The Visual Elements in EFL Coursebooks - Group 3
The Visual Elements in EFL Coursebooks - Group 3
The Visual Elements in EFL Coursebooks - Group 3
Language Teaching
Students’ name:
Instructor: Mr. Nguyễn Đăng Nguyên Vòng Vy Nguyệt Ánh 1757010051
Nguyễn Ngọc Hồ 1757010097
Class on Tuesday afternoon at Thu Nguyễn An Khương 1757010132
Duc Campus Huỳnh Hồ Đông Nhi 1757010176
Huỳnh Ngọc Hiền Nhi 1757010177
Trương Mỹ Tiên 1757010251
Lê Thị Hoài Trang 1757010261
Trương Vũ Nguyên Uyên 1757010283
1.1 The approach to have analysis: Initially finding out in the main text pages of the
coursebook units the balance between black-and-white and colour illustration, and
between drawings and photographs and analysing what the pictures were actually
- These figures only show the existence of a separate individual illustration, regardless of
size. All three books are roughly A4 format (c. 21 cm x 30 cm), and the pictures typically vary
in size from 20.5 cm x 16 cm down to 3 cm x 4 cm. Cartoon story sequences in a block are
counted as one illustration.
- Perhaps the most obvious thing which stands out from the figures in Table 7.1 is the
overwhelming dominance of colour pictures (475/529) to black-and-white (54/529), and the
overwhelming dominance of photos (392/529) to drawings (137/529). The use of black-and-
white photos is generally limited to historical photos that only exist in that form; the use of
black-and-white illustration is generally limited to the use of single funny cartoons.
- It is also noticeable that the earliest book – Inside Out, which was developed in the 1990s –
has a higher number of drawn illustrations – more than twice as many as the later two
books; this may indicate a greater and simpler access to different types of photographic
images parallel to the increased use of electronic technology in publishing.
- The figures in Table 7.2 indicate that far more pictures show straight portraits, and people
doing something (actions) or interacting with each other.
- It is interesting to note that the vast majority of portraits are photographs (111, against only
5 drawings) while a relatively high number of the interaction pictures are drawings (38 out of
106); this reflects the fact that it is much easier for a picture editor to get an agency portrait
of, say ‘a woman in her thirties looking happy’ than ‘a couple of students arguing about
shopping in a supermarket’ – although many of this last category of photos are clearly
staged for the purpose.
- There are various kinds of photographic images used in coursebooks over time thanks to
the development of electronic technology in publishing.
- The illustrations often focus on portrait, interaction with each other and actions of people as
Generally, visual elements in EFL materials are fundamentally used into 2 major ways:
Decoration ( merely use for providing illustration or space-filling) and Specific use ( Directly
related to particular learning activities).
1. The Approach to have analysis: Initially, find out in the text of student's book how
many of pictures we specifically used and how many were merely used for decoration.
• Half of the images 53,4 percent ( 40,8 %+ 12,6%) across the three books are still used
purely for Decoration.
• In terms of Face2face book: it has fewer pictures than other two courses >< the highest
percentage which are used by students:
• Inside Out & Outcomes : have an almost identical number of pictures in them:
Inside Out : Specific use ( 35,9%) , Decoration ( 64,1%) => not balanced.
-Example: Major problem in the production of the coursebooks: If the authors of the
coursebooks doesn't provide a brief for a particular picture for use with an activity, then
the rest of the production process up to the editors and designers=> They add decorative
images to fill the space.
Ilustrated straplines are included at the top of pages or start of chapters and
how many pictures they can afford from picture agencies without going over budget.
The illustrations are commonly being used for fairly low-level language practice, with few
activities aimed at stimulating students to use the language at their disposal creatively
starting from the pictures
The Roads activity (Hill, 1990, p.34): Different type of country roads (which have no people,
animals or vehicles) are given to students. These students then have to imagine they are
standing on that road and note down their own responses to several stimulating questions
● something they can see outside their picture to their left, which we can’t see;
● something they can hear;
● something they can see outside their picture to their right, which we can’t see;
● something they can smell;
● something small they find on the road, pick up and take home with them;
● something they see in front of them which they do not like when they walk down the
road and out of the picture.
The students then suggested to share with their partner about their responses.
→ This activity helps learners to develop the ability to use second language in daily conversation
Further example:
Another familiar activity was the analyzing of colors (The image in language teaching, Kieran
Donaghy and Daniel Xerrie, p. 74):
Prepare students with some ‘colors’ codes’ (like yellow for young and joy; green for money,
nature, jealousy and luck; brown for solidity, neutrality and straightforwardness…) then give
them various colorful pictures of brand logos and ask them to analyze the hidden meaning
under the color usage of those logos.
→ By implementing colors and pictures in the lesson, the activity give students a more
comprehension stimulate emotional response and help them practice speaking
The page works through a series of nine activities under three headings: Speaking(1),
Vocabulary (4), and Pronunciation (4)
➔ They all deal with aspects of the topic relating to events and entertainment
What is actually happening in the picture is not clear, but it would seem to be young
Japanese people at a rock concert. It therefore relates clearly to some of the sentences in
Vocabulary exercise A and could relate to Vocabulary exercise D and Pronunciation
exercises A and B, too, without being directly referred to.
It means that all the exercises aim to help students describe attendance at events using
more interesting and colourful language. So the picture provides a context of a kind ,
however it is not used for any linguistic purpose. The activities would work just as well
without the picture. Students can almost certainly describe events through:
+ Because of the written information given in text of the coursebook
+ Examples they hear on the recording
➔ Not because of the picture.
Through some picture-related discussion, using rubrics as follows would lead into the
language tasks and stimulate linguistic purposes:
- What kind of events do young people enjoy going out to in the evenings and at
- How do young people dress when they go to a rock concert?
- Look at the picture below. What nationality do you think these people are? Are
they dressed and behaving like young people at a concert in your country? Why/
why not?
- How do you think they are feeling?
+ The issue here is not only dealing with what is seen, dealing with what the learners know
but thinking or deducing more into the content presented. It is of utmost importance to make
the distinction between ‘talking about’ a picture and ‘talking with’ a picture. If you talk
about a picture, you are limited and constrained by what you can see – “Some of them are
dancing and others are. . . .” It is factual and visible.
+ However, this need not be an end in itself, but the way into talking with the picture: ‘The
girl with the blonde hair looks as if she’s enjoying herself dancing, and this guy in the red hat
and white glasses reminds me of someone I saw at the last concert I went to . . . he was…
Here, with a suitable task, the picture allows learners to bring their own reality,
experiences to the lesson. Coursebooks seem to offer very few opportunities to use
pictures to stimulate their own inner meanings.
In the author’s coursebook for the Italian Biennio, Corpus, a series of good colour
photographs are used on a large scale in relation to some pages on Art Nouveau. First, they
are used to consolidate vocabulary via a listening passage about collecting Art Nouveau
objects. There is a relatively simple labelling activity (‘talking about’) first, and then there
follows a series of three questions which broaden the topic out to a discussion of the
learners’ feelings related to the Art Nouveau objects illustrated (‘talking with’).
Besides visual elements presented in coursebooks, other types of materials that can be
named as to stimulating the linguistic purposes and involving more learning experience
such as using flashcards, cue cards, printed materials, handmade/hand drawn pieces, real
VI. Conclusion
Visual elements are mostly for decorative purpose
● Linguistic purposes are rare and mostly for low level language
● Ways to improve using language tasks
● Types of other materials for meaningful and involved language learning experience