25 Years of Evolution: Seismic Protection in Chile

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Newsletter N° 4 16th World Conference on

Earthquake Engineering

Seismic Protection in Chile:

25 years of evolution
January 9th to 13th, 2017 | Santiago - Chile

(1) (2) (3) (4)

J.C. de la Llera , Rubén Boroschek , Ignacio Vial , Rodrigo Retamales
Professor, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile and National Research Center for Integrated Natural Disaster
Management CONICYT/FONDAP/15110017, jcllera@ing.puc.cl
Professor, Universidad de Chile; gerencia@boroschek.cl
General Manager, SIRVE Seismic Protection Technologies; ivial@sirve.cl
Manager, Rubén Boroschek and Associates; rodrigo.retamales@rbasoc.cl

This newsletter describes the evolution in Chile of seismic protection technologies since its birth 25 years ago. This field of
earthquake engineering, which has about 40 years of formal development in structural engineering, has gained increased
acceptance in current design practice, especially due to the successful performance of seismically protected structures during
several recent large earthquakes. This presentation summarizes the evolution and current state of research and practice in
Chile, which parallels that of other seismic countries. Because the development in Chile has been strongly driven by
international and local research, a brief global overview of this field is presented first to provide a general context to the reader.
This field review also aims to identify possible trends, in research as well as in practice, which we think may influence its
evolution into the future. Two periods in the local evolution are clearly identified, before and after the large Mw8.8 Chile
earthquake of February 27th, 2010. Consequently, this article provides a glimpse of the implementation in Chile of seismic
protection in projects prior to this earthquake, and then it reviews the projects, lessons and code changes occurred after 2010. It
is concluded that the empirical validation of these technologies after 2010 has led to a significant growth in the implementation
of these technologies in practice, and to the interactions of local and global actors of this industry.

Structural and nonstructural damage is intrinsic to the current earthquake design philosophy of conventional structures when
the latter are subjected to severe earthquake motions. The total cost worldwide attributed to earthquakes in the last 10 years is
about 220 billion dollars [1]. In Chile, the Superintendence of Values and Securities (SVS) estimated damage [2] in the Maule
earthquake in 2010 in about US$ 30 billion, or an equivalent annual cost of 18% of the country´s GDP. Some other simpler
estimates show that the annual damage cost due to natural disasters in the last 50 years is larger than 1.1% of Chile´s GDP, i.e.,
over 2.5 billion dollars per year.
Although damage in structures and infrastructure have a number of important social and environmental consequences beyond
the repair costs, the loss of function of these structures is perhaps one of the most critical aspects. Unfortunately, operation
continuity after a severe earthquake is difficult to attain if the system has been designed using building codes for conventional
structures, which inherently assume, for costs reasons, that inelastic deformations (i.e. damage) of the structural members are
necessary to dissipate the vibration energy induced into the system. Moreover, for acceleration sensitive components, structural
strengthening also leads to an inadequate solution. Therefore, seismic protection systems are a good complement to
conventional structures by providing supplemental damping to reduce damage in the primary structure and nonstructural
Several previous studies have assessed a state-of-the-art and state-of-the-practice in the use of seismic protection systems in
civil structures. A comprehensive review of seismic protection systems was presented earlier by Housner et al. [3]. This review
linked structural control with other fields of control theory, and suggested future high-priority research topics on the field.
Some of these topics were: (1) devices and algorithms for passive, active, semi-active, and hybrid control of nonlinear systems;
(2) development of innovative, high-performance, and intelligent material systems; and (3) near-field strong earthquake ground
motion issues impacting structural control applications. Another similar state-of-the-art on seismic protection systems
presented a brief historical outline of the technologies and highlighted their advantages and limitations [4]. A more recent work
summarized the current practice and recent development of passive energy dissipation systems [5], and discussed the current
code-based approach used to analyze and design structures that incorporate these systems. Other more specific state-of-the-art
reviews are available in the extensive literature on the field, and are dedicated to specific seismic protection systems such as
semi-active control [6], seismic isolation [7], shape memory alloy devices [8], and piezoelectric materials [9].
The field of seismic protection technology has over 40 years of development, and it is difficult to provide a quick overview
given the space limitations. Consequently, we concentrate mostly in the developments of the last decade, motivated in part by
the cluster of important earthquakes that have occurred along the Pacific Rim since the Sumatra earthquake in December 2004.
Because of the several manuscripts that have addressed in depth the state-of-the-art in this field, the goal is to highlight some
of the newer ideas contained in more recent publications.

Newsletter N° 4 16th World Conference on
Earthquake Engineering

Seismic Protection in Chile:

25 years of evolution
January 9th to 13th, 2017 | Santiago - Chile

The reader is probably familiarized with the customary classification of SPS into three categories depending on their
requirement of external power: (1) passive, (2) semi-active, and (3) active. In turn, passive seismic protection systems are
classified into: (i) seismic isolation systems, which filter out the high frequencies of the input and damp out the motions by
usually placing an interface with low lateral stiffness and high internal damping between a super- and substructure; and (ii)
energy dissipation, which transforms and dissipates the vibration energy of a structure into heat (e.g., friction dampers) or
plastic deformation (e.g., metallic dampers). One special class of energy dissipators are tuned mass dampers (TMDs), which
are inertial dampers connected typically to a single point of a structure and are usually tuned with one of the natural
frequencies of the structure. TMDs can also be interpreted as a dynamic structural element, which amplifies internal damping.
Although still rare, practical applications of semi-active systems are becoming more common today. These systems have the
capacity to adapt to the changing conditions of the motion in the structure by continuously modifying their own mechanical
behavior and properties based on a feedback signal. They need very low external power supply to work, but require some
feedback signal to feed into a control algorithm, which in turn generates the control signal that modifies the constitutive
behavior of the passive device. One can conceptually understand them as a large collection of passive dampers from which we
choose the most convenient one at each instant of time. Furthermore, the combination of a passive and active system is known
as a hybrid system [10]. Because forces (and power requirements) are extraordinarily large in active systems, the direct use of
active control in structures has been very limited.
Elastomeric, lead-plug, low and high-damping, and sliding bearings are the most frequently used devices for isolation
applications. Rubber isolators with steel plates were first implemented in a school in Macedonia in 1969 [11], and lead-plug
rubber isolators in New Zealand in the late 1970s [12, 13]. Later, high damping rubber bearings (HDRB) appeared and used
different compounds to increase the internal damping ratio to the 10-20% range at 100% shear strain [10]. These HD materials
were first produced in 1982 by the Malaysian Rubber Producers’ Research Association in the UK [14], and their first
implementation occurred in 1985 for the Foothill Communities Law and Justice Center in California [15]. Sliding bearings,
which basically use friction between surfaces to resist lateral loads, are also widely used nowadays. The best known of these
devices is the friction pendulum system (FPS), developed and tested in the late 1980s, and has evolved into its current
variations (double and triple FPS). Other common types of isolation systems include pot-type bearings, which combine
elastomeric and friction type bearings, other kinematic bearings, and rubber isolation in combination with passive energy
dissipation [11], e.g., spring-type systems, sleeve-pile isolation, and resilient-friction base-isolation. Isolators can be
understood as a combination of a component that provides lateral flexibility acting in parallel with any kind of energy
TMDs are inertial devices that use a small mass (as compared to the weight of the structure) connected to a single point of the
building through a linear or non-linear damper. The concept of TMD dates back to the early 1900´s ([16, 17]). Their use was
extended to control multiple modes by using multiple TMDs as first proposed in 1988 [18]. Moreover, TMDs have been used
in conjunction in some cases with seismically isolated buildings [19] since these structure have the advantage of presenting a
strongly predominant isolation mode. Several strategies for optimally placing and tuning the TMDs to the structure have been
developed and can be found elsewhere [10]. Another related application are Tuned Liquid Dampers (TLDs), which dissipate
energy through turbulence and friction of a fluid interacting with elements within a container. Its civil engineering applications
began in the 1980s [20], and TLDs are further divided into: (1) sloshing dampers, which dissipate energy by the flow through
meshes and rods, and are tuned by modifying the container size or depth of the liquid; and (2) column dampers, which generate
damping flowing through an orifice, and are tuned by changing the column shape or air pressure.
A concise mechanical comparison between friction, metallic, viscoelastic, and viscous fluid dampers can be found in the
literature [5]. Friction dampers were first proposed in the late 1970s [21, 22]. The concept came from car brakes, and has been
applied to concrete shear walls [23, 24], and to braced frames [25]. After successful experiments, several types of these devices
have been implemented, such as the Sumitomo friction damper, which uses a copper alloy lining pad typically connected to a
chevron bracing [26]; slotted bolted connections, where the slots of the bolts are aligned to the direction of loading [27]; and
energy-dissipating-restraint [28], which is a self-centering device where the sliding force is proportional to the displacement.
On the other hand, metallic dampers use the hysteretic work of yielding metals to dissipate the vibration energy. This concept
was first proposed in the early 1970´s [29, 30], where several configurations of mild steel dissipators were tested, such as
torsion of rectangular bars, flexure of short beams, and rolling of U-shaped strips. Among many typologies, a well-known type
of metallic damper is the ADAS [31]. Another more recent metallic damper that has been extensively investigated and used in
practice is the unbonded buckling restrained brace (BRB) used mostly in braced structures to limit axial forces on the braces
and protect connections by allowing axial yielding of a steel section confined by an external casing with a small slack between
the yielding element and casing [32]. Its popularity comes mainly from its symmetrical behavior in tension and compression.
Viscoelastic dampers dissipate energy through shear deformations of materials such as rubber, polymers, and glassy
substances. One of their first applications in civil engineering was the wind-induced vibration reduction system of the Twin
Towers of the WTC in New York City in 1969 [33]. Closely related to these dampers, viscous fluid dampers produce work

