Articulatory Interpretation of The "Singing Formant": Gram
Articulatory Interpretation of The "Singing Formant": Gram
Articulatory Interpretation of The "Singing Formant": Gram
Johan Sundberg
Department of SpeechCommunication,Royal Institute of Technology(KTH). S-100 44 Stockholm 70, Sweden
(Received 3 December 1973; revised10 January 1974)
FIG. 1. Spectra of the vowel [u]
- 10
spoken (tell) and sung (right) by a
professional bass singer.
-30 -30
-/,0 -/-0
0 I 2 3 k•tz
838 J. AcoustSoc.Am., Vol. 55, No. 4, April 1974 Copyright¸ 1974 by the Acoustical
Societyof America 838
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840 J. Sundberg:
Singingformant 840
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a41 J. Sundbe•g:
formant s41
A•-2ma•2(cr•) only one instead of beth pockets has a small effect. The
zero appears somewhere between 3 and 4 kHz for a
pocket depth of 2 cm. Recalling that a spectrum envelope
minimum often can be observed in this frequency region
in spectra of sung vowels, we can suggest that this mini-
mum probably stems from the sinus pitiformes.
The sinus piriformes also affect the formant frequen-
cies. Provided that the area raUo between the larynx
tube opening and the pharynx tube is smaller than 1:6,
•0,2 C,lU.
0 the sinus piriformes can be expected to be equivalent to
a length increase of the pharynx. Those formant fre-
quencies will drop in particular which correspond to
FIG. 4. • volume • sinus Morg• r•red for va•ous
standing wave resonances in the pharynx tube, e.g., the
v•ues • the l• tube ope•ng area A 0 in order • keep the second formant in front vowels. Thus we may expect
resonance of •e la• tube at 2.8 kHz. The parameer is that the sinus pitiformes affect the formant frequencies
the c•ss-sectional •ea of the sinusMo•agni A•. •e mea- in a manner that depends on the articulation, i.e., the
sured da• were •n• f•m an acoustical m•el of the vocal location of a constriction of the vocal tract.
The effect of varying the location of a constriction(see
Sec. IH) was studiedexperimentallyin the model. The
resonance frequency of the larynx tube was tuned to ap-
larynx tube acts as an acoustically mismatched, and proximately 2.8 kHz before the constriction was inserted
hence separate, resonator and is thus capable of adding into the tube. The area function of the larynx tube was
an extra formant at 2.8 kHz to the normal vocal tract then kept constant in all measurements giving the results
transfer function in sh-ging. shown in Fig. 6. The effect of adding the sinus piti-
formes canbe described as follows. The fifth formant fre-
In addition to the effect of generating an extra formant,
quency drops considerably for certain locations of the
an acoustical mismatch between the larynx and the
constriction. The fourth is essentiaily unaffected, as can
pharynx will also tend to raise the frequencies of the
be expected in view of the acoustical mismatch between
lower formants (seeRef. 7). However, as will be shown
its resonator and the pharynx tube. The third formant
below, this effect is counteracted by the influence of the
frequency drops slightly and the second is lowered par-
sinus piriformes and the lengtheningof the vocal tract
which axe two other effects of a lowering of the larynx.
ticularly in cases of fronted constriction. The effect on
the first formant frequency is rather small.
