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First Version - Oct.


A modal logic of indiscernibility

Décio Krause & Pedro Merlussi

Department of Philosophy
Federal University of Santa Catarina

This paper introduces a two-sorted first-order modal logic to deal with indiscerni-
billity, enabling us to speak of objects of two different species. The intended inter-
pretation is that objects of one of the species obey the rules of standard S5, while
the objects of another species do not obey the standard rules of identity, but of
a weaker notion of indiscernibility instead. The basic idea is that in this "actual"
world things may be indiscernible but in another accessible world they can be dis-
tinguished in some way. Also, things may be distinguished in the "actual" world,
but they may be indiscernible in another world. Quantum mechanics motivates
the development, and 3α is though as indicating that in some possible (accessi-
ble) world α is the case. So, while two quantum systems may be entangles in this
actual world, in some world, due to a measurement, they can be discerned. Two
semantics are sketched for our systems. The first is constructed within a standard
set theory (the ZFC system is assumed in the metalevel), and the inadequacies
of this semantics is enlighten. The second one is constructed within the theory of
quasi-sets, which is more in accordance with the spirit of our logic. Some further
philosophical related approaches are considered. This is our first attempt to apply
modal logics to deal with indiscernibility having the quantum domain in mind.

Key-words: indiscernibility, non identity, modal logic, Barcan formula, quasi-set

theory, non-standard semantics.

1 Introduction
In [AreKra.12], it was introduced a first order logic to cope with indiscernible but
not identical objects. As is well know, classical logic and standard mathematics
(say, that mathematics that can be developed within a standard set theory such as
ZFC) are "Leibnizian" in the sense that indiscernible things —sets belonging to the
same sets— turn to be the very same thing. The way of dealing with indiscernible
things within such a framework is to consider that some congruence relation other
than identity gives indiscernibility. For instance, we can consider a language with
few predicate constants and define identity by the exhaustion of these predicates
(Quine’s strategy [Qui.86, Chap.5]). But we think it is not a plausible philosophical
strategy, yet it can work for practical purposes. Really, we can always add new
predicates to the language, so that our indiscernible objects turn to be discernible
in the wide language. Equivalently, we can consider indiscernibility with respect
to the predicates and relations of a certain non-rigid structure A = hD, Ri i, i ∈ I

(that is, a structure having other automorphisms than the identity function). But
every ZFC-structure can extended to a rigid one, so that in the ground theory (ZFC
proper), the objects can always be discerned.
The reasons for developing such logic come from the interest in providing an ad-
equate and "legitimate" stuff for sustaining a metaphysics of objects devoid of
identity criteria. Quantum objects, according to a plausible interpretation, might
be examples of such entities (see [FreKra.06] for a wide discussion). Here we shall
not provide the philosophical defense of this position; we assume it as reasonable
and try to provide a modal logic for discussing some topics that were not considered
before. The use of a modal logic is mainly justified by the fact that the relations
of indiscernibility, as well of non-indiscernibility, in a sense to be explained below,
are not necessary, whereas identity and distinctness obtain necessary relation. The
infamous Barcan formula is also considered within our schema, also with interesting
Perhaps the most striking feature and novel fact is concerning semantics. We pro-
vide two distinct semantics for our system, a move that shows that the consideration
of the metamathematics used in discussion semantics may have important conse-
quences. The first semantics is developed within a standard framework (which can
be taken to be ZFC). We show the inadequacy of this semantics in the sense that it
hides the metaphysical assumption of indiscernible but non-identical things. Then
we develop a semantics based on quasi-set theory and discuss it from the logical
point of view. But we shall leave to the body of the text the detailed explanations.