Newsletter N° 4 16th World Conference on
Earthquake Engineering

Seismic Protection in Chile:

25 years of evolution
January 9th to 13th, 2017 | Santiago - Chile

through the motion and shearing of a highly viscous fluid, which also produces heating of the fluid. The first implementation
of these devices in civil engineering was in the 1970s [34]. The first industrial device was made by GERB Vibration Control in
the 1980s, and was used together with base isolation [35]. Many other viscous devices exist, such as the viscous damping wall
[36] developed by Sumitomo (Japan), which requires very high viscosity fluids.
Semi-active systems were proposed as early as the 1920s as automobile shock absorbers [37]. Civil engineering applications
began in the 1980s, and include: semi-active TMDs to counteract wind induced vibrations in tall buildings by changing the
damping force of the tuned mass [38]; sloshing TLDs consisting of baffles orientated in real time in order to change the tuning
of the device [39]; semi-active column TLDs, where a variable orifice controls damping [40]; semi-active friction dampers,
which use electromechanical actuators [41]; and piezoelectric friction dampers [42]. Other types are the electrorheological
(ER) and magnetorheological (MR) dampers. ER dampers use fluids containing dielectric particles that align when subjected to
an electric field offering flow resistance; this change can occur within milliseconds and is completely reversible. In the early
1990s, ER dampers were proposed to protect base-isolated structures from long-period motions [43], usually attributed to near-
source earthquakes, and to reduce the acceleration of a shock isolation platform for naval applications [44]. Similarly, MR
dampers use the power of a coil to change the shear characteristics of an MR fluid, and in the 1990s several experiments were
carried out to show their usefulness [45–49]. MR dampers have been proposed to control the vibration of train suspension
systems [50] and have been used in scaled models of bridges to evaluate their effectiveness [51–53]. MR fluids have also been
used to control damping in column TLDs designed for wind-induced vibration mitigation of tall buildings [54]. Furthermore,
semi-active viscous fluid dampers may also change their properties by controlling the opening of orifices inside the piston and
were first discussed in the early 1990s for bridge applications [55, 56] based on prior successful laboratory tests [38].


The equation of motion of a MDOF linear structure with inelastic SPS can be written as a dynamic equilibrium problem:

𝑴𝒖̈ 𝑡 (𝑡) + 𝑪𝒖̇ (𝑡) + 𝑲𝒖(𝑡) + 𝑳𝑇 𝒇𝑑 (𝑡) = 𝟎 (1)

where 𝑴, 𝑪, and 𝑲 are the mass, viscous, and stiffness matrices, respectively; 𝑳 is the kinematic transformation matrix between
the DOFs 𝒖 and the damper deformations 𝒗 = 𝑳𝒖, and 𝒗̇ = 𝑳𝒖̇ ; 𝒇𝑑 is the vector of damper forces; 𝒖𝑡 (𝑡) = 𝒖(𝑡) + 𝒓𝒖𝑔 (𝑡) is
the vector of total displacement of the masses relative to an inertial frame; 𝒖 is the vector of relative displacements of the
building masses relative to the ground; 𝒖𝑔 is the displacement of the ground relative to an inertial frame; and 𝒓 is the kinematic
transformation matrix between the ground displacements and the DOFs 𝒖 of the structure. Multiplying Equation (1) on the left
by 𝒖̇ 𝑇 , and integrating with respect to time, the following absolute energy equation is obtained [57]

𝑡 𝑡 𝑡 𝜏
1 𝑇 1
𝒖̇ 𝑡 (𝜏)𝑴𝒖̇ 𝑡 (𝜏)� + � 𝒖̇ 𝑇 (𝜏)𝑪𝒖̇ (𝜏)𝑑𝜏 + 𝒖𝑇 (𝜏)𝑲𝒖(𝜏)� + � 𝒖̇ 𝑇 (𝜏)𝑳𝑇 𝒇𝑑 (𝜏)𝑑𝜏
�����������0 �����������0 2
�����������0 �������������
𝐸𝑘 (𝑡) 𝐸𝑣 (𝑡) 𝐸𝑠 (𝑡) 𝐸𝑑 (𝑡)
𝑡 (2)
=� 𝒖̇ 𝑔𝑇 (𝜏)𝒓𝑇 𝑴𝒖̈ 𝑡 (𝜏)𝑑𝜏
0 �������������
𝐸𝑖 (𝑡)
where 𝐸𝑖 is the seismic input energy; 𝐸𝑘 is the total kinetic energy; 𝐸𝑣 is the viscous damping energy; 𝐸𝑠 is the elastic energy;
and 𝐸𝑑 is the SPS energy [57], i.e. 𝐸𝑘 (𝑡) + 𝐸𝑣 (𝑡) + 𝐸𝑠 (𝑡) + 𝐸𝑑 (𝑡) = 𝐸𝑖 (𝑡). Therefore, for an elastic structure, the final input
energy must be dissipated by the internal damping and the work done by the SPS. If the energy transferred to the structure
exceeds this dissipation capacity, the structure will be damaged and left with residual deformations. Seismic protection systems
can significantly reduce these effects using two strategies: (i) increasing 𝐸𝑣 and 𝐸𝑑 with energy dissipation devices, and (ii) by
reducing the input (demand) through modifications of the dynamic characteristics of the system (e.g., seismic isolation).
This section contains a quick overview some of the most relevant research results obtained by the authors over the past 5 years.
Appropriate references are made when needed to the results of other national researchers. The research can be classified in the
following three aspects: (i) building performance; (ii) new devices; and (iii) design methodologies.
Building performance
Understanding the detailed performance of different structural systems under severe seismic conditions remains one of the
main goals of earthquake analysis. Research carried out during the last years has focused on understanding the behavior of the
two types of most common systems, the so-called free-plan buildings, and the well-known Chilean shear wall buildings.

