The Social Psychology of Exercise and Sport 2005 (For Lydia
The Social Psychology of Exercise and Sport 2005 (For Lydia
The Social Psychology of Exercise and Sport 2005 (For Lydia
The Social Psychology of Exercise and Sport is key reading for undergraduate
and postgraduate students on social or sport psychology courses and on
health-related or sports science courses. Illustrated throughout with practical
guidelines for researchers and practitioners, it is also a valuable resource for
professionals interested in understanding and changing the behaviour of
exercise participants and athletes.
Cover design: Kate Prentice
Martin Hagger is Lecturer in Social and Health Psychology at the University
of Essex. He is also a qualified Chartered Health Psychologist with the British
Psychological Society (BPS) and an accredited Sports Scientist (Psychology)
with the British Association of Sport and Exercise Sciences. He has diverse
research interests in the fields of health and social psychology.
at the University of Exeter. His research interests span the fields of philosophy,
social psychology, and quantitative research methodology.
Published titles
Introduction 1
Glossary 227
Bibliography 233
Index 261
Series editor’s foreword
Stephen Sutton
I dedicate this book to my parents, Mike and Elinor, and my brother Damian
and his wife Mary-Jane for their inspiration and tolerance.
Martin Hagger
I would like to express my thanks to Professor Nikolas Karanikolas from the
Anatolia College of Thessaloniki who kindled my creative instincts during my
teenage years. Most importantly, I would like to extend my gratitude to my
parents, Lazaros and Despoina Chatzisarantis, for support and encouragement.
Nikos Chatzisarantis
The authors would also like to express special thanks to Professor Stuart Biddle
for his friendship, supervision, guidance, and encouragement. We would also
like to thank Dr. Elaine Duncan, Professor Nannette Mutrie, Professor Stephen
Sutton, Dr. Joanne Thatcher, and Dr. Mike Weed for their comments on earlier
drafts of this book.
Finally, the author and the publisher would like to thank the following for
granting permission to use material quoted in the text.
Figure 4.2: Source: Fox and Corbin (1989). Copyright © 1985 by Human
Kinetics Publishers, reprinted with permission.
Figure 4.5: Source: Sonstroem and Morgan (1989). Copyright © by Lippincott,
Williams, and Wilkins Publishers Inc., reprinted with permission.
Figure 5.3: Source: Vallerand and Ratelle (2002). Copyright © 2002 by
University of Rochester Press, reprinted with permission.
Figure 5.4: Source: Guay, Mageau, and Vallerand (2003). Copyright © 2002
by Sage Publications, Inc., reprinted with permission.
Figure 6.3: Source: Jones and Hardy (1990: 88). Copyright © 2002 by John
Wiley & Sons Ltd, adapted with permission.
x Acknowledgements
Figure 6.5: Source: Kerr (1985). Copyright © 1985 by Taylor and Francis Ltd,
reprinted with permission.
Figure 7.1: Source: Carron and Hausenblas (1998). Copyright © 2002 by Fitness
Information Technology, reprinted with permission.
Figure 7.2: Source: Carron (1992). Copyright © 1982 by Human Kinetics
Publishers, adapted with permission.
Figure 7.3: Source: Carron, Widmeyer, and Brawley (1985). Copyright © 1985
by Human Kinetics Publishers, reprinted with permission.
Figure 7.5: Source: Beauchamp (2004). Adapted with permission.
Figure 7.6: Source: Aiello and Douthitt (2001). Copyright © 2001 by American
Psychological Association, reprinted with permission.
Figure 8.1: Source: Silva (1980). Copyright © 1980 by Human Kinetics
Publishers, reprinted with permission.
The profile of regular exercise and sport in society has risen in recent years. The
links between regular physical activity and physical and psychological health
grow ever stronger and the role of competitive sport as entertainment and
recreation is proliferating. Ever since Ralph Paffenbarger’s seminal paper on
the contribution of occupational physical activity to decreased mortality in
Californian dock workers, epidemiological research has consistently reported
a clear relationship between mortality rate and physical inactivity. Today,
physical activity features high on the list of priority health behaviours for
government campaigns aiming to improve health in industrialized nations.
Sport, on the other hand, has always been a conduit for a nation to express its
identity, but its increasing value for entertainment in the past two decades can
be quantified not only by the observed rises in mass participation, but also in
the earning power of and revenue generated by elite sporting individuals and
teams. As exercise and sport are behaviours conducted in social contexts, social
psychology has a significant role to play in understanding the motivation and
behaviour of people involved in both recreational exercise for health and
competitive sport. As social psychology is the study of human behaviour in
social contexts, much of the investigation into the factors that contribute to
exercise and sport behaviour, and the understanding of the relationships
among these factors have been conducted by applying theoretical approaches
from social psychology.
This book examines behaviour in sport and exercise from the point of view
of social psychology. Principally, the text aims to devote considerable atten-
tion to key social psychological issues within the two disciplines: exercise
behaviour for health reasons and the behaviour of competitive sport
participants and the spectators of elite sport. Rather than presenting a broad,
superficial overview of diverse areas in exercise and sport, the focus of the book
is on a narrow range of selected topics and serves to provide a comprehensive,
in-depth, analytical, and research-focused coverage using social psychology
as a framework. The aim of the book is therefore to provide a thorough
2 Introduction
This chapter will introduce some of the key concepts relating to physical
activity and health and outline the problems faced by applied social psycho-
logists in the field of physical activity and health. The aim is to provide suf-
ficient background knowledge of the health, social, and economic problems
presented by a sedentary population in industrialized nations. In addition, it
will give an insight into research techniques such as descriptive epidemiology
as a means to evaluate the extent of the epidemic of physical inactivity and
obesity in industrialized countries. Subsequently, the focus will be on the
importance of applied social psychology to inform and drive interventions to
increase the levels of physical activity behaviour in sedentary populations. In
addition, the different social psychological theoretical approaches to physical
activity behaviour will be introduced.
People often talk about sport, exercise, and physical activity in an eclectic,
unstructured manner, and occasionally use the terms synonymously. In
everyday life, it seems, the understanding of the distinctions between these
forms of physical endeavour is often unclear. It is therefore essential that these
terms are formally defined before embarking on a discussion of the importance
of physical activity to health and how social psychology can lend itself to an
understanding of these behaviours. Physical activity is typically used to refer
to all types of movement that expends energy, regardless of features such
as type, location, mode, and intensity. Formally, Pate et al. define physical
activity as ‘any bodily movement produced by skeletal muscles that results in
energy expenditure’ (1995: 402). It can therefore be considered an umbrella
term under which other more specific forms of physical activity fall. Exercise
and sport are therefore subtypes of physical activity. Exercise generally refers
to structured physical activity whose purpose is to incur a health benefit such
8 Social psychology, exercise, health
the United Kingdom 22 per cent of men and 23 per cent of women are
classified as obese (National Health Service Health Development Agency
1996). This evidence indicates that cardiovascular disease and obesity are
substantial problems to public health in industrialized nations.
There is a general consensus that multiple key risk factors contribute to the
likelihood of an individual contracting cardiovascular disease, namely, age,
gender, a family history or heredity of stress, tobacco smoking, elevated
blood cholesterol (hypercholesterolemia) or more specifically a serum lipid
profile that has a disproportionately high ratio of low density lipoproteins
(LDL), hypertension or high blood pressure, obesity, type II diabetes, stress,
and physical inactivity (American Heart Association 1999). Clearly, age,
gender, and heredity are demographic variables that are unalterable. However,
many of the other risk factors can be affected by behaviour change and
research has indicated that regular physical activity of the relevant type, inten-
sity, duration, and frequency can substantially alter the levels of these risk
factors and thereby reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease (Wannamethee
and Shaper 2001).
Physical inactivity has been isolated as a risk factor for cardiovascular disease
(Wannamethee and Shaper 2001). Epidemiological studies have shown that
low physical activity and fitness levels are related to all-cause mortality in the
general population (e.g. Paffenbarger and Hale 1975), although physical fit-
ness is controversial as a correlate of cardiovascular and other disease risk
because it only indirectly relates to physical activity participation. Further
epidemiological research has revealed some of the mechanisms behind these
links. Research has shown that regular vigorous physical activity lowers
blood cholesterol and produces a more favourable serum lipid profile, reduces
hypertension, and can help control and reduce the severity of type II diabetes
(Wannamethee and Shaper 2001). Physical activity, along with dietary
manipulation, can also help maintain a healthy level of body fitness and has
been shown to be effective in reducing obesity (Wannamethee and Shaper
2001). This evidence indicates that regular physical activity has profound
effects on cardiovascular health and can reduce the risk factors associated with
cardiovascular disease.
In addition to the ameliorating effect of physical activity on cardiovascular
disease risk factors, research has also implicated physical activity in reducing
the incidence of certain cancers. Recent evidence suggests that regular
vigorous physical activity can reduce the risk of ovarian, breast, and colorectal
cancer (Courneya and Friedenreich 1997). Although researchers are unsure as
to the exact mechanism by which physical activity acts to reduce cancer risk, it
is thought that it may be its efficacy in maintaining a healthy body weight
and that exercisers tend to adopt more healthy behaviours such as eating foods
high in antioxidants.
Regular physical activity has also been implicated in maintaining skeletal
health, particularly in women (Branca 1999). Coupled with a diet that includes
adequate calcium supplementation, regular weight-bearing physical activity
10 Social psychology, exercise, health
not engage in sufficient physical activity of the type, intensity, duration, and
frequency likely to bring about health benefits.
Alongside these statistics that seem to indicate low levels of regular physical
activity among many industrialized nations, surveys have also suggested that
the majority of people believe that physical activity is important to health (UK
Health Education Authority and Sports Council 1992) but only about 50 per
cent of people surveyed agreed that they needed to do more physical activity
than they currently did (Institute of European Food Studies 1999). Of great
concern is the largely static percentage of physical inactivity over the past two
decades. Population studies have shown that the level of physical inactivity
remained largely unchanged between 1986 and 2002 (Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention 2003). In summary, the majority of adults in indus-
trialized nations do not engage in sufficient physical activity to gain the health
benefits suggested by research, and levels of physical inactivity have remained
relatively constant, while, paradoxically, the majority of people believe they
do engage in sufficient physical activity.
Given this evidence, researchers have sought to examine the factors that
affect physical activity behaviour. The importance of identifying these factors
is paramount as they can tell on the basis of effective, theory-based interven-
tions the factors that are most subject to change and will have the greatest
influence on physical activity behaviour (Brawley 1993). Indeed, it is these
kinds of social problems that have benefited from research in applied social
psychological theory because these approaches aim to explain the problem,
presenting both an identification of salient influences as well as an explan-
ation of how those influences can affect behaviour. The next section will
outline how research in social psychology can assist in identifying salient fac-
tors and help inform interventions to promote exercise among predominately
sedentary populations.
Suggested reading
Brawley, L.R. (1993) The practicality of using psychological theories for exercise and
health research and intervention, Journal of Applied Sport Psychology, 5, 99–115.
Provides an introductory insight into the utility of social cognitive approaches to
change exercise behaviour.
Cale, L. and Almond, L. (1992) Physical activity levels of school-aged children: a review,
Health Education Journal, 51, 192–7. Provides details on the research suggesting an
epidemic of physical inactivity among young people.
Pate, R.R. (1995) Recent statements and initiatives on physical activity and health,
American Academy of Kinesiology and Physical Education, 47, 304–10. An overview of
the guidelines offered by health campaigns to promote exercise and physical activity
for health.
implications for future research and for practice in the exercise domain are
Formative research has shown that perceived severity and beliefs about the
benefits of a health behaviour exert strong influences on readiness to engage
in that behaviour, while perceived severity and barriers have smaller roles
(Quine et al. 1998; Abraham et al. 1999). In addition, evidence suggests that
the direct effects of perceived vulnerability, severity, susceptibility, benefits,
and barriers on health behaviours are small and are mediated by readiness
(Abraham et al. 1999). There is also evidence to suggest that the health belief
model does not sufficiently capture all the psychological determinants of
social behaviour and that the model might benefit from considering the effects
of other constructs such as self-efficacy on intentions and behaviour.
One limitation of the health belief model is that it does not offer clear
operational definitions of its psychological constructs such as perceived
vulnerability, nor does it specify how different variables can combine in
influencing intentions and behaviour (Quine et al. 1998). For example, it is
unclear which particular behaviours are facilitated by perceived vulnerability
to an illness. In the case of a perceived vulnerability to cardiovascular disease,
the model does not explicitly state whether vulnerability would facilitate
exercise or dieting behaviour, given that both behaviours would be effective
in ameliorating cardiovascular disease risk. As a result, empirical evidence
related to the health belief model varies greatly across studies because differ-
ent studies have used different operational definitions for psychological
constructs (Harrison et al. 1992).
there is evidence that corroborates the view that threat appraisals can facilitate
maladaptive coping responses (Hodgkins and Orbell 1998). In the exercise
domain, formative research has also documented the utility of self-efficacy,
response efficacy, and perceived vulnerability in influencing exercise intentions
(Milne et al. 2002). Most important, intervention studies have found effects
from coping appraisals and threat appraisals on intentions (Milne et al. 2002).
However, it is important to note that effects of coping appraisal and threat
appraisal on intentions and behaviour have been modest (Milne et al. 2000).
and sports training (Theodorakis et al. 1991b). In the exercise domain, tests of
the theory of reasoned action have provided strong evidence for the overall
predictive value of intentions and have shown that attitudes have a pervasive
effect on intentions with a lesser role for subjective norms (Hausenblas et al.
1997; Hagger et al. 2002b). Formative research adopting the theory of reasoned
action in the exercise domain has also shown that the typically large effect of
attitudes and small effect of subjective norms on intentions are not influenced
by whether belief-based or direct measures of attitudes and subjective norms
have been used (Theodorakis et al. 1991a). Moreover, panel studies have indi-
cated that the strong effects of attitudes on intentions remain stable over time
(Chatzisarantis et al., in press a; Hagger et al. 2001).
Equally important have been applications of the theory of reasoned action
that reveal a number of salient behavioural and normative beliefs related to
exercise. The beliefs are typically elicited from open-ended questionnaires
administered to a pilot sample prior to the development of standard question-
naires to measure the belief-based constructs of theory of reasoned action
(Ajzen and Fishbein 1980). Behavioural beliefs identified in this research
include: ‘good companionship’, ‘weight control’, ‘benefit my overall health’,
‘take too much time’, ‘fun’, ‘get fit’, ‘stay in shape’, ‘improve skills’, ‘get an
injury’, and ‘makes you hot and sweaty’ (Hagger et al. 2001). Important refer-
ents for the normative beliefs and motivation to comply measures tend to be
family members such as parents, grandparents, and siblings along with friends
and schoolteachers (Hagger et al. 2001). However, these beliefs have not been
shown to unequivocally account for unique variance in the directly measured
attitude and subjective norm constructs and alternative subsets of beliefs may
exist (Hagger et al. 2001).
22 Social cognitive theories of behaviour
(Hausenblas et al. 1997; Quine et al. 1998; Hagger et al. 2002b), it can be
suggested that exercise interventions should target attitudes and perceived
behavioural control. Interventions should not target subjective norms or
psychological variables espoused by the health belief model and protection
motivation theory because these constructs have minimal impact on
intention and behaviour.
The theories of reasoned action and planned behaviour propose that atti-
tudes and perceived behavioural control can change by modifying their under-
lying belief systems. According to Ajzen (1991), changes in beliefs are most
likely to produce demonstrable changes in attitudes, subjective norms, and/or
perceptions of control only when the modal salient beliefs are targeted. Modal
beliefs are the most frequently cited beliefs regarding the behaviour elicited
from the target population. Modal salient beliefs can be identified by using
open-ended questionnaire techniques that require individuals to recall and list
beliefs about the target behaviour (Ajzen and Fishbein 1980).
Once salient beliefs have been identified, the theories of reasoned action and
planned behaviour propose persuasive communications in the form of
pamphlets, face-to-face discussion, observational modelling, or any other
applicable method that can be gainfully employed in designing interventions
(Ajzen and Fishbein 1980). Persuasive communications are appeals that
involve arguments endorsing the positive aspects and outcomes of the target
behaviour while at the same time downplaying the negative aspects. One of
the key contributions of research adopting the theory of planned behaviour is
concerned with the proposition that arguments are most persuasive when
they are centred on accessible beliefs rather than non-accessible beliefs.1 For
example, a persuasive appeal that aims to change the attitudes of adolescents
towards exercise may take the form of the following text that highlights the
advantages and downplays disadvantages of exercise:
Participating in regular exercise has many benefits. You might learn how
to play a new game or sport as well as improving your general level of
fitness and well-being at the same time. Exercise can be a great fun. It
does not necessarily cause injuries or make you feel uncomfortably hot
and sweaty if you exercise at an intensity you feel comfortable with.
identify accessible beliefs and the elaboration likelihood model indicates how
arguments that are based on accessible belief can be structured and communi-
cated so that maximum and more lasting effects on attitude change can be
Another limitation of interventions that are based on the theories of
reasoned action and planned behaviour is that they can only be directed at
individuals who do not intend to perform a behaviour rather than at those
who have already formed intentions. For example, interventions based on
these theories can produce positive intentions among non-intenders by
changing behavioural beliefs, normative beliefs, and/or control beliefs but
cannot help people convert an already strong intention into behaviour.
This is because the theories are motivational theories that can only facilitate
the formation of intentions. In contrast, volitional theories of intention are
most efficacious in facilitating the enactment of behavioural intentions and
can be gainfully applied alongside interventions based on the theories
of reasoned action and planned behaviour. These theories will be discussed
in Chapter 3.
In summary, the development of interventions based on the theory of
planned behaviour should therefore comprise three interrelated stages. First,
formative research studies should be conducted to identify the most important
determinants of intentions. Second, further research should aim to identify
the salient modal beliefs that underpin these determinants. Third, persuasive
messages that target the salient beliefs should be developed and their efficacy
in changing intentions evaluated.
insists that the theory is open to additional predictors if it is shown that they
capture a significant portion of unique variance in intentions or behaviour. As a
consequence, a number of constructs have been introduced into the frame-
work of the theory of planned behaviour. These additional constructs and the
modification of the theory will be discussed next.
Personality traits
Another key extension of the theory of planned behaviour is the inclusion of
personality traits to predict intentions and behaviour. In general, personality
traits are generalized dimensions of individual differences in tendencies to
show stable patterns of thoughts, feelings, and actions (McCrae and Costa
1996). Recent research in the exercise domain has indicated that personality
traits, such as those identified by McCrae and Costa, can influence exercise
intentions and behaviour (e.g. Conner and Abraham 2001; Courneya et al.
2002; Rhodes et al. 2002a). Although considerable evidence corroborates the
link between personality traits and social behaviour in the general social
psychology literature (e.g. Sherman and Fazio 1983), little is known about the
processes by which personality traits influence behaviour.
Sherman and Fazio proposed that there are at least two processes through
which personality traits can influence social behaviour. The first process is
deliberative (Fazio 1990) or systematic (Chaiken 1980). The deliberative model
proposes that people engage in an analysis of costs and benefits of behaviour
and may base their descision-making on whether the behaviour is congruent
with their global tendencies. For example, the indirect effects of extroversion
on exercise via the mediation of attitudes and intentions in the theory of
planned behaviour implies that personality traits motivate people to compare
various behavioural outcomes in order to decide whether or not a behaviour is
appropriate and suitable (Sherman and Fazio 1983). The second process by
which traits can influence social behaviour is through activation of automatic
pathways (Sherman and Fazio 1983). Research on automaticity in social
psychology literature suggests that traits can be activated spontaneously by
the presence of trait-relevant behavioural cues and results in behaviour con-
sistent with these personality traits (Bargh 1994). Some studies have shown
30 Social cognitive theories of behaviour
Attitude strength
The role of attitude strength has been the subject of recent investigations in
the theory of planned behaviour. The general approach suggests that the pre-
dictive efficacy of the attitude construct is limited by the strength of the atti-
tude in the individual’s memory. The strength of an attitude in memory is
determined by several attitudinal properties such as extremity, consistency,
ambivalence, frequency, polarization, and consensus (Eagly and Chaiken
1993). In support of the attitude strength model, several studies have found
that the attitude–behaviour relationship increases in proportion to the
amount of behavioural information available to the individual and the degree
of past experience an individual has with the attitude object or behaviour
(Nederhof 1989). Further, research suggests that the attitude–behaviour rela-
tionship decreases as attitudinal ambivalence increases (Conner et al. 2003).
Nederhof (1989) has demonstrated that attitudes are strong predictors of
intentions and behaviour when people consider the attitude object or
behaviour to be important to them. More recently, studies in the exercise
domain have included an attitude strength construct in the theory of planned
behaviour. Attitude strength was found to mediate the effects of subjective
norms and attitudes on intentions (e.g. Theodorakis 1994). Overall, these data
suggest that the stronger the attitude, the more effective the prediction of
intentions and behaviour.
have shown that this distinction can be made on the basis of the belief systems
that underpin attitudes (Trafimow and Sheeran 1998). Studies have found that
affective attitudes exert unique effects on intentions for a number of health
behaviours including exercise (Lowe et al. 2002). Interestingly, Lowe et al.
have shown that the affective component exerts a direct effect on exercise
behaviour after controlling for intentions and past behaviour. This evidence
suggests that the affective component of attitudes facilitates spontaneous or
unplanned behaviour (Fazio 1990), and reinforces the necessity of testing both
the affective and instrumental components of attitudes within the theory of
planned behaviour.
Although the conceptual and empirical distinction between affective and
instrumental attitudes appears sound, there has been a recent resurgence of
interest in the conceptualization of the attitude construct within the theory
of planned behaviour, particularly in its constituent components. Hagger
and Chatzisarantis (in press) argue that a major problem is that affective and
instrumental attitudes are not always consistent. When the affective and
instrumental components are highly consistent, such as in exercise behaviour,
they should be typically measured as indicators of a global attitude compon-
ent, rather than distinct constructs. In contrast, when affective and instru-
mental components are inconsistent, they should be considered distinct and
permitted to exert independent effects on intentions. The basic argument then
seems to be that while a model that acknowledges independence between
affective and instrumental attitudes cannot be rejected on statistical or theor-
etical grounds, a second-order model can be favoured in the exercise domain
in that it gives the most parsimonious account of the attitude influences on
Descriptive norms
One reason why studies have not always observed moderating effects of sub-
jective norms on the attitude–intention relationship may be the fact that
subjective norms insufficiently capture social influences. Several studies have
made the distinction between subjective or injunctive norms as the perceived
pressure from significant others to engage in the target behaviour and descrip-
tive norms, a construct that taps the extent to which significant others engage
in the target behaviour (Rivis and Sheeran 2003). Research has found
injunctive and descriptive norms to be conceptually and empirically distinct
constructs (Hagger and Chatzisarantis, in press), and that descriptive norms
have a unique effect on intentions independent of the traditional subjective
norms (e.g. Rivis and Sheeran 2003). Indeed, Rivis and Sheeran’s recent meta-
analysis across studies adopting the descriptive norms construct within the
framework of the theory of planned behaviour found a medium-to-strong
sample-weighted average correlation between descriptive norms and inten-
tions (rc = 0.44). The analysis also revealed that descriptive norms increased the
variance explained in intention by 5 per cent after controlling for attitudes,
injunctive norms, and perceived behavioural control. The significant effect of
descriptive norms on intentions has also been supported in the exercise
domain (Baker et al. 2003). However, Conner, Sherlock, and Orbell (1998)
have shown that descriptive norms and subjective norms may possess dis-
criminant validity for some behaviours and there is little evidence for the
moderation of the intention–behaviour relationship by descriptive norms.
Indeed, studies often report strong correlations between descriptive norms and
subjective norms that may question their discriminant validity (Hagger
and Chatzisarantis, in press). Therefore, studies have not consistently found
main and moderating effects of descriptive norms on intentions.
Social support
The logic behind incorporating descriptive norms in the theory of planned
behaviour is based on learning theories that posit that modelling or observing
others’ behaviour is an important source of influence (Bandura 1977, 1997).
