Production Packers
Hydraulic Control Line
Introduction Flow Coupling
Packers Tubing-Retrievable
Safety Valve
Flow Coupling
The packer isolates Flow Coupling
and aids in the Sliding Side-Door
Circulating Device
control of producing Flow Coupling
fluids and Straight Slot Locator
pressures to protect Seal Units and Accessories
the casing and Retrievable Packer
Sealbore Extension
other formations Millout Extension
above or below the Adapter
producing zone. Tubing Joint or Pup
X Landing Nipple
Perforated Pup Joint
Landing Nipple
Wireline Re-entry Guide
Packer functions
Isolate well fluids and pressures.
Separate producing zones, preventing
fluid and pressure contamination.
Aid in forming the annular volume
(casing/tubing/packer) required for gas
lift or subsurface hydraulic pumping
Limit well control to the tubing at the
surface, for safety purposes.
Hold well servicing fluids (kill fluids,
packer fluids) in casing annulus.
Packer elements
Example 1:
Permanent packer 3. 50 in seal bore, 5,500 ft depth,
7” 31 lb/ft casing,
2-3/8” 4.7 lb/ft tubing,
7.5 lb/gal oil in tubing
8.5 lb/gal completion fluid in annulus.
Tubing Hydrostatic
= 0.052 x 7.5 x 5,500 = 2145 psi
Annulus Hydrostatic
= 0.052 x 8.5 x 5,500 = 2431psi
Example 2:
Packer at 9,000 ft with a seal bore
of 2.812 in and 3-1/2” 9.3 lb/ft tubing,
plugged trapping 4,500 psi below the
tool. Fluid in tubing has a weight of
9.0 lb/gal. Fluid in the annulus is 11.0
lb/gal mud. There is no applied
pressure on either the tubing or
What is the hookload?
packer calculations