Proceedings European and Mediterranean Conference On Information Systems 2007 (EMCIS2007)

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Agile adoption and improvement model

Asif Qumer, Brian Henderson-Sellers , Tom McBride

University of Technology

Agile software development methods focus on the rapid and iterative delivery of a
software product in small increments. Over the last decade, the software industry has
shown a substantial interest in agile practices but there is no standard guiding vision
model or framework to adopt and then use to assess or improve the agile method in a
software development organization; indeed, the absence of a guiding vision model could
result in the failure of the agile implementation. The purpose of this paper is to present
an Agile Adoption and Improvement Model (AAIM) for the adoption, assessment and
improvement of an agile software development process. We have analysed the results of
several agile software process assessments, industrial case studies on the adoption of an
agile approach and feedback from both researchers and the software industry for the
construction of the AAIM. The AAIM can be used as a gradual road map for the
adoption of an agile approach so that the required agile level can be achieved and
improved over a period of time. The AAIM has been organized in three agile blocks, six
agile stages (AS) and an embedded agility measurement model (to quantitatively measure
the degree of agility). In AAIM, each stage specifies goals that must be achieved to attain
a particular business value through the use of an agile software development approach.

Keywords: Agile Methods/Methodology, Agile Measurement Model

In the last few years, several agile methods have been proposed and adopted by the
software industry. However, benefits from agile software processes and the applicability
of agile methods in large and complex software development organizations is still of
significant concern to practitioners. Two fundamental problems have been identified:
firstly, the inability of the organizations to construct, execute and manage agile software
development processes and, secondly, the absence of a model to guide agile adoption and
improvement. Researchers and practitioners have developed a number of assessment
tools and frameworks (Kitchenham and Jones 1997, Williams et al. 2004, Tran et al.
2004, Qumer and Henderson-Sellers 2006a) for the assessment of agile software
development methods but there is no single framework that can be used as a roadmap or
guiding vision model to construct, execute or manage agile software development
methods. Therefore, a standard framework or a model is required for the implementation
and improvement of an agile approach (how, and how well an organization is practising
and applying the agile practices for a software development) in a software development
Previously, a 4-Dimensional Analytical Tool (4-DAT) (Qumer and Henderson-Sellers
2006a,b) for the assessment of agile methods has been developed but it did not discuss
agile adoption and improvement in any detail. The AAIM has been more recently
developed as a model that could be used together with 4-DAT for the adoption and

Proceedings European and Mediterranean Conference on Information Systems 2007 (EMCIS2007)

June 24-26 2007, Polytechnic University of Valencia, Spain
Pg 2- 2

improvement of an agile method rationally in a currently non-agile software development

organization. The AAIM helps to assess the current state, set goals and define a course
for the adoption and continuous improvement of an agile approach. The key to agile
success is to build on incremental success, project by project. This paper is organised as
follows: Section 2 describes the research methodology and the AAIM construction
process with a brief summary of our previous work in this context. Section 3 describes
the AAIM. Section 4 explains the enactment and the key features of the AAIM followed
by a conclusion in Section 5.

Research Methodology and Model Construction Process

The AAIM has been constructed by the application of an iterative, inductive and
interactional mechanism of data collection, instantaneous analysis and emergent
interpretation by using a Grounded Theory (Glaser and Strauss 1967; Strauss and Corbin
1990, Pandit 1996) research methodology. The extant frameworks, industrial reports and
case studies that have relevance to the emerging model, data and conceptual categories of
AAIM have been systematically selected, reviewed and analysed. This paper presents
version 1.0 of the AAIM which has been developed in three iterations. In each iteration,
the model has been reviewed and updated after the feedback and analysis of the data.
Here is a brief summary of the AAIM construction process (see Section 2.1).
The AAIM builds on previous work in agile software process assessment (Qumer
and Henderson-Sellers, 2006a, b), the concepts of agility and agile software development
methods (Henderson-Sellers and Serour 2005, Qumer and Henderson-Sellers 2006c,); the
concepts of an agile management approach (Anderson 2004), the concepts of an agile
software development organization (Chau and Maurer 2004), the concepts of an agile
approach in a large organization (Lindvall et al. 2004), the concepts of people-orientation
(Cockburn et al. 2001), the concepts of an agile way of documenting software (Dickerson
2004), the six agile values and the concepts of agile rationalization (Agile Manifesto
2001, Qumer and Henderson-Sellers 2006d).

