E Flight Journal Aero Special 2018 Small PDF
E Flight Journal Aero Special 2018 Small PDF
E Flight Journal Aero Special 2018 Small PDF
Electric Aviation, VTOLS, Multicopter, Rotor wings, Fixed Wing, Hybrid Technology, Rule making news, Test Reports, Electric Aviation, VTOLS, Multicopter, Rotorwings, Hybrid Technology, Rule making News, Test Reports
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Expo - Guide
UL - LSA - Accessories
e -Trainer
-Trainer landed
Siemens eFusion Hybrid
Eurostar EPOS
e-System “Pure Flight”
e-flight China
Skyleader 400 electric
e-flight-expo Forum
e-flight-expo Award
Where to find what
The highly anticipated new 600 kg UL weight limit will not only benefit the ultra-
light industry, but also will have significant impact on the electric airplane develop-
ment in a positive way. First there is a brief wrap-up of the 600 kg UL regulatory sit-
uation update: the formal adoption of the new 600 kg regulation by EU Parliament
is currently pending, but is expected in the summer 2018. Thereafter, the new rule
will be published in the Official Journal and will enter into force on the 20th day
after publication. Currently it can be assumed that UL in compliance with 600 kg
rules shall have no more than two seats, a stall speed in landing configuration of
not more than 45 knots (83 km / h) and a maximum take-off mass (MTOM) not ex-
ceeding 600 kg. These aircraft are thus regulated in the so-called “opt-out” way,
which means that these aircraft are subject to the national law of the individual
country in Europe, but it is safe to say that many EU countries such as Germany,
the Czech Republic, Italy, Holland, etc. will likely go along with the new 600 kg rule
which will become the prevailing UL standard in Europe in this case.
The impact of the new 600 kg UL rule has been well discussed, but its side ef-
fect on electric aviation and further, the profound and long-term impact on gener-
al aviation at a whole must be fully understood. Though the 600 kg rule was not
initially proposed in favor of electric aviation back then, now it seems that electric
aviation will take a advantage of the new rule. The current 472.5 kg UL MTOM lim-
its the flight duration of electric UL to about one hour in practice. The weight gain
from 472.5 kg to 600 kg will have an extra 127.5 kg. This extra weight, even by
conservative estimate based on current average packed battery density, should
give over 20 kwh worth of electric power which can extend one hour of flight du-
ration for most 600kg UL. An electric UL with over two hour flight duration at rea-
sonable altitude will become practical for applications such as flight training, local
sightseeing and hop flight. The benefits of quite, emission-free and low-cost flight
that electric aviation has promised may eventually come true firstly among UL. As
a consequence, more student pilots, flight schools, private airplanes, flight activi-
ties will come along. The relevant technology and products will become more ma-
ture in practice. A virtuous circle will be created. In addition, the extra electric pow-
er will be even more critical for the application of eVTOL aircraft, which consumes
much more energy than UL. The electric aviation era may begin with UL and 600
kg weight increase will be the spearhead.
Willi Tacke
Xin Gou
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Expo - Guide
12 • Sportstar EPOS
e -Trainer landed
e-flight-expo Forum
e-flight-expo Award
Where to find what
editorial 3 20 • Siemens COULISSES
Imprint 4
22 • AERO 2018
eNews 5
600 Kg - arrives at e-flight-expo
24 • e-flight-show ELECTRIQU
26 • e-flight-expo
monthly bi- mont
hly quaterly annually
Multiaxes • pendulaires • hélicos légers • autogires • construction amateur
UL - LSA - Dreiachser - Gyrokopter - Trikes - e-ight Certified Aircraft Trikes Gyroplanes Helicopters Motorgliders...
· ۗงࢩ܀
World Directory of
Nr. 145 Quarterly Vol.02-2017 / No.19
4.80 Euro
8.40 CHF
Flügel 2017
special issue of
AIR LOGS · ࠎৼൊ
Buyer's Guide
Das Magazin F
n° 377 > juillet 2017 > 6,60 € • Belgique, LUX, Portugal 7,60 € • Canada 11,50 $CAN • TOM, Polynésie Fr. 1200 XPF • DOM 7,60 € • Côte d’Ivoire, Gabon, Niger 4300 XAF
Exklusiv Test:
VL3 update
Plein écran
Fiche pratique Étape
AERO 2017
Du raffinement ! AutoGyro MTOsport 2017
Neuauflage des Bestsellers
Paramoteur + Parapente+
Parapente+ Paramoteur +
Paramoteur +
Bimestriel paramoteurs - paratrikes - propulsions électriques
d’ACHAT Paramoteur +
Macfly Minitrike
TESTS Parajet Maverick
❱ Nervures Diamir 2 Sky Paragliders Zorro Parapentes
❱ Nova Mentor 5
❱ Nearbirds Genesis Bimestriel paramoteurs - paratrikes - propulsions électriques
Mondial Air Paramoteur
Blois - Le Breuil
23, 24 et 25 juin 2017 MONDIAL AIR Paratrikes
CONCEPTION Le programme
❱ En visite chez Ozone, la Delta 3 > Toutes les marques > Vols dŽcouverte
> Toutes les infos pratiques
16 pages
❱ La Kortel Design Kanibal Race 2 www.mondialairparamoteur.com juin-juillet 2017 « PM+ » 41 I
Découverte, les Écrins Coupe du Monde Savoie BRISES DE PENTE Sellettes
Maroc point pratique La TransPyr, en vol bivouac
High Fly Népal, Machapuchare
Sous mon aile
VTOL Flying-Car
The Slovak company AeroMobil, which so far focused on in the air. “Our strategy solves the limitations of alterna-
the development of a flying car, cannot escape the trend tive VTOL concepts tied to dedicated landing sites rath-
towards the electric VTOL vehicle and has announced the er than using existing road infrastructure,” said AeroMobil
AeroMobil 5.0 VTOL. It is an autonomously flying, elec- CEO Juraj Vaculik. However, according to the CEO, it will
trically driven four-seater, which has rotors at the ends of still take at least seven to ten years before the project can
its retractable wings to allow vertical takeoff and landing, be realized.
