Catalog Hughes Brothers

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Hughes Brothers

Product Catalog
Every attempt has been made to ensure the accuracy of
the information presented in this product catalog. Product
specifications are subject to change at any time without
notice. In any instances where product information is not
presented accurately in this document, final consideration
is to be made by factory personnel.

Copyright ©2018 by Hughes Brothers, Incorporated

General Offices & Manufacturing:

P.O. Box 159
210 North 13th Street
Seward, Nebraska 68434
Phone (402) 643-2991
Fax (402) 643-2149

Printed in U.S.A.
Hughes Brothers, Inc.

Our facility is located in Seward, Nebraska with a satellite operation in Roseburg Oregon.

The four original Hughes brothers had a Corporate handle almost any size material. We operate our
mission statement before such statements were own wood preserving facility which is maintained
popular. "Produce the highest quality material, and operated completely in accordance with EPA
price it competitively and ship it on time" was the guidelines.
policy when the Company was founded in 1921, and
continues to be our daily guideline. The Hughes Engineering Department is the
beneficiary of years of full scale testing of
Early production was centered around wood hundreds of different transmission and distribution
products such as crossarms, braces, wood guy components and full scale structures. Additionally,
guards, and ground wire moulding. As the industry our association with the country's leading utility
grew so did Hughes Brothers, Inc. In the early 1940's, engineers has given us a unique background in the
pole line hardware and custom manufactured metal structural design of transmission and distribution
fittings and parts were added to the expanding products. We continue to offer this engineering
product line. Today, our factory houses a complete experience and expertise to the utility industry
wood, metal and fiberglass manufacturing operation. without obligation.

Hughes Brothers has always preferred to keep We hope this catalog illustrates the part or
all manufacturing "in-house". This includes component you require, but if not, please do
pultruding our own fiber reinforced polyester rod not hesitate to call our Engineering and/or Sales
for our fiberglass products. We have a versatile Departments for more information. Thank you
metal fabrication facility complete with our own for your interest in Hughes Brothers products and
galvanizing plant. Our wood working shops can services.

©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc.

ection A
Distribution Arms - Wood............. A-1 Braceless Arms/Dead Ends.... A-24
Dead End Assemblies................... A-14 Steel Dead Ends.......................... A-34
Crossarms & Dead
End Assemblies

ection B Crossarm Braces................................ B-1 Transmission...................................B-15

Special Purpose Braces.................B-11 Knee & Vee.............................B-18
ection C
S Guying Attachments........................ C-1 Brackets/Bayonets......................C-55

Pole Line Hardware

Pole Bands..........................................C-11 Pole Top Pins/Ridge Irons........C-83
Links/Guying Assemblies............C-22 Yoke Plates.................................... C-93
Pole/Crossarm/Spacer Fittings.C-36 Other Hardware..........................C-109
Section D Transformer Platforms....................D-1 Cutout & Arrestor Brackets.... D-30
Potholders........................................ D-14 Conduit Support Brackets....... D-36
Equipment Mounts Grates & Vault Covers..................D-20 Sports Field Lighting Brackets.D-41
Fiber Optic Cases......................... D-25 D
Section E Fastener Specifications.................. E-1 Studs.................................................E-29

Bolts...................................................... E-3 Nuts...................................................E-35
Threaded Rods............................... E-20 Washers...........................................E-38
U-Bolts/Links...................................E-26 Clevis/Turnbuckles......................E-48

Section F Guy Strain Insulators....................... F-2 Braces...............................................F-49

Fiberglass Products
Pole Top Pins/Jumper Pins..........F-10 Down Leads.................................. F-50
Brackets..............................................F-15 Phase Spacers...............................F-56
Transmission Crossarms..............F-42 Miscellaneous Brackets.............F-59
Cantilever Arms..............................F-47

Section G
Davit Arms G
Section H
Structure Reframing H
Section I
Lighting Poles
& Sign Posts
ection J
S General Engineering.........................J-1 Double Arm Assemblies............. J-15

Transmission Design
Structural Analysis........................... J-4 Davit Arm vs Post Insulator...... J-16
Pole Dimensions............................... J-11 Testing............................................... J-18
Stresses in Down Guys.................. J-14 Tower Configurations................. J-22

Distribution Arms-Wood................ A-1
Dead End Assemblies....................A-14
Braceless Arms/Dead Ends.......A-24
Steel Dead Ends............................ A-34
Crossarms & dead end assemblies A

Hughes Brothers manufactures Douglas-fir crossarms
to a large variety of specifications and cross-sectional

Crossarms, 4" x 5"

dimensions. This section is intended to help the user
decide which crossarm specification is best suited to

and smaller
the application at hand.


1) Utility Specifications:
Hughes Brothers, Inc. can manufacture crossarms in
accordance with any utility specification using material
which has been pre-graded to WCLIB Paragraph 170
and 170a. Crossarms are also routinely manufactured
in accordance with ANSI 05.3, RUS 1728H-701 and the
old RUS DT-5B and EEI specification TD-90.

2) RUS Specification:
Unless specified otherwise, Hughes Brothers lumber-
graders will apply the provisions of RUS 1728H-701 as the
minimum acceptable quality of wood crossarm for any
crossarm purchased. An overview of this specification
is given later in this section.

Hughes Brothers Crossarms are identified by RED ENDS

Choice of structural materials:
Hughes Brothers, Inc. offers distribution crossarms made
from solid sawn Douglas-fir, glue laminated wood in ac-
cordance with ANSI 05.2. By making all types of crossarms
available, the customer can make the best choice based
on economic and other factors present at that time.

©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc. A-1

A Crossarms & dead end assemblies
The following photographs and descriptions illustrate some of the naturally occuring properties of
solid sawn wood which must be limited to ensure a certain average design stress is attained.

Rate of Growth
Close grain is defined as an aver-
age of approximately 6 rings per Pitch
inch, but not more than approxi-
mately 30 annual rings per inch Pockets
on either one end of the piece or A pitch pocket is a
the other. In Douglas-fir, pieces pitch filled, well de-
averaging 5 rings or more than fined opening be-
30 rings per inch are accepted tween the rings of an-
as close grain if averaging 1/3 or nual growth which develops during the growth of the tree.
more summerwood. Pitch pockets are limited according to WCLIB Standard
No. 17 to two small (1/16" x 6", 1/8" x 4" or 1/4" x 2") on
the top face and three medium (1/16" x 12", 1/8" x 8" or
3/8" x 4") on all other faces.

Seasoning Checks
Checks are defined as a separa-
tion of the wood normally occur- Rot
ing across or through the rings of Rot, dote or red heart
annual growth and usually as the will not be permitted.
result of seasoning.

Slope of Grain
Slope of grain is the
deviation of the wood
fiber from a line paral-
lel to the edge of the
piece. The deviation
Knots are the por-
is expressed as a ratio of 1 inch per unit of length. Ex-
tion of a branch or
amples are 1 inch in 12 inches, 1 inch in 10 inches, etc.
limb which has be-
Hughes crossarms are limited to a slope of grain of 1 in
come incorporated
12 in the center one third of the arm and 1 in 10 in the
into a piece of lumber during the growth of the tree. Each
outer sections. Twenty percent of a lot may have a slope
utility specification has differing knot and knot location
of grain of 1 in 10 for the entire arm.
restrictions. In general, knots under 3/8" in diameter are
pin knots and not considered. Knots are measured by
averaging the least dimension of the knot on both faces.
If the knot appears on one face only, the average would
Free of Heart be the measured dimension divided by two.
Center (FOHC or
Boxed Heart)
FOHC means without pith.
All Douglas-fir crossarms
are manufactured FOHC on
one end of the timber and no more than 1/4 of the length
of the timber may show any heart on occasional pieces.

A-2 ©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc.

Crossarms & dead end assemblies A

Wane is the loss of
wood on the corner of Sapwood
the piece due to bark Sapwood in excess of 25% in
or any other cause. It volume of total arm will not be
is limited to 1/2" mea- permitted.
sured diagonally.

Warp Shakes
Warp exceeding 1/2 inch for crossarms 6 ft or less in
Shake is the lengthwise separa-
length, 3/4 inch for crossarms 8 ft or less in length, and
tion of the wood which occurs
1 inch for crossarms 10 ft or less in length. The warp
between or through the rings
shall be determined by measuring the offset between
of annual growth. True shake,
the crossarm and a straight-edge laid lengthwise on the
where separation is evident, is
concave face of the crossarm.

Inspection and acceptance may be made either at the
Worm Holes point of manufacture or upon delivery of the finished
Worm holes or piec- product. Hughes Brothers shall give to the purchaser or
es containing dead his representative such access to the plant during work-
wood will not be ing hours as is reasonable and necessary to determine
permitted. the suitability of material to be supplied. Hughes Broth-
ers shall also furnish all necessary apparatus, labor and
other facilities for making the tests herein called for with-
out cost to the purchaser. Waiving of inspection shall
Seasoning not relieve the manufacturer from obligation to furnish
Crossarms shall be made of material in accordance with their specification.
thoroughly seasoned timber.
The average moisture content
of any lot of untreated arms
shall not be less than 12%
nor more than 19% and no
piece shall exceed 25% as
determined by approved re-
sistance type moisture meter
on oven dry weight.

©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc. A-3

A Crossarms & dead end assemblies

Overview of RUS Bulletin 1728H-701

RUS Specification 1728H-701 describes the minimum B. Knots — Only sound, firm and tight knots are al-
acceptable quality of wood crossarms permitted to be lowed if well spaced.
purchased by or for RUS borrowers and the plans of
procurement under which they may be purchased.
Material Requirements:
Results of Treatments:
A. Material and Grade — All crossarms furnished
under this specification shall be free of brashy wood, Penetration — The penetration shall be no less than 3
cracks, decay, and insect holes larger than 3/32 of an inches from the end surfaces and from any pin and bolt
inch, shall meet additional requirements as shown on holes, and at least 3/16 inch from the surface of any
specific drawings, and shall be made of: face for Douglas-fir heartwood.

Douglas-fir - conforming to the provisions of Select When testing penetration, a borer core shall be taken
Structural as described in paragraphs 169, 169a, 170 from not less than 20 crossarms in each treating
and 170a, Standard Grading Rules for West Coast charge. The borings shall be taken from the side or
Lumber. All references to Douglas-fir shall be that of bottom of the crossarms and should be taken in the
coastal origin. end sections beyond the brace bolt holes. The bored
holes shall be plugged with preservative treated plugs
All laminated crossarms and structural timbers shall driven into the arm. Borings from laminated arms shall
meet the requirements of ANSI 05.2. not be taken from the same laminate unless there is an
end joint separation. The retention of pentachlorophe-
nol shall be no less than 0.4 pounds per cubic foot.
Distribution Arms
No knot allowed within 1 knot All crossarms shall be branded legibly to a depth of
diameter to pole approximately 1/16 inch before treatment.
mounting hole. The letters and figures shall be not
Top One Half less than 1/2 inch in height.
3/4" max. knot close grain
1" max. knot dense grain

Bottom One Half

1" max. knot close grain Ou
1-1/4" max. knot dense grain ed

1-1/4" max. knot close grain
1-1/2" max. knot dense grain

A-4 ©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc.

Crossarms & dead end assemblies A

Marking & Specifications

The brand shall include:
1) The manufacturer’s identifying symbol
2) Month and year of manufacture
3) Species of timber, i.e. DF for Douglas-fir
4) Preservative, i.e. P for Penta
5) Indication of preservative retention
6) WQC - Wood Quality Control program, if applicable.

The following drawings for distribution arms are in

accordance with RUS specification M-19.

Type 01
Part # B2391.19D

Type 02
6" Part # AS2550.27C

Sizes of Holes
" Nominal Go No Go
A 11/16" 5/8" 3/4"
B 7/16" 3/8" 1/2"
C 9/16" 1/2" 5/8"
Cross section tolerances
plus 1/8" or minus 0"

©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc. A-5

A Crossarms & dead end assemblies

Sizes of Holes
Nominal Go No Go
A 11/16" 5/8" 3/4"
B 7/16" 3/8" 1/2"
C 9/16" 1/2" 5/8"

Type 03
Catalog #

1' 6
Type 04
Catalog #

Type 05 "
Catalog # -1/2
1' 6

A-6 ©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc.

Crossarms & dead end assemblies A

CFO Voltage
(Hughes Brothers does not guarantee electrical characteristics of wood products. Values
shown are typical and are intended for reference purposes only. Results are greatly
dependent upon moisture content.)

Electrical Properties of Crossarms

Condition No. 1 ft 2 ft 3 ft 4 ft
Table 1
Critical flashover voltage of 1 224 368 529 603
Dry 2 231 356 - -
Douglas-fir wood crossarm, 3 225 396 - -
in kV Avg. 227 373 529 603

1 202 321 411 487
Wet 2 202 - - -
3 207 - - -
Avg. 204 321 411 487

Wet/Dry Avg. 0.90 0.86 0.78 0.81

Typical measured results of critical flashover voltages are presented in Table 1

Calculated average CFO strength based on

Table 1 is presented in Table 2.
CFO Strength
Table 2 Material Condition 1 ft 2 ft 3 ft 4 ft
Average critical flashover
A Dry 227 187 176 151
strength of wood crossarm, Wet 204 161 137 122
in kV/ft

Table 3
Added CFO by Second Component Wood
Summary of added CFO
No. Basic Insulation Length 0-2 ft Length 2-4 ft
by wood crossarm
I Porcelain Insulator
1. Pin-Type
Dry Condition 100 kV/ft 130 kV/ft
Results are greatly Wet Condition 70 kV/ft -
dependent on the 2. Suspension Insulator
moisture content of the a) Vertical Position
Dry Condition 130 kV/ft 100 kV/ft
crossarm. Wet Condition 100 kV/ft -
b) Horizontal Position
Dry Condition 130 kV/ft -
Wet Condition 50 kV/ft -

II Polymer Insulator
1. Suspension Insulator
a) Vertical Position
Dry Condition 170 kV/ft 140 kV/ft
Wet Condition 50 kV/ft 50 kV/ft
d) Horizontal Position
Dry Condition 150 kV/ft 130 kV/ft
Wet Condition 90 kV/ft 90 kV/ft

Source: IEEE Transactions, Vol. 6, no. 1 Jan '91 Jacob, Grzybowski, Ross

©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc. A-7

A Crossarms & dead end assemblies

Ordering Information
Common Cross Sections
• 3-1/4" x 4-1/4"
• 3-1/2" x 4-1/2"
• 3-5/8" x 4-5/8"
• 3-3/4" x 4-3/4"

Governing Specification
Hughes Brothers will produce to any industry specification.

Corners rounded with 3/8" radius.

Treating will be performed in accordance with AWPA ( American Wood Preservers Assoc.) standard C25-92
(Solid Sawn), C28-91 (Glue Laminated) with retention levels between 0.2 and 0.8 pounds per cubic foot of
dry penta. Treating results are verified by Asoma™ analysis immediately following processing.

All arms can be incised when specified.

Boring / Drilling
For REA drilling simply reference the arm cross section, length and drilling type number. Other drilling
configurations are available. For custom drilling requirements the following information is necessary.

Arm Size . . . . . . . . . . W = _____Width (top face) Pole Through Bolt . . . T = _____Pole Through Bolt Hole Diameter
D = _____Depth (side face) Double Arming Bolt . . _____Holes Required? Y (yes) N (no)
L = _____Overall Length A = _____End Distance
Pin Holes . . . . . . . . . . . . _____Number of Pin Holes DA = _____Bolt Hole Diameter W
P = _____Pin Hole Diameter
C = _____Center Spacing S
E = _____End Distance S
S = _____Side Spacing
Brace Bolt Hole . . . . B
B = _____Brace Bolt Hole Diameter
B = _____Brace Bolt Spacing C
_____Specify Orientation: V (vertical) H (horizontal)



A-8 ©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc.

Crossarms & dead end assemblies A

Hughes Brothers has long recognized the advantage of treating exposed fibers of wood components of utility
structures. Treated wood framing components have in some areas extended the life span of the components to
fifty years. Hughes Brothers uses a proprietary, non-evaporating P9 oil as a carrier for the Pentachlorophenol in the
pressure treatment process. The final color after treatment is shade 5 or lighter according to standard color charts.

Industry Standards
AWPA P8-05, use category UC3B Sawn products - preservative treatment by pressure processes.

ANSI 05.2 Specifications for wood products - structural glue laminated timber for
utility structures.

ANSI 05.3 Specifications and dimensions - solid sawn wood crossarms and braces.

REA 1728H-701 Specification for wood crossarms (solid and laminated), transmission
timbers and pole keys.

Hughes Brothers has two pressure treating

retorts, 40’-0” and 65’-0” in length.

Incising is a process where small incisions are made
along all faces of the crossarms. The benefits of
incising are to aid in the penetration of preservative
treatment and to relieve surface tension of the wood
fiber, thus reducing the possibility of surface checks.

Hughes Brothers incising machines can handle

pieces up to 6” x 12”.

©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc. A-9

A Crossarms & dead end assemblies

Hughes Brothers manufactures transmission crossarms to a variety of specifications and cross-sectional

dimensions. This section is intended to help the end user determine which transmission crossarm is best
suited for the application at hand.

Industry Standards
ANSI 05.2 Specifications for wood products - structural glue laminated timber for utility structures.

ANSI 05.3 Specifications and dimensions - solid sawn wood crossarms and braces.

RUS 1728H-701 Specification for wood crossarms (solid and laminated), transmission
timbers and pole keys.

Common Cross Sectional Sizes

Solid Sawn 3-1/2” x 4-1/2” 3-3/4” x 4-3/4”
3-3/4” x 5-3/4” 3-5/8” x 7-1/2”
4-5/8” x 5-5/8” 3-5/8” x 9-1/2”
5-1/2” x 7-1/2”(*)

*Suggest use of glue laminated due to availability and quality issues.

Glue Laminated 3-1/8” x 7-1/2” 3-1/8” x 9”

(standard sizes) 5-1/8” x 6” 5-1/8” x 7-1/2”
5-1/8” x 9” 5-1/8” x 10-1/2”
6-3/4” x 6” 6-3/4” x 7-1/2”
6-3/4” x 9” 6-3/4” x 10-1/2”

Glue Laminated 3-5/8” x 7-1/2” 3-5/8” x 9-1/2”

(special sizes) 3-5/8” x 11-1/2” 4-3/4” x 5-3/4”
5-1/2” x 7-1/2” 6” x 8”

NOTE: Virtually any cross sectional size and length combination, as well as cambered
units, are available in glue laminated crossarms.

Steel Tubes 6” x 4” x 3/16”

(common sizes) 6” x 4” x 1/4”
6” x 2” x 3/16”
8” x 6” x 1/4”
8" x 2" x 3/16"

(Available in A500 Grade B galvanized or A847 self-weathering.)

A-10 ©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc.

Crossarms & dead end assemblies A

Double Arm H-Frame Transmission

Arm Assemblies - Tangent
Hughes Brothers is capable of supplying your H-Frame Transmission double arm assemblies in solid sawn, or
laminated coastal douglas fir as well as galvanized or weathering steel tube. All double arm assemblies are pre-
assembled in an efficient factory environment using crews of highly experienced assembly personnel. This is much
more cost effective than paying construction crews to assemble these components in less than adequate conditions.

Pole Spacing

Arm Separation
a. 8 1/2" to 12 1/2"
Phase spacing Phase spacing b. 10 1/2" to 14 1/2"
c. 12 1/2" to 16 1/2"
Mounting bolt
holes (2 places)

How to Order/Specify:
Hughes Brothers welcomes your own drawings for transmission double arm assemblies and will supply
as directed. If you do not have such details, complete the following fields and supply this information
when ordering.

Arm Size (see page A-10 for typical sizes)

W = _________ width, top face
D = _________ depth, side face
L = _________ length, generally 2 x phase spacing + 1'0" (6" each end)
T = _________ wall thickness (steel tube only)

Holes and Spacing (holes typically 1/16" over bolt size)

Phase Spacing = __________ Pole Spacing = __________
Mounting Bolt Holes = __________ Arm Separation = _____________

©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc. A-11

A Crossarms & dead end assemblies

Single Arm H-Frame Transmission Arms

Hughes Brothers is capable of supplying your H-Frame Transmission single arms in solid sawn, or laminated
coastal douglas fir (see page A-13 for steel arms).

gth eS
n as
9/16" Split
Bolt Hole
(3 places)
ng Mounting
paci Bolt Holes
as eS
Ph (2 places)
le Sp

Eyebolt Holes
(3 places)

How to Order/Specify:
Hughes Brothers welcomes your own drawings for transmission arms and will supply as directed. If you do
not have such details, complete the following fields and supply this information when ordering.

Arm Size (see page A-10 for typical sizes)

W = _________ width, top face
D = _________ depth, side face
L = _________ length, generally 2 x phase spacing + 1'0" (6" each end)

Holes and Spacing (holes typically 1/16" over bolt size)

Phase Spacing = __________
Pole Spacing = __________
Mounting Bolt Holes = __________
Eyebolt holes = _____________

A-12 ©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc.

Crossarms & dead end assemblies A

Steel Single Arm H-Frame Transmission Arms

Hughes Brothers is capable of supplying your H-Frame Transmission single arms in
galvanized or weathering steel tube. Galvanized steel tubes are manufactured from
steel conforming to ASTM A500 grade B. Weathering steel tube arms are
manufactured from ASTM A847 steel tube.

pacin W
gth s eS
Len Pha

s eS

Pole S

How to Order/Specify:
Hughes Brothers welcomes your own drawings for steel transmission arms and will
supply as directed. It is generally best to consult the Engineering personnel at
Hughes Brothers since there are many options on steel transmission arms.

©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc. A-13

A Crossarms & dead end assemblies

Double Arm Dead

End Assemblies
Hughes Brothers 2890 Series Double Arm Dead End
Assemblies are furnished factory assembled. Each
unit is supplied with assembled double arms, braces,
brace & arm mounting bolts, washers, nuts & locknuts,
ready for field installation.

Hughes Brothers factory assembled dead ends are

stronger than conventional dead ends. Hughes
Brothers lumber graders carefully select each wood
member in the assembly. The following chart enables
the engineer to select a dead end assembly of known
strength rating for the specific loading conditions. (See
the comparison of the strength of Hughes Brothers
Double Arm Dead End versus conventional dead end
assemblies.) As with all Hughes Brothers wood
products, special attention is given to all timber connec-
tions to ensure that timber shrinkage over time does
not result in radio frequency interference.

Conventional Hughes 2890

Double Arms Double Arms

A-14 ©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc.

Crossarms & dead end assemblies A

Buckarm vs. Hughes Dead End

Buckarm Type Hughes Type

Weaker Stronger

Hughes Dead End Strength
• 3.5" x 4.5" Crossarm used in both situations
• 13/16" Thru holes for bolts
• Fiber Stress, f=7400 psi d1 -13/16" Thru Bolt Hole
• 8 ft. arm, all loads concentrated at ends of arm, 44" b
from center S = b(d3 - d13)
• Ultimate Moment = fiber stress x section modulus d
M=P(lbs.) x Dist(in.) = f(lb/in2) x S(in3)

SHughes = 3.5 (4.53 - .833)

Buckarm Strength Calculations 6 (4.5)

b 13/16" Thru Bolt Hole

=11.74 in.3
S = b•d2 - Bolt Hole
d P= f•s = (7400lb/in.2)(11.74 in.3) = 1975 lbs.
dist. 44in
S Buckarm= (4.5)(3.5)2 - Bolt Hole P= 1975 lb. for each stick times 2 sticks
6 (2)(P) = (2)(1975) = 3950 lbs
=(4.5)(3.5)2 - (.813)(3.5)2

6 6
=7.53 in. 3 Conclusion:
P = f•s = (7400lb./in2)(7.53in3) = 1266 lbs. The Hughes type dead end is stronger because:
dist 44in. 1) Section modulus is greater when timbers are
P =1255 lbs. for each stick times 3 sticks of wood oriented as in the Hughes dead end.
(3)(P) = (3)(1266) = 3798 lbs 2) Bolt holes are through center of gravity of arms.

©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc. A-15

A Crossarms & dead end assemblies

2890 Double Arm

Completed, packaged assembly contains:
Dead End
1 - Double Arm Assembly
1 - Pair 2045 Braces
All Mounting Hardware



13/16" Hole EN70 3/4"

Eye Nut

3/4" Bolt

11/16" Hole

Arm Length A B C
6'-0" 1'-9" 10" 2'-7"
8'-0" 2'-4" 1'-3" 3'-7"
10'-0" 2'-4" 2'-3" 4'-7"

See chart on page A18 for
maximum load "P3 or P4"

A-16 ©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc.

Crossarms & dead end assemblies A

2892 Double
Arm Dead End
Completed, packaged assembly for 2892 contains:
1 - Double Arm Assembly
1 - Pair Braces
All Mounting Hardware


AS2277 Clevis
15/16" Link

Bolt &


7/8" Bolt

15/16" Hole

Arm Length A B C
6'-0" - - 2'-7"
8'-0" 2'-4" 1'-3" 3'-7"
10'-0" 2'-4" 2'-3" 4'-7"
12'-0" 3'-9" 1'-10" 5'-7"

See chart on page A-18 for
maximum load "P3 or P4"

©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc. A-17

A Crossarms & dead end assemblies

P3* Calculated Ordering and Strength Charts

3-Wire Ultimate Strength
Per Attachment (lbs) Arm Size Brace Number Spacing Drop

2890-J• 5,800 3-1/2" x 4-1/2" x 6'-0" 2045-AB45-9-11 37" 18.5"
2890-K 7,000 3-3/4" x 4-3/4" x 6'-0" 2045-D45-9-11 58" 31"
2890-L 10,000 3-3/4" x 5-3/4" x 6'-0" 2045-D45-9-11 58" 31"
2890-M 13,000 4-3/4" x 5-3/4" x 6'-0" 2045-D45-9-11 58" 31"

2890-A• 4,300 3-1/2" x 4-1/2" x 8'-0" 2045-CC30-9-11 60" 18"

2890-F 5,000 3-3/4" x 4-3/4" x 8'-0" 2045-D45-9-11 60" 30"
2890-B• 7,500 3-3/4" x 5-3/4" x 8'-0" 2045-D45-9-11 60" 30"
2890-G 9,500 4-3/4" x 5-3/4" x 8'-0" 2045-D45-9-11 60" 30"
2892-A• 12,200 3-5/8" x 7-1/2" x 8'-0" 2045-D45-9-11 60" 30"

2890-C 4,000 3-3/4" x 4-3/4" x 10'-0" 2045-E45-9-11 72" 36"

2890-E 6,000 3-3/4" x 5-3/4" x 10'-0" 2045-E45-9-11 72" 36"
2890-H 7,400 4-3/4" x 5-3/4" x 10'-0" 2045-E45-9-11 72" 36"

2892-B• 9,500 3-5/8" x 7-1/2" x 10'-0" 2045-E45-9-11 72" 36"

2892-D 11,800 3-5/8" x 8-1/2" x 10'-0" 2045-E45-9-11 72" 36"

B2218-B 14,600 3-5/8" x 9-1/2" x 10'-0" 2017BB48PR 72" 31"

B2218-J3 12,000 3-5/8" x 9-1/2" x 12'-0" 2016GB54.6PR 86" 33-1/2"

P4* Calculated
4-Wire Ultimate Strength
Per Attachment (lbs) Arm Size Brace Number Spacing Drop

2890-J4 4,400 3-1/2" x 4-1/2" x 6'-0" 2045-AB45-9-11 37" 18.5"

2890-K4 5,300 3-3/4" x 4-3/4" x 6'-0" 2045-D45-9-11 58" 31"
2890-L4 7,800 3-3/4" x 5-3/4" x 6'-0" 2045-D45-9-11 58" 31"
2890-M4 9,900 4-3/4" x 5-3/4" x 6'-0" 2045-D45-9-11 58" 31"

2890-A4 3,000 3-1/2" x 4-1/2" x 8'-0" 2045-D45-9-11 60" 30"

2890-F4 3,400 3-3/4" x 4-3/4" x 8'-0" 2045-D45-9-11 60" 30"
2890-B4 5,500 3-3/4" x 5-3/4" x 8'-0" 2045-D45-9-11 60" 30"
2890-G4 7,000 4-3/4" x 5-3/4" x 8'-0" 2045-D45-9-11 60" 30"
2892-A4 8,600 3-5/8" x 7-1/2" x 8'-0" 2045-D45-9-11 60" 30"

2890-C4 2,600 3-3/4" x 4-3/4" x 10'-0" 2045-E45-9-11 72" 36"

2890-E4 3,900 3-3/4" x 5-3/4" x 10'-0" 2045-E45-9-11 72" 36"
2890-H4 5,000 4-3/4" x 5-3/4" x 10'-0" 2045-E45-9-11 72" 36"

2892-B4 6,000 3-5/8" x 7-1/2" x 10'-0" 2045-E45-9-11 72" 36"

2892-D4 7,800 3-5/8" x 8-1/2" x 10'-0" 2045-E45-9-11 72" 36"

B2218-B4 9,800 3-5/8" x 9-1/2" x 10'-0" 2017BB48PR 72" 31"

B2218-J8 9,060 3-5/8" x 9-1/2" x 12'-0" 2016GB54.6PR 86" 33-1/2"

*Note: As a minimum these strengths should meet or exceed the maximum design tension of the wire times an overload
capacity factor of 2.54 (Load factor = 1.65, Material Strength Factor = 0.65).

A-18 ©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc.

Crossarms & dead end assemblies A

2891 Dead End Assembly (H-Frame Const.)

Arm Size
Ordering Information Specification Requirements W D Code
2891A 3-126-150 3-5/8" 7-1/2" A
1. Phase Spacing
Phase Spacing (inches) 3-5/8" 8-1/2" B
2. Pole Spacing
Pole Spacing (inches) 3-5/8" 9-1/2" C
3. Load Requirements
Number of Wires 5-5/8" 7-1/2" D
(These will determine D&W) 5-1/8" 7-1/2" E
Arm Size Code
3-1/8" 10-1/2" F
5-1/8" 10-1/2" G
5-1/8" 9" H

©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc. A-19

A Crossarms & dead end assemblies

2890 / 2892 Dead End with 42,000 lb. Guying Kit

To order a 2892 dead end
assembly and guying hardware
(42,000 lb ultimate) in one of
three variations, the appropriate
suffix, G1, G2 or G2A is added
to the dead end part number.
These suffixes can be used on
2890's as well, only if 2890 has
a "G" suffix.

Ordering Example: 2892-A G2

Guying Hardware
Dead End Type

3171 Link
2817 Dead
End Tee

(2) 3173 Links B103-1/2-2-1/2 Bolt, 2817-D

MF100 Dead End
28083 Roller Tee
7/8" Bolts (2) 3173 Links

28083 Roller

G1 Suffix

B103-1/2-2-1/2 Bolt,
B103-1/2-2-1/2 Bolt,
2817 Dead End Tee MF100 2817-D
Dead End
(2) 3159 Twisted Links (2) 3155 Links Tee
B104-1/2-2-1/4 Bolt, B104-1/2-2-1/4 Bolt,
MF100, (2) 28083 Rollers MF100 (2) 28083 Rollers

G2A Suffix G2 Suffix

A-20 ©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc.

Crossarms & dead end assemblies A

B2358-C 32,000 lb
3108._ Pole Band*
Guying Assembly Kits
The following pole band guying assemblies
are used frequently in conjunction with 2890 or
3154 Links 2892 dead end assemblies.

28082 Roller Each guying kit provides an ultimate guy rating

of 32,000 lbs.

Dead end assemblies purchased separately.

Pole Straight Links, Straight Links, Twisted Links,

Diameter One Roller Two Rollers Two Rollers
7"-10" B2358.5C1 B2358.5C2 B2358.5C2A
B2358-C1 9"-12" B2358.6C1 B2358.6C2 B2358.6C2A
Guying Hardware for
11"-14" B2358.7C1 B2358.7C2 B2358.7C2A
a single down guy.
13"-16" B2358.8C1 B2358.8C2 B2358.8C2A
15"-18" B2358.9C1 B2358.9C2 B2358.9C2A
3108._ Pole Band* 17"-20" B2358.10C1 B2358.10C2 B2358.10C2A
19"-22" B2358.11C1 B2358.11C2 B2358.11C2A
3154 Links 21"-24" B2358.12C1 B2358.12C2 B2358.12C2A
28082 Roller
7/8"x3" Bolt, MF80

Double Guy with
Twisted Links
Double Guying 3108._ Pole Band*

3159 Twisted Links

3108._ Pole Band*
2-28082 Rollers
3154 Links 7/8"x4" Bolt, MF80

2-28082 Rollers
7/8"x4" Bolt, MF80
* Pole Bands must be sized to fit pole.

©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc. A-21

A Crossarms & dead end assemblies

B2358-D 42,000 lb
2817 Dead End Tee
Guying Assembly
Links Kits
Roller The three guying assemblies shown on this page
are used frequently in conjunction with 2892 & 3377
dead end assemblies. Each guying kit provides an
ultimate guy rating of 42,000 lbs.

Dead end assemblies purchased separately.

Guying Hardware for
a single down guy

Bolt, Locknut B2358-D2A
2817-15 Tee Double Guy with
Twisted Links
28083 Roller
B103-1/2-2-1/2 Bolt,
B103-1/2-2-1/2 Bolt,
2817-15 Tee
3159 Twisted Links
2- 28083 Rollers
B105-3 Bolt,
Double Guy
B103-1/2-2-1/2 Bolt,
2817-15 Tee
3155 Links

2-28083 Rollers
B105-3 Bolt,

A-22 ©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc.

Crossarms & dead end assemblies A

B2358-F 42,000 lb Guying Assembly Kits


3107 Pole Band

(Sized to fit pole) 3155 Links

B103 1/2-2, 1" x 3-1/2" 28083 Roller

Bolt with MF100 Locknut



3107 Pole
Band (sized
to fit pole)

3155 Links 3107 Pole

B105-3, 1" x 5" Band (sized
2- 28083 Bolt w/ MF100 to fit pole)
Rollers Locknut 3159 Twisted
B105-3, 1" x 5"
2- 28083 Bolt w/ MF100
Rollers Locknut

Pole Straight Links, Straight Links, Twisted Links,

Diameter One Roller Two Rollers Two Rollers
8"-10" B2358.5F1 B2358.5F2 B2358.5F2A
10"-12" B2358.6F1 B2358.6F2 B2358.6F2A
12"-14" B2358.7F1 B2358.7F2 B2358.7F2A
14"-16" B2358.8F1 B2358.8F2 B2358.8F2A
16"-18" B2358.9F1 B2358.9F2 B2358.9F2A
18"-20" B2358.10F1 B2358.10F2 B2358.10F2A

©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc. A-23

A Crossarms & dead end assemblies

2894 Narrow Profile

Dead End Arm
The Hughes Brothers 2894 braceless dead end
arm is shipped completely assembled with eye
nuts and optional take-off link. For wider phase
spacing, consider the Hughes Brothers 3377
dead end arm. Pole mounting bolts ordered

5/8" Mounting Bolts Ordered


Take-Off Link Option

Arm Mounting 5/8" Eye Nut
Bracket 13/16"
5/8" Washer
Head Bolt

Phase Spacing 3"
To order the 2894-A, B, C
or D units complete with (2)
take-off links add "L"
Example: 2894-AL30

Equipment Link Option

Ordering Example:
2894 - A L 42
Phase Spacing To order the 2894-A, B, C or D units
Link Option, if Desired complete with (2) equipment links
Stock No., See Chart add "EL" Example: 2894-AEL30

A-24 ©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc.

Crossarms & dead end assemblies A

2894 Dimensions and Strengths

Calculated Ultimate Calculated Ultimate

Phase “D” Arm “W” Arm “S” Bolt Longitudinal Strength Per Vertical Strength Per
Stock No. Spacing Depth Width Spacing Attachment - Balanced Attachment - Balanced

2894-A36 3'-0" 3 3/4" 5 3/4" 6" 9,180 Lbs. 5,000 Lbs.

2894-A42 3'-6" 3 3/4" 5 3/4" 6" 7,870 Lbs. 4,800 Lbs.
2894-A48 4'-0" 3 3/4" 5 3/4" 6" 6,890 Lbs. 4,130 Lbs.
2894-A54 4'-6" 3 3/4" 5 3/4" 6" 6,120 Lbs. 3,635 Lbs.
2894-A60 5'-0" 3 3/4" 5 3/4" 6" 5,510 Lbs. 3,240 Lbs.
2894-A66 5'-6" 3 3/4" 5 3/4" 6" 5,000 Lbs. 2,925 Lbs.

2894-B36 3'-0" 3 1/2" 4 1/2" 6" 5,250 Lbs. 3,770 Lbs.

2894-B42 3'-6" 3 1/2" 4 1/2" 6" 4,000 Lbs. 3,170 Lbs.
2894-B48 4'-0" 3 1/2" 4 1/2" 6" 3,940 Lbs. 2,735 Lbs.
2894-B54 4'-6" 3 1/2" 4 1/2" 6" 3,500 Lbs. 2,400 Lbs.
2894-B60 5'-0" 3 1/2" 4 1/2" 6" 3,150 Lbs. 2,140 Lbs.
2894-B66 5'-6" 3 1/2" 4 1/2" 6" 2,860 Lbs. 1,930 Lbs.

2894-C36 3'-0" 4 3/4" 5 3/4" 8" 11,630 Lbs. 5,000 Lbs.

2894-C42 3'-6" 4 3/4" 5 3/4" 8" 9,970 Lbs. 5,000 Lbs.
2894-C48 4'-0" 4 3/4" 5 3/4" 8" 8,725 Lbs. 5,000 Lbs.
2894-C54 4'-6" 4 3/4" 5 3/4" 8" 7,755 Lbs. 5,000 Lbs.
2894-C60 5'-0" 4 3/4" 5 3/4" 8" 6,980 Lbs. 5,000 Lbs.
2894-C66 5'-6" 4 3/4" 5 3/4" 8" 6,345 Lbs. 4,690 Lbs.

2894-D36 3'-0" 3 3/4" 4 3/4" 6" 6,260 Lbs. 4,600 Lbs.

2894-D42 3'-6" 3 3/4" 4 3/4" 6" 5,370 Lbs. 3,870 Lbs.
2894-D48 4'-0" 3 3/4" 4 3/4" 6" 4,700 Lbs. 3,330 Lbs.
2894-D54 4'-6" 3 3/4" 4 3/4" 6" 4,170 Lbs. 2,930 Lbs.
2894-D60 5'-0" 3 3/4" 4 3/4" 6" 3,760 Lbs. 2,610 Lbs.
2894-D66 5'-6" 3 3/4" 4 3/4" 6" 3,400 Lbs. 2,360 Lbs.

*Note: As a minimum these longitudinal strengths should meet or exceed the maximum design tension of the wire times
an overload capacity factor of 2.54 (Load factor = 1.65, Material Strength Factor = 0.65).

©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc. A-25

A Crossarms & dead end assemblies

3377 Braceless
Dead End
The Hughes Brothers 3377 Series of single arm,
braceless dead ends offer a trim appearance.

The assembly uses either a solid sawn Douglas-fir

or ANSI 05.2 glue-laminated timber with a galva-
nized steel mounting bracket. The unique mounting
bracket features a keyhole and slot to ease installa-
tion and also provides greater climbing clearances
than a dead end with braces.

Strength ratings shown are based on theoretical strength calculations.

The 3377 is approved for REA construction.


1/2" Bolt, Locknut 1/2" Lag Screw



Saddle Washer 3"

11/16" Jumper
Eye Nut Bent Plate Pin Hole

A-26 ©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc.

Crossarms & dead end assemblies A

3377 Dead End Assembly


Saddle Washer 3"

11/16" Jumper
Eye Nut 12"
Pin Hole

3/4" Bolt, Locknut &

Curved Washer Calculated
(ordered separately) Ultimate Strength
Rating Per
Stock No. Arm Size Weight A B Phase

3377-A7.5 3-1/2" x 7-1/2" x 8'-0" 94 lbs. 44" 4" 6,500

3377-A8.5 3-1/2" x 8-1/2" x 8'-0" 100 lbs. 44" 4" 8,500
3377-A9.5 3-1/2" x 9-1/2" x 8'-0" 108 lbs. 44" 4" 10,500

3377-C7.5 3-1/2" x 7-1/2" x 10'-0" 104 lbs. 55" 5" 5,100

3377-C8.5 3-1/2" x 8-1/2" x 10'-0" 112 lbs. 55" 5" 6,500
Ordering Example 3377-C9.5 3-1/2" x 9-1/2" x 10'-0" 121 lbs. 55" 5" 8,200

3 3 7 7 - A 7.5

Beam depth
Length, see table

©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc. A-27

A Crossarms & dead end assemblies

3377 Dead End Assembly 4-Wire

8' Arm 5" 2'-4" 1'-3" 1'-3" 2'-4" 5"

10' Arm 5" 2'-4" 2'-3" 2'-3" 2'-4" 5"


11/16" Jumper Pin Hole

(typ. 4 places)

Calculated Ultimate
Strength Rating
Stock No. Arm Size Weight Per Phase 3/4" Bolt,
Locknut &
3377-A4-7.5 3-1/2" x 7-1/2" x 8'-0" 97 lbs 5,600 Curved Washer
3377-A4-8.5 3-1/2" x 8-1/2" x 8'-0" 103 lbs 7,200 (ordered
3377-A4-9.5 3-1/2" x 9-1/2" x 8'-0" 111 lbs 9,000 separately)

3377-C4-7.5 3-1/2" x 7-1/2" x 10'-0" 107 lbs 3,600

3377-C4-8.5 3-1/2" x 8-1/2" x 10'-0" 115 lbs 4,650
3377-C4-9.5 3-1/2" x 9-1/2" x 10'-0" 121 lbs 5,800

Ordering Example
3 3 7 7 - C 4 7.5

Beam depth
Designates 4-Wire
Length, See Table

A-28 ©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc.

Crossarms & dead end assemblies A

Guying Options
Also refer to Hughes Brothers B2358 Guying Assembly
Kits shown on previous pages.


Guy Plate

Guy Plate 2817 Dead
End Tee

25,000 lb Ultimate Guy Rating 25,000 lb Ultimate Guy Rating 35,000 lb Ultimate Guy Rating
For 7-1/2" and 8-1/2" For 7-1/2" and 8-1/2" For 9-1/2" 3-wire and all
3-wire arms 3-wire arms 4-wire arms

A2121-D Cutout Arrestor

Bracket for 3377 Dead Ends
BC3 ✽, 3/8" x ✽ Carriage 7-1/2" to 9-1/2"
Bolt, Spring Lock Washer,
Hex Nut

"✽" Bolt

Stock No. Length

A2121-D7.5 10"
A2121-D8.5 12"
A2121-D9.5 12"

BC51-1/2, 1/2" x 1-1/2" Carriage Bolt, Spring Lock

Washer, External Tooth Lock Washer, Hex Nut.

©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc. A-29

A Crossarms & dead end assemblies

3377 Testing
As with all Hughes Brothers products, the 3377 has
undergone rigorous testing.

NOTE: The 3377 Series was designed to

carry heavy loads while minimizing the arm
deflection. The 3377 has typical deflections
less than 2" under ultimate loads.

Testing a 9-1/2" arm.

Testing a 3377.10B Guying Tee

A-30 ©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc.

Crossarms & dead end assemblies A

3376 3 or 4-Phase Universal Dead End

The 3376 Universal Dead End series is a
3 or 4-wire, braceless Dead End assembly
with double guying option. The dead end is
furnished assembled as shown, ready for
use in 3 or 4-wire applications. No additional
guying attachments are required.

The bracket assembly is made of galvanized

steel and features a key-hole slot allowing the
whole assembly to be hung on a mounting bolt
during installation. The bracket eliminates the
need for crossarm braces.

The crossarm is made from transmission grade

solid sawn Douglas-fir timber. Jumper pin holes
are factory drilled prior to treating.

5" 2'-4" "X" "X" 2'-4" 5"

2" 2" 2" 2"

13/16" 13/16" 13/16" 13/16"

Pin Hole Pin Hole Pin Hole Pin Hole


Ordering Information 7/8" Mounting

Ultimate Strength Rating Hardware
Per Phase (Ordered Separately)
Stock No. Arm Size 3-Wire 4-Wire "X"

3376-A7.5 3-1/2" x 7-1/2" x 8'-0" 6,500 lbs. 5,600 lbs. 1'-3"

3376-A8.5 3-1/2" x 8-1/2" x 8'-0" 8,500 lbs. 7,200 lbs. 1'-3"
3376-A9.5 3-1/2" x 9-1/2" x 8'-0" 10,500 lbs. 9,000 lbs. 1'-3"
3376-E1-7.5 3-1/2" x 7-1/2" x 10'-0" 5,100 lbs. 3,600 lbs. 2'-3"
3376-E1-8.5 3-1/2" x 8-1/2" x 10'-0" 6,500 lbs. 4,650 lbs. 2'-3"
3376-E1-9.5 3-1/2" x 9-1/2" x 10'-0" 8,200 lbs. 5,800 lbs. 2'-3"

©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc. A-31

A Crossarms & dead end assemblies

Light Duty Braceless Dead End
The 3375-A Light Duty Dead-End series is an nates the need for crossarm braces and, in most
8’-0” lightweight braceless pre-assembled dead- cases, the need for additional guying attachments.
end crossarm for less severe loading
requirements. The crossarm is a laminated beam which makes
the unit economical and predictable in its strength
The pole mounting bracket is galvanized steel characteristics. Additional holes are provided for
and features a keyhole slot for ease of installation jumper pins.
and a single guy attachment. The bracket elimi-

5" 43" 43" 5"

2" 14" 14" 15" 15" 14" 14" 2"
2" 2"

11/16" 2745.6 11/16"
11/16" Pin Hole
Pin Hole Washer Nut 11/16" Pin Hole
Pin Hole Laminated Arm
with EN60
1/2" Washer
Eye Nut
Head Bolt

Ordering Information
Part No. Arm Size Weight Ultimate Strength
(Laminated) Per Phase 12"
3375-A6.0L 3-1/8” x 6” x 8’-0” 54 lbs 2700 lbs 15/16" Hole
3375-A7.5L 3-1/8” x 7-1/2” x 8’-0” 62 lbs 4200 lbs
3375-A9.0L 3-1/8” x 9” x 8’-0” 70 lbs 6000 lbs
3/4" Bolt, Locknut,
Curved Washer
Note: (Ordered Separately)
Packaged hardware to be ordered
separately, 3375-A-PH
1 - EN70, 3/4” Eyenut
2 - B712-6 3/4” x 12” Bolt
2 - MF70 Locknut
2 - CW70 3/4” Curved Washer

A-32 ©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc.

Crossarms & dead end assemblies A

Light Duty Braceless Dead End
The 3375-B Light Duty Dead-End series is a 10’-0” need for crossarm braces and, in most cases, the
lightweight braceless pre-assembled dead-end need for additional guying attachments.
The crossarm is a laminated beam which makes
The pole mounting bracket is galvanized steel and the unit economical and predictable in its strength
features a keyhole slot for ease of installation and a characteristics. Additional holes are provided for
single guy attachment. The bracket eliminates the jumper pins.

5" 55" 55" 5"

14" 14" 2'-3" 2'-3" 14" 14" 2"
2" 2"

2745.6 11/16"
11/16" 11/16" Pin Hole
Pin Hole Washer Nut Pin Hole
with EN60 11/16" Laminated Arm
Eye Nut Pin Hole 1/2" Washer
Head Bolt

Ordering Information

Part No. Arm Size Weight Ultimate Strength Per Phase
(Laminated) 2-Wire 4-Wire
3375-B6.0L 3-1/8” x 6” x 10’-0” 66 lbs 2100 lbs 1400 lbs 15/16" dia.
3375-B7.5L 3-1/8” x 7-1/2” x 10’-0” 74 lbs 3300 lbs 2200 lbs
3375-B9.0L 3-1/8” x 9” x 10’-0” 82 lbs 4700 lbs 3200 lbs 3/4" Bolt, Locknut,
Curved Washer
(Ordered Separately)
Packaged hardware to be ordered
separately, 3375-A-PH
2 - B712-6 3/4” x 12” Bolt
2 - MF70 Locknut
2 - CW70 3/4” Curved Washer

©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc. A-33

A Crossarms & dead end assemblies

B2218-N Steel Dead End Assembly

The B2218-N is a 10 ft., 3-wire assembly featuring an adaptation
to facilitate a down guy. Manufactured from steel channel. Guying
Hardware is included in this assembly. Pole mounting hardware
consisting of:
(1) 5/8" x 14" and
(3) 7/8" x 14" bolts
are furnished with the assembly.
Many other configurations are available.

3/4" Bolt

1" Bolt
2' -1¼"

2045 Braces

5/8" Bolt with AS2355 Yoke

MF60 & CW60 Plates

Rating per
Stock No. Weight Phase

B2218-N 330 Lbs. 10,500

A-34 ©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc.

Crossarms & dead end assemblies A

B2218-E4 4-Wire Steel Dead End Assembly

The B2218-E4 is a 10 ft. 4-wire assembly manufactured from steel channel.
Pole mounting hardware consisting of:
(1) 5/8" x 14" and
(2) 7/8" x 14" bolts
are furnished with the assembly.
Many other configurations are available.


2'-5 3/8"

2045 Braces


Ultimate Strength
Stock No. Weight Rating per Phase 7/8" x 14"
Bolt, CW80
B2218-E4 327 lbs 8000 lbs

©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc. A-35

A Crossarms & dead end assemblies

B2218-K 4-Wire Steel

Dead End Assembly
The B2218-K is a 12 ft. 4-wire assembly manufactured
from steel channel. Pole mounting hardware consisting of:
(1) 5/8" x 14" and
(2) 7/8" x 14" bolts
are furnished with the assembly.




5/8" x 14" Bolt with

MF60 & CW60 16"

7/8" x 14" Bolt, CW80

Rating per
Stock No. Weight Phase

B2218-K 350 lbs 10,800 lbs.

A-36 ©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc.

Crossarms & dead end assemblies A

B2684 Series Tubular Steel Crossarms,

Single Pole
Hughes Brothers tubular steel crossarms for single pole applications are available in a wide
variety of sizes, base plate options and hole patterns. Available in either galvanized ASTM A500
grade B or ASTM A847 weathering steel tube.

NOTE: Any hole layout possible.

Flat or Channel
Base Plates

Expanded Metal End Detail How to Order/Specify:

Hughes Brothers welcomes your own drawings for
steel crossarms and can supply as specified. It is
generally best to consult the Engineering personnel at
Hughes Brothers in regard to steel arms since there
are so many options.

©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc. A-37

A Crossarms & dead end assemblies

B2684-Q Steel Dead End

The B2684-Q is a 3-wire, dead end arm
manufactured from structural steel angle
and ships with eyenuts assembled to the
arm for phase attachment.
Other configurations are available.


2" 2'-8" 2'-8" 2"


11/16" Hole

EN60, Eye Nut

5/8" Bolt
13/16" 13/16"

11/16" (6 plcs,)

10-3/4" 8" 2' 2-1/2" 8" 10-3/4"

Rating per
Stock No. Weight Phase

B2684-Q 65 lbs 5000 lbs.

A-38 ©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc.

Crossarms & dead end assemblies A

B2684-F Steel
Alley Arm
The B2684-F Steel Alley Arm is manufactured from
structural steel tube. A diamond shaped mesh is
welded in place at the end of the arm to prevent birds
from nesting in the arm.
Other configurations are available.


12" 29" 14-1/2" 14-1/2" 29" 3"


13/16" (typ.)

11" 29" 14-1/2" 14-1/2" 29" 3"

. .
. . .


. . 13/16" (typ.) Expanded Metal

. .
Stock No. Weight

B2684-F 104 lbs

NOTE: Mounting hardware not included.

©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc. A-39

Crossarm Braces........................ B-1
Special Purpose Braces.........B-11
Knee & Vee.........................B-18
braces B

Wood Distribution
Crossarm Braces
Hughes Brothers distribution crossarm braces are
manufactured from clear, straight grained Douglas-fir
and pressure treated with Pentachlorophenol in oil.
End fittings are hot dip galvanized per ASTM-A153.
Each brace has been designed with double nut
connections by tapping metal through holes, to
eliminate radio frequency interference and ensure
tight connections. Metal connections are designed to
allow full drainage of moisture, leaving no place
for decay to develop.

Electrically, wood distribution braces take full

advantage of the insulating properties of wood
crossarms. Any short circuit path between conductors
is eliminated.

Special length braces can be furnished in any practical

spacing or drop.
Hughes Brothers warehouse stocked with 2023 braces.

©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc. B-1

B braces

1152 Wood
Crossarm Brace

Hughes Brothers 1152 crossarm braces differ from

other braces we manufacture in that they feature a
longer tongue on the arm fitting. This allows for the
use of a socket wrench at installation. Right and left
hand braces complete each pair. Fittings are hot
Drop dip galvanized per ASTM-A153.

Furnished with 13/16" hole in arm fitting and 11/16"

hole in pole fitting unless otherwise specified.

Span Drop Wt. Lbs.

Stock No. Inches Inches Per Pair Wood Section

1152.5 42 12 10 1-15/16" x 2-15/16"

1152.6 42 21 11
1152.7 48 18 11
1152.8 48 24 12
1152.9 60 18 12
1152.10 60 30 14
1152.11 62 23-5/8 14
1152.12 72 22 14
1152.13 72 36 16
1152.14 84 24 16
1152.15 86 33-5/8 17

Use "5T" designation for 1/2" tapped attachment holes.

Special Length Braces furnished for any practical span or drop.

Standard package quantity 5 pair.

Ordering Information
Brace to pole fitting hole size in sixteenths (11/16")
Brace to arm fitting hole size in sixteenths (13/16")
Brace type (span & drop)

B-2 ©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc.

braces B

2002 Inverted
Wood Crossarm
Drop Brace
Hughes Brothers 2002 Inverted Crossarm
Braces are used primarily in tension applications
although they can be used as a standard brace.
End fittings and connections have been designed
accordingly. Fittings are hot dip galvanized per
ASTM A-153 after fabrication. Right and left
hand braces complete each pair.

Span Drop Wt. Lbs.
Stock No. Inches Inches Per Pair Wood Section

2002.5 60 18-1/4 17 1-15/16" x 2-15/16"

2002.6 60 30 19
2002.7 62 23-7/8 18
2002.8 66 20 18
2002.9 72 22 19
2002.10 72 36 22
2002.11 84 23-1/2 21
2002.12 84 42 25
2002.13 84 27-3/8 22
2002.14 86 33-5/8 23
2002.15 88 38 24
Unless specified otherwise, end fittings 2002.16 90 33-5/8 24
are furnished with 11/16” bolt holes.
2002.17 90 45 26
2002.18 96 36 25
2002.19 96 48 26
2002.20 108 42-1/4 26
2002.21 110 34 27
2002.22 110 54-5/8 32
2002.23 112 37-13/16 28

Standard Package Quantity 5 Pair.

Ordering Information
2 0 0 2.6 - 1 1 - 1 1
Brace to pole fitting hole size in sixteenths (11/16")
Brace to arm fitting hole size in sixteenths (11/16")
Brace type (span & drop)

©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc. B-3

B braces

2809 & 2819 Flat

Steel Crossarm

C Hughes Brothers flat steel galvanized crossarm braces,

C when installed in pairs, provide an economical method for
ng stabilizing light distribution construction.

Hole Spacing Length Metal Weight
Stock No. Center to Center Inches Section Lbs. Per Set

2809.1 18" 20 1/4" x 1-1/4" 3.5

2809.2 20" 22 3.9
2809.3 22" 24 4.3
2809.4 24" 26 4.6
2809.5* 26" 28 4.8
2809.6 28" 30 5.3
2809.7 30" 32 5.7
2819.1 18" 20 3/16" x 1-1/4" 2.7
2819.2 20" 22 2.9
2819.3 22" 24 3.2
2819.4 24" 26 3.4
2819.5 26" 28 3.7
2819.6 28" 30 4.0
2819.7 30" 32 4.2

*RUS accepted
Note: Other sizes are available on request. The braces are furnished with
one 9/16" and one 7/16" hole unless specified otherwise.

Ordering Information
Specify by C to C length.

B-4 ©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc.

braces B


2023 Flat
Wood Brace

Drop ngt Hughes Brothers 2023 flat wood braces are a direct
C replacement for flat steel braces, and provide supe-
to rior mechanical strength due to their compression
capability. Use of a wood distribution brace also
improves the BIL of the pole top.

Each brace in a pair is identical and interchangeable

(right or left hand side), and furnished with 7/16” hole
in the arm fitting and 9/16” hole in the pole fitting.
Other hole sizes are available.

Wood components are made of clear, straight grained

Douglas-fir, 1" x 1-3/4" wood section. Fittings are formed
from 11 ga. plate, hot-dip galvanized, threaded and at-
tached to the wood with washer head bolts.

Brace Bolt
Stock Hole C. to C. Wt. Lbs. Wood
No. Spacing Span Drop Per 100 Pr. Section

§ 2023* 26" 38" 18" 390 1" x 1-3/4"

2023-18-3/4 18-3/4" 27-1/2" 12-3/4" 345 1" x 1-3/4"
2023-30 30" 44" 20-1/2" 409 1" x 1-3/4"

Any practical special length can be furnished.

Standard Package Quantity 10 Pair or Multiple Thereof

*RUS accepted

§ Stock item

Ordering Information
Use information above.

©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc. B-5

B braces

2023 Test Data

2023 Brace ready for testing in accordance with REA specs.

Pair of 2023 braces removed after 20 years of

service ready for testing. These braces per-
formed to full capacity when tested.

B-6 ©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc.

braces B

2045 Reversible
Wood Crossarm
The 2045 reversible crossarm brace is Hughes
Brothers most popular distribution brace. The
2045 brace is Hughes Brothers best all purpose
brace, and is able to withstand all normal and
many excessive loads imposed on distribution
lines. Each brace pair has identical right and left
hand components. Each nutted connection is
tapped to make a double nut connection
ensuring permanently tight hardware. The
2045 has a wood section of 1-5/8" x 2-1/4".

Span Drop Wood Length Fitting Wt Lbs.

Stock No. Inches Inches Inches Angle Per Pair
Unless otherwise specified, the brace to
arm fitting hole will be 9/16" and the brace 2045-A30-9-11 42 12 18-1/2 300 7.4
to pole fitting hole 11/16". Special length 2045-AB45-9-11 37 18-1/2 21 450 7.6
braces can be furnished for any practical 2045-B30-9-11 48 14-3/4 23 30o
span or drop. 2045-B45-9-11 42 21 24-1/2 450
2045-BB30-9-11 48 18 24-1/2 300 8.0
"5T" designates 1/2" tapped attachment
2045-C45-9-11 48 24 28-1/2 450 8.8
holes, example; 2045-CC30-5T11.
2045-CC30-9-11* 60 18 29-1/2 300 9.0
2045-D45-9-11* 60 30 37 450 10.2
Other span & drop sizes available.
2045-E45-9-11 72 36 45-1/2 450 11.8
2045-EE30-9-11 72 22 37 300
2045-F30-9-11 42 12-3/4 19 300 7.7
2045-G45-9-11 60 26-1/2 34-1/2 450
2045-K30-9-11 48 14 22-1/2 300 7.7
2045-L30-11-11 59 17 28-1/2 300 8.8
2045-M30-9-11 84 24 42 300 11.1
2045-W30-13-11 86 33-3/8 49 300 12.5
Ordering Information
* RUS accepted See next page for ultimate load information
2 0 4 5 - C C 30 - 9 - 1 1

Brace to pole fitting hole size in sixteenths (11/16")

Brace to arm fitting hole size in sixteenths (9/16")

Brace type (span, drop & fitting angle)

©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc. B-7

B braces

2045 Crossarm Brace Test Data

2045-CC30-9-11 Crossarm Brace
Unbalanced loading (44" Lever Arm)
2500 Pounds Shown
4300 Pound Ultimate Load

2045-D45-9-11 Crossarm Brace

Unbalanced loading (44" Lever Arm)
2500 Pounds Shown
5100 Pound Ultimate Load

NOTE: Please contact the Hughes Engineering Department for strength ratings of individual brace stock numbers.

B-8 ©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc.

braces B

Heavy Duty, Face Mounting Crossarm

Braces 2016, 2017 & 2018
C-C Length

Arm Arm The Hughes 2016, 2017 & 2018 series braces
Table 1 Mounting Mounting are the strongest distribution braces available.
Fitting Hole Hole
Angle Size* Size* These braces are ordered by specifying brace
2016/17 2018 length from mounting hole to mounting hole.
A 30o 13/16" 15/16"
B 37o 13/16" 15/16" Face mounted braces are furnished in pairs (right
C 45o 13/16" 15/16" & left side). Should it be necessary, braces can
be converted from right to left side in the field by
D 52o 13/16" 15/16" simply reversing one end fitting.
E 60o 13/16" 15/16"
F 30o 11/16" 13/16"
G 37o 11/16" 13/16"
H 45o 11/16" 13/16" Table 2
J 52o 11/16" 13/16" Pole Mounting
Fitting Hole Size
K 60o 11/16" 13/16"
L 55o 11/16" 2016 A 13/16"

B 11/16"
* Hole Oversized 1/16" from
mounting bolt 2017 A 15/16"
B 13/16"
C 11/16"
2018 A 15/16"
Ultimate Ratings B 13/16"
2016 / 2017 2018
Tension 15,000 lbs 20,000 lbs

Ordering Information
2016HB 108 PR
Stock No. PR- pair
(Arm) Table 1 RT- right hand only
(Pole) Table 2 LT- left hand only
C-C Length in inches

©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc. B-9

B braces

11/16" Standard 11/16" Mounting holes are standard. Brace can be furnished with 13/16" holes when specified.

2-1/8" x 3-3/8" Wood Section


2017 13/16" Mounting holes are standard. Brace can be furnished with 11/16" holes when specified.
13/16" Standard

2-3/4" x 3-1/2" Wood Section

2018 15/16" Mounting holes are standard. Brace can be furnished with 13/16" holes when specified.
15/16" Standard 15/16"

2018 3-3/8" x 4-3/8" Wood Section

2018.5 3-3/8" x 5-3/8" Wood Section

Specify Hole Size Specify Hole Size

3" x 3" Steel Tube

B-10 ©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc.

braces B

Crossarm Bolt Hole Spacing

1096 Alley
Arm Brace
Hughes Brothers 1096 Wood Alley Arm Braces
are designed for greater strength than alley arm
braces made from formed angle iron. The 1096
Alley Arm Brace is made from 2-3/4" x 3-1/2"
straight grained, pressure treated Douglas-fir. The
Brace Bolt brace is furnished with an 11/16" hole at the arm
Hole Spacing fitting and an 11/16" hole at the pole fitting unless
otherwise specified. Metal step is made from
3/16” x 1-3/16” stock.
NOTE: Step is omitted for braces less than 4'-6".

Brace Bolt Crossarm Bolt

Stock Hole C. to C. Hole C. to C. Wt. Lbs.
No. Spacing Spacing Each Wood Section
1096.5 5'-0" 3'-10" 16 2-3/4" x 3-1/2"
1096.6 6'-0" 4'-8" 18 2-3/4" x 3-1/2"
1096.7 7'-0" 5'-4" 21 2-3/4" x 3-1/2"
Brace Bolt
Hole Spacing The spacing from the arm fitting bolt hole to the upper bolt
hole of the metal step is 2’-6” unless otherwise specified.
NOTE: Step is omitted on lengths less than 4'-6".

An "R" suffix designates a "Reversed Brace", i.e., the arm

fitting of the Alley Arm Brace is for attachment under the
1096._R Reversed arm and pole fitting is on face of pole.
Alley Arm Brace (See illustration at left).

Ordering Information
Use information above

©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc. B-11

B braces

Arm Spacing

1096.1C Vertical
Arm Brace
For multi-arm alley construction, Vertical Brace No.
1096.1C should be ordered. This vertical brace is made
from 3/16" x 2” x 2-1/2” angle. Center to center spacing
between 9/16” bolt holes varies by arm spacing. For
longer vertical brace lengths, specify desired crossarm
vertical spacing and mounting hole sizes.

Mounting bolts ordered separately.

Ordering Information
Stock No. Arm Spacing Weight
1096.1C-24 24" 5.5 lbs
1096.1C-36 36" 9.3 lbs
1096.1C-46 46" 10.5 lbs
1096.1C-48 48" 12.0 lbs

B-12 ©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc.

braces B

1097 Steel Alley Arm Brace


The 1097 Steel Alley Arm Brace is used where the arms
are mounted on one side of the pole. The brace end is
flattened for the pole or arm attachment. Manufactured
from plate, which is folded and bent.

Ordering Information
Top Mtg.
Stock No. "A" "B" Hole

1097.1A60-9 60" 30" 9/16"

1097.1A84-11 84" 30" 11/16"

To order the brace reversed such that the brace mounts
under the crossarm, add an "R" to the part number
(i.e. 1097.1AR60-9).

(2) 9-16' Holes

on 2-1/2" Centers

AS2329 Welded Steel 11/16"

Alley Arm Brace Hole

Stock No. "A" "B" Weight

AS2329 7'-0" 2'-6" 16.3 lbs

AS2329-D - Same as AS2329 but 16.3 lbs A
reversed so that flat
end mounts against pole.

The Hughes Brothers AS2329 Brace is manufactured

from plate which is notched, bent and welded. Hole

©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc. B-13

B braces

AS2309 Steel
Angle Brace
0/ #1

A face mounted steel brace, the pole

mounting end is flattened so the brace
Hole can be used as either a right hand or
#2 left hand member. A gap of 1/16" is left
in the flattened portion of the brace to
allow for moisture drainage.

The AS2309 is typically used in RUS

construction as illustrated in this TSS-1

Stock No. Section Size "A" "B" Hole #1 Hole #2 ø Wt/lbs

AS2309-A 3/16"x1 3/4"x1 3/4" 50" 3'6" 11/16" 11/16" 30o 9.0
AS2309-B 3/16"x1 3/4"x1 3/4" 36" 2'6" 13/16" 11/16" 35o 6.7
Ordering Information AS2309-C 3/16"x1 3/4"x1 3/4" 50" 3'6" 13/16" 11/16" 30o 8.6

Use stock numbers at right AS2309-D 3/16"x1 1/2"x1 1/2" 30" 2'0" 9/16" 11/16" 38o 4.7
AS2309-E 3/16"x1 1/2"x1 1/2" 35" 2'6" 9/16" 11/16" 32o 7.0
AS2309-G* 3/16"x1 3/4"x1 3/4" 47" 2'6" 11/16" 11/16" 0o 8.5
AS2309-H 3/16"x1 3/4"x1 3/4" 40-1/4" 3'0" 11/16" 11/16" 30o 7.4

* AS2309-G is a straight brace folded on both ends.

B-14 ©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc.

braces B

Hughes Brothers
Knee & Vee Braces
Hughes Brothers Knee & Vee Braces are made of select,
straight grained Douglas-fir. The timbers are surfaced,
graded, bored, pressure treated with Penta and assembled
with steel end fittings. End fitting through holes are tapped
to provide double nut connections to ensure tight hardware
as the wood shrinks over time. All end fittings are hot dip
galvanized per ASTM-A153.

Wood members used in our braces are transmission grade

timbers (more exacting standards than crossarms.)

Spacing Spacing

Drop Drop

Knee Braces Vee Braces

End fittings oriented perpendicular to each other. End fittings oriented parallel to each other.

©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc. B-15

B braces

2010 Light Duty Brace

The 2010 brace uses a 2-1/8"x 3-3/8" wood section. The 2010 is
typically used when the spacing and drop does not exceed 5'-0"
or the overall brace length does not exceed 7'-0". End fittings are
fabricated from 3/16" steel. 11/16" mounting holes are standard.

Table I Mounting
Fitting Hole
Angle Size
A 30o 13/16"
B 37o 13/16"
C 45o 13/16"

D 52o 13/16"
E 60o 13/16"
F 30o 11/16"
G 37o 11/16"
H 45o 11/16"
J 52o 11/16"
K 60o 11/16"
L 55o 11/16"

11/16" Hole Ultimate Ratings


Tension 15,000 lbs

Compression 7,500 lbs @ 7' 0" C-C

3/16" Steel
Fitting Ordering Information
2010 GJK 59.5

C-C length in inches

Knee or Vee
Table I, 2nd end fitting
Table I, 1st end fitting

B-16 ©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc.

braces B

1135 Medium Duty Brace

The 1135 uses a 2-3/4" x 3-1/2" wood section and is typically
used when the spacing & drop does not exceed 7'-0" or the over-
all brace length does not exceed 10'-0".

End fittings are fabricated from 1/4" steel and hot dip galvanized
per ASTM-A153. 13/16" mounting holes are standard.

Table I Mounting
Fitting Hole
Angle Size

A 30o 13/16"
B 37o 13/16"
C 45o 13/16"
D 52o 13/16"

E 60o 13/16"
F 30o 11/16"
G 37o 11/16"
H 45o 11/16"
J 52o 11/16"
K 60o 11/16"
L 45o 15/16"

Ultimate Ratings
Hole Tension 15,000 lbs
Standard Compression 7,500 lbs @ 10' 0" C-C Length

1/4" Ordering Information

Fitting 1 1 3 5 B D V 1 2 3.8
C-C length in inches
Knee or Vee

Table I, 2nd end fitting

Table I, 1st end fitting

©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc. B-17

B braces

2025 Knee & Vee Brace

2025 The 2025 uses a 3-3/8" x 4-3/8" wood section and the
2025.5 a 3-3/8" x 5-3/8" wood section. The 2025 is
typically used when the spacing & drop does not
exceed 9'-6" or the overall brace length does not
exceed 13'-6". For heavier compression loads the
2025.5 is used.

End fittings are fabricated from 1/4" steel and hot dip
galvanized per ASTM-A153. 15/16" mounting holes
are standard, 13/16" are available.

Ultimate Ratings

Tension 20,000 lbs

Compression Dependent on C-C length
and wood size

Ordering Information
2 0 2 5 B D V 1 5 4.7
C-C length in inches
2025.5 Knee or Vee
Table I, 2nd end fitting
Table I, 1st end fitting

Table I Mounting
Fitting Hole
Angle Size
Washer Plate
A 30o 15/16"
B 37o 15/16"

C 45o 15/16"

D 52o 15/16"
E 60o 15/16"
15/16" Hole, std.
F 30o 13/16"
G 37o 13/16"
H 45o 13/16"


J 52o 13/16"
K 60o 13/16"
1/4" Steel Fitting L 25o 15/16"
2025.5 M 25o 13/16"

B-18 ©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc.

braces B

2025M Steel Knee &

Vee Brace
The 2025M uses the same end fittings as standard 2025
braces but substitutes a 3" x 3" tubular steel member for
the Douglas-fir timber.

End fittings are fabricated from 1/4" steel and hot dip
galvanized per ASTM-A153. 15/16" mounting holes are
standard, 13/16" available.

Ultimate Ratings
Tension 20,000 lbs
Compression Dependent on C-C length


Ordering Information
2 0 2 5 M - B D V 1 5 4.7
C-C length in inches
Knee or Vee
Table I, 2nd end fitting
Table I, 1st end fitting

15/16" Hole, Table I Mounting

Fitting Hole
Angle Size
A 30o 15/16"
B 37o 15/16"
C 45o 15/16"
D 52o 15/16"
E 60o 15/16"
F 30o 13/16"
G 37o 13/16"
1/4" Steel
3" H 45o 13/16"
J 52o 13/16"
K 60o 13/16"

3" x 3" L 25o 15/16"

Steel Tube M 25o 13/16"

©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc. B-19

B braces

B2498-A Steel Angle Knee Brace

Table I Mounting
Fitting Hole
Angle Size

Specify A 30o 15/16"

Hole Size B 37o 15/16"
C 45o 15/16"
D 52o 15/16"
"Specify" E 60o 15/16"
F 30o 13/16"
G 37o 13/16"
H 45o 13/16"
J 52o 13/16"
K 60o 13/16"
L 25o 15/16"
M 25o 13/16"

Hole Size*
Ultimate Strength
Tension 20,000 lbs "Specify"

Ordering Information *Holes on 1-1/2" Centers.

B 2 4 9 8 - A - B D 1 2 0.7
Note: 2025M Tubular Steel Brace
C-C length in inches is located on page B-19.
Fittings, from Table I

B-20 ©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc.

braces B

2038B, 2038C Heavy Duty Braces

The 2038 series knee/vee braces incorporate galvanized per ASTM-A153. 15/16" mounting
a 6-bolt, channel type end fitting and are used holes are standard.
primarily for high loading conditions. The 2038B
uses a 3-1/2" x 4-1/2" wood section, and the We recommend contacting the Hughes Brothers
2038C a 3-1/2" x 5-1/2" wood section. End engineering department to ensure proper
fittings are fabricated from 3/8" steel and hot dip application of the 2038 Heavy Duty Brace.

Ultimate Strength
Tension - 35,000 lbs

Ordering Information
2 0 3 8C - B D V 1 5 4.7
C-C length in inches
Knee or Vee
Table I, 2nd end fitting
Table I, 1st end fitting

Table I Mounting
Fitting Hole
Angle Size

A 30o 15/16"
B 37o 15/16"
C 45o 15/16"
D 52o 15/16"
2038B E 60o 15/16"
15/16" Hole
2038C F 55o 15/16"
G 25o 15/16"
H 37o 1-1/16"


J 52o 1-1/16"
K 34o 1-1/16"
L 42o 15/16"
M 48o 15/16"
N 45o 1-1/16"


P 30o 1-1/16"

3/8" Steel Fitting

5/8" Washer Head Bolts

©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc. B-21

B braces

2038D, 2038E
Heavy Duty
7/8" Bolt with 2038D
1" Bolt with 2038E Tension Braces
Steel Fittings* Both the 2038D & 2038E Tension Braces use
a 3-1/2" x 4-1/2" wood section. The 2038D end
fittings are made of 1/4" steel while the 2038E
has fittings made of 3/8" steel.

3-1/2" All end fittings are hot dip galvanized per

ASTM-A153. The 2038D tension brace has
15/16" mounting holes, 2038E has 1-1/16"
mounting holes.


"C - C"

Ultimate Strength
2038D Tension - 30,000 lbs
2038E Tension - 50,000 lbs

Ordering Information
2 0 3 8D - 2 0 8
C-C length in inches

*2038D has 1/4" steel fittings. 2038E has 3/8" steel fittings.

B-22 ©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc.

braces B

2038A & 2038TB

Heavy Duty Tension Braces
Hughes Brothers 2038 tension braces incorporate
2038A 7/8" Bolt a 6-bolt type end fitting with a 3-1/2" x 4-1/2" wood
section. End fittings are fabricated from 1/4" & 3/8"
steel, and hot dip galvanized per ASTM-A153.
1/4" Steel 15/16" mounting holes are standard.
We recommend contacting the Hughes Brothers
engineering department to ensure proper application
of the 2038 Heavy Duty Brace.

Ordering Information
2038A-B- 204
C-C length in inches
4-1/2" Table I, fitting angle
& hole size

Ultimate Strength
"C - C" Tension - 30,000 lbs
Steel Ftg

Table I Mounting
Fitting Hole
Angle Size

Note: The A 30o 15/16"

2038TB has B 37o 15/16"
the clevis fitting C 45o 15/16"
rotated 90o from D 52o 15/16"
the 2038A E 60o 15/16"
F 55o 15/16"
G 25o 15/16"
2038TB J
37o 1-1/16"
52o 1-1/16"
K 34o 1-1/16"
L 42o 15/16"
M 48o 15/16"

©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc. B-23

B braces

2043 Tension Brace

2043-A Adjustable Tension Brace
Hughes Brothers 2043 & 2043A tension braces have a
7/8" Bolt wood section of 3-3/8" x 4-3/8". End fittings are formed
from 1/4" steel with 15/16" standard mounting holes. All
end fittings are hot dip galvanized per ASTM-A153.

The 2043-A tension brace includes a 7/8" x 12" turn

1/4" buckle. The turnbuckle provides for plus or minus 6" of
Steel adjustment from the centered position.