2 An elementary modal logic of indiscernibility

In this section we present a minimal nucleus of an elementary modal logic compris-
ing a notion of indiscernibility which does not collapse into identity. Let L be a
first-order two sorted language defined as follows. The primitive alphabet contains
the sentential connectives ¬ (negation) and → (material implication), auxiliary
symbols (parentheses and comma), the universal quantifier ∀, the unary operator 2
(necessity), and two binary predicate symbols, ≈ (identity) and ∼ = (indistinguisha-
bility, or indiscernibility). Concerning individual variables, we consider two species
of them: (i) variables of the first species x1 , x2 , . . . (which we represent by x, y, z)
and (ii) variables of the second species X1 , X2 , . . ., represented by X, Y, Z. In this
formulation, we shall not make use neither individual constants nor function sym-
The atomic formulas are defined as comprising the expressions of the form x ∼ = y,
X∼ = Y , X ≈ Y , and nothing else. Thus, the binary predicate of identity does not
apply to the objects denoted by the variables of the first species (objects of the first
species). The other formulas are defined in the usual way, by considering that both
∀xα(x) and ∀Xα(X) are formulas, where α is a formula. All the standard defini-
tions of the other sentential connectives, the diamond symbol 3 and the existential
quantifier are given as usual.
The postulates of our logic are the following ones. First, a standard complete ax-
iomatics for first-order classical logic with identity with respect to the objects of
the second species. As for the objects of the first species, the corresponding axioms

of the same logic, except those of identity, but we have the following additional
(i) The relation of indiscernibility is reflexive, symmetric and transitive with
respect to objects of the first species.
(ii) ∀X∀Y (X ∼=Y →X ≈Y)
(iii) The axioms for the modal elementary system S5. We use S5 here for con-
venience, but perhaps other systems could be used instead. For what we shall
state below, the modal system K seems to be enough.
We remark that the substitutive law (sometimes called Leibniz Law) is valid only
with respect to identical objects of the second species. That is, we have that
∀X∀Y (X ≈ Y → (α(X) → α(Y )) with the standard restrictions, but NOT that
∀x∀y(x ∼ = y → (α(x) → α(y)). Thus, identity and indistinguishability are distinct
concepts. The reciprocal of the above axiom (ii) is a theorem, as we shall see below.
So, our system will admit the existence of both second species objects that may be
indiscernible but not identical and identical second species objects, but it admits
only indiscernible objects of first species. In our intended interpretation, we think of
the objects of second species as those physical objects described by classical physics,
that is, roughly speaking, the objects of our surroundings (in our scale). The objects
of the first species will be thought of as representing elementary quantum objects.
Here we follow Schrödinger in that the notion of identity lacks sense with respect
to them [Sch.52, pp.17-8].1

Theorem 2.1 (The reciprocal of axiom (ii)) For all X and Y , X ≈ Y →

X∼= Y . In words, identical objects of the second species are indiscernible.
1. X ≈ Y (premise)
2. X ≈ Y → (X ∼ = X → X ∼ = Y ) (instance of the substitutivity
axiom for objects of the second species)
3. X ∼
=X→X∼ = Y (1,2, Modus Ponens)
4. ∀X(X ∼= X) (axiom)
5. ∀X(X ∼= X) → X ∼ = X (axiom)
6. X ∼
= X (4, 5, Modus Ponens)
7. X ∼
= Y (3, 6, Modus Ponens)
8. X ≈ Y → X ∼ = Y (1-7, Deduction Theorem)

The theorem and the axioms show that identity and indiscernibility coincide for
objects of the second species (denoted by the variables of the second species). As
for the Deduction Theorem, it of course can be applied since the premise does not
depend on assumptions .
The assumption of classical logic for objects of second species is only a choice of
ours. Of course our system is so general that it can be associated to other systems
as well, so as some paraconsistent logics [CosKraBue.06].

1. See [FreKra.06] for details.

3 Semantics
A "classical" semantics for our system can be introduced as follows. In presenting
it, we shall be able to discuss the inadequacy of this semantics for expressing the
logic given above, for the semantics is formulated within a standard mathematics
framework, say the theory ZFC, which involves the notion of identity for all objects,
while our system suggest that for the objects of the first species, the concept of
identity should not be applied.
The Kripke semantics we have in mind makes use of a domain of individuals D
composed of two disjoined sets D1 and D2 such that the variables of the first
species run over the set D1 and the variables of the second species are associated
to the elements of D2 . We suppose that there is an equivalence relation ∼ (other
that the identity of D) which interprets the indistinguibishability relation, so that
for the objects of D2 , ∼ coincides with the identity of D2 . The relation of identity
is interpreted in the diagonal of D2 , that is, the set ∆D2 = {hξ, ξi : ξ ∈ D2 }.
The indistinguishability relation stands just for an equivalence relation while the
identity sign means the identity relation over the domain, partially identified with
the chosen equivalence relation (which interprets ∼=) when the objects are taken in
D2 .
Remark: The reader should pay attention to the symbology: = is the metatheoretical
identity (that is, the identity in ZFC), while ≈ is the symbol of identity of our
language. As usual, we are making a confusion between use and mention.