The AAIM Construction Process

The following are the three main iterative steps or phases in constructing the Agile
Adoption and Improvement Model (AAIM): (1) data collection and coding, (2)
theoretical sampling and (3) model development (theory development). Figure 1 shows
this process.

Data Collection and Coding

Theoretical Sampling
Data Sources & Feedback:
Model Development 1. Industry and Researchers
2. Agile process assessments

Figure 1: AAIM Construction Process

Proceedings European and Mediterranean Conference on Information Systems 2007 (EMCIS2007)

June 24-26 2007, Polytechnic University of Valencia, Spain
Pg 2- 3

Data Collection and Coding

Data have been collected from different sources such as the existing agile frameworks
(e.g. Beck 2000, Baskerville and Pries-Heje 2001, Schwaber and Beedle 2002, Auer and
Miller 2002, DSDM 2003a,b, Aydin 2004 et al. 2004, Koch 2005), industrial agile
adoption case studies (e.g. Boehm and Turner 2003, Leffingwell and Muirhead 2004,
Nielsen and McMunn 2005, Leffingwell and Smits 2005, McMunn and Nielson 2005,
Smits 2006, Elssamadisy 2006, Pettit 2006a,b, Lawrence and Yslas 2006, Sliger 2006,
Gat and Martens 2006, Ambler 2006, Barnett 2006, Meadows and Hanly 2006, Qumer
and Henderson-Sellers 2007), and agile process assessment (Qumer and Henderson-
Sellers 2006a,b).
The “Open Coding” and “Theoretical Coding” (Glaser 1978) techniques have
been applied iteratively to identify the different categories and their properties; and then
to establish the relationship among them (identified categories). The main identified
categories are: flexibility, speed, responsiveness, communication-oriented, people-
oriented, executable-artifact, learning and lean.
The agile process assessment results and the interactions among the identified
categories/ concepts have been used to define the agile blocks and AAIM levels
(AAIML) (see in Section 3).

Theoretical Sampling
The “Theoretical Sampling” (Glaser and Strauss 1967) technique has been used to further
develop the properties of the categories in each agile block and agile adoption and
improvement model levels (Figure 2).

Model Development
Finally, the relationships and interactions among the different categories of grounded data
are used to develop the AAIM, in an iterative manner, which is then tested using the
collected data and feedback (arrows in Figure 1).

Agile Adoption and Improvement Model (version 1.0)

The AAIM (Figure 2) has been organized and ordered in three agile blocks, from basic to
advanced: an agile-prompt, an agile-crux and an agile-apex. At each block, the degree of
agility of an agile process is measured quantitatively by using the agility measurement
modelling approach (Qumer and Henderson-Sellers 2006a,b). Furthermore, the AAIM is
structured in six agile stages (from stage 1 to stage 6). These stages are embedded in the
three agile blocks. Each block and stage have a name and specify the agile practices to
follow in order to achieve the particular AAIM level (AAIML). The agile-prompt has the
AAIML 1: agile infancy. The agile-crux consists of the core of the AAIM levels, which
are AAIML 2: agile initial, AAIML 3: agile realization and AAIML 4: agile value.
Finally, the agile-apex block presents the AAIML 5: agile smart and the AAIML 6: agile
progress. Each level establishes the agile practices in the agile software development
process/method, which in turn enable the organization to achieve the desired AAIML
over the period of a time.

Proceedings European and Mediterranean Conference on Information Systems 2007 (EMCIS2007)

June 24-26 2007, Polytechnic University of Valencia, Spain
Pg 2- 4

Agile Block: Agile-Prompt

Agile-prompt is a point for an organization to start with a basic agile process practice for
software development. It consists of the AAIML 1 called agile infancy.

