside the environmental growth chamber at the University of
Arizona Controlled Environment Agriculture Center............................................35
Figure 8: The seedlings were placed at a height of .45 meters below the light fixture after
the initial twenty four hour period inside the growth chamber..............................36
Figure 10: The assumptions of the system as they appear on the main sheet....................46
Figure 11: Facility designations of the model which are calculated outputs of previous
inputs, on the main sheet. ………………………………………………..............46
Figure 12: The display of the crop section after calculating a given set of inputs............47
Figure 13: A typical output of the variable and fixed costs portion of the cost
breakdown on the main sheet. ……………………………………………….......48
Figure 14: An example sensitivity analysis, note the yield percentages along the y axis,
market prices along the x axis, and the profit-per-cycle as the response...............49
Figure 15: A view of the Eastern face of the system, the inline filter can be seen along
the main riser, above the pressure bypass valve and pump. One may also note the
pressure-regulating distributors along the diagonal aluminum frame of the system
with individual feeder tubes directed into individual channels.............................50
Figure 16: The absorption of macro and micro nutrients varies with pH of the solution,
particularly, several micro nutrients such as iron and manganese become nearly
‘locked out’ at a pH above 7.0. (Kujawski, 2014).................................................52
Figure 17: Graphical representation of the first harvest fresh weights. Each bar
represents one of the ten samples taken from each row, each grouping of bars
represents the weights of a whole row. Ten samples were used in the analysis per
row. …………………………………………………………………………...…55
Figure 18: Graphical representation of the first harvest fresh weights. Each bar
represents one of the ten samples taken from each row, each grouping of bars
represents the weights of a whole row. ………………………………………….55
Figure 19: All heads under the designation of ‘crop #’ that are labeled with a ‘2’ were
from the second experiment and their placement is designated in the above
excerpt from the crop layout document. The spacing style (Single or Every Other)
and the subsequently required number of heads (10 or 19) is also
Figure 20: Fresh lettuce head weight for 10 samples (1 – 10) from the second experiment
for each row number (2 through 10), and each face (East (E) or West (W)).The
colors within each grouping represents the different rows....................................58
Figure 21: Dry lettuce head weight for 10 samples (1 – 10) from the second experiment
for each row number (2 through 10), and each face (East (E) or West (W)). The
colors within each group represents the different rows.………..........………......59
Figure 22: Fresh lettuce head weight for 10 samples (1 – 10) from the third experiment
for each row number (7 through 16), and each face (East (E) or West (W)).The
colors within each grouping represents the different rows....................................60
Figure 23: Dry lettuce head weight for 10 samples (1 – 10) from the third experiment for
each row number (7 through 16), and each face (East (E) or West (W)). The
colors within each group represents the different rows.........................................61
Figure 24: Fresh lettuce head weight for 10 samples (1 – 10) from the fourth experiment
for each row number (2 through 10), and each face (East (E) or West (W)). The
colors within each grouping represents the different rows....................................65
Figure 25: The ANOVA output of the SAS software comparing equal means among
spacing arrangements, fresh weight.......................................................................65
Figure 26: The ANOVA output of the SAS software comparing equal means among
spacing arrangements, dry weight..........................................................................66
Figure 27: The input area of the main sheet of the feasibility model. Sixteen input points
allow the user to form an accurate model of a hypothetical urban agriculture
Figure 28: The facility designations area outlines the basic functions calculated from the
input area which feed later into the model. The crop section, both in cycle and per
year, give the user a clear readout of capabilities of the hypothetical facility.......71
Figure 29: Cost analysis calculations of the feasibility model under a hypothetical
situation models both variable and fixed costs of an operation.............................71
Figure 30: The revenues, profit and year 1 analysis portions of the feasibility model give
the user an area to adjust the market price of a head of lettuce to find an
appropriate profit margin. The year 1 analysis gives a breakdown of profit and
cost areas within the operation on a per unit basis.................................................72
Figure 31: The sensitivity analysis of the feasibility model for a hypothetical urban
agriculture operation. Allows better perspective to the user for determining
growing space and price point as the two major influencers of profit...................72
With a continued worldwide trend in population shift from rural to urban areas predicted
viable urban agriculture crop production sites for business investment. A feasibility
model to aid investors in selecting appropriate sites for the development of urban
agriculture food production within population centers was created. Lettuce crop trials
were performed from August 2015 to December 2015 at the University of Arizona
density hydroponic system designed for the rooftop environment. The feasibility model is
based on this system and with a minimal number of inputs, ranging from size of growing
space to growing media costs, determines a wide range of useful outputs. These outputs
include crop productivity within the facility, material inputs and a cost breakdown of
starting a new agricultural venture. The model utilizes multiple sheets within one excel
document to give the user a clear and organized financial perspective of a hypothetical
growing operation in the main sheet. With this model, investors into urban agriculture
will have a means to gain an objective view of financial considerations before substantial
investment is completed.
Sustainable food production and delivery has become a necessity of the modern
deliver produce into large population centers, uses enormous energy inputs and is
becoming less efficient for a world with half of all citizens living in cities (Mengual,
Esther, et al., 2013). Almost all fresh produce consumed in city centers is produced in
distant agricultural regions and transported via overland trucking or shipped across
As people have become more aware of the source of their food, consumer trends
have shifted, allowing for locally grown produce to be desired by a sizeable portion of the
population. This change in buying pattern has been addressed through urban agriculture
operations of varying sizes and scopes, the aim of which is to deliver fresh local produce
directly to customers, all with minimal transportation costs. According to a report done
by the USDA on trends in local and regional food systems, fresh produce buyers are
interested in locally grown foods. Not only the source of the food interests consumers but
also how it is sold to them. Between 2006 and 2014 the number of farmer’s markets in
the United States increased 180% to a total of 8,268 while the number of direct to
consumer (DTC) sales increased 32% from 2002 to just 2007. Direct to consumer sales
are defined, in terms of fresh produce, as any transaction occurring between the producer
and the consumer which eliminates the distribution level, such as farmer’s markets or
road-side stands. More growers are joining the industry to reap the benefits of a sector
which the USDA reported the total value in 2012 of $6.1 billion (Low, 2015).
Market interest from investors and governments has increased because of new
consumer trends. However, little research has been done to address the specific costs and
feasibility associated with an urban agriculture operation and its difference from
intuitive enough for an investor, who may not be from the agricultural field, to use while
As the population of the world grew from one billion persons in 1804 to over
seven billion people today, the food supply has been struggling to match pace (Leisinger
et al., 2002). To meet the demand of the population, farmers shifted into large scale
increase efficiency and yield. The crop production efficiency rose exponentially as
practices. However, to generate food for the rising population, farms could no longer
operate within population centers and the rural/urban separation we see today, with
agricultural production sites often hundreds of miles from large cities, began to take
shape. The distance from field to consumer created the need for new and massive
distribution networks. Much more efficient than previous farming techniques, the new
production methods did incur logistical costs that are realized both in monetary and
environmental terms (Mengual et al., 2013). Although limited in the developed world,
this titanic distribution network results in the most urban, often times poorest, inner city
areas not receiving proper access to fresh produce at reasonable prices, these are referred
to as ‘food deserts’. Urban agriculture is one possible solution to this problem that can
bring the fresh produce back to the city center and reduce logistical costs caused by long
distance transportation.
distribution of food and other products through intensive plant cultivation and animal
husbandry in and around cities” (Hendrickson, 2012). It can involve the use of soil or
hydroponic media for plant production, and urban agriculture encompasses all plant and
animal production, as long as it is within the city. Urban agriculture is most often
distributed locally, with the clear end point being either DTC sales or marketing to a
larger local consumer base through food hubs or full-scale distributors who are catering
Many operations that serve the city markets practice organic growing techniques
to entice a consumer base which is willing to pay more for these specialty items due to
the perceived health benefits with organic certification. While most practice sustainable
significant investor backing. According to a 2011 study by the Food Marketing Institute,
knowing the source and production style of an agricultural product was the largest factor
for 40% of consumers in their decision to buy locally grown food, second only to
Popularity for local food has been growing steadily over the past two decades.