Newsletter N° 4 16th World Conference on
Earthquake Engineering

Seismic Protection in Chile:

25 years of evolution
January 9th to 13th, 2017 | Santiago - Chile

Although it was not evident from the dynamic properties and design characteristics, the former performed without damage
during the 2010 Chile earthquake, while a small percentage of the latter developed a brittle failure induced by excessive
compression stresses and lack of confinement in shear walls [60, 61].
Because free-plan buildings have structures with small lateral stiffness—indeed, their fundamental period is smaller than that
of a frame structure of the same height—research was dedicated to understand their earthquake behavior since no previous
history on the performance of this structural type was available in the literature. In particular, the research aimed to represent
the dynamic response of these systems with a sufficiently simple model that would enable the designer to try out different
structural configurations and SPS solutions at initial stages of the design process. In the model synthesis process, the relative
importance of the different structural components was evaluated discovering the surprising effect of the warping stiffness of
the shear wall core, and the very relevant bending stiffness of the floor slab that couples, especially for lower modes, the shear
wall core and the perimeter frames of free plan buildings structures [61]. Thus, a new simplified column model was developed
for free plan buildings that is significantly less time consuming and whose errors are in general less than 15% [62]. The second
idea was to use an adaptive neural fuzzy inference system (ANFIS) model [63] to quickly predict the seismic response of these
types of buildings. For that, the central idea was to model the structure as a linear combination—with combination factors to be
determined—of two extreme structural modeling cases [63]: (i) a rigid out-of-plane floor diaphragm of beams and slab in
bending, and (ii) and infinitely flexible out-of-plane floor diaphragm of beams and slab that would result in cantilever-like
deformations for all vertical elements. Given a proper calibration of the neural network, analyses can be carried out very fast
due to the simplicity of the model, which is crucial when a large number of earthquake runs are needed for optimal SPS design,
or risk analysis.
In case of reinforced concrete shear wall buildings, several studies have been performed since February 27th, 2010. First, an
archival goal study of the seismic behavior of 8 buildings in the city of Concepcion was done after the earthquake and has been
published [60, 63]. The purpose was to understand their failure, propose solutions for their stabilization, study patterns of
damage and correlate those with the seismic code demand, and collect all possible perishable earthquake data. The data
collection effort was then extended to a set of 43 buildings in Chile and a formal statistical analysis process of the data has
been performed and published [65]. Results show that the axial load ratio (ALR) played a fundamental role in the brittle
damage of these buildings. Furthermore, statistical analysis of the collected data from the suite of damage building shows that
damage was localized generally at lower levels of buildings and that there was a strong correlation between damage and soil
quality [60, 64]. A study of the performance of specific walls was also initiated using state-of-the-art inelastic modeling tools
for shear walls (e.g., Diana). In order to reproduce this damage, two approaches were taken: (1) Two-dimensional finite
element inelastic models; and (2) three-dimensional nonlinear fiber models. Results show that to reproduce the actual failure in
2D inelastic models, both vertical and lateral displacements need to be accounted for in the imposed displacement pattern [66].
Two dimensional models were carried out in DIANA using shell elements with well-known inelastic stress-strain constitutive
laws for concrete, but using rather simple constitutive laws for steel.
Also, a three-dimensional inelastic fiber model for shear walls was recently developed [67]. The model is capable of
generating objective results for a big range of loading conditions, and reproduces well very different experimental cyclic tests
of different shear wall cross-sections reported in the literature. The model took into account the full nonlinear 1-D stress-strain
constitutive relationship for concrete, and also fracture, buckling, and Bauschinger´s effect on steel bars. Moreover, the model
accounts for inelastic shear deformations depending on the current axial load in the element. The first part of this investigation
related to the inelastic cyclic modeling of reinforced concrete shear walls has being published elsewhere [67], and currently the
inelastic dynamic response of 3D shear wall buildings is being considered.
New devices
Although the global concept of seismic protection has gained important traction in the profession over the last 10 years, it is
evident that certain device characteristics are key in facilitating the incorporation of seismic protection technologies in building
construction. Of course, cost and efficiency are two of them, and though very important, the final decision to incorporate
seismic protection resides also in other aspects, like ease in the application of existing solutions, maintenance characteristics,
device durability, physical appearance, magnitude of the structural and architectural intervention needed, commercial
availability of alternatives, life and replacement of devices, device residual deformations, etc. Therefore, the work in
developing new devices, the so-called hardware component of the SPS, is extraordinarily important and will still evolve
significantly in the future.
Research has been done on several types of devices, covering metallic dampers in steel and copper, elastomeric and self-
centering isolation and sliders, passive and semi-active friction devices, MR-elastomers, and MR-fluid dampers. A very
extensive research work was developed in electrolytic tough pitch (ETP) copper. Initially, Added-Damping and Stiffness
(ADAS) copper dampers were developed and tested resulting in very stable cyclic behavior and large energy dissipation
capacity that when applied to 6-, 12-, and 25- story planar structures, resulted in drift reductions ranging from 20-40% [68].
Recently, a bi-directional ETP copper-based energy dissipation device has been proposed [69], which is capable of enduring

Newsletter N° 4 16th World Conference on
Earthquake Engineering

Seismic Protection in Chile:

25 years of evolution
January 9th to 13th, 2017 | Santiago - Chile

more than one severe earthquake without reaching failure; a good number of other configurations such as shear panel,
honeycomb have been designed and tested. These studies successfully reproduced the experimental behavior of copper devices
by using different stress-strain inelastic constitutive models capable of representing the cyclic behavior of copper including
large deformations and isotropic and kinematic hardening. Applications EDDs have been developed not only for structures but
also for nonstructural components such as partition walls [70, 71].
Seismic isolation of lightweight structures has been addressed mostly with kinematic isolators. One idea for poor foundation
soils was a self-centering precast pre-stressed pile (PPP) isolator, first introduced in 2006 as a solution for seismic protection of
low-income people housing [58]. The PPP isolator, which crosses the bad layers of soil, consists of a reinforced concrete
pedestal with end caps of prescribed rolling shape, and linked to a top and bottom concrete capitals by means of a pre-stressed
steel cable which provides the self-centering capacity of the PPP, and bars or EDDs that provide the dissipation capacity. The
shape of the rolling surface defines the force-deformation constitutive relationship of the device and can be controlled by the
designer. The top capital is connected to the superstructure of the building, and the bottom capital to the foundation system.
Different variations can be proposed also for self-centering lintels with the same idea. The cost of the PPP isolation systems
was estimated to be around 25-50% of a typical rubber isolation system [58], and since low-income people housing is
generally placed in bad soil conditions at the periphery of cities, the PPP isolators also works as a foundation pile. Following
this idea, a tridimensional analytical formulation of the PPP isolator was proposed [59] and tested [101]. A simplified design
procedure was also proposed, which combined PPP isolators with steel-PTFE sliders in parallel [101].
More recent research on passive devices has focused on modeling the multi-physics of viscous and magneto-rheological
dampers [72]. Models developed account for the complete fluid dynamics and thermal behavior inside the damper, and present
excellent accuracy with experimental cyclic tests. Experimental evidence also shows that for high frequencies, the
compressibility of the fluid must be accounted for in order to reproduce the experimental results. In those cases, the commonly
accepted design formula of viscous force being proportional to a power of velocity needs to be modified to include the
compressibility of the fluid.
Even though the application of more intelligent devices is just beginning in Chilean practice, research has been generated for
semi-active systems, such as: (1) MR dampers [73-76]; (2) semi-active piezoelectric friction dampers [77]; and (3) MR
elastomers [78]. MR dampers consists of an MR fluid which properties can be changed from a viscous fluid into a semi-solid
material by subjecting the fluid to a magnetic field. One of the advantages of MR fluids relative to viscous fluids is its stable
behavior over a broader temperature range [76]. Again, a multi-physics finite element model that couples the Maxwell
equations of magnetism with the Navier-Stokes equations for the fluid was develop to parametrically study the effect of
different physical geometric design characteristics of the dampers on the force-velocity constitutive relationship, and results
were validated experimentally [73]. The design, build, test of a prototype MR-damper, specifically designed for one of the two
TMDs of a 21-story building located in Santiago, led to the first real-life implementation of such a semi-active SPS in Chile
[74, 75]. The experimental validation of the final TM-MR damper assembly on the building was carried out by subjecting the
system to pull-back tests of 10 cm of amplitude [74], and the experimental results showed that the MR dampers decreased the
peak displacement of the building by 22% relative to the TMD system with no dissipation devices. Another study considered a
semi-active elastomer, which consists of a composite material with an elastomeric matrix filled with micro-sized iron particles
[78]. This is an initial investigation since the magnetic fields required are still large, but the material is capable of varying its
force-deformation constitutive relationship when subjected to a magnetic field and in principle could vary stiffness and
damping by means of a simple control system.
One of the drawbacks of regular friction dampers is that their efficiency depends on the selection of the activation force and the
ground motion intensity. Semi-active piezoelectric friction dampers overcome this limitation by controlling the normal force of
the contact surfaces using piezoelectric actuators. Recent research has proposed a new piezoelectric friction damper that can
work in passive or semi-active mode using contact surfaces made of stainless steel and brake pad material [77]. The device is
able to vary its initial normal force by a dynamic range factor of 1.9, and hence modify its dissipation force capacity by the
same factor.
Chilean researchers have carried investigations in the field of shape memory alloys that includes experimental testing [79–83].
SMA bars have shown good dissipation properties with an equivalent damping of 12% [82] and they have also found
applications in structural cables showing more energy dissipation and better re-centering capabilities [79]. A SMA damper was
informed to reduce floor peak accelerations when tested as part of a braced system; the reduction obtained was around 60%
[83]. Also, by means of genetic algorithms, an optimal control of the maximum acceleration in a building together with the
roof lateral displacement was numerically studied for an isolated building with magnetorheological dampers [84].
Design methodologies and Codes
Chile developed its first seismic isolation Code in 2003. NCh2745.Of2003: Analysis and Design of Buildings with Seismic
Isolation. The code includes seismic demands and analysis procedures for the structure together with design and testing
requirements for the bearings and components.