while a thrust propeller in the rear provides propulsion Info: www.aeromobil.com
In order to commemorate the cen- prize. Dick believes that this new era physics at the University of NSW, one
tenary of the air race in 1919 from air race can promote the development of the country’s leading experts in bat-
England to Australia, Australian busi- and acceptance of electric aviation tery and solar technology. Professor
nessman and aviator Dick Smith initi- and the overall technology innovation Storey believes that the battery tech-
ated a new air race on the same route in Australia. This initiative has ob- nology and electric airplane designs
in 2019 but only with participation of tained support from several high-pro- have reached tipping point to make
electric airplanes. Dick claimed to file individuals and institutes, includ- this air race feasible.
have earmarked 1 millions AUD as the ing John Storey, emeritus professor of
Porsche Seeking Urban Aerial
Propeller for 912iS:
Mobility Solution
In an interview with the German magazine “Automobilwoche”in
March, the sales director of Porsche Detlev von Platen claimed
ST - 1.70 meter diameter (67 inch)
that the company is seeking an aerial mobility solution for urban - 2.0 kg weight (4.5 lb)
transportation. von Platen said ““It would take three and a half min- - massive metal leading edge
- ASTM F2506-10 compliance
utes to fly the plane,” referring to how long it would take him to ask for your testpropeller
fly a passenger drone from Porsche’s Zuffenhausen manufactur-
ing plant to Stuttgart Airport. A typical drive would take him “at least
half an hour.” Meanwhile, Porsche’s mother company VW group
has worked with Airbus on a modular eVTOL design called Pop.Up
Pop.Up Next
Merzbrück 206 · 52146 Würselen
Fon: +49(0) 24 05 408 82 - 0
Embraer Launched eVTOL design www.helix-propeller.de
Dash 8
soon be
by electric
like the
Electric -Commuters
from 2025 on Track
Airbus has been making various ef- Avinor invited specialist from around
forts working towards the same In the the world governmental and industry
last year Norway surprised the avia- representatives to a one day kick off
tion scene with the announcement summit to Oslo. Among the special-
that the country wants to become a ists are top representatives from Air-
leading force in electric Aviation. Now bus, Siemens, Embraer and Pipistrel.
the state owned Aviation company
The most surprising statement of the day came from Stein Nilsen,
Managing Director, Widerøe a partially state owned regional car-
rier which connects a net of small Airports in Norway with aircraft
of the type Dash 8 with a regional network. “We want to do the
decision which electric aircraft we will use and tryout in our Net-
work by 2025. And we think starting regular service by 2030”.
Then turned to the manufacturers from Airbus over Embraer, and
Pipistrel to Zunum and asked when can you deliver which air-
craft”. He continued : “The Dash 8 fleet comes to the end of life
soon. We can prolong it until 2025 or 2030. And by then we think
we have aircraft available.”
The environment in Norway has very challenging conditions like
Icing, high minus temperatures and strong winds. But apart from
Pipistrel: Ivo Boscarol is not only first with an electric trainer
these difficulties on the climate Norway also has some great ad- on the market he is also in the Uber-VTOL Program and
vantages. announced in Norway a Fuel Cell Commuter in 2025.
cept very soon and that they could meet this timeline de-
pending on funding and on the certification situation for
such a plane. Antonio Campello, President and CEO of
the new founded EmbraerX stated that they are working
very concentrated on their electric project but that there
are very many obstacles so that they believed that 2015
was to close for operations. Glenn Llewellyn, General
manager Electrification at Airbus who manages all the
electric project sees the timeline challenging but stated
Antonio Campello (EmbraerX), Ivo Boscarol (Pipistrel)
that he knows that the Innovation cycles must be short-
und Olav Otto (Siemens eAircraft (v.l.n.r.)
er and that they are with the EfanX on the right path. Olaf
Otto from Siemens explained their development and that
4 reasons for eAircraft in Norway they are on track for the large drive they want to develop
with Airbus. They are sure that the CityAirbus will have its
1st: 98% of the countries electric energy production maiden flight probably at the end of this year. Finally also
comes from renewable energy sources. Most are from Ivo Boscarol – Mr. Electric from Slovenia answered this
hydro turbines. So here the argument, which is used in question in his own way, and it wouldn’t be Ivo if he just
many countries against electric mobility - the energy would announce another Hybrid Project with Jet fuel en-
does not come from renewable sources is not really en- gine or turbine. “I believe that we will have our VTOL Proj-
vironmental friendly in Norway it is near 100 % environ- ect flying by 2020 and for the larger aircraft we are work-
mentally friendly. ing with a collaboration partner on 19 seat hybrid electric
2nd: Norway has experience with electrification in mobil- where the energy is not produced by combustion engine
ity - over the last 15 years Norway by state incentives or turbine but by fuel cells.” As preparation for the Fuel
became the leading country of automotive electrifica- cell development he is working as the partner of Profes-
tion. Also the many ferry boats over the many fiords have sor Josef Kallo of the Hy4 project.
been electrified over the last decade.