For instance, we may have D = D1 ∪ D2 = {a, b, c} ∪ {1, 2}, so that ∼ may be the
following relation, which extends the identity relation:

∼ = {ha, ai, hb, bi, hc, ci, h1, 1i, h2, 2i, hb, ci, hc, bi}.
| {z }

Then we suppose a frame hW, Ri where W is a set of worlds, and R is an equiva-

lence relation over W (since we are working with S5), standing for the accessibility
relation. We postulate that the objects related (by R) are of the same species. A
Kripke model is a 4-tuple K = hW, R, D, V i (in the sense of [?, p.243]), where D
is as above and V is a mapping from {atomic formulas} × W onto {0, 1}, defined
as follows, for each assignment µ to the variables of L so that µ(x) ∈ D1 and
µ(X) ∈ D2 .
(i) Vµ (x ∼
= y, w) = 1 iff hµ(x), µ(y)i ∈ ∼, and 0 otherwise.
(ii) Vµ (X ≈ Y, w) = 1 iff µ(X) = µ(Y ).
(iii) Vµ (¬α, w) = 1 iff Vµ (α, w) = 0, and 0 otherwise.
(iv) Vµ (α → β, w) = 1 iff Vµ (α, w) = 0 or Vµ (β, w) = 1.
(v) Vµ (2α, w) = 1 iff Vµ (α, w0 ) = 1, for every w0 ∈ W such that wRw0 , and 0
(vi) Vµ (∀sα, w) = 1 (where s is a variable of either the first or of the second
species) iff Vρ (α, w) = 1 for every assignment ρ which is a s-alternative of µ,
that is, such that for every variable t except possibly s, (being t of the same
species as s), ρ(t) = µ(t).
We emphasize that we can make the last affirmation, namely, that ρ(t) = µ(t) even
in the case of t being a variable of the first species, for both ρ(t) and µ(t) are

elements of a "standard" set, that is, a set in ZFC, so that the identity relation
makes sense for them.
Thus, α is valid in a model K iff Vµ (α, w) = 1 for any w and µ. It is easy to show
that our logic is sound and complete with respect to this semantics (by adapting
the proof given in [HugCres.96]). But, beyond the logical technical details, perhaps
the most important thing is to discuss the nature of such a "semantics" for our
logical system. We think that logic comprises semantics, at least an informal one.
If this was not so, we wouldn’t have contact, for instance, with the "meaning"
of intuitionistic logic. Really, as it is well known, but sometimes misunderstood,
from the formal point of view we can get intuitionistic logic (better, the so called
Brouwer-Heyting system) by dropping the excluded middle law from classical logic.
But this is only from a formal point of view, for the meanings of these two logics are
completely different. In the same vein, in order to keep our logic consonant with the
idea of enabling objects that may be indiscernible but so that indiscernibility does
not collapse into identity, we need to speak of a "right" semantics for our system.
To do so, we turn to a non-classical set theory to be used in the metamathematics.
Before that, let us insist a little about the reason of this move.
The problem concerning the above semantics is that the relation of identity makes
sense (in the metamathematics) also for the elements of D1 , for D1 is a standard
set (in our chosen metatheory, ZFC). But we have interpreted the indiscernibility
relation ∼
= as an equivalence relation ∼ only, due to the chosen axioms, and not
necessarily in the identity of D1 . But such a semantics shows that it is not in
agreement with the real spirit of our logic, for identity continues being valid (in the
metamathematics) for the objects interpreted by the variables of the first species.
Thus, we should ask for a semantics for our logic where the notion of identity would
not apply to the elements in the domain of the variables of the first species. Of course
this cannot be done within a standard set theory such as ZFC. For this reason, we
sketch below a semantics for our logic constructed within quasi-set theory. But
before that, let us comment on some peculiarities of our system.