Newsletter N° 4 16th World Conference on
Earthquake Engineering

Seismic Protection in Chile:

25 years of evolution
January 9th to 13th, 2017 | Santiago - Chile

An important aspect of the legislation corresponds to the quality control test requirements for the isolator manufacturing
process. The norm establishes explicit requirements for testing rubber and frictional pendulum isolators. In particular, and in
the case of natural rubber or high damping isolators, 100% of the isolators in a project require testing. For frictional pendulum
isolators, testing is required, as a minimum, for 15% of the isolators in the project, but no less than 4 units. The prior difference
is based on that, in the first case, the properties of the isolator depend on the characteristics of the rubbers used, which can be
affected for several reasons, even climatic, while in the second case, the properties of the isolator depend on the characteristics
of the friction between the two surfaces, which are generally easier to reproduce.
The standard permits that structural elements located above the isolation system in buildings structured using reinforced
concrete moment resistant frames could be designed and detailed in conformity with the requirements of chapter 21 of the code
ACI-318 (2008) for intermediate moment frames instead of special moment frames, whenever the criteria for the strong
column – weak beam is met. Similarly, it removes the need for boundary elements in walls whenever their disregard is
demonstrated via a rational engineering analysis. The structural elements located under the isolation interface in reinforced
concrete isolated structures must meet the requirements of ACI-318 for special moment frames, while 80% of the seismic load
is not transferred to structural walls. In addition, the code allows a response modification factor for designing of the structural
elements located below the isolation system of 1.5, in consideration of the intrinsic over-resistance of current design
procedures. The standard establishes that the response modification factor to be considered for designing the isolated structure
does not need to be less than 1.0, so the design demands will not need to be greater than the elastic seismic demands.
In the case of structures with seismic isolation systems based on frictional pendulums, the updated standard establishes
obligatory consideration of time history analysis for designing the isolation system. This measure is based on the difficulties in
predicting the behavior of isolators that base their response on a friction that depends on the vertical load and displacement
rate, varying at each second on the isolators. Consequently, the code now requires the time history analyses include the vertical
components of earthquakes. Complementarily, the code indicates the procedures for determining the total displacement of
structures with this type of isolation system, given that torsion effects are controlled because of the centers of mass and
stiffness coincide at any moment in time. The code is further complemented with clarifications regarding the requirements for
P-Delta analysis, load combinations to be considered for the design of isolation systems and structural components, inspection
and maintenance requirements for isolated structures, gap requirements between isolated and fixed structures and between
isolated structures, and requirements for the design of nonstructural components in isolated buildings, among other
Considering all of the above, the new standard (published in 2013) considers seismic isolation as a mature protection
technology, with a robust technical backing demonstrated during the seismic events occurred in the United States (1994), Chile
(2010), New Zealand (2010 and 2011), and Japan (1995 and 2011), and whose use is rapidly expanding in the country. Figure
1 presents spectral acceleration and displacement defined in several Chilean and international codes.

(a) Spectral acceleration (b) Spectral displacement

Figure. 1 – Design spectra for NCh 433, NCh 2745, and NCh 2369 Chilean codes for zone 3 and soil type A (𝑉𝑆30 ≥ 900 m/s);
ASCE 7 code for San Francisco and site class A (hard rock, 𝑉𝑆30 > 1524 m/s); and from the Eurocode 8 for zone I in Italy and
ground type A (𝑉𝑆30 > 800 m/s)

Newsletter N° 4 16th World Conference on
Earthquake Engineering

Seismic Protection in Chile:

25 years of evolution
January 9th to 13th, 2017 | Santiago - Chile

A key aspect in any structural design is the definition of the earthquake demand, which varies from site to site. In order to
compute the structural response, earthquake excitations need to be taken into account using a design spectrum. Shown in Fig. 1
is a comparison of the design spectra of several building codes: Chilean codes NCh433 modified in 2009 [85], current NCh433
code modified in 2011 by Supreme Decree 61 [86], NCh 2745 code for base-isolated buildings [87], NCh 2369 for industrial
structures [88]; ASCE 7 code [89] for the city of San Francisco, California; and Eurocode 8 [90] for Italy’s zone I. All spectra
are calculated for the best possible soil (i.e., type A) and with an importance factor of 1. Each design spectrum has an
associated return period and peak ground acceleration as indicated in Table 1.
The philosophy of current design methods states that the demand on the earthquake resistant structural system of a building
with SPS can be reduced due to their incorporation into the design. In practical terms, the more the supplemental damping
introduced into a building—which can be done by energy dissipation devices—the more the design spectrum is reduced [85,
87]. Given this demand, the design of devices consists of finding their mechanical properties and spatial distribution. This
problem has been dealt with in literature through formulations such as: (i) an optimization problem where the designer has to
find the distribution and capacities of devices for minimizing some response related function; and (ii) a problem that given a
spatial distribution of devices, finds their optimal capacity.
Table 1 – Design return period and peak ground acceleration of each design code.
Design Return
Design code PGA (g)
Period (years)
NCh 433, 2009 - 0.40
NCh 433, 2011 (DS 61) - 0.36
NCh 2745, 2013 475 0.40
NCh 2369, 2003 -
(𝐶𝑚𝑎𝑥 =0.55)
ASCE 7, 2010 475 0.55
Eurocode 8, 2004 475 0.35