C-C +/- 6"

Ultimate Ratings 2043-A

Tension 30,000 lbs

Turnbuckle (included with

Ordering Information 2043-A). See Fastener
2043-130 Section for Turnbuckle
C-C length in inches

B-24 ©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc.

braces B

Wood X-Bracing for Transmission Structures

When the first unbraced H-Frame structure was Many years of experience in testing full scale, X-Braced
erected on our testing site (in the late 1920’s), structures plus years of actual operating experience
excessive deflection under relatively small loads was enable our engineering department to provide practical
obvious. Hughes Brothers immediately accepted the assistance. There are many subtleties involved in the
challenge of developing bracing to reduce deflection design of a Hughes X-Brace that cannot be duplicated
and to strengthen transmission and distribution by simple timber X-Bracing. Let the Hughes Engineer-
structures. After hundreds of tests on fittings and full ing staff help you determine the optimal size & place-
size structures, X-Braces were developed which ment of your next X-Brace application. You are invited
today are as much a part of an “H-Frame” as the to submit your structural design requirements without
poles and crossarms. obligation.

Maintenance costs of X-Braced structures are lower Please refer to the Engineering section for analysis of
than unbraced structures because X-Braced structures X-Brace design and location in structure systems.
remain straight and true for the life of the line.

Unbraced and
X-Braced Hughes
Brothers structures
under the same load.
Circa 1928

Unbraced Hughes X-Braced

Top Deflection 58 in. Top Deflection 6 in.
Calculated Strength 4060 lbs. Calculated Strength 13,600 lbs.

©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc. B-25

B braces

1042 X-Brace
Hughes Brothers 1042 X-Braces are widely used All fittings, washer plates, center clamps, washers and
because they increase the strength of H-Frames, bolts are hot dipped galvanized. Fittings are made
reduce earth pressures and structure deflection, from 1/4" material. Washer plates are threaded for
eliminate the necessity of storm guys, make possible 1/2" bolts, locking the bolt for "Static Proof" hardware.
the use of smaller poles, require no additional right of Mounting bolt holes are 15/16". Center clamps keep
way and reduce to a minimum the overall maintenance the brace in alignment under compression loads while
costs. In addition to transmission lines, X-Braces are permitting free movement of the wood. Center clamp
used on structures for river crossings, long span straps are made from 1/4" x 1-3/4" stock, center clamp
highway crossings, railroad crossings, switches, alleys bolts are made from 1/2" steel rods with forged shoul-
and substations. Our engineering department will ders and cut threads on each end.
assist you with the correct application of X-Braces.
Hughes Brothers 1042 X-Braces are shipped as a
Hughes No. 1042 X-Braces are made of select complete set, assembled, mounting hardware pack-
Douglas-fir timber, and pressure treated with aged, ready to install, when ordered complete (CPT).
pentachlorophenol. The 1042 series incorporates
a wood section of 3-3/8" x 4-3/8" for pole spacings When ordering X-Braces, please specify center to
up to 14'-0" and 3-3/8" x 5-3/8" for spacings 14'-6" center pole spacing and length of bolts. Unless other-
and over. wise specified, 50% of total bolts furnished are 7/8" x
14" and 50% are 7/8" x 16" cut thread machine bolts.

Ordering Information

Pole spacing in feet & inches*.

Complete with mounting bolts, -CPT

curved washers & center clamp.
X-Brace with center clamp only. -CCO

Provides just X-Brace assem- No

bly. No mounting hardware or Code
center clamp.

One member only with fittings. -PC

*Use 6" increments only.

Ultimate Rating
The 1042 series has an ultimate rating of 20,000 lbs
in tension. It is recommended that the Hughes
Brothers Engineering staff assist you in specifying the
use of X-Bracing.

B-26 ©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc.

braces B


1042 X-Brace
Spacing Approx.
Center to Wt. - Lbs. Wood
Stock No. Center Per Set Section
1042-7-0 7'-0" 121
1042-7-6 7'-6" 128
1042-8-0 8'-0" 131

3 3/8" x 4 3/8" for pole spacings

14'-0" and under unless specified
1042-8-6 8'-6" 133 Specify spacing C to C poles
1042-9-0 9'-0" 141
1042-9-6 9'-6" 147
1042-10-0 10'-0" 149
1042-10-6 10'-6" 158
1042-11-0 11'-0" 164

1042-11-6 11'-6" 166

1042-12-0 12'-0" 174
1042-12-6 12'-6" 181
1042-13-0 13'-0" 186
1042-13-6 13'-6" 192
1042-14-0 14'-0" 197
unless specified otherwise.*

1042-14-6 14'-6" 232

spacings 14'-6" and over

1042-15-0 15'-0" 245

3 3/8" x 5 3/8" for pole

1042-15-6 15'-6" 252

1042-16-0 16'-0" 252
1042-16-6 16'-6" 267 Install 7/8" thru-bolt with
1042-17-0 17'-0" 272 head end to fitting
1042-17-6 17'-6" 281
1042-18-0 18'-0" 287 (Holes are 1-3/4" off centerline,
see drawing above)


Available for special order

1042 End Fitting with 7/8" thru-bolt
LW - Designates larger wood and CW80 curved washer.
section, 3-3/8" x 5-3/8" on X-
Braces with pole spacing less
than 14'-6". (Always provided for
pole spacing 14'-6" & over).
2840 Center Clamp
SW - Designates 3-3/8" x 4-3/8"
wood section on X-Braces for See last page of section
14'-6" pole spacing & greater. for further details.

©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc. B-27

B braces

1150 X-Brace
Hughes No. 1150 X-Braces are made of select Hughes No. 1150 X-Braces are shipped as a complete
Douglas-fir, 2-3/4" x 3-1/2", pressure treated with set, assembled, mounting hardware packaged, ready
pentachlorophenol, for pole spacings up to 11'-0". to install. When ordering X-Braces, please specify
center to center pole spacing and length of bolts.
All fittings, washer plates, center clamps, curved
washers and bolts are hot dip galvanized. Fittings Unless otherwise specified, 50% of total bolts
are made from 1/4" material. Pole mounting holes furnished are 3/4" x 14" and 50% are 3/4" x 16" cut
are 13/16". thread machine bolts, when ordered complete (CPT).

Center clamp straps are made from 1/4" x 1-3/4"

stock. Center clamp bolts are made from steel rods
which have cut threads for 1/2" nuts.

Ordering Information
1150 - 8 - 6 - C P T

Pole spacing in feet & inches*.

Complete with mounting bolts, -CPT

curved washers & center clamp.

X-Brace with center clamp only. -CCO

Provides just X-Brace assem- No

bly. No mounting hardware or Code
center clamp.

*Use 6" increments only.

Ultimate Ratings

The 1150 X-Brace has an ultimate rating of

15,000 lbs. in tension. It is recommended that
our engineers assist you in determining proper
applications of X-Bracing.

B-28 ©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc.

braces B

1150 X-Brace

Specify spacing C to C poles

Spacing Approx. 2-3/4" x 3-1/2"
Center to Wt. - Lbs. Wood Section
Stock No. Center Per Set

1150-5-0 5'-0" 69
1150-5-6 5'-6" 73
1150-6-0 6'-0" 77
1150-6-6 6'-6" 81
1150-7-0 7'-0" 85
1150-7-6 7'-6" 89
1150-8-0 8'-0" 92
1150-8-6 8'-6" 96
1150-9-0 9'-0" 100
1150-9-6 9'-6" 104
1150-10-0 10'-0" 108
1150-10-6 10'-6" 111
1150-11-0 11'-0" 115
Install 3/4" thru-bolt with
head end to fitting

1150 End Fitting with 3/4" thru-bolt

and CW70 curved washer.

2840 Center Clamp

See last page of section
for further details.

©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc. B-29

B braces

2094 X-Brace
Hughes Brothers 2094 X-Braces were designed Hughes Brothers 2094 X-Braces are shipped with end
specifically for larger pole spacings such as found in fittings assembled and complete with mounting bolts
long span, angle, river or railroad crossings. The brace and center clamp, when ordered complete (CPT).
is recommended for pole spacings up to 20'-0".
Unless otherwise specified, 50% of total bolts furnished
Hughes No. 2094 X-Braces are made of select are 7/8" x 14" and 50% are 7/8" x 16" cut thread
Douglas-fir or glue laminated timbers, 3-3/4" x 5-3/4", machine bolts.
pressure treated with pentachlorophenol.

All fittings, washer plates, center clamps, curved

washers and bolts are hot dip galvanized. Fittings Ordering Information
are made from 3/8" material. Pole mounting holes
are 15/16".
2094-14-6- CPT

Pole spacing in feet & inches*.

Complete with mounting bolts, -CPT

curved washers & center clamp.

X-Brace with center clamp only. -CCO

Provides just X-Brace assem- -No

bly. No mounting hardware or Code
center clamp.

*Use 6" increments only.

Ultimate Rating
The 2094 X-Brace has an ultimate rating of
25,000 lbs. in tension. It is recommended that
our engineers assist you in determining proper
applications of X-Bracing.

B-30 ©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc.

braces B

2094 X-Brace

Specify Spacing C to C Poles

Spacing Approx.
Center to Wt. - Lbs.
Stock No. Center Per Set
3-3/4" x 5-3/4"
2094-14-6 14'-6" 298 Wood Section
2094-15-0 15'-0" 314
2094-15-6 15'-6" 322
2094-16-0 16'-0" 322
2094-16-6 16'-6" 340
2094-17-0 17'-0" 346
2094-17-6 17'-6" 357
2094-18-0 18'-0" 364
2094-18-6 18'-6" 370
2094-19-0 19'-0" 381
2094-19-6 19'-6" 389
2094-20-0 20'-0" 394

2840 Center Clamp

See last page of section
for further details.

©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc. B-31

B braces

2061 & 2061-A X-Braces

Hughes Brothers 2061 X-Braces were
designed specifically for pole spacings from
16 feet to 21 feet. A single bolt is used to
connect the X-Brace to the pole.

Specify spacing C to C poles 2061 X-Braces are made from select

Douglas-fir or glue laminated timbers,
3-5/8"x7-1/2", pressure treated with

3-5/8" x 7-1/2" The 2061 X-Brace mounts to the pole with

Wood Section
7/8" bolts. The 2061-A X-Brace mounts to
the pole with 1" bolts and grid gains.

Hughes 2061 X-Braces are shipped with

end fittings assembled and complete with
mounting bolts and center clamp, when
ordered complete (CPT).

Spacing Approx.
Center to Wt. - Lbs.
Stock No. Center Per Set
2061-16-0 16'-0" 401
2061-16-6 16'-6" 422
2061-17-0 17'-0" 431
Install thru-bolt with 2061-17-6 17'-6" 441
head end to fitting 2061-18-0 18'-0" 453
2061-18-6 18'-6" 460
2061-19-0 19'-0" 473
2061-19-6 19'-6" 483
Ordering Information 2061-20-0 20'-0" 493
2061-20-6 20'-6" 504
2 0 61 - 18 - 6 - C P T
2061-21-0 21'-0" 513

Pole spacing in feet & inches*.

Ultimate Ratings
Complete with mounting hardware. -CPT
The 2061 X-Brace has an ultimate rating of 25,000 lbs.
X-Brace with center clamp only. -CCO in tension. It is recommended that our engineers as-
Provides just X-Brace assembly. No No sist you in determining proper applications of
mounting hardware or center clamp. Code X-Bracing.
*Use 6" increments only.

B-32 ©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc.

braces B

Heavy Duty X-Brace, Pin Type Connection

Hughes Brothers Pin Type X-Braces

are designed for the demands of EHV
H-Frame construction with pole spacings
Specify spacing C to C poles
of 18' to 30'. The X-Braces are furnished
complete with mounting bolts, tees,
pin bolts, center clamps and grid gains
when required.

The pin type connection greatly

simplifies structure framing operations
while providing an excellent pole to
brace connection.

Stock No. Section

2093 5-1/8" x 7-1/2" Laminate

2093A 3-5/8" x 7-1/2" Solid Sawn
2093K 5-1/8" x 7-1/2" Laminate
2095 5-1/8" x 9" Laminate
2095K 5-1/8" x 9" Laminate
2096* 4-5/8" x 5-5/8" Solid Sawn
Install thru-bolt with 2096A* 4-1/2" x 5-1/2" Solid Sawn
head end to fitting
2096B*+ 4-5/8" x 5-5/8" Solid Sawn
2097 6" x 6-3/4" Laminate
2123** 6" x 6-3/4" Laminate
2121+ 5-1/8" x 6" Laminate
Ordering Information
2 0 9 3- 2 0 - 0 - C P T Ultimate Ratings
The Heavy Duty Pin Type Connection X-Braces
Pole spacing in feet & inches*. are rated at 35,000 lbs. ultimate in tension. It is
recommended that our Engineering staff assist you in
Complete with mounting hardware. -CPT specifying and applying these Heavy Duty X-Braces.
For more detailed information, contact Hughes Brothers
X-Brace with center clamp only. -CCO
Engineering Department.
Provides just X-Brace assembly. -No
No mounting hardware or center clamp. Code *30,000 lbs ultimate in tension.
*Use 6" increments only. **40,000 lbs ultimate in tension.
+These X-Braces do not include grid gains.

©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc. B-33

B braces

Heavy Duty X-Braces, Wrap Around Type

Hughes Brothers wrap around type
X-Braces provide the maximum strength
obtainable from a two-piece X-Brace
design. The load transfer between the
X-Brace and pole is accomplished
Specify spacing C to C poles exceptionally well because of the unique
end fitting design. The braces are nor-
mally recommended for use on struc-
tures with pole spacings up to 30' and
are available in several wood sections.

Stock No. Wood Section

2086 5-1/8" x 7-1/2" Laminate

2086A 5-1/8" x 6" Laminate
2087 4-5/8" x 5-5/8" Solid Sawn

Ordering Information
2 0 8 6- 2 0 - 0 - C P T

Pole spacing in feet & inches*.

Complete with mounting hard- -CPT


X-Brace with center clamp only. -CCO

Provides just X-Brace assem- -No

Install thru-bolt with bly. No mounting hardware or Code
head end to fitting center clamp.

*Use 6" increments only.

Ultimate Ratings
The Heavy Duty Wrap Around Type
X-Braces are rated at 35,000 lbs.
ultimate in tension. It is recommended
that our Engineering staff assist you in
specifying and applying these Heavy
Duty X-Braces. For more detailed
information, contact Hughes Brothers
Engineering Department.

B-34 ©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc.

braces B

2122 Extra Heavy Duty X-Brace,

Pin Type Connection
Hughes Brothers Type 2122 X-Brace is
designed for use on EHV two pole
structures. The end fitting configuration
will develop the very high loading
capabilities required of these braces.
Specify spacing C to C poles The 2122 X-Braces can be furnished
complete with mounting bolts, tees, pin
bolts, center clamps and grid gains. Pin
type connections greatly simplify
structure framing operations while
providing an excellent pole to brace

Stock No. Wood Section

2122 6" x 6-3/4" Laminate

Ordering Information
2 1 2 2- 2 0 - 0 - C P T

Pole spacing in feet & inches*.

Complete with mounting hardware. -CPT

Install 1" thru-bolt with
head end to fitting X-Brace with center clamp only. -CCO

Provides just X-Brace assembly. -No

No mounting hardware or center Code

*Use 6" increments only.

Ultimate Ratings
The Extra Heavy Duty Pin type X-Braces are rated at 40,000 lbs.
ultimate in tension. It is recommended that our Engineering staff
assist you in specifying and applying these Heavy Duty X-Braces.
For more detailed information, contact Hughes Brothers
Engineering Department.

©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc. B-35

B braces

B2508 Tubular Steel X-Brace

The B2508 Steel X-Brace is designed

to compliment concrete and steel
transmission poles. In certain
applications, it can be justified for
wood pole construction.

Ordering Information

B2508-15-0- CPT

Pole spacing in feet & inches*.

Complete with mounting bolts, -CPT

curved washers & center clamp.

X-Brace with center clamp only. -CCO

Provides just X-Brace -No

assembly. No mounting Code
hardware or center clamp.

*Use 6" increments only.

When using with concrete poles,

please specify CC length and pole

Ultimate Ratings
The B2508 Tubular Steel X-Brace is
rated at 25,000 lbs. ultimate in tension.
It is recommended that our Engineering
Specify spacing C to C poles staff assist you in specifying and
applying these Heavy Duty X-Braces.
For more detailed information, contact
the Hughes Brothers Engineering

B-36 ©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc.

braces B

B2508-B Heavy Duty Steel X-Brace

The B2508-B Steel X-Brace is de-

signed to compliment concrete and
steel transmission poles. In certain
applications, it can be justified for
wood pole construction.

Ordering Information
Center to center length,

C-C in inches

To specify, reference B2508-B and

the X-brace member length in inches.
Contact Hughes Brothers engineering
department and reference pole
spacing and pole diameter for assis-
tance in determining C-C length.


Ultimate Ratings
It is recommended that our Engineering staff assist you in specifying and
applying these Heavy Duty X-Braces. For more detailed information, contact
the Hughes Brothers Engineering Department.

©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc. B-37

B braces

2840 X-Brace Center Clamp

Center Clamps play a very important role in an X-Brace assembly. By
clamping the center of an X-Brace, the effective length of the compression
member is reduced by half. It is also important that the center clamp is free
to move as the structure is loaded, since an H-frame is flexible, not rigid.
Hughes Brothers center clamps are the result of years of full scale testing of
H-Frames and a thorough understanding of the proper use of X-Bracing.

N50 1/2" Nut,

MF50 1/2" Locknut 1-3/4"

9/16" Dia.


"A" 1/4" x 1-3/4"


End of rod
coned 30o
R3/8" R3/8"

B-38 ©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc.

braces B

2840 X-Brace Center Clamp

Component Parts
Wood Section Rod Strap
Stock No. Type in Inches Part No. “A”(in.) Part No. “B”(in.)
2840-A X-Brace 3-3/8 x 4-3/8 2840.1B 6-7/8 2840.2B 7-1/4
2840-B X-Brace 3-3/4 x 4-3/4 2840.1C 7-5/8 2840.2C 7-3/8
2840-C X-Brace 3-3/8 x 5-3/8 2840.1B 6-7/8 2840.2E 8-1/2

2840-D X-Brace 4 x 5 2840.1D 8-1/8 2840.2D 8-1/8

2840-E X-Brace 4-3/4 x 5-3/4 2840.1E 9-5/8 2840.2F 9-1/8
2840-F X-Brace 2-3/4 x 3-1/2 2840.1A 5-5/8 2840.2A 6

2840-G X-Brace 3-3/4 x 8-3/4 2840.1C 7-5/8 2840.2I 13-1/2

2840-H A-Frame 3-3/8 x 4-3/8 2840.1B 6-7/8 2840.2E 8-1/2
2840-I A-Frame 3-3/4 x 4-3/4 2840.1C 7-5/8 2840.2F 9-1/8

2840-J A-Frame 3-3/8 x 5-3/8 2840.1B 6-7/8 2840.2H 10

2840-K A-Frame 4 x 5 2840.1D 8-1/8 2840.2G 9-3/4
2840-L A-Frame 2-3/4 x 3-1/2 2840.1A 5-5/8 2840.2B 7-1/4

2840-M X-Brace 2-1/8 x 3-1/8 2840.1F 4-3/8 2840.2J 5-3/4

2840-N A-Frame 4 x 6 2840.1D 8-1/8 2840.2K 11-1/4
2840-P A-Frame 5-1/2 x 7-1/2 2840.1G 11-1/8 2840.2L 14-1/4

2840-Q X-Brace 4 x 6 2840.1D 8-1/8 2840.2G 9-3/4

2840-R X-Brace 5-1/2 x 7-1/2 2840.1G 11-1/8 2840.2M 12

2840-T X-Brace 3-3/4 x 7-1/2 2840.1C 7-5/8 2840.2M 12

2840-W X-Brace 3-3/4 x 5-3/4 2840.1C 7-5/8 2840.2G 9-3/4

2840-X X-Brace 4-3/4 x 6-3/4 2840.1E 9-5/8 2840.2P 10-1/2
2840-Y X-Brace 5-1/4 x 9 2840.1H 10-5/8 2840.2R 14

2840-Z X-Brace 4-1/2 x 9 2840.1J 9-1/8 2840.2R 14

©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc. B-39

Guying Attachments.................................C-1
Pole Bands.................................................. C-11
Links/Guying Assemblies.................... C-22
Pole/Crossarm/Spacer Fittings........C-36
Brackets/Bayonets................................ C-55
Pole Top Pins/Ridge Irons.................. C-83
Yoke Plates...............................................C-93
Other Hardware.................................... C-109

2817 Dead End Tee

+ +


The Hughes Brothers 2817 Dead End Tee is forged from

high strength steel and can be used to make simple

attachments at the pole, crossarm, X-brace or tension

brace. The stem mounting holes can be chamfered for

insulator, clevis, hook or other attachments.

Stock Mounting Dimensions / Inches Ultimate

No. Hole / in. Stem Hole A B C Weight Strength1 / lbs

2817-11 11/16 1-1/4* 1-1/2 1-1/2 11/16 6.0 lbs 60,000

2817-13† 13/16 1-1/4* 1-1/2 1-1/2 11/16 6.0 lbs
2817-15† 15/16 1-1/4* 1-1/2 1-1/2 11/16 6.0 lbs
2817-17 1-1/16 1-1/4* 1-1/4 1-1/2 11/16 6.0 lbs
2817-B-13 13/16 13/16* 1-1/4 1-5/8 11/16 6.0 lbs 60,000
2817-D† 15/16 1 1/8 1-1/4 1-3/4 11/16 6.0 lbs 60,000
2817-E 13/16 1-1/4x1-5/8* 1-1/4 1-3/4 11/16 5.8 lbs
2817-F 1-1/16 1-1/8 1-3/8 1-5/8 11/16 5.8 lbs
2817-S-15 15/16 15/16 1-3/8 1-1/2 11/16 6.1 lbs
2842.4A** 13/16 13/16 15/16 2-15/16 1/2 6.2 lbs 25,000
2842.4B** 15/16 11/16 15/16 2-15/16 1/2 6.2 lbs 25,000
2842.4C** 15/16 13/16 15/16 2-15/16 1/2 6.2 lbs 25,000

† Standard product version 1

The ultimate strength shown is based solely on the
* Chamfered Hole strength of the tee. Some pole mounting
** Flame cut from I-beam hardware may not develop an equivalent ultimate
Unit weight is 6 lbs

©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc. C-1


2817R Curved Base

Dead End Tee
The 2817R Curved Base Dead End Tee is similar to the
standard 2817 but features a base with a 4-1/2” radius.

3-5/8” Stem 11/16”




Mounting Ultimate
Stock No. Holes Stem Hole Strength 1 Weight
2817R4.5-13-13 13/16” 13/16” 60,000 lbs. 6 lbs.
2817R4.5-13-15 13/16” 15/16” 60,000 lbs. 6 lbs.
2817R4.5-17-15 1-1/16” 15/16” 60,000 lbs. 6 lbs.

Ordering Example
2 8 1 7 R 4.5 - 15 - 15

Mounting Hole Dia.

To order unit with stem hole chamfered, add a “C” Stem Hole Dia.
after hole diameter. (Example: 2817R4.5-15-15C).

Other stem and mounting hole configurations are

available, consult Hughes Brothers Engineering
The ultimate strength shown is based solely on the
department for assistance. strength of the tee. Some pole mounting hardware
may not develop an equivalent ultimate strength.

C-2 ©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc.


AS2720 Double Guying Tee
The Hughes Brothers AS2720 Guying Tee is designed
1-3/4” to facilitate multiple guying attachments to one piece
of hardware. The mounting base is formed to a 4-1/2”
radius to provide a solid connection on concrete, steel
and wood poles.

NOTE: The ultimate strength shown

is based solely on the strength of the
tee. Some pole mounting
hardware may not develop an
equivalent ultimate strength.

Mounting Stem Ultimate Strength
Stock No. Holes Holes A B Per Attachment Weight

AS2720-4.5 15/16” 15/16” 8” 2-1/2” 35,000 lbs. 13.2 lbs.

R=4-1/2” AS2720-A4.5 15/16” 15/16” 9” 3-1/2” 35,000 lbs. 14.3 lbs.
AS2720-A4.5-18 1-1/8” 15/16” 9” 3-1/2” 35,000 lbs. 14.3 lbs.

2816 & B1912-B


Dead End & Guying Tees

Hughes Brothers 2816 & B1912-B Dead End & Guying
Tees are flame cut from structural steel and are used
for conductor or shield wire dead ends and down guys. 6”
Stem and guy mounting holes are chamfered for insula-
tor, clevis, hook or other attachments.
/8” Stem & Ultimate
5-5 15/16”
Guy Strength Per
Stock Mounting
9” No. Hole Hole Attachment Weight
1-1/8” 2816-13 13/16” 1-1/4” 25,000 lbs 6 lbs
2816-15 15/16” 1-1/4” 25,000 lbs 6 lbs
2816-17 1-1/16” 1-1/4” 25,000 lbs 6 lbs
3” B1912-B 15/16” 15/16” 35,000 lbs 6 lbs


©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc. C-3


B1912-A & A2132
Stem Hole 3”
Heavy Dead
End Tees
1 /
Hole NOTE: The ultimate strength shown
is based solely on the strength of the
tee. Some pole mounting
hardware may not develop an
equivalent ultimate strength.

9” Ultimate
Stock No. Stem Hole Mtg. Hole Strength Weight


5/ 1-
8” B1912-A 15/16” 1-1/8” 70,000 lbs 15.7 lbs
A2132-E 1-1/8” 1-1/8” 70,000 lbs 15.5 lbs
A2132-H 1-1/8” 1-3/8” 70,000 lbs 15.5 lbs

/2” D


A2132 Heavy

Guying Tees


NOTE: The ultimate strength shown 9”

is based solely on the strength of the 12
tee. Some pole mounting
” C
hardware may not develop an
equivalent ultimate strength. 1-1

Stock Ultimate Strength

No. A B C D Per Attachment Weight
A2132-F 1-3/8” 1-1/8” 1-1/4” 3-1/2” 35,000 lbs. 17 lbs
A2132-F1 1-1/8” 1-1/8” 1-1/4” 3-1/2” 35,000 lbs. 17 lbs
A2132-G 1-1/8” 1-3/8” 1-3/8” 3-1/4” 35,000 lbs. 17 lbs

C-4 ©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc.


Stem Hole

A2132 Heavy

Dead End Tee


Dimensions in Inches
Stock No. A B C Mtg. Hole Stem Hole D E Wt./ lbs Strength

A2132 9 5-5/8 3 1-1/8 1-1/8 1-5/16 1-5/16 15.6 70,000 lbs

A2132-A 9 5-5/8 4 1-1/8 1-1/8 1-1/8 1-1/8 16.5 70,000 lbs
A2132-A1 12 5-5/8 3 1-1/8 1-1/8 1-5/16 1-5/16 19.4 70,000 lbs

A2132-A2 14 5-5/8 3 1-1/8 1-1/8 1-5/16 1-5/16 22.1 70,000 lbs

A2132-A4 9 5-5/8 3 15/16 1-3/8 1-5/16 1-5/16 15.5 70,000 lbs
A2132-D 9 5-5/8 3 1-1/8 1-3/8 1-5/16 1-5/16 15.3 70,000 lbs

A2132-HH 12 5-5/8 3 1-1/8 1-3/8 1-1/2 1-5/16 22 70,000 lbs

A2132-J 9 5-5/8 3 1-3/8 1-1/8 1-3/8 1-3/8 15 70,000 lbs
A2132-KK 9 5 2-1/4 15/16 1-1/16 1-1/4 1-1/4 14.3 70,000 lbs

A2132-M 9 5-5/8 3 1-3/8 1-3/8 1-5/8 1-5/8 14.9 70,000 lbs

NOTE: The ultimate strength shown

is based solely on the strength of the
tee. Some pole mounting hardware
may not develop an equivalent ultimate

©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc. C-5


x 1-1/2”
“**” AS2720 E4.5**
Curved Cross Tie &

Static Dead End Tee

4” 4”
**Specify Hole Size in 16ths
15/16” Example: AS2720-E4.5-18
Ultimate Strength, stem hole: 70,000 lbs.

The Hughes AS2720-E Curved Cross Tie & Dead End

Tee is designed to facilitate attaching a cross tie and
dead-ending the static wires on an angle structure
using only one piece of hardware. The mounting base
4-1/2” is curved to provide a solid connection on concrete,
wood or steel poles.

NOTE: The ultimate strength shown

is based solely on the strength of the
tee. Some pole mounting hardware

may not develop an equivalent ultimate

4-1/2” Radius 5-1/4” 5”

+ 1-3/8”
B2693-J Dead End Tee 1-1/2” +

Ultimate Strength: 50,000 lbs.


1-1/4” Hole
Chamfered (Both Sides)

C-6 ©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc.


B2693-H Welded Dead End Plate

1-1/4” Hole
with Chamfer
(Both Sides)
Ultimate Strength: 80,000 lbs.
1-3/8” Hole
NOTE: The ultimate strength
+ shown is based solely on the
strength of the tee. Some pole
mounting hardware may not

develop an equivalent ultimate


1-3/8” Hole

B2693-H8 Steel Guy Plate


8-1/4” R. 1-5/8”
1-1/4” Hole Hole

Ultimate Strength: 80,000 lbs. per position. Hole

*Many other configurations available. Contact 1/2”

Hughes Brothers for more information. Grounding Stud

©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc. C-7


Hughes Brothers 1258 Pole Eye Plate is cast from

65-45-12 ductile iron. The Hughes design offers 1258 Pole Eye Plate
significant strength advantages over competing pole
eye plates.

Mounting options are either by (2) mounting bolts

on 4” or 5” spacing, or (1) mounting bolt & (2) lag
screws. Galvanizing is per ASTM A153.

4” 1”





1-1/8” 1-1/8”

+ + +

13/16” 9/16”

Stock No. Mtg. Holes Stem Hole Ult. Strength Weight

1258 13/16” 13/16” 28,000 lbs. 3.5 lbs. ea.

or 9/16” at 45

C-8 ©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc.


28261, 28262 & 28263 Guy Plate

The Hughes Brothers 28261, 28262 & 28263 Guy Plates allow for guying
D A attachment with 2 mounting bolts and are manufactured from 1/2” x 1-3/4” steel.

Ultimate Approximate
Stock No. D Strength Weight
28261 4” 20,000 lbs 2.8 lbs
C 28262 6” 20,000 lbs 3.3 lbs
28263 10” 20,000 lbs 5.2 lbs
28264 12 20,000 lbs 5.7 lbs
28265 8” 20,000 lbs 3.8 lbs

Ordering Example:
No. A B C
NOTE: The ultimate strength shown
is based solely on the strength of the 28262 - 11 - 11 - 13
guy plate. Some pole mounting hard- Hole size in 1/16’s
(any combination
ware may not develop an equivalent
Designates 6” of 9/16”, 11/16”,
ultimate strength. 13/16” & 15/16”)
hole spacing
(see table above)

2822.2 Guy Plate

The Hughes Brothers 2822.2 is a sub-assembly of the
2822 Swinging Angle Bracket but functions well on its
own as a heavy guy plate. The 2822.2 is manufactured
from 5/8” x 3” steel.

Stock A Mtg. Holes Ultimate Weight Std. Pkg.

No. Inches in Inches Strength -lbs lbs. ea. Qty.
6” 15/16” Hole
2822.2A-13 13/16 35,000 7 8
2822.2B-13 9” 13/16 8.5 5
2822.2C-13 12” 13/16 10 5
2822.2D-13 15” 13/16 12 5
2822.2A-15 6” 15/16 7 8
2822.2B-15 9” 15/16 8.5 5
2822.2C-15 12” 15/16 10 5
2822.2D-15 15” 15/16 12 5

©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc. C-9


Guy Plates

& Twisted Clips


Guy Plates
Stock No. A B Weight/lbs
AS424 11/16” 11/16” 13/16” 4” 3/8” 30 o
AS452 13/16” 13/16” 13/16” 6” 3/8” 30o 2.5
AS1459 11/16” 13/16” 13/16” 12” 5/16” 45o 3.8


A Stock No. A B C D E F Weight/lbs

AS1062 13/16 13/16 7/8” 9” 5/16” 30 o
AS2276-L 15/16” 15/16” 1” 16” 1/2” 45o 11.05

AS2276-L1 15/16” 15/16” 1-1/8” 6” 5/8” 45o 7.8

AS2276-L3 1-1/8” 1-1/8” 1-1/8” 6” 5/8” 45o 8.5
AS2276-L4 1-1/8” 1-1/8” 1/1-8” 12” 5/8” 45o 11.09

F Twisted Clips
C-C Hole
Stock No. A B C Before Bending Weight/lbs
C AS2276-* 15/16” 15/16” 1/2” 7” 3.0
AS2276-A-* 13/16” 15/16” 3/8” 7-1/2” 3.7
B AS2276-C-* 13/16” 1-1/16” 3/8” 7-1/2” 3.7
AS2276-D-* 13/16” 13/16”** 3/8” 7-1/2”
AS2276-E-* 13/16” 13/16” 3/8” 7-1/2”
AS2276-F-* 13/16” 13/16” 1/2” 7” 3.0
AS2276-G-* 13/16” 13/16” 1/4” 7”
A AS2276-H-* 13/16” 13/16” 3/8” 7”
* Degree of bend ** Square hole

Ordering Example: AS2276-D-52
Ang Degree of bend
Stock number

C-10 ©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc.


Reasons to Consider
Hughes Brothers Pole Bands

©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc. C-11


1111, 3100 & 3102

Distribution - Light Duty
Pole Bands
1111, 3100, 3102 Hughes Brothers 1111, 3100 & 3102 Pole Bands
are used for conductor and guy attachments.
They are designed for a variety of line angle

The 1111, 3100 & 3102 Pole Bands are easily

adjustable to varying pole top diameters, and
135 o
135o serve a dual purpose as anti-split devices.
For the 1111, 3100 & 3102 series, pole through
bolts are not required. All hardware connections
are double nutted to ensure hardware remains

1111-B & 3100-B Band sections are made from 1/4” x 4” steel with
embossed bends. Each band section has a 9/16”
hole for 1/2” lag screws. 3/4” x 6” Threaded rods
Stock Wt. Lbs. Std. Pkg. Pole Dia. with 4 nuts are furnished.
No. Each Quantity Type Inches
Two bonding options are available. For bonding
1111 15 4 4-Way 90o 7 1/2-12 on the band section, order stock no. 2718.55. For
3100 13 4 4-Way 90o 6 1/2-10 1/2 bonding on the stud, order stock no. 2727.7 and
3102.1 15 4 4-Way 90o 10-14 an extra N70.
3102.4 18 2 4-Way 90o 13-17
3102.6 22 2 4-Way 90o 16-20 *Connecting Links & Guy Rollers are ordered
1111-A 15 2 4-Way 135o 7 1/2-12 separately. Suggested connecting links are 3150
3100-A 13 4 4-Way 135o 6 1/2-10 1/2 and 3170.

1111-B 15 4 3-Way 90o 7 1/2-12

3100-B 13 4 3-Way 90o 6 1/2-10 1/2
Suggested Maximum Conductor Working Load
135o 135o
6,000 Lbs., 45o Guy, 2 Way 1111-A & 3100-A
3,500 Lbs., 30o Guy, 2 Way 45o
4,500 Lbs., 45o Guy, 4 Way
2,600 Lbs., 30o Guy, 4 Way
NOTE: To order Pole Bands assembled, add suffix
“ASSY” to part number i.e. 3102.4-ASSY

C-12 ©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc.


3103 Medium Duty

Pole Bands
Hughes Brothers 3103 Pole Bands are designed for
conductor & guy attachments. 3103 Pole Bands are well
suited to wood, concrete or steel pole applications.

Band sections are made from 3/8” x 4” steel. Each band

section has a 9/16” hole to accommodate a 1/2” lag screw.
7/8” threaded rod with 4 nuts are furnished.

Stock Wt. Lbs. Pole Dia. Two bonding options are available. For bonding on the
No. Each Type Inches band section, order stock no. 2718.55. For bonding on the
stud, order stock no. 2727.8 and an extra N80.
3103.5 18 4-Way 90o 7 - 10
3103.6 21 4-Way 90o 9 - 12 Connecting Links & Guy Rollers are ordered separately.
3103.7 23 4-Way 90o 11 - 14 Suggested connecting links are 3151, 3152, 3153, 3154,
3103.8 26 13 - 16 and 3176.
4-Way 90o
3103.9 28 4-Way 90o 15 - 18
3103.10 32 4-Way 90o 17 - 20 NOTE: To order Pole Bands assembled, add suffix
“ASSY” to part number i.e. 3103.5-ASSY

Suggested Maximum Conductor Working Load

DE Load Rated at 7,000 Lbs with a 45o Guy
DE Load Rated at 4,000 Lbs with a 30o Guy

©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc. C-13


3105 Medium Duty

Pole Bands
Hughes Brothers 3105 Pole Bands are designed for
conductor & guy attachments. 3105 Pole Bands are well
suited to wood, concrete or steel applications.

Band sections are made from 1/2” x 4” steel. Each band

section has a 9/16” hole to accommodate a 1/2” lag
screw. 7/8” threaded rods with 4 nuts are furnished.

Two bonding options are available. For bonding on the

band section, order stock no. 2718.55. For bonding on
the stud, order stock no. 2727.8 and an extra N80.

Connecting Links & Guy Rollers are ordered separately.

Suggested connecting links are 3151, 3152, 3153, 3154,
Stock Wt. Lbs. Pole Dia. 3166, 3176 and 3184.
No. Each Type Inches
3105.5 4-Way 90o 7 - 10 NOTE: To order Pole Bands assembled, add suffix
3105.6 4-Way 90o 9 - 12 “ASSY” to part number i.e. 3105.5-ASSY
3105.7 30 4-Way 90o 11 - 14
3105.8 33 4-Way 90o 13 - 16
3105.9 36 4-Way 90o 15 - 18 Suggested Maximum Conductor
Working Load
DE Load Rated at 10,000 lbs with a 45o Guy
DE Load Rated at 6,000 lbs with a 30o Guy.

C-14 ©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc.


3107 Heavy
Duty Pole Band

The Hughes Brothers 3107 Pole Band is designed for

insulator & guying attachments on applications with
heavy loading criteria.

The 3107 Pole Band uses a 1-1/4” pole through bolt and
Shown with 3157 Links & 28083 Roller, 1” studs.
2718.55 Bonding Clip and bolt.*

Shear blocks are used to properly transfer stresses to

the pole and guy. The principal function of the band
sections is to prevent the splitting of the pole.

Band sections are made from 1/4” x 4” steel.

Suggested Maximum Conductor
Working Load Two bonding options are available. For bonding on the
DE Load Rated at 18,000 Lbs with a 45o Guy band section, order stock no. 2718.55. For bonding on
DE Load Rated at 10,500 Lbs with a 30o Guy the stud, order stock no. 2727.10 and an extra N100.

Suggested connecting links are 3157, 3155, 3159, 3160

and 3167.

*Connecting links, guy rollers, and bolts are ordered


Stock Wt. Lbs. Pole Dia.

No. Each Type Inches Description
3107.5 38 2-Way 180o 8 - 10 1-1/4” Thru Bolt
3107.6 39 10 - 12 1” Stud Bolts
3107.7 41 12 - 14
3107.8 44 14 - 16
3107.9 46 16 - 18
3107.10 49 18 - 20

NOTE: To order Pole Bands assembled, add suffix

“ASSY” to part number i.e. 3107.6-ASSY

©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc. C-15


3108 Heavy
Duty Pole Bands
The Hughes Brothers 3108 Pole Band is designed for
insulator & guying attachments on applications with
heavy loading criteria.

The 3108 Pole Band uses a 7/8” pole through bolt and
7/8” studs.
Shown with 3154 Links & 28082 Roller.*
Shear blocks are used to properly transfer stresses to
the pole and guy. The principal function of the band
sections is to prevent the splitting of the pole.

Band sections are made from 1/4” x 4” steel.

Suggested Maximum Conductor
Working Load
Two bonding options are available. For bonding on the
DE Load Rated at 14,000 Lbs with a 45o Guy band section, order stock no. 2718.55. For bonding on
DE Load Rated at 8,500 Lbs with a 30o Guy the stud, order stock no. 2727.8 and an extra N80.

*Connecting Links, Guy Rollers & Bolts are ordered


Suggested connecting links are 3151, 3152, 3153, 3154

3166, 3176 and 3184.

Stock Wt. Lbs. Pole Dia.

No. Each Type Inches Description
3108.5 26 2-Way 180o 7 - 10 7/8” Thru Bolt
3108.6 28 9 - 12 7/8” Stud Bolts
3108.7 30 11 - 14
3108.8 32 13 - 16
3108.9 34 15 - 18
3108.10 36 17 - 20
3108.11 38 19 - 22
3108.12 40 21 - 24

NOTE: To order Pole Bands assembled, add suffix

“ASSY” to part number i.e. 3108.6-ASSY

C-16 ©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc.


3112 Heavy Duty

Pole Bands
Hughes Brothers 3112 Pole Bands are designed for
insulator and guying attachments on applications
with very heavy loading.
Shown with 3157 Links and 2718.55 Bonding Clip.*
The 3112 Series uses a 1-1/4” pole thru bolt, with
shear blocks to transfer loads to the pole and guy.
An extra wide band section and double stud ar-
rangement provides an excellent bearing surface
on the pole to counter the vertical component of the
guy load.
Suggested Maximum Conductor
Working Load Band sections are made from 3/8” x 5” steel. 1”
stud bolts are included.
DE Load Rated at 20,000 Lbs with a 45o Guy
DE Load Rated at 12,500 Lbs with a 30o Guy Two bonding options are available. For bonding
on the band section, order stock no. 2718.55. For
bonding on the stud, order stock no. 2727.10 and
an extra HN100.

*Connecting Links, Guy Rollers & Bolts are ordered


Suggested connecting links are 3157, 3155, 3159,

3160 and 3167.

Stock Wt. Lbs. Pole Dia.

No. Each Type Inches
3112.5 64 2-Way 180o 8 - 11
3112.6 69 11 - 14
3112.7 74 12 - 17
3112.8 79 15 - 19
3112.9 84 17 - 21

NOTE: To order Pole Bands assembled, add suffix

“ASSY” to part number i.e. 3112.5-ASSY

©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc. C-17


3340 Extra Heavy

Duty Pole Bands
Hughes Brothers 3340 Pole Bands are designed for insulator and guying
attachments on applications with very heavy loading, such as dead end
applications. Conductor loads are transferred to the guy and pole by a 1-1/4”
threaded rod.

Large links and yoke plates at both conductor and down guy distribute loads

Several variations of this arrangement are available. Before ordering, we

suggest our engineers assist you in making a complete analysis of the
application and associated links and yokes for these band assemblies.

Two bonding options are available. For bonding on the band section, order
stock no. 2718.55. For bonding on the stud, order stock no. 2727.8 and an
extra N80.

Stock Wt. Lbs. Pole Dia.

Suggested Maximum Conductor No. Each Type Inches
Working Load
3340.5 112 2-Way 180o 8 - 13
DE Load Rated at 22,000 Lbs with a 45o Guy 3340.6 120 2-Way 180o 12 - 17
DE Load Rated at 12,700 Lbs with a 30o Guy

C-18 ©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc.


3341 Extra Heavy

Duty Pole Bands
Hughes Brothers 3341 Pole Bands are designed for
insulator and guying attachments on applications
with very heavy loading, such as in line dead end
applications. Conductor loads are transferred to the
guy and pole by a 1-1/4” threaded rod.

Large links and yoke plates at both conductor and

down guy distribute loads equally.

Several variations of this arrangement are available.

Before ordering, we suggest our engineers assist
you in making a complete analysis of the application
Suggested Maximum Conductor and associated links and yokes for these band
Working Load assemblies.

DE Load Rated at 22,000 Lbs with a 45o Guy Two bonding options are available. For bonding
DE Load Rated at 12,700 Lbs 30o Guy on the band section, order stock no. 2718.55. For
bonding on the stud, order stock no. 2727.8 and an
extra N80.

Stock Wt. Lbs. Pole Dia.

No. Each Type Inches
3341.5 217 2-Way 180o 8 - 13
3341.6 225 2-Way 180o 12 - 17

©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc. C-19


1/2” Carriage Bolt Band Material

2845 Pole Top 3/16” x 3” Steel

Anti-Split Band
The 2845 can be used at various locations on a
pole as a preventative measure against pole splits
due to either induced loads or seasoning checks.
The Hughes 2845 anti-split band is formed from
3/16” x 3” steel and clamps to the pole with 1/2”
carriage bolts.

Stock Pole Dia. Wt. Lbs. Ground Clip & 1/2” x 1 1/2” Carriage
No. Inches Each Bolt (Furnished when Specified).
2845.5 7-9 Add suffix “2718.55”.
2845.6 8 1/2 - 10 1/2 EXAMPLE: 2845.5-2718.55
2845.7 10 1/2 - 12 1/2 6

C-20 ©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc.


Type B2682-B
5/8” x 5”
7/8” x 8” Pole Band Assembly
Threaded Rod

Ordering Example:
B2682 -B7
Vang Pole diameter in inches.
*Use 1” increments only.

32,000 lbs. Ultimate
Strength Rating


Type B2682-E
5/8” x 10”
Band Section
7/8” x 8” Pole Band Assembly
Full Threaded

Ordering Example:
Vang B2682 -E8
Pole diameter in inches.
*Use 1” increments only.
7/8” Dia. Hole
1/8” Chamfer
Both Sides

25,000 lbs. Ultimate

Strength Rating


©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc. C-21


Connecting Links

CC Hole Offset/ Gap/ Strength Weight/ Standard
Stock No. Size in Inches Length Link 2 Links A B Rating** Each Lbs. Pkg. Qty.

3150 1/4 x 1-3/4 x 9-1/2 7-1/2” 3/4” 1-1/2” 13/16” 13/16” 20,000 lbs. 1.1 50
3152 1/4 x 2 x 9-1/2 7-1/2” 3/4” 1-1/2” 15/16” 15/16” 24,000 lbs. 1.2 40
3154 3/8 x 2 x 9-1/2 7-1/2” 1” 2” 15/16” 15/16” 38,000 lbs. 1.8 30
3170 1/4 x 2 x 9-1/2 7-1/2” 3/4” 1-1/2” 13/16” 13/16” 24,000 lbs. 1.2 50
** Rating per pair of links. All links sold individually.

1-3/8” C-C


B Gap

CC Hole Offset/ Gap/ Strength Weight/ Standard
Stock No. Size in Inches Length Link 2 Links A B Rating** Each Lbs. Pkg. Qty.
3151 1/4 x 3 x 9-1/2 7-1/4” 3/4” 1-1/2” 15/16” 1-1/4” 24,000 lbs. 1.8 30
3153 1/4 x 3 x 9-1/2 7” 3/4” 1-1/2” 15/16” 15/16” 24,000 lbs. 1.8 30
3155 3/8 x 3 x 10 7-1/4” 3/4” 1-1/2” 1-1/16” 1-1/16” 45,000 lbs. 2.8 20
3157 3/8 x 3 x 12 9-1/4” 1-3/8” 2-3/4” 1-1/16” 1-1/16” 45,000 lbs. 3.5 10
3160 3/8 x 3 x 9-1/2 7-1/8” 1” 2” 1-1/16” 1-1/4” 45,000 lbs. 2.6 20
3167 3/8 x 3 x 12 9-1/4” 1-3/8” 2-3/4” 1-1/16” 1-1/4” 45,000 lbs. 3.4 10
3168 5/16 x 3 x 12 9-1/4” 1-3/8” 2-3/4” 1-1/16” 1-5/16” 35,000 lbs. 3.0 20
3169 3/8 x 3 x 10 7-1/4” 3/4” 1-1/2” 1-1/16” 15/16” 38,000 lbs. 2.8 20
3172 3/8 x 3 x 9-3/4 7-1/2” 1” 2” 15/16” 1-1/4” 38,000 lbs. 2.7 20
3176 3/8 x 3 x 9-1/2 7-1/8” 1” 2” 15/16” 1-1/4” 38,000 lbs. 2.8 20
** Rating per pair of links. All links sold individually.

C-22 ©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc.


B Straight Links


CC Hole Strength Weight/ Standard
Stock No. Size in Inches Length A B Rating** Each Lbs. Pkg. Qty.

2450 1/4 x 3 3” 15/16” 15/16” 24,000 lbs. 1.1 40

3165 3/8 x 3 6” 15/16” 15/16” 38,000 lbs. 2.5 20
3171 3/8 x 2 7-1/2” 15/16” 15/16” 38,000 lbs. 1.8 30
3173 3/8 x 3 6” 1-1/8” 1-1/8” 45,000 lbs. 2.4 20
3175 1/2 x 3 6” 1-1/8” 1-1/8” 60,000 lbs. 3.2 20
AS942-A 1/2 x 1-3/4 6” 13/16” 13/16” 40,000 lbs. 1.8 25
A2273.1A 1/2 x 1-3/4 6” 13/16” 13/16” 40,000 lbs. 1.8 25
** Rating per pair of links. All links sold individually.

Guy Rollers
Size R Hughes Brothers Guy Rollers are cast
from 65-45-12 ductile iron.
Galvanized per ASTM A 153.


Stock Wire Seat Hole Thickness/

No. Radius WR Size Diameter R Wt.
28082 1-1/8” 15/16” 7/8” x 2 3/4” 3/8” 1.0 lbs
Thickness 28083 1-9/16” 1 1/16” 1” x 3 1/4” 7/16” 1.6 lbs
28084 15/16” 13/16” 13/16” x 2 3/8” 5/16” .6 lbs
28085 11/16” 11/16” 13/16” x 1 3/4” 5/16” .3 lbs
28086 1-1/8” 15/16” 13/16” x 2 1/2” 3/8” .8 lbs

©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc. C-23


A Twisted Links


CC Hole Strength Weight/ Standard
Stock No. Size in Inches Length A B Rating** Each- Lbs. Pkg. Qty.

3159 3/8 x 3 20” 1-1/16” 1-1/16” 45,000 lbs. 6.8 5

3174 1/2 x 3 20” 1-3/8” 1-3/8” 60,000 lbs. 9.0 6
3166 3/8 x 2 12” 15/16” 15/16” 38,000 lbs. 2.8 10
3184 3/8 x 3 11” 15/16” 15/16” 45,000 lbs. 3.8 10

All links sold individually.

Twisted Links


CC Hole Strength Weight/ Standard
Stock No. Size in Inches Length A B Rating Each Lbs. Pkg. Qty.

AS942 1/2 x 1-3/4 6” 13/16” 13/16” 20,000 lbs. 1.8 25

AS2019-8* 1/2 x 2 6” 15/16” 15/16” 24,000 lbs. 2.0 25
AS2019-10* 1/2 x 2 8” 15/16” 15/16” 24,000 lbs. 2.5 20
AS2019-12* 1/2 x 2 10” 15/16” 15/16” 24,000 lbs. 3.8 20
AS2469 3/8 x 2 7-1/4” 15/16” 15/16” 19,000 lbs. 1.9 25
AS1263 3/8 x 2 8” 15/16” 15/16” 19,000 lbs. 2.2 30

*Specify overall length in inches. Example, AS2019-18 = 18” link.

C-24 ©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc.


A1609 Extension Links
A Shipped assembled as shown.


CC Hole Gap/ Clevis Pin Strength Weight/ Standard
Stock No. Size in Inches Length 2 Links Dia A Rating Each Lbs. Pkg. Qty.

A1609-10 3/16 x 1-1/4 10” 13/16” 5/8” 11/16” 13,000 lbs. 1.9 25
A1609-12 12” 2.1 25
A1609-14 14” 2.3 25
A1609-16 16” 2.6 25
A1609-18 18” 2.8 25
A1609-20 20” 3.0 20
A1609-22 22” 3.3 20
A1609-24 24” 3.6 15
A1609-30 30” 4.4 15
A1609-40 40” 5.6 10
A1609-42 42” 5.9 10


1906 Clevis Links

Shipped assembled as shown.


CC Hole Gap/ Strength Weight/ Standard
Stock No. Size in Inches Length 2 Links A B Rating Each Lbs. Pkg. Qty.
1906-9 3/8 x 3 9” 7/8” 15/16” 15/16” 45,000 lbs. 7.3 8
1906-12 12” 9.2 8
1906-14 14” 10.2 5
1906-20 20” 14.3 5
1906-24 24” 16.9 5
1906-30 30” 21.0 3
1906-40 40” 27.0 2
1906-47 47” 31.5 2
1906-53 53” 35.4 2

©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc. C-25


RUS Type 1
The following RUS accepted material is furnished with
a Hughes TG-92-1(old style TG-22) RUS Type 1 Guy
Link Assembly:

Stock No. Description Quantity

28082 Guy Roller 1

3165 Links 2
B83-2 7/8” x 3” Machine Bolts 2
N80 7/8” Square Nuts 2
MF80 7/8” Lock Nuts 2

Ordering Information
Stock No. Description Wt. ea. (lbs.)
TG-92-1 Assembled, 5/Box 7.6

RUS Type 2
The following RUS Accepted material is furnished with
a Hughes TG-92-2 (old style TG-22-2) RUS Type 2
Guy Link Assembly:
Stock No. Description Quantity

1896 Yoke Plates 2

28082 Guy Rollers 2
B83-2 7/8” x 3” Machine Bolts 3
N80 7/8” Square Nuts 3
MF80 7/8” Lock Nuts 3

Ordering Information
Stock No. Description Wt. ea. (lbs.)
TG-92-2 Assembled, 4/Box 14.6

C-26 ©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc.


Guy Wire Thimbles

Hughes Brothers Guy Wire Thimbles prevent
strand damage at attachment points.
(Recommeded for use with wire rope only).

Stock No. Strand Size Opening Width Eye Width Eye Length Unit Wt. Ea.

AS2731-A 3/8” 5/8” 7/8” 2-5/8” .09

AS2731-B 1/2” 3/4” 1-1/8” 1-1/8” .16
AS2731-C 5/8” 7/8” 1-5/16” 3-1/2” .31

See Fastener Section “E” for Turnbuckles

See Fiberglass Section “F” for Guy Strains

©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc. C-27


B2286-C Guy Anchor Assembly

Hughes Brothers B2286-C Guy Anchor Assembly is made
of 1-3/8” rod and is hot dip galvanized.


6” Thread 3” 1-5/8”

1-5/8” 1-1/4” 1-5/8”

(2) 1-3/8” (2) 1-3/8” Hex & Lock
Hex Nuts CW130 Nuts, 1/2” Washer 28083-1-5/16
Roller 1-1/4” Bolt
& Locknut

C-28 ©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc.


3002 Push Brace


The 3002 Push Brace Assembly is used to facilitate

field installation of a push pole. The push pole is
trimmed to an 8” cross section and drilled for (3) 3/4”
fitting bolts.

The assembly is furnished complete with fittings,

mounting tee and washer plate, all bolts, nuts and
Pole Mounting
Bolt Length
Dead End Tee
Unit Weight / lbs
3002-10 43.7
1” Machine Bolt 3002-12 45.3
3002-14 44.8
3002-16 45.2
Welded Clip Angles

3/8” x 5” Steel Plate


©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc. C-29


B1637 Pole Stubbing Band

Hughes Brothers Pole Stubbing Bands provide an economical
5/8” Threaded Rod method of splinting a damaged or rotten pole, usually without
disrupting service.
Curved Washer
A Pole Stub should be installed beside the damaged pole to the
same set depth as the original pole.

Each assembly includes band material, saddle spacer, lag screws

and washers. A 5/8” x 12” threaded rod used to tighten the bands
is also included.

Lag Screws
B1637-B (Single)

5/8” Threaded Rod

Band 2” Pipe Typical single band stubbing configuration.

(B1637-B Shown)

Lag Lag Screws
Typical double band stubbing configuration.
B1637-C (Double) (B1637-C Shown)

Stock No. Band Length Wt. Lbs. Ea. Stock No. Band Length Wt. Lbs. Ea.
B1637-B6 6’-0” 12 B1637-C8* 8’-0” 14.5
B1637-B8 8’-0” 14 B1637-C10* 10’-0” 16.0
B1637-C12* 12’-0” 17
Band Only
Band Only
B1637.5-6 6’-0” 5.2
B1637.5-8 8’-0” 7.0 B1637.4-8* 8’-0” 6.0
B1637.4-10* 10’-0” 7.5
(Holes in Full Length of Band)
B1637.4-12* 12’-0” 9.0
*(Holes in Last 36” of Band Only)

C-30 ©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc.


2508 Wood Guy Markers

Hughes Brothers 2508 Wood Guy Markers are made of straight
grain fir. They are dip painted in either high visibility white or
yellow. Each guy guard is 1 3/4” x 2 5/8” x 8’ in length with an
inside groove 3/4” deep and 9/16” wide.

Three tie wires are attached to each marker and only a pair of
lineman’s pliers are necessary for installation. A 6” mortised
end rests firmly on the anchor end of the guy. The guy markers
have no bolts, bulky catches, hinges or parts to lose.

Hughes 2508 Guy Markers are wrapped in heavy kraft paper in

bundles of 10 for shipping.

Wood Guy Markers work especially well in areas of high ultra-

violet radiation, outlasting most resin based, plastic guy guards.
Douglas-fir breaks down under average UV exposure at the
rate of 1/4” per 100 years.

No. Color Wt./Ea.
2508 W White 7.4 lbs
2508 Y Yellow 7.4 lbs


1/4”R 3/4”


©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc. C-31


C4205 Cable Guard

The Hughes C4205 Cable Guard is designed to protect power & telephone
riser cables. It is formed to match the shape of the standard PVC cable
covers. Hughes Brothers Cable Guards are made of 14 Ga. steel with
formed mounting flanges for easy installation. The C4205 is available
with or without a covered vent hole. Lag screws are used for attachment,
ordered separately.

*C4205.1A features (7) 11/32”

holes on each side.

Stock No. Mtg. Holes “A” “B” “C” Vent Holes

C4205.1A* 11/32” 5-3/8” 6-1/8” 10’ YES

C4205.3A 9/16” 6-3/4” 6-1/4” 9’ NO
C4205.4A 9/16” 4-7/8” 3-1/4” 8’ NO
C4205.4B 9/16” 5-3/8” 4-1/4” 8’ NO
Available covered vent C4205.4C 9/16” 5-7/8” 5-1/4” 8’ NO
hole reduces moisture
build-up inside cover.

C-32 ©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc.


Ground Wire Moulding

Hughes Brothers Ground Wire Moulding provides a safe
and economical cover for exposed ground wire. No. 2501
is the standard moulding used for most ground wire
applications. No. 2503 is designed for additional protection
and will not break when struck by a lineman’s spike. No.
2504 will cover wires or pipe up to 1 inch in diameter. The
moulding can be removed with standard hand tools allowing 2501 2502
inspection of the cables.

Hughes Ground Wire Mouldings are manufactured from

Douglas-fir or Hem-fir, in standard lengths of 8’-0”.

All mouldings are carried in stock for immediate shipment.

Special mouldings can be fabricated for any number of sizes
of cables and for outside dimensions other than those shown. 2503 2504

Hughes Brothers mouldings are shipped in strapped,

rectangular bundles.

Wt. per Groove Groove Std.

1000 Width Height Width Height Length Bundle
Stock No. Lineal Ft. Treatment Inches Inches Inches Inches in Feet Qty.

2501.8 130 Penta 1 7/8 1/2 1/2 8 63

2502.8 180 Penta 1-1/2 7/8 1/2 1/2 8 25
2503.8 280 Penta 1-11/16 1-3/16 3/4 3/4 8 25
2504.8 990 Penta 2-11/16 1-11/16 1-1/8 1-1/8 8 4

©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc. C-33


Moulding Straps
Hughes Brothers Galvanized Steel Moulding Straps are
25041 used for attaching ground wire or multi-conductor cable
moulding to the pole. These straps are made of 3/32” x 3/4”
steel and are easy to remove for wire cable inspection.
Two 2-1/2” galvanized nails are furnished with each strap.

For Use Wt. Lbs. Height Inside Width Recommended

Stock No. With per 1,000 Inches Inches Spacing (ft)

25011 2501.8 60 7/8 1 2-1/2

25031 25021 2502.8 70 7/8 1-1/2 2-1/2
25031 2503.8 85 1-3/16 1-11/16 2-1/2

25041 2504.8 130 1-11/16 2-11/16 2

25051 2505.8 200 2 3-1/4 2
25061 2506.8 290 3 4 2

Galvanized Moulding Staples

Hughes Galvanized Moulding Staples are used for attaching ground
wire moulding to the pole, 2’-6” spacing recommended.

For Use Wt. Lbs. Height Inside Width

Stock No. With per 1,000 Inches Inches

25014 2501.8 72 3 1
25034 2503.8 78 3 1-11/16

C-34 ©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc.


3016 & 3018 Pole Guards

Pole guards are used to protect wood poles from
vehicular damage in alleys, parking lots and street
corners. All holes are 9/16” in diameter.

Stock No. A Radius Weight / lbs.
3016 30” 7-1/2” 25
3016-B 23” 5-1/2” 11
3018 17-3/4” 7-1/2” 10

©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc. C-35


3414 Adjustable Spacer

Fittings for H-Frame Double
Arm Assemblies
Hughes Brothers 3414 Series Adjustable Spacer
Fittings are used to facilitate double arm H-frame
transmission arm construction.

The distance between side arms can be varied

to accommodate different pole diameters. This
adjustability also greatly eases field framing
operations. The double arm assemblies can
be spread wide and slipped down the poles
into position where the side arms can then be
tightened against the poles.

The 3414 allows for brace and insulator

attachment while properly transferring loads to
Wood Arm side arms.

The 3414 works equally well on our tubular

steel arms.


Ordering Example:
3414.6 F L - 100 - CPT
Includes Spacer

Adjustment Range
(Table IV, pg C-38
or Table V, pg C-40)
Steel Tube Arm
Depth of crossarm
(Table III, pg C-37)

Width of crossarm
(Table II, pg C-37)

Side plate vertical &

horizontal bolt size
(Table I, pg C-37)

C-36 ©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc.


Explanation and Use of Tables - In ordering a 3414 Spacer Fitting, a
code made up from the tables is used to identify the arm size, their spacing
and bolt sizes with which they will be used. For example: a 3414.6FL-
100 would indicate a spacer for a 3-3/4” x 8-3/4” arm, 8-1/2” to 12-1/2”
adjustment, and tapped 5/8” vertical and horizontal bolts. Table I gives
the bolt sizes for which the spacer is to be tapped. Tables II & III give the Table I
various dimensions of the finished spacer. Table IV (page C-38) gives the
range of adjustment. To get bolts with spacer add suffix “CPT” to the end, Vertical Horizontal
see previous page.

Stock No. Bolt Bolt
“X” “X”
3414 Body 3414.2 1/2” 5/8”
Section 3414.4 5/8” 3/4”
1” Hole 3414.6 5/8” 5/8”
3414.7 3/4” 5/8”

“W” “Z”

3414.8 1/2” 3/4”

Width (Table III)

3414.9 3/4” 3/4”

3414.10 5/8” 7/8”
3414.11 Tap 5/8” Punch 15/16”
3414.12 7/8” 7/8”
3414.13 1/2” Punch 11/16”
3414.14 Punch 13/16” Tap 3/4”
3414.15 Punch 15/16” Tap 5/8”
Thkns Thkns
(Table II) (Table II)
1-1/4”R 1-7/16”
3414 -* Side Plate HB62, HN60 & MFH60
*See Table IV Hole

Table II Table III

Code Thickness “X” Code Width “Y” “W” “Z” “S”

A 2-5/8” 1-5/16” A 4-3/4” 2-3/32” 2-3/32” 0” -
B 2-3/4” 1-3/8” B 5” 2-3/32” “ 0” -
C 2-7/8” 1-7/16” C 5-3/4” 2-3/32” “ 0” -
D 3-1/2” 1-3/4” D 6-1/2” 3-1/4” “ 1-5/32” 1-19/64”
E 3-5/8” 1-13/16” E 6-3/4” 3-3/8” “ 1-9/32 1-27/64”
F 3-3/4” 1-7/8” F 7-1/2” 3-3/4” “ 1-21/32” 1-51/64”
G 3-7/8” 1-15/16” G 7-5/8” 3-13/16” “ 1-23/32” 1-55/64”
H 4” 2” H 7-3/4” 3-7/8 “ 1-25/32” 1-59/64”
J 4-1/2” 2-1/4” J 8-1/2” 4-1/4” “ 2-5/32” 2-19/64”
K 4-5/8” 2-5/16” K 8-5/8” 4-5/16” “ 2-7/32” 2-23/64”
L 4-3/4” 2-3/8” L 8-3/4” 4-3/8” “ 2-9/32” 2-27/64”
M 4-7/8” 2-7/16” M 8-7/8” 4-7/16” “ 2-11/32” 2-31/64”
N 5-1/2” 2-3/4” N 9-1/2” 4-3/4” “ 2-21/32” 2-51/64”
P 5-3/4” 2-7/8” P 5-3/8” 2-3/32” “ 0” -
Q 3-3/8” 1-11/16” Q 10-1/2” 5-1/4” “ 3-5/32” 3-19/64”
R 4-3/8” 2-3/16” R 4-1/2” 2-3/32” “ 0” -
S 6” 3” S 11-1/2” 5-3/4” “ 3-21/32” 3-51/64”
T 5-1/4” 2-5/8” T 6” 2-3/32” “ 0” -
U 3-1/4” 1-5/8” U 9-3/4” 4-7/8” “ 2-25/32” 2-59/64”
V 7-3/4” 3-7/8” V 9” 4-1/2” “ 2-13/32” 2-35/64”
W 5-1/8” 2-9/16” W 7-1/4” 3-5/8” “ 1-17/32” 1-43/64”
X 4-1/8” 2-1/16” X 8” 4” “ 1-29/32” 2-3/64”
Y 3-1/8” 1-9/16” Y 8-1/4” 4-1/8” “ 2-1/32” 2-11/64”
Z 6-3/4” 3-3/8” Z 10” 5” “ 2-29/32” 3-3/64”
AA 2” 1” AA 6” 3” “ 29/32” 1-3/64”

©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc. C-37


Range of Adjustment

“A” “B”

1” hole dia.


1-7/16” hole dia.

Table IV

Stock No. A B Total Adj.

3414-100 8-1/2” 12-1/2” 4”

3414-120 10-1/2” 14-1/2” 4”
3414-140 12-1/2” 16-1/2” 4”

C-38 ©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc.


AS2276 Type Twisted Clip
7/8” Bent Bolt

3414 Adjustable Spacer Fitting with

Twisted Clip - Tension Brace Attachment

3414 Adjustable
Spacer Fitting

Vee Brace

7/8” Bent Bolt


3414 Adjustable Spacer Fitting

with Single Brace Attachment

3414 Adjustable
Spacer Fitting

7/8” Bent Stud Vee Brace


3414 Adjustable Spacer Fitting

with Double Brace Attachment

3414 Adjustable
Spacer Fitting

©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc. C-39


Spacer Fitting
3415 Spacer Fitting
Uses 5/16” plate.

3414-200 Series Spacer Fitting

The 3414-200 series is used in non-horizontal
applications such as those found on wishbone
and K-frame structures.

Table V
Stock No. A B Total Adj.

3414-200 8-1/2” 12-1/2” 4”

3414-220 10-1/2” 14-1/2” 4”
3414-240 12-1/2” 16-1/2” 4”

C-40 ©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc.


B2046 Spacer Fitting

The B2046 series of spacer fittings
are designed for extra heavy-duty
applications and uses a
2817 Dead End Tee
for conductor

AS2419 Dead End Angle

The AS2419 angle is used for dead end
applications on 3414/3415 adjustable
spacer fittings (ordered separately).

3400 Spacer Fitting

©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc. C-41


B2351 Crossarm Phase Fitting

Hughes Brothers B2351 Crossarm Phase Fitting is
used with suspension insulators and provides the
option of a phase attachment without a crossarm
through hole.

The assembly is provided complete with bolts, nuts

and locknuts as shown. The phase attachment bent
bolt is drilled and includes a cotter key. All material is
hot dip galvanized per ASTM A153.

Arm Size
No. “A” “B” “C” Wt./lbs
13/16” Hole
B2351.1A 5-1/2” 7-1/2” 3-3/4” 8.2
B2351.1B 4-3/4” 5-3/4” 2-7/8” 7.3
B2351.1C 4-3/4” 6-3/4” 3-3/8” 7.6
A B2351.1D 5-3/4” 7-3/4” 3-7/8” 8.3
B2351.1E 5-1/8” 7-1/2” 3-3/4” 8.2
5/8” x 4”
Bent Bolt

2824 Eye Bolt & Saddle Assembly A

Hughes No.2824 Eye Bolt & Saddle Assemblies are used for phase
attachment of suspension insulators. The 3/16” x 4” saddle washer
features a tapped through-hole. By tapping the washer through-hole,
a double nut connection between the washer and eye bolt is made,
ensuring tight, radio frequency static proof hardware.

To Order just a Saddle Washer:

Stock Tapped Through

No. Hole Hole

2824.1B-* 1/2” -
2824.1C-* 5/8” - Ordering
2824.1D-* 3/4” - Information:
2824.1E-* - 13/16”
2824.1F-* - 15/16” Example for an Eye Bolt & Saddle Assembly:
2824.1G-* 7/8” - 2 8 2 4 .5 -”A”-”B”
* Specify width of crossarm. Arm Depth, Inches
Arm Width, Inches
Example: 2824.1C-3-3/4 = 3-3/4” crossarm Rod size (.5) for 5/8” or (.6) for 3/4”

C-42 ©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc.



1004 Flat Gain Plate

& 1006 Embossed Gain Plate
The Hughes Brothers 1004 and 1006 Gain Plates are
Arm Depth used between the crossarm and pole allowing moisture
to drain from the connection. Adequate drainage of
moisture at this critical connection helps minimize long
term decay of each of the wood members.

1004 Flat Gain Plates are formed from 1/4” mild steel,
and are hot dip galvanized per ASTM A153. Standard
package quantity is 25.

1006 Embossed Gain Plates add additional gripping

1004 capacity.

Hole Size / Stock Number

Depth 9/16” 11/16” 13/16” 15/16 1 1/8” Unit Wt/
4-3/4” 1004.55 1004.65 1004.75 1004.85 1.2 lbs
5-3/4” 1004.56 1004.66 1004.76 1004.86 1.4 lbs
6-1/2” 1004.57 1004.67 1004.77 1004.87 1004.107 1.6 lbs
7-3/4” 1004.58 1004.68 1004.78 1004.88 1.8 lbs
8-3/4” 1004.59 1004.69 1004.79 1004.89 2.0 lbs
9” 1004.895 2.0 lbs
9-1/2” 1004.510 1004.610 1004.710 1004.810 1004.1010 2.3 lbs
10-1/2” 1004.511 1004.611 1004.711 1004.811 2.4 lbs
11-1/2” 1004.512 1004.612 1004.712 1004.812 2.6 lbs
13-1/2” 1004.814 1004.1014 3.7 lbs
4-3/4” 1006.55 1006.65 1006.75 1006.85 1.2 lbs
5-3/4” 1006.56 1006.66 1006.76 1006.86 1.4 lbs
6-1/2” 1006.57 1006.67 1006.77 1006.87 1006.107 1.6 lbs
7-3/4” 1006.58 1006.68 1006.78 1006.88 1006.108 1.8 lbs
8-3/4” 1006.59 1006.69 1006.79 1006.89 2.0 lbs
9” 1006.895 2.0 lbs
9-1/2” 1006.510 1006.610 1006.710 1006.810 1006.1010 2.3 lbs
10-1/2” 1006.511 1006.611 1006.711 1006.811 2.4 lbs
11-1/2” 1006.512 1006.612 1006.712 1006.812 2.6 lbs
12” 1006.8125 2.7 lbs
13-1/2” 1006.814 1006.1014 3.7 lbs
1006 15” 1006.1015 4.2 lbs

©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc. C-43



1005 Ribbed Tie Plate

Hughes Brothers 1005 Ribbed Tie Plate is used at the

crossarm mounting hole to ensure the integrity of the
Arm Depth mounting bolt connection at the crossarm.

1005 Flat Gain Plates are formed from 1/4” mild steel, and
are hot dip galvanized per ASTM A153. Standard package
quantity is 25.

Hole Size / Stock Number

Depth 9/16” 11/16” 13/16” 15/16” 1 1/8” Unit Wt
4-3/4” 1005.55 1005.65 1005.75 1005.85 1005.105 1.2 lbs
5-3/4” 1005.56 1005.66 1005.76 1005.86 1005.106 1.4 lbs
6-1/2” 1005.57 1005.67 1005.77 1005.87 1005.107 1.6 lbs
7-3/4” 1005.58 1005.68 1005.78 1005.88 1005.108 1.9 lbs
8-3/4” 1005.59 1005.69 1005.79 1005.89 1005.109 2.0 lbs
9” 1005.895 2.1 lbs
9-1/2” 1005.510 1005.610 1005.710 1005.810 1005.1010 2.1 lbs
11-1/2” 1005.512 1005.612 1005.712 1005.812 1005.1012 2.6 lbs

C-44 ©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc.



1113 Embossed
Tie Plate

The Hughes Brothers 1113 Embossed Tie Plate is

similar in function to the 1005 Ribbed Tie Plate. The
1113 Embossed Tie Plate maintains the integrity of the
mounting bolt connection at the crossarm.
Arm Depth All 1113 Embossed Tie Plates are hot dip galvanized per
ASTM A 153. The standard packaged quantity is 25.


Hole Size / Stock Number

Depth 9/16” 11/16” 13/16” 15/16” 1-5/16” Unit Wt.
4-3/4” 1113.55 1113.65 1113.75 1113.85 1.8 lbs
5-3/4” 1113.56 1113.66 1113.76 1113.86 1113.126 2.1 lbs
7-1/2” 1113.58 1113.68 1113.78 1113.88 1113.128 2.6 lbs
8-1/2” 1113.59 1113.69 1113.79 1113.89 2.9 lbs
9-1/2” 1113.510 1113.610 1113.710 1113.810 3.2 lbs
10-1/2” 1113.511 1113.611 1113.711 1113.811 3.3 lbs
11-1/2” 1113.512 1113.612 1113.712 1113.812 3.7 lbs

©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc. C-45


A783 Pole Gain Fitting

The Hughes Brothers A783 series of pole gain fittings are used at
the crossarm mounting hole to ensure the integrity of the mounting
bolt connection at the crossarm.
A783 Gain Fittings are formed from 1/4” mild steel and are hot dip
galvanized per ASTM A153. Standard package quantity is 10.

Embossed 2”
Wood Size “X” “Y” Unit
No. (inches) (inches) (inches) Weight
A783.1A 3-3/4 X 8-3/4 3-3/4 4-7/16 4.2
A783.1B 2-3/4 X 9-1/2 2-3/4 4-13/16 4.2
A783.1C 3-3/4 X 9-1/2 3-3/4 4-13/16 4.3

A783.1D 3-3/4 X 7-3/4 3-3/4 3-15/16 4.4

A783.1E 2-3/4 X 7-3/4 2-3/4 3-15/16 4.2
A783.1F 2-3/4 X 5-3/4 2-3/4 2-15/16 3.8
A783.1G 3-3/4 X 7-1/2 3-3/4 3-13/16 4.3
A783.1H 4-3/4 X 5-3/4 4-3/4 2-15/16 3.4
A783.1J 4-1/2 X 5-1/2 4-1/2 2-13/16 3.3
A783.1K 3-3/4 X 4-3/4 3-3/4 2-7/16 3.1
A783.1L 3-3/4 X 5-3/4 3-3/4 2-15/16 3.2
A783.1M 5-3/4 X 7-3/4 5-3/4 3-15/16 4.2
A783.1N 5-3/4 X 5-3/4 5-3/4 2-15/16 3.6
A783.1P 5-1/2 X 7-1/2 5-1/2 3-13/16 4.1
A783.1Q 3-5/8 X 9-1/2 3-5/8 4-13/16 4.3
A783.1R 3-5/8 X 7-1/2 3-5/8 3-13/16 3.7
Ordering Example: A783.1S 3-1/2 X 7-1/2 3-1/2 3-13/16 4.1
A783.1T 2-5/8 X 9-1/2 2-5/8 4-13/16 4.2
A783.1N-15 A783.1U 3-1/8 X 9 3-1/8 4-9/16 3.1
A783.1V 3-5/8 X 8-1/2 3-5/8 4-5/16 4.1
Mtg. Hole Size A783.1W 5-1/8 X 7-1/2 5-1/8 3-13/16 4.0
A783.1X 3-1/8 X 10-1/2 3-1/8 5-5/16 4.5
Arm Dimension A783.1Y 5-5/8 X 7-1/2 5-5/8 3-13/16 4.0
A783.1Z 3-1/8 X 7-1/2 3-1/8 3-13/16 3.6
A783.1AA 5-3/8 X 7 5-3/8 3-9/16 3.9
A783.1BB 5-1/8 X 7-3/4 5-1/8 3-15/16 3.9

C-46 ©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc.