4 Peculiarities of our system

Certain standard results that hold in the modal predicate system S5 don’t have
analogue when the considered relation is indistinguishability and not identity. In
this section we shall present some of these results and try to interpret them within
a context, namely, by supposing that the objects of the first species play the role
of quantum objects according to a standard interpretation of quantum mechanics
(that is, in most cases, we shall be thinking in some version of quantum mechanics
that enables us to suppose indiscernible but not identical objects, thus we leave
versions like Bohm’s out of this discussion).2
The first result if that x ∼
= y does not entail 2(x ∼ = y), that is, the non-necessity
of indistinguishability. Anyhow, we can easily show that X ≈ Y → 2(X ≈ Y ) (the
necessity of identity) as follows (the proof will illustrate why the analogous result
doesn’t hold for indistinguishability):

2. In fact, Bohm’s metaphysics coincides with classical mechanics in that all objects are individ-

1. X ≈ X (logical thesis)
2. X ≈ Y → (α(X) → α(Y )) (axiom — the substitutivity of iden-
3. X ≈ Y → (2(X ≈ X) → 2(X ≈ Y )) (instance of the axiom, by
taking α(X) as 2(X ≈ X).
4. 2(X ≈ X) (from 1, by Gödel’s rule of necessitation)
5. X ≈ Y → 2(X ≈ Y ) (from 3 and 4, by the standard logical rules)
The reason why we cannot repeat this proof for objects of the first species is that
the axiom used above (the substitutivity of identity) does not hold for objects of
the first species, that is, as emphasized earlier, we don’t have the substitutivity of
indiscernibles. Hence, indiscernibility doesn’t entail necessary indiscernibility. But,
what does this result may mean?
We can interpret this result by saying that objects that are indiscernible in the actual
world (termed ω0 ) may be not indiscernible in another accessible world (call it w1 ).
That is, there may be a world, accessible to us, where indiscernible objects from our
point of view may be not indiscernible. In particular, if a and b are individuals in
w0 , and being R the accessibility relation, let a0 , b0 ∈ w1 such that aRa0 and bRb0 .
We recall that we have postulated that if aRa0 with a0 ∈ w1 , then a0 is of the same
species than a. So, the fact that a ∼= a0 in w0 but a ∼ 6 a0 in w1 would imply either
that there are properties in w1 which do not exist in w0 , which would introduce
a kind of possibilia concerning properties, or the individuals a0 and b0 are simply
discernible in ω1 . Leaving aside the discussion of possibilia in regarding properties
(we haven’t found in the literature any discussion on this topic), we prefer the
another alternative. A possible situation may be as follows.
Suppose that in ω0 we have two particles of the same species (two photons, say)
correlated as in an EPR-like experiment. Before they have interacted, each one of
them may be described by its own wave function, which give us their quantum
states. After interaction, the quantum state is described by either a symmetric (for
bosons) or by an anti-symmetric (for fermions) wave-function, so that their indi-
vidual characteristics become blurred; if we accept to speak of quantum objects
behind the formalism,3 they are now indiscernible for all means provided by quan-
tum mechanics (or even by God, if God is not a logician —see below): they share
a state of superposition, and cannot be described in isolation, without speaking of
(the state of) the another. But now we perform the experiment, sending the par-
ticles to opposite directions to detectors A and B where we measure, say, the spin
of particle 1 which arrived in A in the z–direction, getting an "UP" result.4 Thus,
says quantum mechanics, we know by what Einstein called "a spooky action at a
distance" that the spin of particle 2 in B is down, even without a measure. We
shall not pursue the details here, which can be found in whatever book on quantum
mechanics. The important thing is that the particles (perhaps it would be better
to say, their correspondents in the world ω1 ), become discernible! But, it is quite
important to say, if the two particles were of the same species, we cannot identify
which one (of the pair of particles) had her state measured at A. This is a typical
quantum result that will be important for what follows.
Thus, we have a situation where two objects (the involved particles) are indiscernible

3. This of course is not in agreement with some interpretations such as Copenhagen, but we shall
not enter in this topic here.
4. As is well known, the label "1" does not indicate individuation; it is only a way of speech.

