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Revision 3A

Generic Implementation Procedure (GIP)

for Seismic Verification of Nuclear Plant Equipment

December 2001

Prepared by:

ABS Consulting
1111 Broadway
Oakland, CA 94607

MPR Associates, Inc.

320 King Street
Alexandria, VA 22314

Stevenson & Associates

9217 Midwest Avenue
Cleveland, OH 44125

URS Corporation / John A. Blume & Associates, Engineers

100 California Street
San Francisco, CA 94111-4529
Winston & Strawn
1400 L Street NW
Washington, DC 20005
Revision 3A

Copyright © 2001 Seismic Quality Utility Group

Limited license is given to owners of this document to make copies for use by their organization.
All other rights granted under copyright are reserved, including the right to modify and the right
to copy this document for subsequent sale.

Revision 3A

This revision of the Generic Implementation Procedure (GIP) is an augmented version of the
latest revision of the GIP that the Staff of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) has
reviewed and approved (i.e., GIP Revision 3, Updated 5/16/97). This augmented version (GIP-
3A) includes changes to address the clarifications, interpretations, positions, and exceptions that
had been identified by the Staff during their review of the GIP Revision 2, Corrected 2/14/92
(GIP-2) and GIP Revision 3, Updated 5/16/97 (GIP-3). GIP-3A also includes changes to address
the issues identified by the Staff in their review of plant-specific implementation of the USI A-46
program at the SQUG member plants and in their review of SQUG’s guidance on use of the GIP
for new and replacement equipment (NARE).

The documents containing the Staff’s clarifications, interpretations, positions, exceptions, and
issues along with SQUG’s understanding of these are listed below.

1. NRC Generic Letter (GL) 87-02, dated February 19, 1987, Verification of Seismic
Adequacy of Mechanical and Electrical Equipment in Operating Reactors, Unresolved
Safety Issue (USI ) A-46.
2. NRC Generic Letter 87-02, Supplement 1, dated May 22, 1992, forwarding Supplemental
Safety Evaluation Report No. 2 (SSER No. 2) on GIP-2.
3. SQUG (N. Smith) letter to NRC (J. Partlow), dated August 21, 1992, describing SQUG’s
understanding of SSER No. 2.
4. NRC (J. Parlow) letter to SQUG (N. Smith), dated October 2, 1992, with enclosure
containing NRC Staff comments on SQUG’s 8/21/92 letter.
5. SQUG (N. Smith) letter to NRC (J. Partlow), dated March 26, 1993, forwarding Revision
2A of the Generic Implementation Procedure (GIP-2A).
6. NRC (W. Butler) letter to SQUG (N. Smith), dated May 24, 1993, NRC Response to
SQUG Letter Dated March 26, 1993, on GIP-2A.
7. SQUG (N. Smith) memorandum to SQUG members, dated August 4, 1993, Use of GIP
Revision 2A.
8. NRC (J. Stolz) letter to SQUG (N. Smith), dated December 4, 1997, forwarding
Supplemental Safety Evaluation Report No. 3 (SSER No. 3) on GIP-3.

Revision 3A

9. SQUG (N. Smith) letter to NRC (R. Capra) dated July 15, 1998, forwarding the Report on
the Use of the GIP for New and Replacement Equipment and Parts (NARE).
10. NRC (E. Adensam) letter to SQUG (N. Smith) dated June 23, 1999, forwarding the NRC’s
Review of SQUG’s Report on the Use of the Generic Implementation Procedure for New
and Replacement Equipment and Parts (NARE).
11. SQUG (J. Richards and R. Kassawara) memorandum to SQUG members, dated July 25,
2000, forwarding the NARE Guidelines, Revision 4, “Implementation Guidelines for
Seismic Qualification of New and Replacement Equipment/Parts (NARE) Using the
Generic Implementation Procedure (GIP).”

The changes included in GIP-3A are similar to the changes included in Revision 2A of the GIP
(GIP-2A) that was sent to the NRC Staff for review and approval (Document 5 above). The
NRC Staff declined to review GIP-2A (Document 6 above) because they considered SSER No. 2
to be their official position on using GIP-2 for resolving USI A-46; they considered these two
documents (GIP-2 and SSER No. 2) to be sufficient to implement resolution of USI A-46. They
indicated that these two documents form the bases against which the Staff will judge the
acceptability of the plant specific implementation of the USI A-46 program.

Even though the NRC Staff declined to review GIP-2A, they did not object to its use as a
working document. Therefore, SQUG recommended to its members that they use GIP-2A for
their day-to-day seismic verification and for implementation of the USI A-46 program
(Document 7 above). The advantage of using GIP-2A was that it eliminated the need for users to
refer to two separate documents or to interpret potential conflicts. Since publishing GIP-2A,
additional changes to the GIP criteria and guidelines have been identified in Documents 8 to 11.
Therefore, the need for an augmented version of the GIP became even more important so that all
these additional changes and the NRC Staff positions on these changes can be viewed in a single
working document.

In developing GIP-3A, SQUG has incorporated the Staff clarifications, interpretations, positions,
exceptions, and issues in a manner that we believe would be acceptable to the Staff without
adding new, substantive criteria or guidance into the document. Therefore, even though GIP-3A

Revision 3A

has not been formally reviewed and approved by the NRC Staff, SQUG considers that this
document remains a statement of the accepted criteria and guidance, and is not a change.

At each location in GIP-3A where changes from GIP-3, Updated 5/16/97 have been made, a
superscript number in square brackets (e.g., [1]) is included prior to the change. These numbers
correspond to the endnotes at the end of each section where the reasons for the changes are

Revision 3A


Section Page

Front Matter
Preface.................................................................................................................................. iii
Revision Status .....................................................................................................................xv
Acknowledgements ..............................................................................................................xx
Glossary of Terms ............................................................................................................ xxiii
List of Effective Pages .......................................................................................................xxv
Reasons for Changes to GIP, Front Matter .......................................................................xxxi

Part I - Licensing and Implementation Guidelines

1 Introduction ..................................................................................................... I-1
1.1 Background ...............................................................................................................I-1
1.2 Purpose of the GIP.....................................................................................................I-2
1.3 GIP Commitments and Guidance ..............................................................................I-3

2 Issue and Positions ......................................................................................... I-5

2.1 Introduction ..................................................................................................................I-5
2.2 Interpretations of Guidelines......................................................................................I-6
2.2.1 Implementation Schedule and Commitments ..............................................I-6
2.2.2 Assumptions.................................................................................................I-7
2.2.3 Achieving and Maintaining Hot Shutdown..................................................I-8
2.2.4 Multiplier for Equipment Above the 40-foot Level.....................................I-8
2.2.5 Reportability and the Need for JCOs ...........................................................I-8
2.2.6 The Role of SSRAP During Implementation of A-46 .................................I-9
2.2.7 Third-Party Audits .....................................................................................I-10
2.2.8 Completion Reports ...................................................................................I-10
2.2.9 Plant-Specific SERS...................................................................................I-10
2.2.10 Maintenance Programs...............................................................................I-11
2.2.11 Inter-SQUG Communication .....................................................................I-11

Revision 3A

Contents (cont’d)

Section Page

2.3 Compliance with Regulations ..................................................................................I-11

2.3.1 Backfitting..................................................................................................I-11
2.3.2 Compliance with Commission Regulations Related
to Seismic Adequacy.................................................................................I-12
2.3.3 Revision of Plant Licensing Bases.............................................................I-12
2.3.4 Future Modifications and New and Replacement Equipment ...................I-16
2.3.5 Quality Assurance and Quality Control.....................................................I-18
2.3.6 Resolution of USI A-40 and A-17 .............................................................I-19
2.4 Equipment Selection and Verification.....................................................................I-19
2.4.1 Operability and Redundancy .....................................................................I-19
2.4.2 Regulatory Guide 1.97 Equipment.............................................................I-20
2.4.3 Instrumentation and Controls.....................................................................I-20

3 Revisions to the GIP ...................................................................................... I-22

4 References for Part I...................................................................................... I-24

Reasons for Changes to GIP, Part I ...................................................................... I-26

Part II - Generic Procedure for Plant-Specific Implementation

1 Introduction .................................................................................................... 1-1
1.1 Purpose .................................................................................................................... 1-1
1.2 Background............................................................................................................... 1-1
1.3 Approach................................................................................................................... 1-2
1.3.1 Seismic Evaluation Personnel..................................................................... 1-4
1.3.2 Identification of Safe Shutdown Equipment............................................... 1-4
1.3.3 Screening Verification and Walkdown ....................................................... 1-6
1.3.4 Outlier Identification and Resolution.......................................................... 1-6
1.3.5 Relay Functionality Review........................................................................ 1-7
1.3.6 Tanks and Heat Exchangers Review........................................................... 1-7
1.3.7 Cable and Conduit Raceway Review.......................................................... 1-8
1.3.8 Documentation............................................................................................ 1-8
Reasons for Changes to GIP, Part II, Section 1 ................................................................. 1-9

Revision 3A

Contents (cont’d)

Section Page

2 Seismic Evaluation Personnel ....................................................................... 2-1

2.0 Introduction............................................................................................................... 2-1
2.1 SQUG Commitments................................................................................................ 2-2
2.1.1 Systems Engineers ...................................................................................... 2-2
2.1.2 Seismic Capability Engineers ..................................................................... 2-2
2.1.3 Lead Relay Reviewer.................................................................................. 2-3
2.2 Systems Engineers .................................................................................................... 2-3
2.3 Plant Operations Personnel....................................................................................... 2-4
2.4 Seismic Capability Engineers ................................................................................... 2-5
2.5 Relay Evaluation Personnel...................................................................................... 2-7
2.5.1 Lead Relay Reviewer.................................................................................. 2-7
2.5.2 Assistant Relay Reviewer ........................................................................... 2-8
2.5.3 Systems Personnel....................................................................................... 2-8
2.5.4 Plant Maintenance Representative.............................................................. 2-8
2.5.5 Seismic Capability Engineers ..................................................................... 2-8
2.6 SQUG Training Courses ........................................................................................... 2-9
Reasons for Changes to GIP, Part II, Section 2 ............................................................... 2-10

3 Identification of Safe Shutdown Equipment ................................................. 3-1

3.0 Introduction............................................................................................................... 3-1
3.1 SQUG Commitments................................................................................................ 3-3
3.1.1 Identification of Safe Shutdown Path ......................................................... 3-3
3.1.2 Assumptions Used in Identifying Safe Shutdown Path .............................. 3-3
3.2 General Criteria and Governing Assumptions.......................................................... 3-5
3.2.1 Safe Shutdown Following an SSE .............................................................. 3-5
3.2.2 Normal Operating Conditions Defined ....................................................... 3-5
3.2.3 Safe Shutdown Defined .............................................................................. 3-5
3.2.4 Loss of OffSite Power................................................................................. 3-6
3.2.5 No Other Accidents..................................................................................... 3-6
3.2.6 Single Equipment Failure............................................................................ 3-7
3.2.7 Operator Action Permitted.......................................................................... 3-8
3.2.8 Procedures................................................................................................... 3-8

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Contents (cont’d)

Section Page

3.3 Scope of Equipment.................................................................................................. 3-9

3.3.1 Equipment Classes ...................................................................................... 3-9
3.3.2 Exclusion of NSSS Equipment ................................................................. 3-14
3.3.3 Rule of the Box ......................................................................................... 3-14
3.3.4 Active Equipment ..................................................................................... 3-15
3.3.5 Inherently Rugged Equipment .................................................................. 3-16
3.3.6 Equipment in Supporting Systems............................................................ 3-17
3.3.7 Equipment Subject to Relay Chatter......................................................... 3-17
3.3.8 Instrumentation ......................................................................................... 3-18
3.3.9 Non-Safety-Grade Equipment .................................................................. 3-21
3.3.10 Tanks and Heat Exchangers...................................................................... 3-21
3.3.11 Cable and Conduit Raceways ................................................................... 3-22
3.4 Safe Shutdown Functions ....................................................................................... 3-22
3.4.1 Reactor Reactivity Control Function ........................................................ 3-23
3.4.2 Reactor Coolant Pressure Control Function ............................................. 3-23
3.4.3 Reactor Coolant Inventory Control Function ........................................... 3-24
3.4.4 Decay Heat Removal Function ................................................................. 3-25
3.5 Safe Shutdown Alternatives.................................................................................... 3-25
3.5.1 Reactor Reactivity Control Function (PWR)............................................ 3-27
3.5.2 Reactor Coolant Pressure Control (PWR) ................................................ 3-27
3.5.3 Reactor Coolant Inventory Control (PWR) .............................................. 3-28
3.5.4 Decay Heat Removal (PWR).................................................................... 3-29
3.5.5 Reactor Reactivity Control (BWR)........................................................... 3-29
3.5.6 Reactor Coolant Pressure Control (BWR)................................................ 3-30
3.5.7 Reactor Coolant Inventory Control (BWR).............................................. 3-30
3.5.8 Decay Heat Removal (BWR).................................................................... 3-31
3.6 Identification of Equipment .................................................................................... 3-32
3.6.1 Identification of Fluid System Equipment................................................ 3-33
3.6.2 Identification of Supporting System Equipment....................................... 3-34
3.6.3 Preparation of Safe Shutdown Equipment List (SSEL) for
Seismic Evaluation.................................................................................... 3-35
3.6.4 Preliminary Walkdown to Locate and Identify Equipment for
Seismic Evaluation.................................................................................... 3-35
3.6.5 Preparation of Safe Shutdown Equipment List (SSEL) for
Relay Evaluation ...................................................................................... 3-37
3.6.6 Database Management System ................................................................. 3-37
3.7 Operations Department Review of SSEL ............................................................... 3-38

Revision 3A

Contents (cont’d)

Section Page

3.8 Documentation........................................................................................................ 3-39

Reasons for Changes to GIP, Part II, Section 3 ............................................................... 3-41

4 Screening Verification and Walkdown .......................................................... 4-1

4.0 Introduction............................................................................................................... 4-1
4.1 SQUG Commitments................................................................................................ 4-5
4.1.1 Basic Criteria............................................................................................... 4-5
4.1.2 Determination of Seismic Capacity ............................................................ 4-6
4.1.3 Use of Caveats ............................................................................................ 4-6
4.1.4 Anchorage Verification............................................................................... 4-6
4.1.5 Seismic Interaction...................................................................................... 4-7
4.1.6 Documentation............................................................................................ 4-7
4.2 Seismic Capacity Compared to Seismic Demand..................................................... 4-7
4.2.1 Seismic Capacity Based on Earthquake Experience Data ........................ 4-10
4.2.2 Seismic Capacity Based on Generic Seismic Testing Data ...................... 4-12
4.2.3 Comparison of Seismic Capacity to Ground Response Spectra
(Method A in Table 4-1) ........................................................................... 4-13
4.2.4 Comparison of Seismic Capacity to Seismic Demand Based on
In-Structure Response Spectra (Method B in Table 4-1).......................... 4-17
4.3 Equipment Class Similarity and Caveats................................................................ 4-23
4.4 Anchorage Adequacy.............................................................................................. 4-25
4.4.1 Anchorage Installation Inspection ............................................................ 4-27
4.4.2 Anchorage Capacity Determination.......................................................... 4-47
4.4.3 Seismic Demand Determination ............................................................... 4-48
4.4.4 Comparison of Capacity to Demand......................................................... 4-56
4.5 Seismic Interaction ................................................................................................. 4-56
4.6 Documentation........................................................................................................ 4-57
Reasons for Changes to GIP, Part II, Section 4 ............................................................... 4-66

5 Outlier Identification and Reduction ............................................................. 5-1

5.0 Introduction............................................................................................................... 5-1
5.1 SQUG Commitments................................................................................................ 5-2
5.1.1 Identification of Outliers............................................................................. 5-2
5.1.2 Resolution of Outliers ................................................................................. 5-2

Revision 3A

Contents (cont’d)

Section Page

5.2 Outlier Identification................................................................................................. 5-3

5.3 Outlier Resolution..................................................................................................... 5-5
5.4 Methods for Grouping and Pooling of Outliers ........................................................ 5-7
Reasons for Changes to GIP, Part II, Section 5 ............................................................... 5-11

6 Relay Functionality Review ........................................................................... 6-1

6.0 Introduction............................................................................................................... 6-1
6.1 SQUG Commitments................................................................................................ 6-2
6.1.1 Identification of Relays To Be Evaluated................................................... 6-2
6.1.2 Evaluation of Consequences of Relay Malfunction.................................... 6-3
6.1.3 Assessment of Relay Seismic Adequacy .................................................... 6-3
6.1.4 Relay Walkdown......................................................................................... 6-4
6.2 Relay Evaluation Methodology ................................................................................ 6-4
6.3 Identification of Essential Relays ............................................................................. 6-5
6.3.1 USI A-46 Safe Shutdown Criteria and Assumptions.................................. 6-5
6.3.2 Identification of Safe Shutdown Equipment............................................... 6-9
6.3.3 Identification of Circuits, Relays, Consequences of Relay Malfunction.... 6-9
6.4 Comparison of Relay Seismic Capacity to Seismic Demand ................................. 6-11
6.4.1 Seismic Capacity of Relays....................................................................... 6-12
6.4.2 Seismic Capacity Compared to Seismic Demand..................................... 6-15
6.5 Relay Walkdown..................................................................................................... 6-21
6.6 Outliers.................................................................................................................... 6-22
6.7 Documentation of Results....................................................................................... 6-23
Reasons for Changes to GIP, Part II, Section 6 ............................................................... 6-25

7 Tanks and Heat Exchangers Review ............................................................. 7-1

7.0 Introduction............................................................................................................... 7-1
7.1 SQUG Commitments................................................................................................ 7-2
7.1.1 Scope of Equipment.................................................................................... 7-2
7.1.2 Evaluation Methodology............................................................................. 7-2
7.1.3 Documentation............................................................................................ 7-2

Revision 3A

Contents (cont’d)

Section Page

7.2 Evaluation Methodology........................................................................................... 7-3

7.3 Vertical Tanks........................................................................................................... 7-5
7.3.1 Scope of Vertical Tanks.............................................................................. 7-5
7.3.2 Seismic Demand Applied to Vertical Tanks............................................... 7-6
7.3.3 Overturning Moment Capacity Calculation.............................................. 7-10 Bolt Tensile Capacity .................................................................. 7-11 Anchorage Connection Capacity................................................. 7-12 Tank Shell Buckling Capacity..................................................... 7-16 Overturning Moment Capacity.................................................... 7-18
7.3.4 Shear Load Capacity vs. Demand............................................................. 7-20
7.3.5 Freeboard Clearance vs. Slosh Height ...................................................... 7-21
7.3.6 Attached Piping Flexibility ....................................................................... 7-22
7.3.7 Tank Foundation ....................................................................................... 7-23
7.4 Horizontal Tanks..................................................................................................... 7-42
7.4.1 Scope of Horizontal Tanks........................................................................ 7-42
7.4.2 Seismic Demand/Capacity of Horizontal Tanks....................................... 7-42
7.5 Outliers.................................................................................................................... 7-56
7.6 Documentation........................................................................................................ 7-57
Reasons for Changes to GIP, Part II, Section 7 ............................................................... 7-58

8 Cable and Conduit Raceway Review ............................................................. 8-1

8.0 Introduction............................................................................................................... 8-1
8.1 SQUG Commitments................................................................................................ 8-4
8.1.1 Walkdown of Cable and Conduit Raceways .............................................. 8-5
8.1.2 Limited Analytical Review ......................................................................... 8-5
8.1.3 Documentation............................................................................................ 8-5
8.2 Walkdown Guidelines............................................................................................... 8-5
8.2.1 General Walkdown Procedure.................................................................... 8-6
8.2.2 Inclusion Rules............................................................................................ 8-9
8.2.3 Other Seismic Performance Concerns ...................................................... 8-10
8.2.4 Selection of Sample for Limited Analytical Review ................................ 8-13
8.2.5 Seismic Interaction.................................................................................... 8-14
8.3 Limited Analytical Review Guidelines................................................................... 8-14
8.3.1 Dead Load Check...................................................................................... 8-18
8.3.2 Vertical Capacity Check ........................................................................... 8-19

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8.3.3 Ductility Check ......................................................................................... 8-21

8.3.4 Lateral Load Check................................................................................... 8-23
8.3.5 Rod Hanger Fatigue Evaluations .............................................................. 8-26
8.3.6 Floor-to-Ceiling Support Evaluations....................................................... 8-29
8.3.7 Base-Mounted Support Evaluations.......................................................... 8-30
8.3.8 Allowable Capacities ................................................................................ 8-31
8.3.9 Raceway System Weights......................................................................... 8-33
8.4 Outliers.................................................................................................................... 8-34
8.4.1 Cable Tray Span........................................................................................ 8-35
8.4.2 Conduit Span............................................................................................. 8-35
8.4.3 Raceway Member Tie-Downs................................................................... 8-35
8.4.4 Channel Nuts............................................................................................. 8-35
8.4.5 Rigid Boot Connection.............................................................................. 8-36
8.4.6 Beam Clamps ............................................................................................ 8-36
8.4.7 Cast-Iron Anchor Embedments................................................................. 8-36
8.4.8 Analytical Outliers .................................................................................... 8-36
8.5 Documentation........................................................................................................ 8-40
Reasons for Changes to GIP, Part II, Section 8 ............................................................... 8-60

9 Documentation .............................................................................................. 9-1

9.0 Introduction............................................................................................................... 9-1
9.1 SQUG Commitments................................................................................................ 9-4
9.2 SSEL Report ............................................................................................................. 9-6
9.3 Relay Evaluation Report........................................................................................... 9-7
9.4 Seismic Evaluation Report........................................................................................ 9-9
9.5 Completion Letter................................................................................................... 9-11
Reasons for Changes to GIP, Part II, Section 9 ............................................................... 9-12

10 References ................................................................................................... 10-1

Reasons for Changes to GIP, Part II, Section 10 ............................................................. 10-5

Revision 3A

Contents (cont’d)

Section Page

Appendix A Procedure for Identification of Safe Shutdown Equipment .......... A-i

Appendix B Summary of Equipment Class Descriptions and Caveats ............ B-i

Appendix C Anchorage Data ............................................................................. C-i

Appendix D Seismic Interaction ........................................................................ D-i

Appendix E Preparatory Work Prior to Walkdown............................................ E-i

Appendix F Screening Walkdown Plan..............................................................F-i

Appendix G Screening Evaluation Work Sheets (SEWS).................................. G-i

Revision 3A

Revision Status

Rev. No. Pages Affected Date

0 Initial Issue of GIP 6/3/88
1 All pages revised except the following: 12/23/88
• Part II, Section 8, Appendices A, B
• Part III
2 All pages revised 9/21/90
2, Corrected Front Matter: ii, iii, iv, v, ix, x, xv, xiii, xvi 2/28/91
on 2/28/91
Part II
Section 4: 4-7, 4-25, 4-26, 4-29 thru 4-38, 4-41, 4-43 thru 4-50,
Section 6: 6-1, 6-16 thru 6-27
Section 10: 10-1 thru 10-3
Appendix A: A-ii, A-49
Appendix B: B.1-6 thru B.1-8, B.2-2 thru B.2-7, B.3-3 thru
B.3-8, B.4-3 thru B.4-7, B.7-10, B.8-6 thru B.8-8, B.8-10, B.8-11,
B.14-5, B.14-6
Appendix C: C-ii, C-iii, C.2-2 thru C.2-6, C.2-8 thru C.2-28,
C.3-3 thru C.3-14, C.4-2 thru C.4-6, C.5-2, C.6-2 thru C.6-4
Appendix D: D-4, D-7, D-8
Appendix G:
SEWS Class 1: Sheet 2
SEWS Class 2: Sheet 1, 2
SEWS Class 3: Sheet 1, 2
SEWS Class 4: Sheet 1, 2
SEWS Class 8A: Sheet 2
SEWS Class 8B: Sheet 2
SEWS Class 14: Sheet 2

Revision 3A

Rev. No. Pages Affected Date

2, Corrected Front Matter: ii, iii, iv, v, vi, vii, viii, ix, x, xi, xiv, xv, xvi, xvii, 6/28/91
on 6/28/91 xviii
Part I – All pages
Part II
Section 1: 1-2 thru 1-10
Section 2: 2-3, 2-5, 2-6, 2-7
Section 3: 3-1 thru 3-3, 3-5, 3-6, 3-8 thru 3-47
Section 4: 4-1, 4-3 thru 4-70
Section 5: 5-2 thru 5-11
Section 6: 6-4 thru 6-19, 6-21 thru 6-27
Section 7: All pages
Section 8: All pages
Section 9: All pages
Section 10: All pages
Appendix A: A-33, A35
Appendix B: All pages
Appendix C: C-iii, C-1, C.1-1 thru C.1-4, C.2-2, C.2-11, C.2-12,
C.2-13, C.2-24, C.3-2, C.6-3 thru C.6-4
Appendix D: D-2
Appendix E: E-1, E-2, E-4
Appendix F: F-2
Appendix G: All pages except G-i

Revision 3A

Rev. No. Pages Affected Date

2, Corrected Front Matter: i, ii, xiv.i 2/14/92
on 2/14/92
Part I: 2, 8, 9, 12, 13, 15, 16, 25, 26
Part II
Section 1: 1-6, 1-7
Section 4: 4-17, 4-18, 4-23, 4-53
Section 5: 5-1
Section 6: 6-13, 6-14, 6-16, 6-25
Section 7: 7-67, 7-68
Section 8: 8-2, 8-4, 8-34, 8-39, 8-40, 8-43

Revision 3A

Rev. No. Pages Affected Date

3 Front Matter: i, ii, iii, x, xiii, xiv, xiv.i, xv, xvi, xix, xx, xxi, 7/31/95
xxii, xxiii, xxiv, xxv
Part I: 1, 3, 4, 6, 10, 22, 24, 26
Part II
Section 1: 1-10
Section 3: 3-2, 3-12, 3-16 thru 3-18, 3-26, 3-40
Section 4: 4-19, 4-20, 4-22, 4-27, 4-29, 4-33, 4-38, 4-53, 4-54,
Section 5: 5-8
Section 6: 6-1, 6-17, 6-18, 6-20, 6-21
Section 7: 7-17, 7-54
Section 8: 8-28, 8-32, 8-39, 8-61 thru 8-65
Section 9: 9-3, 9-6, 9-11, 9-12
Section 10: All pages
Appendix A: A-38,
Appendix B: B-ii, B.1-2, B.1-3, B.1-5, B.2-2, B.5-1, B.6-2, B.7-2,
B.7-4, B.8A-1 thru B.8A-9, B.8B-1 thru B.8B-8, B.17-3, B.18-6,
Appendix C: C-2, C.1-1, C.2-3, C.2-4, C.2-7, C.2-14 thru C.2-17,
C.2-20, C.3-9, C.3-11, C.3-13, C.3-14,
Appendix E: E-4
Appendix G: G-ii, G.1-1, G.1-2, G.2-1, G.2-2, G.3-1, G-3-2,
G.4-1, G.4-2, G.5-1, G.6-1, G.7-1, G.8A-1, G.8A-2, G.8B-1,
G.8B-2, G.9-1, G.10-1, G.11-1, G.12-1, G.13-1, G.14-1, G.14-2,
G.15-1, G.15-2, G.16-1, G.16-2, G.17-1, G.18-1, G.18-2, G.19-1,
G.20-1, G.20-2
3, Updated Front Matter: i, ii, iii, xix, xxi, xxii, xxiii 5/16/97
on 5/16/97
Part I: 1, 3, 24, 26
Part II
Section 8: 8-32, 8-61 thru 8-65
Section 10: 10-3
Appendix B: B.7-2, B.8A-2, B.8B-1
Appendix C: C.2-3, C.2-4

Revision 3A

Rev. No. Pages Affected Date

3A All pages revised. The changes include those to address the 12/21/01
NRC Staff clarifications, interpretations, exceptions, and issues
from their review of GIP-2 (SSER No. 2), GIP-3 (SSER No. 3),
plant-specific implementation of the USI A-46 program, and the
NARE Guidelines. Editorial and typographical changes were also
made to incorporate lessons learned from using the GIP.

Revision 3A


This document is the product of a team effort by many different organizations and individuals.
Listed below are those which made significant contributions to the development of the guidelines
and criteria contained herein.

The [1]companies that were members of SQUG when the GIP was first developed and newer
members are listed below. In those cases where the company that owns the SQUG plant has
changed, the new company name is included in parentheses. Companies not currently members
of SQUG are denoted by an asterisk (*).

Alabama Power Co. (Southern Nuclear Operating New York Power Authority (Entergy Nuclear
Co.) Northeast)
American Electric Power Co., Inc. Niagara Mohawk Power Corp. (Constellation
Arkansas Power & Light Co. (Entergy Nuclear Nuclear)
South) Northeast Utilities (Dominion Nuclear
Baltimore Gas & Electric Co. (Calvert Cliffs Connecticut, Inc.)
Nuclear Power Plant, Inc.) Northern States Power Co. – Nuclear Management
Boston Edison Co. (Entergy Nuclear Northeast) Co.
Carolina Power & Light Co. (CP&L A Progress Nuclear Electric PLC [UK] (British Energy
Energy Co.) Generation)
CEA [France] Nuclenor, S.A. [Spain]
Central Nuclear de Almaraz [Spain] OKG AB [Sweden]
Commonwealth Edison Co. (Exelon Nuclear) Omaha Public Power District
Consolidated Edison Company of New York, Inc. Pennsylvania Power & Light Co.*
(Entergy Nuclear Northeast) Philadelphia Electric Co.* (Exelon Nuclear)
Consumers Power Co. (Consumers Energy – Portland General Electric Co.*
Nuclear Management Co.) Public Service Company of Colorado*
Detroit Edison Company* Public Service Electric & Gas Co. (PSEG Nuclear)
Duke Power Company Rochester Gas & Electric Corp.
Duquesne Light Co. (First Energy Corp. – Beaver Sacramento Municipal Utility District*
Valley) Siemens AG/KWU [Germany]
Electrabel Tractebel, S.A. [Belgium] Southern California Edison Co.*
ElectricitJ de France [France] Tennessee Valley Authority
ENEL ctn (NIRA)* [Italy] Toledo Edison Co. (First Energy Corp.-Davis
Florida Power Corp. (FPC A Progress Energy Co.) Besse)
Forsmarks Kraftgrupp AB [Sweden] Vattenfall AB, Ringhals [Sweden]
Georgia Power Co. (Southern Nuclear Operating Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Corp. (Entergy
Co.) Nuclear Northeast)
GPU Nuclear Corp. (AmerGen Energy Co.) Virginia Power (Dominion Generation)
Iowa Electric Light & Power Co. (Alliant Energy – Westinghouse Savannah River Co.*
Nuclear Management Co.) Wisconsin Electric Power Co. – Nuclear
Korea Electric Power Research Institute [Korea] Management Co.
Magnox Electric [UK] Wisconsin Public Service Corp. – Nuclear
Maine Yankee Atomic Power Co.* Management Co.Yankee Atomic Electric Co.*
Nebraska Public Power District

Revision 3A

The SQUG Steering Group and the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) have provided the
overall direction and supervision of the development of the guidelines and criteria contained in
this document. The [1]individuals who have served or are serving in this capacity are listed
below. Those individuals no longer serving are denoted by an asterisk (*).

Richard Cutsinger, Tennessee Valley Authority

Harv Hanneman, Wisconsin Electric Power Co.*
Abdy Khanpour, CP&L A Progress Energy Co.
William Metevia, Maine Yankee Atomic Power Co.*
Donald Moore, Southern Company
Dennis Ostrom, Southern California Edison Co.*
John Richards (SQUG Chairman), Duke Power Co.
Jey Sekaran, American Electric Power
Neil Smith (former SQUG Chairman), Commonwealth Edison Co. (Exelon Nuclear)*
Jim Thomas, Duke Power Co.*
Robert Kassawara (Project Manager), EPRI
Richard Schaffstall (SQUG Administrative Coordinator), EPRI*
William Schmidt (SQUG Technical Coordinator), MPR Associates, Inc.*

The [1]companies under contract to SQUG and EPRI and the [1]individuals currently and
previously employed by these organizations who made significant contributions to the
development of the guidelines and criteria in this document are listed below. Individuals not
currently employed by the company listed are denoted by an asterisk (*).

ABS Consulting (formerly EQE Southern Company

International) Donald Moore
Paul Baughman
Steve Eder Stevenson & Associates
Greg Hardy Walter Djordjevic
Steve Harris John Stevenson*
Nancy Horstman* Gary Thomas
Gayle Johnson
James Johnson* URS Corporation / John A. Blume &
Paul Smith* Associates, Engineers
Sam Swan Martin Czarnecki
Peter Yanev* Dilip Jhaveri*

ANCO Engineers Winston & Strawn

Kelly Merz* John MacEvoy*
Malcolm Philips*
MPR Associates, Inc. Bill Shields*
Kelley Baker*
Jess Betlack*
William Schmidt*
Richard Starck

Revision 3A

The Senior Seismic Review and Advisory Panel (SSRAP) served as an expert advisory panel to
the NRC and SQUG during the development of the guidelines and criteria contained in this
document. Their contributions and advice are greatly appreciated. The individuals who served
on this panel are listed below.

Paul Ibanez, ANCO Engineers, Inc.

Robert P. Kennedy (Chairman), RPK--Structural Mechanics Consulting
Walter A. von Riesemann, Sandia National Laboratories
Anshel J. Schiff, Stanford University
Loring A. Wyllie, Jr., H. J. Degenkolb Associates, Engineers

Revision 3A

Glossary of Terms

AC - Alternating Current
ADS - Automatic Depressurization System
AF - Amplification Factor
AFW - Auxiliary Feedwater
ARS - Amplified Response Spectra
ASME - American Society of Mechanical Engineers
B&PV - Boiler and Pressure Vessel
BWR - Boiling Water Reactor
CCW - Component Cooling Water
CRD - Control Rod Drive
CST - Condensate Storage Tank
CVCS - Chemical and Volume Control System
DC - Direct Current
DG - Diesel Generator
DH - Decay Heat
EE - Earthquake Experience
EPRI - Electric Power Research Institute
ESW - Emergency Service Water
FRS - Floor Response Spectrum
FS - Factor of Safety
FSAR - Final Safety Analysis Report
FWCI - Feedwater Coolant Injection
GERS - Generic Equipment Ruggedness Spectra
GIP - Generic Implementation Procedure
GRS - Ground Response Spectra
HCLPF - High Confidence, Low Probability of Failure
HELB - High Energy Line Break
HPCI - High Pressure Coolant Injection
HPCS - High Pressure Core Spray
HVAC - Heating Ventilating and Air Conditioning
HX - Heat Exchanger
IRS - In-structure Response Spectrum
LOCA - Loss of Coolant Accident
LPCI - Low Pressure Coolant Injection
LPCS - Low Pressure Core Spray
MCC - Motor Control Center
MS - Main Steam
MSIV - Main Steam Isolation Valve
NEP - Non-Exceedance Probability
NPSH - Net Positive Suction Head
NRC - Nuclear Regulatory Commission

Revision 3A

NSSS - Nuclear Steam Supply System

OSVS - Outlier Seismic Verification Sheet
P&ID - Piping and Instrumentation Diagram
PGA - Peak Ground Acceleration
PORV - Power-Operated Relief Valve
PWR - Pressurized Water Reactor
RBCCW - Reactor Building Closed Cooling Water
RC - Reactor Coolant
RCIC - Reactor Core Isolation Cooling
RCS - Reactor Coolant System
RTD - Resistance Temperature Detector
RHR - Residual Heat Removal
RHRS - Residual Heat Removal System
RWC - Reactor Water Cleanup
RWST - Refueling Water Storage Tank
SAV - Specified Acceleration Value
SC - Shutdown Cooling
SCE - Seismic Capability Engineer
SEWS - Screening Evaluation Work Sheets
SLC - Standby Liquid Control
SQUG - Seismic Qualification Utility Group
SRP - Standard Review Plan
SRT - Seismic Review Team
SRV - Safety Relief Valve
SSE - Safe Shutdown Earthquake
SSEL - Safe Shutdown Equipment List
SSRAP - Senior Seismic Review and Advisory Panel
SVDS - Screening Verification Data Sheet
SW - Service Water
USI - Unresolved Safety Issue
ZPA - Zero Period Acceleration
ZPGA - Zero Period Ground Acceleration

Revision 3A

List of Effective Pages

Page No. Rev. No. Date* Page No. Rev. No. Date*

i 3A -- I-23 3A --
ii 3A -- I-24 3A --
iii 3A -- I-25 3A --
iv 3A -- I-26 3A --
v 3A -- I-27 3A --
vi 3A -- I-28 3A --
vii 3A -- II-i 3A --
viii 3A -- 1-1 3A --
ix 3A -- 1-2 3A --
x 3A -- 1-3 3A --
xi 3A -- 1-4 3A --
xii 3A -- 1-5 3A --
xiii 3A -- 1-6 3A --
xiv 3A -- 1-7 3A --
xiv.i 3A -- 1-8 3A --
xv 3A -- 1-9 3A --
xvi 3A -- 2-1 3A --
xvii 3A -- 2-2 3A --
xviii 3A -- 2-3 3A --
xix 3A -- 2-4 3A --
xx 3A -- 2-5 3A --
xxi 3A -- 2-6 3A --
xxii 3A -- 2-7 3A --
xxiii 3A -- 2-8 3A --
xxiv 3A -- 2-9 3A --
xxv 3A -- 2-10 3A --
xxvi 3A -- 3-1 3A --
xxvii 3A -- 3-2 3A --
xxviii 3A -- 3-3 3A --
xxix 3A -- 3-4 3A --
xxx 3A -- 3-5 3A --
xxxi 3A -- 3-6 3A --
I-1 3A -- 3-7 3A --
I-2 3A -- 3-8 3A --
I-3 3A -- 3-9 3A --
I-4 3A -- 3-10 3A --
I-5 3A -- 3-11 3A --
I-6 3A -- 3-12 3A --
I-7 3A -- 3-13 3A --
I-8 3A -- 3-14 3A --
I-9 3A -- 3-15 3A --
I-10 3A -- 3-16 3A --
I-11 3A -- 3-17 3A --
I-12 3A -- 3-18 3A --
I-13 3A -- 3-19 3A --
I-14 3A -- 3-20 3A --
I-15 3A -- 3-21 3A --
I-16 3A -- 3-22 3A --
I-17 3A -- 3-23 3A --
I-18 3A -- 3-24 3A --
I-19 3A -- 3-25 3A --
I-20 3A -- 3-26 3A --
I-21 3A -- 3-27 3A --
I-22 3A -- 3-28 3A --

*Note: When a page has been changed to a new revision number, the “Date” column is listed as two dashes (- -). When that page is
subsequently “Corrected” or “Updated,” but the revision number is the same, the date of the correction or update is given in the “Date”

Revision 3A

List of Effective Pages (Cont’d)

Page No. Rev. No. Date* Page No. Rev. No. Date*

3-29 3A -- 4-42 3A --
3-30 3A -- 4-43 3A --
3-31 3A -- 4-44 3A --
3-32 3A -- 4-45 3A --
3-33 3A -- 4-46 3A --
3-34 3A -- 4-47 3A --
3-35 3A -- 4-48 3A --
3-36 3A -- 4-49 3A --
3-37 3A -- 4-50 3A --
3-38 3A -- 4-51 3A --
3-39 3A -- 4-52 3A --
3-40 3A -- 4-53 3A --
3-41 3A -- 4-54 3A --
3-42 3A -- 4-55 3A --
4-1 3A -- 4-56 3A --
4-2 3A -- 4-57 3A --
4-3 3A -- 4-58 3A --
4-4 3A -- 4-59 3A --
4-5 3A -- 4-60 3A --
4-6 3A -- 4-61 3A --
4-7 3A -- 4-62 3A --
4-8 3A -- 4-63 3A --
4-9 3A -- 4-64 3A --
4-10 3A -- 4-65 3A --
4-11 3A -- 4-66 3A --
4-12 3A -- 4-67 3A --
4-13 3A -- 4-68 3A --
4-14 3A -- 4-69 3A --
4-15 3A -- 5-1 3A --
4-16 3A -- 5-2 3A --
4-17 3A -- 5-3 3A --
4-18 3A -- 5-4 3A --
4-19 3A -- 5-5 3A --
4-20 3A -- 5-6 3A --
4-21 3A -- 5-7 3A --
4-22 3A -- 5-8 3A --
4-23 3A -- 5-9 3A --
4-24 3A -- 5-10 3A --
4-25 3A -- 5-11 3A --
4-26 3A -- 6-1 3A --
4-27 3A -- 6-2 3A --
4-28 3A -- 6-3 3A --
4-29 3A -- 6-4 3A --
4-30 3A -- 6-5 3A --
4-31 3A -- 6-6 3A --
4-32 3A -- 6-7 3A --
4-33 3A -- 6-8 3A --
4-34 3A -- 6-9 3A --
4-35 3A -- 6-10 3A --
4-36 3A -- 6-11 3A --
4-37 3A -- 6-12 3A --
4-38 3A -- 6-13 3A --
4-39 3A -- 6-14 3A --
4-40 3A -- 6-15 3A --
4-41 3A -- 6-16 3A --
3A --

Revision 3A

List of Effective Pages (Cont’d)

Page No. Rev. No. Date* Page No. Rev. No. Date*

6-17 3A -- 7-49 3A --
6-18 3A -- 7-50 3A --
6-19 3A -- 7-51 3A --
6-20 3A -- 7-52 3A --
6-21 3A -- 7-53 3A --
6-22 3A -- 7-54 3A --
6-23 3A -- 7-55 3A --
6-24 3A -- 7-56 3A --
6-25 3A -- 7-57 3A --
7-1 3A -- 7-58 3A --
7-2 3A -- 8-1 3A --
7-3 3A -- 8-2 3A --
7-4 3A -- 8-3 3A --
7-5 3A -- 8-4 3A --
7-6 3A -- 8-5 3A --
7-7 3A -- 8-6 3A --
7-8 3A -- 8-7 3A --
7-9 3A -- 8-8 3A --
7-10 3A -- 8-9 3A --
7-11 3A -- 8-10 3A --
7-12 3A -- 8-11 3A --
7-13 3A -- 8-12 3A --
7-14 3A -- 8-13 3A --
7-15 3A -- 8-14 3A --
7-16 3A -- 8-15 3A --
7-17 3A -- 8-16 3A --
7-18 3A -- 8-17 3A --
7-19 3A -- 8-18 3A --
7-20 3A -- 8-19 3A --
7-21 3A -- 8-20 3A --
7-22 3A -- 8-21 3A --
7-23 3A -- 8-22 3A --
7-24 3A -- 8-23 3A --
7-25 3A -- 8-24 3A --
7-26 3A -- 8-25 3A --
7-27 3A -- 8-26 3A --
7-28 3A -- 8-27 3A --
7-29 3A -- 8-28 3A --
7-30 3A -- 8-29 3A --
7-31 3A -- 8-30 3A --
7-32 3A -- 8-31 3A --
7-33 3A -- 8-32 3A --
7-34 3A -- 8-33 3A --
7-35 3A -- 8-34 3A --
7-36 3A -- 8-35 3A --
7-37 3A -- 8-36 3A --
7-38 3A -- 8-37 3A --
7-39 3A -- 8-38 3A --
7-40 3A -- 8-39 3A --
7-41 3A -- 8-40 3A --
7-42 3A -- 8-41 3A --
7-43 3A -- 8-42 3A --
7-44 3A -- 8-43 3A --
7-45 3A -- 8-44 3A --
7-46 3A -- 8-45 3A --
7-47 3A -- 8-46 3A --
7-48 3A -- 8-47 3A --

Revision 3A

List of Effective Pages (Cont’d)

Page No. Rev. No. Date* Page No. Rev. No. Date*

8-48 3A -- A-25 3A --
8-49 3A -- A-26 3A --
8-50 3A -- A-27 3A --
8-51 3A -- A-28 3A --
8-52 3A -- A-29 3A --
8-53 3A -- A-30 3A --
8-54 3A -- A-31 3A --
8-55 3A -- A-32 3A --
8-56 3A -- A-33 3A --
8-57 3A -- A-34 3A --
8-58 3A -- A-35 3A --
8-59 3A -- A-36 3A --
8-60 3A -- A-37 3A --
9-1 3A -- A-38 3A --
9-2 3A -- A-39 3A --
9-3 3A -- A-40 3A --
9-4 3A -- A-41 3A --
9-5 3A -- A-42 3A --
9-6 3A -- A-43 3A --
9-7 3A -- A-44 3A --
9-8 3A -- A-45 3A --
9-9 3A -- A-46 3A --
9-10 3A -- A-47 3A --
9-11 3A -- A-48 3A --
9-12 3A -- A-49 3A --
10-1 3A -- A-50 3A --
10-2 3A -- A-51 3A --
10-3 3A -- A-52 3A --
10-4 3A -- A-53 3A --
10-5 3A -- B-i 3A --
10-6 3A -- B-ii 3A --
A-i 3A -- B-1 3A --
A-ii 3A -- B-2 3A --
A-iii 3A -- B.1-1 3A --
A-1 3A -- B.1-2 3A --
A-2 3A -- B.1-3 3A --
A-3 3A -- B.1-4 3A --
A-4 3A -- B.1-5 3A --
A-5 3A -- B.1-6 3A --
A-6 3A -- B.1-7 3A --
A-7 3A -- B.2-1 3A --
A-8 3A -- B.2-2 3A --
A-9 3A -- B.2-3 3A --
A-10 3A -- B.2-4 3A --
A-11 3A -- B.2-5 3A --
A-12 3A -- B.2-6 3A --
A-13 3A -- B.3-1 3A --
A-14 3A -- B.3-2 3A --
A-15 3A -- B.3-3 3A --
A-16 3A -- B.3-4 3A --
A-17 3A -- B.3-5 3A --
A-18 3A -- B.3-6 3A --
A-19 3A -- B.3-7 3A --
A-20 3A -- B.4-1 3A --
A-21 3A -- B.4-2 3A --
A-22 3A -- B.4-3 3A --
A-23 3A -- B.4-4 3A --
A-24 3A -- B.4-5 3A --

Revision 3A

List of Effective Pages (Cont’d)

Page No. Rev. No. Date* Page No. Rev. No. Date*

B.4-6 3A -- B.16-5 3A --
B.5-1 3A -- B.16-6 3A --
B.5-2 3A -- B.16-7 3A --
B.5-3 3A -- B.17-1 3A --
B.6-1 3A -- B.17-2 3A --
B.6-2 3A -- B.18-1 3A --
B.6-3 3A -- B.18-2 3A --
B.7-1 3A -- B.18-3 3A --
B.7-2 3A -- B.18-4 3A --
B.7-3 3A -- B.18-5 3A --
B.7-4 3A -- B.18-6 3A --
B.7-5 3A -- B.19-1 3A --
B.7-6 3A -- B.19-2 3A --
B.7-7 3A -- B.20-1 3A --
B.7-8 3A -- B.20-2 3A --
B.7-9 3A -- B.20-3 3A --
B.8A-1 3A -- B.20-4 3A --
B.8A-2 3A -- B(reasons)-1 3A --
B.8A-3 3A -- B(reasons)-2 3A --
B.8A-4 3A -- C-i 3A --
B.8A-5 3A -- C-ii 3A --
B.8A-6 3A -- C-iii 3A --
B.8A-7 3A -- C-1 3A --
B.8B-1 3A -- C-2 3A --
B.8B-2 3A -- C.1-1 3A --
B.8B-3 3A -- C.1-2 3A --
B.8B-4 3A -- C.1-3 3A --
B.8B-5 3A -- C.1-4 3A --
B.8B-6 3A -- C.2-1 3A --
B.8B-7 3A -- C.2-2 3A --
B.9-1 3A -- C.2-3 3A --
B.9-2 3A -- C.2-4 3A --
B.9-3 3A -- C.2-5 3A --
B.10-1 3A -- C.2-6 3A --
B.10-2 3A -- C.2-7 3A --
B.10-3 3A -- C.2-8 3A --
B.11-1 3A -- C.2-9 3A --
B.11-2 3A -- C.2-10 3A --
B.12-1 3A -- C.2-11 3A --
B.12-2 3A -- C.2-12 3A --
B.12-3 3A -- C.2-13 3A --
B.13-1 3A -- C.2-14 3A --
B.13-2 3A -- C.2-15 3A --
B.14-1 3A -- C.2-16 3A --
B.14-2 3A -- C.2-17 3A --
B.14-3 3A -- C.2-18 3A --
B.14-4 3A -- C.2-19 3A --
B.14-5 3A -- C.2-20 3A --
B.14-6 3A -- C.2-21 3A --
B.15-1 3A -- C.2-22 3A --
B.15-2 3A -- C.2-23 3A --
B.15-3 3A -- C.2-24 3A --
B.15-4 3A -- C.2-25 3A --
B.15-5 3A -- C.3-1 3A --
B.15-6 3A -- C.3-2 3A --
B.16-1 3A -- C.3-3 3A --
B.16-2 3A -- C.3-4 3A --
B.16-3 3A -- C.3-5 3A --
B.16-4 3A -- C.3-6 3A --

Revision 3A

List of Effective Pages (Cont’d)

Page No. Rev. No. Date* Page No. Rev. No. Date*

C.3-7 3A -- G.4-1 3A --
C.3-8 3A -- G.4-2 3A --
C.3-9 3A -- G.4-3 3A --
C.3-10 3A -- G.5-1 3A --
C.3-11 3A -- G.5-2 3A --
C.4-1 3A -- G.6-1 3A --
C.4-2 3A -- G.6-2 3A --
C.4-3 3A -- G.7-1 3A --
C.4-4 3A -- G.7-2 3A --
C.4-5 3A -- G.8A-1 3A --
C.4-6 3A -- G.8A-2 3A --
C.5-1 3A -- G.8B-1 3A --
C.5-2 3A -- G.8B-2 3A --
C.5-3 3A -- G.9-1 3A --
C.6-1 3A -- G.9-2 3A --
C.6-2 3A -- G.10-1 3A --
C.6-3 3A -- G.10-2 3A --
C.6-4 3A -- G.11-1 3A --
C(reasons)-1 3A -- G.11-2 3A --
D.i 3A -- G.12-1 3A --
D.ii 3A -- G.12-2 3A --
D-1 3A -- G.13-1 3A --
D-2 3A -- G.13-2 3A --
D-3 3A -- G.14-1 3A --
D-4 3A -- G.14-2 3A --
D-5 3A -- G.14-3 3A --
D-6 3A -- G.15-1 3A --
D-7 3A -- G.15-2 3A --
D-8 3A -- G.15-3 3A --
E- i 3A -- G.16-1 3A --
E- ii 3A -- G.16-2 3A --
E-1 3A -- G.16-3 3A --
E-2 3A -- G.17-1 3A --
E-3 3A -- G.17-2 3A --
E-4 3A -- G.18-1 3A --
E-5 3A -- G.18-2 3A --
F-i 3A -- G.18-3 3A --
F-ii 3A -- G.19-1 3A --
F-1 3A -- G.19-2 3A --
F-2 3A -- G.20-1 3A --
F-3 3A -- G.20-2 3A --
F-4 3A -- G.21-1 3A --
F-5 3A -- G.21-2 3A --
G-i 3A -- G(reasons)-1 3A --
G-ii 3A -- G(reasons)-2 3A --
G-1 3A --
G-2 3A --
G.0-1 3A --
G.0-2 3A --
G.1-1 3A --
G.1-2 3A --
G.1-3 3A --
G.2-1 3A --
G.2-2 3A --
G.2-3 3A --
G.3-1 3A --
G.3-2 3A --
G.3-3 3A --

Revision 3A

Reasons for Changes to GIP, Front Matter

Listed below are the specific reasons for making the changes marked with a vertical line in the
margin of this front matter to create GIP-3A from GIP-3, Updated 5/16/97. The endnote
numbers listed below correspond to the bracketed numbers (e.g., [1]) located in the text of this
front matter where the changes are made.