2844 Pole Shims

No. “W” Thickness Unit Wt/lbs
Hughes Brothers 2844 Pole Shims were used frequently before
2844.2C 5-3/4” 1/4” 1.6 the advent of Hughes Brothers Adjustable Spacer Fittings in
2844.2H 7-3/4” 1/4” 2.0 double arm assemblies. When a fixed spacer fitting is used,
2844.2L 8-3/4” 1/4” 2.2 and variations between pole diameters occurs, 2844 Pole
2844.2N 9-1/2” 1/4” 2.4 Shims are used as an alternative to gaining the larger pole in
2844.2V 9” 1/4” 2.3 an H-Frame.
2844.2Q 10-1/2” 1/4” 2.6
2844 Pole Shims are used predominantly in maintenance
2844.7C 5-3/4” 3/4” 3.0 applications. Hot dip galvanized per ASTM A153.
2844.7H 7-3/4” 3/4” 3.5
2844.7L 8-3/4” 3/4” 4.0
2844.7N 9-1/2” 3/4” 4.2 Thickness
2844.7V 9” 3/4” 4.0
2844.7Q 10-1/2” 3/4” 4.5
2844.10C 5-3/4” 1” 3.2
2844.10H 7-3/4” 1” 3.7
2844.10L 8-3/4” 1” 4.1
2844.10N 9-1/2” 1” 4.2
2844.10V 9” 1” 4.2 15/16”
2844.10Q 10-1/2” 1” 4.7
2844.15C 5-3/4” 1 1/2” 3.4 “W”
2844.15H 7-3/4” 1 1/2” 3.9
2844.15L 8-3/4” 1 1/2” 4.3
2844.15N 9-1/2” 1 1/2” 4.4
2844.15V 9” 1 1/2” 4.2
2844.15Q 10-1/2” 1 1/2” 4.8
2844.20C 5-3/4” 2” 3.9
2844.20H 7-3/4” 2” 4.0
2844.20L 8-3/4” 2” 4.5
2844.20N 9-1/2” 2” 4.7
2844.20V 9” 2” 4.6

©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc. C-47


Grid Gains

Curved Surface fits

•Galvanized per ASTM A153. against pole
•Available with stainless steel
bonding clips.

Grid gain teeth should be

completely imbedded in
wood pole when properly

All Hughes Brothers Grid Gains

are cast domestically of 65-45-12
Ductile Iron
Benefits of Grid Gains

• Strengthens bolt connection at the pole by

distributing the load over a larger area.

• Helps moisture drain from connections which

improves pole and crossarm longevity.

C-48 ©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc.


Stock No.
1263 Grid Gain
Without With Hole Unit
Bonding Bonding 5-1/2”R
Diameter Weight
1263-A 1263-AB 31/32” min. 1.0 lb
1263-B 1263-BB 1-1/16” 1.0 lb
1263-C 1263-CB 1-5/16” 1.0 lb





1261 Grid Gain


Stock No.
Without With Hole Unit
Bonding Bonding Diameter Weight
1261-A 1261-AB 31/32” min. 1.3 lbs
4” 1261-B 1261-BB 1-1/16” 1.3 lbs
1261-C 1261-CB 1-5/16” 1.3 lbs

©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc. C-49



1/4” B

1260 Grid Gain


4-1/2” 3” 9”

Stock No.
Center Hole Outer Holes
No Bonding Bonded Bonded Hole “A” Hole “B” Wt.
1260-A 1260-AB 1260-AB2 31/32” 31/32” 2.2 lbs
1260-B 1260-BB 1-1/16” 31/32” 2.2 lbs
1260-B2 1260-BB2 31/32” 1-1/16” 2.2 lbs

1262 Grid Gain

Bonding Clip

The 1262 has teeth on the pole and

crossarm sides.

Stock No.
6-3/4” Hole
4” Without With
Bonding Bonding Diameter Wt.
1262-A 1262-AB 31/32” min. 1.4 lbs
1262-B 1262-BB 1-1/16” 1.4 lbs
1262-C 1262-CB 1-5/16” 1.4 lbs

C-50 ©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc.


AS2715-A Welded Shelf Gain Fitting

Hughes Brothers Welded Shelf Gain Fittings are manufactured from
5/16” plate and channel steel and are hot dip galvanized.

2-1/2” 2-1/2”

1” x 2”



AS2715-B Welded Bracket

11/16” x 3-7/8”
1-13/16” Slot


©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc. C-51


AS2715-C Welded Shelf Gain Fitting


1” x 2”




9/16” Hole


Shelf Gain
15/16” x 1” 6-1/2”
4” Slots


C-52 ©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc.


AS2349 Double Arming Plates

Hughes Brothers AS2349 Double Arming Plates are
used in double arm construction for attaching short
shank insulator pins and/or dead-ending. Double
Arming Plates are manufactured for a
variety of pole diameters, hole & slot
widths and are galvanized per
Type 1 ASTM A153. Contact
Hughes Brothers Engineering
Department if your exact
A requirements aren’t
B shown here.
Type 2



Stock Type Steel Overall Hole

No. (1 or 2) Size Length “A” “B” “C” “D” Size Weight
AS2349-B 1 1/2” x 4” 24” 2” 4-1/4” 11/16” x 3-1/2” 5-3/4” 11/16” 12.6 lbs
AS2349-C 1 1/2” x 4” 24” 2” 4-1/4” 15/16” x 3” 5-3/4” 15/16” 12.4 lbs
AS2349-E2 1 1/2” x 4” 24” 2” 4-1/4” 13/16” x 3” 5-3/4” 13/16” 12.6 lbs
AS2349-E3 1 1/2” x 4” 28-1/4” 2” 4-1/4” 13/16” x 3” 7-7/8” 13/16” 14.8 lbs

Stock Type Steel Overall Hole

No. (1 or 2) Size Length “E” “F” “G” Size Weight
AS2349-A 2 1/4” x 4” 21” 1” 11/16” x 3-1/2” 7-3/4” 11/16” 5.6 lbs
AS2349-A1 2 1/4” x 4” 20” 1” 13/16” x 3” 7-1/2” 13/16” 5.3 lbs
AS2349-D1 2 1/4” x 4” 17” 3/4” 11/16” x 3” 6-1/4” 11/16” 4.2 lbs
AS2349-E1 2 1/4” x 4” 23-1/2” 1” 11/16” x 3-1/2” 9” 11/16” 6.2 lbs
AS2349-F1 2 1/4” x 4” 17” 3/4” 11/16” x 3-1/2” 6” 13/16” 4.4 lbs
AS2349-F2 2 1/4” x 4” 17” 3/4” 13/16” x 3-1/2” 6” 13/16” 4.4 lbs
AS2349-F3 2 1/2” x 4” 17” 3/4” 11/16” x 3-1/2” 6” 13/16” 9.2 lbs
AS2349-G 2 1/4” x 4” 22” 1” 13/16” x 4” 8” 13/16” 5.5 lbs

©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc. C-53


RUS Double Arming Plates

The following are examples of typical RUS type “TP”, TPD” and “TS” double arm construction using
Hughes Brothers double arming plates and associated hardware.

4-5/8” x 5-5/8” Crossarm with Suspension Insulators “TS”

Hughes B1612.1C-2, 1/4” x 4” x 17” Double Arming Plate, RUS item “ct”.

Hughes B1612.1C-1, 3/4” x 5-5/8” Pipe Spacer, RUS item “dl”.

Hughes 2720.68-4, 5/8” x 8” Shoulder Eyebolt. B1612.1C-2

Locknut Double Arming
Locknut Washer
B1612.1C-1 Pipe Spacer Nut

Washer Head Bolt

2720.68-4 Machine Bolt

Shoulder Eye Bolt

Pin-Type Insulator “TP” and “TPD”

Hughes AS2139, 1/2” x 4” x 24” Double Arm Plate, RUS item “ct”.

See Section F for washerhead bolt, machine bolt, and locknut details. AS2139
Locknut Double
Pin Type Insulator Arming Plate
Double Arming Washer
Plate Nut

6” Washer Nut
Washer Head Bolt Locknut
X-Arm Pin with
Mtg. Hardware

C-54 ©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc.

2812 Shield Wire
Support Bracket
Hughes Brothers 2812 Shield Wire Supports are used on
single pole and H-frame construction, providing an economical
means of supporting the overhead shield wire. The 2812 is
designed for adequate clearance between shield wire and pole.
This support has greater vertical strength than an eye bolt due
to the action of the support and welded curved washer.
Ordering Example:
Welded Washer Nut & Nut 2812.5-12-B1CL
Chain Link
“B1” Designates 1/2” chain link*
“B” Designates 5/8” link
Bolt Diameter
Bolt Thread Suggested Max.
Stock No. Diameter Length Length Weight/lbs Vertical Load
2812.5-10-B1CL 5/8” 10” 5” 3.1 5000 lbs
2812.5-12-B1CL 12” 6” 3.2
2812.5-14-B1CL 14” 7” 3.3 *1/2” chain link furnished with 5/8” support
(unless otherwise specified).
2812.5-16-B1CL 16” 8” 3.5
2812.5-18-B1CL 18” 9” 3.8 *5/8” chain link furnished with 3/4” support
(unless otherwise specified).
2812.6-10-BCL 3/4” 10” 5” 3.9
2812.6-12-BCL 12” 6” 4
2812.6-14-BCL 14” 7” 4.7 The 2812 series is REA approved.
2812.6-16-BCL 16” 8” 5.2
2812.6-18-BCL 18” 9” 5.4

B2364.1-Length Shield Wire Support Assembly

14” Unless Specified (See Example)

Weld 7/8” Rod
5/8” R.

4”x4” Curved
1329-BB Washer Ordering Example:
5/8” Chain Link
3-1/2” 1/4”
14” Length

©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc. C-55


2855 Shield Wire
Thread Length Support Bracket
The 2855 Shield Wire Supports are identical to
the 2812 series but feature a flat base washer
for use on glue laminated wood poles or square
static cast concrete poles.

Ordering, weights and load rating information is

identical to the 2812 series, but 2855 is substi-
tuted for 2812.


Thread Length 1501 Shield Wire

Support Bracket
The Hughes Brothers 1501 Shield Wire
Support is similar to the 2812 series but
includes a ground wire bonding bolt.

Bolt Thread Suggested Max.

Stock No. Diameter Length Length Weight Vertical Load
1501.6-12 5/8” 12” 6” 3.2 lbs 5,000 lbs
1501.6-14 5/8” 14” 7” 3.3 lbs
1501.6-16 5/8” 16” 8” 3.5 lbs
1501.7-12 3/4” 12” 6” 4 lbs
1501.7-14 3/4” 14” 7” 4.7 lbs
1501.7-16 3/4” 16” 8” 5.2 lbs

1501.6 -12-B1CL
Chain Link
“B1” Designates 1/2” chain link*
“B” Designates 5/8” link
Bolt Diameter

*1/2” chain link furnished with 5/8” support (unless otherwise specified).
*5/8” chain link furnished with 3/4” support (unless otherwise specified).

C-56 ©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc.


2859 Shield Wire Support

Suggested Max Load The Hughes Brothers 2859 Shield Wire Support
Stock No. “L” Weight Vertical Longitudinal features two 5/8” through bolts, curved front & back
plates and a 1/2” chain link. The curved front plate is
2859.1-10 10” 5.5 lbs 5,000 lbs 2,500 lbs welded to both through bolts. Shipped with nuts and
2859.1-12 12” 6.1 locknuts as shown.
2859.1-14 14” 6.5 L
2859.1-16 16” 6.8
2859.1-18 18” 6.9
2859.1-20 20” 7.2

The 2859 series is RUS accepted. 4”



2837 Pole Band

Shield Wire Support
Hughes Brothers 2837 Light Duty Pole Band Shield
Wire Support offers a provision for attachment of a
shield wire support with a 5/8” shackle. In this ap-
plication, the 2837 doubles as an anti-split band at
the pole top.

The 2837 uses a 3/16” x 4” steel band section.

Assembly is provided with shackle by the “S” suffix.

Stock Wt. Lbs. Pole Dia.

No. Each Inches
2837.5 5.5 7-9
2837.6 6.5 8 1/2 - 11
Shackle & link 2837.7 7.8 10 - 13
ordered separately

©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc. C-57


AS2087 Series Shield Wire Support

6” Length
“Length” Suggested Max
7” Stock No. Rod Dia. Vertical Load
Bent Rod AS2087.7 3/4” 7,000 lb
AS2087.8 7/8” 8,500 lb

6” Washer Nut &

Chain Link Locknut
(Assembled for
13/16” Hole for 3/4” Rod
15/16” Hole for 7/8” Rod

NOTE: When ordering AS2087 Shield Wire Support,

Specify Length & Chain Link Size

Ordering Example:
A S 2 0 8 7 . 7 - 18 **
Blank for no Chain Link
“B1CL” for 1/2” Chain Link
“BCL” for 5/8” Chain Link
Length (in Inches)

.7 = 3/4” Bent Rod Dia.

.8 = 7/8” Bent Rod Dia.

C-58 ©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc.


C4111.5 Shield Wire Bracket

10” “L”
7/8” Rod

9/16” Square Suggested Max.

9” Part No. “L” Vertical Load
Bonding Hole
5/8” C4111.5A 16” 4,000 lb
Chain Link C4111.5B 18” 4,000 lb

9/16” Hole

2837-K Pole Band Assembly

(for Shield Wire Support)

Ground Clip

Suggested Max
Stock No. Pole Dia. Vertical Load

3/4” Rod 2837.5K 7” - 9” 1,000 lb

2837.6K 8-1/2” - 11” 1,000 lb
2837.7K 10” - 13” 1,000 lb



©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc. C-59


2837-K1 Pole Band Assembly

Fiber Optic Support

Suggested Max
Stock No. Pole Dia. Vertical Load
2837.K1A 7” - 9” 2,000 lb
2837.K1B 8-1/2” - 11” 2,000 lb
2837.K1C 10” - 13” 2,000 lb
3/4” Rod


2837-K2 Pole Band Assembly

Fiber Optic Support
with 5/8” Chain Link

Suggested Max
Stock No. Pole Dia. Vertical Load
2837.K2A 7” - 9” 2,000 lb
2837.K2B 8-1/2” - 11” 2,000 lb
3/4” Rod 2837.K2C 10” - 13” 2,000 lb



C-60 ©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc.


2835 & 2852 Pole Band

Shield Wire Support
Hughes Brothers 2835 & 2852 Pole Band Shield Wire
Support functions as a shield wire support and anti-split
band. The 2835 & 2852 are used to prevent pole splits
due to either induced loads or seasoning checks.

The 2835 uses a 3/4” (2835.7) or 5/8” (2835.6) shield

wire support, 5/8” stud bolts and 1/4” x 4” band sections.

The Hughes 2852 Pole Band Shield Wire Support is

Chain Link identical to the 2835 except it uses a 7/8” shield wire
support, 3/4” stud bolts and 1/4” x 4” band sections.

The band section is provided with a bonding hole to

facilitate grounding.

Stock Pole Dia. Wt. Lbs. Ordering Example (2835 Series):

No. Inches Each
2835.6A-13 6-1/2 ~ 10 18.2 2835.6B-15-B1CL
2835.6B-15 7-1/2 ~ 12 19.0 Chain Link
2835.7A-15 6-1/2 ~10 20.0 “B1” Designates 1/2” chain link*
“B” Designates 5/8” link
2835.7B-15 7-1/2 ~ 12 21.0 Length
Bolt Diameter
Add suffix B1CL for 1/2” chain link.
Add suffix BCL for 5/8” chain link.

Stock Pole Dia. Wt. Lbs.

No. Inches Each
Ordering Example (2852 Series):
2852.5CL 6-1/2 ~ 10 18.2 2852.5 CL
2852.6CL 7-1/2 ~ 12 19.0
2852.7CL 12 ~ 15 20.0 5/8” Chain Link
2852.8CL 13 ~ 16 21.0
Pole Diameter (see table)
2852.9CL 15 ~ 18 22.5
2852.10CL 17 ~ 20 24.0

©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc. C-61


Pole Tie Angles

Hughes Brothers, Inc. can furnish your steel pole tie angles in any commercially available
size angle iron. All tie angle assemblies are typically supplied with U-bolt and chain link
assemblies as well as bonding bolts. Steel is ASTM A-36 galvanized in accordance with
ASTM A-153.

Ground Wire Bonding Bolt GWB51-1/2

X Pole Spacing
U-Bolt and
Chain Link

Typical Angle Sizes Standard RUS Tie Angle Assemblies

H W Thickness Hughes # Reference H W T Length Pole Spacing
3” x 3” x 1/4” C3511.1A TM-7A 3-1/2 x 3 x 1/4 15’-0” 12’-6”
3-1/2” x 3” x 1/4” C3316.1B -7B 3-1/2 x 3 x 1/4 18’-0” 15’-6”
4” x 3” x 1/4” C3316.1C -7C 5 x 3 x 1/4 18’0” 15’-6”
5” x 3” x 1/4” C3338.1A -7D 5 x 3 x 1/4 22’-0” 19’-6”
5” x 3” x 5/16”
*x = 12” on all the above.

Other Tie Angle Assemblies

Hughes # Pole Spacing Length “X” H W T
C3511.1C 10’-6” 13’-0” 12” 3-1/2 x 3” x 1/4”
C3511.37B 12’-0” 14’-6” 12” 3-1/2 x 3” x 1/4”
C3511.1B 14’-6” 17’-0” 12” 3-1/2 x 3” x 1/4”

NOTE: To order a pole tie angle not listed above, supply the following information: Pole
spacing, Length, Width, Height, and Thickness of angle and dimension “x” (or supply
your own drawing).

C-62 ©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc.


A2132 Curved Base Static Support Tees

The Hughes Brothers A2132 series heavy tees are flame cut from structural steel and hot dip galvanized to ASTM
A123. The base of the A2132 series has a 4.5” radius curve for round poles and mounting holes on 8” centers.

1-1/4” Holes
Chamfered both sides

1-1/2” 4” 4” 1-1/2” 11/16”


15/16” Mtg. Holes 6”


Note: A2132-ZR tees weigh 16.3 lbs. each. Standard package is 3/Box.

1-1/2” 4” 4” 1-1/2” 11/16”


15/16” Holes

15/16” Mtg. Holes Chamfered both sides



Note: A2132-ZR1 tees weigh 17.5 lbs. each. Standard package is 2/Box.

©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc. C-63


A2132-HHH Shield Wire

Suspension Bracket

9/16” Hole
1” Hole


13/16” Hole
9/16” Hole

1-1/8” x 1-1/2” Slot



C-64 ©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc.


B2502 Shield Wire Bayonets

The Hughes Brothers B2502 shield wire bayonets allow for the
installation of an overhead static wire or fiber optic static wire on
unshielded lines without changing the existing conductor attachment
locations or hardware. In many cases, the Hughes Brothers Shield
Wire Bayonets will be used in addition to lightning arrestors.

Many other configurations with varying clearances for specific pole

top assemblies are available.

See End Cap

Detail A Shoulder Eye Bolt
12” Chain Link
Detail A

1/2” Base
Ordering Example:
Stock No. “L” R2 R1 Unit Wt. 3/4” Bolt
B2502-C 7’-10” 25” 25” 110 lbs

Base Plate Detail




©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc. C-65


B2502 Shield Wire Bayonet Test Results

Type B2502-C Shield Wire

Bayonet Assembly

Vertical strength - 2300 lbs

Longitudinal Strength - 1000 lbs
Transverse strength - 1200 lbs

Cycle Test

No deformation or indication of fatigue failure

occurred after cycle testing the B2502-C Shield
Wire Bayonet Assembly for 1.5 million cycles.

1 million cycles - 0 to 150 lbs

500,000 cycles - 0 to 300 lbs

Cycle tests

C-66 ©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc.


2813 Static Wire Support

Side View for Wood Bayonets
Rod Length

Saddle Sizes “Y” (Width)

A “Y”= 4-3/4”
B “Y”= 5-3/4”
C “Y”= 3-3/4”
8 ga. x 4” Saddle D “Y”= 4-5/8”
E “Y”= 3-1/8”
F “Y”= 5-1/8”
G “Y”= 2-1/8”

3” Washer Nut
and St’d Nut
Chain Link
Plan View

“Y” (Width)
Rod Size

Example for Ordering:

Washer Nut & Nut
Chain Link “B” = 5/8”, “B1” = 1/2”
Saddle Size “Y”
Thread Length (in.)
Rod Length (in.)
Rod Size (Dia.)

©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc. C-67


AS2613 Shield Wire Bayonet

➔ Transverse ➔ Hughes Brothers AS2613 Series Shield Wire Bayonets
are made from structural hot rolled angles and hot dip
galvanized after fabrication.

The bayonets are furnished so the shield wire attachments

may be attached to either leg of the angle. (The Shield
Wire Attachments are not furnished as part of the bayonet
and must be ordered separately.)

The Corner Bayonet bent angle is offset 8-1/2”.

9/16” Hole
for Bonding Transverse
“A” “B” Angle Size Wt. Lbs. Load Rating
Stock No. Inches Inches Inches Each (lbs)

AS2613.1A 36 10 2 x 2 x 1/4 10 300


AS2613.2A 48 12 2 1/2 x 2 1/2 x 1/4 17 400

AS2613.3A 66 15 2 1/2 x 2 1/2 x 1/4 25 250
AS2613.4A 84 20 3 x 3 x 1/4 36 250
Corner 5/8” Straight
mtg. bolts AS2613-F1 36 10 2 x 2 x 3/16 15 575


ordered separately AS2613-F2 48 12 2 x 2 x 3/16 450

AS2613-F3 66 15 2 x 2 x 1/4 36 375
AS2613-F4 84 20 2 1/2 x 2 1/2 x 1/4 59 460

Shield Wire Attachments

Hughes AS2613-G J-Bolt is made from 1/2” diameter bar stock
and furnished complete with one 3/8” diameter chain link,
spring lock washer and hex nut.

Hughes AS2613-H1 Gooseneck is formed

from 1/2” x 2” flat strip stock. A 11/16” con-
nection hole is centered 1” from the end.
The Gooseneck is furnished complete with

two 1/2” x 1-1/2” machine bolts with locknuts

for mounting to the bayonet.

All parts are hot dip galvanized.

Approx. Ship.
Stock No. Style Wt. Lbs. ea.
AS2613-G J-Bolt .5 J-Bolt
AS2613-H1 Gooseneck 3.6

C-68 ©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc.


2821 Swinging
Angle Brackets
The Hughes Brothers 2821 Swinging Angle bracket is used on
H-Frame, double arm assemblies to provide additional clearance
from conductor to crossarm when the insulators are in a deflected
position as is the case on slight angle structures.

The 2821 Swinging Angle Bracket is furnished complete with bolt

and nuts. Standard stock sizes are listed in the table.

Stock Length Spacing Weight Ultimate Load Rating / Lbs.

No. Inches Inches Lbs. ea. “AA” “BB” “CC”
2821.5 12 9 11 20,000 20,000 12,000
2821.6 15 12 13
2821.7 18 15 16
2821.8 21 18 19

Spacing 3/4” Washer

Head Bolt

2821 Bracket

3/8” x 3” Stock

1-1/4” Hole
BB 45o 45o CC (Both Sides)

©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc. C-69


2823 Swinging
Angle Bracket
The Hughes Brothers 2823 Swinging Angle bracket is used on
single arm crossarm assemblies to provide additional clearance
from conductor to crossarm when the insulators are subject to
deflections as is the case on slight angle structures.

The 2823 Swinging Angle Bracket is furnished complete with bolts,

nuts and washer plate. Other sizes can be ordered by stating
length, spacing and crossarm size.

Stock Crossarm Load Rating / lbs
No. “A” “B” “C” Size Lbs. ea. “AA” “BB” “CC”
2823.5 6” 9 12 Specify 25 20,000 20,000 12,000
2823.6 9” 12 15 30
2823.7 12” 15 18 35
2823.8 15” 18 21 40


3/4” x 10” Bolt Standard

3/4” Washer
Head Bolt

2823 Bracket

45o 45o

C-70 ©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc.


2846 Swinging
Angle Bracket
The Hughes Brothers 2846 Swinging Angle Brackets are used where the insulators are
suspended from the pole, usually on angles from 6o to 25o depending on the conductor
size and span length.

The principal function of the swinging angle bracket is to provide additional clearance
from the conductor to the pole. The swinging action of the bracket relieves the pole from
the torque load introduced by uneven tension in the conductor in adjacent spans or in the
event of a broken conductor.

13/16” Holes

3/4” Rod


“A” 3”
Load 3” x 3” x 3/8” Clip Angles

7/8” Hole chamfered both sides

Stock Ultimate
No. “A” “B” Wt. / lbs Load Rating
2846.6 9” 9” 8.8 5,000
2846.7 12” 12” 9.0 5,000

©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc. C-71


2822 & 2842 Swinging
3/4” Washer
Head Bolt
Angle Bracket
Hughes Brothers 2822 & 2842 Swinging
1-1/4” Hole

Angle Brackets are used where the insula-

(chamfered tors are suspended from the pole, usually
both sides) 15/16” on angles from 6o to 25o depending on the
Hole conductor size and span length.
The principal function of the swinging angle
bracket is to provide additional clearance
from the conductor to the pole. The swing-
ing action of the bracket relieves the pole
from the torque load introduced by uneven
tension in the conductor in adjacent spans or
2842 3/4” Washer 2842.2 in the event of a broken conductor.
Head Bolt Guying
Plate The 2822 & 2842 Swinging Angle Bracket
assemblies are furnished complete as shown
15/16” including two 3/4”x14” through bolts, other
1-1/4” Hole

(chamfered bolt lengths are available. The 2822 and
both sides) 2842 are identical except for the type of guy
plate used. (See illustration).


Load Rating / lbs
Stock Mtg. Bolt 45o at insulator Weight
No. “A” “B” Spacing connection Lbs. ea.
2822.5 12 9 6 20,000 29
2822.6 15 12 9 35
2822.7 18 15 12 41
2822.8 21 18 15 47
2842.5 12 9 6 28
2842.6 15 12 9 32
2842.7 18 15 12 38
2842.8 21 18 15 44

NOTE: When a bracket is required other than those listed

in the tables, specify the bracket length and through-bolt
spacing desired.

C-72 ©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc.


2848 Swinging Angle Bracket

7/8” Bolt
1” Bolts 2848.2-”L”
7/8” Forged Eye Bolt
2817 Dead End Tee
3” x 3” x 1/4” Angle
4” Grid Gain

1-1/4” Hole Hughes Brothers 2848 Swinging Angle Bracket

is used to provide additional clearance from the
conductor to the pole. The swinging action of
the bracket relieves the pole from the torque
load induced by uneven tensions in adjacent
spans or in the event of a broken conductor.
The 2848 Swinging Angle Bracket can also be
AA used as a jumper string support. The bracket
is furnished complete with mounting bolts, grid
gain and tee for guy attachment.

The 2848 Swinging Angle Bracket does not

specify bonding, but most all 2848 applications
use 2848-A-BX1, which has bonding hardware.

Stock Weight Load Rating
No. “A” “B” Lbs. ea. “AA”
NOTE: Supplied with (1) 16” and (2) 18” eyebolts.
2848-A 1’-9” 2’-0” 71 30,000 lbs
2848-B 1’-9” 2’-6” 75
Ordering example for other lengths:
2848-C 1’-9” 3’-0” 81
2848-D 2’-0” 2’-6” 77
2848 -
* - 20-22 2848-E
2848-G 2’-3” 3’-6” 94
20” and 22”
2848-H 2’-3” 4’-0” 102
2848.2 Eye Bolts
2848-J 2’-3” 5’-0” 112
2848-K 2’-6” 3’-6” 69
2848-L 3’-0” 4’-0” 108
2848-M 3’-0” 4’-6” 116

©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc. C-73


2831 Swinging Angle Bracket

The 2831 Swinging Angle Bracket is designed for use with
Hughes Brothers 3105 Pole Bands. The 3105 Pole Band 7/8” Bolt
helps the pole carry a larger load without splitting.

3” x 3” x 1/4” Angle

1-1/4” Hole
3105 Pole


AA 45 o

Stock Weight Load Rating
No. “A” “B” Lbs. ea. “AA”
2831-A 1’-9” 2’-0” 45 26,000 lbs
2831-B 1’-9” 2’-6” 49
2831-C 1’-9” 3’-0” 53
2831-D 2’-3” 3’-6” 63
2831-E 2’-3” 5’-0” 76

NOTE: The pole bands and links shown are not

furnished as part of the swinging angle bracket
assembly and should be ordered separately.

To order (2) 3105 Pole Bands with the 2831 bracket specify pole band
and bracket as follows:

Example: 2831-B-3105.6*

(2) 3105.6 Pole Bands, (links & rollers ordered separately)

2831 Bracket
*See pole bands for correct pole diameter.

C-74 ©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc.


1-1/4” Bolt Special

1796 Swinging
Pole Band
Angle Bracket
The 1796 Swinging Angle Bracket is designed

for use with Hughes Brothers special 3107
1-1/4” Pole Band. The special 3107 Pole Band
Hole helps the pole carry a larger load without
6-3/8” splitting and is furnished with this swinging
angle bracket, only when specified.

AA 45o 5-1/2” Ultimate

Stock Weight Load Rating
No. “A” “B” lbs. ea. “AA”
1796-A 1’-9” 2’-0” 93 35,000 lbs
1796-B 2’-3” 4’-0” 121
1796-C 2’-0” 3’-0” 102
1796-D 2’-6” 3’-6” 122
1796-E 4’-0” 5’-0” 177
1796-F 3’-9” 4’-9” 164

NOTE: The pole bands and links shown are not

furnished as part of the swinging angle bracket as-
sembly and should be ordered separately.

To order (2) 3107 Pole Bands with the 1796 bracket specify pole band
and bracket as follows:

Example: 1796-B-3107.6*

(2) 3107.6 Pole Bands, (links & rollers ordered separately)

1796 Bracket
*See pole bands for correct pole diameter.

©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc. C-75


2839 Light Duty

Corner Bracket
1329-A 5/8”
The Hughes Brothers 2839 Corner Bracket mounts

to a pole with (2) 5/8” bolts ordered separately.

Stock No. Unit Wt.

2839 6.5 lbs


B2684.2C Service Drop Bracket

The B2684.2C Service Drop Link features four 7/32” holes for mounting on buildings or crossarms.
Made from 3/16” x 1” stock with 7/16” attachment hole. Hot dip galvanized per ASTM A123.

Stock No. Mtg. Holes Attachment Hole Weight

B2684.2C 7/32” 7/16” .92 lbs




C-76 ©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc.


B2047 Post Insulator

A Mtg. Hole
Mounting Bracket

15o The Hughes Brothers B2047 series

Post Insulator Mounting Brackets feature
C a curved mounting base. A variety of
3/8” B
material thicknesses and widths are offered.

Insulator mounting studs are also manu-

factured by Hughes Brothers. Please see
fastener section, 2750 series.


Mtg. Hole


No. of
Stud Top Bottom Bottom Weight
Stock No. A B C Radius Hole Mtg.Hole Mtg.Hole Mtg Holes / lbs
B2047.1 10” 10” 4” 3-1/2” 13/16” 11/16” 11/16”x1-3/8” 1 12.0
B2047.2 6” 10”/12” 4” 3-1/2” 13/16” 11/16” 11/16” 2 9.5
B2047.3 10” 10”/12” 4” 3-1/2” 13/16” 11/16” 11/16” 2 13.2
B2047.4 15” 12” 4” 3-1/2” 13/16” 11/16” 11/16”x1-3/8” 1 17.0
B2047.8 6” 10” 4” 3-1/2” 13/16” 11/16” 11/16”x1-3/8” 1 17.0
B2047.9 15” 10” 6” 8” 15/16” 13/16” 11/16”x1-3/8” 1 24.5
B2047.11 5” 10” 3” 3-1/2” 11/16” 11/16” 11/16”x1-3/8” 1 6.0
B2047.13 15” 12” 4” 3-1/2” 13/16” 11/16” 11/16”x1-3/8” 1 16.6
B2047.15 15” 10” 4” 3-1/2” 13/16” 11/16” 11/16”x1-3/8” 1 16.4
B2047.18 9-1/2” 10” 4” 3-1/2” 13/16” 11/16” 11/16”x1-3/8” 1 12.0
B2047.19 10” 10” 4” 3-1/2” 13/16” 11/16” 11/16”x1-3/8” 1 12.0
B2047.20A 8-1/2” 10”/12” 4” 3-1/2” 13/16” 11/16” 11/16” 2 13.0
B2047.23 9” 10” 4” 3-1/2” 13/16” 13/16” 13/16”x1-1/2” 1 12.0
B2047.24 12” 10” 4” 3-1/2” 15/16” 13/16” 13/16”x1-1/4” 1 14.0

©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc. C-77


B1859 Post Insulator

Mounting Bracket
Mtg. Hole
or Slot

The Hughes Brothers B1859 series Post

Insulator Mounting Brackets have a flat
mounting base. They are formed from
30o 3/8” x 2-1/2” or 3” steel.
Top Hole
Bottom Hole Insulator mounting studs are also manu-
factured by Hughes Brothers. Please see
fastener section, 2750 series.

Stud Hole
Bottom Mtg. Hole or Slot

Stud Top Mounting Bottom Top Bottom Mtg.

Stock No. A B C Hole Hole Hole Hole Hole Weight / lbs
B1859.1 4-1/4” 8-1/2” 2-1/2” 11/16” 11/16” x 1-3/8” - - 11/16” 4.3
B1859.2 8-1/4” 8-1/2” 2-1/2” 11/16” 11/16”x1-3/8” 9/16” 11/16” 11/16” 6.2
B1859.3 15” 12” 3” 11/16” 11/16” - - 11/16”x1-3/8” 12.3
B1859.4 7-3/4” 8-1/2” 2-1/2” 13/16” 11/16” x 1-3/8” 15/16” 13/16” 11/16” 6.0
B1859.5 12” 12” 3” 13/16” 11/16”x1-3/8” 15/16” 13/16” 11/16” 10.4
B1859.6* 15” 10” 3” 13/16” 11/16” - - 11/16”x1-3/8” 12.0
B1859.7 12” 12” 3” 11/16” 11/16”x1-3/8” 15/16” 13/16” 11/16” 10.4

* 15o from horizontal insulator angle

C-78 ©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc.


B2025 Heavy Post Insulator

Mounting Bracket
The Hughes Brothers B2025 series of post insulator mounting
brackets have a curved mounting base. The B2025 series is
used for extra heavy loads and greater pole clearances.

5/8” Bolt Angle

7/8” Stud

by others

5/8” Bolts
7/8” Bolt, CW80, MF80
(sold separately)

Stock Stud Mtg.

No. A B Hole Hole Angle Weight

B2025-P 20” 12” 13/16” 13/16” 5o 48 lbs.

B2025-P1 20” 12” 15/16” 15/16” 12o 48 lbs.
B2025-P2 14” 12” 15/16” 15/16” 12o 38 lbs.

©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc. C-79


C4466-B Post Insulator

Stand-Off Arm
13/16” Hole
Mtg. Hole
Hughes Brothers C4466-B Series of Line Post
Insulator Stand-Off Arms are used for special
applications requiring a 1 ft. to 3 ft. clearance
from the pole.


Stock No. L A B C Wt./lbs.

13/16” Post Insulator C4466-B1.0 12” 10” 2” 4” 33
(by others) C4466-B1.25 15” 10” 2” 4” 35
C4466-B1.5 18” 10” 2” 4” 37
C4466-B1.75 21” 10” 2” 4” 39
C4466-B2.0 24” 12” 2” 5” 43
C4466-B2.25 27” 12” 2” 5” 46
C4466-B2.5 30” 12” 2” 5” 49
C4466-B2.75 33” 12” 2” 5” 52
C4466-B3.0 36” 12” 2” 5” 55

Ordering Example:
“A” for 13/16” ins. mtg. hole
“B” for 15/16” ins. mtg. hole

Length “L” in feet

C-80 ©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc.


A1977 Pole Top Bracket Insulator Mtg. Hole

The Hughes Brothers A1977 Pole Top Bracket is used to

mount post insulators from 15kv to 34.5kv.

The tapered body is formed from 3/16” plate and welded D

to a 3/8” top plate. Pole and insulator mounting holes
are 11/16”. The A1977.5 is similar to the A1977.1 but C
uses 1/4” plate for the body and 1/2” top plate for greater

Ins. Mtg Mtg.

Stock No. Hole Hole A B C D Weight

A1977.1 11/16” 11/16” 5” NA 8-1/2” 6.3 lbs

A1977.5 13/16” 11/16” 5” 3” 3-1/4” 2” 9.2 lbs

Insulator Mtg. Hole

B2006 Pole Top Bracket

Hughes Brothers B2006 Pole Top Bracket is made from
4”x 5.4# channel and has a body formed to fit the pole
with a 3/8” x 4” x 5” top plate.

The insulator mounting hole is 13/16” in diameter.


Stock No. Mtg Hole A B Weight / lbs

B2006.1 11/16” 5” 8” 8.7

B2006.2 11/16” 5” 5” 7.3
B2006.4** 11/16” 8” 12-1/8” 14.4
B2006.7* 11/16” 8” 12” 13.8
B2006.8* 11/16” 5” 24” 17.4
B2006.9 11/16” 8” 6” 9.0

*Top plate is 1/2” x 4-1/2” x 5”

**Top plate is 3/8” x 5-1/4” x 5-1/2”, Channel-formed Plate

©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc. C-81


Standoff Bracket

1'-5-5/8" 3-1/2"

9/16" Sq.
1/8" x 1" Recess


13/16" Dia.
11/16" Dia

5/8" Mounting Hardware Ordered Separately


NOTE: 1- Material Ductile Iron Fully Ordering Example:

Annealed 65-45-12 per ASTM 536,
Hot Dip Galvanized per ASTM A153
C4821-A Unit Wt. 15 lbs

C-82 ©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc.


2770 Pole Top Pin with Nylon Alloy Threads

Hughes Brothers 2770 series of steel pole top pins feature a nylon alloy material as an
alternative to cast lead threads.

The use of a nylon alloy thread offers superior insulator to pole top pin fit and alignment.
Also, handling, use and disposal problems associated with lead threads are eliminated.
Extensive testing of the nylon alloy in the pole top application has been performed by
Hughes Brothers.

Benefits of the Hughes Brothers Nylon

Alloy threads are:
- A flexible more resilient thread than lead threads
- Superior insulator alignment
- A firm, stable fit with most common pin insulators ie. no rocking of
the insulator
- Superior strength over lead threads

The 2770 is designed to be equally strong when

mounted with channel facing or away from the
pole. This feature allows for a 1” variation in pole
mounting bolt length.

©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc. C-83


Thread Diameter
3/16” 11/16”

11/16” x 1-1/4”

1-7/16” for 2770-A

1-5/16” for 2770-B Ordering Example:
2770-A 20-C5-100
Stock No. 100 = 1” threads
“C” dimension (when applicable)
Length “A” dimension
Stock No. “A” “B” “C” Unit Wt. lbs

2770-A24-100 24” 8” NA 6.2

2770-A24-C5-100 24” 8” 5” 6.2
2770-A20-100 20” 8” NA 4.7
2770-A20-C5-100 20” 8” 5” 4.7
The 2770-A20-100 is RUS accepted.
2770-B18 18” 8” NA 3.4
2770-B18-C5 18” 8” 5” 3.4
2770-B15 15” 5” NA 2.9

Transverse and
Longitudinal Loading

1500 lbs. transverse load with no 1200 lbs. longitudinal load with no
deformation, 2770-A20-100. deformation, 2770-A20-100.

C-84 ©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc.


2301 Spool Bracket

The 2301 Light Duty Spool Bracket
is used as a service, street lighting
or light load dead end bracket.

The 2301 is made from 2-1/2”

x 3/16” steel, curved to fit the
contour of the pole. A 5/8” pin with

humpback cotter key is supplied
assembled to the bracket.
Stock No. Unit Wt. Std Pkg.

2301 1.6 20

B2684-G Bracket
The B2684-G Neutral Standoff Bracket
offsets the neutral wire from the pole
allowing for more climbing space. The
B2684-G uses a 5/8” pin & cotter key.

2-3 Stock No. Unit Wt. “L”
B2684-G 4.2 lbs 12”
B2684-G1 5.0 lbs 14-1/8”
B2684-G2 4.0 lbs 9”

©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc. C-85


AS2290 Neutral Support/Upset Bolt

3/16” x 1” 2-1/4” Square Nut
Cotter Key 2” Round Washer Washer Locknut

2” Round Washer
(Tack Welded)
2” Round Washer Welded
4-13/16” “L”
Rod Dia.

1-1/2” Thread 6” Thread

Ordering Example:

AS2290-A-12-CPT, Complete Assembly

Specify “L” Dimension
A= 5/8” Rod Diameter
B= 3/4” Rod Diamter

C-86 ©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc.


1144 Ridge Iron

13/16” Hole

1144 Hughes Brothers developed these Ridge

Irons which today are nationally accepted
as a standard. The 1144 Ridge Irons were
originally designed so utility companies could
use the short shank pins they had on hand.
The No. 1144-A are now preferred because
they utilize the same long shank pins used in
crossarms and because they are stronger due
to the action of the pin-shank bracket.
11/16” Slot

11/16” Hole Both the 1144 and 1144-A are simple in

design, contain a minimum of parts and with-
stand all loads that can be carried by standard
9/16” Square
insulator pins.

hole for
9/16” Square These ridge irons are formed to fit the pole
hole for which helps to prevent pole-top splitting and
11/16” Hole
bonding are used primarily for 13.2 kv. to 44 kv. con-
struction. The side members are formed from
4” x 3/16” steel.
11/16” Slot
•Shipped in bundles of five ridge irons
•Insulator pins not included
•Mounting bolts should be ordered from our
bolt section

Pole Dia. in Unit Weight /

1144-A Stock No. Inches lbs.
1144 6-1/2 - 9 10
1144-A 6-1/2 - 9 11

©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc. C-87


13/16” Hole 2608 Ridge Iron

Hughes Brothers developed these Ridge
2608 Irons which today are nationally accepted
as a standard. The 2608 Ridge Irons were
originally designed so utility companies
could use the short shank pins they had on
hand. The No. 2608-A are now preferred
because they utilize the same long shank
pins used in crossarms and because they
are stronger due to the action of the pin-
shank bracket.

13/16” Slot or Both the 2608 and 2608-A are simple in

11/16” Slot design, contain a minimum of parts and
13/16” Hole withstand all loads that can be carried by
or 11/16” Hole standard insulator pins.
9/16” Square

hole for These ridge irons are formed to fit the pole
bonding which helps to prevent pole-top splitting
9/16” Square and are used primarily for 13.2 kv. to 44 kv.
hole for 13/16” Hole or construction. The side members are formed
bonding 11/16” Hole from 4” x 1/4” steel.

13/16” Slot or •Shipped in bundles of five ridge irons

11/16” Hole •Insulator pins not included
•Mounting bolts not included, and should be
ordered from our bolt section

2608-A Pole Dia. in Unit Weight / Mtg,

Stock No. Inches lbs. Bolts

2608-11-13 6-1/2 - 9 13 5/8”

2608-13-13 6-1/2 - 9 15 3/4”
2608-A-11-13 6-1/2 - 9 15 5/8”
2608-A-13-13 6-1/2 - 9 15 3/4”
2608-A-13-15 6-1/2 - 9 15 3/4”

C-88 ©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc.


2600 Ridge Iron

12 ”
13/16” ”
The Hughes Brothers 2600 Ridge Irons are for use
Holes with short shank pins and the 2600-A for use with
long shank pins. The 5” channel is assembled to
the ridge iron and supported by two braces.

Side members, shaped to hug the pole, tend to

prevent pole-top splitting.

•Shipped in bundles of five (5) ridge irons

•Insulator pins not included
•Mounting bolts are not included and should be
ordered from Bolt Section.
•2600-A includes pin shank supports.
Brace Hole
Pole Dia. Unit Weight Mounting
11/16” or 11/16” or
13/16” Slot Stock No. Inches / lbs Bolts
13/16” Hole

9/16” Square 2600 6-1/2 - 9 28 5/8”

Hole 2600-A 6-1/2 - 9 30 3/4”

11/16” or 11/16” or
13/16” Slot 13/16” Hole
Ordering Example:
2 6 0 0 - 13 - 13
Pin Hole Size
Mounting Hole
and Slot Size

©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc. C-89


2606 Ridge Iron

Hughes Brothers 2606 and 2606-A Ridge Irons for line post
construction are similar to the 2608 Ridge Iron. They are
designed to increase the strength of the assembly by the use
of a pole band.
Top Dia. Unit weight /
Stock No. Inches lbs The pole band, made from 1-3/4” x 1/4” steel, fits over the
form-fitted side members of the Ridge Iron and pole and
2606-11-13 6-1/2 - 9 13 effectively reduces the possibility of pole replacements due to
2606-13-13 6-1/2 - 9 13 pole-top splitting.
2606-A-11-13 6-1/2 - 9 15
2606-A-13-13 6-1/2 - 9 15 •Studs and pin-shank brackets are boxed and bands and side
2606-A-13-15 6-1/2 - 9 15 members are bundled
•Insulator pins are not included
•Mounting bolts should be ordered from the Fastener Section

Hole with
mounting bolt

2606-13-13 2606-A-13-13
Ordering Example:
2 6 0 6 - 11 - 13
Pin Hole Size
Mounting Hole & Slot Size

C-90 ©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc.


11/16” Cross Tie

Attachment Hole
11/16” Holes
2604 Ridge Iron
Hughes Brothers 2604 Ridge Iron is a complete assembly with
two side members and cross plate, and is designed to be adapt-
able to varying pole diameters.
Shield Wire
clamp hole

The top plate can be removed after installation to allow the

shield wire to be placed in between the side plates.
Pole Top
In case of failure of the clamp or pin, or if the clamp becomes
loose, the shield wire is held at the top of the pole and will not

drop on the conductor.

9/16” Square Stock No. Pole Dia / in Weight Ea.

Bonding Hole

2604 7-1/2” - 12” 20 lbs.

•Side members and cross plates are bundled separately

11/16” x 1-3/8” Slot •Mounting bolts should be ordered from the Fasteners Section.

11/16” Cross Tie

13/16” Shield wire
Clamp Hole
Attachment Hole
2605 Ridge Iron
Hughes Brothers 2605 Ridge Irons, like the 2604, are adaptable to varying
pole diameters.

The 2605 Ridge Iron is used where additional height is required at the top
of the pole. When the “X” dimension exceeds 12” a heavier side angle

may be required. Contact Hughes Brothers engineering staff for other

Pole Top
The top plate can be removed after installation to allow the shield wire to
be placed in between the side plates.

11/16” Weight
Hole Stock No. Pole Dia / in Lbs. / Ea.

Bonding 2605-9 6-1/2 - 11 14.0


Hole 2605-10 15.5

2605-12* 18.6
11/16” x 1-3/8” Slot
2605-14 19.7
2605-16 20.6 *Stock item
Ordering Example: •Side members and cross plates are bundled separately
2 6 0 5 - “X” •Mounting bolts should be ordered from our Bolt Section
•Stock items are shipped 2 units per box
Distance above pole top •Many other variations available

©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc. C-91


1155 Ridge Iron

11/16” Hole
Hughes Brothers 1155 Ridge Iron is designed so that
failure of the clamp or pin will not drop the shield wire on
the conductor.

The 1155 is simple in design, containing a minimum of parts.

The side members are form-fitted, shaped to fit the pole.
11/16” Hole The clamp attachment link is chamfered on both sides.

9/16” Square Pole Dia. Wt. Ea.

Bonding Hole Stock No. Inches Lbs.
1155 6-1/2 - 9 15
11/16” x 1-3/8” Slot

Pole mounting bolts to be ordered separately.

B2638 Ridge Irons

Hughes Brothers B2638 Ridge Irons for post insulator
construction have a 5” bolt circle. The B2638 series
provides for varying pole top diameters.

For single bolt insulator attachment, a 4” x 4” x 1/2”

square washer with 15/16” hole is recommended.

B Stock No. Pole Diameter A B Weight Ea.

B2638-A 10-1/4” to 16” 10” 5-1/2” 38 lbs

B2638-B 6” to 11-3/4” 10” 5-1/2” 35 lbs
B2638-D 6” to 11-3/4” 9” 8-1/2” 47 lbs
B2638-E 6” to 11-3/4” 9” 22” 65 lbs
Pole Mounting holes are 13/16”

Insulator mounting holes are 11/16”

Center insulator mounting hole is 15/16”

C-92 ©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc.


1896, AS2355
& AS2585 Yoke
2 4 3
Dimensions in Inches Weight/
Stock No. Thickness A B 1 2 3 4 Rating / lbs. Each lbs.
1896 3/8” 6 6 15/16 15/16 15/16 19,000 5.1
1896-B 1/2” 6 5-3/16 15/16 15/16 15/16 24,000 6.7
AS2355 3/8” 6 4 1-1/16 15/16 15/16 19,000 6.5
AS2355-A 1/2” 7 4 1-1/16 15/16 15/16 24,000 6.6
AS2355-B 3/4” 6 4 1-1/16 15/16 15/16 38,000 8.9
AS2355-C 3/4” 6 5-3/16 15/16 15/16 15/16 38,000 10.2
AS2355-D 3/8” 18 9 1-1/8 1-1/8 1-1/8 19,000 17.0
AS2355-D1 5/8” 18 9 15/16 15/16 15/16 30,000 27.4
AS2355-D2 3/4” 18 6-1/8 1-1/16 15/16 15/16 15/16 80,000 26.6
AS2355-E 3/4” 6 5-3/16 1-1/16 15/16 15/16 38,000 10.2
AS2355-F 5/8” 9 3-5/8 11/16 11/16 11/16 30,000 6.9
AS2355-G 1/2” 6 2-1/2 13/16 13/16 13/16 1 24,000 3.9
AS2355-H 3/4” 6 4 1-1/16 1-1/16 1-1/16 1-1/16 50,000 13.0
AS2355-J 5/8” 4-1/2 5 11/16 11/16 11/16 30,000 5.2
AS2355-K 3/4” 18 9 1-1/8 1-1/8 1-1/8 38,000 31.8
AS2355-L 5/8” 8 4 15/16 15/16 15/16 15/16 30,000 7.0
AS2355-M 3/4” 6 5-3/16 15/16 15/16 15/16 15/16 38,000 10.0
AS2355-Q 1/2” 10 6 1-1/2 3/4 3/4 24,000 12.2
AS2585-E 1/2” 12 6 13/16 13/16 13/16 1-1/4 24,000 9.2
AS2585-G 5/8” 10 5 1-1/4 1-1/4 1-1/4 1-1/4 30,000 10.7
AS2585-G3 5/8” 8 4-1/16 1-1/4 1-1/4 1-1/4 1-1/4 50,000 7.5
AS2585-K 3/4” 8 6-15/16 15/16 1-1/4 1-1/4 38,000 18.3
AS2585-Q 3/8” 6 5-3/16 15/16 15/16 15/16 15/16 19,000 5.1
AS2585-U 3/4” 13 3-1/2 7/8 7/8 7/8 7/8 38,000 14.1
AS2585-W 5/8” 13 3-11/16 13/16 11/16 11/16 30,000 10.2

©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc. C-93


AS2585-M & AS2585-P
Yoke Plates
2 3 4 5


Dimensions in Inches
Strength Weight
Stock No. Thickness A B C D 1 2 3 4 5 Rating / lbs. each / lbs.

AS2585-M 7/8” 5 6 6 6 1-1/8 15/16 15/16 15/16 15/16 80,000 26.4

AS2585-P 3/8” 12 3-3/8 3-3/8 3-3/8 1-1/8 15/16 15/16 15/16 15/16 19,000 12.7

AS2585-C & AS2585-D
2 5
Yoke Plates

3 4

Dimensions in Inches Ultimate

Strength Weight
Stock No. Thickness A B C 1 2 3 4 5 Rating / lbs. Each / lbs.

AS2585-C 3/4” 32 5-1/4 5-1/4 1 13/16 13/16 13/16 13/16 38,000 54.0
AS2585-D 3/4” 26 4-1/4 4-1/4 1 13/16 13/16 13/16 13/16 38,000 39.3

C-94 ©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc.


2 6 AS2355-P Yoke Plate


3 4 5

Dimensions in Inches
Strength Weight
Stock No. Thickness A B C 1 2 3 4 5 6 Rating / lbs. Each / lbs.

AS2355-P 3/4” 18 3-1/8 3 1-1/16 15/16 15/16 15/16 15/16 15/16 38,000 26.0

AS2585-A, AS2585-B,
AS2585-F, AS2585-L
B & AS2585-Z Yoke Plates
2 3

Dimensions in Inches Strength Weight
Stock No. Thickness A B 1 2 3 Rating / lbs. Each / lbs.
AS2585-A 1/2” 12 4 13/16 13/16 13/16 30,000 5.9
AS2585-B 3/4” 32 10-1/2 1 13/16 13/16 50,000 43.2
AS2585-F 5/8” 22 7-1/4 1 13/16 13/16 40,000 20.7
AS2585-L 5/8” 12 4 13/16 13/16 13/16 40,000 7.2
AS2585-Z 5/8” 18 6-1/4 1 13/16 13/16 40,000 15.3
AS2585-Z1 3/4” 37 11-3/4 1 13/16 13/16 50,000 53
AS2585-Z2 3/4” 29 9-1/2 1 13/16 13/16 50,000 38

©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc. C-95


1/2” Tapped Holes


AS2585-ZZ Yoke Plate
2 4


Dimensions in Inches
Strength Weight
Stock No. Thickness A B C 1 2 3 4 Rating / lbs. Each / lbs.
AS2585-ZZ 3/4” 18 4 3-5/8 1-1/4 1-1/4 1-1/4 1-1/4 40,000 16.7
AS2585-ZZ1* 3/4” 18 4 3-5/8 1-1/4 1-1/4 1-1/4 1-1/4 40,000 16.7

*AS2585-ZZ1 Does not have tapped holes

AS2585-R & AS2585-S
B Yoke Plates
2 3

Dimensions in Inches Strength Weight
Stock No. Thickness A B 1 2 3 Rating / lbs. Each / lbs.

AS2585-R 5/8” 18 4-1/2 15/16 15/16 15/16 30,000 16.5

AS2585-S 3/4” 18 4-1/2 15/16 15/16 15/16 38,000 19.8

Other configurations available.

C-96 ©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc.


AS2585-H Yoke Plate


A Ultimate
Dimensions in Inches Strength Weight
Stock No. Thickness A B Rating / lbs. Each / lbs.

AS2585-H 5/8” 13 3-5/8 All Holes 15/16” 40,000 10.2

AS2585-J Vee String

4 3 2
Yoke Plate

Dimensions in Inches Strength Weight
Stock No. Thickness A B 1 2 3 4 Rating / lbs. Each / lbs.
AS2585-J 5/8” 8-1/2 4-1/4 1-1/4 1-1/4 15/16 1-1/4 30,000 8
Other configurations available.

AS2585-J1 Vee String
4 3 2
Yoke Plate
1/2” B
Dimensions in Inches Strength Weight
Stock No. Thickness A B 1 2 3 4 Rating / lbs. Each / lbs.
AS2585-J 5/8” 8-1/2 4-1/4 1-1/4 1-1/4 15/16 1-1/4 30,000 7.9
Other configurations available.

©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc. C-97


AS2585-Y Yoke Plate

Dimensions in Inches Strength Weight
Stock No. Thickness A B Rating / lbs. Each / lbs.

AS2585-Y 5/8” 13 4-1/2 All Holes 11/16 30,000 16.0

AS2355-N Yoke Plate


Dimensions in Inches Strength Weight
Stock No. Thickness A B Rating / lbs. Each / lbs.

AS2355-N 5/8” 6 6 All Holes 13/16 30,000 10.2

C-98 ©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc.


2 3
Yoke Plate
Dimensions in Inches Strength Weight
Stock No. Thickness A B 1 2 3 Rating / lbs. Each / lbs.
AS2585-V 5/8” 13 2-1/2 7/8 1-1/4 1-1/4 30,000 20.0

AS2585-T Yoke Plate

Dimensions in Inches Strength Weight
Stock No. Thickness A B Rating / lbs. Each / lbs.
AS2585-T 5/8” 18 5 All Holes 15/16 30,000 12.9

AS2585-N Yoke Plate


B C D Ultimate
Dimensions in Inches Strength Weight
Stock No. Thickness A B C D 1 2 Rating / lbs. Each / lbs.
AS2585-N 3/8” 12-1/2 3-3/8 3-3/8 3-3/8 1-1/8 15/16 19,000 11.4

©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc. C-99


AS2585-A1 & AS2585-W1
Yoke Plates

2 3

Dimensions in Inches Hole Sizes in Inches Rating / lbs. Weight
Stock No. Thickness A B 1 2 3 (APEX) Each / lbs.

AS2585-A1 3/4” 16 6 15/16 15/16 15/16 60,000 22

AS2585-W1 3/4” 13 3-7/16 15/16 11/16 11/16 60,000 14

AS2585-B2 Yoke Plate

1-1/4” 2 3 1-1/4”
Chamfered Chamfered

Dimensions in Inches Strength Weight
Stock No. Thickness A B 1 2 3 Rating / lbs. Each / lbs.
AS2585-B2 3/4” 18 4-1/2 15/16 1-1/4 1-1/4 60,000 21

C-100 ©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc.


AS2585-J8 Yoke Plate

(Both Sides)

Dimensions in Inches Strength Weight
Stock No. Thickness A Rating / lbs. Each / lbs.
AS2585-J8 5/8” 20-3/16” 40,000 20

AS2585-T2 Yoke Plate

1-1/8” Holes
(Both Sides)

Dimensions in Inches Strength Weight
Stock No. Thickness A B Rating / lbs. Each / lbs.

AS2585-T2 3/4” 18 4-1/2 All Holes 1-1/8 30,000 21

©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc. C-101


AS2585-T3 Yoke Plate

All Holes 1”
Chamfered Dimensions in Inches Strength Weight
(Both Sides)
Stock No. Thickness A B Rating / lbs. Each / lbs.

AS2585-T3 3/4” 13 4-1/2 All Holes 1 30,000 13

A AS2585-T4 Yoke Plate

All Holes 1-1/4”

(Both Sides)
Dimensions in Inches Strength Weight
Stock No. Thickness A B Rating / lbs. Each / lbs.

AS2585-T4 3/4” 18 6 All Holes 1-1/4 30,000 37

C-102 ©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc.


AS2585-V1 Yoke Plate

1 4

2 3

Dimensions in Inches Strength Weight
Stock No. Thickness A B 1 2 3 4 Rating / lbs. Each / lbs.
AS2585-V1 3/4” 18 6 13/16 11/16 11/16 13/16 30,000 38

AS2585-V2 Yoke Plate

Dimensions in Inches Strength Weight
Stock No. Thickness A B 1 2 Rating / lbs. Each / lbs.
AS2585-V2 3/4 18 5-1/2 15/16 13/16 50,000 38

©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc. C-103


A AS2585-V3 Yoke Plate

Dimensions in Inches Strength Weight
Stock No. Thickness A B Rating / lbs. Each / lbs.
AS2585-V3 3/4” 18 6 All Holes 15/16 60,000 37

A AS2585-V9 Yoke Plate

1 3 1


1 2 2 1

Dimensions in Inches Strength Weight
Stock No. Thickness A B C 1 2 3 Rating / lbs. Each / lbs.

AS2585-V9 3/4” 18 4 5-1/2 1-1/16 13/16 13/16 40,000 36

*Includes Four 1/2” Bolts with Spring Lock Washers

C-104 ©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc.


A AS2585-V11 Yoke Plate


1-1/4” Holes
(Both Sides)
6” Dimensions in Inches Strength Weight
Stock No. Thickness A B C 1 Rating / lbs. Each / lbs.

AS2585-V11 3/4” 18 10 5 1-1/4 40,000 22

AS2585-V13 Yoke Plate


1-1/4” Holes
(Both Sides)
7” Dimensions in Inches Strength Weight
Stock No. Thickness A B C 1 Rating / lbs. Each / lbs.

AS2585-V13 3/4” 18 10 5 1-1/4 30,000 21

©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc. C-105


AS2585-W3 Yoke Plate


2 3

Dimensions in Inches Strength Weight
Stock No. Thickness A B 1 2 3 Rating / lbs. Each / lbs.
AS2585-W3 3/4” 13 3-11/16 15/16 11/16 11/16 40,000 10

AS2585-Z6 Yoke Plate

Dimensions in Inches Strength Weight
Stock No. Thickness A B C Rating / lbs. Each / lbs.

AS2585-Z6 3/4” 18 6 5 All Holes 1-1/4 50,000 21

C-106 ©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc.


AS2585-Z7 Yoke Plate


Dimensions in Inches Strength Weight
Stock No. Thickness A B Rating / lbs. Each / lbs.

AS2585-Z7 3/4” 18 4-5/8 All Holes 1-1/4 40,000 19

AS2585-Z8 Yoke Plate

*All Holes 1-1/4” Chamfered (Both Sides)

Dimensions in Inches Strength Weight
Stock No. Thickness A B Rating / lbs. Each / lbs.

AS2585-Z8 5/8” 18 3-5/8 All Holes 1-1/4 25,000 15

©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc. C-107


B2726 Yoke Plates Yoke Plate Cross Reference*

Anderson Hughes Bros.

79603-4001 AS2585-W1
A 92933-3002 AS2585-V9
1 93006-4004 AS2585-V11
94760-4001 AS2355-D2
13/16” 13/16” 95021-3002 AS2585-V2
97611-3002 AS2585-V1
YPD-30-18437-3 AS2585-ZZ1
13/16” YPD-40-10478 AS2585-Z7
YPD-40-18342-4 AS2585-ZZ
YPD-40-24465 AS2585-W3
YPD-50-18549-1 AS2585-Z6
YPD-50-24685 AS2585-G3
Ultimate YPD-60-10795 AS2585-B2
Dimensions in Inches Strength Weight YPR-30-17351-2 AS2585-T2
Stock No. Thickness A B 1 Rating / lbs. Each / lbs. YPR-30-18722-1 AS2585-T4
B2726-A1 5/8 22 7-1/4 1 40,000 21 YPR-30-24508 AS2585-T3
B2726-A2 3/4 26 8-1/2 1 50,000 33 YPV-30-17259-1 AS2585-V13
B2726-A3 3/4 29 9-1/2 1 50,000 40
B2726-A4 3/4 32 10-1/2 1 50,000 48 Continental Hughes Bros.
B2726-A5 3/4 37 11-3/4 1 50,000 50 YPR-60-13-6 AS2585-V3
B2726-A6 5/8 18 6-1/4 1 40,000 16
B2726-A7 1-1/4 42 13 1-1/4 72,000
YPT-60-16-6 AS2585-A1
YPV-30-18-9 AS2355-D1

Ohio Brass Hughes Bros.

99337 AS2585-J

Preformed Hughes Bros.

YP5908 B2726-A6
YP5909 B2726-A1
YP5910 B2726-A2
YP5911 B2726-A3
YP5912 B2726-A4
YP5913 B2726-A5
65934 B2726-A7
YP5907 AS2585-A
* Ratings listed are for suggested Hughes
Brothers equivalents. Ratings provided by
other manufactures may differ.

C-108 ©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc.


1701 1702 1701 & 1702

(For T-2

Hanger Links
The Hughes Brothers 1701 & 1702
Hanger Links are used for vertical

bundling of Armor Grip Suspension®
(AGS) units.

The link assembly includes two double

eye links, hex bolt, hex nut, spring
lock washer and cotter key.

Stock Conductor Link Top Eye Bottom Eye Top Bolt Dimension Bolt Ultimate
No. Range Diameter Thickness Thickness Diameter “X” Length* Strength

1701-1 .482 to .542 1/2” 7/16” 1/4” 5/8” 4-1/8” 4-1/2” 12,500 lbs
1701-2 .543 to .645 1/2” 7/16” 1/4” 5/8” 4-1/8” 4-1/2” 12,500 lbs
1701-3 .646 to .750 1/2” 7/16” 5/16” 5/8” 4-1/8” 4-1/2” 12,500 lbs

1701-4 .751 to .907 5/8” 9/16” 5/16” 5/8” 4-7/8” 5-1/4” 24,000 lbs
1701-5 .908 to 1.005 5/8” 9/16” 5/16” 5/8” 5-1/8” 5-1/2” 24,000 lbs
1701-6 1.006 to 1.208 5/8” 9/16” 1/2” 5/8” 5-7/8” 6-1/4” 24,000 lbs
1701-7 1.209 to 1.355 5/8” 9/16” 1/2” 3/4” 6-3/8” 6-3/4” 24,000 lbs

1701-8 1.356 to 1.557 3/4” 5/8” 5/8” 3/4” 6-5/8” 7” 35,000 lbs
1701-9 1.558 to 1.828 3/4” 5/8” 3/4” 3/4” 7-1/2” 7-7/8” 35,000 lbs
1701-10 1.883 to 2.333 3/4” 5/8” 3/4” 3/4” 7-1/2” 7-7/8” 35,000 lbs

1702-1 2x.250 to 2x.447 5/8” 5/8” 5/8” 5/8” 3-3/4” 5” 24,000 lbs
1702-2 2x.448 to 2x.642 5/8” 5/8” 5/8” 5/8” 4-3/4” 6” 24,000 lbs
1702-3 2x.721 to 2x.858 5/8” 5/8” 5/8” 5/8” 5-1/2” 7” 24,000 lbs

1702-4 2x.859 to 2x1.108 3/4” 3/4” 3/4” 3/4” 5-1/2” 7” 35,000 lbs

*Thread Length = 1-1/2”

Unit weight approximately 3.5 lbs each

©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc. C-109


A2051-A Assembly
Ordering Example:
Assembly type

Armor Grip Total weight (50 lb increments)

Suspension 1888 stock number
1888 Shackle Hardware (see opposite page)
(By Preformed
Line Products)
A2159 Hook


A2051 Assembly Ordering Example:

A2051 -100.4
NOTE: The A2051 Assembly type
assembly features an
eye bolt and shackle Total weight (50 lb increments)
1888 stock number
(see opposite page)

A2051.3 Hold Down Weight

Cast from ductile iron, each hold down weight weighs 50 lbs and is hot dip galvanized.
All weights feature a cast lip to facilitate handling and a recessed hole for the nut.

C-110 ©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc.


A2159 Hold Down Weight Hook
3/4” (An alternate method for suspending hold down
weights would use a 2724 forged eye bolt and
2865.2 shackle.)

Stock No. Wt. / lbs

* A2159- * 1.7

D i m ”
D i m * Required length = no. of weights x 2.75 in. + 3 in.
Stock Diam.
” )”

1888 Hold Down Weight

Dim “R


Conductor Armor-Grip Bolt Stock Dim Dim Dim Dim Bolt
Stock No. Diam. Range Casting No. Diam. Diam. “X” “O” “L” “R” Length

1888.2 .482 to .750 60201-0, 5/8” 1/2” 4-3/8” 2-3/8” 4-7/8” 1-7/8” 4-3/4”
1888.3 .751 to .907 60204-1 5/8” 1/2” 4-3/4” 2-3/4” 5-3/8” 2-3/8” 5-1/8”
1888.4 .908 to 1.005 60205-0 5/8” 1/2” 5-1/8” 3-1/8” 5-1/2” 2-1/2” 5-1/2”
1888.5 1.006 to 1.208 60206-0 5/8” 5/8” 6” 3-3/4” 6-1/2” 2-3/4” 6-3/8”
1888.6 1.209 to 1.355 60207-0 3/4” 5/8” 6” 3-3/4” 6-1/4” 3” 6-3/8”
1888.7 1.356 to 1.557 60208-0 3/4” 5/8” 6-1/2” 4-1/4” 6-1/2” 3” 6-7/8”
1888.8 1.558 to 1.828 60209-0 3/4” 5/8” 7-1/8” 4-7/8” 7-1/4” 3-1/4” 7-3/8”
1888.9 .304 to .500 5/8” 1/2” 3-5/8” 1-5/8” 4” 1-1/2” 4”
1888.10 1.356 to 1.557 60208-0 5/8” 5/8” 6-1/2” 4-1/4” 6-1/2” 3” 7”

©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc. C-111


B2712.1 Tower Leg

Reinforcement Bracket




The B2712.1 Tower Leg Reinforcement bracket is

used to repair or brace rusted or broken lattice tower
legs. New holes can be drilled into the foundation or
the base plate can be made to fit existing anchor bolts.

Contact Hughes Brothers with your specific lattice

tower repair or reinforcement needs.

C-112 ©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc.


Pole Shims for Pole

Insulators - Example Hardware Accessories
Hughes Brothers has developed special
hardware to be used with rectangular
wood poles. Shown below are some of
the most common applications. Please
note that in addition to the hardware
Pole Shim AS2717-A shown here, standard pole line hardware
such as dead end tees, eye bolts,
swinging angle brackets, etc., may also
Mtg. Base easily be used.

Post Insulator

Conductor & Dead End Hardware

3"x3"x1/4" 6" 3"x3"x1/4" 6" or 9" 7/8" Bolt,
7/8" Bolt,
Flat Square Locknut Flat Square Locknut
Washer Washer

Plate Tee
Line Angle /2

5/8" Conductor
Attach. Plate
1 1/4" Hole Dead End Tee
(Chamfer 3"
Both Sides) 3"
1" Holes

©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc. C-113


Foundation Reinforcement
Distribution - FD
Assembly Includes:
4 - Angles, 20" Long
6-3/4" Pole Width 4 - Bolts, Nuts & Locknuts
Field assembly required.
9/16" Bonding
Hole Assembly Angle Bolt Weight
Number A Size Length Lbs.
FDA-4 4" 4" x 3" x 1/4" 10" 45
7/8" Lifting FDA-5 5" 5" x 3" x 1/4" 10" 50
Hole FDA-6 6" 6" x 3-1/2" x 5/16" 10" 72
FDA-7 7" 7" x 4" x 3/8" 10" 97

Assembly Includes:
4 - Angles, 20" Long
8-3/4" Pole Width 4 - Bolts, Nuts & Locknuts
Field assembly required.
Assembly Angle Bolt Weight
Number A Size Length Lbs.
FDB-4 4" 4" x 3" x 1/4" 12" 46

FDB-5 5" 5" x 3" x 1/4" 12" 51

FDB-6 6" 6" x 3-1/2" x 5/16" 12" 73
FDB-7 7" 7" x 4" x 3/8" 12" 98

Assembly Includes:
10-1/4" Pole Width 4 - Angles, 20" Long
4 - Bolts, Nuts & Locknuts

Field assembly required.

Assembly Angle Bolt Weight
Pole Width Number A Size Length Lbs.
FDC-4 4" 4" x 3" x 1/4" 14" 47
Pole Width FDC-5 5" 5" x 3" x 1/4" 14" 52
FDC-6 6" 6" x 3-1/2" x 5/16" 14" 74
3/4" Bolt FDC-7 7" 7" x 4" x 3/8" 14" 99

Assembly Includes:
12-1/4" Pole Width 4 - Angles, 20" Long
4 - Bolts, Nuts & Locknuts
Field assembly required.
Assembly Angle Bolt Weight
A A Number A Size Length Lbs.
Lam Pole Round Pole FDD-4 4" 4" x 3" x 1/4" 16" 48
FDD-5 5" 5" x 3" x 1/4" 16" 53
FDD-6 6" 6" x 3-1/2" x 5/16" 16" 74
FDD-7 7" 7" x 4" x 3/8" 16" 99

C-114 ©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc.


Foundation Reinforcement
Transmission - FT
7/8" Lifting
Hole Assembly Includes:
4 - Angles, 32" Long
10-1/4" Pole Width 6 - Bolts, Nuts & Locknuts
9/16" Bonding Field assembly required.
Hole Assembly Angle Bolt Weight
Number A Size Length Lbs.
FTA-4 4" 4" x 3" x 1/4" 14" 80
FTA-5 5" 5" x 3" x 1/4" 14" 88
FTA-6 6" 6" x 3-1/2" x 5/16" 14" 122
FTA-7 7" 7" x 4" x 3/8" 14" 163

Assembly Includes:
4 - Angles, 32" Long
12-1/4" Pole Width 6 - Bolts, Nuts & Locknuts
Field assembly required.

Assembly Angle Bolt Weight

Number A Size Length Lbs.
FTB-4 4" 4" x 3" x 1/4" 16" 82

FTB-5 5" 5" x 3" x 1/4" 16" 90

FTB-6 6" 6" x 3-1/2" x 5/16" 16" 124
FTB-7 7" 7" x 4" x 3/8" 16" 165

Pole Width
Assembly Includes:
4 - Angles, 32" Long
Pole Width 14-1/4" Pole Width 6 - Bolts, Nuts & Locknuts
Field assembly required.
7/8" Bolt Assembly Angle Bolt Weight
Number A Size Length Lbs.
FTC-4 4" 4" x 3" x 1/4" 18" 85
FTC-5 5" 5" x 3" x 1/4" 18" 93
FTC-6 6" 6" x 3-1/2" x 5/16" 18" 127
FTC-7 7" 7" x 4" x 3/8" 18" 168

Lam Pole Round Pole

©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc. C-115


A1895 Pole Anchor

A1895-1* Hughes Brothers A1895 Pole Anchor Assemblies
One Section Anchor are used as thrust and uplift anchors. Each
(Consists of A1895.1A individual anchor assembly adds 106 in2 of
plus mtg hardware) bearing area to a pole.

The bearing plates may be ordered as a single

unit or complete with mounting hardware. Unless
specified otherwise, 7/8” x 26” machine bolts are
furnished. Each bearing plate has a provision for
A1895-2* attaching a ground wire with a bonding bolt.
Two Section Anchor

Four Section

5/8” x 4-1/2” Lag Screws

7/8” Pole Bolt

Side View


Note: The A1895.1A weighs 22 lbs.

Ordering Example A1895-2-26

*Bolt length in inches. (26” unless specified otherwise)

Assembly No.
Stock No.

C-116 ©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc.

Transformer Platforms....................D-1
Potholders........................................ D-14
Grates & Vault Covers..................D-20
Fiber Optic Cases......................... D-25
Cutout & Arrestor Brackets.......D-30
Conduit Support Brackets......... D-36
Sports Field Lighting Brackets.D-41
Maximum Total
C to C Center Span Semi-Uniform Weight
Part No. Pole Spacing Type Width Railings Loading / lbs Loading* / lbs / Lbs ea.

1034 12'-0" open 5'-6" B.S. 8,100 10,600 890

1036 16'-0" open 5'-6" B.S. 6,000 8,100 990
1070 14'-9" open 5'-6" B.S. 6,500 8,600 970
1073 14'-9" open 5'-6" B.S. 6,500 8,600 970
1035 12'-0" alley 4'-3" O.S. 8,100 10,600 710
1071 14'-9" alley 4'-3" O.S. 6,500 8,600 800
1040 12'-0" bridge 2'-6" none 8,100 10,600 619
1072 14'-9" bridge 2'-6" none 6,500 8,600 1072
2100-12-0 12'-0" S.C. 6'-0" B.S. 8,100 10,600 1360
2100-14-9 14'-9" S.C. 6'-0" B.S. 6,500 8,600 1620
2102-12-0 12'-0" S.C. 6'-0" B.S. 13,400 17,000 1700
2102-14-9 14'-9" S.C. 6'-0" B.S. 6,500 14,300 1800
2102-16-9 16'-9" S.C. 6'-0" B.S. 9,400 12,500 2000
2102-18-9 18'-9" S.C. 6'-0" B.S. 8,400 11,250 2200
2102-20-9 20'-9" S.C. 6'-0" B.S. 7,600 10,200 2400

S.C. - Spread Channel *Loads placed at the 1/3, 1/2, & 2/3 span locations
B.S. - Both Sides
O.S. - One Side NOTE: Max. loads are actual transformer weight.