3rd: Changing an infrastructure is expensive - Because
of his North Sea Oil Norway is relatively rich and as the
oil income is reduced over the last year the government
looks for programs to create new energies.
4th: In Norway is the regional transport aviation an essen-
tial part of the governmental transport program as the
country is quite large (385.203 km² in comparison with
Germany 357.022) and the population is small (5,5 Mil-
lion in comparison with Germany 82,6 Million) so it does
not have neither a good road nor a railway system in the
Taking all these factors together with the vast develop- Glenn Llewellyn, Airbus Electrification General Manager
ment which has been done in the electric aviation it´s
a logical decision to combine economy and ecology as
Stein Nilsen and the Avinor Dag Falk-Petersen stated the
first investment in the new aircraft technology and Infra-
structure will be higher but the benefit over the lower op-
eration costs.
So the Norwegians have a challenging time schedule
by 2025 they want to have the first test aircraft operat-
ing. They would accept that at the beginning it would be
only 10 seaters operating instead of the 40 seater Dash.
So when they asked the Manufacturers the answers was
quite different Matt Knapp, CTO and Co-founder of Zu-
num said that they want to have their 9 seat proof of con- Matt Knapp, CTO and Co-Founder of Zunum Aero
Sportstar EPOS
can therefore be in comparison of performance with the UL regulation in many European countries, the situation
normally installed Rotax 912S, so that the flight perfor- could be changed, especially since in the battery sector
mance is similar to those of the version with internal com- since 2013 has improved a lot and thus today a signifi-
bustion engine. In the construction it has also thought cantly longer flight duration is possible. 4
of the operation and the battery storage. An integrated
charger makes it possible to „recharge“ on a standard TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS:
220 V connection. Charging via an external device with • Maximum speed: 260 km / h (cruising at 160 km / h)
400 volts, the charging time can be reduced by 50%. The • Maximum take-off weight: 600 kg
• Empty weight of the aircraft: 285 kg (without batteries)
flight time with the maximum possible four batteries is • Engine: Rotex Electric, RE REB (liquid cooled) 100hp
one hour. The machine flew for the first time in March • Propeller: VZLU 3blade (composite) 1.6 m diameter
2013, making it one of the first ULs that has been convert- • Motor controller: MGM COMPRO HBC 400400,
• Max. Voltage peaks: 300 A
ed to an electric drive. Unfortunately, the development
• Aviation Battery Management System: MGM COMPRO
is currently stalled, because the company sees no mar- • Battery Pack: Kokam 80 Ah, 90 S
ket for mass production. But in the advent of the 600 kg • Balanced charger 6 KW: MGM COMPRO
eVTOL Programs
on Track
Airbus has been making various efforts working towards the same
vision of urban aerial mobility and to create the viable ecosystem of
eVTOL operation. In the past year these separate programs, each of
which has a distinctive mission and aircraft profile, are all making
steady progress and set important milestones. In the light of the lat-
est development, it is likely that the schedule of Airbus’s eVTOL trial
operation set for 2020 is on track.
VAHANA The first flight was hover only and was quick and low,
but it paved the way for the future (photo on top);
The single seat eVTOL prototype, dubbed “Alpha One” Vahana prototype in the hanger in Pendleton (photo
designed and produced by three dozen engineers over
two years at Airbus’s Silicon Valley outpost A³, made its
first flight on January 30, 2018 right on schedule. The
test flights took place at the Pendleton Unmanned Aer-
ial Systems Range in Oregon. The first hover flight last-
ed only 50 seconds and reached 5 meters, but it was
good enough to prove the integrity of the basic design.
Vahana utilizes tilt wing design for cruise efficiency and
has autonomous flight control, which is essential as it is
a single-seater. The prototype weights 745kg including
batteries. The team will continue with further flight and
system tests in 2018. Next big mileston
A closer look
of the parcel
station after
the parcel
was retrieved
from the
drone, which
can lift up to
4kg package.
This drone delivery system is program and managed by
Airbus Helicopter. Though the vehicle is unmanned, it
plays an important role in the overall eVTOL strategy of
Airbus. Many subsystems and components such as au-
tonomous flight control, detect and avoid sensors, be-
yond-line-of-sight (BLOS) datalink, multiple vehicles air
traffic management and so on are all critical to manned
eVTOL aircraft design and operation as well. In Febru-
ary Skyways successfully completed its first flight dem-
onstration at the National University of Singapore (NUS).
Airbus launched Skyways project with the Civil Aviation
Authority of Singapore (CAAS) in February 2016 to devel-
op an urban unmanned air system to address the safety,
efficiency, and sustainability of the air delivery business
in urban environment. The collaboration was subse-
quently extended in April 2017 with Singapore Post be-
coming the local logistics partner to the project. Sched-
uled in 2018, NUS students and staff will be able to make
use of Skyways to have small parcels between 2kg and
4kg delivered to designated parcel stations within the
campus. CAAS has been working closely with Airbus on
the project, with an emphasis on co-developing systems
and rules to ensure that such aircraft can operate in an During the demo flight, the drone took off from its
dedicated maintenance center and landed on the roof
urban environment safely and optimally. 4 of a specially designed parcel station where a parcel
was automatically loaded via a robotic arm. Once
successfully loaded with the parcel, the Skyways drone
took off again and returned to land, demonstrating its
automatic unloading capability.