Research into the field has been relatively slow but larger government interest is altering
that trend (Low, 2015). Research has been primarily devoted to case studies involving
small urban farms in countries outside the United States, and usually in developing parts
of the world. These foreign farms are useful to researchers to demonstrate how a food
system can benefit from the addition of local agricultural production sites near population
centers. Another portion of studies focus on locally grown foods that are delivered to the
consumer through DTC sales, farmer’s markets, food hubs, or even grocery stores in the
United States. The term ‘locally grown’ can encompass urban agriculture while also
representing large farms that sell direct to their consumers and small traditional farms
that operate outside of major distribution networks. This section will examine current
trends in the urban agriculture marketplace, how those trends came about, and how
Consumers are interested about the source and production method of their fresh
produce. The USDA reports that both the value of local food sales and the number of
DTC sales are increasing. With an estimated value of 6.1 billion in 2012, the local food
industry has more consumers and more producers than ever before (Low, 2015). It is
accepted that local food supply chains have higher per unit costs than traditional
production means. However, these operations can function efficiently through close-
market logistics and eliminating transportation and spoilage costs. Marketing based on
the production style (i.e. organic, pesticide-free) in addition to the crop being grown
nearby the consumer, can help growers to overcome higher production costs by
increasing the cost of their product. Crop diversification, such as having a variety of
Local food demand is highest among persons in urban areas, with the number of
local food producers continuing to increase in cities. Due to a rising number of DTC sales
opportunities and improved infrastructure for local producers in high population areas,
the demand for local produce is beginning to be met (Lichter and Brown, 2011). There
has been research done on a number of urban agriculture locations across the globe, all
with different motivations and solutions specific to their area in regards to crop
Shanghai grew during the 20th century into a city of 24 million citizens,
agriculture was pushed away from the city center as land prices increased and
development pressed outward. To combat the urban sprawl, the local government began
an initiative in the 1990’s to increase agricultural production within and surrounding the
city. The local government utilized high capital investment in new and efficient
agricultural practices to encourage city-wide participation. The city also proposed the
idea as a means to have cleaner air and more green spaces within and near the city (Yi-
Zhang et. al, 2000). In the following years, UA production has increased heavily with a
majority of the items coming from the outer circumference of the city limits while still
containing a thriving community-level garden program in the inner city. With demand
high and food security risks abundant, mega cities such as Shanghai are heavily involved
in urban agriculture, with the United Nations declaring the city ‘self-sufficient’ as it
produces almost all of its agricultural products within its limits (Moreno et al., 2008).
Cuba is a small nation in land mass, and with limited imports, it must utilize
urban agriculture as a necessity. With an embargo maintained by the United States for
over fifty years and the fall of its ally the Soviet Union in 1989, Cuba embraced a
sustainable approach to agriculture, with government backing for projects that allowed
citizens to grow their own produce and sell it using communal gardens and programs.
raised growing beds that are rented out by growers and are located near city centers and
in areas of poor soil. The organoponicos system is just one of many different
government-supported strategies used by the Cubans for urban agricultural production
researchers found that a society can embrace urban agriculture and produce up to 30% of
their food supply through backyard plots, community gardens and other forms of UA
production and to overcome food, material, and land shortages (Sanchez, 1997). Urban
agriculture has emerged as a viable option for more secure food sources even with
the developed countries of the world expanding rapidly while under-developed portions
of the world have remained fairly steady in their agricultural practices near and within
city limits. There are approximately 200 million people currently growing agricultural
products within urban areas, accounting for nearly 20% of the total global food supply
(Armar-Klemesu, 2000). The United Nations estimated that over 800 million people are
actively engaged in urban agriculture, either producing, buying, or distributing, and they
predict this number to rise as urban areas become more and more populated (Mendes et
al., 2008).
Barriers to Entry
New constraints are placed on the UA grower that restrict participation. Large
cities have much stricter zoning laws than in rural areas, and in addition property values
are magnitudes higher. Production materials are also much harder to supply to an urban
based operation due to the natural congestion of the city zone and therefore the profit
A major obstacle to urban agriculture has been urban planning and zoning by city
governments. Although such laws are useful for the protection and the realities of
business operations within cities, they can be hampering to new industries. A study was
undertaken in the sub-Saharan city of Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania to determine how much
effect the expanding population and land area of the town had on food security. As Dar
unregulated zones of town and a new food supply network emerged. From the addition of
the new farms, a more stable food supply developed and new zoning protection from city
officials aided farmers to profit and maintain their business. With zoning laws in place to
prevent land rental from increasing for agricultural sites, farmers were able to keep
production costs low and provide citizens with locally sourced fresh produce (Magigi,
2015). Zoning regulation will be a large consideration of large scale urban farming as real
estate costs rise and farmers must cope with clearing profit.
Another obstacle for any urban farmer is one of the most basic problems and one
that has developed modern agriculture into its current form: location is everything. While
a traditional field farmer may grow what best suits his or her location due to the local
climate or soil conditions, an urban farmer must create their own environment. Controlled
efficient in producing a crop with less inputs per plant than traditional means but it is
will require a more robust infrastructure to address the increased demand for water,
electricity, and waste disposal. Waste disposal and recycling processes exist and have
been successful in Sub-Saharan communities for organic wastes from cities to be used in
the food production system. Composting and sorting is utilized by the municipalities to
create a profitable recycling system of the urban wastes back into the rural agricultural
sites, creating new industries while also alleviating waste storage problems. Similar
consumption would also be a side effect of introducing UA to a city on a large scale but
municipalities have dealt with increasing infrastructure strain since their inception.
Regulation by local governments as to the amount of UA allowed within city limits is one
Distribution of the final crop is another consideration that may push investment
away from urban agriculture. DTC sales at a farmer’s market in a city or town can be
profitable for smaller growers but for realistic investment into an urban farm the market
volume must be sufficiently high and consistent. Historically, the small/local farmer must
invest their own time, often without pay, to replace the processing and distribution
network that is currently available to traditional agriculture, however, with their unpaid
efforts, they replace the “middle men”, and thus they collect a much larger share of the
retail price. This larger share comes at a hidden cost of unrecorded labor hours and higher
transportation costs per unit of produce. These hidden costs are estimated between 13 and
62% of the retail price for overhead in American produce (King et al., 2010).
The market has met these concerns with new, low-volume distributors or ‘food
hubs’ in areas where the local food is in high demand. Regional food hubs (RFH) are, at
the most basic level, a low volume distribution system for locally and regionally grown
crops. RFH activities can also include marketing, advertisement, and even production
advising of the locally produced item. In a 2012 report by the USDA on RFH, they
clarify that “A regional food hub is a business or organization that actively manages the
from local and regional producers to strengthen their ability to satisfy wholesale, retail,
and institutional demand.” (Barham et. al). RFH can act as an intermediary between the
final marketplace of an item and its producer, thereby eliminating one economic barrier
to entry for the grower. In an urban agriculture setting, a RFH is especially useful as it
alleviates energy input from several different producers all bringing their crop to market
and instead resourcefully pools resources to one bulk pickup/delivery system. RFH also
acts to strengthen local and regional food systems by providing a buffer to crop failures
through redundant producers who can fill what would be otherwise empty space in a
farmer’s market or DTC sale (Low, 2015). With a strong RFH infrastructure, growers
have the opportunity to distribute more of their harvest without having to put in the extra
labor hours that would be required in DTC sale. The problem of distribution, that RFH’s
attempt to solve, appears once there is a marketable crop, and producing that crop is often
All new businesses that take advantage of the cutting edge of technology and the
newest consumer demands will have large upfront, capital costs, and urban agriculture is
production values per unit area must be high, construction materials must be lightweight
and access must be provided from street level to rooftop. According to the USDA, several
states have begun tax incentives for individuals converting unused or run-down plots of
major cities into urban agriculture sites. With these tax incentives to new urban
agriculture ventures, the capital costs are reduced for an investor of a new urban farm
(Low, 2015). City planners can use these tax incentives to bring in new business to a city
area that may be seriously lacking an adequate supply of fresh produce and thereby gain
entry. Neuner, 2011, described various US projects from Alaska to the Midwest, which
required reduced capital costs for urban/local agricultural operations and offered the
potential for a healthier community that was more informed and involved with the source
of their fresh produce. While federal and local incentives may alleviate some taxes and
property costs, a large portion of the startup cost for an urban agriculture facility must
still be provided by an investor/owner. These costs are difficult to calculate for those
inexperienced in this type of business. This issue will be addressed in this project through
System Designations
The foremost concern of an urban agricultural operation is space, and the size of
the footprint required. Another concern is the weight of the system and the loads that it
will create on the building. Therefore the system should be lightweight, to avoid the
costs for strengthening the building. Creating an environment suitable for crop production
within a dense, urban area will require the installation of greenhouse or indoor growing
spaces that must be well suited for the specific climate of the site. All these factors must
There are multiple approaches to the growing system design but to reach the
which uses a nutrient solution, containing water and plant fertilizers, to grow the plants
with (or without) an artificial root zone medium for support. Hydroponics has been
proven to outcompete traditional field agriculture and is the most efficient option, even
with its inherent higher capital costs (Jensen, 1985) Closed-loop hydroponics,
recirculating of nutrients within a system, use up to 13 times less water than similar crops
grown in soil, under controlled environment conditions (Barbosa, 2015). With water
hydroponic system is absorbed directly by the roots rather than being lost to the open
hydroponic system can be designed to optimally grow one crop. Additional benefits of
ambient air temperature swings, reduction of water and fertilizer inputs, and the ability to
water flows through the mechanism. Proportioners allow the grower to apply a nutrient
water and the requirements of the plants to be irrigated (Jensen, 1985). There are several
types of hydroponic systems specifically for growing lettuce, including: NFT (nutrient
film technique), DWC (deep water culture), and aeroponics, which are the most popular
Aeroponics involves the use of high pressure misting systems within a structure
containing the roots of crops. Systems often utilize space saving designs such as a-frames
and vertical-towers and result in head densities at or above 60 heads per square meter.