However, some researchers have argued that descriptive norms may not
sufficiently capture all the types of influence that social factors exert on
intentions. Courneya et al. (2000) have argued that social support, a construct
that indicates the extent to which significant others are perceived to assist
performance of behaviour, can also exert unique effects on intentions (see also
Rhodes et al. 2002b). The logic behind incorporating measures of social sup-
port in the theory of planned behaviour is that for behaviours that are difficult
to execute, assistance provides additional impetus towards forming intentions
beyond beliefs that the behaviour is beneficial, that the actor has the capacity
to do it, and that significant others want them to do it (Courneya et al. 2000).
Several studies have shown that social support and subjective norms tap
conceptually distinct constructs (Rhodes et al. 2002b), and that social support
predicts intentions (Courneya et al. 2000) particularly among individuals who
Social cognitive theories of behaviour 33
Recent studies have indicated that it is possible to distinguish two sub-
components of Ajzen’s (1991) perceived behavioural control construct: per-
ceived controllability, defined as the extent that an individual has access to
the means to exert control over the target behaviour (Ajzen 2002a), and self-
efficacy, defined as an individual’s estimate of ability and personal capacity to
engage in the behaviour (Terry and O’Leary 1995). Measures of perceived con-
trollability have often focused on statements regarding the degree of subjective
control an individual has over the target behaviour, while self-efficacy is often
tapped using items referring to the perceived abilities and capacities of the actor
in participating in the target behaviour. Studies have made the explicit distinc-
tion between perceived controllability and self-efficacy and provided con-
ceptual and empirical evidence in support of the distinction in a number of
behavioural domains (Armitage and Conner 1999b, 2001), including exercise
(Terry and O’Leary 1995). In addition, strong support for the distinction
between attitudes and perceived behavioural control has been made experi-
mentally on the basis of the belief systems that underlie these constructs
(Trafimow et al. 2002). Notwithstanding the increasing body of evidence in
support of this distinction, there is little conclusive evidence to support a clear,
unambiguous pattern of predictions for perceived behavioural control and
self-efficacy within the theory of planned behaviour (Ajzen 2002a).
variance in intentions and behaviour. This suggests that the theory does not
sufficiently capture the psychological determinants of volitional behaviour,
but is both versatile and flexible. However, it is important to acknowledge that
the contribution of these additional variables to the prediction of exercise
intentions and behaviour has been relatively modest (Conner and Armitage
1998; Hagger et al. 2002b; Hagger and Chatzisarantis, in press). Further-
more, these modifications must be evaluated alongside the original theory’s
parsimony in accounting for a large amount of variance in intentions and
Another conclusion that emerges from this research is the practical value of
the extensions and modifications of the theory. Formative research that evalu-
ates extended versions of the theory can provide useful information about the
content of interventions. For example, the contribution of personality traits to
the prediction of exercise behaviour suggests that exercise programmes should
take into consideration the personality characteristics of participants. Exercise
programmes that are tailored around personality characteristics are likely to be
more successful than those that focus solely on the proximal predictors of
intention (Courneya et al. 2002). Another example is the distinction made
between affective and instrumental attitudes as this can help identify whether
affective or cognitive means of persuasion are more appropriate to a particular
behavioural domain (Hagger and Chatzisarantis, in press). However, it must be
recognized that not all additional variables can be manipulated, such as past
behaviour. Interventions in the exercise domain have not attempted to
manipulate the additional variables identified in this research. Therefore,
interventions that evaluate the utility of the extended theory in promoting
exercise behaviour are urgently needed.
One issue that deserves future research attention is the conceptual overlap
between additional variables. Obviously, some psychological variables that
have been incorporated into the theory of planned behaviour are defined and
measured in similar, if not identical, ways. For example, the constructs of
anticipated affect and anticipated regret are very similar, given that both
constructs describe post-behavioural affective reactions (Parker et al. 1995).
Conceptual overlap between the theory constructs was also evident in a
recent study conducted by Hagger and Chatzisarantis (in press) that found
higher-order constructs could satisfactorily model the common content
of these additional variables and could successfully represent influences from
these additional variables on intentions. Such commonalities between the
psychological constructs from the theory give rise to an important practical
question: to what extent are the manipulations implied by different psycho-
logical constructs redundant? Research that investigates commonalities and
differences between additional variables is urgently needed. Trafimow et al.’s
(2002) study of perceived behavioural control is an excellent example of a
series of experimental studies that have pointed out conceptual differences
between perceived controllability and perceived difficulty.
Finally, it is important to investigate conceptual similarities and differences
36 Social cognitive theories of behaviour
preparation stage, but would not progress people already in the preparation
stage. This is illustrated in Figure 2.5. There have, however, been few empirical
tests to corroborate these discontinuity patterns.
Recently, another feature of attitudes, that of attitudinal ambivalence, has
been viewed as an important process variable in changing transtheoretical
model stages and has been shown to exhibit the discontinuity patterns sug-
gested by Sutton (2000). Ambivalence suggests that individuals may hold both
positive and negative evaluations of a behaviour simultaneously and this may
result in conflict when decisions are made. Ambivalence has been shown to be
a moderator of the attitude–intention relationship, so that high levels of
ambivalence compromise the motivational efficacy of attitudes (Armitage and
Conner 2000). In the context of the transtheoretical model, Armitage et al.
(2003) found that while the theory of planned behaviour variables exhibited
linear relationships across stages of change, the relationship was non-linear
(quadratic) with attitudinal ambivalence. The data showed that the highest
levels of ambivalence were seen in the contemplation, preparation, and action
stages, and the lowest levels in the pre-contemplation and maintenance
Social cognitive theories of behaviour 41
Suggested reading
Conner, M. and Armitage, C.J. (1998) Extending the theory of planned behavior: a
review and avenues for further research. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 28: 1429–
64. Covers many of the theoretical issues associated with the theory of planned
behaviour and modifications of this theory.
Conner, M. and Norman, P. (1996) Predicting Health Behaviour: Research Practice with
Social Cognition Models. Buckingham: Open University Press. Highly recommended
review of the theoretical and practical issues related to the health belief model, pro-
tection motivation theory, and the theory of planned behaviour.
Hagger, M.S., Chatzisarantis, N. and Biddle, S.J.H. (2002) A meta-analytic review of the
theories of reasoned action and planned behaviour in physical activity: predictive
validity and the contribution of additional variables. Journal of Sport and Exercise
Psychology, 24: 3–32. The most recent and comprehensive review of research on this
key social cognitive model in exercise contexts.
Marshall, S.J. and Biddle, S.J.H. (2001) The transtheoretical model of behavior change: a
meta-analysis of applications to physical activity and exercise. Annals of Behavioral
Medicine, 23: 229–46. State-of-the-art cumulative review of research using the trans-
theoretical model in the exercise domain.
Perugini, M. and Conner, M. (2000) Predicting and understanding behavioral volitions:
the interplay between goals and behaviors. European Journal of Social Psychology, 30:
705–31. Showcase research publication for the model of goal directed behaviour.
1 The concept of accessibility was initially introduced by Higgins et al. (1982) and
Haddock and Zanna (1998) whose research showed that models that take accessible
beliefs into consideration provide a more realistic representation of the processes
underlying attitude formation compared with models that do not account for
2 Some authors have used the terms personal normative beliefs and moral obligation
with reference to the constructs of moral norms and personal norms (Sparkes and
Shepherd 1995; Triandis 1980; Godin et al. 1996). However, the items used to measure
all these constructs are virtually identical.
Intention stability
Ajzen (1985) originally downplayed the theoretical importance of the bound-
ary condition of intention stability by arguing that the issue of stability is
largely a technical problem and does not challenge the assumption that inten-
tions influence behaviour. Reduced predictive accuracy of intentions may
merely reflect reduced accuracy of measures of intentions available to the
investigator (Ajzen 1985). This can occur when there is a large delay between
assessments of intentions and behaviour (Sheeran et al. 1999b). The greater
the delay, the greater the opportunities for intentional change, and hence the
predictive accuracy of intentions is reduced (Ajzen 1985). For this reason,
Ajzen (1991) has proposed that, ideally, intentions should be measured as
close as possible to the incidence of behaviour. Research has corroborated
Ajzen’s proposition by showing that short-range intentions and stable inten-
tions are stronger predictors of exercise behaviour than long-range intentions
and unstable intentions (Sheeran et al. 1999b; Conner et al. 2000).
However, it can be argued that the issues of stability and predictive validity
are not mere technical problems but do pose important theoretical and
practical questions about the utility of the theory of planned behaviour in
predicting and explaining volitional behaviour. First, the boundary condition
of stability can be considered unrealistic because the construct of intention is
state-like and likely to change over time. Therefore, intentional change is
unavoidable because change is integral to the nature of intentions (Hagger et
al. 2001; Chatzisarantis et al., in press a). In addition, stable intentions predict
behaviour more accurately than unstable intentions because theories of inten-
tion have not been designed to explain the psychological processes underlying
intention change. Indeed, research has shown that the theory of planned
behaviour does not predict adherence to, relapse from, and delayed participa-
tion in health behaviours (Orbell and Sheeran 1998). Having described the
factors that may facilitate changes in intentions, theories of intentional
behaviour should predict behaviour even when intentions are unstable (Ajzen
and Fishbein 1980; Ajzen 1991). Further, from an applied perspective, it can be
argued that the relatively modest levels of behavioural prediction obtained by
social cognitive theories of intentional behaviour substantially undermine the
practicality of these theories. Therefore, the boundary condition of stability is
a theoretical and practical limitation of the theory of planned behaviour and
other theories of intention because they do not provide a realistic view of the
way intentions operate.
From exercise intention to behaviour 45
Scale correspondence
One reason why intentions may not predict behaviour very well is that
measures of intentions and behaviour do not correspond in terms of action,
target, context, and time (Ajzen 1985). For example, participation in exercise
behaviour during leisure time is predicted more accurately and precisely from
measures of intentions to exercise during leisure time than from measures of
intentions to engage in another context, such as physical education classes.
Courneya and co-workers (Courneya and McAuley 1994) argue that the rela-
tionship between intentions and exercise behaviour in previous research is
modest and highly variable because studies use different types of scales in
measuring intentions and behaviour. However, although improving scale and
measurement correspondence strengthens the intention–behaviour relation-
ship, research has shown the principle of correspondence does not fully
explain variations in the intention–behaviour relationship (Courneya and
McAuley 1994). Studies in the exercise domain have shown that a great deal of
variance in exercise behaviour remains unexplained even when measures
adhere to the correspondence rule (Hagger et al. 2002b).
Intention formation
Bagozzi and Yi (1989) argued that when an individual has given much con-
sideration to a behaviour and has well-formed intentions, the intention–
behaviour relationship will be strengthened. They suggested that poorly
formed intentions are more vulnerable to change due to differential retrieval
or forgetting of information on which the intentions are based. This suggests
that poorly formed intentions are more unstable and will be less effective in
accounting for variance in behaviour. Bagozzi and Yi demonstrated empiric-
ally that the intention–behaviour relationship is stronger for well-formed
intentions than for ill-formed intentions. Future studies should examine the
issue of intention formation in an exercise context.
Self-schema is another variable that has been shown to affect the intention–
behaviour relationship. Self-schemas are cognitive generalizations about the
self that are derived from past experience. Self-schemas are typically measured
by participants’ self-ratings of the descriptiveness and importance of traits
relevant to a domain (Sheeran and Orbell 2000). For example, a person who
rates domain relevant traits as highly self-descriptive and important to their
self-image are considered to be schematics. Non-schematics are people who rate
such traits as not descriptive of their self but important. Aschematics are people
whose ratings of domain-relevant traits are moderately self-descriptive but
unimportant. The rationale behind the argument that self-schema moderates
the intention–behaviour relationship is that schematics have a greater number
46 From exercise intention to behaviour
of strategies for acting intentions and will therefore exhibit greater consistency
between intentions and behaviour than non-schematics. In accordance with
this hypothesis, Sheeran and Orbell have shown that schematics display
stronger relationships between exercise intentions and behaviour than
non-schematics. However, once again self-schema does not fully explain why
intentions do not always translate into actions.
Implementation intentions
One reason why theories of intentional behaviour do not fully explain the
processes by which intentions translate into actions is that people often forget
to carry out their intentions (Orbell et al. 1997; Gollwitzer 1999; Sheeran and
Orbell 1999). Alternatively, people’s execution of their intentions may be
From exercise intention to behaviour 47
Continuation intentions
One final reason why intentions change over time and consequently do not
always translate into actions is that people tend to devalue the behaviours and
outcomes as they get closer to achieving them (Chatzisarantis et al., in press c).
Consider for example the relationship between exercise behaviour and body
weight. Initially, people may be highly motivated to participate in exercise
because they expect doing so will help them to lose weight. However, people
may start losing interest in the goal of losing weight once they do start to lose
weight. According to Lewin, this is because outcome evaluations such as the
value attached to losing weight are inversely proportional to the psychological
distance between the self and the outcome like actual weight loss. This means
that the greater the distance between the person’s current state and the
actual outcome, the higher their belief that they need to lose weight. Given
that intentions are associated with outcome evaluations (Ajzen and Fishbein
1980), it is hypothesized that intentions will decline over time and may be less
effective in predicting behaviour in the long run.
Chatzisarantis et al. (in press c) have proposed that the long-term intention–
behaviour relationship can be improved if the theory of planned behaviour
can be modified to account for the decline in interest in the behavioural out-
come as the attainment of that outcome approaches. These authors proposed
that to account for the changes that occur in intentions as the achievement of
a long-term outcome nears, theories need to account for people’s intentions to
continue the performance of the target behaviour after they have achieved or
failed to achieve the outcome. Chatzisarantis et al. (in press c) defined two
constructs: continuation intentions of success and continuation intentions of
failure. Continuation intentions of success were defined as an individual’s
intent to continue engaging in a behaviour when presented with a hypo-
thetical situation in which the individual is successful in attaining their
behavioural outcomes. Continuation intentions of failure refer to intentions
From exercise intention to behaviour 49
Self-determination theory
to behaviours and tasks that are highly interesting, such as puzzles and prob-
lems. The theory does not apply to mundane tasks that are monotonous and
boring and unlikely to be intrinsically motivated such as brushing one’s teeth
or wearing a seat belt. As a consequence, cognitive evaluation theory does not
explain how interest develops or how a boring task can be transformed into an
interesting task. Another limitation of cognitive evaluation theory is that it
does not account for the psychological need for relatedness, despite evidence
that relatedness is an essential and fundamental psychological need (Sheldon
et al. 2001). In fact, Deci and Ryan (2000) have flagged the psychological need
for relatedness as important because it explains why people perform mundane
tasks that are important for personal development and growth but are unlikely
to be intrinsically motivated.
regulation lies alongside external regulation and it refers to behaviours that are
performed to avoid the pressuring emotions of guilt or shame. External regula-
tion and introjected regulation, therefore, describe less internalized and more
controlling forms of behaviour because they refer to behaviours that are
performed under some form of internal or external pressure.
A less controlling and more self-determined form of external regulation is
identified regulation, which refers to a behaviour that is performed to achieve
personally relevant and valued outcomes. Identified behaviours are therefore
characterized as being more internalized and self-determined. The most
autonomous and least controlling form of externally regulated behaviour is
integrated regulation which refers to identified behaviours that are brought
into congruence with other behaviours and roles that are enacted in life.
Finally, adjacent to integrated regulation lies intrinsic motivation, which
refers to behaviours that are performed for their own sake and not for the
attainment of external outcomes that are independent of the activity itself.
Intrinsically motivated behaviours display many similarities with identified
regulation and integrated regulation. For example, intrinsically motivated,
integrated, and identified behaviours all are characterized by high levels of
enjoyment. However, integrated and identified behaviours imply that people
derive enjoyment from the attainment of the valued outcome rather than the
activity itself. In contrast, the construct of intrinsic motivation implies that
people derive enjoyment from the activity itself and not from the attainment
of valued outcomes.
Organismic integration theory also places great emphasis on the effect of
context on the types of motivation. Contexts that support psychological needs
are hypothesized to promote more self-determined forms of extrinsic motiv-
ation such as identified regulation and integrated regulation, while contexts
that frustrate psychological needs promote less self-determined forms of
extrinsic motivation such as external regulation and introjected regulation
(Deci and Ryan 2000). In general, the theory differentiates between two types
of interpersonal context that can either support or frustrate psychological
needs. Interpersonal contexts, in which significant others encourage choice
and participation in decision-making, provide a meaningful rationale for
doing the behaviour, use neutral language (e.g. use of ‘may’, ‘could’ and not
‘should’, ‘must’) during interpersonal communication, and acknowledge
people’s feelings and perspectives support self determined forms of motivation
(Deci et al. 1994). Conversely, interpersonal contexts in which significant
others do not explain why performance of the behaviour may be important,
use pressuring language during interpersonal communication (e.g. use of
‘should’ and ‘must’), and do not acknowledge difficulties associated with
performance of behaviour tend to frustrate psychological needs.
Figure 3.1 The perceived locus of causality
Notes: ++ = Strong positive correlations expected between these scales
+ = Weak positive correlations expected between these scales
− − = Strong negative correlations expected between these scales
− = Weak negative correlations expected between these scales
0 = No correlation expected between these scales
58 From exercise intention to behaviour
et al. 2003) and indirectly via the mediation of intentions (Hagger et al.
2003b) and attitudes (Hagger et al. 2002a). However, the direct effects of self-
determined forms of motivation on intentions and behaviours are generally
small (Chatzisarantis et al. 1997; Chatzisarantis et al. 2002; Chatzisarantis et
al., in press d; Hagger et al. 2002a).
In exercise and physical education contexts, research has investigated the
influence of self-determined forms of extrinsic motivation and intrinsic
motivation on some key motivational determinants of exercise behaviour.
Goudas et al. (1994) found that perceived competence mediated the effects of
self-determined forms of extrinsic motivation on intentions. These results are
consistent with studies conducted in health psychology that found perceived
competence to partially mediate the effects of self-determined forms of
extrinsic motivation on health outcomes (Williams et al. 2002). Conversely,
several other studies have found that self-determined forms of extrinsic
motivation mediate the effects of perceived competence on exercise intentions
and behaviour (Ntoumanis, 2001; Sarrazin et al. 2002; Hagger et al. 2003b;
Standage et al. 2003). Hence, the role of self-determined forms of extrinsic
motivation in predicting and explaining exercise intentions and behaviour is
complex and there has not been complete convergence in the exact pattern of
influence of these variables on intentions and behaviour.
Motivational interviewing
One technique that has been shown to be efficacious in changing people’s
exercise motivation and behaviour is motivational interviewing (Rollnick
and Miller 1995; Miller 1999), and this has recently been linked with
self-determination theory approaches to motivation (Markland 2004). Motiv-
ational interviewing is a clinically developed intervention that aims to alter
problem behaviours by investigating the nature of the problem with the
‘client’ and assisting them in self-directed behavioural change. Rollnick and
Miller, the central proponents of motivational interviewing, define it as,
Reviewing a typical day Builds rapport and focuses ‘Can we spend the next 5–10
on entire lifestyle not minutes going through a day
specific problem from beginning to end. What
behaviours happened, and how did you
feel? Is there any time you could
have fitted in exercise? Let’s
start at the beginning.’
Looking back Explores what life was like ‘So things have really changed.
before they experienced Tell me a little more about what
health problems like life was like back then.’
obesity, low activity
Good things and less Explores the pros and the ‘You said that your weight has
good things cons of the problem affected your self-confidence.
behaviour i.e. lack of Tell me about a time when that
activity happened.’
Discussing the stages of Interviewer introduces ‘Can you think of any ways
change stages of change and enters that you could change from
into a discussion with being someone who is aware of
client, client encouraged to the need for change (contempla-
provide ways of moving/ tor) and someone who is getting
changing stage ready to make a change
Assessment feedback Interviewer provides client ‘Would it be okay if I offered a
with a summary of their little information to you based
achievements so far on what we’ve talked about so
far? Correct me if I’m wrong
about anything . . .’
Values exploration Clients encouraged to ‘Think about the amount of
explore their ‘ideal self’ and exercise you do now, how much
compare it to their ‘current would you have to change so
self’ to reveal their values that you were doing the amount
of exercise that is ideal for you?’
Looking forward Asks the client to explore ‘What do you think would hap-
two different futures: one pen in future if you made the
in which they made changes you have said to your
changes to their unhealthy exercise? Compare that to what
behaviour and the other if would happen if you didn’t
they did not. make those changes.’
Exploring importance Asks clients to explore the ‘Thinking about the changes
and confidence importance of each change you have said to your exercise
they have proposed and habits, how confident do you
how confident they are at think you are in making those
achieving the change changes?’
66 From exercise intention to behaviour
Decisional balance Client is asked to list the ‘Can you list all of the pros and
pros and cons of making cons of doing exercise behaviour
behavioural change – in future?’
similar to good things and
less good things
Change planning Used if a client is at ‘What are the possible things
advanced stage of readiness, you could do in the next month
interviewer explores to increase your current level of
possible actions that could exercise? Try to come up with as
change behaviour in future many as you can.’
Suggested reading
Deci, E.L. and Ryan, R.M. (2002) Handbook of Self-Determination Research. Rochester, NY:
University of Rochester Press. The most comprehensive reader of self-determination
theory to date with contributions from many of the influential authors in the area.
Gollwitzer, P.M. (1999) Implementation intentions: strong effects of simple plans,
American Psychologist, 54: 493–503. Gollwitzer’s lucid review of his own work on
implementation intentions.
Hagger, M.S., Chatzisarantis, N., Culverhouse, T. and Biddle, S.J.H. (2003) The processes
by which perceived autonomy support in physical education promotes leisure-time
physical activity intentions and behavior: a trans-contextual model, Journal of
Educational Psychology, 95: 784–95. A review of our own work on self-determination
From exercise intention to behaviour 69
theory and the theory of planned behaviour and introduction to the trans-contextual
1 This chapter will focus on cognitive evaluation theory and organismic integration
theory because these have been applied most frequently to explaining behaviour in a
physical activity context.
2 Cognitive evaluation theory has also used the construct of perceived locus of causality
to explain effects of external events on intrinsic motivation. The difference between
perceived locus of causality as conceptualized by cognitive evaluation theory and
organismic integration theory is that organismic integration theory considers per-
ceived locus of causality to comprise four dimensions (external regulation, introjec-
tion, identification and intrinsic motivation). In contrast, cognitive evaluation theory
considers perceived locus of causality to comprise two dimensions (extrinsic versus
The self is one of the most widely researched and focal concepts in social,
educational, and personality psychology. According to Oyserman, ‘Self-
concept and identity provide answers to the basic questions “Who am I?”,
“Where do I belong”, and “How do I fit (or fit in)” ’ (2004: 5). The self is
therefore considered to be of high importance as it is implicated in a person’s
decision-making, motivation, and behaviour. It is also intrinsically implicated
in our choices, such as the behaviours we choose to pursue and the groups we
choose to affiliate with (Deci and Ryan 2000). As a consequence, the self is an
integral part of volition. This considered, it is not surprising that the self is
prominent in many theories that aim to explain variance in human behaviour
and motivation, such as self-efficacy theory (Bandura 1997), and self-
determination theory (Deci and Ryan 1985). Such theories suggest that social
cognitive variables related to the self are integral to self-regulatory behaviour.
Researchers have identified both personal and social identities, and these
strongly affect people’s behaviour, particularly in private and public domains.
Indeed, theories aimed at explaining group dynamics and inter-group
behaviour such as social identity theory, view the self and the self-esteem
paramount. This is because the way in which we view ourselves is also tied in
with the groups to which we belong. Self-categorization theory, a sub-theory
of social-identity theory, suggests that people are motivated to preserve in-
group consistency and be less tolerant or favourable towards outgroup mem-
bers when the self is vulnerable. Suffice to say, the self, like attitude, is an
essential and important construct in social psychology.