V. SINUS PIRIFORMES A lowering of the larynx not only expands the sinus
piritorraes, but also increases the physical length of the
The dimensions of the sinus piriformes were estimated
from the tomograms traced in Fig. 3 under condi- pharynx tube. This length increase will expectediy rein-
force the effect of introducing the sinus pitiformes. This
tions of lowered larynx. In the tomograms the pockets
is because of the fact that adding the sinus piriformes
were found to possess a length of about 2 cm and a cross-
sectionalarea between1 and2 cm2oSucha pair of cav-
ities will resonate at a frequency of
sinus piriformes were simulated by one or two cylindri- DEPTH OF SINUS PIRIFORNIIS(cm)
cal tubes of systematically varied len•d•s and diameters
inserted in parailel to the larynx tube into the closed end FIG. 5. Frequency of the transfer function zero stemming
of a wider tube simulating the pharynx anci the mouth. from various types of cavities simulating the sinus pitiformes
In Fig. 5 the calculateddata and measuredvalues can be in the acoustical model.. The cross-sectional area of the sinus
pirfformes was 1.2 and 3.5 cm2 (crosses and dots, respective-
compared. Note that the main determinant for the zero ly). The circled crosses show values obtained with two
frequency is the depth of the pockets whilst their cross- tubesof 1.2-cm2 cross-sectionalarea. The solid lines give the
sectional area is less import•tnt. Moreover, simulating calculated
[/= c/41e,is=
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842 J. Sundberg:Singingformant 842
3 6 7 9 11 13
Our results suggest that a singer is able to produce a
vowel with a "singing formant" using his vocal chords
and vocal tract exclusively. Given the explanation sug-
FIG. 6. Formant frequency values observed in an acoustical gested above, there is no motivation to postulate "chest
model of the vocal tract as a function of the location of a con- resonance," "head resonance," "singing in the mask,"
striction. Dotted lines: without simulation of sinus pirfformes. etc., i.e., they appear to lack acoustical relevance for
Squares: with simulation of sinus piriformes. $oli•t lines: the tone. On the other hand, these terms play a predom-
simulation of sinus pirfformes and lengthening of the pharynx inant role in current vocal pedagogy. The reason for
tube by 1.5 cm. this might be that these terms describe patterns of vi-
bration sensaUons that appear only when the tone is prop-
erly produced. Perhaps recognizing the vibrations ac-
can be interpreted as an increased pharynx length. This companying good tones is an efficient way to control vo-
assumption is confirmed by the experimentai data given cal production.
m Fig. 6. Note, however• that the length increase ap-
From the acoustical point of view it is essential for
pears to reduce the variability of the fifth formant fre-
the generation of the "singing formant" that the larynx
quency quite considerably: it keeps a value close to 3
tube act as a separate resonator the resonance of which
kHz in all articulations except one.
is not a/fected by articulatory movements in the rest of
The summed effects on the form•mt frequencies of in- the vocal tract. This is accomplished when the larynx
troducing the sinus piriformes and of increasing the phar- tube opening is less than one-sixth of the cross-sec-
ynx leng• are rather similar to the differences observed tionai area in the pharynx. AFdculatdrily, this effect is
in the formant frequencies in speechand singing (cf. obtainedby loweringthe lary/•x whichwidensthe pharynx
Figs. 2 and 6). In both cases we observe a fourth for- cavity. Particulariy at higher pitches where the larynx
mant frequency essentially unaffected by the articulation, tube opening is wide it would be essential to acqmre a
a fifth formant that is constantly.tow in frequency, and a wide pharynx. It was mentioned that an increase in pitch
second formant that drops considerably under conditions
of fronted constriction. Differences occur in the first
formant frequency, which drops in the model experiments EFFECT ON SPECTRUM ENVELOPE 01: SIHUS PIRIFORMIS
but is slightly higher in singing than in speech. This ARTICULATION:
[u] •
discrepancy is probably explained by the fact that the jaw A 3O
opening tends to be larger in singing than in speech, since
a wide jaw opening tends to raise the first formant fre-
quency.•v Anotherdiscrepancyis the behaviorof the
third formant, which• however, can be explained by the
sensitivity which this formant exhibits to the position of
the tongue tip. Therefore, the experiments seem to
suggest that the formant frequency differences observed - - "-•-.-•-_•:.o---o' ," -.
between spoken and sung vowels can to a large extent be
explained with reference to changes in the pharynx and
larynx tubes associated with a lowering of the larynx.
Shifts in formant frequencies are accompanied by ai-
, ,
ternLions of the spectrum envelope. Measured changes FREQUENCY (kHz)
in the spectrum envelope due to the presence of a wide
FIG. ?. Spect• enve[o• c•es due • the int•d•c•[on o•
sinus Morgagai, the sinus piriformes, and to a rise in sinus p[•Eo;mis (s. p. ), sinus •o•;a• (s.M.), end • •sed
[he third formant frequency can be studied in Fig. 7.
The values were obtained from the model sLmulating an an acoustic m•el • the vocal tract including •o •t•etions
articulationsimilar to that of an [u]. The daxnping
effect so as • sim•a/e the artic•ation of a • [u].