However, aeroponics involve high pressure pumps which must run at intervals and have
the highest complexity of all hydroponic systems mentioned above. They also have the
highest initial capital investment and chance for system failure due to the precise nature
of the distributor nozzles which can clog easily from non-dissolved salts in the nutrient
solution. Although a very efficient growing system option, the complexity of aeroponic
systems often restricts the operations willing to invest (Christie et al., 2003).
For a small, short term (under 3 months), leafy crop, NFT can be a good choice.
An NFT system consists of gullies or channels that create rows in which the seedlings are
placed with their roots bathed by nutrient water which is pumped within the sloped
channels from a storage reservoir. The nutrient water is circulated from the storage
reservoir to each channel, either continuously or on a timed schedule, and the excess is
returned to storage. The flowing nutrient solution creates a thin ‘film’ of water as it
The NFT approach is most well suited to the leafy greens, such as lettuce and
herbs, due in part to high oxygen availability for the partially submerged root mass, and
to provide high planting density, and easy access for frequent transplant and harvest. The
shallow nature of the nutrient stream flowing within the channel, provides a high surface
area to depth ratio, therefore creating high gas exchange at the film surface, increasing
dissolved oxygen in the nutrient stream, enabling more vigorous root growth.
Deep water culture (DWC), includes holding tanks filled with nutrient solution
that are topped by floating trays which support the plant at the surface of the water with
roots fully submerged and the tops above the tray. DWC can function at small levels,
with multiple, small volume tanks or in a commercial setting with long raceways, or
troughs, which run the length of a greenhouse. The raceway method allows for seedlings
to be added at one end while mature heads may be harvested at the far end, creating a
constant production line. When space or water weight is not an issue, DWC can be very
cost effective.
Despite the simplicity of DWC, it can only grow the crops in one horizontal
advantage of the vertical space. Therefore DWC is less space efficient than high density
multi-level NFT designs. High density crop production in this document is defined as
greater than fifty heads of lettuce per square meter of growing space. NFT allows the
matrix, therefore utilizing not only the footprint of the growing area, but also the volume
above. NFT, while requiring more maintenance and technical knowledge than DWC,
does offer advantages over aeroponics in that there is a smaller chance of problems
High density hydroponic systems have been in use for decades as the popularity
of controlled environment agriculture grew during the 20th century. There has been
research performed evaluating specific systems and even determining their financial
standings. A recent study involved the creation of a novel hydroponic system which
revolved along a vertical oval pattern, dubbed a rotating living wall. Researchers
developed the system out of the necessity for a system that operated in a small footprint
but maintained the required crop production. The study focused on both the production
capacity and hypothetical financial status of an enterprise incorporating the system for
production of microgreens (Gumble et al., 2015). These studies focus solely on the
The characteristics of the growing area are also of critical concern in urban
agriculture projects. Converting the existing structure and space into a growing area
without the major overhaul of structure is desired. There are also benefits to the existing
building, including a lower thermal load on the building, psychological benefits to the
inhabitants of the building, and even reducing noise pollution within the city (Mengual et
al., 2013). These benefits can be maximized if the proper original site is chosen that can
accommodate the weight and personnel/freight movement that will be increased from
having a production site on the roof. The roof must obviously receive ample sunlight
throughout the day but also should not be in a location that will expose it to extremely
harsh winds. The constraints involved with erecting a greenhouse or similar structure to
provide for controlled environment agriculture (CEA) must also be considered when
growing method for the world’s most valuable non-commodity crops. Greenhouses with
their controlled environments and hydroponic crop production systems primarily produce
tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, and lettuce. They can be found within many companies
around the world, optimal environments that will provide for the quickest and most
effective growth. There are a myriad of greenhouse structural designs each having
benefits and disadvantages, but they all are intended to maintain a stable environment for
the plants to grow and flourish, especially within areas of harsh winters and summers.
Although vital in many growing applications, greenhouses costs can be the largest factor
when considering the feasibility of a project. With the principal goal of light
regulation can grow by magnitudes during the winter for heating and cooling systems
must operate almost non-stop during the summer (Jensen, 1985). Therefore, the
greenhouse glazing, or plastic outer covering, must be suited for the location and
production computer model which may be applied to almost any urban area and provide a
basic analysis of the economic feasibility of a specific production site. This was
operation. The secondary objectives of the study were to design and construct a high
density hydroponic system with appropriate design characteristics for a rooftop, urban
agriculture environment; and, to verify its operation and its capability to produce a
marketable lettuce crop within a high density hydroponic nutrient film technique system.
January 2015 through May 2015. This system was planned for use in the urban
fabrication shop at the Campus Agricultural Center with the aid of Charlie Defer, senior
fabricator, and Don Clifford. The system would provide the highest growing density in
the smallest footprint by utilizing vertical space while also remaining as lightweight as
possible to avoid roof reinforcement costs. An ‘A-Frame’ style system employing the
Nutrient Film Technique (NFT) was chosen. This hydroponic method allows for
creating less weight from the small water reservoir. The utilization of the three
dimensional space provides greater plant density than other horizontal hydroponic
The design of the A-frame system was comprised of three aluminum trusses.
Each truss was constructed of two aluminum struts, each 213 cm, and connected at one
end to form an ‘A’-shaped truss. Sixteen 3.81 cm diameter x 305 cm long schedule 40
PVC pipes were attached to each face of the three trusses, to form the three-dimensional
A-Frame structure that held 32 plant rows, as seen in Figures 1 and 2. The PVC pipes
were connected to the faces of the trusses within the A-frame with aluminum conduit
straps and self-tapping screws, and the PVC pipes and A-shaped trusses formed a solid
frame. The structure had a footprint of 1.5 x 3.05 m for a total of 6.5 m2. The PVC pipes
were each a row of plants with 2.5cm diameter holes, spaced 15 cm apart for a total of 20
holes per row. The plant row pipes were mounted to provide a 15 x 15cm plant spacing
The plumbing manifold for nutrient water outflow and return was attached to the
A-frame, and as indicated in Figure 4. The 416 liter nutrient water reservoir was located
beneath the A-frame which provided shade for the tank, reducing algae growth and
heating of the nutrient solution, and to effectively utilize the empty space Figure 3. The
A-frame was oriented north to south, having an east face and a west face for the plants.
Figure 1. A computer rendering of the a-frame design using Solid Works software.
Figure 2. A view of the East face of the a-frame hydroponic system. Note the holes along
the length of each pipe and the first-generation reservoir, later upgraded to a larger tank.
Figure 3. A view of the South face of the a-frame system still under construction,
highlighting the aluminum struts forming the support structure of the system which all
components are attached to.
Figure 4. The Northern face of the system, the reservoir of the system is placed within the
empty space created by the a-frame design. The 416 liter reservoir is insulated with a
solar wrap and Styrofoam blocks to limit solar heat gain and to prevent algae growth
within the tank.
The plumbing manifold delivered the nutrient solution to the thirty two plant rows
with an external circulation pump (Little Giant Pump Co., Oklahoma City, OK) that was
plumbed into a 1.9 cm diameter bulkhead fitting in the end of the nutrient water reservoir.
The external circulation pump was sized through calculation of total resistance in the
system, 3.29 meters and compared to performance curves. A Little Giant ‘3-md-sc’
model was chosen considering the pump capacity is approximately 35 lpm at a head of
3.3 meters and the required flow to the system was calculated to be ~32 lpm. The
calculation procedure for the pump sizing can be seen in appendix item iii. The nutrient
solution flowed from the circulation pump at approximately 64 lpm up a vertical riser
through an inline filter and then split into two manifolds at the peak apex of the A-frame,
and then to both of the legs of the southern-facing aluminum trusses. Along the length of
the 13 mm diameter manifold pipes were four even spaced pressure regulating flow
splitters (Azusa, CA). From each of the splitters, four, 6.5 mm diameter flexible plastic
tubes were connected to each of four adjacent plant rows. The inlet manifold along the
South face includes a pressure by-pass valve for directing some of the pump flow directly
back to the nutrient storage tank and provide flow control for the combined system of
plant rows. The flow at each plant row was between 1-2 lpm.