Similarly, the self is an essential construct in theories of motivation and
behaviour in exercise and sport contexts. Along with dieting, exercise is the
only means available other than invasive surgery, for an individual to modify
their physical appearance in terms of body fat content and muscle tone. Phys-
ical appearance is an important aspect of the self and plays an important role
in determining self-perception. As a result, aspects of the self associated with
physical appearance are likely to be implicated in the decision-making
72 Exercise and the physical self
Defining self-esteem
What is self-esteem?
A perusal of the social psychology literature will reveal that self-related ter-
minology is both multitudinous, varied, and, at times, inconsistent. A variety
of terms have been introduced that refer to the same or similar constructs, and
tend to be used interchangeably: self-esteem, self-worth, self-concept, self-
description, self-regard, self-perceptions, and self-image. All these terms have
been used at one time or another to refer to the construct of self-esteem.
Early researchers adopted the term self-concept and defined the construct as
statements about the self such as ‘I have brown hair’ or ‘I am an athlete’
(Rosenberg 1979). However, recent theories have made the distinction
between purely descriptive statements such as those listed previously and
more evaluative statements about the self ‘I like Italian food’ or ‘I am good at
tennis’ (Harter 1996). The latter statements therefore not only describe attrib-
utes of the self, as the individual sees himself or herself, but qualify it with
opinions of ‘worthiness’. Often this distinction is encapsulated in the adop-
tion of the term ‘self-description’ to refer to the purely descriptive, non-
evaluative statements about the self, and ‘self-esteem’ or ‘self-concept’ to refer
to statements that contain evaluative information, although this distinction is
not always clear. Among contemporary theorists there is a general consensus
that self-esteem comprises the perceptions that individuals have regarding
themselves, incorporating both descriptive and evaluative content (Harter
1996). This has not, however, stemmed the tide of indiscriminate adoption
and use of the various self-related terms, and has introduced some degree of
ambiguity in the self-esteem literature. Suffice to say, the use of self-esteem
Exercise and the physical self 73
Models of self-esteem
When self-esteem research was in its infancy, self-esteem was largely regarded
as a dispositional, unitary construct, much like the way in which global self-
esteem is viewed in more contemporary models of self-esteem (Rosenberg
1979). Self-esteem was therefore viewed as a global, all-encompassing con-
struct that comprised all self-related statements made by an individual. This
conceptualization was limited because it was global; self-esteem constructs
were too general and distal from the specific behaviours they were proposed to
predict to account for a large amount of variance. However, these early models
represented pioneering research into the self and represented a ground-
breaking attempt to define, conceptualize, and quantify self-esteem.
Another major criticism of the unidimensional conceptualization of self-
esteem was that it did not account for multiple dimensions of self-esteem
(Marsh and Shavelson 1985). Self-esteem researchers therefore proposed a
global or overarching conceptualization of self-esteem comprising a number of
self-esteem evaluations made by individuals based on their experiences and
reinforcements in a variety of behavioural domains and contexts (Shavelson
et al. 1976; Marsh and Shavelson 1985). This instigated the possibility that self-
esteem could be relatively high in one context or domain, but low or com-
promised in another. This made conceptual, empirical, and intuitive sense,
individuals demonstrate competency or lack of competence in a variety of
domains, and a person’s sense of self draws on experiences and engagement in
behaviours in each of these domains. The multidimensional model proposed
that overall or global self-esteem comprised self-esteem in areas like academic,
social, physical, and occupational domains (Marsh and Shavelson 1985). It
was an important advancement because it permitted the estimation of the
relative contribution of self-esteem statements to global or overall self-
esteem. In addition, it also permitted the examination of each of the domain-
levels self-esteem statements with respect to each other i.e. inter-domain
Shavelson, Hubner, and Stanton (1976) adapted the multidimensional
model to account for the issue of generality, proposing that self-esteem was
organized hierarchically with global self-esteem sitting at the apex of a hier-
archy governing domain-level constructs that, in turn, determined self-esteem
in the different contexts. A schematic representation of the model is given in
Figure 4.1. The self-esteem domains are one level removed from the global self-
esteem construct in terms of generality, and are therefore more specific, less
enduring, less stable, and more subject to change from external constructs. It
was proposed, however, that the hierarchy further operated within the
domains, so that the domains could be further subdivided into more sub-
ordinate constructs that reflected more specific self-esteem evaluations within
each context. For example, academic self-esteem would comprise self-esteem
evaluations in the subdomain areas of mathematics, English, science, and so
on. In addition, within each subdomain, further subordinate facets could be
Figure 4.1 A multidimensional and hierarchical model of self-esteem
Source: Shavelson et al. (1976: 408)
76 Exercise and the physical self
schematic diagram of these effects is given in Figure 4.3 with examples from
the sports competence and body attractiveness PSPP domains. The factor
structure of the proposed model was supported in a number of studies using
both exploratory and confirmatory factor analytic methods (Fox and Corbin
1989; Marsh et al. 1994; Sonstroem et al. 1994), and has been shown to be
cross-culturally invariant (Asçi et al. 1999). In addition, the predictive validity
of the model has been supported (Kowalski et al. 2001) and components of the
model have been shown to be important outcomes of exercise behaviour (Fox
Marsh and Redmayne (1994) elaborated on Fox and Corbin’s initial model
and rigorously tested an alternative instrument that adopted the same multi-
dimensional, hierarchical approach. The Physical Self-Description Question-
naire (PSDQ, Marsh and Redmayne 1994; Marsh et al. 1994) comprised nine
subdomain scales, four of which were proposed to be equivalent to the PSPP
subdomains. The strength, appearance, condition/endurance, and sport scales
of the PSDQ were equivalent to the physical strength, body attractiveness,
physical condition, and sports competence scales from the PSPP, respectively.
Additional subdomain scales in the PSDQ generally referred to aspects of phys-
ical fitness: flexibility, health, coordination, activity, and body fat (see Figure 4.4).
The scale demonstrated excellent factorial validity on the basis of several
confirmatory factor analyses (Marsh and Redmayne 1994; Marsh et al.
1994). Furthermore, concurrent and predictive validity of the additional scales
was confirmed alongside objective measures of children’s physical fitness
Exercise and the physical self 79
components (Marsh and Redmayne 1994). Marsh et al. (1994) also provided
some concurrent validity for the PSDQ in relation to competing instruments
adopting the same theoretical model, namely the PSPP and the physical self-
esteem scale proposed by Richards (1988) using multi-trait, multi-method
(MTMM) analyses.
While Fox and Corbin’s (1989) and Marsh and Redmayne’s (1994) models
have exhibited satisfactory validity in terms of both the multidimensional
nature and hierarchical arrangement of the factors, recent research has ques-
tioned the hierarchical nature of the model (Marsh and Yeung 1998; Kowalski
et al. 2003). While cross-sectional data supports the existence of the hier-
archical model, and has even rejected competing models that break the
hierarchy with direct effects from the subdomain level to global self-esteem
(Hagger et al., in press a; Sonstroem et al. 1994), when tested longitudinally
there is only very weak support for the hierarchy. Using the physical and
academic domains from the SDQ, Marsh and Yeung (1998) adopted a one-year
cross-lagged panel design and found little support for top-down (global
self-esteem predicting domain and subdomain-level self-esteem over time) or
bottom-up (subdomain-level self-esteem predicting domain-level and global
80 Exercise and the physical self
Figure 4.5 Sonstroem and Morgan’s (1989) exercise and self-esteem model
Source: Sonstroem and Morgan (1989: 333)
perceived competence, and skill level over the season. However, an autoregres-
sive path analysis indicated that changes in skill level were not caused by
self-esteem or perceived competence. Additional tests of the model have been
proposed to examine its ability to account for variance in exercise behaviour. It
was expected that the expanded exercise and self-esteem model would operate
in a top-down fashion in the prediction of exercise behaviour (Sonstroem et al.
1994). Results indicated that self-efficacy was the most proximal predictor of
exercise behaviour, and mediated the impact of the physical self-esteem sub-
domains of physical condition and body attractiveness on exercise behaviour.
have also evaluated the cross-cultural validity of Fox and Corbin’s (1989)
model of physical self-esteem in children and results have corroborated find-
ings in adult studies (Raudsepp et al. 2002; Hagger et al. 2003a; Hagger, Biddle
et al., in press a) and supporting the hypothesis that individualist cultures to
endorse the physical self more than collectivist cultures.
While regular exercise yields positive health benefits, particularly with respect
to healthy weight management, individuals who participate in regular exercise
for the control of body weight may be vulnerable to psychological disorders
that are manifested in compulsive dietary and exercise patterns. Among these
disorders are anorexia nervosa and bulimic nervosa. In addition, disorders
relating to excessive and compulsive exercise participation may also arise
among exercisers. Given that diet and exercise are the primary means available
to individuals to modify their weight and body image, it is not surprising that
some have argued that both dieting and activity-related disorders arise, some-
times concurrently, in exercisers, and have similar aetiology. Furthermore,
there is evidence to suggest that a compromised body image or physical self-
esteem may be a risk factor for these conditions to arise. This section will
define these conditions, outline their prevalence, identify their causes, and
propose potential interventions to ameliorate their incidence.
restaurants. Anorexic people may repeatedly check their body weight and
engage in other behaviours to control their body weight and composition,
such as intense and compulsive exercise, or purging by means of vomiting and
abuse of laxatives, enemas, and diuretics. Girls with anorexia often experience
a delayed onset of their first menstrual period, which is often the case of young
Bulimia nervosa occurs in between 1.10 and 4.20 per cent of the population
in the United States (American Psychiatric Association Work Group on Eating
Disorders 2000) and in between 0.00 and 3.90 per cent of European popula-
tions (Institute of Psychiatry 2004). Bulimia is defined by the DSM-IV as a
condition in which an individual consumes excessive amounts of food in a
short space of time with a concomitant sensation of loss of control and follows
this by compensatory behaviour to prevent weight gain such as purging
(vomiting), misuse of laxatives and diuretics, enemas, excessive exercise, and
fasting. The frequency of the binge–purge cycle should be of the order of at
least twice a week for three months for a clinical diagnosis. In some bulimics
no purging occurs, but other compensatory behaviours are adopted, known as
the non-purging type. Similar to anorexics, body image tends to be distorted
and mainly focused about body shape and weight. Often anorexia and bulimia
tend to coincide and up to 50 per cent of anorexics develop a binge–purge
cycle similar to that in bulimics (National Institute of Mental Health 1993).
Bulimics, in terms of diagnostic criteria, do not have the clinically defined low
body weight exhibited by anorexics.
While the incidence of these eating disorders in the general population is
relatively small, their profile in the media is exceptionally high, and this has
been attributed to links made between the portrayal of the body, particularly
the female body, in magazines, television, film, and other media, especially in
advertising (Kalodner and DeLucia-Waack 2003). One reason for this might be
the exceptionally young average age for the onset of eating disorders, between
16 and 18 years. Ironically, those portrayed in the media have an increased
tendency to succumb to eating disorders in order to perpetuate the prevalent
waif-like images among fashion models in the media and advertising. How-
ever, these eating disorders have a complex aetiology, and their development
may be the result of the prevalence of a number of risk factors. Further, there
may be factors unique to sport and exercise that result in the development of
eating disorders among athletes and exercisers.
The potential health risks of anorexia and bulimia are serious and have the
potential to result in mortality. In anorexics, the health risks are consistent
with severe malnutrition such as extreme muscle wastage, not only in the
skeletal muscle but also in respiratory and cardiac muscle, amenorrhea in
females, anaemia, and loss of bone mineral leading to conditions such as
osteoarthritis (Becker et al. 1999). The physical symptoms of anorexia nervosa
are excessive weight loss and skeletal muscle wastage, loss of hair, fatigue, and
low energy. Psychologically, eating disorders can lead to depressed mood and
depression. Mortality in anorexic people and, in fewer cases, bulimic people is
88 Exercise and the physical self
often due to complications from the condition such as cardiac arrest or electro-
lyte imbalance. In athletes, there is also enhanced potential for injury due to
fatigue and overuse injury as well as increased potential for bone fractures if
bone mineralization is limited (Yates 1999; Golden 2002). In addition, female
athletes with low body fat tend to have intermittent periods of amenorrhoea
which makes it difficult to detect the amenorrhoea that results from an eating
disorder (Golden 2002).
Numerous factors, biological, demographic, cultural, and social psycho-
logical have been identified as contributing to the development of eating dis-
orders. Research suggests that the development of eating disorders may have a
genetic component and that a complex combination of inherited traits and
environmental situations may give rise to the development of eating disorders
(Walters and Kendler 1995). As introduced earlier, such environmental factors
may be the culture of ‘thinness’ observed in media images in the Western
world. Globalization, the increase of media access in developed nations, and
the trend toward thin, waif-like physiques for females has been attributed to
the increased incidence of eating disorders in the past century (Toro et al.
1994). In terms of psychological factors, low self-esteem and body image
(Ackard et al. 2002), high trait anxiety (Lehoux et al. 2000), elevated anger
and depression (Breaux and Moreno 1994), high levels of social anxiety
(Hinrichsen et al. 2003), and a compulsive/dependency personality type
(Bornstein 2001) may also contribute to the development of an eating
In athletes, there may be additional factors that lead to the development of
eating disorders. There is evidence to suggest that athletes with eating dis-
orders may differ from eating disordered people from a normal population. For
example, Madison and Ruma (2003) found that athletes have a lower correl-
ation between the severity of their eating disorder and psychopathy with level
of exercise, suggesting that activity level is less associated with a disordered
psychological profile in athletes. In addition, Martin and Hausenblas (1998)
indicated that among aerobic instructors, levels of eating disordered symp-
toms were low, and much lower than other athletic populations, suggesting
that it may be competitive aspects of sport that could lead to eating disorders
in athletes. It may therefore be that exercise per se is not an essential aspect of
the eating disorder for athletes, possibly because they were exercisers before
they developed their condition. Furthermore, the focus of athletes’ eating
behaviour modification may not be linked to appearance per se. Instead, an
emphasis on a lean physique and the association with such a physique to
performance may result in an athlete developing eating and associated
behavioural patterns that, over time, become disordered. Halley and Hill
(2001), for example, found that eating-disordered elite runners had much
lower self-esteem, mental health, and placed considerable emphasis on a lean
physique compared with runners who did not have an eating disorder.
Furthermore, social factors may be important influential factors on an
athlete’s development of disordered eating patterns. Although perhaps
Exercise and the physical self 89
patterns of exercise and physical activity. Yates identified a group that had
developed these unusual patterns of exercise behaviour among male runners.
Yates et al. interviewed a number of male runners who covered more than 50
miles per week in training. The majority of those interviewed were high
achievers who participated in running because it gave them a sense of
achievement and felt it contributed to their psychological well-being and their
emotional stability. For these runners, their exercise patterns were considered
adaptive and contributing to overall psychological functioning. However, a
small percentage of the runners for whom their sport ‘instead of . . . contribut-
ing to their adaptation, running had become their adaptation. They seemed
locked into and controlled by the activity. These men were dubbed the
“obligatory” runners’ (1991: 26). The obligatory runners were characterized by
very high running mileage (up to 70 or 80 miles per week), but most import-
antly, their patterns of behaviour were consistent with the obsessive and com-
pulsive behavioural patterns of anorexic or bulimic patients. Their lifestyle
revolved about their running and was characterized by its disciplined, well-
ordered, and inflexible routine. The obligatory runners maintained a strict,
regimented running programme and often subordinated other aspects of their
life such as diet, occupation, and socializing to their running. Indeed, dieting
and exercise, Yates argues, are ‘interrelated methods of managing the body’
(1991: 49), and therefore obligatory runners are often subject to obligatory
dieting, particularly among females.
The detrimental effects of obligatory or compulsive exercise are numerous.
There is risk of over-use injury, potential for excessive weight loss which
results in similar health difficulties as anorexics, psychological burnout, mood
disturbance, depression, eating disorders, and low level of psychological well-
being (Hausenblas and Symons-Downs 2002a, 2002b). As a group, compulsive
exercisers like Yates’ obligatory runners tend to claim that they are content and
happy with their life when they are running, and become depressed and frus-
trated when they become injured and cannot run. However, a different picture
emerges when obligatory runners are interviewed several months after an
injury that has forced them to stop running. They often cite that their running
was ‘a chore they forced themselves to engage for reasons they did not com-
pletely understand’ (Yates 1991: 59). Thus, an obligatory runner exhibits a
maladaptive pattern of motivation, consistent with what Ryan and Deci
(1989) call an introjected locus of causality. Such a motivational orientation
suggests that although the activity has been partially integrated into the per-
son’s repertoire of behaviours, it still remains outside a sense of true self.
Importantly, individuals with these conditions participate for largely extrinsic
reasons and tend to be afflicted by guilt and shame when they do not complete
their daily routine. Therefore, individuals with ‘activity disorders’ tend to
exhibit low levels of psychological well-being and a maladaptive pattern of
motivation. Furthermore, they have the potential to result in serious harm to
themselves due to injury and excessive weight loss.
The obligatory runners are exemplars of activity-disordered individuals
92 Exercise and the physical self
Suggested reading
Fox, K.R. (1997) The Physical Self. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics. A recent com-
pendium of research on self-esteem and exercise with a heavy focus on hierarchical
Yates, A.B. (1991) Compulsive Exercise and the Eating Disorders. New York: Brunner/Mazel.
A readable clinical text on social psychological aspects of exercise and eating
At the most basic level, motivation is defined as an internal state that activates,
energizes, or drives action or behaviour and determines its intensity and direc-
tion. In addition, motivation is also thought to encompass the arousal and
persistence of action or behaviour. This definition tends to account for both
biologically based motives that serve to satiate physiological needs such as
hunger, thirst, and sex, as well as psychological or higher-order needs such
as fulfilment and self-actualization. Biological and emotion-based theories
view motivation as arising from an organism’s need to satisfy biological
requirements in a drive reduction hypothesis, derived from behaviourist prin-
ciples of arousal and reinforcement. Approaches that have focused on so-
called higher needs tend to view humans as having innate psychological
requirements such as the need for achievement or to demonstrate competence
(White 1959; Deci and Ryan 1985). The latter are derived from humanistic
approaches to motivation such as those put forward by Maslow (1943) in
which biological need satisfaction precede the satisfaction of higher-order
needs towards a complete satisfaction of a person’s needs repertoire in a
hierarchical fashion.
In social psychology, recent approaches to the study of motivation adopt a
social cognitive perspective, stressing informational processing, volition, and
explicit motivational constructs as the important processes that give rise to
goal-directed behaviour. Theories of intention (e.g. Meiland 1970; Ajzen and
Fishbein 1980) and self-efficacy theory (Bandura 1997) are influential social
cognitive theories to motivation (cf. Chapter 2). In such theories motivation
is viewed in terms of the pursuit of target behaviours to achieve a particular
goal. In sport and other achievement situations like academic and occu-
pational performance, goals are often essential to functioning and instru-
mental in fostering motivation. For example, attribution theory (Heider
1958) and achievement goal theory (Nicholls 1989) are two goal-oriented
social cognitive approaches to motivation and behaviour in sport. Such social
cognitive models of motivation are often criticized for not being explicit
enough in explaining the origins or formative antecedents of motivation.
Theories based on psychological needs such as self-determination theory (Deci
and Ryan 1985, 2000) are attractive in this regard as they provide the basis on
which motives toward specific behaviours arise. Need theories therefore
address the ‘why’ questions related to motivation. As Deci and Ryan state:
‘cognitive theories begin their analysis with a cognitive representation of some
future desired state (outcomes). What is missing, of course, is the consider-
ation of the conditions of the organism that makes these states desired’ (1985:
228). Therefore, need theories complement the social cognitive approaches
because they suggest that human behaviour in a multitude of contexts is
underpinned by psychological needs.
In summary, motivation is the driving force behind behaviour and is
characterized by its focus (selection and direction) and valence (intensity and
Social psychology and motivation 101
Attribution theory
Sports participants and athletes are always striving to make sense of the causes
of good and bad performances. Sometimes they make excuses for not making
the right decisions or not living up to expectations. Other times they are bash-
ful or magnanimous in the face of success or failure, citing good luck rather
than good judgement as reasons for their accomplishment. Some blame them-
selves or others for the misfortune of losing. Others brashly state that they
knew that they would be successful and expect to be successful again. In all
these scenarios, athletes are making attributions for their successes and
failures. They are assigning perceived causes to the outcomes they have
experienced as a result of their performance or behaviour in sport. Attribution
theory is the study of the processes that underlie these attributions and how
they affect subsequent motivation and behaviour.
Weiner’s (Weiner et al. 1972) theory of attribution focused on understand-
ing the nature, causes, and consequences of attributions of success and failure
in achievement situations. He adopted Heider’s (1958) proposal that attribu-
tions could be internal or external and extended them to account for the range
of attributions possible in achievement situations. Weiner hypothesized that
people’s attributions for success or failure could be characterized by three
bipolar dimensions: locus of causality (internal or external), the stability of the
cause (stable or unstable), and whether the cause is controllable by the indi-
vidual making the attribution (controllable or uncontrollable). In terms of
mechanisms, it was theorized that after an achievement event, an individual
assesses whether they have succeeded or failed and they experience a general
positive or negative emotional response, respectively. The attribution is then
ascribed following the experience of more specific affective responses based on
specific performance outcomes (e.g. pride if success is attributed to ability, or
hopelessness if failure is attributed to luck). On the basis of these attributions,
expectations of future success regarding prospective behavioural engagement
are formed. This model resulted in the development of a three-dimensional
taxonomy of attributions in achievement situations, illustrated in Figure 5.1.
Weiner initially focused on the locus of causality and stability dimensions
and illustrated how attributions of success or failure could be internal
and stable (ability), internal and unstable (effort), external and stable (task
102 Social psychology and motivation
and stable (i.e. ability) causes is followed by a failure on the next attempt. This
may lead to an attribution of the failure to ability as well, which will result in a
maladaptive attributional profile. Beliefs about control over future task per-
formance are important in this regard. Ability tends to be relatively fixed and
uncontrollable, and therefore an attribution of success to a more controllable
form of cause (i.e. effort) may result in a more adaptive motivational pattern in
subsequent performance.
In sport, a large body of research has examined the efficacy of attribution
theory to explain the attributions that athletes make regarding their success
and failure, and also whether those attributions have implications for future
motivation (Biddle et al. 2001; McAuley and Blissmer 2002). Early research in
attribution theory examined the prevalence and nature of attributions accord-
ing to Weiner’s (Weiner et al. 1972) conceptualization. These studies demon-
strated that the attributions did not fall into the neat taxonomy offered by
Weiner and found that certain attributions were interpreted differently under
success and failure. For example, Iso-Ahola (1977) found that effort was related
to ability in a win situation but to luck and task difficulty in a lose situation in
young baseball players. This suggested a flexibility in the children’s attribu-
tions such that effort was treated as an internal attribution in successful
circumstances, and as external in conditions of failure. Further, different types
of attribution were found in sports participants, for example, lack of practice
or training was an important external attribution under failure conditions
(Iso-Ahola 1977). Similarly, Roberts and Pascuzzi (1979) found that the
attributions made by undergraduate sports students regarding sport situations
could not be adequately categorized as ability, effort, luck, and task difficulty.
However, the attributions could be adequately categorized into Weiner’s 2 × 2
(locus of causality × stability) contingency of attributions. These findings sug-
gest that while Weiner’s dimensions were applicable to attributions in
sport, the rigid classification of the type of attributions, i.e. ability, effort, task
difficulty, and luck did not hold.