Open Type Alley Type

Stock No's Stock No's

1034 1035
1036 1071

Bridge Type Spread

Stock No's Type
Stock No's

©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc. D-1


Open, Alley and

Bridge Type

Hughes Brothers Standard Transformer

Platforms are complete units partially factory
assembled for quick and easy installation.

These prefabricated units are economical

because no field work is required other than
boring the pole holes; there’s no cutting,
fitting, waste or costly delays. Complete units
can be relocated if necessary, to meet service
C. to C. demands. Wood members are made from
Pole select Douglas-fir components, pressure
Stock No. Type Spacing treated with pentachlorophenol.
1034 Open 12'0"
1070 Open 14'9" The following pages show Open, Alley and
1036 Open 16'0" Bridge type transformer platforms for various
1073 Open 14'9" pole spacings.
1035 Alley 12'0"
1071 Alley 14'9"
1040 Bridge 12'0"
1072 Bridge 14'9"

Hughes Brothers Open, Alley & Bridge Type

Transformer Platforms are shipped complete
and ready to assemble. All components are
shipped banded as shown above.

D-2 ©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc.

10 16

1034 Transformer
10 16

7a 5a

10 14 16
5'- 6"

4 5b 4

9 3 3

8 9
3'- 2"

6b 6a
4 7b 5 7a 3 4

12 12 17
18 18 19
19 2 5b
1 5a


5a 5b
11 15 11 15 16

13 13

Section A-A
12'- 0"
Poles may vary from 11'- 9" to 12'- 3" c to c

No. 1034 Bill Item Quan.

Part No.
8" Channel
of Material 2 2 S2 Side Angle
3 2 S6 Cross Angle
4 2 S3 Cross Angle
5a 2 S4R Brace Angle (Right)
5b 2 S4L Brace Angle (Left)
6a 2 S5R Railing Support Angle (Right)
6b 2 S5L Railing Support Angle (Left)
7a 17 W1 Plank
7b 2 W1N2 Plank with 2 Ends Notched
NOTE: Douglas-fir plank and 8 2 W2 Railing
railings are pressure treated with 9 46 BC33-F 3/8" x 3" Carriage Bolt
Pentachlorophenol. Steel members 10 24 B61 3/4-1 1/4 5/8" x 1-3/4" Bolt
and parts are hot dip galvanized. 11 4 B618-6 5/8" x 18" Bolt
12 4 TR718-5 3/4" x 18" Thr'd Rod
12 4 LS64 1/2 5/8" x 4-1/2" Lag Screw
14 8 SW2-60 2" x Sq. Washer, 11/16" Hole
15 4 CW60 4" Sq. Curved Washer, 11/16" Hole
16 32 MF60 5/8" MF Locknut
17 8 RW2-70 2" Round Washer 13/16" Hole
18 8 N70 3/4" Std. Nut
19 8 MF70 3/4" MF Locknut

©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc. D-3

2-1/4" x 5" Plank 3 10 16

10 14 16 1070

9 Cross angles slotted to permit pole variation 10" to 16" dia.

6b 6a

5b 3 7a 7b
4 3
12 17 18 19
8" x 11.5# Channel

2 1

5a 5b

10'-5½" 5b 5b

Brace angles
Frame constructed of 2" x 2-1/2" x 3/16" angles 11 15 16 made left & right


11 15 16

Poles may vary from 14'-6" to 15'-0" c to c

No. 1070 Bill Item Quan.

Part No.
8" Channel
of Material 2 2 S2 Side Angle
3 2 S6 Cross Angle
4 2 S3 Cross Angle
5a 2 S4R Brace Angle (Right)
5b 2 S4L Brace Angle (Left)
6a 2 S5R Railing Support Angle (Right)
6b 2 S5L Railing Support Angle (Left)
7a 17 W1 Plank
7b 2 W1N2 Plank with 2 Ends Notched
NOTE: Douglas-fir plank and 8 2 W2 Railing
railings are pressure treated with 9 46 BC33-1 3/8" x 3" Carriage Bolt
Pentachlorophenol. Steel members 10 28 B61 3/4-1 1/4 5/8" x 1-3/4" Bolt
and parts are hot dip galvanized. 11 4 B618-6 5/8" x 18" Bolt
12 4 TR718-5 3/4" x 18" Thr'd Rod
12 4 LS64 1/2 5/8" x 4-1/2" Lag Screw
14 8 SW2-60 2" x Sq. Washer, 11/16" Hole
15 4 CW60 4" Sq. Curved Washer, 11/16" Hole
16 32 MF60 5/8" MF Locknut
17 8 RW2-70 2" Round Washer 13/16" Hole
18 8 N70 3/4" Std. Nut
19 8 MF70 3/4" MF Locknut

D-4 ©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc.

9 5/8" x 1-3/4" Bolt, Sq.
7b 7a 3 7b
Nut, MF Locknut

2'- 9"




4 3
Cross angles slotted to permit variation of 10" to 16" in pole diameter

3/8" x 3" Carriage Bolt


5/8" x 1-3/4" Bolt, Sq. 6b
Nut, MF Locknut

2 3/4" x 18" Threaded Rod, 2 - 2" Round Washers

2 - Sq. Nuts, 2 - MF Locknuts
1 8" x 11.5# Channel

Frame constructed of 2" x 2-1/2" x 3/16" angles

5/8" Bolt
5/8" x 18" Bolt, CW60 Curved Washer, 5/8" Lag Screw
Sq. Nut, MF Locknut

Poles may vary from 14'-6" to 15'-0" c to c

No. 1073 Bill Item

Part No.
8" Channel
of Material 2 2 S31 Side Angle
3 2 S6 Cross Angle
4 2 S3 Cross Angle
5a 2 S4R Brace Angle (Right)
5b 2 S4L Brace Angle (Left)
6a 2 S5R Railing Support Angle (Right)
6b 2 S5L Railing Support Angle (Left)
7a 21 W1 Plank
7b 2 W1N2 Plank with 2 Ends Notched
NOTE: Douglas-fir plank and 8 2 W19 Railing
railings are pressure treated with 9 54 BC33-1 3/8" x 3" Carriage Bolt
Pentachlorophenol. Steel members 10 28 B61 3/4-1 1/4 5/8" x 1-3/4" Bolt
and parts are hot dip galvanized. 11 4 B618-6 5/8" x 18" Bolt
12 4 TR718-5 3/4" x 18" Thr'd Rod
12 4 LS64 1/2 5/8" x 4-1/2" Lag Screw
14 8 SW2-60 2" x Sq. Washer, 11/16" Hole
15 4 CW60 4" Sq. Curved Washer, 11/16" Hole
16 32 MF60 5/8" MF Locknut
17 8 RW2-70 2" Round Washer 13/16" Hole
18 8 N70 3/4" Std. Nut
19 8 MF70 3/4" MF Locknut

©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc. D-5

2-1/4" x 5" Plank
4 3


10 14
4 16
7a Cross angles slotted to permit pole variation 10" to 16" diameter

2-1/4" x 5" Railing

8 9

6b 6a

4 7b 3 7a 4 3 4

8" x 11.5# Channel 12 17 18 19

2 5b
14'-5½" 5a

Brace Angles
5a 5b made right & left
Frame constructed of 2" x 2-1/2" angles

11 15 16
11 15

Poles may vary from 15'-9" to 16'-3" c to c

No. 1036 Bill Item Quan.

Part No.
8" Channel
of Material 2 2 S10 Side Angle
3 2 S6 Cross Angle
4 2 S3 Cross Angle
5a 2 S4R Brace Angle (Right)
5b 2 S4L Brace Angle (Left)
6a 2 S5R Railing Support Angle (Right)
6b 2 S5L Railing Support Angle (Left)
7a 24 W1 Plank
7b 2 W1N2 Plank with 2 Ends Notched
NOTE: Douglas-fir plank and 8 2 W4 Railing
railings are pressure treated with 9 60 BC33-1 3/8" x 3" Carriage Bolt
Pentachlorophenol. Steel members 10 28 B61 3/4-1 1/4 5/8" x 1-3/4" Bolt
and parts are hot dip galvanized. 11 4 B618-6 5/8" x 18" Bolt
12 4 TR718-5 3/4" x 18" Thr'd Rod
13 4 LS64 1/2 5/8" x 4-1/2" Lag Screw
14 10 SW2-60 2" x Sq. Washer, 11/16" Hole
15 4 CW60 4" Sq. Curved Washer, 11/16" Hole
16 32 MF60 5/8" MF Locknut
17 8 RW2-70 2" Round Washer 13/16" Hole
18 8 N70 3/4" Std. Nut
19 8 MF70 3/4" MF Locknut

D-6 ©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc.


3a 3b

4b 4a

10 14 16


10 16

7b 7c

8 9
6b 6a

4b 3a 7 3b 4a

12 17
8" x 11.5# 1 18
Channel 2 19


5a Frame constructed of 2" x 2-1/2" angles

5b 11 15 16
11 15 16
12'-0" 13
Pole spacing may vary from 11'-9" to 12'-3"

Item Quan. Part No. Description

No. 1035 Bill 1 2 S1 8" Channel
of Material 2 2
Side Angle
Cross Angle (Right)
3b 1 S7L Cross Angle (Left)
4a 1 S8R Cross Angle (Right)
4b 1 S8L Cross Angle (Left)
5a 1 S4R Brace Angle (Right)
5b 1 S4L Brace Angle (Left)
6a 1 S5R Railing Support Angle (Right)
6b 1 S5L Railing Support Angle (Left)
7a 17 W3 Plank
7b 1 W3N1RT Plank with 1 End Notched (Right)
NOTE: Douglas-fir plank and 7c 1 W3N1LT Plank with 1 End Notched (Left)
railings are pressure treated with 8 1 W2 Railing
Pentachlorophenol. Steel members 9 42 BC33-1 3/8" x 3" Carriage Bolt
and parts are hot dip galvanized. 10 22 B61 3/4-1 1/4 5/8" x 1-3/4" Bolt
11 2 B618-6 5/8" x 18" Bolt
12 4 TR718-5 3/4" x 18" Thr'd Rod
13 2 LS64 1/2 5/8" x 4-1/2" Lag Screw
14 8 SW2-60 2" x Sq. Washer, 11/16" Hole
15 2 CW60 4" Sq. Curved Washer, 11/16" Hole
16 24 MF60 5/8" MF Locknut
17 8 RW2-70 2" Round Washer 13/16" Hole
18 8 N70 3/4" Std. Nut
19 8 MF70 3/4" MF Locknut

©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc. D-7

4b 16 7a
3b 4a

10 14 16


5a 5b

10 16

7b Cross angles slotted to permit pole varia-

9 7c
tions 10" to 16" diameter

2-1/4" x 5" Railing

8 9
6b 6a

4 7b 3a 3b 7c 4

12 17 18 19

8" x 11.5# Channel 1 2

10'-5½" 5b

5a Frame constructed of 2" x 2-1/2" x 3/16" angles 5b

11 15 16
11 15 16
14'-9" 13

Pole spacing may vary from 14'-6" to 15'-0" C to C

Item Quan. Part No. Description

No. 1071 Bill 1 2 S12 8" Channel
of Material 2 2
Side Angle
Cross Angle (Right)
3b 1 S7L Cross Angle (Left)
4a 1 S8R Cross Angle (Right)
4b 1 S8L Cross Angle (Left)
5a 1 S4R Brace Angle (Right)
5b 1 S4L Brace Angle (Left)
6a 1 S5R Railing Support Angle (Right)
6b 1 S5L Railing Support Angle (Left)
7a 17 W3 Plank
7b 1 W3N1RT Plank with 1 End Notched (Right)
NOTE: Douglas-fir plank and 7c 1 W3N1LT Plank with 1 End Notched (Left)
railings are pressure treated with 8 1 W2 Railing
Pentachlorophenol. Steel members 9 42 BC33-1 3/8" x 3" Carriage Bolt
and parts are hot dip galvanized. 10 22 B61 3/4-1 1/4 5/8" x 1-3/4" Bolt
11 2 B618-6 5/8" x 18" Bolt
12 4 TR718-5 3/4" x 18" Thr'd Rod
13 2 LS64 1/2 5/8" x 4-1/2" Lag Screw
14 8 SW2-60 2" x Sq. Washer, 11/16" Hole
15 2 CW60 4" Sq. Curved Washer, 11/16" Hole
16 24 MF60 5/8" MF Locknut
17 8 RW2-70 2" Round Washer 13/16" Hole
18 8 N70 3/4" Std. Nut
19 8 MF70 3/4" MF Locknut

D-8 ©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc.


2-1/4" x 5" Plank 4
6 10
6 8 10

2'-6" Transformer
3 3 3

3/4" Thru bolts

8" x 11.5# Channel 7 11 12
2 2" Rd. Washer

Frame constructed of 2" x 2-1/4" x 3/16"


Poles may vary from 11'-9" to 12'-3" C to C

No. 1040 Bill Item Quan.

Part No.
8" Channel
of Material 2 2 S2 Side Angle
3 4 S11 Cross Angle
4 19 W5 Plank
5 38 BC33-1 3/8" x 3" Carriage Bolt
6 16 B61 3/4-1 1/4 5/8" x 1-3/4" Bolt
7 4 TR718-5 3/4" x 18" Thr'd Rod
8 8 SW2-60 2" x Sq. Washer, 11/16" Hole
9 8 RW2-70 2" Round Washer 13/16" Hole
10 16 MF60 5/8" MF Locknut
11 8 N70 3/4" Std. Nut
12 8 MF70 3/4" MF Locknut

NOTE: Douglas-fir plank and

railings are pressure treated with
Pentachlorophenol. Steel members
and parts are hot dip galvanized.

©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc. D-9


2-1/4" x 5"

Plank 4
3 3 3

6 10


6 8 10

5 Cross angles slotted to

permit pole variation of
10" to 16" diameter

8" x 11.5# Channel 9

2 1 7
10'-5½" 11

Frame constructed
of 2" x 2-1/2" angles


Pole spacing may vary from 14'-6" to 15'-0"

No. 1072 Bill Item Quan.

Part No.
8" Channel
of Material 2 2 S2 Side Angle
3 4 S11 Cross Angle
4 19 W5 Plank
5 38 BC33-1 3/8" x 3" Carriage Bolt
6 16 B61 3/4-1 1/4 5/8" x 1-3/4" Bolt
7 4 TR718-5 3/4" x 18" Thr'd Rod
8 8 SW2-60 2" x Sq. Washer, 11/16" Hole
9 8 RW2-70 2" Round Washer 13/16" Hole
10 16 MF60 5/8" MF Locknut
11 8 N70 3/4" Std. Nut
12 8 MF70 3/4" MF Locknut

NOTE: Douglas-fir plank and

railings are pressure treated with
Pentachlorophenol. Steel members
and parts are hot dip galvanized.

D-10 ©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc.


Spread Channel

Hughes Brothers Spread Channel Transformer Platforms have side channels which are
attached to channels rather than directly to the poles. This allows for greater vertical
space under the platform.

The spread-channel type platform has the planks made into removable panels allowing
the transformer to be raised vertically through the platform. The panels are easily re-
placed in their proper positions.

The same advantages are present in the removal of a transformer. Usually a transformer
can be removed without disturbing the adjacent transformers.

Hughes Brothers Transformer Platforms are furnished complete, shipped with all bolts,
ready to install. These prefabricated units are economical because no field work is
required other than boring the pole holes; there’s no cutting, fitting, waste or costly delays.

Wood parts are made from Douglas-fir, pressure treated with pentachlorophenol. Steel
parts are hot dip galvanized.

©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc. D-11

Note: Cut end cleat to wedge under end channel




NOTE: Douglas-fir plank and railings are pressure treated with Pentachlorophenol.
Steel members and parts are hot dip galvanized.
Note: Entire end bracket
assembly may be inverted to
give additional clearance if
2-1/4" x 5" railing

2'-3" 2'-3"

3/4" bolt thru pole

3-3/8" x 5-3/8" plank



8" x 11.5# channel
3/4" bolt


Hughes Brothers No. 2100 Spread Channel Transform-

er Platforms are made for center to center pole spacing
from 11’0" to 19’9" with guard rails and walking space C. to C.
on both sides. Pole
Stock No. Spacing Weight / lbs
Shipped complete, ready to install, Hughes No. 2100
Platform has two 8" x 11.5-lb. side or spread channels 2100-12-0 12'-0" 1360
and two 10" x 15.3-lb. pole channels. The platform has 2100-14-9 14'-9" 1620
two 8" x 11.5-lb. vertical pole channels; four clip angles
and eight rail supports of 1/4" stock, and two 3" x 3" x
1/4" angle braces. It has two rail guards, 2-1/4" x 5"
x 11’0"; the platform planks, 3-3/8” x 5-3/8" x 6’0", are Ordering Example:
cleated into removable panels; and the four posts for
guard rails are 3" x 3" x 4’0". 2100 - 14 - 9
Feet } Pole Spacing
Hughes Brothers Transformer Platforms can be
furnished in sizes other than those shown. Consult
the Hughes Brothers Engineering Department.

When ordering other than stock numbers shown,

specify center to center pole spacing.

D-12 ©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc.

Note: Cut end cleat to wedge under end channel




NOTE: Douglas-fir plank and railings are pressure treated with Pentachlorophenol.
Steel members and parts are hot dip galvanized. NOTE: Entire end bracket assembly may be
inverted to give additional clearance if necessary.

2-1/4" x 5" railing

2'-3" 2'-3"

3/4" bolt thru pole

12" x 20.7#
3-3/8" x 5-3/8" plank


10" x 15.3# channel
3/4" bolt

Specify 8" x 11.5# channel

Hughes Brothers No. 2102 Spread-Channel Transform-

er Platforms are made for center to center pole spacing
from 14’9" to 20’9" with guard rails and walking space
on both sides.
C. to C.
Shipped complete, ready to install, Hughes Brothers
Stock No. Spacing Weight / lbs
No. 2102 Platform has two 10" x 15.3-lb. side or spread
channels; two 12" x 20.7-lb. pole channels; two 8" x 2102-12-0 12'-0" 1700
11.5-lb. vertical pole channels; four clip angles and 2102-14-9 14'-9" 1800
twelve rail supports of 1/4" stock; and two 3" x 3" 1/4" 2102-16-9 16'-9" 2000
angle braces. All metal parts, bolts and washers are 2102-18-9 18'-9" 2200
hot dip galvanized. Two guard rails, 2-1/4" x 5" x 15’0", 2102-20-9 20'-9" 2400
platform planks, 3-3/8" x 5-3/8" x 6’0", which are
cleated into removable panels and four guard rail
posts, 3" x 3" x 4’0", are made of Douglas-fir, pressure- Ordering Example:
treated with pentachlorophenol.
2102 - 14 - 9
Hughes Brothers Transformer Platforms can be
Feet } Pole Spacing
furnished in sizes other than those shown. Consult
the Hughes Brothers Engineering Department.

When ordering other than stock numbers shown,

specify center to center pole spacing.

©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc. D-13


Hughes Brothers
Cluster Mounts
Hughes Brothers 3020 Cluster Mounts provide a
reliable method of mounting very heavy transformers
in a three plane or "cluster" arrangement.

The Hughes Brothers cluster mounts enable

transformers to be attached on the ground and
many electrical connections made before the cluster
is raised into position.

3020 Cluster Mount

3020.3C Back Plate The 3020 features key hole & key slot mounting holes
provides rigidity when
which allow the unit to be hung on bolts already in
mounting transformers
place on the pole. Transformers with a lug spacing of
75kVA & larger.
(Ordered 12" or 24" are accommodated.
The unit is furnished assembled as shown less pole
mounting bolts.

Transformer Max Transformer

Move to this position Stock No. Mounting Bolts Weight ea.
for 24" lug spacing.
3020-5/8 5/8" x 3" 3000 lbs
3020-3/4 3/4" x 2-1/2" 3000 lbs
3020-3/4-AP Includes 3020.3B
Adaptor Plates
3020.3B Adaptor Plate
3020.3C Back Plate

3020.3B Adaptor Plate used

for transformers having four
mounting lugs. 5/8" x 2"
mounting bolts included. The 3020 Cluster Mount is approved for
(Ordered Seperately) use by RUS borrowers.

D-14 ©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc.


3021 Cluster Mount

The Hughes Brothers 3021 cluster mount is recom-
mended for transformers with 12" lug spacing (3020
offers 12" & 24" lug spacing). Transformers may be
mounted on the ground and the entire cluster raised
into position. Key hole and key slot mounting holes
on the unit enable the entire assembly to be placed
on mounting bolts already in place on the pole.

The unit is furnished assembled as shown along

12" with six 5/8" x 2" transformer mounting bolts. Pole
12" mounting hardware is sold separately.

The 3021 is approved for use by RUS borrowers.

Stock No. Weight / lbs weight

3021 56 2500 lbs

©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc. D-15


3022 Transformer Bracket

The 3022 Transformer Bracket is designed to mount two small transformers
in parallel on a single bracket. The bracket is complete with four 5/8" x 1-1/2"
transformer mounting bolts. 5/8" pole mounting bolts are ordered separately.


Lifting Weight Max. Transformer
Hole Stock No. lbs ea. Weight Ea

3022 24 2,000 lbs.



11/16" x 1-1/2"
9/16" Sq. Hole Key Slot to take Head
and Shank of 5/8" Bolt

D-16 ©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc.


3025 Transformer Bracket

The Hughes Brothers 3025 Transformer Bracket is designed for use
with three, 3kVA through 50kVA transformers with 12" lug spacing.


Keyhole Slot
for 3/4" Bolt

5/8" Hex Bolt,

Locknut, and
Lock Washer


Slot for 3/4" Bolt

Weight Max. Transformer

Stock No. lbs ea. Weight Ea

3025 43 1,000 lbs.

©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc. D-17


Banded Equipment Mounts

Hughes Brothers, Inc. can fabricate banded are available for mounting crossarms, post
equipment mounts for situations where it is insulators, cutout-arrestor brackets, etc.
impractical to drill or cut holes into concrete
or steel poles. Hughes Brothers, Inc. can assist you with
design and strength requirements.
Pole diameters can range from 7 inches to 41
inches. Many other arrangements and styles

D-18 ©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc.


B2782 Banded Equipment Mounts

B2782-A Multiple Fig8 IN-LINE/2nd. TERM-GUY Support Bracket


0.50 5/8" Bolt Placements

0.69 0.69 0.69 0.69 0.69

1.00 3.88
5.75 5.75 6.62 1.00
2.00 8.25 7.25 5.00 2.00

5/8" x 4"
Bolt 5/8" x 2"

0.94 0.94 0.94 0.94




B2782-B Multiple Fig8 TERM/GUY Support Bracket


0.50 5/8" x 2.0" Bolt Placement

0.5 1.00 4.25 4.25 4.25 10.25

2.00 7.25 7.25 6.00 2.00
5/8" x 4"



0.94 0.94 0.94 0.94 1.30


©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc. D-19


Grounding Platforms
Hughes Brothers Grounding Platforms are used as an
operating platform for switch structures and substations
A applications. Other configurations are available.

1/4" Floor 9/16" hole for grounding
Plate A

A2137 Series

Expanded metal top surface shown

AS2492 Series

Grounding Detail Stock No. A B C Bonding Option Top Surface

AS2492-A 4'-0" 3'-0" 15" (2) 9/16" holes on floor Floor Plate
Furnished with two
AS2492-B 5'-0" 4'-0" 15" (2) 9/16" holes on floor Floor Plate
GWB51-1/2 1/2" x 1-1/2"
AS2492-C 4'-0" 2'-6" 12" (1) GWB51-1/2 on leg Expanded Metal
Ground Wire Bond-
AS2492-D 6'-0" 4'-0" 2'-0" (2) 9/16" holes on side Grating
ing Bolts, with MF50
Stock No. A B C Wt./ lbs
Grounding Detail
A2137-A 3'-0" 4'-0" 2" 139
A2137-B 3'-6" 6'-0" 1-1/2" 247
A2137-C 3'-0" 6'-0" 2" 210
A2137-D 4'-0" 6'-0" 1-1/2" 265
A2137-E 2'-6" 4'-0" 2" 130

D-20 ©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc.


C3100, C4551 & C4664 Series

Sidewalk Ventilating Grates
Hughes Brothers Ventilating Grates are custom
fabricated to individual requirements. Compliance
with NESC safety codes per Paragraph 323A are
maintained or exceeded.

In order to fabricate a ventilating grate, Hughes

Brothers Engineering department will require the
following information:

•Grate opening dimensions

•Design Loads
•Will the grating be subject to vehicular loads?
•For non-vehicular loading, the design live load shall
not be less than 300 lbs / ft2. Live loads shall be
increased by 30% for impact.

©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc. D-21


C2837-H Ventilating Grate, Frame & Door

Alley Strength Side Walk Opening
2-1/2" 3'-4" 2-1/2"

6" 1'-2" 1'-2" 6"

1/2" Rod Welded
to Frame

2-1/2" x 2-1/2" x 3/16" Angle 3/8" x 2-1/4" Banding Bar

1/2" 1'-6½"
LT. Door RT. Door
Lock Cover
1/2" Pin


C2837.2-6RT Grate Door

2 1/2" x 2 1/2" x 3/16" Angle
3'- 8½"

C2837.18F Angle Grate

welded to Grate

Grate Door Welded grate

assembly 11/16"
Hinge Pin w/
two Cotter Key

View "A-A" of
Lock Cover Pin

Hinge Section "A"

"A" "A"
1/2" U-Bolt
Serrated Bearing Bar


Section "A-A"

1/2" Rod both ends

Section "B-B"
Section "C-C"

Frame 3/16" x 1" x 1" Angle Hinge
10° Frame Angle Grate
C2837-B5 1/2" U-Bolt safety Door
Safety Bar bar catch (welded)

Safety Bar Catch

D-22 ©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc.


C2837-K Vent Opening

2-1/2" 2'-4" Clear Opening 2-1/2"




4'-0"+- Clear Opening

1/2" Anchor Rod Serrated Grating "A" "A"
Welded to Frame

View "A-A" of
Serrated Bearing Bar


2-1/2" x 2-1/2" x 3/16" Angle Angle Welded on Four Corners

for Reinforcing

Typical Grating Section

4" o.c.
Detail of Bolting Device
3/16" x 2" Bars Welded Grate

11/16" o.c. "A" "A"

3/16" x 2-1/4"
11/16" o.c. Serrated
Bars Anchor

3/8" x 1" Hex Bolt w/ Washer

1/2" Bolting Hasp Punched 1/2"
Welded to Grating
1/2" Bolting Hasp, Tapped
3/8" Welded to Frame
Concrete Footing

©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc. D-23


C4060, C4059 & D259

Series Vault Covers
Hughes Brothers Vault Covers are similar to ventilating
grates but feature hinged grating with safety bars and
covered padlock pockets.

Padlock Cover

D-24 ©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc.


B2557-BB Protective Case

for Fiber Optic Splices
Hughes Brothers B2557-BB Fiber Optic Splice Case offers vandal
and bullet resistant covering for Preformed Line Products' fiber
optic splices.

The unit is mounted to the pole by 5/8" bolts on 30" centers.

The splice case features two slotted tabs and a 1/2" U-bolt for
lifting and installation on the pole. Other configurations are
available upon request.

Stock No. Unit Wt. Lbs

B2557-BB 118

View "A-A"
Clip Angle

Welded Bracket
1/2" U-bolt (for lifting)
9/16" Hole for 1/2"x12" Bolt & Locknut
7/16" Slot Splice Case Hanger

View "B-B"


Clip Angle



©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc. D-25


B2557-M Protective Case for Fiber Optic Splices

B2557.2A Top Plate Assembly
View "A-A"
B2557.1D, Clip

B2557.1D Clip Plate
Angle (4 Req'd)

1/2" U-Bolt, (Weld) B2557.1E

(For Lifting) Clip Angle B2557.10B
9/16" Hole, Plate
for 1/2" x 12"
Bolt & Locknut
Application of
Splice Case Mounting Hardware

1/2" Bolt, Nut


3" x 3" x 1/4"



Stock No. Weight Lbs
9/16" Slot "A" "A"
B2557-M 122

Applications of Mounting Hardware

D-26 ©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc.


B2557-N Protective Case

for Fiber Optic Splices
Hughes Brothers B2557-N Fiber Optic Splice Case offers vandal and bullet
resistant covering for Preformed Line Products “Coyote®” fiber optic enclosures.

The unit is mounted to the pole with 5/8” bolts on 30” centers. The splice case
features two slotted tabs and a 1/2” U-bolt for lifting and installation on the pole.
Other configurations are available upon request.

9/16" Hole,
For 1/2" x 16"
Bolt & Locknut
Splice Case Hanger


Structural Tube

"B" "B" Unit

Stock No. Weight Lbs
9/16" Slot B2557-N 240

View "A-A" View "B-B"

"A" 11/16" x 2" Slot,
1/2" U-Bolt for 5/8" Bolt or Clip
(for Lifting) Lag Screw Angle

3/8" Hex
Welded "A"

©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc. D-27


B2557-NC Protective Case

for Fiber Optic Splices

9/16" Hole,
For 1/2" x 16"
Bolt & Locknut
Hanger Plate


Structural Tube

"B" "B"
Stock No. Weight Lbs
9/16" Slot
B2557-NC 238

View "A-A" View "B-B"

"A" 11/16" x 2" Slot,
1/2" U-Bolt for 5/8" Bolt or
Lag Screw Angle
(for Lifting)

3/8" Hex
Welded "A"

D-28 ©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc.


B2557-P Protective Case

for Fiber Optic Splices View "A-A"
1/2" U-Bolt 11/16" x 2" Slot,
(for Lifting) for 5/8" Bolt or
"A" Lag Screw

Welded Bracket View "B-B"

9/16" Hole,
for 1/2"x 12" 3/8"
Bolt & Locknut Hex Bolt

Case Hanger
10" Unit
Stock No. Weight Lbs

B2557-P 168

Structural Tube

"B" "B"

9/16" Slot

©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc. D-29


Pole Mounted Cutout, Arrestor and

Terminal Mounting Brackets
2" 1/2"

D A2169-G
A with Key Hole

Stock No. A B C Top Mtg. Hole Bot. Mtg. Hole D Strap Captive Bolt Size
A2169-L 10" 10" 8" 11/16"x1-3/8" 11/16" 4 5/8" 3/8"x2" 1/2" x 1-1/2"
A2169-D 10" 4" 8" 11/16"x1-3/8" 11/16" 4 5/8" 3/8"x2"
A2169-F 9" 5-1/2" 12 -1/2" 11/16"x1" 11/16" 6" 3/8"x1-1/2"
A2169-N* 7-5/8" 10" 8-3/4" 11/16"x1-1/4" 11/16" 5" 3/8"x 2"
A2169-G 7-1/2" 5" 8-1/2" 11/16" 11/16" x 1-5/16" 3-3/8" 3/8"x1-1/2" 1/2" x 2"
* 2" x 1" channel.

B A2185


Captive Bolt
Stock No. A B C D E Slot Size Material Size Size
A2185.5 8" 2-9/16" 1-7/8" 2-1/2" 3-5/8" 9/16"x2-1/4" 5/16"x1-1/2" 1/2"x1-5/8"
A2185.6 15" 2-9/16" 1-7/8" 9-1/2" 3-5/8" 9/16"x2-1/4" 5/16"x1-1/2" 1/2"x1-5/8"

D-30 ©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc.


A2169-Q A2169-J


Captive Bolt
Stock No. A B C D E F Channel Strap Size
A2169-Q 12-1/2" 12" 10-1/2" 11/16"x1-1/2" 11/16" 8" 1/8"x1/2"x2" 3/8"x 1-1/2" 1/2"x1-5/8"
A2169-J 12-9/16" 12-1/8" 10" 11/16"x1-5/16" 11/16"x1-1/4" 8" 2"x9/16"x3/16" 3/8"x1-1/4" 1/2"x1-1/2"

C 9/16"



Stock No. A B C D E F Channel Strap

A2169.14A 12-9/16" 12-1/8" 10" 11/16"x1-5/16" 11/16"x1-1/4" 8" 2"x9/16"x3/16" 3/8"x1-1/4"

C 1/2" x 1-1/2"


Stock No. A B C D E F Channel Strap

B2255-A 10-1/4" 9-1/4" 12-1/2" 11/16"x1-3/8" 11/16" 6" 2"x1"x3/16" 3/8"x1-1/2"

©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc. D-31


C 1/2" x 1-1/2" A2169-A

7/16" B
1-1/2" E

Stock No. A B C D E F Channel Strap

A2169-A 10-1/2" 7" 12" 11/16"x1" 11/16" 5-1/8" 2"x1/2"x1/8" 3/8"x2"


Also available with strap

A Order with strap,
B bracket assembly
The B2684-I has the above
arrestor attachment bolt

Stock No. A B C D E Channel Captive Bolt Size

A2169.29C 11-3/4" 8" 8" 13/16"x1-1/2" 13/16" 2"x1/2"x1/8" 1/2"x2"
B2684-I 14" 8" 9" 13/16" x 3" 13/16" 2" x 1" x 3/16" 1/2"x2"
A2169.17A 11" 12-1/4" 8" 11/16"x1-1/4" 11/16" 2"x9/16"x3/16" 1/2"x1-1/2"

11" B2387.1
Made from 3/8"x2" steel, the B2387.1
features 11/16" slotted base mount-
ing holes and 7/16"x1-1/2" apparatus
10" mounting holes.

Stock No. Weight

B2387.1 6.7 lbs

D-32 ©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc.


Crossarm Mounted Cutout,

Arrestor & Terminator Mounting Brackets
All Hughes Brothers Crossarm Mounted Cutout, Arrestor & Terminator Mounting Brackets consist of front &
back plates, two 3/8" carriage bolts, nuts & locknuts and a 1/2" carriage bolt with nut, spring lock washer and
external tooth lock washer.


Stock No. A B C D Material Thick. Captive Bolt Size

A2121 4-1/8" ~ 5-1/8" 2-11/16 ~ 4" 2-1/4" 1-1/2" 3/8"x1-3/4" 1/2"x1-5/8"
A2121-A 4-1/8" ~ 5-1/8" 2-11/16" ~ 4" 2-1/4" 1-1/2" 5/16"x1-1/2" 1/2"x1-1/2"
A2121-B 4-1/2" ~ 5-1/2" 5-3/8 ~ 6-7/8" 2-1/4" 1-1/2" 3/8"x1-3/4" 1/2"x1-1/2"
A2121-C 5-1/2" ~ 6-1/2" 4-3/8" ~ 6-7/8" 2-1/4" 1-1/2" 3/8"x1-3/4" 1/2"x1-5/8"


Stock No. A B C D Material Thick.

AS2324-A 4-1/8" ~ 6-1/8" 0" ~ 4-1/2" 2-1/4" 1-1/2" 3/8"x1-1/2" 1/2"x1-1/2"
AS2324-D 4-1/8" ~ 6-1/8" 0 ~ 4-3/4" 2-1/4" 1-1/2" 3/8"x1-1/2" 1/2"x2"

©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc. D-33



Stock No. A B C D Material Thick. Bolt Size
A2185-B 4-1/8" ~ 5-5/32" 2-11/16" ~ 4" 2-1/4" 1-1/2" 3/8"x1-3/4" 1/2"x 2"

B A2185-C


A2185-C A2169-P
Stock No. A B C D Bolt Size Channel Size
A2185-C 4-1/8" ~ 5-1/8" 0" ~ 4-1/2" 8-3/16" 1-1/2" 1/2"x1-5/8" 2"x9/16"x3/16"

A2169-P 4-9/16" ~ 6-1/8" 0 ~ 4" 7-1/4" 3-1/4" 1/2"x1-1/2" 2"x9/16"x3/16"



Captive Bolt
Stock No. A B C D Size Material Thk.
AS2324-B 4-1/8"~ 5-5/32" 0" ~ 4" 2-1/4" 1-1/2" 1/2"x1-1/2" 3/8"x1-1/2"

D-34 ©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc.




Captive Bolt
Stock No. A B C D E Size Material Size
A2169-B 5-1/8" 0" ~ 4-3/4" 6-1/2" 2-5/8" 12" 1/2"x1-1/2" 2"x1/2"x1/8"

D 11/16" x

11/16" Hole

Captive Unit
Stock No. A B C D Bolt Size Weight

B2251-C* 40" 18" 8" 12-1/2" 1/2"x1-5/8" 40 lbs
B2251-D** 40" 17-3/4" 8" 12-1/2" 1/2"x1-5/8" 26 lbs

*Material - 2" x 2" x 3/16" Tubing.

**Material - 2" x 2" x 3/16" Angle.

©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc. D-35


B2379 Conduit / Pipe Hanger

The B2379 Series Conduit / Pipe Hangers facilitate the
mounting of equipment to conduit, steel poles or pipe.
Each bracket assembly has 1/2” bolts staked to a band

No. of
Stock No. Diameter Unit Wt. Mtg. Holes

B2379-A 6-3/4” 3.9 lbs. 1

B2379-B 6” 3.5 lbs. 1
B2379-C 5” 3.0 lbs. 1

B2379-E* 8” 5.3 lbs. 1

11/16” Hole B2379-F* 9” 5.5 lbs. 1

B2379-KGE-1A** 3-1/2” to 4” 3.0 lbs. 1

B2379-KGE-1B** 4” to 5” 3.2 lbs. 1

B2379-KGE-2A** 3-1/2” to 4” 3.0 lbs. 2

B2379-KGE-2B** 4” to 5” 3.7 lbs. 2
B2379-KGE-2C** 5” to 6” 4.1 lbs. 2

*Bracket comes complete with 5/8” x 1-1/2” bolt and

spring lock washer in each 11/16” equipment mount-
ing hole.

**Bracket comes complete with 5/8” x 2” bolt and

spring lock washer in each equipment mounting hole.

11/16” Hole

D-36 ©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc.


B1964 Single or Double
Conduit Support Bracket

L Hughes Brothers B1964 Single or Double Conduit

Support Bracket is a single piece welded steel unit.

The conduit is attached by a 1/2” U-bolt. A 6” clearance
6” from the pole to the center of the conduit is maintained
for conduit 2” to 4” in outside diameter. The bracket is
attached to the pole by 5/8” lag screws or 5/8” bolts.

Stock No. Unit wt. Std Pkg.

B1964 6.7 lbs 8

B1963 Single Conduit

Support Bracket 5-1/2

The B1963 Single Conduit Support Bracket is a single

piece, welded steel unit. The conduit is attached by 3/8”
U-bolt. For use with conduit 2” to 4” in outside diameter.
The bracket is attached to the pole by (2) 1/2” lag screws
and (1) 5/8” machine bolt.

Stock No. Unit wt. Std Pkg.

B1963 3.3 lbs 10

To order 3/8” U-bolt for 2” conduit, use stock no. AS2477.2A.

To order 3/8” U-bolt for 4” conduit, use stock no. AS2477.6A.

©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc. D-37


B1965-A Conduit
11/16" Holes (4 places) Riser Bracket
with B1965-C Mounting Clamp
Hughes Brothers B1965-A Conduit Riser Bracket
features a formed channel which provides for quick
adjustment of the mounting straps. The galvanized
steel brackets and mounting straps will fit conduit
"L" diameters of 2" to 8" or combinations of multiple con-
duits within that range. The bracket can be mounted
to the supporting structure with lag screws or bolts.

" B1965-A"L" Riser Bracket

Stock No. "L" Unit Wt. Lbs. Std. Pkg.

B1965-A"L" B1965-A8-1/2 8-1/2" 3.5 10

Riser Bracket
Other sizes available.

B1965-C"D" Example: B1965-A8-1/2

Mounting Clamp "L" Length
(Order Below)

B1965-C"D" Mounting Clamp

Pipe Dia.
Stock No. "D"

B1965-C2.0 2"
B1965-C2.5 2-1/2" Example:
B1965-C3.0 3" B1965-C2.5
B1965-C3.5 3-1/2" "D" Pipe Dia.
B1965-C4.0 4"
B1965-C4.5 4-1/2"
B1965-C5.0 5"
B1965-C6.0 6"
B1965-C7.0 7"
B1965-C8.0 8"

D-38 ©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc.


B1965-B Conduit Riser Bracket

with B1965-C Mounting Clamp
B1965-B "L" Hughes Brothers B1965-B Tee Mount Conduit Riser
11/16" Holes Riser Bracket Bracket features a formed channel which provides
for quick adjustment of the mounting straps. The
galvanized steel brackets and mounting straps will
fit conduit diameters of 2" to 8" or combinations
"X of multiple conduits within that range. The
" bracket can be mounted to the supporting
"D structure with lag screws or bolts.

B1965-B-"X"-"L" Riser Bracket
Tee Length
Dist. From Pole
Mounting Clamp
Stock No. "X" "L" Unit Wt. Lbs. Std. Pkg.
(Order Below)

B1965-B-4-12 4" 12" 5.0 5

Other sizes available.

B1965-C"D" Mounting Clamp

Stock No. "D"

B1965-C2.0 2"
B1965-C2.5 2-1/2" Example:
B1965-C3.0 3" B1965-C2.5
B1965-C3.5 3-1/2" "D" Pipe Dia.
B1965-C4.0 4"
B1965-C4.5 4-1/2"
B1965-C5.0 5"
B1965-C6.0 6"
B1965-C7.0 7"
B1965-C8.0 8"

©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc. D-39


AS2477 Conduit Support Bracket

The AS2477 series Conduit Support Brackets are welded
steel units. The bracket is attached to the pole by 5/8” lag
screws or 5/8” bolts. The bottom base fitting hole is an open
slot to ease installation.

Stock No. Unit wt. Conduit Dia.

AS2477-A 9.6 (2) 4” or (2) 2”

AS2477-B 8.6 2” or 6”
AS2477-C 6.8 2”, 4” or 5”
AS2477-D 9.0 2”, 5” or 6”

Ordering Example:
Bracket only - A S 2 4 7 7 - B

Bracket with U-bolt(s) - A S 2 4 7 7 - B 6

U-bolt / Conduit Size

NOTE: AS2477-A4 or AS2477-A2 includes two (2) U-bolts.

Each AS2477 bracket can be ordered with or without U-bolts as part of the assembly.

AS2477-A AS2477-B AS2477-C AS2477-D

4” 5”




D-40 ©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc.


C4141 Flood Light Mounting Bracket

Hughes Brothers Flood Light Mounting Brackets are manufactured from 4”x4”
steel angle and hot dip galvanized. Other configurations are available.

Lag screws

3/4” U-bolt

2” round washer, nut

X & locknut


Stock No. Length “X” “Y” Unit Wt.

C4141-A1 7’-10” 15” 30” 70 lbs.
C4141-A2 10’-4” 30” 30” 80 lbs.
4” C4141-B1 5’-4” 30” NA 46 lbs.
C4141-B2 2’-10” 15” NA 32 lbs.

©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc. D-41

Fastener Specifications...........E-1
Threaded Rods........................E-20
Clips............................................. E-28
Nuts............................................. E-35
Washers..................................... E-38

Standard Specifications for Fasteners

Standards for Fasteners from American ASTM A193 Standard Specification for Alloy Steel,
Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) Special Purpose Applications.
This specification covers alloy steel and stainless steel
bolting materials for other special purpose applications.
ASTM Fastener Standards
ASTM A449 Standard Specification for Bolts and
ASTM A194 Standard Specification for Carbon and Studs, Heat-treated for General Use.
Alloy Steel Nuts for Bolts for High Pressure and This specification covers quenched and tempered steel
High Temperature Service. bolts and studs having a minimum tensile strength.
This specification covers a variety of carbon and alloy
steel nuts. These steel nuts are used with A 325 Bolts.
Hughes Brothers uses Grade 2H.
ASTM Steel Standards for Fasteners
ASTM A307 Standard Specification for Carbon Steel
Bolts and Studs, 60,000 PSI Tensile Strength. ASTM A36 Standard Specification for Structural Steel
This specification covers the chemical and mechanical Interchangeable with SAE C1018 Low Carbon,
requirements of two grades of carbon steel bolts and general purpose, special quality machinery steel.
studs in sizes 1/4 inch through 4 inch. This specification covers carbon steel shapes, plates,
Grade A bolts are used for general applications. and bars of structural quality for use in riveted, bolted,
or welded construction of bridges and buildings, and
ASTM A325 Standard Specification for High-Strength for general structural purposes.
Bolts for Structural Steel Joints.
This specification covers the chemical and mechani- ASTM A242, A588, and A709 Standard Specifications
cal requirements of various types of quenched and for High Strength Low Alloy Structural Steels with
tempered steel bolts commonly known as “high strength enhanced atmospheric corrosion resistance.
structural bolts,” intended for use in structural joints.
Type 1, Bolts made of medium carbon steel. ASTM A536 Ductile Iron Castings.
Type 3, Bolts having atmospheric corrosion resistance. This specification covers castings made of ductile iron, also
known as spheroidal or nodular iron is used for eyenuts
ASTM A394 Standard Specification for Zinc Coated and washer nuts, Grade 65-45-12.
Steel Transmission Tower Bolts.
This specification covers the chemical and mechanical ASTM A320 Alloy Steel Bolting Material for Low-Tem-
requirements of hexagon and squarehead zinc coated perature Service. This specification covers alloy steel
steel bolts and atmospheric corrosion resistant bolts bolting materials for pressure vessels, valves, flanges,
in nominal thread diameters of 1/2, 5/8, 3/4, 7/8 and 1 and fittings for low-temperature service. The term "bolting
inch for use in the construction of transmission towers, material" as used in this specification covers rolled, forged,
substations, and similar steel structures. or strain hardened bars, bolts, screws, studs, and stud
Type 0: Zinc coated bolts made of low or medium bolts. The material may be further processed by centerless
carbon steel. grinding or by cold drawing. Austenitic stainless steel may
Type 3: Bolts having atmospheric corrosion resistance be solution annealed or annealed and strain-hardened.
and weathering characteristics comparable to that of Several grades are available.
steel covered in Specifications A242, A588 and A709.

ASTM A563 Standard Specification for Carbon and

Alloy Steel Nuts.
This specification covers chemical and mechanical
requirements for eight grades of carbon and alloy steel
nuts for general structural and mechanical uses on bolts,
studs, and other externally threaded parts.
Grade A nuts are used for general applications.

©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc. E-1


ASTM Galvanizing Standards

ASTM A123 Standard Specification for Zinc (Hot Dip ANSI/ASME B18.15 Standard for Forged Eyebolts.
Galvanized) Coatings on Iron and Steel Products. This standard is limited to dimensions and capacities
This specification covers the requirements for zinc for forged threaded eyebolts intended primarily for
coating (galvanizing) by the hot dip process on iron and lifting applications.
steel products made from rolled, pressed and forged
shapes, castings, plates, bars and strips. ANSI/ASME 18.2.2 Standard for Square and Hex Nuts.
This specification covers both unfabricated products This standard is intended to cover the complete general
and fabricated products, for example, assembled steel and dimensional data for the various types of inch series
products, structural steel fabrications, large tubes square and hex nuts.
already bent or welded before galvanizing, and wire
work fabricated from uncoated steel wire.
This specification also covers steel forgings and iron
Standards from the American National
castings incorporated into pieces fabricated before Standard Institute - Pole Line Hardware
galvanizing or which are too large to be centrifuged
(or otherwise handled to remove excess galvanizing ANSI C135.2 Standard for threaded zinc-coated
bath metal). ferrous strand-eye anchor rods and nuts for
overhead line construction.
ASTM A153 Standard Specification for Zinc Coating
(Hot Dip) on Iron and Steel Hardware. ANSI C135.3 Standard for zinc-coated ferrous lag
This specification covers zinc coatings applied by the screws for overhead line construction.
hot dip process on iron and steel hardware.
This document is intended to be applicable to hardware
items that are centrifuged or otherwise handled to remove
ANSI C135.62 Standard for zinc-coated forged anchor
excess galvanizing bath metal (free zinc). shackles.

ANSI C135.80 Standard for fasteners for overhead

Standards from American National
line construction.
Standards Institute & American Society This standard covers zinc-coated carriage bolts, machine
of Mechanical Engineers bolts, double arming bolts, double end bolts, and nuts
commonly used in overhead line construction.
ANSI/ASME B1.1 Standard for Unified Inch Screw
Threads (UN and UNR Thread Form). ANSI C135.90 Standard for pole line hardware for
This specification specifies the thread form, series, overhead line construction.
class, allowance, tolerance, and designation for unified
screw threads.
Standards from the International
ANSI/ASME B18.2.1 Standard for Square and Hex
Bolts and Screws.
Fasteners Institute
This Standard is intended to cover the complete general
and dimensional data for the various types of inch series IFI 136 Standard for Studs and Bent Bolts.
square and hex bolts and screws. This standard covers the general and dimensional
requirements for various types of studs and bent bolts,
including threaded rod, J-bolts, L-bolts, U-bolts, and
ANSI/ASME B18.5 Standard for Round Head Bolts eyebolts (closed).
(Carriage Bolts).
This standard covers the complete general and dimen-
sional data for the various types of inch series bolts
IFI 128 Standard for Hex Coupling Nuts.
generally classified as round head bolts. This standard covers the general and dimensional
requirements for hex coupling nuts.

E-2 ©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc.


Dimension Table
Square Head Bolts
Bolt Nominal Head Threads Nominal
Size Width Height per in. Width

3/8" 9/16" 1/4" - Hughes Brothers Square Head Machine Bolts are
1/2" 3/4" 21/64" 13 manufactured in accordance with ANSI C135.80
5/8" 15/16" 27/64" 11 using SAE C1018 cold drawn or ASTM A36 steel.
3/4" 1-1/8" 1/2" 10 The machine bolts are galvanized in accordance with
7/8" 1-5/16" 19/32" 9 ASTM A153. Each bolt is shipped with an assembled
1" 1-1/2" 21/32" 8 nut. All bolts feature a 60° semi-cone point.
1-1/4" 1-7/8" 27/32" 7
Following ANSI specifications, the unthreaded
portion of any machine bolt is capable of being bent
180°, about a diameter equal to the diameter of the
Head Height bolt without cracking the steel on the outside portion
of the bend.

*Some bolts of smaller diameter or shorter length

may not display the HB symbol.

Shear Strengths Tensile Strengths

Bolt Single Shear Single Shear Bolt Tensile Chart
Diameter Through Threads Through Shaft Diameter Strength Fraction Decimal HUGHES

3/8" - - 3/8" 4,250 lbs. 1/4" .2 2

1/2" 5,200 lbs. 7,950 lbs. 1/2" 7,800 lbs. 3/8" .3 3
5/8" 8,330 lbs. 12,420 lbs. 5/8" 12,400 lbs. 1/2" .5 5
3/4" 12,440 lbs. 17,890 lbs. 3/4" 18,350 lbs. 5/8" .6 6
7/8" 17,270 lbs. 24,350 lbs. 7/8" 25,400 lbs. 3/4" .7 7
1" 22,690 lbs. 31,800 lbs. 1" 33,500 lbs. 7/8" .8 8
1-1/4" 36,590 lbs. 49,700 lbs. 1-1/4" 53,300 lbs. 1" .1 10
1-1/8" 1.125 11
1-1/4" 1.25 12

Ordering Information
Thread length in inches
Bolt length in inches
First digit in decimal equivalent (see chart)
Designates square head machine bolts

©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc. E-3


Square Head Bolts

Stock Item Std. Weight Stock Item Std. Weight

No. Description Pkg. 100 Pcs. No. Description Pkg. 100 Pcs.

/2" Square Head Bolts

1 3/4" Square Head Bolts
B51-1/2-1-1/4 1/2" x 1-1/2" 250 20 lbs. B72-1-3/4 3/4" x 2" 100 56 lbs.
B52-1-1/4 1/2" x 2" 250 23 lbs. B72-1/2-1-3/4 3/4" x 2-1/2" 100 62 lbs.
B52-1/2-1-1/4 1/2" x 2-1/2" 250 25 lbs. B73-1-3/4 3/4" x 3" 100 68 lbs.
B53-1-1/4 1/2" x 3" 250 28 lbs. B74-2 3/4" x 4" 50 80 lbs.
B53-1/2-1-1/4 1/2" x 3-1/2" 200 31 lbs. B75-2 3/4" x 5" 50 91 lbs.
B54-1-1/4 1/2" x 4" 100 33 lbs. B76-3 3/4" x 6" 50 103 lbs.
B54-1/2-1-1/4 1/2" x 4-1/2" 100 36 lbs. B77-3 3/4" x 7" 40 115 lbs.
B55-1-3/4 1/2" x 5" 100 39 lbs. B78-4 3/4" x 8" 40 127 lbs.
B55-1/2-1-1/4 1/2" x 5-1/2" 100 41 lbs. B710-4 3/4" x 10" 30 151 lbs.
B56-3 1/2" x 6" 100 44 lbs. B712-6 3/4" x 12" 30 175 lbs.
B57-3 1/2" x 7" 100 49 lbs. B714-6 3/4" x 14" 30 198 lbs.
B58-4 1/2" x 8" 100 55 lbs. B716-6 3/4" x 16" 25 222 lbs.
B59-4 1/2" x 9" 50 60 lbs. B718-6 3/4" x 18" 20 246 lbs.
B510-4 1/2" x 10" 50 65 lbs. B720-6 3/4" x 20" 20 270 lbs.
B512-6 1/2" x 12" 50 76 lbs. B722-6 3/4" x 22" 20 293 lbs.
B514-6 1/2" x 14" 50 87 lbs. B724-6 3/4" x 24" 15 317 lbs.
B726-6 3/4" x 26" 15 341 lbs.
5/8" Square Head Bolts B728-8 3/4" x 28" 15 365 lbs.
B61-1/2-1-1/4 5/8" x 1-1/2" 100 31 lbs. B730-8 3/4" x 30" 10 390 lbs.
B61-3/4-1-1/4 5/8" x 1-3/4" 100 33 lbs. B732-8 3/4" x 32" 10 424 lbs.
B62-1-1/2 5/8" x 2" 100 35 lbs.
B63-1-1/2 5/8" x 3" 100 44 lbs.
B64-1-1/2 5/8" x 4" 100 52 lbs.
B65-1-1/2 5/8" x 5" 100 60 lbs. Note: Other lengths available.
B66-1-1/2 5/8" x 6" 50 68 lbs.
B67-3 5/8" x 7" 50 77 lbs.
B68-4 5/8" x 8" 50 85 lbs.
B610-4 5/8" x 10" 50 101 lbs.
B612-6 5/8" x 12" 40 118 lbs.
B614-6 5/8" x 14" 40 134 lbs.
B616-6 5/8" x 16" 40 151 lbs.
B618-6 5/8" x 18" 30 167 lbs.
B620-6 5/8" x 20" 30 184 lbs.

E-4 ©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc.


Square Head Bolts

Stock Item Std. Weight Stock Item Std. Weight

No. Description Pkg. 100 Pcs. No. Description Pkg. 100 Pcs.

7/8" Square Head Bolts 1" Square Head (con't.)

B82-F 7/8" x 2" 50 83 lbs. B1020-6 1" x 20" 10 496 lbs.
B82-1/2-2 7/8" x 2-1/2" 50 91 lbs. B1022-6 1" x 22" 10 538 lbs.
B83-2 7/8" x 3" 50 93 lbs. B1024-6 1" x 24" 10 581 lbs.
B84-2 7/8" x 4" 50 115 lbs. B1026-6 1" x 26" 10 624 lbs.
B85-2-1/2 7/8" x 5" 50 131 lbs. B1028-8 1" x 28" 5 667 lbs.
B86-2-1/2 7/8" x 6" 40 147 lbs. B1030-8 1" x 30" 5 710 lbs.
B88-3 7/8" x 8" 30 180 lbs.
B810-6 7/8" x 10" 25 212 lbs. 1-1/4" Square Head Bolts*
B812-6 7/8" x 12" 20 244 lbs. B123-1/2-2 1-1/4" x 3-1/2" 20 259 lbs.
B814-6 7/8" x 14" 20 277 lbs. B124-2 1-1/4" x 4" 20 275 lbs.
B816-6 7/8" x 16" 15 309 lbs. B125-3 1-1/4" x 5" 20 308 lbs.
B818-6 7/8" x 18" 15 341 lbs. B126-3 1-1/4" x 6" 20 341 lbs.
B820-6 7/8" x 20" 15 373 lbs. B127-3 1-1/4" x 7" 15 374 lbs.
B822-6 7/8" x 22" 10 406 lbs. B128-3 1-1/4" x 8" 10 407 lbs.
B824-6 7/8" x 24" 10 438 lbs. B1210-4 1-1/4" x 10" 10 473 lbs.
B826-8 7/8" x 26" 10 470 lbs. B1212-6 1-1/4" x 12" 10 539 lbs.
B828-8 7/8" x 28" 10 503 lbs. B1214-6 1-1/4" x 14" 10 605 lbs.
B830-8 7/8" x 30" 10 535 lbs. B1216-6 1-1/4" x 16" 5 671 lbs.
B832-8 7/8" x 32" 10 570 lbs. B1218-6 1-1/4" x 18" 5 737 lbs.
B1220-6 1-1/4" x 20" 5 803 lbs.
1" Square Head Bolts B1222-6 1-1/4" x 22" 5 869 lbs.
B103-2 1" x 3" 40 137 lbs. B1224-8 1-1/4" x 24" 5 935 lbs.
B103-1/2-2-1/2 1" x 3-1/2" 40 148 lbs. B1226-8 1-1/4" x 26" 5 1000 lbs.
B104-2-3/4 1" x 4" 40 158 lbs. *1-1/4" Bolts include hex nuts.
B105-3 1" x 5" 30 179 lbs.
B106-2 1" x 6" 25 201 lbs.
B108-4 1" x 8" 25 243 lbs.
B1010-4 1" x 10" 20 285 lbs.
B1012-6 1" x 12" 15 327 lbs. Note: Other lengths available.
B1014-6 1" x 14" 15 369 lbs.
B1016-6 1" x 16" 10 412 lbs.
B1018-6 1" x 18" 10 454 lbs.

©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc. E-5


Hex Head Bolts

Dimension Table
Bolt Nominal Head Threads
Width Hughes Brothers Hex Head Bolts are manufactured
Size Width Height per in.
in accordance with ANSI C135.1 and ASTM A307,
using SAE C1018 cold drawn or ASTM A36 steel.
3/8" 9/16" 1/4" -
Hex head bolts are galvanized in accordance with
1/2" 3/4" 11/32" 13
ASTM A153.
5/8" 15/16" 27/64" 11
3/4" 1-1/8" 1/2" 10
Each bolt is shipped with an assembled nut. All hex
7/8" 1-5/16" 37/64" 9
head bolts feature a 60° semi-cone point.
1" 1-1/2" 43/64" 8
Head Height

1-1/4" 1-7/8" 27/32" 7

The unthreaded portion of any hex bolt is capable
of being bent 180°, about a diameter equal to the
diameter of the bolt without cracking the steel on the
outside portion of the bend.

*Some bolts of smaller diameter or shorter length

may not display the HB symbol.

Shear Strengths for ANSI C135.1 Tensile

Strengths for ANSI C135.1
Bolt Single Shear Single Shear Bolt Tensile
Diameter Through Threads Through Shaft Diameter Strength

3/8" - - 3/8" 4,250 lbs.

1/2" 5,200 lbs. 7,950 lbs. 1/2" 7,800 lbs.
5/8" 8,330 lbs. 12,420 lbs. 5/8" 12,400 lbs.
3/4" 12,440 lbs. 17,890 lbs. 3/4" 18,350 lbs.
7/8" 17,270 lbs. 24,350 lbs. 7/8" 25,400 lbs.
1" 22,690 lbs. 31,800 lbs. 1" 33,500 lbs.
1-1/4" 36,590 lbs. 49,700 lbs. 1-1/4" 53,300 lbs.

Ordering Information Fraction Decimal HUGHES

HB 7 1 6 - 6 1/4" .2 2
3/8" .3 3
Thread length in inches 1/2" .5 5
Bolt length in inches 5/8" .6 6
First digit in decimal equivalent (see chart) 3/4" .7 7
7/8" .8 8
Designates hex head bolts
1" .1 10
1-1/8" 1.125 11
1-1/4" 1.25 12

E-6 ©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc.


Hex Head Bolts

Stock Item Std. Weight Stock Item Std. Weight

No. Description Pkg. 100 Pcs. No. Description Pkg. 100 Pcs.
1/2" Hex Head Bolts 3/4" Hex Head Bolts
HB51-1/2-1-1/4 1/2" x 1-1/2" 250 20 lbs. HB72-1-3/4 3/4" x 2" 100 56 lbs.
HB52-1-1/4 1/2" x 2" 250 23 lbs. HB72-1/2-1-3/4 3/4" x 2-1/2" 100 62 lbs.
HB52-1/2-1-1/4 1/2" x 2-1/2" 250 25 lbs. HB73-1-3/4 3/4" x 3" 100 68 lbs.
HB53-1-1/4 1/2" x 3" 250 28 lbs. HB74-2 3/4" x 4" 50 80 lbs.
HB53-1/2-1-1/4 1/2" x 3-1/2" 200 31 lbs. HB75-2 3/4" x 5" 50 91 lbs.
HB54-1-1/4 1/2" x 4" 100 33 lbs. HB76-3 3/4" x 6" 50 103 lbs.
HB54-1/2-1-1/4 1/2" x 4-1/2" 100 36 lbs. HB77-3 3/4" x 7" 40 115 lbs.
HB55-1-3/4 1/2" x 5" 100 39 lbs. HB78-4 3/4" x 8" 40 127 lbs.
HB55-1/2-1-1/4 1/2" x 5-1/2" 100 41 lbs. HB710-4 3/4" x 10" 30 151 lbs.
HB56-3 1/2" x 6" 100 44 lbs. HB712-6 3/4" x 12" 30 175 lbs.
HB57-3 1/2" x 7" 100 49 lbs. HB714-6 3/4" x 14" 30 198 lbs.
HB58-4 1/2" x 8" 100 55 lbs. HB716-6 3/4" x 16" 25 222 lbs.
HB59-4 1/2" x 9" 50 60 lbs. HB718-6 3/4" x 18" 20 246 lbs.
HB510-4 1/2" x 10" 50 65 lbs. HB720-6 3/4" x 20" 20 270 lbs.
HB512-6 1/2" x 12" 50 76 lbs. HB722-6 3/4" x 22" 20 293 lbs.
HB514-6 1/2" x 14" 50 87 lbs. HB724-6 3/4" x 24" 15 317 lbs.
HB726-6 3/4" x 26" 15 341 lbs.
5/8" Hex Head Bolts HB728-8 3/4" x 28" 15 365 lbs.
HB61-1/2-1-1/4 5/8" x 1-1/2" 100 31 lbs. HB730-8 3/4" x 30" 10 390 lbs.
HB61-3/4-1-1/4 5/8" x 1-3/4" 100 33 lbs. HB732-8 3/4" x 32" 10 424 lbs.
HB62-1-1/2 5/8" x 2" 100 35 lbs.
HB63-1-1/2 5/8" x 3" 100 44 lbs.
HB64-1-1/2 5/8" x 4" 100 52 lbs.
HB65-1-1/2 5/8" x 5" 100 60 lbs. Note: Other lengths available.
HB66-1-1/2 5/8" x 6" 50 68 lbs.
HB67-3 5/8" x 7" 50 77 lbs.
HB68-4 5/8" x 8" 50 85 lbs.
HB610-4 5/8" x 10" 50 101 lbs.
HB612-6 5/8" x 12" 40 118 lbs.
HB614-6 5/8" x 14" 40 134 lbs.
HB616-6 5/8" x 16" 40 151 lbs.
HB618-6 5/8" x 18" 30 167 lbs.
HB620-6 5/8" x 20" 30 184 lbs.

©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc. E-7


Hex Head Bolts

Stock Item Std. Weight Stock Item Std. Weight

No. Description Pkg. 100 Pcs. No. Description Pkg. 100 Pcs.
7/8" Hex Head Bolts 1" Hex Head Bolts (con't.)
HB82-F 7/8" x 2" 50 83 lbs. HB1012-6 1" x 12" 15 327 lbs.
HB82-1/2-2 7/8" x 2-1/2" 50 91 lbs. HB1014-6 1" x 14" 15 369 lbs.
HB84-2 7/8" x 4" 50 115 lbs. HB1016-6 1" x 16" 10 412 lbs.
HB85-2-1/2 7/8" x 5" 50 131 lbs. HB1018-6 1" x 18" 10 454 lbs.
HB86-2-1/2 7/8" x 6" 40 147 lbs. HB1020-6 1" x 20" 10 496 lbs.
HB88-3 7/8" x 8" 30 180 lbs. HB1022-6 1" x 22" 10 538 lbs.
HB810-6 7/8" x 10" 25 212 lbs. HB1024-6 1" x 24" 10 581 lbs.
HB812-6 7/8" x 12" 20 244 lbs. HB1026-6 1" x 26" 10 624 lbs.
HB814-6 7/8" x 14" 20 277 lbs. HB1028-8 1" x 28" 5 667 lbs.
HB816-6 7/8" x 16" 15 309 lbs. HB1030-8 1" x 30" 5 710 lbs.
HB818-6 7/8" x 18" 15 341 lbs.
HB820-6 7/8" x 20" 15 373 lbs. 1-1/4" Hex Head Bolts
HB822-6 7/8" x 22" 10 406 lbs. HB123-1/2-2 1-1/4" x 3-1/2" 20 259 lbs.
HB824-6 7/8" x 24" 10 438 lbs. HB124-2 1-1/4" x 4" 20 275 lbs.
HB826-8 7/8" x 26" 10 470 lbs. HB125-3 1-1/4" x 5" 20 308 lbs.
HB828-8 7/8" x 28" 10 503 lbs. HB126-3 1-1/4" x 6" 20 341 lbs.
HB830-8 7/8" x 30" 10 535 lbs. HB127-3 1-1/4" x 7" 15 374 lbs.
HB832-8 7/8" x 32" 10 570 lbs. HB128-3 1-1/4" x 8" 10 407 lbs.
HB1210-4 1-1/4" x 10" 10 473 lbs.
1" Hex Head Bolts HB1212-6 1-1/4" x 12" 10 539 lbs.
HB103-2 1" x 3" 40 137 lbs. HB1214-6 1-1/4" x 14" 10 605 lbs.
HB103-1/2-2-1/2 1" x 3-1/2" 40 148 lbs. HB1216-6 1-1/4" x 16" 5 671 lbs.
HB104-2-3/4 1" x 4" 40 158 lbs. HB1218-6 1-1/4" x 18" 5 737 lbs.
HB105-3 1" x 5" 30 179 lbs. HB1220-6 1-1/4" x 20" 5 803 lbs.
HB106-2 1" x 6" 25 201 lbs. HB1222-6 1-1/4" x 22" 5 869 lbs.
HB108-4 1" x 8" 25 243 lbs. HB1224-8 1-1/4" x 24" 5 935 lbs.
HB1010-4 1" x 10" 20 285 lbs. HB1226-8 1-1/4" x 26" 5 1000 lbs.

Note: Other lengths available.

E-8 ©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc.


Type “O” Tower Bolts

Hughes Brothers Type “O” Tower Bolts are manufac- Bolt threads are unified coarse thread series and class
tured in accordance with ASTM A394. Type “O” Tower 2A tolerance as defined in ANSI/ASME B1.1. Threads
Bolts are hot dip galvanized in accordance with ASTM are cut to conform to the following:
A153. Tower Bolts are shipped with a hex nut.

Tensile Strengths Shear Strengths Threads

Bolt Tensile Bolt Single Shear Single Shear Bolt Threads
Size Strength Size Through Threads Through Shaft Size Per Inch

1/2" 10,500 lbs. 1/2" 6,950 lbs. 9,000 lbs. 1/2" 13
5/8" 16,700 lbs. 5/8" 11,150 lbs. 14,100 lbs. 5/8" 11
3/4" 24,700 lbs. 3/4" 16,650 lbs. 20,250 lbs. 3/4" 10

Dimension Table Required Thread Length in Inches,

Bolt Nominal Head Per ASTM A394
Dia. Width Height Diameter 1" 1-1/4" 1-1/2" 1-3/4" 2" & Longer

1/2" 3/4" 11/32" 1-2" 29/32" 1-3/32" 1-3/32" 1-3/32" 1-3/32"
5/8" 15/16" 27/64" 5/8" 15/16" 1-3/16" 1-1/4" 1-1/4" 1-1/4"
3/4" 1-1/8" 1/2" 3/4" N/A 1-3/16" 1-3/8" 1-3/8" 1-3/8"
7/8" N/A N/A 1-5/16" 1-1/2" 1-1/2"
Head Height

Bolt Length

Note: Full body is the distance from

the underside of the head to Length of full body
the first scratch of threads.

Ordering Information Example: BT 6 4-1/2

BT 6 4-1/2 5/8" diameter, 4-1/2" bolt length
3-1/4" full body, 1-1/4" threads
Bolt length in inches
The first digit in decimal equivalent
(see chart on previous pages)
Designates type "O" tower bolt

©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc. E-9


High Strength Bolts
Grade A325
(Type 1 & Type 3)
Hughes Brothers High Strength Bolts are manufactured in
accordance with ASTM A325. All Type 1 high strength bolts
Head Height

are hot dip galvanized in accordance with ASTM A153.

Each bolt is shipped with an assembled nut. All high

strength bolts are hex head (see dimension table).

Dimension Table Tensile Strengths

Bolt Nominal Head Threads Bolt Tensile
Size Width Height per in. Diameter Strength
Fraction Decimal HUGHES
1/2" 7/8" 5/16" 13 1/2" 17,050 lbs.

5/8" 1-1/16" 25/64" 11
1/4" .2 2
5/8" 27,100 lbs. 3/8" .3 3
3/4" 1-1/4" 15/32" 10 3/4" 40,100 lbs. 1/2" .5 5
7/8" 1-7/16" 35/64" 9 7/8" 55,450 lbs. 5/8" .6 6
1" 1-5/8" 39/64" 8 1" 72,700 lbs. 3/4" .7 7
1-1/4" 2" 25/32" 7 1-1/4" 105,000 lbs. 7/8" .8 8
1" .1 10
1-1/8" 1.125 11
1-1/4" 1.25 12

Ordering Information
AB 7 1 6 - 6 CT
Add suffix "CT" to get Type 3 bolt
Thread length in inches
Bolt length in inches
The first digit in decimal equivalent (see chart)
Designates high strength bolts

E-10 ©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc.


High Strength Bolts


Stock Item Std. Weight Stock Item Std. Weight

No. Description Pkg. 100 Pcs. No. Description Pkg. 100 Pcs.

1/2" High Strength Bolts 3/4" High Strength Bolts

AB51-1/2-1 1/2" x 1-1/2" 250 20 lbs. AB72-1-3/8 3/4" x 2" 100 56 lbs.
AB52-1 1/2" x 2" 250 23 lbs. AB72-1/2-1-3/8 3/4" x 2-1/2" 100 62 lbs.
AB52-1/2-1 1/2" x 2-1/2" 250 25 lbs. AB73-1-3/8 3/4" x 3" 100 68 lbs.
AB53-1 1/2" x 3" 250 28 lbs. AB74-1-3/8 3/4" x 4" 50 80 lbs.
AB53-1/2-1 1/2" x 3-1/2" 200 31 lbs. AB75-1-3/8 3/4" x 5" 50 91 lbs.
AB54-1 1/2" x 4" 100 33 lbs. AB76-1-3/8 3/4" x 6" 50 103 lbs.
AB54-1/2-1 1/2" x 4-1/2" 100 36 lbs. AB77-3 3/4" x 7" 40 115 lbs.
AB55-1 1/2" x 5" 100 39 lbs. AB78-4 3/4" x 8" 40 127 lbs.
AB55-1/2-1 1/2" x 5-1/2" 100 41 lbs. AB710-4 3/4" x 10" 30 151 lbs.
AB56-1 1/2" x 6" 100 44 lbs. AB712-4 3/4" x 12" 30 175 lbs.
AB57-3 1/2" x 7" 100 49 lbs. AB714-6 3/4" x 14" 30 198 lbs.
AB58-4 1/2" x 8" 100 55 lbs. AB716-6 3/4" x 16" 25 222 lbs.
AB59-4 1/2" x 9" 50 60 lbs. AB718-6 3/4" x 18" 20 246 lbs.
AB510-4 1/2" x 10" 50 65 lbs. AB720-6 3/4" x 20" 20 270 lbs.
AB512-4 1/2" x 12" 50 76 lbs. AB722-6 3/4" x 22" 20 293 lbs.
AB514-6 1/2" x 14" 50 87 lbs. AB724-6 3/4" x 24" 15 317 lbs.
AB726-6 3/4" x 26" 15 341 lbs.
5/8" High Strength Bolts AB728-8 3/4" x 28" 15 365 lbs.
AB61-1/2-1-1/4 5/8" x 1-1/2" 100 31 lbs. AB730-8 3/4" x 30" 10 390 lbs.
AB61-3/4-1-1/4 5/8" x 1-3/4" 100 33 lbs. AB732-8 3/4" x 32" 10 424 lbs.
AB62-1-1/4 5/8" x 2" 100 35 lbs.
AB63-1-1/4 5/8" x 3" 100 44 lbs.
AB64-1-1/4 5/8" x 4" 100 52 lbs.
AB65-1-1/4 5/8" x 5" 100 60 lbs.
AB66-1-1/4 5/8" x 6" 50 68 lbs.
AB67-3 5/8" x 7" 50 77 lbs. Note: Other lengths and specified thread lengths
AB68-4 5/8" x 8" 50 85 lbs. are available. Check with representatives or
AB610-4 5/8" x 10" 50 101 lbs. factory for availability.
AB612-6 5/8" x 12" 40 118 lbs.
AB614-6 5/8" x 14" 40 134 lbs.
AB616-6 5/8" x 16" 40 151 lbs.
AB618-6 5/8" x 18" 30 167 lbs.
AB620-6 5/8" x 20" 30 184 lbs.

©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc. E-11


High Strength Bolts


Stock Item Std. Weight Stock Item Std. Weight

No. Description Pkg. 100 Pcs. No. Description Pkg. 100 Pcs.

7/8" High Strength Bolts 1" High Strength Bolts (con't.)

AB82-1-1/2 7/8" x 2" 50 83 lbs. AB1010-4 1" x 10" 20 285 lbs.
AB82-1/2-1-1/2 7/8" x 2-1/2" 50 91 lbs. AB1012-4 1" x 12" 15 327 lbs.
AB84-1-1/2 7/8" x 4" 50 115 lbs. AB1014-6 1" x 14" 15 369 lbs.
AB85-1-1/2 7/8" x 5" 50 131 lbs. AB1016-6 1" x 16" 10 412 lbs.
AB86-1-1/2 7/8" x 6" 40 147 lbs. AB1018-6 1" x 18" 10 454 lbs.
AB88-3 7/8" x 8" 30 180 lbs. AB1020-6 1" x 20" 10 496 lbs.
AB810-6 7/8" x 10" 25 212 lbs. AB1022-6 1" x 22" 10 538 lbs.
AB812-6 7/8" x 12" 20 244 lbs. AB1024-6 1" x 24" 10 581 lbs.
AB814-6 7/8" x 14" 20 277 lbs. AB1026-6 1" x 26" 10 624 lbs.
AB816-6 7/8" x 16" 15 309 lbs. AB1028-8 1" x 28" 5 667 lbs.
AB818-6 7/8" x 18" 15 341 lbs. AB1030-8 1" x 30" 5 710 lbs.
AB820-6 7/8" x 20" 15 373 lbs.
AB822-6 7/8" x 22" 10 406 lbs. 1-1/4" High Strength Bolts
AB824-6 7/8" x 24" 10 438 lbs. AB123-1/2-2 1-1/4" x 3-1/2" 20 259 lbs.
AB826-8 7/8" x 26" 10 470 lbs. AB124-2 1-1/4" x 4" 20 275 lbs.
AB828-8 7/8" x 28" 10 503 lbs. AB125-2 1-1/4" x 5" 20 308 lbs.
AB830-8 7/8" x 30" 10 535 lbs. AB126-2 1-1/4" x 6" 20 341 lbs.
AB832-8 7/8" x 32" 10 570 lbs. AB127-3 1-1/4" x 7" 15 374 lbs.
AB128-3 1-1/4" x 8" 10 407 lbs.
1" High Strength Bolts AB1210-4 1-1/4" x 10" 10 473 lbs.
AB103-1-3/4 1" x 3" 40 137 lbs. AB1212-6 1-1/4" x 12" 10 539 lbs.
AB103-1/2-1-3/4 1" x 3-1/2" 40 148 lbs. AB1214-6 1-1/4" x 14" 10 605 lbs.
AB104-1-3/4 1" x 4" 40 158 lbs. AB1216-6 1-1/4" x 16" 5 671 lbs.
AB105-1-3/4 1" x 5" 30 179 lbs. AB1218-6 1-1/4" x 18" 5 737 lbs.
AB106-1-3/4 1" x 6" 25 201 lbs. AB1220-6 1-1/4" x 20" 5 803 lbs.
AB108-4 1" x 8" 25 243 lbs. AB1222-6 1-1/4" x 22" 5 869 lbs.
AB1224-8 1-1/4" x 24" 5 935 lbs.
AB1226-8 1-1/4" x 26" 5 1000 lbs.