The 3.81cm diameter schedule 40 PVC return line conveyed the nutrient solution
drainage from each plant row, after passing through the 20 plant roots contained in the
NFT channel, to the reservoir for re-circulation. The A-frame system was situated at a
1:100 elevation loss to allow the nutrient solution to flow from the input manifold,
through the tubes, passing the roots before finally returning to the reservoir. The return
plumbing was sanitary tees connected individually at the end of each of the plant row
PVC pipes which then formed a column extending down the A-frame on the North end.
At the bottom the tees trace into one pipeline and eventually flow into a nutrient storage
tank (Figure 5). Both the return line and inlet manifold have unions and a ball valve to
allow for easy maintenance. The entire system was raised 15 cm to provide room
underneath the lowest NFT channel for the return line to have sufficient head into the
system without backup. The additional height was added due to the second generation
reservoir having a taller upper rim, a trough-style reservoir would be optimal for this
Figure 5. View of the return line bulkhead into the reservoir from the North face, a union
was placed in-line to allow for simple servicing.
Crop Trials
Agriculture Center from September through December 2015. The crop response,
performance characteristics of the system. Environmental conditions, including air temp,
greenhouse with a footprint of 9.2 x 14.6 m and an apex height of 4.9m. The greenhouse
is equipped with air-inflated double layer polyethylene glazing film and 8 mm, acrylic-
coated polycarbonate rigid plastic end-walls. The greenhouse utilizes a fan and pad
evaporative cooling system consisting of two 3.4 m3 s-1 exhaust fans and an 8.5 m x 1.5m
controller which monitors air temperature and relative humidity inside an aspirated
container (Wadsworth Control Systems, Inc., Arvada, CO). The greenhouse also featured
a natural gas-fed hot-air heater located above the evaporative cooling pad on the Northern
wall. The A-frame system was located in the Southwest corner of the greenhouse.
The trials tested two factors, including: that the system produced a crop of equal
size and quality on both the East and West faces; and, that high density spacing (70+
heads m-2) would not diminish growth in comparison to low density spacing (35+ heads
All seedlings were started in Jiffy ‘Preforma’ commercial seedling cubes (Figure
6), which was a mixture of fine peat and a binding agent and has been widely used starter
plug in the agricultural industry. The seedlings, each measuring 3.81 x 2.5 x 1.9 cm, were
formed cutouts, with drainage. The seedlings were prepared at a depth of 2 cm into the
peat material in crops of 105 seedlings per tray. Once seeded and imbibed with untreated
tap water, the trays were placed into the environmental growth chamber located at the
chamber (Figure 7) air temperature was 18°C for the first three days, then raised to a final
temperature of 24°C prior to transplant in the greenhouse. A 295 watt light emitting
approximately 14,000 lumens at a height of ten inches. The photoperiod selected for
germination and seedling maturation was adopted from the Cornell CEA Handbook
(Brechner, 2001) and consisted of a twenty-four hour photoperiod for the first eleven
days of seedling growth followed by a fourteen hour photoperiod for the remaining three
days. Non-fertilized municipal tap water was manually irrigated over the seedling trays
once per day using a pump sprayer; a total of 7.57 liters of water were used from the
Figure 6. An example of a Rex lettuce seedling grown in Jiffy Preforma material, nine
day growth from start of seeding.
Figure 7. The Jiffy Preforma growing material trays were germinated and grown to an
age of 14 days inside the environmental growth chamber at the University of Arizona
Controlled Environment Agriculture Center.
Figure 8. The seedlings were placed at a height of 45.7 centimeters below the light fixture
after the initial twenty four hour period inside the growth chamber. What was the PPF?
Second Trial: 165 heads in system, tested equal growth among East/West
Third Trial: 176 heads in system, increasing density for fourth trial,
Fourth trial: 205 heads in system, tested ability for rows to be at full
A crop layout was constructed using Microsoft excel to outline the transplant
process and describe placement of heads during each of the four experiments. An
experiment is defined as the individual crop trials seeded and transplanted into the
system, consisting of two Jiffy trays each. The experiments overlapped in time as the A-
frame was never completely filled, and there would be two experiments in parallel in the
The crop layout document consisted of five timeframes, from the first day after
the first experiment had been transplanted in up until the harvest day of the fourth
experiment. Each timeframe represents one of the five vertical areas in the excel sheet
consisting of one portion stating the date set, one portion describing the layout on the
West side and one portion describing the layout on the East side, moving from top to
bottom. Within each timeframe, the layout is partitioned the system into East and West
faces and further into the rows or tube numbers that make up that face. The layout
document was used to accurately test the specific questions surrounding the system with
clarity to the researcher and allowed the research to be statistically sound through proper
Transplant of the seedlings to the A-frame system was done fourteen days from
the day of seeding, after five in the afternoon to prevent stress to the plants from intense
sunlight. According to the crop layout for the specific crop cycle, the seedlings were
arranged in either single or ‘every-other arrangement’, i.e., occupying all grow spots in a
plant row or occupying every other linear spot. The seedlings were placed into the 2.5 cm
diameter holes with 1.3 cm of the grow-cube above the tube and the lower portion
situated inside the tube to allow root hydration and prevent excess light entering the tube.
Prior to the new transplants, the NFT channels to be used were cleaned and all manifold
equipment was flushed. The contents of the reservoir were also examined and the nutrient
solution parameters were measured to affirm that the system was ready to receive the new
The parameters of the interior greenhouse climate and nutrient solution were
measured using Hanna stationary meters (Hanna Instruments Inc., Rhode Island) or with
were sampled every 10 s and recorded to the datalogger every fifteen minutes for the
duration of the experiment. Climate parameters measured included: air temperature (°C),
relative humidity (%) and interior PPF (mol m-2 s-1); and, reservoir measurements
included: dissolved oxygen content (ppm), electrical conductivity (mS/cm), and pH. The
data were downloaded weekly and imported into Excel to be analyzed. The datalogger
system accurately determined trends in the aerial climate and the root zone for consistent
plant growth.
Four crop harvests were completed during from Sept to Dec 2015 to test specific
transplant layouts and to determine quantifiable growth among the lettuce. Ten heads
were harvested from each selected row and weighed using. They were then placed into a
drying oven for 7 days at 50°C and weighed using an Adventurer analytical scale (Ohaus
Corp., Parsippany, NJ) .The first two experiments established that the system could run
consistently and, above all, that the east and west faces of the A-frame would produce
similar heads and therefore not become a variable in itself. Therefore, the second
experiment was transplanted in the same layout on both faces (East and West). The third
experiment was completed to both fill the system to a greater capacity and to form a gap
between the second and third experiment. The fourth and final experiment evaluated crop
response to multiple rows (more than three consecutive rows) and how they may appear
in an actual, commercial production, meaning that the a-frame is filled to full capacity.
Confirmation of the validity of the system was done using statistical analysis
software SAS (SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC). ANOVA analyses were performed
assuming an alpha, or the probability of rejecting the null hypothesis i.e. believing a
‘false positive’], of (α = 0.05) and testing a null hypothesis that within specified crop
trials there would be no significant statistical difference between the two planting layouts
that were being tested. The experiment was completed to test the growth on the East and
West faces of the system in the second trial and to test for deficit in growth from
cropping multiple rows as single spaced (SS) or full capacity, in comparison to multiple
rows in every other (EO), 50% of the row was planted, format. With confirmation of
success in the hydroponic system and an effective transplant layout determined, the
Economic Model
economic model of a hypothetical growing operation was initiated. The basis for the
model is a simple investment decision aid for an urban agriculture operation that can be
The economic model was built for an investor from most any profession to
understand while also providing the experienced grower a robust method for developing a
basic cost-analysis of a UA operation. The grower will also input other factors that relate
to the greenhouse structure such as weather factors and cooling usage. The model relies
on a user-determined number of “crop cycles” per year, or, the number of crop harvests a
grower can accomplish within one calendar year. The model displays a financial output
spread over a user-determined set of years to alleviate high upfront capital expenditures
and to not skew the model for the short term return on investment of fixed costs.