Studies have also investigated whether a self-serving bias exists when indi-
viduals make attributions for their success and failure in sport contexts. Self-
serving biases are observed in many areas in social psychology, and reflect an
individual actively trying to maintain their self-esteem or a positive and con-
sistent view of themselves. In attribution research, individuals have been
shown to generally attribute success to internal causes and failure to external
causes (Weiner et al. 1972). This self-serving bias was supported by a meta-
analysis of 91 studies conducted by Mullen and Riordan (1988). They found
moderate effect sizes for a general internal/external and ability dimensions
and low effect sizes for effort, luck, and task difficulty. This seemed to point to
a deliberate bias towards internal attributions, however, group size also
affected the size of the bias leading the authors to conclude that the attribu-
tion profile was more a function of information processing than intentional
bias towards the self. Similarly, research has suggested that athletes may have
dispositional tendencies to report certain types of attributions, known as
104 Social psychology and motivation
Definition of self-efficacy
Self-efficacy is an individual’s personal estimate of confidence in his or her
capability to accomplish a certain level of performance. According to Bandura,
‘Perceived self-efficacy is defined as people’s beliefs about their capabilities to
produce designated levels of performance that exercise influence over events
that affect their lives’ (1994: 71). Unpacking this rather dense definition, self-
efficacy is a set of beliefs held by an individual regarding his or her capacity or
ability regarding their performance of an upcoming behaviour or action. It
also comprises beliefs related to their ability that doing the behaviour will
result in salient outcomes. Self-efficacy beliefs are a function of a number of
different experiential and situational factors as determined by social cognitive
theory. An important property of self-efficacy is that it is situation-specific and
reflects judgements or expectations in a given context directed towards per-
sonally-defined outcomes. It has therefore been defined by some authors as
‘situation-specific self-confidence’ (Feltz and Chase 1998: 60). Indeed, as with
many other theories that adopt a correspondence rule or boundary condition
(e.g. Ajzen 1985), self-efficacy generally has most potency in predicting out-
comes such as performance and behaviour when it is specific to that
behaviour. In addition, due to its situated specificity, self-efficacy is also modi-
fiable. As will be seen later, an individual’s level of self-efficacy is dependent on
106 Social psychology and motivation
Self-efficacy in sport
Self-efficacy and social cognitive theory have been the subject of intensive and
prolonged research in a number of applied social psychology areas, including
educational psychology, health psychology, occupational psychology, and
sport and exercise psychology. Meta-analyses of research with self-efficacy
have indicated a significant relationship of moderate effect size between self-
efficacy and behaviour such as work-related performance (e.g. Stajkovic and
Luthans 1998). To date, there is no meta-analysis of the effects of self-efficacy
on the salient outcome variables from Bandura’s social cognitive theory in
sport, which is surprising considering the number of studies that have been
conducted in the area. There are, however, a number of narrative reviews of
the effect of self-efficacy in sport that have supported the important tenets of
social cognitive theory (e.g. Feltz and Chase 1998; McAuley and Blissmer
2002). These reviews unanimously acknowledge the pervasive effect of self-
efficacy beliefs on sport performance. Feltz and Chase, for example, cited 11
studies with 29 tests of the explicit relationship between level of self-efficacy
and overt performance and revealed that 25 of these tests were significant.
Reviews have also noted trends in relationships between self-efficacy and other
salient relationships from social cognitive theory, such as the large effect that
performance accomplishment has on self-efficacy above the other antecedent
variables and the effect of self-efficacy on intention and motivation (Feltz and
Chase 1998). The consensus from these reviews is that self-efficacy is an
important and influential construct in sport psychology and motivation, mir-
roring the support for self-efficacy in meta-analyses in other domains. Future
researchers in the field should seek to conduct the first meta-analysis of self-
efficacy in the sport domain to quantify the relationships identified in the
narrative reviews.
Outcome expectancies
Another salient variable in social cognitive theory is outcome expectancies.
Bandura (1977, 1997) viewed these as beliefs regarding the potency of the
behaviour rather than beliefs about personal skill and ability. It was proposed
that both sets of beliefs will affect behavioural and psychological outcomes,
but in achievement situations, self-efficacy will have a stronger influence on
sport performance and persistence. Lee provided some evidence to support the
higher validity of personal evaluations of outcome compared with objective
evaluations based on previous performance in gymnasts. It was found that
outcome expectancies were a more accurate predictor of gymnasts’ scores than
previous scores, supporting the importance of subjective judgements regard-
ing the behaviour. Interestingly, Martin and Gill (1991) found a stronger influ-
ence of what they called outcome self-efficacy on the performance of a fine
Social psychology and motivation 111
Antecedents of self-efficacy
Research in sport and exercise has examined the effect of each of the four key
sources of information: performance accomplishments, vicarious experience,
verbal persuasion, and physiological states (see Figure 5.2) on self-efficacy
beliefs. Previous experience, although a slightly crude proxy for performance
accomplishment, has been shown to predict self-efficacy in a number of stud-
ies (e.g. George 1994; Feltz and Chase 1998). In terms of vicarious experience,
studies have indicated that models have a pervasive effect on self-efficacy
(Gould and Weiss 1981; McAuley 1985). The effects of self-modelling on self-
efficacy have been inconclusive, although Starek and McCullagh (1999) found
no differences in novice swimmers’ self-efficacy levels when either self or other
models were used. Carnahan, Shea, and Davis (1990) demonstrated that parti-
cipants completing a bench-press exercise reported higher self-efficacy when
their ‘spotter’ provided visual and verbal cues compared with no cues, indicat-
ing that verbal persuasion can affect self-efficacy. Finally, physiological states
such as cognitive and somatic anxiety have been implicated in predicting self-
efficacy (e.g. Martin and Gill 1991), although some studies have examined
anxiety from a trait perspective (e.g. George 1994; Martin and Gill 1995)
which does influence self-efficacy but is not strictly a physiological state but a
tendency to be in that state in threatening situations.
A limited number of studies have investigated the impact of multiple sources
of information on self-efficacy simultaneously. Gould and Weiss (1981) exam-
ined the effects of similar and dissimilar models that gave varying levels of
verbal persuasion (they called it ‘self-efficacy talk’) on participants’ perform-
ance of a muscular endurance task. Model similarity had the strongest effect
on performance, with participants given a model similar to themselves per-
forming better on the motor task than participants given a dissimilar model.
Participants receiving positive ‘self-efficacy talk’ and no-talk conditions per-
formed better than those receiving negative talk and ‘irrelevant’ talk models.
Wise and Trunnell (2001) studied the effects of three types of information on
bench-press exercise performance: performance accomplishment, use of a
model, and verbal message. Results demonstrated that performance
accomplishment resulted in the highest levels of self-efficacy, followed by
modelling and use of a verbal message. This is supported by Feltz and Chase
(1998) who report that previous performance is a better predictor of self-
efficacy than autonomic (physiological) perception. Previous performance
112 Social psychology and motivation
Goal involvement
Much of the research on achievement goal theory in sport and exercise has
focused on the effects of the dispositional and trait-like task and ego orienta-
tions on motivation-related constructs and behaviour. This research has
tended to emphasize the importance of a task orientation, alone or in conjunc-
tion with ego orientation, to foster motivationally-adaptive psychological
profiles in athletes. However, recent research has questioned the heavy focus
116 Social psychology and motivation
Motivational climate
One of the key contributions made by Ames’ (1992) research on achievement
goal theory is the role that situational factors, particularly the prevailing goal
structure operating in the achievement context, have on the situational goal
states observed in a given achievement situation. Ames (1992) and Nicholls
(1989) hypothesized that the motivational orientation experienced by an
individual performing a task in an achievement context was a function of their
dispositional goal orientation and the situational goal structure or motivational
climate operating in the context. Motivational climate reflects how com-
petence is typically evaluated with respect to tasks in a given environment and
is viewed as a function of the goals to be achieved, the role of competition or
Social psychology and motivation 117
Self-determination theory
Cognitive evaluation theory states that if the role of a reward has an infor-
mational function with respect to behavioural performance rather than the
behaviour being performed for the reward itself, then it will not undermine
intrinsic motivation (Deci and Ryan 1985). However, if a person engages in the
behaviour for the reward itself, the intrinsically motivating properties of
the behaviour will be lost to the individual and they will feel that their
engagement in the behaviour is outside their personal sphere of effectance or
‘locus of causality’. This has been labelled the undermining effect (Deci et al.
1999b) because the reward represents an additional reason for doing the
behaviour that is without explanation and above and beyond the intrinsic
reasons. Studies examining individuals solving interesting puzzles have sup-
ported this effect on a number of occasions. For example, Deci and Ryan
(1985) report a series of experiments in which participants solving a novel
puzzle were presented with a monetary reward. Half of the subjects were given
controlling feedback about their performance being told that they did as well
as they should according to the normative standard. The other half given
informational feedback about their performance; they were told that they did
well according to their own standards and the money was presented to
acknowledge their success. The group that received the controlling feedback
exhibited significantly lower levels of intrinsic motivation than the partici-
pants receiving the informational feedback, as indicated by free choice
engagement in the puzzle when the experimenter left the room. In addition to
the undermining effect, perceived competence also plays an important role in
cognitive evaluation theory. As reviewed in Chapter 3, feedback that supports
competence and is informational regarding performance (e.g. positive feed-
back, verbal praise) will enhance intrinsic motivation while feedback that
compromises competence and is controlling with respect to performance (e.g.
negative feedback, criticism) will reduce intrinsic motivation.
The undermining effect of rewards and other external contingencies such as
deadlines and feedback has been the subject of a large number of studies in a
number of achievement domains, but mostly in educational contexts. A num-
ber of meta-analytic studies have been conducted to examine robustness of the
findings for this effect across studies (e.g. Cameron and Pierce 1994; Deci et al.
1999a). Cameron and Pierce conducted a meta-analysis on 96 experimental
studies and found that verbal praise increased intrinsic motivation in
rewarded participants, but intrinsic motivation was not substantially under-
mined by the presence of a reward. They suggested that the undermining
effect is an exaggerated phenomenon only seen in certain contingencies, such
as when the reward was given for a behaviour with no prior expectation. They
also found that praise undermined intrinsic motivation when an extrinsic
reward was given. The authors concluded that the ‘negative effects of rewards
are limited and easily avoidable’ (1994: 29). However, Cameron and Pierce’s
analysis was criticized as confounding some interaction effects for rewards
and small effect sizes (Deci et al. 1999a). Deci et al. conducted another
meta-analysis of 128 experiments on the undermining effect and found
120 Social psychology and motivation
significant effect sizes for all types of reward contingencies (e.g. task-
contingent, task-completion, engagement contingent, and performance con-
tingent, see Chapter 3) for the undermining of intrinsic motivation. A strong
effect was also found for verbal praise on intrinsic motivation. The authors
concluded that these data provided strong support across a number of con-
texts for the undermining effect. On reflection, it seems that the balance falls
in favour of cognitive evaluation theory and that the undermining effect
may be a real one, and this may be especially so if the reward communicates
controlling contingencies.
In sport, cognitive evaluation theory has been investigated primarily with
respect to the effects of feedback on performers (Ryan et al. 1984). Self-
determination theory constructs in sport context have typically been meas-
ured largely by the sport motivation scale (SMS, Pelletier et al. 1995), which
has constructs common to measures of the perceived locus of causality in
other contexts and exhibits adequate construct validity and internal reliability
(Sarrazin et al. 2002). A number of studies have indicated significant effects of
positive feedback and verbal praise on athletes’ intrinsic motivation and com-
petence (e.g. Vallerand and Reid 1984; Whitehead and Corbin 1991). These
studies used intervention and control groups of athletes with the intervention
groups receiving varying levels of feedback from coaches or experimenters
about their performance of sport-related tasks. Furthermore, in these studies,
perceived competence seemed to be a mediator of the influence of intrinsic
motivation of sports performance, consistent with the notion that needs for
competence and self-determination are complementary, as has been shown in
research in other contexts such as education (Reeve 2002). However, to date,
no sports-related study has replicated the findings of Deci and colleagues in
terms of the effect of feedback on free-choice sport behaviour and interest, a
study that would unequivocally support self-determination theory in sport
contexts. Further, although many authors have cited the role that cognitive
evaluation theory has to play in examining the effects of rewards on sport
behaviour, few studies have examined the effect of a tangible reward on sports
Research in sport has also examined associations between perceived locus
of causality and other motivational variables. Pelletier et al. (1995) found
positive correlations between identified regulation and other hypothesized
determinants of sport behaviour such as perceived autonomy and com-
petence and outcome variables such as effort, intentions, and behaviour. Self-
determined forms of extrinsic motivation was found to influence persistence
among competitive swimmers over a 22-month period. Studies have also
pointed out positive relationships between perceived relatedness, autonomy,
and locus of causality (e.g. Ntoumanis 2001). This empirical evidence sup-
ports the construct validity of the perceived locus of causality in a sport
context and suggests that the motivational constructs in the sport motiv-
ation scales have a significant effect on key determinant and outcome
Social psychology and motivation 121
beat the other competitors, their intrinsic motivation was not undermined but
under pressuring conditions the undermining effect occurred. Importantly,
comparing these finding with a control group that had no competition and no
pressuring/non-pressuring feedback, Reeve and Deci found that the winning/
non-pressuring group participants had higher levels of intrinsic motivation
than the control group and the winning/pressuring group participants had
lower levels of intrinsic motivation.
The issue of competition becomes more complex when rewards are intro-
duced in conjunction with competition. However, the tenets of cognitive
evaluation theory are able to explain the effects of interactions between
competition, rewards, and interpersonal context on intrinsic motivation. In
competition, there are two types of rewards, competitively contingent rewards
and performance-contingent rewards. Competitively contingent rewards are
rewards that are attained for beating an opponent in direct competition, while
performance-contingent rewards are given when a normative standard is
reached. Thus, a performance-contingent reward can be attained by a number
of individuals while a competitively contingent reward can only be given to
the winner. In experiments studying competition and rewards, the effect of
three independent variables on intrinsic motivation can be seen: (1) the type
of the reward (competitive contingent or performance-contingent); (2) the
competitive outcome (winning or losing); and (3) the interpersonal context in
which the competitive task is presented (controlling or informational feed-
back). These groups are typically compared with groups that perform the task
in the absence of competition, receive no feedback, and receive no reward.
Research in this area has been limited, but findings suggest that when consid-
ered together, winners and losers receiving competitively contingent rewards
have lower levels of intrinsic motivation compared to a no-competition/
no-feedback/no-reward condition (Prichard et al. 1977).
Vansteenkiste and Deci (2003) investigated the effects of winning or losing
on intrinsic motivation in competitors who received competitive and
performance-contingent rewards. Winners were more intrinsically motivated
than losers, which partially reaffirms the premise that competition is inher-
ently controlling. However, it was found that among losers in competitive
situations positive feedback for meeting a specified standard (performance-
contingent feedback) went a long way to allay the negative effects of losing on
intrinsic motivation, while losers who received a reward for achieving a speci-
fied standard of performance (performance-contingent feedback) exhibited
reduced intrinsic motivation but their enjoyment of the task was unaffected.
The authors concluded that:
According to Iyengar and DeVoe (2003), the answer may lie in the structure
or underlying norms of the group and its effect on the way free choice and
the causality of behaviour is viewed, an explanation that is consistent with
self-determination theory.
Iyengar and DeVoe present evidence to suggest that people in collectivist
cultures tend to take into account the considerations of significant others
when making choices and decisions. As a consequence, people in collectivist
cultures tend to report higher intrinsic motivation when their choices are con-
sistent with the wishes of significant others or the cultural norm than when
making choices on their own. This may have a pervasive effect on how choice
and intrinsic motivation operate in a team context in which the pervading
environment is autocratic and no autonomy-supportive behaviours are dis-
played by the coach. Iyengar and DeVoe report experiments that examined the
effects of a collectivist culture on the intrinsic motivation. They used two
groups of children: European-Americans who had a predominantly individual-
ist cultural norm and endorsed personal choice and an independent view of
the self; and Asian-Americans whose prevailing cultural norm was collectivist
with an interdependent notion of self. Participants from each group were pre-
sented with the opportunity to solve a series of anagrams of equal difficulty
presented under three conditions. One group of children was told that the
anagrams had been chosen by an adult unknown to them (an experimenter)
while another was told that a significant other (their mothers) had chosen for
them. A third group was allowed to choose for themselves. In the experi-
menter choice condition, Asian-American and European-American reported
identical levels of intrinsic motivation. Most telling though was the finding
that European-American children reported significantly higher intrinsic
motivation than Asian-Americans children when personal choice was granted,
while Asian-Americans reported significantly higher intrinsic motivation
when they were told the significant other chose the anagram.
To explain these findings, it was proposed that the significant other choice
was more appealing to the preferences of children from the collectivist culture
because it reflected their tendency to respectfully account for significant
others’ views when making decisions. According to self-determination theory,
the participants from the collectivist group had internalized the group norm
to respect and accept the choices of other important members of the in-group,
and that is considered more important than personal choice. Thus, the choices
of others and those of the in-group are more salient to intrinsic motivation in a
collectivist culture than personal choice. Recent research suggests that differ-
ences in collectivist and individualist group norms also operate in social con-
texts not just in cultural groups (McAuliffe et al. 2003). Therefore, it is possible
that a collectivist group norm operated in Clough’s teams and they were
prepared to forego personal choice and volition because the group respected
and had internalized the instructions and autocratic style of the coach. In
such a context it is possible for intrinsic motivation to flourish in a team
where autonomy support is not evident and controlling leadership styles
Social psychology and motivation 125
Figure 5.3 Vallerand and Ratelle’s (2002) hierarchical model of intrinsic and
extrinsic motivation
Source: Vallerand and Ratelle (2002: 41)
found support for the sequence proposed by Vallerand (1997) from social con-
text (task-orientated motivational climate), to motivational styles (perceived
autonomy, relatedness, and competence), to intrinsic motivation, and situ-
ational decisions and behaviour (dropout intentions and behaviour). This
provides support for some major tenets of the hierarchical model in a sport
Suggested reading
Biddle, S.J.H. (1999) Motivation and perceptions of control: tracing its development
and plotting its future in exercise and sport psychology, Journal of Sport and Exercise
Psychology, 21: 1–23. Award-winning review of motivational theories in sport and
exercise and control-related social cognitive constructs.
Biddle, S.J.H., Hanrahan, S.J. and Sellars, C.N. (2001) Attributions: Past, present, and
future, in R.N. Singer, H.A. Hausenblas and C.M. Janelle (eds), Handbook of Sport
Psychology (pp. 444–71). New York: Wiley. A review of attribution theory and its con-
tribution to exercise and sport psychology.
Chatzisarantis, N.L.D., Hagger, M.S., Biddle, S.J.H., Smith, B. and Wang, J.C.K. (2003) A
meta-analysis of perceived locus of causality in exercise, sport, and physical educa-
tion contexts, Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 25: 284–306. Summarizes the
contribution of self-determination theory to sport.
Duda, J.L. and Hall, H. (2001) Achievement goal theory in sport: recent extensions and
future directions, in R.N. Singer, H.A. Hausenblas and C. Janelle (eds), Handbook of
Sport Psychology (pp. 417–43). New York: Wiley. Recent update of the role of achieve-
ment goal theory in sport.
Feltz, D.L. and Chase, M.A. (1998) The measurement of self-efficacy and confidence
in sport, in J.L. Duda (ed.), Advances in Sport and Exercise Psychology Measurement
(pp. 65–80). Morgantown, WV: Fitness Information Technology. A very informative
overview of self-efficacy theory in sport psychology.
greatest ‘chokes’ of all time. There are other examples, Martina Hingis resort-
ing to serving underarm against Steffi Graf in the 2000 French Open tennis
final after being unable to get any serve in and John Aldridge’s penalty miss
that handed the English FA cup to Wimbledon in 1988. Why should these
acknowledged champions fail to perform to anywhere near the high standards
they and others expect of them in high pressure situations? Anxiety, the set of
negative affective states associated with an inability to cope with stress placed
on an individual by environmental demands, is often the culprit. Elite and
professional athletes are schooled in the negative effects of anxiety and so-
called ‘negative’ emotional states on sport performance and many athletes
seek the help of sport psychologists for assistance with anxiety control.
Indeed, the majority of sport psychology consultations involve anxiety
management (Crocker et al. 1988). This chapter aims to evaluate social
psychological research into the role of emotion in sport and describe the
relationships between emotional states, psychological constructs, and sports
On the surface, research in cognition and emotion may not seem entirely
relevant to social psychological investigations into sport performance. How-
ever, an examination of the components of social cognitive theories will stand
as testament to the importance of emotion constructs in social psychology.
For example, as we saw in Chapter 2, affect has been shown to be an integral
component of the attitude construct in extensions of the theory of planned
behaviour (Hagger and Chatzisarantis, in press). Moreover, while models of
social cognition acknowledge that social information from the environment
(stimuli) and learnt personal belief systems are processed and serve as a basis
for motives, decisions, intentions, and behavioural responses, this does not
happen in a vacuum, devoid of feeling states or emotions (Eagly and Chaiken
1993; Perugini and Conner 2000). Emotions can also operate as response or
outcome states as well as sources of information for attributions, judgements,
beliefs, expectations, desires, intentions, and other social cognitive constructs.
Therefore, the study of social cognition and emotion in applied settings such
as sport is necessary, given the clearly complementary nature of these con-
structs, in order to explain the complex set of behavioural responses observed
in intense emotive sport situations, such as ‘choking’.
and anxiety. These terms are often used in a non-systematic manner and inter-
changeably making the interpretation and the exact nature of the explan-
ations offered by social psychological approaches of the role of affect-related
constructs in sports performance difficult. That stated, full agreement among
researchers in social cognition and emotion as to the distinction between
affect, emotion, and emotion-related terms is lacking and researchers state
that formal working definitions of these terms may be unclear due to substan-
tial overlaps between the concepts (Smith et al. 1993). Therefore, any def-
initions of affect-related concepts must indicate the boundaries, limitations,
and potential confounds.
Affect is a general or ‘umbrella’ term that encompasses all ‘mental feeling
processes’ (Bagozzi et al. 2002: 37), and therefore can account for the ‘felt’
aspects of emotion as well as the directive and motivational aspects, such as
the case of affective attitudes. A number of authors have suggested that affect
reflects ‘valenced feeling states’, a term that implies both directionality and a
number of specific emotion-related terms such as emotion and mood. There-
fore, emotion and mood can be considered as specific types of affective states
with anger, anxiety, guilt, and shame being specific examples of these emotion
Formal definitions of emotion usually incorporate not only feeling states,
but also make reference to a ‘mental state or readiness’ arising from cognitive
interpretation of psychological and physiological states such as heightened
arousal (Smith et al. 1993). Furthermore, emotions are considered to have
direction towards a given object, person, or behaviour, much like attitudes,
particularly according to appraisal theorists (Smith et al. 1993). In addition,
emotion can also be described as having a behavioural or response function in
that it affects behaviour, such as facial expression of emotion and cognitive
and behavioural means to cope with the emotion (Bagozzi et al. 2002). Emo-
tions therefore have ‘action tendencies’. A vast array of emotions have been
identified in the social psychology literature, but ethological and cross-cultural
psychology research has identified six basic or core emotions: anger, fear,
sadness, happiness, surprise, and disgust (Ekman 1992). However, as we shall
see later, although not considered a core emotion, anxiety is recognized as an
important emotion in sport.
Mood is, by convention, considered different from emotion as it usually com-
prises a profile of different affective states, is less intense, more prolonged, and
with no action tendency. Mood is therefore less transient than emotion and
does not usually arise from the appraisal of specific events. However, the bound-
ary is sometimes less clear and both mood and specific emotions have been
implicated in sports performance. Indeed, some theorists claim that temporal
stability as a defining property of mood with respect to emotion is not valid
given moods and emotions can be both transient and prolonged (Frijda 1994).
Despite this lack of a clear distinction, mood is generally considered by emotion
theorists as different from emotion in its reduced ability to produce an action
tendency, its lower intensity, and its prolonged rather than transient nature.
Athletes are emotional, too 133
different factors. The content of the items loading on the first of these factors
reflected negative aspects of the cognitive anxiety pool of items (e.g. ‘I am
concerned about performing poorly’, ‘I am concerned about choking under
pressure’) while the item content of the remaining factor reflected positively
worded items from the cognitive anxiety item pool (e.g. ‘I feel self-confident’,
‘I am confident of coming through under pressure’). These factors were
labelled cognitive anxiety and self-confidence, respectively. The structure and
content of the resulting 27-item inventory representing Burton (1988) and
Martens et al.’s (1990) multidimensional model of anxiety have received
much attention in the literature (Burton 1998; Gould et al. 2002; Craft et al.