Update of company and personnel names.
The list of companies that prepared the GIP was rearranged in alphabetical order.
Preface added to explain the reasons and bases for the changes made in going from GIP-3, Updated 5/16/97 to
Updated list of pages affected by changes to previous revisions of GIP.

Revision 3A

Part I
Licensing and Implementation

Revision 3A

1.0 Introduction


In December 1980, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) Staff initiated an unresolved
safety issue, USI A-46, “Seismic Qualification of Equipment in Operating Plants,” related to
seismic adequacy of mechanical and electrical equipment in older nuclear plants. After
substantial technical research by both the Seismic Qualification Utility Group (SQUG) and the
NRC regarding this issue, the Staff published, on February 19, 1987, a detailed approach for
resolving USI A-46, in Generic Letter 87-02, “Verification of Seismic Adequacy of Mechanical
and Electrical Equipment in Operating Reactors, Unresolved Safety Issue (USI) A-46.”
Implementation guidance for generic and plant-specific resolution of A-46 was provided in an
enclosure to the Generic Letter, entitled “Seismic Adequacy Verification Procedure” (herein
referred to as the Generic Letter Procedure). Subsequently, the NRC Staff issued Supplement 1
to Generic Letter 87-02 on May 22, 1992 (Reference 13 of Part I[1]), which included
Supplemental Safety Evaluation Report No. 2 (SSER No. 2) on the GIP Revision 2 (corrected
February 14, 1992). SSER No. 2 provides additional implementation guidance which should be
used when applying the GIP for resolution of USI A-46. (Note that the references identified in
this part of the GIP are listed in Section 4.0 at the end of Part I.)

The resolution methodology for USI A-46 is based, in part, on the belief that there is adequate
seismic capacity of properly anchored equipment, [2]with certain other important considerations,
in older operating plants. It should be noted that early SQUG implementation of the A-46
methodology (including review of experience data, tests, and analysis coupled with trial plant
walkdowns) supports this conclusion. The purpose of USI A-46 is to verify this conclusion.

The Generic Letter Procedure sets forth an approach for verifying seismic adequacy of
equipment using earthquake experience data supplemented by test results and analyses, as
necessary. Licensees subject to USI A-46 are encouraged to participate in a generic program to
accomplish seismic verification of equipment. As a result, SQUG developed this “Generic
Implementation Procedure (GIP) for Seismic Verification of Nuclear Plant Equipment.”

Revision 3A


The GIP provides the detailed technical approach, generic procedures, and documentation
guidance which can be used by USI A-46 licensees to verify the seismic adequacy of mechanical
and electrical safe shutdown equipment. In this regard, the GIP also contains all of the activities
necessary for resolution of USI A-46.

The USI A-46 (GIP) methodology involves an initial screening process. If safe shutdown
equipment should fail to pass this initial screening, i.e., it is classified as an outlier, more detailed
methods for verifying its seismic adequacy may be used as described in Section 5 of Part II of
the GIP.

Because the NRC has documented its evaluation of GIP-2 and GIP-3 in Supplemental Safety
Evaluation Reports Nos. 2 and 3 (SSER No. 2 and SSER No. 3) (References 13 and 15 of Part I),
the GIP provides an NRC-accepted method to verify the seismic adequacy of equipment and to
resolve USI A-46 for individual plants. Every aspect of the Generic Letter Procedure (Reference
3 of Part I) and these SSERs has been fully considered in development of the GIP. Therefore,
licensees will be guided by the GIP as modified by SSER No. 2 and SSER No. 3. By
satisfying the provisions of the GIP as modified by SSER No. 2 and SSER No. 3, licensees will
have fully satisfied the guidance of the Generic Letter 87-02, SSER No. 2, and SSER No. 3.

The GIP contains two major Parts. Part I introduces USI A-46 and its resolution and establishes
direction on specific licensing and implementation issues. Part II provides direction on how to
apply the generic procedure to a plant-specific implementation. Part II also includes direction
for selecting seismic evaluation personnel, identifying safe shutdown equipment, performing
screening verifications and walkdowns, and resolving outliers.

Revision 3A


Each section of Part II of the GIP (except Sections 1 and 10) is divided into SQUG commitments
(generally the “X.1” paragraph of each section, where “X” is the section number) and
implementation guidance in the remaining paragraphs of that section. The SQUG commitments
are key features of each aspect of the program. For the USI A-46 verification of seismic
adequacy of electrical and mechanical equipment in response to the Generic Letter, licensees
agree to implement the SQUG commitments as stated or to justify any substantial deviations
from the SQUG commitments to the NRC in writing prior to implementation.

The implementation guidance in the GIP, i.e., all of the GIP except the SQUG commitments,
comprises acceptable methods for implementing the noted SQUG commitments. USI A-46
licensees may use the GIP guidance or may substitute clearly equivalent methods without prior
notification of the NRC. However, USI A-46 licensees must notify the NRC of significant or
programmatic deviations from the GIP guidance.

If licensees know they will implement significant or programmatic deviations from the GIP
guidance, they should so notify the NRC Staff. If significant or programmatic deviations are
implemented without prior notification of the NRC Staff, licensees must then notify the NRC
Staff of these deviations no later than the final USI A-46 summary report. The NRC Staff has
cautioned in Reference 13 of Part I that methods which deviate from the GIP may not be
acceptable and may result in the licensee not fully satisfying the provisions of the Generic Letter,
even though the licensee considers the substitute method equivalent. Thus, licensees are
encouraged to notify the NRC Staff as soon as they decide to make significant or programmatic
deviations from the GIP guidance. This will provide an opportunity for the Staff to comment
prior to implementation. Justification for these significant or programmatic deviations will be
prepared and made available onsite for NRC audit. Notification is not required for minor, i.e.,
less than significant or programmatic, deviations from the GIP guidance. However,
documentation of minor deviations should be available onsite for NRC audit.

Revision 3A

For purposes of USI A-46 resolution, licensees will be bound by the commitments specifically
set forth in their docketed submittals. Submittals which commit to the entire GIP, i.e., the SQUG
commitments and implementation guidance portions of each section of Part II [3][5]and the NRC
Staff clarifications, interpretations, and exceptions reflected in SSER No. 2, shall be regarded as
accepted by the Staff upon docketing. (See Section 2.2.1 of Part I, below.) Submittals that do
not fully commit to the GIP shall be reviewed and accepted by the Staff on a case-by-case basis.

Revision 3A

2.0 Issues and Positions


Development of a generic program to resolve USI A-46 has led to a number of licensing and
implementation issues, some of which are covered in this section and some of which are covered
in other parts of the GIP. Issues addressed in this section generally pertain to the licensing
aspects of the A-46 program, the impact of related NRC requirements (such as reporting
regulations) on the implementation of the generic program, and technical matters which have
been the subject of considerable discussion between SQUG and the NRC and have a significant
impact on the implementation of the generic program.

Identification and resolution of A-46 issues have been the result of evolutionary processes
starting with the Generic Letter and continuing to the present. These processes are documented
by the references listed in Section 4 of Part I of the GIP, starting with the SQUG response to the
Generic Letter (Reference 4 of Part I). The primary issues contained in these references have
been addressed and incorporated into the GIP. Each revision of the GIP, including this revision,
contains prior resolutions or positions on unresolved issues. For example, Revision 0 of the GIP
included issues identified by SQUG in response to the Generic Letter. The Safety Evaluation
Report (SER) prepared by the NRC based on Revision 0 of the GIP resulted in a new set of
issues and positions that were subsequently included in Revision 1 of the GIP. SQUG intends to
continue the process of revising the GIP to capture resolved issues as well as to reflect current
issues and positions.

The SQUG “Checklist of Open/Unresolved Issues in the USI A-46 Program” and “Resolutions
to NRC Comments on GIP, Rev. 2” (contained in References 9 and 12 of Part I), which were
provided to the NRC Staff for review and concurrence, summarize the resolution history of many
of the issues and cross-reference supporting documentation containing details of the resolution.
SQUG may update these documents from time to time to track issues from identification to
resolution. These documents may provide valuable information if future questions arise as to the
scope and intent of these issues. References noted in these documents and in other sections of

Revision 3A

the GIP should be referred to where more detail is desired or the historical development of an
issue is of interest. GIP Revision 3A incorporates the NRC Staff clarifications, interpretations,
and exceptions from SSER No. 2 and SSER No. 3 in light of the resolution history contained in
References 9 and 12 of Part I. Note, however, that the NRC Staff considers the final resolution
of all issues to be contained in Revision 2 of the GIP (corrected, 2/14/92), as supplemented by
SSER No. 2; the resolution history summarized in (References 9 and 12 of Part I reflects
SQUG’s perception of the resolution.

The remainder of this section of Part I documents SQUG’s position on some of these issues, and
for clarification provides examples of possible licensing issue scenarios. The examples are
merely accepted methods to resolve these issues on a plant-specific basis; other methods may
also be used.


2.2.1 Implementation Schedule and Commitments

An implementation schedule and commitment letter should have been provided by each licensee
to the NRC staff by 120 days after [7]SSER No. 2 on the GIP is issued and all open issues are
resolved. Assuming the licensee intends to use the GIP to resolve USI A-46, the letter should
include the following:

1. A commitment to a final date (for example, a calendar date, or optionally, a specified

number of days after completion of a given refueling outage) for submitting to the Staff a
report summarizing the results of the A-46 review (see Paragraph 2.2.8 of Part I and
Section 9 of Part II). Any delay beyond that date should be justified to the Staff; however,
the licensee may organize and conduct its review as necessary to meet the scheduled date
(the objective is to complete the USI A-46 program within three years);
2. A statement that a specific revision of the GIP will be used by the licensee for resolution of
USI A-46;
3. Identification of substantial deviations from the SQUG commitments of the GIP and a
justification for such deviations (see GIP Part I, Paragraph 1.3);
4. Identification, if known, of significant or programmatic deviations from the GIP guidance;
(see GIP Part I, Paragraph 1.3);

Revision 3A

5. In [7]SSER No. 2 on the GIP, the NRC Staff has requested licensees of certain plants, as
shown in Table A of SSER No. 2, to describe the method used in generating the in-
structure response spectra to be used for resolution of USI A-46. When requested, this
information should have been provided in the 120-day commitment letter. The in-structure
response spectra to be used for resolution of USI A-46 need not be the plant licensing or
design basis spectra. If the type of spectra is changed following notification, licensees
should notify the NRC Staff of the change prior to implementing the USI A-46 resolution.
The licensee should await written Staff approval of the in-structure response spectra
information prior to commencing implementation of the USI A-46 program. If the Staff
does not respond by accepting, questioning, or rejecting the spectra within sixty days, the
Staff is deemed to have accepted the licensee’s spectra and the licensee may proceed with
implementation. If a rejection or question is received from the Staff, the licensee will
provide additional information to the Staff to resolve the problem. The Staff will respond
to any submittal of additional information received from a licensee within sixty days. In
this response, the Staff will either state its approval (or rejection) of the information
provided, or indicate the time duration needed for the review of such information, prior to
transmitting a follow-up response of acceptance (or rejection) to the licensee. This time
duration will vary depending on the complexity of the submittal.

The above information in the licensee’s schedule and commitment letter will be reviewed and
responded to by the NRC Staff. Licensees are not obligated to initiate the USI A-46
implementation until receipt of NRC approval of the plant-specific commitments for resolution
of USI A-46, including agreement on the in-structure response spectra, substantial deviations
from the SQUG commitment Sections of Part II of the GIP, and significant or programmatic
deviations from GIP implementation guidance, if reported. If the Staff withholds approval of the
licensee’s commitment letter beyond ninety days after submittal, the licensee may extend the
USI A-46 implementation schedule by a corresponding amount of time without additional Staff

2.2.2 Assumptions

Section 3 of Part II of the GIP sets forth the basic assumptions regarding plant conditions to be
used by USI A-46 licensees.

Revision 3A

2.2.3 Achieving and Maintaining Hot Shutdown

Licensees are to identify equipment necessary to bring the plant to, and maintain it in, a hot
shutdown condition during the first 72 hours following a Safe Shutdown Earthquake (SSE) as
described in Section 3 of Part II of the GIP. Achieving hot shutdown within 72 hours may be
inconsistent with some aspects of the licensing and design bases of some plants. Therefore,
deviations from the 72-hour hot shutdown period will be considered by the Staff on a case-by-
case basis with sufficient justification.

2.2.4 Multiplier for Equipment Above the 40-foot Level

It may be possible to justify seismic demand multipliers based on ground response for equipment
above 40 feet. (Note: Section 4 of Part II uses a 1.5 multiplier for equipment below about
40 feet.) If the seismic demand study being undertaken by EPRI establishes multipliers above
the 40-foot level, SQUG may submit this in a GIP revision for approval by the NRC in
accordance with Section 3.0 of Part I of the GIP.

2.2.5 Reportability and the Need for JCOs

USI A-46 resolution methodologies do not impose any additional reporting requirements beyond
the submittal requirements of Section 2.2.8, below, nor do they require preparation of
Justifications for Continued Operation (JCOs) unless necessary to meet existing regulatory
requirements applicable to the licensee, including the requirement to operate the facility in a
manner that will not endanger the public health and safety. (It should be noted that the JCO
referenced above need not necessarily be submitted to the NRC staff.)

Thus, failure of equipment to meet GIP initial screening or outlier resolution guidelines does not,
of itself, give rise to a need for the licensee to consider a JCO or reporting under applicable
reporting requirements unless the plant has modified its commitments to adopt the USI A-46
(GIP) methodology as its licensing basis for verifying the seismic adequacy of electrical and

Revision 3A

mechanical equipment, as set forth in Paragraph 2.3.3, below.1[9] If a determination is made that
equipment failing to meet the GIP initial screening or outlier resolution guidelines does not meet
the existing plant licensing or design bases, including specific plant commitments and
requirements, the licensee must consider reportability and operability implications pursuant to
Technical Specifications and 10 C.F.R. §§ 50.72, 50.73, and 50.9, among others as appropriate,
including the need for a JCO. Non-safety grade equipment selected for use in A-46 is not
exempt from reporting requirements.

There is no independent requirement to notify the Staff when an outlier or equipment deficient
against A-46 criteria, which is not a deficiency against the plant’s licensing or design basis, will
not be modified to conform to the A-46 guidelines. 2 However, licensees will report unresolved
A-46 outliers or equipment deficient against A-46 criteria to the NRC Staff in their final
summary reports. These reports will include an explanation of the safety implications of not
modifying the outliers or equipment deficient against A-46 criteria. The Staff will justify any
requirement to modify these outliers under 10 C.F.R. § 50.109 as stated in Section 2.3.1, below. 3

2.2.6 The Role of SSRAP During Implementation of A-46

The Senior Seismic Review and Advisory Panel (SSRAP) was established to provide technical
review of SQUG efforts in developing a generic program to resolve USI A-46 through the use of
experience data on equipment in industrial facilities which had been subjected to strong motion
seismic events. SSRAP’s functions and responsibilities were defined and agreed upon mutually
by SQUG and the NRC Staff. SSRAP’s tenure will end as a group at the completion of the
development of the GIP. SQUG may reconvene SSRAP from time to time for assistance on

If a licensee modifies its licensing commitment to adopt the USI A-46 methodology for demonstrating the
seismic adequacy of electrical and mechanical equipment, a deficiency against the A-46 criteria is also a
deficiency against the licensing basis.
To be consistent with Generic Letter 87-02, we distinguish between “outliers,“ “equipment deficient against A-46
criteria,” and “equipment deficient against the plant’s licensing or design basis.” Only the deficiency against the
licensing or design basis may give rise to a reporting requirement under Sections 50.72, 50.73.
The backfitting analysis supporting Generic Letter 87-02 applies only to the A-46 review, not to subsequent
modifications. See NUREG-1211, Section V, second paragraph, at 16.

Revision 3A

generic matters. Use of SSRAP for such generic tasks will be mutually agreed upon by SQUG
and the NRC Staff.

2.2.7 Third-Party Audits

An independent evaluation will be performed for each plant by one or more individuals who
were not a part of the original walkdown team. This evaluation will provide an assessment of the
walkdown and analyses by audit and sampling. This is intended to be a one- or two-day
overview to [10]assess the adequacy of the entire plant-specific implementation program, and,
specifically to determine if gross errors have been made. This overview effort should be
substantially less than the original walkdown and analyses. The individual(s) performing this
evaluation will meet the qualification requirements prescribed for a Seismic Capability Engineer
(as described herein). The auditor(s) should have broad engineering experience and have
completed the SQUG-developed Walkdown Screening and Seismic Evaluation Training Course.
The auditor(s) will document the review in letterform. This report and the evaluator’s
qualifications will be submitted to the NRC.

2.2.8 Completion Reports

To resolve USI A-46, the Generic Letter Procedure provides for submittal of an inspection report
by each licensee upon completion of the plant walkdown. Licensees using the GIP for resolution
may satisfy this USI A-46 report provision by referencing the GIP and by providing a plant-
specific summary report, including a proposed schedule for future modifications and
replacements, where appropriate. Details regarding the contents of the report are contained in
Section 9 of Part II of the GIP. Each licensee will also provide a completion letter advising the
NRC that any corrective actions identified in the summary report or agreed to with the Staff as a
result of other related correspondence have been completed.

2.2.9 Plant-Specific SERs

The NRC Staff will, for some plants, either join the licensee for selected plant walkdown
inspections, or review the licensee’s implementation summary report of walkdown results (see
Section 2.2.8 of Part I, above) and conduct plant-specific audits based on sampling. Thereafter,

Revision 3A

the Staff will issue to each licensee a simple plant-specific Safety Evaluation Report (“SER”) to
close USI A-46 on each docket.

2.2.10 Maintenance Programs

Existing preventive maintenance and inspection programs, as required by existing NRC

requirements, will suffice to meet the maintenance and inspection guidelines for USI A-46. For
example, during individual plant walkdowns, tightness testing of bolts and visual inspection to
determine that bolts are not missing or obviously loose are covered in Section 4 of Part II of the
GIP. It is not necessary to establish a program to periodically reinspect tightness after the

2.2.11 Inter-SQUG Communication

A cognizant industry organization will facilitate a transfer of knowledge regarding major
problems identified and lessons learned in the walkdowns and third-party reviews. This will be
accomplished by periodic written communications to all SQUG member utilities and, as needed,
periodic workshops.


2.3.1 Backfitting

When a licensee concludes that no further action is necessary for an equipment condition that
fails to meet the GIP initial screening or outlier resolution guidelines, but the condition is not a
deficiency against the plant’s current licensing or design bases, the Staff must comply with
backfitting requirements pursuant to 10 C.F.R. § 50.109 before the licensee can be required to
take any further action. The licensee must notify the Staff of the condition in the summary report
(see Paragraph 2.2.8 of Part I) and provide an explanation of the safety implications of not
modifying the outliers and equipment found to be deficient against the A-46 criteria. This
explanation need not be a detailed analytical justification for not modifying the identified

Revision 3A

It is the staff’s responsibility under 10 C.F.R. § 50.109 to first justify that the condition must be
modified, after which, modifications may be required. However, a backfitting analysis is not
needed if the condition is a deficiency against the plant’s current licensing or design bases.

2.3.2 Compliance with Commission Regulations Related to Seismic Adequacy

The successful completion of the USI A-46 implementation will verify the seismic adequacy of
the equipment to which the USI A-46 methodology has been applied by the licensee. This will
constitute compliance with the requirements of GDC-2 (in those plants to which GDC-2 applies)
and will satisfy the purpose of the NRC regulations relevant to equipment seismic adequacy
(including 10 C.F.R. Part 100) and applicable to the licensee’s plants for the identified

2.3.3 Revision of Plant Licensing Bases

A USI A-46 licensee, in accordance with 10 C.F.R. § 50.59, may revise the plant licensing bases
to reflect that the USI A-46 (GIP) methodology may [12] be used as the methodology for verifying
the seismic adequacy of mechanical and electrical equipment within the scope of equipment
covered by the GIP. Note that compliance with 10 C.F.R. § 50.59 will result in the licensee
addressing all aspects of unreviewed safety questions (for example, where the FSAR has
specified damping values which differ from the GIP). Licensees should include deviations from
the SQUG commitments and guidance of the GIP in their unreviewed safety question analyses
under 10 C.F.R. § 50.59. (See Example 5 and Paragraph 2.3.4, below, for extending the scope of
plant equipment to which the revised licensing bases apply.)

With the exception of cable and conduit raceway systems, the USI A-46 (GIP) methodology is
an equipment-level seismic verification methodology for mechanical and electrical equipment,
tanks, and heat exchangers. For A-46 plants, this methodology is adequate to verify the seismic

Staff Supplemental Safety Evaluation Report No. 1 on SQUG Generic Imp1ementation Procedure, Revision 1,
June 29, 1990 (“SSER No. l”), at 18, NRC response to Item I.B. [“GDC-2 (in those plants where GDC-2
applies)” has been expanded to also include “and will satisfy the purpose of the NRC regulations relevant to
equipment seismic adequacy (including 10 C.F.R. Part 100) and applicable to the licensee’s plants for the
identified equipment.”]

Revision 3A

adequacy of equipment within the scope of the GIP. However, it is recognized that in some
cases the plant licensing basis may address aspects of the seismic adequacy of the systems, in
which this equipment is installed, that are not addressed by the GIP. Where this is true, licensees
are not relieved of the responsibility to evaluate and adequately address such system-level
seismic requirements as part of the revision of a plant’s licensing bases for equipment.
The USI A-46 (GIP) methodology shall not supersede any seismic qualification requirements
imposed or committed to in connection with the resolution of other specific issues (e.g.,
Regulatory Guide 1.97, TMI Action Item II.F.2, and Individual Plant Examination for External
Events) unless these qualification requirements or commitments are also revised according to
appropriate regulatory requirements, where applicable.5

To help clarify the intent of this section for modifying the licensing bases of the plant, the
following examples are provided. These examples explore some, but not all, of the possible
scenarios that may be encountered by licensees when revising their licensing bases to adopt the
USI A-46 (GIP) methodology (or an alternative) as the method for verifying the seismic
adequacy of electrical and mechanical equipment within the scope of equipment covered by the

Example 1
Revising the plant licensing bases when the plant is not currently committed to using any
specific method to verify the seismic adequacy of equipment, and there are no specific
commitments to seismic qualification requirements for equipment connected with the
resolution of other specific issues.

When a plant has no general commitment to methods or standards for seismic verification
or qualification of equipment, i.e., the FSAR is silent, and no specific licensing
commitments exist for specific issues (as discussed in Example 2, below, the plant may
adopt the USI A-46 (GIP) methodology without specific notification of the NRC. This is
neither a license change nor a change to the facility as described in the FSAR.
Nevertheless as with any change in the plant procedures or methodology for evaluation of
plant adequacy, the basis for the change should be documented. One option available is a

SQUG has adopted the language of the Staff’s SSER No. 1 verbatim (at 7, numbered paragraph (2)) up to the
word “unless’ in the GIP. SQUG has added a statement that even specific commitments, such as Regulatory
Guide 1.97, can be superseded by proper application of 10 C.F.R. § 50.59. However, SQUG recognizes that a
Section 50.59 analysis to supersede a specific commitment would need to consider factors in addition to the
analysis to change the plant’s general seismic licensing basis.

Revision 3A

safety evaluation pursuant to 10 C.F.R. § 50.59 together with a formal FSAR change (if
appropriate) in accordance with 10 C.F.R. § 50.71(e).

Example 2
Revising the plant licensing bases when the plant is not generally committed to any
specific method to verify seismic adequacy, but when specific commitments to seismic
qualification requirements exist for equipment connected with the resolution of other
specific issues.

(a) For equipment not covered by any specific commitment, a Section 50.59 safety
evaluation should be conducted and the FSAR changed (if appropriate) to reflect the
new commitment in the manner suggested for Example 1, above.

(b) The USI A-46 (GIP) methodology will not supersede seismic qualification
requirements imposed or committed to in connection with the resolution of other
specific issues (e.g., Regulatory Guide 1.97, TMI Action Item II.F.2, and Individual
Plant Examination for External Events). To substitute the USI A-46 (GIP)
methodology for specific licensing commitments such as these, licensees must
follow [14]appropriate Commission regulations.

Example 3
Revising the plant licensing bases when the plant is generally committed to using IEEE
344-1971 to verify the seismic adequacy of equipment, but has no specific commitments to
seismic qualification requirements for equipment connected with the resolution of other
specific issues.

Where the plant has a general commitment to IEEE 344-1971 and no other specific
licensing commitments exist, a Section 50.59 safety evaluation should be performed and
documented. In addition, if a change to the FSAR is appropriate, the NRC must be
notified pursuant to Section 50.71.
The USI A-46 (GIP) methodology is an acceptable alternative evaluation method and,
as discussed in GIP Part I, Section 2.3.2 above, will satisfy the pertinent equipment seismic
requirements of General Design Criterion 2 and the purpose of all applicable NRC
regulations relevant to equipment seismic adequacy for plants within the scope of USI
A-46. Accordingly, unless there are some unique and unusual circumstances applicable to
the plant (such as deviations from the SQUG commitments or implementation guidance of
the GIP), a change of commitment from IEEE 344-1971 to the USI A-46 (GIP)
methodology should not involve an unreviewed safety question for matters related to
verifying the seismic adequacy of electrical and mechanical equipment. This
determination is subject to the previously discussed limitation that the USI A-46 (GIP)
methodology applies to equipment seismic adequacy and not to the overall adequacy of the
system in which the equipment is installed. Thus, USI A-46 licensees are not relieved of
the requirement to perform and document a Section 50.59 evaluation to determine whether
unreviewed safety questions exist.

Revision 3A

Example 4
Revising the plant licensing bases when the plant is generally committed to using IEEE
344-1971, and in addition, has specific commitments to other guidance for equipment
connected with resolution of specific issues.

(a) For equipment not subject to seismic qualification requirements imposed or

committed to in connection with the resolution of other specific issues, the plant may
modify its commitment to reflect use of the USI A-46 (GIP) methodology as
described for Example 3, above.

(b) For equipment subject to seismic qualification requirements imposed or

committed to in connection with the resolution of other specific issues, the
commitments to the specific requirements may be revised as described in [7]Example
2, above.

Example 5
This is a variation of Examples 1-4 that expands the scope of the USI A-46 (GIP)
methodology to include equipment outside the scope of A-46, when the equipment is
within the scope of equipment covered by the GIP.

A change of licensing basis commitment from IEEE 344-1971, as described in above

examples, will result in the application of the USI A-46 (GIP) methodology to plant
equipment outside the scope of A-46. The scope of application of the USI A-46 (GIP)
methodology may be expanded to include this additional mechanical and electrical
equipment, provided the licensee also commits to the guidelines presented in Section 2.3.4
of Part I of the GIP, “Future Modifications and New and Replacement Equipment.” The
Section 50.59 safety evaluation to change the plant licensing bases (as discussed in the
above examples) should also consider the effects of expanding the application of the USI
A-46 (GIP) methodology from A-46 equipment to the new scope of equipment. However,
absent unique and unusual circumstances applicable to the plant, expanding the scope of
the A-46 methodology as noted above should not constitute an unreviewed safety question
for matters related to verifying the seismic adequacy of mechanical and electrical
equipment, tanks and heat exchangers, and cable and conduit raceway systems.

Subsequent to resolution of USI A-46, if licensees take exception to the GIP criteria and modify
those criteria for plant-specific application, this shall be accomplished by modifying the plant
licensing bases using the regulatory provisions of 10 C.F.R. § 50.59. This will be considered a
plant-specific modification of a licensing commitment, not a modification of the GIP.

Revision 3A

2.3.4 Future Modifications and New and Replacement Equipment

For any new equipment and replacement of or modifications to equipment having seismic
requirements (including equipment not evaluated in response to A-46), licensees shall comply
with the plant’s licensing bases. Should the licensing bases include use of the USI A-46 (GIP)
methodology as an option for verifying seismic adequacy, that methodology will be extended to
all mechanical and electrical equipment if and only if the following conditions are satisfied:6[19]

1. The equipment is reviewed and/or inspected in accordance with the GIP;

2. Equipment changes and modifications are performed in accordance with the GIP;
3. New or replacement equipment complies with any one of the following:
a. If it is identical to the equipment originally installed in the plant, the criteria and
procedures in the GIP apply,
b. If it is not identical to the equipment originally installed in the plant, the licensee
may, on a case-by-case basis establish the equipment’s similarity to the installed
equipment. The definition of similarity includes the following elements:
1) excitation, 2) dynamic properties and operability, and 3) dynamic response. After
the similarity is established, then the criteria and procedures in the GIP apply, or
c. If it is not identical to the equipment originally installed in the plant and the
similarity is not established, its seismic adequacy may be verified by conducting a
plant and equipment-specific evaluation using the approved USI A-46 (GIP)
procedures, or at the licensee’s option, application of current seismic qualification
criteria or other means acceptable to the staff.
The A-46 criteria contained herein may be applied in USI A-46 plants to new or
replacement equipment not identical to the equipment originally installed in the
plant, provided the seismic evaluations are performed in a systematic and controlled
manner so as to assure that new or replacement equipment are represented in the
earthquake experience or generic testing equipment classes and that applicable
caveats are met. In particular, each new or replacement item of equipment and part
will be [17]evaluated for any design changes that could reduce its seismic capacity
from that reflected by the earthquake experience or generic testing equipment
classes, and these evaluations will be documented.

The USI A-46 (GIP) methodology is acceptable and sufficient for verifying the seismic adequacy of commercial
grade equipment to be dedicated for safety-related purposes; for other (non-seismic) critical characteristics of
equipment to be dedicated, licensees are referred to the guidance/requirements delineated in Generic Letters 89-
02, 89-09, and 91-05 which include applicable criteria of 10 C.F.R. Part 50, Appendix B.

Revision 3A

Each new or replacement item of equipment will be evaluated on a plant-specific and
equipment-specific basis to show that it is either identical (item 3.a, above), similar
(item 3.b), or represented in the GIP equipment classes with applicable caveats met
(item 3.c).
4. The GIP is to be maintained in a usable form in the future, with NRC approval of
significant changes, in accordance with Section 3.0 of Part I of the GIP. The USI A-46
(GIP) criteria and methodology do not supersede any seismic qualification requirement
imposed or committed to in connection with the resolution of other specific issues (e.g.,
Regulatory Guide 1.97, Three Mile Island Action Item II.F.2, and Individual Plant
Examination for External Events) unless those requirements or commitments are revised
according to applicable regulatory requirements.

The USI A-46 (GIP) methodology is acceptable and sufficient for verifying the seismic
adequacy of commercial grade equipment to be dedicated for safety-related purposes; for other
(non-seismic) critical characteristics of equipment to be dedicated, licensees are referred to
applicable guidance and requirements, such as Generic Letter 89-02 (and its supplement),
Generic Letter 89-09, and Generic Letter 91-05, which include applicable criteria of 10 C.F.R.
Part 50, Appendix B.

A-46 (GIP) criteria may be applied to modification or repair of existing anchorages (e.g., anchor
bolts or welds) including one-for-one component replacements (e.g., replacing bolts in one-for-
one component replacements). For new installations and newly designed anchorages in
modifications or replacements, the USI A-46 (GIP) criteria and procedures may also be applied,
except that the factor of safety currently recommended for new nuclear plants in determining the
anchorage capacities shall be met.

The A-46 criteria contained herein may also be applied to new and replacement cable and
conduit raceway systems or parts thereof, in USI A-46 plants. However, the criteria for
evaluation of tanks and heat exchangers, as defined in Section 7 of Part II of the GIP, are
intended only for use on existing tanks and heat exchangers, not for new installations.

When verifying the seismic adequacy of replacement equipment, some flexibility will be allowed
in considering the safety function of the equipment. For example, as discussed in Section 6 of

Revision 3A

Part II, a relay may either be shown to be seismically adequate during an SSE or it may be
determined that its function is not necessary for safe shutdown, in which case it is not an
essential relay and seismic adequacy need not be verified. Similar functional screening is
applicable to other parts of replacement equipment.

2.3.5 Quality Assurance and Quality Control

The USI A-46 program for verification of seismic adequacy of equipment as defined by this
procedure is outside the scope of commitments made in plant FSARs and Technical
Specifications which form the basis of the operating license for the plant; therefore, there is no
requirement to perform the USI A-46 program under the nuclear quality assurance and quality
control requirements defined for the safety-related equipment in these plants. Instead, the
following quality assurance elements apply to implementation of this procedure for the USI A-46

1. SQUG training courses will be provided to train individuals in the use of the GIP;
2. The safe shutdown alternatives will be reviewed by plant operations personnel; and
3. The seismic adequacy of equipment will be evaluated by at least two engineers, either of
whom may identify the equipment as an outlier.
These training, evaluation, and review guidelines, together with the documentation requirements
described in this procedure, are consistent with the requirements of Generic Letter 87-02
(Reference 3 of Part I).

The A-46 program is a review methodology and does not encompass safety-related activities
including, among other things, procurement, receipt, storage, and modification of equipment.
However, if modifications are made to any safety-related plant equipment as a result of the USI
A-46 program or if the USI A-46 criteria are used to verify the seismic adequacy of any new or
replacement equipment or parts, the modifications or verifications of seismic adequacy shall be
performed in accordance with the licensee’s quality assurance and quality control requirements
as defined in applicable plant documents such as the FSAR, Quality Assurance Program Manual,
plant procedures and Technical Specifications.

Revision 3A

Records of the USI A-46 program resolution and any plant modifications to safety-related
equipment shall be retained in accordance with the licensee’s quality assurance program.

The seismic adequacy verifications described in the GIP are based on the assumption that the
equipment being evaluated was constructed and installed in accordance with the design and
installation documents used by the licensee; therefore, it is not necessary to perform quality
control checks of the equipment or their installation for resolution of USI A-46 except as
described in this document.

2.3.6 Resolution of USI A-40 and A-17

Licensees implementing the GIP and successfully completing the A-46 resolution for tanks and
heat exchangers needed for safe shutdown, for refueling water storage tanks in pressurized water
reactors, and possibly other tanks as described in Section 3.3.10 of Part II will have fully
addressed, without any other actions, USI A-40 (Seismic Design Basis), as it applies to seismic
adequacy of tanks and heat exchangers. Likewise, licensees implementing the GIP and
successfully completing the USI A-46 resolution for seismic spatial systems interactions, will
have fully addressed, without any other actions, USI A-17 (Systems Interactions), as it applies to
spatial interactions. Resolution of A-46 thus closes the remaining seismic issues associated with
these USIs.


2.4.1 Operability and Redundancy

In general, operability and availability of A-46 safe shutdown systems and components will be
governed by existing plant Technical Specifications. In all cases, unless in conflict with a
Technical Specification or a license condition, the USI A-46 (GIP) methodology may be used to
assess operability as related to seismic adequacy.

Revision 3A

If an item of equipment is taken out of service for maintenance and the allowable time is
controlled by a Technical Specification or is appropriately limited by administrative controls,
that item of equipment is considered the single-failure equipment for the purpose of this
procedure. Thus, the plant system containing the out-of-service equipment need not withstand a
single failure in addition to the equipment taken out of service.

Where a licensee concludes that A-46 safe shutdown equipment not currently covered by
Technical Specifications should be available during plant operation and, therefore, controlled,
the licensee may develop either administrative controls or additional Technical Specifications, at
its option, for that equipment. Administrative controls for A-46 equipment not subject to
Technical Specifications should 1) address the operability of redundant components or
alternative means for achieving and maintaining safe shutdown prior to removing A-46
equipment from service, and 2) establish a maximum amount of time the A-46 equipment may
be out of service, considering the post-earthquake safe shutdown function of the equipment.

2.4.2 Regulatory Guide 1.97 Equipment

Post-accident monitoring instrumentation as reflected in Regulatory Guide 1.97 shall be verified

seismically adequate according to plant-specific commitments agreed to with the NRC Staff,
which might have involved resolution using the USI A-46 (GIP) criteria. Meeting the seismic
commitments agreed to with the NRC Staff regarding Regulatory Guide 1.97 will fully resolve
USI A-46 for that equipment.

2.4.3 Instrumentation and Controls

Section 1 of the Generic Letter Procedure suggests that safe shutdown equipment should be
selected to, among other things, “maintain control room functions and instrumentation and
controls necessary to monitor hot shutdown.” In this regard:

1. The reference to the control room does not preclude reliance on local instrumentation; and
2. This guidance only applies after the period of strong motion from the earthquake.

Revision 3A

Details regarding the use of instrumentation and controls to monitor and control the plant
shutdown are contained in Section 3 of Part II of the GIP.

Revision 3A

3.0 Revisions to the GIP

It is anticipated that the earthquake experience and generic testing equipment classes will be
periodically updated and revised as new information becomes available. These additions and
changes will be made available to the NRC. [21]Based on this information, and lessons learned
during the USI A-46 plant walkdowns, updates and revisions to the GIP will be performed by a
cognizant industry organization in accordance with procedures which are mutually agreed upon
by SQUG/EPRI and the NRC Staff.

SQUG developed a Procedure for Revising the GIP, Revision 3, and submitted it to the NRC
for review and approval (Reference 14 of Part I). The NRC Staff reviewed this procedure and
found it acceptable (Reference 15 of Part I). SQUG also developed a Procedure for Gathering
and Validating Earthquake Experience Data, Revision 2 and submitted it to the NRC for review
and approval (Reference 16 of Part I). The NRC Staff reviewed and accepted the portion of this
procedure that covered estimation of a ground motion response spectra at selected facility sites,
provided such evaluations are performed in accordance with 10 CFR 50, Appendix B, Quality
Assurance (QA) controls (Reference17 of Part I). SQUG prepared Revision 3 to this second
procedure which incorporated the NRC Staff QA requirement (Reference 18 of Part I).

These procedures[22] provide for review of significant changes and additions to the GIP by the
NRC and a peer review group acceptable to SQUG/ EPRI and the NRC Staff. As part of this
process, all revisions to the GIP will be submitted to the NRC Staff for review prior to
implementation. Changes to the GIP shall be regarded as accepted by the Staff upon receipt of a
letter to this effect from the Staff, or sixty days after submittal to the NRC, whichever occurs

Revisions to the GIP will not apply retroactively to licensees committed to an earlier revision
unless the licensees specifically commit to the new revision or, as a result of the safety
significance of the issue, the NRC Staff finds the change in position is warranted after following
appropriate NRC regulatory controls, e.g., 10 C.F.R. § 50.109.

Revision 3A

Unless the change is made retroactive by the NRC Staff, as discussed above, licensees have the
option of committing to the new revision (using the Staff letter or the Staff’s lack of response to
the new revision within sixty days, as justification). If the commitment results in a modification
of the licensing bases, licensees will be required to follow the provisions of 10 C.F.R. § 50.59,
where appropriate.

In addition to revisions to the GIP, an individual licensee may modify its licensing bases using
the regulatory provision of 10 C.F.R. § 50.59 or its commitment to use of the A-46 methodology.
This may result in plant-specific modifications to the GIP criteria, as discussed in Paragraph
2.3.3 of Part I. This is considered to be modification of a plant commitment, not a change to the

Revision 3A

4.0 References for Part I

Note that the references listed below are only for Part I of the GIP. The references for Part II
are listed in Section 10 of Part II.

1. NUREG-1030, “Seismic Qualification of Equipment in Operating Nuclear Power Plants,”

February 1987.
2. NUREG-1211, “Regulatory Analysis for Resolution of Unresolved Safety Issue A-46
Seismic Qualification of Equipment in Operating Plants,” February 1987.
3. NRC Generic Letter 87-02, issued February 19, 1987.
4. SQUG response to Generic Letter 87-02 sent to T. Murley (NRC) by N. Smith (SQUG
Chairman) on October 9, 1987.
5. SQUG Generic Implementation Procedure, Revision 0, issued June 1988.
6. NRC Safety Evaluation Report on Revision 0 of the GIP, issued July 29, 1988.
7. SQUG response to NRC Safety Evaluation Report on Revision 0 of the GIP sent to L.C.
Shao (NRC) by N. Smith (SQUG Chairman) on September 22, 1988.
8. Generic Implementation Procedure, Revision 1, issued December 2, 1988.
9. “Checklist of Open/Unresolved Issues in USI A-46 Program,” dated September 21, 1990.
10. NRC Supplement 1 to the Safety Evaluation Report on Rev. 1 of the GIP, issued June 29,
11. SQUG Letter from N.P. Smith (SQUG Chairman) to L.B. Marsh (NRC) dated
December 5, 1989, forwarding SQUG Position Paper, “Technical Basis for Excluding
NSSS Equipment and Supports from the Scope of USI A-46,” October 16, 1989.
12. “Resolutions to NRC Comments on GIP, Rev. 2,” June 28, 1991.
13. Generic Letter 87-02, Supplement No. 1, transmitting Supplemental Safety Evaluation
Report No. 2 (SSER No. 2) on SQUG Generic Implementation Procedure, Revision 2, as
corrected on February 14, 1992 (GIP-2) U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission,
Washington, D.C., May 22, 1992.
14. SQUG (N. Smith) letter to NRC (J. Stolz) dated May 16, 1997, “Generic Implementation
Procedure (GIP) for Seismic Verification of Nuclear Power Plant Equipment, Revision 3,
Updated 05/16/97, and Procedure for Revising the GIP, Revision 3.”
15. NRC (J. Stolz) letter to SQUG (N. Smith) dated December 4, 1997, “Supplemental Safety
Evaluation Report No. 3 to the Generic Implementation Procedure for Seismic Verification
of Nuclear Power Plant Equipment, Updated May 16, 1997, (GIP-3).”

