Mozart 6 Ländlerische Tänze, K. 606
Mozart 6 Ländlerische Tänze, K. 606
Mozart 6 Ländlerische Tänze, K. 606
W. A. Mozart
6 Ländlerische Tänze
for Orchestra
22 January 2012
W. A. Mozart – 6 Ländlerische Tänze for Orchestra KV.606
piano transcription - travelsbypiano [tbpt89]
(Allegro) 1
( ~ 124 )
These charming pieces are all made up of two halves with each half repeated once, however you won’t see any
“ritornello” signs here because my transcription is slightly different in (most of) the repetitions. Also note that
there are no tempo nor volume markings in the original score: the tempo and metronome you see here are my own
suggestions; about the volume, besides the sparse indications I put, please follow the classic practice of playing the
repetitions softer (more piano).
W. A. Mozart – 6 Ländlerische Tänze for Orchestra KV.606
piano transcription - travelsbypiano [tbpt89]
W. A. Mozart – 6 Ländlerische Tänze for Orchestra KV.606
piano transcription - travelsbypiano [tbpt89]
( ~ 138 )
W. A. Mozart – 6 Ländlerische Tänze for Orchestra KV.606
piano transcription - travelsbypiano [tbpt89]
W. A. Mozart – 6 Ländlerische Tänze for Orchestra KV.606
piano transcription - travelsbypiano [tbpt89]
( ~ 112 )
W. A. Mozart – 6 Ländlerische Tänze for Orchestra KV.606
piano transcription - travelsbypiano [tbpt89]
W. A. Mozart – 6 Ländlerische Tänze for Orchestra KV.606
piano transcription - travelsbypiano [tbpt89]
( ~ 150 )
W. A. Mozart – 6 Ländlerische Tänze for Orchestra KV.606
piano transcription - travelsbypiano [tbpt89]
W. A. Mozart – 6 Ländlerische Tänze for Orchestra KV.606
piano transcription - travelsbypiano [tbpt89]
( ~ 150 )
W. A. Mozart – 6 Ländlerische Tänze for Orchestra KV.606
piano transcription - travelsbypiano [tbpt89]
W. A. Mozart – 6 Ländlerische Tänze for Orchestra KV.606
piano transcription - travelsbypiano [tbpt89]
(Allegro giusto)
( ~ 132 )
W. A. Mozart – 6 Ländlerische Tänze for Orchestra KV.606
piano transcription - travelsbypiano [tbpt89]
W. A. Mozart – 6 Ländlerische Tänze for Orchestra KV.606
piano transcription - travelsbypiano [tbpt89]
How To Read This Score
This score was not produced in the “proper” way, that is with a music typeset program, so it won’t look
as good as it could (should?) be. Still, it is sufficient and correct,
correct meaning it carries all the necessary
information to be read and played as any other, and has been quality-checked to the best of my efforts.
The following notes are a few tips for readers accustomed to beautiful typesetting, to help them cope
with the quirks they are more likely to notice, and to make them realize that maybe a score like this is
not as deviant as they think after all.
Being a piano score, notes run as usual on two staves. Occasionally they may expand to three or even
four staves if necessary. However, staves are not visually united by the customary { sign. There is only
more white space to visually separate lines.
Key signature
Alterations (b, #) and clefs are noted with the usual symbols. However they will be noted only at the
beginning of the first line without repeating them at the beginning of the following lines. Only when
the clef or an alteration changes,
changes it will be noted. It’s easier to understand if you think of a score that
runs on one single line from start to finish, for which you would need a veeeeeeeeery long (and narrow)
page to print out, that is instead clipped in many pieces – of about 4 bars each – and pasted on a
customary A4-page.
Bar reset
At every bar change, all alteration changes from the key signature are implicitly reset.
signs are only noted within the same bar and in the same stave.
Time signatures
They are noted in the usual way. Sometimes the signature is in “alla breve” to improve readability. I
usually note metronome indications too, although occasionally in a fancy way. For example for a piece
in 6/8 it is customary to note metronome indication with 3/8 as basis. Most of the time I use 1/8 as basis
instead: to get your usual base just divide by three (e.g. 1/8 = 180 3/8 = 60).
Bar numbers
They are always marked. Traditionally if the first bar is almost empty, containing only a few notes as
introduction to the second bar which holds the first true upbeat, it is not numbered as bar n. 1 and
instead the second bar is considered to be bar 1. Not true here: bar 1 is the bar that carries the very
first note, even if it contains only one note in the last interval. Personally I prefer this way of counting
and I use it to count the official total number of bars in my pieces.
Volume (p, f, etc.) and accents
Noted in the usual way, in bold italic. When you sometimes see “rf”, it stands for “rinforzando” and
means: play louder (than a moment before). Note that the “how much louder” part is left to the
Indications like “crescendo”, “diminuendo”, “smorzando” carry the customary meaning and are
generally written like “cresc.”, “dim.”, “smorz.”. Crescendo and Diminuendo are noted in place of their
graphical counterparts (you know, those long open fork-like signs)
Noted rarely, and when noted, always consider them “with a grain of salt”. It’s best if you rely on your
own sensibility or ask your teachers for practical advice.
Ditto, see above.
Try reading the score while listening to the example (digital or human) performances you can find on
my YouTube channel or on This should clear up any doubt.
Questions and Answers
Q.This is all fine and dandy (yeah, right…) but are you ever going to release a better looking score?
A. Most likely… NOT.
Q. Why not?
A. I don’t have the time. Consider that producing these flimsy “zero edition” scores already cost me
several hours of sleep / free time and many a fit of rage and/or frustration.
Q. What about getting your scores professionally edited, proofed, printed and bound by a publishing
A. That was my closet dream as a young boy...
Q. I have a request.
A. Drop me a line (see links/contact page below)
Main site/blog
YouTube channel
Words of Thanks