Note: Other lengths and specified thread lengths

are available. Check with representatives or
factory for availability.

E-12 ©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc.


Washer Head Bolts

Hughes Brothers Washer Head Bolts are manufactured
in accordance with ANSI C135.1 using SAE C1018 cold
drawn or ASTM A36 steel. Washer head bolts are hot dip
galvanized in accordance with ASTM A153.

Each bolt is shipped with an assembled nut. All washer

head bolts are square head (see dimension table) and
Dimension Table feature a 60° semi-cone point.

Bolt Nominal Head O.D. Threads The unthreaded portion of any washer head bolt is
Size Width Height Nominal per in. capable of being bent 180°, about a diameter equal to
the diameter of the bolt without cracking the steel on the
1/2" 3/4" 21/64" 1-3/4" 13 outside portion of the bend.
5/8" 15/16" 27/64" 2-5/8" 11
3/4" 1-1/8" 1/2" 2-3/4" 10 *Some bolts of smaller diameter or shorter length may not
7/8" 1-5/16" 1/2" 3" 9 display the HB symbol.

Shear Strengths Tensile Strengths Chart
Bolt Single Shear Single Shear Bolt Tensile Fraction Decimal HUGHES
Dia. Through Threads Through Shaft Diameter Strength 1/4" .2 2
3/8" .3 3
1/2" 5,200 lbs. 7,950 lbs. 1/2" 7,800 lbs. 1/2" .5 5
5/8" 8,330 lbs. 12,420 lbs. 5/8" 12,400 lbs. 5/8" .6 6
3/4" 12,440 lbs. 17,890 lbs. 3/4" 18,350 lbs. 3/4" .7 7
7/8" 17,270 lbs. 24,350 lbs. 7/8" 25,400 lbs. 7/8" .8 8
1" .1 10
1-1/8" 1.125 11
1-1/4" 1.25 12

Ordering Information
WB 7 1 6 - 6
Thread length in inches
Bolt length in inches
The first digit in decimal equivalent (see chart)
Designates washer head bolts

©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc. E-13


Washer Head Bolts

Stock Item Std. Weight Stock Item Std. Weight

No. Description Pkg. 100 Pcs. No. Description Pkg. 100 Pcs.

1/2" Washer Head Bolts 3/4" Washer Head Bolts

WB51-1/2-1-1/4 1/2" x 1-1/2" 250 31 lbs. WB72-1-3/4 3/4" x 2" 100 86 lbs.
WB52-1-1/4 1/2" x 2" 250 34 lbs. WB72-1/2-1-3/4 3/4" x 2-1/2" 100 93 lbs.
WB52-1/2-1-1/2 1/2" x 2-1/2" 250 36 lbs. WB73-1-3/4 3/4" x 3" 50 99 lbs.
WB53-1-1/4 1/2" x 3" 250 38 lbs. WB73-2 3/4" x 3" 50 99 lbs.
WB53-1/2-1-1/2 1/2" x 3-1/2" 200 40 lbs. WB74-1-3/4 3/4" x 4" 50 111 lbs.
WB54-1-1/4 1/2" x 4" 100 45 lbs. WB75-1-3/4 3/4" x 5" 40 123 lbs.
WB54-1/2-1-1/4 1/2" x 4-1/2" 100 47 lbs. WB76-3 3/4" x 6" 30 136 lbs.
WB55-1-1/4 1/2" x 5" 100 49 lbs. WB77-3 3/4" x 7" 25 148 lbs.
WB55-1/2-1-1/4 1/2" x 5-1/2" 100 51 lbs. WB78-4 3/4" x 8" 25 160 lbs.
WB56-3 1/2" x 6" 100 54 lbs. WB710-4 3/4" x 10" 25 185 lbs.
WB57-3 1/2" x 7" 100 58 lbs. WB712-6 3/4" x 12" 25 209 lbs.
WB58-4 1/2" x 8" 100 63 lbs. WB714-6 3/4" x 14" 20 234 lbs.
WB59-4 1/2" x 9" 50 67 lbs. WB716-6 3/4" x 16" 20 259 lbs.
WB510-4 1/2" x 10" 50 72 lbs. WB718-6 3/4" x 18" 15 283 lbs.
WB512-4 1/2" x 12" 50 81 lbs. WB720-6 3/4" x 20" 15 308 lbs.
WB514-6 1/2" x 14" 50 90 lbs. WB722-6 3/4" x 22" 15 332 lbs.
WB724-6 3/4" x 24" 15 357 lbs.
5/8" Washer Head Bolts WB726-6 3/4" x 26" 15 382 lbs.
WB61-1/2-1-1/4 5/8" x 1-1/2" 100 50 lbs. WB728-6 3/4" x 28" 10 406 lbs.
WB61-3/4-1-1/4 5/8" x 1-3/4" 100 52 lbs. WB730-8 3/4" x 30" 10 431 lbs.
WB62-1-1/2 5/8" x 2" 100 54 lbs. WB732-8 3/4" x 32" 10 455 lbs.
WB63-1-1/2 5/8" x 3" 100 63 lbs.
WB64-1-3/4 5/8" x 4" 50 71 lbs.
WB65-1-3/4 5/8" x 5" 50 80 lbs.
WB66-3` 5/8" x 6" 50 89 lbs.
WB67-3 5/8" x 7" 50 97 lbs.
WB68-4 5/8" x 8" 50 106 lbs. Note: Other lengths available.
WB610-4 5/8" x 10" 30 123 lbs.
WB612-4 5/8" x 12" 30 140 lbs.
WB614-6 5/8" x 14" 30 157 lbs.
WB616-6 5/8" x 16" 30 175 lbs.
WB618-6 5/8" x 18" 30 191 lbs.
WB620-6 5/8" x 20" 25 209 lbs.

E-14 ©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc.


Washer Head Bolts

Stock Item Std. Weight Stock Item Std. Weight

No. Description Pkg. 100 Pcs. No. Description Pkg. 100 Pcs.

7/8" Washer Head Bolts 7/8" Washer Head Bolts

WB82-1/2-2 7/8" x 2-1/2" 50 117 lbs. WB816-6 7/8" x 16" 15 344 lbs.
WB84-2 7/8" x 4" 50 142 lbs. WB818-6 7/8" x 18" 15 378 lbs.
WB85-2-1/2 7/8" x 5" 50 159 lbs. WB820-6 7/8" x 20" 15 411 lbs.
WB86-3 7/8" x 6" 40 175 lbs. WB822-6 7/8" x 22" 10 445 lbs.
WB88-3 7/8" x 8" 25 209 lbs. WB824-6 7/8" x 24" 10 479 lbs.
WB810-3 7/8" x 10" 25 243 lbs. WB826-8 7/8" x 26" 10 513 lbs.
WB812-6 7/8" x 12" 20 276 lbs. WB828-8 7/8" x 28" 10 546 lbs.
WB814-6 7/8" x 14" 15 310 lbs. WB830-8 7/8" x 30" 10 580 lbs.
WB832-8 7/8" x 32" 10 614 lbs.

Note: Other lengths available.

Carriage Bolts
Thread Length

Bolt Length

Bolt Thread Bolt Thread Bolt Thread

Stock Length Length Weight Stock Length Length Weight Stock Length Length Weight
No. Inches Inches 100 Pcs. No. Inches Inches 100 Pcs. No. Inches Inches 100 Pcs.
3/8" Carriage Bolts* 1/2" Carriage Bolts 5/8" Carriage Bolts
BC32-F 2 Full 8 lbs. BC52-F 2 Full 14 lbs. BC61-1/2-F 1-1/2 Full 19 lbs.
BC33-F 3 Full 10 lbs. BC52-1/2-F 2-1/2 Full 16 lbs. BC62-F 2 Full 24 lbs.
BC34-F 4 Full 14 lbs. BC53-F 3 Full 17 lbs. BC64-F 4 Full 38 lbs.
BC34-1/2-F 4-1/2 Full 13 lbs. BC54-F 4 Full 23 lbs. BC65-1/2-1-1/2 5-1/2 1-1/2 46 lbs.
BC35-F 5 Full 14 lbs. BC55-F 5 Full 30 lbs. BC66-F 6 Full 52 lbs.
BC35-1/2-F 5-1/2 Full 16 lbs. BC55-1/2-1-1/2 5-1/2 1-1/2 31 lbs. BC68-6 8 6 58 lbs.
BC36-F 6 Full 17 lbs. BC56-F 6 Full 32 lbs.
BC37-6 7 6 20 lbs. BC57-1-1/2 7 1-1/2 41 lbs. 3/4" Carriage Bolts
BC38-3 8 3 25 lbs. BC58-F 8 Full 41 lbs. BC72-F 2 Full 46 lbs.
BC73-1-3/4 3 1-3/4 46 lbs.
*3/8" Carriage Bolts include hex nuts.

©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc. E-15


L 1-1/4"
2720 Shoulder
Bolt Dia.

Stock Bolt Length Thread Weight Stock Bolt Length Thread Weight
No. Dia. L T 100 Pcs. No. Dia L T 100 Pcs.
1/2" Shoulder Eyebolts 7/8" Shoulder Eyebolts
2720.54-1-1/8 1/2" 4" 1-1/8" 102 lbs. 2720.810-4 7/8" 10" 4" 302 lbs.
2720.55-1-1/4 1/2" 5" 1-1/4" 110 lbs. 2720.812-6 7/8" 12" 6" 341 lbs.
2720.56-3 1/2" 6" 3" 118 lbs. 2720.814-6 7/8" 14" 6" 379 lbs.
2720.57-3 1/2" 7" 3" 126 lbs. 2720.816-6 7/8" 16" 6" 417 lbs.
2720.58-4 1/2" 8" 4" 134 lbs. 2720.818-6 7/8" 18" 6" 455 lbs.
2720.510-4 1/2" 10" 4" 142 lbs. 2720.820-6 7/8" 20" 6" 494 lbs.
2720.512-4 1/2" 12" 4" 150 lbs. 2720.822-6 7/8" 22" 6" 532 lbs.
2720.824-6 7/8" 24" 6" 570 lbs.
5/8" Shoulder Eyebolts 2720.826-8 7/8" 26" 8" 608 lbs.
2720.64-3 5/8" 4" 3" 120 lbs. 2720.828-8 7/8" 28" 8" 647 lbs.
2720.66-3 5/8" 6" 3" 168 lbs. 2720.830-8 7/8" 30" 8" 685 lbs.
2720.68-4 5/8" 8" 4" 192 lbs. 2720.832-8 7/8" 32" 8" 723 lbs.
2720.610-4 5/8" 10" 4" 204 lbs. 2720.834-8 7/8" 34" 8" 761 lbs.
2720.612-6 5/8" 12" 6" 216 lbs. 2720.836-8 7/8" 36" 8" 800 lbs.
2720.614-6 5/8" 14" 6" 235 lbs.
2720.616-6 5/8" 16" 6" 240 lbs.
2720.618-6 5/8" 18" 6" 250 lbs. Hughes Brothers Welded Shoulder Eyebolts
2720.620-6 5/8" 20" 6" 268 lbs. feature a 3" round washer welded to an eyebolt.
2720.622-6 5/8" 22" 6" 288 lbs. The 2720 shoulder eyebolts are manufactured
2720.624-6 5/8" 24" 6" 308 lbs. from SAE C1018 cold drawn or ASTM A36 steel.
All shoulder eyebolts are galvanized in accordance
3/4" Shoulder Eyebolts with ASTM A153. Each shoulder eyebolt is fur-
2720.74-3 3/4" 4" 3" 168 lbs. nished with one nut.
2720.76-3 3/4" 6" 3" 200 lbs.
2720.78-3 3/4" 8" 3" 245 lbs.
2720.710-4 3/4" 10" 4" 270 lbs.
2720.712-6 3/4" 12" 6" 293 lbs.
Tensile Strengths
2720.714-6 3/4" 14" 6" 320 lbs. Minimum
2720.716-6 3/4" 16" 6" 340 lbs. Bolt Tensile
2720.718-6 3/4" 18" 6" 360 lbs. Diameter Strength
2720.720-6 3/4" 20" 6" 374 lbs.
2720.722-6 3/4" 22" 6" 396 lbs. 1/2" 7,800 lbs.
2720.724-6 3/4" 24" 6" 421 lbs. 5/8" 12,400 lbs.
2720.726-6 3/4" 26" 6" 443 lbs. 3/4" 18,350 lbs.
2720.728-8 3/4" 28" 8" 470 lbs. 7/8" 25,400 lbs.

E-16 ©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc.


2720.7 Double Arming Eyebolt

Hughes Brothers Welded 3/4' Double Arming Eyebolts feature a 3" round washer welded
to an eyebolt. The 2720 double arming eyebolts are manufactured from SAE C1018 cold
drawn or ASTM A36 steel. All eyebolts are galvanized in accordance with ASTM A153.

NOTE: Each eyebolt is supplied with three square nuts.

Length "L"

2" Thread Length "T" (L-2)

Ordering Example:
Thread Length "T" in inches
Length “L” in inches
Diameter = 3/4 inches

Minimum Tensile Strength 18,350 lbs.

(for 3/4" Diameter Bolt)

©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc. E-17


2721 Shoulder
1-3/8" L

Bolt Dia.

Hughes Brothers 2721 Welded Shoulder Eyebolt

Stock Bolt Length Thread Weight has a 4" curved washer welded to an eyebolt. The
No. Dia. L T 100 Pcs. 2721 shoulder eyebolts are manufactured from SAE
C1018 cold drawn or ASTM A36 steel, and are
1/2" Shoulder Eyebolts
galvanized in accordance with ASTM A153. Each
2721.54-1-1/8 1/2" 4" 1-1/8" 158 lbs.
2721.55-1-1/4 1/2" 5" 1-1/4" 166 lbs. 2721 shoulder eyebolt is furnished with one nut.
2721.56-3 1/2" 6" 3" 174 lbs.
2721.57-3 1/2" 7" 3" 182 lbs.
2721.58-4 1/2" 8" 4" 190 lbs.
2721.510-4 1/2" 10" 4" 198 lbs. Tensile Strengths
2721.512-4 1/2" 12" 4" 206 lbs.
5/8" Shoulder Eyebolts Bolt Tensile
2721.64-3 5/8" 4" 3" 198 lbs. Diameter Strength
2721.65-3 5/8" 5" 3" 212 lbs.
2721.66-3 5/8" 6" 3" 225 lbs. 1/2" 7,800 lbs.
2721.68-4 5/8" 8" 4" 232 lbs. 5/8" 12,400 lbs.
2721.610-4 5/8" 10" 4" 242 lbs. 3/4" 18,350 lbs.
2721.612-4 5/8" 12" 4" 262 lbs.
7/8" 25,400 lbs.
2721.614-6 5/8" 14" 6" 282 lbs.
2721.616-6 5/8" 16" 6" 299 lbs.
2721.618-6 5/8" 18" 6" 315 lbs.
2721.620-6 5/8" 20" 6" 325 lbs.
2721.622-6 5/8" 22" 6" 350 lbs. Stock Bolt Length Thread Weight
2721.624-6 5/8" 24" 6" 366 lbs. No. Dia. L T 100 Pcs.
3/4" Shoulder Eyebolts 7/8" Shoulder Eyebolts
2721.76-3 3/4" 6" 3" 249 lbs. 2721.86-3 7/8" 6" 3" 316 lbs.
2721.78-4 3/4" 8" 4" 276 lbs. 2721.88-4 7/8" 8" 4" 350 lbs.
2721.710-4 3/4" 10" 4" 303 lbs. 2721.810-4 7/8" 10" 4" 386 lbs.
2721.712-4 3/4" 12" 4" 330 lbs. 2721.812-6 7/8" 12" 6" 414 lbs.
2721.714-6 3/4" 14" 6" 357 lbs. 2721.814-6 7/8" 14" 6" 479 lbs.
2721.716-6 3/4" 16" 6" 384 lbs. 2721.816-6 7/8" 16" 6" 486 lbs.
2721.718-6 3/4" 18" 6" 411 lbs. 2721.818-6 7/8" 18" 6" 519 lbs.
2721.720-6 3/4" 20" 6" 438 lbs. 2721.820-6 7/8" 20" 6" 557 lbs.
2721.722-6 3/4" 22" 6" 465 lbs. 2721.822-6 7/8" 22" 6" 570 lbs.
2721.724-6 3/4" 24" 6" 492 lbs. 2721.824-6 7/8" 24" 6" 600 lbs.
2721.726-6 3/4" 26" 6" 519 lbs. 2721.826-8 7/8" 26" 8" 653 lbs.
2721.728-8 3/4" 28" 8" 546 lbs. 2721.828-8 7/8" 28" 8" 684 lbs.

E-18 ©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc.


2724 Forged

Bolt Dia.

Tensile Strengths
Hughes Brothers 2724 Forged Eyebolts are manufactured from
Minimum SAE C1018 cold drawn or ASTM A36 steel. Hughes Brothers
Bolt Tensile eyebolts are hot dip galvanized in accordance with ASTM A153.
Diameter Strength
Each 2724 shoulder eyebolt is furnished with one nut.
1/2" 7,800 lbs.
5/8" 12,400 lbs. Also available in 1" and 1-1/4" diameter rod by special order.
3/4" 18,350 lbs.
7/8" 25,400 lbs. NOTE: Not for use with 2848 swinging angle brackets.

Stock Bolt Weight Stock Bolt Weight

No. Dia. L T B C 100 Pcs. No. Dia. L T B C 100 Pcs.
1/2" Forged Eyebolts 3/4" Forged Eyebolts
2724.56-4 1/2" 6" 4" 11/16" 1-1/4" 39 lbs. 2724.74-2 3/4" 4" 2" 13/16" 1-7/8" 80 lbs.
2724.58-4 1/2" 8" 4" 11/16" 1-1/4" 51 lbs. 2724.75-3 3/4" 5" 3" 13/16" 1-7/8" 88 lbs.
2724.510-4 1/2" 10" 4" 11/16" 1-1/4" 62 lbs. 2724.76-3 3/4" 6" 3" 13/16" 1-7/8" 105 lbs.
2724.512-4 1/2" 12" 4" 11/16" 1-1/4" 73 lbs. 2724.77-3 3/4" 7" 3" 13/16" 1-7/8" 116 lbs.
2724.514-4 1/2" 14" 4" 11/16" 1-1/4" 84 lbs. 2724.78-4 3/4" 8" 4" 13/16" 1-7/8" 128 lbs.
2724.516-4 1/2" 16" 4" 11/16" 1-1/4" 95 lbs. 2724.710-4 3/4" 10" 4" 13/16" 1-7/8" 150 lbs.
2724.518-4 1/2" 18" 4" 11/16" 1-1/4" 107 lbs. 2724.712-4 3/4" 12" 4" 13/16" 1-7/8" 175 lbs.
2724.520-4 1/2" 20" 4" 11/16" 1-1/4" 117 lbs. 2724.714-6 3/4" 14" 6" 13/16" 1-7/8" 199 lbs.
2724.716-6 3/4" 16" 6" 13/16" 1-7/8" 219 lbs.
5/8" Forged Eyebolts 2724.718-6 3/4" 18" 6" 13/16" 1-7/8" 246 lbs.
2724.64-2 5/8" 4" 2" 13/16" 1-5/8" 48 lbs. 2724.720-6 3/4" 20" 6" 13/16" 1-7/8" 271 lbs.
2724.64-3 5/8" 4" 3" 13/16" 1-5/8" 48 lbs. 2724.722-6 3/4" 22" 6" 13/16" 1-7/8" 295 lbs.
2724.65-3 5/8" 5" 3" 13/16" 1-5/8" 60 lbs. 2724.724-6 3/4" 24" 6" 13/16" 1-7/8" 321 lbs.
2724.66-3 5/8" 6" 3" 13/16" 1-5/8" 68 lbs. 2724.726-8 3/4" 26" 8" 13/16" 1-7/8" 345 lbs.
2724.68-4 5/8" 8" 4" 13/16" 1-5/8" 85 lbs. 2724.728-8 3/4" 28" 8" 13/16" 1-7/8" 369 lbs.
2724.610-4 5/8" 10" 4" 13/16" 1-5/8" 101 lbs.
2724.612-4 5/8" 12" 4" 13/16" 1-5/8" 124 lbs. 7/8" Forged Eyebolts
2724.614-6 5/8" 14" 6" 13/16" 1-5/8" 132 lbs. 2724.85-3 7/8" 5" 3" 15/16" 2-1/8" 108 lbs.
2724.616-6 5/8" 16" 6" 13/16" 1-5/8" 150 lbs. 2724.86-3 7/8" 6" 3" 15/16" 2-1/8" 126 lbs.
2724.618-6 5/8" 18" 6" 13/16" 1-5/8" 167 lbs. 2724.87-3 7/8" 7" 3" 15/16" 2-1/8" 145 lbs.
2724.620-6 5/8" 20" 6" 13/16" 1-5/8" 187 lbs. 2724.88-4 7/8" 8" 4" 15/16" 2-1/8" 163 lbs.
2724.622-6 5/8" 22" 6" 13/16" 1-5/8" 200 lbs. 2724.810-4 7/8" 10" 4" 15/16" 2-1/8" 201 lbs.
2724.624-6 5/8" 24" 6" 13/16" 1-5/8" 220 lbs. 2724.812-4 7/8" 12" 4" 15/16" 2-1/8" 237 lbs.
2724.626-8 5/8" 26" 8" 13/16" 1-5/8" 236 lbs. 2724.814-6 7/8" 14" 6" 15/16" 2-1/8" 276 lbs.
2724.628-8 5/8" 28" 8" 13/16" 1-5/8" 252 lbs. 2724.816-6 7/8" 16" 6" 15/16" 2-1/8" 308 lbs.
2724.630-8 5/8" 30" 8" 13/16" 1-5/8" 268 lbs. 2724.818-6 7/8" 18" 6" 15/16" 2-1/8" 344 lbs.
2724.632-8 5/8" 32" 8" 13/16" 1-5/8" 289 lbs. 2724.820-6 7/8" 20" 6" 15/16" 2-1/8" 379 lbs.
2724.634-8 5/8" 34" 8" 13/16" 1-5/8" 307 lbs. 2724.822-6 7/8" 22" 6" 15/16" 2-1/8" 407 lbs.
2724.824-6 7/8" 24" 6" 15/16" 2-1/8" 452 lbs.
2724.826-8 7/8" 26" 8" 15/16" 2-1/8" 467 lbs.

©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc. E-19


Threaded Rods
(Double Arming Bolts)

Hughes Brothers Threaded Rods are

Shear Strengths for ANSI C135.1 manufactured in accordance with ANSI C135.1
and ASTM A307, using ASTM A36 or SAE C1018
Bolt Single Shear Single Shear Threads cold drawn steel. The threaded rods are hot
Diameter Through Threads Through Shaft per in. dip galvanized in accordance with ASTM A153.
Various ordering options are available for full
1/2" 5,200 lbs. 7,950 lbs. 13 thread, or any portion of thread. Standard thread
5/8" 8,330 lbs. 12,420 lbs. 11 length options are listed. Threaded rod with
3/4" 12,440 lbs. 17,890 lbs. 10 partial threads are furnished with one nut on each
7/8" 17,270 lbs. 24,350 lbs. 9 end unless otherwise specified. Full threaded
1" 22,690 lbs. 31,800 lbs. 8 rod (double arming bolts) are furnished with 4
1-1/4" 36,590 lbs. 49,700 lbs. 7 nuts unless otherwise specified. The suffix "2N"
designates only 2 nuts for full threaded rod.

Strengths for ANSI C135.1 Decimal
Minimum Equivalency
Bolt Tensile Chart
Diameter Strength Fraction Decimal HUGHES

1/2" 7,800 lbs. 1/4" .2 2

5/8" 12,400 lbs. 3/8" .3 3
3/4" 18,350 lbs. 1/2" .5 5
7/8" 25,400 lbs. 5/8" .6 6
1" 33,500 lbs. 3/4" .7 7
1-1/4" 53,300 lbs. 7/8" .8 8
1" .1 10
1-1/8" 1.125 11
1-1/4" 1.25 12
Ordering Information
TR 7 1 6 - F
2N Designates only 2 nuts (full threaded rod only).
Without the "2N" suffix, 4 nuts are always supplied on full threaded
rod, or "NN" designates no nuts.
Designates full threads
Bolt length, in 2" increments
First digit in decimal equivalent (see chart)
Designates threaded rod

E-20 ©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc.


Full Threaded Rods

Stock Item Std. Weight Stock Item Std. Weight

No. Description Pkg. 100 Pcs. No. Description Pkg. 100 Pcs.

1/2" Full Threaded Rods 7/8" Full Threaded Rods

TR512-F 1/2" x 12" 50 75 lbs. TR812-F 7/8" x 12" 20 262 lbs.
TR514-F 1/2" x 14" 50 84 lbs. TR814-F 7/8" x 14" 20 291 lbs.
TR516-F 1/2" x 16" 50 94 lbs. TR816-F 7/8" x 16" 15 320 lbs.
TR520-F 1/2" x 20" 50 112 lbs. TR818-F 7/8" x 18" 15 349 lbs.
TR522-F 1/2" x 22" 50 121 lbs. TR820-F 7/8" x 20" 15 378 lbs.
TR524-F 1/2" x 24" 50 130 lbs. TR822-F 7/8" x 22" 15 406 lbs.
TR824-F 7/8" x 24" 10 435 lbs.
5/8" Full Threaded Rods TR826-F 7/8" x 26" 10 464 lbs.
TR612-F 5/8" x 12" 25 125 lbs. TR828-F 7/8" x 28" 10 493 lbs.
TR614-F 5/8" x 14" 25 139 lbs. TR830-F 7/8" x 30" 10 522 lbs.
TR616-F 5/8" x 16" 25 154 lbs. TR832-F 7/8" x 32" 10 551 lbs.
TR620-F 5/8" x 20" 25 182 lbs. TR834-F 7/8" x 34" 10 580 lbs.
TR622-F 5/8" x 22" 25 196 lbs. TR836-F 7/8" x 36" 10 609 lbs.
TR624-F 5/8" x 24" 25 211 lbs. TR838-F 7/8" x 38" 10 638 lbs.
TR840-F 7/8" x 40" 5 667 lbs.
3/4" Full Threaded Rods TR842-F 7/8" x 42" 5 696 lbs.
TR712-F 3/4" x 12" 30 180 lbs.
TR714-F 3/4" x 14" 30 205 lbs.
TR716-F 3/4" x 16" 25 221 lbs.
TR718-F 3/4" x 18" 25 242 lbs.
TR720-F 3/4" x 20" 20 262 lbs.
TR722-F 3/4" x 22" 20 283 lbs.
TR724-F 3/4" x 24" 15 304 lbs.
TR726-F 3/4" x 26" 15 325 lbs.
TR728-F 3/4" x 28" 15 346 lbs.
TR730-F 3/4" x 30" 15 366 lbs.
TR732-F 3/4" x 32" 10 387 lbs.
TR734-F 3/4" x 34" 10 408 lbs.
TR736-F 3/4" x 36" 10 429 lbs.
TR738-F 3/4" x 38" 10 449 lbs.
TR740-F 3/4" x 40" 10 470 lbs.
TR742-F 3/4" x 42" 10 491 lbs.

©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc. E-21


Full Threaded Rods

Stock Item Std. Weight Stock Item Std. Weight

No. Description Pkg. 100 Pcs. No. Description Pkg. 100 Pcs.

1" Full Threaded Rods 1-1/4" Full Threaded Rods*

TR1012-F 1" x 12" 15 356 lbs. TR1212-F 1-1/4" x 12" 10 468 lbs.
TR1014-F 1" x 14" 15 392 lbs. TR1214-F 1-1/4" x 14" 10 538 lbs.
TR1016-F 1" x 16" 15 431 lbs. TR1216-F 1-1/4" x 16" 10 607 lbs.
TR1018-F 1" x 18" 10 468 lbs. TR1218-F 1-1/4" x 18" 5 677 lbs.
TR1020-F 1" x 20" 10 506 lbs. TR1220-F 1-1/4" x 20" 5 747 lbs.
TR1022-F 1" x 22" 10 544 lbs. TR1222-F 1-1/4" x 22" 5 817 lbs.
TR1024-F 1" x 24" 10 581 lbs. TR1224-F 1-1/4" x 24" 5 887 lbs.
TR1026-F 1" x 26" 10 619 lbs. TR1226-F 1-1/4" x 26" 5 956 lbs.
TR1028-F 1" x 28" 5 656 lbs. TR1228-F 1-1/4" x 28" 5 1026 lbs.
TR1030-F 1" x 30" 5 694 lbs. TR1230-F 1-1/4" x 30" 5 1096 lbs.
TR1032-F 1" x 32" 5 732 lbs. TR1232-F 1-1/4" x 32" 5 1166 lbs.
TR1034-F 1" x 34" 5 769 lbs. TR1234-F 1-1/4" x 34" 5 1236 lbs.
TR1036-F 1" x 36" 5 807 lbs. TR1236-F 1-1/4" x 36" 5 1305 lbs.
TR1038-F 1" x 38" 5 844 lbs. TR1238-F 1-1/4" x 38" 4 1375 lbs.
TR1040-F 1" x 40" 5 882 lbs. TR1240-F 1-1/4" x 40" 4 1445 lbs.
TR1042-F 1" x 42" 5 920 lbs. TR1242-F 1-1/4" x 42" 4 1515 lbs.

*1-1/4" rods include hex nuts.

E-22 ©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc.


Threaded Double End Rods

Stock Item Std. Weight Stock Item Std. Weight

No. Description Pkg. 100 Pcs. No. Description Pkg. 100 Pcs.

5/8" Threaded Double End Rods 7/8" Threaded Double End Rods
TR612-5 5/8" x 12" 30 136 lbs. TR812-5 7/8" x 12" 20 222 lbs.
TR614-5 5/8" x 14" 30 142 lbs. TR814-5 7/8" x 14" 20 256 lbs.
TR616-5 5/8" x 16" 25 160 lbs. TR816-5 7/8" x 16" 15 290 lbs.
TR618-5 5/8" x 18" 25 173 lbs. TR818-5 7/8" x 18" 15 324 lbs.
TR620-5 5/8" x 20" 20 187 lbs. TR820-5 7/8" x 20" 15 358 lbs.
TR622-5 5/8" x 22" 20 204 lbs. TR822-5 7/8" x 22" 15 392 lbs.
TR624-5 5/8" x 24" 15 224 lbs. TR824-5 7/8" x 24" 10 425 lbs.
TR626-5 5/8" x 26" 15 236 lbs. TR826-5 7/8" x 26" 10 455 lbs.
TR628-5 5/8" x 28" 15 256 lbs. TR828-5 7/8" x 28" 10 493 lbs.
TR630-5 5/8" x 30" 15 264 lbs. TR830-5 7/8" x 30" 10 527 lbs.
TR632-5 5/8" x 32" 10 284 lbs. TR832-5 7/8" x 32" 10 561 lbs.
TR634-5 5/8" x 34" 10 298 lbs. TR834-5 7/8" x 34" 10 595 lbs.
TR636-5 5/8" x 36" 10 325 lbs. TR836-5 7/8" x 36" 10 629 lbs.
TR638-5 5/8" x 38" 10 339 lbs. TR838-5 7/8" x 38" 10 662 lbs.
TR640-5 5/8" x 40" 10 351 lbs. TR840-5 7/8" x 40" 10 696 lbs.
TR642-5 5/8" x 42" 10 365 lbs. TR842-5 7/8" x 42" 10 730 lbs.

3/4" Threaded Double End Rods

TR712-5 3/4" x 12" 30 196 lbs. Note: The last digit of the stock number indicates
TR714-5 3/4" x 14" 30 220 lbs. the standard thread length at each end of the
TR716-5 3/4" x 16" 25 240 lbs. threaded double end rods.
TR718-5 3/4" x 18" 25 252 lbs.
Threaded double end rods are furnished with
TR720-5 3/4" x 20" 20 275 lbs.
two square nuts.
TR722-5 3/4" x 22" 20 300 lbs.
TR724-5 3/4" x 24" 15 313 lbs.
TR726-5 3/4" x 26" 15 336 lbs.
TR728-5 3/4" x 28" 15 362 lbs.
TR730-5 3/4" x 30" 15 388 lbs.
TR732-5 3/4" x 32" 10 414 lbs.
TR734-5 3/4" x 34" 10 440 lbs.
TR736-5 3/4" x 36" 10 465 lbs.
TR738-5 3/4" x 38" 10 491 lbs.
TR740-5 3/4" x 40" 10 517 lbs.
TR742-5 3/4" x 42" 10 543 lbs.

©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc. E-23


Threaded Double End Rods

Stock Item Std. Weight Stock Item Std. Weight

No. Description Pkg. 100 Pcs. No. Description Pkg. 100 Pcs.

1" Threaded Double End Rods 1-1/4" Threaded Double End Rods
TR1012-5 1" x 12" 15 297 lbs. TR1212-6 1-1/4" x 12" 10 468 lbs.
TR1014-5 1" x 14" 15 341 lbs. TR1214-6 1-1/4" x 14" 10 538 lbs.
TR1016-5 1" x 16" 15 385 lbs. TR1216-6 1-1/4" x 16" 10 607 lbs.
TR1018-5 1" x 18" 15 429 lbs. TR1218-6 1-1/4" x 18" 5 677 lbs.
TR1020-5 1" x 20" 10 473 lbs. TR1220-6 1-1/4" x 20" 5 747 lbs.
TR1022-5 1" x 22" 10 517 lbs. TR1222-6 1-1/4" x 22" 5 817 lbs.
TR1024-5 1" x 24" 10 561 lbs. TR1224-6 1-1/4" x 24" 5 887 lbs.
TR1026-5 1" x 26" 10 605 lbs. TR1226-6 1-1/4" x 26" 5 956 lbs.
TR1028-5 1" x 28" 5 649 lbs. TR1228-6 1-1/4" x 28" 5 1026 lbs.
TR1030-6 1" x 30" 5 693 lbs. TR1230-6 1-1/4" x 30" 5 1096 lbs.
TR1032-6 1" x 32" 5 737 lbs. TR1232-6 1-1/4" x 32" 5 1166 lbs.
TR1034-6 1" x 34" 5 781 lbs. TR1234-6 1-1/4" x 34" 5 1236 lbs.
TR1036-6 1" x 36" 5 825 lbs. TR1236-6 1-1/4" x 36" 5 1305 lbs.
TR1038-6 1" x 38" 5 869 lbs. TR1238-6 1-1/4" x 38" 4 1375 lbs.
TR1040-6 1" x 40" 5 913 lbs. TR1240-6 1-1/4" x 40" 4 1445 lbs.
TR1042-6 1" x 42" 5 957 lbs. TR1242-6 1-1/4" x 42" 4 1515 lbs.

Note: The last digit of the stock number indicates Threaded double end rods are furnished with two
the standard thread length at each end of the square nuts.
threaded double end rods.
*1-1/4" rods include hex nuts.

E-24 ©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc.


A193B7 Threaded Rod

Hughes Brothers A193B7 threaded rods conform to ASTM A193-B7
specification for quenched and tempered alloy steel fasteners. These
threaded rods are available as both fully threaded rods and as double
end bolts. Nuts are not included, unless specified.

"Rod Length"
(To Be Specified
in Inches)

"Thread Length" "Thread Length"

(To Be Specified (To Be Specified
in Inches) in Inches)

*Specify "F" for fully threaded rods. Stock No. "D"

A193B7-5_-_ 1/2"
Note: Material: Conforms to ASTM A193 Grade B7 Minimum Tensile 125 Ksi.
A193B7-6_-_ 5/8"
A193B7-7_-_ 3/4"
Nuts to be ordered separately, unless specified in ordering. See examples below.
A193B7-8_-_ 7/8"
A193B7-10_-_ 1"
A193B7-12_-_ 1-1/4"

Ordering Information:
Standard Ordering Package:
A193B7 - 1012 - F NN
No Nuts
Fully Threaded
Rod Length (Inches)
1" Rod Diameter (See Chart)

Ordering Package with Hex Nuts:

A193B7 - 824 - 6 (Includes 2 Heavy Hex Nuts)
6" Length
Rod Length (Inches)
7/8" Rod Diameter

©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc. E-25


Chain Links
Hughes Brothers Chain Links are forged from ASTM A36 steel.

Stock Weight Ultimate

A No. Dia. A B 100 Pcs. Strength
1329-B 5/8" 1" 3" 73 lbs. 30,000 lbs.
1329-B1 1/2" 1" 2-1/4" 41 lbs. 20,000 lbs.


1329 U-Bolt &

Chain Link Assembly
To order Hughes Brothers 1329 U-Bolt and Chain
Link Assembly, specify the following:

Stock Item Weight

No. Description 100 Pcs.
1329.5 5/8" U-Bolt & 1/2" Link Assembly 160 lbs.
1329.6 5/8" U-Bolt & 5/8" Link Assembly 190 lbs.

E-26 ©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc.


Hughes Brothers U-Bolts are used primarily on steel angle H-frame cross ties.
Stock Bolt Weight Ult.
No. Dia. A B C R 100 Pcs. Strength
U-Bolt with 4 nuts and 2 locknuts
1327-CPT** 5/8" 3" 3-1/2" 2" 1-3/16" 114 lbs. 25,000 lbs.
1331-CPT** 3/4" 3" 4-1/2" 3" 1-1/8" 200 lbs. 36,000 lbs.
1327-A-CPT** 5/8" 3" 4-1/2" 3" 1-3/16" 132 lbs. 25,000 lbs.

1328-A-CPT 1/2" 1-1/2" 2-1/2" 1-1/2" 1/2" 116 lbs. 16,000 lbs.
1329-A-CPT* 5/8" 2" 3-1/8" 2" 11/16" 116 lbs. 25,000 lbs.

1330-A-CPT 5/8" 1-1/2" 3" 2" 7/16" 96 lbs. 25,000 lbs.

1328-B-CPT 1/2" 1-1/2" 2-1/2" 1-3/4" 1/2" 116 lbs. 16,000 lbs.
*Uses square nuts.
**Also includes 2 single coil split lockwashers.


Stock No. Dia. "A" "B" "C" Pipe / Conduit Size

Large U-bolt U-Bolt, with 2 hex nuts & 2 split lock washers (for conduit support brackets)
shown here in AS2477.2 3/8" 2-7/8" 3-1/4" 2-1/4" 2"
conduit support AS2477.3 3/8" 7" 7-3/4" 4" 6"
bracket AS2477.5 3/8" 6" 6-1/2" 3-1/4" 5"

application AS2477.6 3/8" 4-3/4" 5-1/2" 3" 4"

B1964.1A 1/2" 3-1/4" 4" 2-5/8" 2"


B1964.1B 1/2" 5" 6" 3" 4"

B1964.1C 1/2" 7" 8" 4" 6"

Note: Other sizes available, contact Hughes Brothers.


©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc. E-27


2718 Bonding Clip

Max. Min.
Stock Bolt Wire Wire Std. Weight
No. Dia. Dia. Dia. Pkg. 100 Pcs.
The Hughes Brothers 2718 Bonding Clip is used to
2718.3 3/8" 7/16" 1/4" 250 8 lbs.
attach the ground wire to any flat steel surface. The
2718.5 1/2" 7/16" 1/4" 250 9 lbs.
mounting bolt is not included, unless specified.
2718.6 5/8" 7/16" 1/4" 250 19 lbs.
2718.7 3/4" 7/16" 1/4" 250 18 lbs.
2718.8 7/8" 7/16" 1/4" 250 18 lbs.
2718.10 1" 7/16" 1/4" 250 16 lbs.

2718.33* 3/8"x1-1/2" 7/16" 1/4" 250 19 lbs.

2718.55* 1/2"x1-1/2" 7/16" 1/4" 200 29 lbs.
2718.66* 5/8"x1-3/4" 7/16" 1/4" 100 53 lbs.
45° 5/16"
*Includes bonding clip, carriage bolt, nut, and locknut.

Max. 2727 Bonding Clip

Stock Bolt Wire Std. Weight
The Hughes Brothers 2727 Bonding Clip provides a
No. Dia. Dia. Pkg. 100 Pcs.
simple and practical method of bonding the threaded
end of bolts. Nut ordered separately.
2727.5 1/2" 5/16" 500 10 lbs.
2727.6 5/8" 5/16" 500 10 lbs.
2727.7 3/4" 5/16" 250 14 lbs.
2727.8 7/8" 5/16" 250 20 lbs.
2727.10 1" 7/16" 150 26 lbs.
2727.12 1-1/4" 7/16" 150 26 lbs.

GWB 51-1/2 Bonding Bolt

The Hughes Brothers Ground Wire Bonding Bolt is a simple meth-
od of attaching the ground wire to a flat steel surface. The lipped
washer is an integral part of the bolt, acting as a clamp to hold the
ground wire securely in place.

Stock Bolt Wire Std. Weight
No. Dia. Length Dia. Pkg. 100 Pcs.

GWB51-1/2 1/2" 1-1/2" 7/16" 200 32 lbs.

E-28 ©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc.


2722 Bent Bolt & Stud

Hughes Brothers 2722 Bent Bolts and Bent Studs are
used primarily for connecting transmission braces to
spacer fittings in transmission double arm assemblies.
They are manufactured from SAE C1018 cold drawn
or ASTM A36 steel. All bent bolts and bent studs are
galvanized in accordance with ASTM A153.

Each bent bolt is furnished with a nut and locknut.

Each bent stud is furnished with two nuts and two

2722 Bent Bolt

2722 Bent Stud

Stock Item Length Bend Full Body Weight

No. Description L Radius Length 100 Pcs.

Bent Bolts
2722.1A-B 3/4" Bent Bolt 6" 3-3/8" 3-3/4" 109 lbs.
2722.1B-B 7/8" Bent Bolt 6" 3-3/8" 3-3/4" 158 lbs. Tensile Strengths and Shear Strengths
2722.2A* 7/8" Bent Bolt 6-1/2" 3-3/8" 4-1/4" 182 lbs. of Hughes Brothers 2722 Bent Bolts and
Bent Studs conform to ANSI C135.1.
Bent Studs
2722.1C-B 3/4" Bent Stud 8" 3-3/8" 2-1/2" 133 lbs.
2722.1D-B 7/8" Bent Stud 8" 3-3/8" 2-1/2" 182 lbs.
2722.2B* 7/8" Bent Stud 10" 3-3/8" 4-1/2" 230 lbs. *RUS accepted item - features recessed nut.

©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc. E-29


Insulator Mounting Studs

Hughes Brothers Insulator Mounting Studs are manufactured in

accordance with ANSI C135.1. The insulator mounting studs are
threaded to diameters specified in ANSI CZ9.7 and are galvanized
in accordance with ASTM A153.

Insulator mounting studs are furnished assembled with hardware

as shown. Tensile strengths of Hughes Brothers insulator mount-
ing studs are the same as the tensile strengths of Hughes Brothers
machine bolts. (See page E-3.)

The serrated collar and lock washer ensure a tight hardware

connection. Longer studs, for wood crossarms feature a wrench
shoulder below the serrated collar.

For Use on Steel



1" 1/2"

Stock Weight
No. "L" "T" "A" "B" 100 Pcs.

2750.1A 2-7/8" 1-3/4" 3/4" 5/8" 43 lbs.

2750.2A 2-1/4" 1-1/8" 3/4" 5/8" 37 lbs.
2750.4A 3-5/8" 2-1/2" 3/4" 5/8" 51 lbs.

2751.1A 3" 1-7/8" 3/4" 3/4" 63 lbs.

2751.3A 3-7/8" 2-3/4" 3/4" 3/4" 73 lbs.
2751.4A 3-1/2" 2-3/8" 3/4" 3/4" 68 lbs.

2755.1A 3-3/16" 2" 7/8" 7/8" 63 lbs.

2755.3A 4-3/16" 3" 7/8" 7/8" 73 lbs.
2755.4A 5-3/16" 4" 7/8" 7/8" 68 lbs.
Standard Package: 100

E-30 ©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc.


Insulator Mounting Studs

For Use on Wood


1" 1/2"

Stock Weight
No. "L" "T" "A" "B" 100 Pcs.
2752 Mounting Studs
2752.1A 7" 4" 3/4" 5/8" 118 lbs.
2752.2A 7-1/2" 4" 3/4" 5/8" 121 lbs.
2752.3A 8" 4" 3/4" 5/8" 125 lbs.
2752.4A 9" 6" 3/4" 5/8" 132 lbs.
2752.5A 10" 6" 3/4" 5/8" 139 lbs.
2752.6A 11" 6" 3/4" 5/8" 146 lbs.
2752.7A 14" 6" 3/4" 5/8" 167 lbs.
2752.8A 16" 6" 3/4" 5/8" 181 lbs.
2752.9A 12" 6" 3/4" 5/8" 153 lbs.
Standard Package: 40

2753 Mounting Studs

2753.1A 7" 4" 3/4" 3/4" 140 lbs.
2753.2A 8" 4" 3/4" 3/4" 152 lbs.
2753.3A 9" 6" 3/4" 3/4" 163 lbs.
2753.4A 10" 6" 3/4" 3/4" 172 lbs.
2753.5A 11" 6" 3/4" 3/4" 183 lbs.
2753.6A 12" 6" 3/4" 3/4" 194 lbs.
2753.7A 14" 6" 3/4" 3/4" 214 lbs.
2753.8A 16" 6" 3/4" 3/4" 234 lbs.
Standard Package: 30

2754 Mounting Studs

2754.1A 6-1/2" 4" 7/8" 7/8" 168 lbs.
2754.2A 7" 4" 7/8" 7/8" 175 lbs.
Standard Package: 30

©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc. E-31


2757 Line Post Insulator Pin





"A" 1"
HN70 MFH70
SLW80 SW2-1/4-70

Assy. Stud
View @ "A-A" No. No. "L" "T"

2757.1A 2757.1 32" 8"
2757.2A 2757.2 3-3/16" 2"
2757.3A 2757.3 7" 3"
Note: Assemble SLW80 Washer 2757.4A 2757.4 10" 4"
under HN70 for shipment. 2757.5A 2757.5 12" 6"
2757.6A 2757.6 20" 6"
2757.7A 2757.7 22" 6"
2757.8A 2757.8 24" 6"
2757.9A 2757.9 28" 8"
2757.10A 2757.10 30" 8"
2757.11A 2757.11 34" 8"
2757.12A 2757.12 36" 8"
2757.13A 2757.13 2" 1-1/2"
2757.14A 2757.14 14" 6"
2757.15A 2757.15 18" 6"
2757.16A 2757.16 16" 6"

E-32 ©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc.


Anchor Bolts
Hughes Brothers Anchor Bolts are manufactured from SAE C1018
cold drawn or ASTM A36 steel. The threads meet ANSI / ASME
B1.1 specifications. The minimum bend radius is equal to the
diameter of the anchor bolt. Each anchor bolt is supplied with one
standard hex nut, unless otherwise specified.


Ordering Information*
Galvanizing length (G) from threaded end,
in inches, or “F” for fully galvanized
Bend length (Y) in inches
Thread length (T) in inches
Rod length (X) in inches
Rod diameter (see table)
Designates anchor bolt
*Please limit to whole length numbers.

Rod Diameter Table

Rod Decimal
Diameter Equivalent

5/8" 6
3/4" 7
7/8" 8
1" 10
1-1/8" 11
1-1/4" 12
1-3/8" 13

©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc. E-33


A 2743 Clevis Pins

1/4" Hole
(Round flat head may be substituted
depending on availability)

B Dia

Stock Weight
C No. Dia. A B C 100 Pcs.
2743.62-1/4 5/8" 2-1/4" 1-1/16" 1/4" 19 lbs.
2743.64-1/2 5/8" 4-1/2" 1-1/16" 1/4" 46 lbs.
2743.65 5/8" 5" 1-1/16" 1/4" 48 lbs.
2743.72 3/4" 2" 1-1/16" 1/4" 36 lbs.
2743.72-1/4 3/4" 2-1/4" 1-1/16" 1/4" 37 lbs.
2743.72-1/2 3/4" 2-1/2" 1-1/16" 1/4" 38 lbs.
2743.72-3/4 3/4" 2-3/4" 1-1/16" 1/4" 39 lbs.
2743.82-3/4 7/8" 2-3/4" 1-3/16" 3/8" 51 lbs.
2743.83 7/8" 3" 1-3/16" 3/8" 55 lbs.
2743.84 7/8" 4" 1-3/16" 3/8" 73 lbs.

Drilled Bolts
To order any bolt drilled and with a AS2531.1D
cotter pin, add suffix "D" after the bolt length
as follows:
Thread in Inches
Length in Inches 1/2"
Dia (See pg. E-3)

AS2531 Cotter Keys

No. Item Description

Hughes Brothers AS2531 Cotter Keys are AS2531.1A 3/16" x 1" (straight)
made of stainless steel. AS2531.1H 3/16" x 1-1/2" (straight)
AS2531.1E 1/8" x 1-1/2" (straight)

AS2531.1D 5/32" x 1-1/4" (humpback)

E-34 ©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc.


Square Nuts
A Hughes Brothers Square nuts are compatible
with all ANSI C135.80 hardware. Nuts are tapped
oversize in accordance with ASTM A563 for
proper fit on galvanized bolts.

Stock Item Weight
No. Description A B C 100 Pcs.

N30 3/8" 21/64" 5/8" 7/8" 2.3 lbs.

N50 1/2" 7/16" 13/16" 1-1/8" 5 lbs.
N60 5/8" 35/64" 1" 1-3/8" 9 lbs.
N70 3/4" 21/32" 1-1/8" 1-1/2" 15 lbs.
N80 7/8" 49/64" 1-5/16" 1-3/4" 24 lbs.
N100 1" 7/8" 1-1/2" 2" 37 lbs.

Hex Nuts

Hughes Brothers Hex Nuts are compatible with

all ANSI C135.80 hardware. Hex nuts are tapped

oversize in accordance with ASTM A563.

Stock Item C
No. Description A B C 100 Pcs.

HN30 3/8" 21/64" 9/16" 5/8" 2 lbs.

HN50 1/2" 7/16" 3/4" 7/8" 4 lbs.
HN60 5/8" 35/64" 15/16" 1-1/16" 9 lbs.
HN70 3/4" 41/64" 1-1/8" 1-1/4" 10 lbs.
HN80 7/8" 3/4" 1-5/16" 1-1/2" 20 lbs.
HN100 1" 55/64" 1-1/2" 1-11/16" 27 lbs.
HN120 1-1/4" 1-3/32" 1-7/8" 2-1/8" 55 lbs.

©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc. E-35


2745 Welded Washer Nut

Hughes Brothers 2745 Welded Washer Nut has
a 3/16" x 3" round washer which is welded to a
standard square nut.

Stock Bolt Std. Weight

No. Dia. Pkg. 100 Pcs.

2745.5* 1/2" 100 26 lbs.

2745.6 5/8" 100 46 lbs.
2745.7 3/4" 100 49 lbs.
2745.8 7/8" 100 60 lbs.
*2" Washer

2746 Cast Washer Nut

Hughes Brothers 2746 Cast Washer Nuts are cast
from ASTM A536, grade 65-45-12 ductile iron.

Stock Bolt Washer Std. Weight

No. Dia. Dia. Pkg. 100 Pcs.

2746.7 3/4" 3" 100 65 lbs.
2746.8 7/8" 3-3/4" 50 106 lbs.
2746.10 1" 3-3/4" 50 106 lbs.

E-36 ©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc.


B E Oval Eye Nuts

Hughes Brothers Oval Eye Nuts have
strength and dimensions are per
ANSI C135.5.


EN50, EN60 & EN70 cast

A EN80 & EN100 forged

Part Tensile Std Pkg
Number Bolt Dia. A B C D E F Strength Wt / lbs Quantity

EN50 1/2 1-1/4 1/2 1-1/8 1-1/8 2-1/8 2-5/8 7,800 .5 100
EN60 5/8 1-3/8 9/16 1-1/2 1-3/4 2-5/8 3 13,550 .6 100
EN70 3/4 1-3/8 9/16 1-1/2 1-3/4 2-5/8 3 20,050 .6 100
EN80 7/8 1-7/8 3/4 2 2-5/8 3-1/2 4-5/16 25,400 1.5 25
EN100 1 1-7/8 3/4 2 2-5/8 3-1/2 4-5/16 33,500 1.5 25

©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc. E-37


Stock Std. Weight
No. Description Pkg. 100 Pcs.

MF50 1/2" Square Locknut 1,000 2.3 lbs.

MF60 5/8" Square Locknut 1,000 3.9 lbs.
MF70 3/4" Square Locknut 700 5.4 lbs.
MF80 7/8" Square Locknut 500 7.2 lbs.
MF100 1" Square Locknut 400 11.7 lbs.

Hex Locknuts
Stock Std. Weight
No. Description Pkg. 100 Pcs.

MFH50 1/2" Hex Locknut 1,000 2.1 lbs.

MFH60 5/8" Hex Locknut 1,000 2.6 lbs.
MFH70 3/4" Hex Locknut 500 4.6 lbs.
MFH120 1-1/4" Hex Locknut 300 11.7 lbs.

Split Lock Washers

Stock Bolt Std. Weight
No. Dia. Pkg. 100 Pcs.

SLW30 3/8" 1,000 .6 lbs.

SLW50 1/2" 1,000 2.0 lbs.
SLW60 5/8" 1,000 2.5 lbs.
SLW70 3/4" 1,000 4.2 lbs.
SLW80 7/8" 500 6.3 lbs.
SLW100 1" 500 8.9 lbs.
SLW120 1-1/4" 250 16.3 lbs.

E-38 ©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc.


100 Pcs. Double Coil Spring
SLW2-30 3/8" 1,000 2.6 lbs. Lock Washers
SLW2-50 1/2" 1,000 2.7 lbs.

SLW2-60 5/8" 500 4.5 lbs.

SLW2-70 3/4" 500 7.7 lbs.
SLW2-80 7/8" 500 10.5 lbs.
SLW2-100 1" 250 23.2 lbs.

SLW2-60EM 5/8" 5.3 lbs.

SLW2-70EM 3/4" 8.7 lbs.

SLW2-80EM 7/8" 12.5 lbs.

SLW2-100EM 1" 16.2 lbs.

2702 Spring Washer

Hughes Brothers 2702 Spring Washers are used in bolted
wood to steel connections to keep the connections tight and
static proof.

Stock Bolt Hole Std. Weight

No. Size X Y Size Pkg. 100 Pcs.

X Y 2702.5 1/2" 2-1/2" 5/8" 9/16" 100 23 lbs.

2702.6 5/8" 3-1/2" 1" 11/16" 50 92 lbs.
2702.7 3/4" 3-1/2" 1" 13/16" 50 88 lbs.
2702.8 7/8" 3-1/2" 1" 15/16" 50 87 lbs.
2702.10 1" 3-1/2" 1" 1-1/16" 50 85 lbs.
2702.12 1-1/4" 3-3/4" 1-1/16" 1-3/8" 50 91 lbs.

Stock Bolt Weight

No. Dia. 100 Pcs.

PAL Locknuts

.1 lbs.
.7 lbs.
PL60 5/8" 1.0 lbs.
PL70 3/4" 1.6 lbs.
PL80 7/8" 2.3 lbs.
*PAL Locknuts are mechanically zinc plated PL100 1" 2.6 lbs.
and do not meet ASTM A153 specifications.

©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc. E-39


Square Washers
Hughes Brothers Square Washers are galvanized in
accordance with ASTM A153 standards.

Stock Bolt Hole “W”/ Std. Weight W

No. Size Size Thickness Pkg. 100 Pcs.

SW2-50 1/2" 9/16" 2" x 2" x 1/4" 200 25 lbs.
SW2-50-1/8 1/2" 9/16" 2" x 2" x 1/8" 200 12 lbs.
SW2-1/4-50 1/2" 9/16" 2-1/4" x 2-1/4" x 1/4" 200 34 lbs.
SW3-50 1/2" 9/16" 3" x 3" x 1/4" 100 62 lbs.
SW2-60 5/8" 11/16" 2" x 2" x 1/4" 200 25 lbs.
SW2-1/4-60 5/8" 11/16" 2-1/4" x 2-1/4" x 1/4" 200 34 lbs.
SW2-1/2-60 5/8" 11/16" 2-1/2" x 2-1/2" x 1/4" 200 42 lbs.
SW3-60 5/8" 11/16" 3" x 3" x 1/4" 100 63 lbs.
SW4-60 5/8" 11/16" 4" x 4" x 1/4" 50 113 lbs.
SW2-70 3/4" 13/16" 2" x 2" x 1/4" 200 25 lbs.
SW2-70-1/8 3/4" 13/16" 2" x 2" x 1/8" 200 12 lbs.
SW2-1/4-70 3/4" 13/16" 2-1/4" x 2-1/4" x 1/4" 200 34 lbs.
SW3-70 3/4" 13/16" 3" x 3" x 1/4" 100 63 lbs.
SW3-70-3/8 3/4" 13/16" 3" x 3" x 3/8" 100 95 lbs.
SW4-70 3/4" 13/16" 4" x 4 "x 1/4" 50 113 lbs.
SW4-70-3/8 3/4" 13/16" 4" x 4" x 3/8" 50 170 lbs.
SW2-1/2-80 7/8" 15/16" 2-1/2" x 2-1/2" x 1/4" 200 63 lbs.
SW3-80 7/8" 15/16" 3" x 3" x 1/4" 100 63 lbs.
SW3-80-3/8 7/8" 15/16" 3" x 3" x 3/8" 100 95 lbs.
SW3-1/2-80-3/8 7/8" 15/16" 3-1/2" x 3-1/2" x 3/8" 100 130 lbs.
SW4-80 7/8" 15/16" 4" x 4" x 1/4" 50 113 lbs.
SW4-80-3/8 7/8" 15/16" 4" x 4" x 3/8" 50 170 lbs.
SW3-100 1" 1-1/16" 3" x 3" x 1/4" 100 63 lbs.
SW3-1/2-100 1" 1-1/16" 3-1/2" x 3-1/2" x 1/4" 100 87 lbs.
SW3-1/2-100-3/8 1" 1-1/16" 3-1/2" x 3-1/2" x 3/8" 100 130 lbs.
SW4-100 1" 1-1/16" 4" x 4" x 1/4" 50 113 lbs.
SW4-100-3/8 1" 1-1/16" 4" x 4" x 3/8" 50 170 lbs.
SW6-100-3/8 1" 1-1/16" 6" x 6" x 3/8" 25 334 lbs.
SW6-100-1/2 1" 1-1/16" 6" x 6" x 1/2" 25 445 lbs.

Ordering Example:
SW 6 - 100 - 3/8
Material thickness
Hole size
"W" Dimension
Designates Square Washer

E-40 ©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc.


Round Washers
Hughes Brothers Round Washers are
galvanized in accordance with ASTM A153

Stock Bolt Hole Std. Weight

No. Size Size Outside Dia. Thickness Pkg. 100 Pcs.

RW1-30 3/8" 7/16" 1" 14 ga. 1,000 2 lbs.

RW2-30 3/8" 7/16" 2" 11 ga. 200 21 lbs.
RW1-3/8-50 1/2" 9/16" 1-3/8" 10 ga. 500 3 lbs.
RW1-1/2-50 1/2" 9/16" 1-1/2" 11 ga. 500 10 lbs.
RW2-50 1/2" 9/16" 2" 1/4" 200 21 lbs.
RW1-1/2-60 5/8" 11/16" 1-1/2" 11 ga. 500 10 lbs.
RW2-60 5/8" 11/16" 2" 1/4" 200 21 lbs.
RW3-60 5/8" 11/16" 3" 1/4" 100 50 lbs.
RW2-70 3/4" 13/16" 2" 1/4" 200 21 lbs.
RW3-70 3/4" 13/16" 3" 1/4" 100 50 lbs.
RW2-80 7/8" 15/16" 2" 1/4" 200 21 lbs.
RW3-80 7/8" 15/16" 3" 1/4" 100 45 lbs.
RW3-100 1" 1-1/16" 3" 1/4" 100 42 lbs.

Beveled Washers
Stock Bolt Weight 10°
No. Dia. 100 Pcs. A B C
BW-1/2 1/2" 9 lbs. 1-1/4" 1-1/32" 5/32"
BW-5/8 5/8" 13 lbs. 1-1/2" 13/32" 5/32"
BW-3/4 3/4" 15 lbs. 1-1/2" 15/32" 7/32"
BW-7/8 7/8" 34 lbs. 2" 9'16" 7/32" A

©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc. E-41


Square Curved Washers

Hughes Brothers Square Curved Washers are curved edge-to-edge.
Square curved washers are galvanized in accordance with ASTM A153.

Stock Bolt Hole Dimensions/ Std. Weight
No. Size Size Thickness Pkg. 100 Pcs.
SCW3-50 1/2" 3" x 3" x 1/4" 100 63 lbs.
SCW3-60 5/8" 11/16" 3" x 3" x 1/4" 100 63 lbs.
SCW3-70 3/4" 13/16" 3" x 3" x 1/4" 100 63 lbs.

SCW4-60 5/8" 11/16" 4" x 4" x 1/4" 50 113 lbs.

SCW4-70 3/4" 13/16" 4" x 4" x 1/4" 50 113 lbs.
SCW4-80 7/8" 15/16" 4" x 4" x 1/4" 50 113 lbs.
SCW4-100 1" 1-1/8" 4" x 4" x 1/4" 50 113 lbs.
SCW4-120 1-1/4" 1-3/8" 4" x 4" x 1/4" 50 113 lbs.

NOTE: Standard thickness is 1/4". Different thickness amounts

are available.

Curved Washers
Hughes Brothers Curved Washers are curved corner-to-corner
to make a diamond shaped washer. Curved washers are galva-
nized in accordance with ASTM A153.

Stock Bolt Hole Dimensions/ Std. Weight
No. Size Size Thickness Pkg. 100 Pcs.
CW60 5/8" 11/16" 4" x 4" x 1/4" 50 113 lbs.
CW70 3/4" 13/16" 4" x 4" x 1/4" 50 113 lbs.
CW80 7/8" 15/16" 4" x 4" x 1/4" 50 113 lbs.
CW100 1" 1-1/16" 4" x 4" x 1/4" 50 113 lbs.

CW80-3/8 7/8" 15/16" 4" x 4" x 3/8" 40 162 lbs.

CW100-3/8 1" 1-1/16" 4" x 4" x 3/8" 40 162 lbs.

CW80-1/2 7/8" 15/16" 4" x 4" x 1/2" 30 216 lbs.

CW100-1/2 1" 1-1/16" 4" x 4" x 1/2" 30 216 lbs.

E-42 ©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc.


Tapped Flange Washers
3 -3/8

3" Hughes Brothers Tapped Flange Washers are used

under insulator pins where crossarm braces are
attached or wherever a static proof connection is
required. The flange provides a means for tighten-
ing the washer using a crescent wrench.

Stock Bolt Dimensions/ Std. Weight
No. Size Thickness Pkg. 100 Pcs.

FW50T 1/2" 3-1/2" x 3" x 3/16" 100 66 lbs.

FW60T 5/8" 3-1/2" x 3" x 3/16" 100 66 lbs.
FW70T 3/4" 3-1/2" x 3" x 3/16" 100 66 lbs.
FW80T 7/8" 3-1/2" x 3" x 3/16" 100 66 lbs.

Tapped Lip Washers

Hughes Brothers Tapped Lip Washers are used for
crossarm anti-split bolts and where crossarm braces 2-1/4"
attach to the crossarm. The lip provides a means for
tightening the washer with a crescent wrench. The
tapped through hole and nut provide a secure double
nut connection.

Outside 1-3/4"
Stock Bolt Dimensions/ Std. Weight
No. Size Thickness Pkg. 100 Pcs.

LW50T 1/2" 2-1/4" x 1-3/4" x 3/16" 250 23 lbs.

LW60T 5/8" 2-1/4" x 1-3/4" x 3/16" 250 23 lbs.
LW70T 3/4" 2-1/4" x 1-3/4" x 3/16" 250 23 lbs.

©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc. E-43


A 2824 Eye Bolt & Saddle

Hughes Brothers 2824 Eye Bolt & Saddle Assemblies are used
for phase attachment of suspension insulators. The 3/16" x 4"
saddle washer features a tapped through hole. By tapping the
washer through hole, a double nut connection between the
washer and eye bolt is made, ensuring tight, radio frequency

static proof hardware.

Ordering Information:
Example for an Eye Bolt & Saddle Assembly:

2 8 2 4 .5 - "A"-"B"
Arm depth 4.5" to 9.5"
Arm width 3" to 6"
Rod size (.5) for 5/8" or (.6) for 3/4"

To Order just a Saddle Washer:

Stock Tapped Through
No. Hole Hole

2824.1B-* 1/2" -
2824.1C-* 5/8" -
2824.1D-* 3/4" -
2824.1E-* - 13/16"
2824.1F-* - 15/16"
2824.1G-* 7/8" -

*Specify width of crossarm.

Example: 2824.1C-3-3/4 = 3-3/4" crossarm

E-44 ©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc.


Gimlet Point Lag Screws

For maximum holding strength, Hughes Brothers Gimlet Point Lag
Screws should be installed with a wrench, rather than a hammer.

Stock Item Std. Weight

No. Description Pkg. 100 Pcs.
LS21-1/4 1/4" x 1-1/4" 1,000 2 lbs.
LS22-1/2 1/4" x 2-1/2" 1,000 4 lbs.

LS5/16-2 5/16" x 2" 1,000 4 lbs.

LS32-1/2 3/8" x 2-1/2" 500 8 lbs.

LS33 3/8" x 3" 500 8 lbs.
LS34 3/8" x 4" 500 10 lbs.
LS36 3/8" x 6" 250 15 lbs.

LS52 1/2" x 2" 500 11 lbs.

LS53 1/2" x 3" 250 15 lbs.
LS53-1/2 1/2" x 3-1/2" 250 20 lbs.
LS54 1/2" x 4" 250 20 lbs.
LS55 1/2" x 5" 250 25 lbs.
LS56 1/2" x 6" 200 29 lbs.
LS57 1/2" x 7" 150 40 lbs.

LS64 5/8" x 4" 150 32 lbs.

LS64-1/2 5/8" x 4-1/2" 150 35 lbs.
LS65 5/8" x 5" 150 40 lbs.

LS74 3/4" x 4" 150 51 lbs.

©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc. E-45



2865 Shackles G

Hughes Brothers 2865 Shackles are forged from A

ASTM A36 steel.

Stock Ultimate Std. Weight

No. A B C D E F G Strength Pkg. 100 Pcs.

2865.1 1/2" 2-5/16" 1-1/2" 13/16" 1-1/4" 5/8" 3/4" 18,000 lbs 50 72 lbs.
2865.2 5/8" 2-7/8" 1-3/4" 1-1/16" 1-5/8" 3/4" 7/8" 25,000 lbs 40 143 lbs.
2865.3 3/4" 3" 2" 1-1/4" 1-7/8" 7/8" 1" 45,000 lbs 20 215 lbs.
2865.4 7/8" 3-3/4" 2-5/8" 1-7/16" 2-1/8" 1" 1-1/8" 65,000 lbs N/A 355 lbs.
2865.5 1" 3-3/4" 2-3/4" 1-11/16" 2-1/2" 1-1/8" 1-1/6" 80,000 lbs N/A 530 lbs.

2865-B1* 1/2" 2-5/16" 1-1/2" 13/16" 1-1/4" 5/8" 3/4" 18,000 lbs 50 72 lbs.
2865-B2* 5/8" 2-7/8" 1-3/4" 1-1/16" 1-5/8" 3/4" 7/8" 25,000 lbs 40 143 lbs.
2865-B3* 3/4" 3" 2" 1-1/4" 1-7/8" 7/8" 1" 35,000 lbs 20 215 lbs.

*Includes bolt, nut and cotter instead of pin and cotter.


2866 Twisted Shackles
Hughes Brothers 2866 Twisted Shackles are forged from
ASTM A36 steel. The shackle comes complete with a 3/4"
bolt, nut and cotter.

Stock Ultimate Std. Weight


1" No. A B Strength Pkg. 100 Pcs.

2866 1/2" 3-1/2" 25,000 lbs. 25 220 lbs.

2866-A 1-1/8" 4" 25,000 lbs. 25 241 lbs.
3/4" 2866-B 5/8" 3-1/2" 25,000 lbs. 25 220 lbs.

E-46 ©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc.


B2173-A Step

6” min
6” min


B2173-A Step

Hughes Mounting Lug

Mounting Lug (by others)

The B2173-A step is designed for easy installation on

lattice towers and tubular steel poles.

The step is designed to fit the two most widely used

mounting lug configurations shown above.

Other configurations are available upon request.

©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc. E-47


AS2545 Turnbuckles
Hughes Brothers Turnbuckles are forged from carbon steel. They are
normally furnished with a bolt, nut and cotter in the jaw of the turn-
buckle. Rod end eyes have a hole size 1/16" larger than the rod size.

Jaw & Jaw

Jaw & Rod

End Eye

Rod End Eye

& Rod End Eye

E-48 ©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc.



Jaw Dimensions


3/4" 1-27/32" 15/16" 5/8" 13/16"


7/8" 1-31/32" 1-5/32" 3/4" 29/32"

1" 2-13/32" 1-3/16" 7/8" 1-1/16"

D B Eye Dimensions


3/4" 13/16" 27/32" 3/4"

7/8" 15/16" 15/16" 1"
1" 1-1/16" 1-1/16" 31/32"

CC Length @ Ultimate Weight Min Max

Stock No. size Description Midposition Strength 100 Pcs. Length Length

AS2545-Z 3/4" x 6" Jaw & Jaw 18" 28,000 450 lbs. 14-7/8" 21-1/2"
AS2545-BB Jaw & Rod End 18" 28,000 450 lbs. 14" 21"

AS2545-A 3/4" x 9" Jaw & Jaw 22" 28,000 525 lbs. 17-1/2" 26-1/2"
AS2545-B Jaw & Rod End 22" 28,000 525 lbs. 17-1/2" 26-1/2"
AS2545-X Rod End & Rod End 17-1/2" 28,000 525 lbs. 13" 22"

AS2545-FF 3/4" x 12" Jaw & Jaw 27" 28,000 600 lbs. 21" 33"
AS2545-BBB Jaw & Rod End 25" 28,000 600 lbs. 19" 31"

AS2545-T 7/8" x 6" Jaw & Jaw 20-1/2" 35,000 600 lbs. 17-1/2" 23-1/2"
AS2545-TT Jaw & Rod End 20-1/2" 35,000 600 lbs. 17-1/2" 23-1/2"

AS2545-C 7/8" x 12" Jaw & Jaw 29" 35,000 850 lbs. 23" 35"
AS2545-D Jaw & Rod End 27" 35,000 850 lbs. 21" 33"
AS2545-Y Rod End & Rod End 27" 35,000 850 lbs. 21" 33"

AS2545-E 1" x 12" Jaw & Jaw 30" 45,000 1200 lbs. 24" 36"
AS2545-F Jaw & Rod End 30" 45,000 1200 lbs. 24" 36"

©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc. E-49


B Mounting Hole

Clevis Hole
AS2277 Clevis
The Hughes Brothers AS2277 Clevis allows for a simple
method for making a jaw or clevis connection at the pole. The
clevis is used with standard machine bolts, sold separately.

Stock Clevis Mtg. Tensile* Std. Weight
No. A B C Hole Hole Strength Pkg. 100 Pcs.

AS2277 4" 2-1/4" 3/8" 15/16" 15/16" 25,400 lbs. 30 172 lbs.
A 4" 2-1/4" 3/8" 13/16" 13/16" 18,350 lbs. 30 177 lbs.
AS2277-B 4" 2-1/4" 3/8" 1-1/16" 13/16" 18,350 lbs. 30 170 lbs.
AS2277-C 4" 2-1/4" 3/8" Specify Specify 18,350 lbs. 30 170 lbs.
AS2277-F 4-3/4" 1-13/16" 1/4" 13/16" 11/16" 12,400 lbs. 30 140 lbs.
AS2277-G 4-3/4" 2" 1/4" 13/16" 13/16" 18,350 lbs. 30 144 lbs.
AS2277-H 6-3/4" 2" 1/4" 13/16" 13/16" 18,350 lbs. 30 196 lbs.
AS2277-J 4-1/2" 2-1/4" 3/8" Specify Specify 25,400 lbs. 30 198 lbs.

* Controlled by bolt strength.

E-50 ©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc.

Guy Strain Insulators...................... F-2
Pole Top Pins/Jumper Pins.........F-10
Transmission Crossarms..............F-41
Cantilever Arms............................ F-46
Braces............................................... F-49
Down Leads.................................... F-50
Phase Spacers................................F-56
Miscellaneous Brackets...............F-59
fiberglass products F

Pultruded Fiberglass
Reinforced Plastic Rod
Data Sheet
Hughes Brothers Fiberglass Reinforced Polymer Rod is designed and
manufactured for high performance in applications where resistance to
stress, weathering and corrosive atmospheres are important. Hughes
Brothers FRP Rod is produced by pultrusion process. The glass strands
are held at a constant tension and are drawn through a resin bath where
the strands are completely saturated with resin. The glass/resin rovings
are then pulled through a a sizing die to remove excess resin and
through a radio frequency pre-heater. Polymerization takes place in a
heated final sizing die and the rod exits this die a thermoset shape.

Hughes Brothers FRP Rod is produced in a variety of cross section

diameters ranging from 1/2 in. through 2-1/2 in. diameter. The standard
color is a medium-dark gray.

Tensile Strength ASTM D-638 120,000 PSI min.
Modulus of Elasticity, Tension ASTM D-638 6.0 x 106 PSI min.
Flexural Strength ASTM D-790 120,000 PSI min.
Modulus of Elasticity, Flexural ASTM D-790 6.0 x 106 PSI min.
Compressive Strength ASTM D-695 70,000 PSI min.
Modulus of Elasticity, Compressive ASTM D-695 6.0 x 106 PSI min.
Rockwell “M” Hardness 112
Barcol Hardness 55-65
Izod Impact (ft. lbs. per inch) ASTM D-256 44 min.
Arc Resistance ASTM D-495 186 sec.
Specific Gravity ASTM D-792 2.0
Nominal Glass Content 73%
Heat Distortion Point 240°F
Ultraviolet Light Resistance Excellent
Approximate Flashover Value (Dry) 100 kv/ft

©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc. F-1

F fiberglass products

Strain Insulators
Hughes Brothers Guy Strains are manufactured from Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic (FRP) with
ductile iron fittings. The plastic material is a Polyester/Vinylester matrix containing ultraviolet
protective inhibitors.

All exposed fiberglass rod is coated with 2-3 mils of acrylic urethane enamel paint which
is baked to hardness. An option is available to coat exposed rod with CITM cross linked
polymeric coating for improved weatherability and tracking characteristics.

Ductile iron is 65-45-12 with hot dip galvanizing.

Each guy strain is factory tested to 100% of its rating. The month and year of
manufacture are stamped on the lead filler plug at the end of each strain.

All Hughes Brothers Guy Strains are manufactured utilizing an epoxy wedge
system. Adequate glue bond to the FRP Rod is ensured by roughening the
FRP Rod Surface prior to glue up.

Note: Lengths other than those shown are readily available.