16 e Flight Journal
block off – take off – landing – block on – total time
QNH, QFE, FL, barometer
standby chronograph
alarm, 2 time zones
After founded in 2010, Kitty Hawk has gone through a
series of design improvement. Several prototypes of Kit-
ty Hawk and Larry Page’s other electric airplane compa-
ny Zee Aero have been spotted over the years but Cora
is different from all of them. Zee Aero filed for the patent
for a three-surface fixed wing eVTOL design in July 2010,
which was believed to be the basis of the following de-
signs. A similar configuration proof of concept prototype
made an unmanned hover test flight in December 2011
The first flying proof of concept in 2011 with
and made the first unmanned transition flight from hover
three control surfaces (photo above);
A top view clearly reveals the boom and to cruise in February 2014. An improved prototype with
rotor layout. Note that rotors have different smaller overall size and with conventional main wing and
spin directions. tail configuration made the first manned transition flight
in August 2017. Afterwards the current prototype with six
booms and large size were built and test flown.
A close look at the rotor and boom indicates that the rotors are
tilted toward different directions.
World Directory of
Nr. 150
Quarterly Vol.02-2017 / No.19
8.40 CHF
Buyer's Guide
Test radio
00 aircraft... S A
10j ++
Stable et facile Carnet de vol ဵზߎՍ
n° 386 > avril 2018 > 6,90 € %HOJLTXH'20LUX3257&217€&DQDGDCA720FIS
Microlights &
AERO 2018ava s lesmieres !
Aeroprakt A32L
et gagnez
3DUDPRWHXU Parapente+
Parapente+ Paramoteur +
hors-série Test
Guide d’achat
Paramoteur +
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eYDVLRQ 2018
-Trainer landed
6\ULGH Siemens eFusion Hybrid
Eurostar EPOS
/HXUSUpSDUDWLRQ e-System “Pure Flight”
M 05888 - 24 - F: 6,50 E - RD e-flight China
L 14259 - 10 H - F: 8,90 € - RD
Skyleader 400 electric
e-flight-expo Forum
11,30 $can • Italie 7,70 € • DOM A, Guadeloupe,
Guyane, Réunion, 7,50 € • TOM 1150 xpf e-flight-expo Award
• Maroc 75 mad
bi- mon ly
bi- mon annual
e-fl ight-show
Higlight of this years e-flight-Show is for sure the Siemens/Magnus for-
mation flight with the eFusions: for the first time two or three electric Air-
craft of the same type are flying in Formations. The Siemens and Mag-
nus Test pilots practiced this Formation in the last month at the Magnus
facilities in Hungary.
Now it is clear that not only in Slovenia where the serial production of
the Alpha Electro is ramped up to one Aircraft a week, also in other plac-
es serial production of electric aircraft has begun.
Five days before the AERO/e-flight-expo - the most important show for
General and Electric Aviation world wide - Siemens achieved another
milestone: the take off for the maiden flight of the eFusion Hybrid.
• Siemens SP55D Propulsor motor: max 72 kW take-off (2 min.)
and 55 kW max continuous power @ 3000 RPM.
• Siemens SP55G Generator motor: max 72 kW (2 min.) and 55
kW max continuous @ 3000 RPM
• FlyEco Diesel engine as a range-extender: datasheet at-
• Engine generator set (genset): 35 kW max power @ 3000
RPM, 30 kW max. continuous power @ 2500-3000 RPM con-
trolled to charge batteries back to cca. 95 % SoC with max. 7
kW charging power.
• High power battery pack ensures taxiing, taking-off and
climbing electrically: 4 swappable modules, 7 kWh nominal
energy, max 60 kW take-off (2 min.) power.
• Fault tolerant hybrid propulsion control provides about 2…3
Three times Fusion 2 electric (front) + one with flight hours considering initial 25 liter gasoline and 95 % SoC
Rotax 912 - soon the new Hybrid will join the with the hybrid eFusion (real values to be investigated).
AERO 2018
600, that seems to be the magic number of this
AERO, because about 600 exhibitors from
all over the world have registered. Al-
though some well-known exhibitors are
for the German EAA Chapter - EAA
President Jack Pelton has also an-
nounced his visit this year. A7-
101 is also the basis of the
not present this year, the number of partner magazines Vol Moteur
500 exhibitors became clearly exceed- and Flying China. This makes
ed. For the UL industry, it is now impor- the stand the first stop for all
tant that the maximum weight rises as fast guests from China and the man-
as possible. “The pending weight increase ufacturers seeking contacts to China.
meant that many pilots have postponed their pur- In addition, there is also the official AERO
chase decision,” said one manufacturer. This put pres- second-hand market, organized by the Flü-
sure on sales on many manufacturers. Because gel together with the AERO and the
the weight was not uniformly increased in website UL-Scout / Aircraft-Scout.
Europe, there are still a number of points You can attach the offer of sale
that need to be clarified with the as- of your machine on site to the
sociations and regulatory authorities bulletin board, put it online, or
as soon as possible. For this reason, see what is offered.
many pilots including ourselves expect For the exhibition guide avail-
the events that we have organized with the able in German, English and Chi-
various associations to be within the frame- nese languages:
work of the AERO (more in the schedule from page www.aero.flying-pages-com.