2003). However, while in the initial validity studies the use of the CSAI-2
supported its construct and factorial validity, discriminant validity, test–
retest reliability, internal consistency, and predictive validity in terms of
levels of the cognitive and somatic components prior to competition (Mar-
tens et al. 1990), recent research has questioned some of these initial
The CSAI-2 has been further developed using confirmatory factor analysis
that has a number of advantages over the exploratory model used in the
initial development of the inventory (Cox et al. 2003). These analyses have
revealed that the inventory had a problematic structure that was mainly
attributed to the inclusion of items that displayed high residual variance, that
is, items that were not adequately representative of their hypothesized latent
factor. Cox systematically eliminated 10 items from the original inventory to
produce a more parsimonious 17-item revised CSAI-2 that exhibited good fit
with multiple samples in subsequent confirmatory factor analyses (Cox et al.
In addition to questions surrounding the construct validity of the CSAI-2,
studies have also indicated that the relationships between its components are
highly variable. The correlations between somatic and cognitive anxiety
components and self-confidence usually reflect a theoretically predictable pat-
tern with negative relations between self-confidence and the two anxiety
components and positive relationships observed between the two anxiety
components. Schwenkmezger and Steffgen (1989) meta-analysed a series of
studies examining these interrelations and suggested that the corrected correl-
ations were in the predicted direction and were significantly different from
zero. However, more recent meta-analytic studies on the CSAI-2 have indi-
cated that the relationships between the components of anxiety are signifi-
cant, relatively strong, and in the predicted direction (Craft et al. 2003). These
results lend support to the notion that the multiple components of competi-
tive anxiety exhibit discriminant validity. In summary, despite problems with
the factor structure that have been resolved through the modification of the
inventory by confirmatory factor analysis, the CSAI-2 appears to have
adequate conceptual and measurement properties. The next section will
review the efficacy of research examining the anxiety-sport performance
Athletes are emotional, too 137
Anxiety–performance hypothesis
One of the key criteria for the validation of the CSAI-2 and an important
hypothesis of multidimensional anxiety theory is the anxiety–performance
hypothesis. Martens et al. (1990) and Burton (1998) suggested that as competi-
tion approached, the three components of anxiety would exhibit a character-
istic pattern in terms of level and influence on performance. It was proposed
that self-confidence ratings would increase prior to competition and then be
subject to changes within competition. It was hypothesized that somatic anx-
iety levels would be relatively low until shortly before competition, would
rapidly increase immediately prior to competition, and then rapidly decrease
thereafter. It was expected that cognitive anxiety would be at an elevated state
prior to competition and decrease at the onset of competition, but be subject
to changes during competition, particularly for open skills. Research has gen-
erally supported the predicted temporal fluctuations in anxiety levels prior to
performance and has shown the detrimental effects of these levels of anxiety
on sport-related cognitive and motor tasks as competition approaches
(Martens et al. 1990). In addition, research has suggested that self-confidence
ratings tend to remain stable leading up to competition, but tend to decrease
just prior to and during competition (Martens et al. 1990).
Martens et al. also expected the strength of relationships between the differ-
ent components of somatic, cognitive, and self-confidence and performance
to vary prior to competition. They report a study examining relationships
between sport performance and cognitive and somatic anxiety in elite golfers
in non-competition (1–2 days before competition), pre-competition (1 hour
before), and mid-competition (after first 9 holes) indicated that non-
competition and pre-competition cognitive and somatic anxiety levels did not
determine initial performance (first 9 holes) but significantly predicted later
performance (last 9 holes). Mid-competition scores for both cognitive and
somatic anxiety did predict later performance. This provides some empirical
support that pre-competition state anxiety only interferes with subsequent
performance, which is contrary to anecdotal observations that elevated anx-
iety just prior to an event may hinder immediate performance. Furthermore,
findings from this study did not support the differential effects of cognitive
and somatic anxiety on performance, the effects were similar for both anxiety
components. However, subsequent follow-up studies showed stronger nega-
tive relationships between cognitive anxiety and sport performance for com-
petitive swimmers and a positive relationship between self-confidence and
performance and a curvilinear relationship with somatic anxiety (Burton
1988). These results have been supported in other studies, although the tem-
poral patterning of the correlations has not received consistent support, as
indicated by Martens et al. (1990).
138 Athletes are emotional, too
interactions with others perhaps place more demands on the performer and
therefore increase performance-related anxiety responses. Although, analo-
gously, individual sports performers seem to demonstrate a greater anxiety–
performance relationship, particularly for self-confidence, this is probably
because there are no teammates to moderate levels of anxiety and pressure is
greater when competing alone.
Anxiety levels and self-confidence ratings in elite level athletes, particularly
European club-level athletes, had the strongest impact on performance than
any other athlete group. Interestingly, at this level, cognitive anxiety and
somatic anxiety had a positive effect on performance, which has implications
for the facilitative anxiety model that will be reviewed later (see Jones et al.
1994). Paradoxically, the anxiety levels from the CSAI-2 seemed to have the
strongest influence at an intermediate time-point prior to competition (31–59
min) compared with longer and much shorter time intervals. The authors
suggested that proximal levels of anxiety have a time lag before they have an
impact on performance, possibly because self-reported anxiety levels are
unrealistic or inaccurately reported, while distal measures of anxiety are not as
relevant because the competition is a long way off. In summary, the meta-
analysis suggests that although cognitive and somatic anxiety are related to
sports performance, and moderated by type of sport, type of skill, athlete level,
and time prior to competition, they have only weak influences on perform-
ance. Self-confidence levels have a stronger impact on performance and are
much more consistently related to performance than the other anxiety com-
ponents. These results therefore point to the importance of the self-confidence
variable, corroborate a cognitive approach to the study of anxiety, and suggest
that means to promote more positive cognitive-affective states would be most
efficacious in improving sport performance.
inadequate and a more complex relationship has been proposed by Hardy and
co-workers (Hardy 1990; Hardy and Parfitt 1991) (see catastrophe theory, this
chapter). In summary, while arousal has been implicated in emotional re-
sponses such as anxiety in competitive situations, and optimal arousal theory
provided an early theoretical basis for the arousal–performance relationship,
limitations of these theories have demanded the development of more sophi-
sticated explanations of the arousal–performance relationship embedded in
cognitive theories of anxiety.
Thus far the focus of this chapter has been on examining the role of anxiety on
sport performance. However, just as anxiety is an antecedent of sports per-
formance, social psychological theories have identified a number of constructs
that give rise to elevated anxiety in competitive situations. Such antecedents
are particularly relevant for targeting key variables for intervention. For
example, if the reduction of cognitive anxiety will result in a concomitant
increase in performance as the hypotheses of multidimensional anxiety theory
predict, then the psychological variables that reduce cognitive anxiety would
be useful targets for intervention. In this respect such psychological constructs
would have an indirect effect on sports performance mediated by anxiety (see
Figure 6.2). Therefore, distal, trait-like constructs (such as competitive trait
anxiety, or goal orientations) would determine more proximal, state-like
142 Athletes are emotional, too
Trait anxiety
As mentioned previously, one of the means cited by Martens et al. (1990) in
multidimensional anxiety theory to account for baseline or ‘typical’ anxiety in
athletes would be to control for trait anxiety. Partialling out trait anxiety
would serve to control (statistically set all individuals in an interindividual test
of the anxiety–performance relationship to the same level of trait anxiety) the
effect of a general tendency to be anxious in competitive situations and permit
the examination of the unique effects of situated, state anxiety on perform-
ance. It is therefore of interest to researchers concerned with predicting per-
formance whether trait anxiety explains variance in state anxiety, and more
importantly if trait anxiety accounts for variance in sports performance and
whether the trait anxiety–performance relationship is accounted for by state
anxiety. This would give rise to a top-down, hierarchical model of anxiety
from a generalized, global construct to more specific situational judgements in
keeping with other hierarchical social cognitive models of behaviour (e.g.
Vallerand 1997), as shown in Figure 6.2.
Research has indicated significant relationships between trait anxiety and
the components from the CSAI-2 (Gould et al. 1984; Yan Lan and Gill 1984;
Crocker et al. 1988). In terms of the specific components, differential predic-
tions of cognitive and somatic anxiety are inconclusive with some researchers
finding strong correlations for trait anxiety with both cognitive and somatic
components (Gould et al. 1984), and some with either cognitive (Crocker et al.
1988) or somatic (Yan Lan and Gill 1984) components alone. In addition, trait
measures of self-confidence have predicted state measures of self-confidence
(Vealey 1986). However, few studies have controlled for trait levels of anxiety
Athletes are emotional, too 143
when predicting sport performance from state anxiety levels, and this remains
a useful avenue for further research.
performers two hours prior, one hour after, and 24 hours after competition.
Results indicated that the discrepancy between task and ego goal orientations,
a relative measure of how personal or performance-related an individual’s goal
orientation is, was significantly related to positive and negative affect. Import-
antly, active coping strategies like planning mediated the goal orientation
discrepancy–positive affect relationship, while behavioural disengagement
mediated the relationship between goal orientation discrepancy and negative
affect. This suggests that adaptive coping strategies tend to account for
cognitive appraisals of the situation as relevant to personal goals and positive
affective responses, and passive coping strategies account for the negative
relationship between goal orientation and negative affect. This suggests that
active coping strategies, like planning, have an adaptive function (Gaudreau et
al. 2002).
Catastrophe theory
One additional limitation that has been levelled at Jones’ (1995) control
theory of facilitative-debilitative anxiety is that it does not explicitly account
for the level of arousal experienced by an individual. Indeed, Edwards and
Hardy (1996) have noted that anxiety intensity can have a facilitative effect on
performance when levels of physiological arousal are low and debilitative
effects when physiological arousal levels are high. These findings suggest a
more complex pattern of relationships between anxiety intensity, direction,
and performance, and imply that physiological arousal needs to be implicated
in any complete model of the anxiety process in sport performance. Following
Zeeman’s (1976) adoption of catastrophe models that aimed to explain the
discontinuous relationships evident in normally linear or continuous func-
tions, Hardy (1990) adopted the most common of the ‘catastrophe’ models –
the ‘cusp’ catastrophe – to model discontinuities in performance due to the
influence of physiological arousal and cognitive anxiety (Figure 6.3), i.e.
catastrophe theory.
The essential premise of the ‘cusp’ catastrophe model of anxiety and sport
performance is that at low levels of cognitive anxiety, the relationship bet-
ween physiological arousal and performance will follow an inverted-U relation-
ship – the continuous predictable relationship proposed by optimal arousal
theory. Conversely, at high levels of cognitive anxiety, the performance–
athletes within the confines of the validity of the methodology and the homo-
geneity or representitiveness of the sample. Hanin (1995, 2000) proposed the
individualized zones of optimal functioning (IZOF) model, an alternative
approach to the study of emotion in sport performance. The model offers an
integrated perspective on emotional experience and sport performance that
adopts hypotheses from person–environment interactions theory, appraisal
theories of emotion, idiographic versus nomothetic views of personality, gen-
eral systems theory, trait–state distinctions, and psychological readiness for
competition. This approach is largely from an individualized or idiographic
approach, but also attempts to generalize to athletes on the basis of trends in
intra-individual and inter-individual emotional experiences of successful and
poor performances.
The aim of the IZOF model is to provide a holistic view of the emotion–
performance relationship in sport and it includes a number of specific hypoth-
eses (Hanin 2000). First, emotions arise from the cognitive appraisal of the
probability that individual goals will be achieved in a given sport context.
Second, athletes learn specific emotional responses to given competitive situ-
ations over time. Third, emotional responses are specific to the individual, the
context, and time frame of the competitive event. Fourth, there is a reciprocal
relationship between emotion and performance. And finally, different emo-
tions exert optimal or dysfunctional effects on performance. In summary, the
IZOF model focuses on the effect of an individual’s personal emotional
responses to a given competitive situation on performance and the effect of
performance on emotional responses.
Much of the research on the IZOF model has focused on pre-competitive
anxiety because it has provided useful descriptions, particularly in an indi-
vidual setting, of the relationship between multiple dimensions of emotion,
including anxiety, and sport performance (Hanin 2000). Key principles of the
IZOF with respect to anxiety, and indeed other emotional states related to
sport, is that every athlete has an optimal level or range of emotional intensity
(high, medium, or low), such as anxiety and other emotional states, that will
lead to successful performance in sport. An emotional profile that falls out
with this range, i.e. above or below the optimized levels, will be debilitative
towards performance. This is known as the in-out of zone principle. An indi-
vidual’s optimal level of anxiety is established using recall methods of success-
ful (‘best ever’) and poor (‘worst ever’) performances to establish the optimal
zones of anxiety necessary for successful performance. Hanin (1995) found
that participants were surprisingly accurate in recalling their pre-competition
anxiety levels even after a substantial time lag of up to four months. These
studies supported the IZOF model indicating performance decrements when
sports performers’ anxiety levels fell outside their recalled optimal zones.
However, the cognitive-somatic anxiety distinction was not clearly met in
early work with the IZOF model, and researchers found they have had equal
success in using somatic anxiety measures to identify optimal zones of func-
tioning (Morgan et al. 1988). Hanin’s (2000) reconceptualization of the model
152 Athletes are emotional, too
Tuffey 1996). In addition, Hanin (2000) claims that the model is able to gener-
ate further hypotheses through an inductive, grounded-theory approach.
While such an approach has its advantages, the co-existence of a hypothesis-
driven, quantitative, deductive framework with an inductive, data-driven,
qualitative approach does not make for a happy union. The main reason for
this is that one cannot generate a theory at the same time as one tests a theory.
For example, with this ‘combined approach’ findings that serve to disconfirm
the theory on the basis of the falsification of a proposed set of hypotheses can
lead to a researcher formulating a theory to support the falsified results, which
does not sit easily with the principle of falsification. Finally, the model has
been criticized for being based or developed on successful performance and
unsuccessful performance or failure, which are both qualitatively and quanti-
tatively different, and therefore the model may not have efficacy in predicting
anxiety–performance relationships across a range of intensity scores.
athletes but it could readily distinguish between high-fit and low-fit athletes
and was a useful tool for establishing the effects of overtraining in endurance
athletes (Berglund and Safstrom 1994). In addition, mood states have been
shown to be efficacious in predicting successful and unsuccessful perform-
ances in fitness tests in adolescents (Lane and Lane 2002). This is in keeping
with the clinical context in which the POMS was developed. Indeed, Prapaves-
sis (2000) reviewed the conceptual issues and research associated with POMS
and mood state investigation in sport and concluded that the POMS was an
inappropriate model to apply to the study of pre-competitive mood states
because of its lack of explanatory value, inconclusive findings, and limited
theoretical underpinning.
Recent research in mood states has provided strong, psychometrically sound
instruments to measure mood states in sport contexts and advanced research
in the prediction of sport performance from mood states. For example, Terry
and colleagues (2003) have developed a revised inventory that has been shown
to have satisfactory construct, predictive, and concurrent reliability, and
adequate reliability in a number of athletic populations. The advent of such
inventories resolved some of the critiques of the methodology in mood state
research (Cockerill et al. 1991; Berger and Motl 2000). Indeed, research with
these mood state instruments has yielded successful explanation of perform-
ance in a number of sport contexts (e.g. Lane and Lane 2002; Terry et al. 2003).
In addition, Beedie, Terry, and Lane (2000) conducted a meta-analysis of the
POMS in sport contexts, but, unlike Rowley et al., made the distinction
between studies in which the dependent variable was level of achievement
and studies where the dependent variable was performance outcome. In this
distinction, sport achievement was considered measures of absolute attain-
ment in sport such as winning a gold medal while sport performance measures
reflected relative attainment such as gaining a personal best time. In keeping
with Rowley et al.’s findings, the effect size for the influence of mood on sport
achievement was small (Cohen’s d = 0.10). However, the effect of mood on
sport performance outcomes yielded a moderate effect size (Cohen’s d = 0.31).
In addition, Beedie et al. examined the effects of the individual subscales from
mood state measures and found a moderate and positive effect size for vigour,
and moderate and negative effect sizes for tension and depression with sport
performance outcomes, but small or no effect sizes for the other subscales. The
authors concluded that these findings supported the model proposed by Mor-
gan and co-workers (Morgan 1980; Morgan et al. 1988) and provided support
for the importance of the vigour subscale in the prediction of performance
Importantly, these findings have stressed the salience of examining and dif-
ferentiating between the individual subscales from the POMS, and not the
adoption of aggregate scales, a finding that has been corroborated elsewhere
(Hanin 2000; Lane and Lane 2002). Terry and Slade (1995) also recommend
that not only should individual mood subscales be the focus of research, but
the mood subscales may interact in the prediction of sport performance. They
156 Athletes are emotional, too
indicated that depression, for example, might moderate the effects of other
mood state subscales like anger and tension on sport performance. For
example, Terry and Slade studied the influence of both competitive state anx-
iety and mood states on karate performance. Results indicated that the som-
atic, cognitive, and self-confidence components of competitive state anxiety
and the individual mood states of vigour and anger were able to discriminate
between successful and unsuccessful performers. Finally, Beedie et al.’s (2000)
meta-analysis also illustrated the importance of the definition of the perform-
ance parameters and measures to be studied. Clearly, the prediction of athletic
achievement may be too insensitive and crude a measure of sport perform-
ance, and the measurement of relevant performance outcomes is recom-
mended when examining the efficacy of mood states in predicting
Reversal theory
Reversal theory is a relatively new approach applied to the study of anxiety
and emotion in sport performance, but recent applications have been promis-
ing and have received empirical support. Reversal theory provides a general
framework for the understanding of the relationships between arousal and
emotion, and how these influence motivational constructs and behaviour
(Apter 1982). A key premise of reversal theory is that an individual can inter-
pret his/her state of arousal as pleasant or unpleasant, and this is known as
hedonic tone. Given that an individual may also experience high or low levels
of arousal, this gives rise to a 2 × 2 formation of hedonic tone and arousal level.
In this paradigm, high levels of arousal interpreted as pleasant result in an
excited affective state, high levels of arousal interpreted as unpleasant produce
an anxious state, low levels of arousal interpreted as pleasant generate a
relaxed state, and low levels of arousal interpreted as unpleasant give rise to a
boredom response (Figure 6.5).
Reversal theory predicts that an individual’s metamotivational state will
determine the relationship between their hedonic tone and arousal level. A
metamotivational state is a person’s interpretation of their motives or goals in
a given context and at a given point in time. An individual can either be
goal-focused or ‘serious’ in their pursuit of their outcomes, known as a telic
metamotivational state or be activity-orientated or ‘playful’ in their approach,
known as the paratelic metamotivational state. When in arousal-evoking situ-
ations, a person can switch between metamotivational states that will deter-
mine whether they will be on the relaxation–anxiety hedonic tone-arousal
curve (solid line, Figure 6.5) or the excitement–boredom hedonic tone-arousal
curve (broken line, Figure 6.5). This ‘switch’ is known as a reversal, and as
metamotivational states are state-like constructs and subject to changes in
the environment, reversals can happen at any time during an activity. A telic
metamotivational state is often viewed as arousal-avoiding while a paratelic
metamotivational state is often viewed as arousal-seeking or thrill-seeking.
Athletes are emotional, too 157
Evidence for this has been shown in the tendency for people who approach
or participate in thrill-seeking activities (e.g. frightening funfair rides like
rollercoasters) to exhibit a high paratelic state and increased preferred arousal
with positive emotional states like excitement and positive emotions com-
pared with individuals who perform ‘safe’ activities. Therefore, both situ-
ational factors and habituation (known as ‘satiation’) of the activity and
metamotivational state may result in a reversal (Kerr 1997). Thus, reversal
theory, like catastrophe theory, attempts to integrate affective states with
activation or arousal states. The theory proposes that an individual’s inter-
pretation of arousal as pleasant or unpleasant is dependent on whether their
metamotivational state is arousal-avoidant/telic or arousal-seeking/paratelic.
There have been numerous tests of reversal theory since Kerr’s initial appli-
cation of the theory in sport contexts, and many provide support for its
hypotheses. Bellew and Thatcher (2002) tested the factors affecting reversals
from telic to paratelic states in a naturalistic setting with rugby players and
found that reversals generally occurred as a consequence of factors external to
the athletes, or frustration caused by external factors. The authors concluded
that internal factors such as satiation or feeling the same state for an extended
158 Athletes are emotional, too
Suggested reading
Craft, L.L., Magyar, T.M., Becker, B.J. and Feltz, D.L. (2003) The relationship between
the Competitive State Anxiety Inventory-2 and sport performance: a meta-analysis,
Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 25: 44–65. Very recent cumulative analysis of
the impact of competitive state anxiety on sport performance.
Hanin, Y.L. (2000) Emotions in Sport. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetic. Hanin’s detailed
reader on his IZOF model with important contributions from Vallerand on the
importance of emotions in models of social cognition in sport.
Jones, G. (1995) More than just a game: research developments and issues in competiti-
tive anxiety in sport, British Journal of Psychology, 86: 449–78. All about the control
model of facilitative and debilitative anxiety in sport.
Athletes are emotional, too 159
• Affect is an umbrella term that includes all ‘feeling states’, with emotion
and mood as specific examples. Emotions are single, intense, and change-
able ‘feeling states’ that tend to have ‘action tendencies’ while mood tends
to be conceptualized as a profile of affective states that is considered more
enduring, less intense, and with no action tendency.
• Competitive state anxiety is considered to be multidimensional compris-
ing cognitive anxiety, somatic anxiety, and self-confidence (Martens et al.
1990). Cognitive anxiety, in particular, is consistently and negatively linked
with sport performance (Craft et al. 2003), but may be positively related to
performance if it is interpreted as facilitative (Jones 1995).
• Arousal may be an outcome of increased state anxiety, and is implicated in
the anxiety-performance relationship in catastrophe theory (Hardy and
Parfitt 1991). The theory states that the arousal–performance relation-
ship will follow an inverted-U relationship under conditions of low
cognitive anxiety, but a catastrophic drop in performance will occur under
conditions of high cognitive state anxiety and high arousal.
• The individual zone of optimal functioning model (IZOF, Hanin 2000) and
reversal theory (Kerr 1997) focus on an individual-based approach to emo-
tional processes in sport. The IZOF identifies specific limits in which anxiety
is ‘optimal’ and athletes within their zone exhibit better performance.
Reversal theory charts how the interpretation of arousal and hedonic tone
give rise to specific metamotivational states that are related to motivation
and behaviour in sport.
‘There is no I in team’ and ‘the whole is greater than the sum of its parts’; these
oft-cited clichés provide a useful prologue to this chapter that aims to evaluate
the salient group processes that occur among athletes in sport contexts. In
team sports, success is often contingent on the team working effectively and
collectively toward a common goal. Often this means accepting given roles
and responsibilities within a team, foregoing personal ambitions, investing
effort for the common good, having extensive knowledge of other team mem-
bers’ abilities, and providing support and feedback for the members of the
team. Within sport teams, there is a wealth of information available to each
member regarding the team’s operation and effectiveness, as well as informa-
tion regarding their own personal performance within the team. Therefore,
individuals in a team behave on the basis of information from the group –
about their membership and role in the group – as well as their own beliefs,
personality, and other intrapersonal constructs. Social psychology has a lot to
offer in terms of explaining how individuals respond and interact in groups
and how they affect individual and group behaviour and performance. This
section will examine some of the key processes that underlie group or team
performance in sport and will examine the theoretical and empirical work that
has attempted to explain these processes.