in a "world" but discernible in another accessible "world". But, what imports here,
indiscernibility cannot be necessary, as our logic shows. That is, it may be that
in some other world ω2 , no measurement was made, so that the particles continue
Another interesting fact, typical from modal logics, can be re-discussed here. For
instance, can we name (label) the particles, say be calling "John" and "Peter" the
two entangled particles mentioned above? If we can do it, do these names act as rigid
designators? The quantum situation is a fantastic realm for questioning standard
logical and semantical notions. If we accept that quantum objects do not present
precise identity criteria (remember that this is just one of the possible metaphysics
that can be associated to quantum entities), then names and labels in general will
not work as usual, for there is no precise and unambiguous sense in naming "John"
a certain atom or particle (see the Remark at the end of this section). Of course
sometimes the quantum object (an atom, say) can be isolated and in this situation
the name "John" seems to make sense. But the atom can be put together with
others of similar species, and then the alleged identity of John is lost forever. We
never more can say again, without ambiguity, that a particular atom is our John.
In a certain in imprecise sense, all of them may be John, and (in a more precise
talk) the measured results will do the same results. John has no identity. Some time
ago, Dalla Chiara and Toraldo di Francia, have called our attention to the fact that
the quantum realm is a land of anonymity [DalTor.93], so, no proper names make
sense at all, and then neither rigid designators too!
Remark: In saying that there is no sense in naming ’John’ our atom/particle, does
not simply mean that we cannot re-identify it again in another situation. This could
be due to some epistemological ignorance. We think that quantum mechanics (at
least according to our interpretation) says more: this impossibility has an ontological
face. The involved entities are not like the objects of our surroundings: they lack
identity conditions.

5 The Barcan formula

The situation were we may think of a world were two objects are indiscernible
but that can be discerned in another accessible world brings us another cluster
of interesting facts. We have already made reference to the fact that this result
apparently entails that in the "another" world there will be certain properties not
existing in the actual world that serve to discern the objects. These "properties"
could be thought of as hidden from the point of view of the actual world (we are
using here, again, the terminology taken from quantum mechanics), but such that
they are not hidden in the another world. This is of course a possible metaphysics.
But, alternatively, we can avoid the problematic introduction of hidden variables
of this sort by favoring an alternative view in that "something has happened", say,

5. There is an interesting film made by the IBM research team (available at the YouTube), termed
"The boy and his atom". The scientists have magnified atoms over 100 million times and made a
figure of a boy with them. In a certain moment, one atom is isolated from a group of similar atoms
and the boy "plays" with it. But later the atom merges the atoms of the boy’s hand, and after a
few moment, it becomes isolated again. Can we say that the atom now isolated is "the same one"
as before? The reader should be convinced that there is no sense in saying that. The atoms are
exactly similar. "Identity" (in the standard sense) seems in fact do not work here at all.

a measurement, in the another world so that the particles became discerned. Im
quantum mechanics, we know much bout these situations up-today: as in the EPR-
like experiments, entangled states collapse after a measurement, and the particles
can know be distinguished from one another by some peculiar property (say, spin).6
Thus, we don’t need to rule out the Barcan formula due to the fear that it might
avoid the existence of something in the new world that does not exist in the actual
world (even if this "something" is a property). In our system, we can formulate the
Barcan formula (BF) for both kinds of variables of our language:
(BF1) 3∃xF (x) → ∃x3F (x)
(BF2) 3∃XF (X) → ∃X3F (X)
For a further discussion on the Barcan formula, see [?]. But we need to go deeper
in our semantic analysis of indiscernibility. In the next section we revise the main
ideas of quasi-set theory where we shall base our semantics in a later section.

6 Quasi-sets
Since this theory is still not in the reader’s mind, we need to recall here its main
ideas, asking for your patience and understanding. Intuitively speaking, a quasi-set
(qset for short) is a collection of objects such that some of them may be indis-
tinguishable without turning out to be identical.7 Of course this is not a strict
"definition" of a quasi-set, but act more or less as Cantor’s "definition" of a set
as "any collection into a whole M of definite and separate, that is, distinguishable
objects m of our intuition or our thought", serving just to provide an intuitive
account of the concept.8 By "indistinguishable" we mean agreement with respect
to all properties, and in saying that a and b are "identical" we mean intuitively
that they are the very same entity. The definitions of these concepts depend on the
employed language and logic, but here we consider only their informal meanings.
The quasi-set theory Q has in its main motivations some considerations taken from
quantum physics, mainly from Schrödinger’s idea that the concept of identity does
not make sense when applied to elementary particles in orthodox quantum mechan-
ics (see [FreKra.06]). Another motivation, in our opinion, is the need, stemming from
philosophical difficulties of dealing with collections of absolutely indistinguishable
items that would be not ‘the same’ entity.9 Of course, from a formal point of view,
Q can also be formally developed independently of any intended interpretation, but
here we shall always keep in mind this ‘quantum’ motivation since, after all, it is
the intended interpretation that has motivated the development of the theory.