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843 J. Sundberg:
formant 843
is associated with an increase of the larynx tube open- suggests. The reasonfor Beckmann'snegativeresults
ing. This increase has to be compensatedfor by a wid- as regards the acoustical effect of the laryngeal ventri-
ening of the sinus Morgagni if the larynx tube resonance cle seems to be that his spectrum analysis was not ex-
is to remain at 2.8 kHz. A contribution to the widening tendedbeyond2 kHz.9 As hasbeendemonstrated
required is provided by the stretching of the vocai folds effectscanbe expectedaround2.5 kHz. Also, filling a
constituting the bottom of the sinus Morgagni. But prob- cavity with cotton does not mean that it is acoustically
ably additional compensation is required as well. If so, "ausgeschaltet." This fact has already been pointed out
the singer will have to lower his larynx more and more by Mermelstein in his criticism of Finch and Schwickar-
the higher the tones he sings. This agrees with the com- die's work. t2 Mermelstein's conclusionswith respect
moniy stated need for "covering" high notes, since cov- to the acoustical effect of the sinus piriformes are not
ering has been shown to be associated with phenomena supported by our findings. The reason for this dis-
similar to the effects observed in larynx lowering. agreement
is thatweregard
asa partOf
the pharynx cavity. This is necessary as soon as there
There are great individual differences as regards the
is an acoustical mismatch between the pharynx and the
dimensions of the vocal chords, the sinus Morgagm, and
larynx. Apparently, Mermelstein did not count on the
the sinus piriformes. We may concinde from the pres-
possibility of this mismatch. His conclusions are ap-
ent investigations that a good singer needs a large sinus
plicable when the pharynx and the larynx are not mis-
Morgagni and a wide pharynx. This conclusion may ex- matched.
plain the predominance of large sinus Morgagni in
singersobservedby Finch.s VII. CONCLUSIONS
According to Finch, the sinus Morgagni in females is The acoustically most essential articulatory difference
smaller than in males. Also, accordingto Finch, the between maie speech and singing appears to be the wid-
differences betweenpoor and goodvoices are accom- ening of the pharynx at the level of the larynx tube open-
paniedby a larger difference in the sinus Morgagni in ing. Such a widening of the pharynx seems to be accom-
males than in females. Bartholome•r t has observed that panying a lowering of the larynx. Acoustically, the
soprano voices frequently lack a "singing formant" in pharynx widening has the effect of isolating the larynx
their higher range. In view of our results we may as- tube from the rest of the vocal tract so that its reso-
sume that the acoustical mismatch between the pharynx nance frequency is not altered by articulatory move-
and larynx tubes cannotbe maintained in the upper range ments outside it. Its resonance can be tuned to a fre-
of a soprano. Under these conditions, no "singing for- quency between the third and fourth formant in normal
mant" is likely to be produced. speech by adjusting the volume contained in the sinus
Morgagni to the opening area of the larynx tube. An ad-
Professional singers seem to adopt a special vowel
ditional effect of a larynx lowering is that it increases
articulation in singing with the result that a "singing for-
the dimensions of the sinus pitiformes and the length of
mant" is generated. This suggests that this spectrum
the pharynx tube. This lowers the fifth formant frequen-
envetope peak is desirable. At the same time this can-
cy and in front vowels also the second. In this way a
not be the case in high-pitehed female singin_g. The rea-
great deal of the acoustical differences between spoken
son for this dissimilarity probably lies in a perceptual
and sung vowels in male voices can be explained with
function of the "singing formant." A long-time-average
reference to the larynx lowering, the major articulatory
spectrum of a symphony orchestra has a peak around
gesture associated with the production of a "singing
450 Hz and a slope of about - 10 dB/octave abovethis formant."
frequency.Thus, the "singingformant"is locatedin'a
frequency region where the average soundpressure level VIII. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
of an orchestral soundhas dropped more than 20 dB be-
low its maximum vaiue. This reduces the risk that the The author gratefully acknowledgesvainable discus-
singer's voice is maskedby an orchestral accompani- sions with J. Lindqvist-Gauffin, M. Sondhi, and B.
ment. The risk of masking is probably smaller in high- Lindblom. He is also indebted to Mrs. S. Felicetti for
pitched female singing, as all partials are higher in fre- editing the manuscript. The work was supported by the
quency than the strongest sounds from the accompani- Bank of Sweden Tercentenary Fund.
ment. Rs
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844 J. Sundberg:Singingformant 844
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i2p. Mermelstein, "On the Pitiform Recessusandtheir Acous- Am. 50, 1166-1179 (1971).
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