Guy Strain End Fitting Details

CF692 - CF693 15,000 lb Clevis CF693 15,000 lb Thimble Eye
(5/8" dia. Pin) (5/8" dia. Pin) 2-3/16"




11/32"R 9/32"R
11/16" Hole

F-2 ©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc.

fiberglass products F

CF694 21,000 lb Clevis (3/4" dia. Pin) CF694 21,000 lb Thimble (3/4" dia. Pin)




13/16" Hole

CF695 30,000 lb Clevis (3/4" dia. Pin)

2-7/8" 15/32"R 5/16"R

CF694 Y-Clevis (3/4" dia. Pin)


1"R 1-3/4"

13/16" Hole

CF696 35,000 lb Clevis (7/8" dia. Pin)






15/16" Hole

©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc. F-3

F fiberglass products

CF690 - 15,000 lb Flexible Bail Strain Insulators


Stock No. L CC

CF690-24 24" 38-11/16"

CF690-36 36" 50-11/16"
CF690-54 54" 68-11/16"
CF690-72 72" 86-11/16"
CF690-120 120" 134-11/16"

CF692 - 15,000 lb

Strain Insulators

Stock L CC Wt. Lbs.

No. Inches Inches Each
The CF692 series uses 5/8" dia. fiberglass rod.
CF692-12 12 20-5/8 4.60
CF692-18 18 26-5/8 4.75
CF692-24 24 32-5/8 4.90
CF692-30 30 38-5/8 5.05
CF692-36 36 44-5/8 5.20
CF692-42 42 50-5/8 5.35
NOTE: For specific fitting dimensions, CF692-54 54 62-5/8 5.65
see "End Fitting Details" CF692-72 72 80-5/8 6.00
on pages F-2 & F-3. CF692-78 78 86-5/8 6.25
CF692-90 90 98-5/8 6.88
CF692-96 96 104-5/8 7.45
CF692-120 120 128-5/8 8.05
CF692-144 144 152-5/8 8.65

F-4 ©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc.

fiberglass products F

CF690T-"L" - 15,000 lb
Flexible Bail Guy Strain

"CC" (-

7"(+-1/2") 3-3/8" "L" 5-3/16"

when loaded


11/16" x 1-1/2" Crimpe Cable Ends

Type 303 Stainless Steel Rounds, Annealed

5/8" Fiberglass Rod

Ductile Iron End Fitting

Ductile Iron
7x19 Galvanized End Fitting
Aircraft Cord Rope Type 6061-T6 Aluminum Extruded Fitting

Part L CC
No. Inches Inches

CF690T-24 24 39-9/16
CF690T-36 36 51-9/16
CF690T-54 54 69-9/16
CF690T-72 72 87-9/16
CF690T-120 120 135-9/16

©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc. F-5

F fiberglass products

CF693 - 15,000 lb Strain Insulators

With Thimble Eye End

The CF693 series uses 5/8" dia. fiberglass rod.

Stock "L" "CC" Wt. Lbs.

No. Inches Inches Each

CF693CT-12 12 21 4.06
15,000 lb. End Fitting Options CF693CT-18 18 27 4.36
CF693CT-24 24 33 4.66
NOTE: For specific fitting dimensions,
CF693CT-30 30 39 4.96
see "End Fitting Details"
CF693CT-36 36 45 5.26
on pages F-2 & F-3.
CF693CT-42 42 51 5.56
CF693CT-54 54 63 6.16
CF693CT-78 78 87 6.76

For CITM, cross linked polymeric
28085 coating, add suffix "C".
Roller (Example CF693CT-24C)

Fig. 1 Fig. 2 Fig. 3 Fig. 4

Suffix Figs. Fittings Example

R 1&2 Clevis / Clevis with 1 Roller CF692-36R

R2 2&2 Clevis / Clevis with 2 Rollers CF692-36R2
CT-_R 2&3 Clevis with Roller / Thimble Eye CF693CT-36R
TT 3&3 Thimble Eye / Thimble Eye CF693TT-36
R 2&4 Clevis with Roller / Flexible Bail CF690-36R
T 3&4 Thimble Eye / Flexible Bail CF690T-36

F-6 ©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc.

fiberglass products F

CF694 - 21,000 lb Strain Insulators

Stock "L" "CC" Wt. Lbs.
No. Inches Inches Each
CF694-12 12 21-3/4" 5.60
CF694-18 18 27-3/4" 5.78 L
CF694-24 24 33-3/4" 5.96
CF694-30 30 39-3/4" 6.14
CF694-36 36 45-3/4" 6.32
CF694-42 42 51-3/4" 6.50
CF694-54 54 63-3/4" 6.86
CF694-78 78 87-3/4" 7.58 The CF694 series uses 3/4" dia. fiberglass rod.
CF694-96 96 105-3/4" 8.30
CF694-120 120 129-3/4" 9.02
CF694-144 144 153-3/4" 9.74

CF694 End fitting options

NOTE: For specific fitting dimensions,
see "End Fitting Details"
on pages F-2 & F-3.


Fig. 1 Fig. 2 Fig. 3 Fig 4.

Suffix Figs. Fittings Example

R 1&2 Clevis / Clevis with 1 Roller CF694-36R

R2 2&2 Clevis / Clevis with 2 Rollers CF694-36R2
CT 1&3 Clevis / Thimble Eye CF694CT-36
CT-_R 2&3 Clevis with Roller / Thimble Eye CF694CT-36R
TT 3&3 Thimble Eye / Thimble Eye CF694TT-36
YCC 1&4 Clevis / Y-Clevis CF694YCC-36
YCC-_R 2&4 Clevis with Roller / Y-Clevis CF694YCC-36R
YCT 3&4 Y-Clevis / Thimble Eye CF694YCT-36

©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc. F-7

F fiberglass products

CF695 - 30,000 lb Strain Insulators

Stock L CC Wt. Lbs.
No. Inches Inches Each CC

CF695-12 12 23-1/8 7.20 L

CF695-18 18 29-1/8 7.50
CF695-24 24 35-1/8 7.80
CF695-30 30 41-1/8 8.10
CF695-36 36 47-1/8 8.40
CF695-42 42 53-1/8 8.70
CF695-54 54 65-1/8 9.00 The CF695 series uses 13/16" dia. fiberglass rod.
CF695-78 78 89-1/8 9.60
CF695-96 96 107-1/8 10.20
CF695-108 108 119-1/8 10.80
CF695-120 120 131-1/8 12.00
CF695-144 144 155-1/8 12.00
CF695-168 168 179-1/8 12.60
NOTE: For specific fitting dimensions,
see "End Fitting Details"
on pages F-2 & F-3.
CF695 & CF696 End Fitting Options

Suffix Figs. Fittings Example Example

Roller R 1 & 2 Clevis / Clevis with 1 Roller CF695-36R CF696-36R

R2 2 & 2 Clevis / Clevis with 2 Rollers CF695-36R2 CF696-36R2

NOTE: CF695 uses Roller #28084

Fig. 1 Fig. 2 CF696 uses Roller #28086

CF696 - 35,000 lb Strain Insulators

Stock L CC Wt. Lbs.
No. Inches Inches Each CC

CF696-18 18 30-3/4 8.93 L

CF696-24 24 36-3/4 9.33
CF696-30 30 42-3/4 9.73
CF696-36 36 48-3/4 10.13
CF696-42 42 54-3/4 10.53
CF696-54 54 66-3/4 10.93
CF696-60 60 72-3/4 11.73 The CF696 series uses 13/16" dia. fiberglass rod.
CF696-78 78 90-3/4 12.93
CF696-90 90 102-3/4 14.53
CF696-96 96 108-3/4 16.13

F-8 ©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc.

fiberglass products F

CF694TB 21,000 lb Adjustable Guying Assembly

The Hughes Brothers Guy Strain and Turnbuckle Assembly is superior to adjustable guy strains
incorporating a turnbuckle onto the end of the guy strain. The Hughes assembly allows for
adjustment of the turnbuckle without having to unbolt an end of the assembly.

22" (mid adjustment)

+/- 4-1/2 inches

CF694 Strain Insulator Twisted Link

Twisted Link AS2545-B Turnbuckle (optional)
Ordering Example:
AS2276 series twisted links are ordered separately.
Specifies "L" length
Guy Strain type with turnbuckle

CF999TT-"L" 60,000 lb Guying Assembly

A 60,000 lb guy strain can be made by combining two CF695 30,000 lb Guy Strains. To order as an
assembly, use the stock no. CF999TT-"L". Clevis thimbles, if required, are ordered separately.

9-5/8" L 9-5/8"

Yoke Plate Clevis Thimble

Ordering Example: CF999TT-36

©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc. F-9

F fiberglass products

Fiberglass Pole Top Pins

Hughes Brothers Fiberglass Pole Top Pins are All exposed fiberglass rod is coated with 2-3 mils of
manufactured from Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic acrylic urethane enamel paint containing 50% solids,
(FRP) with aluminum alloy or ductile iron fittings. The which is baked to hardness. An option is available to
plastic material is a Polyester or Vinylester matrix coat exposed rod with CITM cross linked polymeric
containing ultraviolet protective inhibitors. coating for improved weatherability and tracking
The insulator threads are in accordance with ANSI
C29.5 and are coated with a semi-conductive heat Lengths other than those shown are readily available.
shrink material.

• Aluminum alloy is A-356-T6.

• Ductile iron is 65-45-12.

CF500 & CF500A Pole Top Pins

The CF500 series has 1" threads conforming to ANSI C29.5 cut directly
into the FRP rod. The CF500A series features an aluminum end fitting.
One inch threads conforming to ANSI C29.5 are standard.

Rod Ultimate Strength-Lbs.

Stock Dia. Wt. Lbs. "L" Tensile
No. Inches Each Inches Trans. Longitud. &Vert.
Ductile Iron Mounting Base
CF500-13 1-1/2" 3.9 13 1500 1450 2500
CF500-15 1-1/2" 4.1 15 1450 1400 2500
CF500-19 1-1/2" 4.4 19 1450 1400 2500
CF500-21 1-1/2" 4.6 21 1300 1300 2500

11/16"Hole CF500-13A 1-1/2" 3.9 13 1600 1500 2500

CF500-15A 1-1/2" 4.1 15 1500 1400 2500
CF500-19A 1-1/2" 4.4 19 1300 1300 2500
CF500-21A 1-1/2" 4.6 21 1200 1200 2500
11/16" x
3-3/4" Slot Lengths other than those shown are readily available.
-For CITM, cross linked polymeric coating, add suffix “C” ;
3" example CF500-15AC
-For 1-3/8" insulator threads, add suffix “B”;
example CF500B-15. (For CF500 series only).
CF500A CF500

F-10 ©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc.

fiberglass products F

CF777 Pole Top Pin

The CF777 series accommodates post insulators with 3/4" diameter studs or
standard 3/4" insulator pins. Also features an integral stringing eye. Mounting
bolt spacing is 6" or 8".

Pole and end fitting are ductile iron, 65-45-12, hot dip galvanized to ASTM A153.
L1 All exposed fiberglass rod is coated with 2-3 mils of acrylic urethane enamel,
baked to hardness.
Ordering example: CF777-"L1" (Specify "L1" in inches). Sizes not shown on the
chart are available.

Stock Dia. Wt. Lbs. "L1" "L2" Ultimate Strength-Lbs.
No. Inches Each Inches Inches Trans. Longitud.

CF777-19 2 6.5 19 15-3/4 2100 2100
CF777-24 2 7.8 24 20-3/4 1700 1700
11/16" x 1-1/4"
Slot 6" NOTE: Strength rating is from base of insulator.


CF859 Pole Top Pin L

The CF859 Series feature aluminum end fittings with 1"

threads conforming to ANSI C29.5. Threads are coated
with a semi-conductive heat shrink material.

Rod Ultimate Strength-Lbs. 11/16"

Stock Dia. Wt. Lbs. "L" Tensile Hole
No. Inches Each Inches Trans. Longitud. &Vert.
CF859-24 2 7.5 24 1700 1700 2500

CF859-27 2 8.0 27 1500 1500 2500 11/16" x 1-1/4" 6"
CF859-32 2 8.8 32 1150 1150 2500 Slot 8"
CF859-45 2 11 45 900 900 2500

©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc. F-11

F fiberglass products

CF578 Light Duty Jumper Bracket

Hughes Brothers Light Duty Jumper Brackets are manufactured from
Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic (FRP) with aluminum alloy fittings. The
plastic material is a Polyester matrix containing ultraviolet protective

The CF578 features 1" threads per ANSI C29.5 cut directly into the FRP
rod. The threads are coated with a semi-conductive heat shrink material.

Casting is ductile iron 65-45-12 hot dip galvanized.

All exposed fiberglass rod is coated with 2-3 mils of acrylic urethane
enamel paint which is baked to hardness. An option is available to coat
exposed rod with CITM cross linked polymeric coating for improved
weatherability and tracking characteristics.

Lengths other than those shown are readily available.

Rod Ultimate Strength-Lbs.

Stock Dia. Wt. Lbs. "L" Vertical Longitud. Transverse
No. Inches Each Inches Cant. Cant. Cant.

CF578-12 1-1/4 1.8 12 1000 800 1500

CF578-14 1-1/4 2.0 14 900 700 1500
CF578-16 1-1/4 2.2 16 800 600 1500
CF578-18 1-1/4 2.4 18 700 500 1500

Notes: -For CITM, cross linked polymeric coating, add suffix “C” ;
11/16" x 2-5/8" Slot example CF578-14C

F-12 ©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc.

fiberglass products F

CF792 & CF793 Jumper Pin

The CF792 & CF793 are intended for use on steel dead ends or
crossarms as a jumper pin. The base fitting is made of 65-45-12
Ductile Iron with hot dip galvanizing. The 5/8" bolt is an ANSI C135.1
standard bolt. Exposed rod length for the CF793 is "L-X". For the
CF792, the exposed rod length is "L-2".

With a moment arm of 14" from the base, the CF793 has an ultimate
load rating of 700 lbs.

"BL" "L"

MF60, 5/8" Locknut

2" 5-5/16"
N60, 5/8" 5/8" Bolt
Square Nut
1-1/2" Dia. Solid Insulator
Fiberglass Rod (By Others)

SW2-60-1/8, 2" Sleeve Casting 1" ANSI C29.5

Square Washer Threads covered
with semi-conductive
heat shrink material

Hughes Part No. CF793 -"L" - "BL"

Ordering Example
C F 7 9 3 - "L" - "BL"
Bolt Length

Distance from base to tip

(9" min.) CF792 - "L" - "BL" is identical to the
CF793 except insulator threads are
cut directly into rod as shown above.

©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc. F-13

F fiberglass products

Fiberglass Single Phase,

Horizontal Standoff Brackets
Fiberglass Standoff Brackets are manufactured from All exposed fiberglass rod is coated with 2-3 mils
Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic (FRP) with ductile iron of acrylic urethane enamel paint which is baked to
or aluminum alloy fittings. The plastic material is a hardness. An option is available to coat exposed rod
Polyester or Vinylester matrix containing ultraviolet with CITM cross linked polymeric coating for improved
protective inhibitors. weatherability and tracking characteristics.

The insulator threads are 1" threads in accordance with Lengths other than those shown are readily available.
ANSI C29.5 and are coated with a semi-conductive
heat shrink material. • Ductile iron is 65-45-12
• Hot dip galvanized

CF560 & CF626 Horizontal

Standoff Bracket L

11/16" Hole

ANSI C29.5 threads cut directly in to the FRP rod.

Rod Ultimate Strength-Lbs.

Stock Dia. Wt. Lbs. "L" "H" Vertical Longitud. Transv.
No. Inches Each Inches Inches Cant. Cant. Cant. 11/16" x 2-3/4"
CF560-13 1-1/2 3 13 6-8 1500 1100 2500
CF560-16 1-1/2 3.4 16 6-8 1400 1100 2500 (CF626 Shown)
CF560-18 1-1/2 3.9 18 6-8 1000 950 2500
CF560-24 1-1/2 4.4 24 6-8 900 900 2500

CF626-24 2 6.8 24 8 1700 1350 2500

CF626-30 2 6.9 30 8 1400 1000 2500
Base Fitting
Notes: for 2" Rod
(see pg. F-17)
-For CITM, cross linked polymeric coating, add suffix “C” ;
example CF560-15C

-For 1-3/8" insulator threads, add suffix “A” to CF560 & CF626 series; 11/16" x 1-1/4"
example CF560A-15C. Slot

F-14 ©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc.

fiberglass products F

CF886 Horizontal Standoff Bracket


11/16" Key Hole



6" to 8"
11/16" x 2-3/4"
Stock Dia. Wt. Lbs. "L" "L2" Ultimate Strength-Lbs.
No. Inches Each Inches Inches Vertical Longitud. Transv.
CF886-13 1-1/2 4.1 13 8 1500 1100 2500
CF886-18 1-1/2 4.4 18 13 1200 950 2500
CF886-20 1-1/2 4.7 20 15 1000 900 2500


-For CITM, cross linked polymeric coating, add suffix

“C” ; example CF886-18C

The CF886 features a base Ordering Example

fitting design which allows for
the removal of one phase on
a two phase installation.
C F 8 8 6 - "L"

©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc. F-15

F fiberglass products

CF888 Horizontal Standoff Bracket


11/16" Key
Hole Slot


15o 8"

11/16" x 1-1/4" Slot

Stock Dia. Wt. Lbs. "L" "L2" Ultimate Strength-Lbs.
No. Inches Each Inches Inches Vertical Longitud. Transv.
CF888-15 2 4.1 15 5-3/8 1400 1100 2500
CF888-18 2 4.4 18 7-3/8 1200 950 2500
CF888-24 2 4.7 24 14-5/8 900 700 2500

-For CITM, cross linked polymeric coating, add suffix “C” ; example CF888-18C

Ordering Example
C F 8 8 8 - "L"

F-16 ©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc.

fiberglass products F

CF810 Vertical Single

L Standoff Bracket
1" Threads
11/16" Key Hole

6" to 8"


11/16" x 2-3/4" Slot

Rod Ultimate Strength-Lbs.

Stock Dia. Wt. Lbs. L L2 Trans. Trans.
No. Inches Each Inches Inches Vertical Longitud.
Insulator Eye
CF810-14 1-1/2 4.3 14 9 2000 1200 2000 5000
CF810-16 1-1/2 4.6 16 11 1600 1000 2000 5000
CF810-18 1-1/2 4.8 18 13 1500 900 2000 5000
CF810-21 1-1/2 5.1 21 16 1200 800 2000 5000
CF810-24 1-1/2 5.9 24 19 1000 700 2000 5000

-For CITM, cross linked polymeric coating, add suffix “C” ; example CF810-15C

The CF810 features a base

fitting design which allows for
the removal of one phase on
a two phase installation. For 1-3/8" thread size, substitute
CF870 for CF810 series.

©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc. F-17

F fiberglass products

CF830C Vertical Single

Standoff Bracket

1" Threads
11/16" Key
Hole Slot


11/16" x 1-1/4" Slot

Rod Ultimate Strength-Lbs.

Stock Dia. Wt. Lbs. "L" "L2" Trans. Trans.
No. Inches Each Inches Inches Vertical Longitud. Insulator Eye
CF830C-15 2 18.25 15 9-1/4 2400 1950 2000 5000
CF830C-18 2 19.5 18 12-1/4 2250 1900 2000 5000
CF830C-24 2 22 24 18-1/4 2100 1850 2000 5000
CF830C-30 2 23 30 25 1800 1750 2000 5000

-For CITM, cross linked polymeric coating, add
suffix “C” ; example CF830C-15C

For 1-3/8" thread size, substitute

CF830-D for CF830 series.

F-18 ©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc.

fiberglass products F

CF784 Horizontal Standoff

Brackets for Post Insulators
The CF784 series single phase brackets are for post
insulators using a 3/4" stud. The end fitting also
features an integral stringing eye. The pole fitting
is designed to allow double nutting on back-to-back
applications with 8" bolt spacing.

Base and end fittings are ductile iron, 65-45-12 hot

dip galvanized to ASTM A153. Mounting holes are
for 5/8" bolts. All exposed fiberglass rod is coated
with 2-3 mils of acrylic urethane enamel, baked to

Sizes not shown on the chart are available.

L ± 1/2"

Ordering Example
C F 7 8 4 - "L"

2" Dia. Solid

Fiberglass Rod
Ductile Iron
Stock Dia. Wt. Lbs. L L1 Ultimate Strength-Lbs.
Mounting Bracket
No. Inches Each Inches Inches Vertical Longitud.
CF784-11 2 16.2 11 15/16 2550 2260
CF784-12 2 17.3 12 2 1800 1600
3/4" Bolt CF784-17 2 17.5 17 7-1/8 1700 1510
(Ordered Separately) CF784-23 2 18.0 23 13-3/8 1530 1360
CF784-29 2 19.0 29 19-9/16 1275 1135
CF784-35 2 20.3 35 25-13/16 1020 900

-For CITM, cross linked polymeric coating, add suffix “C” ; example

-Strength ratings are from base of insulator.

©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc. F-19

F fiberglass products

Hughes Brothers Fiberglass

Suspension Brackets
Hughes Brothers Fiberglass Suspension Brackets An option is available to coat exposed rod with
are manufactured from Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic CITM cross linked polymeric coating for improved
(FRP) with ductile iron fittings. The plastic material weatherability and tracking characteristics.
is a Polyester or Vinylester matrix each containing
ultraviolet protective inhibitors. Lengths other than those shown are readily available.

Exposed fiberglass rod is coated with 2-3 mils of acrylic • Ductile iron is 65-45-12
urethane enamel paint which is baked to hardness. • Hot dip galvanizied

L ± 1/2"

11/16" Key Hole

L2 CF615
6" to 8"


11/16" x 2-3/4" Slot

Stock Dia. Wt. Lbs. "L" "L2" Ultimate Strength-Lbs.
No. Inches Each Inches Inches Vertical Longitud. Transv.
CF615-12 1-1/2 7.7 12 5-1/4 1800 1300 5000
CF615-14 1-1/2 8.0 14 7-5/16 1600 1200 5000
CF615-16 1-1/2 8.2 16 9-3/8 1400 1100 5000
CF615-18 1-1/2 8.5 18 11-7/16 1200 1000 5000
CF615-21 1-1/2 8.8 21 14-9/16 1050 850 5000
CF615-24 1-1/2 9.2 24 17-5/8 900 700 5000

-For CITM, cross linked polymeric coating, add suffix “C” ;
The CF615 features a base fitting example CF615-18C.
design which allows for the removal of
one phase on a two phase installation.

F-20 ©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc.

fiberglass products F

CF898-"L" Heavy Duty

Suspension Bracket
L ± 1/2"

13/16" Hole
13/16" x 1-1/4" L2


13/16" x 2-3/4"
Slot Rod
Stock Dia. Wt. Lbs. "L" "L2" Ultimate Strength-Lbs.
No. Inches Each Inches Inches Vertical Longitud. Transv.
CF898-18 2-1/2 26.2 18 7 5500 1500 9000
CF898-28 2-1/2 29.6 28 17-5/16 3600 1500 9000
CF898-30 2-1/2 30.3 30 19-7/16 3400 1500 9000
CF898-36 2-1/2 32.4 36 25-5/8 2500 1500 9000
CF898-54 2-1/2 38.5 54 44-1/4 1750 1500 9000

©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc. F-21

F fiberglass products

CF899 Suspension L ± 1/2"

Bracket 13/16" x 1-1/4"

Horizontal Slot



Supplied with AS2653-E Ball Clevis assembly.
13/16" x 2-3/4"
Rod Vertical Slot
Stock Dia. Wt. Lbs. "L" "L2" Ultimate Strength-Lbs.
No. Inches Each Inches Inches Vertical Longitud. Transv.
CF899-18 2-1/2 21.8 18 8-5/8 5000 1500 9000
CF899-28 2-1/2 25.4 28 18-15/16 3400 1500 9000
CF899-30 2-1/2 26.0 30 21-1/16 3200 1500 9000
CF899-36 2-1/2 28.0 36 27-1/4 2400 1500 9000
CF899-54 2-1/2 34.2 54 45-7/8 1700 1500 9000

CF899CPL-"L" Heavy Duty

Suspension Bracket
"L" -

Ductile Iron End Fitting

Ground to
5/8" Max.

Part No. "L" 2-1/2" Solid

Fiberglass Rod
CF899CPL-24 24
CF899CPL-30 30 Ductile Iron
CF899CPL-36 36 Mounting Bracket
CF899CPL-48 48 13/16" x 2-3/4" Slot
CF899CPL-54 54

F-22 ©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc.

fiberglass products F

Hughes Brothers Two Phase Angle Brackets

Hughes Brothers Two Phase Brackets are Exposed fiberglass rod is coated with 2-3 mils of acrylic
manufactured from Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic (FRP) urethane enamel paint which is baked to hardness. An
with ductile iron and aluminum fittings. The plastic option is available to coat exposed rod with CITM cross
material is a Polyester or Vinylester matrix containing linked polymeric coating for improved weatherability
ultraviolet protective inhibitors. and tracking characteristics.

The insulator threads are in accordance with ANSI Lengths other than those shown are readily available.
C29.5. Threads are coated with a semi-conductive
heat shrink material. • Ductile iron is 65-45-12 with hot dip galvanizing.
• Aluminum alloy is A-356-T6

CF761 & CF901 Two Phase Angle Bracket


11/16" Key Hole

11/16" Hole

1-3/8" Threads (CF901) 15o

1" Threads (CF761)

11/16" x 1-1/4" Slot

To receive unit with Rod Ultimate Strength-Lbs.

ductile iron end with
Stock Dia. Wt. Lbs. "L" "L2" Transv. Transv.
(1" threads) fitting on No. Inches Each Inches Inches Vertical Longitud. Fit. Eye Pin
compression side,
substitute prefix CF761-36-8 1-1/2 6.6 36 10.7 1200 1200 5000 1500
CF901 for CF761. CF761-48-8 1-1/2 7.4 48 16.9 900 900 5000 1500

-For CITM, cross linked polymeric coating, add suffix “C” ; example CF761-36C

©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc. F-23

F fiberglass products

CF813 & CF862 Two Phase Vertical

Standoff Brackets

11/16" Key Hole


8" 15o
The CF862 has
1-3/8" threads
11/16" x 1-1/4" Slot and the same
base fitting as the

Rod Ultimate Strength-Lbs.

Stock Thread Dia. Wt. Lbs. "L" "L2" Transv. Transv.
No. Size Inches Each Inches Inches Vertical Longitud. Insulator Eye
CF813-30 1" 1-1/2 8.2 30 10-1/8 1700 1100 2000 5000
CF813-36 1" 1-1/2 8.6 36 13-1/4 1500 900 2000 5000
CF813-42 1" 1-1/2 9.2 42 16-3/8 1100 800 2000 5000
CF813-48 1" 1-1/2 11.0 48 19-1/2 1000 700 2000 5000
CF862-36 1-3/8" 1-1/2 8.7 36 13-9/16 1500 900 2000 5000
CF862-44 1-3/8" 1-1/2 10.2 44 17-3/4 1150 800 2000 5000
CF862-48 1-3/8" 1-1/2 11.1 48 19-13/16 1000 700 2000 5000

-For CITM, cross linked polymeric coating, add suffix “C” ; example CF813-48C.

F-24 ©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc.

fiberglass products F

CF861A & CF861B Two Phase

Vertical Standoff Brackets
with 2" Diameter Fiberglass Rod
CF861A has 1" insulator threads.
CF861B has 1-3/8" insulator threads.



11/16" x 3-1/4" Slot

Rod Ultimate Strength-Lbs.

Stock Thread Dia. Wt. Lbs. "L" "L2" Trans. Trans.
No. Size/in. Inches Each Inches Inches Vertical Longitud. Insulator Eye
CF861A-36 1 2 8.6 36 12-7/16 2550 2000 2000 5000
CF861A-44 1 2 10.2 44 16-9/16 2300 1925 2000 5000
CF861A-48 1 2 11.1 48 18-11/16 2250 1900 2000 5000

CF861B-30 1-3/8 2 8.2 30 10-3/8 2700 2050 2000 5000
CF861B-36 1-3/8 2 8.7 36 13-7/16 2550 2000 2000 5000
CF861B-42 1-3/8 2 9.2 42 16-9/16 2400 1950 2000 5000
CF861B-48 1-3/8 2 11.1 48 19-11/16 2250 1900 2000 5000

-For CITM, cross linked polymeric coating, add suffix “C” ; example CF861-48C.

©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc. F-25

F fiberglass products

CF636 Two Phase

Horizontal Standoff Bracket

L2 11/16" Key Hole

1" Cut 15o


11/16" x 1-1/4" Slot

Stock Dia. Wt. Lbs. "L" "L2" Mechanical Strength-Lbs.
No. Inches Each Inches Inches Vertical Longitud. Transv.

CF636-30 1-1/2 15.7 30 11-5/8 1500 1500 1500

CF636-36 1-1/2 16.4 36 15-3/8 1200 1200 1500
CF636-42 1-1/2 17.0 42 17-7/8 1000 1000 1500
CF636-48 1-1/2 18.0 48 21-1/8 900 900 1500

-For CITM, cross linked polymeric
coating, add suffix “C” ;
example CF636-30C
-For 1-3/8" cut insulator threads,
unit number is CF637

F-26 ©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc.

fiberglass products F

Hughes Brothers Three Phase Brackets

Hughes Brothers Three Phase Brackets are All exposed fiberglass rod is coated with 2-3 mils
manufactured from Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic of acrylic urethane enamel paint which is baked to
(FRP) with ductile iron fittings. The plastic material is hardness. An option is available to coat exposed rod
a Polyester or Vinylester matrix containing ultraviolet with CITM cross linked polymeric coating for improved
protective inhibitors. weatherability and tracking characteristics.

The insulator threads are in accordance with ANSI Lengths other than those shown are readily available.
C29.5 and are coated with a semi-conductive heat
shrink material. • Ductile iron is 65-45-12
• All fittings hot dip galvanized

CF545 & CF547 Three

Substitute prefix Phase Horizontal
Standoff Bracket
CF547 to receive unit with

ductile iron end fittings on

all three phases. L2

L3 11/16" Ordering Example:
15 o

11/16" x 1-1/4" Slot

Rod Ultimate Strength Per Arm-Lbs.
Stock Dia. Wt. Lbs. "L" "L2" "L3" "H" "X" Side Arms Center Arm
No. Inches Each Inches Inches Inches Inches Inches Vert. Long. Tran. Long. Tran.
CF545-36-24-8 1-1/2 10.7 36 24 15-1/4" 8 30-1/4" 1200 950 950 750 750
C 1-1/2 10.9 36 24 15-1/4" 6 30-1/4" 1200 950 950 750 750

-For CITM, cross linked polymeric coating, add suffix “C” ; example CF545-36-24-6C
-For 1-3/8" insulator threads, add suffix “B”; example CF545B-36-24-6.

©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc. F-27

F fiberglass products

CF822 Three Phase,

Vertical Standoff


11/16" Hole


11/16" x 1-1/4" Slot

Rod Ultimate Strength Per Arm-Lbs.
Stock Dia. Wt. Lbs. "L" "L2" "L3" "X" Side Arms Center Arm
No. Inches Each Inches Inches Inches Inches Vertical Long. Transv. Long. Transv.
CF822-36-19-1/2 1-1/2 11.4 36 19-1/2" 13-7/8" 23-3/16"
1500 1200 2000 1000 1000
C 1-1/2 13 36 32 13-7/8" 32-5/8" 1500 1200 2000 600 600
CF822-40-24-5/8 1-1/2 40 24-5/8" 15-9/16"
1500 1200 2000

-For CITM, cross linked polymeric coating, add suffix “C” ; example CF822-36-24C
-For 1-3/8" insulator threads, add suffix “B”; example CF822B-36-24.

Ordering Example:
To receive unit with
ductile iron end CF822-"L"-"L2"
on center phase,
substitute prefix
CF823 for CF822.

F-28 ©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc.

fiberglass products F

Hughes Brothers Cutout, Arrestor and

Apparatus Mounting Brackets
Hughes Brothers Cutout, Arrestor and Apparatus with CITM cross linked polymeric coating for improved
Mounting Brackets are manufactured from Fiberglass weatherability and tracking characteristics.
Reinforced Plastic (FRP) with ductile iron fittings. The
plastic material is a Polyester or Vinylester matrix Lengths other than those shown are readily available.
containing ultraviolet protective inhibitors.
• Ductile iron is 65-45-12
All exposed fiberglass rod is coated with 2-3 mils • Hot dip galvanized
of polyurethane enamel paint which is baked to
hardness. An option is available to coat exposed rod

L ± 1/2"

11/16" Key Hole

CF667 Single Phase
11/16" Hole Cutout & Arrestor

An option is available for a captive mounting bolt. A second

option provides a 2" X 12" Cutout Adapter Strap.

11/16" x 3" Slot

Stock Dia. Wt. Lbs. "L" Ultimate Strength-Lbs.
No. Inches Each Inches Vertical Trans.
CF667-15 1-1/2" 3.8 15 1500 5000
CF759 Strap, CF667-18 1-1/2" 3.9 18 1200 5000
with 1/2" captive
bolts and Notes:
mounting bolt -For CITM, cross linked polymeric coating, add suffix “C” ;
example CF667-18C.
-For Captive mounting bolt, add suffix “B”;
example CF667B-15.
-For Cutout Adapter Strap, add suffix “-2”;
example CF667-15-2.

©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc. F-29

F fiberglass products

CF667A Single Phase Cutout & Arrestor Bracket

"L" (+
11/16" Key
Hole Slot 1-1/2" Dia. Solid Rod
Fiberglass Stock Dia. Wt. Lbs. "L" Ultimate Strength-lbs.
No. Inches Each Inches Vertical Trans.

F667A-15 1-1/2
C 3.8 15 1500 5000

CF667A-18 1-1/2 3.9 18 1200 5000


Ductile Iron End

Mounting Bracket Fitting Notes:
-For CITM, cross linked polymeric coating,
2" add suffix “C”; example CF667A-18C.

11/16" x 2-3/4"
7/16" Square

End Fitting
7/16" Hole
7/16" x 1-1/2" Slot

CF668 Single Phase

11/16" Key Hole
*Specify center 9/16" Hole
Cutout & Arrestor
mounting hole

An option is available for captive mounting bolts.


9/16" Hole
11/16" x 3"
Slot Stock Dia. Wt. Lbs. "L" Ultimate Strength-Lbs.
No. Inches Each Inches Vertical Trans.
Ordering Example: CF668-12-* 1-1/2 5.0 12 1800 5000
CF668-13-* 1-1/2 5.5 13 1700 5000
CF668-13 B-11 CF668-15-* 1-1/2 6.1 15 1500 5000
Center mounting hole CF668-18-* 1-1/2 6.2 18 1200 5000
in 16 th's. CF668-20-* 1-1/2 6.5 20 1000 5000
Captive bolts in outer holes
(optional) Notes:
Length "L" -For CITM, cross linked polymeric coating, add suffix “C” ;
example CF668-18C.

F-30 ©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc.

fiberglass products F

CF670 Three Phase Cutout &

Arrestor Bracket
Hughes Brothers Three Phase Cutout and
11/16" Key Hole
Arrestor Brackets are manufactured from
Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic (FRP) with ductile
iron or aluminum alloy fittings. The plastic
material is a Polyester or Vinylester matrix
containing ultraviolet protective inhibitors. An
option is available for a captive mounting bolt. A
second option provides a 2" X 12" Cutout Adapter
11/16" x 1-1/4" Slot Strap. See notes below for ordering information

All exposed fiberglass rod is coated with 2-3

mils of acrylic urethane enamel paint which is
11/16" Hole baked to hardness. An option is available to coat
exposed rod with CITM cross linked polymeric
coating for improved weatherability and tracking

11/16" Hole 11/16" Hole Lengths other than those shown are readily
L1 available.

• Ductile iron is 65-45-12 with hot dip

• Aluminum alloy is A-356-T6

Ordering Example:
CF670-"L1"-"L2" Rod
Stock Dia. Wt. Lbs. "L1" "L2" Ultimate Strength Per Arm
No. Inches Each Inches Inches Vertical
CF670-48-13 1-1/2" 16.2 48 13 900 lbs.
CF670-48-18 1-1/2" 17.0 48 18 900 lbs.

-For CITM, cross linked polymeric coating, add suffix “C” ; example CF670-48-13C
-For Captive mounting bolt, add suffix “B”; example CF670B-48-13
-For Cutout Adapter Strap, add suffix “-2”; example CF670-48-13-2

©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc. F-31

F fiberglass products

CF910 Three Phase Cutout

& Arrestor Bracket


9/16" Holes
11/16" Key Hole

13/16" Hole


11/16" x 1-1/4"

Stock Dia. Wt. Lbs. "L1" "L2" Ult. Strength / Lbs. Per Arm
No. Inches Each Inches Inches Vertical
CF910 1-1/2" 20 48 13 900
CF910-1 1-1/2" 18 36 13 900
CF910-2 1-1/2" 23 60 30 700
CF910-3 1-1/2" 21 48 18 900
CF910-4 1-1/2" 22 48 24 900

-For CITM, cross linked polymeric coating, add suffix “C” ; example CF910C
-For 1/2" x 2" Captive mounting bolts, add suffix “B”; example CF910-B1.

F-32 ©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc.

fiberglass products F

CF592 Apparatus Mounting Bracket

Hughes Apparatus Mounting Brackets are
manufactured from Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic
(FRP) with ductile iron fittings. The plastic
4" material is a Polyester or Vinylester matrix each
containing ultraviolet protective inhibitors.
11/16" Key Hole
All exposed fiberglass rod is coated with 2-3
11/16" Hole mils of acrylic urethane enamel paint which is
baked to hardness. An option is available to coat
exposed rod with CITM cross linked polymeric
6" to 8"

coating for improved weatherability and tracking

Lengths other than those shown are readily

11/16" x 2-3/4" Slot • Ductile iron is 65-45-12

• Hot dip galvanizing per ANSI/ASTM A153

Stock Dia. "L" "L2" Ultimate Strength-Lbs.
No. Inches Inches Inches Vertical Longitud. Transv.
CF592-12 1-1/2 12 5-1/8 1800 900 5000
CF592-16 1-1/2 16 9-1/4 1350 900 5000
CF592-18 1-1/2 18 11-3/8 1200 900 5000
CF592-24 1-1/2 24 17-9/16 900 900 5000

-For CITM, cross linked polymeric coating, add suffix “C” ;
example CF592-12C
The CF592 features a base
fitting design which allows for
the removal of one phase on
a two phase installation.
Ordering Example
CF592- 12 C

©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc. F-33

F fiberglass products

CF868B Single Phase Cutout

Arrestor Bracket

The Hughes Brothers CF868B Single Phase

Cutout Arrestor Brackets are manufactured
from fiberglass reinforced plastic (FRP) rod
11/16" Key Hole with ductile iron end fittings.
The FRP is a polyester matrix containing
ultraviolet protective inhibitors and 2-3 mils of
11/16" Hole acrylic urethane paint baked to hardness.
Lengths other than those shown are readily

• Ductile iron is 65-45-12

• Hot dip galvanizing per ANSI/ASTM A153

• 15 rise
1-1/2" Rod Diamter

11/16" x 2-3/4" Slot

Stock "L" "L2" Ultimate Strength-Lbs.
No. Inches Inches Vertical Longitud. Transv.

CF868B-13 13 6-7/8 1650 900 5000

CF868B-15 15 8-15/16 1400 900 5000
CF868B-18 18 12-1/16 1200 900 5000

Ordering Example
CF868B- 15

F-34 ©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc.

fiberglass products F

CF700 Apparatus Mounting Bracket


11/16" Key Hole

11/16" Hole
6" to 8"


11/16" x 2-3/4" Slot

Stock Dia. "L" "L2" Ultimate Strength-Lbs.
No. Inches Inches Inches Vertical Longitud. Transv.
CF700-12 1-1/2 12 5-1/8 1800 900 5000
CF700-16 1-1/2 16 9-1/4 1350 900 5000
CF700-18 1-1/2 18 11-3/8 1200 900 5000
CF700-24 1-1/2 24 17-9/16 900 900 5000

-For CITM, cross linked polymeric coating, add suffix “C” ;
example CF700-18C

-For captive bolt, etc. CF700-18B

The CF700 features a base
fitting design which allows for
the removal of one phase on Ordering Example
a two phase installation.
CF700- 18 B
For captive bolt.

©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc. F-35

F fiberglass products

CF892 Apparatus Mounting Bracket


11/16" Key Hole 4"

4" 11/16"
13/16" Hole Holes
6" to 8"


11/16" x 2-3/4" Slot

Stock Dia. "L" "L2" Ultimate Strength-Lbs.
No. Inches Inches Inches Vertical Longitud. Transv.

CF892-12 1-1/2 12 5-1/8 1800 900 5000

CF892-16 1-1/2 16 9-1/4 1350 900 5000
CF892-18 1-1/2 18 11-3/8 1200 900 5000
CF892-24 1-1/2 24 17-9/16 900 900 5000

-For CITM, cross linked polymeric coating, add suffix “C”;
example CF892-18C
The CF892 features a base
Lengths other than shown are available.
fitting design which allows for
the removal of one phase on
a two phase installation.
Ordering Example
Specify length "L"

To order this item with captive bolts, refer to CF893B

(catalog page F-37).

F-36 ©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc.

fiberglass products F

CF893B Apparatus Mounting Bracket

This is a multi-purpose fiberglass mounting bracket capable of providing a mount
for a post insulator, and/or arrestors and cut-outs.

The pole and pad mount castings are 65-45-12 ductile iron, hot dip galvanized.
Fiberglass rod is 1-1/2" diameter with the standard 2-3 mils of acrylic urethane
enamel baked to hardness.

Ordering example: CF893B-"L" Specify "L" dimension in inches. Lengths not shown
in chart are available. To order without the semi-captive bolts, use CF893-"L".

Key Hole Slot
1/2" Nut
1/2" Spring Lock Washer
1-7/16" Dia. Tinnerman Nut


Fiberglass Rod

1-1/2" Dia. Solid

Ductile Iron 11/16" Hole

11/16" Hole

11/16" x 2-3/4" Slot Stock Ultimate Strength-Lbs.

No. "L" Vertical Longitud. Transv.

CF893B-16 16" 1350 900 5000

CF893B-18 18" 1200 900 5000
CF893B-20 20" 1080 900 5000
CF893B-22 22" 980 900 5000
CF893B-24 24" 900 900 5000

©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc. F-37

F fiberglass products

CF921 Apparatus Bracket

The CF921 series fiberglass apparatus brackets are designed to mount post
insulators and/or cutouts and arrestors. The 2" diameter GFRP rod is coated with 2-3
mils of acrylic urethane enamel baked to hardness.

End and base castings are ductile iron, 64-45-12, hot dip galvanized to ASTM A153.
The base casting is designed for back-to-back applications on the pole.

Ordering example: CF912-"L" Specify "L" in inches. Lengths not shown in the chart
are available. To receive 1/2" x 2" semi-captive carriage bolts in the two outside
positions, order CF921B-"L".

"L" 4"

11/16" Key 13/16" Hole

Hole Slot



Fiberglass Rod
2" Dia. Solid
13/16" Hole
Ductile Iron 9/16" Sq. Hole

Stock Ultimate Strength-Lbs.

No. "L" Vertical Longitud. Transv.

CF921-16 16" 2250 2100 5000

CF921-18 18" 2000 1900 5000
CF921-20 20" 1800 1700 5000
CF921-22 22" 1600 1500 5000

F-38 ©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc.

fiberglass products F

CF590 Apparatus Mounting Bracket

11/16" Key Hole L2

11/16" x 1-1/4" Slot

CF5901.1 Aluminum
Mounting Bracket

4" Stock Dia. "L" "L2" Ultimate Strength-Lbs.
No. Inches Inches Inches Vertical Longitud. Transv.
CF590-30 1-1/2 30 7-3/8 1440 900 5000
CF590-36 1-1/2 36 10-1/2 1200 900 5000
CF590-42 1-1/2 42 13-1/2 1025 900 5000
CF590-48 1-1/2 48 16-5/8 900 900 5000

-For CITM, cross linked polymeric coating, add suffix “C” ;
15o example CF590-30C

©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc. F-39

F fiberglass products

CF550 Two Phase Apparatus Mounting Bracket

11/16" Key Hole


11/16" x 1-1/4" Slot

CF5901.1 Aluminum
Mounting Bracket

4" Hughes CF550 Two Phase Apparatus Mounting Brackets are

manufactured from Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic (FRP) with ductile
4" iron fittings. The plastic material is a Polyester or Vinylester matrix
13/16" each containing ultraviolet protective inhibitors.
13/16" Holes
Hole All exposed fiberglass rod is coated with 2-3 mils of acrylic urethane
enamel paint which is baked to hardness. An option is available
to coat exposed rod with CITM cross linked polymeric coating for
improved weatherability and tracking characteristics.

Lengths other than those shown are readily available.

• Ductile iron is 65-45-12.

• Hot dip galvanizing per ANSI/ASTM A153.

Stock Dia. "L" "L2" Ultimate Strength-Lbs.
No. Inches Inches Inches Vertical Longitud. Transv.

CF550-30 1-1/2 30 7-3/8 1440 900 5000

CF550-36 1-1/2 36 10-1/2 1200 900 5000
CF550-42 1-1/2 42 13-1/2 1025 900 5000
CF550-48 1-1/2 48 16-5/8 900 900 5000

For CITM, cross linked polymeric coating, add suffix “C” ;

example CF550-48C.

F-40 ©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc.

fiberglass products F

Transmission Crossarm Assemblies

Hughes Brothers Fiberglass Medium Duty Transmission All exposed fiberglass rod is coated with 2-3 mils
Crossarm Assemblies are manufactured from Fiberglass of acrylic urethane enamel paint which is baked to
Reinforced Plastic (FRP) with ductile iron and aluminum hardness. An option is available to coat exposed rod
alloy fittings. The plastic material is a Polyester or with CITM cross linked polymeric coating for improved
Vinylester matrix containing ultraviolet protective weatherability and tracking characteristics.
Lengths other than those shown are readily available.
The insulating level of steel structures is significantly
improved through the use of fiberglass framing. • Ductile iron is 65-45-12.
• Hot dip galvanizing per ANSI/ASTM A153.
• Aluminum alloy per A356-T6.

Single Pole Single Pole

Single Circuit Double Circuit H-Frame

Hughes Brothers Fiberglass Transmission Arms are available in either 2" or 2-1/2" diameter compression rods.
The compression rods mount to the pole by means of an overlap style fitting or a pinned bracket.

Overlap Details Pinned Bracket Detail

CF885B - 2"

CF584D - 2" Rod

CF584K - 2" Rod
CF584KHD - 2-1/2" Rod

©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc. F-41

F fiberglass products

CF584D-"L"-"H" Fiberglass
Transmission Crossarm

Double Arm
Construction View "A-A" AS2531.1D
Hump Back
Cotter Key

3/4" Eye Bolt, Curved Washer,
Clevis Eye
Locknut (to be ordered separately)
AS2545-BB Jaw and
3/4"x5" Bolt,
R.E. Eye Turnbuckle
and N70,
3/4" Nut


CF694 Fiberglass
Strain Insulator

"A" "L" "H" "A"
2" No. Inches Inches
C 53 27
CF584D-64-33 64 33 AS2653-C
AS2653-B 78.5 42
CF584D-78.5-42 Clevis Eye
"L" Ball and Eye
CF584D-84-45 84 45

Stock "L" "H" Ultimate Strength-Lbs. Ordering Example:

No. Inches Inches Vertical Longitud. Transv.
C 53 27 7,500 1,300 10,000 Double arm, assembly
CF584D-64-33 64 33 7,500 1,200 10,000 (add -2 suffix to order
CF584D-78.5-42 78.5 42 5,000 1,000 10,000 double arm unit)
CF584D-84-45 84 45 5,000 900 10,000

F-42 ©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc.

fiberglass products F

CF584-K Fiberglass
Transmission Crossarm
Jaw Washer

Jaw Washer AS2531.1D

View "A-A" Hump Back
Cotter Key

1501A.7-"L"-B1CL, 3/4" Bent

3" Bolt, Curved Washer, Locknut AS2653-C
(to be ordered separately) Clevis Eye

3/4"x5" Bolt, &
N70, 3/4" Nut

3/4"x6" Jaw and R.E. "C

Eye Turnbuckle

CF694 Fiberglass Strain

Insulator (21,000#)

2" "A" "A"

3/4" Threaded AS2653-C

Rod or 3/4 Bolt AS2653-B Clevis Eye
w/ MF70 (to be "L" Ball and Eye
ordered separately)

Ordering Example:
Arm Length "L" in Inches
Stock "L" "CC" Ultimate Strength-Lbs.
No. Inches Inches Vertical Longitud. Transv.

CF584-K-60 60 39-3/4 5,000 900 10,000

CF584-K-72 72 49-3/4 5,000 800 10,000

©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc. F-43

F fiberglass products

CF584-KHD Fiberglass
Transmission Crossarm
Jaw Washer

Jaw Washer AS2531.1D

View "A-A" Hump Back
Cotter Key
2817R4.5-13-13C D.E. Tee 3/4"
Bolt, Curved Washer, Locknut
(to be ordered separately)
2865.3 Shackle Clevis Eye
3" (to be ordered separately)
3" B75D-3-
3/4"x5" Bolt,
& N70,
AS2545-B 3/4"x9" 3/4" Nut
Jaw and R.E. "C
Eye Turnbuckle C"

CF695 Fiberglass Strain

Insulator (30,000#)

2-1/2" "A" "A"

3/4" Threaded AS2653-B AS2653-C

Rod or 3/4" Bolt Ball and Eye Clevis Eye
w/ MF70 (to be
ordered separately)

Ordering Example:
Arm Length "L" in Inches
Stock "L" "CC" Ultimate Strength-Lbs.
No. Inches Inches Vertical Longitud. Transv.

CF584-KHD-120 120 100 5,000 600 10,000

F584-KHD-123-5/8 123-5/8 103 5,000 570 10,000

F-44 ©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc.

fiberglass products F

CF885B-1 Transmission Crossarm

AS2531.1D Hump Back
Cotter Key

AS2653-C Clevis Eye

B75D-3-5/8UT 3/4"x5" Bolt

and N70 3/4" Nut

3/4" Bolt with MF70

AS2276-F60 Twisted Clip
Locknut, CW70
with 13/16" Holes
Curved Washer
(to be ordered
separately) AS2545-B 3/4"x9" Jaw & Rod End
Eye Turnbuckle (± 4" Adjustment)


"C CF694 Fiberglass Strain Insulator

(21,000 lbs)

3/4" Threaded Rod or 3/4"

Bolt with MF70 Locknut 2-3
(to be ordered separately) /4"
4" 2"
4" Clevis Eye
Mounting Bracket 1329-B, 5/8"
"L" Chain Link

Rod: Pultruded solid fiberglass with ultra-violet protective inhibitors.
Coating: NEMA blue-gray with ultra-violet protective inhibitors.
Casting: Ductile Iron 60-40-48 Hot Dip Galvanized per ASTM-A153

Stock "L" "H" "CC" Ultimate Strength-Lbs.
No. Inches Inches Inches Vertical Longitud. Transv.

CF885B-84-48-1 84 48 82-1/2 7,500 900 10,000

F885B-96-52-1 96
C 52 96-1/4 7,500 800 10,000

©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc. F-45

F fiberglass products

CF879-D Cantilever Arms

for Lattice Towers

The CF879 series of fiberglass cantilever arms is intended for

use on lattice towers. This configuration is suitable for new
construction or reframing and upgrading of existing structures.

Many lattice towers that were placed in service in the early part
of the century can gain years of additional service by upgrading
conductor and cantilever arm assemblies.

Please allow Hughes Brothers engineering staff to assist you

in the application of reframing cantilever arm assemblies.

F-46 ©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc.

fiberglass products F

CF863-C Cantilever Arms for

Lattice Towers

Tension Rod

Compression Rod Plate

©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc. F-47

F fiberglass products

CF879-C3 Cantilever
Arms for Lattice Towers
The CF879 series of fiberglass lattice tower cantilever arms have been successfully used to improve the BIL of
existing or new lattice towers. In many instances, the service life of an existing steel lattice tower can be extend-
ed significantly by upgrading weathered steel cantilever arms and reconductoring.

Hughes Brothers engineering staff can assist you in the application of reframing cantilever arm assemblies.

Spacer Plates

Tension Rods

Junction Plate
Compression Rods

F-48 ©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc.

fiberglass products F

CF533 Fiberglass
Crossarm Brace
Hughes Brothers Fiberglass Crossarm Braces are
manufactured from Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic
(FRP) 7/16" x 1-1/4". The plastic material is a
Polyester matrix containing ultraviolet protective

The brace is coated with 2-3 mils of acrylic urethane

L enamel paint which is baked to hardness.

Stock "L" Wt. Lbs.

No. Inches Per Pair

CF533-26 26 1.8
CF533-28 28 2.0

Note: The braces have a 2,000 lb. ultimate tensile strength.

CF520 Crossarm Brace

Aluminum "L" (±1/4")
End Fitting
2" 2"
End Fitting

11/16" Diameter Hole 13/16" Diameter 9/16" Diameter Hole
Solid Fiberglass Rod

"L" Bend
Part No. in inches Angle

CF520-35-30 35 30°

©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc. F-49

F fiberglass products

Fiberglass Downlead Standoff Brackets

Hughes Brothers Downleads are manufactured from of acrylic urethane enamel paint which is baked to
Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic (FRP) with ductile iron or hardness. An option is available to coat exposed rod
steel fittings. The plastic material is either a Polyester with CITM cross linked polymeric coating for improved
or Vinylester matrix each containing ultraviolet weatherability and tracking characteristics.
protective inhibitors.
•Ductile iron is 65-45-12
All exposed fiberglass rod is coated with 2-3 mils •Hot dip galvanizing per ANSI/ASTM A153

Pole Attachment Ends Wire Attachment Ends

A. 13/16" Rod CF753

Drive Type

B. 13/16" Rod CF754

Pole Base Type

C. 13/16" Rod CF755

Iron Clamp

Adjustable Base Type


D. 13/16" Rod Hole

A - 7/16" Hole
A1 - 3/8" Hole
Through-bolt Type A2 - 5/16" Hole
5/8" -11 UNC Threads
3/4" -10 UNC Threads

Aluminum Clamp
with GWB51-1/2

Note: Hughes Brothers Fiberglass Downlead Brackets are available in a wide

variety of styles. All Hughes downleads use 13/16" diameter F6 rod.

F-50 ©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc.

fiberglass products F

A. Drive Type
3" "L2"
"L2" Inches

J-Bolt End

3" "L"
"L" Inches

Slot End

3" "L"
"L" Inches

Iron Clamp End

3" "L"

"L" Inches

Hole Size (see chart) Hole Size Part #

7/16" CF756A
Hole End 3/8" CF756A1
5/16" CF756A2

3" "L2"
"L2" Inches

Aluminum Clamp End

©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc. F-51

F fiberglass products

B. Pole Base Type

CF753B-__ "L2"
"L2" Inches

J-Bolt End

"L" Inches

Slot End

CF755B-__ "L2"
"L2" Inches

Iron Clamp End

CF756B-__ "L"
"L" Inches

Hole End, 7/16"

7/16" Hole

CF757B-__ "L2"
"L2" Inches

Aluminum Clamp End

F-52 ©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc.

fiberglass products F

C. Adjustable Base Type

CF753C-__ "L2"
"L2" Inches

J-Bolt End

"L" Inches

Slot End

CF755C-__ "L2"
"L2" Inches

Iron Clamp End

CF756C-__ "L"
"L" Inches

Hole End, 7/16"

"L2" Inches

Aluminum Clamp End

©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc. F-53

F fiberglass products

D. Through-Bolt Type
CF753-__- "L2"
"L2" Inches
Designate 6 for 5/8", 7 for 3/4"
J-Bolt End

"L" Inches
Designate 6 for 5/8", 7 for 3/4"
Slot End

"L2" Inches
Designate 6 for 5/8", 7 for 3/4"
Iron Clamp End

"L2" Inches
Designate 6 for 5/8", 7 for 3/4"
Hole End, 7/16"

CF757-__- "L2"
"L2" Inches
Designate 6 for 5/8", 7 for 3/4"
Aluminum Clamp End

F-54 ©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc.

fiberglass products F

CF753D-"L" Down Lead Bracket

Assembly "L" "L2"

No. Inches Inches

CF753D-12 15-1/4" 12"

CF753D-18 21-1/4" 18"
CF753D-24 27-1/4" 24"

11/16" Hole

Ductile Iron 13/16" Solid Fiberglass Rod 1" Nylon Alloy

Mounting Bracket Threaded Fitting

©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc. F-55

F fiberglass products

Mid-Span Phase Spacers

Hughes Brothers Mid-Span Phase Spacers are hardness. An option is available to coat exposed rod
manufactured from Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic with CITM cross linked polymeric coating for improved
(FRP). The plastic material is a Polyester or Vinylester weatherability and tracking characteristics.
matrix containing ultraviolet protective inhibitors.
The CF800 series has options available for hot stick
All exposed fiberglass rod is coated with 2-3 mils installation of phase spacers for 15 & 35kV operation.
of acrylic urethane enamel paint which is baked to

L CF758 Conductor
Phase Spacer
Rod Insulator
Stock Dia. Threads "L"
No. Inches Inches Inches Wt. Lbs.
CF758-18 1 1 18 1.0
CF758-24 1 1 24 1.3
Insulator by others
CF758-36 1 1 36 2.0
CF758-48 1 1 48 2.6

*For CITM Ray-Chem coating, add suffix "C", Example CF758-18C.

CF800 Conductor

Phase Spacer
Rod Insulator
Filled with epoxy Stock Dia. Threads "L" Approx.
bonding material No. Inches Inches Inches Wt. Lbs.

CF800-18 1 1 18 6.7
Hendrix HPI-35 (35kV) Pin Insulator CF800-24 1 1 24 7.5
supplied on CF800 is standard, CF800-36 1 1 36 8.0
Hendrix HPI-15 (15kV) supplied with CF800-48 1 1 48 8.3
CF800-"L"C CF800-66 1 1 66 8.9

F-56 ©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc.

fiberglass products F

CF800D 35kV Mid-Span Phase Spacer

L Hughes Brothers CF800-"L"D & E
enable the installation of a phase
spacer using hot sticks. The Hendrix
vise-top insulator features options
for two conductor installation
locations. Insulator jaws open to
virtually any conductor size.*
Filled with Epoxy
1" Fiberglass rod bonding material
(both ends threaded) Torque bolts are
No. HPI 35-VT(M)
35kV pin insulator tightened until the
ring breaks away.
Stock No. Ordering Example:
CF800-24D(M) CF800-"L"DM
CF800-36D(M) Designates bare conductor application.
CF800-48D(M) Length
CF800-66D(M) *Conductor Opening
Max.=1.70" Min.=0.35"

*For CITM Coating, add suffix "C", Example CF800-37DMC.

CF800E 15kV Mid-Span Phase Spacer


1" Fiberglass rod

(both ends threaded) Filled with Epoxy
Hendrix No. HPI 15-VT(M) bonding material
Torque bolts are
15kV pin insulator tightened until the
ring breaks away.
Stock No. Ordering Example:
CF800-18E(M) CF800-"L"EM
CF800-24E(M) Designates bare conductor application.
CF800-36E(M) Length
CF800-66E(M) *Conductor Opening
Max.=1.70" Min.=0.312"

©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc. F-57

F fiberglass products

CF800-"L" G(M) Mid-Span Phase Spacer



Fill w/ Epoxy bonding material

A 1" Fiberglass Rod
(both ends threaded)
Hendrix No. HPI15-VT(M) Torque Bolts are tightened until
15 Kv. Insulator the ring breaks away

View at A-A View at B-B

Part No. Inches

CF800-18G 18
CF800-18GM 18

CF800-"L" J Span Crossing Phase Spacer

Bonding Material
A 1" Fiberglass Rod B
(both ends threaded)

Hendrix No. HPI-35-VT B

35 Kv. Pin Insulator
Heat Shrink Tubing
Torque Bolts are tightened until
the ring breaks away

View at A-A View at B-B "L"

Part No. Inches

CF800-18J 18
CF800-24J 24

F-58 ©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc.

fiberglass products F

CF785 & CF785B


11/16" Key hole

Standoff Bracket
The Hughes CF785 Standoff Bracket allows for
6" to 8"

attachment of Cable TV, Telephone Cable or other

apparatus by means of a 5/8" bolt. An alternative version,
the CF785B is identical but does not have a 15o rise.

Rod Ultimate Strength-Lbs.

Stock Dia. Wt. Lbs. "L" "L2" Trans.
11/16" x 2-3/4" Slot No. Inches Each Inches Inches Vertical Longitud. Insulator
CF785-14 1-1/2 8.0 14 9 2000 1200 2000
CF785-16 1-1/2 8.2 16 11 1600 1000 2000
The CF785B CF785-18 1-1/2 8.5 18 13 1500 900 2000
uses a zero CF785-21 1-1/2 8.8 21 16 1200 800 2000
degree rise CF785-24 1-1/2 9.2 24 19 900 700 2000
base fitting
shown at

CF635 Cable Extension L

The CF635 Cable Extension Bracket allows for attachment by a 11/16" Key
2 bolt clamp or by Cable TV or Telephone Cable Hangers. Hole

Rod Ultimate Strength-Lbs.

Stock Dia. Wt. Lbs. "L" Vertical
No. Inches Each Inches Cant. Tensile

CF635-12 1-1/2 3.1 12 1800 5000

CF635-13 1-1/2 3.2 13 1700 5000
CF635-15 1-1/2 3.5 15 1500 5000
CF635-18 1-1/2 3.7 18 1200 5000
CF635-20 1-1/2 3.9 20 1000 5000 /8"
11/16"x1-1/4 Slot 2-7
-For CITM, cross linked polymeric coating, add suffix “C” ; 7/16"x1-1/4" Slots
example CF635-18C.

©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc. F-59

F fiberglass products

CF583 & CF914 Switch Rods

The CF583 & CF914 Switch Rods can be used in place of conduit or pipe
on switch poles as a means of additional isolation from switch gear.

The CF583 features a clevis / clevis connection while the CF914 uses an
eye to eye.

Stock No. "L" "CC"

CF583-L L "L" plus 8"

CF914-L L "L" plus 8-1/2"

NOTE: "L" is the exposed rod length, not "CC". See table.

11/16" dia.

Ordering Example:
Exposed rod length
(in inches).*

*CC = 20"
1-1/2" Rod
Ordering Example:
Exposed rod length
(in inches).*

*CC = 20-1/2"

CF583 CF914
Uses 3/4"
diameter pins.

F-60 ©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc.

fiberglass products F

B2502-Q Raptor Perch

Electrocution is one of the leading causes of eagle and The B2502-Q features a 1-1/2” fiberglass rod as the
raptor mortality. Hughes Brothers B2502-Q Perches perch shaft to help maintain the basic insulating level
provide a safe place for raptors to land on single pole of the pole top assembly. The perch clamps to the
structures. crossarm so that no field drilling is required.

The B2502 is often used in conjunction with the

B2571 Bird Guard.

3-1/2” x 4-1/2” x 4’-0”

Crossarm Perch

B2571-A-24-20 Bird Guard

(as required)


3-1/2” x 4-1/2” x 8’-0”
Crossarm (shown)
2023 Braces

Crossarm Size
Stock No. D H Unit wt / lbs
Other configurations available upon request.
Please contact Hughes Brothers engineering B2502-Q3A 5-3/4 5-3/4 24
staff for assistance. B2502-Q3B 3-3/4 4-3/4 22
B2502-Q3C 3-1/2 4-1/2 22
B2502-Q3D 4-3/4 5-3/4 23
B2502-Q3E 3-3/4 5-3/4 24

©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc. F-61

F fiberglass products

B2571 Bird Guard

Hughes Brothers B2571 Bird Guard helps deter raptors from landing on
the crossarm between phases of single pole structures. Large raptors risk
electrocution on take-off and landing since their wing spans are often large
enough to short circuit between phases.

The B2571 is made of sturdy 7/16” X 1-1/4” fiberglass to help maintain the
basic insulating level of the pole top assembly. The bird guard clamps to
the crossarm so that no field drilling is required.

The B2571 is often used in conjunction with the B2502-Q series of raptor

7/16” x 1-1/4”
Fiberglass Strap

1/4” Hex Bolt

3-3/4” x 4-3/4”
Arm (shown)

L Carriage Bolt

Stock No. Arm Size Unit wt. / lbs

Ordering Example: B2571-A-20-20 3-3/4” x 4-3/4” 6

B2571-A-22-18 6
B2571-A1-20-20 B2571-A-24-20 6
“L” Dimension in inches B2571-A-24-24 7
“Y” Dimension in inches B2571-A-24-30 7
Arm size (see table) B2571-AA-24-20 3-1/2” x 4-1/2” 7
B2571-AA-30-36 7
B2571-A1-24-20 3-3/4” x 5-3/4” 6
B2571-A1-30-30 7

F-62 ©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc.

davit arms G

Hughes Brothers Steel

Davit Arms
Each Hughes Brothers Steel Davit is assigned a serial number
at the time of manufacture. This allows us to trace material,
welding and other manufacturing procedures. After producing
over 100,000 steel davit arms since the late 1970's we have
yet to have a single failure. Davits can be custom designed for
a particular application.

100% mechanical proof loading and magnetic particle

verification of critical welds per ASTM E709, in conjunction
with ANSI / AWS D1.1 are available as quality control options.
Our standard production procedure utilizes mil-standard 105D
sampling for proof load testing unless specified otherwise.

Hughes Brothers provides Steel Davits for use on wood,

concrete or steel poles.

Ordering Information
This catalog section will help you determine which base plate
& phase attachment option are most suited to your individual

Typical cross section of Davit tubes

4000/4010 4020/4030
See pages See pages
G-2 to G-5 G-6 to G-9

©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc. G-1

G davit arms

4000 Series, 16o Rise Angle,

Heavy Duty Steel Davit Arms

See page G-16 for

end plate options

16 -

See pages G-10

thru G-13 for base
plate options
Approximate Approximate
Insulator Clearance Clearance
String @θ=45° @θ=30°
Length Swing Angle Swing Angle

2'-0" 1'-6 1/2" 1'-11"

3'-0" 2'-1" 2'-8"
4'-0" 2'-6" 3'-5"
5'-0" 3'-0" 4'-1"
6'-0" 3'-6" 4'-9"
7'-0" 4'-0" 5'-6"

G-2 ©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc.

davit arms G

4000 Series

Stock No. Arm Length Rise Approx. Wt. (lbs.)

4000A3.5A33g 3'-6" 0'-5" 65
4000A4.0A33g 4'-0" 0'-7" 70
4000a4.5a33g 4'-6" 0'-9" 75
4000a5.0a33g 5'-0" 0'-11" 80
4000a5.5a33g 5'-6" 1'-1" 90
4000a6.0a33g 6'-0" 1'-3" 95
4000a6.5a33g 6'-6" 1'-5" 105
4000a7.0a33g 7'-0" 1'-7" 115
4000a7.5a33g 7'-6" 1'-9" 120
4000a8.0a33g 8'-0" 1'-11" 130
4000a8.5a33g 8'-6" 2'-1" 135
4000a9.0a33g 9'-0" 2'-3" 145
4000a9.5a33g 9'-6" 2'-5" 150
4000a10.0a33g 10'-0" 2'-7" 160
4000a10.5a33g 10'-6" 2'-9" 170
4000a11.0a33g 11'-0" 2'-11" 185

Ordering Options
(G = Galvanized)
Example: 4000 A 10.5 A 33 G Coating (W = Self Weathering)
(P = Painted)
Material Strength (KSI)
See Page G-18 for load ratings
Base Plate Design
See Pages G-10 thru G-13
Length (feet)
Phase Attachment Designs
See Page G-16
Tube Style & Rise

©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc. G-3

G davit arms

4010 Series, 24° Rise Angle,

Heavy Duty Steel Davit Arms


See page G-16 for

end plate options

24o ø

See pages G-10

thru G-13 for base
plate options

Approximate Approximate
Insulator Clearance Clearance
String @θ=45° @θ=30°
Length Swing Angle Swing Angle

2' - 0" 1' - 4 1/2" 1' - 9 1/4"

3' - 0" 1' - 9" 2' - 5"
4' - 0" 2' - 1 1/2" 3' - 0"
5' - 0" 2' - 6" 3' - 7"
6' - 0" 2' - 10 1/2" 4' - 2"
7' - 0" 3' - 3" 4' - 9"

G-4 ©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc.

davit arms G

4010 Series

Stock No Arm Length Rise Approx. Wt. (lbs.)

4010A3.5A33g 3'-6" 0'-11" 65

4010a4.0a33g 4'-0" 1'-2" 70
4010a4.5a33g 4'-6" 1'-5" 75
4010a5.0a33g 5'-0" 1'-7" 80
4010a5.5a33g 5'-6" 1'-10" 90
4010a6.0a33g 6'-0" 2'-0" 95
4010a6.5a33g 6'-6" 2'-3" 105
4010a7.0a33g 7'-0" 2'-5" 115
4010a7.5a33g 7'-6" 2'-8" 120
4010a8.0a33g 8'-0" 2'-10" 130
4010a8.5a33g 8'-6" 3'-1" 135
4010a9.0a33g 9'-0" 3'-3" 145
4010a9.5a33g 9'-6" 3'-6" 150
4010a10.0a33g 10'-0" 3'-8" 160
4010a10.5a33g 10'-6" 3'-11" 170
4010a11.0a33g 11'-0" 4'-1" 185

Ordering options
(G = Galvanized)
Example: 4010 A 10.5 A 33 G
Coating (W = Self Weathering)
(P = Painted)
Material Strength (KSI)
See Page G-18 for load ratings
Base Plate Design
See Pages G-10 thru G-13
Length (feet)
Phase Attachment Designs
See Page G-16
Tube Style & Rise

©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc. G-5

G davit arms

4020 Series, 16o Rise Angle,

Medium Duty Steel Davit Arms


See page G-16 for

end plate options

16 o

See pages G-10

thru G-13 for base
plate options

Approximate Approximate
Insulator Clearance Clearance
String @θ=45° @θ=30°
Length Swing Angle Swing Angle

2' - 0" 1' - 6 7/8" 1' - 11 1/8"

3' - 0" 2' - 1" 2' - 8 1/4"
4' - 0" 2' - 6 1/2" 3' - 5"
5' - 0" 3' - 0 1/4" 4' - 1 1/4"
6' - 0" 3' - 6" 4' - 9 1/2"
7' - 0" 4' - 0" 5' - 6"

G-6 ©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc.

davit arms G

4020 Series

Stock No. Arm Length Rise Approx. Wt. (lbs.)

4020A3.5A33g 3'-6" 0'-5" 60
4020a4.0a33g 4'-0" 0'-7" 65
4020a4.5a33g 4'-6" 0'-9" 70
4020a5.0a33g 5'-0" 0'-11" 75
4020a5.5a33g 5'-6" 1'-1" 85
4020a6.0a33g 6'-0" 1'-3" 90
4020a6.5a33g 6'-6" 1'-5" 95
4020a7.0a33g 7'-0" 1'-7" 105
4020a7.5a33g 7'-6" 1'-9" 110
4020a8.0a33g 8'-0" 1'-11" 120
4020a8.5a33g 8'-6" 2'-1" 125
4020a9.0a33g 9'-0" 2'-3" 135
4020a9.5a33g 9'-6" 2'-5" 140
4020a10.0a33g 10'-0" 2'-7" 145
4020a10.5a33g 10'-6" 2'-9" 150
4020a11.0a33g 11'-0" 2'-11" 160

Ordering Options (G = Galvanized)

Example: 4020 A 10.5 A 33 G Coating (W = Self Weathering)
(P = Painted)
Material Strength (KSI)
See Page G-19 for load ratings
Base Plate Design
See Pages G-10 thru G-13
Length (feet)
Phase Attachment Designs
See Page G-16
Tube Style & Rise

©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc. G-7

G davit arms

4030 Series, 24° Rise Angle,

Medium Duty Steel Davit Arms


See page G-16 for

end plate options

24o ø

See pages G-10

thru G-13 for base
plate options

Approximate Approximate
Insulator Clearance Clearance
String @θ=45° @θ=30°
Length Swing Angle Swing Angle

2' - 0" 1' - 4 1/2" 1' - 9 1/4"

3' - 0" 1' - 9" 2' - 5"
4' - 0" 2' - 1 1/2" 3' - 0"
5' - 0" 2' - 6" 3' - 7"
6' - 0" 2' - 10 1/2" 4' - 2"
7' - 0" 3' - 3" 4' - 9"

G-8 ©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc.

davit arms G

4030 Series

Stock No. Arm Length Rise Approx. Wt. (lbs.)

4030A3.5A33g 3'-6" 0'-11" 60

4030a4.0a33g 4'-0" 1'-2" 65
4030a4.5a33g 4'-6" 1'-5" 70
4030a5.0a33g 5'-0" 1'-7" 75
4030a5.5a33g 5'-6" 1'-10" 85
4030a6.0a33g 6'-0" 2'-0" 90
4030a6.5a33g 6'-6" 2'-3" 95
4030a7.0a33g 7'-0" 2'-5" 105
4030a7.5a33g 7'-6" 2'-8" 110
4030a8.0a33g 8'-0" 2'-10" 120
4030a8.5a33g 8'-6" 3'-1" 125
4030a9.0a33g 9'-0" 3'-3" 135
4030a9.5a33g 9'-6" 3'-6" 140
4030a10.0a33g 10'-0" 3'-8" 145
4030a10.5a33g 10'-6" 3'-11" 150
4030a11.0a33g 11'-0" 4'-1" 160

Ordering options
(G = Galvanized)
Example: 4030 A 10.5 A 33 G Coating (W = Self Weathering)
(P = Painted)
Material Strength (KSI)
See Page G-19 for load ratings
Base Plate Design
See Pages G-10 thru G-13
Length (feet)
Phase Attachment Designs
See Page G-16
Tube Style & Rise

©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc. G-9

G davit arms

Base Plate Options

See Table A on page G-17
Base Plate

Many variations of base plate options are
available. Consult Hughes Brothers Engineering
Staff before ordering.

Bearing Plate

7/8" mounting bolts, nuts and

washers sold separately.

9" pole dia. min.

Base Plate

Bearing Plate

1" mounting bolts,

nuts and washers
sold separately. Styles A & B work equally well on concrete poles.

9" pole dia. min.

G-10 ©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc.

davit arms G

Base Plate Options

C4488.1* See Table A on page G-17
Bearing Plate
Base Plate Many variations of base plate options are

available. Consult Hughes Brothers Engineering
Staff before ordering.

Shim & Shim bolt as required.

Ordered separately.

1" threaded rods, nuts and

washers sold separately.

Option C works equally well on concrete poles.

Option C in double circuit configuration on wood pole.

©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc. G-11

G davit arms

Base Plate Options

See Table A on page G-17

ø Many variations of base plate options are
Bend angle to be available. Consult Hughes Brothers Engineering
specified. See table B Staff before ordering.
on page G-17

Bend angle to be
specified. See table

B on page G-17
7/8" mounting bolts,
nuts and washers
sold separately.

1" mounting bolts,

nuts and washers
sold separately.

Bend angle to be
specified. See table B
on page G-17


7/8" mounting bolts,

nuts and washers
sold separately.

Options D & E shown here in a steel

pole application.

Minimum pole diameter= 15".

G-12 ©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc.

davit arms G

Base Plate Options

J See Table A on page G-17

Many variations of base plate options are
available. Consult Hughes Brothers Engineering
Specify Staff before ordering.