6. In [KraMer13], we present a modal logic to deal with superpositions, in particular with entan-
glement by introducing a new operator for "superposition".
7. Important to say that we have discussed some objections addressed to this theory for some
people think that once we have "more than one" object, they must be different, so identity applies
to them. The reader who thinks this way needs to revise our speech about the IBM film mentioned
above, and a counter-argument in [KraAre.13]. Really, quasi-set theory shows in particular that
such a claim does not hold in general, for quasi-set comprising indiscernible objects may have a
cardinal grater than 1.
8. A more detailed discussion about this theory can be found in [FreKra.06] and [FreKra.11].
9. This is of course a way of speech. Despite some interpretations (such as Bohm’s) presuppose
an ontology similar to that of classical physics, in the sense of dealing with individuals, we shall
keep here with the mainstream account of assuming that quantum objects may be ‘absolutely
indiscernible’ in certain situations.

The first point is to guarantee that identity and indistinguishability (or indiscerni-
bility) will not collapse into one another when the theory is formally developed. We
of course could just take an equivalence relation (or a congruence) within a stan-
dard set theory such as ZFC to mimic indiscernibility, but this is just what we don’t
want to do; instead, we wish to deal with "legitimate" (in a sense of the word to
be explicated below) indistinguishable objects. Thus, we assume that identity, that
will be symbolized by "=", is not a primitive relation, but that the theory has a
weaker concept of indistinguishability, symbolized by "≡" as primitive. This is just
an equivalence relation and holds among all objects of the considered domain. The
ur-elements of the domain are divided up into two classes of objects, the m-objects,
that stand for "micro-objects", and M -objects, for "macro-objects".10 Quasi-sets
are those objects of the domain which are not ur-elements. Identity is defined for
M -objects and "sets" (entities that obey the primitive predicate Z) only. Thus, if
we take just the part of theory obtained by ruling out the m-objects and collections
(quasi-sets) that have m-objects in their transitive closure, we obtain a copy of ZFU
(ZFC with ur-elements); if we further eliminate the M -objects, we get just a copy
of the "pure" ZFC.
Indiscernible m-objects are termed non-individuals by historical reasons [FreKra.06].
From the axioms of the theory Q we can form collections of m-objects which may
have a cardinal, termed its quasi-cardinal, but not an associated ordinal. Thus,
the concepts of ordinal and cardinal are independent, as in some formulations of
ZFC proper, so, there are quasi-sets that cannot be ordered. Informally speaking,
there may be quasi-sets of m-objects such that its elements cannot be identified by
names, counted, ordered, although there is a sense in saying that these collections
have a cardinal which cannot be defined in terms of ordinals. It is just by using
quasi-cardinals that we can say (within Q) that a quasi-set has "more than one"
element. This discourse is of course dubious if we realize that the notion of identity
does not hold in certain situations, but here the number (the quasi-cardinal) is what
counts, and this resembles the Fock space quantum formalism –see [Tel.95].
It is important to remark that, when Q is used in connection with quantum physics,
the m-objects are thought of as representing quantum entities (henceforth q-objects),
but they are not necessarily "particles" in the standard sense. Generally speaking,
whatever "objects" sharing the property of being indistinguishable can also be val-
ues of the variables of Q. For a survey of the various different meanings that the word
"particle" has acquired in connection with quantum physics see [Fal.07, Chap.6].
Another important feature of Q is that standard mathematics can be developed
using its resources, because the theory is conceived in such a way that ZFU (and
hence also ZFC) is a subtheory of Q. In other words, the theory is constructed so
that it extends standard Zermelo-Fraenkel with ur-relements (ZFU); thus standard
sets of ZFU must be viewed as particular qsets, that is, there are qsets that have
all the properties of the sets of ZFU, and the objects of Q that correspond to the
ur-elements of ZFU are identified with the M -atoms of Q. To make the distinction,
the language of Q encompasses a unary predicate Z such that Z(x) says that x is
(a copy of) a set of ZFU.