Optimal damper distributions have been widely proposed in the literature, e.g. optimal placement of dampers in height by
minimizing both the sum of amplitudes of linear transfer functions [92] and also their peak [93]. The effect of torsion for
controlling the response of asymmetric-plan systems, where the geometric and rigidity centers do not coincide in plan—
generating stiffness eccentricity—has also been studied in the framework of seismic protection. The idea is to find a spatial
distribution on the plan of a structure that balances the response, and it has been suggested that more damping is required along
the flexible edge of the plan, as it was shown for linear [94] and nonlinear [95] structures. Other studies have develop the
concept of torsional balance as an optimal design criteria, and have found that the optimal eccentricity of dampers not only
depends on the structural eccentricity, but also on the frequency content of the excitation and the amount of supplemental
damping [96]. Shown in reference [97] is that for two-story frames with asymmetric plan, the EDD distribution is similar for
linear and inelastic structural models, and the same applies to linear and inelastic damper models.
Speaking strictly about optimization methodologies, several methods have been proposed and used, such as those based on
control theory, 𝐻∞ and 𝐻2 , which lead to optimal spatial distributions and capacities of dampers [98]. The advantage is that
this solution neither depends on the loading conditions nor on the structural response. This is not the case of genetic algorithms
that require multiple runs of structural analyses that are generally inelastic [99] or that deal with uncertainty in the seismic
loading [100]. Genetic algorithms have not only been used for passive dampers but also for semiactive ones [101]. In the latter
case, genetic algorithms were combined with fuzzy logic controllers and stochastic linearization method to allow an efficient
solution. Reference [102] used genetic algorithms for magnetorheological dampers to solve a multi objective optimization
problem given by several performance based design targets. There are other methods such as optimal control using a linear
quadratic regulator [103], Cutting Planes Method for solving the optimization problem with Lagrange multipliers [104], and
gradient based algorithms [93] among others.
ASCE 7-10 provisions define four procedures for the analysis and design of structures equipped with SPS: equivalent lateral
force analysis, response-spectrum analysis, nonlinear static-pushover analysis, and nonlinear dynamic response history
analysis. The latter can always be used, but other constraints apply for the other three methods that require much less
computational effort. These other three procedures use a damping reduction factor for the building response which results from
the effective damping of the EDDs. In design practice, the ASCE 7-10 provisions, which can be used for all kinds of dampers,
imposes that the lateral resisting system withstands the nominal forces calculated for the unprotected structure, though if some
special requirements are met, the minimum base shear can be reduced. On the other hand, the protection system can be
accounted for by controlling the displacement requirements [89].

Newsletter N° 4 16th World Conference on
Earthquake Engineering

Seismic Protection in Chile:

25 years of evolution
January 9th to 13th, 2017 | Santiago - Chile

If the design of structures with EDDs is not thought as an optimization problem, it can be done by using displacement or
energy based approaches. In the former, if the structure and EDDs are modeled with their effective stiffness and damping
properties, a linear iteration involving only static analyses can be used for design [108], where given a target displacement and
an effective damping ratio, the strength and stiffness are obtained. Another displacement approach is that of performance-
based philosophy, as shown earlier for bridge piers with hysteretic dampers [109]. In this case, a displacement or strain index
performance is chosen and the structure is transformed into an equivalent single degree of freedom after performing pushover
analysis. Then, by means of capacity-demand spectra, and given a required ductility, one can find the required stiffness and
yield strength. Among other displacement based design methods, a very well-known one is the capacity spectrum method [91]
where a performance point is obtained by equating the inherent equivalent damping of the cyclic response obtained from a
pushover curve with the associated damping used to reduce the demand spectrum.
In case of the energy based approaches, they directly account for the accumulated hysteretic energy, and hence, accumulated
damage, as opposed to the displacement based approaches. Reference [110] presents a method where an energy demand
spectrum is used after transforming the system into a SDOF by using the two modes with the highest mass participation
factors. The design can also include the assessment of the structural seismic risk, which is normally calculated using the Pacific
Earthquake Engineering Research Center (PEER) framework [105]. This framework has been used to estimate the probability
of failure of building equipped with viscous dampers [106], and of three different base isolation systems in a nuclear power
plant [107].


This section describes the Chilean case with seismic protection and includes buildings, bridges, healthcare, and industrial
facilities. Shown in Figure 2 is a timeline of the first 15 structures developed in Chile with seismic protection. This timeline
starts with the Andalucía Community Building in 1992 and ends with the Titanium Tower building in 2009. As shown in
Figure 2 and Table 3, 15 projects were developed between 1992 and 2009. In 2010, the Mw8.8 earthquake in Chile generated a
huge validation of the technology, and since then, more than 100 projects have been designed considering seismic protection

Figure 2 Timeline of the implementation of seismic protection projects in Chile (1992 – 2010)
Table 3 presents what is to the best of our knowledge the list of building projects with SPS that currently exist in Chile up to
2016. To generate this Table, a request was made to several structural engineers that have designed these structures in the
country. The information was received from them in most of the cases and has been directly compiled in this Table. The
original Table includes several additional fields but the data could not be obtained in many cases and was left out. It is apparent
that seismic isolation is by far the most common system in Chile, used in about 75% of all structures. TMDs are the second
most used system with 18%, and the remaining 7% includes all dissipation systems. Only one case is a semi-active proof-of-
concept implementation, and no active system has been implemented so far.
In several of these structures, the structural engineering firms hired external specialists to design the seismic protection system.
Such was the case in all of the initial projects prior to 2010. The designs of the SPS proposed were done in collaboration with
the structural engineering firms and needed to comply with the requirements of the project in terms of architecture and
functionality. There were several private and public owners, which could be identified as early adopters of the technology in
The first isolated building in Chile was the Andalucía Community Building, developed in 1992 (Figure 3). In terms of building
construction, the next one was the UC San Carlos Clinic in 2001 (8,000 m2), which was seismically isolated with 52 high
damping rubber bearings. This project was the transfer result of a Fondef research grant dedicated to the development of high-

Newsletter N° 4 16th World Conference on
Earthquake Engineering

Seismic Protection in Chile:

25 years of evolution
January 9th to 13th, 2017 | Santiago - Chile

damping rubber compounds in Chile in conjunction with a local manufacturer. Then came in 2003 the San Agustin Building
(~6,000m2) and its immediate connection with the Hernan Briones building, the New Military Hospital (~50,000m2), two
ACHS health-facility buildings, and a single family house unit isolated with a kinematic-based self-centering device. Figure 4
shows the Titanium Tower, the first project that incorporated energy dissipation devices. This building has 55 stories and was
designed considering 45 UFP metallic dampers.

Figure 3. Andalucía Community Condominiums: general, elevation, plan views and accelerations obtained at roof level for the
Feb. 27, 2010 earthquake. Upper curve is for the non-isolated structure and lower for the isolated one. Left figure is for
longitudinal and right is for transverse direction (developed by Mauricio Sarrazin and María O. Moroni)

The first bridge that considered seismic protection technology was the Marga-Marga bridge. Seismic isolation in this bridge is
in the longitudinal and transverse directions. The second bridge with a seismic protection device was the Amolanas Bridge,
which considered sliding bearings and viscous damper in the longitudinal direction. Several other bridge projects were
developed in the decade prior to 2010 using natural rubber in bridge supports, which might be considered to provide partial
isolation to these structures. A very different concept was used in the seismic isolation of the South Coronel Pier, in which all
battered piles were connected to the deck through a high damping rubber system. Another interesting structure done in this
period was the 80m roof-bridge of the Center of Justice in Santiago (CJS), which spans between two of the buildings of the
CJS and uses a physical hinge on top of the high damper bearings to avoid bending moment on the devices.

Newsletter N° 4 16th World Conference on
Earthquake Engineering

Seismic Protection in Chile:

25 years of evolution
January 9th to 13th, 2017 | Santiago - Chile

Some of these projects are briefly discussed next for an archival purpose. Perhaps two most important conclusions may be
derived from all these structures. First, they served the purpose to explore in design different arrangements, geometries,
devices, and structural solutions that worked extremely well during the 2010 earthquake. This empirical validation was very
important for fostering these technologies in Chile. Second, the large majority of the technologies used in these structures were
locally developed and are the result of research in two important Chilean universities. Therefore, research has been responsible
for these technologies and has led to one of the most relevant cases of knowledge-transfer known in the country from
university to industry in the last decade.

(b) Three story braces with UFP dampers

(a) General view (c) Close view of the dampers

Figure 4. Titanium Tower (Structural design: Alfonso Larraín Vial, Seismic Protection System (SPS): Sirve S.A.)