62). The weakness in the UL market has given projects in the
EASA certified CS-LSA area a boost. So the Elixir from France
will make its maiden flight and Pipistrel plans to certify Alpha and Jo Konrad from the DULV (left) and Jan Fridrich from the
Czech LAA were the driving force behind the weight increase
Alpha Electro as CS-LSA after the Virus (more on page 52). Even
(photo on top). The LSA Elixir from France (photo middle)
if the 600 kilos come true for the ultralight, the CS-LSA certifica- had its maiden flight last summer. The Flying Pages Team
tion, which is also fixed at 600 kg, has the advantage that these (photo below) awaits you in Hall A7 Stand 101!
UL e-Trainer
thanks to 600 kg
The increase in the UL maximum
weight is certainly an important
topic for the European e-flight
scene at this fair, but there is still
much more interesting to dis-
cover as you stroll through the
halls and especially through Hall
AERO Chief Roland Bosch is looking forward to
A7 or listen to the lectures and welcoming you at his AERO show, which will be held
from April 18 -April 21, 2018.
panel discussions in Foyer East.
Not a week goes by right now when you don’t read or
hear about air taxis anywhere in the media. In action,
however, you can see them currently rarely or not at all,
apart from the Volocopter, who has a provisional approv-
by a battery set, but by a hybrid unit, which in turn is pow-
ered by an Ecosmart diesel engine with energy. In addi-
tion, if the Permit to fly from Switzerland arrives on time, a
Pipistrel Alpha Electro will also be on the grid, along with
al as UL by the DULV. Although there are a few other a Phoenix Aircraft D14 and as a world premiere in front
whiz-fanciers flying around the world, most manufactur- of an audience, the Skyleader SL 400 Electro, which has
ers such as Joby or ZeeAero/Kitty Hawk (the companies just recently had its maiden flight. In addition, the world’s
of Google founder Larry Page have been featured and most popular electric glider, the elegant Lange Antares,
recently merged) do this in secrecy. Those who do it in will make its rounds over the Friedrichshafen airport. An-
public, such as the Chinese manufacturer eHang, cur- other guest from the Czech Republic is the EGO Trike,
rently have no approval, so you will not see them flying at which has been in great demand among e-flight fans for
AERO. However, because Volocopter has to comply with several years now; will also be admired in flight in Fried-
an obligation in California at the same time as the AERO, richshafen. The same development is reflected in the ex-
the e-flight show, which is scheduled for the AERO Me- hibition in Hall A7: only a few eVTOL machines, but all the
dia Day on Tuesday April 17, unfortunately cannot have more so with two-seat machines that can finally go up in
an e-VTOL machine present. Several manufacturers like the air as a legal UL with the expected new weight limit.
Volocopter have promised a flight demonstration for next Although increasing the maximum take-off weight to 600
year. Unfortunately, there will be no flight demonstrations kg is beneficial for almost all ultralight aircraft, it is of vi-
of the HY4 and the eGenius as both machines are cur- tal importance to the electrically powered ULs, because
rently being rebuilt for new tests. The eGenius gets a hy- at 472.5 Kg you cannot easily accommodate the battery
brid unit and the HY4 has a completely revised drive. Of load for a flight time of 1.5 to 2 hours. So it is not sur-
course, next year they both want to be part of the e-flight- prising that the technology leader in the e-flight sector,
show again. Pipstrel, has decided to go for CS-LSA approval. “I ex-
pect the completion of the EASA approval for the Alpha
Nevertheless, the flight program on Tuesday will have Electro before the end of the year,” said Pipistrel CEO
some new products present. Siemens, for example, will Ivo Boscarol confidently from the sidelines of an e-flight
make a formation flight with three eFusions. The Siemens meeting in March in Norway. The sale in different coun-
motor, of one of the three machines, is powered not only tries has already begun. In Australia they have a com-
plete LSA approval and use the plane in the training, in DUC HELICES PROPELLERS / B2-211
the US, the first group of the airplanes were delivered The French propeller manufacturer has recognized the
already. The training with a special permit in California electrical sector as a future market some time ago and is
should start in the next few days. For France, the first ma- represented from Siemens to Airbus.
chine to go to the French AERO Club was granted a per-
mit to fly and is also due to operate in Switzerland. There
is a general permit to fly, as the Swiss importer Marc B. Last year, the French manufacturer surprised with its two-
Corpataux revealed. On Friday in a lecture on the stage seated Multicopter Wisper. Now visitors to the trade fair
in Foyer East all these activities will be presented. Over- can assess the progress of the work. Multicopters of this
all, most e-aircraft are in Hall A7, but some e-flight “finds” type look similar, while Wisper has a smaller diameter.
will also be on display in other halls. Wisper has not yet test flown.
- again this
year part in the
AERO program.