10. Within Q, there are no explicit relations among m and M atoms, but we guess that the theory
could be supplemented by mereological axioms enabling us to say that the M objects can be
"formed" by m objects in some sense. A first attempt to consider such a "quantum mereology"
was done in [Kra.12].

It is also possible to show that there is a translation from the language of ZFU
into the language of Q, so that the translations of the postulates of ZFU become
theorems of Q; thus, there is a ‘copy’ of ZFU in Q, and we refer to it as the ‘classical’
part of Q. In this copy, all the standard mathematical concepts can be stated, as
for instance, the concept of ordinal (for Z-sets). This ‘classical part’ of Q plays an
important role in the formal developments of the next sections.
Furthermore, it should be recalled that the theory is constructed so that the rela-
tion of indiscernibility, when applied to M -atoms or Z-sets, collapses into standard
identity of ZFU. The Z-sets are qsets whose transitive closure, as usually defined,
does not contain m-atoms or, in other words, they are constructed in the classical
part of the theory.
In order to distinguish between Z-sets and qsets that may have m-atoms in their
transitive closure, we write (in the metalanguage) {x : ϕ(x)} for the former and
[x : ϕ(x)] for the latter. In Q, we term ‘pure’ those qsets that have only m-objects
as elements (although these elements may be not always indistinguishable from one
another, that is, the theory is consistent with the assumption of the existence of
different kinds of m-atoms, i.e., not all of them must be indiscernible from one each
The concept of extensional identity, as said above, is a defined notion, and it has
the properties of standard identity of ZFU. More precisely, we write x = y (read ‘x
and y are extensionally identical’) iff they are both qsets having the same elements
(that is, ∀z(z ∈ x ⇔ z ∈ y)) or they are both M -atoms and belong to the same
qsets (that is, ∀z(x ∈ z ⇔ y ∈ z)).
Since m-atoms my be indiscernible, in general is not possible to attribute an ordinal
to collections of m-atoms. As a consequence, for these collections it is not possible to
define the notion of cardinal number in the usual way, that is, through ordinals.11
In the version of the theory, to remedy this situation, we admit also a primitive
concept of quasi-cardinal which intuitively stands for the ‘quantity’ of objects in a
collection. The axioms for this notion grant that certain quasi-sets x, in particular,
those whose elements are m-objects, may have a quasi-cardinal, written qc(x), even
when it is not possible to attribute an ordinal to them.
To link the relation of indistinguishability with qsets, the theory also encompasses
an "axiom of weak extensionality", which states, informally speaking, that those
quasi-sets that have the same quantity, expressed by the quasi-cardinals, of ele-
ments of the same sort (in the sense that they belong to the same equivalence
class of indistinguishable objects) are indistinguishable by their own. One of the
interesting consequences of this axiom is related to the quasi-set version of the non
observability of permutations in quantum physics, which is one of the most basic
facts regarding indistinguishable quanta ([FreRic.03]). In brief, remember that in
standard set theories, if w ∈ x, then
(x − {w} ) ∪ {z} = x iff z = w.
We can ‘exchange’ (without modifying the original arrangement) two elements iff
they are the same elements, by force of the axiom of extensionality. In contrast, in
Q we can prove the following theorem, where [[z]], and similarly [[w]], stand for a

11. We just recall that an ordinal is a transitive set which is well-ordered by the membership
relation, and that a cardinal is an ordinal α such that for no β < α there exists a bijection from
β to α [?].

quasi-set with quasi-cardinal 1 whose only element is indistinguishable from z and,
respectively, from w (the reader should not think that this element is identical to
either z or w, because the relation of equality does not apply to these items; the
set theoretical operations can be understood according to their usual definitions):

Theorem 6.1 (Unobservability of Permutations) Let x be a finite quasi-set

such that x does not contain all indistinguishable from z, where z is an m-atom
such that z ∈ x. If w ≡ z and w ∈/ x, then there exists JwK such that:
(x − JzK) ∪ JwK ≡ x.