AAIML 1: agile infancy

At this level, a software development organization does not apply an agile method off-
the-shelf; rather, the focus of this level is only to introduce and establish the basic agile
properties (speed, flexibility and responsiveness) in a software development
process/method in practice. Speed enables the quick development of a quality useable
software product, a situation-specific emergent software process (agile practices from
various agile methods can be combined), a situation-specific emergent development
team(s) and a situation-specific emergent development environment (tools) and planning
(release planning and iteration planning) by using an iterative and an incremental test-
driven approach (test first); flexibility encourages the acceptance and accommodation of
changes (generated from an internal environment or by a customer) in a software product,
process, plan, development team(s) and development environment (new tools and
technology, tools configuration changes); and, finally, responsiveness refers to the fact
that not only does it become easy to accept the changes but the changes must be reflected
and visible. These are the three properties that establish a foundation to achieve the rest
of the agile levels as we cannot achieve them in one go.

Agile-block: Agile-Crux
The agile-crux block (core of the AAIM) consists of 3 levels. The focus of this block is
on the establishment of the key agile practices and properties in a software process /
method, which differentiate an agile process from a traditional software development
approach. The AAIM levels (in this block) are presented in the following sub-sections.

AAIML 2: Agile Initial

At this level of the AAIM, the focus is to enable the communication and collaboration
(communication-oriented) among the people by establishing good communication and
cooperation protocols within the organization (communication among/within the
development teams) and outside the organization (communication with customers and
with relevant organizations/stakeholders). It has been noticed that communication and
cooperation is very important for working with co-workers and establishing accurate
requirements and feedback from customers.

AAIML 3: Agile Realization

This level emphasizes the production of the executable artifacts with a minimal and
reduced documentation. The software documentation (non-executable) is used for
communication purposes and can be reduced by using other means of communications
(verbal or face-to-face communication) and tools. It has been observed that the
documentation (non-executable artifacts) can be reduced if there is a well-established
communication-oriented culture in the organization (as suggested by the AAIML 2). The
AAIML 1, 2 and 3 establish a platform to achieve AAIML 4.

Proceedings European and Mediterranean Conference on Information Systems 2007 (EMCIS2007)

June 24-26 2007, Polytechnic University of Valencia, Spain
Pg 2- 5

AAIML 4: Agile Value

At this level of AAIM, the practices are established and focused to value the people
(people-oriented) both within the organization (developers) and outside the organization
(customers) without ignoring the importance of the software development tools and
processes. We have observed and noticed that in an agile team, highly skilled people
should be indulged (as the agile developers are not only the developers but also the
decision makers and they are allowed to do whatever they want to do to achieve a desired
business value).
Agile Block: Agile-Apex
The agile-apex block consists of the AAIML 5 and 6. The focus is on the establishment
of a learning and quality production environment while consuming minimal possible
resources with overall continuous progress in the establishment of an agile environment.
The following are the details of these two levels. The consideration of the quality factor
does not mean that the rest of the levels do not care about the quality but, here, the stress
is to further reduce the production cost while maintaining or improving the production
quality (quality should not be compromised while reducing the production cost).

AAIML 5: Agile Smart

At this level, the focus is on the establishment of a learning environment. The learning of
the people (involve in a software development), software process (before, after and
during the execution of a software process), product (before, during and after the
production) and tools (the new tools and a technology) lead toward overall organization
learning and improvement.

AAIML 6: Agile Progress

At this level, the practices are focused on the establishment of a lean production
environment (the quality production with minimal resources and within a minimum
timeframe) and to keep the process agile.

Proceedings European and Mediterranean Conference on Information Systems 2007 (EMCIS2007)

June 24-26 2007, Polytechnic University of Valencia, Spain
Pg 2- 6

Agile Block: Agile-Apex AAIML 6: Lean Production, Keep Agile

• Quality production
AAIML 6: Agile Progress • Minimal possible resources
• Keep the process agile
AAIML 5: Agile Smart
AAIML 5: Learning
• Research and lesson learning
• Learning management
Agility Measurement Modelling • Application of the learnt lessons
AAIML 4: People-Oriented
• Value people
Agile Block: Agile-Crux • Do not ignore processes and tools
• Keep intact the valued-people
AAIML 4: Agile Value
AAIML 3: Executable Artifacts
AAIML 3: Agile Realization • Executable software versions
AAIML 2: Agile Initial • Minimal documentation
• Encourage Minimal documentation
AAIML 2: Communication-oriented
• Communication -focused
Agility Measurement Modelling
• Cooperative and Collaborative
• Face to face communication