Marc B. Corpataux,
Pipistrel Switzerland
representative, in an
Alpha Electro which
will begin with the
flight training this
The electric version of the Swan will soon go into the ap- Pipistrel has already been mentioned with their Al-
proval. The interest is huge. The electric Swan fits into pha Electro. The Slovenian company are currently sell-
120KG ultralight. The airplane also has a conventional in- ing their complete system for flight schools worldwide,
ternal combustion engine as an opinion. which currently produces more than one Alpha Electro
per week in Slovenia. Alpha Electro has obtained permit
MGM COMPRO S.R.O. / A7-307 / 301
to fly or approval in North America and several Europe-
The enterprising manufacturer of electric drives from the an countries. It is by far the best sold electric fixed wing
Czech Republic is on board in countless flight projects airplane.
worldwide. Some such as: the Phoenix d15, the Skylead-
er, the Gramex Song and the Ego Trike can be seen at
the booth in Hall A-7. The founder of Stemme Flugzeugbau shows the electric
motorglider RS 10 with his new company. The elfin is a
complete new development and is not based on the pre-
Not only eGenius and Siemens’ Extra aerobatic demo vious motorgdlier models.
plane fly with MT propellers. Even with some eVTOL proj-
SPORT PROP S.R.O. / A7-301
ects, the propellers from Bavaria provide propulsion.
The Czech propeller manufacturer not only manufac-
tures propellers for some e-projects, but is also involved
in the Pure Flight project with MGM PRO and PhoenixAir.
As leading force of the electric aviation in the world, Sie- Although the e-VTOL pioneers from Bruchsal are show-
mens now has a whole series of projects powered by its ing no new prototypes this year, they have promised to
electric motors: from the UL / LSA eFusion to the Extra be back next year after being spotted by the e-flight-ex-
300 LE, to the Airbus Citycopter, which is set to take off po on their successful way into the air. The company has
this year with eight Siemens 200 kW engines. Siemens carried out test flight in Dubai and are in talks with more
has also formed partnership with Airbus and Royce Rolls cities for test flight.
to jointly develop a hybrid single-aisle regional airliner
electric airplane. If you want to know what the electric fu-
ture will look like, you should definitely drop by here. The Czech manufacturer with a Chinese investor shows
their electric SL400 on the ground and in the air. The
electric SL400 just had the first flight recently.
The Swiss organizer of the first e-Fly-In are now working
together with the AERO and want to let as many as pos-
sible fly in 2018 in the foothills of the Alps near Grenchen. The merger of several aviation companies from China in-
dicate that the Chinese investors have good overall ap-
petite with general aviation new technology including
The Chinese propeller manufacturer has some e-projects electric aviation. Z-park Alliance is the organizer partner
in the works and wants to specialize further. They set a of Flying Pages last year at the e-Flight-Forum in Beijing.
joint-venture with the American aeronautical consulting As one of the major general aviation industry association
firm DARcorporation last year to explore further into air- in China with dozens of member companies, the Alliance
frame integration and basic research. plans to be more active in the e-flight sector between Eu-
rope and China in the future. 4
2017 with
Pipistrel, Uber,
EASA and
Autonomous flying,
e-VTOL, 600 Kg and
e-flight-expo award
The e-Flight events on the AERO The e-Flight events will start again before the official
opening of the AERO. On Tuesday, GAMA EPIC will
are indispensable. And so again once again hold its eight-hour long manufacturers’ year-
this year, Hall A7 will be dedicat- ly meeting in Friedrichshafen. Unfortunately, the “Elec-
tric Prolusion & Innovation Committee” meeting will be
ed to the e-flight-expo, and the a close-door event, but during the lunch break there is
AERO 2018 will once again be ac- a treatment for everyone who has already traveled to the
companied by a series of lectures AERO: the e-flight show, an airshow of various electric
at the e-flight-forum, which this
year will focus on e-VTOL and Au- WEDNESDAY, APRIL 18
The first day of the AERO starts, at least from the e-Flight
tonomous Flying. point of view, with the three-hour session of the “ASTM
Electric Propulsion Committee” from 9 am to 12 noon
in the Conference Center East. In cooperation with air-
craft manufacturers, aerospace companies and regula-
tors, this establishes the standards of e-aviation, accord-
ing to which aviation authorities only issue cornerstones
as generally agreed specifications. The session is for
members only, but anyone interested can be a so-called
“high-ranking member” in advance. At 10.30 am, Tom iculed. The performance of batteries or other power sup-
Gunnarson will give a talk on developing standards for plies was too low to seriously entrust VTOL requirements
batteries and other storage method. to an electric motor. The fact that there are already quite
The official e-Flight-forum will start at 9:30 am in the Foy- a few successfully flying VTOL prototypes shows how
er East with a discussion of the veined condition of UL quickly visions can become reality.
weight. Jo Konrad from the DULV and Jan Fridrich from
the LAA (Light Aircraft Association) will discuss this top- THURSDAY APRIL 19TH
ic on the podium. Thursday starts at 9:30 am with an approximately one-
hour podium discussion in the Foyer East with the theme
This discussion will be followed by a lecture by John L. “Autonomous Flying”. Speakers include: Alex Zosel (Vo-
Petersen of the Charles A. and Anne Morrow Lindbergh locopter), Greg Bowls (GAMA), Ph.D. Frank Anton (Sie-
Foundation on the theme of new approaches in aviation, mens) and Professor Florian Holzapfel of the TU Munich.