The model has a ‘main’ sheet, which clearly displays inputs, costs, and revenue
Additional Materials
These sheets which supply their calculated results into the main sheet, form the final cost-
The heating sheet is the most extensive auxiliary sheet and requires the user to
input local climate data for their operation. Using an empirical formula for calculating
heat loss from a greenhouse, through the input of climate temperature, set point air
temperature inside the greenhouse, and greenhouse construction materials (Eq 1), the
energy loss can be calculated each month and summed for the year (Aldrich and Bartok,
𝑄 = 𝑈 𝑥 𝑆𝐴 𝑥 (𝑇𝑖𝑛,𝑚𝑖𝑛 − 𝑇𝑜𝑢𝑡,𝑚𝑖𝑛 ) Eq 1
where U =Thermal quality of glazing
SA =Surface area of greenhouse
Tin = Set point temperature inside greenhouse
Tout =Average temperature outside
Labor Sheet
calculating labor. The approach factors in time spent per activity per crop item, including:
Production Management
The labor costs were based on the number of plants involved in each cycle and the
number of cycles per year. The user must provide the hourly labor rate and the time
required for each task. The time required per task can be determined using direct time
study, a method of motion analysis where highly repetitive tasks can be assigned
definitive time periods. (Luxhoj and Giacomelli, 1990). With the total number of hours
involved per cycle/year calculated, the sheet applies the hourly rate to output a total labor
Nutrient Solution Sheet
The nutrient solution auxiliary sheet calculates the cost per liter of nutrient
solution, based on nutrient formulation, and excluding municipal water costs which
appear later on the Main sheet. The nutrient solution sheet provides a list of chemicals
and their proportions required for a general formulation of a modified Hoagland solution
(Hoagland and Arnon, 1950) (See appendix). It includes a cost for each chemical and the
calculation of total costs for the maximum use of each stock tank and the cost for a
The A-frame build cost sheet outlines all parts necessary for the construction of
the A-frame hydroponic system which forms the basis of the financial model. (See
appendix) The total build cost for one hydroponic A-frame system is documented and is
Cooling and miscellaneous electrical costs are included in the Cooling Electrical
auxiliary sheet. This sheet is used to calculate electrical costs for cooling with ventilation
fans while also including an hourly use (kWh) of electrical demands other than exhaust
fans. The additional electrical input resulted from the electrical consumption of the
nutrient delivery pump of the A-frame system. The irrigation cyclic usage based off
number of a-frame systems at the operation and the six week usage, about 230 kWh, of
the pump. Calculation of exhaust fan capacity required was based on 2.4 m3 of air flow
per m2 of growing space (Aldrich and Bartok, 1994). This sheet uses the inputted
growing space from the main page and with the user input of exhaust fan yearly usage,
and miscellaneous electrical usage per cycle to provide an output of the total electrical
include specialty items that are turned over yearly and must be replaced, such as
packaging materials, safety equipment, and backup equipment. The Additional Materials
sheet provides these additional costs into the final cost breakdown at the conclusion of
Main Page
The Main page of the Excel document combines the values of all the auxiliary
sheets along with the production capacity of the system and a cost analysis. The main
Customer Inputs
Facility Designations
Cost Breakdown
The user inputs were made to be applicable to potential investors from non-
agricultural backgrounds as well as growers with extensive experience. There are sixteen
Utility costs
Media costs
All but two inputs, ‘cost per liter of nutrient solution’ and ‘cost per system’, are
available to the grower through the local gas, water/sewer, electrical utility providers, and
the local market pricing. The input area of the main sheet is shown in Figure 9.
Figure 9. An example layout of the input section to the main sheet.
The descriptive factors about the hydroponic system and the greenhouse are
described in the ‘Assumptions of the System’ portion of the Main page. This section
serves to clarify the source of numbers used in later calculations throughout the
spreadsheet. The factors for this area come from the crop trial experiments that were
performed. These values may be changed by the user if they would like to compare other
growing systems with different capabilities but they are arranged for use in a model
incorporating the A-frame hydroponic system. The assumptions for this system include:
A-Frame Footprint
Cycle Duration
A-Frame Capacity
Over-Seeding Correction
Total Number of Cycles Observed
Figure 10. The assumptions of the system as they appear on the Main sheet.
The Facility Designations portion of the Main sheet is derived from previous
inputs and other auxiliary sheets. Figure 11 shows the four outputs of the Facility
Designations area. This allows for a perspective on the scale of the operation and it
Figure 11. Facility designations of the model which are calculated outputs of previous
inputs, on the main sheet.
The Crop Output portion of the Main Page displays the current crop requirements
and maximum output to the user after all data inputs are provided. The crop is partitioned
into both a cycle and total yearly analysis. The growing media, including seed and trays,
is determined from the assumptions of the number of seedlings a seedling tray can grow
(ie. capacity of the seedling tray), and the number of heads the facility can produce in a
that are within the Facility Designations and the Assumptions Section regarding water
use per system. The maximum number of heads for each cycle and per year is determined
by the number of heads produced per system and is multiplied by the crop survival rate,
typically between 80 and 90% in CEA hydroponics, in the Assumptions of the System
section. Figure 12 displays an example production of the crop area of the Main Sheet
Figure 12. The display of the crop section after calculating a given set of inputs.
The cost breakdown is the final result of the model and crop trials. It displays the
variable and fixed costs of a hypothetical urban agriculture operation including the
analysis, and net cash position. The variable costs fluctuate with and are directly related
to each production cycle, while the fixed costs remain constant through the observed
period. Figure 13 is a hypothetical output of the variable and fixed costs portion of the
cost breakdown. The input to the main sheet of ‘market price per head’ is the largest
determining factor in the cost breakdown and allows the user to specify local market
conditions and ultimately, determine the feasibility of a site for an urban agriculture
Figure 13. A typical output of the variable and fixed costs portion of the cost breakdown
calculation as a percentage of total capital costs from the first year including permanent
structures and materials. The total investment analysis is important to all investors to
determine the investment risks and rewards of a potential site and give this model more
credence to its validity and accuracy. Along with an ROI analysis, net cash position
graphs were created in both cycle and yearly view. Figure 14 shows the sensitivity
analysis of a hypothetical UA operation. The Sensitivity analysis provides the user with
an instant readout of the best/worst case scenario of multiple situations at once through a
data table calculation. The data table runs the model for various inputs along an x and y
axis orientation that give a profit output. This output shows the profit that may be
Figure 14. An example sensitivity analysis, note the yield percentages along the y axis,
the market prices along the x axis, and the profit-per-cycle as the response.
The net cash position graph is a visual of the capital investment throughout time of the
operation. The graph, features a monetary y axis with time (in cycles and years) along the
x axis. As the hypothetical operation moves through time, starting at the negative cash
point of total investment, profits each cycle or year allow the cash point to move to and
above the x axis, indicating the business is operating at a profit. Through subtraction of
total returns less variable costs from the total investment sum, graphs show the break-
A-Frame Design
The A-frame hydroponic system performed with the only loss occurring due to
manifold clogging. The clogging of the manifold was solved with two additions to the
system: an inline 50 mesh micron filter placed between the circulation pump and the apex
of the riser and more robust pressure-regulating irrigation manifolds. The micron filter
screen was cleaned daily to prevent particulates from entering the nutrient solution
delivery plumbing. In Figure 15 the addition of the inline filter, the pressure regulating
Figure 15. A view of the Eastern face of the system, the inline filter (A) can be seen along
the main riser, above the pressure relief valve (C) and pump. One may also note the
pressure-regulating emitters (B) along the diagonal aluminum frame of the system with
individual feeder tubes directed into individual channels.