Two cases are presented next only aimed to contrast the excellent behavior of seismically isolated structures relative to
companion fixed-based structures. These structures are the New Military Hospital and the South Coronel Pier.

New Military Hospital

The technical block (Block A) of the La Reina Military Hospital (structural engineering - Hoehmann Stagno and Associates,
isolation system design - SIRVE), in Santiago, was designed in 2002 and constructed between 2004 and 2007. The structure is
a regular (9m span) clean frame of reinforced concrete with 5 floors and a total surface of about 50.000m2. The seismic
isolation system is composed of 164 high-damping rubber isolators, 50 of them with a lead core. Lead core isolators were used
along the perimeter of the structure to increase its torsional stiffness. Each isolator was tested individually and their final
location in the plan was selected to balance all eccentricities in the plan.

Newsletter N° 4 16th World Conference on
Earthquake Engineering

Seismic Protection in Chile:

25 years of evolution
January 9th to 13th, 2017 | Santiago - Chile

Figure 5. La Reina Military Hospital (Structural design: Hoehmann Stagno; SPS design: Sirve S.A)

The result of the 2010 earthquake was that in the non-isolated blocks of the hospital, there was some damage in structural and
non-structural components. Non-structural damage occurred in a counter-weight of an elevator that collapsed, damaged
ceilings, doors jammed, falling of façade elements, etc. Structurally, there was some damage to some basement columns in a
non-isolated structure, where initial plastic hinges formed, which is expected for a good ductile design. Damage was common
in other non-isolated hospitals of the country, some of them resulting in being condemned to demolition.

Figure 6. Example of the damage in ceilings and the elevators located in the non-isolated block of the Hospital.
South Coronel Pier

The South Pier at the Coronel port (structural engineering – PRDW Aldunate Vásquez, isolation system design - SIRVE), is
located nearby to other ports that suffered significant damage during the 2010 earthquake. The incorporation of a seismic
isolation solution to this pier served a double purpose—first, to achieve a cost-effective structural design that reduced the
number of battered piles and ensuing savings relative to a conventional solution. And second, to improve the earthquake
performance of the structure and its contents to guarantee operational continuity. In fact, the seismic demands on the structure
were nominally reduced between 4 to 5 times. The design goal was achieved by using a hybrid isolation solution that combined
high-damping natural rubber isolators placed on top of platforms formed by four battered piles (Figures 7 and 8). An important
work was done to balance the lateral stiffness of vertical piles and that of the seismic isolators.

Newsletter N° 4 16th World Conference on
Earthquake Engineering

Seismic Protection in Chile:

25 years of evolution
January 9th to 13th, 2017 | Santiago - Chile

Figure 7. (a) Aerial view of the South Coronel Pier, (b) Rigid platform with rubber bearings.

Figure 8. Configuration of vertical piles and battered piles converging to rigid platforms.

The lateral stiffness of the vertical piles was strongly dependent on the soil properties, and hence, at the time of the project a
thorough study of the actual soils at the construction site was performed. The hybrid system would work only if the vertical

Newsletter N° 4 16th World Conference on
Earthquake Engineering

Seismic Protection in Chile:

25 years of evolution
January 9th to 13th, 2017 | Santiago - Chile

piles function as other isolators in parallel with the lead rubber bearings. Therefore, the vertical piles needed to satisfy two
principal requirements: (i) to provide, in conjunction with the isolation system, a combined lateral stiffness consistent with the
objective isolated period (T=3.15 s); (ii) to be stable up to a lateral displacement (isolation displacement, DD=24.3 cm) much
larger than the one imposed on a conventional pier with battered piles. To verify the deformation capacity of the pile, the
lateral stiffness and stability were estimated using pushover analyses that included the inelastic effect of the soil and large
deformations. The 96 seismic isolators installed in the pier were circular LRB of external diameter of 70cm and a lead core of
10 cm in diameter.

The elastomeric concept worked extremely well during the 2010 earthquake withstanding important displacements (at least
20cm) with no damage in the structure and only minimal damage to one of the container cranes. This contrasts with other port
structures which sustained significant damage which interrupted their operations weeks and months.


After 2010, the landscape for seismic protection technologies in Chile changed completely, and many new structural
engineering firms started to consider seriously to develop their internal capacities to design structures with seismic protection.
Prior to 2010, it was more of a research driven field, but after, especially with the arrival of international providers of devices
and the positive trend of the Chilean economy, this landscape became global. Thus, Chile became an interesting spot to deploy
seismic protection technology, and some of these companies started to work, or be presented by local structural engineering
firms. Naturally, local developments now needed to compete with global technologies.

It would be essentially impossible to describe all the projects and changes in the field that occurred after 2010, so in the next
pages the reader will find just some of these projects, selected for being the most novel and interesting perhaps to a general
audience. A complete description of the evolution of the seismic protection field, and detailed characteristics of these projects
is left for a future publication. To make the presentation more structured, the projects have been organized in four categories
Institutional, Residential and Office, Healthcare, and Industrial buildings. Other infrastructure projects are left out for the sake
of brevity. Shown in Table 3 is our best recollection of these four categories of projects in the country so far.

Table 3 – Building and industrial projects with SPS in Chile organized alphabetically
N Project Use N° of stories Location Protection system
1 Basílica El Salvador** Temple - Santiago 52 isolators
2 Centro de Innovación Anacleto Angelini Educational 11 Macul 43 isolators y 13 sliders
309 viscoelastic and 127
3 Centro de Distribución Sodimac Lo Espejo Industrial 1 Lo Espejo
frictional dampers
4 Cerro Colorado, Torre A Residential 16 Las Condes 2 isolated TMDs
5 Cerro Colorado, Torre B Residential 14 Las Condes 2 isolated TMDs
6 Clínica Cruz Blanca Hospital 7 Santiago 212 isolators, 86 sliders
7 Clínica UC San Carlos de Apoquindo Hospital 5 Las Condes 52 isolators
8 Complejo Policial de Viña** Office 7 Viña del Mar 25 isolators, 12 sliders
9 Costa Laguna La Portada Residential 22 Antofagasta 2 isolated TMDs
10 DUOC UC Santiago Centro** Educational 5 Santiago 60 isolators, 21 sliders
11 Edificio 3 Nueva Apoquindo Office 24 Santiago 25 viscous dampers
12 Edificio ACHS Viña del Mar Office 7 Viña del Mar 25 isolators
13 Edificio Amunátegui Office 21 Santiago 25 viscous dampers
14 Edificio Amura Residential 21 Antofagasta 41 isolators
15 Edificio Comunidad Andalucía Residential 4 Santiago 8 isolators
16 Edificio Angamos Oriente Residential 21 Antofagasta 33 isolators, 8 sliders
17 Edificio Angamos Poniente Residential 21 Antofagasta 35 isolators, 7 sliders
18 Edificio Antofagasta Sur Residential 23 Antofagasta 1 isolated TMD
19 Edificio Aprendizaje Autónomo Educational 4 Talca 32 isolators
20 Edificio Arnoldo Hax** Educational Macul 16 isolators
21 Edificio Cámara Chilena de la Construcción* Office 25 Las Condes Pendular TMD
22 Edificio Chacay Office 6 Temuco 10 isolators

Newsletter N° 4 16th World Conference on
Earthquake Engineering

Seismic Protection in Chile:

25 years of evolution
January 9th to 13th, 2017 | Santiago - Chile

23 Edificio Ciencia y Tecnología UC* Educational 22 Macul 22 isolators

24 Edificio CIO Chuquicamata de Codelco Office 2 Calama 10 isolators, 13 sliders
25 Edificio Civic Residential 23 Concepción 2 isolated TMDs
26 Edificio Corporativo Komatsu Cummis Office 6 Quilicura 16 isolators
27 Edificio Corporativo Sodimac Office 6 Santiago 76 isolators
28 Edificio Costa Laguna Residential 22 Antofagasta 1 isolated TMD
29 Edificio Data Center Claro Industrial 3 Colina 110 isolators
30 Edificio Data Center Sonda Industrial - Santiago 90 FPS isolators
31 Edificio Data Center Falabella Industrial Santiago 100 isolators
32 Edificio Deloitte Office 16 Las Condes 56 viscous dampers
33 Edificio Doña Carmen* Residential 22 Temuco 46 TADAS dampers
34 Edificio Geocentro Agustinas Residential 35 Santiago 2 isolated TMDs
35 Edificio Génesis Office 24 Las Condes 40 TADAS dampers
36 Edificio Idahue Residential 10 Concepción 40 isolators
37 Edificio Indumotora Office 11 Las Condes XX isolators
38 Edificio Jardines de Infante Residential 17 Ñuñoa 2 isolated TMDs
39 Edificio José Joaquín Vallejos Residential 16 Copiapó 2 isolated TMDs
40 Edificio Kennedy Office 6 Santiago 80 FPS
41 Edificio Las Heras (4) Residential 18 Concepción 64 metallic dampers
42 Edificio Los Castaños Residential 20 Viña del mar Seismic isolation
43 Edificio Neruda Office 8 Huechuraba 20 isolators, 2 sliders
44 Edificio Magnus II Office 5 Huechuraba 31 isolators, 12 sliders
45 Edificio Manchester Residential 9 Temuco 37 isolators, 10 sliders
46 Edificio Marina Pai Hue Residential 10 Pucón 13 isolators
47 Edificio Minvu Serviu de Antofagasta Office 7 Antofagasta 37 isolators, 2 sliders
48 Edificio Mistral Office 8 Huechuraba 22 isolators
49 Edificio Moneda II Residential 35 Santiago 2 isolated TMDs
50 Edificio Las Condes Capital – 1 Residential 16 Las Condes 2 isolated TMDs
51 Edificio Las Condes Capital – 2 Office 20 Las Condes 46 viscous dampers
52 Edificio Los Almendros (4)** Residential 6 Santiago 350 FPS
53 Edificio Nuevo Poniente Residential 22 Viña del Mar 2 isolated TMDs
54 Edificio Oficinas Kennedy Office 16 Santiago 1 isolated TMD
55 Edificio Oficinas Nueva La Dehesa Office 10 Santiago 100 FPS
56 Edificio ONEMI Office 3 Santiago 16 isolators
57 Edificio Parque Araucano Office 22 Las Condes 2 pendulum TMDs
58 Edificio Parque Manuel Rodríguez Residential - Calama -
59 Edificio Patio Mayor Office 6 Huechuraba 36 viscous dampers
60 Edificio Plaza Talca Office 12 Talca 16 viscous dampers
61 Edificio Portofino* Residential 24 Antofagasta 36 isolators
62 Edificio Rapallo* Residential 32 Antofagasta 40 isolators
63 Edificio Rimini** Residential 35 Antofagasta 39 isolators
64 Edificio San Agustín Educational 4 Macul 53 isolators, 16 sliders
65 Edificio Sunset Copiapó (3) Residential 17 Copiapó XX isolators
66 Edificio Titanium Office 52 Vitacura 45 metallic dampers
67 Edificio Torre Capital Office 24 Temuco 20 frictional dampers
68 Edificio Torre del Sol Residential 19 Copiapó 45 isolators
69 Edificio Parque San Damián (2) Residential 32 Vitacura 2 isolated TMDs each
70 Edificio Tucapel Residential 33 Santiago 2 isolated TMDs
71 Edificio VULCO Office 2 12 isolators, 6 sliders
72 Edificios Condominio Parque Residential 11 Vitacura 16 metallic dampers
73 Estanque GNL Mejillones Industrial - Mejillones 501 isolators
74 Estanque GNL Quinteros (2) Industrial - Quinteros 260 isolators each
75 Facultad de Química, U. de Concepción Educational 3 Concepción 18 isolators, 18 sliders
76 Fiscalía Talcahuano Office Talcahuano 31 isolators
77 Generador GNL Mejillones Industrial 1 Mejillones 1 isolator, 4 sliders
78 Generador Termoeléctrica Andina Industrial 1 Mejillones 1 isolator, 4 sliders

Newsletter N° 4 16th World Conference on
Earthquake Engineering

Seismic Protection in Chile:

25 years of evolution
January 9th to 13th, 2017 | Santiago - Chile

79 Hospital Angol* Hospital 3 Angol 298 isolators, 91 sliders

80 Hospital Clínico U. de Los Andes Hospital 7 Las Condes 118 isolators
81 Hospital de Antofagasta* Hospital 9 Antofagasta 280 isolators, 139 sliders
82 Hospital de Curicó** Hospital 7 Curicó 300 isolators
83 Hospital de Talca Hospital 9 Talca 177 isolators
84 Hospital del Trabajador ACHS Hospital 7 Providencia 32 isolators
85 Hospital del Salvador** Hospital 5 Providencia 444 isolators, 76 sliders
86 Hospital Dr. Gustavo Fricke* Hospital 9 Viña del Mar 193 isolators
87 Hospital Exequiel González Cortés* Hospital 6 San Miguel 162 isolators y 38 sliders
88 Hospital Félix Búlnes** Hospital 11 Cerro Navia 255 isolators, 48 sliders
89 Hospital HUAP Hospital 3 Santiago 33 isolators, 19 sliders
90 Hospital La Florida Hospital 5 La Florida 224 isolators
91 Hospital Las Higueras** Hospital 7 Talcahuano 169 isolators
92 Hospital El Carmen (Maipú) Hospital 5 Maipú 347 isolators
93 Hospital Militar Hospital 5 La Reina 164 isolators
94 Hospital San Antonio** Hospital 6 San Antonio 161 isolators, 20 sliders
95 Intendencia de Talca Office 11 Talca 18 isolators, 15 sliders
96 Laboratorio de Criminalística PDI (2)** Office 9 Santiago XX isolators
97 Mirador del Santuario Residential 8 Valdivia Seismic isolation
98 Muelle Coronel Industrial 1 Coronel 96 isolators
99 Ñuñoa Capital Residential 33 Ñuñoa 24 isolators
100 Pabellón Araucanía* Temuco
l 6 isolators, 4 sliders
101 Planta Cristalerías Chile Industrial 3 Llay 80 isolators 18 sliders
102 Planta de Tostación de Molibdeno - Codelco Industrial 12 Mejillones 134 BRBs
103 Planta DTP de SQM Industrial 9 María Elena 21 isolators
104 Proyecto Marconi 10 pisos (2) Residential 10 Los Ángeles 12 isolators each
105 Proyecto Marconi 8 pisos (4) Residential 8 Los Ángeles 12 isolators each
106 Security Vida Office 17 Huechuraba 28 viscous dampers
107 Servicio Médico Legal** Hospital 5 P. Aguirre C. 144 isolators, 47 sliders
108 Silos Termoeléctrica Andina Industrial - Mejillones 24 isolators
109 Torre Uno Office 11 Temuco 20 isolators, 10 sliders
25 isolators and 8 viscous
110 Templo Mormón* Temple 1 Concepción
111 Templo Bahai* Temple 1 Peñalolén 10 isolators
112 Viviendas Sociales de Paniahue Residential 4 Santa Cruz 7 isolators, 21 sliders
(*) Currently under construction; (**) Currently under design

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Earthquake Engineering

Seismic Protection in Chile:

25 years of evolution
January 9th to 13th, 2017 | Santiago - Chile

(a) Talca Hospital; Surface – 80,000m2; Architecture – Álvaro Prieto (b) Antofagasta Hospital; Surface – 120,000m2; Architecture –
L., Structural engineering – VMB; SPS design – VMB+SIRVE CANVAS, Structural engineering – SIRVE; SPS design –SIRVE
(under construction)

(c) Gustavo Fricke Hospital; Surface – 92,000m2; Architecture – (d) New BUPA Hospital; Surface – 105,000m2; Architecture –
Servicio Salud Viña del Mar Quillota, Structural engineering – MOBIL Arquitectos, Structural engineering – SIRVE; SPS
Hoehmann Stagno; SPS design – Hoehmann Stagno (under design – SIRVE (under construction)

(e) Félix Bulnes Hospital; Surface – 160,000m2; Architecture – (f) Universidad de los Andes Clinic; Surface – 55,000m2;
BBATS+TIRADO, Structural engineering – SIRVE; SPS design – Architecture – ALEMPARTE BARREDA, Structural
SIRVE (under construction) engineering – ALVING; SPS design – SIRVE
Figure 9. Recent Healthcare projects.