1" mounting bolts, nuts and washers,
ordered separately

5/8" Base Plate

©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc. G-13

G davit arms

C4485-V Steel Davit Arm

12 Sided Steel Pole

1" A325 Mounting Bolt,

(1) Nut, (1) Sq. Washer,
and (1) MF Locknut
(Ordered Separately)

Base Plate "W" Pole Dia. Range

Code Width (Flat-Flat)

A 4" 10" - 16"
B 5" 14" - 20"
C 6" 16" - 24"
D 7" 17" - 28"
12 Sided Pole

1" A325 Threaded Rod,

(4) Nuts, (2) Sq. Washers,
and (4) MF Locknuts
(Ordered Separately)

Ordering Example

C4485- V4.0 A 65 G
Material Code
Base Plate
Arm Length Code

G-14 ©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc.

davit arms G

C4668-A Steel Davit Arm

Specify Pole
Dia. Code

3/8" x 5" 5/8" Base Plate

Band Section *Pole Dia. Code
A 10"-12"
B 12"-14"
C 14"-16"
D 16"-18"
E 18"-20"

Ordering Example
3/8" x 4" C4668- A C 8.0 MS
Band Section

** Material Code Suffix

Arm Length
Pole Dia. Code

**Material Code Suffix

MS= Mild Steel
CT= Cor-Ten Steel

©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc. G-15

G davit arms

Phase Attachment Options


1-1/2" hole chamfered
both sides.

4-3/4" 4-3/4"

4-3/8" 1-1/2" holes chamfered
both sides.


1-1/2" hole chamfered

both sides.

2821 Swinging Angle


4-3/4" 4-3/4"


1-1/2" holes chamfered

both sides.

AT 1-1/2" holes chamfered

both sides.

G-16 ©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc.

davit arms G

TABLE A Ultimate Vertical Strength Based on ANSI C135.1

Bolt Strength and 14" Base Plate Bolt Spacing
Base Plate Configuration Type
Length A&D B, C, & E F
(feet) (2) 7/8" Bolts (2) 1" Bolts (3) 7/8" Bolts
T=25,400 lbs each T=33,500 lbs each T=25,400 lbs each
3.0 9860 13010 17000
3.5 8450 11150 14500
4.0 7400 9760 12900

Design Note: Check both the ultimate 4.5 6575 8670 11500

tube strength and the ultimate strength 5.0 5910 7800 10300

based on bolt strengths. 5.5 5370 7100 9400
6.0 4920 6500 8600
6.5 4550 6000 7900
7.0 4210 5580 7400
7.5 3950 5200 6900
8.0 3700 4870 6450
8.5 3470 4580 6100
9.0 3280 4330 5700
9.5 3100 4100 5450
10.0 2950 3900 5170
10.5 2810 3710 4920
11.0 2680 3550 4700
Contact Hughes Brothers Engineering Dept. for ultimate strengths based on other types of bolts.

TABLE B Base Plate Bend Angles

Davit Series Base Plate Bend Pole Dia. Bend Angle
Angle Designation (degrees)
4020 & 4030 H 7" 60
I 8" 55
J 9" 47
K 10" 44
L 11" 40
M 12" 36
4000 & 4010 N 9" 68
O 10" 63
P 11" 58
Q 12" 54
R 13" 50
S 14" 47
T 16" 42
U 18" 37
V 20" 30
W 22" 30

©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc. G-17

G davit arms

Strength Table
4000 / 4010 Series Steel Davits

Ultimate Tube Strength, lb.

(Based on yield strength of steel)

Arm Vertical Longitudinal

(feet) 80KSI 65ksi 50ksi 36ksi 33ksi 80ksi 65ksi 50ksi 36ksi 33ksi

3.0 7550 6150 4700 3500 3100 6250 5000 3900 2800 2550
3.5 7550 6150 4700 3500 3100 6250 5000 3900 2800 2550
4.0 7550 6150 4700 3500 3100 6250 5000 3900 2800 2550
4.5 7550 6150 4700 3500 3100 6250 5000 3900 2800 2550
5.0 7550 6150 4700 3500 3100 6250 5000 3900 2800 2550
5.5 7550 6150 4700 3500 3100 6250 5000 3900 2800 2550
6.0 7550 6150 4700 3500 3100 6250 5000 3900 2800 2550
6.5 7550 6150 4700 3500 3100 6250 5000 3900 2800 2550
7.0 7550 6150 4700 3500 3100 6250 5000 3900 2800 2550
7.5 7550 6150 4700 3500 3100 6250 5000 3900 2800 2550
8.0 7550 6150 4700 3500 3100 6250 5000 3900 2800 2550
8.5 7550 6150 4700 3500 3100 6250 5000 3900 2800 2550
9.0 7550 6150 4700 3500 3100 6250 5000 3900 2800 2550
9.5 7550 6150 4700 3500 3100 6250 5000 3900 2800 2550
10.0 7550 6150 4700 3500 3100 6250 5000 3900 2800 2550
10.5 7550 6150 4700 3500 3100 6250 5000 3900 2800 2550
11.0 7550 6150 4700 3500 3100 6250 5000 3900 2800 2550

Check both the ultimate tube strength and the ultimate bolt strength.
The ultimate strength of the complete unit is the lesser of the two strengths.

G-18 ©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc.

davit arms G

(cont'd) Strength Table
4020 / 4030 Series Steel Davits

Ultimate Tube Strength, lb.

(Based on yield strength of steel)

Arm Vertical Longitudinal

(feet) 80KSI 65ksi 50ksi 36ksi 33ksi 80ksi 65ksi 50ksi 36ksi 33ksi

3.0 6550 5350 4100 3000 2700 5920 4810 3700 2660 2440
3.5 6550 5350 4100 3000 2700 5420 4400 3390 2440 2230
4.0 6550 5350 4100 3000 2700 5050 4100 3150 2270 2080
4.5 6550 5350 4100 3000 2700 4760 3860 2970 2140 1960
5.0 6550 5350 4100 3000 2700 4520 3620 2820 2030 1860
5.5 6550 5350 4100 3000 2700 4330 3520 2710 1950 1780
6.0 6550 5350 4100 3000 2700 4170 3390 2610 1880 1720
6.5 6550 5350 4100 3000 2700 4040 3280 2520 1820 1660
7.0 6550 5350 4100 3000 2700 3920 3190 2450 1760 1620
7.5 6550 5350 4100 3000 2700 3820 3110 2390 1720 1580
8.0 6550 5350 4100 3000 2700 3740 3040 2330 1680 1540
8.5 6550 5350 4100 3000 2700 3660 2970 2290 1640 1510
9.0 6550 5350 4100 3000 2700 3590 2920 2240 1610 1480
9.5 6550 5350 4100 3000 2700 3530 2870 2210 1590 1450
10.0 6550 5350 4100 3000 2700 3480 2820 2170 1560 1430
10.5 6550 5350 4100 3000 2700 3430 2780 2140 1540 1410
11.0 6550 5350 4100 3000 2700 3380 2750 2110 1520 1390

Check both the ultimate tube strength and the ultimate bolt strength.
The ultimate strength of the complete unit is the lesser of the two strengths.

©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc. G-19

G davit arms

C4484-C Static Support Arm

Hughes Brothers C4484-C Static Support Arms are used to offset the
shield wire a greater distance from the pole. Tube sizes can be changed
to accommodate load requirements, and other base and end fittings are
possible. Contact Hughes Brothers Engineering staff for assistance.

9" to 4'-0"

7/8" mounting


5/8" x 2-3/8"
Ultimate Vertical Grounding Lug (optional)
Stock No. "L" Rise Strength

C4484-C9 9" 3-1/2" 9,000 lbs.
C4484-C12 12" 4" 6,700 lbs.
C4484-C14 14" 4-3/8" 5,700 lbs. End Plate
C4484-C16 16" 4-5/8" 5,000 lbs.
C4484-C18 18" 5" 4,500 lbs.
C4484-C24 24" 6" 3,300 lbs. 1-1/2" Fabrication
C4484-C27 27" 6-5/8" 3,000 lbs. Drain Hole
C4484-C30 30" 7-3/8" 2,700 lbs.
C4484-C36 36" 8-1/8" 2,200 lbs.
C4484-C42 42" 9-1/4" 1,900 lbs.
C4484-C48 48" 10-3/8" 1,600 lbs.
1-1/4" Hole
(chamfered both sides)

Ordering Example

C4484- C "L" G
Grounding Lug (optional)

"L" Length in inches

G-20 ©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc.

davit arms G

C4484-CDE Static Support Arm

The C4484-CDE Static Support Arms steel are used to offset the shield wire a greater distance
from the pole. Tube sizes can be changed to accommodate load requirements and other base
and end fittings are possible. Contact Hughes Brothers Engineering staff for assistance.



12" Welded


5/8" Ground Lug

CW80 7/8" Bolt & Locknut

Curved (Ordered Separately)

Ultimate Vertical
Stock No. "L" Rise Strength

C4484-CDE6 6" 3" 17,250 lbs.
C4484-CDE9 9" 3-1/2" 11,500 lbs.
C4484-CDE12 12" 4" 8,600 lbs.
C4484-CDE14 14" 4-3/8" 7,300 lbs.
C4484-CDE16 16" 4-3/4" 6,400 lbs.
1-1/2" Fabrication
C4484-CDE18 18" 5" 5,700 lbs.
Drain Hole
C4484-CDE24 24" 6" 4,300 lbs.
C4484-CDE27 27" 6-5/8" 3,800 lbs.
1-1/2" Hole, typical
C4484-CDE30 30" 7-3/8" 3,400 lbs.
(Chamfered both sides)
C4484-CDE36 36" 8-1/8" 2,800 lbs.
C4484-CDE42 42" 9-1/4" 2,400 lbs.
C4484-CDE48 48" 10-3/8" 2,100 lbs.

Ordering Example:
C4484-CDE-12 G W
Add W for Cor-Ten Weathering Steel
Add G for Ground Lug Welded to Base Plate
"L" Length (inches)

©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc. G-21

G davit arms

C4484 Distribution
Underbuild Arms
Hughes Brothers C4484 Series of Distribution Underbuild Arms
are manufactured from tube steel. The tube size varies with
loading requirements. Contact Hughes Brothers Engineering
staff for assistance.

7/8" Bolts, Nuts & Washers

(ordered separately) "DET" Suffix

"A" 3"


13/16" 13/16"

All vangs have a 1-1/4" hole

chamfered both sides. See note*

Ordering Example
Base Plate Pole Dia.
Base Plate Code Suffix Stock No. Length "A"
Type Range

A 15"-18" C4484-B4.0 4' - 0" 2' - 0"
B 18"-21" C4484-B4.5 4' - 6" 2' - 3"
C 21"-24" C4484-B5.5 5' - 6" 3' - 3"
*Take off link available as an option by adding D 24"-28"
suffix "DET" as follows: C4484-BDET4.5A E 12"-15"
F 26"-31"

G-22 ©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc.

davit arms G

C4466 Post Insulator

Stand-Off Arm
Hughes Brothers C4466 Series of Line Post
13/16" Hole Insulator Insulator Stand-Off Arms are used for special
Mtg. Hole applications requiring a 1 ft. to 3 ft. clearance
B from the pole.


13/16" Post Insulator B

Stock No. L A C Wt./lbs.
Hole (by others)
C4466-B1.0 12" 10" 2" 4" 33
C4466-B1.25 15" 10" 2" 4" 35
C4466-B1.5 18" 10" 2" 4" 37
C4466-B1.75 21" 10" 2" 4" 39
C4466-B2.0 24" 12" 2" 5" 43
C4466-B2.25 27" 12" 2" 5" 46
C4466-B2.5 30" 12" 2" 5" 49
C4466-B2.75 33" 12" 2" 5" 52
C4466-B3.0 36" 12" 2" 5" 55

Ordering Example:
"A" for 13/16" ins. mtg. hole
"B" for 15/16" ins. mtg. hole

Length "L" in feet

©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc. G-23

G davit arms

C4080 Series, Medium

Duty Wood Davit Arm
The Hughes Brothers C4080 Series Wood Davits make
a visually pleasing structure. Manufactured using
ANSI 05.2 Douglas-fir Glu-laminated timbers which are
penta treated and assembled to a steel base. A variety
of conductor attachment configurations are available.
The unit mounts with (3) 7/8" mounting bolts (ordered


5000 lbs

Radius Rating
3/4" Bolt

Stock No. Arm Size Length Radius "X" Rise Unit Wt.

C4080-B 4.5 5 1/8" x 5 " - 8 " 4' - 6" 10' - 7" 12" 1' - 10" 123 lbs
C4080-B 5.0 5 1/8" x 5 " - 8 1/4" 5' - 0" 11' - 7" 12" 1' - 11 1/2" 130 lbs
C4080-A 5.5 5 1/8" x 5 3/4" - 8 1/2" 5' - 6" 12' - 7" 16" 1' - 11 3/4" 142 lbs
C4080-A 6.0 5 1/8" x 5 3/4" - 8 3/4" 6' - 0" 13' - 7" 16" 2' - 1 3/8" 150 lbs
C4080-A 6.5 5 1/8" x 5 3/4" - 9" 6' - 6" 14' - 7" 16" 2' - 2 7/8" 158 lbs
C4080-A 7.0 5 1/8" x 5 3/4" - 9 1/4" 7' - 0" 15' - 7" 16" 2' - 4 1/2" 167 lbs
C4080-A 7.5 5 1/8" x 6 7/8" - 9 1/2" 7' - 6" 16' - 7" 16" 2' - 6" 180 lbs
C4080-A 8.0 5 1/8" x 6 7/8" - 9 3/4" 8' - 0" 17' - 7" 16" 2' - 7 5/8" 194 lbs
C4080-A 8.5 5 1/8" x 6 7/8" - 9 7/8" 8' - 6" 18' - 7" 16" 2' - 9 1/2" 208 lbs
C4080-A 9.0 5 1/8" x 6 7/8" - 10 1/8" 9' - 0" 19' - 7" 16" 2' - 10 3/4" 223 lbs

G-24 ©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc.

davit arms G

Optional Conductor

Swinging Angle Bracket

C4080-C Series, substitute C4080-C
for C4080-A sizes to order swinging
angle bracket.

Dead End Tee

C4080-D Series, substitute C4080-D
for C4080-A to order with dead end
tee option.

©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc. G-25

G davit arms

C4113 Series, Light

Duty Wood Davit Arm

The Hughes Brothers C4113 Series uses a smaller wood

section for lighter loading criteria.

3/4" mounting Eyebolt 6"
bolts, nuts &
washers ordered

2500 lbs

Radius Rise
5/8" Bolt

Stock No. Arm Size Length Radius "X" Rise Unit Wt.

C4113-B 4.5 3 1/8" x 5" - 8" 4' - 6" 10' - 7" 12" 1' - 11" 95 lbs
C4113-B 5.0 3 1/8" x 5" - 8" 5' - 0" 11' - 7" 12" 2' - 0 5/8" 99 lbs
C4113-A 5.5 3 1/8" x 5" - 8" 5' - 6" 12' - 7" 16" 2' - 2 1/8" 103 lbs
C4113-A 6.0 3 1/8" x 5" - 8" 6' - 0" 13' - 7" 16" 2' - 3 3/8" 108 lbs
C4113-A 6.5 3 1/8" x 5" - 8" 6' - 6" 14' - 7" 16" 2' - 5 3/8" 112 lbs
C4113-A 7.0 3 1/8" x 5" - 8 1/4" 7' - 0" 15' - 7" 16" 2' - 7 1/8" 116 lbs
C4113-A 7.5 3 1/8" x 5" - 8 1/4" 7' - 6" 16' - 7" 16" 2' - 9" 121 lbs
C4113-A 8.0 3 1/8" x 5" - 8 3/4" 8' - 0" 17' - 7" 16" 2' - 10 7/8" 127 lbs
C4113-A 8.5 3 1/8" x 5" - 9" 8' - 6" 18' - 7" 16" 3' - 0 3/4" 133 lbs

G-26 ©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc.

davit arms G

Steel Davit Replacement

For Wood Davits
If maintenance is required, one option may be to replace
the wood member with the C4625 or C4619 replacement
davit. The steel tube is furnished to fit in the existing base
fitting used by the wood davit. Contact Hughes Brothers
Engineering staff for assistance.

C4625 Series

C4619 Series

©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc. G-27

& R E PA I R
structure reframing H

Structure Rebuild /
Upgrade Kits

Hughes Brothers has helped utilities develop

economical solutions for rebuilding and upgrading
existing H-frame structures.

Each upgrade project is unique with its own set of

variables, objectives and goals. For this reason,
close cooperation with the experienced Hughes
engineering staff is required.

The following benefits can be realized as the result of

an upgrade project:

• Maintenance of existing right of way while

operating lines at higher capacity
• Increased conductor clearances
• Increased service life of existing towers through
• Improved transmission reliability through
increased structure strength
• Bring non-compliant towers into compliance with
NESC codes

Hughes Brothers is prepared to assist in the project

completion by:

• assisting in structural design analysis to

salvage as much of the existing structure
as possible
• performing full scale tests to verify designs
• supply material in “kit form” to ease field
• ensure timely delivery of material to proper

©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc. H-1

H structure reframing

C4700 Series Reframing


C4700 C4701

Bill of Material Bill of Material

to Include: to Include:

4-Vee Braces 4-Vee Braces

1-X Brace 2-Bayonets
2-Bayonets 1-Shield Wire
1-Shield Wire Support Assy.
Support Assy.

Existing Structure After Upgrade Existing Structure After Upgrade

C4702 C4703

Bill of Material Bill of Material

to Include: to Include:

2-Vee Braces 2-Vee Braces

2-Bayonets 2-Bayonets
1-Shield Wire 1-Shield Wire
Support Assy. Support Assy.

Existing Structure After Upgrade Existing Structure After Upgrade

H-2 ©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc.

structure reframing H

C4704 C4705

Bill of Material Bill of Material

to Include: to Include:

2-Bayonets 4-Vee Braces

1-Shield Wire 1-X Brace
Support Assy. 2-Bayonets

Existing Structure After Upgrade Existing Structure After Upgrade

C4706 C4707

Bill of Material Bill of Material

to Include: to Include:

4-Vee Braces 2-Vee Braces

2-Bayonets 2-Bayonets

Existing Structure After Upgrade Existing Structure After Upgrade

C4708 C4709

Bill of Material Bill of Material

to Include: to Include:

2-Vee Braces 2-Bayonets


Existing Structure After Upgrade Existing Structure After Upgrade

©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc. H-3

H structure reframing

Use the drawings and tables on the following

pages to determine which upgrade kit is best suited
to your needs. Please record all information on this
Existing Structure
form to assist Hughes Brothers Engineering staff in
analyzing your situation. Information Form
Ordering Number
Existing line voltage kV
Rebuild line voltage kV
Miles of line miles
Estimated material delivery date
Age of line years (example: installed age)
Pole type(s): Douglas fir Southern Yellow Pine Western Red Cedar
Pole heights feet thru feet
Pole classes thru
Existing Crossarm height feet (from top of pole)
Pole spacing feet
Arm Relocation Height feet “Y” feet
“IL” feet
Phase spacing feet
Maximum vertical span feet
Maximum transverse span feet
Ruling span feet
Existing conductor type (example: 795 ACSR 26/7)
New conductor type (if applicable) (example: 954 ACSR 26/7)
Number of conductors per phase
Shield wire type (example: 3/8" EHS steel strand)
Number of shield wires (total)
Maximum tangent structure line angle
Conductor Maximum design tension pounds
Shield wire maximum design tension pounds
NOTE: Additional copies of
Cone of protection angle (example: 30°) this form may be obtained by
Step Bolt Option Yes No contacting Hughes Brothers.

H-4 ©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc.

structure reframing H

Ordering Information
New Shield Wire Support Assembly
Bayonet Assemblies

New Bracing,
as Required

Cone of


Phase Protection Angle



Existing Arm

New X-Bracing,
as Required

Pole Spacing

©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc. H-5

H structure reframing

Ordering Information (cont'd)

New Shield Wire Support Assembly

Bayonet Assemblies

New Bracing,
Reframing Ordering Codes as Required

Ordering Pole Phase Ordering Bayonet Relocation
Code Spacing Spacing Code Height Height
Cone of


A 1'-0" 1'-0"

1 9'-0" 9'-0" Phase Protection

2 9'-6" 9'-6" B 1'-6" 1'-6" Spacing Angle
3 10'-0" 10'-0" C 2'-0" 2'-0"
4 10'-6" 10'-6" D 2'-6" 2'-6"
E 3'-0" 3'-0" Existing
5 11'-0" 11'-0"

F 3'-6" 3'-6" Arm
6 11'-6" 11'-6" Location
7 12'-0" 12'-0" G 4'-0" 4'-0"
8 12'-6" 12'-6" H 4'-6" 4'-6"
9 13'-0" 13'-0" I 5'-0" 5'-0"
10 13-6" 13-’6" J 5'-6" 5'-6"
11 14'-0" 14'-0" K 6'-0" 6'-0"
L 6'-6" 6'-6" New X-Bracing,
12 14'-6" 14'-6" as Required
13 15'-0" 15'-0" M 7'-0" 7'-0"
14 15'-6" 15'-6" N 7'-6" 7'-6"
15 16'-0" 16'-0" P 8'-0" 8'-0"
16 16'-6" 16'-6" Q 8'-6" 8'-6"
17 17'-0" 17'-0" R 9'-0" 9'-0"
18 17'-6" 17'-6" S 9'-6" 9'-6"
19 18'-0" 18'-0" T 10'-0" 10'-0"
20 18'-6" 18'-6" U 10'-6" 10'-6" Pole Spacing
21 19'-0" 19'-0" V 11'-0" 11'-0"
22 19'-6" 19'-6" W 11'-6" 11'-6"
23 20'-0" 20'-0" X 12'-0" 12'-0"
24 20'-6" 20'-6" Y 12'-6" 12'-6"
25 21'-0" 21'-0" Z 13'-0" 13'-0"
26 21'-6" 21'-6"
27 22'-0" 22'-0"
28 22'-6" 22'-6"
29 23'-0" 23'-0"
30 23'-6" 23'-6"
31 24'-0" 24'-0"
32 24'-6" 24'-6" Ordering Example
33 25'-0" 25'-0"
34 25'-6" 25'-6"
35 26'-0" 26'-0" C 4 7 0 1 G 2 E 2 ****
36 26'-6" 26'-6" Customer Code (3 to 4 characters - example NSP)
37 27'-0" 27'-0"
38 27'-6" 27'-6" Reframed phase spacing
39 28'-0" 28'-0" Arm relocation height
40 28'-6" 28'-6" Reframed pole spacing
41 29'-0" 29'-0" Bayonet height
42 29'-6" 29'-6"
43 30'-0" 30'-0" Series Number

H-6 ©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc.

structure reframing H

Bayonet Details

Spacing to be specified
Optional step bolts for
shield wire attachments
and maintenance.

Ground wire attachment

Pole Top

Top view of double arm

connection at bayonet
for arms above pole top.

©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc. H-7

H structure reframing

Top Attachment Details

Existing Shield Wire
New Shield Wire Attachment Attachment

Bent leg for

to fit

Spacing to
fit existing

Pole Band Top Support

Maintains the structural integrity of the pole top.

H-8 ©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc.

structure reframing H

Basic H-frame Installation Procedure

1 Prepare Bayonet on ground 2 Disassemble shield wire 3 Unbolt existing knee braces
attachments from top of pole (if applicable)

4 Loosen crossarm mounting 5 Top steel angle removed and 6 Drill poles for new bayonets
hardware but do not remove. lowered to the ground and crossarms

7 Crane cable is attached to crossarm. Double arm assembly is 8 Crane raises arm to new location
spread apart at each pole using hydraulic jacks. Crossarm bolts
are removed.

©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc. H-9

H structure reframing

9 New arm mounting bolts are 10 Shield wire angle is bolted to 11 Bayonet mounting holes are
installed and spreading jacks bayonet extensions on the drilled and mounting bolts
are removed. ground and raised to position. installed.
Pole bands are slipped over
top of pole and into position.

12 Shield wire installed back on 13 Knee and vee braces are 14 Ground wire is installed.
attachments. bolted into position on

H-10 ©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc.

structure reframing H

C4754-A1 and C2561-S

Series Reframing Trusses
Hughes Brothers has also supplied pre-assembled steel trusses
and bayonets to upgrade lines or replace aging spar arm structures.
Many configurations are available. Trusses are pre-assembled in
the factory and installed on poles or steel bayonets. Available in
galvanized steel or self-weathering steel, please contact Hughes
Brothers engineering department for assistance.

C4754-A1 C2561-S

©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc. H-11

H structure reframing

B2511-N1 Pole Top Extension

(For Crossarm Attachment)
The B2511 series extensions can be used to raise the pole height, add a
shield wire or repair a damaged pole. Many configurations are available.
Available in galvanized steel or self-weathering steel, please contact
Hughes Brothers engineering department for assistance.


3-1/2" x 4-1/2"
x 8'-0" Crossarm

Full Threaded Rods Include

4 Nuts & 2 Locknuts

7/8" Threaded Rod
5/8" Threaded Rod

3/16" Bent Plate

5/8" Anti-Split Bolt.
Curved Washers, Locknuts


7/8" Bolts Locknuts


H-12 ©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc.

structure reframing H

B2511-R Pole Top Extension

Type B2511-R1
Conductor S.W. Dead End / Angle
Dead End Guy Plate
Specify Dead End
Step 3/4" Threaded 3/4" Threaded
Bolt Rod Rod
Guy Plate
1/4" Plate

6" (Cor-Ten)

Type B2511-R2

In-Line Dead End


(Extensions turned 90o on Pole)

Ground Wire Bolt 2817-13

D.E. Tee

3/4" Threaded



D.E. Tee
1/2" Anti-Split Bolt

(Ordered Separately)
7/8" Bolt,

Type B2511-R3
Running Angle
D.E. Tee

3/4" Threaded Rod

S.W. Support

©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc. H-13

H structure reframing

B2511-HB Pole Repair


1/4" Plate
6" 14-1/4" 13-7/8" 12"

(Insulator by
7/8" Bolt,
MF80 Locknut

Pole Damage


Existing X-Brace
4" 15-3/4"

7/8" Bolt, MF80


H-14 ©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc.

lighting poles and sign posts I

©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc. I-1

I lighting poles and sign posts

Laminated Wood Lighting Poles

Laminated wood lighting poles are aesthetically pleasing in formal or rustic settings and are
manufactured from 100% renewable, natural coastal douglas fir.

Treated with pentachlorophenol, they will offer many years of service. These poles are directly
embedded, and are field friendly... can be drilled, nailed, or cut on-site.

The internal raceway hides and protects wiring.

Cataloged poles are straight, but custom ordered curved poles are available.

Standard Sizes (Virtually any size available, inquire Hughes Brothers Engineering Department.)



3/8” Radius 6” 1” x 1-1/4”
(Typical) Internal Wire
Raceway (Typical)

EPA Rating Table

Pole Size & Height Above Ground/Set Depth

Wind Speed 5-1/8” x 4-1/8” 5-1/8” x 4-3/8” 5-1/8” x 5-3/4” 5-1/8” x 5-3/4” 6-3/4” x 6”
(mph) 12’-0”/3’-6” 15’-0”/4’-0” 20’-0”/4’-6” 25’-0”/5’-0” 30’-0”/5’-6”

70 10.4 8.3 6.2 4.8 8.7
80 8 6.3 4.7 3.6 6.6
90 6.2 4.9 3.6 2.8 5.2
100 5 4 2.9 2.2 4.2
110 4.1 3.2 2.4 1.8 3.4

I-2 ©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc.

lighting poles and sign posts I

C4773 Laminated Wood

Pole Cap (see page I-6)
Lighting Standard

• Open defects such as knot holes exceeding 1/2” in diameter or
wane exceeding 1/4”x12” shall be filled with wood filler. Sides
See page I-6
shall be S4S with edges eased to 3/8” radius.
for luminaire
• Tolerances shall be from +0 to -1/8” for width and ±1/4” in length.

• Lumber is coast region Douglas-Fir only, L1 laminating grade for

strength and appearance.

• Each Standard shall be branded with a trademark 18” above

intended ground line including month and year of manufacture.

• Luminaire hardware and pole caps are not included with the pole.

• All lighting standards are penta treated.

• Internal raceway is 1” x 1-1/4” and runs the full length of the pole.

Length Part No. “X” “Y” “W” “D”

15’-6” C4773.1A-1L 3’-6” 12’-0” 4-1/4” 5-1/8”

19’-0” C4773.1B-1L 4’-0” 15’-0” 4-1/4” 5-1/8”
24’-0” C4773.1C-1L 4’-0” 20’-0” 5-1/8” 5-3/4”
30’-0” C4773.1D-1L 5’-0” 25’-0” 5-1/8” 5-3/4”
18’-0” C4773.2A-1L 4’-0” 14’-0” 4-1/4” 5-1/8”



©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc. I-3

I lighting poles and sign posts

C4773.1 Laminated Light Pole Series

C4773.1A-1L Light Pole (Lam.)

To Ground Line


12’-0” 3’-6”
TM Loc 1-6” 2’-6” 1’-0”

“P12” Gr. Line Detail “A”


C4773.1B-1L Light Pole (Lam.)

Detail “A”

15’-0” 4’-0”
TM Loc 1-6” 2’-6” 1’-6”

“P15” Gr. Line Detail “A”

C4773.1C-1L Light Pole (Lam.)


20’-0” 4’-6”
1-6” 2’-6” 2’-0” 2-1/2”
TM Loc

“P20H” Gr. Line Detail “A”

C4773.1D-1L Light Pole (Lam.)


25’-0” 5’-0”
1-6” 2’-6” 2’-6” 2-1/2”
TM Loc

“P25H” Gr. Line

Detail “A”

I-4 ©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc.

lighting poles and sign posts I

Laminated Wood Lighting Pole Accessories

Pole Caps
Protect the top of the pole by installing pole caps. These are manufactured from 11 gauge steel and are
available in galvanized or power coated finishes.

Pole Size Galvanized Powder Coat (Specify Color) Aluminum

4-3/8” x 5-1/8” C4773.3A C4773.3A-B(color) C4773.3A-A
5-1/8” x 5-3/4” C4773.3B C4773.3B-B(color) C4773.3B-A

4-9/16” 4-9/16”

1-1/4” 1-1/4”

5-5/16” 5-5/16”

(For 4-3/8” x 5-1/8” (For 5-1/8” x 5-3/4”

Pole Top) Pole Top)

Pole Top Luminary Supports

The pole top luminary support provides a means to mount slipfit fixtures on a 3” OD pipe at the top of the pole.

Pole Size Galvanized Powder Coat (Specify Color)

4-3/8” x 5-1/8” C4773.10A C4773.10A-B (color)
5-1/8” x 5-3/4” C4773.10 C4773.10B-B (color)
6” x 6-3/4” C4773.11B C4773.11B-B (color)

Locate 10C Pipe

Centered Over
3” Diameter Hole

4-9 3” 5-5 3”
/16 ”
16 /16 6”
” -5/ ” /1
5 6-1
5/16” 5/16”
Dia. Holes Dia. Holes

(For 4-3/8” x 5-1/8” (For 5-1/8” x 5-3/4”

Pole Top) Pole Top)

©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc. I-5

I lighting poles and sign posts

Laminated Wood Lighting Pole Accessories

Pole Side Luminary Brackets
Mount luminaries vertically or horizontally with these pole side brackets.
These brackets mount to the pole side with 4 bolts (not provided).

C4773.5A and C4773.5A-“B”

(Specify Color)



9/16” Holes

C4773.6A and C4773.6A-“B”
(Specify Color)


1’-4 1/2”

6” 1’-8”

7/16” Holes

I-6 ©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc.

lighting poles and sign posts I

LVL Lighting Poles

©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc. I-7

I lighting poles and sign posts

B2676 Series
LVL breakaway lightpoles provide the ideal combination of economy,
safety, durability and aesthetics. The simple one-step installation and
saw cut breakaway feature reduces installation and replacement costs
versus alternatives that require a multi-step installation process of
concrete footings and attachment hardware. The hollow box shape
makes LVL lightpoles lighter and easier to install, while resisting twist
and bow. Full depth penetraton of the penta treatment ensures long
service life. Conforms to current NCHRP Report 350.

Many other Custom Poles can be made, contact Hughes Brothers

Engineering Department.


I-8 ©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc.

lighting poles and sign posts I

B2676 Series (cont.)






©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc. I-9

I lighting poles and sign posts

Installation of
LVL Breakaway Poles

Holes for the posts should be bored with a 24” auger. The holes
should be bored to an embedment depth following standard
specifications for each particular application. Each should be
backfilled with a granular fill as a minimum. Anchor plates or
concrete may be required and the owner should verify on-site
soil conditions.



3” 3”

1” Holes with Saw

Cut Between
(Typ. Both Sides)

I-10 ©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc.

lighting poles and sign posts I

Breakaway Sign Posts

LVL breakaway signposts and lightpoles provide the ideal combination of economy, safety, durability
and aesthetics. The simple one-step installation and saw cut breakaway feature reduces installation
and replacement costs versus alternatives that require a multiple-step installation process of concrete
footings and attachment hardware. The hollow box shape makes LVL signposts and lightpoles lighter
and easier to install, while resisting twist and bow. Both products are treated with wood preservatives
to provide long life, and each conforms to current NCHRP Report 350.

• Warranted to be free from defects

• Simple one-step installation

• Supports large signs and high wind loads

• More attractive than steel or aluminum

• Preservative treated to AWPA Standard C33 for durability

• Hollow box design resists twist and bow

©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc. I-11

I lighting poles and sign posts

Breakaway Sign Posts

Installation, Handling, & Storage
Holes for the posts should be bored with an auger. The type L post requires a 30” diameter hole, and the type
M post requires a 24” diameter hole. The holes should be bored to an embedment depth following standard
state specifications for each particular sign application. Each should be backfilled with a granular fill in a
manner as specified in the state’s standard specifications. The breakaway feature should be cut into the
signpost after the posts are set. First, carefully drill one inch holes at the proper locations on the signpost,
then cut the web between the holes, taking care not to cut beyond them.

Do not splice LVL breakaway signposts together or remove the protective metal cap from the top of the post.

Fasten the sign panel to the posts with lag screws in predrilled pilot holes. Fastener values (nails, bolts,
screws, etc.) are as provided for solid sawn Douglas fir in the National Design Specification® for Wood
Construction published by the NFPA. The lag screws should be installed and tightened with a hand wrench.

1-1/4” Typ. 1-1/4” Typ.

8” 8”

Treated Weight 8” 15”

14 lbs. per ft.
1” Holes, with Saw Treated Weight
Cut Between 17 lbs. per ft.
(Typ. both sides)

3” 3” 5” 5”


3” 3” 3” 3”


Type M Post Type L Post

I-12 ©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc.

General Engineering......................... J-1
Structural Analysis............................J-4
Pole Dimensions................................J-11
Stresses in Down Guys...................J-14
Double Arm Assemblies................J-15
Davit Arm vs Post Insulator.........J-16
Tower Configurations....................J-22
transmission design J

General Engineering

Since the early 1920’s, the Hughes Brothers' engineering staff

has assisted in the construction of more than a hundred thousand
circuit miles of overhead construction.

Our engineering staff is prepared to

offer their assistance by providing:

• Structural analysis of tower configurations

• Full scale testing
• Design & computer aided drafting
• Cost analysis and competitive bid analysis
• Project administration i.e., order processing,
expediting, delivery coordination for the materials
we supply.
• Field inspection and customer service

Transmission engineers are fully aware that the mere assembly of poles, arms, braces, insulators,
conductors, guys and hardware is not transmission construction. Properly designed transmission
structures result from a complete study of all the conditions affecting the project.

This catalog section gives full consideration to the 4) H-Frame lines can and have been built at a
following important design criteria: savings in cost over single pole lines.

1) The most economically designed tangent structure, 5) Full size tests should be made on new develop-
which considers only a maximum span, does not ments before they are used in actual construction.
usually or necessarily result in the most economical
transmission line. 6) Successful transmission line construction is not
based on the length of time in service, but whether
2) Properly designed, efficient transmission structures it has been subjected to the load for which it was
result from a complete study of the route of the line, designed.
including profile, soil types, number and magnitude of
angles, and the unusual and local conditions which In the presentation of this manual, we have tried to
are a part of any line. indicate to designers, operators and builders of over-
head construction that our staff of engineers and our
3) Braced H-Frame lines have been built at a savings testing laboratory are available to the utility industry.
over unbraced H-Frame lines, resulting in greater
strength and lower maintenance.

©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc. J-1

J transmission design

The selection of the design of the tangent structure The simple installation of the X-brace, as in Type B will
should be made with reference to the overall cost of eliminate deflection, reduce earth pressure, permit the
the line which will include an analysis of the profile, use of smaller poles and result in longer spans and
conductor, right of way and local conditions affecting greater safety factors.
span lengths.
The Type A design will usually result in the safest,
In general, Type C construction shown below, will strongest and most economical long span, high voltage
rarely produce the most economical line. The span structure. The knee or vee braces permit the pole tops
length will be limited, requiring more structures and to act as guided cantilevers by introducing a point of
associated parts; the deflection and earth pressure inflection between the cross arm and top of the
will be excessive. X-braces. Without these braces, the poles above the
X-Braces act as simple cantilevers.

Taken from Hughes Brothers 1937 catalog.

J-2 ©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc.

transmission design J

Full Scale Structure Tests -

A Continuing Process




©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc. J-3

J transmission design

Principles that were used 50 years ago are still applicable today
Reprinted by request from Hughes Brothers Catalog No. 11, circa late 1940's

J-4 ©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc.

Reprinted by request from Hughes Brothers Catalog No. 11, circa late 1940's

©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc.

transmission design

J transmission design

Theoretical Maximum Transverse Span Analysis

of Hughes Brothers H-Frame Structures
Initial Conditions:
1. Bending stress of pole = 8,000 psi
Crossarm 2. Y = 6'-6"
Height 3. Crossarm height = 8'-9"
4. Z = Pole spacing minus 1 ft
Y1 d 5. 70', class 2 Douglas-fir poles
Y Plane of
Y0 Contraflexure c 6. Set depth = 9'-0"
7. Pole spacing = 15'-6"
Find ultimate pole moments at locations a, b, c, d:
M = s f = π d (f) =
π c3 (f) therefore:
(12)32 32 π 3 (12)

M = 0.000264fc3 (ft - lbs.), where

X1 f = Bending stress of pole
Plane of c = Circumference(inches) at each location
X Contraflexure
s = Section modulus at each location(in3)
M = Moment (ft - lbs.)
PS G.L. Circumference Pole Moment
Location in Inches (ft-lbs.)

a 46.92 218,183
b 35.69 96,025
c 30.48 59,808
d 28.14 46,804
List of Assumptions
NOTE: Circumferences are based on ANSI minimum
1. Plane surfaces will remain plane and dimensions.
bracing will create a plane of
contraflexure (point of zero moment). Find location of planes of contraflexure:

X0 = X Ma =
2. Horizontal load is equally distributed 31.25 ft. ¥218,183 ft - lbs. = 21.70 ft.
between the poles. Ma + Mb 218,183 ft - lbs. + 96,025 ft - lbs.

3. Pole taper is to be uniform for the X1 = X - X0 = 31.25 ft. - 21.70 ft.= 9.55ft.
entire length of pole.

4. Foundations are rigid and fixed. YMc = 6.5 ft. ¥59,808 ft - lbs.
Y0 = = 3.64 ft.
Mc + Md 59,808 ft - lbs. + 47,084 ft - lbs.

X0 = Y - Y0 = 6.5 ft. - 3.64 ft. = 2.86

J-6 ©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc.

transmission design J

H-Frame Structure Find maximum load (P) to fail poles at each location:
Strength Analysis
(cont'd) Pa = 2Ma = 2 x 218,183 ft - lbs. = 20,109 lbs.
X0 21.70 ft.

Pb = 2Mb = 2 x 96,025 ft - lbs. = 20,109 lbs.
X1 9.55 ft.
Y1 d
Pc = 2Mc = 2 x 59,808 ft - lbs. = 32,890 lbs.
Y Plane of
Y0 Contraflexure
Y0 3.64 ft.

Z Pd = 2Md = 2 x 47,084 ft - lbs. = 32,890 lbs.

Y1 2.86 ft.

b Maximum P allowed:
Assume 15% strength reduction due to bolt holes etc.
Plane of
X Contraflexure
20,109 lbs. - (.85) = 17,093 lbs.
a II. Check Strength of 1042 style X - Brace
PS G.L. A. Compression
Theoretical X - Brace Strength [Px] from Euler's Formula

π 2 El
List of Assumptions Px =
1. Plane surfaces will remain plane and
bracing will create a plane of where: L =Unbraced length in inches, assumed to be
contraflexure (point of zero moment). 1/2 of the brace length
2. Horizontal load is equally distributed
between the poles. I = Moment of inertia

3. Pole taper is uniform for the entire E = Modulus of Elasticity

length of pole.

4. Foundations are rigid and fixed.

Px = π x 1.6 x 10 psi x 17.22 in. = 17,963 lbs.
2 6 4

( cos 45 (0.5)ft. x 12 in./ft.)

14.5 2

B. Tension
The Hughes Brothers 1042X - Brace is limited to
20,000 pounds which is determined empirically

©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc. J-7

J transmission design

H-Frame Structure C. Load to Fail the X -Brace

Strength Analysis (cont'd) Note: Starting from the top of the structure
and moving down

1. Ʃ Fv = 0, V1 = V1

Y1 Plane of d Assume: The transverse load is equally divided between the poles.
Y0 Contraflexure
Ʃ ME = 0: [P x L] = [V1 x b]

V1 = P x L
b 2. Ʃ MF = 0:
Plane of 2[P / 2(Y0 + Z + X1)] + [V1x b]- [V2 x b] = 0
X Contraflexure

X0 V2= P(Y0 + Z + X1) + V1

PS G.L. o
/ =45

Ʃ MG = 0:

/ ]- [[P / 2 x Y0 ] + [P / 2 x (Z + X1)]] =0
[XBr2 Z Cos o

XBr2 = P / 2[Y0 + Z + X1 ]
Z Cos o/

Ʃ MH = 0:

List of Assumptions [XBr1 Z Sin o/ ]- [[P / 2 x X1 ] + [P / 2 x (Z + Y0)]] =0

1. Plane surfaces will remain plane and
bracing will create a plane of XBr1= P / 2[Y0 + Z + X1 ]
contraflexure (point of zero moment). Z Sin o/

2. Horizontal load is equally distributed

Since o
/ =45o
between the poles.
XBr2 = XBr1
3. Pole taper is uniform for the entire
length of pole.
Note: Replace XBr1 with Px (Theoretical X - Brace Strength) and
4. Foundations are rigid and fixed.
solve for P (Load to Fail X - Brace).

P = 2 Px Z Sin o = 2 x 17,963 lbs. x 14.5 ft. x Sin 45 =13,303 lbs.

/ o

X1 + Z + Y0 (9.55 ft. + 14.5 ft. + 3.64 ft.)

J-8 ©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc.

transmission design J

H-Frame Structure III. Wind Loading

Strength Analysis
Assume: 3 / 8" Shield, 795 ACSR 26 / 7
NESC "Light" Loading - 9 lb Wind on Bare Conductor
Overload Factor = 4.0
A. Wind on Pole (w)

w= Wind Load on One Pole Applied at the Crossarm Position

= 9 lbs./ft2 x (25 in. +46.9 in.) x 61 ft. x 4.0 =2,094 lbs.

(2 π x 12 in./ft.)

B. Wire Loads - (per ft.)

Conductor Loads (3) = 9 lbs./ft.2 x 1.108 in. x 4.0 x 3 = 9.972 lbs./ft.

12 in./ft.

Shield Wire (2) = 9 lbs./ft.2 x 0.375 in. x 4.0 x 2 = 2.160 lbs./ft.

12 in./ft.
Total wire load = 12.132 lb./ft.
IV. Maximum Span

Maximum Span = 13,303 lbs. - 2,094 lbs. = 924 ft.*

12.132 lbs./ft.

* X - Brace Strength Controls

See Hughes Brothers computer span analysis on next page

©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc. J-9

J transmission design

Maximum Theoretical Transverse Spans

X-Brace= 1042
Crossarm Height
Fiber Stress= 8000 psi
Crossarm Height= 8.75 ft
Y= 6.5 ft 1042 X-brace
Pole Spacing= 15.5 ft

Conductor- 795 ACSR, 26/7 "Drake"

Shield Wire- 3/8" EHS

X-Brace Height= 3.375 in

X-Brace Width= 5.375 in
X-Brace Strength= 20,000 lbs

Wind Load= 9 lbs

Radial Ice= 0 in
Safety Factor= 4 POLE CLASS
# of Conductors= 3 H3 H2 H1 1 2 3
# of Shield Wires= 2 55 1055* 1065* 1076* 1086* 1096* 1107*
60 981* 993* 1005* 1017* 1029* 1041*
Conductor Diameter= 1.108 in 65 918* 931* 944* 958* 972* 987*
Shield Wire Diameter= 0.36 in 70 864* 877* 892* 908* 924* 940*

75 815* 831* 847* 864* 880* 866

Transverse Wire Tension= 0 lbs 80 771* 787* 806* 825* 843* 769
85 730* 749* 769* 788* 808* 689
90 693* 713* 733* 754* 778* 624
95 653* 676* 699* 720* 745* -
100 617* 640* 665* 689* 691 -
105 589* 614* 638* 664* 641 -
110 555* 581* 609* 635* 591 -
115 521* 550* 579* 607* 546 -
120 491* 519* 550* 580* 506 -
*Denotes X-brace controlling.

J-10 ©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc.

transmission design J

Determining Pole Diameters

To determine the diameter of a pole at any given distance from the top: NOTE: Pole circumference tables
1. Find the butt circumference by selecting the pole class in row 1 located on pages J-12 & J-13
2. Move down the column to the desired pole length
3. Select the pole top circumference from row 2
4. Perform the following calculation:

( (
at 6 ft. from Butt - Top Circumference
Circumference at any point = x Distrance from Top + Top Circumference
(Pole Length - 6)

Diameter at any point = Circumference π = 3.14


Special Note: The diameter found is a minimum pole dimension, based on ANSI 05.1.
Most poles will run larger than this dimension.

©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc. J-11


Dimensions of Douglas-fir (both types) and Southern Pine Poles from ANSI 05.1-1992

Class H-6 H-5 H-4 H-3 H-2 H-1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10

Minimum circumference
at top (in.) 39 37 35 33 31 29 27 25 23 21 19 17 15 15 12
Length Groundline**
of distance
Minimum circumference at 6 ft from butt (in.)
pole from butt
(ft.) (ft.)

20 4.0 - - - - - - 31.0 29.0 27.0 25.0 23.0 21.0 19.5 17.5 14.0
25 5.0 - - - - - - 33.5 31.5 29.5 27.5 25.5 23.0 21.5 19.5 15.0
30 5.5 - - - - - - 36.5 34.0 32.0 29.5 27.5 25.0 23.5 20.5 -
35 6.0 - - - - 43.5 41.5 39.0 36.5 34.0 31.5 29.0 27.0 25.0 - -
40 6.0 - - 51.0 48.5 46.0 43.5 41.0 38.5 36.0 33.5 31.0 28.5 - - -
45 6.5 58.5 56.0 53.5 51.0 48.5 45.5 43.0 40.5 37.5 35.0 32.5 30.0 - - -
50 7.0 61.0 58.5 55.5 53.0 50.5 47.5 45.0 42.0 39.0 36.5 34.0 - - - -
55 7.5 63.5 60.5 58.0 55.0 52.0 49.5 46.5 43.5 40.5 38.0 - - - - -
60 8.0 65.5 62.5 59.5 57.0 54.0 51.0 48.0 45.0 42.0 39.0 - - - - -
65 8.5 67.5 64.5 61.5 58.5 55.5 52.5 49.5 46.5 43.5 40.5 - - - - -
70 9.0 69.0 66.5 63.5 60.5 57.0 54.0 51.0 48.0 45.0 41.5 - - - - -
75 9.5 71.0 68.0 65.0 62.0 59.0 55.5 52.5 49.0 46.0 - - - - - -
transmission design

80 10 72.5 69.5 66.5 63.5 60.0 57.0 54.0 50.5 47.0 - - - - - -

85 10.5 74.5 71.5 68.0 65.0 61.5 58.5 55.0 51.5 48.0 - - - - - -
90 11.0 76.0 73.0 69.5 66.5 63.0 59.5 56.0 53.0 49.0 - - - - - -
95 11.0 77.5 74.5 71.0 67.5 64.5 61.0 57.0 54.0 - - - - - - -
100 11.0 79.0 76.0 72.5 69.0 65.5 62.0 58.5 55.0 - - - - - - -
105 12.0 80.5 77.0 74.0 70.5 67.0 63.0 59.5 56.0 - - - - - - -
110 12.0 82.0 78.5 75.0 71.5 68.0 64.5 60.5 57.0 - - - - - - -
115 12.0 83.5 80.0 76.5 72.5 69.0 65.5 61.5 58.0 - - - - - - -
120 12.0 85.0 81.0 77.5 74.0 70.0 66.5 62.5 59.0 - - - - - - -
125 12.0 86.0 82.5 78.5 75.0 71.0 67.5 63.5 59.5 - - - - - - -

NOTE: Classes and lengths for which circumferences at 6 feet from the butt are listed in boldface type are the preferred standard sizes.
Those shown in light type are included for engineering purposes only.

** The figures in this column are intended for use only when a definition of groundline is necessary
in order to apply requirements relating to scars, straightness, etc.

©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc.

Dimensions of Western Red Cedar* and Ponderosa Pine Poles from ANSI 05.1-1992

Class H-6 H-5 H-4 H-3 H-2 H-1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10

Minimum circumference
at top (in.) 39 37 35 33 31 29 27 25 23 21 19 17 15 15 12
Length Groundline**
of distance
Minimum circumference at 6 ft from butt (in.)
pole from butt
(ft.) (ft.)

©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc.

20 4.0 - - - - - - 33.5 31.5 29.5 27.0 25.0 23.0 21.5 18.5 15.0
25 5.0 - - - - - - 37.0 34.5 32.5 30.0 28.0 25.5 24.0 20.5 16.5
30 5.5 - - - - - - 40.0 37.5 35.0 32.5 30.0 28.0 26.0 22.0 -
35 6.0 - - - - 48.0 45.5 42.5 40.0 37.5 34.5 32.0 30.0 27.5 - -
40 6.0 - - 56.5 53.5 51.0 48.0 45.0 42.5 39.5 36.5 34.0 31.5 - - -
45 6.5 64.5 62.0 59.0 56.0 53.5 50.5 47.5 44.5 41.5 38.5 36.0 33.0 - - -
50 7.0 67.0 64.5 61.5 58.5 55.5 52.5 49.5 46.5 43.5 40.0 37.5 - - - -
55 7.5 70.0 67.0 64.0 61.0 57.5 54.5 51.5 48.5 45.0 42.0 - - - - -
60 8.0 72.0 69.0 66.0 63.0 59.5 56.5 53.5 50.0 46.5 43.5 - - - - -
65 8.5 74.5 71.5 68.0 65.0 61.5 58.5 55.0 51.5 48.0 45.0 - - - - -
70 9.0 76.5 73.5 70.0 67.0 63.5 60.0 56.5 53.0 49.5 46.0 - - - - -
75 9.5 78.5 75.5 72.0 68.5 65.0 61.5 58.0 54.5 51.0 - - - - - -
80 10 80.5 77.0 74.0 70.5 67.0 63.0 59.5 56.0 52.0 - - - - - -
85 10.5 82.5 79.0 75.5 72.0 68.5 64.5 61.0 57.0 53.5 - - - - - -
90 11.0 84.5 81.0 77.0 73.5 70.0 66.0 62.5 58.5 54.5 - - - - - -
95 11.0 86.0 82.5 79.0 75.0 71.5 67.5 63.5 59.5 - - - - - - -
100 11.0 87.5 84.0 80.5 76.5 72.5 69.0 65.0 61.0 - - - - - - -
105 12.0 89.5 85.5 82.0 78.0 74.0 70.0 66.0 62.0 - - - - - - -
110 12.0 91.0 87.0 83.5 79.5 75.5 71.5 67.5 63.0 - - - - - - -
115 12.0 92.5 88.5 84.5 80.5 76.5 72.5 68.5 64.0 - - - - - - -
120 12.0 84.0 90.0 86.0 82.0 78.0 74.0 69.5 65.0 - - - - - - -
125 12.0 95.5 91.5 87.5 83.0 79.0 75.0 70.5 66.0 - - - - - - -

NOTE: Classes and lengths for which circumferences at 6 feet from the butt are listed in boldface type are the preferred standard sizes.
Those shown in light type are included for engineering purposes only.

* Dimensions of H classes are applicable for western red cedar only.

transmission design

** The figures in this column are intended for use only when a definition of groundline is necessary
in order to apply requirements relating to scars, straightness, etc.

J transmission design

Trigonometric Diagram
NOTE: To find the angle a guy wire makes with the
ground line, divide Height “H” by the lead. The result will
be the Tangent of the Angle.

Find the Secant of this Angle from the table of Natural

Trigonometric Functions and Multiply by Pull “s”, the
result of which will be the stress in the Guy Wire.

Note: Reprinted by request from

Hughes Brothers Catalog - circa

Lead (feet)

J-14 ©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc.

transmission design J

Eliminate Eccentric Loading

with Hughes Brothers Double
Arm Assemblies and Adjustable
Single Arm
Spacer Fittings
Twisting action
due to eccentric

Grid Gain vertical load.


Double Arm


Hughes Adjustable
Spacer Fittings
Hughes Adjustable Spacer Fittings with double arm
assemblies eliminate eccentric loading and distribute
shear forces on mounting hardware. The adjustable
spacer fitting allows for variations in pole diameter.
It also helps ease installation of the pre-assembled
crossarms by enabling crews to widen the arm assem-
blies, slide them over the top of the poles, and tighten
the arm assembly.
See Pole Line Hardware section for Adjustable Spacer
Fitting information.

©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc. J-15

J transmission design

Hughes Brothers Davit Arm

vs Post Insulator
Post Insulator

Post Insulator Construction

Case 1 nesc "Heavy"

230 kv line
Conductor:795 26/7 ACSR (Drake) bundled
Vert. load = 2.0942 lbs./ft x 2 x 1.5 OCF= 6.2826lb./ft.
Post Insulator L=73.75 in.
Max. vert. = 2800 lbs.
Max. span = 445 ft. 11.86 structures/mile

Case 2 nesc "Heavy"
230kv line
Conductor: 795 54/7 ACSR (Condor) bundled
Vert load = 2.4421 lb/ft x 2 x 1.5 OCF = 7.3263 lb/ft
Post Insulator L=73.75 in.
Max. vert. = 2800 lbs
Max. span = 382 ft. 13.82 structures/mile

J-16 ©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc.

transmission design J

Davit Arm Construction

Case 1
Davit Arm nesc "Heavy"
230 kv line
Conductor:795 26/7 ACSR (Drake) bundled
Vert. load = 2.0942 lbs./ft x 2 x 1.5 OCF= 6.2826 lbs./ft.
Davit Arm 6'-6" arm - Hughes No. 4020A6.5C50G
Max. vert. = 3630 lbs.
Max. span = 577 ft. 9.15 structures/mile

2 nesc "Heavy"
230kv line
Conductor: 795 54/7 ACSR (Condor) bundled
Vert load = 2.4421 lbs./ft x 2 x 1.5 OCF = 7.3263 lbs./ft.
Davit Arm 6'-6" arm - Hughes No. 4020A6.5C50G
Max.vert. = 3630 lbs.
Max. span = 495 ft. 10.66 structures/mile

Hughes Brothers Davit Arms can provide a more economical means
of supporting conductors than post insulators. The longer spans that
are obtained with davit arm construction translate into total project
cost savings. Fewer poles, insulators, and less labor lower the con-
struction cost. In the long run, less equipment in the fields means
lower maintenance costs.

Please contact Hughes Brothers for cost comparisons of single pole

post-insulator construction versus H-frame construction.

©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc. J-17

J transmission design

Full scale testing is used by Hughes Brothers, Inc.

to confirm design calculations. Hughes' design
methods have been proven by dozens of full scale
structure tests.

Full scale structure test of a 38 yr old H-frame

conducted for Dairyland Power Cooperative,
November 10, 1988.

J-18 ©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc.

transmission design J

Shield Wire Dairyland Power

Type C2214-AR1 Reframed 161 kV
Construction Tangent Structure
November 10, 1988
Test Purpose: The purpose of this test was to verify
West Pole the structural integrity of a 38 yr. old, reframed wood
H-frame structure.

Thrust Uplift Test No. 1

Vertical Loads - Conductor (each) 4,000 lbs.
Shield Wire (each) 2,500 lbs.
Transverse Loads


Load Per Per Total West Pole East Pole

No. S.W. Phase Load A B C D Thrust A B C D Uplift
1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2 Vertical Load 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
3 300 400 1800 2-1/2 2-3/8 1-3/4 1-1/2 0 1-3/4 2-1/8 1-1/4 1-3/8 0
4 450 567 2600 3-5/8 3-5/8 2-1/4 2-1/4 0 3-1/8 3-1/4 2-3/8 2-3/8 0
5 600 767 3500 4-7/8 5 3-3/4 3-1/8 0 4-3/8 4-1/2 3-1/4 3-1/8 0
6 750 967 4400 6-3/4 6-7/8 5-1/8 4-1/8 0 6-1/4 6-1/4 4-5/8 4-3/8 0
7 900 1167 5300 8-1/2 8-1/2 6-1/2 5-1/8 0 8-3/8 8-1/8 6-1/8 5-3/4 0
8 1050 1367 6200 10-3/4 10-5/8 8-1/4 6-1/2 0 9-3/4 9-7/8 7-3/8 6-3/4 0
9 1200 1567 7100 12-3/8 12-3/8 9-5/8 7-1/2 0 11-1/2 11-3/4 8-7/8 8-3/8 0
10 1350 1767 8000 14-7/8 14-7/8 11-1/2 9 0 13-7/8 14-1/8 10-1/2 10-1/8 0
11 1500 1967 8900 17-1/2 17-1/2 13-1/2 10-3/8 0 17-1/8 17-1/8 13 12-7/8 0
12 1650 2167 9800 21-5/8 21-1/2 16-1/4 12-1/4 0 20-7/8 21 16-1/8 NA 0
13 1800 2367 10700 F A I L U R E

Test Procedure Vertical loads are applied by suspending pre-weighed concrete

and steel weights at each phase and shield wire position. The
weights are raised by remotely operated hydraulic cylinders.
Transverse loads are the applied by means of power operated
winches. The loads are monitored by certified dynamometers.
Deflections are measured at selected points on the structure by
reading calibrated rulers with a transit. All data is recorded at the
time it is generated.

©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc. J-19

J transmission design

Load 3 Load 7
1,800 lbs. 5,300 lbs.

Load 8 Load 9
6,200 lbs. 7,100 lbs.

Load 12 Load 13
9,800 lbs. Failure

J-20 ©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc.

transmission design J

Predicted Failure Stress Distribution in

Stresses in Poles East Pole at Failure

Load Direction

3910 ➔ 3860

4040 ➔ 3900
3930 - Predicted

Actual Stress
Failure Location
at Failure

4040 ➔ 4020

NOTE: Douglas-fir
pole which had been
in service 38 years.

4300 ➔ 4400


Combined Stress (psi)

West East

The above figures indicate the bending strengths of the poles predicted through nondestructive
evaluation as well as the actual stresses at failure determined through structural analysis. While
strength predictions will not always be this accurate (strength prediction was within 1% of stress
failure), the test results illustrate the value of assessing the reliability of existing structures and
making improved upgrading and reframing decisions.

©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc. J-21

J transmission design

Transmission Design Configurations

Since 1921, Hughes Brothers has been developing a diverse selection of
framing designs for wood, concrete and steel construction. Each structure
is designed to meet the specific loading, geographical, right of way and
construction preferences of the project at hand.

Our library of structure designs is without equal in the industry. Before

embarking on a new transmission structure design, we hope that you will
contact Hughes Brothers engineering staff. Our tower design expertise is
offered without obligation.

69 kV - 161 kV 69 kV - 230 kV

Wood tension braces

provide maximum
conductor clearance. "Wishbone" framing with
Compression braces single or double arm
(braces attached below assemblies is a very cost
the crossarms) are also effective type of framing for
available. single pole construction.

69 kV - 161 kV 69 kV - 230 kV

Fiberglass is an attractive
option for both single and
double circuit construction
with either wood, concrete
or steel poles.

Wood or steel Davits used on wood, concrete

and steel poles for both single and double
circuit construction and have proven to be more
economical than post insulator construction for
many applications.

J-22 ©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc.

transmission design J

69 kV - 230 kV 69 kV - 161 kV

Fiberglass framing in
Double or single (laminated
conjunction with wood
or solid sawn) arms are
X-Bracing is an effective
available for the standard
option for maintenance
H-Frame with or without
or upgrading existing
knee or vee braces.

69 kV - 161 kV 230 kV
The framing for this typical
H-Frame is sized to provide
The framing for a typical electrical clearances required
H-Frame in this voltage for lines of this voltage and may
range may be sized for be sized for either a single or
either a single or bundled bundled conductor. Typically
conductor. pole spacings are greater than
for 69 - 161 kV construction.

230 kV 345 kV

The framing for this K-Frame This wide based H-Frame with
structure uses relatively short the center phase supported by
crossarm timbers which are a vee string, reduces the length
more readily available from solid and cost of framing members
sawn lumber. The timbers may and also reduces potential uplift
be sized for either a single or and thrust problems.
bundled conductor.

345 kV 345 kV

This narrow pole spacing This is a typical H-Frame

H-Frame uses a vee string for for EHV. The framing
support of the center phase and members are custom
is especially suited for narrow designed for specified wire
right-of-way applications. sizes and span lengths.

©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc. J-23

J transmission design

345 kV 345 kV

This H-Frame is constructed The 345 kV K-Frame structure

with extended double center utilizes shorter, more readily
crossarm braces to support available timbers. The shorter
the shield wires and is often members are also easier to
used when the shield wires transport in rough terrain.
are insulated or if the
structure is designed for
large transverse loads.

345 kV 69 kV - 230 kV

The double K-Frame is Wood double circuit tangent

designed for long spans structures have proven to be
and/or larger conductor reliable and very economical
sizes. for most voltage ranges.

345 kV / 230 kV

Wood double circuit tangent

structures with different
voltages are effective and
economical for voltages
through 345 kV / 230 kV.

J-24 ©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc.

transmission design J

Angled Structures for Single Conductor Lines

Small Angle Small Angle

Small Angle Medium Angle

Medium Angle Large Angle &

Dead End

Tangent Dead End Transposition Long Span

©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc. J-25

J transmission design

Angle Structures for

Bundled Conductor Lines
Small Angle Small Angle

Medium Angle Large Angle

Large Dead Transposition

End Angle

J-26 ©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc.


A Brace, Crossarm, Flat Steel.................................. 2809......................... B4

Brace, Crossarm, Flat Steel.................................. 2819.......................... B4
A325, High Strength Bolts................................... AB*...........................E10 Brace, Crossarm, Steel, Angle Knee................ B2498-A...............B20
Adaptor, Post Inslulator to Lam Pole.............. AS2717-A............. C113 Brace, Crossarm, Steel, Heavy Duty................ 2018M.....................B10
Adjustable Guying Assembly............................. CF694TB.................F9 Brace, Crossarm, Steel, Knee & Vee................. 2025M....................B19
Alley Arm, Steel........................................................ B2684-F.............. A39 Brace, Crossarm, Wood........................................ 1152.............................B2
Anchor Bolts.............................................................. ANB*...................... E33 Brace, Crossarm, Wood........................................ 2023......................... B5
Angle Bracket, Two Phase, Fiberglass............ CF761..................... F23 Brace, Crossarm, Wood, Heavy Duty.............. 2016............. B9 & B10
Angle Bracket, Two Phase, Fiberglass............ CF901..................... F23 Brace, Crossarm, Wood, Heavy Duty.............. 2017............. B9 & B10
Apparatus Mounting Bracket, 1 Phase............ CF592.................... F33 Brace, Crossarm, Wood, Heavy Duty.............. 2018............. B9 & B10
Apparatus Mounting Bracket, 1 Phase............ CF700................... F35 Brace, Crossarm, Wood, Heavy Duty.............. 2038A....................B23
Apparatus Mounting Bracket, 2 Phase........... CF590....................F39 Brace, Crossarm, Wood, Heavy Duty.............. 2038B.....................B21
Apparatus Mounting Bracket, 2 Phase........... CF550................... F40 Brace, Crossarm, Wood, Heavy Duty.............. 2038C.....................B21
Apparatus Mounting Bracket, 3 Phase........... CF670..................... F31 Brace, Crossarm, Wood, Heavy Duty.............. 2038D....................B22
Apparatus Mounting Bracket, 3 Phase........... CF910..................... F32 Brace, Crossarm, Wood, Heavy Duty.............. 2038E....................B22
Apparatus Mounting Bracket, Cloverleaf...... CF892....................F36 Brace, Crossarm, Wood, Heavy Duty.............. 2038TB.................B23
Apparatus Mounting Bracket, Cloverleaf...... CF893B................. F37 Brace, Crossarm, Wood, Inverted..................... 2002......................... B3
Apparatus Mounting Bracket, Cloverleaf...... CF921..................... F38 Brace, Crossarm, Wood, Knee & Vee.............. 2025........................B18
Brace, Crossarm, Wood, Light Duty................ 2010.........................B16
Brace, Crossarm, Wood, Medium Duty.......... 1135...........................B17
Brace, Crossarm, Wood, Reversible................. 2045..........................B7

B Brace, Crossarm, Wood, Tension...................... 2043.......................B24

Brace, Crossarm, Wood, Tension...................... 2043-A..................B24
B2358-C 32,000 lb. guying kits........................ B2358-C.................A21 Brace, Steel Alley Arm........................................... 1097.........................B13
B2358-D 42,000 lb. guying kits........................ B2358-D...............A22 Brace, Steel Alley Arm (Welded)...................... AS2329..................B13
B2358-F 42,000 lb. guying kits......................... B2358-F................A23 Brace, Steel Angle................................................... AS2309..................B14
Banded Equipment Mount.................................. B2782-A.................D19 Brace, Vertical Arm................................................. 1096.1C...................B12
Banded Equipment Mount.................................. B2782-B.................D19 Braceless Dead-end Assembly.......................... 3377........................A26
Base Plate Options, for Davit Arms................................................... G10 Braceless Dead-end, 10 ft. 3-wire..................... 3377-C...................A27
Bayonets, Shield Wire............................................ B2502....................C65 Braceless Dead-end, 10 ft. 4-wire..................... 3377-C4................A28
Bayonets, Shield Wire............................................ AS2613...................C68 Braceless Dead-end, 8 ft. 3-wire....................... 3377-A...................A27
Bayonets (Wood), Static Wire Support......... 2813.........................C67 Braceless Dead-end, 8 ft. 4-wire....................... 3377-A4................A28
Bent Bolt & Bent Stud........................................... 2722........................E29 Braceless Dead-end, Light Duty....................... 3375-A...................A32
Beveled Washers...................................................... BW*.........................E41 Braceless Dead-end, Light Duty....................... 3375-B...................A33
Bird Guard................................................................... B2571...................... F62 Bracket, Conduit Riser........................................... B1965-A................D38
Bolt, Anchor type.................................................... ANB*...................... E33 Bracket, Conduit Riser........................................... B1965-B................D39
Bolt, Bent type.......................................................... 2722........................E29 Bracket, Conduit Support.................................... B1964.....................D37
Bolt, Ground Wire Bonding................................. GWB51-1/2........... E28 Bracket, Conduit Support (Single)................... B1963.....................D37
Bolt, Insulator Mounting Stud............................ 2750.......................E30 Bracket, Conduit Support.................................... AS2477.................D40
Bolt, Insulator Mounting Stud............................ 2751.........................E30 Bracket, Corner (Light Duty).............................. 2839.......................C76
Bolt, Insulator Mounting Stud............................ 2755........................E30 Bracket, Cutout/Arrestor, Fiberglass............... CF667.................... F29
Bolt, Insulator Mounting Stud............................ 2752......................... E31 Bracket, Cutout/Arrestor, Fiberglass............... CF667A.................F30
Bolt, Insulator Mounting Stud............................ 2753......................... E31 Bracket, Cutout/Arrestor, Fiberglass............... CF668....................F30
Bolt, Insulator Mounting Stud............................ 2754........................ E31 Bracket, Cutout/Arrestor, Fiberglass............... CF670..................... F31
Bolts, Carriage........................................................... BC*........................... E15 Bracket, Cutout/Arrestor, Fiberglass............... CF868B.................F34
Bolts, Double Arming Eyebolt........................... 2720.7..................... E17 Bracket, Cutout/Arrestor, Fiberglass............... CF910..................... F32
Bolts, Drilled............................................................... B*.............................E34 Bracket, Cutout/Arrestor Mounting................. A2169..........D30-D35
Bolts, Drilled with Cotter Key...............................................................E34 Bracket, Cutout/Arrestor Mounting................. A2185.................... D30
Bolts, Forged Eyebolt............................................ 2724......................... E19 Bracket, Cutout/Arrestor Mounting................. B2255-A.................D31
Bolts, Hex Head........................................................ HB*.............................E8 Bracket, Cutout/Arrestor Mounting................. B2387.1...................D32
Bolts, High Strength, Type A325....................... AB*...........................E10 Bracket, Cutout/Arrestor Mounting................. A2121......................D33
Bolts, Machine (Square Head)........................... B*................................E3 Bracket, Cutout/Arrestor Mounting................. AS2324...... D33-D34
Bolts, Neutral Support/Upset............................ AS2290.................C86 Bracket, Cutout/Arrestor Mounting................. B2251......................D35
Bolts, Shoulder Eyebolt......................................... 2720........................ E16 Bracket, Jumper Pin, Fiberglass........................ CF578..................... F12
Bolts, Shoulder Eye, Curved Washer.............. 2721.......................... E18 Bracket, Lighting (Sports Field)........................ C4141.......................D41
Bolts, Type ”O” Tower............................................ BT*.............................E9 Bracket, Neutral Extension.................................. B2684-G...............C85
Bolts, U type............................................................... 1329........................E26 Bracket, Pole Top..................................................... A1977......................C81
Bolts, Washer Head................................................ WB*......................... E15 Bracket, Pole Top..................................................... B2006....................C81
Bonding Bolt.............................................................. GWB51-1/2........... E28 Bracket, Post Insulator Mounting..................... B1859.....................C78
Bonding Clip, bolt end type................................ 2727........................ E28 Bracket, Post Insulator Mounting..................... B2047....................C77
Bonding Clip, flat surface type.......................... 2718......................... E28 Bracket, Post Insulator Mounting (Heavy).... B2025....................C79
Brace, Alley Arm, Wood........................................ 1096.......................... B11 Bracket, Light Duty Single Spool...................... 2301........................C85
Brace, Crossarm, Fiberglass................................ CF520....................F49 Bracket, Service Drop............................................ B2684.2C.............C76
Brace, Crossarm, Fiberglass................................ CF533....................F49 Bracket, Transformer Mounting......................... 3022........................D16

©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc. INDEX-1


Bracket, Transformer Mounting......................... 3025........................D17 Davit Arm, Wood, Light Duty............................. C4113......................G26
Bracket, Welded for Crossarm........................... AS2715-B...............C51 Dead End Arm, (Narrow Profile)....................... 2894.......................A24
Buckarm vs. Hughes Dead-end......................... 2890........................A15 Dead End & Guying Tee........................................ 2816.......................... C3
Dead End & Guying Tee........................................ B1912-B.................... C3
Dead End Ordering & Strength Charts.............................................A18

C Dead End Plate, Welded....................................... B2693-H................. C7

Dead End Tee............................................................ 2817.............................C1
Cable Extension Bracket, Fiberglass............... CF635....................F59 Dead End Tee............................................................ B2693-J.................. C6
Cable Guard............................................................... C4205....................C32 Dead End Tee, Curved Base................................ 2817R........................ C2
Cantilever Arms for Lattice Tower................... CF879-D...............F46 Dead End Tee, Heavy............................................. A2132....................... C5
Cantilever Arms for Lattice Tower................... CF863-C............... F47 Dead End Tee, Heavy ............................................ B1912-A.................... C4
Cantilever Arms for Lattice Tower................... CF879-C3.............F48 Dead End Tee, Heavy Guying............................. A2132....................... C4
Carriage Bolts............................................................ BC*........................... E15 Dead End Tee (Static) & Curved Cross Tie... AS2720 E4.5......... C6
CFO Voltage & Strength of crossarms............................................... A7 Dead-end, Universal 3 or 4-Phase.................... 3376.........................A31
Chain Links.................................................................. 1329........................E26 Distribution Underbuild Arm, Steel................. C4484...................G22
Clamp (Center), X-Brace...................................... 2840.........B38 & B39 Double Arm Assemblies, Even Loading............................................J15
Clevis............................................................................. AS2277..................E50 Double Arm Dead-end.......................................... 2890........................A16
Clevis Link................................................................... 1906........................C25 Double Arm Dead-end.......................................... 2892........................A17
Clevis Pins................................................................... 2743........................E34 Double Arm Dead-end (H-frame).................... 2891.........................A19
Cluster Mount............................................................ 3020....................... D14 Double Arm Spacer Fittings, Adjustable....... 3414........................C36
Cluster Mount............................................................ 3021.........................D15 Double Arm Transmission Assemblies Tangent (H-Frame)......A11
Conduit Hanger........................................................ B2379.................... D36 Double Arming Bolts (Threaded Rod)........... TR*..........................E20
Conduit Riser Bracket............................................ B1965-A................D38 Double Arming Eyebolt........................................ 2720.7..................... E17
Conduit Riser Bracket............................................ B1965-B................D39 Double Arming Plate (RUS)................................ AS2139..................C54
Conduit Support Bracket..................................... B1964.....................D37 Double Arming Plates............................................ AS2349.................C53
Conduit Support Bracket..................................... AS2477.................D40 Double Arming Plate (RUS)................................ B1612.1C-2.............C54
Conduit Support Bracket (Single).................... B1963.....................D37 Double Guying Tee.................................................. AS2720................... C3
Corner Bracket, Light Duty................................. 2839.......................C76 Downlead Bracket, Fiberglass, Adjustable Base Type.............. F53
Cotter Keys................................................................. AS2531...................E34 Downlead Bracket, Fiberglass, Drive Type...................................... F51
Crossarm...................................................................... REA type 01.......... A5 Downlead Bracket, Fiberglass, Pole Base Type........................... F52
Crossarm...................................................................... REA type 02......... A5 Downlead Bracket, Fiberglass, Through-Bolt Type....................F54
Crossarm...................................................................... REA type 03.........A6 Downlead Standoff Bracket, Fiberglass........ CF753D................. F55
Crossarm...................................................................... REA type 04.........A6 Drilled Bolts..................................................................................................E34
Crossarm...................................................................... REA type 05.........A6
Crossarm Ordering Information............................................................ A8
Crossarm Phase Fitting......................................... B2351......................C42
Curved Cross Tie & Static Dead End Tee...... AS2720 E4.5......... C6 E
Curved Washers....................................................... CW*........................E42 Earth Pressures on H-Frames..................................................................J4
Cutout, Arrestor Mounting Brackets............... A2169..........D30-D35 Eccentric Loading, Elimination of.........................................................J15
Cutout, Arrestor Mounting Brackets............... A2185.................... D30 Extension Link........................................................... A1609....................C25
Cutout, Arrestor Mounting Brackets............... B2255-A.................D31 Eye Bolt & Saddle Assembly.............................. 2824.........C42 & E44
Cutout, Arrestor Mounting Brackets............... B2387.1...................D32 Eye Nuts....................................................................... EN50...................... E37
Cutout, Arrestor Mounting Brackets............... A2121......................D33 Eye Nuts....................................................................... EN60...................... E37
Cutout, Arrestor Mounting Brackets............... AS2324...... D33-D34 Eye Nuts....................................................................... EN70...................... E37
Cutout, Arrestor Bracket...................................... A2121-D.................A29 Eye Nuts....................................................................... EN80...................... E37
Cutout, Arrestor Bracket, Fiberglass............... CF667.................... F29 Eye Nuts....................................................................... EN100.................... E37
Cutout, Arrestor Bracket, Fiberglass............... CF667A.................F30
Cutout, Arrestor Bracket, Fiberglass............... CF668....................F30
Cutout, Arrestor Bracket, Fiberglass............... CF670..................... F31
Cutout, Arrestor Bracket, Fiberglass............... CF868B.................F34 F
Cutout, Arrestor Bracket, Fiberglass............... CF910..................... F32 Fiber Optic Splice Protective Case.................. B2557-BB.............D25
Cutout, Arrestor Mounting Brackets............... B2251......................D35 Fiber Optic Splice Protective Case.................. B2557-M...............D26
Fiber Optic Splice Protective Case.................. B2557-N................D27
Fiber Optic Splice Protective Case.................. B2557-NC.............D28

D Fiber Optic Splice Protective Case.................. B2557-P................D29

Fiberglass Angle Bracket, Two Phase............. CF761..................... F23
Davit Arm vs Posts Insulator Construction.J16 Fiberglass Angle Bracket, Two Phase............. CF901..................... F23
Davit Arm, Steel........................................................ C4485-V............... G14 Fiberglass Apparatus Bracket............................ CF921..................... F38
Davit Arm, Steel........................................................ C4668-A................G15 Fiberglass Apparatus Mounting Bracket....... CF550................... F40
Davit Arm, Steel, Heavy Duty............................. 4000.............G2 & G3 Fiberglass Apparatus Mounting Bracket....... CF590....................F39
Davit Arm, Steel, Heavy Duty............................. 4010..............G4 & G5 Fiberglass Apparatus Mounting Bracket....... CF592.................... F33
Davit Arm, Steel, Medium Duty......................... 4020.............G6 & G7 Fiberglass Apparatus Mounting Bracket....... CF700................... F35
Davit Arm, Steel, Medium Duty......................... 4030.............G8 & G9 Fiberglass Apparatus Mounting Bracket....... CF892....................F36
Davit Arm, Wood, Medium Duty....................... C4080...................G24 Fiberglass Apparatus Mounting Bracket....... CF893B................. F37

INDEX-2 ©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc.