A group is not a mere collection of two or more individuals. The mere presence
of others is a necessary but not sufficient condition for a group to be estab-
lished (Zajonc 1965). As we shall see in the next section, the presence of others
when performing motor tasks like sports skills does have an influence on cog-
nition, behaviour, and performance, but this form of social influence is differ-
ent from that which operates in a group. Membership of a group gives rise to a
specific set of social cognitions or beliefs among the group members brought
Group processes in sport 161
A conceptual framework
Carron and Hausenblas (1998) provide a conceptual framework to study the
major factors that influence group behaviour in sport. The proposed model is
given in Figure 7.1. The model outlines the major influences on group struc-
ture and formation, group processes, and group outcomes. Group structure
162 Group processes in sport
Figure 7.1 Carron and Hausenblas’ (1998) conceptual framework for the
study of sport teams
Source: Carron and Hausenblas (1998: 20)
comprises the norms within the team (i.e. what is acceptable and unaccept-
able behaviour) and the roles (e.g. leadership, status, and function) of the
group members. Member attributes such as abilities and personalities and
group environment such as size and territory contribute to the group struc-
ture. Group structure influences important group processes such as team
goals, collective efficacy, and cooperation within the group. This is pro-
posed to be mediated by the important variable of cohesion, or the degree to
which the group members act in unison in the pursuit of common goals.
Cohesion is considered to be an extremely important social psychological
construct in the group dynamics in sport because it has a pervasive effect
on a number of interpersonal variables at the group processes stage such
as collective efficacy, cooperation, effort, and motivation. These group
processes affect individual and personal outcomes such as performance and
The aim of this chapter is not to provide an extensive overview of Carron
and Hausenblas’ (1998) model. Indeed, Carron and Hausenblas have provided
an excellent and lucid text on these elements. Instead, the chapter focuses on
the social psychological processes that underlie the key elements of this
model. It will examine the effect of a specific member attribute, namely player
ability, on group structure. Factors relating to group environment will be
visited in greater detail in the section on social influence and home advantage.
The role that group norms have to play in determining group structure will be
reviewed. Much emphasis will be placed on group or team cohesion as an essen-
tial influence on group processes and outcomes such as collective efficacy and
sport performance respectively. This will provide an in-depth overview of
some salient variables involved with group dynamics research and practice.
Finally, some practical solutions in terms of team building will be presented, to
provide some pragmatic solutions to enhancing team cohesion and team
performance in sport.
Group processes in sport 163
One assumption often made in sport is that the teams with the best individual
players are often the most successful. To some extent, this is borne out by
observation of the win–lose statistics of successful teams in a number of pro-
fessional sports. However, this is juxtaposed by the reality that some teams
perform very well with a collection of members whose individual ability may
not be of the calibre of others, indeed, they may outperform teams that have
individuals of high ability but perhaps do not function well as a unit. In such
cases, the ability of a team of high-ability individuals may be limited by group-
level variables like lack of cohesion, while the team of lower ability individuals
performs above standard because their levels of group-oriented constructs like
cohesion are optimal. The issue of cohesion will be visited in detail in sub-
sequent sections, but this illustrates that individual ability is important but its
relative contribution to team performance is moderated by group-level
Research in social psychology has focused on problem-solving tasks to study
the effects of individual ability on group performance. Many researchers have
shown that when solving problems at a group level, group performance can be
heavily dependent on the individual resources at the disposal of the group,
and in particular the relative abilities of the group members (e.g. Devine 1999).
Reviews of studies on problem solving have found significant effects of indi-
vidual cognitive ability on group performance (Devine 1999). However, there
are occasions when the ability of the individual team members does not
always result in optimal team performance. Studies on fine motor tasks found
that individual team members did not perform as well in the group situation as
they did alone, even though the overall team performance was superior to the
individual team members’ performance (Devine 1999). This was attributed to
the lack of individual performance feedback and a subsequent social loafing
effect. Research has suggested that other factors not related to ability may
affect the relationship between individual ability on group performance such
as the nature of the task, the clarity of the goal, and the size of the group. In
addition, research has shown that tacit and task-related knowledge, skills, and
abilities may be important in determining an individual’s ability to work in a
group situation (Miller 2001). These findings indicate that the ability of indi-
vidual team members is an important artefact in team performance, but it does
not account for all the variance in team performance.
In sport, a number of studies have examined the effect of individual skills and
abilities on the effectiveness of team performance (Widmeyer 1990). In a review
of these studies, Widmeyer (1990) concluded that the relationship between
individual ability parameters and performance was consistently significant
across all studies. Suggested moderators of this relationship included attributes
of the sport that limit the productivity of the individuals in the team and team
psychological characteristics. For example, in sports like basketball, where a
great deal of coordination among players and greater cohesion is necessary for
164 Group processes in sport
Group norms
One of the key constructs in theory and research in group dynamics is group
norm. Group norms describe which behaviours are acceptable and unaccept-
able, condoned and shunned, within a group. Group norms are a powerful
influence on behaviour because, according to social identity theory, a player’s
self-esteem is intrinsically intertwined with their membership of the group
and their acceptance by other group members (Tajfel and Turner 1986). There-
fore, a group member who behaves in a manner that is contrary to the
accepted norms within the group risks being vilified by the other group
members. In addition, behaving contrary to the accepted norms will also
violate the member’s own self-stereotype as a member of the ingroup. As a
consequence, their behaviour does not match up to their perceived expect-
ations of what a prototypical group member would do, and this would create
cognitive dissonance (Festinger and Carlsmith 1958). Dissonance is a feeling of
cognitive discomfort when cognition is incongruent with behaviour. Festinger
and Carlsmith state that individuals strive to reduce dissonance and create a
state of consistency or consonance between their personal beliefs and social
behaviours. As a result, non-conformity to group norms is often checked by
the individual, and the dissonant action corrected in order to restore conson-
ance within the dissenter between their role as a group member and the types
of normative behaviours that are condoned within the group.
Group processes in sport 165
Collective efficacy
Group cohesion
which have been shown to affect personal variables like task self-efficacy and
collective efficacy. Finally, situational factors include the physical and func-
tional proximity of team members such as closeness on the pitch or field, but
also in terms of living and socializing. Research has shown that teams spend-
ing more time together in residential training camps are more likely to be
highly cohesive (Rainey and Schweickert 1988), and this is reflected in the
popularity of mid-, end-, and pre-season training camps in which team players
live, train, and socialize together in an environment they share.
Together, these factors, termed ‘inputs’ by Carron (1982), are viewed as
influencing task cohesion, which mediates the influence of the input variables
on group and individual outcomes or ‘outputs’. These outputs include group
outcomes such as actual performance and team-level variables such as stability,
but are also likely to affect individual performance outcomes and psychological
outcomes such as satisfaction. The next section will identify the properties of
group cohesion in sports teams and examine the relationships between the
key factors in Carron’s (1982) framework of group cohesion.
Cohesion–performance relationships
The hypothesis that cohesive teams will be more successful in accordance with
Carron et al.’s (1985) conceptual model has been tested in a meta-analytic
study of 46 studies that adopted the GEQ to measure cohesiveness in sport
settings. A large average corrected effect size correlation was evident for the
group cohesion-group performance relationship. In addition, group cohesion
also predicted the performance of individuals in the team (Bray and Whaley
2001). Furthermore, ethnographic studies adopting a qualitative approach
have also supported the perception that team cohesion will result in superior
performance (Holt and Sparkes 2001). Overall, the weight of evidence from
these studies seems to suggest that teams high on cohesiveness will exhibit
better performance.
Research has also sought to examine the mechanisms that may explain the
group cohesion-performance relationship. Using a simple manipulation,
Grieve, Whelan, and Meyers (2000) found that they were able to change the
level of cohesiveness in triadic basketball teams. The manipulation success-
fully created teams of high and low cohesion, but the cohesiveness of the team
had little effect on performance. However, performance had strong effects on
team cohesion, so that winning teams had higher cohesion. This is supported
by studies that have examined the reciprocity of group cohesion on perform-
ance (e.g. Mullen and Copper 1994). These studies addressed the question:
Does successful performance engender cohesiveness or does cohesiveness gen-
erate successful performance, or both? These studies adopted a cross-lagged
correlation design in which cohesiveness and performance are measured
simultaneously at one point in time and again at a second time point. Cross-
lagged partial correlations are then calculated for the proposed reciprocal rela-
tionship while holding the effect of the time 1 variables on the dependant
variables constant. This is illustrated in Figure 7.4. Reciprocity is supported
if the cross-lagged correlations are equal, and the direction of causality
is inferred if one correlation is significantly higher than the other. A
meta-analysis of longitudinal studies on the group cohesion–performance
Group processes in sport 171
so they characterize their relations with team mates on the attraction and
task-related aspects of cohesiveness.
Cohesion–outcome relationships
Team cohesion has influenced a number of outcome variables other than indi-
vidual and group performance. According to Carron et al.’s (1985) model,
cohesion will have an impact on both performance-related and psychological
outcomes. Teams high in cohesiveness often report elevated levels of motiv-
ational psychological constructs at the group level such as collective efficacy
(Spink 1990), and at the personal level such as motivation (Williams and
Widmeyer 1991). Thus, it seems that cohesion is motivationally adaptive and
predicts constructs related to persistence in behaviours in interacting and
coacting sports teams, and in non-competitive situations. Further, cohesion is
also related to psychological well-being constructs in team members like goal
and performance satisfaction (Carron 1982). Analogously, teams that are high
in cohesion are also resistant to disruptive elements (Brawley et al. 1988) and
have low levels of undesirable outcomes among team members such as
drop-out (Robinson and Carron 1982), social loafing (Everett et al. 1992), and
anxiety (Eys et al. 2003). In summary, it seems that group cohesion is consist-
ent with adaptive outcomes and affective states among team members and
minimizes disruptive elements.
Predictors of cohesion
In the conceptual framework for cohesion and group dynamics, Carron (1982)
suggests that a number of influential factors will determine a team’s level of
cohesiveness: personal, team, leadership, and environmental/situational fac-
tors (see Figure 7.2). Focusing first on personal factors, research has shown that
significant variance in group cohesion could be explained by perceptions of
individual and team sacrifice (Prapavessis and Carron 1997), so it seems that
knowledge that others are foregoing personal gain and resources contributes
to the formation of a cohesive team. Turning next to team factors, prior suc-
cess and team goals are proposed to have an effect on cohesion (Widmeyer and
Ducharme 1997). Another team factor thought to influence team cohesion is
communication. For example, Sullivan and Feltz (2003) identified that three
dimensions of effective communication – acceptance, distinctiveness, and
positive conflict – were positively related to all of the GEQ dimensions. This
preliminary evidence suggests that the adaptive aspects of communication
may be an antecedent of group cohesion.
In terms of leadership factors, perceptions of leadership and coaching
behaviours have been shown to affect cohesion. Cohesive team members tend
to rate their coaches as displaying high levels of democratic behaviour, posi-
tive feedback, social support, and training and instruction behaviours, and low
in autocratic behaviours (Gardner et al. 1996). Turman (2003) identified the
Group processes in sport 173
and emerge as the team develops. They have no functional purpose within a
team’s strategy for performance. Examples of informal roles are team police-
man, spokesperson, social director, and team ‘joker’. Team performance is
dependent upon team personnel performing in accordance with their formal
role in the team, and much of the literature has focused on the influence of
formal roles in sport teams. This does not mean that informal roles should be
discounted, and they may very well be significant determinants of other
important group processes.
Formal roles in sports teams affect team characteristics such as group cohe-
sion and team performance. An indirect property of team cohesion is the
degree to which a player accepts, assumes, and performs in accordance with
his or her role. Further, within teams there are likely to be roles that are more
high-profile in terms of recognition and prestige. However, team cohesion
and, indirectly, its effectiveness and productivity are dependent on all players
performing in accordance with their role, even if it is at the expense of assum-
ing a more prestigious role. Indeed, it is a property of group cohesion that
sacrifices such as these are accepted and recognized by the team members.
Beauchamp et al. (2002) have identified three key role-related constructs
which determine a team player’s performance in their role. Role performance,
a key outcome variable in the study of team player’s roles and team perform-
ance, is the extent to which an individual behaves consistently with their
assigned and expected role. Successful role performance is an important out-
come because team performance and other team properties such as team cohe-
sion are dependent on it. Role performance is influenced by role conflict, role
ambiguity, and role efficacy (Figure 7.5). Role conflict refers to the degree to
which a player experiences an inability to meet the demands of their estab-
lished or assigned role. Role ambiguity reflects a lack of understanding in the
player of the expected behavioural demands of the role, full role clarity is
necessary for optimal role performance. Role efficacy is a player’s estimate of
their ability to perform the behaviours expected for successful role perform-
ance. It has similar sources and properties of other efficacy beliefs such as task
self-efficacy and collective efficacy (Bandura 1997), but it has been found to be
conceptually and empirically distinct from these efficacy beliefs (Bray and
Brawley 2002). It is thought that high role ambiguity and low role efficacy may
lead to role conflict. Put simply, if a player is unsure of the nature of his/her
role in a team and they are not confident in their abilities to perform their role,
they are likely to experience conflict between different behavioural demands
related to their role. The effect of role conflict on role efficacy is mediated by
role ambiguity (see Figure 7.5; Beauchamp and Bray, 2001).
Beauchamp et al. studied the effect of role ambiguity on role performance in
rugby players, and proposed a triadic mediational model in which the effect of
role ambiguity on performance was mediated by role efficacy (see Figure 7.5).
Research has suggested that the effect of role ambiguity on role performance
differs for offensive and defensive players, but the defensive model supported
the mediational model. This suggested that an individual player’s lack of
Group processes in sport 175
clarity regarding his/her role in the team negatively influenced his/her role
performance, but this relationship was extinguished by each player’s belief in
his or her own abilities to perform the role adequately. This emphasizes the
need to promote high role efficacy, using similar strategies to promote self-
efficacy proposed by Bandura (1977, 1997), as it mitigates any potential for
role ambiguity to affect performance. In addition, role ambiguity is also related
to other adaptive and maladaptive outcomes within team sport. Research in
sport teams has shown that role ambiguity is positively related to both cogni-
tive and somatic competitive state anxiety and that clarity of scope of
responsibilities is related to satisfaction with team ability, strategy utilization,
training and instruction, team task contribution, and group integration at
both early and late season (Beauchamp et al. 2003; Eys et al. 2003). Together
these results provide preliminary evidence to suggest that lack of clarity in
individual players’ roles in sport teams can have a disruptive effect, and is
related to maladaptive outcomes and group processes like role conflict.
Several important practical guidelines arise from this research (Beauchamp
and Bray 2001; Beauchamp et al. 2002). First, coaches would do well to foster
role efficacy in team players. Mastery experiences in training are important in
this regard, to provide players with practices designed to emphasize the
importance of their role in the team. In addition, coaches should incorporate
176 Group processes in sport
Social influence
One of the earliest studies in social psychology was conducted in a sport con-
text and examined the effect of the presence of other people on the perform-
ance of motor skills and cognitive tasks, a phenomenon that became known as
social facilitation (Triplett 1898). Triplett’s (1898) study examined the effects
of the presence of others in cycling racing and in children participating in a
fine motor skill (‘turning fishing-line reels’). Triplett found that cyclists’ times
were faster when they raced in competition with others compared with paced
and unpaced ‘solo’ races. Analogously, children were much faster when turn-
ing reels when in direct competition with another than when on their own.
Triplett suggested that the presence of a competitor ‘served to liberate latent
energy not ordinarily available’ (1898: 507) in pursuit of the task. This pioneer-
ing study stimulated much research on the effects of the presence of other in
skills and tasks, including sports skills. However, research in the area was met
with inconsistent findings, with some studies finding a significant effect of the
presence of others on performance (e.g. Dashiell 1930) and some studies find-
ing an inconsistent or significant effects at all (e.g. Allport 1920). These incon-
sistent results led to a lull in the theoretical and empirical advances in the area
until Zajonc (1965) proposed a theoretical explanation of the effects of an
audience on behaviour that rejuvenated and intensified research in social
facilitation (Cottrell 1972).
social facilitation effect, it does not completely account for the effect and
authors have suggested that mere presence has a unique effect on social
facilitation (Bond and Titus 1983).
Bond and Titus conducted a meta-analysis of 241 studies that examined the
social facilitation effect. A significant, albeit small, average corrected effect
sizes for the influence of an audience on performance was found, accounting
for between 0.3 and 3 per cent of the variance in the difference in performance
in relation to non-audience conditions. Further analyses revealed that arousal
was only heightened by the presence of an audience if the task was complex.
The speed of a simple task was facilitated by the presence of an audience, while
complex tasks showed a social inhibition effect. It was also found that the
presence of an audience compromised the accuracy of a complex task, but had
a small facilitative effect on the accuracy of a simple task. Importantly, the
social facilitation effects were unique and were not affected by evaluation
apprehension. These findings therefore suggest that evaluation apprehension
may be a methodological artefact and cast some doubt on Cottrell’s (1972)
modification of Zajonc’s theory.
In a sport context, social facilitation effects have been confirmed in a num-
ber of studies, with results tending to lend support to the evaluation apprehen-
sion hypothesis than mere presence (Strauss 2002). Strauss suggests that mere
presence effects tend to be weak, and the effects of an audience of different
types of motor task tend to be inconsistent. Several studies have supported the
role of an evaluative audience or co-actor on sport performers. For example,
Smith and Crabbe (1976) found that active experimenter participation
increased the learning of a balancing motor task in participants compared
with passive or no experimenter conditions, supporting the evaluation appre-
hension hypothesis. In a novel adaptation of the social facilitation experi-
ment, Paulus et al. (1972) studied the performance of novice and experienced
gymnasts in the presence of an audience. One group of gymnasts in each
performance level were forewarned about the presence of an audience while
others were not. Those who were not warned exhibited high quality perform-
ances compared to the forewarned gymnasts who incurred a decrement in
performance. The authors suggested that the anticipated evaluation of the
audience evaluation was responsible for the decrement in performance and
undermined the dominant response in the skilled performers. In the presence
of an evaluative audience, Bell and Yee (1989) found that karate experts’ per-
formance was unaffected in terms of the speed and accuracy of a kicking task
relative to a solo condition. However, unskilled karate performers reduced the
performance of their kicking to avoid errors, indicating that the presence of an
audience has a slight social inhibitory effect causing a speed–accuracy trade-
off. This supports the findings found in previous studies in which complex
tasks for novice performers tend to incur an accuracy decrement (Allport 1920;
Bond and Titus 1983).
While these studies found effects largely consistent with Zajonc’s (1965) and
Cottrell’s (1972) hypotheses, Kozar (1973) found no difference in supportive,
Group processes in sport 179
Social loafing
While the social facilitation literature provides a theoretical explanation for
the conditions under which co-actors may facilitate or debilitate performance,
researchers have identified an additional outcome of performance of a task in a
co-acting or collective situation in which an individual exhibits a clear motiv-
ational decrement or performance loss. This process is called social loafing,
and individual performance of a sport-related task in a team environment is an
ideal naturalistic setting to examine this phenomenon. The social loafing
effect was observed in early research in group influence on individual per-
formance toward a collective task by Ringelmann (1927, cited in Latané et al.
1979) in which people exhibited worse performance when engaging in a task
in co-operation with others than when they were working in solitude. In
essence, these observations were the opposite of the social facilitation effects
in co-acting conditions (working alongside others rather than in front of an
180 Group processes in sport
about the social loafing effect before group competition, there was still evi-
dence of a decrement in motivation and performance in a team competition
compared with a solo condition (Huddleston et al. 1985). This suggests that
prior knowledge does not interfere with situational characteristics that may
influence social loafing such as presence of evaluative performance feedback,
collective efficacy, and competence levels.
Home advantage
One of the most pervasive, consistent, and oft-cited social effects in sport
psychology is the home advantage. The effect is so well observed that it has
been elevated into the lore of sports statistics as a principle rather than mere
theory. Further, the effects of home advantage have been the subject of intense
research interest by statisticians, sport scientists, and sport psychologists. Sport
psychologists’ interests stem from the view that the home advantage is a
largely psychological phenomenon, particularly if physical parameters
between two teams are considered to be relatively equal and any differences
largely insubstantial. Since competitive sport is often undertaken by com-
petent individuals, both arousal and cognitive explanations of social facilita-
tion lend credence to the expectation that team players at home will have their
dominant response reinforced and enjoy a facilitative effect on performance.
However, as the previous section testifies, situational, presence, task, and indi-
vidual factors can alter these effects. The aim of this section is to provide an
overview of the home advantage in sport and to examine the theories that
have been put forward in applied social psychology to explain these effects. In
particular, the premise that crowd influence will have the most pervasive effect
on the home advantage in accordance with social facilitation theory will be
184 Group processes in sport
expensive and time-consuming to conduct and are often plagued by the prob-
lems typically experienced in applied social psychological research such as
small sample sizes and missing data due to participant drop-out. Together,
these methods of investigation have provided converging evidence for the
influential factors and consequences of home advantage in sport.
Territorial/ethological theories
One of the more controversial but compelling explanations for home advan-
tage is based on ethological observations in organisms relating to marked terri-
tory and their defence of it. Russell (1983, 1993) argues that organisms are
more fervent in their defence of their territory because it represents their live-
lihood for breeding and feeding. Therefore, organisms attach greater value in
the defence of contested territory when it is their own because they have a lot
to lose. Futhermore, this has an evolutionary advantage as organisms that
cannot defend their territory successfully are selected out of the species and
there is evidence in support of this ‘home advantage’ in animals (e.g. Rajecki et
al. 1979). According to Russell (1993), the theoretically greater fervour exhib-
ited in the defence of their home territory could be attributed to a greater
display of aggressive behaviours by the home team and this has been sup-
ported in some studies (e.g. Varca 1980). Further, recent evidence has provided
some additional evidence to support a territorial explanation of home advan-
tage in ‘human competitive encounters’ like sports competition. Neave and
Wolfson (2003) found that testosterone levels were higher in soccer players
before their home games, and especially higher when facing ‘extreme’ rivals
compared with ‘moderate’ rivals. The authors suggest that elevated hormone
levels may be concomitant with a greater innate propensity to defend home
territory and display aggressive behaviours. However, sport research has not
conclusively supported increased aggressive behavioural displays in home
teams. While ethological and territorial explanations may potentially account
for the home advantage effect, Russell (1993) claims that these theories pro-
vide a more philosophical than empirical explanation for the home
186 Group processes in sport
Sport type
Schwartz and Barsky (1977) identified indoor sports like basketball and ice-
hockey as being most influenced by home advantage, while outdoor sports
had fewer effects. This may be due to the proximity and density of crowds in
indoor arenas. However, there has been little research to investigate the
parameters that might affect the extent of the home advantage across different
sports. However, some interesting research has examined whether the home
advantage is as pervasive in individual sports as it is in team sports. Studies
have found a significant home advantage in individual sports like wrestling
(Gayton and Langevin 1992). Results were attributed to increased feelings of
security and dominance and attributed to a ‘prior residence effect’ in which an
initial resident in a geographical area has a social dominance advantage over
an intruder. However, others have found no home advantage was found in a
study of individual downhill skiiers (Bray and Martin 2003). The studies of
home advantage in individual sports are limited, and further research will
188 Group processes in sport
reveal further trends. It is possible that the extent of the home advantage will
vary according to the sport itself as observed across different team sports.
and Deddens (1997) used archival data from professional United States basket-
ball (U.S. National Basketball Association) and American football (U.S. Ameri-
can Football League) teams to examine the effect of players’ circadian times of
day on home advantage. As hypothesized, they found that teams based on the
West Coast of the United States playing away games at East Coast locations
performed significantly better in the those particular away games because they
were playing at a time of day closer to their theoretical physiological peak.
These results suggest that the effect of distance and travel across time zones per
se may not fully explain the effect of visitor team travel on home advantage. It
is possible that these results could be extrapolated to travel of international
visiting teams from west to east, and suggests that an adequate recovery period
should be included for teams travelling from east to west.
Referee bias
Opposition supporters to successful teams often state, albeit slightly tongue-
in-cheek, that their opponents seldom get sanctioned with penalties (e.g.
fouls, free kicks) against them and often get penalties in their favour from
match referees and officials when playing at home. Referee bias has therefore
been cited as one factor that may contribute to home advantage. In his study
on crowd protest, Greer (1983) did not attribute the significantly greater num-
ber of fouls incurred by visiting teams after protest episodes to referee bias,
rather, this seemed to be due to an overall decline in performance not just
increased incidence of fouls. Recently, however, Nevill et al. (2002) conducted
an experimental study in which soccer officials assessed videotaped game situ-
ations with and without crowd noise. Results showed that the officials watch-
ing the games with crowd noise were more uncertain in their decision-making
and awarded significantly fewer fouls to the home team. These results sug-
gested that crowd noise had a pervasive effect on referee bias, but questions
still remain over the ecological validity of the experiment and the partisan
nature of the crowd noise. Interestingly, in a study on county cricket, a sport
with virtually no crowd influence, Jones et al. (2001) found no evidence of
match umpire decisions for home and away teams, which may lend further
weight to the influence of the crowd in biasing decisions. Another factor that
may affect match official or referee bias is the quality and profile of the team
members. In a study on a professional basketball team, Lehman and Reifman
(1987) also found that while officials awarded equal number of fouls to ordin-
ary, ‘nonstar’ players in home and away teams, the well-known ‘star’ players
on the home team incurred significantly fewer penalties than the away team
A number of explanations for referee bias have been put forward. One prom-
inent effect observed in social psychology known as interpersonal bias, often
referred to as the Pygmalion effect, may account for referee bias. Referees may
unconsciously bias their decisions toward the home team and star players
because they have an expectation that the home team and star players will
perform better. Evidence for this is given by two studies on judging officials in
190 Group processes in sport
gymnastics and figure skating respectively. Scheer and Ansorge (1979) studied
the effect of prior expectation on gymnastics judges’ decisions. In gymnastics,
it is commonly known that coaches in each team always send their gymnasts
out to the apparatus in reverse order of ability, as judges have an expectation
that the best gymnasts will compete last in the rotation. Scheer and Ansorge
required gymnastics judges to score videotaped Olympic qualifier routines, but
reversed the order of presentation of the routines such that the first gymnast in
each team appeared last, and so on. The judges’ scoring was found to be biased
to favour the last performer, even though they were the least skilled in each
team. Interestingly, this effect was found to be moderated by the personality
traits of the individual judges. Judges who reported having an external locus of
control and thought that events were subject to extraneous factors and luck
were more likely to be biased toward the order of the competitors than judges
with an internal locus of control. This evidence suggests that biased decisions
may therefore be a function of the psychological profile of the referee
themselves rather than their expectations alone. In a study on figure skater
judges, Findlay and Ste-Marie (2004) found that judges gave significantly
better marks to skaters who were known to them, suggesting an influence of
reputation bias. Together this evidence suggests that prior expectations and
reputation are likely to bias decisions of referees and judges rather than
audience effects per se.
Home disadvantage
In the introduction to this section, we visited Baumeister and Steinhilber’s
(1984) experiments on the paradox of the home advantage in high pressure,
last-game situations. In situations of high audience expectation it seems that
the home advantage is negated. A re-analysis of the findings and addition of
new data suggested that the disadvantage effect was not as pervasive as previ-
ously cited (Schlenker et al. 1995). However, Baumeister (1995) insists that the
effect still exists even though it may be weaker than previously stated. Explan-
ations for these effects come from the social facilitation literature and the
potential for the high-pressure, anxiety-provoking situation to interfere with
the ‘dominant response’. The increased expectations of the home crowd may
inhibit performance for several reasons: (1) increased arousal due to the audi-
ence presence may cause a distraction or an inability to focus attention on the
task at hand (Baron 1986); (2) a heightened self-awareness causes players to
move their attention away from the appropriate cues for action (Baumeister
1984); or (3) the player may focus too greatly on the execution of well-learnt
skills and this exertion of cognitive control results in disruption (Baumeister
1984); or (4) fearing failure, the competitor becomes self-aware and again
experiences distraction from appropriate cues. It seems that the ‘champion-
ship choke’ is a phenomenon that is difficult to explain, but it likely to have
a pervasive effect on the expectations of home teams in high pressure
match situations. Home teams may therefore not assume or rely on any home
advantage in last-game or championship series.
Group processes in sport 191
Suggested reading
Aiello, J.R. and Douthitt, E.A. (2001) Social facilitation from Triplett to electronic
performance monitoring, Group Dynamics, 5: 163–80. Recent review that charts the
progress in social facilitation research and presents a new and exciting conceptual
Baumeister, R.F. and Steinhilber, A. (1984) Paradoxical effects of supportive audiences
on performance under pressure: the home field disadvantage in sports champion-
ships, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 47: 85–93. Baumeister’s fascinating
classic paper on the paradox of the home disadvantage.
Carron, A.V. and Hausenblas, H.A. (1998) Group Dynamics in Sport, 2nd edn. Morgan-
town, WV: Fitness Information Technology. The leading text on the influence of
group processes in sport.
Schwartz, B. and Barsky, S.F. (1977) The home advantage, Social Forces, 55: 641–61. The
paper that started it all; the citation classic on home advantage in sports teams.
192 Group processes in sport
Aggression in sport
and crowd violence are frequently occurring phenomena in sport and are
affected by situational, interpersonal, and inter-group factors.
Definition of aggression
Aggression is an often misinterpreted construct in social psychology. It is
commonly thought that non-descript violent shouting and other outbursts
such as fist-shaking and provocative gestures at the opposition or equipment
abuse such as throwing a tennis racket on the ground in disgust constitute
aggression. However, in terms of a formal definition, these violent or aggra-
vated behaviours are not aggression. Aggression is a set of behaviours that are
likely to, or have the potential to, cause harm to others, and are intended to
cause harm, and are therefore goal-directed (Berkowitz 1993). Just as gesture
and equipment abuse tend to lie outside the realm of aggression, some
behaviours in sport are often misinterpreted as aggression. Examples are assert-
ive behaviours which are merely actions that enhance the competitiveness of a
team by imposing dominance over the opponent, but without injuring him,
her, or them. Often coaches want players to be more ‘aggressive’ in their
approach to their opponents. What they mean is that they want their players
to display more assertive behaviours such as hard tackling in soccer and rugby,
or hitting or pitching the ball at the opponent in tennis and baseball respect-
ively. Such behaviours are physically vociferous, but have a purely pragmatic
goal toward being successful rather than deliberately injuring an opponent.
The definition of aggression can also be considered relative to what is tolerated
by rule-producing governing bodies and what is not. For example, apparently
provocative, ‘aggressive’ behaviour such as the Haka performed by the New
Zealand All Blacks rugby teams prior to matches is endorsed by the authorities
of the game. However, other violent acts are punished, albeit leniently, but for
other reasons other than their causing injury to others, such as racket or verbal
abuse in tennis. These acts are not aggression, so while aggression is usually
against the regulations of given sports, some violent infringements in sport
cannot be defined as aggression unless they are coupled with the defining
criteria listed previously. To summarize, aggression is a set of behaviours that
are intended to harm others, but are not to be confused with nondescript
verbal outbursts or violent conduct towards inanimate objects and assertive
behaviours in sport.
A number of authors have identified two types of aggression that can oper-
ate in sport contexts, hostile aggression and instrumental aggression (Silva 1980;
Berkowitz 1993). Hostile aggression has the primary goal of harming or injur-
ing another person or player. It is often a response to provocation, coupled
with high emotional arousal, and an accompanying negative emotion often
appraised as sourced from the focus of the aggressive act (see Figure 8.1). In
hostile aggression, aggressive acts supersede other goals of the sport such as
scoring points and will distract from the aggressive players’ role in the team
(see Chapter 7, Beauchamp and Bray 2001). For example, in April 2001, Roy
Aggression and crowd violence 195
Theories of aggression
Frustration–aggression hypothesis
One of the earliest social psychological explanations of aggression was put
forward by Dollard et al. (1939), known as the frustration–aggression hypoth-
esis. Aggression was supposedly the product of an anger response to the frus-
tration of goals and desires of the individual. It predicted that frustration led
an individual to select and direct their frustration towards the perceived source
of that frustration in the form of aggression. Therefore, a highly skilled field
hockey forward may become frustrated because she is not getting sufficient
service in the form of cross and through balls from the mid-field players to
score sufficient goals. However, she is also marked out of the game by an
opposing team defender. According to the frustration–aggression hypothesis,
the frustration felt by the hockey player will ultimately lead to aggression, and
she may decide to take out that frustration by assaulting the defender. How-
ever, while this may happen occasionally, frustrated hockey players seldom
Aggression and crowd violence 197
assault their markers and often do little more than create some minor fouls or
infringements. Indeed, there is little support for the frustration–aggression
hypothesis in sport. Theorists have recognized that the competitive environ-
ment of sport does lend itself to frustration, but seldom aggression (Russell
1993). This was a major limitation of the frustration–aggression hypothesis
because frustration did not lead inevitably to aggression. It was therefore inef-
fective in explaining the circumstances under which frustration did not lead to
aggression. Recent revisions of the theory have incorporated hypotheses from
social learning theory (Bandura 1977, 1997) to delineate the factors that affect
the translation of frustration into aggression (Berkowitz 1993). Berkowitz pro-
posed that the arousal induced in stressful situations gave rise to an emotional
response such as frustration. However, frustration would only be manifested
in aggression if previously learned patterns of behaviour linked frustrated
emotions in that situation with an aggressive response.
behaviour and interactions with others. There is some evidence to suggest that
Type As display higher levels of aggression and hostility towards others in
competitive situations. It is likely that the interaction between the situational
climate, e.g. performance-oriented or competitive, is likely to interact with
personality factors such as a Type A pattern in contributing to aggressive
responses. There are few studies examining Type A personality in aggression in
sport. Biasi (1999) found that Type A personalities are more than twice as
prevalent in athletes and dancers than a normal comparison group. Despite
their possible Type A personality, dancers were much less likely to express
negative emotion and more likely to avoid interpersonal conflict. This seems
to contradict the expected behavioural pattern of a Type A personality. How-
ever, it can be seen that emotional control and low interpersonal conflict are
very important to dancers who have to act cooperatively for success and for
whom emotionality is a sign of weakness and fragility, both undesirable
behaviours in their profession. To speculate, it may be that social cognitive
variables such as group cohesion and self-efficacy towards success may
moderate the effect of Type A personality on aggressive behaviours.
A major criticism of personality theories of aggression is that they are
limited because they ignore the influence of individual and group-level social
cognitive constructs. While the effects of personality constructs such as agree-
ableness and Type A personality on aggression indicate that personality
constructs account for a modest amount of variance in aggression, a large
proportion of the variance goes unexplained. More sophisticated approaches
would take into account situational and social cognitive influences on
aggression that would identify the mediators and moderators of the
personality constructs on aggressive behaviour. This may provide answers to
the questions about the relative contribution, if any, that personality makes in
the explanation of aggressive acts in sport performers.
Despite these deep-seated beliefs, there is very little evidence to support the
cathartic hypothesis, and research suggests that persistent exposure to aggres-
sion does not reduce the likelihood of it being expressed elsewhere but, para-
doxically, such exposure increases it. For example, Bushman, Baumeister, and
Stack (1999) gave experimental participants one of three ostensible newspaper
articles written in support of the cathartic hypothesis (pro-catharsis), against
the cathartic hypothesis (anti-catharsis), and neutral point of view. Partici-
pants were then asked to write an essay from the point of view expressed in the
article they read, which was to be criticized by a student in another room. After
hearing very harsh criticism of the essay, participants were asked to fill out an
emotion questionnaire to measure anger and then given a choice of task, one
of which was a punching bag exercise. Angry participants in the pro-cathartic
condition were more likely to choose the punching bag exercise, indicating
that media attention may propagate the belief that aggression has a cathartic
effect. A follow-up study showed that participants in the pro-cathartic condi-
tion were more likely to administer a high level of punishment to their critic,
even those who had spent time in the punching bag task. Therefore, while
participants believed in the cathartic purpose of aggression, they were more
likely to commit an aggressive act (administer punishment) when they
punched the bag and received the cathartic essay. These data suggest that the
cathartic hypothesis is a belief rather than an actual effect, although research
suggests that the belief is as present as ever despite little empirical support
(Bennett 1991).
It is often cited that men are more likely to engage in aggressive behaviours
than women (Wrangham and Peterson 1996) and more likely to express
aggressive attitudes and beliefs (Eagly and Chaiken 1993). These differences
have been attributed to: (1) elevated levels of androgens (sex hormones) in
males; (2) the notion that aggression has an evolutionary benefit in demon-
strating dominance and status; and (3) the socialization of aggressive tenden-
cies in men during development. In sport, the majority, but not all, of the
aggressive acts seen in team competitions are committed by male athletes, and
men seem more likely to endorse aggression in sport than women (Tucker and
Parks 2001). Young girls have been shown to express high levels of moral
behaviour in sports participation (Stephens and Bredemeier 1996), but studies
suggest that females do endorse aggressive acts towards opponents if the group
norm endorses it (Stephens and Bredemeier 1996; Tucker and Parks 2001).
Interestingly, though, females engage in verbal assault as readily as men even
though they do not engage in subsequent aggression, verbal or physical
(Harris 1992).
Aggression and crowd violence 201
Morality issues
Prosocial behaviours are representative of the general moral conduct and con-
formity observed towards others in everyday life. However, as mentioned
previously, social identity theory suggests that personal moral behaviour can
be rendered insignificant in contexts where group membership is salient and a
group norm pervades. In such situations, people become ‘deindividuated’ and
assume the social identity of the group members. In doing so, the individual
internalizes the attitudes of the group and has a tendency to evaluate ingroup
members positively and outgroup members negatively. Bredemeier and
Shields (1986) suggest that assuming a group identity in sports teams could
result in the prosocial moral attitudes normally pervasive in everyday life
being suppressed and individuals undergoing a moral transformation towards
a more egocentric view of morality. This results in a bracketed morality in which
the ‘usual moral obligation to equally consider the needs and desires of all
persons’ (1986: 257) is suspended. This bracketed morality can lead to a legit-
imization of injurious or aggressive acts in a sports setting. Bredemeier and
Shields illustrated this by presenting moral dilemmas to establish the level of
moral reasoning in basketball players and non-athletes. The moral dilemmas
pictured situations in which aggressive acts in sport were legitimized and par-
ticipants were asked to make a decision about what the correct choice would
be and their reasons why. Findings indicated that basketballers cited more
egocentric and less prosocial reasons in their resolutions to the dilemmas,
indicating a clear egocentric bias in sports participants’ moral reasoning. These
findings illustrate a moral element to the acceptability of aggressive
behaviours in sporting contexts and a legitimization of these acts in the eyes of
Other factors that contribute to aggression in sport may be external physio-
logical factors such as heightened physiological arousal. By the nature of
intense effort, athletes tend to be in a state of heightened autonomic arousal
during competition. Further, this heightened state of arousal may seem to
abate after a short recovery period, but can be elevated for hours afterwards
(Zillman et al. 1974). For example, there is evidence to suggest that heightened
physiological arousal can be misinterpreted by an individual and expressed as
an emotional response like anger or frustration. Further, a participant may not
be aware that their heightened physiological state is responsible for their
emotional response (Zillman et al. 1974). This was particularly pervasive in
Zillman et al.’s experiment in which participants in an aroused state due to
physical exertion expressed more hostility towards an actor who insulted
them when they were still aroused from the exercise. Importantly, the hostility
was exaggerated when their awareness of that arousal was negated by the
introduction of a time gap between the insulting situation and the bout of
202 Aggression and crowd violence
exercise. In sport, particularly multiple sprint sports like hockey, rugby, soccer,
and lacrosse that have periods of intense effort followed by periods or rest,
players are likely to be in a physiologically aroused state that may contribute to
feelings of anger and, in a group situation where a norm legitimizes it, result in
The aggression between athletes in sport encompasses only a small part of the
aggressive acts that occur in sporting contexts. Aggression and violence,
particularly among spectators, crowds, and fans, have been a prevalent,
notorious, and unpleasant occurrence at sports venues and events worldwide,
particularly in Western Europe, and North and South America. It also seems
that particular sports are plagued with crowd violence (e.g. soccer). Although
its incidence seems to be abating in some areas, sports authorities, govern-
ments, and anti-hooliganism groups have yet to fully eradicate this scourge of
sport. This section aims to outline the problem and get a measure of the scale
of crowd violence in sport, introduce and critically analyse some of the major
social psychological theories that have been proposed to explain these insur-
gencies, identify the influential factors that predispose crowds to be aggressive,
and provide a balanced view regarding possible solutions to the problem.
In society, one should be under no illusion as to the popularity and import-
ance that many members attach to sports and sport success. Sport is ingrained
in our social fabric, and sports fans’ moods, emotions, motivations, and per-
sonal relationships are sometimes fully ensconced in the fortunes of the local
sports team. In addition, it is clear that professional sports teams are not only
Aggression and crowd violence 203
part of the ‘fabric’ of the local community and representative of its success,
they also generate a vast amount of revenue and are integral to many local
industries such as the service industry and tourism. Thus, sports teams have
great responsibility, given their power to affect people at an individual and
greater social level. It also means that when things go wrong and the team
experiences failure, such as relegation from a league competition, it may be
implicated in social ills such as violence and aggressive behaviour.
A neutral observer could cynically dismiss the influence of sport and sports
teams on aggression and aggressive behaviour in everyday life, but research
suggests that such a dismissal would be unwise, given some compelling pre-
liminary evidence of the powerful effect sports teams can have on social
behaviour. For example, Fernquist (2000) studied two indices of violent
behaviour: (1) homicide, a direct measure of aggression toward others; and (2)
suicide relative to the successes and failures of professional sports teams in 30
North American cities between 1971 and 1990. Making play-off tournaments
(end of season championship matches) was significantly related to declines in
both homicide and suicide rates, while championship wins were negatively
correlated with suicide rates only. Fernquist (2000) cited Gabennesch’s (1988)
broken promises theory to explain the results. He suggested that the frustra-
tion and hopelessness created by the unfulfilled hopes presented by the sports
teams may lead to social manifestations of those negative emotions in homi-
cide and suicide. These findings suggest that sports teams may have a pervasive
effect on social behaviour, and this must be considered when examining
crowd violence and collective aggression. However, it must also be noted that
crowd violence may not necessarily be a function of the outcome or fortunes
of the supported team, there are numerous instances in the literature where
the sport event itself and fortunes of the team are peripheral to the lived
experience of those involved in a crowd of supporters.
Theoretically, this section shifts focus away from the individual athlete and
aggression in sport contexts, and takes a broader view, examining aggression
among teams, sports crowds, spectators, and sports fans. These explanations
demand a different perspective from the approaches to individual violent
conduct and aggression which tend to focus on micro-level explanations on
situated behaviours and individual differences (Weed 2000). Instead, crowd
violence needs to be studied at group level, identifying the broader social con-
text as well as group-level perceptions held by individuals. However, it is
important to note that many social psychological theories applied to the study
of group interaction and conflict maintain an empirical, theory-testing,
information-processing approach, and use the individual as the main unit of
analysis. For example, social identity theorists, one of the major overarching
social psychological paradigms that will be visited to explain collective vio-
lence, cite the necessity to examine the group attitudes and perceptions at an
individual level (Marsh and Harré 1978; Stott 2001).
204 Aggression and crowd violence
does collective identity determine the purpose and nature of sport crowd
behaviour, but the group behaviour affects and changes the situation. Given
that the collective identity is defined, in part by the context, changes in the
environment will therefore affect and change social identity.
In summary, social identity theory has provided a unique and comprehen-
sive explanation of the mechanisms and processes that underlie violent
behaviour in sport crowds. Adopting theoretical perspectives from Festinger
(1954) and self-esteem theorists, Tajfel and Turner (1986) highlighted the
importance of group-level individual difference constructs like social identity
that supersede personal constructs like attitudes and self-identity in social con-
texts. Importantly, self-esteem is considered a primary reason why prejudice
develops between groups. This is because group members’ self-esteem is tied in
with their group membership, and when the group is threatened by others,
this threat is viewed as a threat to self-esteem. In order to maintain a positive
sense of self-esteem, group members are likely to vigorously defend their group
in the interest of maintaining a positive sense of self through the group. This
can result in an escalation of aggression and violent displays toward outgroup
members and, without proper moderation, may result in scenes of confronta-
tion and violence between opposing sets of fans and/or police seen at soccer
venues throughout Europe.
Reversal theory
Kerr (1997) adapted Apter’s (1982) reversal theory to the study of sport aggres-
sion and crowd violence in soccer. Reversal theory is described in detail in
Chapter 6 with respect to motivation and emotional experiences in sport.
Recall that reversal theory outlines the metamotivational states – psycho-
logical evaluations of the direction of a person’s motives in that given context
– that underpin motivation to engage in a behaviour. The context is important
as it will determine which metamotivational state operates and can instigate a
‘reversal’, i.e. a switch from one metamotivational state to another. The
external contingencies that lead to these reversals are frustration and satiation
of goals. In Chapter 6, the telic and paratelic metamotivational states were
introduced. A telic state orientates a person toward being directed and serious
in the pursuit of their goals, while a paratelic state reflects a playful, activity-
oriented approach. The telic–paratelic motivational states are considered to be
bipolar, so in any given context, a person can be in either state. This is why it is
possible for a person to have a goal-directed motivational orientation at one
occasion or point in time, but to hold an opposite motivational orientation at
another according to the effect of the context to frustrate or satiate goals. Apter
introduced several other bipolar metamotivational states that operate along-
side the telic–paratelic states, conformity–negativism, mastery–sympathy, and
autic–alloic. The autic state represents a concern or focus on oneself while an
alloic state reflects a concern for others. The interpretation of arousal as pleas-
ant or unpleasant, or its hedonic tone, interacts with the metamotivational
Aggression and crowd violence 209
Conflict theory
Steeped in Marxist ideology, conflict theory suggests that violence in sports
contexts is connected to underlying social, political, and economic grievances
held by the working-class element of the crowd. Therefore, sport contexts in
which fans share these common resentments serve as a hotbed for the expres-
sion of aggression directed at the perceived perpetrators of the inequalities.
Leading proponents of this theory suggest that sport is an ideal conduit for the
expression of dissent through aggression because elements of modern profes-
sional sport are perceived as economically exploitative of the ‘average’ work-
ing-class fan (Levine and Vinten-Johansen 1981). Collective aggression is
therefore explained in terms of perceived economic and social injustices spe-
cific to the sport. Taylor (1971) and Clarke (1978) talk of crowd violence in
soccer as an attempt to wrestle the honest, working-class values underpinning
the game from middle-class elements who seek to claim it for themselves.
These working-class elements feel marginalized by an increasingly bourgeois
society controlled by the nouveau riche.
On the surface it seems that conflict theory and the figurational approach to
soccer hooliganism share common explanations in that sport violence is
viewed as emanating from the working class and their grievances. However,
they fundamentally differ in the proposed direction of the aggressive displays.
Conflict theory suggests aggression is a reflection of the grievances and
injustice felt by the working-class elements in sports crowds and an attempt to
show dissent, defiance, and redress the balance, while figurational theory
explains the violence as tendencies arising from cultural values that legitimize
violence as a means to resolve conflict. While conflict theory appeals, particu-
larly in light of the economic rise of elite professional sports leagues owned by
super-rich benefactors such as Premier League soccer in England (Weed 2001),
Taylor (1971) proposes that its premises are speculative and have yet to receive
empirical support. Furthermore, Weed (2001) views this approach as having
Aggression and crowd violence 211
There are numerous environmental and social factors that can affect the inci-
dence and public perception of crowd violence and collective aggression.
Some of these have been reviewed previously such as crowd size and drug
abuse. This section will briefly outline two of the important contributory
factors that may serve to moderate collective aggression, and also affect the
perception and evaluation of members of sports spectators by those outside
these groups.
The media
As mentioned previously, social learning theory predicts that the observation
of violence may have a pervasive influence on others (Bandura 1977, 1997).
Television and newspapers are prompt in their condemnation of collective
aggression when these events are portrayed in the media. However, the cover-
age is usually a thin, diluted, and one-sided view of the events, which can have
damaging effects on the sport and those not involved in the violence but
whose livelihood is tied in with their involvement in the sport. Moreover,
despite the bias in the coverage, such events are often given a huge profile
within the media, and such prominence, if not coupled with a sense of per-
spective or explanations of contingency, may result in such events being per-
ceived as the norm. As we shall see later, this may have the effect of damaging
the reputation of the sport or even create a hyperbolic response and moral
outrage. Further, it may have an effect on young players and fans in sport. If
crowd violence and violence between players is given such prominence and is
observed by young people over long periods, it may be viewed as the accepted
norm and legitimized in those contexts. The social learning of aggressive acts
may then be internalized and re-enacted by young players and fans, habits
which could perpetuate such behaviours. There is evidence to support this
such as the tendency for players to select their heroes on the basis of their
aggressive play rather than other performance indicators (Russell 1979). Fur-
thermore, research has shown that similar behaviours, including infringe-
ments, are viewed in the same sports team across generations, suggesting that
younger players mimic the behaviours of other older players and these are
passed on (Russell 1993).
Recently, Weed (2001) has indicated that media coverage of crowd violence
in sport tends to be portrayed disproportionately by the media, a fact that may
perpetuate hooligan stereotypes among the general public, but also by the
authorities such as the government and police forces involved. Weed uses the
example of media portrayal of crowd violence among English and German
212 Aggression and crowd violence
Alcohol abuse
Misuse of alcohol is commonly implicated in a great deal of social violence,
particularly aggressive behaviours in the home and in public places. In the case
of crowd violence and collective aggression, excessive use of alcohol is often
considered a contributory factor. This is particularly true of fans of particular
sports such as soccer, but again such a reputation may be one that is perpetu-
ated by the media. In the social psychological literature meta-analytic studies
have suggested that there is a link between alcohol consumption and aggres-
sion (Bushman and Cooper 1990), and explanations for this lie in the disinhi-
bition effect, that is, under the influence of alcohol intrapersonal controls that
may mitigate the expression of behaviours such as aggression are suspended.
However, the causal link between aggression and use of alcohol may be
Aggression and crowd violence 213
Suggested reading
Stott, C. (2001) ‘Hooligans’ abroad? Inter-group dynamics, social identity and participa-
tion in collective ‘disorder’ at the 1998 World Cup finals, British Journal of Social
Psychology, 40: 359–84. A detailed account of a social identity theory approach to
football hooliganism.
Ward, R.E. (2002) Fan violence: Social problem or moral panic? Aggression and Violent
Behavior, 7: 453–75. A brief yet comprehensive review of the theoretical approaches to
crowd violence in sport.
Weed, M. (2001) Ing-ger-land at Euro 2000: how ‘handbags at 20 paces’ was portrayed
as a full-scale riot, International Review for the Sociology of Sport, 36: 407–24. An
interesting insight into the role of media portrayal and sports crowd violence.
performance (L. Hardy 1990). These examples illustrate that it is not emotion
per se, but the interpretive aspects of emotion that affect sports performance.
In addition to affective states, behaviour and motivation in both the exercise
and sport domains are also linked to self-esteem in exercisers. Self-esteem
tends to be viewed as a positive outcome of exercise, and research suggests that
self-esteem may be enhanced by the demonstration of competence in the
physical domain, such as Sonstroem and Morgan’s (1989) model of self-
esteem. Self-esteem in athletes is also regarded as an important outcome.
Athletes tend to report higher levels of physical self-esteem than the general
population and those who participate in recreational exercise (Marsh et al.
1995). This is generally attributable to the higher levels of competence in
sport and athletic situations. Importantly, self-esteem is also a predictor
of sports performance and exercise behaviour, and as a result the prediction of
self-esteem is an adaptive outcome in this regard.
Cross-sectional studies
Perhaps the most often adopted methodology in the exercise and sport discip-
lines is the usage of cross-sectional, questionnaire-based studies to confirm
measurement validity, test theoretical hypotheses, and establish patterns of
prediction such as mediation and moderation. In exercise psychology, the
majority of the theories of intention lend themselves to being tested using this
approach. There is large number of studies examining relationship among the
key antecedent variables in the health belief model, protection motivation
theory, the theories of reasoned action and planned behaviour, the transcon-
textual model, and the model of goal-directed behaviour, a conclusion cor-
roborated by the number of meta-analyses conducted in these areas (e.g.
Hausenblas et al. 1997; Hagger et al. 2002b). This is also true for sport. Meta-
analytic and narrative review studies have used evidence from cross-sectional
studies of the key relationships among variables in theories of emotion like
multidimensional anxiety theory (Kliene 1990; Craft et al. 2003), theories of
motivation such as achievement goal theory (Ntoumanis and Biddle 1999)
and attribution theory (Biddle et al. 2001), and theories of group influence
such as group cohesion (Carron and Hausenblas 1998). In addition, there is a
great deal of converging evidence to be gleaned from a large body of cross-
sectional research on theories such as self-efficacy theory and social cognitive
theory (Feltz and Chase 1998; McAuley and Blissmer 2002). The cross-
sectional or prospective approach is attractive because it represents an eco-
nomical manner to test theoretical hypotheses within a given population and
contemporary multivariate statistical procedures such as factor analysis
provide robust tests of such relationships while accounting for artefacts like
measurement error.
Such studies are also efficacious in revealing important mechanisms like
mediation and moderation. For example, the theory of planned behaviour in
the exercise domain consistently illustrates the mediating role of intentions
on the relationships between attitudes and exercise behaviour. Analogously, in
a sports context, such cross-sectional studies have supported the mediation of
the self-efficacy–performance relationship by goal setting (Theodorakis 1995).
Furthermore, moderators of important relationships in theories of exercise
behaviour such as the moderation of the relationship between attitudes
towards success and intentions to try by expectations of success in the theory
of trying, and the moderation of the self-efficacy–performance relationship
by goal setting in a sport context have been indicated (Theodorakis 1995).
The latter example being one where the same variable is implicated in the
moderation and mediation of the same relationship. These results indicate
220 Conclusion
Experimental designs
In comparison to studies in other areas of social psychology, there is a relative
dearth of experimental studies examining the effects of key independent vari-
ables on exercise and sport behaviour. Perhaps one of the reasons for this is
that exercise and sport behaviour is difficult to assess unequivocally in a
laboratory environment, and those that do frequently involve novel tasks that
do not necessarily reflect real-life sport situations. In other words, they lack
ecological validity. However, some experimental social psychologists would
view this as an advantage of experimental approach because it allows the
unequivocal focus on the mechanism alone while any extraneous variables
with the potential to disrupt the effects are negated. Nevertheless several
ingenious social psychological experimental designs have been adopted to
examine key processes in exercise and sport. For example, in the exercise
domain, experimental field studies have examined the effects of interventions
to alter the intention–behaviour relationship in favour of doing more exercise
(Milne et al. 2002; Prestwich et al. 2003). Such field studies are useful because
they involve more naturalistic, ecologically valid settings, suggesting the
effects of such manipulations are powerful in context that are more akin with
real life than the laboratory. In the domain of sport, the provision of false
performance feedback to athletes performing novel sports tasks in a laboratory
setting has been used to manipulate self-efficacy and such experiments have
Conclusion 221
Qualitative approaches
Some studies have adopted qualitative approaches to the study of exercise and
sport phenomena. Such approaches have been found to co-exist and comple-
ment other quantitative approaches. For example, the theories of reasoned
action and planned behaviour have frequently relied upon the content analy-
sis of open-ended interviews and questionnaires to inform the development of
belief-based questionnaires for exercise behaviour (Ajzen 1991). In sport, Holt
and Sparkes (2001) used a qualitative ethnographic study to identify the fac-
tors that influenced group cohesion in sports teams over a competitive season.
This study was innovative in that it used a number of different means such as
participant observation, formal and informal interviews, documentary
sources, field diaries, and reflexive journals to generate the rich set of data for
subsequent content and interpretive analysis. There are other examples in
sport such as the numerous approaches to the study of crowd violence and
football hooliganism in sport (Ward 2002). Importantly, it needs to be recog-
nized that qualitative inquiry does not necessarily imply a non-theoretical
approach. Some studies adopting this method do, but other qualitative inquir-
ies can adopt a theoretical basis that has equal rigour with quantitative
inquiry. Therefore, although less prevalent, the adoption of qualitative
approaches provides rich, informative data and has also been shown to
augment and extend the meaning of data collected by quantitative means.
participation (e.g. Theodorakis et al. 1991b) suggesting that coaches and those
involved with promoting continued adherence to training regimes in athletes
would do well to adopt the intervention techniques offered by planned
behaviour theorists. Indeed, few differences have been noted between the pre-
dictors of intention in regular exercisers and athletes attending training pro-
grammes. This suggests, as Ajzen (1985) states, that the theory of planned
behaviour is a general theory of intention and can be applied across many
contexts. Ajzen does concede that the relative contribution that each theory
variable makes in the prediction of intention may differ, a hypothesis that has
been supported empirically. However, since exercise and sport are similar con-
texts and the behaviours involved are similar in terms of the pressures and
constraints involved such as the amount of relative control a person perceives
they can have over the behaviour, their antecedents are likely to exhibit
In addition to theories of intention, self-determination theory has been
adopted to explain the effect of the motivational styles and the contextual
contingencies under which an individual operates on intrinsic motivation
and behaviour. In exercise, the primary focus of this work has been in the
adoption of motivational styles delineated by the perceived locus of causal-
ity and organismic integration sub-theory to predict exercise behaviour.
Intrinsic motivation and intrinsic forms of external regulation such as
identification have been found to influence the proximal psychological
determinants of exercise behaviour such as attitudes and intentions
(Chatzisarantis et al. 2002; Hagger et al. 2002a; Standage et al. 2003), as well as
exercise behaviour itself (Chatzisarantis et al. 1997; Chatzisarantis et al.
2002). In addition, contexts that support intrinsic motivation and identifica-
tion have been shown to give rise to intrinsic motivation and have a posi-
tive, indirect effect on leisure-time exercise behaviour (Chatzisarantis et al.
2002; Hagger et al. 2003b). In addition, self-determination theory, particu-
larly intrinsic motivation and an autonomy-supported motivational climate,
has been shown to predict intentions to participate in sports training
(Escarti and Gutierrez 2001) and actual sports participation (Robinson and
Carron 1982). Such evidence corroborates the adoption of the theory of
planned behaviour to account for the underlying influences on exercise and
sports training participation (Theodorakis et al. 1991b). However, self-
determination theory has also been adopted to explain motivation to par-
ticipate and persist in sports tasks. For example, intrinsic motivation has
been shown to be related to motivational variables like goal orientations
(Seifriz et al. 1992; Duda et al. 1995; Newton and Duda 1999). In addition,
intrinsic motivation has been shown to be associated with sport perform-
ance (Ryan et al. 1984). Autonomy support has also been linked with posi-
tive affect intrinsic motivation in athletes (Gagné et al. 2003). Together, this
evidence suggests that the fostering of intrinsic motivation or at least an
identified regulation by highlighting the importance of the goal to exercisers
and athletes, providing non-contingent positive feedback, and providing
Conclusion 223
Formative research: Empirical research that focuses on the origins of social cognitive
constructs and behaviour.
Group cohesion: The social forces that maintain the attraction between members of a
group and the resistance of the group to disruptive forces.
Group dynamics: The study of the effect of group membership on group members’
perceptions and behaviour.
Group norm: The accepted roles and ways of behaving endorsed by group members.
Health belief model: A social cognitive theory of health behaviour that hypothesizes
that an individual’s readiness or intention to perform a health behaviour is function
of his/her perceived vulnerability to a health condition and the probable severity of
that condition.
Hierarchical model: Refers to a hierarchical organization of a psychological construct
from different levels of generality and implies both bottom-up and top-down patterns
of influence. Vallerand’s (1997) hierarchical models of self-determined motivation
and Fox and Corbin’s (1989) hierarchical model of physical self-perceptions are
Home advantage: Phenomenon in which a sport team has a significantly better chance
of winning when playing at their home ground or venue, although some argue this
may be indicative of an ‘away disadvantage’.
Hooliganism: A brand of sport violence usually reserved for conflict among soccer fans
in Europe, although some argue that this term also refers to non-violent extrovert and
outrageous behaviours.
Hostile aggression: Aggression for which the primary purpose is injurious to others and
coupled with high emotional arousal. Should be contrasted to instrumental aggression.
Implementation intention: Volitional strategy in which the link between intention and
behaviour is enhanced by the creation of cues (e.g. when and where to perform the
behaviour) that permit the automatic enactment of the behaviour once they are
Individualized zones of optimal functioning (IZOF): Hanin’s (2000) eclectic theory
that has been primarily described as a theory of anxiety and hypothesizes that athletes
have an individual level of anxiety at which they will exhibit optimal performance.
Instrumental aggression: Aggressive acts that may result in injury, but the intent to
injure is peripheral to the performance advantage the aggressive act yields.
Intention: Stated plans to act and the most proximal predictor of behaviour in the
theory of planned behaviour. See theory of planned behaviour.
Intention stability: Consistency in intentions over time, thought to moderate the inten-
tion–behaviour relationship in the theory of planned behaviour.
Intervention: A strategy implemented to change a number of (usually) psychological
variables and examine their effect of perceptions and behaviour.
Intrinsic motivation: Motivation to participate in social behaviours with no discernible
external reinforcement. Intrinsic motivation is often characterized as behaviours that
are done out of enjoyment, fun, interest, a sense of choice, and personal autonomy.
Inverted-U hypothesis: Hypothesis that athletes have an ‘optimal’ level of arousal at
which performance is maximized, while lower or higher levels of arousal lead to
progressively inferior performance.
Meta-analysis: Statistical technique that aims to find the average effect size (relation-
ship or difference) between key variables from tests of the effect across a number of
empirical studies while correcting for sampling (e.g. sample size) and measurement
(e.g. reliability) error.
230 Glossary
Perceived power: The extent that external factors affect behavioural engagement.
Along with control beliefs, this forms the expectancy-value model of the perceived
behavioural control component of the theory of planned behaviour.
Personality: Trait or trait-like constructs that are general and stable in nature and are
hypothesized to affect a variety of behaviours across a number of contexts.
Physical activity: Umbrella term that encompasses all energy-expending body
Physical self-esteem: An individual’s evaluation of their self in physical contexts.
Protection motivation theory: A social cognitive theory that hypothesizes that
engagement in health behaviour is function of threat and coping appraisals.
Psychological social psychology: Approach to social psychological investigation that
adopts an empirical, hypothesis-testing framework based on the principles of falsifica-
tion and converging evidence.
Reversal theory: Theory of motivation and emotion that states that an individual’s
behaviour is determined by a series of metamotivational states. These states dictate
whether the individual experiences a positive or negative affective state or hedonic
tone and the level of arousal associated with the behaviour.
Role ambiguity: The degree of clarity that an individual has regarding his role in a sport
team or group.
Role conflict: The degree to which an individual perceives they are unable to meet the
demands of their established or assigned role in a sport team or group.
Role efficacy: An individual’s estimate of their ability to perform the behaviours
expected to successfully fulfil their role in the sport team or group.
Self-determination theory: Influential theory of motivation that hypothesizes that
human motivation is determined by the goal of satisfying the basic psychological
needs of autonomy (see intrinsic motivation), competence, and relatedness. Self-
determination theory concerns itself with the environmental conditions that give rise
to intrinsically motivated behaviour (see cognitive evaluation theory) and the way in
which extrinsically motivated behaviours (see perceived locus of causality) become inte-
grated into an individual’s repertoire of behaviours that satisfy psychological needs
(see organismic integration theory).
Self-efficacy: Situation-specific self-confidence.
Social cognition: Approach to social psychology that assumes individuals are rational
decision-makers who process information from their social environment and past
experience prior to making decisions to act.
Social cognitive theory: Bandura’s (1977) theory that proposed that behaviour was a
function of environmental reinforcements (presence of models) and internal factors
(such as observational learning).
Social facilitation: The study of the effects of audiences and coaction on individual
performance, particularly audiences and other competitors on sport performance.
Social identity theory: Tajfel and Turner’s (1986) theory that hypothesizes individual
group members’ behaviour to be affected by their own categorization of themselves as
stereotypical group members and their associated attributes.
Social learning theory: Branch of Bandura’s (1986) social cognitive theory that focuses on
how individuals’ observation of others’ behaviour can reinforce their own behaviours.
Social loafing: Phenomenon in which an individual in a group exhibits a decrement in
their personal performance due to the perception that they are unable to contribute to
the group effort and their individual contribution is not being evaluated.
Sociological social psychology: Approach to social psychology that focuses on theory
232 Glossary
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Author index
Abraham, C., 17, 34 Deci, E., 15, 46, 50–6, 58–9, 62, 67–8, 71,
Aiello, J., 177, 180–3 100, 118–21, 129, 161, 217
Ames, C., 62, 113, 116–17 Duda, J., 99, 113–15, 128, 143–4, 222
Ajzen, I., 13, 15, 20–9, 33, 44–6, 48–9, 100, Dunning, E., 205, 209–10
105, 217, 221–3 Dweck, C., 113
Apter, M., 156, 208, 216–17
Armitage, C., 23–4, 27, 31, 33, 38–40 Eagly, A., 13, 30, 131, 165, 200
Eys, M., 172, 175
Bagozzi, R., 2, 45, 132–3
Bandura, A., 23, 32, 71, 83, 100, 105–10, Fazio, R., 28–9, 31
128, 165–6, 174–5, 197, 205, 211 Feltz, D., 105, 108–11, 113, 128, 166–7,
Bargh, J., 28–9, 47 219
Baumeister, R., 130, 161, 184, 190–1, Festinger, L., 46, 164, 206, 208
218 Fox, K., 10, 77–9, 81–2, 86, 94, 220, 223
Beauchamp, M., 174–5, 194
Beedie, C., 138, 155–6 Gill, D., 143, 164
Biddle, S., 81, 103–4, 106, 115, 128, 219 Godin, G., 24, 28, 42
Brawley, L., 12–14, 24, 172 Gollwitzer, P., 15, 43, 46–7, 49, 68
Bray, S., 167, 184, 187 Gould, D., 111, 113, 133, 135–6, 142, 150,
Burton, D., 135–8, 140, 145, 147 152
Guay, F., 58, 125, 127, 220, 223
Cale, L., 11, 14
Carron, A., 161–2, 164, 168–70, 172–3, Hagger, M., 13, 20–1, 24–5, 28, 31–2, 35,
191–2, 218–19 41, 44–5, 58–60, 62, 68, 73, 79, 81–2,
Chaiken, S., 28–29, 60 85–6, 123, 127, 131, 219, 221–2, 224
Chatzisarantis, N., 21, 24, 28–9, 44, 46, 48, Hall, H., 112, 143
58–60, 62, 128, 222 Hanin, Y., 151–3, 155, 158–9, 216–17
Conner, M., 23, 27, 29–33, 35, 41, 43–4 Hardy, L., 141, 148–50, 159, 218
Cottrell, N., 176–8 Harter, S., 72, 76–7
Courneya, K., 9, 26, 29–30, 32–3, 35, 39, Harwood, C., 116, 146
45, 184, 188, 218 Hausenblas, H., 20–1, 25, 90–3, 219, 221
Craft, L., 136, 138, 158–9, 219 Heider, F., 100–1, 128
262 Author index
Orbell, S., 44, 46–7, 49 Vallerand, R., 60, 116, 120–1, 125–8, 142,
Oxendine, J., 140 220, 223
Varca, P., 184–5, 187, 218
Perugini, M., 36–7, 41, 131, 217
Petty, R., 26, 165 Weed, M., 203–5, 210–13
Prestwich, A., 47–9, 220 Weinberg, R., 110, 221
Prochaska, J., 38–9 Weiner, B., 101–4, 106, 128
Whitehead, J., 54, 81–2, 120
Quine, L., 17, 24–6 Widmeyer, W., 163, 166–7, 172–3
Williams, G., 58–9, 123
Reeve, J., 54, 62, 76, 99, 120–3
Reicher, S., 206–7 Yates, A., 88–94
Rhodes, R., 29–30, 32, 223
Rivis, A., 32, 218 Zajonc, R., 130, 160, 176–9, 187
Subject index
factor analysis, 84, 136, 219 identified regulation, 51, 55–6, 58, 67, 120,
feedback 222
controlling and informational, 53–5, 59, see also organismic integration theory;
62, 69, 112, 118, 118–23, 225 self-determination theory
false feedback in experiments, 109, imagery, 108, 112–13, 147
220 implementation intention, 46–9, 69
positive, 54, 67, 107, 204, 222 individual difference, 116, 150, 198,
see also cognitive evaluation theory; 203–5, 208
self-determination theory information processing, 28, 103, 203–5
figurational approach, 205, 209–10, 214 integrated regulation, 51, 55–6, 58, 69
formative research, 13–14, 17, 19, 21, see also organismic integration theory;
24–5, 27, 35 self-determination theory
see also applied research intention
distinction from desire, 36–7
goal formation, 16, 45, 49, 69
directed intention, 46–48 stability, 44, 69
setting, 94, 109, 112, 147, 173, 219 volitional and forced, 46
striving, 99, 125 see also implementation intention;
goal orientation, 113–17, 129, 141, 143–5, theory of planned behaviour; theory
216, 222, 226 of reasoned action
see also achievement goal theory internalization, 55–6, 67
group norms, 124, 161–2, 164–5, 168, see also organismic integration theory;
200–1, 207 self-determination theory
group cohesion interventions
definition of, 168–9 based on health belief model/protection
conceptual framework, 169–70 motivation theory, 19
interventions, 173 based on extensions to social cognitive
relationship with performance, theories, 34–6
170–2 based on theory of planned
relationships with outcomes, 172, behaviour/reasoned action, 24–7
218–21 based on volitional strategies, 49
role behaviour, 173–4 intrinsic motivation
in cognitive evaluation theory, 52–5
habit, 28–9 definition of, 50–1
see also past behaviour in exercise, 50–1
health belief model, 16–19, 24, 5, 41, 216, in hierarchical model, 125–8
219 in sport, 110, 114–15, 117–25,
266 Subject index
social cognitive theory, 105–7, 109–10, see also anxiety; cognitive anxiety;
112, 128, 219, 226 self-confidence
see also self-efficacy spontaneous behavioural processes, 29, 31
social facilitation sport
definition of, 176 definition of, 7–8
evaluation apprehension, 177–9 importance of, 1
integrative model, 181–3 psychologist/practitioner, 3, 131, 135,
role of cognition, 179 183
see also evaluation apprehension; social see also exercise; physical activity
loafing stages of change, 38–40, 65, 67,
social identity theory, 71, 164, 201, 204–8, see also transtheoretical model
214 subjective norms, 20–4, 25–7, 30–4, 36–7,
social learning theory, 106, 165, 197–8, 42–3, 60, 62, 216, 218
205, 211, 213
see also aggression; social cognitive theory of planned behaviour, 22–36,
theory 39–40, 42–4, 46–9, 60, 63, 131,
social loafing, 163, 166, 172, 179–81, 186, 216–19, 221–5
192 theory of reasoned action, 20–5, 42
social support, 32–3, 42, 172, 218 trans-contextual model, 59–62, 69, 216,
see also theory of planned behaviour 219
self-schema, 45–6, 69 transtheoretical model, 38–42
somatic anxiety see also stages of change
definition of, 134–6
intensity vs direction distinction, 145–7 volitional strategies, 47, 49
relation to inverted-u hypothesis,
139–41 within-participants analyses, 31
The Social Psychology of Exercise and Sport is key reading for undergraduate
and postgraduate students on social or sport psychology courses and on
health-related or sports science courses. Illustrated throughout with practical
guidelines for researchers and practitioners, it is also a valuable resource for
professionals interested in understanding and changing the behaviour of
exercise participants and athletes.
Cover design: Kate Prentice
Martin Hagger is Lecturer in Social and Health Psychology at the University
of Essex. He is also a qualified Chartered Health Psychologist with the British
Psychological Society (BPS) and an accredited Sports Scientist (Psychology)
with the British Association of Sport and Exercise Sciences. He has diverse
research interests in the fields of health and social psychology.
at the University of Exeter. His research interests span the fields of philosophy,
social psychology, and quantitative research methodology.