The first experiment identified the size of the reservoir as a critical point of the
system. The reservoir must be as large as possible to allow for the consumption of
nutrient water. Assuming that there was no automated filling mechanism, daily attention
to this was necessary. There was 1.04 L of nutrient water in storage per plant. Peak
the nutrient storage water increased to 6.8. . As heads of lettuce grow and absorb nitrate
ions into the root system they release a base hydroxyl ion to maintain a neutral level
within the roots. This process is usually done at such a rate that the buffering capacity of
a hydroponic system’s reservoir can maintain a stable pH within the recommended 5.5-
6.5 range. However, in a system with such a high ratio of plants to volume of nutrient
solution, the release of the base hydroxyl ions can cause large shifts in the pH of the
reservoir if water storage volume decreases. At a pH greater than 6.5, certain nutrients
become unavailable for absorption by the plants, as shown by Figure 16, causing adverse
plant growth effects which can reduce head fresh weight, diminish appearance of green
color, and taste. Therefore, the system was refilled daily with fresh nutrient solution, at a
slightly more acidic pH of 5.2, and the reservoir was enlarged from 265 liter to 416 liters,
therefore increasing the value to 0.7 L per head of lettuce from 1.04 L per head. An
automated refill system was considered but ultimately decided against considering daily
observations of the system were being conducted regardless of the level insides the
Figure 16. The absorption of macro and micro nutrients varies with pH of the solution,
particularly, several micro nutrients such as iron and manganese become nearly at a pH
above 7.0. (Kujawski, 2014)
The A-frame system was designed with relatively small 3.81 cm inside diameter
PVC pipes, to maximize diagonal space along the A-frame and to minimize shading to
the rows of plants beneath each pipe. While highly space-efficient, the narrow diameter
presented a problem with the growth of the root mass and required the addition of a
bypass valve in the main riser, located immediately after the outlet of the pump. The
bypass valve consisted of a plumbing tee from the main riser which directed the pump
output flow back into the reservoir. It was controlled by a union ball valve. The gate
valve is opened as the plants grew to maturity, allowing for a decrease in nutrient water
flow as the root mass increased in the pipe and blocked the flow, and reduced over-
flooding of the rows but maintained a thin film of nutrient solution flowing within all of
The final design of the A-frame system had a maximum capacity of 608 heads
with a 4.65 m2 footprint. Incorporating a 30.5 cm ‘work area’ around the entire perimeter
of the A-frame footprint, the hydroponic system occupied 7.8 m2 and a 2.1 m maximum
height at the apex. Including the workspace required for access around each A-frame, the
system produced 77 plants m-2 which is 44% greater than traditional horizontal growing
Crop Trials
To quantify the novel system and utilize realistic production values in the
economic model, four production trials were performed in the fall of 2015.
First Experiment
The first experiment provided a harvest from four rows of the system. It was
completed as a preliminary trial, and it identified the clogging and reservoir issues within
the system quickly and allowed the system to be modified and adapted. The layout for the
Table 1 is the harvest weights of individual rows and the respective analysis. The
first experiment showed relatively uniform growth among the four rows, excluding E7
which experienced a technical clogging failure. Table 2 shows the dry weight analysis of
the first experiment and shows less uniformity in average head weight among rows. The
graphical representation of the fresh weights and dry weights of the first experiment
harvest are shown in Figure 17 & 18, respectively. All improvements to the system were
completed during the first experiment and remained unchanged for the remaining
Table 1. Fresh weight of the first experiment harvest. Rows are represented by face (W=West,
E=East) and by number (1 to 16, from bottom to apex). Total head mass (g), Total root mass (g),
Average head mass (g) of ten sample size, Average root mass per head (g), Root mass
percentage (%) for each of two rows from East side face (E1 & E7), and two rows from West side
face (W1 & W6) of the A-frame.
Fresh Weight W1 W6 E1 E7
Total Head Mass per Row (g) 2135 2260 1955 1010
Average Root Mass per Head (g) 53.0 29.7 42.6 22.6
Table 2. Dry weight of the first experiment harvest. Rows are represented by face
(W=West, E=East) and by number (1 to 16, from bottom to apex). Total head mass (g),
Total root mass (g), Average head mass (g) of ten sample size, Average root mass per
head (g), Root mass percentage (%) for each of two rows from East side face (E1 & E7),
and two rows from West side face (W1 & W6) of the A-frame.
Dry Weight W1 W6 E1 E7
Average Root Mass per Head (g) 3.00 1.80 1.70 1.80
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Figure 17. First experiment harvest fresh weights. Each bar represents one of the ten samples
from each of four rows.
Head Weight (g)
W1 W6 E1 E7
Row/ Individual Sample
3 5 7
Figure 18. Lettuce Head average dry weight for first experiment. Each bar represents one of the
ten samples taken from each row, each grouping of bars represents the weights of a whole row.
Second Experiment
The second experiment included the improved design and operation of the A-
frame system, and an increased number of plants from 67 to 165, raising the system
With the improvements established from the first experiment, a greater number
of plants were successfully grown, having less root zone growing material entering the
nutrient stream (use of an inline filter), more uniform flow rate to each row (pressure
compensated emitters) and maintaining the nutrient solution pH at desired value (larger
The purpose of the second experiment was to demonstrate the uniformity of plant
production and crop harvest between the east and west faces of the A-frame. The
seedlings were transplanted within nearly identical layouts, (Figure 19) of the heads
within and among the rows of each face of the A-frame. There were 12 rows and 10 or 19
plants within each row, depending on spacing pattern designation. An ANOVA statistical
analysis (SAS) provided verification that there were no significant statistical differences
at 95% confidence between the heads grown on either face. Both ANOVA analyses
exhibited p values of 0.85 and 0.30 for the fresh and dry weights, respectively. Figures 20
and 21 are graphical representations of the fresh and dry weights from the second
experiment. They indicate a more uniform average head fresh weight across all the rows
with a standard deviation under 25 grams for a population of 165 heads. Tables 3 and 4
represent the fresh and dry weights of the second harvest, respectively.
Table 3. Total Head and Root Fresh Mass, and Average Head and Root Fresh Mass for 10 plants
in the second experiment harvest. Calculations were done in the same fashion as described in
table 1.
Table 4. Total Head and Root Dry Mass, and Average Head and Root Dry Mass for 10 plants in
the second experiment harvest. Calculations were done in the same fashion as described in
table 1
Dry Weight W2 W4 W5 W8 w9 w10 E2 e4 e5 e8 e9 e10
Total Head
Mass / Row
(g) 44 44.2 45.7 45.2 47.6 42.1 46.8 46.02 52 47.6 43.1 43.9
Total Root
Mass (g) 18.9 21.4 26.3 21.7 19.0 20.3 22.0 20.4 30.5 17.9 16.5 18.8
Avg. Head
Mass (g) 14.7 14.7 15.2 15.1 15.9 14.0 15.6 15.3 17.3 15.9 14.4 14.6
Average Root
Mass per
Head (g) 1.0 1.1 1.4 2.2 1.9 2.0 2.2 1.1 1.6 1.8 1.7 1.9
Root Mass
Percentage 7% 8% 9% 14% 12% 14% 14% 7% 9% 11% 11% 13%
Layout from 9/29/15 thru 10/15/15 (1st + 2nd Crop)
Side Row Arrangement Crop # Heads Needed
East 1 Single 1 19
East 2 Every Other 2 10
East 3
East 4 Single 2 19
East 5 Single 2 19
East 6
East 7 Single 1 19
East 8 Every Other 2 10
East 9 Every Other 2 10
East 10 Every Other 2 10
East 11
East 12
East 13
East 14
East 15
East 16
Total Heads 232
Percent Full 38%
Figure 19. All heads under the designation of ‘crop #’ that are labeled with a ‘2’ were from the
second experiment and their placement is designated in the above excerpt from the crop layout
document. The spacing style (Single or Every Other) and the subsequently required number of
heads (10 or 19) is also specified.
Head Weight (g)
W2 W4 W5 W8 w9 w10 E2 e4 e5 e8 e9 e10
Row/ Individual Sample
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Figure 20. Fresh lettuce head weight for 10 samples (1 – 10) from the second experiment for
each row number (2 through 10), and each face (East (E) or West (W)).The colors within each
grouping represents the different rows.
Head Weight (g)
W2 W4 W5 W8 w9 w10 E2 e4 e5 e8 e9 e10
Row/ Individual Sample
3 5 7
Figure 21. Dry lettuce head weight for 10 samples (1 – 10) from the second experiment for
each row number (2 through 10), and each face (East (E) or West (W)). The colors within each
group represents the different rows.
Third Experiment
The third experiment tested greater plant density and raised the system production
capacity from 38% to 63%, as shown in the crop layout document, by increasing the
Harvest for the third experiment was delayed 7 days compared to the Second
Experiment to study increased head size and overcrowding between plants to determine if
a larger head size would be attainable in the current system. No detriment to plant growth
from factors such as mold, abnormal shoot growth, or root growth problems were
observed. However, by allowing the plants to grow beyond the market weight of 150
grams, did cause problems with overflow of nutrient solution from the PVC grow tubes
With the delay of harvest, the lettuce head fresh weights were more inconsistent
between rows than previous experiments, with a standard deviation among all rows of 70
grams for 176 heads compared to 85 for previous. A delayed harvest, was applied to the
system, the greater head mass and higher variation among rows was seen as useful data
and could be used in future research to adapt the system to larger grow cycles. Figures 22
and 23 display this difference of growth among rows graphically and in comparison to
figures 20 and 21, show the greater standard deviation. Tables 5 and 6 are the fresh and
Head Weight (g)
W7 W11 W12 W13 W14 W15 W16 E7 E11 E12 E13 E14 E15 E16
Row/ Individual Sample
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Figure 22. Fresh lettuce head weight for 10 samples (1 – 10) from the third experiment
for each row number (7 through 16), and each face (East (E) or West (W)).The colors
within each grouping represents the different rows.