Agile Block: Agile-Prompt AAIML 1: Speed, Flexibility, Responsive

• Iterative and incremental
AAIML 1: Agile Infancy • Encourage and accommodate change
• Reflect changes

Figure 2. Agile Adoption and Improvement Model

The AAIM Enactment and Key Features

The adoption and improvement of agile practices is a continuous and evolutionary
process and takes time, depending upon various factors. The AAIM is a method-
independent model that can guide a software development organization to adopt and
improve agile practices for a specific situation or project. We had applied AAIM on one
of our pilot projects (Qumer and Henderson-Sellers 2007) in the industry (a large
software development organization) and found that the success of the agile transition
substantially depends on the leading role of the CIO and executive management using
AAIM, Such a person should champion the adoption of agile methods and take the
responsibility for eliminating any impediments to effective development and delivery of
business value through agility. Agile practices could be adopted in different ways by
different organizations. The AAIM lays the groundwork for the implementation of agility
and the software development organization may tailor or customize AAIM according to
their local organizational structure, culture, size and development environment. The
transition to an agile software development practice is challenging and, therefore, it is a

Proceedings European and Mediterranean Conference on Information Systems 2007 (EMCIS2007)

June 24-26 2007, Polytechnic University of Valencia, Spain
Pg 2- 7

good idea to gradually introduce an agile approach in a traditional software development

environment/ organization. The results of the various agile adoption case studies have
been analysed and it has been noticed that an agile approach requires a different mindset,
process, people, environment and tools (Qumer and Henderson-Sellers 2006d) for the
successful implementation of an agile approach. The AAIM will help to establish such
an environment to successfully follow an agile approach. The AAIM can be used for the
assessment of a particular level of agility adoption and to advance to the next level. If the
assessment is positive, an organization may proceed with the next level. Otherwise, it
should stay at the same level for a specified period of a time as suggested by an assessor.
An IT consultant, agile coach, software engineering director, process manager or process
quality manager may use this model to introduce and assess an agile process/method for a
particular situation. The following are the key features of this model.
• The AAIM helps to assess how and how well an agile process/ method is (in
practice) is being followed within a software development organization.
• The AAIM helps to assess the current agile level of an organization.
• The AAIM helps to measure and assess (quantitatively) the degree of agility of a
software development process.
• The AAIM provides a roadmap for the establishment of a systematic agile
software development environment and the systematic use of agile practices within
that environment.
• The AAIM combines the concepts from both theory and practice (data and
feedback from both researchers and software industry).

This paper presents an overview of the Agile Adoption and Improvement Model version
1.0. The proposed AAIM has been developed to aid the introduction, assessment and
improvement of the agile software development approach (processes or methods) in a
software development organization. We have tested this model on one of our pilot
projects in industry. We applied this model to transform a large non-agile software
development organization to adopt an agile approach. In this pilot project (case study),
first the current state of the case study software company was assessed and then an agile
product-enhancement process (APEP: hybrid agile practices) was engineered rather than
a whole methodology. Secondly, the engineered process (APEP) was adopted by using
AAIM. Currently, the case study organization is operating at the AAIML 1 and is
successfully practising agile practices for the desired business value. In future, the
company is passionate to establish a communication-corporation and a less document-
oriented environment at a large scale, which will enable them to achieve AAIM level 2
and 3.The results of the case study (agile transition) highlighting two things: firstly, a
step-by-step approach may be considered reasonable for a gradual, successful agile
transition or adoption, rather than all at once, which may pose several risks and problems;
and, secondly, the appropriateness of agile practices for large and complex projects. We
intend to improve the model as we further proceed in our research and get feedback from
the software community.

Proceedings European and Mediterranean Conference on Information Systems 2007 (EMCIS2007)

June 24-26 2007, Polytechnic University of Valencia, Spain
Pg 2- 8

We wish to thank the Australian Research Council for financial support under the
Linkage Grants Scheme. This is a contribution number 07/07 of the Centre for Object
Technology Applications and Research (COTAR). We are also thankful to the people
from both the research community and the software industry who helped us with their
valuable feedback and experience.

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Proceedings European and Mediterranean Conference on Information Systems 2007 (EMCIS2007)

June 24-26 2007, Polytechnic University of Valencia, Spain

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