Information Security Incident Report
Information Security Incident Report
Information Security Incident Report
Number: (For Information Security Office only)
A. Notification
1. Date of notification to the Chief Information Security Officer or Departmental
Information Security Representative (ISAC member):
B. Incident Information
1. Details of Incident:
a) Date incident occurred: Unknown
b) Date incident detected: Unknown
c) Incident location:
d) General description:
D. Names:
Following these instructions to complete this form and send the a copy to the Information
Security Office within ten (10) business days from the incident. Do not send these instructions
with the report.
The following instructions will assist in completing the form. All questions must be completed as
applicable, even in a case where the response is a future action.
A. Notification
Date of notification to the Chief Information Security Officer or Departmental Information
Security Representative (ISAC member)
B. Incident Information
1. Details of incident – Provide the date the incident occurred and the date the incident
was detected, if known. In the general description field, provide an overview of the
incident, with enough details so that the incident can be easily understood. Do not
include any personally identifiable information (such as social security numbers, home
addresses, etc.). Your report should include the following information as applicable:
f) Describe the costs associated with resolving this incident – Provide a cost
estimate of resolving the incident. Cost should include everything necessary to
resolve the incident including hardware, software, staff time, contracting services,
and any other pertinent costs that were triggered due to the incident. It should
also include costs associated with a disclosure notification (such as preparation,
postage, call center activation, etc.).
g) Total estimated cost of incident – Provide the total cost associated with
handling the incident as it relates to information technology including the cost to
replace any stolen equipment and/or software. For example, if a County vehicle is
stolen with a County-issued laptop in it; do not include the cost of the County
D. Names – The Department's Information Security Representative and Department Head will
report all incidents.
Route the completed Incident Report, without these instructions, as indicated on the form.