which also extends to the field of new propulsion sys- Due to the flying complexity and the integration of a num-
tems (Forum Ost, 10:30-11:30). ber of devices required for this purpose, the VTOL idea
At 12 o’clock, the GAMA press conference will start with a automatically combines autonomous flying. Only then
podium discussion led by Pete Bunce in the Conference will the challenges be mastered when hundreds of VTOL
Center West, Room Austria. Topics are about e-Flight air taxis and VTOL delivery drones simultaneously pop-
and Autonomous Flying. Also, results of the EPIC discus- ulate the airspace. The e-drive is not only a prerequisite
sion will be made public. for the self-stabilizing upright starters with their comput-
In the afternoon at 1:45 pm, the first e-VTOL session will er-controlled electronic control, but also the ideal prereq-
take place in the Foyer East. Dr. Frank Anton (Siemens), uisite for the necessary development steps from assist-
Thomas Mager (Volocopter) and Tom Gunnarson (Kitty ed flying with control pilot to the fully autonomously flying
Hawk / Zee AERO “CORA”) will present and discuss dif- air taxi. Currently, not only the regulatory authorities, but
ferent approaches. Just a few years ago, every visionary also small companies like Volocopter and global corpo-
who announced a whiz-starter with electric drive was rid- rations like Daimler and Siemens are working on the de-
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Frank Anton, the winner of 2016 award, congratulates Marc B. Corpataux, the
winner of 2017 award.
velopment of the necessary control systems, without Afterwards, the focus on the stage of the Foyer East will
which mobility in the third dimension in the urban area be on Friday morning from 9 am to 10 am on the topic
will not exist. “Flight training with e-planes”. Michael Coats (Australia /
At 3 pm, Magnus Aircraft will present its eFusion two- USA) and Marc B. Corpataux (Switzerland) will present
seater in the Berlin area (Conference Center East). Pipistrel’s approach here.
At the same time, the e-Flight forum will continue in the At 10 am, a discussion forum will be held in the Berlin
Foyer East with the presentation of the Smartflyer, a hy- area on the topic of ultra-light weight control, which will
brid electric cruising aircraft. At 4:00 pm, a presentation present the state of affairs in Germany, Czech Republic
by the Norwegian Government and its company Avinor and France.
will follow, which will replace a fleet of Dash 8 commut- At 2 pm Eugen Schneider will explain EASA regulations
er aircraft with 9 to 20-seaters electric or hybrid-electric in the Conference Center East (Oslo area). Although the
airplane by the middle of the next decade. Jan Otto Re- focus here is not on e-aviation, it plays an increasingly
imers presents the Avinor program and its challenges to important role in the framework of these regulations too.
manufacturers. The Scandinavian country, with its large At the same time, EASA will be explaining the design of
reserves of clean electrical energy (hydropower), plans the new Part 21 / T4S controls in the Berlin area, which,
to take the program as a leader in the world of e-aviation. like the newly regulated Part 23, is of high relevance to
Tomas Brodreskift then reports on the current status of all light planes.
the Equator project, an electrically powered flying boat
from Norway, which celebrated its premiere last year at SATURDAY 21 APRIL
the AERO. On Saturday at 10 o’clock Jan Fridrich will talk about “UL
/ LSA Statistics and Trends” in the Bern area. Noon fol-
FRIDAY 20 APRIL lows a brief summary of what happened in the last year in
Friday starts at 8:30 am with the China Breakfast of the light aviation and what to expect in 2018/19.
publisher Flying-Pages, its partner Zpark GA-Alliance and Finally, at 11 am at the Flying Pages stand in Hall A7,
the AERO (until about 9 o’clock). This event is not limit- Stand 101, there will be the presentation of the e-flight-
ed to e-Flight contacts to China. There is also a general expo-Award. E-Flight pioneers such as Tian Yu, Eric
focus on contacts with Chinese authorities and compa- Lindberg, Ivo Boscarol and Frank Anton have already
nies, but e-flight issues in recent years have also been a received the most prestigious and latest electric flight
significant contributor to the development of e-aviation, award, which is awarded by Messe Friedrichshafen to-
due to the increasing Chinese attention and participa- gether with Flying Pages. 4
tion. Attendance by invitation only - please contact us at
the Flying Pages stand (Hall A7 - Stand 101)!
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Market Watch
A New Electric
Aviation Ecosystem
The Pure Flight electric aviation proj- If the project name “Pure Flight” is
ect from Czech Republic will have its new to you, the name of the electric
premiere at AERO and e-flight-expo airplane around which the project
2018. At the show the project will pres- builds should sound familiar. Phoenix
ent an electric aircraft, electronics of motorglider had its electric version
electricity management, three variant debut at AERO and e-flight-expo in
of chargers up to superfast version, 2011. This time Phoenix comes back
communication module for aircraft together with partners MGM COM-
electrification and planned infrastruc- PRO, PEG and SPORT PROP which
ture construction at selected airports. are specialists in their line of work.
The project will use Phoenix electric motorglider. Since the de-
Evektor Project Pure Flight Solutions started officially in Sep-
tember 2017 when Phoenix’s Martin Štepánek initiated with
the concept. The mission of the project is to offer electro-flight
as an affordable and modern alternative. As a solution that in-
but in 2011, the electric Phoenix prototype has accumulated
over 400 hours in flight time.