W7 W11 W12 W13 W14 W15 W16 E7 E11 E12 E13 E14 E15 E16
Row/ Individual Sample
3 5 7
Figure 23. Dry lettuce head weight for 10 samples (1 – 10) from the third experiment for
each row number (7 through 16), and each face (East (E) or West (W)). The colors within
each group represents the different rows.
Table 5. Total Head and Root Fresh Mass, and Average Head and Root Fresh Mass for
10 plants in the third experiment harvest. Calculations were done in the same fashion as
described in table 1.
Weight W7 W11 W12 W13 W14 W15 W16 E7 E11 E12 E13 E14 E15 E16
Total Head
Mass /
Row (g) 4315 3095 3340 2555 2990 2620 2890 3780 3555 2425 2045 1865 1790 2585
Total Root
Mass (g) 567 451 620 320 411 310 500 461 435 326 455 330 328 533
Head Mass
(g) 432 310 334 256 299 262 289 378 356 243 205 187 179 259
Root Mass
per Head
(g) 56.7 45.1 32.6 32.0 41.1 31.0 26.3 46.1 43.5 32.6 23.9 33.0 32.8 28.1
Root Mass
Percentage 13% 15% 10% 13% 14% 12% 9% 12% 12% 13% 12% 18% 18% 11%
Table 6. Total Head and Root Dry Mass, and Average Head and Root Dry Mass for 10 plants in
the third experiment harvest. Calculations were done in the same fashion as described in table 1
Dry Weight W7 W11 W12 W13 W14 W15 W16 E7 E11 E12 E13 E14 E15 E16
Total Head
Mass /
Row (g) 70.5 57.1 60.9 48.6 52.5 55.4 61.3 71.6 62.3 49.5 50.9 44.4 46.5 54.8
Total Root
Mass (g) 34.7 29.3 41.1 25.9 31.9 28.8 34.3 31.9 26.9 26.2 54.1 33.2 26.9 34
Avg. Head
Mass (g) 24 19 20 16 18 18 20 24 21 17 17 15 16 18
Root Mass
per Head
(g) 3.5 2.9 2.2 2.6 3.2 2.9 1.8 3.2 2.7 2.6 2.8 3.3 2.7 1.8
Root Mass
Percentage 15% 15% 11% 16% 18% 16% 9% 13% 13% 16% 17% 22% 17% 10%
Fourth Experiment
The fourth experiment was planted at the highest density (87 Heads m-2) and it
was performed to test for any detriment to growth that would occur from running the
system at full capacity. The East face was planted 100% filled with 19 plants per row for
rows two through six while the West face was planted at 50% or 10 plants per row for
rows two through six. The 50% occupancy was accomplished by planting every other
hole along each row with the remaining holes left empty.
This highest density planting yielded no differences among plants rows on either
east or west face. This experiment required that the bypass valve divert water back to the
nutrient reservoir and to reduce the total output from the pump and the flow rate to each
row, which provided a reasonable flow and level of water within the row tube, and
prevented spill-over from the root mass blocking nutrient solution flow along the tube.
The bypass valve was first opened to 25% reduction of flow on the fourteenth day after
transplant, and was further opened to 40% on the 22nd and another 10% again on the 28th
Due to a reduction in incoming sunlight due to the Winter months, the plants in
the fourth experiment grew at a slower rate, requiring nearly the same time period to
reach an acceptable market weight of 150 grams that the third trial required to reach fresh
weights over 300 grams. This slower growth rate was attributed to the environmental
conditions, incoming solar radiation, and not to the spacing arrangement. Figure 24
graphically displays the fresh weights of the heads in the fourth experiment with a
standard deviation among means of 22 grams, among the 150 heads that were grown in
the arrangement patterns. Tables 7 and 8 were the fresh and dry weight of the fourth
experiment harvest. The ANOVA determined that the fresh head mass means were equal
throughout the system, and that the high or low density spacing pattern did not affect
growth. The ANOVA results of the fresh weight can be seen in figure 25. The p-value of
0.097 for the spacing treatment is above the benchmark of .05 and therefore the null
hypothesis of equal means cannot be rejected and the ability of plants to grow in either
special arrangement is confirmed. The fourth trial also confirmed that the face which
plants were grown on caused no difference in growth, with a p value of .064, indicating
no significant effect. The ANOVA for head dry weight is shown in figure 26, and
Table 7. Total Head and Root Dry Mass, and Average Head and Root fresh Mass for 10 plants in
the fourth experiment harvest. Calculations were done in the same fashion as described in table
Table 8. Total Head and Root Dry Mass, and Average Head and Root Dry Mass for 10 plants in
the fourth experiment harvest. Calculations were done in the same fashion as described in table
Dry Weight W2 W3 W4 W5 W6 W8 W9 W10 E2 E3 E4 E5 E6 E8 E9 E10
Total Head
Mass / Row
(g) 48.77 56.42 50.36 53.88 50.21 58.04 59.71 54.23 53.28 53.06 51.9 53.87 58.09 60.59 61.36 50.87
Total Root
Mass (g) 11.2 22.2 17.6 17.9 14.0 25.2 23.1 17.9 19.5 22.7 19.8 14.5 21.4 18.2 20.6 18.3
Avg. Head
Mass (g) 16.26 18.81 16.79 17.96 16.74 19.35 19.9 18.08 17.76 17.69 17.3 17.96 19.36 20.2 20.45 16.957
Average Root
Mass per
Head (g) 1.12 2.22 1.76 1.79 1.40 1.33 1.22 0.94 1.03 1.19 1.04 0.77 1.13 1.82 2.06 1.83
Root Mass
Percentage 7% 12% 10% 10% 8% 7% 6% 5% 6% 7% 6% 4% 6% 9% 10% 11%
W2 W3 W4 W5 W6 W8 W9 W10 E2 E3 E4 E5 E6 E8 E9 E10
Figure 24. Fresh lettuce head weight for 10 samples (1 – 10) from the fourth experiment
for each row number (2 through 10), and each face (East (E) or West (W)).The colors
within each grouping represents the different rows.
Figure 25. The ANOVA output of the SAS software comparing equal means among
spacing arrangements, fresh weight.
Figure 26. The ANOVA output of the SAS software comparing equal means among
spacing arrangements, dry weight.
The four experiments provided the expected production outputs under optimal
conditions. The operational inputs included the electrical consumption of the circulation
pump, which running continuously, was 5.5 kWh day-1, or 154 kWh for a 28-day
production period.
Nutrient solution consumption was approximately 4 liters per head of lettuce over
the total growth period, and was an average 3.6, 4.2, and 4.4 l min-1 for the second, third
The harvest rate of the lettuce heads were estimated to be 95% for each of the
Economic Model
The feasibility model for a hypothetical urban agriculture operation was created to
allow simple inputs to feed into pre-determined formulas which give the user a clear
output of costs and profit from the site. The basis for the model is the validated a-frame
hydroponic system discussed above which defines how the grow space inputted by the
user will be utilized and from this determination, provides an exact production model that
As the model was being developed, the largest constraint became clarity. To
preserve the simplicity of the ‘main’ sheet, auxiliary sheets were added to the model to
perform and explain to the user the calculations that ultimately feed into the cost analysis
for the operation. The auxiliary sheets serve two functions, the first is to provide
justification for all outputs on the main page and the second being to allow for greater
customization and less forced assumptions as can be seen in similar greenhouse pricing
models (Donnell, et al., 2011). The customization gives users experienced in the field the
ability to decide the exact inputs into the model on every level while still giving the less
experienced user the ability to use widely accepted assumptions in the industry to give an
accurate prediction of feasibility for a certain area. Nearly all cell formulas feed from
other cells, there are few unexplained numbers within the sheet that may skew financial
predictions when the user does not know to change them, the only exception being some
division by the number of months in a year and certain item pricing. The ‘assumptions of
the system’ portion was added to the main sheet to give the user more clarification on the
source of values used later in calculations. The assumptions include the correction
multipliers for over-seeding and spoilage prediction, with values of 1.05 and .90,
respectively. These multipliers create a conservative outlook of production and give more
The most difficult input item for any potential user will be the heating cost
auxiliary sheet, considering the weather data required. Although this weather data is often
easily available to any user through federal and state-run weather reporting programs, it
could be streamlined for future use through real-time incorporation of a weather service
data system. Many of the other inputs are easily available to all consumers and require
minimal effort beyond entering the pricing or rate value into the ‘input’ section of the
main sheet. The ‘A-frame build cost’ and ‘nutrient solution calculator’ auxiliary sheets
are an accurate representation of current pricing but may require adjustment in the future.