The theorem works to the effect that, supposing that x has n elements, then if
we ‘exchange’ their elements z by corresponding indistinguishable elements w (set
theoretically, this means performing the operation (x−JzK)∪JwK), then the resulting
quasi-set remains indistinguishable from the one we started with. In a certain sense,
it does not matter whether we are dealing with x or with (x − JzK) ∪ JwK. So,
within Q, we can express that ‘permutations are not observable’, without necessarily
introducing symmetry postulates, and in particular we derive ‘in a natural way’ the
quantum statistics [FreKra.06, Chap.7].

7 Quasi-set semantics for the logic of indiscernibility

In this section we shall be working within Q. Informally, we say that two objects are
of the same species when both obey the same predicate m, M or Z. The elements
satisfying Z are called sets.
To define a quasi-set semantics for our language L , we repeat almost all the previous
definition with obvious adaptations, as follows. Let hW, Ri be a frame where W is a
set of worlds (that is, W is a qset satisfying the predicate Z), and R is an equivalence
relation on W , the accessibility relation. As before, we postulate that the objects
related (by R) are of the same species. A Kripke quasi-model for L is a 4-tuple
K = hW, R, D, V i, where D = D1 ∪ D2 6= ∅, D1 being a qset whose elements are
m-objects (occasionally indiscernible), and D2 is a set. Here, V is a quasi-function
from {atomic formulas} × W onto {0, 1}, defined as below, for each assignment µ
to the variables of L so that µ(x) ∈ D1 and µ(X) ∈ D2 , for x and X variables of
the first and of the second species respectively.
(i) Vµ (x ∼
= y, w) = 1 iff µ(x) ≡ µ(y), and 0 otherwise.
(ii) Vµ (X = Y, w) = 1 iff µ(X) = µ(Y ), and 0 otherwise.
(iii) Vµ (¬α, w) = 1 iff Vµ (α, w) = 0, and 0 otherwise.
(iv) Vµ (α → β, w) = 1 iff Vµ (α, w) = 0, or Vµ (β, w) = 1.
(v) Vµ (2α, w) = 1 iff Vµ (α, w0 ) = 1, for every w0 ∈ W such that wRw0 , and 0
(vi) Vµ (∀sα, w) = 1 (where s is a variable of either the first or of the second
species) iff Vρ (α, w) = 1 for every assignment ρ which is a s-alternative of µ,
that is, such that for every variable t except possibly s, (being t of the same
species as s), ρ(t) ≡ µ(t).
The main items that deserve special attention
are (i), (ii), and (vi). Firstly, we remark that '$ D = D1 ∪ D2

according to (i), indiscernible objects in the lan- D1

∗∗ · b D
guage are taken as indiscernible m-atoms in the ∗ ·a

Figure 1: A typical qset taken 11

the domain of the individuals in our
semantics, composed of individuals
of both species. The elements of D1
are indiscernible.
domain D. This makes our semantics in agree-
ment with the ideas encoded in the logic. As for
(ii), the definition gives the usual modal condi-
tions: identical objects (from the point of view
of L ) are the very same object in D, for we are
here considering objects of the second species, to
which the notion of identity makes sense. Con-
cerning (vi), we again take indiscernible objects
to fulfill the conditions. This seems to be an obvious move. It remains as an exercise
to prove that our logic is complete relative to this semantics.
One point also deserves explanation for the attempt reader. This concerns quan-
tification over individuals that don’t have well defined identity conditions. Some
may say that there is no way to quantify over them, but we can circumvent this
criticism by showing that we can proceed in Q exactly as we do in (say) ZFC (see
[EbiFluTho.94]), as shown in [AreKra.09]. In this paper, it is shown that quantifi-
cation over non-individuals is perfectly well defined, but here is not the place to
discuss such issues.

8 Conclusion
In conclusion, we address the opinion that a very logic of indiscernibility is some-
thing that should be investigated from several points of view. The first account,
as we have said, is to work within a standard set theory such as ZFC. But in this
approach, the most we can do is to consider indiscernible objects by means of an
equivalence relation (or by a congruence), but by the inevitable fact that all objects
represented within ZFC are individuals, this "mock" indiscernibility can be shown
to be false by extending the considered structures (yes, pushing the subject, we
shall realize that we are always working within a certain mathematical structure)
can be extended to a rigid one. The "right way", so to say, is to work within a
non-standard set theory such as Q. The modal account to indiscernibility serves
to enlighten some other aspects not pursued till now. We hope that our paper has
provided such insights. But the discussion continues.

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