Fiberglass Cable Extension Bracket................ CF635....................F59 Fiberglass Transmission Crossarm................... CF584-KHD........F44

Fiberglass Crossarm Brace.................................. CF520....................F49 Fiberglass Transmission Crossarm................... CF885B-1..............F45
Fiberglass Crossarm Brace.................................. CF533....................F49 Flat Steel Crossarm Brace.................................... 2809......................... B4
Fiberglass Cutout/Arrestor Bracket................ CF667.................... F29 Flat Steel Crossarm Brace.................................... 2819.......................... B4
Fiberglass Cutout/Arrestor Bracket................ CF667A.................F30 Flat Wood Crossarm Brace................................. 2023......................... B5
Fiberglass Cutout/Arrestor Bracket................ CF668....................F30 Flexible Bail Guy Strain Insulator...................... CF690......................F4
Fiberglass Cutout/Arrestor Bracket................ CF670..................... F31 Flexible Bail Guy Strain Insulator...................... CF690T....................F5
Fiberglass Cutout/Arrestor Bracket................ CF868B.................F34 Flood Light Mounting Bracket........................... C4141.......................D41
Fiberglass Cutout/Arrestor Bracket................ CF910..................... F32 Forged Eye Bolts..................................................... 2724......................... E19
Fiberglass Downlead Bracket, Adjustable Base Type............... F53 Foundation Reinforcement Systems............... FDA*...................... C114
Fiberglass Downlead Bracket, Drive Type....................................... F51 Foundation Reinforcement Systems............... FDB*...................... C114
Fiberglass Downlead Bracket, Pole Base Type............................ F52 Foundation Reinforcement Systems............... FDC*...................... C114
Fiberglass Downlead Bracket, Through-Bolt Type.....................F54 Foundation Reinforcement Systems............... FDD*...................... C114
Fiberglass Downlead Bracket............................. CF753D................. F55 Foundation Reinforcement Systems............... FTA*....................... C115
Fiberglass Guy Strain Insulator.......................... CF690......................F4 Foundation Reinforcement Systems............... FTB*...................... C115
Fiberglass Guy Strain Insulator.......................... CF690T....................F5 Foundation Reinforcement Systems............... FTC*....................... C115
Fiberglass Guy Strain Insulator.......................... CF692.......................F4
Fiberglass Guy Strain Insulator.......................... CF693.......................F6

Fiberglass Guy Strain Insulator.......................... CF694.......................F7
Fiberglass Guy Strain Insulator.......................... CF695.......................F8
Fiberglass Guy Strain Insulator.......................... CF696.......................F8 Gain Fitting, Pole...................................................... A783...................... C46
Fiberglass Guying Assembly, Adjustable...... CF694TB.................F9 Gain Fitting, Welded Shelf................................... AS2715-A...............C51
Fiberglass Guying Assembly, 60,000 lbs..... CF999TT.................F9 Gain Fitting, Welded Shelf................................... AS2715-B...............C51
Fiberglass Jumper Bracket, Light Duty......... CF578..................... F12 Gain Fitting, Welded Shelf................................... AS2715-C..............C52
Fiberglass Jumper Pin........................................... CF792..................... F13 Gain Plate, Embossed............................................ 1006........................C43
Fiberglass Jumper Pin........................................... CF793..................... F13 Gain Plate, Flat.......................................................... 1004.......................C43
Fiberglass Mid Span Phase Spacer.................. CF758....................F56 Gimlet Point Lag Screws...................................... LS*...........................E45
Fiberglass Mid Span Phase Spacer.................. CF800...................F56 Grates, Ventilating................................................... C2837-H................D22
Fiberglass Mid Span Phase Spacer.................. CF800D................ F57 Grates, Ventilating................................................... C2837-K................D23
Fiberglass Mid Span Phase Spacer.................. CF800E................ F57 Grates, Ventilating................................................... C3100......................D21
Fiberglass Mid Span Phase Spacer.................. CF800GM............ F58 Grates, Ventilating................................................... C4551......................D21
Fiberglass Pole Top Pin, 1-1/2” Rod.................. CF500....................F10 Grates, Ventilating................................................... C4664.....................D21
Fiberglass Pole Top Pin, 1-1/2” Rod.................. CF500A.................F10 Grid Gains.................................................................... 1260....................... C50
Fiberglass Pole Top Pin, 2” Rod......................... CF777...................... F11 Grid Gains.................................................................... 1261......................... C49
Fiberglass Pole Top Pin, 2” Rod......................... CF859...................... F11 Grid Gains.................................................................... 1262........................ C50
Fiberglass Span Crossing Phase Spacer....... CF800J................. F58 Grid Gains.................................................................... 1263........................ C49
Fiberglass Stand-off Bracket.............................. CF785....................F59 Ground Wire Bonding Bolt.................................. GWB51-1/2........... E28
Fiberglass Stand-off Bracket.............................. CF785B.................F59 Ground Wire Moulding.......................................... 2501........................C33
Fiberglass Stand-off for Post Insulators........ CF784..................... F19 Ground Wire Moulding.......................................... 2502.......................C33
Fiberglass Stand-off, Single Phase................... CF560.....................F14 Ground Wire Moulding.......................................... 2503.......................C33
Fiberglass Stand-off, Single Phase................... CF626.....................F14 Ground Wire Moulding.......................................... 2504.......................C33
Fiberglass Stand-off, Single Phase................... CF886..................... F15 Grounding Clip, bolt end type........................... 2727........................ E28
Fiberglass Stand-off, Single Phase................... CF888..................... F16 Grounding Clip, flat surface type...................... 2718......................... E28
Fiberglass Stand-off, Single Phase................... CF810...................... F17 Grounding Platforms.............................................. AS2492................ D20
Fiberglass Stand-off, Single Phase................... CF830C................. F18 Grounding Platforms.............................................. A2137.................... D20
Fiberglass Stand-off, Three Phase................... CF545.................... F27 Guard, Cable Riser................................................... C4205....................C32
Fiberglass Stand-off, Three Phase................... CF547.................... F27 Guard, Pole................................................................. 3016........................C35
Fiberglass Stand-off, Three Phase................... CF822.................... F28 Guard, Pole................................................................. 3018........................C35
Fiberglass Stand-off, Two Phase....................... CF636.................... F26 Guy Anchor Assembly........................................... B2286-C...............C28
Fiberglass Stand-off, Two Phase....................... CF813..................... F24 Guy Link Assembly................................................. TG-92-1..................C26
Fiberglass Stand-off, Two Phase....................... CF861A.................. F25 Guy Link Assembly................................................. TG-92-2.................C26
Fiberglass Stand-off, Two Phase....................... CF861B.................. F25 Guy Loads, Determining.......................................................................... J14
Fiberglass Stand-off, Two Phase....................... CF862.................... F24 Guy Markers, Wood................................................ 2508........................C31
Fiberglass Suspension Bracket.......................... CF615.....................F20 Guy Plate..................................................................... 2822.2...................... C9
Fiberglass Suspension Bracket.......................... CF898..................... F21 Guy Plate..................................................................... 28261........................ C9
Fiberglass Suspension Bracket.......................... CF899.................... F22 Guy Plate..................................................................... 28262....................... C9
Fiberglass Suspension Bracket.......................... CF899CPL........... F22 Guy Plate..................................................................... 28263....................... C9
Fiberglass Switch Rod........................................... CF583....................F60 Guy Plate..................................................................... 28264...................... C9
Fiberglass Switch Rod........................................... CF914.....................F60 Guy Plate..................................................................... 28265....................... C9
Fiberglass Transmission Arm Assembly........ CF863-C............... F47 Guy Plate..................................................................... AS424.................... C10
Fiberglass Transmission Arm Assembly........ CF879-C3.............F48 Guy Plate..................................................................... AS452.................... C10
Fiberglass Transmission Arm Assembly........ CF879-D...............F46 Guy Plate..................................................................... AS1062.................. C10
Fiberglass Transmission Crossarm................... CF584D................F42 Guy Plate..................................................................... AS1459.................. C10
Fiberglass Transmission Crossarm................... CF584-K...............F43 Guy Plate..................................................................... AS2276.................. C10

©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc. INDEX-3


Guy Plate, Steel......................................................... B2693-H8............... C7 Jumper Pin, Fiberglass.......................................... CF793..................... F13

Guy Rollers.................................................................. 28082....................C23
Guy Rollers.................................................................. 28083....................C23
Guy Rollers.................................................................. 28084....................C23
Guy Rollers.................................................................. 28085....................C23 K
Guy Rollers.................................................................. 28086....................C23 Knee & Vee Brace ................................................... 2025........................B18
Guy Strain Insulator, Fiberglass......................... CF690......................F4 Knee & Vee Brace, Heavy Duty.......................... 2038B.....................B21
Guy Strain Insulator, Fiberglass......................... CF690T....................F5 Knee & Vee Brace, Heavy Duty.......................... 2038C.....................B21
Guy Strain Insulator, Fiberglass......................... CF692................ F2,F4 Knee & Vee Brace, Light Duty............................ 2010.........................B16
Guy Strain Insulator, Fiberglass......................... CF693................ F2,F6 Knee & Vee Brace, Medium Duty...................... 1135...........................B17
Guy Strain Insulator, Fiberglass......................... CF694................ F3,F7 Knee & Vee Brace, Steel........................................ 2025M....................B19
Guy Strain Insulator, Fiberglass......................... CF695................ F3,F8 Knee & Vee Brace, Steel Angle.......................... B2498-A...............B20
Guy Strain Insulator, Fiberglass......................... CF696................ F3,F8
Guy Wire Thimbles.................................................. AS2731 Series.....C27
Guying Assembly, Fiberglass, Adjustable..... CF694TB.................F9
Guying Assembly, Fiberglass, 60,000 lbs.... CF999TT.................F9 L
Guying Tee, Double................................................. AS2720................... C3 Lag Screws, Gimlet Point..................................... LS*...........................E45
Guying Tee, Heavy................................................... A2132....................... C4 Lattice Tower Cantilever Arms........................... CF879-D...............F46
Lattice Tower Cantilever Arms........................... CF863-C............... F47
Lattice Tower Cantilever Arms........................... CF879-C3.............F48
Light Angle Steel Plate for Lam Poles............ AS2717-C............. C113
H Light Angle Tee for Laminated Poles............. A2132-F................ C113
Lighting Poles (LVL)............................................... B2676 Series......I8-I9
H-Frame Reframing Installation Procedure (Basic)........H9 & H10
H-Frame Structure Configurations........................................... J22-J26 Lighting Poles (Laminated)................................. C4773.1...................... I4
H-Frame, Full Scale Testing.............................................................J18-J21 Lighting Pole Accessories.....................................................................I5-I6
H-Frame, Max Span Computer output.............................................. J10 Links, Clevis................................................................ 1906 Series..........C25
H-Frame, Max Theoretical Span Calcs......................................... J6-J9 Links, Connecting.................................................... 3150........................C22
H-Frame, Stress Distribution in Poles.................................................J21 Links, Connecting.................................................... 3152.........................C22
H-Frame, Structural Analysis............................................................ J4-J5 Links, Connecting.................................................... 3154........................C22
Hanger Links (Bundled Conductor)................ 1701.......................C109 Links, Connecting.................................................... 3170........................C22
Hanger Links (Bundled Conductor)................ 1702......................C109 Links, Connecting.................................................... 3151..........................C22
Hex Head Bolts......................................................... HB*.............................E6 Links, Connecting.................................................... 3153.........................C22
Hex Locknuts............................................................. MFH*......................E38 Links, Connecting.................................................... 3155.........................C22
Hex Nuts...................................................................... HN*......................... E35 Links, Connecting.................................................... 3157.........................C22
Hold Down Weight Assembly............................ A2051....................C110 Links, Connecting.................................................... 3160........................C22
Hold Down Weight Assembly............................ A2051-A...............C110 Links, Connecting.................................................... 3167.........................C22
Hold Down Weight Hook..................................... A2159......................C111 Links, Connecting.................................................... 3168........................C22
Hold Down Weight Shackles.............................. 1888.........................C111 Links, Connecting.................................................... 3169........................C22
Hold Down Weights................................................ A2051.3................C110 Links, Connecting.................................................... 3172.........................C22
Horizontal Stand-off for Post Insulators........ CF784..................... F19 Links, Connecting.................................................... 3176.........................C22
Horizontal Stand-off, 2 Phase, Fiberglass..... CF636.................... F26 Links, Extension........................................................ A1609 Series.......C25
Horizontal Stand-off, 3 Phase, Fiberglass..... CF545.................... F27 Links, Straight............................................................ 2450.......................C23
Horizontal Stand-off, 3 Phase, Fiberglass..... CF547.................... F27 Links, Straight............................................................ 3165........................C23
Horizontal Stand-off Bracket, Fiberglass...... CF560.....................F14 Links, Straight............................................................ 3171..........................C23
Horizontal Stand-off Bracket, Fiberglass...... CF626.....................F14 Links, Straight............................................................ 3173.........................C23
Horizontal Stand-off Bracket, Fiberglass...... CF886..................... F15 Links, Straight............................................................ 3175.........................C23
Horizontal Stand-off Bracket Fiberglass....... CF888..................... F16 Links, Straight............................................................ AS942-A...............C23
Links, Straight............................................................ A2273.1A...............C23
Links, Twisted............................................................ 3159........................C24
Links, Twisted............................................................ 3174.........................C24
IInsulator Mounting Studs..................................... 2750.......................E30 Links, Twisted............................................................ 3166........................C24
Links, Twisted............................................................ 3184........................C24
Insulator Mounting Studs..................................... 2751.........................E30 Links, Twisted............................................................ AS942....................C24
Insulator Mounting Studs..................................... 2755........................E30 Links, Twsited............................................................ AS1263..................C24
Insulator Mounting Studs..................................... 2752......................... E31 Links, Twisted............................................................ AS2019..................C24
Insulator Mounting Studs..................................... 2753......................... E31 Links, Twisted............................................................ AS2469.................C24
Insulator Mounting Studs..................................... 2754........................ E31 Links, Vertical Conductor Bundling................. 1701.......................C109
Insulator Pin, Line Post.......................................... 2757........................ E32 Links, Vertical Conductor Bundling................. 1702......................C109
Locknuts...................................................................... MF*..........................E38
Locknuts, Hex............................................................ MFH*......................E38
Locknuts, PAL type................................................. PL*...........................E39
Jumper Pin Bracket, Fiberglass......................... CF578..................... F12
Jumper Pin, Fiberglass.......................................... CF792..................... F13

INDEX-4 ©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc.


M Pipe Spacer................................................................ B1612.1C-1..............C54

Plates, Double Arming, RUS............................... AS2139..................C54
Machine Bolts, Square Head............................... B5*............................ E4 Plates, Double Arming........................................... AS2349.................C53
Machine Bolts, Square Head............................... B6*............................ E4 Plates, Double Arming, RUS............................... B1612.1C-2.............C54
Machine Bolts, Square Head............................... B7*............................ E4 Platforms, Grounding............................................. AS2492................ D20
Machine Bolts, Square Head............................... B8...............................E5 Platforms, Grounding............................................. A2137.................... D20
Machine Bolts, Square Head............................... B10*...........................E5 Pole Anchor Assembly.......................................... A1895.................... C116
Machine Bolts, Square Head............................... B12*............................E5 Pole Band Assembly.............................................. B2682-B................C21
Mid Span Phase Spacers, Fiberglass............... CF758....................F56 Pole Band Assembly.............................................. B2682-E.................C21
Mid Span Phase Spacers, Fiberglass............... CF800...................F56 Pole Band Fiber Optic Support......................... 2837-K1................ C60
Mid Span Phase Spacers, Fiberglass............... CF800D................ F57 Pole Band Fiber Optic Support......................... 2837-K2............... C60
Mid Span Phase Spacers, Fiberglass............... CF800E................ F57 Pole Band Shield Wire Support......................... 2835........................C61
Mid Span Phase Spacers, Fiberglass............... CF800GM............ F58 Pole Band Shield Wire Support......................... 2837........................C57
Moulding Staples, Galvanized............................ 25014.....................C34 Pole Band Shield Wire Support......................... 2837-K...................C59
Moulding Staples, Galvanized............................ 25034....................C34 Pole Band Shield Wire Support......................... 2852.........................C61
Moulding Straps....................................................... 25011.......................C34 Pole Bands, Extra Heavy Duty........................... 3340........................C18
Moulding Straps....................................................... 25021......................C34 Pole Bands, Extra Heavy Duty........................... 3341.........................C19
Moulding Straps....................................................... 25031......................C34 Pole Bands, Heavy Duty....................................... 3107.........................C15
Moulding Straps....................................................... 25041.....................C34 Pole Bands, Heavy Duty....................................... 3108.........................C16
Moulding Straps....................................................... 25051......................C34 Pole Bands, Heavy Duty....................................... 3112...........................C17
Moulding Straps....................................................... 25061......................C34 Pole Bands, Light Duty - Distribution............. 1111.............................C12
Moulding, Ground Wire......................................... 2501........................C33 Pole Bands, Light Duty - Distribution............. 3100.........................C12
Moulding, Ground Wire......................................... 2502.......................C33 Pole Bands, Light Duty - Distribution............. 3102.........................C12
Moulding, Ground Wire......................................... 2503.......................C33 Pole Bands, Medium Duty.................................... 3103.........................C13
Moulding, Ground Wire......................................... 2504.......................C33 Pole Bands, Medium Duty.................................... 3105.........................C14
Mount for Equipment (Banded)....................... B2782-A.................D19 Pole Caps..................................................................... C4473.3..................... I5
Mount for Equipment (Banded)....................... B2782-B.................D19 Pole Diameter Calculations......................................................................J11
Pole Dimensions, Douglas-fir.................................................................J12
Pole Dimensions, Ponderosa Pine........................................................J13
N Pole Dimensions, Southern Pine...........................................................J12
Pole Dimensions, Western Red Cedar................................................J13
Narrow Profile Dead-end Arm........................... 2894.......................A24 Pole Eye Plate............................................................ 1258........................... C8
Neutral Stand-off Bracket.................................... B2684-G...............C85 Pole Guard.................................................................. 3016........................C35
Neutral Support/Upset Bolt................................ AS2290.................C86 Pole Guard.................................................................. 3018........................C35
Nuts, Hex..................................................................... HN*......................... E35 Pole Repair.................................................................. B2511-HB................H14
Nuts, MF Hex lock type......................................... MFH*......................E38 Pole Shim..................................................................... 2844.......................C47
Nuts, MF lock type.................................................. MF*..........................E38 Pole Shim Adaptor for Lam Poles.................... AS2717-A............. C113
Nuts, Oval Eye........................................................... EN*.......................... E37 Pole Side Bracket..................................................... B2047....................C77
Nuts, Square............................................................... N*............................. E35 Pole Side Bracket..................................................... B1859.....................C78
Nuts, Washer, Cast.................................................. 2746........................E36 Pole Side Bracket (Luminary)............................ C4773.5A................. I6
Nuts, Washer, Welded............................................ 2745........................E36 Pole Side Bracket (Luminary)............................ C4773.6A................. I6
Pole Stubbing Band................................................ B1637..................... C30
Pole Tie Angles, Steel............................................. C3311.......................C62
O Pole Tie Angles, Steel............................................. C3316.....................C62
Pole Tie Angles, Steel............................................. C3338....................C62
Oval Eye Nuts............................................................ EN50...................... E37 Pole Tie Angles, Steel............................................. C3511.......................C62
Oval Eye Nuts............................................................ EN60...................... E37 Pole Top Anti-Split Band...................................... 2845...................... C20
Oval Eye Nuts............................................................ EN70...................... E37 Pole Top Bracket...................................................... A1977......................C81
Oval Eye Nuts............................................................ EN80...................... E37 Pole Top Bracket...................................................... B2006....................C81
Oval Eye Nuts............................................................ EN100.................... E37 Pole Top Extension.................................................. B2511-N1.................H12
Pole Top Extension.................................................. B2511-R...................H13
Pole Top Luminary Supports.............................. C4773.10................... I5
P Pole Top Pin, Fiberglass, 1-1/2” Rod................. CF500....................F10
Pole Top Pin, Fiberglass, 1-1/2” Rod................. CF500A.................F10
PAL Locknuts............................................................. PL*...........................E39 Pole Top Pin, Fiberglass, 2” Rod........................ CF777...................... F11
Phase Attachment Options, for Steel Davit Arms.......................G16 Pole Top Pin, Fiberglass, 2” Rod........................ CF859...................... F11
Phase Fitting for Crossarm.................................. B2351......................C42 Pole Top Pin, Steel................................................... 2770.......................C83
Pin, Clevis.................................................................... 2743........................E34 Poles, Stress Distribution in H-Frames...............................................J21
Pin, Jumper, Fiberglass.......................................... CF793..................... F13 Post Insulator Mounting Bracket...................... B2047....................C77
Pin, Jumper, Fiberglass.......................................... CF792..................... F13 Post Insulator Mounting Bracket...................... B1859.....................C78
Pin, Line Post Insulator.......................................... 2757........................ E32 Post Insulator Bracket, Heavy Duty................. B2025....................C79
Pin, Pole Top, Fiberglass.................................................................. F10-F11 Post Insulator Pin (Line)........................................ 2757........................ E32
Pin, Pole Top, Steel.................................................. 2770.......................C83 Post Insulator Stand-off Arm............................. C4466-B.............. C80
Pipe Hanger................................................................ B2379.................... D36 Post Insulator Standoff, Fiberglass.................. CF784..................... F19

©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc. INDEX-5


Post Insulators vs Davit Arm Construction......................................J16 Shield Wire Support Bracket.............................. 2812.........................C55
Protective Case, Fiber Optic Splices............... B2557-BB.............D25 Shield Wire Support Bracket.............................. 2855.......................C56
Protective Case, Fiber Optic Splices............... B2557-M...............D26 Shield Wire Support Bracket.............................. 2859.......................C57
Protective Case, Fiber Optic Splices............... B2557-N................D27 Shield Wire Support, Pole Band........................ 2837........................C57
Protective Case, Fiber Optic Splices............... B2557-NC.............D28 Shield Wire Support, Pole Band........................ 2837-K...................C59
Protective Case, Fiber Optic Splices............... B2557-P................D29 Shield Wire Support, Pole Band........................ 2835........................C61
Push Brace Assembly............................................ 3002.......................C29 Shield Wire Support, Pole Band........................ 2852.........................C61
Shield Wire Suspension Bracket....................... A2132-HHH......... C64
Shims, Pole.................................................................. 2844.......................C47

R Single Arm Transmission Arms, Wood (H-Frame).......................A12

Single Arm Transmission Arms, Steel (H-Frame).........................A13
Raptor Perch Assembly........................................ B2502-Q................ F61 Shoulder Eye Bolts.................................................. 2720........................ E16
REA 1728H-701..............................................................................................A4 Shoulder Eye Bolts, Curved................................ 2721.......................... E18
REA type 01 crossarm............................................................................... A5 Spacer Fitting............................................................ 3400.......................C41
REA type 02 crossarm.............................................................................. A5 Spacer Fitting............................................................ 3414-C.................. C40
REA type 03 crossarm..............................................................................A6 Spacer Fitting............................................................ 3415....................... C40
REA type 04 crossarm..............................................................................A6 Spacer Fitting............................................................ AS2419...................C41
REA type 05 crossarm..............................................................................A6 Spacer Fitting............................................................ B2046.....................C41
Reframing Structure Kits...................................... C4700..................... H2 Spacer Fitting, Adjustable................................... 3414........................C36
Reframing Structure Kits...................................... C4701....................... H2 Span Calcs, H-Frame Analysis......................................................... J6-J9
Reframing Structure Kits...................................... C4702...................... H2 Span Crossing Phase Spacer.............................. CF800J................. F58
Reframing Structure Kits...................................... C4703...................... H2 Split Lock Washers, double coil........................ SLW2*....................E39
Reframing Structure Kits...................................... C4704...................... H3 Split Lock Washers, single coil........................... SLW*......................E38
Reframing Structure Kits...................................... C4705...................... H3 Spool Bracket............................................................ 2301........................C85
Reframing Structure Kits...................................... C4706...................... H3 Sports Field Lighting Bracket............................ C4141.......................D41
Reframing Structure Kits...................................... C4707...................... H3 Spring Washers......................................................... 2702.......................E39
Reframing Structure Kits...................................... C4708...................... H3 Square Curved Washers....................................... SCW*.....................E42
Reframing Structure Kits...................................... C4709...................... H3 Square Nuts................................................................ N*............................. E35
Reframing Trusses................................................... C2561-S...................H11 Square Washers........................................................ SW*........................ E40
Reframing Trusses................................................... C4754-A1................H11 Stand-off Arm, Post Insulator............................ C4466-B.............. C80
Reinforcement Bracket (Tower Leg)............... B2712.1.................. C112 Stand-off Bracket.................................................... C4821-A................C82
Replacement Arm for Wood Davits................ C4625....................G27 Stand-off Bracket, Fiberglass............................. CF785....................F59
Replacement Arm for Wood Davits................ C4619.....................G27 Stand-off Bracket, Fiberglass............................. CF785B.................F59
Ridge Iron.................................................................... 1144.........................C87 Stand-off Bracket, Single Phase........................ CF560.....................F14
Ridge Iron.................................................................... 1155..........................C92 Stand-off Bracket, Single Phase........................ CF626.....................F14
Ridge Iron.................................................................... 2600......................C89 Stand-off Bracket, Single Phase........................ CF886..................... F15
Ridge Iron.................................................................... 2604........................C91 Stand-off Bracket, Single Phase........................ CF888..................... F16
Ridge Iron.................................................................... 2605........................C91 Stand-off Bracket, Single Phase........................ CF810...................... F17
Ridge Iron.................................................................... 2606...................... C90 Stand-off Bracket, Single Phase........................ CF830C................. F18
Ridge Iron.................................................................... 2608.......................C88 Stand-off Bracket, Three Phase......................... CF545.................... F27
Ridge Iron, Post Insulator Mounting................ B2638....................C92 Stand-off Bracket, Three Phase......................... CF547.................... F27
Round Washers......................................................... RW*.........................E41 Stand-off Bracket, Three Phase......................... CF822.................... F28
RUS Double Arming Plates...................................................................C54 Stand-off Bracket, Two Phase............................ CF636.................... F26
Stand-off Bracket, Two Phase............................ CF813..................... F24
Stand-off Bracket, Two Phase............................ CF861A.................. F25
Stand-off Bracket, Two Phase............................ CF861B.................. F25

S Stand-off Bracket, Two Phase............................ CF862.................... F24

Staples, Moulding.................................................... 25014.....................C34
Saddle Assembly & Eye Bolt.............................. 2824............. C42,E44 Staples, Moulding.................................................... 25034....................C34
Screws, Lag, Gimlet................................................. LS*...........................E45 Static Dead End Tee, Curved Cross & Tie..... AS2720 E4.5......... C6
Secondary Bracket.................................................. 2301........................C85 Static Support Arm, Steel.................................... C4484-C.............. G20
Service Drop Bracket............................................. B2684.2C.............C76 Static Support Arm, Steel.................................... C4484-CDE.........G21
Shackles....................................................................... 2865.......................E46 Static Support Tee, Curved Base...................... A2132-ZR..............C63
Shackles, Hold Down Weight............................. 1888.........................C111 Static Support Tee, Curved Base...................... A2132-ZR1............C63
Shackles, Twisted..................................................... 2866.......................E46 Static Wire Support for Wood Bayonets...... 2813.........................C67
Shelf Gain.................................................................... B2746.2A..............C52 Steel Alley Arm......................................................... B2684-F.............. A39
Shelf Gain Fitting, Welded................................... AS2715-A...............C51 Steel Alley Arm Brace............................................ 1097.........................B13
Shelf Gain Fitting, Welded................................... AS2715-C..............C52 Steel Alley Arm Brace............................................ AS2329..................B13
Shield Wire Bayonets............................................. B2502....................C65 Steel Angle Brace.................................................... AS2309..................B14
Shield Wire Bayonets............................................. AS2613 Series.....C68 Steel channel Dead-end assembly................... B2218-N............... A34
Shield Wire Bracket................................................ C4111.5....................C59 Steel channel Dead-end assembly................... B2218-E4..............A35
Shield Wire Support............................................... AS2087 Series...C58 Steel channel Dead-end assembly................... B2218-K................ A36
Shield Wire Support Assembly......................... B2364.1..................C55 Steel Crossarm Brace............................................. 2018M.....................B10
Shield Wire Support Bracket.............................. 1501.........................C56 Steel Crossarm Brace............................................. 2809......................... B4

INDEX-6 ©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc.


Steel Crossarm Brace............................................. 2819.......................... B4 Tension Brace, Heavy Duty.................................. 2038A....................B23

Steel Crossarms (Tubular), Single Pole.......... B2684 Series......A37 Tension Brace, Heavy Duty.................................. 2038TB.................B23
Steel Davit Arm......................................................... C4485-V............... G14 Testing of Full Scale H-Frames......................................................J18-J21
Steel Davit Arm......................................................... C4668-A................G15 Thimbles, Guy Wire................................................. AS2731...................C27
Steel Davit Arm, Heavy Duty.............................. 4000.................G2-G3 Threaded Double End Rod.................................. TR*..........................E24
Steel Davit Arm, Heavy Duty.............................. 4010................. G4-G5 Threaded Rod............................................................ A193B7.................. E25
Steel Davit Arm, Medium Duty.......................... 4020................ G6-G7 Threaded Rod, double arming bolts............... TR*..........................E20
Steel Davit Arm, Medium Duty.......................... 4030................ G8-G9 Threaded Rod, full thread.................................... TR*..................E21-E22
Steel Davit Replacement for Wood Davit..... C4625....................G27 Tie Plate, Embossed............................................... 1113...........................C45
Steel Davit Replacement for Wood Davit..... C4619.....................G27 Tie Plate, Ribbed...................................................... 1005....................... C44
Steel Dead-end assembly.................................... B2218-N............... A34 Tower Bolts, Type "O"............................................ BT*.............................E9
Steel Dead-end assembly.................................... B2218-E4..............A35 Tower Leg Reinforcement Bracket.................. B2712.1.................. C112
Steel Dead-end assembly.................................... B2218-K................ A36 Transformer Mounting Bracket.......................... 3022........................D16
Steel Dead-end assembly.................................... B2684-Q...............A38 Transformer Mounting Bracket.......................... 3025........................D17
Steel Distribution Underbuild Arm.................. C4484...................G22 Transformer Platform, Alley Type..................... 1035.......................... D7
Steel Guy Plate.......................................................... B2693-H8............... C7 Transformer Platform, Alley Type..................... 1071........................... D8
Steel Post Insulator Stand-off Arm.................. C4466....................G23 Transformer Platform, Bridge Type................. 1040......................... D9
Steel Single Arm Transmission Arms (H-Frame)..........................A13 Transformer Platform, Bridge Type................. 1072........................ D10
Steel Static Support Arm..................................... C4484-C.............. G20 Transformer Platform, Open Type.................... 1034.......................... D3
Steel Static Support Arm..................................... C4484-CDE.........G21 Transformer Platform, Open Type.................... 1070..........................D4
Step................................................................................ B2173-A................. E47 Transformer Platform, Open Type.................... 1073.......................... D5
Structural Analysis of H-Frames..................................................... J4-J5 Transformer Platform, Open Type.................... 1036.......................... D6
Structure Configuration Examples............................................ J22-J24 Transformer Platform, Spread Type................ 2100.........................D12
Structure Kits, Reframing & Upgrade............. C4700..................... H2 Transformer Platform, Spread Type................ 2102.........................D13
Structure Kits, Reframing & Upgrade............. C4701....................... H2 Transmission Arm, Fiberglass............................. CF879-D...............F46
Structure Kits, Reframing & Upgrade............. C4702...................... H2 Transmission Arm, Fiberglass............................. CF863-C............... F47
Structure Kits, Reframing & Upgrade............. C4703...................... H2 Transmission Arm, Fiberglass............................. CF879-C3.............F48
Structure Kits, Reframing & Upgrade............. C4704...................... H3 Transmission Crossarm, Fiberglass.................. CF584D................F42
Structure Kits, Reframing & Upgrade............. C4705...................... H3 Transmission Crossarm, Fiberglass.................. CF584-K...............F43
Structure Kits, Reframing & Upgrade............. C4706...................... H3 Transmission Crossarm, Fiberglass.................. CF584-KHD........F44
Structure Kits, Reframing & Upgrade............. C4707...................... H3 Transmission Crossarm, Fiberglass.................. CF885B-1..............F45
Structure Kits, Reframing & Upgrade............. C4708...................... H3 Tubular Steel Crossarms, Single Pole.............. B2684 Series......A37
Structure Kits, Reframing & Upgrade............. C4709...................... H3 Turnbuckles................................................................ AS2545.................E48
Stud Bolts, Post Insulator mounting............... 2750.......................E30 Twisted Clip................................................................ AS2276 Series.... C10
Stud Bolts, Post Insulator mounting............... 2751.........................E30 Twisted Shackles...................................................... 2866.......................E46
Stud Bolts, Post Insulator mounting............... 2755........................E30 Two Phase Angle Bracket, Fiberglass............. CF761..................... F23
Stud Bolts, Post Insulator mounting............... 2752......................... E31 Two Phase Angle Bracket, Fiberglass............. CF901..................... F23
Stud Bolts, Post Insulator mounting............... 2753......................... E31 Two Phase Apparatus Bracket, Fiberglass... CF550................... F40
Stud Bolts, Post Insulator mounting............... 2754........................ E31 Two Phase Apparatus Bracket, Fiberglass... CF590....................F39
Stud, Bent type......................................................... 2722........................E29 Two Phase Horizontal Bracket, Fiberglass... CF636.................... F26
Suspension Bracket, Fiberglass......................... CF615.....................F20 Two Phase Vertical Bracket, Fiberglass......... CF813..................... F24
Suspension Bracket, Fiberglass......................... CF898..................... F21 Two Phase Vertical Bracket, Fiberglass......... CF861A.................. F25
Suspension Bracket, Fiberglass......................... CF899.................... F22 Two Phase Vertical Bracket, Fiberglass......... CF861B.................. F25
Suspension Bracket, Fiberglass......................... CF899CPL........... F22 Two Phase Vertical Bracket, Fiberglass......... CF862.................... F24
Swinging Angle Brackets..................................... 1796........................C75 Type ”O” Tower Bolts............................................. BT*.............................E9
Swinging Angle Brackets..................................... 2821.........................C69 Type 1 Guy Link (REA Type 1)............................. TG-92-1..................C26
Swinging Angle Brackets..................................... 2823.......................C70 Type 2 Guy Link (REA Type 2).......................... TG-92-2.................C26
Swinging Angle Brackets..................................... 2846........................C71
Swinging Angle Brackets..................................... 2822........................C72
Swinging Angle Brackets..................................... 2842.......................C72
Swinging Angle Brackets..................................... 2848.......................C73 U
Swinging Angle Brackets..................................... 2831.........................C74 U-Bolt & Chain Link Assembly........................... 1329........................E26
Switch Rod, Fiberglass.......................................... CF583....................F60 U-Bolts.......................................................................... 1327......................... E27
Switch Rod, Fiberglass.......................................... CF914.....................F60 U-Bolts.......................................................................... 1328......................... E27
U-Bolts.......................................................................... 1329........................ E27
U-Bolts.......................................................................... 1330........................ E27
U-Bolts.......................................................................... AS2477.................. E27
T U-Bolts.......................................................................... B1964..................... E27
Underbuild Arm, Steel........................................... C4484-B...............G22
Tapped Flange Washers....................................... FW*.........................E43
Tapped Lip Washers............................................... LW*.........................E43
Tension Brace............................................................ 2043.......................B24
Tension Brace, Adjustable.................................... 2043-A..................B24
Tension Brace, Heavy Duty.................................. 2038D....................B22 V
Tension Brace, Heavy Duty.................................. 2038E....................B22 Vault Covers............................................................... C4059...................D24

©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc. INDEX-7


Vault Covers............................................................... C4060...................D24 X-Brace, Heavy Duty Wrap Around................. 2087.......................B34

Vault Covers............................................................... D259.......................D24 X-Brace, Tubular Steel........................................... B2508....................B36
Ventilating Grates.................................................... C2837-H................D22
Ventilating Grates.................................................... C2837-K................D23
Ventilating Grates.................................................... C3100......................D21
Ventilating Grates.................................................... C4551......................D21 Y
Ventilating Grates.................................................... C4664.....................D21 Yoke Plates.................................................................. 1896........................C93
Vertical Arm Brace, Alley Arm........................... 1096.1C...................B12 Yoke Plates.................................................................. AS2355..................C93
Vertical Bundling Hanger Links......................... 1701.......................C109 Yoke Plates.................................................................. AS2355-N............C98
Vertical Bundling Hanger Links......................... 1702......................C109 Yoke Plates.................................................................. AS2355-P.............C95
Vertical Stand-off, Three Phase, Fiberglass.CF822.................... F28 Yoke Plates.................................................................. AS2585.................C93
Vertical Stand-off, Two Phase, Fiberglass..... CF813..................... F24 Yoke Plates.................................................................. AS2585-A.............C95
Vertical Stand-off, Two Phase, Fiberglass..... CF861A.................. F25 Yoke Plates.................................................................. AS2585-A1........ C100
Vertical Stand-off, Two Phase, Fiberglass..... CF861B.................. F25 Yoke Plates.................................................................. AS2585-B.............C95
Vertical Stand-off, Two Phase, Fiberglass..... CF862.................... F24 Yoke Plates.................................................................. AS2585-B2....... C100
Vertical Stand-off, Single Phase, Fiberglass.CF810...................... F17 Yoke Plates.................................................................. AS2585-C............ C94
Vertical Stand-off, Single Phase, Fiberglass.CF830C................. F18 Yoke Plates.................................................................. AS2585-D........... C94
Yoke Plates.................................................................. AS2585-F.............C95
Yoke Plates.................................................................. AS2585-H............C97
Yoke Plates.................................................................. AS2585-J8..........C101
W Yoke Plates.................................................................. AS2585-L.............C95
Yoke Plates.................................................................. AS2585-M........... C94
Washer Head Bolts................................................. WB*......................... E13
Washer Nuts, Cast................................................... 2746........................E36 Yoke Plates.................................................................. AS2585-N............C99
Washer Nuts, Welded............................................ 2745........................E36 Yoke Plates.................................................................. AS2585-P............ C94
Washer, Round.......................................................... RW*.........................E41 Yoke Plates.................................................................. AS2585-R.............C96
Washer, Split Lock Type, Double Coil............. SLW2*....................E39 Yoke Plates.................................................................. AS2585-S.............C96
Washer, Spring type............................................... 2702.......................E39 Yoke Plates.................................................................. AS2585-T.............C99
Washers, Beveled..................................................... BW*.........................E41 Yoke Plates.................................................................. AS2585-T2..........C101
Washers, Curved...................................................... CW*........................E42 Yoke Plates.................................................................. AS2585-T3.........C102
Washers, Split Lock type...................................... SLW*......................E38 Yoke Plates.................................................................. AS2585-T4........C102
Washers, Square....................................................... SW*........................ E40 Yoke Plates.................................................................. AS2585-V.............C99
Washers, Square Curved...................................... SCW*.....................E42 Yoke Plates.................................................................. AS2585-V1.........C103
Washers, Tapped Flange...................................... FW*.........................E43 Yoke Plates.................................................................. AS2585-V2........C103
Washers, Tapped Lip.............................................. LW*.........................E43 Yoke Plates.................................................................. AS2585-V3........C104
Weights, Hold Down............................................... A2051.3................C110 Yoke Plates.................................................................. AS2585-V9........C104
Wood Alley Arm Brace......................................... 1096.......................... B11 Yoke Plates.................................................................. AS2585-V11........C105
Wood Crossarm Brace.......................................... 1152.............................B2 Yoke Plates.................................................................. AS2585-V13.......C105
Wood Crossarm Brace.......................................... 2023......................... B5 Yoke Plates.................................................................. AS2585-W1....... C100
Wood Crossarm Brace, Heavy Duty................ 2016.................B9-B10 Yoke Plates.................................................................. AS2585-W3.......C106
Wood Crossarm Brace, Heavy Duty................ 2017.................B9-B10 Yoke Plates.................................................................. AS2585-Y.............C98
Wood Crossarm Brace, Heavy Duty................ 2018.................B9-B10 Yoke Plates.................................................................. AS2585-Z.............C95
Wood Crossarm Brace, Inverted....................... 2002......................... B3 Yoke Plates.................................................................. AS2585-Z6........C106
Wood Crossarm Brace, Reversible................... 2045..........................B7 Yoke Plates.................................................................. AS2585-Z7........ C107
Wood Davit Arm, Medium Duty........................ C4080...................G24 Yoke Plates.................................................................. AS2585-Z8........ C107
Wood Davit Arm, Light Duty.............................. C4113......................G26 Yoke Plates.................................................................. AS2585-ZZ..........C96
Yoke Plates.................................................................. B2726...................C108
Yoke Plates, Vee String.......................................... AS2585-J.............C97
Yoke Plates, Vee String.......................................... AS2585-J1............C97
X-Brace......................................................................... 1042..............B26-B27
X-Brace......................................................................... 1150...............B28-B29
X-Brace......................................................................... 2094..............B30-B31
X-Brace......................................................................... 2061........................B32
X-Brace......................................................................... 2061-A...................B32
X-Brace Center Clamp........................................... 2840.............B38-B39
X-Brace, Ex Heavy Duty Pin Connection....... 2122.........................B35
X-Brace, Heavy Duty Pin Connection............. 2093.......................B33
X-Brace, Heavy Duty Pin Connection............. 2095.......................B33
X-Brace, Heavy Duty Pin Connection............. 2096.......................B33
X-Brace, Heavy Duty Pin Connection............. 2097.......................B33
X-Brace, Heavy Duty Pin Connection............. 2123.........................B33
X-Brace, Heavy Duty Pin Connection............. 2121..........................B33
X-Brace, Heavy Duty Steel................................... B2508-B...............B37
X-Brace, Heavy Duty Wrap Around................. 2086.......................B34

INDEX-8 ©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc.

Index By Stock Number Stock No. Description Page

Stock No. Description Page

2087........................X-Brace, Heavy Duty Wrap Around.............. B34
2093......................X-Brace, Heavy Duty Pin Connection............ B33
2094...................................................X-Brace................................. B30-B31
1004............................................ Gain Plate, Flat.................................. C43 2095......................X-Brace, Heavy Duty Pin Connection............ B33
1005.......................................... Tie Plate, Ribbed................................C44 2096.....................X-Brace, Heavy Duty Pin Connection............ B33
1006..................................... Gain Plate, Embossed........................... C43 2097......................X-Brace, Heavy Duty Pin Connection............ B33
1034..........................Transformer Platform, Open Type..................D3 2100....................... Transformer Platform, Spread Type.............. D12
1035...........................Transformer Platform, Alley Type...................D7 2102........................ Transformer Platform, Spread Type.............. D13
1036..........................Transformer Platform, Open Type..................D6 2121........................X-Brace, Heavy Duty Pin Connection............ B33
1040........................Transformer Platform, Bridge Type.................D9 2122....................X-Brace, Ex Heavy Duty Pin Connection......... B35
1042.....................................................X-Brace.................................B26-B27 2123.......................X-Brace, Heavy Duty Pin Connection............ B33
1070..........................Transformer Platform, Open Type..................D4 2301.............................................. Spool Bracket................................... C85
1071............................Transformer Platform, Alley Type...................D8 2450............................................. Links, Straight................................... C23
1072.........................Transformer Platform, Bridge Type...............D10 2501..................................... Ground Wire Moulding.......................... C33
1073..........................Transformer Platform, Open Type..................D5 2502.................................... Ground Wire Moulding.......................... C33
1096....................................Wood Alley Arm Brace.............................B11 2503.................................... Ground Wire Moulding.......................... C33
1096.1C........................Vertical Arm Brace, Alley Arm.....................B12 2504................................... Ground Wire Moulding.......................... C33
1097...................................... Steel Alley Arm Brace.............................B13 2508....................................... Guy Markers, Wood.............................. C31
1111...........................Pole Bands, Light Duty - Distribution..............C12 2600................................................ Ridge Iron.......................................C89
1113..........................................Tie Plate, Embossed............................. C45 2604................................................ Ridge Iron........................................ C91
1135............................ Knee & Vee Brace, Medium Duty..................B17 2605................................................. Ridge Iron........................................ C91
1144................................................... Ridge Iron....................................... C87 2606................................................ Ridge Iron.......................................C90
1150......................................................X-Brace................................ B28-B29 2608................................................ Ridge Iron....................................... C88
1152...................................... Wood Crossarm Brace.............................. B2 2702............................................Spring Washers...................................E39
1155................................................... Ridge Iron....................................... C92 2718............................ Bonding Clip, Flat Surface type...................E28
1258.............................................. Pole Eye Plate......................................C8 2720........................................ Shoulder Eye Bolts................................E16
1260.................................................. Grid Gains.......................................C50 2720.7................................ Double Arming Eyebolt...........................E17
1261................................................... Grid Gains.......................................C49 2721....................Shoulder Eye Bolts, Curved Washer type..........E18
1262.................................................. Grid Gains.......................................C50 2722...........................................Bent Bolt & Stud..................................E29
1263.................................................. Grid Gains.......................................C49 2724..........................................Forged Eye Bolts..................................E19
1327..................................................... U-Bolts...........................................E27 2727................................ Bonding Clip, bolt end type......................E28
1328..................................................... U-Bolts...........................................E27 2743.................................................Clevis Pins....................................... E34
1329..............................U-Bolt & Chain Link Assembly....................E26 2745..................................... Washer Nuts, Welded............................E36
1330..................................................... U-Bolts...........................................E27 2746.........................................Washer Nuts, Cast................................E36
1501................................ Shield Wire Support Bracket.................... C56 2750..................................Insulator Mounting Studs........................ E30
1701...................Vertical Bundled Conductor Hanger Links..... C109 2751....................................Insulator Mounting Studs........................ E30
1702..................................... Vertical Bundling Links........................ C109 2752...................................Insulator Mounting Studs..........................E31
1796...................................Swinging Angle Brackets.........................C75 2753..................................Insulator Mounting Studs..........................E31
1888............................... Hold Down Weight Shackles..................... C111 2754..................................Insulator Mounting Studs..........................E31
1896.................................................Yoke Plates...................................... C93 2755..................................Insulator Mounting Studs........................ E30
1906 Series....................................Clevis Link....................................... C25 2757......................................Line Post Insulator Pin............................E32
2002.......................... Inverted Wood Crossarm Brace....................B3 2770.........................................Pole Top Pin, Steel............................... C83
2010............................. Knee & Vee Brace, Light Duty.................... B16 2809................................Flat Steel Crossarm Brace..........................B4
2016........................ Wood Crossarm Brace, Heavy Duty.......B9-B10 2812............................... Shield Wire Support Bracket.................... C55
2017........................ Wood Crossarm Brace, Heavy Duty.......B9-B10 2813................... Static Wire Support for Wood Bayonets........ C67
2018........................ Wood Crossarm Brace, Heavy Duty.......B9-B10 2816................................... Dead End & Guying Tees...........................C3
2018M...................................Steel Crossarm Brace............................. B10 2817............................................. Dead End Tees...................................... C1
2023.................................... Wood Crossarm Brace..............................B5 2817R............................Dead End Tees, Curved Base.......................C2
2023.................................................. Test Data...........................................B6 2819..................................Flat Steel Crossarm Brace..........................B4
2025..................................Knee & Vee Brace, Wood ........................ B18 2821...................................Swinging Angle Brackets........................ C69
2025M...............................Knee & Vee Brace, Steel.......................... B19 2822..................................Swinging Angle Brackets.........................C72
2038A............................ Tension Brace, Heavy Duty...................... B23 2822.2..............................................Guy Plates..........................................C9
2038B.........................Knee & Vee Brace, Heavy Duty....................B21 2823..................................Swinging Angle Brackets........................ C70
2038C.........................Knee & Vee Brace, Heavy Duty....................B21 2824.............................. Eye Bolt & Saddle Assembly....... C42 & E44
2038D............................ Tension Brace, Heavy Duty.......................B22 2831...................................Swinging Angle Brackets.........................C74
2038E............................. Tension Brace, Heavy Duty.......................B22 2835............................Pole Band Shield Wire Support................... C61
2038TB.......................... Tension Brace, Heavy Duty...................... B23 2837............................Pole Band Shield Wire Support...................C57
2043............................................ Tension Brace.................................... B24 2837-K........................Pole Band Shield Wire Support.................. C59
2043-A............................ Tension Brace, Adjustable....................... B24 2837-K1......................Pole Band Fiber Optic Support..................C60
2045........................Wood Crossarm Brace, Reversible.................. B7 2837-K2.....................Pole Band Fiber Optic Support..................C60
2045................................................. Test Data...........................................B8 2839................................Corner Bracket, Light Duty...................... C76
2061.....................................................X-Brace.......................................... B32 2840....................................X-Brace Center Clamp................. B38-B39
2061-A................................................X-Brace.......................................... B32 2842..................................Swinging Angle Brackets.........................C72
2086.......................X-Brace, Heavy Duty Wrap Around.............. B34 2844..................................................Pole Shim........................................ C47

©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc. INDEX-9

Stock No. Description Page Stock No. Description Page

2845.................................. Pole Top Anti-Split Band........................C20 3377-A4....................Braceless Dead-end, 8 ft. 4-wire................. A28
2846..................................Swinging Angle Brackets..........................C71 3377-C......................Braceless Dead-end, 10 ft. 3-wire................ A27
2848..................................Swinging Angle Brackets.........................C73 3377-C4...................Braceless Dead-end, 10 ft. 4-wire................ A28
2852............................Pole Band Shield Wire Support................... C61 3400............................................ Spacer Fitting.................................... C41
2855.............................. Shield Wire Support Bracket.................... C56 3414...........................Double Arm Spacers, Adjustable...... C36-C37
2859.............................. Shield Wire Support Bracket.....................C57 3414-C......................................... Spacer Fitting...................................C40
2865...................................................Shackles......................................... E46 3415.............................................. Spacer Fitting...................................C40
2866.......................................... Twisted Shackles................................ E46 4000............................. Steel Davit Arm, Heavy Duty............... G2-G3
2890......................... 2890 Ordering & Strength Tables................. A18 4010.............................. Steel Davit Arm, Heavy Duty...............G4-G5
2890............................Buckarm vs. Hughes Dead-end................... A15 4020........................... Steel Davit Arm, Medium Duty.............G6-G7
2890.................................... Double Arm Dead-end........................... A16 4030........................... Steel Davit Arm, Medium Duty.............G8-G9
2890-* G1.......................... 2890/2892 guying kits..........................A20 25011..........................................Moulding Straps................................. C34
2890-* G2......................... 2890/2892 guying kits..........................A20 25014........................... Moulding Staples, Galvanized................... C34
2890-* G2A...................... 2890/2892 guying kits..........................A20 25021.........................................Moulding Straps................................. C34
2891.......................... Double Arm Dead-end (H-frame)................ A19 25031.........................................Moulding Straps................................. C34
2892..........................2892 Ordering & Strength Tables................. A18 25034.......................... Moulding Staples, Galvanized...................C34
2892.................................... Double Arm Dead-end........................... A17 25041.........................................Moulding Straps................................. C34
2894.............................Narrow Profile Dead-end Arm...................A24 25051.........................................Moulding Straps................................. C34
2894.............................2894 Dimensions & Strengths................... A25 25061.........................................Moulding Straps................................. C34
3002.................................... Push Brace Assembly........................... C29 28082.............................................Guy Rollers...................................... C23
3016................................................. Pole Guard...................................... C35 28083.............................................Guy Rollers...................................... C23
3018................................................. Pole Guard...................................... C35 28084.............................................Guy Rollers...................................... C23
3020............................................ Cluster Mount....................................D14 28085.............................................Guy Rollers...................................... C23
3021.............................................. Cluster Mount.................................... D15 28086.............................................Guy Rollers...................................... C23
3022............................ Transformer Mounting Bracket................... D16 28261.................................................Guy Plate...........................................C9
3025............................ Transformer Mounting Bracket................... D17 28262...............................................Guy Plate...........................................C9
3100......................Pole Bands, Light Duty - Distribution..............C12 28263...............................................Guy Plate...........................................C9
3102.......................Pole Bands, Light Duty - Distribution..............C12 28264...............................................Guy Plate...........................................C9
3103..................................Pole Bands, Medium Duty........................ C13 28265...............................................Guy Plate...........................................C9
3105..................................Pole Bands, Medium Duty........................ C14 A1609 Series...........................Extension Links.................................. C25
3107....................................Pole Bands, Heavy Duty.......................... C15 A1895.................................. Pole Anchor Assembly..........................C116
3108....................................Pole Bands, Heavy Duty.......................... C16 A1977........................................ Pole Top Bracket................................. C81
3112.....................................Pole Bands, Heavy Duty...........................C17 A2051.......................... Hold Down Weight Assembly...................C110
3150.......................................... Links, Connecting............................... C22 A2051.3.................................Hold Down Weights.............................C110
3151........................................... Links, Connecting............................... C22 A2051-A...................... Hold Down Weight Assembly...................C110
3152.......................................... Links, Connecting............................... C22 A2121......................Cutout, Arrestor Mounting Brackets............. D33
3153.......................................... Links, Connecting............................... C22 A2121-D........................3377 cutout/arrestor bracket....................A29
3154.......................................... Links, Connecting............................... C22 A2132............................Dead End Tee, Heavy Guying.......................C4
3155.......................................... Links, Connecting............................... C22 A2132....................................Dead End Tee, Heavy...............................C5
3157.......................................... Links, Connecting............................... C22 A2132-F...............Light Angle Tee for Laminated Poles............C113
3159.............................................. Links, Twisted................................... C24 A2132-HHH..............Shield Wire Suspension Bracket.................C64
3160.......................................... Links, Connecting............................... C22 A2132-ZR................ Static Support Tee, Curved Base................ C63
3165.............................................. Links, Straight................................... C23 A2132-ZR1............... Static Support Tee, Curved Base................ C63
3166.............................................. Links, Twisted................................... C24 A2137.................................... Grounding Platforms............................D20
3167.......................................... Links, Connecting............................... C22 A2159................................Hold Down Weight Hook......................... C111
3168.......................................... Links, Connecting............................... C22 A2169.....................Cutout, Arrestor Mounting Brackets...D30-D35
3169.......................................... Links, Connecting............................... C22 A2185.....................Cutout, Arrestor Mounting Brackets.............D30
3170.......................................... Links, Connecting............................... C22 A2185-B................Cutout, Arrestor Mounting Brackets.............D34
3171............................................... Links, Straight................................... C23 A2185-C................Cutout, Arrestor Mounting Brackets.............D34
3172.......................................... Links, Connecting............................... C22 A2273.1A.................................... Links, Straight................................... C23
3173.............................................. Links, Straight................................... C23 A783.........................................Gain Fitting, Pole................................C46
3174.............................................. Links, Twisted................................... C24 AB*...................................A325, High Strength Bolts................E10-E12
3175.............................................. Links, Straight................................... C23 ANB*............................................. Anchor Bolts.....................................E33
3176.......................................... Links, Connecting............................... C22 AS1062.............................................Guy Plate.........................................C10
3184.............................................. Links, Twisted................................... C24 AS1263........................................ Links, Twisted................................... C24
3340............................Pole Bands, Extra Heavy Duty.................... C18 AS1459.............................................Guy Plate.........................................C10
3341..............................Pole Bands, Extra Heavy Duty.................... C19 AS2019 Series........................... Link, Twisted..................................... C24
3375-A...................... Light Duty Braceless Dead-end................. A32 AS2087 Series...................Shield Wire Support............................. C58
3375-B....................... Light Duty Braceless Dead-end................. A33 AS2139............................Double Arming Plate, RUS....................... C54
3376.........................Universal Dead-end, 3 or 4-phase................ A31 AS2276............................................Guy Plate.........................................C10
3377............................ Braceless Dead-end Assembly..................A26 AS2276......................................... Twisted Clip......................................C10
3377...........................3377 Dead-End Guying Options.................A29 AS2277................................................Clevis............................................ E50
3377...............................................3377 Testing.....................................A30 AS2290.........................Neutral Support/Upset Bolt..................... C86
3377-A.......................Braceless Dead-end, 8 ft. 3-wire................. A27 AS2309................................... Steel Angle Brace................................ B14

INDEX-10 ©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc.

Stock No. Description Page Stock No. Description Page

AS2324.................Cutout, Arrestor Mounting Brackets...D33-D34 B5*..................................Machine Bolts, Square Head........................E4

AS2329............................... Steel Alley Arm Brace.............................B13 B6*..................................Machine Bolts, Square Head........................E4
AS2349............................... Double Arming Plates........................... C53 B7*..................................Machine Bolts, Square Head........................E4
AS2355..........................................Yoke Plates...................................... C93 B8*..................................Machine Bolts, Square Head........................ E5
AS2355-N.....................................Yoke Plates...................................... C98 B10*................................Machine Bolts, Square Head........................ E5
AS2355-P......................................Yoke Plates...................................... C95 B12*.................................Machine Bolts, Square Head........................ E5
AS2419................... Dead End Angle, 3414 Application............... C41 B1612.1C-1...................................... Pipe Spacer...................................... C54
AS2469....................................... Links, Twisted................................... C24 B1612.1C-2............................ Double Arming Plate............................ C54
AS2477............................Conduit Support Bracket....................... D40 B1637..................................... Pole Stubbing Band.............................C30
AS2477.............................................. U-Bolts...........................................E27 B1859........................ Post Insulator Mounting Bracket................. C78
AS2492................................ Grounding Platforms............................D20 B1912-A................................Dead End Tee, Heavy ..............................C4
AS2531...........................................Cotter Keys...................................... E34 B1912-B............................. Dead End & Guying Tee............................C3
AS2545......................................... Turnbuckles........................... E48-E49 B1963........................ Conduit Support Bracket, Single................ D37
AS2585..........................................Yoke Plates...................................... C93 B1964....................... Conduit Support Bracket, Double............... D37
AS2585-A.....................................Yoke Plates...................................... C95 B1964.................................................. U-Bolts...........................................E27
AS2585-A1....................................Yoke Plates....................................C100 B1965-A.............................. Conduit Riser Bracket........................... D38
AS2585-B.....................................Yoke Plates...................................... C95 B1965-B.............................. Conduit Riser Bracket...........................D39
AS2585-B2...................................Yoke Plates....................................C100 B2006...................................... Pole Top Bracket................................. C81
AS2585-C.....................................Yoke Plates......................................C94 B2025.....................Post Insulator Bracket, Heavy Duty.............. C79
AS2585-D.....................................Yoke Plates......................................C94 B2046............................Spacer Fitting, Heavy Duty....................... C41
AS2585-F......................................Yoke Plates...................................... C95 B2047....................... Post Insulator Mounting Bracket..................C77
AS2585-H.....................................Yoke Plates...................................... C97 B2173-A................................................ Step..............................................E47
AS2585-J...........................Vee String Yoke Plates........................... C97 B2218..............................Ordering & Strength Tables....................... A18
AS2585-J1..........................Vee String Yoke Plates........................... C97 B2218-E4................Steel channel Dead-end assembly............... A35
AS2585-J8...................................Yoke Plates......................................C101 B2218-K..................Steel channel Dead-end assembly...............A36
AS2585-L......................................Yoke Plates...................................... C95 B2218-N..................Steel channel Dead-end assembly...............A34
AS2585-M.....................................Yoke Plates......................................C94 B2251..................... Cutout/Arrestor Mounting Brackets............. D35
AS2585-N.....................................Yoke Plates...................................... C99 B2255-A...............Cutout, Arrestor Mounting Brackets.............. D31
AS2585-P......................................Yoke Plates......................................C94 B2286-C.............................Guy Anchor Assembly........................... C28
AS2585-R.....................................Yoke Plates...................................... C96 B2351..................................Crossarm Phase Fitting.......................... C42
AS2585-S......................................Yoke Plates...................................... C96 B2358-C................... B2358-C 32,000 lb. guying kits................... A21
AS2585-T......................................Yoke Plates...................................... C99 B2358-D................... B2358-D 42,000 lb. guying kits................. A22
AS2585-T2...................................Yoke Plates......................................C101 B2358-F.....................B2358-F 42,000 lb. guying kits.................. A23
AS2585-T3...................................Yoke Plates.....................................C102 B2364.1......................Shield Wire Support Assembly.................. C55
AS2585-T4...................................Yoke Plates.....................................C102 B2379................................... Conduit Pipe Hanger............................D36
AS2585-V.....................................Yoke Plates...................................... C99 B2387.1..................Cutout, Arrestor Mounting Brackets............. D32
AS2585-V1....................................Yoke Plates.................................... C103 B2498-A........................... Steel Angle Knee Brace.........................B20
AS2585-V2...................................Yoke Plates.................................... C103 B2502...................................Shield Wire Bayonets............................ C65
AS2585-V3...................................Yoke Plates.................................... C104 B2502-Q.......................... Raptor Perch Assembly...........................F61
AS2585-V9......................... Yoke Plate Assembly.......................... C104 B2508..................................X-Brace, Tubular Steel........................... B36
AS2585-V11..................................Yoke Plates.................................... C105 B2508-B.........................X-Brace, Heavy Duty Steel........................B37
AS2585-V13.................................Yoke Plates.................................... C105 B2511-HB.......................................Pole Repair....................................... H14
AS2585-W1..................................Yoke Plates....................................C100 B2511-N1.................................Pole Top Extension............................... H12
AS2585-W3.................................Yoke Plates.................................... C106 B2511-R...................................Pole Top Extension............................... H13
AS2585-Y......................................Yoke Plates...................................... C98 B2557-BB.............. Fiber Optic Splice Protective Case.............. D25
AS2585-Z......................................Yoke Plates...................................... C95 B2557-M................ Fiber Optic Splice Protective Case.............. D26
AS2585-Z6...................................Yoke Plates.................................... C106 B2557-N................ Fiber Optic Splice Protective Case.............. D27
AS2585-Z7...................................Yoke Plates.....................................C107 B2557-NC............. Fiber Optic Splice Protective Case.............. D28
AS2585-Z8...................................Yoke Plates.....................................C107 B2557-P................. Fiber Optic Splice Protective Case.............. D29
AS2585-ZZ...................................Yoke Plates...................................... C96 B2571...............................................Bird Guard........................................F62
AS2613.................................Shield Wire Bayonets............................ C68 B2638.................... Ridge Iron, Post Insulator Mounting............. C92
AS2715-A.......................Gain Fitting, Welded Shelf........................ C51 B2676 Series............................... Light Poles................................. I8 & I9
AS2715-B........................Gain Fitting, Welded Shelf........................ C51 B2682-B.............................. Pole Band Assembly...............................C21
AS2715-C.......................Gain Fitting, Welded Shelf....................... C52 B2682-E.............................. Pole Band Assembly...............................C21
AS2717-A................ Pole Shim Adaptor for Lam Poles...............C113 B2684 Series.....Tubular Steel Crossarms, Single Pole............ A37
AS2717-C............Light Angle Steel Plate for Lam Poles...........C113 B2684.2C............................Service Drop Bracket............................ C76
AS2720.................................. Double Guying Tee.................................C3 B2684-F....................................Steel Alley Arm..................................A39
AS2720 E4.5...Static Dead End Tee, Curved Cross Tie.............C6 B2684-G......................... Neutral Stand-off Bracket....................... C85
AS2731 Series...................... Guy Wire Thimbles...............................C27 B2684-I.................Cutout, Arrestor Mounting Brackets............. D32
AS424..............................................Guy Plate.........................................C10 B2684-Q........................ Steel Dead-end assembly....................... A38
AS452...............................................Guy Plate.........................................C10 B2684.2C............................Service Drop Bracket............................ C76
AS942.......................................... Link, Twisted..................................... C24 B2693-H...........................Dead End Plate, Welded............................C7
AS942-A.................................... Links, Straight................................... C23 B2693-H8.................................Guy Plate, Steel.....................................C7
B**D.................................Drilled Bolts, Nut & Cotter....................... E34 B2693-J...................................... Dead End Tee.......................................C6

©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc. INDEX-11

Stock No. Description Page Stock No. Description Page

B2712.1.................... Tower Leg Reinforcement Bracket...............C112 CF590...............Fiberglass Apparatus Mounting Bracket..........F39

B2726.............................................Yoke Plates.................................... C108 CF592................Fiberglass Apparatus Mounting Bracket..........F33
B2746.2A....................................... Shelf Gain....................................... C52 CF615.......................... Fiberglass Suspension Bracket.................. F20
B2782-A........................ Banded Equipment Mount....................... D19 CF626......................Fiberglass Stand-off, Single Phase.................F14
B2782-B........................ Banded Equipment Mount....................... D19 CF635.................... Fiberglass Cable Extension Bracket..............F59
BC*............................................... Carriage Bolts.....................................E15 CF636........................Fiberglass Stand-off, Two Phase..................F26
BT*.........................................Type "O" Tower Bolts............................... E9 CF667.................... Fiberglass Cutout/Arrestor Bracket..............F29
BW*...........................................Beveled Washers..................................E41 CF667A................ Fiberglass Cutout/Arrestor Bracket............. F30
C2561-S...................................Reframing Trusses................................. H11 CF668................... Fiberglass Cutout/Arrestor Bracket............. F30
C2837-H....................... Sidewalk Ventilating Grates...................... D22 CF670................... Fiberglass Cutout/Arrestor Bracket...............F31
C2837-K....................... Sidewalk Ventilating Grates...................... D23 CF690........................ Fiberglass Guy Strain Insulator..................... F4
C3100............................ Sidewalk Ventilating Grates....................... D21 CF690T..................... Fiberglass Guy Strain Insulator..................... F5
C4551............................. Sidewalk Ventilating Grates....................... D21 CF692......................... Fiberglass Guy Strain Insulator...............F2,F4
C4664........................... Sidewalk Ventilating Grates....................... D21 CF693......................... Fiberglass Guy Strain Insulator...............F2,F6
C3311...........................................Pole Tie Angles.................................. C62 CF694........................ Fiberglass Guy Strain Insulator...............F3,F7
C3316..........................................Pole Tie Angles.................................. C62 CF694TB....................Adjustable Guying Assembly.......................F9
C3338.........................................Pole Tie Angles.................................. C62 CF695......................... Fiberglass Guy Strain Insulator...............F3,F8
C3511...........................................Pole Tie Angles.................................. C62 CF696........................ Fiberglass Guy Strain Insulator...............F3,F8
C4059............................................Vault Cover...................................... D24 CF700...............Fiberglass Apparatus Mounting Bracket..........F35
C4060............................................Vault Cover...................................... D24 CF753 Series..... Fiberglass Downlead Standoff Bracket.. F50-F54
C4080....................... Wood Davit Arm, Medium Duty................. G24 CF753D..............Fiberglass Downlead Standoff Bracket...........F55
C4111.5.................................... Shield Wire Bracket............................. C59 CF754 Series..... Fiberglass Downlead Standoff Bracket.. F50-F54
C4113............................. Wood Davit Arm, Light Duty.................... G26 CF755 Series..... Fiberglass Downlead Standoff Bracket.. F50-F54
C4141............................Flood Light Mounting Bracket.................... D41 CF756 Series..... Fiberglass Downlead Standoff Bracket.. F50-F54
C4205...........................................Cable Guard..................................... C32 CF757 Series..... Fiberglass Downlead Standoff Bracket.. F50-F54
C4466....................Post Insulator Stand-off Arm, Steel.............. G23 CF758.................... Fiberglass Mid Span Phase Spacers..............F56
C4466-B.....................Post Insulator Stand-off Arm....................C80 CF761....................Fiberglass Two Phase Angle Bracket.............F23
C4484....................Distribution Underbuild Arm, Steel.............. G22 CF777.........................Fiberglass Pole Top Pin, 2" Rod.....................F11
C4484-C........................ Static Support Arm, Steel.......................G20 CF784................ Fiberglass Stand-off for Post Insulators...........F19
C4484-CDE.................. Static Support Arm, Steel........................ G21 CF785........................... Fiberglass Stand-off Bracket.....................F59
C4485-V................................... Steel Davit Arm...................................G14 CF785B........................ Fiberglass Stand-off Bracket.....................F59
C4619................Steel Davit Replacement for Wood Davit........ G27 CF792................................. Jumper Pin, Fiberglass............................F13
C4625...............Steel Davit Replacement for Wood Davit........ G27 CF793................................. Jumper Pin, Fiberglass............................F13
C4668-A.................................. Steel Davit Arm................................... G15 CF800................... Fiberglass Mid Span Phase Spacers..............F56
C4700.................. Reframing & Upgrade Structure Kits...............H2 CF800D............... Fiberglass Mid Span Phase Spacers..............F57
C4701.................... Reframing & Upgrade Structure Kits...............H2 CF800E................ Fiberglass Mid Span Phase Spacers..............F57
C4702................... Reframing & Upgrade Structure Kits...............H2 CF800GM............ Fiberglass Mid Span Phase Spacers..............F58
C4703................... Reframing & Upgrade Structure Kits...............H2 CF800J............Fiberglass Span Crossing Phase Spacer..........F58
C4704.................. Reframing & Upgrade Structure Kits...............H3 CF810......................Fiberglass Stand-off, Single Phase.................F17
C4705................... Reframing & Upgrade Structure Kits...............H3 CF813.........................Fiberglass Stand-off, Two Phase..................F24
C4706.................. Reframing & Upgrade Structure Kits...............H3 CF822......................Fiberglass Stand-off, Three Phase................F28
C4707................... Reframing & Upgrade Structure Kits...............H3 CF830C..................Fiberglass Stand-off, Single Phase.................F18
C4708................... Reframing & Upgrade Structure Kits...............H3 CF859.........................Fiberglass Pole Top Pin, 2" Rod.....................F11
C4709.................. Reframing & Upgrade Structure Kits...............H3 CF861A.....................Fiberglass Stand-off, Two Phase..................F25
C4754-A1...............................Reframing Trusses................................. H11 CF861B......................Fiberglass Stand-off, Two Phase..................F25
C4773.1..........................Laminated Light Pole Series..........................I4 CF862........................Fiberglass Stand-off, Two Phase..................F24
C4773.3...........................................Pole Caps.............................................I5 CF863-C.................Cantilever Arms for Lattice Tower................F47
C4773.5A..................... Pole Side Luminary Bracket..........................I6 CF868B.....Fiberglass Single Phase Cutout/Arrestor Bracket..F34
C4773.6A..................... Pole Side Luminary Bracket..........................I6 CF879-C3..............Cantilever Arms for Lattice Tower............... F48
C4773.10...................... Pole Top Luminary Supports.........................I5 CF879-D.................Cantilever Arms for Lattice Tower............... F46
C4821-A.................................. Stand-off Bracket................................ C82 CF885B-1...............Fiberglass Transmission Crossarm............... F45
CF500.................... Fiberglass Pole Top Pin, 1-1/2" Rod............... F10 CF886.....................Fiberglass Stand-off, Single Phase.................F15
CF500A................. Fiberglass Pole Top Pin, 1-1/2" Rod............... F10 CF888......................Fiberglass Stand-off, Single Phase.................F16
CF520............................ Fiberglass Crossarm Brace...................... F49 CF892................Fiberglass Apparatus Mounting Bracket..........F36
CF533............................. Fiberglass Crossarm Brace...................... F49 CF893B.............Fiberglass Apparatus Mounting Bracket..........F37
CF545......................Fiberglass Stand-off, Three Phase................F27 CF898........................ Fiberglass Suspension Bracket....................F21
CF547......................Fiberglass Stand-off, Three Phase................F27 CF899........................ Fiberglass Suspension Bracket...................F22
CF550...............Fiberglass Apparatus Mounting Bracket.........F40 CF899CPL................ Fiberglass Suspension Bracket...................F22
CF560.....................Fiberglass Stand-off, Single Phase.................F14 CF901...................Fiberglass Two Phase Angle Bracket.............F23
CF578.........................Jumper Pin Bracket, Fiberglass....................F12 CF910.................... Fiberglass Cutout/Arrestor Bracket..............F32
CF583..................................Fiberglass Switch Rod........................... F60 CF914..................................Fiberglass Switch Rod........................... F60
CF584D..................Fiberglass Transmission Crossarm................F42 CF921........................... Fiberglass Apparatus Bracket....................F38
CF584-K.................Fiberglass Transmission Crossarm............... F43 CF999TT........ Guying Assembly, Fiberglass 60,000 lbs............ F9
CF584-KHD..........Fiberglass Transmission Crossarm............... F44 CW*............................................Curved Washers................................. E42

INDEX-12 ©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc.

Stock No. Description Page

D259...............................................Vault Cover...................................... D24

EN100.......................................... Oval Eye Nuts....................................E37
EN50............................................ Oval Eye Nuts....................................E37
EN60........................................... Oval Eye Nuts....................................E37
EN70............................................ Oval Eye Nuts....................................E37
EN80............................................ Oval Eye Nuts....................................E37
FDA*.......................Foundation Reinforcement Systems.............C114
FDB*......................Foundation Reinforcement Systems.............C114
FDC*......................Foundation Reinforcement Systems.............C114
FDD*......................Foundation Reinforcement Systems.............C114
FTA*........................Foundation Reinforcement Systems.............C115
FTB*.......................Foundation Reinforcement Systems.............C115
FTC*.......................Foundation Reinforcement Systems.............C115
FW*....................................Tapped Flange Washers......................... E43
GWB51-1/2.................... Ground Wire Bonding Bolt.......................E28
B*...................................................Bolts, Machine............................... E3-E5
HB*............................................. Bolts, Hex Head.............................E6-E8
HN*.................................................... Hex Nuts..........................................E35
LS*..................................... Gimlet Point Lag Screws........................ E45
LW*.........................................Tapped Lip Washers............................. E43
MF*.................................................... Locknuts.........................................E38
MFH*.............................................Hex Locknuts.....................................E38
N*.................................................... Square Nuts......................................E35
PL*..................................................PAL Locknuts.....................................E39
RW*............................................ Round Washers....................................E41
SCW*.................................Square Curved Washers......................... E42
SLW*............................Split Lock Washers, single coil....................E38
SLW2*....................... Split Lock Washers, double coil..................E39
SW*............................................Square Washers.................................E40
TG-92-1.........................Type 1 Guy Link (REA Type 1).................... C26
TG-92-2..................... Type 2 Guy Link (REA Type 2)................... C26
TR*........................Double Arming Bolts, Threaded Rods........... E20
TR*.............................................Double End Rods.......................E23-E24
TR*...........................................Full Threaded Rods...................... E21-E22
WB*.........................................Washer Head Bolts................................E15

©2018 Hughes Brothers, Inc. INDEX-13

P.O. Box 159 • 210 N 13th St. • Seward, NE 68434
Phone: 402-643-2991 • Fax: 402-643-2149


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