Newsletter N° 4 16th World Conference on
Earthquake Engineering

Seismic Protection in Chile:

25 years of evolution
January 9th to 13th, 2017 | Santiago - Chile

(a) Indumotora Building; Structural Engineer Sergio Contreras (b) Chilean Construction Chamber; Surface – 24,000m2;
and Assoc; SPS design: RBA Architecture – A4+Borja Huidobro., Structural engineering –
VMB; SPS design – VMB (under construction)

(c) Las Condes Capital; Surface 62,000m2; Architecture – (d) Nuñoa Capital; Surface 47,800m2; Architecture – ARMAS;
ARMAS; Structural Engineering – SANTOLAYA; SPS design Structural Engineering – RLE; SPS design – RBA

(e) ONEMI Building; Surface – 5,500m2; Architecture – (f) Anacleto Angelini Innovation Center; Surface – 20,600m2;
Teodoro Fernández, Structural engineering – Cristián del Architecture – Alejandro Aravena (2016 Pritzker Award),
Porte; SPS design – SIRVE Structural engineering – SIRVE; SPS design – SIRVE

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Earthquake Engineering

Seismic Protection in Chile:

25 years of evolution
January 9th to 13th, 2017 | Santiago - Chile

Figure 10. Residential, Office and Institutional Buildings.

(a) Quinteros LNG Tank; Dimensions – 80m diameter and 56m (b) Mejillones LNG Tank; Dimensions – 90m diameter and 50m
height; Structural engineering – Chicago Bridge & Iron Co.; SPS height; Structural engineering – TECNICAS REUNIDAS; SPS
design – Chicago Bridge & Iron Co. & EPS. design –SIRVE

(c) Data Center Sonda; Surface – 10,000m2; Structural (d) Data Center Claro; Surface – 32,000m2; Structural
engineering – VMB; SPS design – VMB engineering – Gatica Jiménez; SPS design – RBA

(e) Integrated Operations Center, Ministro Hales Mine, Codelco; (f) Precompressed friction ring dampers for transformers in Alto
Surface – 1,000m2; Structural engineering – XX; SPS design – Jahue, Ancoa and Charrúa Electrical Plants; SPS design - RBA
Figure 11. Industrial Facilities.

Newsletter N° 4 16th World Conference on
Earthquake Engineering

Seismic Protection in Chile:

25 years of evolution
January 9th to 13th, 2017 | Santiago - Chile

(a) Bahai Temple; Surface – 2,400m2; R/C and alabaster; (b) Araucanía Pavilion (Chilean pavilion in Expo Milan); Surface
Architecture – Hariri Pontarini & Benkel Larraín, Structural – 3,700m2; Timber and steel; Architecture – Cristián Undurraga,
engineering – Carruthers & Wallace, Patricio Bertholet, VMB, Structural engineering – F&M Ingegneria and SIRVE; SPS
SIRVE design – SIRVE (under construction)

(c) Retrofit project of a Distribution Center; Surface – 79,000m2; (d) Rubber dampers in pedestrian bridge; Structural engineering -
Retrofit and SPS design – SIRVE RLE; SPS design - RBA

(e) El Salvador Cathedral Retrofit project; Architecture – (f) Fixed based and isolated model of the Cathedral
Fernando Pérez & TANDEM; Retrofit and SPS design – SIRVE
(design stage)
Figure 12. Special projects and Retrofit.

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Earthquake Engineering

Seismic Protection in Chile:

25 years of evolution
January 9th to 13th, 2017 | Santiago - Chile


As stated earlier, the landscape in Chile for seismic protection changed completely after the earthquake in 2010. The first
conclusion from the earthquake was a clear success of these technologies. A concrete expression of this success was the rapid
evolution of the number of seismically protected structures not only in Chile but also in neighboring Latin-American countries
like Peru and even Argentina (Mendoza), and also some Central-American countries. This success also motivated the changes
in the NCh2745 code, which now consider the clear advantages of seismic protection in several of the code provisions.

Indeed, a new version of the code for seismically isolated structures NCh2745 was also generated (INN 2013a), which as
opposed to the case of conventional fixed-to-the-base structures, accounted for the successful performance of these structures
during the 2010 earthquake. The main changes in this code were to: (i) increases the R-value of the substructure from 1.0 to
1.5; (ii) relax the requirement of special frame detailing to an intermediate frame detailing for the superstructure; (iii) increase
the maximum period of applicability of the design spectrum from 3.0 to 3.5 seconds, resulting in lower design shears; (iv) limit
the design shear of the superstructure to a maximum value equal to the elastic shear, resulting in lower design shear; (v) limit
the design shear of the substructure to a minimum value equal to the shear in the superstructure; and (vi) use soil factor S=1 to
calculate the minimum shear for every soil type, thus reducing the minimum design shear for poor soils (types C and D), and
increasing it for stiff soils and rock (type A).

Another interesting phenomenon led by this success was the incorporation of many new actors in the fields of design and
provision of seismic protection solutions in the country. Although Chile is a small market, it became an interesting spot to
deploy the existing technologies around the world and made them compete with the local engineering solutions in terms of the
structural engineering solutions and devices.

Over the last 20 years, Chilean researchers and professionals have worked significantly to make seismic protection
technologies part of the usual strategies of seismic design of structures. Like with any new technology though, and prior to the
earthquake, we were mostly preaching in the desert, with some very notable exceptions of early adopters coming from
structural engineering and architectural firms, few owners, and one or two local manufacturers of devices. These early adopters
are in part responsible for the 15 structures in the country prior to 2010, and are really commended for their vision and effort to
help research become a reality in practice. After 2010, and though there is still a long way to go in this field, nobody would
dare to question the usefulness of seismic protection technologies to prevent damage and maintain operations of structures
under severe ground shaking. Costs, which has been always the phantom of SPS, are basically like with any other technology
going down, design software incorporate now the constitutive force-displacement and force-velocity relationships of most of
the available devices for the use of engineering firms, our integration methods are more robust, more effective devices keep
appearing in the market, materials improve continuously, and so forth.

The field of seismic protection is basically a change in the paradigm of earthquake engineering, which final incorporation has
taken longer than expected, but for which events like the one in 2010 in Chile have done a significant contribution in their
pathway to success. Thanks to our frequent earthquakes, and the perseverance of many, this technology has evolved and we
think is fair to conclude has reached maturity in Chile.


To CONICYT and CORFO, and to the many researchers, engineers, architects, owners, students, workers, and people that
believe in innovation and that our human intellect can beat, or at least mitigate, some of the nature´s most devastating

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Newsletter N° 4 16th World Conference on
Earthquake Engineering

Seismic Protection in Chile:

25 years of evolution
January 9th to 13th, 2017 | Santiago - Chile

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Newsletter N° 4 16th World Conference on
Earthquake Engineering

Seismic Protection in Chile:

25 years of evolution
January 9th to 13th, 2017 | Santiago - Chile

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Newsletter N° 4 16th World Conference on
Earthquake Engineering

Seismic Protection in Chile:

25 years of evolution
January 9th to 13th, 2017 | Santiago - Chile

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Newsletter N° 4 16th World Conference on
Earthquake Engineering

Seismic Protection in Chile:

25 years of evolution
January 9th to 13th, 2017 | Santiago - Chile

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December 30 , 2016


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