A benefit of this feasibility model is its basis upon ‘cycles’ as the base unit of
time. Similar financial budget models often rely on standard dates, either quarterly,
monthly, or yearly, however, this time scale does not accurately represent the cash flow
of a system utilizing the a-frame hydroponic design. The cycle system is determined by
the user as the maximum number of rotations that an individual a-frame system can grow
a crop in a 365 day period. Due to varying weather and complexity of acquiring accurate
temperature and solar data for any given area, using a growth model would be far too
difficult for the average user. It would also be unnecessary for the advanced grower who
has the ability to determine number of crop cycles for their given area already.
The goal of the research is the output given in the cost breakdown. The use of
cycles as the time determinant allows the user to see their costs of operation both on a per
crop basis and a per year basis. The number of years observed is an input by the user
which determines total number of cycles for which the system will be in use before
combination of cycles per year and number of years observed, feeds into the model to
determine the rate at which capital expenses such as greenhouse construction costs and
A ‘year 1 analysis’ was added to the main sheet of the calculator to provide the
user with a complete perspective on cash flow of the operation. The analysis delves into
all of the associated costs and returns of the operation, while proportioning each on a per
head, m2, system, and whole operation basis. This approach can be used to identify
strengths and weaknesses of a current pricing plan and give the user greater detail of their
greenhouse, from these inputs, the feasibility model then uses the calculations of
auxiliary sheets, formulas within the main sheet, and assumptions of the system to model
the situation. The facility designations and crop sections are shown in figure 28 with
outputs based upon the assumptions of the system which were determined from the crop
trials and empirical data. From these determinations, the cost breakdown is formed,
giving the user a view of both variable and fixed costs, displayed in figure 29. The model
then computes the revenues based upon maximum number of heads which may be grown
in the allotted space and the market price for a head of lettuce. The cost analysis is the
final output of the model, giving a value for return on investment for the current situation
while also outlining the source of costs and returns in the year 1 analysis, as shown in
figure 30.
A sensitivity analysis was added to the feasibility model to further the power of
the model to predict the financial outcome of a specific urban agriculture operation. The
sensitivity analysis functions through the interpolation of two chosen inputs, in this case,
growing space and the market price of a head of lettuce. Figure 31 provides the
sensitivity analysis from the situation described above and shows the price point, >$2.00
per head of lettuce, where no matter the size of the operation, any price below will not be
profitable. The price per head of lettuce is stated along the x axis while the square
meterage of the growing operation is listed along the y axis, this sensitivity table is
adaptable within the model document to allow the user to see a wide range of pricing and
size options and where, according to all other inputs held constant, they may expect to
produce a profit. The sensitivity analysis can be done on both a per crop and per year
basis with the ability to raise or lower the bounds of either parameter to any desired level.
Figure 27. The input area of the main sheet of the feasibility model. Sixteen input points
allow the user to form an accurate model of a hypothetical urban agriculture operation.
Figure 28. The facility designations area outlines the basic functions calculated from the
input area which feed later into the model. The crop section, both in cycle and per year,
give the user a clear readout of capabilities of the hypothetical facility.
Figure 29. Cost analysis calculations of the feasibility model under a hypothetical
situation models both variable and fixed costs of an operation.
Revenue per Cycle
Price Point ($) Revenue per Year ($)
150-200 (g) Head of Lettuce 15200 $ 2.50 ($/Head) $ 38,000.00 $ 228,000.00
Return on Investment Profit per Cycle ($) Profit per Year ($)
$5,937.54 $35,625.25
Year 1 Analysis
Return Over
Variable Costs Return on
Variable Costs ($) Fixed Costs($) Total Costs($) ($) Investment ($)
Per Head $ 0.71 $ 1.40 $ 2.11 $ 1.79 $ 0.39
Per m2 $ 322.18 $ 639.69 $ 961.87 $ 817.82 $ 178.13
Figure 30. The revenues, profit and year 1 analysis portions of the feasibility model give
the user an area to adjust the market price of a head of lettuce to find an appropriate profit
margin. The year 1 analysis gives a breakdown of profit and cost areas within the
operation on a per unit basis.
$10,823.87 $ 1.00 $ 1.25 $ 1.50 $ 1.75 $ 2.00 $ 2.25 $ 2.50 $ 2.75 $ 3.00
100 $ (5,993.06) $ (4,093.06) $ (2,193.06) $ (293.06) $ 1,606.94 $ 3,506.94 $ 5,406.94 $ 7,306.94 $ 9,206.94
110 $ (6,591.37) $ (4,501.37) $ (2,411.37) $ (321.37) $ 1,768.63 $ 3,858.63 $ 5,948.63 $ 8,038.63 $ 10,128.63
120 $ (7,189.68) $ (4,909.68) $ (2,629.68) $ (349.68) $ 1,930.32 $ 4,210.32 $ 6,490.32 $ 8,770.32 $ 11,050.32
130 $ (7,787.98) $ (5,317.98) $ (2,847.98) $ (377.98) $ 2,092.02 $ 4,562.02 $ 7,032.02 $ 9,502.02 $ 11,972.02
140 $ (8,386.29) $ (5,726.29) $ (3,066.29) $ (406.29) $ 2,253.71 $ 4,913.71 $ 7,573.71 $ 10,233.71 $ 12,893.71
150 $ (8,984.59) $ (6,134.59) $ (3,284.59) $ (434.59) $ 2,415.41 $ 5,265.41 $ 8,115.41 $ 10,965.41 $ 13,815.41
160 $ (9,582.90) $ (6,542.90) $ (3,502.90) $ (462.90) $ 2,577.10 $ 5,617.10 $ 8,657.10 $ 11,697.10 $ 14,737.10
170 $ (10,181.21) $ (6,951.21) $ (3,721.21) $ (491.21) $ 2,738.79 $ 5,968.79 $ 9,198.79 $ 12,428.79 $ 15,658.79
180 $ (10,779.51) $ (7,359.51) $ (3,939.51) $ (519.51) $ 2,900.49 $ 6,320.49 $ 9,740.49 $ 13,160.49 $ 16,580.49
190 $ (11,377.82) $ (7,767.82) $ (4,157.82) $ (547.82) $ 3,062.18 $ 6,672.18 $ 10,282.18 $ 13,892.18 $ 17,502.18
200 $ (11,976.13) $ (8,176.13) $ (4,376.13) $ (576.13) $ 3,223.87 $ 7,023.87 $ 10,823.87 $ 14,623.87 $ 18,423.87
Figure 31. The sensitivity analysis of the feasibility model for a hypothetical urban
agriculture operation. Allows better perspective to the user for determining growing
space and price point as the two major influencers of profit.
Future research could be incorporated into the feasibility model to improve upon
certain features which are either based upon assumption or standard industry practices.
The heating cost calculator operates under the principle of user-inputted weather values
for their specific area for one year. At the current generation, the model assumes a
standard yearly climate for the total number of years observed. Future models could
incorporate real time weather inputs from governmental or research institution weather
collection services and could feed these values into the heating cost calculations. The
ability to compare different hydroponic system styles, such as deep water culture versus
nutrient film technique, would be another point of improvement for the model.
Comparison of other hydroponic systems is beyond the goals of this research, so it was
not included but it could be done through alteration of system assumptions and certain
cost factors. Investors may also be interested in partitioning crop sales between wholesale
and premium market pricing, however, this is beyond the scope of this research and
The economic model is adaptable to a wide array of locations due to the flexibility
afforded by auxiliary sheets. The use of auxiliary sheets improved clarity and
customization for the user. A net profit was determined by use of the model for a market
price of $2.00 per head of lettuce when incorporating inputs from realistic scenario
greenhouses, and empirical and commercial data. . The economic model delivered a
The hydroponic design performed well, and exceeded previous NFT A-frame
designs in the number of heads per system within a given footprint (Kacheris, 2014). The
low weight of the system from the small reservoir and aluminum structure were well
suited for a rooftop in addition to its effective use of three dimensional space for crop
production. The high density spacing of 79.5 heads m-2 provided a uniform and quality
harvest. The multiple trials performed with the system confirmed plant production
uniformity and the ability to use the system as a basis for the output area of the economic
model, and not having to use unreliable empirical data. This will provide a grower the
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Appendix ii: A-Frame Construction Build List:
Appendix iii: Pump Sizing Calculation: