Rules and Regulations
Rules and Regulations
Rules and Regulations
1. Debate
Competition Description :
Austral-asian style debates consist of two teams who debate over an issue, more commonly
called a motion. The two teams in Austral-asian debate are called the "Affirmative" or
"Government" and the "Negative" or "Opposition". The Affirmative Team agrees with the topic
and presents arguments supported by evidence to demonstrate the truth of the motion. The
Negative Team disagrees with the topic and presents arguments supported by evidence to
disprove the truth of the topic. To rival their opposition, each team has the goal of convincing
the adjudicators that their side of the motion is correct and that their opposition's is incorrect.
Competition Format :
General Rules :
• Austral-asian Parliamentary
Criteria Austral-asian
Number of Teams 2
Number of Participants 6
• Each team will be called 3 times when their turn comes before considered as walk out.
• All participants should respect and appreciate every judgement made by the adjudicators.
Speakers Role :
a) 1st Speakers (Prime Minister and Leader of Opposition) should give a clear background
and also the philosophical basis towards the debate itself. In order to put a clear
philosophical basic, usually the speakers brought us the fundamental in form of
justification ("Why is it right to goal this motion?") or urgency ("Why we have to do it
now?"). This philosophical basis usually followed by the mechanism (only during a
proposal debate) that must show us 3 elements: mechanism, effectiveness, and feasibility.
b) 2nd Speakers (Deputy Prime Minister and Deputy Leader of Opposition) have the duty to
refute the main case of the 1st speakers from the opposite team (even so, the 2nd Speakers
usually only allow to bring two points of refutation at max), and to extent their own 1st
Speakers' case. The arguments that they give also related only to the practical effect of a
motion. Even in a philosophical debate (marked by phrase: "This House Believes That"),
these speakers have to bring their own extension case which usually discussing about a
motion from a different points of view (called 2nd split) and also the further impact that is
given by a motion.
c) 3rd Speakers (Government Whip and Opposition Whip) are allowed to bring more than 2
rebuttals but they are restricted to bring out any new arguments except repeating and
supporting the 1st and 2nd speakers case in order to rebuilt their main cases. The main goal
of 3rd rebuttals is to negate their opponent case not only in terms of technicalities and
practicalities, but also to the deepest, most basic premises that lay the foundation towards
the debate itself (adjudicators usually give a great major points when they refute this
philosophical basis).
d) Reply Speakers can only be chosen from the 1st Speakers or 2nd Speakers. Started from
the negative side of the house, reply speakers should only review the strengths of their team
and weaknesses of opponent's team. No new points allowed.
Debate Timeline:
1. Points of Information only allowed on main speakers (1st, 2nd, 3rd) speech. It is not
allowed on reply speaker speech.
3. Timekeeping will be really strict to ensure the quality of debate process. There will be 4
time alert, the 1st minute (1 knock), 4th minute (2 knocks), 5th minute (3 knocks), and 5th
minute and 20 seconds (continuous knocks).
Judging And Scoring
In formal debating contexts, speakers are scored according to three categories:
1) Matter (40%), is the category that assesses the content of a speaker's speech which
includes the arguments and evidence that they present to support his/her team's side of
the topic.
2) Manner (30%), is the category that assesses the way in which a speaker presents his/her
material and usually includes factors such as eye contact, gesturing and voice
3) Method (30%), is category that assesses the way in which a speaker structures his/her
speech and includes factors such as dynamics (the way that a speaker responds to their
opposition's strategy), rebuttal and time management.
2. Speech
Competition Description :
The contestants are required to deliver speeches in English. These speeches should directly
related to the topic provided and contestant's role is to deliver the idea and to convince the
audience. The main theme of the competition is “Energy Vs Millenials”. Only for Student
from SLTA in Blora
Competition Format :
General Rules :
1) Participant : 28 participants
2) Each contestant will be called 3 times when their turn comes before considered as walk
3) All participants should respect and appreciate every judgement made by the adjudicators.
Competition System :
• For preliminary round, participants are require to perform speech which topic already
chosen from the topics provided by committee
• For preliminary round, 7 minutes is allocated for speech, followed by 5 minutes for
• For final round, 7 minutes is allocated for speech, followed by 5 minutes for Q&A from
• On final round, participants is given a topic from committee and should prepare their
speech accordingly
• Timekeeping: there will be 4 time alert, the 3rd minute (1 knock), 5th minute (2 knocks),
7th minute (3 knocks), and 7th minute and 20 seconds (continuous knocks).