The upgraded version devel-
oped for this project plans to
cludes a long-lasting electric aircraft, a fast-charging manage- make first flight in summer
ment system and communication infrastructure and an airport soon after AERO. The up-
infrastructure. The goal is to introduce a system that is accessi- graded Phoenix electric ver-
ble to everyone, universal and gives space for its own rapid de- sions will have over 2 hours
velopment and collaboration. of endurance plus reserve
To achieve the project goal, Pure Flight’s partnership strategy is which will make it on a par
important to form a viable ecosystem of electric aviation. Phoe- with other advanced electric
nix Air specializes in aircraft and manufacturing, MGM COMPRO light airplanes.
is the leader in electronic control and regulation, PEG is supe- All Phoenix versions are un-
rior in heavy-current and chargers, SPORT PROP has years of der the Czech Republic LAA
experience in aviation and prototyping. The most difficulty of the CR certification in the ELSA
project was to convince and find the way to realization in two category. It is a category that
stages. The first stage is to introduce a pure electric aircraft with gives room for development
a more than 2 hours endurance, superfast charger and a com- and implementation. I would
munication module between the aircraft and the charger. The like to thank LAA ČR for this
second stage is to prolong the range of the range extender, the category, for the possibility of
current drive control and the recovery, as well as the implemen-
tation of infrastructure at airports. The 100 kW Super Charger
Pure Flight can fully charge
the electric Phoenix in 20
34 e Flight Journal
Market Watch
developing, testing and commissioning new systems un- TRIALS TO BEGIN THIS YEAR IN THE CZECH REPUBLIC
der clear and feasible conditions. If Phoenix will be cer- Development and implementation are planned for the
tified also in another category in the future? That is still beginning in the Czech Republic in the summer 2018.
subject depending on interest in our offered system. The plan is to install five superfast chargers at selected
airports, but the project team is willing to discuss with
any potential clients who would like to fly cleaner at low-
er cost.
Pure Flight plans to use three types of power char- Like similar electric airplane projects, flight schools have
ger systems to provide a board selection, varying from significant potential interest in such end-to-end electric
2.5KW all the way up to 100kw super charger depend- airplane solution.
ing on the local infrastructure and customer need. The The cost of the system will be divided into two parts, the
power connector to the airplane will use three standards: airplane and the charger setup. As expected, the pur-
CHAdeMO, CCS2 for cars and the third standard is a chase price of electric Phoenix will be higher than the
specially developed connector using the Phoenix Pure model with internal combustion engine, but Pure Flight
Charger module for aircraft for optimized charging. With team claims that the price is going to be competitive due
the 100KW super charging system the theoretic charging to its lower building cost. The charging system price will
time will be about 20 minutes. depend on the selected specification and local condi-
At the power input, the charger can be powered from any tions. 4
source with 3 x 400/230V power from traction lines up
to 1000 V. It may also obtain power from weak power
supplies such as solar panels with battery storage. The
chargers will be fully compatible for automotive direct-
ly, for aircraft using the Phoenix Pure Charger module.
This means that a superfast charger can recharge cars
and aircraft. One charger may have multiple dispensers.
One for cars and the other for airplanes. There are many The electric
Phoenix will
power options, charging up to 2 x 500 V and 120 A at use a 60
the moment. This is to say that higher charging power is KW engine
and have
possible, but the charging system is limited by the cur- two hours of
rent parameters of the commercial available battery cells. flight time.
e Flight Journal 35
Multiple Efforts to
Promote Electric
Global Play-
er at one ta-
ble: Discus-
sion during
the EPIC-
2017 in
hafen /Ger-
36 e Flight Journal
e Flight Journal 37
Market Watch
38 e Flight Journal
Market Watch
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e Flight Journal 39
Market Watch
Successfully the
and China
Since the entry of the Chinese
Zall Group as the investor in Sky-
Like Evektor’s electric Sportstar, the Skyleader SL 400
Electro is a metal low-wing based on the standard UL
/ LSA version. Actually the machine has a lot in com-
leader, the electric version of the mon with the e-sportstar. The complete drive unit was
also developed by MGM Compro. In contrast to Evek-
SL 400 has become even more tor, who have only one airplanen model in the UL / LSA
important. Because thanks to the class with the Eurostar / Sportstar, Skyleader can show
bilateral agreement, the machine not only the SL 400 but also the models Skyleader 600
with retractable landing gear and the uncoated high-per-
could fly shortly after the approv- formance plastic GP One.
al in China.
40 e Flight Journal
The Future ofAviation
April, 18.- 21. 2018
Friedrichshafen - Germany
The e-flight-expo
is part of the annual AERO in Friedrichshafen / Germany.
You will find the most advanced electric, hybrid, fuel-cell
and solar aircraft and propulsion systems.
Market Watch
The Skyleader team got support from MGM Compro. Be-
cause the MGM experts have not only electrified the sim- Motor: MGM RE 80
ilar Evektor sportstar, but also have successfully brought Power: 80 kW
into the air quite a number of other aircraft including the Propeller: E-props Durandal 100 M
Speed (IAS) VNE: 278 km / h
weight-controlled trike, the light glider Archeopterix up Max. Speed (VH) 230 km / h
to the motor glider Phoenix. MGM Compro uses electric empty weight (with 2 batteries): 355 kg / 785 lbs.
motor of the Czech company Rotex and adapts these for empty weight (with 4 batteries): 437 kg / 963 lbs.
Battery: Sony VTC5, 110 Ah
the different aircraft. MGM developed not only the mo-
Flight time: 1.5 hours
tor-management system for the SL 400, but also the bat- Range: 230 km
tery management system and the batteries, including a takeoff distance: 150 m
Landing distance: 250 m
quick charger. The 80KW motor is liquid cooled and re-
Span: 9.2 m
ceives its energy from a set of four battery packs with a Length: 6.4 m
total of 45 kilowatt hours. The flight time should be over Height: 2.4 m
one hour. 4 Wing area: 11.3 sqm
Cabin width: 1.2 m
42 e Flight Journal
Alpha Electro
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