Revision 3A

16. SQUG (N. Smith) letter to NRC (R. Hernan) dated June 27, 2000, “Procedure for
Gathering and Validating Earthquake Experience Data – Revision 2 to Appendix A
Containing Ten Examples of Ground Motion Estimate Derivations.”
17. NRC (R. Hernan) letter to SQUG (J. Richards) dated April 27, 2001, “Review of the
Seismic Qualification Utility Group Procedure for Gathering and Validating Earthquake
Experience Data, Revision 2.”
18. SQUG Procedure for Gathering and Validating Earthquake Experience Data, Revision 3,
May 3, 2001.

Revision 3A


Listed below are the specific reasons for making the changes marked with a vertical line in the
margin of this part to create GIP-3A from GIP-3, Updated 5/16/97. The endnote numbers listed
below correspond to the bracketed numbers (e.g., [1]) located in the text of this part where the
changes are made.

Editorial clarification added.
SSER No. 2, Sec. I.1.1 – The Staff noted that although “proper anchorage” is important for adequate
seismic capacity of equipment, there are other aspects that must also be considered when evaluating the
seismic adequacy of equipment.

The GIP has been amended in Part I, Section 1.1 to add the phrase, “with certain other important
considerations,” to the sentence discussing “properly anchored equipment.”
SSER No. 2, Sec. I.1.2.1 – The Staff position is that the GIP is an acceptable method for verifying the
seismic adequacy of equipment in USI A-46 plants provided the GIP is used in its entirety in
conjunction with the clarifications, interpretations, and exceptions provided in SSER No. 2.
The GIP has been amended in Part I, Sections 1.2 and 1.3 to address the Staff position.
SSER No. 2, Sec. I.1.2.2 and Sec. I.1.3.1 – The Staff position is that deviations from GIP-2 and SSER
No. 2 without the Staff’s prior approval may result in the licensee not fully satisfying the provisions of
GL 87-02.
The GIP has been amended in Part I, Sections 1.2 and 1.3 to warn the licensee that methods which
deviate from the GIP may not be acceptable to the NRC Staff, even though the licensee may consider
the methods to be equivalent.
SSER No. 2, Sec. I.1.3.2 – The Staff concurs in the GIP statement that “submittals which commit to the
entire GIP . . . shall be regarded as accepted by the Staff upon docketing . . .” provided the licensee also
commits to use of the entire GIP as supplemented by the NRC clarifications, interpretations, and
exceptions from SSER No. 2.

The GIP has been amended in Part I, Section 1.3 to incorporate the Staff position.
SSER No. 2, Sec. I.2.1 – The Staff position is that although they recognize the importance of the
references cited in Part I, Section 2.1, which summarize the resolution histories of many issues, these
documents reflect SQUG’s perception of the resolution.

The GIP has been amended in Part I, Section 2.1 to reflect this Staff position.
Typographical error corrected.
SSER No. 2, Sec. II.4.2.3 – The Staff provided their definition of “conservative, design” in-structure
response spectra and defined the mechanism for their review of the in-structure response spectra
(ISRS) for certain USI A-46 plants.

Revision 3A

The GIP has been amended in Part I, Section and in Part II, Section 4.2.4 to incorporate the Staff
definition of “conservative, design” in-structure response spectra and their plan for reviewing ISRS.
The footnotes previously located at the end of Part I have been moved to the bottom of the page on
which the footnote is cited.
SSER No. 2, Sec. I.2.2 1st ¶ – The Staff position is that the third-party auditors should have broad
engineering experience, have completed the SQUG-developed training course on seismic adequacy
verification, and have sufficient qualification and experience to be able to assess the adequacy of the
entire plant-specific implementation program during the limited time of the audit.
The GIP has been amended in Part I, Section 2.2.7 to reflect the portions of the Staff position not
already covered in other portions of the GIP.
SSER No. 2, Sec. I.2.2, 2nd ¶ – The Staff recommended that to provide a desired degree of assurance
concerning the effectiveness of the third-party audit, a process for inter-plant information exchange and
coordination should be implemented to collect, evaluate, and disseminate generic problems, questions,
and lessons learned during the USI A-46 plant-specific walkdowns and third-party reviews to all
member utilities in a timely manner.
The GIP has been revised to add Section 2.2.11 to Part I to address the Staff recommendation.
SSER No. 2, Sec. I.2.3.1 – The Staff understands that the word “henceforth” in the first sentence of Part
I, Section 2.3.3 to mean, based on SQUG GIP-0 (page 5 of Part I), “after issuance of a final, plant-
specific SER resolving USI A-46.”

The GIP has been amended in Part I, Section 2.3.3 to delete the word “henceforth” from the first
sentence since licensees may revise their plant licensing bases at any time, subject to NRC regulations.
SSER No. 2, Sec. I.2.3.1 – The Staff position is that their approval of the implementation of the GIP
does not relieve the licensees from the requirement to address all aspects of unreviewed safety
questions as specified in 10 CFR 50.59 (for example, those plants where the FSAR has specified
damping values which differ from the GIP).
The GIP has been amended in Part I, Section 2.3.3 to incorporate the Staff position as a reminder to the
SSER No. 2, Sec. I.2.3.2 – The Staff position is that any previous commitments, such as for RG 1.97
and TMI Action Plant Item II.F.2, are not superceded by the resolution methods of the GIP.

The GIP as been amended in Part I, Section 2.3.3, Example 2, to delete the reference to 10 CFR 50.59.
In addition, the last paragraph of Example 2 has been incorporated into subparagraph (b).
Clarified the text of the GIP in Part I, Section 2.3.3, Example 3 where the GIP methodology is
described as satisfying the pertinent equipment seismic requirements of GDC 2 and the purpose of
regulations relevant to equipment seismic adequacy. This was done so that the text parallels the
discussion of this topic in the GIP Part I, Section 2.3.2 and in SSER No. 2.
SSER No. 2, Sec. I.2.3.3 – The Staff position is that the following phrase should be added to the last
sentence of Example 5 in Part I, Section 2.3.3, “. . . for matters related to verifying the seismic
adequacy of electrical and mechanical equipment.”

Revision 3A

The GIP has been modified in Part I, Section 2.3.3, Example 5, to incorporate the Staff suggested
addition. This phrase was also expanded to include tanks and heat exchangers and cable and conduit
raceway systems.
SSER No. 2, Sec. I.2.3.4 – The Staff provided their position on how to evaluate design changes when
applying the GIP for new and replacement equipment and parts. Their position included a statement
that the evaluation must be done on a case-by-case (i.e., plant-specific and equipment-specific) basis.
The position also included a few editorial changes to the language used in the GIP.
The GIP has been edited in Part I, Section 2.3.4 to address the Staff position by adding a new paragraph
at the end of Item 3 and making editorial changes in Item 3.c, ¶2.
The last paragraph in Part I, Section 2.3.4, Item 3.c has been moved to a new paragraph in Section 2.3.4
following Item 4.
SSER No. 2, Sec. I.2.3.3 – The Staff suggested that in addition to GL 89-02 and GL 89-09, licensees
should also refer to GL 91-05 when defining non-seismic critical characteristics for use in dedicating
commercial-grade equipment and parts.
The GIP has been changed in Part I, Section 2.3.4 to include the Staff suggestion.
SSER No. 2, Sec. II.4.4.7 – The Staff concurred with the GIP statement in Part I, Section 2.3.4 that the
factor of safety currently recommended for new nuclear plants should be used for new installations and
newly designed anchorages in modifications or replacements instead of those contained in the GIP for
resolution of USI A-46. However, the Staff provided alternative language to describe this requirement.

The GIP has been edited in Part I, Section 2.3.4 to incorporate the alternative Staff language. Part II,
Section 4.4.2 and Appendix C have also been amended to include a paragraph reminding the licensee of
this requirement.
SSER No. 2, Sec. I.3.0 – The Staff suggested that in addition to use of new earthquake experience data,
the cognizant industry organization (EPRI/SQUG) should include lessons learned during walkdowns as
a source of information to be considered when making future revisions to the GIP.
The GIP has been amended in Part I, Section 3.0 to incorporate the Staff suggestion.
SSER No. 2, Sec. I.3.0 – The Staff suggested that the cognizant industry organization (EPRI/SQUG)
should submit, for NRC Staff review and approval, (1) a procedure for evaluating the acceptability of
new data and (2) a procedure for updating and revising GIP-2 and subsequent revisions.

The GIP has been amended in Part I, Section 3.0 to reference the two procedures that SQUG developed
and submitted to the NRC (References 16 and 14 of Part I, respectively) and the NRC Staff’s review
and approval of these procedures (References 17 and 15 of Part I, respectively).

Revision 3A

Part II
Generic Procedure for Plant-Specific

Revision 3A

Section 1


The purpose of this procedure is to summarize the technical approach and provide generic
procedures and documentation requirements which can be used by owners/operators of operating
nuclear power plants to verify the seismic adequacy of the mechanical and electrical equipment
needed to bring the plants to a safe shutdown condition following a safe shutdown earthquake
(SSE). This procedure can be used to address the NRC Unresolved Safety Issue (USI) A-46,
“Seismic Qualification of Equipment in Operating Plants,” as required by NRC Generic Letter
87-02 and supporting documents (References 1, 2, and 3). Note that the references cited in
Part II of the GIP are listed in Section 10 below.

The scope of equipment covered in this procedure includes active mechanical and electrical
equipment such as: motor control centers; switchgear; transformers; distribution panels; pumps;
valves; HVAC equipment; batteries and their racks; engine and motor generators; and
instrumentation and control panels, cabinets, and racks. Relays are also reviewed in this
procedure to determine if plant safe shutdown systems could be adversely affected by relay
(contact) chatter as a result of a SSE. In addition, this generic procedure includes guidelines for
evaluating the seismic adequacy of tanks, heat exchangers, and cable and conduit raceway


The requirements for seismic design of nuclear power plants from 1960 to the present have
evolved from the application of commercial building codes (which use a static load coefficient
approach applied primarily to major building structures) to more sophisticated methods today.
Current nuclear seismic design requirements for new plants consist of detailed specifications
including dynamic analyses or testing of safety-related structures, equipment, instrumentation,

Revision 3A

controls, and their associated distribution systems (piping, cable trays, conduit, and ducts).
Because of the extent of changes in the design requirements which have occurred over the years,
the NRC initiated USI A-46, “Seismic Qualification of Equipment in Operating Plants,” in
December of 1980, to address the concern that a number of older operating nuclear power plants
contained equipment which may not have been qualified to meet the newer, more rigorous
seismic design criteria. Much of the equipment in these operating plants had been installed when
design requirements, seismic analyses, and documentation were less formal than the rigorous
practices currently being used to build and license nuclear power plants. However, it was
realized that it would not be practical or cost-effective to develop the documentation for seismic
qualification or requalification of safety-related equipment using procedures applicable to plants
currently under construction. Therefore, the objective of USI A-46 was to develop alternative
methods and acceptance criteria which could be used to verify the seismic adequacy of essential
mechanical and electrical equipment in operating nuclear power plants.

In early 1982, the Seismic Qualification Utility Group (SQUG) was formed for the purpose of
collecting seismic experience data as a cost-effective means of verifying the seismic adequacy of
equipment in operating plants. One source of experience data is the numerous non-nuclear
power plants and industrial facilities which have experienced major earthquakes. These facilities
contain industrial grade equipment similar to that used in nuclear power plants. Another source
of seismic experience data is shake table tests which have been performed since the mid 1970’s
to qualify safety-related equipment for licensing of nuclear plants. To use these sources of
seismic experience data, SQUG and the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) have collected
and organized this information and have developed guidelines and criteria for its use. This
procedure is the generic means for applying this experience data to verify the seismic adequacy
of mechanical and electrical equipment which must be used in a nuclear power plant during and
following a safe shutdown earthquake.


The approach used in this procedure for verifying the seismic adequacy of mechanical and
electrical equipment is consistent with the intent of NRC Generic Letter 87-02, “Verification of

Revision 3A

Seismic Adequacy of Mechanical and Electrical Equipment in Operating Reactors, Unresolved

Safety Issue (USI) A-46” (Reference l), including NUREG-1030 (Reference 2) and NUREG-
1211 (Reference 3). The approach is also consistent with the EPRI Seismic Margins Assessment
Program (SMA) described in Reference 12. The four major steps used in this procedure for the
majority of the equipment to be evaluated are listed, below, along with the section of the
procedure where these steps are covered in detail:

• Selection of Seismic Evaluation Personnel (Section 2)

• Identification of Safe Shutdown Equipment (Section 3)

• Screening Verification and Walkdown (Section 4)
• Outlier Identification and Resolution (Section 5)

The seismic adequacy verification of the following types of equipment are covered in separate

• Relay Functionality Review (Section 6)

• Tanks and Heat Exchangers Review (Section 7)

• Cable and Conduit Raceway Review (Section 8)

The documentation requirements for these reviews are included in each of these sections and in
Section 9.

Each of the sections of Part II of the GIP (Sections 2 through 9) is divided into SQUG
commitments and implementation guidance. The SQUG commitments, which follow the
introduction in each of these sections, describe the key features of this procedure. The remainder
of each section provides guidance for implementing the commitments.

The remainder of this section summarizes the material covered in Sections 2 through 9.

Revision 3A

1.3.1 Seismic Evaluation Personnel

Several types of individuals, their qualifications, and their responsibilities for implementing this
procedure are described in Section 2. These individuals include: (1) Systems Engineers who
identify the methods and the equipment needed for bringing the plant to a safe shutdown
condition, (2) Plant Operations Personnel who have a comprehensive understanding of the plant
layout and the function and operation of the equipment and systems in the plant and who
compare the plant operating procedures to the safe shutdown equipment list for compatibility,
(3) Seismic Capability Engineers who perform the Screening Verification and Walkdown of the
safe shutdown equipment, and (4) Relay Evaluation Personnel who perform the relay
functionality review.

Since the instructions and requirements contained in this procedure are guidelines and not fixed,
inflexible rules, the Seismic Capability Engineers must exercise sound engineering judgment
during the Screening Verification and Walkdown. Therefore the selection and training of
qualified Seismic Capability Engineers for participation on the Seismic Review Teams (SRTs) is
an important element in this Generic Implementation Procedure for resolution of USI A-46.

Section 2 also describes the SQUG-developed training course which should be taken by the
individuals who perform the seismic review of the plant. These courses provide assurance that
there is a minimum level of understanding and consistency in applying the guidelines contained
in this procedure.

1.3.2 Identification of Safe Shutdown Equipment

The mechanical and electrical equipment needed to achieve and maintain a safe shutdown
condition in a nuclear plant are identified in a two-step approach in Section 3 and Appendix A.
The first step is to define the various alternative methods or paths which could be used to
accomplish each of the four following safe shutdown functions:

• Reactor Reactivity Control

• Reactor Coolant Pressure Control

Revision 3A

• Reactor Coolant Inventory Control

• Decay Heat Removal

One of the alternate methods for accomplishing each of these functions should be selected as the
preferred safe shutdown alternative. This selection should also include backup equipment or a
backup train of equipment so that the plant can be shut down in the event there is an active
failure or unavailability of a single item of equipment. Equipment in other alternative methods
can also be identified, if desired.

The second step is to identify the individual items of safe shutdown equipment for the preferred
method by tracing out the path of action, fluid, and/or power on system description drawings and
by developing a safe shutdown equipment list (SSEL).

The SSEL should be shown to be compatible with the plant operating procedures by the plant’s
Operations Department.

The scope of equipment which should be reviewed for resolution of USI A-46 includes active
mechanical and electrical equipment, tanks, heat exchangers, and cable and conduit raceway
systems which are needed for safe shutdown. Excluded from the scope of review because of
their demonstrated ruggedness (as summarized in Reference 17) are major pieces of equipment
in the Nuclear Steam Supply System (NSSS) which are located inside containment (e.g., reactor
vessel, steam generators, etc.). Section 3.3 discusses the scope of equipment to be reviewed in
more detail.

Screening guidelines are provided in the GIP for evaluating the seismic adequacy of most types
of equipment which are used in nuclear power plants for safe shutdown. However, as discussed
below, if an item of equipment which is within the scope of USI A-46 is not covered by the
screening guidelines, then it should be identified as an outlier and evaluated separately.

Revision 3A

1.3.3 Screening Verification and Walkdown

The Screening Verification and Walkdown of mechanical and electrical equipment is described
in Section 4. Appendices B through G provide supplemental information for performing this
seismic adequacy verification. The seismic adequacy verification of relays, tanks and heat
exchangers, and cable and conduit raceways are described in Sections 6, 7, and 8, respectively,
and are summarized later in this Introduction.

The purpose of the Screening Verification and Walkdown is to screen out from further
consideration those items of equipment which pass certain generic, seismic adequacy criteria.
The screening verification is based heavily on the use of seismic experience data. Those items of
equipment which do not pass the screening verification are considered “outliers” and should be
evaluated further as described in Section 5.

The four areas considered during the Screening Verification and Walkdown of safe shutdown
equipment are:

• Comparison of the equipment seismic capacity to the seismic demand imposed upon

• Determination that the seismic experience data is applicable to the plant-specific safe
shutdown equipment.

• Evaluation of the equipment anchorage adequacy.

• Check for adverse seismic spatial interactions.

1.3.4 Outlier Identification and Resolution

Items of safe shutdown equipment that do not pass the screening criteria contained in the GIP are
considered outliers (i.e., they lay outside the scope of coverage for the screening criteria) and
should be evaluated further as described in Section 5.

Methods of outlier resolution are typically more time consuming and expensive than the screen-
ing evaluations provided in the GIP. Also, outlier resolution may be somewhat open-ended in

Revision 3A

that several different options or approaches are available to verify the seismic adequacy of the
equipment. The most appropriate method of outlier resolution will depend upon a number of
factors such as (1) which of the screening criteria could not be met and by how much, (2)
whether the discrepancy lends itself to an analytical evaluation, (3) how extensive the problem is
in the plant and in other plants, and (4) how difficult and expensive it would be to modify, test,
or replace the subject items of equipment.

1.3.5 Relay Functionality Review

The purpose of the relay functionality review, which is summarized in Section 6, is to verify that
plant safe shutdown systems cannot be prevented from performing their safe shutdown functions
by relay (contact) chatter as a result of an earthquake.

The first step in the review is to screen out from further consideration all those systems for which
relay chatter would not significantly affect the safe shutdown systems or for which operator
actions could be taken to reset the system following the earthquake. The second step is to
evaluate the seismic adequacy of the individual relays which have not been screened out by
comparing the seismic demand imposed on the relays with their seismic capacity. These
essential relays are also walked down as part of this evaluation to spot check relay types,
mountings, and locations, and, if necessary, to estimate in-cabinet amplification factors.

1.3.6 Tanks and Heat Exchangers Review

The review of tanks and heat exchangers for seismic adequacy is described in Section 7 and
includes evaluations for: (1) stability of tank walls to prevent buckling (for large, vertical
ground- or floor-mounted tanks only), (2) anchorage and load path strength, (3) support member
strength (e.g., support saddles and legs), and (4) adequate flexibility of attached piping to
accommodate the motion of large, flat-bottom, vertical storage tanks. Screening guidelines are
provided in the form of charts and calculation formulas that simplify the complex dynamic fluid-
structure interaction analyses for large vertical tanks and simplify the equivalent static analysis
method for horizontal tanks.

Revision 3A

1.3.7 Cable and Conduit Raceway Review

Guidelines for verifying the seismic adequacy of electrical cable and conduit raceway systems
are included in Section 8. Seismic adequacy of raceway systems is defined as protecting
electrical cable function and maintaining overhead support. The screening guidelines address
seismic adequacy by (1) using walkdown guidelines and (2) performing limited analytical

The walkdown guidelines have two purposes. First, the raceway systems are screened to check
that they are representative of the raceway systems which have performed well during seismic
events and do not include certain details that may lead to undesirable seismic performance.
Second, worst-case bounding samples of as-installed raceway system supports are selected for
limited analytical review.

A limited analytical review is performed to check that the bounding sample supports are as
rugged as those that have been shown to perform well during past earthquakes. These checks
address the raceway support dead load integrity, ductility, vertical capacity, and lateral capacity.

1.3.8 Documentation

The types of documents which should be developed for the USI A-46 evaluation are described in
Section 9. The four major types of documents are:

• Safe Shutdown Equipment List (SSEL) Report

• Relay Evaluation Report

• Seismic Evaluation Report
• Completion Letter

Revision 3A


Listed below are the specific reasons for making the changes marked with a vertical line in the
margin of this section to create GIP-3A from GIP-3, Updated 5/16/97. The endnote numbers
listed below correspond to the bracketed numbers (e.g., [1]) located in the text of this section
where the changes are made.

Editorial clarification added.

Revision 3A

Section 2
Seismic Evaluation Personnel


The purpose of this section is to define the responsibilities and qualifications of the individuals
who will implement this generic procedure. The seismic evaluation personnel include
individuals who identify safe shutdown equipment, who perform the plant walkdown and verify
the seismic adequacy of equipment and cable/conduit raceway systems, and who perform the
relay screening and evaluation. This may involve a number of plant and engineering disciplines
including structural, mechanical, electrical, systems, earthquake, and plant operations.

Most utilities may prefer to implement this procedure using a designated team of individuals;
i.e., a Seismic Review Team (SRT). However, the functions and responsibilities may be
assigned to existing utility departments or groups, without definition of a dedicated team,
provided the individuals in these utility departments or groups have the appropriate qualifications
and training and that the walkdown teams have the required collective qualifications. Similarly,
the individuals who undertake the seismic review may be utility or contractor personnel,
provided the qualification and training criteria are met. This flexibility allows for the possibility
that the functions may be performed by individuals of different disciplines at different times.
Utility management is responsible for evaluating the qualifications of the seismic evaluation
personnel for compliance with this procedure.

The remainder of this section is organized as follows:

• The requirements to which SQUG utilities commit when adopting the guidelines for
personnel responsibilities and qualifications for resolution of USI A-46 are given in
Section 2.1.

• The responsibilities and qualifications of the Systems Engineers who identify the safe
shutdown equipment are described in Section 2.2.

Revision 3A

• The responsibilities of the Plant Operations Personnel who review the Safe Shutdown
Equipment List (SSEL) and assist during the seismic walkdown are described in
Section 2.3.

• The responsibilities, qualifications, and training of the Seismic Capability Engineers who
conduct the seismic walkdown are described in Section 2.4.

• The responsibilities, qualifications, and training of the Relay Review Engineers who
perform the relay screening and evaluation are described in Section 2.5.

• The purpose and content of the SQUG training courses are summarized in Section 2.6.


Members of SQUG adopting the Generic Implementation Procedure for USI A-46 resolution
commit to the following in regard to the qualifications of individuals responsible for
implementing the procedure: As specified in GIP, Part I, Section 1.3, any substantial
deviations from the SQUG Commitments must be justified to the NRC in writing prior to
implementation. Likewise the NRC should be notified of significant or programmatic deviations
from the GIP guidance (Sections 2.2 through 2.6) but implementation may begin without first
obtaining NRC concurrence (at the licensee’s own risk).

2.1.1 Systems Engineers

The licensee will provide Systems Engineers to develop the list of equipment required for safe
shutdown described in Section 3. Individuals selected to perform this function will be degreed
engineers, or equivalent, with experience in the systems, equipment, and operating procedures of
the plant.

2.1.2 Seismic Capability Engineers

The licensee will provide qualified Seismic Capability Engineers to perform the following tasks
described in Sections 4, 6, 7, and 8.

1. Conduct a walkdown of plant equipment on the safe shutdown equipment list and
cable/conduit raceway systems in the plant.

Revision 3A

2. Assess the seismic adequacy of this equipment and raceway systems using the GIP, along
with the Seismic Review Team’s experience, analyses, and/or engineering judgment.

These individuals will be degreed engineers, or equivalent, who have completed a SQUG-
developed training course on seismic adequacy verification of nuclear power plant equipment,
and will have at least five years experience in earthquake engineering applicable to nuclear
power plants and in structural or mechanical engineering. At least one engineer on each Seismic
Review Team will be a licensed professional engineer.

As a group, the engineers on each Seismic Review Team will possess knowledge in:

1. Performance of equipment, systems, and structures during strong motion earthquakes in

industrial process and power plants.
2. Conduct of nuclear plant walkdowns.
3. Nuclear design codes and standards.
4. Seismic design, analysis, and test qualification practices for nuclear power plants.

2.1.3 Lead Relay Reviewer

The licensee will also provide a Lead Relay Reviewer to perform the Relay Functionality
Review described in Section 6. This individual will be an experienced, degreed electrical
engineer or equivalent who has successfully completed a SQUG-developed training course on
the relay screening and evaluation procedure.


The primary responsibility of the Systems Engineer is to develop the Safe Shutdown Equipment
Lists (SSELs) as described in Section 3. This involves first identifying the various alternative
paths or trains for bringing the plant to, and maintaining it in, a safe shutdown condition during
the first 72 hours following a Safe Shutdown Earthquake (SSE). With help from the plant
Operations Department, the Systems Engineer should select the preferred safe shutdown

Revision 3A

alternative for which seismic adequacy will be verified. All necessary equipment in this selected
shutdown path should be identified.

If, after the plant has been walked down, the path selected contains few outliers, further systems
evaluation by the Systems Engineer may not be necessary. However, if as a result of the
walkdown, numerous outliers are found or outliers which are difficult to resolve are identified,
the Systems Engineer may be requested to develop SSELs for an alternative path.

In addition to the primary responsibility of developing the SSEL, the Systems Engineer may be
asked to provide background information and guidance to (1) the Seismic Capability Engineers
who evaluate the seismic adequacy of the equipment, and (2) the Relay Evaluation Personnel
who perform the relay functionality review.

The Systems Engineer should be a degreed engineer, or equivalent, and have extensive
experience with and broad understanding of the systems, equipment, and procedures of the plant.


The plant Operations Personnel have two types of responsibilities during implementation of this
procedure. First, they are responsible for reviewing the Safe Shutdown Equipment List (SSEL)
(developed in Section 3) to confirm that the SSEL is compatible with approved normal and
emergency operating procedures (EOPs) for shutting down the plant. Note that normal plant
shutdown procedures would be used for any deliberate, planned shutdown and EOPs would be
used for a plant trip or emergency shutdown following an earthquake. Second, plant Operations
Personnel may be asked to assist the Seismic Capability Engineers during the Screening
Verification and Walkdown and assist the Relay Review Personnel during the Relay
Functionality Review.

To fulfill these responsibilities, the plant Operations Personnel should have knowledge of both
steady state and transient operations and the associated plant-specific operating procedures.
They should be able to supply information on the consequences of, and operator recovery from,

Revision 3A

functional anomalies. It is their responsibility to provide information on the function and

operation of individual equipment, instrumentation, and control systems.

Plant Operations Personnel may assist the Seismic Capability Engineers either as staff support or
as members of an SRT. Though it is not required that the plant Operations Personnel be part of
the seismic walkdown team, it is recommended. The plant Operations Personnel should have
experience in the specific plant being seismically verified.


The Seismic Capability Engineers should fulfill the following responsibilities:

• Become familiar with the SQUG approach as defined in the GIP and reference documents.
• Become familiar with the seismic design basis of the plant being evaluated, especially the
equipment on the safe shutdown equipment list and the postulated Safe Shutdown
Earthquake (SSE).

• Conduct the seismic evaluations and walkdowns of equipment and systems as described in
the following sections:

− Screening Verification and Walkdown (Section 4)

− Relay Functionality Review (Section 6)
− Tanks and Heat Exchangers Review (Section 7)
− Cable and Conduit Raceway Review (Section 8)

• Use the GIP, along with experience and judgment, to verify the seismic adequacy of
equipment and systems identified as necessary for safe shutdown.

• Perform additional analyses and calculations, when necessary, to verify the seismic
adequacy of the safe shutdown equipment and systems.

• Make recommendations for any additional evaluations or physical modifications to

equipment or systems which may be necessary to verify the seismic adequacy of
equipment identified as outliers as described in Section 5.

The Seismic Capability Engineers may be assisted in fulfilling the above responsibilities by other
individuals. For example, others may do background work to obtain information necessary for
performing the seismic evaluations; they may also locate and assist in evaluating existing seismic

Revision 3A

qualification documentation; and they may perform backup calculations where necessary.
Another example is that Seismic Capability Engineers may ask the Systems Engineers and the
Plant Operations Personnel for information on how an item of equipment operates in a system so
they may decide whether a malfunction of certain features of the item of equipment will affect its
safe shutdown performance. Regardless of what help the Seismic Capability Engineers receive
from others, they should remain fully responsible for all the seismic evaluations, engineering
judgments, and documentation, including the details and backup documentation.

The Seismic Capability Engineers should be degreed engineers, or equivalent, who have
completed a SQUG-developed training course on seismic adequacy verification of nuclear power
plant equipment. These engineers should have experience (at least five years) in earthquake
engineering applicable to nuclear power plants and in structural or mechanical engineering.

The Screening Verification and Walkdown should be conducted by one or more Seismic Review
Teams (SRTs) consisting of at least two Seismic Capability Engineers on each team. The
engineers on each team should collectively possess the following knowledge and experience:

• Knowledge of the performance of equipment, systems, and structures during strong motion
earthquakes in industrial process and power plants. This should include active mechanical
and electrical equipment and process and control equipment.

• Nuclear plant walkdown experience.

• Knowledge of nuclear design standards.

• Experience in seismic design, seismic analysis and test qualification practices for nuclear
power plants. This should include active mechanical and electrical equipment and process
and control equipment.

It is not necessary for each Seismic Capability Engineer to possess each of the above
qualifications: [2]different levels of expertise among the SRT engineers [2]are permitted.
However, each SRT should collectively possess the above qualifications and each engineer on
the team should have the ability to make judgments regarding the seismic adequacy of

Revision 3A

At least one of the Seismic Capability Engineers on each of the Seismic Review Teams should
be a licensed professional engineer to ensure that there is a measure of accountability and
personal responsibility in making the judgments called for in the GIP.

In general, the individuals who perform the seismic review walkdown may be required to wear
protective clothing, wear a respirator, work in radiation areas, climb ladders, move through crawl
spaces, climb over obstacles, and work in high temperatures or other difficult situations.
Therefore, the SRT members should be in good physical condition and have the capability and
willingness to perform these tasks as necessary.


The Relay Evaluation Personnel include those individuals who will perform the Relay
Functionality Review described in Section 6 and Reference 8. This evaluation includes
reviewing electrical circuit drawings, documenting the review conclusions, performing the relay
walkdowns, and providing associated support activities.

Electrical engineering will be the primary engineering discipline involved in the relay review;
however, the evaluation may also use a number of other engineering disciplines: including
structural, mechanical, systems, and earthquake engineering. Information and assistance from
plant personnel regarding plant operations and maintenance may also be required.

The capabilities and responsibilities of the various Relay Evaluation Personnel are listed below:

2.5.1 Lead Relay Reviewer

The Lead Relay Reviewer should be a degreed, or equivalent, electrical engineer with experience
who is familiar with the Relay Functionality Review procedure described in Section 6 and
Reference 8. The Lead Relay Reviewer should successfully complete the SQUG-developed
relay training course. The relay walkdown described in Section 6 is not expected to involve
entries into radiation areas nor any special physical demands.

Revision 3A

The Lead Relay Reviewer should either perform the review or assist reviewers in interpreting
electrical design drawings and in identifying essential relays in the safe shutdown systems. The
Lead Relay Reviewer should have a good understanding of circuit design logic and the
consequences of relay malfunction in essential circuits.

2.5.2 Assistant Relay Reviewer

An Assistant Relay Reviewer with an electrical engineering background can be used to

document the relay review and obtain support documentation such as electrical drawings,
technical specifications, operator reference manuals, and procedures. Additional assistant
reviewers with other backgrounds could also be used.

2.5.3 Systems Personnel

Systems Engineers and/or plant Operations Personnel who are capable of providing information
on the operation of the safe shutdown systems and plant operating procedures should be used in
the Relay Functionality Review. Their assistance will be needed to identify safe shutdown
equipment and essential control and power circuits which may be tripped as a result of an
earthquake. They should also be able to provide information on the instrumentation and controls
available to monitor and control the equipment affected by relays.

2.5.4 Plant Maintenance Representative

A plant staff electrical and/or instrumentation and controls maintenance representative should be
available to provide assistance during the Relay Functionality Review to help establish the
location, mounting, types, and characteristics of relays in the safe shutdown circuits.

2.5.5 Seismic Capability Engineers

The Seismic Capability Engineers should perform certain appropriate evaluations in support of
the Relay Functionality Review. These evaluations can be performed during the Screening
Verification and Walkdown (described in Section 4) and include:

• Identifying potential instances of seismic spatial interaction.

Revision 3A

• Giving special consideration to expansion anchor bolts which secure cabinets containing
essential relays.

• Establishing in-cabinet amplification factors for cabinets containing essential relays.


Two training courses were developed by SQUG to provide additional guidance on how to
implement USI A-46 using the GIP and the referenced documents. These courses include:

• The Walkdown Training Course provides guidance for the Screening Verification and
Walkdown (Section 4), the Outlier Identification and Resolution (Section 5), the Tanks and
Heat Exchangers Review (Section 7), and the Cable and Conduit Raceway Review
(Section 8). Guidance is also provided on estimating in-cabinet amplification factors for
electrical cabinets containing essential relays (Section 6) and documenting the USI A-46
evaluation (Section 9).
This course is provided primarily for the Seismic Capability Engineers, however others
who may support these engineers may also take this course.

• The Safe Shutdown Equipment Selection and Relay Screening and Evaluation Training
Course provides instructions on the Identification of Safe Shutdown Equipment (Section 3)
and how to perform the Relay Functionality Review (Section 6).
This course is provided primarily for the Lead Relay Reviewers. The Systems Engineers
and others may also take this course.

The objectives of these SQUG training courses are as follows:

• Provide additional information on the background, philosophy, and general approach

developed by SQUG to resolve USI A-46.

• Provide additional guidance in the use of the GIP and applicable references to select safe
shutdown equipment and to verify their seismic adequacy.

Revision 3A


Listed below are the specific reasons for making the changes marked with a vertical line in the
margin of this section to create GIP-3A from GIP-3, Updated 5/16/97. The endnote numbers
listed below correspond to the bracketed numbers (e.g., [1]) located in the text of this section
where the changes are made.

SSER No. 2, Sec. II.4.1 – The Staff position is that the licensee must commit to both the SQUG
commitments and the use of the entire implementation guidance provided in GIP-2, unless otherwise
justified to the staff as described in GIP-2 and SSER No. 2.
The GIP has been amended in the “SQUG Commitments” sections of Part II to reiterate the requirement
contained in the GIP, Part I, Section 1.3 to (1) provide written justification to the NRC for prior
approval of any substantial deviations from the SQUG commitments and (2) notify the NRC of
significant or programmatic deviations from the GIP guidance no later than the summary report.
Typographical error corrected.

Revision 3A

Section 3
Identification of Safe Shutdown Equipment


The purpose of this section is to describe the overall method for identifying the mechanical and
electrical equipment needed to achieve and maintain safe shutdown conditions in a nuclear plant.
Appendix A provides a detailed step-by-step procedure for using this method based on the
guidance contained in this section. A description of the contents of the subsections contained
herein is given below.

Section 3.1 provides the SQUG commitments in regard to identification of safe shutdown
equipment. The remaining subsections provide implementation guidance. The general criteria
and governing assumptions to be used in identifying the equipment are defined in Section 3.2.
The scope of equipment to be identified is defined in Section 3.3; it includes mechanical and
electrical equipment which should operate to accomplish a safe shutdown function, tanks and
heat exchangers, equipment which should not inadvertently operate due to relay (contact) chatter,
and cable and conduit raceway systems supporting electrical wire for safe shutdown equipment.

For resolution of USI A-46, it is not necessary to verify the seismic adequacy of all plant
equipment defined as Seismic Category I, e.g., in NRC Regulatory Guide 1.29. Instead, only
those systems, subsystems, and equipment needed to bring the plant from a normal operation
condition to a safe shutdown condition need be identified to ensure safety during and following a
Safe Shutdown Earthquake (SSE). The method described in the remainder of this section for
identifying safe shutdown equipment has two major steps. The first step is to identify the
various alternative methods or paths which could be used to accomplish the following four safe
shutdown functions:

Revision 3A

• Reactor Reactivity Control

• Reactor Coolant Pressure Control
• Reactor Coolant Inventory Control

• Decay Heat Removal

These four safe shutdown functions are described in Section 3.4. Because there is redundancy
and diversity in the design of nuclear power plants, there may be several paths (or trains) which
could be used to accomplish these four functions. Only the active equipment in a primary path
(or train) and backup equipment within that path (or a backup train) need be identified for
seismic evaluation as discussed in Section 3.2. The preferred safe shutdown path can be selected
based on such considerations as previous systems analyses (e.g., for fire protection), ease of use
by operators, compatibility with plant procedures, and status of existing seismic qualification of
equipment. There may be other secondary considerations for selecting certain safe shutdown
paths such as ease of performing the plant walkdown and seismic adequacy verification. The
various alternative paths for accomplishing the safe shutdown functions are summarized in
Section 3.5 for pressurized water reactors (PWRs) and for boiling water reactors (BWRs).
Appendix A gives a detailed description of these alternative paths.

After identifying the preferred safe shutdown paths, the second major step is to identify the
individual items of equipment contained in these preferred safe shutdown paths. The approach
for identifying the individual items of safe shutdown equipment is summarized in Section 3.6.
Appendix A gives a detailed description of this method including a step-by-step procedure, flow
diagram, and documentation forms which can be used to develop a Safe Shutdown Equipment
List (SSEL) for seismic adequacy verification and an SSEL for relay evaluation.

Section 3.7 describes several methods which may be used by the plant’s Operations Department
to review the SSEL for compatibility with the plant operating procedures. Section 3.8
summarizes the documentation which should be generated when identifying safe shutdown

Revision 3A


Members of SQUG adopting the Generic Implementation Procedure for USI A-46 resolution
commit to the following in regard to identification of safe shutdown equipment. As specified
in GIP, Part I, Section 1.3, any substantial deviations from the SQUG Commitments must be
justified to the NRC in writing prior to implementation. Likewise the NRC should be notified of
significant or programmatic deviations from the GIP guidance (Sections 3.2 through 3.8) but
implementation may begin without first obtaining NRC concurrence (at the licensee’s own risk).

3.1.1 Identification of Safe Shutdown Path

Relying on the Systems Engineers noted in Section 2, the licensee will identify equipment
needed to achieve and maintain a safe shutdown condition following a safe shutdown earthquake

To identify this equipment, the licensee will use a two-stage approach:

1. The licensee will select a safe shutdown path which would ensure that the four essential
safe shutdown functions listed below can be accomplished following a SSE. The functions

• Reactor reactivity control

• Reactor coolant pressure control

• Reactor coolant inventory control
• Decay heat removal
2. After identifying the safe shutdown path, the licensee will identify the individual items of
equipment required to accomplish the four essential safe shutdown functions.

3.1.2 Assumptions Used in Identifying Safe Shutdown Path

In selecting the safe shutdown path and equipment the licensee will be bound by the following

Revision 3A

1. Offsite power may not be available for up to 72 hours following the earthquake.
2. No other extraordinary events or accidents (e.g., LOCAs, HELBs, fires, floods, extreme
winds, and sabotage) are postulated to occur other than the SSE and loss of offsite power.
3. If achieving and maintaining safe shutdown is dependent on a single item of equipment
whose failure to perform its active function, either due to seismic loads or random failure,
would prevent accomplishment of any of the four essential safe shutdown functions, an
alternative method to safe shutdown by use of a different path or a different item of
equipment in the same path will be identified for seismic evaluation which is not
dependent on that item of equipment.
4. Where operator actions are relied upon to achieve and maintain safe shutdown, the licensee
will ensure that appropriate procedures are available which consider the time within which
actions must be taken, and that operators have been trained in the use of these procedures.
5. The equipment to be identified for seismic evaluation will include:

• Active mechanical and electrical equipment which operates or changes state to

accomplish a safe shutdown function.

• Active equipment in systems which support the operation of identified safe shutdown
equipment; e.g., power supplies, control systems, cooling systems, lubrication

• Instrumentation needed to confirm that the four safe shutdown functions have been
achieved and are being maintained.

• Instrumentation needed to operate the safe shutdown equipment.

• Tanks and heat exchangers used by or in the identified safe shutdown path.
• Cable and conduit raceways which support electrical cable for the selected safe
shutdown equipment.
6. The following equipment types need not be identified for seismic evaluation:

• Equipment which could operate but does not need to operate and which, upon loss of
power, will fail in the desired position or state. This type of equipment is defined as
passive for the purposes of this procedure.

• Passive equipment such as piping, filters, and electrical penetration assemblies.

• Self-actuated check valves and manual valves.
• Major items of equipment in the nuclear steam supply system, their supports, and
components mounted on or within this equipment such as the reactor pressure vessel,
reactor fuel assemblies, reactor internals, control rods and their drive mechanisms,
reactor coolant pumps, steam generators, pressurizer, and reactor coolant piping.

Revision 3A

7. The following types of equipment will be identified for use in the relay evaluation
procedure described in Section 6:

• Active, electrically powered or controlled equipment.

• Electrically powered or controlled equipment considered passive but whose
inadvertent operation due to relay chatter could adversely affect the accomplishment
of a safe shutdown function.


This section defines the criteria, governing assumptions, and general guidelines for identifying
the safe shutdown equipment. This includes definition of terms, boundary conditions, and
requirements for single equipment failure.

3.2.1 Safe Shutdown Following an SSE

The plant should be capable of being brought from normal operating conditions to a safe
shutdown condition following a design basis, safe shutdown earthquake (SSE).

3.2.2 Normal Operating Conditions Defined

Normal operating conditions of the plant are defined as having the reactor coolant system at or
near normal operating pressure and temperature.

3.2.3 Safe Shutdown Defined

Safe shutdown is defined as bringing the plant to, and maintaining it in, a hot shutdown condition
during the first 72 hours following a SSE. Hot shutdown is defined by the plant’s Technical
Specifications. For pressurized water reactors (PWRs), the intent of lower the temperature and
pressure of the reactor coolant system to a hot shutdown condition within 72 hours is to bring the
plant to the point at which residual heat removal (RHR) equipment can be used. However, it is
not necessary to bring the plant to cold shutdown conditions and therefore, RHR equipment need
not be included on the SSEL.

Revision 3A

The plant may be quickly cooled to the hot shutdown condition and held there for the 72 hours,
or the plant may be slowly cooled so that the hot shutdown condition is reached at the end of the
72 hours.

It is not necessary to include the long-term Residual Heat Removal (RHR) equipment in the Safe
Shutdown Equipment List (SSEL); however, some plants may not have sufficient water
inventory to stay in the hot shutdown mode for three days. Other plants may prefer to be brought
to a cold shutdown condition during this period of time instead of staying in the hot shutdown
mode. In these cases it may be necessary or preferable to add RHR equipment to the SSEL.

It is not the intent of the USI A-46 program to require plants to cool down faster than their
original design capability [3]or technical specification limits under a loss of offsite power
condition. If a plant takes longer to achieve hot shutdown conditions than the 72 hours, then
the licensee should discuss with, and obtain prior written consent from, the NRC Staff on a
case-by-case basis before implementing the USI A-46 program. It should also be reported to the
NRC as part of the Seismic Evaluation Report described in Section 9.

3.2.4 Loss of Offsite Power

Loss of offsite power may occur as a result of the earthquake. The safe shutdown capability
should remain intact while offsite power is not available for a minimum of 72 hours following a
SSE. Note that the possibility of not losing offsite power should also be considered.

3.2.5 No Other Accidents

No concurrent or sequential potential events are postulated to occur other than a design basis safe
shutdown earthquake (SSE) and a loss of offsite power. For example, no loss of coolant
accidents (LOCAs), high energy line breaks (HELBs), fires, flooding, extreme winds and
tornadoes, lightning, sabotage, etc., are postulated to occur.

Revision 3A

3.2.6 Single Equipment Failure

Systems selected for accomplishing safe shutdown should not be dependent upon a single item of
equipment whose failure, either due to seismic loads or random failure, would preclude safe
shutdown. At least one practical alternative should be available for accomplishing safe
shutdown, which is not dependent on that item of equipment. This alternative should also be
evaluated for seismic adequacy. For example, two motor-operated valves in series may be used
to isolate a line and two motor-operated valves in parallel may be used to open a line. As an
alternative, a separate, redundant train of equipment may be used as a backup.

An equipment failure is defined as the failure of the active functional capability of the
equipment, not its structural integrity. For example, for a motor-operated valve, failure of the
valve to open or close with the motor operator is a failure of the valve to perform its active
function. It is not necessary to consider rupture or leakage of fluid from the valve as a failure

If an item of equipment is taken out of service for maintenance, then that item of equipment is
considered the single equipment failure for the purposes of this procedure.

Manual operation of an item of equipment which is normally power-operated is considered an

acceptable means of providing backup operation provided sufficient manpower, time, and
procedures are available. For example, the primary mode of closing or opening a valve may be
by its motor operator while the backup or redundant means of closure or opening may be manual
operation of this same valve or a manual valve in the same line.

Any common systems which are used by more than one unit at a reactor plant site should be
redundant only within that common system, not on a per unit basis, provided each redundant
path in the common system has the capacity to simultaneously support all the units to which it is

Revision 3A

When evaluating the equipment selected for a single active failure, any equipment not included
on the Safe Shutdown Equipment List (SSEL) should be assumed to be not available for plant

3.2.7 Operator Action Permitted

Timely operator action is permitted as a means of achieving and maintaining a safe shutdown
condition provided procedures are available and the operators are trained in their use. Operator
actions associated with resetting of essential relays [4]are discussed in the EPRI report on Relay
Seismic Functionality (Reference 8, Section 3).

3.2.8 Procedures

Procedures should be in place for operating the equipment selected for safe shutdown and
operators should be trained in their use. It is not necessary to develop new procedures
specifically for compliance with the USI A-46 program. Existing plant procedures can be used.

If a SSE occurs, it is not necessary to use only the safe shutdown equipment identified for the
USI A-46 program. The operator may attempt shutdown using other available systems and
equipment provided these other means of shutting down do not prevent later use of the safe
shutdown method identified for the USI A-46 program.

The plant procedures for shutting down should be reviewed by the Operations Department of the
plant to verify that the procedures are compatible with the identified method of safe shutdown
and that they do not preclude the use of the safe shutdown equipment if some other method of
shutting down is attempted first. See Section 3.7 for suggested methods of performing this

The shutdown procedures which are associated with the use of the USI A-46 safe shutdown
equipment should be procedures which are available to the operator as a result of his following
approved normal and emergency operating procedures (EOPs). Note that normal plant shutdown

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procedures would be used for any deliberate, planned shutdown; EOPs would be used for a plant
trip or emergency shutdown.

Appropriate changes to operator training should be made if licensees find that changes to the
plant operating procedures are necessary to achieve compatibility with the SSEL. Training will
be modified only to the extent needed to familiarize operators with these procedure changes.


The purpose of this subsection is to define the equipment which is included within the scope of
review for resolution of USI A-46.

3.3.1 Equipment Classes

The 22 classes of equipment listed in Table 3-l define the major types of mechanical and
electrical equipment which are included within the scope of USI A-46. Note that building
structures and such passive equipment as piping, penetration assemblies, etc., are not within the
scope of USI A-46.

Equipment Classes #l through #20, along with the sub-categories of equipment listed under these
20 major equipment class names, are the specific types of equipment for which earthquake
experience data or generic seismic testing data are available. Appendix B provides a summary
description of the equipment included in the earthquake experience equipment classes and the
generic seismic testing equipment classes. References 4, 5, and 6 provide additional details on
the type of equipment included in these equipment classes.

The following symbols are used after each sub-category name in Table 3-l to note which
equipment classes contain data for each sub-category of equipment:

(EE) - Earthquake Experience data.

(GERS) - Generic Equipment Ruggedness Spectra testing data.

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Equipment Class #21 is for tanks and heat exchangers, and Equipment Class #22 is for cable and
conduit raceways. Selection of this equipment is discussed later in Sections 3.3.10 and 3.3.11,

Equipment Class #0 (Other) is a catchall category for all other items of mechanical and electrical
equipment needed for safe shutdown but which either do not fit into one of the other 22 classes,
or for which there is insufficient earthquake experience data or generic seismic testing data at
this time to be included as a sub-category of one of the 22 classes. This type of plant-specific
equipment includes certain types of valves, turbine-driven emergency generators, etc. This type
of equipment should be placed in Equipment Class #0, classified as an outlier, and evaluated
using the methods described in Section 5.

All mechanical and electrical equipment needed for bringing a plant to a safe shutdown condition
and maintaining it there should be identified for seismic evaluation, even if that item of
equipment is not included in the earthquake experience or generic seismic testing equipment
classes, i.e., not one of the types of equipment listed as a sub-category in Table 3-l. For example,
piston-operated hydraulic valves are not listed as a sub-category of Equipment Class #7 (Fluid-
Operated Valves) since they are not in the earthquake experience equipment class. Nevertheless,
if a piston-operated hydraulic valve is needed for accomplishing a safe shutdown function (e.g.,
as a main steam isolation valve), then it should be identified as a safe shutdown item of
equipment in Equipment Class #0 (Other), identified as an outlier, and evaluated for seismic
adequacy using some means other than by direct comparison to the earthquake experience or
generic seismic testing equipment classes.

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Table 3-1.
Equipment Classes
(Including Sub-Categories for Equipment in
Earthquake Experience and
Generic Seismic Testing Equipment Classes)

0 Other

1 Motor Control Centers

- Motor control center (EE) (GERS-MCC.9)1

- Wall- or rack-mounted motor controllers (EE)

2 Low Voltage Switchgear

- Low voltage draw-out switchgear (typically 600 Volt) (EE) (GERS-MVS/LVS.7)

- Low voltage disconnect switches (typically 600 Volt) (EE)
- Unit substations (EE)

3 Medium Voltage Switchgear

- Medium voltage draw-out switchgear (typically 4160 Volt) (EE) (GERS-MVS/LVS.7)

- Medium voltage disconnect switches (typically 4160 Volt) (EE)
- Unit substations (EE)

4 Transformers

- Liquid-filled medium/low voltage transformers (typically 4160/480 Volt) (EE)

- Dry-type medium/low voltage transformers (typically 4160/480 Volt) (EE)
- Distribution transformers (typically 480/120 Volt) (EE) (GERS-TR.4)

5 Horizontal Pumps

- Motor-driven horizontal centrifugal pumps (EE)

- Engine-driven horizontal centrifugal pumps (EE)
- Turbine-driven horizontal centrifugal pumps (EE)
- Motor-driven reciprocating pumps (EE)

6 Vertical Pumps

- Vertical single-stage centrifugal pumps (EE)

- Vertical multi-stage deep-well pumps (EE)

The sub-categories of equipment listed under the major equipment classes are included in one of the

(EE) - Earthquake Experience equipment class described in Appendix B, based on

References 4 and 5

(GERS-XXX) - Generic Equipment Ruggedness Spectra testing equipment class described in

Appendix B, based on Reference 6, where XXX is the GERS identification

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Table 3-1. (continued)

Equipment Classes
(Including Sub-Categories for Equipment in
Earthquake Experience and
Generic Seismic Testing Equipment Classes)1

7 Fluid-Operated Valves

- Diaphragm-operated pneumatic valves (EE) (GERS-AOV.4)

- Piston-operated pneumatic valves (EE)
- Spring-operated pressure relief valves (EE)

8A Motor-Operated Valves

- Motor-operated valves (EE)

- Motor-operators (GERS-MOV.5)

8B Solenoid-Operated Valves

- Solenoid-operated valves (EE) (GERS-SV.3)

9 Fans

- Blowers (EE)
- Axial fans (EE)
- Centrifugal fans (EE)

10 Air Handlers

- Cooling coils (EE)

- Water-cooled air handlers (EE)
- Refrigerant-cooled air handlers (including enclosed chiller) (EE)
- Heaters (EE)

11 Chillers

- Water chillers (EE)

- Refrigerant chillers (EE)

12 Air Compressors

- Reciprocating-piston compressors (EE)

- Centrifugal compressors (EE)

13 Motor-Generators

- Motor-generators (EE)

14 Distribution Panels

- Distribution panelboards (120-480 Volt, AC & DC) (EE) (GERS-DSP.8)

- Distribution switchboards (120-480 Volt, AC & DC) (EE) (GERS-DSP.8)

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Table 3-1. (continued)

Equipment Classes
(Including Sub-Categories for Equipment in
Earthquake Experience and
Generic Seismic Testing Equipment Classes)1

15 Batteries on Racks

- Lead-cadmium flat plate batteries (EE)

- Lead-cadmium flat plate batteries (EE) (GERS-BAT.4)
- PlantJ (Manchex) batteries (EE)
- Battery racks (2 tiers or less) (EE) (GERS-BAT.4)

16 Battery Chargers & Inverters

- Solid state battery chargers (EE) (GERS-BC.4)

- Solid state static inverters (EE) (GERS-INV.4)

17 Engine-Generators

- Piston engine-generators (EE)

18 Instrument on Racks

- Transmitters (Pressure, temperature, level, flow) (GERS-PT.4)

- Wall-mounted sensors/transmitters (EE)
- Rack-mounted sensors/transmitters (EE)
- Supporting racks (EE)

19 Temperature Sensors

- Thermocouples (EE)
- RTDs (EE)

20 Instrumentation and Control Panels and Cabinets

- Wall-mounted & rack-mounted instrumentation and control panels (EE)

- Wall-mounted & rack-mounted instrumentation and control cabinets (EE)
- Dual switchboard instrumentation and control cabinets (EE)
- Duplex switchboard & benchboard (walk-in) instrumentation and control boards (EE)

21 Tanks and Heat Exchangers

22 Cable and Conduit Raceways (EE)

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3.3.2 Exclusion of NSSS Equipment

The major pieces of equipment in the Nuclear Steam Supply System (NSSS) which are located
inside the containment are excluded from the scope of the USI A-46 review and need not be
included on the Safe Shutdown Equipment List. Also excluded are the supports for this
equipment along with all the components mounted in or on this equipment. The technical basis
for excluding such equipment from the scope of USI A-46 is included in Reference 17.
Examples of the NSSS equipment and the components mounted on them which are excluded
from the scope of USI A-46 are given below.

• Reactor vessel and its supports, reactor fuel assemblies, reactor internals, control rod
drive mechanisms2, and in-core instrumentation

• Reactor coolant and reactor recirculation pumps and their supports and drive motors
• Steam generators and their supports and tubes
• Neutron shield tank and its supports and neutron detectors
• Pressurizer and its supports and heaters

• Reactor coolant system piping and recirculation lines

Relays and other types of contactors and switches are also included within the scope of the GIP.
They have not been included as an equipment class in Table 3-l since the seismic evaluation of
these components is handled differently, as described in Section 6.

3.3.3 Rule of the Box

One important aspect of identifying the equipment included within the scope of the procedure is
explained by the “rule of the box.” For equipment included in Classes 1 through 20, all the
components mounted on or in this equipment are considered to be part of that equipment class
and do not have to be evaluated separately. For example, a diesel generator (Equipment Class
#17) includes not only the engine block and generator, but also all other items of equipment

Note that only the control rod drive mechanisms mounted on or in the reactor vessel are excluded from
the scope of the USI A-46 review; BWR control rod drive equipment located outside of the drywell
should be included on the Safe Shutdown Equipment List.

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mounted on the diesel generator or on its skid; such as the lubrication system, fuel supply
system, cooling system, heaters, starting systems, and local instrumentation and control systems.
Components needed by the diesel generator but not included in the “box” (i.e., not mounted on
the diesel generator or on its skid) should be identified and evaluated separately. Typically this
would include such items as off-mounted control panels, air-start compressors and tanks, pumps
for circulating coolant and lubricant, day tanks, and switchgear cabinets.

The obvious advantage to this “rule of the box” is that only the major items of equipment
included in Table 3-l need be verified for seismic adequacy, i.e., if a major item of equipment is
shown to be seismically adequate using the guidelines in this procedure, then all of the parts and
components mounted on or in that item of equipment are also considered seismically adequate.
However, as noted in Section 4.3, the Seismic Capability Engineers should exercise their
judgment and experience to seek out suspicious details or uncommon situations (not specifically
covered by the caveats in Appendix B) which may make that item of equipment vulnerable to
SSE effects. This evaluation should include any areas of concern within the “box” which could
be seismically vulnerable such as added attachments, missing or obviously inadequate anchorage
of components, etc.

One exception to this “rule of the box” is relays (and other types of devices using contacts in the
control circuitry). Even though relays are mounted on or in another larger item of safe shutdown
equipment, they should be identified and evaluated for seismic adequacy using the procedure
described in Section 6 since they may be susceptible to chatter during seismic excitation. Note
that this relay review is needed even if the item of equipment being controlled, such as a pump,
is itself seismically adequate. The relays to be evaluated are identified by first identifying the
major items of safe shutdown equipment which could be affected if the relays malfunctioned.
Then, in Section 6, the particular relays used to control these major items of equipment are
identified and evaluated for seismic adequacy.

3.3.4 Active Equipment

Active mechanical and electrical equipment which operate or change state to accomplish a safe
shutdown function should be identified for seismic evaluation. Electrical equipment without

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moving parts such as batteries, transformers, battery chargers, and inverters are considered active
for the purposes of this procedure and are included within the scope of USI A-46.

It is not in the scope of USI A-46 to verify the seismic adequacy of passive equipment such as
piping, filters, and electrical penetration assemblies, nor building structures. Two exceptions to
this rule are tanks and heat exchangers (covered in Section 7) and cable and conduit raceways
(covered in Section 8). Likewise, it is not in the scope of USI A-46 to verify the seismic
adequacy of potentially active equipment which does not need to operate if it is already in the
proper state to accomplish its safe shutdown function and it fails in that desired position upon
loss of power. For example, if a motor-operated gate valve, which isolates a drain line in the
reactor coolant system, is already closed, and it stays closed upon loss of power, then it can be
considered a passive item of equipment for the purposes of this procedure. The valve body and
its disc are considered to be an extension of the passive piping system. The potential for
inadvertent opening of the valve due to relay chatter in its control circuit is evaluated as a part of
the Relay Functionality Review described in Section 6; therefore such equipment should be
identified for relay evaluation as described in Section 3.3.7, below.

3.3.5 Inherently Rugged Equipment

Certain types of potentially active mechanical and electrical equipment are inherently rugged and
need not be evaluated for seismic adequacy in the USI A-46 program. This equipment includes:

• Self-actuating check valves without external actuators. If a check valve has an external
actuator, then this actuator and its connection to the check valve should be evaluated for
seismic adequacy

• Manually operated valves.

While it is not necessary to verify the seismic adequacy of inherently rugged equipment, it is
recommended that, when such equipment is active for accomplishing a safe shutdown function,
the equipment be included on the Safe Shutdown Equipment List (SSEL) for completeness. It
could be labeled as being in equipment class “R” (i.e., inherently rugged). For example, if a
manual valve with a handwheel operator is opened or closed by a plant operator (i.e., the valve is

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performing an active function), then this valve could be added to the working copy of the SSEL
for reference purposes to show what item of equipment is used to accomplish this active
function. However, this manual valve need not be evaluated for seismic adequacy and need not
be included on the Seismic Review SSEL.

On the other hand, if a power-operated valve (e.g., a motor-operated valve), is opened or closed
manually by a human operator using the handwheel (rather than using the power drive), then it
should be on the Seismic Review SSEL and it should also be evaluated for seismic adequacy.

3.3.6 Equipment in Supporting Systems

Any active equipment in systems which support the operation of identified safe shutdown
equipment should also be identified for seismic evaluation. Supporting systems can include
power supplies (e.g., electrical, pneumatic), control systems, cooling systems, lubrication
systems, instrumentation, and heating, ventilating, and air conditioning systems. Likewise, if
any item of equipment in these supporting systems is dependent upon some other system for
support, then the active equipment in this secondary supporting system should also be identified
for seismic evaluation.

3.3.7 Equipment Subject to Relay Chatter

If an item of equipment could inadvertently start, stop, or change state due to relay chatter (or
other malfunction of a relay or other electrical device with contacts) and thereby prevent a safe
shutdown function from being accomplished, then it should be identified and used as an input to
the Relay Functionality Review described in Section 6.

The equipment which should be identified as subject to relay chatter includes all the active,
electrically powered, safe shutdown equipment identified for seismic evaluation (as described in
Sections 3.3.4 and 3.3.6). In addition, some of the electrically powered equipment considered
passive, and hence, not subject to seismic evaluation, should be identified for relay evaluation.
This could include equipment which is already in the proper state to accomplish a safe shutdown
function and would fail in this state upon loss of power, but due to relay chatter, could

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inadvertently change state and thereby result in the safe shutdown function failing to be
accomplished. The example used earlier of a closed, motor-operated gate valve which isolates a
drain line in the reactor coolant system is a case where the valve would not be identified for
seismic evaluation, but should be identified for relay evaluation.

Obviously any electrically powered equipment whose operation, or the lack thereof, does not
affect the accomplishment of any safe shutdown function, need not be identified for relay
evaluation. For example, there may be a closed, motor-operated valve which should stay closed;
however, if there is a closed manual valve downstream of this motor-operated valve, then it does
not make any difference whether the motor-operated valve inadvertently opens or remains

3.3.8 Instrumentation

The scope of equipment which should be identified for seismic evaluation includes those
instruments which measure the primary process variables used to assure that the plant is in a safe
shutdown condition. This includes instruments used to measure reactor reactivity, reactor
coolant pressure, reactor coolant inventory, and decay heat removal. Tables 3-2 and 3-3 provide
examples of the primary process variables which can be measured to monitor these safe
shutdown functions for pressurized water reactors (PWRs) and boiling water reactors (BWRs)

In addition to the instruments needed for measuring the primary process variables, any
instruments needed to control the safe shutdown equipment should also be identified. For
example, if a modulating valve is being used to control the level of water in a tank, then the level
instrumentation for this tank should be identified as instrumentation needed by the modulating
valve. Note that the power supply for this level instrumentation should also be identified as a
supporting system for the level instrument.

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Table 3-2.
Examples of the Primary Process Variables 1
Which Can Be Measured to Monitor
Safe Shutdown Functions for PWRs

1. Reactor Reactivity Control

- Core Neutron Flux

- Position of All Control Rods, Reactor Coolant Boron Concentration2

and Cold Leg Temperature

2. Reactor Coolant Pressure Control

- Reactor Coolant Pressure

- Subcooling Margin or Reactor Coolant Cold Leg Temperature

- Pressurizer Level3

3. Reactor Coolant Inventory Control

- Pressurizer Level

- Reactor Vessel Water Level4

4. Decay Heat Removal

- Reactor Coolant Pressure

- Reactor Coolant Hot Leg or Core Exit Temperature

- Reactor Coolant Cold Leg Temperature

1. Note that additional process variables may also be needed to control some of the safe shutdown
equipment. For example, a tank level measurement might be needed to control the operation of
valves which should be opened or closed to permit the use of another tank.
2. It may be possible to eliminate boron concentration measurements on a plant-specific basis if it can
be shown that planned actions during the 72-hour safe shutdown period will not result in
unacceptable boron dilution in the reactor coolant system.
3. Pressurizer level should be measured for the pressure control function if pressurizer heaters are
used to control pressure so that the heaters remain covered.
4. The need to measure reactor vessel level, in addition to pressurizer level, should be considered if
the reactor coolant level drops below the lowest pressurizer level instrument reading during a
potential overcooling transient.

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Table 3-3.
Examples of the Primary Process Variables 1
Which Can Be Measured to Monitor
Safe Shutdown Functions for BWRs

1. Reactor Reactivity Control

- Core Neutron Flux

- Position of All Control Rods

2. Reactor Coolant Pressure Control

- Reactor Coolant Pressure

- Reactor Coolant Temperature

3. Reactor Coolant Inventory Control

- Reactor Vessel Water Level

4. Decay Heat Removal

- Reactor Coolant Temperature

- Reactor Coolant Pressure

1. Note that additional process variables may also be needed to control some of the safe shutdown
equipment. For example, a tank level measurement might be needed to control the operation of
valves which should be opened or closed to permit the use of another tank.

Note that it is not necessary, in general, to identify instrumentation which simply indicates the
status of an item of safe shutdown equipment. For example, it is not necessary to monitor the
current (amps) of a motor driving a pump, if the fluid level in the vessel to which the pump is
pumping is being monitored (i.e., if the essential process variable is being measured). Likewise
it is not necessary, in general, to identify valve position instrumentation.

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3.3.9 Non-Safety-Grade Equipment

It is permissible to identify non-safety-grade equipment for accomplishing safe shutdown

functions; however, the operation of this equipment should be included in the plant operating
procedures used to shut down the plant.

3.3.10 Tanks and Heat Exchangers

Tanks and heat exchangers which are needed by or connected to the safe shutdown systems
should also be identified for seismic evaluation. Even though tanks and heat exchangers are
passive equipment, they are included within the scope of equipment which should be evaluated
for seismic adequacy in Section 7.

There are two types of seismic concerns regarding tanks and heat exchangers. The first is
maintaining its structural integrity so that the fluid contained therein can be used by a safe
shutdown system. The second concern is ensuring that these large, heavy items of equipment
stay in place during a SSE so that attached lines do not rupture from large displacements of the
tank or heat exchanger. To protect against this second concern, it may be necessary to evaluate
the seismic adequacy of certain tanks or heat exchangers even if they are outside the pressure
boundary of the safe shutdown system if a boundary isolation valve is located relatively close to
the tank or heat exchanger.

At the option of the utility, large, flat-bottom, metal, refueling water storage tanks (RWSTs) in
PWRs may be added to the SSEL, even if they are not needed by or closely connected to any
safe shutdown systems. Use of the guidelines in Section 7 for evaluation of large, flat-bottom,
metal RWSTs and any other large, flat-bottom, metal storage tanks needed for safe shutdown, is
considered an acceptable method for resolving Unresolved Safety Issue (USI) A-40, Seismic
Design Criteria, as it applies to operating plants.

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3.3.11 Cable and Conduit Raceways

Cable and conduit raceway systems are included in the scope of USI A-46 even though they are
passive equipment; they should be evaluated for seismic adequacy using the guidelines contained
in Section 8.

The scope of review should include all the cable and conduit raceway systems in the plant which
support electrical cable for equipment on the Safe Shutdown Equipment List (SSEL). This
procedure does not provide details for identifying these raceway systems. Instead it has been
found, during SQUG trial plant reviews, that performing the seismic evaluation described in
Section 8 for the whole plant may be easier than identifying which raceways support the power,
control, and instrumentation wiring for individual items of equipment. However, if the details
are readily available for identifying which cable and conduit raceway systems in the plant carry
the cabling for safe shutdown equipment, then the scope of the review can be limited to those
raceway systems.


To achieve and maintain safe shutdown conditions during and following a safe shutdown
earthquake, the following four safe shutdown functions should be accomplished:

• Reactor Reactivity Control

• Reactor Coolant Pressure Control

• Reactor Coolant Inventory Control
• Decay Heat Removal

These functions focus on controlling the nuclear, thermal, and hydraulic performance of the
reactor and the reactor coolant system. To monitor that these safe shutdown functions are being
accomplished, certain process variables should be measured.

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These safe shutdown functions are described below along with examples of the process variables
which should be considered for measurement to assure that these functions are being

3.4.1 Reactor Reactivity Control Function

The reactivity control function is accomplished by insertion of negative reactivity shortly after
obtaining the signal to shut down. Additional negative reactivity is also needed to compensate
for the combined effects of Xenon-135 decay and reactor coolant temperature decreases. A
process variable which may be measured to monitor reactivity is core neutron flux. An
alternative to measuring core reactivity directly is to measure other parameters which can be
used to show that the core remains subcritical. For BWRs, the position of each control rod could
be measured; if all the rods are fully inserted, the reactor will remain subcritical. For PWRs,
measurements could be made of the position of all the control rods, the temperature of the
reactor coolant cold leg, and the boron concentration in the reactor coolant system; fully inserted
rods with sufficient boron concentration in the reactor coolant, for a given temperature, will
result in the reactor remaining subcritical. Note that it may be possible to eliminate boron
concentration measurements on a plant-specific basis if it can be shown that planned actions
during the 72-hour safe shutdown period will not result in unacceptable boron dilution in the
reactor coolant system.

3.4.2 Reactor Coolant Pressure Control Function

The pressure control function has several elements which should be accomplished to ensure that
the reactor coolant system is operated properly:

• The reactor coolant system pressure should not exceed a maximum pressure.
• The pressure should be maintained within the reactor coolant system pressure-temperature
limits of the plant’s Technical Specifications to prevent reactor vessel brittle fracture.

• For PWRs there should be sufficient subcooling margin, consistent with plant operating
procedures or plant Technical Specifications, to avoid formation of a steam bubble within
the reactor vessel and to promote natural circulation between the core and the steam

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• For PWRs the differential pressure across the steam generator tubes should not exceed the
pressure-temperature limits of the plant-specific Technical Specifications to prevent leaks
and ruptures in these tubes.

If it is preferred (or required due to certain plant limitations), the plant may be brought to a cold
shutdown condition during the 72 hours following a SSE instead of staying in the hot shutdown
condition. However, if this is done, the following additional elements should also be

• There should be a means for reducing the reactor coolant system pressure to the point
where the low pressure residual heat removal system can be operated.

• When the reactor coolant system is connected to the low pressure residual heat removal
system, the system pressure should not exceed a maximum pressure for the low pressure
residual heat removal system.

Process variables which should be measured for monitoring the reactor coolant system pressure
include reactor coolant pressure, reactor coolant temperature (or subcooling margin for PWRs),
and pressurizer level (for PWRs) if pressurizer heaters are used for pressure control.

3.4.3 Reactor Coolant Inventory Control Function

The reactor coolant inventory control function is necessary to assure that the reactor core remains
covered so that decay heat can be removed during and after the postulated earthquake. Inventory
control has two elements which should be accomplished:

• Loss of reactor coolant from the reactor coolant system should be minimized.

• Sufficient makeup capacity should be available to compensate for losses due to leakage
from the reactor coolant system and for fluid shrinkage when the reactor coolant
temperature is lowered. Note: If it is possible to lose cooling capability to the reactor
coolant pump seals, then makeup capacity and coolant supplies should be available to
compensate for possible leakage from these seals.

Process variables which should be measured for monitoring the inventory of the reactor coolant
system include water level in the reactor vessel for BWRs and water level in the pressurizer for

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PWRs. If the water level drops below the lowest pressurizer level instrument reading in a PWR
(during a potential overcooling transient), then it may be necessary to also measure reactor vessel
level so that the operator can monitor the actual inventory of water in the reactor coolant system.

3.4.4 Decay Heat Removal Function

The decay heat removal function is accomplished by removing decay heat and stored heat from
the reactor core and reactor coolant system at a rate such that overall reactor coolant system
temperatures can be lowered to and maintained within acceptable limits.

Process variables which should be measured for monitoring the decay heat removal function
include reactor coolant temperature and pressure. For PWRs, both the hot leg (or core exit)
temperature and the cold leg temperature should be measured during natural circulation decay
heat removal conditions to verify that natural circulation is established between the reactor core
and the steam generator.


Nuclear power plants typically have several paths or methods which can be used to bring a plant
to a safe shutdown condition; this is due to the redundancy and diversity designed into the plant.
Typical alternative methods for accomplishing the four safe shutdown functions (described in the
previous section) are outlined in this section. A detailed description of these generic alternatives
is contained in Appendix A and may be used as guides for identifying the available alternative
paths in a specific nuclear power plant.

To accomplish the purpose of this procedure it is necessary to show that the primary and backup
equipment are seismically adequate for each of the four safe shutdown functions. The backup
means for accomplishing these functions can be by using a different shutdown train or by using
different equipment in the same shutdown train.

Some of the items which can be considered in selecting preferred safe shutdown alternatives are
given below:

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• The systems and equipment selected for shutting down the plant following a fire could be
considered. It should be noted, however, that not all the safe shutdown equipment
identified for this procedure may be the same as the equipment identified for 10 C.F.R. 50,
Appendix R, even if the same general method is selected for shutting down the plant.

• The alternatives which rely on systems and equipment to operate in their normal mode can
be considered.

• The alternatives which are straightforward and present the least challenge to the operators
can be considered.

• The status of the seismic classification, design, and documentation for the equipment in the
plant can be an important factor in selecting the preferred safe shutdown alternatives.

• The results of previous seismic reviews and walkdowns can be considered.

• The location (elevation) of the equipment within the plant can be considered (the lower the
elevation, the lower the seismic excitation).

• The operating procedures (normal or emergency) and operator training used to achieve and
maintain safe shutdown conditions can be considered.

In addition, the following factors may also be considered:

• The alternatives which minimize the amount of effort, expense, and radiation exposure
necessary to verify the seismic adequacy of the equipment can be considered.

• The practicality/difficulty and cost of returning the plant to normal operation after a SSE
can be considered.

Selection of the preferred safe shutdown alternatives should be done with consultation of the
plant operators and management.

The remainder of this section summarizes the major system alternatives typically available for
accomplishing each of the four safe shutdown functions. The first four subsections below are for
pressurized water reactors (PWRs); the next four subsections are for boiling water reactors

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3.5.1 Reactor Reactivity Control (PWR)

The primary method of controlling reactivity in PWRs is by insertion of the control rods.
Typically liquid poison (boron) should also be injected into the reactor coolant system to
compensate for positive reactivity increases due to the combined effects of Xenon-135 decay and
reduction of the reactor coolant temperature. Borated water can be injected via the chemical and
volume control system (CVCS) or the high pressure coolant injection system (HPCI).

3.5.2 Reactor Coolant Pressure Control (PWR)

There are various pressure-temperature limits which should not be exceeded in the reactor
coolant system of PWRs. These include:

• Reactor coolant system pressure should remain below the design limit.

• Subcooling margin should be maintained to permit natural circulation of reactor coolant

between the core (heat source) and the steam generators (heat sink).

• Subcooling margin should also be maintained to provide sufficient net positive suction
head (NPSH) on the residual heat removal (RHR) pump during low pressure decay heat

• Reactor vessel brittle fracture limits should be avoided. This limit could be exceeded if the
reactor coolant pressure is very high for a given temperature or the temperature is very low
for a given pressure. (Figure A-3 in Appendix A illustrates this limit.)

• Steam generator tube differential pressure limit should be avoided. This limit could be
exceeded if the reactor coolant system pressure (acting on tube ID) is not properly
balanced by the steam generator pressure (acting on the tube OD) for a given temperature.

• Peak reactor coolant system pressure should not exceed a maximum pressure for the low
pressure residual heat removal system when this system is in operation.

These limits can be avoided by increasing or decreasing the reactor coolant system pressure.
Typical methods for decreasing the pressure include:

• Discharge of steam from the pressurizer power-operated relief valve (PORV).

• Discharge of steam from the pressurizer safety relief valve (SRV) at its set pressure.

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• Collapse of the steam bubble in the pressurizer via injection of water with the pressurizer
auxiliary spray. (Pressurizer spray driven by the pressure drop across the reactor coolant
pumps would not available if offsite power is lost.)

• Discharge via the letdown system.

• Discharge via the residual heat removal (RHR) safety relief valve while at low pressure.

Typical methods for increasing reactor coolant system pressure include:

• Feed via the chemical and volume control system (CVCS).

• Feed via the high pressure coolant injection (HPCI) system.

• Increase the saturation temperature of the reactor coolant in the pressurizer via the
pressurizer heaters.

• Feed via the low pressure coolant injection (LPCI) system while at low pressure.

3.5.3 Reactor Coolant Inventory Control (PWR)

The inventory of the reactor coolant system is controlled by feeding water into the system when
it is low and minimizing the loss of water from the various openings in the system when the
inventory is adequate. Note that the alternatives for inventory control are directly related to
some of the alternatives for pressure control, e.g., adding water to the reactor coolant system
increases the system pressure while removing steam decreases the pressure.

Typical methods for increasing reactor coolant system inventory in PWRs include:

• Feed via the chemical and volume control (CVCS) system.

• Feed via the high pressure coolant injection (HPCI) system.

• Feed via the low pressure coolant injection (LPCI) system (at low pressure only).

Typical ways in which the reactor coolant system inventory can be lost in PWRs include:

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• Discharge via the reactor coolant pump seal3 leakoff.

• Discharge via the normal and excess letdown paths.
• Discharge via the power-operated relief valve (PORV).

• Discharge via the safety relief valves (SRVs) at their set point.
• Discharge via other vents and drains.

3.5.4 Decay Heat Removal (PWR)

While the reactor coolant system is at high temperature, the steam generators can be used for
removing decay heat from PWRs. Steam generator cooling can be accomplished by establishing
natural circulation of reactor coolant from the core (heat source) to the steam generator (heat
sink). Heat can be removed from the secondary side of the steam generator by discharging steam
from the main steam atmospheric steam dump valve. The main steam safety relief valves
(SRVs) can also be used to discharge steam if the secondary side pressure is allowed to go up to
the SRV set point. Makeup water can be fed into the secondary side of the steam generator via
the auxiliary feedwater system.

If it is preferred (or required due to certain plant limitations) to bring the plant to a cold
shutdown condition, the residual heat removal (RHR) system can be used to remove heat from
the reactor coolant system after the reactor coolant system pressure and temperature are lowered
into the hot shutdown region (typically below about 250 psia and 350°F). The heat from the
RHR system is typically transferred to the environment via the component cooling water system
and the service water system.

3.5.5 Reactor Reactivity Control (BWR)

The method of controlling reactivity in BWRs is by insertion of the control rods. A standby
liquid poison control system is available as a backup method for reactivity control; however, it

Note that the reactor coolant pump seals may need a supply of water for cooling (closed cooling,
injection, or both) to maintain their integrity while the reactor coolant system is at elevated temperature.
If these services are not included in the selected safe shutdown approach, the consequences of seal
failure leakage should also be addressed.

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typically requires 1 to 2 hours to make the reactor subcritical if used by itself. Therefore control
rod insertion is considered the only viable alternative for rapid shutdown (SCRAM) of the

3.5.6 Reactor Coolant Pressure Control (BWR)

In BWRs, the water in the reactor coolant system remains at saturation conditions so that
pressure and temperature are mutually dependent variables. There are only two limits which
should not be exceeded:

• Peak reactor coolant system pressure should not exceed a maximum pressure.

• Peak reactor coolant system pressure should not exceed a maximum pressure for the low
pressure residual heat removal system when this system is in operation.

The reactor coolant system pressure is typically controlled by opening and closing the safety
relief and safety valves which discharge steam to the suppression pool. Both of these types of
valves will open automatically to provide overpressure protection when the system pressure
exceeds their set points. The safety relief valves can also be opened manually to lower the
system pressure so that available low pressure systems can be used for reactor coolant inventory
control and decay heat removal. Safety valves on the low pressure residual heat removal system
can also be used during low pressure decay heat removal to protect the low pressure system.

3.5.7 Reactor Coolant Inventory Control (BWR)

The water level in the reactor vessel of BWRs is maintained by controlling the flow of water to
(feed) and from (discharge) the reactor coolant system.

Typical methods for increasing reactor coolant system inventory include:

• Feed via the high pressure coolant injection (HPCI) system or the high pressure core spray
(HPCS) system.

• Feed via the reactor core isolation cooling (RCIC) system.

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• Feed via the control rod drive (CRD) hydraulic system.

• Feed via the low pressure coolant injection (LPCI) system for use at low system pressure.
• Feed via the low pressure core spray (LPCS) system for use at low system pressure.

Typical ways in which the inventory of the reactor coolant systems can be lost include:

• Discharge via the safety relief and safety valves.

• Discharge via the normal letdown paths.

• Discharge via other vents and drains.

3.5.8 Decay Heat Removal (BWR)

There are two general methods for removing decay heat from the reactor coolant system of
BWRs: bleed and feed cooling and shutdown or residual heat removal cooling. Some early
BWRs also have an isolation condenser cooling system. These methods are summarized below.

The bleed and feed cooling method discharges (bleeds) steam from the reactor coolant system
via the safety relief valves to the suppression pool. Typically heat is removed from the
suppression pool to the ultimate heat sink, the environment, via the suppression pool cooling
system, the reactor building closed cooling water system (RBCCW), and the emergency service
water system (ESW). Water is injected (fed) into the reactor coolant system using one of the
methods described earlier for increasing inventory (i.e., feed via HPCI, HPCS, RCIC, CRD
hydraulic supply, LPCI, and/or LPCS).

The shutdown cooling (SC) or residual heat removal (RHR) systems can be used for decay heat
removal after the reactor coolant system pressure has been reduced. These systems draw water
from the reactor coolant system, cool it in heat exchangers, and pump it back into the reactor
coolant system. The heat which is removed is sent to the environment via the RBCCW and the
ESW systems.

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Isolation condenser cooling can be used to remove decay heat from the reactor coolant system
while the system is at high pressure. This system consists of heat exchangers (isolation
condensers) located at a higher elevation in the plant than the reactor vessel. Steam moves up to
these heat exchangers via a steam supply line where it is condensed on the inside of the tubes in
the tube bundle of the heat exchanger, thereby giving up its heat of vaporization. The condensate
flows back to the reactor vessel by gravity via a condensate return line. No pumps are needed to
move the steam or condensate; the differences in fluid density, driven by gravity, cause this flow
to occur spontaneously. The outside of the tube bundle in the heat exchanger is cooled by water
which boils off and is released as steam to the atmosphere. Makeup water can be added to the
shell side of the heat exchanger from a dedicated makeup storage tank (using gravity feed) or
from the condensate storage tank (using pumps). Other sources of water can also be used to
resupply the shell side of the heat exchanger (e.g., fire protection system, suppression pool, etc.).


The purpose of this subsection is to summarize the method of identifying the individual items of
equipment contained in the alternatives selected in Section 3.5 for safe shutdown. A detailed
description of this method is contained in Appendix A including a step-by-step procedure with a
flow diagram.

The approach used to identify the safe shutdown equipment has five major steps:

• Identification of fluid system equipment.

• Identification of supporting system equipment.
• Preparation of a safe shutdown equipment list for seismic evaluation.

• Preliminary walkdown to locate and identify equipment for seismic evaluation.

• Preparation of a safe shutdown equipment list for relay evaluation.

These steps are summarized below.

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3.6.1 Identification of Fluid System Equipment

The fluid system equipment for the selected safe shutdown alternatives should be identified
separately for each of the four safe shutdown functions. This results in four separate safe
shutdown equipment lists (SSELs). This method may result in some duplication of equipment
on these separate SSELs; however, this will [4]ensure that all the equipment for all four safe
shutdown functions is identified.

The four SSELs generated for the fluid system equipment may be combined into one Composite
SSEL. This Composite SSEL should contain (1) equipment which should be evaluated for
seismic adequacy, (2) equipment which could be adversely affected by relay chatter, and (3)
other equipment which may be needed for safe shutdown but does not need to be reviewed for
seismic adequacy or relay chatter.

The suggested method for identifying the fluid system equipment is to trace the path taken by the
fluid from its source to its ultimate destination. The piping and instrumentation diagrams
(P&IDS) can be used to do this; see-through markers or highlighters can be used to mark up the
diagram to ensure that all branch lines and alternate paths are considered. The scope of this
review should extend up to and include the isolation valves in the main and branch lines which
form the boundary of the system. The plant configuration during normal power operation should
be used. It is optional whether passive items of equipment (other than those for which a relay
review is needed) are listed on the SSEL.

As one traces the fluid flow path and any branch lines, the equipment in the flow should be
entered onto an SSEL. A blank form showing the format for the SSEL is shown in Exhibit A-l in
Appendix A. A completed SSEL is shown in Exhibit A-2 in Appendix A. The data to be
entered on this SSEL include, for each item of equipment:

• SSEL line entry number (e.g., 4001, 4002, ...).

• Train number (e.g., “1” for the primary train or component, “2” for the backup train or
component, etc.).

• Equipment class number (from Table 3-l).

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• Equipment identification number (plant unique).

• Name of the system and a description of the equipment.
• Drawing number and zone showing the location of the equipment on the schematic
drawing (optional).

• Equipment location in plant (building, elevation, room or row and column).

• Type of evaluation to be performed on the item of equipment, i.e., a seismic review (“S”),
a relay review (“R”), or both (“S, R”).

• Notes (optional).
• Normal and desired operating state.
• Whether power is required to operate or control the equipment to achieve or maintain the
desired operating state.

• Reference drawing number(s) identifying the supporting system(s).

• List of required and supporting systems and components.

3.6.2 Identification of Supporting System Equipment

Most of the safe shutdown equipment will require support from some other systems to operate.
Supporting systems include electrical power, pneumatic power, hydraulic power, lubrication,
cooling, control, and instrumentation. The supporting systems for the equipment in the fluid
system are identified in the first major step described in Section 3.6.1, above. The equipment in
each of these supporting systems should then be identified in this second major step, using an
approach similar to that described for fluid system equipment (i.e., trace the path of power,
lubrication, cooling or instrument signal from its sources to the item of safe shutdown
equipment). Marking up schematic diagrams with highlighters helps identify the path and
branches in these supporting systems.

The equipment identified in the supporting systems can be entered as separate line items on the
same SSEL as the fluid system equipment being supported or separate SSELs can be developed
for the supporting systems. The same information should be entered into the SSEL for the
equipment in the supporting systems as was entered for the fluid systems (as described in

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Section 3.6.1, above). These SSELs may also be combined into the Composite SSEL generated
for the fluid system equipment.

Note that some of the equipment in the supporting systems requires support from other
supporting systems. For example, pumps and valves in a fluid system may require electric
power from a diesel generator which in turn may require cooling from a cooling water system.
The process of identifying all the supporting systems and their equipment should continue until
all the supporting system equipment are listed for all the equipment on the SSELs.

3.6.3 Preparation of Safe Shutdown Equipment List (SSEL for Seismic


A Seismic Review SSEL should be generated from the Composite SSEL described in
Sections 3.6.1 and 3.6.2 for use during the Screening Verification and Walkdown described in
Section 4. This SSEL for seismic evaluation would be a subset of the Composite SSEL and
should contain only one line entry for each unique item of equipment; duplicate items of
equipment should be deleted.

This Seismic Review SSEL can be generated from the Composite SSEL by selecting the records
containing an “S” or an “S, R” in the “Eval. Type” field of Exhibit A-l in Appendix A. A blank
Seismic Review SSEL is shown in Exhibit A-3 in Appendix A; a completed one is shown in
Exhibit A-4.

Note that in addition to the active mechanical and electrical equipment identified in Sections
3.6.1 and 3.6.2, the Seismic Review SSEL should also include any cabinets and panels which
house essential relays, as described in Section 6.3.3, Identification of Circuits, Relays,
Consequences of Relay Malfunction.

3.6.4 Preliminary Walkdown to Locate and Identify Equipment for Seismic


A preliminary walkdown of all the equipment on the Seismic Review SSEL should be conducted
prior to the full seismic walkdown to accomplish the following objectives:

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• Determine the location in the plant of each item of equipment on the SSEL.
• Identify any other equipment needed for safe shutdown which should be included on the

• Group all the components mounted within the “box” of larger items of equipment.

The first objective (determining the equipment location) is important to minimize the walkdown
time of the Seismic Review Team (SRT) during the Screening Verification and Walkdown.
Information which should be obtained during the preliminary walkdown includes:

• Determine the actual location (building, elevation, room, row/column) of the equipment in
the plant.

• Verify the equipment identification number (tag number).

• Determine whether special tools, equipment, or procedures would be needed to inspect the
equipment (e.g., ladders, insulation removal, radiation work permits, security keys, etc.).

The second objective (identifying other equipment) is important since some of the equipment
needed for safe shutdown may not be explicitly shown on schematic diagrams. This type of
equipment would typically include supporting systems and equipment not mounted on or within
the “box” of safe shutdown equipment. Examples of this type of equipment found during the
SQUG trial plant reviews include:

• Oil reservoir tanks for the lube oil system of the service water pumps.
• Electrical control cabinets for the emergency diesel generators.
• Neutral ground resistors for emergency diesel generators.

Accomplishing the third objective (group components within the “box”) is useful since
schematic diagrams typically show many items of equipment which may be mounted on or
within the “box” of a larger item of equipment. For example, schematic diagrams may show a
cooling water heat exchanger for a diesel generator. If this heat exchanger is mounted on the
diesel generator skid, then it is included within the “box” of the diesel generator and can be

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deleted from the SSEL. Likewise, instrumentation and solenoid-operated valves mounted on a
valve needed for safe shutdown could be verified for seismic adequacy as a part of the valve

3.6.5 Preparation of Safe Shutdown Equipment List (SSEL) for Relay


A Relay Review SSEL should be generated from the Composite SSEL described in Sections
3.6.1 and 3.6.2, for use during the Relay Functionality Review described in Section 6. This
SSEL for relay evaluation would be a subset of the Composite SSEL and should contain only
one line entry for each unique item of equipment; duplicate items of equipment should be

The Relay Review SSEL can be generated from the Composite SSEL by selecting the records
containing an “R” or an “S, R” in the “Eval. Type” field of Exhibit A-l in Appendix A. A blank
relay review SSEL is shown in Exhibit A-5 in Appendix A; a completed one is shown in
Exhibit A-6.

3.6.6 Database Management System

A database management system can be used to prepare the SSELs. A database management
program was used during the SQUG trial plant reviews to:

• Consolidate the separate SSELs into a single Composite SSEL. This SSEL was then
sorted to develop a single Seismic Review SSEL and a single Relay Review SSEL.

• Sort equipment by equipment class and location in the plant for use during the Screening
Verification and Walkdown.

• Print the headings on the Seismic Evaluation Work Sheets (SEWS) prior to the plant
walkdown from the SSEL file. (The SEWS are contained in Appendix G.)

• Print out the Screening and Verification Data Sheets (SVDSs). (The SVDSs are described
in Section 4.)

Use of a computer database management program is optional.

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The Safe Shutdown Equipment List (SSEL) generated for resolution of USI A-46 should be
reviewed for compatibility with the plant procedures for shutting down the plant. The purpose of
this section is to provide suggested methods for performing this review by the plant’s Operations
Department. Note that the individuals performing this review should be familiar with the
General Criteria and Governing Assumptions contained in Section 3.2 and the Scope of
Equipment for the USI A-46 program contained in Section 3.3.

A review of the SSEL by a representative of the plant’s Operations Department is required to

confirm compatibility with the plant normal and emergency operating procedures. The intent of
the Operations Department review of the SSEL is to verify that a trained operator, following
existing plant procedures, will eventually be directed to the use of the safe shutdown equipment
and instruments even though the operator may have first tried to shut down using equipment not
included in the USI A-46 SSEL. It is not the intent that the operator be directed to use the USI
A-46 shutdown path as his first priority or to change the symptom-based emergency operating
procedures. Rather, this review is to ensure that the shutdown path selected for USI A-46 and
included in the SSEL is a legitimate safe shutdown path consistent with plant procedures and
operator training.

One method of reviewing the SSEL against the plant operating procedures is to do a “desk top”
review of the applicable procedures. Using this method, the normal and emergency operating
procedures are reviewed by an experienced Operations Department representative to check
whether all equipment called out in the operating procedures for the selected path are included
on the SSEL. This review should also verify that there are no paths from which an operator
could not recover with the selected set of SSEL equipment. For those steps in the procedure
which rely upon operator training (i.e., steps which only give an overview summary of the
actions to be taken; detailed steps are omitted), the reviewer should mentally walk through the
actions an operator would take and verify that all the equipment needed is on the SSEL.

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Another method of reviewing the SSEL against the plant operating procedures is to use a
simulator. A loss of offsite power could then be simulated. An operator could go through this
simulated transient and be observed and/or interviewed to determine whether any problems are

Another method of reviewing the SSEL against the plant operating procedures is to perform a
limited control room walkdown in which an operator talks and walks through a plant shutdown
following a postulated loss of offsite power. This could include not only the actions taken by the
operator in the control room, but also operator actions taken in the plant where the equipment is
operated from a local control panel or station.

The Operations Department of the plant should decide which of these approaches or combination
of approaches would best accomplish the review of the SSEL against the plant’s operating


A summary of the systems selected for shutting down the plant following a Safe Shutdown
Earthquake (SSE) and the basis for selecting those systems should be documented. This
summary can be similar to the generic summaries contained in Appendix A for PWRs or BWRs.

The scope of the equipment included on the Safe Shutdown Equipment List (SSEL) for each of
the systems used to shut down the plant should be identified; this can be done using marked-up
schematic drawings (P&IDS, electrical one-lines, etc.).

The Safe Shutdown Equipment Lists (SSELs) should be retained along with any special
explanations for including or excluding certain items of equipment.

The method used by the plant’s Operations Department to verify the compatibility of the SSELs
with the plant operating procedures should be documented.

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Section 9 summarizes the type of documentation which should be generated and that which
should be included in the report submitted to the NRC.

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Listed below are the specific reasons for making the changes marked with a vertical line in the
margin of this section to create GIP-3A from GIP-3, Updated 5/16/97. The endnote numbers
listed below correspond to the bracketed numbers (e.g., [1]) located in the text of this section
where the changes are made.

SSER No. 2, Sec. II.4.1 – The Staff position is that the licensee must commit to both the SQUG
commitments and the use of the entire implementation guidance provided in GIP-2, unless otherwise
justified to the staff as described in GIP-2 and SSER No. 2.
The GIP has been amended in the “SQUG Commitments” sections of Part II to reiterate the requirement
contained in the GIP, Part I, Section 1.3 to (1) provide written justification to the NRC for prior
approval of any substantial deviations from the SQUG commitments and (2) notify the NRC of
significant or programmatic deviations from the GIP guidance no later than the summary report.
SSER No. 2, Sec. II.3.1 – The Staff clarification of the requirement that PWRs be brought to a “hot
shutdown condition” within 72 hours is that the reactor coolant system temperature and pressure should
be lowered to the point at which residual heat removal (RHR) equipment could be used, but that it is not
necessary for RHR equipment to be included on the SSEL.
The GIP has been amended in Part II, Section 3.2.3 to reflect the Staff clarification.
SSER No. 2, Sec. II.3.1 – The Staff recommendation is that if a plant’s original design capability or
technical specification limits will not permit the plant to achieve hot shutdown within 72 hours, the
licensee should discuss with, and obtain prior written consent from, the Staff on a case-by-case basis
before implementing the USI A-46 program.

The GIP has been amended in Part II, Section 3.2.3 to reflect the Staff recommendation.
Typographical error corrected.
SSER No. 2, Sec. II.3.2 – The Staff position is that plant operators should be trained in the use of normal
shutdown procedures or symptom-based emergency operating procedures (EOPs) which would be used
if a safe shutdown earthquake were to occur and that these procedures should be compatible with the

The GIP has been amended in Part II, Section 3.2.8 to clarify that appropriate changes to operator
training should be made if licensees find that changes to the plant operating procedures are necessary to
achieve compatibility with the SSEL.
SSER No. 2, Sec. II.3.4 – The Staff position is that safety relief valves mounted on NSSS equipment
should not be excluded from the scope of USI A-46 because GIP Reference 17 does not provide a basis
for such an exclusion.
The GIP has been edited in Part II, Section 3.3.2 to delete safety relief valves from the examples of
NSSS equipment that may be excluded from the scope of the USI A-46 program.

Revision 3A

SSER No. 2, Sec. II.3.5 – The Staff position is that any item of equipment needed for safe shutdown
should be evaluated for relay chatter, even if that item of equipment is itself seismically rugged.

The GIP has been amended in Part II, Section 3.3.3 to clarify that the review for relay chatter must be
conducted even if the equipment being controlled, such as a pump, is seismically adequate.

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Section 4
Screening Verification and Walkdown


The purpose of this section is to describe the Screening Verification and Walkdown which
should be performed to verify the seismic adequacy of active mechanical and electrical
equipment identified in Section 3 and any electrical equipment housing essential relays identified
in Section 6. The guidelines contained in this section can be used as the first level of screening
of this equipment for seismic adequacy. If the equipment does not pass this screen, other more
refined or sophisticated methods for verifying the seismic adequacy of the equipment may be
used as described in Section 5, Outlier Identification and Resolution.

Seismic Screening Guidelines

The procedure for performing the Screening Verification and Walkdown is depicted in
Figure 4-l. As shown in the figure, each of the following four seismic screening guidelines
should be used to verify the seismic adequacy of an item of equipment:

• Seismic Capacity Compared to Seismic Demand - The seismic capacity of the equipment,
based on earthquake experience data, generic seismic testing data, or equipment-specific
seismic qualification data, should be greater than the seismic demand imposed on the
equipment by the safe shutdown earthquake (SSE).

• Caveats - In order to use the seismic capacity defined by the earthquake experience
Bounding Spectrum or the generic seismic testing GERS, the equipment should be similar
to the equipment in the earthquake experience equipment class or the generic seismic
testing equipment class and also meet the intent of the specific caveats for that class of
equipment. If equipment-specific seismic qualification data is used, then any specific
restrictions or caveats for that qualification data apply instead.

• Anchorage - The equipment anchorage capacity, installation, and stiffness should be

adequate to withstand the seismic demand from the SSE at the equipment location.

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Figure 4-1. Overall Procedure for Performing Screening Verification and Walkdown

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• Seismic Interaction - The effect of possible seismic spatial interactions with nearby
equipment, systems, and structures should not cause the equipment to fail to perform its
intended safe shutdown function.

The evaluation of equipment against each of these four screening guidelines should be based
upon walkdown evaluations, calculations, and other supporting data.

Outlier Resolution

An outlier is defined as an item of equipment which does not meet the screening guidelines
contained in this section. An outlier may be shown to be adequate for seismic loadings by
performing additional evaluations such as the seismic qualification techniques currently being
used in newer nuclear power plants. These additional evaluations and alternate methods should
be thoroughly documented to permit independent review. Section 5 summarizes possible
methods for evaluating outliers.

Seismic Capability Engineers

The guidelines described in this section should be applied by Seismic Capability Engineers as
defined in Section 2. These engineers are expected to exercise engineering judgment based upon
an understanding of the guidelines given in this document, the basis for these guidelines given in
the reference documents and presented in the SQUG training course, and their own seismic
engineering experience.

Other Types of Seismic Evaluations and Interfaces

In addition to the seismic evaluations covered in this section for active mechanical and electrical
equipment, seismic evaluations for three other types of equipment are covered in other sections
as follows:

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• Section 6 - Relay Functionality Review

• Section 7 - Tanks and Heat Exchangers Review
• Section 8 - Cable and Conduit Raceways Review

While these other seismic evaluations can generally be performed independently from those for
active mechanical and electrical equipment, there are a few areas where an interface with the
Relay Functionality Review (Section 6) is appropriate:

• Any cabinets containing essential relays, as determined by the relay review in Section 6,
should be evaluated for seismic adequacy using - the guidelines contained in Section 4.

• A capacity reduction factor should be applied to expansion anchor bolts which secure
cabinets containing essential relays. The capacity reduction factor is discussed in Section
4.4 and Appendix C.

• Seismic interaction, including even mild bumping, is not allowed on cabinets containing
essential relays. This limitation is discussed in Section 4.5.

• In-cabinet amplification factors for cabinets containing essential relays may be estimated,
using the guidelines in Section 6, by the Seismic Capability Engineers for use in the Relay
Functionality Review.

It is suggested that items of equipment containing essential relays be identified prior to the
Screening Verification and Walkdown covered in this section so that the above evaluations may
be accomplished during the Screening Verification and Walkdown.

Organization of Section

The remainder of this section is organized as follows:

• Section 4.1 lists the requirements to which SQUG utilities commit when adopting the
Screening Verification and Walkdown procedure in this document for resolution of USI

• Sections 4.2 through 4.5 describe the four seismic screening guidelines for performing the
Screening Verification and Walkdown.

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• Section 4.6 provides recommendations for documenting the results of the Screening
Verification and Walkdown.

Guidelines for preparing for and conducting a Screening Verification and Walkdown are
described Appendices E and F, respectively. Recommended checklists, called Screening
Evaluation Work Sheets (SEWS), are provided in Appendix G for use during the Screening
Verification and Walkdown.


Members of SQUG adopting the Generic Implementation Procedure for USI A-46 resolution
commit to the following in regard to verifying the seismic adequacy of active mechanical and
electrical equipment in the identified safe shutdown path. [1]As specified in GIP, Part I,
Section 1.3, any substantial deviations from the SQUG Commitments must be justified to the
NRC in writing prior to implementation. Likewise the NRC should be notified of significant or
programmatic deviations from the GIP guidance (Sections 4.2 through 4.6) but implementation
may begin without first obtaining NRC concurrence (at the licensee’s own risk).

4.1.1 Basic Criteria

The licensee will use the following four screening guidelines to verify the seismic adequacy of
safe shutdown equipment.

• The seismic capacity of the equipment will exceed the seismic demand associated with the
safe shutdown earthquake (SSE).

• Equipment whose seismic capacity is based on the earthquake experience equipment class
or generic seismic testing equipment class will meet the intent of the specific caveats
defining the bounds of these equipment classes.

• Anchorage capacity, stiffness, and installation will be adequate to withstand the seismic
demand associated with the SSE.

• Seismic interactions with nearby equipment or structures will not adversely affect the
required safe shutdown function of the equipment.

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The methods for verifying the seismic adequacy of relays, tanks, heat exchangers, and cable and
conduit raceways are discussed in other sections of this procedure.

4.1.2 Determination of Seismic Capacity

The licensee will determine the seismic capacity of safe shutdown equipment using:

• Earthquake experience data with capacity defined by the Bounding Spectrum,

• Generic seismic test data which have been compiled into Generic Equipment Ruggedness
Spectra (GERS), or

• Equipment-specific seismic qualification data, or data on similar equipment.

4.1.3 Use of Caveats

The licensee will evaluate whether the safe shutdown equipment meets the intent of the caveats
summarized in Appendix B when verifying the seismic adequacy of equipment by use of the
Bounding Spectrum or GERS.

4.1.4 Anchorage Verification

The licensee will verify anchorage adequacy with an approach incorporating three elements:

• Comparison of the anchorage capacity with the seismic demand.

• Evaluation of the anchorage to verify that it is free of gross installation defects.
• Evaluation of the equipment anchorage load path to verify that there is adequate stiffness
and strength.

All required anchorages of safe shutdown equipment will be inspected unless otherwise justified
by the licensee, based on other anchorage evaluation results, radiation dose concerns, or other

Revision 3A

4.1.5 Seismic Interaction

The licensee will evaluate seismic spatial interactions of safe shutdown equipment with nearby
equipment and structures that may compromise the performance of the safe shutdown function.
Three effects will be included in the review:

• Proximity effects
• Overhead or adjacent equipment failure

• Flexibility of attached lines or cables

4.1.6 Documentation

The licensee will document the results of the Screening Verification and Walkdown on
Screening Verification Data Sheets (SVDS).


The first screening guideline which should be satisfied to verify the seismic adequacy of an item
of mechanical or electrical equipment is to confirm that the seismic capacity of the equipment is
greater than or equal to the seismic demand imposed on it.

This section addresses the comparison of seismic capacity to seismic demand for the equipment
itself. Note that a comparison of seismic capacity to seismic demand is also made for the
anchorage of the equipment in Section 4.4 and for the relays mounted in the equipment in
Section 6.

The seismic capacity of equipment can be represented by a “Bounding Spectrum” based on

earthquake experience data, or a “Generic Equipment Ruggedness Spectrum” (GERS) based on
generic seismic test data. These two types of seismic capacity spectra are described in Sections
4.2.1 and 4.2.2, respectively. Note that these two methods of representing seismic capacity of
equipment can only be used if the equipment meets the intent of the caveats for its equipment
class as described in Section 4.3.

Revision 3A

Table 4-1.
Methods for Comparing Equipment Seismic Capacity to Seismic Demand

Method A. - Comparisons with SSE Ground Response Spectra

An SSE ground response spectrum can be used for comparison to the Bounding Spectrum or the GERS
• Equipment is mounted below about 40 feet above the effective grade(a), and
• Equipment has natural frequency greater than about 8 Hz.
Capacity Demand
A.1 Bounding Spectrum ≥ SSE Ground Response Spectrum(a)
A.2 GERS ≥ 1.5(b) x 1.5(c) x SSE Ground Response
Method B. - Comparisons with In-Structure Response Spectra for the SSE
An in-structure response spectrum can be used for comparison to 1.5 x Bounding Spectrum or the
GERS for equipment which is mounted at any elevation in the plant and/or for equipment with any
natural frequency.
Capacity Demand
B.1 1.5 x Bounding Spectrum ≥ Conservative, Design or Realistic, Median-
Centered, In-Structure SSE Response
B.2 GERS ≥ Conservative, Design, In-Structure SSE
Response Spectrum(d)
B.3 GERS ≥ 1.5(b) x Realistic, Median-Centered, In-Structure
SSE Response Spectrum(d)

(a) “Effective grade” and “SSE ground response spectrum” are defined in Section 4.2.3.
(b) The 1.5 multiplier in Methods A.2 and B.3 is a factor of conservatism to account for uncertainty
when comparing GERS to realistic, median-centered, in-structure response spectra.
(c) The second 1.5 factor in Method A.2 effectively converts the ground response spectrum to a
realistic, median-centered, in-structure response spectrum only for equipment which is mounted
below about 40 feet above the effective grade(a) and has a natural frequency greater than about
8 Hz.
(d) “Conservative, design” and “realistic, median-centered” in-structure response spectra are defined in
Section 4.2.4.

The seismic capacity of an item of equipment can be compared to a seismic demand which is
defined in terms of either a ground response spectrum or an in-structure response spectrum.
Table 4-l outlines these types of comparisons as either Method A or B. Method A is for making
a comparison with a ground response spectrum; Section 4.2.3 discusses this type of comparison.

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Method B is a comparison with an in-structure response spectrum; Section 4.2.4 discusses this
type of comparison. Method A comparisons are generally easier to apply than Method B

Enveloping of Seismic Demand Spectrum. To verify seismic adequacy, in general, the seismic
capacity spectrum should envelop the seismic demand spectrum [2]over the entire frequency
range of interest (typically 1 to 33 Hz). There are two special exceptions to this general rule:

• The seismic capacity spectrum needs only to envelop the seismic demand spectrum for
frequencies at and above the conservatively estimated lowest natural frequency of the item
of equipment being evaluated.
Caution should be exercised when using this exception because an equipment assembly
(e.g., electrical cabinet lineup) may consist of many subassemblies, each manifesting its
fundamental mode of vibration at different frequencies. The lowest natural frequency of
each subassembly should be determined with high confidence using the guidance provided
below in the section labeled “Lowest Natural Frequency.” It is noted that unless the
equipment is tested with a high-level vibratory input, the fundamental frequency can be
difficult to estimate, especially for complex structural equipment.

• Narrow peaks in the seismic demand response spectrum may exceed the seismic capacity
response spectrum if the average ratio of the demand spectrum to the capacity spectrum
does not exceed unity when computed over a frequency range of 10% of the peak
frequency (e.g., 0.8 Hz range at 8 Hz). Note that it is permissible to use unbroadened
seismic demand response spectra for this comparison, however when doing so, uncertainty
in the natural frequency of the building structure should be addressed by shifting the
frequency of the seismic demand response spectrum at these peaks. [3]A reference or basis
for establishing the degree of uncertainty in the natural frequency of the building structure
should be included in the plant-specific seismic evaluation records.

If either of these exceptions is used, the Screening Evaluation Work Sheets (SEWS) (from
Appendix G) should be marked to indicate an exception that has been invoked.

Lowest Natural Frequency. When it is necessary to determine the lowest natural frequency of an
item of equipment, the Seismic Capability Engineers may, in most cases, estimate a lower bound
for this frequency based on their experience, judgment, and available data. The lowest natural
frequency of concern is that of the lowest natural mode of vibration that could adversely affect

Revision 3A

the safe shutdown function of the equipment. The modes of vibration which should be
considered are:

• The overall structural modes of the equipment itself and

• The modes for internal structures (e.g., flexural mode for door panels) which support
components needed to accomplish the safe shutdown function of the equipment.

In addition, as discussed in Section 4.3, the Seismic Capability Engineers should also be alert for
and note any areas of concern within the “box” (as defined in Section 3.3.3) which could be
seismically vulnerable. This would include such things as components mounted in or on the
equipment which have known low natural frequencies, seismic vulnerabilities, or are not
mounted properly (e.g., loose or missing bolts). If these types of situations are found during the
seismic review, their presence may constitute a third type of vibrational mode and their influence
should be included in the estimate of the lowest natural frequency and the assessment of the
seismic adequacy of the equipment.

Equipment-Specific Seismic Qualification. Equipment-specific seismic qualification techniques

as used in newer nuclear power plants may be used instead of the methods given in this section.
Specific guidelines for these equipment-specific qualification techniques are not provided herein.

4.2.1 Seismic Capacity Based on Earthquake Experience Data

Earthquake experience data was obtained by surveying and cataloging the effects of strong
ground motion earthquakes on various classes of equipment mounted in conventional power
plants and other industrial facilities. The results of this effort are summarized in Reference 4.
Based on this work, a “Bounding Spectrum” was developed which represents the seismic
capacity of equipment in the earthquake experience equipment class. A detailed description of
the derivation and use of this Bounding Spectrum is contained in Reference 5; this reference
should be reviewed by the Seismic Capability Engineers before using the Bounding Spectrum.
The Bounding Spectrum (and 1.5 times the Bounding Spectrum) is shown in Figure 4-2.

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The Bounding Spectrum can be used to represent the seismic capacity of equipment in a nuclear
power plant when this equipment is determined to have characteristics similar to the earthquake
experience equipment class and meets the intent of the caveats for that class of equipment as
defined in Section 4.3 and Appendix B.

Figure 4-2. Seismic Capacity Bounding Spectrum Based on Earthquake Experience Data
(Source: Reference 5)

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Use of the Bounding Spectrum for comparison with the ground response spectrum (Method A.1
in Table 4-l) is described in Section 4.2.3. Comparison of 1.5 times the Bounding Spectrum to
an in-structure response spectrum (Method B.1 in Table 4-l) is described in Section 4.2.4. The
1.5 factor effectively converts the equipment seismic capacity defined in terms of a ground
response spectrum to a capacity spectrum defined in terms of a realistic, median-centered, in-
structure response spectrum.

4.2.2 Seismic Capacity Based on Generic Seismic Testing Data

A large amount of data was collected from seismic qualification testing of nuclear power plant
equipment. This data was used to establish a generic ruggedness level for various equipment
classes in the form of Generic Equipment Ruggedness Spectra (GERS). The development of the
GERS and the limitations on their use (caveats) are documented in Reference 6. Copies of the
non-relay GERS along with a summary of the caveats to be used with them are included in
Appendix B. Seismic Capability Engineers should review Reference 6 to understand the basis
for the GERS.

GERS can be used to represent the seismic capacity of an item of equipment in a nuclear power
plant when this equipment is determined to have characteristics which are similar to the generic
testing equipment class and meets the intent of the caveats for that class of equipment as defined
in Section 4.3 and Appendix B.

Use of the GERS by comparison to 1.5 times 1.5 times the ground response spectrum (Method
A.2 in Table 4-l) is described in Section 4.2.3. Use of the GERS by comparison to a
conservative, design in-structure response spectrum or 1.5 times the realistic, median-centered
in-structure response spectrum (Methods 8.2 and 8.3 in Table 4-l) is described in Section 4.2.4.

One of the 1.5 factors used with the ground response spectrum for Method A.2 effectively
converts the ground response spectrum to a realistic, median-centered, in-structure response
spectrum for equipment which is mounted below about 40 feet above the effective grade1 and

“Effective grade” is defined in Section 4.2.3

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has a lowest natural frequency2 greater than about 8 Hz. The other 1.5 factor applied to the
ground response spectrum in Method A.2 and the 1.5 factor applied to the realistic, median-
centered in-structure response spectra in Method B.3 is a factor of conservatism to account for
uncertainty when comparing GERS to realistic, median-centered, in-structure response spectra
instead of conservative, design in-structure response spectra.

4.2.3 Method A - Comparison of Seismic Capacity to Ground Response


The ground response spectrum for the Safe Shutdown Earthquake (SSE) can be used to represent
the seismic demand applied to nuclear plant equipment when one of the following two
comparisons is made:

• Method A.1: Bounding Spectrum envelops the SSE ground response spectrum (5%

• Method A.2: GERS envelops 1.5 times 1.5 times the SSE ground response spectrum (5%

These comparisons are shown as Methods A.1 and A.2 in Table 4-l. The remainder of this
section provides a definition of terms, the advantage and limitations of using these comparisons
with ground response spectra, and guidance for evaluating in-line equipment.

Definition of Terms. The terms used in this section are defined below.

The “SSE ground response spectrum” which should be used in the comparisons is the largest
horizontal component of the 5% damped, free-field, Safe Shutdown Earthquake (SSE) ground
response spectrum to which the nuclear plant is licensed.

The vertical component of the ground response spectrum is not explicitly considered for
equipment adequacy assessment (except for anchorage evaluations discussed in Section 4.4).
Evaluation of vertical component effects is implicit in the horizontal motion assessment since the

“Lowest natural frequency” of the equipment described in Section 4.2.

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earthquake experience plants typically experienced relatively more vertical motion (compared to
horizontal) than that postulated for most nuclear plants. When using GERS, the generic seismic
testing included effects of vertical motion which is consistent with that postulated for nuclear
plants. It is considered that, in general, equipment is more sensitive to horizontal motion than
vertical motion.

“Effective grade” at a nuclear plant is defined as the average elevation of the ground surrounding
the building along its perimeter. If the plant is founded on rock or a very stiff soil site without
controlled, compacted backfill, then the “effective grade” is the elevation where the structure
receives significant lateral support from the surrounding soil or rock; for example, the top of the
base mat. Similarly, “effective grade” should be taken at the foundation level if crushable foam
insulation or other measures are used to isolate the structure from the lateral support of the
surrounding soil or rock. If an internal structure of the building is supported primarily at the base
mat without significant lateral support from the surrounding structure, then the “effective grade”
is the elevation at the top of the base mat.

Advantage and Limitations. The advantage of using ground response comparisons is that with
the applicable restrictions and limitations, all the equipment covered by the Bounding Spectrum
or the GERS can be evaluated for seismic adequacy without the need for using in-structure
response spectra which are often based on very conservative modeling techniques or may not be

The restrictions and limitations on use of the ground response spectrum for comparison to the
Bounding Spectrum and the GERS is based on the conditions that the amplification factor
between the free-field response spectra and the in-structure response spectra will not be more
than about 1.5, and that the natural frequency of the equipment is not in the high energy range as

• The equipment should be mounted in the nuclear plant at an elevation below about 40 feet
above the effective grade, and

Revision 3A

• The equipment, including its supports, should have a fundamental natural frequency
greater than about 8 Hz.

Seismic Capability Engineers should be alert for unusual, plant-specific situations which could
cause the amplification factor to be greater than that of typical nuclear plant structures. The 1.5
amplification factor is only applicable to reinforced concrete frame and shear wall structures and
to heavily braced steel frame structures.

Use of GIP Method A, as defined above, is subject to the following conditions, cautions, and

(1) Method A is only applicable to reinforced concrete frame and shear wall
structures and to heavily braced steel frame structures typical of nuclear power

(2) For soil-supported structures where the SSE is clearly defined in the FSAR at an
elevation below grade, any significant soil amplification effects between the
defined location of the SSE Ground Response Spectra (GRS) and the effective
grade elevation needs to be considered when applying GIP Method A.

(3) The equipment must be mounted in the nuclear plant only at elevations below
about 40 feet above the effective grade.

(4) The equipment, including its supports, must have a fundamental natural frequency
greater than about 8 Hz.

In addition, at the request of the NRC (Reference 40), a plant-specific evaluation is required to
justify use of Method A for those applications where available in-structure response spectra
indicate that the building amplification above the ground motion may be significantly in excess
of a factor of about 1.5. Specifically, the conservatisms inherent in the in-structure response
spectra need to be evaluated on a structure-specific basis using a combination of qualitative and
quantitative approaches to confirm that an amplification factor of free field ground motion at the
location of the equipment will be within about 1.5. The following factors should be considered
in performing this evaluation, as applicable:

Revision 3A

• Location of input motion to building

• Ground response spectra shapes
• Soil-structure interaction

• Ground motion incoherence

• Frequency (structural modeling)
• Structural damping

• Time history simulation

• Non-linear behavior (e.g., soil property profile variation, concrete cracking)
• Other published data on the conservatisms in calculational models compared to measured
and/or modern best-estimate response spectra.

Accordingly, the use of Method A for new and replacement equipment (NARE) applications
shall be consistent with staff acceptance of Method A for specific buildings and elevations in the
plant-specific SER on closure of USI A-46. For use of Method A in buildings and at elevations
not reviewed and accepted by the staff in the USI A-46 SER, the licensee would be expected to
follow the four restrictions given above and to perform the additional plant-specific evaluations
outlined above or to develop realistic median-centered in-structure response spectra to justify
that the amplification factor between the free-field response spectra and the applicable
in-structure response spectra will be within about 1.5. (For use in buildings and at elevations at
and below those reviewed and accepted by the NRC as part of the USI A-46 reviews, no further
action would be required.) The plant-specific evaluation, where required, should be documented
and available for staff review on a case-by-case basis.

Guidance for Evaluating In-Line Equipment. When using the Bounding Spectrum for the
seismic capacity of equipment mounted on a piping system (i.e., valves, valve operators, and
sensors), the 8 Hz limitation does not apply. That is, the piping system can have a natural
frequency lower than about 8 Hz at the location where the item of equipment is mounted. Low
frequency piping systems are well represented in the earthquake experience data so special
measures to address amplification of input motion are not necessary.

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However, when using the GERS for the seismic capacity of equipment mounted on a piping
system (i.e., valves, valve operators, and sensors), the seismic demand should be based on the
response spectra of the piping system at the location where the equipment is mounted, not the in-
structure response spectra. The piping response spectra can be obtained from a dynamic piping
analysis if one is available. As an alternative, an amplification factor may be estimated to
account for amplification between the anchor point of the piping system (i.e., the floor or wall of
the building) and the point on the piping system where the item of equipment is mounted.

4.2.4 Method B - Comparison of Seismic Capacity to In-Structure Response


The in-structure response spectrum associated with the SSE can be used to represent the seismic
demand applied to nuclear plant equipment when one of the following three comparisons is

• Method B.1: 1.5 times Bounding Spectrum envelops the conservative, design, in-structure
response spectrum or the realistic, median-centered, in-structure response spectrum (5%

• Method B.2: GERS envelops the conservative, design, in-structure response spectrum (5%

• Method B.3: GERS envelops 1.5 times the realistic, median-centered, in-structure response
spectrum (5% damping).

These comparisons are shown as Methods B.1, B.2, and B.3, respectively, in Table 4-l.

For these comparisons, the largest horizontal component of the 5% damped in-structure response
spectra is used, for the location in the plant where the item of equipment is mounted.

The in-structure response spectrum used for the seismic demand should be representative of the
elevation in the building where the equipment is anchored and receives its seismic input. This
elevation should be determined by the Seismic Capability Engineers during the plant walkdown.

Revision 3A

The remainder of this section provides a definition of terms, the advantages and limitations of
using these comparisons with in-structure response spectra, and guidance for evaluating in-line

Definition of Terms. The terms used in this section are defined below.

“Conservative design” in-structure response spectra are defined as response spectra which have
been computed in accordance with current NRC Regulatory Guidelines (such as Reg. Guide 1.60
and 1.61) and the Standard Review Plan (SRP Section 3.7, Rev. 2, August 1989). Alternatively,
for post-1976 operating license (OL) plants with non-Housner-type ground response spectra
(Category 1 plants without double asterisks in Table A of SSER No. 2, GIP Reference 34) and
plants included in the Systematic Evaluation Program (SEP, Category 2 in Table A of SSER No.
2), the in-structure response spectra included in the licensing-basis (LB) documents such as final
safety analysis reports (FSARs), updated safety analysis reports (USARs), and other pertinent
commitments related to in-structure response spectra may be used as “conservative, design” in-
structure response spectra. For plants in neither category (Category 1 plants with double
asterisks and Category 3 in Table A of SSER No. 2), the plant LB in-structure response spectra
may be used as “conservative design” in-structure response spectra, provided that the licensee
submits to the NRC for review the detailed information on which procedures and criteria were
used to generate those in-structure response spectra as described in the GIP, Part I, Section The NRC Staff will review the acceptability of the proposed usage case-by-case. NRC
Staff approval of the proposed in-structure response spectra is necessary before beginning
implementation of the USI A-46 program. Note that the adequacy of design basis in-structure
response spectra is not in question.

“Realistic, median-centered” in-structure response spectra are defined as response spectra which
are based on (1) realistic damping levels for the structure and the effects of embedment and
wave-scattering, and (2) structural dynamic analysis using realistic, best estimate modeling
parameters and calculational methods such that no intentional conservatism enters into the
process. These in-structure response spectra should be based on a ground response spectrum
defined by one of the following options:

Revision 3A

a. NUREG/CR-0098 (Reference 23) median spectral shape anchored to an 84% non-

exceedance probability (NEP) peak ground acceleration (PGA).
b. NUREG/CR-0098 (Reference 23) 84% NEP spectral shape anchored to the design
basis SSE PGA.
c. Regulatory Guide 1.60 (Reference 24) spectral shape anchored to the design basis
d. Other ground response spectra which can be justified to be approximately at the 84%
NEP over the entire frequency range of interest.

In-structure response spectra for some USI A-46 plants may have been or are being developed
for the Individual Plant Examination of External Events (IPEEE) based on the realistic, median-
centered methods described in this section. Some IPEEE methods may use NUREG/CR-0098
(Reference 23), “Development of Criteria for Seismic Review of Selected Nuclear Power
Plants,” for median rock or soil spectrum (depending on the primary condition at the site)
anchored at the IPEEE assigned review level earthquake. For these plants, the IPEEE in-
structure response spectra may be used to generate realistic, median-centered, in-structure
response spectra for use in the USI A-46 program by scaling down the IPEEE spectra an
appropriate amount. This approach is intended, for USI A-46, to allow the licensee to use
seismic input for the IPEEE as described in NUREG-1407, “Procedural and Submittal Guidance
for the Individual Plant Examination of External Events (IPEEE) for Severe Accident
Vulnerabilities: Final Report,” June 1991.

One acceptable method for scaling down IPEEE spectra is to multiply the IPEEE in-structure
response spectra at all frequencies by the largest (i.e., the most conservative) ratio of the ground
response spectra (defined by any of the four options listed [8]above) to the IPEEE review level
ground response spectra, in the frequency range from 1 Hz to 33 Hz. These response spectra
should both be at a damping value of 5%. To illustrate how this ratio should be determined,
Figure 4-3 shows an example where an IPEEE review level ground response spectrum (a
NUREG/CR-0098 median shape response spectrum anchored at a PGA of 0.3g) is compared to a
design basis earthquake (DBE) ground response spectra (a Regulatory Guide 1.60 shape
response spectrum, from option “c”, above, anchored at a PGA of 0.15g). The DBE/IPEEE

Revision 3A

ratios for a few selected frequencies are also shown in Figure 4-3. Note that the largest ratio of
DBE/IPEEE is 0.74 at 2.5 Hz (the peak of the response spectra). This largest ratio should then
be multiplied by the spectral acceleration at each frequency of the IPEEE in-structure response
spectra to obtain the realistic, median-centered, in-structure response spectra for USI A-46. Note
that other methods may be acceptable for scaling down IPEEE in-structure response spectra
using ground response spectra other than the four types listed in the previous paragraph (such as
a Housner spectrum), however the licensee should obtain NRC concurrence on a case-by-case
basis before using other methods and ground response spectra.

Examples of realistic damping values are given in NUREG/CR-0098 (Reference 23) and EPRI
Report NP-6041 (Reference 12). The effects of embedment, wave scattering, and other soil
structure interaction (SSI) effects can be accounted for using the methods in the current NRC
Standard Review Plan (SRP) along with certain modifications such as using frequency shifting
(rather than peak broadening), using the spectral reduction factor given in the EPRI Report NP-
6041 (Reference 12) for considering the effects of horizontal spatial variation. Also, it is
permissible to allow free field motion at the base mat elevation to be less than 60% of the ground
level free field motion provided a suitable justification is developed.

If realistic, median-centered in-structure response spectra are used to resolve USI A-46, the
licensee should submit to the NRC Staff for review the procedure and the criteria to be used to
generate those realistic, median-centered in-structure response spectra if different that those
given in this section. However, when technical justifications identified in Item d., above, and in
the last sentence of the previous paragraph need to be developed, then such justification should
be provided to the NRC Staff. These submittals should be sent to the NRC as described in the
GIP, Part I, Section

The Seismic Safety Margins Research Program (References 21 and 22) has demonstrated the
large conservatism which exists in traditionally-computed, conservative in-structure response
spectra versus realistic, median-centered in-structure response spectra. The specific assumptions
made in generating in-structure response curves should be reviewed by the Seismic Capability
Engineers using the guidance provided above and in Appendix A of Reference 5.

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Advantages and Limitations. The advantage of using in-structure response spectra comparisons
is that the equipment can be mounted at any elevation in the plant (i.e., higher than 40 feet above
effective grade) and/or the equipment can have any natural frequency.

Note that for comparison to 1.5 times the Bounding Spectrum (comparison using Method B.1), it
is preferable to use realistic, median-centered, in-structure response spectra. Unfortunately,
these types of spectra may not be readily available for the older plants in the USI A-46 program.
Conservative, design, in-structure response spectra may be used instead; however, this may
introduce substantial conservatism, particularly at higher elevations in the plant.

Guidance for Evaluating In-Line Equipment. The amplified response of in-line equipment which
is supported by piping (e.g., valves, valve operators, and sensors) is handled differently when
using the Bounding Spectrum or the GERS as the seismic capacity of the equipment. When
using the Bounding Spectrum (comparison using Method A.1) or 1.5 times the Bounding
Spectrum (comparison using Method B.1), it is not necessary to account for amplification of the
piping system between the anchor point of the piping system (i.e., the floor or wall of the
building) and the point on the piping system where the item of equipment is attached. This is
because the effect of amplified response in piping systems is accounted for in the earthquake
experience database.

When using GERS as the seismic capacity of equipment (comparisons using Methods B.2 and
B.3), piping system amplifications should be accounted for when establishing the seismic
demand on the in-line item of equipment. The amplification factor can be obtained from a
dynamic piping analysis if one is available. As an alternative, the amplification factor may be
estimated using judgment.

Revision 3A

Type 1.0 Hz 2.5 Hz 4.0 Hz 9.0 Hz 15.0 Hz 33.0 Hz

DBE 0.221g 0.471g 0.440g 0.392g 0.268g 0.15g
IPEEE 0.386g 0.636g 0.636g 0.636g 0.473g 0.30g
Ratio 0.57 0.74** 0.69 0.62 0.57 0.50
** Largest DBE/IPEEE ratio

Figure 4-3. Illustration of Method for Determining Largest Ratio of

DBE to IPEEE Ground Response Spectra

Revision 3A


The second screening guideline which should be satisfied to verify the seismic adequacy of an
item of mechanical or electrical equipment is to confirm that (1) the equipment characteristics
are generally similar to the earthquake experience equipment class or the generic seismic testing
equipment class and (2) the equipment meets the intent of the specific caveats for the equipment
class. This review is only necessary when the Bounding Spectrum or the GERS is used to
represent the seismic capacity of an item of equipment (as described in Section 4.2). If
equipment-specific seismic qualification data is used instead, then only the specific restrictions
applicable to that equipment-specific qualification data need be applied.

One important aspect of verifying the seismic adequacy of equipment included within the scope
of this procedure is explained by the “rule of the box.” For the equipment included in either the
earthquake or testing equipment class (i.e., the equipment class sub-categories shown in
Table 3-l), all of the components mounted on or in this equipment are considered to be part of
that equipment and do not have to be evaluated separately. Auxiliary components which are not
mounted on the item of equipment but are needed by the equipment to fulfill its intended
function should be evaluated separately. Additional discussion of the “rule of the box” is found
in Section 3.3.3.

An item of equipment should have the same general characteristics as the equipment in the
earthquake experience equipment class or the generic seismic testing equipment class. The
intent of this rule is to preclude items of equipment with unusual designs and characteristics
which have not demonstrated seismic adequacy in earthquakes or tests. Appendix B contains a
summary of the equipment class descriptions based on the earthquake experience data and the
generic seismic testing data.

“Caveats” are defined as the set of inclusion and exclusion rules which represent specific
characteristics and features particularly important for seismic adequacy of a particular class of
equipment. Appendix B contains a summary of the caveats for the earthquake experience
equipment class and for the generic seismic testing equipment class.

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The “intent” of the caveats should be met when evaluating an item of equipment, as they are not
fixed, inflexible rules. Engineering judgment should be used to determine whether the specific
seismic concern addressed by the caveat is met. Appendix B provides brief discussions of the
intent of the caveats. Each item of equipment should be evaluated to determine whether it
meets the specific wording of the applicable caveats and their intent. However, if an item of
equipment meets the intent of the caveats , but the specific wording of the caveat rule is not met,
then that item is considered to have met the caveat; these cases should be reported to the NRC
and the reason for this conclusion should be documented in the plant records per Section 9.4.

Note that when reviewing items of equipment against equipment class caveats, it is important
to specifically evaluate the seismic adequacy of equipment on the Safe Shutdown Equipment
List (SSEL) which may have been identified as being made of brittle material, e.g., cast iron,
since such equipment many be more vulnerable to earthquake damage.

Note that the caveats of Appendix B are not necessarily a complete list of every seismically
vulnerable detail that may exist since it is impossible to cover all such situations by meaningful
caveats. Instead, the Seismic Capability Engineers should exercise their judgment and
experience to seek out suspicious details or uncommon situations (not specifically covered by the
caveats) which may make equipment vulnerable to SSE effects. For example, the Seismic
Capability Engineers should note any areas of concern within the “box” as defined in
Section 3.3.3 which could be seismically vulnerable such as added attachments, missing or
obviously inadequate anchorage of components, heavy objects mounted high up in the
equipment, components which are known to be seismically sensitive, etc.

The summaries of the equipment class descriptions and caveats in Appendix B are based on
information contained in References 4, 5, and 6. The Seismic Capability Engineers should use
the summaries in Appendix B only after first reviewing and understanding the background of the
equipment classes and bases for the caveats as described in these references. These references
provide more details (such as photographs of the database equipment) and more discussion than
summarized in Appendix B.

Revision 3A


The third screening guideline which should be satisfied to verify the seismic adequacy of an item
of mechanical or electrical equipment is to confirm that the anchorage of the equipment is
adequate. Lack of anchorage or inadequate anchorage has been a significant cause of equipment
failing to function properly during and following past earthquakes.

The screening approach for verifying the seismic adequacy of equipment anchorage is based
upon a combination of inspections, analyses, and engineering judgment. Inspections consist of
measurements and visual evaluations of the equipment and its anchorage, supplemented by use
of plant documentation and drawings. Analyses should be performed to compare the anchorage
capacity to the seismic loadings (demand) imposed upon the anchorage. These analyses should
be done using the guidelines contained in this section and Appendix C. [11] Engineering judgment
is also an important element in the evaluation of equipment anchorage. Guidance for making
judgments is included, where appropriate, in this section and in the reference documents.

Anchorage analyses may be supplemented with the screening tables from Reference 7, the
computer code EBAC from Reference 7, or the computer code ANCHOR from Reference 14.
These screening tables and computer codes can be used to assist the user in comparing the
seismic demand and capacity for the anchor bolts. However use of these tables or computer
codes does not relieve the user from following the guidelines and performing the checks
contained in this section. For example, the base stiffness and prying action (Check #12, below)
and equipment base strength and structural load path (Check #13, below) should be considered
carefully since the screening tables and computer codes do not account for these effects.

There are various combinations of inspections, analyses, and engineering judgment which can be
used to verify the adequacy of equipment anchorage. The Seismic Capability Engineers should
select the appropriate combination of elements for each anchorage installation based on the
information available. For example, a simple hand calculation may be sufficient for a pump
which has only a few, very rugged, anchor bolts in a symmetrical pattern. On the other hand, at

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times it may be advisable to use one of the anchorage computer codes to determine the loads
applied to a multi-cabinet motor control center if its anchorage is not symmetrically located.

Likewise a trade-off can be made between the level of inspection performed and the factor of
safety used for expansion anchor bolts. These types of trade-offs and others are discussed in this

The four main steps for evaluating the seismic adequacy of equipment anchorages include:

1. Anchorage Installation Inspection

2. Anchorage Capacity Determination
3. Seismic Demand Determination
4. Comparison of Capacity to Demand

It is not necessary to perform the above steps in the order given. Trade-offs between different
alternative approaches could affect the order in which these steps are performed.

The remainder of this section describes the four main steps for evaluating the seismic adequacy
of anchorages. In some cases, specific inspection checks and evaluations apply to only certain
types of anchors; additional details on these specific checks are covered in Appendix C.
Appendix G also includes Screening and Evaluation Work Sheets (SEWS) which can be used as
checklists to verify that all the appropriate steps in the anchorage evaluation procedure have been

It is not necessary to perform an anchorage evaluation for in-line valves (Equipment Classes #7
and #8: fluid-operated, motor-operated, and solenoid-operated valves). Likewise temperature
sensors (Equipment Class #19) are relatively light, normally attached to another piece of
equipment, and do not need an anchorage evaluation.

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The material contained in this section and in Appendix C is based upon References 5 and 7. The
Seismic Capability Engineers should not use the material in this section or Appendix C unless
they have thoroughly reviewed and understand the basis for the anchorage evaluation
methodology given in these reference documents.

4.4.1 Anchorage Installation Inspection

The first main step in evaluating the seismic adequacy of anchorages is to check the anchorage
installation and its connection to the base of the equipment. This inspection consists of visual
checks and measurements along with a review of plant documentation and drawings where

All accessible anchorages should be visually inspected. [12]All practicable means should be tried
to inspect inaccessible anchorages or those obstructed from view if they are needed for strength
to secure the item of equipment or if they secure equipment housing essential relays (to avoid
impact or excessive cabinet motion). For example, it is not considered practicable to resort to
equipment disassembly, removal, etc., to inspect inaccessible anchorages. The basis for the
engineering judgment for not performing these inspections should be documented.

A check of the following equipment anchorage attributes should be made:

1. Equipment Characteristics (i.e., estimation of mass, center of gravity location,

natural frequency, damping, and equipment base overturning moment center of
2. Type of Anchorage
3. Size and Location of Anchorage
4. Installation Adequacy
5. Embedment Length
6. Gap at Threaded Anchors
7. Spacing Between Anchorages
8. Edge Distance

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9. Concrete Strength and Condition

10. Concrete Crack Locations and Sizes
11. Essential Relays in Cabinets
12. Equipment Base Stiffness and Prying Action
13. Equipment Base Strength and Structural Load Path
14. Embedment Steel and Pads

Not all of these attributes are applicable to all types of anchors. Table 4-2 summarizes the
checks which should be made for the various types of anchorages. General guidelines for
performing these checks are provided below; specific guidelines are included in Appendix C for
those types of anchors covered in this procedure.

Engineering judgment should be exercised when making these checks. For example, it is not
necessary to measure the spacing between anchor bolts if it is obvious they are much farther
apart than the minimum spacing guidelines given in Appendix C.

Check 1 - Equipment Characteristics. To determine the seismic loading on the anchorage of an

item of equipment, the following equipment characteristics should be estimated: mass, location
of the center of gravity, natural frequency, component damping, and equipment base center of
rotation for overturning moment.

The mass of the equipment is a primary parameter for determining the inertial loads applied to
the anchorage. Equipment weight can be obtained from drawings and/or original purchase
documents, if available. However, if this information is not available, then conservative
estimates of equipment weight for several equipment classes are given in Section C.1 of
Appendix C. These estimated masses are, in general, based on the heaviest (or most dense) item
identified during a survey of typical nuclear plant equipment in each of the equipment classes.
For unusual equipment, an independent mass calculation should be performed or a conservative
estimate made.

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The location of the center of gravity of the equipment is used to determine the overturning
moment caused by the inertial loads. It should be estimated by performing a visual inspection of
the equipment. If the equipment has relatively uniform density, the center of gravity can be
taken at the geometric center of the equipment. If the mass of the equipment is skewed, then
appropriate adjustments should be made to the center of gravity location. If the equipment mass
is centered significantly offset from the geometric centerline, then this should be noted and
torsional effects included in the anchorage evaluations.

The lowest natural frequency (fn) of the equipment is used to determine the amplified
acceleration of the equipment from the in-structure response spectrum. Only the overall
structural modes of the equipment need be considered for anchorage evaluations. Since
equipment-specific information is normally not available for determining the natural frequency
of most types of equipment, approximate natural frequencies for certain classes of equipment are
given in Section C.1 of Appendix C as either rigid (f n > about 20 Hz) or flexible (f n < about
20 Hz).

The equipment damping should be determined for flexible equipment so that an appropriate in-
structure response spectrum, with the appropriate level of damping, is used to obtain spectral
accelerations. The damping values for certain classes of equipment are given in Section C.1.
For those classes of equipment not covered in Section C.1, the relative flexibility/stiffness and
damping should be estimated based on engineering judgment, past experience, and comparison
to the equipment which is included in Section C.1.

The center of rotation of the equipment base is the line on the base about which the equipment
would rotate due to an overturning moment. The location of the center of rotation should be
estimated based on the following guidance. For very rigid equipment bases, such as heavy
machinery on skid mounts, the equipment may be considered to pivot about its outer edge or far
side bolt centerline. For flexible equipment bases, such as electrical cabinets with light base
framing members, the center of rotation should be taken close to the equipment base centerline.

Table 4-2.
Anchorage Installation Inspection Checks

(V = Visual, D = Drawing Review, M = Measurement)

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Check 2 - Type of Anchorage. The following five types of anchorages are covered in this
procedure. If any other type of anchorage is used to secure an item of equipment, the anchorage
for that piece of equipment should be classified as an outlier and evaluated further in Section 5.

1. Expansion Anchors - Shell and Nonshell Types

2. Cast-In-Place Bolts and Headed Studs
3. Cast-In-Place J-Bolts
4. Grouted-In-Place Bolts
5. Welds to Embedded or Exposed Steel

It is important to identify which of these types of anchorage is used in an installation since these
anchorages have different capacities and different installation parameters which should be
checked during the inspection.

In most cases, it will be necessary to use plant drawings, specifications, general notes, purchase
records, or other such documents to identify the type of anchorage used for an item of
equipment. Welds to embedded steel can be distinguished from bolted anchorages without using
drawings; however, concrete drawings will still be needed to check the embedment details of the
steel. It is not necessary to have specific documented evidence for each item of equipment
installed in the plant; i.e., it is permissible to rely upon generic installation drawings or
specifications so long as the Seismic Capability Engineers have high confidence as to anchorage
type and method of installation and remain alert for subtle differences in anchorage installations
during the in-plant inspections. The Seismic Capability Engineers should visually inspect the
anchorages to check that the actual installation appears to be the same as that specified on the
drawing or installation specification.

If documents are not available to identify the type of bolted anchorage used for an installation,
more detailed inspections should be done to develop a basis for the type of anchorage used and
its adequacy.

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For expansion anchors, it is important to identify the specific make and model of expansion
anchor since there is considerable variance in seismic performance characteristics for different
expansion anchor types. The makes and models of expansion anchors covered by this procedure
are listed in Section C.2.2 of Appendix C along with appropriate capacity reduction factors.

If the specific manufacturer and model of an expansion anchor is not known, then generic
capacity reduction factors can be used as indicated in Section C.2.2 of Appendix C. These
generic factors may be used, however, only on expansion anchors made from carbon steel or
better material. Concrete fasteners made from other materials or which use fastening
mechanisms which are different than that of expansion anchors should be identified as outliers.
This would include fasteners such as lead cinch expansion anchors, chemical anchors, plastic
anchors, powder-actuated fasteners, and concrete screws.

It is also important to distinguish between shell- and nonshell-type expansion anchors since
different types of checks should be made to assure that they are properly installed. Section C.2.2
provides a description of the differences between shell and nonshell expansion anchors, how to
tell them apart while they are installed, and what the capacity reduction factors are for the
various makes and models.

Note that expansion anchors should generally not be used for securing vibratory equipment, such
as pumps and air compressors. If such equipment is secured with expansion anchors, then there
should be a large margin between the pullout loads and the pullout capacities; i.e., these
expansion anchors should be loaded primarily in shear with very little pullout load. If a
component which is secured with expansion anchors, has been in service for a long time and its
expansion anchors remain tightly set, then this is a reasonable basis for ensuring installation
adequacy. It is generally recommended that if expansion anchors need to be used for vibrating
equipment, then undercut-type of expansion anchors should be installed.

Check 3 - Size and Location of Anchorage. The size of the anchors and the locations where they
secure the item of equipment to the floor or wall are key parameters for establishing the capacity
of the anchorage for that item of equipment. The nominal allowable capacities in Appendix C

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are listed according to the diameter of the anchor. Diameter is also used as a key parameter for
defining the minimum embedment length, spacing between anchors, and edge distance. The
number and location of the anchors which secure an item of equipment determine how the
seismic loadings are distributed among all the anchors. Note that the nominal allowable
capacities given in Appendix C also apply to anchors in the tension zone of concrete; e.g., on the

Check 4 - Installation Adequacy. Several general installation checks should be made of the
anchorage. For welds, a visual check of the adequacy of the welded joint should be performed;
more details are provided in Section C.6.3 of Appendix C. For bolt or stud installation, a visual
check should be made to determine whether the bolt or nut is in place and uses a washer where
necessary. Oversized washers or reinforcing plates are recommended for thin equipment bases.
(Additional discussion of corrections which can be made to equipment bases is included in
Check 12, below.) Lock washers are recommended where even low-level vibration exists. For
expansion anchors, a tightness check should be made to detect gross installation defects (such as
oversized concrete holes, total lack of preload, loose nuts, damaged subsurface concrete, and
missing plug for shell types) which would leave the anchor loose in the hole. The remainder of
the discussion on Check 4, below, provides an overview of the checks to be made on expansion
anchors; details are provided in Section C.2.3 of Appendix C.

The tightness check for expansion anchors can be accomplished by applying a torque to the
anchor by hand until the anchor is “wrench tight,” i.e., tightened without excessive exertion. If
the anchor bolt or nut rotates less than about l/4 turn, then the anchor is considered tight. This
tightness check is not intended to be a proof test of the capacity of the anchorage. This check is
merely meant to provide a reasonable assurance that the expansion anchor is not loose in the hole
due to gross installation defects.

It is not the intent of this procedure to require disassembly of cabinets and structures or removal
of electrical cabling and conduit to provide access to the expansion anchors for this tightness
check. Therefore, in those cases where expansion anchors are inaccessible, either during plant
operation or during shutdown, the Seismic Capability Engineers should make a judgment as to

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whether the number and distribution of tightness checks which have already been made in the
plant is sufficient, considering both the problem of inaccessibility and the results of the other
tightness checks. One concern with not checking the tightness of inaccessible expansion anchors
is that these types of anchors may not have been properly installed because access to them was
limited during installation; therefore, the reason for inaccessibility should be considered when
deciding not to check the tightness of expansion anchors.

For plants which have a large number of similar expansion anchors installed, a sampling
program may be used for the tightness check based on achieving 95% confidence that no more
than 5% of the expansion anchors fail the tightness test. Guidelines for conducting a sampling
program are provided in Section C.2.3 of Appendix C.

It is not necessary to perform a tightness check of an expansion anchor if the anchorage for that
piece of equipment is robust; i.e., there is a large margin between the applied load and the
anchorage capacity. Guidelines for evaluating whether there is sufficient margin in the
anchorage are provided in Section C.2.10 of Appendix C, Reduced Inspection Alternative.

It is not necessary to perform a tightness check of expansion anchors which are loaded in tension
due to dead weight, since the adequacy of the anchor set is effectively proof-tested by the dead
weight loading. Judgment should be exercised to assess the need for tightness checks when
multiple expansion anchors are used to secure a base plate loaded in tension by dead loads.

Seismic Capability Engineers should be aware that a tightness check alone for shell-type
expansion anchors may not be sufficient to detect gross installation defects of expansion anchors.
If the top of the shell is in contact with the equipment base, then the tightness check may simply
be tightening the shell against the bottom of the equipment base as shown in Figure 4-4. Seismic
Capability Engineers should exercise engineering judgment and spot check for this type of
installation defect by removing a few bolts from shell-type anchors and inspecting them to
ensure that the shell anchor and the equipment base are not in contact. If this spot check
indicates that these types of bolts may not be properly installed, then the inspection check should
be expanded accordingly.

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Embedment length is determined from the point on the anchor (defined in Appendix C for the
various types of anchors) to the surface of the structural concrete. Note: Grout pads should not
be included in the embedment length.

Figure 4-4. Installation of Shell-Type Expansion Anchors

Check 5 - Embedment Length. The embedment length of an anchor should be checked to

confirm that it meets the minimum value so that nominal allowable anchor capacities can be
used. A capacity reduction factor can be applied to the nominal allowable capacities for certain
types of anchors with less embedment. Minimum embedments and reduction factors are given in
Appendix C for each type of anchor covered in this procedure.

The minimum embedments for expansion anchors are based on the manufacturer's
recommendations and cannot be reduced by applying capacity reduction factors. Expansion

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anchors which have deeper embedments may use the higher recommended capacities contained
in the manufacturer's catalog in place of the nominal allowable capacities in Appendix C. The
minimum embedments for cast-in-place bolts and headed studs and for grouted-in-place bolts are
set to be sufficiently long so that the anchorage will fail in a ductile manner; i.e., in the bolt or
stud, not in the concrete. Grouted-in-place anchor embedments are the same as those for cast-in-
place anchors; a higher factor of safety is assigned to the pullout capacities of grouted-in-place
anchors to account for uncertainties in the bolt installation. The minimum embedment for
smooth bar J-bolts is based primarily on the bond strength between the bar and the concrete.

The embedment length of expansion anchors can be checked by: (1) confirming that the anchor
is one of the makes and models covered by this procedure (i.e., Check 2, “Type of Anchorage”),
and (2) performing a visual inspection of the installation using the guidelines in Section C.2.4.
For many types of nonshell anchors, ultrasonic testing can be used to determine bolt length.

It is not necessary to perform an embedment length check of an expansion anchor if the

anchorage for that piece of equipment is robust, i.e., there is a large margin between the applied
load and the anchorage capacity. Guidelines for evaluating whether there is sufficient margin in
the anchorage are provided in Appendix C, Section C.2.10, Reduced Inspection Alternative.

The embedment length for anchor types other than expansion anchors can be determined from
concrete installation drawings, ultrasonic testing, or other appropriate means.

Check 6 - Gap at Threaded Anchors. The size of the gap between the base of the equipment and
the surface of the concrete should be less than about l/4 inch in the vicinity of the anchors (as
illustrated in Figure 4-5). This limitation is necessary to prevent excessive flexural stresses in
the anchor bolt or stud and excessive bending moments on the concrete anchorage when shear
loads are applied. Anchorages with gaps larger than about l/4 inch should be classified as
outliers and evaluated in more detail.

There should be no gap at the bolt or stud anchor locations for equipment containing essential
relays. Gaps beneath the base of this equipment are not allowed since they have the potential for

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opening and closing during earthquake load reversals. This may create high frequency impact
loadings on the equipment and any essential relays mounted therein could chatter.

Figure 4-5. Equipment with Gap at Anchor Bolt

The gap size can be checked by performing a visual inspection; a detailed measurement of the
gap size is not necessary. The check for the presence of essential relays in equipment can be
done in conjunction with the Relay Functionality Review described in Section 6.

Check 7 - Spacing Between Anchorages. The spacing from an anchor to each nearby anchor
should be checked to confirm that it meets the minimum value so that nominal allowable anchor
capacities can be used. A capacity reduction factor can be used when bolt-to-bolt spacing is less

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than the minimum specified value. Minimum spacings and reduction factors are given in
Appendix C for each type of anchor covered in this procedure.

For expansion anchors, these spacing guidelines are based primarily on anchor capacity test
results. The pullout capacity of cast-in-place anchors and headed studs is based on the shear
cone theory. The minimum spacings given in Appendix C are for distances between adjacent
anchors in which the [13]shear cones of the anchors overlap slightly, reducing the projected shear
cone area for each by about 13%. These minimum spacings are for anchors with the minimum
embedment. Greater spacings are necessary to develop the full pullout capacities of deeply
embedded anchors if higher capacity values are used.

The shear capacity of anchors is not affected as significantly as tension capacity by closely
spaced anchors. Recommended minimum spacings for shear loads are given in Appendix C,
along with the corresponding capacity reduction factors for closely spaced anchors.

For clusters of closely spaced anchors, a capacity reduction factor should be applied to an anchor
for every other nearby anchor. For example, if there are three anchors in a line, and all are closer
than the minimum spacing, then the center anchor should have two reduction factors applied to
its nominal capacity allowable; the outside anchors should have only one reduction factor

The spacings between anchors can be checked in the field by a visual inspection and, if
necessary, the spacings can be measured. Measurements should be made from anchor centerline
to anchor centerline.

Check 8 - Edge Distance. The distance from an anchor to a free edge of concrete should be
checked to confirm that it meets the minimum value so that the nominal allowable anchor
capacities can be used. A capacity reduction factor can be used for an anchor which is closer to
an edge than the minimum. Minimum edge distances and reduction factors are given in
Appendix C for each type of anchor covered in this procedure.

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For expansion anchors, these edge distance guidelines are based primarily on anchor capacity
test results. Full pullout and shear capacity can be developed for cast-in-place anchors and
headed studs which are no closer to a free edge than the radius of the projected shear cone. The
minimum edge distances given in Appendix C correspond to the shear cone just touching the free
edge of concrete at the surface (no credit is taken for concrete reinforcement). These minimum
edge distances apply to anchors with the minimum embedment. Greater edge distances are
necessary to develop the full pullout capacities of deeply embedded anchors if higher capacities
are used.

When an anchor is near more than one free concrete edge, a capacity reduction factor should be
applied for each nearby edge. For example, if an anchor is near a corner, then two reduction
factors apply.

The edge distances can be checked in the field by a visual inspection and, if necessary, the edge
distances can be measured. Measurements should be made from anchor centerline to the free

Check 9 - Concrete Strength and Condition. The concrete compressive strength (f′c) should be
obtained from design documentation or tests to confirm that it meets the minimum value so that
the nominal allowable anchor capacities can be used. A capacity reduction factor can be used for
concrete which has lower strength than the minimum. Minimum concrete strength and reduction
factors are given in Appendix C for each type of anchor covered in this procedure.

In addition, the concrete in the vicinity of the anchor should be checked to be sure that it is free
of gross defects which could affect the holding strength of the anchor. This check should be
done in conjunction with Check 10, “Concrete Crack Locations and Sizes.” Surface defects such
as hairline shrinkage cracks are not of concern.

Note that this procedure covers anchors installed only in poured, structural concrete. If any
equipment is secured to other types of concrete or masonry structures, such as concrete block

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masonry walls, the anchorage for that item of equipment should be classified as an outlier and
evaluated separately.

The compressive strength of the concrete can normally be obtained from plant construction
drawings, specifications, or other documents. If this information is not available, core sample
information can be used or new samples can be taken and tested.

Check 10 - Concrete Crack Locations and Sizes. The concrete should be checked to confirm that
it is free of significant structural cracks in the vicinity of the installed anchors so that the nominal
pullout capacities given in Appendix C can be used. A pullout capacity reduction factor can be
used for concrete which has cracks which are larger than the acceptable maximum widths and
are located in the vicinity of the anchor. Maximum acceptable crack sizes and capacity reduction
factors are given in Appendix C for each type of anchor covered in this procedure.

Significant structural cracks in concrete are those which appear at the concrete surface and pass
through the concrete shear cone of an anchor installation or the location of the expansion wedge.
Concrete with surface (craze) cracks or shrinkage cracks which only affect the surface of the
concrete should be considered uncracked.

The check for cracks in the concrete can be done by a visual inspection of the anchorage
installation. It may be necessary to exercise judgment to establish whether cracks in the vicinity
of an anchor actually pass through the installation. It is sufficient to estimate the width of cracks
without making detailed measurements. This check should be done in conjunction with Check 9,
“Concrete Strength and Condition,” to find other gross defects which could affect the holding
strength of an anchor.

Check 11 - Essential Relays in Cabinets. Electrical cabinets and other equipment which are
secured with expansion anchors should be checked to determine whether they house essential
relays. If essential relays are present, a capacity reduction factor of 0.75 should be used for
cabinets which are secured with expansion anchors. This reduction factor is also described in
Section C.2.9 of Appendix C.

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The basis for this capacity reduction factor is that expansion anchors have a tendency to loosen
slightly when they are heavily loaded; i.e., they pull out of the concrete slightly. This effect does
not significantly reduce the ultimate load carrying capability of expansion anchors; however, the
slight gap between the base of the equipment and the surface of the concrete can open during the
first part of an earthquake load cycle and then slam closed during the second part of the cycle.
This creates high frequency impact loadings on the equipment, and the relays mounted therein
could chatter. Use of a capacity reduction factor for the expansion anchors which secure this
type of equipment lowers the maximum load which the anchor will experience; therefore this
minimizes the amount of loosening and hence the potential for introducing high frequency
impact loadings into the equipment.

The check for the presence of essential relays in equipment can be done in conjunction with the
Relay Functionality Review described in Section 6.

Check 12 - Base Stiffness and Prying Action. The base and anchorage load path of the
equipment should be inspected to confirm that there is adequate stiffness and there is no
significant prying action applied to the anchors. One special case of base flexibility is base
isolation systems. Guidelines for evaluating base isolators are included at the end of this
Check 12 section.

There are two main concerns with the lack of adequate stiffness in the anchorage and load path.
First, the natural frequency of the item of equipment could be lowered into the frequency range
where dynamic earthquake loadings are higher (i.e., below about 8 Hz in Boundary Spectrum
comparisons, or below about 20 Hz for equipment anchorage evaluations). Second, the cabinet
could lift up off the floor during an earthquake resulting in high frequency impact loadings on
the equipment, and any essential relays mounted therein could chatter.

Prying action can result from eccentric loads within the equipment itself and between the
equipment and the anchors. The concern is that these prying actions can result in a lack of

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adequate stiffness and strength and in additional moment loadings within the equipment or on the

Equipment constructed of sheet metal, such as motor control centers, switchgear, and
instrumentation and control cabinets, is susceptible to these effects and should be carefully
inspected for lack of stiffness and prying action. Figure 4-6 shows examples of stiff and
excessively flexible anchorage connections with prying action. In Example “A” of this figure,
the thin sheet metal may easily bend during uplift of the cabinet.

This unacceptable condition may be corrected by welding the outside edge of the cabinet base to
the embedded steel as shown in Example 'C'. Care should be taken during welding to avoid
burning through the thin sheet metal frame of the cabinet. Example “B” shows a thin sheet metal
base which can also easily bend during uplift. This unacceptable condition may be corrected by
adding a thick metal plate under the nut of the anchor bolt so that the effective thickness and size
of the base is similar to the bottom leg of the structural angle shown in Example “D”. Note that
the prying effect of the eccentric load on the anchor bolt in Example “D” should be considered.
Likewise, if the weld in Example “C” is actually nearer the edge of the embedded plate rather
than at the center as shown, then prying and/or bending will be present in the embedded plate.

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Figure 4-6. Examples of Stiff and Excessively Flexible Anchorage Connections.

(Source: Reference 5)

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The checks for adequate stiffness and lack of prying action require considerable engineering
judgment and can be done by a visual inspection of the anchorage installation. Seismic
Capability Engineers should also review by visual inspection the entire anchorage load path of
the equipment for adequate stiffness.

If the base is flexible or if prying action could occur, then the Seismic Capability Engineers
should exercise their judgment to lower the capacity of the anchorage accordingly.

If the equipment is mounted on a base isolation system, then the isolators should be evaluated for
seismic adequacy using the guidelines provided below.

Base isolators are vulnerable to failure during an earthquake for several reasons. Vibration
isolators, consisting primarily of one or several springs, have failed during earthquakes when the
springs could not resist lateral loads. Isolators manufactured of cast iron can shatter when
subjected to earthquakes. Rubber and elastomer products in isolators can fail when bonding
adhesives or the material itself fails. Other isolators have steel sections surrounding the spring
element, which at first appear stout; however, detailed review can reveal that seismic loads may
be carried through small fillet or tack welds and through flat bearing plates which bend along
their weak axis.

For a base isolator system to be acceptable for seismic loads, the isolator system should have a
complete set of bumpers to prevent excessive lateral movement in all directions. The bumpers
should not only prevent any excessive lateral movement and torsion, but a positive method of
resisting uplift should also be provided other than the springs themselves, or the rubber or
adhesives in tension. If the bumpers do not have elastomeric pads to prevent hard impact, the
effect of that impact on the equipment should be evaluated. (Note: Essential relays should not be
mounted in such equipment.) Isolators which were specifically designed for seismic applications
(not cast iron, unbraced springs, weak elastomers, etc.) may be accepted, provided suitable check
calculations verify that all possible load combinations and eccentricities within the isolator itself,
including possible impact loads, can be taken by the isolator system.

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Check 13 - Equipment Base Strength and Structural Load Path. The equipment base and
structural load path should be checked to confirm that it has adequate strength to transmit the
seismic loads from the center of gravity of the equipment to the anchorage. Several connections
may need to be checked in the evaluation to confirm that the weak link in the load path is
addressed, e.g., the channel or stud embedment, the weld between the embedded steel and the
cabinet base, and the connection bolts between the base of the equipment and its frame members.

This check should include such items as whether a washer is present under the nut or the head of
the bolt, and if not present, whether one is necessary. A washer is not necessary if the base of
the equipment is at least as thick as a standard washer with a hole no larger than the hole in a
standard washer. Another item to check is whether the internal bolting and welds near the base
of the equipment can carry the anchorage loads.

One example of inadequate strength in the equipment base was demonstrated during a shake
table test of a motor control center in which all four corners of the assembly broke loose. The
weld between the base channel and the shake table remained intact; however, the small 5/16-inch
bolted connections between the base channel and the frame of the assembly broke.

The check for adequate strength in the equipment base can be done by a visual inspection of the
anchorage installation. This check should be done in conjunction with Check 12, “Equipment
Base Stiffness and Prying Action.”

Check 14 - Embedment Steel and Pads. If an item of equipment is welded to embedded steel or
it is mounted on a grout pad or a large concrete pad, the adequacy of the embedded steel, the
grout pad, or the large concrete pad should be evaluated.

Welds made to embedded steel transmit the anchor load to the embedment. The location of the
weld should be such that large eccentric loads are not applied to the embedded steel. If the
embedment uses headed studs, the strength criteria given in Section C.3 should be used together
with the generic guidelines contained in this section. Other types of cast-in-place embedments
are not covered in this procedure [14]and should be classified as outliers. The holding strength of

Revision 3A

these other types of embedments may be determined during the outlier evaluation by testing or
by application of generally accepted engineering principles. Engineering judgment should be
exercised to establish a conservative estimate of the concrete failure surface for outlier resolution
of these other types of embedments. Manufacturer's test information or plant-specific test
information may be used in the outlier resolution of other types of embedments as appropriate.
Factors of safety consistent with this procedure should be followed.

Equipment mounted on grout pads should be checked to confirm that the anchorages penetrate
through the grout pad into the structural concrete beneath. Anchorages installed only in the grout
pad have failed in past earthquakes and do not have the capacity values assigned to anchors in
structural concrete.

If an item of equipment is anchored to a large concrete pad, the pad should have reinforcing steel
and be of sound construction (i.e., no prominent cracks). The pad/floor interface should also be
evaluated to determine whether it can transmit the earthquake loads. For example, if there are
sufficient reinforcement bars connecting the floor to the pad, then the connection is adequate.
Also, if a chemical bonding agent was used between the pad and floor, the adhesion strength can
typically develop the same strength as the concrete in tension and shear.

If there are no reinforcement bars or chemical bond between the pad and the floor, then the
interface can typically resist only shear loadings (if the interface had been roughened at the time
the pad was poured). It may be possible, in this case, to show that there are no tensile loads on
the pad/floor interface due to either: (1) the center of gravity of the item of equipment being low,
or (2) the weight of the pad itself acting as a ballast to resist the overturning moment.

The adequacy check of the embedded steel, grout pad, and large concrete pad can be done with a
visual inspection together with measurements and the use of drawings and other documents
where necessary. This check should be done in conjunction with Check 9, “Concrete Strength
and Condition,” and Check 10, “Concrete Crack Locations and Sizes.”

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4.4.2 Anchorage Capacity Determination

The second main step in evaluating the seismic adequacy of anchorages is to determine the
allowable capacity of the anchors used to secure an item of equipment. The allowable capacity
is obtained by multiplying the nominal allowable capacities by the applicable capacity reduction
factors. The nominal capacities and reduction factors can be obtained from Appendix C, based
on the results of the anchorage installation inspection checks described in Section 4.4.1.

The criteria in the GIP may be applied to modification or repair of existing anchorages (e.g.,
anchor bolts or welds) including one-for-one component replacements (e.g., replacing bolts in
one-for-one component replacements). For new installations and newly designed anchorages in
modifications or replacements, the USI A-46 (GIP) criteria and procedures may also be applied,
except that the factor of safety currently recommended for new nuclear plants in determining the
anchorage capacities shall be met.

The pullout capacity allowable is based on the product of the nominal pullout capacity and the
applicable capacity reduction factors:

Pall = Pnom · RTp · RLp · RSp · REp · RFp · RCp · RRp

Where: Pall = Allowable Pullout capacity of installed anchor (kip)

Pnom = Nominal allowable Pullout capacity (kip)
RTp = Reduction factor for the Type of expansion anchors
RLp = Reduction factor for short embedment Lengths
RSp = Reduction factor for closely Spaced anchors
REp = Reduction factor for near Edge anchors
RFp = Reduction factor for low strength (f′c) concrete
RCp = Reduction factor for Cracked concrete
RRp = Reduction factor for expansion anchors securing equipment with
essential Relays

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The shear capacity allowable is based on the product of the nominal shear capacity and the
applicable capacity reduction factors:

Vall = Vnom · RTs · RLs · RSs · REs · RFs · RRs

Where: Vall = Allowable shear capacity of installed anchor (kip)

Vnom = Nominal allowable shear capacity (kip)
RTs = Reduction factor for the Type of expansion anchors
RLs = Reduction factor for short embedment Lengths
RSs = Reduction factor for closely Spaced anchors
REs = Reduction factor for near Edge anchors
RFs = Reduction factor for low strength (f′c) concrete
RRs = Reduction factor for expansion anchors securing equipment with
essential Relays

Note that the pullout and shear capacities for anchors given above are based on having adequate
stiffness in the base of the equipment and on not applying significant prying action to the anchor.
If Check 12, Base Stiffness and Prying Action, shows that stiffness is not adequate or that
significant prying action is applied to the anchors, then the Seismic Capability Engineers should
lower the allowable capacity loads accordingly.

4.4.3 Seismic Demand Determination

The third main step in evaluating the seismic adequacy of anchorages is to determine the loads
applied to the anchorages by the seismic demand imposed on the item of equipment. This is
done using the following five steps:

1. Determine the appropriate input seismic accelerations for the item of equipment for
each of the three directions of motion.
2. Determine the seismic inertial equipment loads for each of the three directions of
motion using the equivalent static load method.
3. Determine the seismic inertial anchor loads by calculating the various load
components for each direction of motion.

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4. Calculate the combined seismic loads on each anchor from each of the three
directions of seismic motion. Then combine the load components from these three
directions using the Square Root Sum of the Squares (SRSS) method.
5. Calculate the total anchor loads on each anchor by adding the combined seismic
loads to the equipment deadweight loads and any other loads on the equipment.

These five steps are described below:

Step 1 - Input Seismic Accelerations. The first step in determining the seismic demand loads on
the anchorage is to compute the input seismic accelerations from an appropriate in-structure
response spectrum, at the damping and natural frequency of the equipment, for the location in the
plant where the equipment is mounted.

If the equipment is located in an area where there are two applicable lateral response spectra
(nominally one N-S and one E-W), then one of the following alternatives can be used to define a
single horizontal seismic demand acceleration for load calculation:

• Use the higher acceleration for both horizontal directions.

• Use the acceleration value (either N-S or E-W) which aligns with the direction of the
“weak” anchorage for that item of equipment.

• Use the actual direction N-S and E-W accelerations for the N-S and E-W loads on each
item of equipment.

The vertical component of acceleration can be taken as 2/3 of the horizontal component of
acceleration. For most equipment classes, the vertical direction fundamental frequency is in the
rigid range. For this reason, even if the equipment is flexible in a horizontal direction, then 2/3
of the horizontal [8]Zero Period Acceleration (ZPA) may be used as the vertical acceleration as

The following factors which should be considered in determining the input seismic accelerations
are covered below: equipment damping, natural frequency of the equipment, use of unbroadened
response spectra, and factors of conservatism for various types of in-structure response spectra.

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Equipment Damping. A 5% damping value can be used in anchorage evaluations for most
of the equipment classes covered by this procedure. Section C.1 of Appendix C lists the
equipment classes for which 5% damping is recommended. This level of damping is
adequate for these classes because the equipment either exhibits this level of damping or it
is essentially rigid (natural frequency greater than about 20 Hz) so that the damping level is
nearly irrelevant.

Section C.1 of Appendix C also lists the classes of equipment which have a lower damping
(3% damping) value. Equipment with 3% damping (only for anchorage evaluation)
includes instrument racks and some vertical pumps with motors. See Table C.1.1 in
Appendix C. Inspection Check 1 can be used to verify that the equipment does not have
unusual features which could lower its damping below the values given in Section C.1.

In-structure response spectra for the plant may not be available at the 5% or 3% damping
levels recommended in this procedure for anchorage evaluations. Therefore available
response spectra may be normalized to the desired spectral damping level using one of the
following methods (from Appendix A of Reference 6):

For in-structure response spectra which have a shape similar to the Bounding Spectrum
shown in Figure 4-2, i.e., without very narrow peaks, the spectral acceleration for a desired
damping ratio β D can be estimated from an available response spectrum with a damping
ratio of βA by using the following relationship:

Sa iD = Sa iA

However this spectral acceleration Sa iD is limited to:

Sa iD ≥ ZPA

for frequencies (fi) in the high frequency region, i.e., frequencies greater than the frequency
associated with the peak of the response spectrum.

The meaning of the symbols used above is as follows:

Sa iA = available spectral acceleration at frequency fi associated with a damping

ratio βA
Sa iD = desired spectral acceleration at frequency fi associated with a damping
ratio βD
βA = damping ratio of Available response spectrum
βD = damping ratio of Desired response spectrum
ZPA = Zero Period Acceleration
fi = frequency of interest

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For estimated in-structure response spectra based on 1.5 times horizontal ground response
spectrum (at 5% damping) for equipment which (1) is mounted below about 40 feet above
the effective grade3 and (2) has a fundamental natural frequency (overall structural mode)
greater than about 8 Hz, the spectral acceleration for a desired damping ratio β D can be
estimated from the available 5% damped response spectrum by using one of the following
three relationships:

For f i ≤ 8 Hz:

Sa iD = Sa iA

For f i ≥ 20 Hz:

Sa iD = Sa iA

For 8 Hz < f i < 20 Hz:

Sa iD = linear interpolation of Sa iD on a log-log scale between 8 Hz and 20 Hz

based on the above two formulas:

[m log( fi / 8 ) + log (Sa 8 Hz , D )]

= 10


Sa iA = available spectral acceleration at frequency fi associated with a 5%

damping ratio β A

Sa iD = desired spectral acceleration at frequency fi associated with a damping

ratio βD

βA = damping ratio (5%) of Available estimated response spectrum

βD = damping ratio of Desired response spectrum

fi = frequency of interest (Hz)

m = slope of line on log-log scale between 8 Hz and 20 Hz

log (Sa 20 Hz ,D / Sa 8 Hz , D )
log 20 / 8

“Effective grade is defined in Section 4.2.3.

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Sa8Hz,D = spectral acceleration at 8 Hz associated with the desired damping ratio βD

Sa20Hz,D = spectral acceleration at 20 Hz associated with the desired damping ratio


Natural Frequency. The lowest natural frequency (fn) of the equipment may be estimated
by past experience with testing or analysis. The natural frequency of the equipment can be
determined in Inspection Check 1 during the inspection of the anchorage installation. Note
that conservative estimates of equipment natural frequency for several equipment classes
are given in Section C.1 of Appendix C as either rigid (f n > about 20 Hz) or flexible (f n <
about 20 Hz). The following classes of equipment can generally be considered as rigid
(i.e., natural frequency greater than about 20 Hz) if anchored stiffly:

• Equipment Class #5 - Horizontal Pump

• Equipment Class #12 - Air Compressors

• Equipment Class #13 - Motor-Generators

• Equipment Class #17 - Engine-Generators

Rigid equipment can use a damping value of 5% since it is not significantly amplified over
the Zero Period Acceleration (ZPA).

If the natural frequency of the equipment is estimated to be high (i.e., greater than about
20 Hz), then the equipment should be considered “rigid” and the Zero Period Acceleration
(ZPA) should be used for anchorage load calculations. If the natural frequency is
estimated to be below about 20 Hz, then the equipment should be considered “flexible”
and the peak of the response spectrum may conservatively be used for anchorage load
calculations. If the natural frequency of the equipment is known (by calculation, test, or
other means), the maximum acceleration from the response spectrum for the frequency
range of interest (from equipment natural frequency to 33 Hz) can be used instead of the

Unbroadened Response Spectra. Unbroadened in-structure response spectra can be used

for comparison to seismic capacity spectra. Uncertainty in the natural frequency of the
building structure should be addressed by shifting the frequency of the seismic demand
response spectrum at these peaks. [3]A reference or basis for establishing the degree of
uncertainty in the natural frequency of the building structure should be included in the
plant-specific seismic evaluation records.

Factors of Conservatism. The spectral accelerations determined from an in-structure

response spectrum should be multiplied by a factor of conservatism from Table 4-3, below,
based on the type of in-structure response spectrum used. The 1.25 factor of conservatism
given in this table accounts for uncertainties inherent in median-centered type of response

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spectra. The types of response spectra given in this table and the terminology used to
describe them are defined in Section 4.2.

The first type of response spectrum given in Table 4-3 (1.5 times SSE horizontal ground
response spectrum) is considered a median-centered type of response spectrum for
elevations below about 40 feet above the effective grade when the equipment has its lowest
natural frequency (overall structural mode) above about 8 Hz. The 1.5 factor is an
effective amplification factor between the free-field ground motion and the floors in the

Table 4-3.
Factors of Conservatism for Different Types of In-Structure Response Spectra

Additional Factor
Type of In-Structure Response Spectrum(a) of Conservatism
• 1.5 times SSE horizontal, ground response spectrum for 1.25
equipment which:
- Is mounted below about 40 feet above the effective
grade and
- Has its lowest natural frequency (overall structural
mode) above about 8 Hz
• Realistic, median-centered, horizontal in-structure 1.25
response spectrum for SSE
• Conservative, design, horizontal in-structure response 1.0
spectrum for SSE

(a) The types of response spectra and the terminology used in this table are described
in Section 4.2.

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Step 2 - Seismic Inertial Equipment Loads. The second step in determining the seismic demand
loads on the anchorage is to compute the seismic inertial equipment loads for each of the three
directions of motion using the equivalent static load method. In this method, the seismic analysis
is performed statically by applying the inertial load at the center of gravity of the equipment.
The inertial load in each direction is equal to the input seismic accelerations, times an equivalent
static coefficient, times the mass of the equipment.

An equivalent static coefficient of 1.0 can be used for the classes of equipment covered by this
procedure; the basis for this is described in Reference 7. The mass of the equipment is
determined in Inspection Check 1 during the inspection of the anchorage installation. Note that
conservative estimates of equipment mass for several equipment classes are given in Section C.1
of Appendix C.

Step 3 - Seismic Inertial Anchor Loads. The third step in determining the seismic demand loads
on the anchorage is to compute the seismic inertial anchor loads for each of the three directions
of motion. This is done by applying the seismic inertial equipment loads determined in the
previous step to the center of gravity of the item of equipment and calculating the free-body
loads on the anchors. The location of the center of gravity of the equipment is determined in
Inspection Check 1 during the inspection of the anchorage installation. The location of the
center of gravity can be taken as the geometric center of the equipment if the equipment is of
uniform density. If the mass of the equipment is skewed, then appropriate adjustments should be
made to the center of gravity location.

The following types of seismic inertial anchor loads should be determined. Note that these loads
are applicable whether the equipment is mounted on the floor, wall, or ceiling.

• Anchor shear loads due to the lateral component of force caused by the seismic inertial
equipment loads, including, if significant, the anchor shear loads due to any torsional
moments (center of gravity is not in line with the centroid of the group of anchors).

• Anchor pullout loads due to the overturning moment caused by the seismic inertial
equipment loads, with an appropriately estimated location of the overturning axis.
Guidance on estimating the location of the overturning axis is given below.)

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• Anchor pullout loads caused by the seismic inertial equipment loads due to the component
of force which is in line with the axes of the anchor bolts; e.g., for floor-mounted
equipment include the vertical component of the seismic load.

The anchor loads caused by the equipment overturning moment can be based on the assumption
that plane sections remain plane during loading and that the material in the equipment and the
anchors behave in a linear-elastic manner. This results in a linear distribution of anchor loads for
a set of anchors which are equal in stiffness and size.

The recommended location for the overturning axis is at the equipment centerline for equipment
with flexible bases. For rigid base equipment, the overturning axes can be taken at the edge of
the equipment.

The EBAC computer code (Reference 7) requires the users to input the center of rotation
based on their engineering judgement.

The ANCHOR computer code (Reference 14) assumes the equipment base is rigid relative
to the anchor bolts so that the overturning axis is located relatively near the edge of the
equipment. When using the ANCHOR code, the user should verify that the rigid base
assumption is valid. Also, if the edge of the base of an item of equipment is located near a free
edge of the concrete (e.g., the edge of a pedestal), the compressive strength of the concrete edge
may be more limiting that the pullout strength of the anchorage. In this circumstance, the
compressive load generated by the equipment base plate to resist overturning moments should be
compared to the compressive strength of the concrete beneath the edge of the base.

Step 4 - Combined Seismic Loads. The fourth step in determining the seismic demand loads on
the anchorage is to compute the combined seismic anchor loads by taking the Square Root Sum
of the Squares (SRSS) of the seismic loads on each anchor from the three directions of
earthquake motion.

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Step 5 - Total Anchor Loads. The total loads on the anchorage are computed by combining the
combined seismic anchor loads from the previous step to the equipment deadweight loads and
any other significant loads which would be applied to the equipment, e.g., pipe reaction loads on

4.4.4 Comparison of Capacity to Demand

The fourth and final main step in evaluating the seismic adequacy of anchorages is to compare
the seismic capacity loads of the anchors (determined in Section 4.4.2, above) to the total anchor
loads (determined in Section 4.4.3, above). This comparison can be done using the shear-tension
interaction formulations given in Appendix C for each of the anchor types covered by this
procedure. Note that the ANCHOR and EBAC computer codes allow the user to select the
shear-tension interaction formulation to be used. The formulation selected should be consistent
with the guidance given in Appendix C.


The fourth and final screening guideline which should be satisfied to verify the seismic adequacy
of an item of mechanical or electrical equipment is to confirm that there are no adverse seismic
spatial interactions with nearby equipment, systems, and structures which could cause the
equipment to fail to perform its intended safe shutdown function. The interactions of concern are
(1) proximity effects, (2) structural failure and falling, and (3) flexibility of attached lines and
cables. Guidelines for judging interaction effects when verifying the seismic adequacy of
equipment are presented in Appendix D.

It is the intent of the USI A-46 seismic interaction evaluation that real (i.e., credible and
significant) interaction hazards be identified and evaluated. The interaction evaluations
described in Appendix D focus on areas of concern based on past earthquake experience.
Systems and equipment which have not been specifically designed for seismic loads should not
be arbitrarily assumed to fail under earthquake loads; instead, Seismic Capability Engineers are
expected to differentiate between likely and unlikely interactions, using their judgment and past

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earthquake experience. Examples of specific areas which warrant attention in the interaction
evaluation are presented in Appendix D.

Note that special attention should be given to the seismic interaction of electrical cabinets
containing relays. If the relays in the electrical cabinets are essential, i.e., the relays should not
chatter during an earthquake, then any impact on the cabinet should be considered an
unacceptable seismic interaction and cause for identifying that item of equipment as an outlier.

Guidance for evaluating the consequences of relay chatter due to earthquake motions, including
cabinet impact interactions, are presented in Section 6 and Reference 8.


The results of the Screening Verification and Walkdown should be documented on walkdown
checklists, such as the SEWS contained in Appendix G, and on Screening Verification Data
Sheets (SVDSs), shown in Exhibit 4-l at the end of this section. Preparation of the SEWS and
SVDSs includes a review of generic and plant-specific seismic documentation and a plant
walkdown of the safe shutdown equipment. The completed SEWS and SVDSs constitute the
formal documentation of the Screening Verification and Walkdown, and reflect the final
judgment of the Seismic Capability Engineers.

Other, informal documentation may be used by the Seismic Capability Engineers as an aid
during the Screening Verification and Walkdown. These may include calculations, sketches,
photographs, etc. Use of informal documentation is optional.

Instructions for completing the SEWS are included in Appendix G. Instructions for completing
the SVDS are provided below.

The SVDS is arranged in rows and columns. Each row contains one item of safe shutdown
equipment. The columns contain information about the equipment and the results of the

Revision 3A

Screening Verification and Walkdown. Guidelines for completing each of the columns are
provided below.

At the bottom of the SVDS are two sets of certifications to be signed by those performing the
Seismic Verification and Walkdown. The first certification should be signed by all the Seismic
Capability Engineers who performed the Screening Verification and Walkdown; there should be
at least two such signatories, one of which should be a licensed professional engineer. A
signature on this certification indicates the Seismic Capability Engineer is in agreement with all
the entries and conclusions entered on the SVDS. All signatories should agree with all the
entries and conclusions.

The second certification at the bottom of the SVDS is for use by a systems or operations
engineer who may provide information to the Seismic Capability Engineers during their seismic
evaluation of the equipment. It is left to the Seismic Capability Engineers to determine whether
this second certification is needed. This certification should be completed by a systems or
operations engineer if he/she provides information critical to the evaluation of the seismic
adequacy of the equipment. Examples of such information include how a piece of equipment
operates or whether a feature on the equipment is needed to accomplish a safe shutdown
function. Information of this type is particularly important if an item of equipment is found
during the walkdown which should be added to the safe shutdown equipment list (SSEL). Only
the signature of the systems or operations engineer should be documented on the SVDS; details
of the information supplied to the Seismic Capability Engineers need not be included.

Note that the completed SVDSs, with the certifications at the bottom, reflect the final judgment
of the Seismic Capability Engineers. Prior to arriving at this final judgment, there may have
been several walkdowns, calculations, and other seismic evaluations which form the basis for
certifying whether the equipment meets the screening guidelines contained in this procedure.

Compilation of the information on the SVDSs can be done using a database management system.
This makes it possible to manipulate the order in which the equipment is listed on the sheets.
During the SQUG trial plant reviews (References 16 and 25), it was convenient to print out

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SVDSs by location in the plant. This optimized the routing of the Seismic Capability Engineers
during the walkdowns so that backtracking was minimized and separate teams of Seismic
Capability Engineers could cover different parts of the plant. After the walkdown is complete,
the database management system can be used to sort the equipment on the SVDSs into lists of
outliers or other categories of equipment. Exhibit 4-2 shows an example of a completed SVDS
using a database management system.

The contents of each of the 16 columns of the SVDS, shown in Exhibit 4-l, is described below.

Columns 1 through 6 contain information for identifying and locating the equipment. These
columns are the same as the comparable six columns on the Safe Shutdown Equipment List
(SSEL) shown in Exhibit A-l in Appendix A.

Column 1 contains the equipment class number from Table 3-l of Section 3.

Column 2 contains the plant identification or tag number for the equipment. This is
normally an alphanumeric designation by which an item of equipment is uniquely
identified in the plant. This identifier will permit direct access and a cross-reference to the
existing plant files or data system for the item of equipment.

Column 3 contains both a designation of the plant system to which the equipment belongs
and a description of the equipment. If the system designation is placed at the beginning of
this field, then the equipment list can be sorted by system with a database management

Column 4 identifies the building in which the equipment is located.

Column 5 contains the floor elevation from which the item of equipment can be viewed by
the Seismic Capability Engineers.

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Column 6 contains a designation of the location of the equipment within the building. An
example of this is by building column line intersection, such as F-12. This indicates the
intersection of column lines F and 12. Alternatively, the room designation can be given;
e.g., diesel generator room (DG room).

Columns 7 through 10 are used to document the source of the seismic capacity and the source of
the seismic demand.

Column 7 contains the elevation at which the equipment is mounted; i.e., the elevation at
which the equipment receives its seismic input (demand). This elevation should be
determined by the Seismic Capability Engineers during the walkdown. Note that this
elevation may not be the same as the floor elevation given in Column 5.

Column 8 indicates whether the equipment is mounted lower in the building than about
40 feet above grade. A “yes” answer to this question means the ground response spectrum
can be used for comparison to the seismic capacity of the equipment (if the equipment's
fundamental natural frequency is above about 8 Hz). As an alternative, the actual number
of feet above grade could be entered into this column.

Column 9 identifies the source of the seismic capacity. The following codes may be used:

DOC Component-Specific Seismic Qualification Documentation.

BS Bounding Spectrum (for comparison to Ground Response Spectra).
ABS 1.5 times Bounding Spectrum (for comparison to in-structure
response spectra or 1.5 times Ground Response Spectra).
GERS – XXX Generic Equipment Ruggedness Spectra, GERS.

If the GERS are used, a number designation (XXX) should also be given to indicate which
unique GERS is used. If seismic qualification documentation is used, reference to the
documentation should be noted in Column 16.

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Column 10 indicates the method used to define the seismic demand. The following codes
may be used:

GRS Ground Response Spectra.

AGS 1.5 times Ground Response Spectra.
CRS Conservative, Design In-Structure Response Spectrum.
RRS Realistic, Median-Centered In-Structure Response Spectrum.

If an in-structure response spectrum is used, a number designation should also be given to

indicate which unique spectrum is used.

Columns 11 through 14 are used to document the results of the evaluation of the equipment
against the four seismic screening guidelines: comparison of seismic capacity to seismic demand,
caveat compliance, anchorage adequacy, and seismic interaction.

Column 11 indicates whether capacity of the equipment exceeds the demand imposed on
it. The following codes may be used:

Y Yes, capacity exceeds demand.

N No, capacity does not exceed demand.
U Unknown whether capacity exceeds demand.

Column 12 indicates whether the equipment is within the scope of the earthquake/testing
equipment class and meets the intent of all the caveats for the equipment class. The
following codes may be used:

Y Yes, the equipment is in the equipment class, and the intent of all applicable
caveats is satisfied.
N No, the equipment is not in the equipment class, or the intent of all applicable
caveats is not satisfied.
U Unknown whether the equipment is in the equipment class or whether the
intent of all applicable caveats is satisfied.

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N/A The earthquake/test equipment class and the caveats are not applicable to this
item of equipment.

Column 13 indicates whether the equipment anchorage meets the anchorage screening
guidelines. The following codes may be used:

Y Yes, anchorage capacities equal or exceed seismic demand, and anchorage is

free of gross installation defects and has adequate stiffness.
N No, anchorage capacities do not equal or exceed the seismic demand, or
anchorage is not free of gross installation defects, or anchorage does not have
adequate stiffness.
U Unknown whether anchorage capacities equal or exceed seismic demand, or
whether anchorage is free of gross installation defects or has adequate
N/A Anchorage guidelines are not applicable to this equipment; e.g., valves are not
evaluated for anchorage.

Column 14 indicates whether the equipment is free of adverse seismic interaction effects.
The following codes may be used:

Y Yes, the equipment is free of interaction effects, or the interaction effects are
acceptable and do not compromise the safe shutdown function of the
N No, the equipment is not free of adverse interaction effects.
U Unknown whether interaction effects will compromise the safe shutdown
function of the equipment.

Columns 15 and 16 are used to document the overall result of the equipment evaluation and to
record a note number for explaining anything unusual for an item of equipment.

Column 15 indicates whether, in the final judgment of the Seismic Capability Engineers,
the seismic adequacy of the equipment is verified. Note that this judgment may be based

Revision 3A

on one or more walkdowns, calculations, and other supporting data. The following codes
are used:

Y Yes, seismic adequacy has been verified, i.e., code “Y”, for all the applicable
screening guidelines:
(1) seismic capacity is greater than demand,
(2) the equipment is in the earthquake/test equipment class and the intent of
all the caveats is met (for use with Bounding Spectrum or GERS only),
(3) equipment anchorage is adequate, and
(4) seismic interaction effects will not compromise the safe shutdown
function of the item of equipment.
N No, seismic adequacy does not meet one or more of the seismic evaluation
criteria. Equipment is identified as an outlier requiring further verification
effort in accordance with Section 5.

Note that there is no “Unknown” category in Column 15 since this column represents the
final judgment by the Seismic Capability Engineers. At this point, the item of equipment
should be either verified to be seismically adequate (Y) or found to be lacking in one or
more areas (N) and should be evaluated as an outlier in accordance with Section 5.

Column 16 can be used for explanatory notes. A number can be entered in this field which
corresponds to a list of notes which provide additional information on the seismic
evaluation of equipment. For example, a note could indicate that a solenoid-operated valve
is mounted on the yoke of an air-operated valve (AOV) and is evaluated as a component
mounted within the “box” of this AOV. This column should also be used to identify when
the intent of any caveat is met, but the specific wording of the caveat rule is not.

Exhibit 4-1.
Screening Verification Data Sheet (SVDS) – Blank Sheet

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Exhibit 4-2.
Screening Verification Data Sheet (SVDS) – Filled in Example

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Listed below are the specific reasons for making the changes marked with a vertical line in the
margin of this section to create GIP-3A from GIP-3, Updated 5/16/97. The endnote numbers
listed below correspond to the bracketed numbers (e.g., [1]) located in the text of this section
where the changes are made.

SSER No. 2, Sec. II.4.1 – The Staff position is that the licensee must commit to both the SQUG
commitments and the use of the entire implementation guidance provided in GIP-2, unless otherwise
justified to the staff as described in GIP-2 and SSER No. 2.
The GIP has been amended in the “SQUG Commitments” sections of Part II to reiterate the requirement
contained in the GIP, Part I, Section 1.3 to (1) provide written justification to the NRC for prior
approval of any substantial deviations from the SQUG commitments and (2) notify the NRC of
significant or programmatic deviations from the GIP guidance no later than the summary report.
SSER No. 2, Sec. II.4.2.1 – The Staff position is that the capacity spectrum should envelope the demand
spectrum over the entire frequency range unless the lowest natural frequency of the equipment, the door
panels, or internal structures and components as described in Section 4.2 of GIP-2 can be conservatively
The GIP has been amended in Part II, Section 4.2 to reflect the Staff position.
SSER No. 2, Sec. II.4.4.13 – The Staff position is that licensees should provide a reference or basis for
the “frequency shifting” method when it is used so that the uncertainty in the natural frequency of the
building structure is addressed.
The GIP has been amended in Part II, Sections 4.2, 4.4.3, and 9.4 where use of unbroadened response
spectra is discussed to recommend that a reference or basis be included in the plant records for
establishing the uncertainty in the estimated natural frequency of the building.
SSER No. 2, Sec. III.7.3 – The NRC position is that since GIP-2 allows the demand level to exceed the
capacity level under certain conditions, in response to the question “Does capacity exceed demand?” on
the Screening Evaluation Work Sheets (SEWS) for each piece of equipment, the reviewer must also
identify whether the exceptions described on page 4-10 of GIP-2 were used in the comparison.
The GIP has been amended in Part II, Section 4.2, “Enveloping of Seismic Demand Spectrum,” to
address the Staff position by requiring the SEWS to be marked to indicate if one of the special
exceptions to having capacity envelop demand at all frequencies is invoked.
Each SEWS in Appendix G has also been modified to include a reminder, next to the question “Does
capacity exceed demand?” to indicate if an exception is invoked.
During the NRC’s review of licensees’ implementation of the USI A-46 program and their review of the
use of the GIP for NARE, the NRC Staff required licensees to show that realistic, median-centered in-
structure response spectra are not significantly higher that about 1.5 times the SSE ground response
spectrum for the plant if GIP Method A is used. This requirement has been incorporated into the GIP,
Part II, Section 4.2.3 as described in References 40 and 41.

Revision 3A

SSER No. 2, Sec. II.4.2.3 – The Staff provided their definition of “conservative, design” in-structure
response spectra and defined the mechanism for their review of the in-structure response spectra (ISRS)
for certain USI A-46 plants.

The GIP has been amended in Part I, Section and in Part II, Section 4.2.4 to incorporate the Staff
definition of “conservative, design” in-structure response spectra and their plan for reviewing ISRS.
SSER No. 2, Sec. II.4.2.4 – The Staff provided clarifications on use of developing realistic, median-
centered in-structure response spectra using IPEEE methods.

The GIP has been amended in Part II, Section 4.2.4 to incorporate these Staff clarifications.
Typographical error corrected.
SSER No. 2, Sec. II.4.3 – The Staff interprets Section 4.3 (as well as Sections 4.1.3 and 4.2.2) of Part II
of GIP-2 regarding the use of caveats to mean that the review engineer will determine whether the
equipment meets both the caveats and their intent and will report accordingly (i.e., via the Seismic
Evaluation Report to be submitted to the NRC and in Appendix G of the GIP).

The GIP has been amended in Part II, Section 4.3 to reflect the SQUG position that if the intent of the
caveat is met but the specific wording is not met, the equipment meets the caveat but:

• the reason for concluding the intent has been met should be documented in plant records, and
• each such case should be reported to the NRC.
SSER No. 2, Sec. II.3.3 – The Staff position is that because some components, such as those made of
cast iron, are brittle and are more vulnerable to earthquake damage, any such equipment identified
during the walkdown shall be specifically evaluated for seismic adequacy.
The GIP has been amended in Part II, Section 4.3 to address this Staff position.
SSER No. 2, Sec. II.4.4.9 – The Staff position is that for the overall anchorage design and analysis, the
equipment anchorage attributes listed in Section 4.4.1 of Part II of GIP-2 and the concerns described on
page 49 of GIP-2 Reference 5 must also be taken into consideration.
The GIP has been amended in Part II, Section 4.4 to remind users of the screening tables or computer
codes that the GIP guidelines must still be followed and the anchorage checks performed. The SSRAP
concern that the anchorage load path be checked is also emphasized.
SSER No. 2, Sec. II.4.4.10 – The Staff position is that to ensure relay functionality, the licensee should
try all practicable means to inspect all the anchorages of the cabinets having essential relays so as to
ensure that cabinets do not impact each other and excessive cabinet motion is avoided.
The GIP has been amended in Part II, Section 4.4.1, “Anchorage Installation Inspection,” to indicate
that all practicable means should be tried to inspect inaccessible anchorages of equipment containing
essential relays.
SSER No. 2, Sec. II.4.4.11 – The Staff noted that the statement in GIP-2, Part II, Section 4.4.1, Check
7, “The minimum spacings given in Appendix C are for distances between adjacent anchors in which
the cones of influence just touch each other at the surface of the concrete . . . “ is incorrect. This is
because the values of minimum spacing correspond to a 13-percent shear cone overlap as stated on
page 2-81 of Volume 1 of GIP-2 Reference 7.

Revision 3A

The GIP has been corrected in Part II, Section 4.4.1, Check 7, “Spacing Between Anchorages,” to
indicate that the spacings are based on an overlap that results in a 13% reduction in the projected shear
cone area.
SSER No. 2, Sec. II.4.4.12 – The Staff position is that any cast-in-place embedments not covered by the
GIP should be treated as outliers. Also, the proposed use of ACI-349 to resolve these types of outliers
is beyond the scope of the GIP.
The GIP has been edited in Part II, Section 4.4.1, Check 14, second paragraph to clearly indicate that
other types of cast-in-place embedments not covered by the GIP should be classified as outliers. The
reference to ACI 349 has been deleted. Testing and application of generally accepted engineering
principles may be used as acceptable methods of resolving such outliers.
SSER No. 2, Sec. II.4.4.7 – The Staff concurred with the GIP statement in Part I, Section 2.3.4 that the
factor of safety currently recommended for new nuclear plants should be used for new installations and
newly designed anchorages in modifications or replacements instead of those contained in the GIP for
resolution of USI A-46. However, the Staff provided alternative language to describe this requirement.
The GIP has been edited in Part I, Section 2.3.4 to incorporate the alternative Staff language. Part II,
Section 4.4.2 and Appendix C have also been amended to include a paragraph reminding the licensee of
this requirement.
SSER No. 2, Sec. II.4.4.9 – The Staff found there to be a lack of specificity regarding the location of
the overturning axis in the EBAC computer code and that this could lead to underestimation of anchor

This NRC Staff concern applies not only to the use of the EBAC code but also to hand calculated
anchorage evaluations performed without computer codes or tables since the overturning axis must be
estimated in these cases as well. In Part II, Section 4.4.3, Step 3 of the GIP, the procedure for
anchorage seismic demand determination provides adequate guidance for conservatively estimating the
overturning axis of the equipment base. The SQUG walkdown training course addresses this topic and
provides additional guidance. However, this step in the GIP has been amended to note that the EBAC
code requires the user to input the estimated overturning axis.
SSER No. 2, Sec. II.4.4.9 – The Staff position is that users of the ANCHOR computer code should
verify the applicability of the rigid base assumption.
The GIP has been amended in Part II, Section 4.4.3, Step 3 to specifically require users of the ANCHOR
code that they should verify that the rigid base assumption is valid for their particular application.
SSER No. 2, Sec. II.4.4.9 – The Staff noted that the ANCHOR computer code assumes that the base is
rigid and therefore applies a compressive load at its edge to the concrete under the base. The Staff
position is that users of this code should consider the limit for concrete crushing strain (strength) at this
The GIP has been amended in Part II, Section 4.4.3, Step 3, to reflect SQUG’s understanding (from
conversations with the NRC Staff) that the Staff concern regarding use of ANCHOR specifically relates
to the breakaway strength of concrete near an edge of an equipment pedestal.
SSER No. 2, Sec. II.4.4.9 – The Staff position is that when using the EBAC and ANCHOR computer
codes, the tension/shear interaction formulation selected must be consistent with those given in
Appendix C of GIP-2.

Revision 3A

The GIP has been amended in Part II, Section 4.4.4 to address the Staff position.

Revision 3A

Section 5
Outlier Identification and Resolution


The purpose of this section is to define the term outliers, how they should be identified and
documented, and how they may be resolved.

An outlier is an item of equipment which does not comply with all of the screening guidelines
provided in this Generic Implementation Procedure (GIP). The GIP screening guidelines are
intended to be used as a generic basis for evaluating the seismic adequacy of equipment. If an
item of equipment fails to pass these generic screens, it may still be shown to be adequate for
seismic loading by additional evaluations.

This section describes how outliers should be identified and documented for equipment which
does not pass the screening guidelines for:

• Active mechanical and electrical equipment (Section 4),

• Relays (Section 6),

• Tanks and heat exchangers (Section 7), and
• Cable and conduit raceways (Section 8).

Several generic methods for resolving outliers are summarized in this section. Specific methods
for addressing the different types of equipment are also discussed in the sections where the
screening guidelines are described (Sections 4, 6, 7, and 8).

The remainder of the section is organized as follows:

Revision 3A

• The requirements to which SQUG utilities commit in regard to identification and

resolution of outliers for resolution of USI A-46 are given in Section 5.1.

• The reasons for classifying an item of equipment as an outlier are described in Section 5.2
along with a description of how outliers should be documented.

• A summary of generic methods for resolving outliers is contained in Section 5.3.

• Suggested methods for grouping and pooling of outliers from several different plants for
efficient reconciliation are provided in Section 5.4.


Members of SQUG adopting the Generic Implementation Procedure for USI A-46 resolution
commit to the following in regard to the identification and resolution of outliers. [1]As specified
in GIP, Part I, Section 1.3, any substantial deviations from the SQUG Commitments must be
justified to the NRC in writing prior to implementation. Likewise the NRC should be notified of
significant or programmatic deviations from the GIP guidance (Sections 5.2 through 5.4) but
implementation may begin without first obtaining NRC concurrence (at the licensee’s own risk).

5.1.1 Identification of Outliers

When performing the screening evaluations as set forth in Sections 4, 6, 7, and 8, the licensee
will classify an item of identified safe shutdown equipment as an outlier if the screening
guidelines defined in these sections cannot be met.

5.1.2 Resolution of Outliers

The licensee will assign suitably qualified persons to the task of outlier resolution. If engineering
judgment is used to resolve outliers based on the guidelines in this procedure, assigned persons
will have the qualifications of a Seismic Capability Engineer (or Lead Relay Reviewer for relay
evaluations) as set forth in Section 2. If additional systems evaluations are required, assigned
persons will have the qualifications of the Systems Engineers as set forth in Section 2.

Revision 3A


An item of safe shutdown equipment should be identified as an outlier if it does not meet the
screening guidelines covered in the other sections of this procedure. The topics included in these
screening guidelines are listed below for the various types of equipment covered by this

Section 4 - Active Mechanical and Electrical Equipment

(Equipment Class #0 through #20)

− Capacity versus Demand

− Caveats
− Anchorage
− Seismic Interaction

Section 6 - Essential Relays

− Capacity versus Demand

− Spot Check of Relay Mounting, Type, and Location

Section 7 - Tanks and Heat Exchanqers

(Equipment Class #21)

− Shell Buckling of Large, Flat-Bottom, Vertical Tanks

− Anchor Bolts and Embedments
− Anchorage Connections Between the Anchor Bolt and the Tank Shell
− Flexibility of Piping Attached to Large, Flat-Bottom, Vertical Tanks

Section 8 - Cable and Conduit Raceways

(Equipment Class #22)

− Inclusion Rules
− Other Seismic Performance Concerns
− Limited Analytical Review

If an item of equipment is identified as an outlier during a screening evaluation in one of these

other sections of the GIP, then the reason(s) for failing to satisfy the screening guidelines should
be documented on an Outlier Seismic Verification Sheet (OSVS), shown in Exhibit 5-l. A
separate OSVS should be completed for each item of equipment classified as an outlier. The
information to be included in each of the four sections of the OSVS is described below.

Revision 3A

Section 1 of the OSVS describes the item of equipment identified as an outlier. This is the same
information as found in the first seven columns of the SVDS, shown in Exhibit 4-l. On the
OSVS, however, more space is provided to describe the equipment so that more details can be
included to facilitate later resolution of this outlier issue without requiring repeated trips into the

Section 2 of the OSVS defines those conditions which cause that item of equipment to be
classified as an outlier. This section should identify which of the conditions is the cause for the
item of equipment becoming an outlier. More than one condition may be the cause for the
outlier. In addition, the reason(s) for the equipment being an outlier should be described in more
detail. For example, the Seismic Capability Engineers could indicate at what frequencies the
demand exceeded the capacity.

Section 3 of the OSVS can be used to provide a proposed method for resolving the outlier issue,
based on the experience and detailed evaluation of that item of equipment by the Seismic
Capability Engineers or the Lead Relay Reviewer. This is an optional part of the outlier
identification process. This section also provides space for supplying any additional information
which may be used to implement the proposed method of resolution. This may include
information such as an estimate of the fundamental natural frequency of the equipment.

For Equipment Classes #0 through #22, as defined in Table 3-1, all the Seismic Capability
Engineers on the Seismic Review Team (SRT) should sign the OSVS. Each SRT should have at
least two Seismic Capability Engineers; one of whom is a licensed professional engineer. For
essential relays, the Lead Relay Reviewer should sign the OSVS. By signing this form, each
individual is certifying that once the outlier issue(s) described in Section 2 of the OSVS are
satisfied, the item of equipment is considered seismically adequate.

Revision 3A


Several generic methods for resolving outliers are summarized below. Additional specific
methods for addressing outliers for the different types of equipment are also discussed in the
sections where the screening guidelines are described (Sections 4, 6, 7, and 8). The details for
resolving outliers, however, are beyond the scope of this procedure. It is the responsibility of the
utility to resolve outliers using their existing engineering procedures as they would resolve any
other seismic concern.

It is permissible to resolve outliers by performing additional evaluations and applying

engineering judgment to address those areas which do not meet the screening guidelines
contained in this procedure. Strict adherence to the screening guidelines in the GIP is not
absolutely required; however, these additional outlier evaluations and the application of
engineering judgment should be based on a thorough understanding of the screening guidelines
contained in the GIP and the background and philosophy used to develop these guidelines as
given in the applicable references. The justification and reasoning for considering an outlier to be
acceptable should be based on mechanistic principles and sound engineering judgment.

The screening guidelines contained in Sections 4, 6, 7, and 8 have been thoroughly reviewed by
industry experts to ensure that they are acceptable for generic use in resolving USI A-46;
however, the resolution of outliers for individual plants will not likely receive the same level of
industry review as the generic screening guidelines. Therefore, it is recommended that the
evaluations and judgments used to resolve outliers be thoroughly documented so that
independent reviews can be performed if necessary.

Some of the methods summarized below for resolving outliers build upon the earthquake
experience and generic testing data used to develop the GIP. The utility may use the Screening
Verification and Walkdown procedure described in Section 4 in applying earthquake experience
or generic testing data which was not available during the initial walkdown for resolution of
outliers, or it may develop an alternative approach which best fits the circumstances of the

Revision 3A

specific outlier issue. Outlier issues may also be resolved using current licensing procedures and

As an alternative, the utility may choose to not perform corrective modifications or replacement
of outliers. Instead, the utility must then explain to the NRC the safety implications of not
modifying or replacing the outliers as described in Part I, Section 2.3.1. The NRC must then
meet the requirements of 10 C.F.R. § 50.109 (backfit rule) in order to require the corrective
modifications or replacements be completed.

Methods which can be used to resolve outliers include the following:

1. The earthquake experience equipment class may be expanded to include the

equipment or specific equipment features of interest. The scope of the earthquake
experience data which is documented in References 4 and 5 represents only a portion
of the total data available. (See footnote 1 below.)[2] An expansion of the earthquake
experience equipment classes beyond the scope included in Appendix B could
include a more detailed breakdown by type, model, or manufacturer of a particular
class of equipment, less restrictive requirements for inclusion within a class, or
development of a sub-category with higher capacity. Extension of the generic
experience equipment classes beyond the descriptions in the GIP is subject to NRC
2. The subject equipment or its anchorage may be evaluated more rigorously or
modified to strengthen it and bring it within the scope of the GIP or in compliance
with some other seismic qualification method. For example, the equipment or its
supports may be stiffened so that its resonant frequency is increased to a frequency
where the seismic demand is less. Providing an upper lateral support to a floor-
mounted item of equipment would typically increase the fundamental frequency to
above the 8 Hz cutoff frequency for use of the Bounding Spectrum.
3. The subject equipment may be replaced with equipment which is covered by
screening guidelines in the GIP or has been seismically qualified by some other
4. Detailed engineering analyses may be performed to more carefully and/or accurately
evaluate the seismic capacity of the equipment and/or the seismic demand to which it

The NRC Staff has not reviewed the Twenty Classes Report (Reference 4) in its entirety and SSRAP (in
Reference 5) has not endorsed Reference 4 in its entirety. Therefore, any specific application of the
detailed information documented in Reference 4 should be submitted to the NRC Staff for review and
approval before it is used for resolving outliers.

Revision 3A

is exposed. For example, when using more accurate analytical procedures,

consideration should be given to using “as-built” rather than specified minimum
material properties for the equipment.
5. In-situ tests may be performed on the equipment of interest to determine more
accurately the equipment dynamic properties.
6. Shake table tests may be performed on the same or similar equipment to check its
seismic capacity or evaluate more carefully its dynamic properties.
7. An alternative method of shutting down the plant may be selected if certain items
of equipment selected for safe shutdown cannot be readily verified to be seismically
adequate using the GIP criteria and guidelines.
8. Information not available during the Screening Verification and Walkdown may be
obtained and used to meet the GIP screening guidelines.

The most appropriate type of outlier evaluation will depend upon a number of factors, including
the reason that the equipment failed the screening guidelines, whether the outlier lends itself to
additional review of the earthquake experience or generic testing data or an additional analytical
evaluation, the cost of design or hardware modifications, and how extensive the problem is in the
plant and in other plants.

The NRC should be provided with a proposed schedule for complete resolution or future
modifications and replacement of outliers. Documentation of the actual methods selected by the
utility for resolution of outlier issues and tracking of their implementation is discussed in
Section 9, Documentation.


Once an outlier has been identified and an OSVS is prepared for that item of equipment, the
OSVS could then be placed in an appropriate outlier category or “basket”. There could be one
basket for each class of equipment for which there are outliers. Within each basket the outliers
could be further divided into the various reasons that the equipment failed the screening
verification (e.g., capacity vs. demand, caveats, anchorage, or interactions). The organization of
the outliers in this manner can facilitate reconciliation of recurring outlier issues.

Revision 3A

One method to efficiently reconcile recurring outliers in SQUG plants is for the members of
SQUG to pool the outlier information obtained during walkdowns. One means of pooling this
information is to tabulate the outliers, including the information contained on the SVDS and, if
available, the method ultimately used to verify the seismic adequacy of the outlier. These tables
may be generated and organized, using a database management program. This summary may be
distributed to the members of SQUG so that common outliers may be evaluated using the
experience obtained from other plants. For example, one utility may have one or several
unreconciled outliers that an SRT at another plant was able to verify. The utility with the
unreconciled outliers may be able to employ a similar methodology if the detailed information
used in the outlier resolution is shared. Also, outliers from several SQUG plants may be resolved
more cost-effectively using shared funding.

Revision 3A

Exhibit 5-1
Outlier Seismic Verification Sheet (OSVS)
Sheet 1 of 2

1. Outlier Identification, Description, and Location

Equipment ID Number Equipment Class

Equipment Location: Building Floor Elevation

Room or Row/Column Base Elevation

Equipment Description

2. Outlier Issue Definition

a. Identify all the screening guidelines which are not met.

(Check more than one if several guidelines could not be satisfied.)

Mechanical and
Electrical Equipment Tanks and Heat Exchangers
Capacity vs. Demand Shell Buckling1
Caveats Anchor Bolts and Embedment
Anchorage Anchorage Connections
Seismic Interaction Flexibility of Attached Piping1
Other Other

Essential Relays Cable and Conduit Raceways

Capacity vs. Demand Inclusion Rules
Mounting, Type, Location Other Seismic Performance Concerns
Other Limited Analytical Review

Shell buckling and flexibility of attached piping only apply to large, flat-bottom, vertical tanks.

b. Describe all the reasons for the outlier (i.e., if all the listed outlier issues were resolved, then
the signatories would consider this item of equipment to be verified for seismic adequacy):

Revision 3A

Exhibit 5-1 (Cont’d)

Outlier Seismic Verification Sheet (OSVS)
Sheet 2 of 2

3. Proposed Method of Outlier Resolution (Optional)

a. Define proposed method(s) for resolving outlier.

b. Provide information needed to implement proposed method(s) for resolving outlier (e.g.,
estimate of fundamental frequency).

4. Certification

The information on this OSVS is, to the best of our knowledge and belief, correct and accurate, and
resolution of the outlier issues listed on the previous page will satisfy the requirements for this item of
equipment to be verified for seismic adequacy.

Approved by: (For Equipment Classes #0 - #22, all the Seismic Capability Engineers on the
Seismic Review Team (SRT) should sign; there should be at least two on the SRT. One
signatory should be a licensed professional engineer. For Relays, the Lead Relay Reviewer
should sign.)

Print or Type Name Signature Date

Print or Type Name Signature Date

Print or Type Name Signature Date

Revision 3A


Listed below are the specific reasons for making the changes marked with a vertical line in the
margin of this section to create GIP-3A from GIP-3, Updated 5/16/97. The endnote numbers
listed below correspond to the bracketed numbers (e.g., [1]) located in the text of this section
where the changes are made.

SSER No. 2, Sec. II.4.1 – The Staff position is that the licensee must commit to both the SQUG
commitments and the use of the entire implementation guidance provided in GIP-2, unless otherwise
justified to the staff as described in GIP-2 and SSER No. 2.
The GIP has been amended in the “SQUG Commitments” sections of Part II to reiterate the requirement
contained in the GIP, Part I, Section 1.3 to (1) provide written justification to the NRC for prior
approval of any substantial deviations from the SQUG commitments and (2) notify the NRC of
significant or programmatic deviations from the GIP guidance no later than the summary report.
SSER No. 2, Sec. II.5 and II.10 – The Staff had not reviewed the Twenty Classes Report (Reference 4)
in its entirety and SSRAP (in Reference 5) had not endorsed Reference 4 in its entirety. Therefore, the
Staff position is that any specific application of the detailed information documented in Reference 4 for
resolving outliers should be submitted to the NRC Staff for review and approval before it is used.
The GIP has been amended in Part II, Sections 5.3 and 10 to add a footnote which describes the Staff
Clarification. An additional method for resolving outliers (i.e., selection of an alternative safe
shutdown path) was added to the list in Part I, Section 5.3. This method was included in previous
revisions of the GIP but unintentionally omitted in the latest revision. Note that several other sections of
the GIP already include or discuss this alternative (e.g., Part II, Section 3.5 and Appendix A.4).

Revision 3A

Section 6
Relay Functionality Review


As part of the resolution of USI A-46, it is necessary to perform a relay seismic functionality
review. The purpose of this review is to determine if the plant safe shutdown systems could be
adversely affected by relay malfunction1 in the event of an SSE and to evaluate the seismic
adequacy of those relays for which malfunction is unacceptable.

The purpose of this section of the GIP is to provide an overview of the relay evaluation
procedure and describe the interfaces between other GIP activities and the relay evaluation. The
overview in this section is based upon the “Procedure for Evaluating Nuclear Power Plant Relay
Seismic Functionality,” Reference 8. This reference should be used when performing the relay
functionality review since it contains the necessary data, forms, and additional details to
implement this procedure.

The material contained in this section of the GIP is as follows:

• Section 6.1, SQUG Commitments, lists the requirements to which SQUG utilities commit
when adopting the Relay Functionality Review procedure in Reference 8 for resolution of
USI A-46.

• Section 6.2, Relay Evaluation Methodology, provides an overview of the methods for
performing the relay seismic functionality review.

• Section 6.3, Identification of Essential Relays, describes the methods to be used to: (1)
identify the safe shutdown equipment for which a relay review is necessary, and (2)
identify the essential relays in the circuits of this equipment for which relay malfunction is

The term “relay malfunction” is used throughout this section as shorthand notation to designate chatter
or inadvertent change of state of the electrical contacts in a relay, contactor, motor starter or switch.

Revision 3A

• Section 6.4, Comparison of Relay Seismic Capacity to Seismic Demand, describes the
methods used to evaluate the seismic adequacy of the essential relays.

• Section 6.5, Relay Walkdown, describes the plant walkdown which should be performed
as a part of the relay evaluation. This walkdown may be combined in part with the main
seismic walkdown described in Section 4.

• Section 6.6, Outliers, summarizes the additional evaluations and alternative methods which
could be used to resolve outliers which do not pass the screening evaluations described in
this section of the GIP.

• Section 6.7, Documentation of Results, describes the method whereby a traceable record of
the results of the review is developed for all relays reviewed.

The personnel qualifications and training for the individuals performing this relay review are
described in Section 2.


Members of SQUG adopting the Generic Implementation Procedure for USI A-46 resolution
commit to the following in regard to identification and evaluation of relays. [1]As specified in
GIP, Part I, Section 1.3, any substantial deviations from the SQUG Commitments must be
justified to the NRC in writing prior to implementation. Likewise the NRC should be notified of
significant or programmatic deviations from the GIP guidance (Sections 6.2 through 6.7) but
implementation may begin without first obtaining NRC concurrence (at the licensee’s own risk).

6.1.1 Identification of Relays To Be Evaluated

The licensee will identify the relays to be evaluated using a two-step process. First, the systems
to be examined will be those identified pursuant to Section 3. Using this approach, the licensee
will develop a Safe Shutdown Equipment List (SSEL) for relays which will include:
(1) electrically controlled or powered safe shutdown equipment whose function could be affected
by relay malfunction, and (2) inactive safe shutdown equipment for which relay malfunction
could cause spurious operation. Second, plant electrical drawings of the circuits associated with

Revision 3A

the above safe shutdown equipment will be used to identify relays to be evaluated. Certain
additional assumptions will be used to establish the scope of the relay review:

• Relays will not be damaged by the earthquake, with the exception of certain particularly
fragile types.

• Unqualified relays are assumed to malfunction during the short period of strong motion
during an earthquake.

• Relay types to be reviewed include auxiliary relays, protective relays, contactors, control
switches, and other similar contact devices occurring in circuits controlling the systems

• Solid state relays and mechanically actuated switches are considered to be seismically
rugged and need not be evaluated for contact chatter.

6.1.2 Evaluation of Consequences of Relay Malfunction

The licensee will evaluate the relays as set forth in Section 6.1.1 for the consequences of relay
malfunction on safe shutdown functions. The relays whose malfunction will not prevent
achievement of any safe shutdown function and will not otherwise cause unacceptable spurious
actuation of equipment will not be further evaluated. The seismic adequacy of the remaining
essential relays will be verified to assure that safe shutdown can be achieved and maintained in
the event of a Safe Shutdown Earthquake (SSE).

6.1.3 Assessment of Relay Seismic Adequacy

The licensee will verify the seismic adequacy of the essential relays identified pursuant to
Sections 6.1.1 and 6.1.2, above, by comparing the relay seismic capacity to the seismic demand
imposed upon the relay. Three types of data can be used to establish the seismic capacity of
essential relays:

• Generic Equipment Ruggedness Spectra (GERS)

• Earthquake Experience Data
• Plant-specific or relay-specific seismic test data

Revision 3A

6.1.4 Relay Walkdown

The licensee will conduct one or more walkdowns, as needed, to accomplish four objectives:

• Obtain information as required to determine in-cabinet amplification, including

identification of cabinets, panels, and/or racks which house or support essential relays.

• Verify the seismic adequacy of the cabinets or enclosures which support essential relays.
• Spot check relay mountings.

• Spot check relay types and locations.

The relay walkdowns can be accomplished together with, or separate from, the main USI A-46
walkdown conducted pursuant to Section 4.


The methodology for evaluation of the seismic functionality of relays is based on a two-part
screening process. The first part: (1) identifies a minimum set of plant systems and items of
equipment which should function properly to maintain the plant in a safe condition during and
immediately after an earthquake; and (2) evaluates the consequences of malfunction of the
associated electrical relays on system performance to determine if proper function of the relays is
essential to safe shutdown. Relays whose malfunction is acceptable need not be seismically
rugged. This screening process is intended to significantly reduce the number of systems,
equipment electrical circuits, and, in turn, relays which are considered essential to plant safety in
an earthquake, and, therefore, to reduce the number of relay types whose seismic functionality
must be demonstrated.

The second part of the relay evaluation process uses relay GERS and test data to assess the
seismic adequacy of the essential relay types. Taken together, these two screening approaches
are expected to make the relay functionality verification under USI A-46 manageable and
significantly more cost-effective than would be the case using current licensing criteria, while at
the same time providing good assurance that the affected plants can be safely shut down during

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an earthquake. The two parts of the screening processes are (1) identifying those relays whose
function is essential to safe shutdown and (2) assessing their seismic ruggedness. These parts are
described below.


The starting point for the relay evaluation is the identification of safe shutdown equipment to be
examined during the USI A-46 resolution. Section 3 provides directions for generating two Safe
Shutdown Equipment Lists (SSELs), one for use in conducting the plant walkdown of equipment
to verify its seismic adequacy as described in Section 4, and the other for performing the relay
functionality review as described in this section. These SSELs can be prepared in a
computerized form to facilitate ease of use. The relay screening procedures provide guidance for
reviewing each item of equipment on the relay review SSEL to identify essential relays and to
assess the seismic adequacy of the essential relays.

The principal elements in the identification of the minimum set of essential relays are described

6.3.1 USI A-46 Safe Shutdown Criteria and Assumptions

For resolution of USI A-46, it is not necessary to verify the seismic adequacy of all plant
equipment defined as Seismic Category I, e.g., in NRC Regulatory Guide 1.29. Instead, only
those systems, subsystems, and equipment needed to bring the plant from a normal operating
condition to a safe shutdown condition need be identified to ensure safety during and following a
Safe Shutdown Earthquake (SSE). As a result, the scope of the seismic verification is limited to
equipment and supporting systems which provide functions necessary to achieve and maintain
safe shutdown.

The criteria and assumptions needed to define the systems and equipment which are needed to
bring the plant to a safe shutdown condition are described in detail in Section 3 and summarized
as follows:

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• The plant should be brought to a hot shutdown condition (as defined by the plant's
Technical Specifications) and maintained there during the 72 hours following the SSE.

• The earthquake does not cause a loss of coolant accident (LOCA) or other such events.
• A LOCA is not postulated to occur simultaneously with or during the SSE.
• Offsite AC power may be lost during or after the SSE.

• There should be sufficient redundancy such that the failure of the active function of a
single item of safe shutdown equipment may occur without losing the ability to achieve
and maintain safe shutdown conditions.

In addition to these general criteria, the following specific assumptions provide the bases for the
relay evaluation:

• Unqualified relays are assumed to malfunction during the short period of strong motion
during an earthquake. Such a malfunction, typically chatter, may result in loss of system
function or inadvertent actuation of systems during the strong shaking period. It is also
possible that relay malfunction during strong shaking can result in unacceptable seal-in or
lockout of specific circuits which are designed to have this feature. In such cases, operator
actions to reset or restore such circuits to their original condition may be acceptable
provided there are sufficient time, awareness, access, and procedures for the operators to
take this action.

• Earthquake experience data and test data show that, in general, relays are not structurally
damaged during an earthquake; therefore, with the exception of certain particularly fragile
relay types, which are identified in the screening procedure of Reference 8, it is assumed
that relays are not damaged as a result of the earthquake and will be functional after the
period of strong shaking.

• Relay types to be evaluated under this program include those devices which are provided
to cause contact operation in electric control circuits. In general, they fall into three
categories as shown in Figure 6-l. The largest category is designated auxiliary relays. This
category typically includes electromechanical, pneumatic timing, and solid state relays
used for general purpose control, blocking, closing, lockout, seal-in, and other logic or
control functions.
A second category includes protective electromechanical and solid state relays whose
function is to protect equipment from system faults and other abnormal or dangerous
conditions by automatically initiating appropriate control circuit action. Protective relays
include over-current and under-voltage relays.

The third general category of relays is contactors. A contactor is a heavy-duty relay which
may carry significant amounts of current. It is distinguished from a circuit breaker such as

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is used in switchgear in that its contacts are moved by a small solenoid-type mechanism
rather than by compressed springs or other actuating mechanisms.

Other devices which have contacts, such as control switches which are used in relay logic
control circuits, are also addressed in the relay evaluation, even though they are not
considered relays.

The foregoing criteria and assumptions focus the relay evaluation by defining the objectives of
the reviews, the relay types to be considered, the failure modes to be assumed, and other
important criteria.

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Figure 6-1. Relay Classification

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6.3.2 Identification of Safe Shutdown Equipment

As described in detail in Section 3, a nuclear plant should accomplish each of the following safe
shutdown functions to achieve and maintain safe shutdown conditions during and following an

• Reactor reactivity control

• Reactor coolant pressure control

• Reactor coolant inventory control

• Decay heat removal

In addition, certain instrumentation is needed to provide the capability to monitor safe shutdown
conditions and to verify that these safe shutdown functions are being accomplished.

Several alternative methods for accomplishing each of the safe shutdown functions listed above
are typically available in nuclear power plants. A preferred alternative should be selected and
the individual items of active mechanical and electrical equipment in this alternative should then
be identified. The guidelines for redundancy per Section 3.2.6 should be satisfied. Two safe
shutdown equipment lists (SSELs) should be developed; one for the seismic walkdown and one
for the relay evaluation.

The SSEL for relay evaluation includes electrically controlled or powered safe shutdown
equipment whose function could be affected by relay malfunction. This list also includes
inactive safe shutdown equipment which could inadvertently change state or become active due
to relay malfunction and result in unacceptable consequences (e.g., loss of coolant inventory).

6.3.3 Identification of Circuits, Relays, Consequences of Relay Malfunction

Using the SSEL developed for the relay evaluation, drawings of the electrical control circuit(s)
for each SSEL item of equipment should be identified. The electrical circuits used to operate
and control the equipment should then be reviewed. The relays identified in this review should
then be evaluated.

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Once the list of system equipment, circuits, and relays needed for safe shutdown is narrowed to
only those required to function (i.e., change state or maintain a state) during and immediately
after the earthquake, an evaluation should be made of the consequences of relay malfunction in
those systems and circuits. Relay malfunction includes chatter of the contacts in the relay itself
and any other spurious signals from other devices which control the operation of the relay. The
other devices could include other relays which chatter or instruments which send spurious
signals due to the earthquake vibration (e.g., water sloshing in a tank could trigger a low water
level signal from the level instrument).

The evaluation of the consequences of relay malfunction is comparable to a failure modes and
effects analysis and is intended to identify those specific relays whose malfunction is important
and those whose malfunction is inconsequential--that is, those relays whose malfunction will not
prevent the essential function from occurring, either because of the specific circuit design or the
failure logic employed. For example, many control and power circuits for systems in nuclear
power plants are designed such that component malfunction (including relay malfunction) results
in the system failing in a safe manner. An example of this fail-safe design approach is the
circuitry for initiating reactor shutdown, or “SCRAM”. In this case, failure of normally
energized relays or their power supplies results in reactor SCRAM which, in the case of an
earthquake, is an acceptable safe action. Relays in these shutdown systems would not be
included on the list of essential relays because their malfunction is inconsequential from an
earthquake resistance standpoint.

The relay screening and evaluation procedure (Reference 8) includes other screening methods to
eliminate relays from the final group of essential relays. In one such method, relay malfunction
may lead to inadvertent equipment or system operation which is acceptable. For example,
spurious operation of some pumps and valves may not prevent safe shutdown functions and can
be considered acceptable. Also, some relay-controlled devices respond slowly enough that relay
chatter may cause either no operation or only a temporary but acceptable spurious operation of
the controlled device (e.g., relay chatter leading to partial valve opening and then reclosing, or
momentary energization of pumps which do not affect the safe shutdown of the plant). Also,

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operator actions can be relied upon in certain situations to correct the effects of relay malfunction
by resetting the affected relays. These screening methods and others are described in detail in
the step-by-step relay evaluation procedure in Reference 8.

The functional screening process described above will result in the minimum set of essential
electrical relays whose seismic capacity, (that is, operability under design seismic loading)
should be verified to ensure that the plant can be brought to a safe shutdown condition under the
criteria established in USI A-46. It will also identify those cabinets, panels, racks, and other
enclosures which support or house essential relays. These cabinets and panels will require
evaluation as part of the equipment walkdown described in Section 4 to ensure they are properly
anchored and not subject to unacceptable seismic interaction effects.


This section summarizes the screening method for evaluating the seismic capacity of essential
relays (those relays identified using the method described in Section 6.3) compared to the
seismic load (demand) imposed upon them by a seismic event. The details for performing this
screening evaluation are described in Reference 8.

Under current design and licensing criteria for nuclear power plants, relays in safety-related
systems are qualified by shake table tests, most often in the specific cabinet or panel arrangement
in which they are mounted. This is generally not practical for older operating plants nor is it
necessary since actual experience with power plants which have undergone strong earthquakes
has not shown significant or widespread problems with standard power plant equipment,
including most relays. Therefore, this alternative to formal qualification testing has been
developed which uses available seismic test data and actual earthquake experience data to
establish the seismic capacity of a wide variety of relay types. A method for determining the
seismic demand on an essential relay in a cabinet is also included in this screening method.

The following two subsections describe the method for: (1) establishing the seismic capacity of
relays, and (2) comparing this capacity to the seismic demand.

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6.4.1 Seismic Capacity of Relays

Three methods can be used to establish the seismic capacity of essential relays:

• Generic seismic test data,

• Earthquake experience data, and
• Relay-specific test data.

These methods are described below.

Generic Seismic Test Data. Available seismic test data on a variety of types of relays have been
either gathered or generated, evaluated, and consolidated. These data have been reduced to
Generic Equipment Ruggedness Spectra (GERS) in Reference 32 for relays which define seismic
acceleration levels below which relays can be expected to function without chatter or other
damage. The GERS are seismic response spectra within which a class or subclass of relays has
functioned properly during shake-table tests. In some cases the GERS are based on “success”
data (that is, seismic test spectra for which no relay malfunction occurred). In this case, the test
spectra for one or more relays in a given class represent a lower bound of the seismic ruggedness
of the class. In other cases, the GERS may be based on “fragility” data (that is, seismic response
spectra in which failures or malfunctions occurred). In this case, the GERS represent an upper
bound of the seismic ruggedness of the relay class. Where both success and fragility data are
available for a given relay class, the GERS fall between the two spectra. Engineering judgment
was used in developing the GERS level to smooth out sharp peaks and valleys in the test
response spectra.

An example GERS for several auxiliary relay types is shown in Figure 6-2. A normalized GERS
shape is illustrated at the top of this figure; GERS levels (i.e., the peak acceleration) for example
relays are tabulated at the bottom of this figure. Complete sets of all available GERS for relays
are given in Reference 32.

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Earthquake Experience Data. Data have been obtained on relay performance, specific failures,
relay vulnerabilities, and other information from actual earthquake experience in power plants
and other facilities which have undergone significant earthquakes. This information has been
used to identify unacceptable relay types such as those which are known to be susceptible to
damage or chatter due to moderate shaking. Unacceptable relays and related contact devices
which must be avoided are listed and considered in the screening procedure given in
Reference 8. Based on earthquake experience data and on test data, solid state relays, and
mechanically actuated switches are considered seismically rugged and need not be evaluated for
relay chatter. Details and restrictions regarding the screening of both the low-ruggedness and
high-ruggedness classes of control circuit devices are described in Reference 8.

Relay-Specific Test Data. The GERS and earthquake experience data discussed above are
expected to apply to the majority of installed relay types in essential circuits. Plant-specific and
relay-specific seismic test data, where available, can also be used. This seismic test data is
generally maintained by specific plants and/or relay suppliers and has not been included in the
relay GERS. It may be used on a relay-specific or plant-specific basis.

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Figure 6-2. GERS for Auxiliary Relays

(Source: Reference 32)

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6.4.2 Seismic Capacity Compared to Seismic Demand

There are four methods for comparing the seismic capacity of an essential relay to the seismic
demand imposed upon it. These are described below in a multi-level screening approach which
starts with an approximate, generic capacity screening criterion based on earthquake experience,
test experience, and analysis. The final screening level is a very detailed, relay-specific, and
installation-specific analysis and/or test. Seismic adequacy of essential relays can be confirmed
by successful application of any one of these screening methods.

In addition to this screening approach for use with relays in general, a special case is also
described below for evaluating the seismic adequacy of relays which control the operation of a
switchgear breaker.

Screening Level 1 - High Capacity Relays. This first screening level can be used if the following
conditions are met:

• The plant is one of those for which USI A-46 applies and the largest horizontal component
of the 5% damped, free-field, Safe Shutdown Earthquake (SSE) ground response spectrum,
to which the nuclear plant is licensed, is enveloped by the Bounding Spectrum (shown in
Figure 4-2 of Section 4).

• The equipment or cabinet containing the essential relay is mounted at an elevation in the
plant which is no higher than about 40 feet above the effective grade of the plant. The
“effective grade” is defined in Section 4.

• The essential relay is not one of the low-ruggedness types listed in Appendix E of
Reference 8.

If the above conditions are met, then an essential relay is sufficiently rugged when the relay is
mounted in one of the types of structures defined below and the relay has a seismic capacity at
least as large as that given below for each of these structure types:

• When the essential relay is mounted in a cabinet similar to a conventional motor control
center (MCC), the relay should have a defined spectral acceleration capacity of 5g or
higher. Guidelines for classifying cabinets as MCCs are given in Appendix I of

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Reference 8. GERS or relay-specific seismic data (e.g., IEEE-344 and/or IEEE-501 type
tests) can be used to establish the spectral acceleration capacity of the essential relay.

• When the essential relay is mounted on an unsupported panel or in a typical conventional

switchgear cabinet, or it is mounted on a control room panel or benchboard, the relay
should have a defined spectral acceleration capacity of 8g or higher. Guidelines for
classifying If these types of cabinets and panels are given in Appendix I of Reference 8 as
amended by footnote (**) in Table 6-2. GERS or relay-specific seismic qualification data
(e.g., IEEE-344 and/or IEEE-501 type tests) can be used to establish the spectral
acceleration capacity of the essential relay.

If the relay is not mounted in one of the these types of structures, then the Screening Level 1
method cannot be used and one of the following screening methods should be used instead.

Screening Level 2 - Use of In-Cabinet Amplification Factors. The second screening level for
comparing relay seismic capacity to demand is based on: (1) using an in-structure response
spectrum (IRS) at the base of the 1 cabinet containing the relay, (2) multiplying this spectrum by
both an appropriate factor of safety (FS) and by an in-cabinet amplification factor (AF), and
(3) comparing this seismic demand to the relay seismic capacity (CAP) based on GERS or relay-
specific seismic test data.

This comparison can be illustrated using the following equation:


CAP = seismic capacity of an essential relay based on either:

• Relay GERS (from Reference 32) or

• Relay-specific test data using test methods such as IEEE-344 and/or

IRS = in-structure response spectrum at the base of the equipment. Using the
guidelines given in Section 4.2, the in-structure response spectrum may be one
of the following:

Revision 3A

• 1.5 X SSE horizontal, ground response spectrum (for equipment which is

mounted below about 40 feet above the effective grade and has a natural
frequency greater than about 8 Hz),

• Realistic, median-centered, horizontal in-structure SSE response

spectrum, or

• Conservative, design, in-structure SSE response spectrum.

FS = factor of safety to account for uncertainties in various types of in-structure
response spectra as shown in Table 6-l.
AF = in-cabinet amplification factor, as given in Table 6-2, for various types of
cabinets. The guidelines and criteria for identifying the various cabinet types
are included in Appendix I of Reference 8, as amended by footnote (**) in
Table 6-2.

To use this screening method, the essential relay should not be one of the low-ruggedness types
listed in Appendix E of Reference 8.

A relay is considered seismically adequate if the seismic demand spectrum is bounded by the
relay capacity spectrum in the frequency range from 4 - 16 Hz [2]and from 33 Hz and above, i.e.,
the zero period acceleration (ZPA). If the guidelines for this screening method cannot be
applied, or the seismic demand is not bounded by the seismic capacity of the relay, then one of
the following screening methods should be used instead.

Table 6-1.
Factors of Conservatism to be Applied to
Different Types of In-Structure Response Spectra

Factor of
Type of In-Structure Response Spectrum Safety (FS)

• 1.5 X SSE horizontal, ground response spectrum (For 1.5

equipment which is mounted below about 40 feet above
the effective grade and has a natural frequency greater
than about 8 Hz)

• Realistic, median-centered, horizontal in-structure 1.5

response spectrum for the SSE

• Conservative, design, horizontal in-structure response 1.0

spectrum for the SSE

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Table 6-2.
In-Cabinet Amplification Factors for
Use With Level 2 Relay Screening Method

Ampl. Factor
Type of Cabinet (AF)

• MCC-type cabinet 3
(Defined in Appendix I of Reference 8)

• Conventional control panel or benchboard 4.5**

(Defined in Appendix I of Reference 8)**

• Switchgear-type cabinet or similar large unsupported 7

(Defined in Appendix I of Reference 8)
• Other type of cabinet, panel, or enclosure for which
cabinet-specific amplification data exist


* For the “Other” type of cabinets, an effective broad-based amplification factor can be
developed from appropriate test data. Reference 33 can be used for this purpose as a guide in
which an effective in-cabinet amplification factor can be obtained by multiplying the measured
peak amplification factor, for the location in the cabinet where the relay is mounted, times an
appropriate reduction factor. [3]Reference 33 found that a factor of 0.6 applies to the
conventional control panels and benchboards covered by this reference. Use of the 0.6
reduction factor, or other appropriate reduction factors, for other types of cabinets, panels, or
enclosures should be justified and documented using procedures described in Reference 2 of
Section 4 of GIP Reference 33.

** To use an amplification factor of 4.5, the control panel or benchboard must meet the
restrictions (or caveats) given in Reference 8, Appendix I, except that a 13 Hz lower bound
fundamental frequency shall apply when assessing essential relays mounted on internal
independent racks, cantilevered appendages such as cantilevered wing walls attached to a
front face or side wall, and access doors which are part of a control panel or benchboard,
instead of the 11 Hz fundamental frequency specified by the relevant caveat in Reference 8,
Appendix I. Note that one intent of the control panel and benchboard caveats is to restrict use
of this amplification factor to only those cabinets and panels which have significant natural
modes (those related to seismic demand motion for essential relays) at 13 Hz and higher.

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Screening Level 3 - Use of In-Cabinet Response Spectra. In this screening level, the method of
comparing relay seismic capacity to demand is the same as Screening Level 2 [2](i.e., the demand
spectrum is bounded by the capacity spectrum in the frequency range from 4 - 16 Hz and from
33 Hz and above) except that instead of using an in-cabinet amplification factor to determine the
seismic demand on the relay, an in-cabinet response spectrum is used. There are two methods
for developing in-cabinet response spectra, depending upon the type of equipment:

• Control Room Benchboards and Panels. An amplified, in-cabinet response spectrum can
be determined using the methodology and software described in Reference 33 for control
room benchboards and panels. In this option, the cabinet or panel evaluated must meet the
restrictions (or caveats) given in Reference 33 except that a 13 Hz lower bound funda-
mental frequency shall apply when assessing essential relays mounted on internal inde-
pendent racks, cantilevered appendages such as cantilevered wing walls attached to a front
face or side wall, and access doors which are part of a control panel or benchboard, instead
of the 11 Hz fundamental frequency specified by the relevant caveat in Reference 33. Note
that one intent of the control panel and benchboard caveats is to restrict use of this amplifi-
cation factor to only those cabinets and panels which have significant natural modes (those
related to seismic demand motion for essential relays) at 13 Hz and higher. [4]The GENRS
software, described in Reference 33, should not be used for other classes of equipment
without the review and approval of the NRC Staff.

• Other Types of Equipment. For other types of cabinets and panels which are not covered
by Reference 33, in-cabinet response spectrum can be determined using analytical and/or
test methods which are suitable for the specific case. These other methods should be
justified in the documentation of the Relay Functionality Review as described in Section
9.3. This is equivalent to the case-specific analysis and/or test approach acceptable under
current licensing criteria. Caution should be exercised when using this method to
determine in-cabinet response spectra by considering the effects of local flexibilities and
mounting details such as local plastic deformation, slotted holes, fitted connections, etc.

To use this screening method, the essential relay should not be one of the low-ruggedness types
listed in Appendix E of Reference 8.

If the guidelines for this screening method cannot be applied, or the seismic demand is not
bounded by the seismic capacity of the relay, then the following screening method should be
used instead.

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Screening Level 4 - Use of Current Qualification Methods. Use of seismic qualification methods
currently specified in NRC-approved IEEE standards (e.g., IEEE 344-1975, -1987) and current
licensing criteria (e.g., NRC Standard Review Plan and Regulatory Guides) are acceptable means
for evaluating the seismic adequacy of relays.

If none of the above screening methods result in an acceptable comparison of seismic capacity to
demand, then the relay should be classified as an outlier as discussed in Section 6.6, below. Note
that it is permissible to declare a relay an outlier without applying all of the above screening

Seismic Adequacy of Relays in Switchgear. A special case can be used for essential relays
which directly control the operation of switchgear. To show that this type of essential relay is
seismically adequate, it is not necessary to use the above screening methods. Instead the relay
can be shown to be adequate if: (1) the cabinet containing the relay has been shown to be
seismically adequate using the seismic evaluation method given in Section 4, and (2) the
essential relay is not one of the low-ruggedness types listed in Appendix E of Reference 8. Note
that these relays which control the operation of the circuit breaker may be mounted in the
switchgear cabinet or in another cabinet. As a minimum, all relays screened using this method
must be documented in the relay evaluation report. Further details on screening of essential
relays in switchgear are provided in Reference 8.

Note that this special case for screening relays is applicable only to the relays which control the
operation of the switchgear. Essential relays which control components or systems other than
the breaker are not covered by this special case and should be evaluated using one of the four
screening levels described above.

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A walkdown should be performed as a part of the relay evaluation. The purposes of the relay
walkdown are to:

• Obtain information needed to determine cabinet types which house essential relays and to
determine the in-cabinet amplification, where needed, for the seismic capacity screening
described above.

• Verify the seismic adequacy of the cabinets or enclosures which support the essential

• Spot check the mountings of essential relays.

• Spot check the essential relays to verify their types and locations, including checks for
vulnerable relays (as listed in Appendix E of Reference 8).

These purposes can be accomplished during one walkdown or separately during different
walkdowns. To accomplish the first purpose of the relay walkdown, the cabinets or panels
which house essential relays should be identified and the information needed to determine in-
cabinet amplification should be reviewed. A Seismic Capability Engineer and a Relay Reviewer
(as defined in Section 2) should accomplish this purpose.

The second purpose, evaluation of the seismic adequacy of the cabinet or enclosure supporting
the relay, should be done as a part of the Screening Verification and Walkdown as described in
Section 4. Note that the cabinets or enclosures supporting essential relays should be identified
prior to this walkdown.

The third purpose of the relay walkdown is to spot check relay mountings to confirm that relays
are mounted in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. The objective of the spot
checks is to identify any abnormal or atypical relay mounting techniques. The specific number
of relays to be checked is not quantified because the bulk of the relays addressed in the relay
evaluation procedure are typically located in a few specific plant areas and can be easily
checked. Most of the relays encountered in the relay evaluation can be checked by opening relay
cabinets in the following plant areas:

Revision 3A

• Control room
• Relay room or auxiliary control room

• Switchgear rooms
• Diesel generator control panel area

Spot-checking relay mountings can be performed during a separate relay walkdown by personnel
familiar with relay installation. Alternatively, relay mountings may be spot checked during the
seismic walkdown when in-cabinet amplification information is gathered. Special preparation or
training is not required for spot checking relay mountings. Indications such as proper relay label
orientation, mounting bolts in place and tight, and whether the relay is snug in its mounting
bracket are sufficient to judge the adequacy of the mounting; analytical checks are not intended
except as a means to verify atypical mountings.

The fourth purpose of the relay walkdown is to confirm relay types and locations. This can be
performed at the same time that the relay mountings are checked and by the same individuals.
The approach for confirming relay types by the relay walkdown team includes noting relay types
observed in the cabinets and then comparing this with the relays identified on electrical
drawings. It is important to note that relay mountings are considered to be standard and the
circuit drawings are assumed to be correct and up-to-date. Spot checks of the relay mountings
and relay types are a mechanism to confirm these assumptions. Any significant spot check
discrepancies will necessitate more thorough relay inspections.


An outlier is defined as an essential relay which does not meet the screening guidelines for:

• Comparison of relay seismic capacity to seismic demand as given in Section 6.4 or,
• Relay mounting as given in Section 6.5.

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When an outlier is identified, proceed to Section 5, Outlier Identification and Resolution, and
document the cause(s) for not meeting the screening guidelines. The Outlier Seismic
Verification Sheet (OSVS), found in Exhibit 5-1, should be used.

The screening criteria given in this section are intended for use as a generic basis to evaluate the
seismic adequacy of essential relays. Therefore, if an essential relay fails this generic screen, it
may not necessarily be deficient for seismic loading; however, additional evaluations are needed
to show that it is adequate. Some of the additional evaluations and alternative methods for
demonstrating seismic adequacy are summarized below. Generic methods for resolving outliers
are also provided in Section 5.

• Refine the seismic screening requirements and/or analyses.

• Test the relay and/or the cabinet in question.

• Re-design and modify the circuit to make the relay function nonessential.
• Relocate the relay to reduce the seismic demand imposed upon it.
• Replace the relay with a seismically qualified one.

• Stiffen the relay mounting.

• Use other justifiable approaches.


The required documentation for the relay evaluation is described in Section 9. In addition, the
relay functionality screening and evaluation procedure in Reference 8 defines the recommended
documentation for plant-specific relay evaluations. This Reference 8 documentation consists of
tabulation forms which provide a record of the evaluation and includes:

• Identification and listing of all safe shutdown equipment for relay evaluation.
• Identification and listing of all relays or groups of relays which affect the operation of the
safe shutdown equipment. The documentation should be sufficiently detailed such that a
reviewer can trace the conclusions reached regarding the effect of relay malfunction on
operation of any safe shutdown item of equipment. The relays (including all contact

Revision 3A

devices) which are screened out because chatter is acceptable or by use of the other
screening approaches which do not require relay-specific evaluation do not need to be
identified individually. Only the essential relays which require relay-specific seismic
capacity evaluation need to be individually identified.

• Identification of essential relays in switchgear.

• Functional screening results.

• Comparison of relay seismic capacity to seismic demand results.

• Identification of cabinets, panels, and other enclosures which house essential relays.
• Results of walkdown spot checks.

• Outliers, if any.
• Recommended corrective actions.

By using the tabulation forms provided with the relay evaluation procedure, every relay and
contact (or group of relays and contacts when appropriate) in the control circuits for a safe
shutdown item of equipment should be identified and referenced to a plant drawing providing
traceability. These forms also provide for documentation of the conclusion of the evaluation
made for each relay and contact or each group of relays and contacts. If any of the essential
relays are classified as outliers, the Outlier Seismic Verification Sheet (OSVS), found in
Exhibit 5-1, should be completed to document the cause(s) for not meeting the screening
guidelines described in this section.

A full list of all the information which should be documented is described in Section 9 of the
GIP, including information to be retained for later reference and information to be submitted to
the NRC.

Revision 3A


Listed below are the specific reasons for making the changes marked with a vertical line in the
margin of this section to create GIP-3A from GIP-3, Updated 5/16/97. The endnote numbers
listed below correspond to the bracketed numbers (e.g., [1]) located in the text of this section
where the changes are made.

SSER No. 2, Sec. II.4.1 – The Staff position is that the licensee must commit to both the SQUG
commitments and the use of the entire implementation guidance provided in GIP-2, unless otherwise
justified to the staff as described in GIP-2 and SSER No. 2.
The GIP has been amended in the “SQUG Commitments” sections of Part II to reiterate the requirement
contained in the GIP, Part I, Section 1.3 to (1) provide written justification to the NRC for prior
approval of any substantial deviations from the SQUG commitments and (2) notify the NRC of
significant or programmatic deviations from the GIP guidance no later than the summary report.
SSER No. 2, Sec. II.6.1 – The Staff position is that relays must be shown to have adequate seismic
capacity not only in the frequency range from 4 – 16 Hz, but also at the ZPA

The GIP has been amended in Part II, Section 6.4.2, Screening Levels 2 and 3 to address the Staff
position. Addendum 1 of the EPRI Report NP-7148 (Reference 8) also requires this ZPA check to be
performed for GERS screening of switchgear (SWGR) and motor control centers (MCCs).
SSER No. 2, Sec. II.6.2 – The Staff position is that the 0.6 reduction factor developed in GIP Reference
33 is only applicable for the electrical benchboards and panels covered by that reference. For other
types of cabinets, panels, or enclosures, the user must justify and document the basis for the reduction
factor using procedures described in Reference 2 of Section 4 of GIP Reference 33.

The GIP has been amended in Part II, Section 6.4.2, Screening Level 2, Table 6-2 to address the Staff
SSER No. 2, Sec. II.6.3 – The Staff position is that the GENRS software may be used only for
determining in-cabinet amplified response spectra of electrical benchboards and panels as defined in
Reference 33. GENRS should not be used for other types of cabinets, panels, or enclosures, without the
review and approval of the NRC Staff.

The GIP has been amended in Part II, Section 6.4.2, Screening Level 3 for “Control Room Benchboards
and Panels” to address the Staff position.

Revision 3A

Section 7
Tanks and Heat Exchangers Review


This section describes the guidelines which should be used for evaluating the seismic adequacy
of those tanks and heat exchangers which are needed for safe shutdown during and following a
Safe Shutdown Earthquake (SSE) as identified in Section 3.

These guidelines may also be used for replacement of existing tanks and heat exchangers, as
well as for the design and construction of new tanks and heat exchangers. However, for new
flat-bottom vertical tanks, different attributes, as defined in Sections,, and 7.3.7,
must be used in some of the evaluations rather than the attributes given for existing or
replacement tanks.

The guidelines contained in this section are based on Reference 26. Note, however, that to
provide consistency with the remainder of the GIP some of the nomenclature and symbols used
in this section are slightly different than those used in Reference 26.

This section contains the SQUG commitments (Section 7.1), a description of the overall
evaluation methodology (Section 7.2), the steps for verifying the seismic adequacy of vertical
tanks (Section 7.3), the steps for verifying the seismic adequacy of horizontal tanks and heat
exchangers (Section 7.4), a description of how to treat outliers (Section 7.5), and a description of
how to document the results of the evaluations (Section 7.6).

Successful completion of the review described in this section for large, flat-bottom, cylindrical
vertical tanks, which are needed for safe shutdown or for refueling water storage in PWRs, is
considered an acceptable method for resolving the seismic issues related to these types of tanks

Revision 3A

for Unresolved Safety Issue (USI) A-40, Seismic Design Criteria, as it applies to operating


Members of SQUG adopting the Generic Implementation Procedure for USI A-46 resolution
commit to the following in regard to the verification of seismic adequacy of tanks and heat
exchangers. [2]As specified in GIP, Part I, Section 1.3, any substantial deviations from the SQUG
Commitments must be justified to the NRC in writing prior to implementation. Likewise the
NRC should be notified of significant or programmatic deviations from the GIP guidance
(Sections 7.2 through 7.6) but implementation may begin without first obtaining NRC
concurrence (at the licensee’s own risk).

7.1.1 Scope of Equipment

The licensee will evaluate for seismic adequacy tanks and heat exchangers identified pursuant to
Section 3 of the GIP.

7.1.2 Evaluation Methodology

For identified tanks and heat exchangers, the licensee will perform an engineering evaluation
which checks for the seismic adequacy of: (1) tank wall stability to prevent buckling (for large
vertical ground- or floor-mounted, flat-bottom tanks only) including the effects of hydrodynamic
loadings and tank wall flexibility; (2) anchor bolt and embedment strength; (3) anchorage
connection strength between the anchor bolts and the shell of the tank or heat exchanger; and (4)
flexibility of piping attached to large, flat-bottom, vertical tanks.

7.1.3 Documentation

The licensee will document the tank and heat exchanger evaluations performed pursuant to this
section, including all calculations, assumptions, and data used to support the evaluations.

Revision 3A


The screening evaluations described in this section for verifying the seismic adequacy of tanks
and heat exchangers cover those features of tanks and heat exchangers which experience has
shown can be vulnerable to seismic loadings. These evaluations include the following features:

• Check that the shell of large, flat-bottom, vertical tanks will not buckle. Loadings on these
types of tanks should include the effects of hydrodynamic loadings and tank wall

• Check that the anchor bolts and their embedments have adequate strength against breakage
and pullout.

• Check that the anchorage connection between the anchor bolts and the tank shell (e.g.,
saddles, legs, chairs, etc.) have adequate strength.

• Check that the attached piping has adequate flexibility to accommodate the motion of
large, flat-bottom, vertical tanks.

Two Seismic Capability Engineers (as defined in Section 2) should review these evaluations to
verify that they meet the intent of these guidelines. This review should include a field inspection
of the tank, the anchorage connections, and the anchor bolt installation against the guidelines
described in this section, Section 4.4, and Appendix C.

The derivation and technical justification for the guidelines in this section were developed
specifically for: (1) large, flat-bottom, cylindrical, vertical, storage tanks; and (2) horizontal
cylindrical tanks and heat exchangers with support saddles made of plates. The types of loadings
and analysis methods described in this section are considered to be appropriate for these types of
tanks and heat exchangers; however, a generic procedure cannot cover all the possible design
variations. Therefore, it is the responsibility of the Seismic Capability Engineer to assess the
seismic adequacy of other design features not specifically covered in this section. For example,
the guidelines in this section do not specifically include a check of the stress in the weld
connecting the steel support saddles to the shell of a horizontal tank or heat exchanger since this
weld is typically very strong compared to other parts of the saddle and its anchorage. However,

Revision 3A

if the seismic review team finds there to be very little weld attaching these parts, then this weld
should be evaluated for its seismic adequacy.

Other types of tanks and heat exchangers (e.g., vertical tanks supported on skirts and structural
legs) which are not specifically covered by the guidelines in this section, should be evaluated by
the Seismic Capability Engineers using an approach similar to that described in this section.
Reference 26 provides guidelines for evaluating vertical tanks on legs or skirts. Likewise, the
utility may use existing analyses which verify the seismic adequacy of its tanks and heat
exchangers in lieu of the GIP, provided the Seismic Capability Engineers verify that these other
analyses address the same type of loading as the GIP (e.g., hydrodynamic loading on the flexible
wall of vertical, flat-bottom tanks, etc.) and the same failure modes (e.g., shell buckling of
vertical, flat-bottom tanks, etc.).

The screening guidelines described in this section were developed to simplify the complex
dynamic fluid-structure interaction analyses for large vertical tanks and to further simplify the
equivalent static analysis procedure for smaller horizontal tanks. To accomplish this, it was
necessary to make certain simplifying assumptions and to limit the range of applicability of the
guidelines. Most tanks and heat exchangers used in the nuclear power industry fall within the
restrictions and range of values for which the screening guidelines were developed. However,
for those tanks and heat exchangers which are not covered by, or do not pass the screening
guidelines, it may be possible to perform tank-specific evaluations, using the approach described
in Reference 26, to verify the seismic adequacy of the tank or heat exchanger.

The screening guidelines described in this section are based on using 4% damped ground or floor
response spectra for overturning moment and shear loadings on the tanks. The slosh height of
the fluid surface for vertical tanks is based on using l/2% damped ground or floor response
spectra. If 4% and l/2% damped response spectra are not directly available, then they may be
estimated by scaling from spectra at other damping values using the standard technique
described in Section 4.4.3 under the subsection “Equipment Damping.”

Revision 3A


This section covers the following topics for vertical tanks:

• Scope of vertical tanks

• Seismic demand applied to vertical tanks
• Overturning moment capacity calculation

• Shear load capacity vs. demand

• Freeboard clearance vs. slosh height
• Attached piping flexibility

7.3.1 Scope of Vertical Tanks

The type of vertical tanks covered by the screening guidelines are large, cylindrical tanks whose
axis of symmetry is vertical and are supported, on their flat bottoms, directly on a concrete pad
or a floor. A section through a typical large vertical tank is shown in Figure 7-l. (Note: All
figures and tables applicable to vertical tanks are grouped together after Section 7.3.7.) The
range of parameters and assumptions which are applicable when using the guidelines to evaluate
large vertical tanks are listed in Table 7-l. The nomenclature and symbols used for vertical tanks
are listed in Table 7-2.

The guidelines assume that the tank shell material is carbon steel (ASTM A36 or A283 Grade C)
or stainless steel (ASTM A240 Type 304) or aluminum. The number of bolts used to anchor
down the tank is assumed to be 8 or more cast-in-place anchor bolts or J-bolts made of regular-
strength or high-strength carbon steel (ASTM A36 or A307 or better material A325). These
bolts are assumed to be spaced evenly around the circumference of the tank. These assumptions
and the range of parameters given in Table 7-l have been selected to cover the majority of
vertical storage tanks in nuclear power plants.

Revision 3A

7.3.2 Seismic Demand Applied to Vertical Tanks

The seismic demand applied to vertical tanks in the screening guidelines is based on using the
maximum horizontal component of the ground or floor response spectra. The tank should be
evaluated for the condition where it is filled with fluid to the maximum level to which the tank is
filled during operation; this is the most severe loading condition for typical tanks at nuclear
power plants. Other types of loads, such as nozzle loads, are not considered in this screening
method since they are typically very small compared to the tank inertial loads.

The horizontal response of fluid-filled vertical tanks has been found to be reasonably represented
by two modes of response. One is a low frequency mode called the sloshing mode, in which the
contained fluid sloshes within the tank. The other is a high frequency mode wherein the
structure and fluid move together, called the impulsive mode. Previously, tank walls were
assumed to be rigid in determining the response from these two modes. More recent work has
shown that while the assumption is appropriate for the sloshing mode, it is not appropriate for the
impulsive mode. For large, thin-walled tanks, the tank may deform under the impulsive mode
pressures and vibrate at frequencies in the amplified response range of earthquake motion (2 to
20 Hz). These screening guidelines account for fluid-structure interaction in the impulsive

These hydrodynamic loads on the tank are characterized in the screening guidelines in terms of
the tank overturning moment (M) and the base shear load (Q). By using certain simplifying
assumptions and limiting the range of applicability, these loads can be determined using the step-
by-step procedure given below.

Step 1 - Determine the following input data. [3]Where practical, as-built drawings should be used
or a walkdown should be performed to gather data on the tank.
Tank Material:
R (Nominal radius of tank) [in.]

H′ (Height of tank shell) [ in.]

tmin (Minimum shell thickness along the height of the tank shell (H’), usually at the top
of the tank) [in.]

Revision 3A

ts (Minimum thickness of the tank shell in the lowest 10% of shell height H') [in.]
σy (Yield strength of tank shell material) [psi]
hc (Height of shell compression zone at base of tank – usually height of chair) [in.]
Es (Elastic modulus of tank shell material) [psi]
Vs Average shear wave velocity of soil for tanks located at grade) [ft/sec]

γf (Weight density of fluid in tank) [lbf/in3]
H (Height of fluid at the maximum level to which the tank will be filled) [in.]
hf (Height of freeboard above fluid surface at the maximum level to which the tank will
be filled) [in.]

N (Number of anchor bolts)
d (Diameter of anchor bolt) [in.]
hb (Effective length of anchor bolt being stretched - usually from the top of the chair to
embedded anchor plate) [in.]
Eb (Elastic modulus of anchor bolt material) [psi]

Ground or floor response spectrum acceleration at 4% damping for overturning moment
and shear loadings on tanks and at l/2% damping for fluid slosh height.

Step 2 - Calculate the following ratios and values:


∑t i hi
(Thickness of the tank shell averaged over the linear height of the tank
tav = i =1

H′ shell (H′)) [in.]

Revision 3A

n = total number of sections of the tank shell with different thicknesses
i = counter digit
ti = thickness of the ith section of the tank shell [in.]
hi = height of the ith section of the tank shell [in.]
H' = total height of tank shell [in.]
Note that ∑h
i =1
i = H′

t av + t min
tef = (Effective thickness of tank shell) [in.]

πd 2
Ab = (Cross-sectional area of embedded anchor bolt) [in.2]

 N Ab  Eb 
t′ =     (Equivalent shell thickness having the same cross-
 2π R   Es  sectional area as anchor bolts) [in.]

 t′   hc 
c′ =     (Coefficient of tank wall thicknesses and lengths under stress)
 ts  hb 
W = π R2 H γf (Weight of fluid in tank) [lbf]

Confirm that the parameters, values, and ratios determined in these first two steps are within the
ranges given in Table 7-l. If they are, then the procedure given in this section is applicable to the
subject vertical tank; proceed to Step 3. If the tank does not meet this guideline, classify the tank
as an outlier and proceed to Section 5, Outlier Identification and Resolution.

Step 3 – Determine the fluid-structure modal frequency for vertical carbon steel tanks containing
Ff [Hz] (from Table 7-3)

Revision 3A

by entering Table 7-3 with:

R [in.] (from Step 1)
tef/R (from Step 2)
H/R = (from Step 2)

Alternatively, enter Figure 7-2 with tef/R and H/R to obtain F′ f. Then compute Ff :

1200 
Ff = Ff′ 
 R 
This frequency is for carbon steel tanks containing water. For other tank material (stainless steel
or aluminum) with modulus of elasticity Es (psi) and fluid other than water with weight density
γf [lbf/in3], the frequency Ff(s, f) may be computed from Ff, determined above, as follows:

0.0361 Es
Ff (s, f ) = Ff
γf 30 x 10 6

Step 4 - Determine the spectral acceleration (Sa f) for the fluid-structure modal frequency. (See
Section 4.4.3, Step 1 for a discussion of input spectral acceleration.) Enter the 4% damped
horizontal ground or floor response spectrum (the maximum horizontal component) for the
surface on which the tank is mounted, with the fluid-structure modal frequency:
Ff [Hz] (from Step 3)
and determine the maximum spectral acceleration:
Sa f [g] (from horizontal 4% damped response spectrum)
over the following frequency (F) range:
0.8 Ff < F < 1.2 Ff
For tanks with concrete pads founded on ground, soil-structure interaction (SSI) effects on
frequency Ff, and thus on Sa f, must be accounted for if Vs is less than 3,500 ft/sec. The SSI
effects on frequency may be computed explicitly by appropriate methods as discussed in
Reference 26, or by the following simplified procedure:
(a) If frequency Ff is smaller than the frequency at the peak of the applicable ground
response spectrum, SSI effects may be ignored.
(b) If frequency Ff is larger than the peak frequency of the spectrum, then use the peak
spectrum value for Sa f.

Revision 3A

Step 5 - Determine the base shear load (Q). Enter Figure 7-3 with:
H/R (from Step 2)
tef/R (from Step 2)
and determine the base shear load coefficient:

Q′ (from Figure 7-3)

Compute the shear load at the base of the tank:

Q = Q′ W Sa f [lbf]

Step 6 - Determine the base overturning moment (M). Enter Figure 7-4 with:
H/R (from Step 2)
tef/R (from Step 2)
and determine the base overturning moment coefficient:

M′ (from Figure 7-4)

Compute the overturning moment at the base of the tank:

M = M′ W H Sa f [in-lbf]

This completes the determination of the seismic demand applied to a vertical tank.

7.3.3 Overturning Moment Capacity Calculation

The seismic capacity of the tank shell and its anchorage to resist the overturning moment (M)
calculated above is determined as explained below. The overturning moment is resisted by
compression in the tank wall and tension in the anchor bolts. The overturning moment capacity
is thus controlled by shell buckling on one side and anchor bolt capacity on the other side. The
analysis procedure described below calculates the capacity of the shell to withstand buckling,
assuming the anchor bolts stretch inelastically. The assumption of allowing the anchor bolts to
stretch inelastically is used in these screening guidelines to distribute the overturning moment
more evenly among several anchor bolts.

Revision 3A

The overturning moment capacity calculation is broken down into four parts. First, the anchor
bolt capacity is determined by the procedure given in Section 4 and Appendix C for cast-in-place
bolts or J-bolts and is taken as the bolt yield capacity. Note, however, that the anchor bolt load
using this allowable is subject to verification that there is adequate strength in the bolt chair and
its connection to the shell to carry the anchor bolt yield capacity.

Therefore, the second part of the overturning moment capacity calculation is to determine the
anchorage connection capacity. If it is determined that the anchorage connection assembly has
lower capacity than that determined for the anchor bolt itself, then this lower capacity should be
used. The failure mode governing the connection capacity should also be determined, i.e., is it
ductile or brittle. For a brittle failure mode, the moment capacity is determined without allowing
inelastic stretching (yielding) of the bolt.

The third part is to calculate the compressive axial buckling stress capacity of the tank shell. The
fourth and final part is to determine the controlling overturning moment capacity using the
calculated bolt tension capacity and tank shell buckling capacity and compare this to the
overturning moment seismic demand determined in Step 6. Bolt Tensile Capacity

Step 7 - Determine bolt tensile load capacity, Pu (lbf), per guidelines for cast-in-place bolts in
Section 4 and Appendix C. This value should reflect any effects of less than minimum
embedment, spacing, and edge distance as well as concrete cracking as detailed in Section 4 and
Appendix C. The bolt capacities from Section 4 and Appendix C are based on the weak link
being the anchor bolt rather than the concrete such that the postulated failure mode is ductile.
Compute the allowable bolt stress, Fb (psi):

Fb = [psi]

Pu = bolt tensile load capacity [lbf] (from Section 4, Appendix C)
Ab = cross-sectional area of embedded anchor bolt [in2] (from Step 2)
If the Section 4 and Appendix C criteria are not met for the anchorage, then the concrete is
considered the weak link in the load path and the postulated failure mode is brittle. Determine an
appropriate reduced allowable anchor bolt stress (Fr) per applicable code requirements or,

Revision 3A

alternately, classify the tank as an outlier and proceed to Section 5, Outlier Identification and
Resolution, after completing all the evaluations in this section.
For the design and construction of new flat-bottom vertical tanks, the cast-in-place anchor bolts
and associated hardware (chairs, transfer plates, etc.) shall be designed and installed in
accordance with embedment depth, edge distance, anticipated concrete cracking, and corrosion
allowance specified in Section 4 and Appendix C. However, the allowable bolt stress, Fb, shall
be limited to the yield strength of the bolting material. Anchorage Connection Capacity

In the previous step for determining bolt tensile capacity, it is assumed that the anchorage
connection details are adequate for the bolt to develop its yield capacity in tension, and
subsequently deform in a ductile manner. For this type of ductile behavior to occur, it should be
possible to transfer loads at least equal to the anchor bolt allowable capacity to the tank wall
local to the anchor bolts, the connection between the tank wall and the anchor bolt chair, and the
anchor bolt chair itself.

The purpose of this check is to determine if the capacity of the load path is greater than the
tensile capacity, Pu, of the anchor bolt. The evaluation guidelines given in this section are taken
from Reference 26 which primarily uses the design guidelines developed by the American Iron
and Steel Institute (Reference 27). Figure 7-5 shows a typical detail of a vertical tank anchor
bolt chair. The chair includes two vertical stiffener plates welded to the tank wall. A top plate,
through which the bolt passes, transfers loads from the bolt to the stiffeners which, in turn,
transfer the loads into the tank wall. Figure 7-6 depicts two other less commonly used anchor
chair details. The detail shown in Figure 7-6(b) is an example of a poor anchorage connection
design and is unlikely to satisfy the strength criteria for the connection. The procedure for
checking the capacities of the various components of the anchorage connection is given below.
This procedure applies to the typical chair assembly shown in Figure 7-5. A similar approach
can be used for other types of anchor bolt chairs, however appropriate equations should be used.
In particular, the tank shell stress equation given below in Step 9 is only applicable for the type
of chair assembly shown in Figure 7-5.

Revision 3A

If each of the anchorage connection components meets the acceptance criteria defined below,
then the bolt tensile capacity determined in the previous Step 7 is limiting. If, however, any of
the components does not meet these guidelines, the reduced anchor bolt tension capacity
represented by the equivalent value of anchor bolt allowable stress (Fr), as calculated here,
should be used. Note that, if the failure mode of the weak link is nonductile, the procedure for
computing Mcap (in Section is slightly different. Typically, plate or weld shear failure is
considered nonductile, while tension yielding of the bolt or plastic bending failure is considered
ductile. For the purposes of these guidelines, nonductile failure modes are classified as “brittle”.

The procedure given below, Steps 8 through 11, is for carbon steel material (for tanks,
connection elements and bolts), and is based on allowable stresses (adjusted for SSE loading) per
AISC specifications. Adjustments should be made for other material such as stainless steel and
aluminum for the allowable stress per applicable codes. The symbols used in the equations given
in these steps are defined in Figure 7-5.

Step 8 - Top Plate. The top plate transfers the anchor bolt load to the vertical stiffeners and the
tank wall. The critical stress in the top plate occurs between the bolt hole and the free edge of
the plate (the area identified by dimension f in Figure 7-5) using the following equation. This
bending stress is estimated. Note that if the top plate projects radially beyond the vertical plates,
no more than l/2 inch of this projecting plate can be included in the dimension f used in the
following equation. The maximum bending stress in the top plate is:

(0.375g − 0.22d ) Pu
σ= [psi]
f c2

The top plate is adequate if the following guideline is satisfied:

σ < fy
If the top plate does not meet this guideline, it is considered to fail in a ductile manner; therefore
a load reduction factor:

should be computed and multiplied by the anchor bolt allowable tensile stress (Fb):

 fy 
Fr = Fb   [psi]
σ 

Revision 3A

This reduced allowable anchor bolt stress should then be used to compute the overturning
moment capacity in Section

Step 9 - Tank Shell Stress. The anchor bolt loads are transferred into the tank shell as a
combination of direct vertical load and out-of-plane bending moment (due to the eccentricity
between the bolt centerline and the tank wall). A check of shell stresses is considered necessary
only for large, flat-bottom, vertical storage tanks because of past experience with such tanks in
earthquakes. Note that the stress equation given below is only applicable for the type of chair
assembly shown in Figure 7-5.
The maximum bending stress in the tank shell is:

 

Pu e  
1.32 Z 0.031 
σ= 2 + [psi]
t s  1.43 a h 
R t
 R t + (4a h 2 ) 0.333 s

 s 

Z= 2
(0.177 in ) a t b  t b 
 t  + 1.0
Rt s  s
Note: The terms a, tb, ts, and R in the above equation should all be in units of inches to be
consistent with the proportionality factor of 0.177 which, as used in this equation, has units of
The tank shell is adequate if the following guideline is satisfied:
σ < fy
If the tank shell does not meet this guideline, it is considered to fail in a ductile manner; therefore
a load reduction factor:

should be computed and multiplied by the anchor bolt allowable tensile stress (Fb).

 fy 
Fr = Fb   [psi]
σ 
This reduced allowable anchor bolt stress should then be used to compute the overturning
moment capacity in Section

Revision 3A

Step 10 - Vertical Stiffener Plates. The vertical stiffener plates are considered adequate for shear
stress, buckling, and compressive stress if the following three guidelines are satisfied:

k 95
• <
j fy
• j > 0.04(h - c) and j > 0.5 in.

• < 21,000 psi
2k j

If the vertical stiffener plates do not meet these guidelines, then the anchorage connection will
fail in a nonductile manner before the anchor bolts will yield. For the purposes of these
guidelines, nonductile failure modes are classified as “brittle”. Determine an appropriate
reduced allowable anchor bolt stress (Fr) per applicable code requirements, and compute the
overturning moment capacity in Section Alternately, classify the tank as an outlier and
proceed to Section 5, Outlier Identification and Resolution, after completing the remainder of the
evaluations in this section.

Step 11 - Chair-to-Tank Wall Weld. The load per linear inch of weld between the anchor bolt
chair (i.e., the top plate plus the vertical stiffener plates) and the tank wall is determined from the
following equation for an inverted U-weld pattern of uniform thickness:
2 2
 1   e 
Ww = Pu  a + 2 h  +  a h + 0.667 h 2 
   

The weld is adequate if the following guideline is satisfied:

30,600 t w
Ww ≤
where 30,600 psi in the above equation is the allowable weld strength.
If the chair-to-tank wall weld does not meet this guideline, then the anchorage will fail in a
nonductile manner before the anchor bolts will yield. For the purposes of these guidelines,
nonductile failure modes are classified as “brittle.” Determine an appropriate reduced allowable
anchor bolt stress (Fr) per applicable code requirements, and compute the overturning moment
capacity in Section Alternately, classify the tank as an outlier and proceed to Section 5,
Outlier Identification and Resolution, after completing the remainder of the evaluations in this

This completes the evaluation of the anchorage connection capacity for vertical tanks.

Revision 3A Tank Shell Buckling Capacity

The compressive axial buckling stress capacity of the tank shell is most likely limited by the
“elephant-foot” buckling mode near the base of the tank wall. Another possible buckling mode
for vertical tanks is the “diamond-shape” buckling mode. Both of these buckling modes are
dependent upon the hydrodynamic and hydrostatic pressure acting at the base of the tank which
is determined below:

Step 12 - Determine the fluid pressure for elephant-foot buckling (Pe) by entering Figure 7-7
Sa f [g] (from Step 4)
H/R (from Step 2)
and determine the pressure coefficient for elephant-foot buckling of the tank:

Pe′ (from Figure 7-7)

Compute the fluid pressure at the base of the vertical tank for elephant-foot buckling:

Pe = Pe′ γf R [psi]

Step 13 - Determine the elephant-foot buckling stress capacity factor

σpe [ksi] (from Figure 7-8)

by entering Figure 7-8 with:

Pe [psi] (from Step 12)
ts/R (from Step 2)
Convert σpe into units of psi by multiplying by 1000.
This value of σpe is for carbon steel. For other material, use the following formula:

0.6E s   Pe R 
 1   S1 + σ y / 36,000 psi 
σ pe = 1 −    1 −  [ psi]
σ t  1.5  
R / ts   y s   1.12 + S1   S1 + 1 
 

Revision 3A

S1 =
400 t s

σy = yield strength of tank shell material [psi] (from Step 1)

Es = elasticity modulus of tank shell material [psi] (from Step 1)
ts = minimum thickness of tank shell in the lowest 10% of the shell height
(H′) [in.] (from Step 1)
R = nominal radius of tank [in.] (from Step 1)
Pe = fluid pressure at the base of tank for elephant-foot buckling of tank shell
[psi] (from Step 12)
Step 14 - Determine the fluid pressure for diamond-shape buckling (Pd) by entering Figure 7-9
Sa f [g] (from Step 4)
H/R (from Step 2)
and determine the pressure coefficient for diamond-shape buckling of the tank:

Pd′ (from Figure 7-9)

Compute the fluid pressure at the base of the vertical tank for diamond-shape buckling:

Pd = Pd′ γf R [psi]

Step 15 - Determine the diamond-shape buckling stress capacity factor:

σpd [ksi] (from Figure 7-10)
by entering Figure 7-10 with:
Pd [psi] (from Step 14)
ts/R (from Step 2)
Convert σpd into units of psi by multiplying by 1000.

This value of σpd is for carbon steel. For other material use the following formula:

σpd = (0.6γ + ∆γ)
R / ts

Revision 3A


γ = 1 – 0.73 (1-e-φ)

1 R
φ =
16 ts

Es = elastic modulus of tank shell material [psi] (from Step 1)

R = nominal radius of tank [in.] (from Step 1)
ts = minimum thickness of tank shell in the lowest 10% of the shell height
(H′) [in.] (from Step 1)
∆γ = increase factor for internal pressure (from Figure 7-11)

Step 16 – Select the allowable buckling stress, σc, as 72% of the lower value of σpe or σpd:
σc = 0.72 [min. (σpe, σpd)] [psi]
For newly designed and constructed flat-bottom vertical tanks, the following equation should
be used instead:
σc = 0.6 [min. (σpe, σpd)] [psi] Overturning Moment Capacity

Step 17 - The overturning moment capacity of the tank, Mcap is dependent upon whether the
postulated weak link failure mode is ductile or brittle. A ductile failure mode is defined as one in
which the weak link is one of the following:

• Anchor bolt stretching (Step 7)

• Chair top plate bending (Step 8)
• Tank shell bending (Step 9)

A brittle mode of failure is defined as one in which the weak link is one of the following:

• Concrete cone failure (Step 7)

• Chair stiffener plate shear or buckling failure (Step 10)

• Chair-to-tank wall weld shear failure (Step 11)

Revision 3A

(a) Determine the base overturning moment coefficient for ductile failure:

M′cap [dimensionless] (from Figure 7-12)

by entering Figure 7-12 with:

c′ [dimensionless] (from Step 2)

σc [psi] (from Step 16)
Fb = smaller of Fb (from Step 7)
or Fr (from Steps 8 or 9) [psi]
hc [in.] (from Step 1)
hb [in.] (from Step 1)
If the postulated weak link failure mode is ductile, go to Step (c), below. If the postulated
weak link failure mode is brittle, continue on to Step (b), below.
(b) If the postulated weak link failure mode is brittle, then enter Table 7-4 with:

c′ [dimensionless] (from Step 2)

and determine the base overturning moment coefficient for the elastic limit:

M′cap [dimensionless] (from Table 7-4)

Compare the M′cap value determined above with the M′cap value determined in Step (a),
above, and select the lower of the two values for use in Step (c), below.
(c) Compute Mcap :

Mcap = (M′cap) (2Fb) (R2ts) (hb/hc)


M′cap [dimensionless] (from Step 17(a) for ductile failure mode or 17(b) for
brittle failure mode)
Fb = smaller of Fb or Fr (from Steps 7, 8, 9, 10, or 11) [psi]
R [in.] (from Step 1)
ts [in.] (from Step 1)
hb [in.] (from Step 1)
hc [in.] (from Step 1)

Revision 3A

Step 18 - Compare the overturning moment capacity of the tank (Mcap, from Step 17) with the
overturning moment (M, from Step 6). If

Mcap ≥ M
then the tank is adequate for this loading; proceed to Step 19. If the tank does not meet this
guideline, classify the tank as an outlier and proceed to Section 5, Outlier Identification and
Resolution, after completing the remainder of the evaluations in this section.

7.3.4 Shear Load Capacity vs. Demand

The seismic capacity of the tank to resist the shear load (Q) is determined below. The shear load
is assumed to be resisted by sliding friction between the tank base plate and the supporting
foundation material. The base shear load capacity is therefore a function of the friction
coefficient and the pressure on the base plate. A friction coefficient of 0.55 is used in the
screening guidelines. The pressure on the base plate is made up of hydrostatic pressure from the
weight of the contained fluid less the hydrodynamic pressure from the vertical component of the
earthquake. The hydrodynamic pressure from the horizontal component (from overturning
moment) of the earthquake is ignored since its net or average pressure distribution over the entire
base plate is zero. The weight of the tank shell is conservatively neglected.

Step 19 - Compute the base shear load capacity of the tank:

Qcap = 0.55 (1 - 0.21 Sa f) W
Sa f [g] (from Step 4)
W [lbf] (from Step 4)

Step 20 - Compare the base shear load capacity of the tank (Qcap, from Step 19) with the shear
load (Q, from Step 5). If

Qcap ≥ Q
then the tank is adequate for this loading; proceed to Step 21. If the tank does not meet this
guideline, classify the tank as an outlier and proceed to Section 5, Outlier Identification and
Resolution, after completing the remainder of the evaluations in this section.

Revision 3A

This procedure assumes that no shear load is carried by the anchor bolts. Note that this
assumption is theoretically valid only if there is a slight gap between the hole in the tank base
and the anchor bolt; this is usually the case.

7.3.5 Freeboard Clearance vs. Slosh Height

The screening guidelines described above are based on the assumption that there is enough
freeboard clearance available between the liquid surface and the tank roof such that the tank roof
is not subjected to significant forces from sloshing liquid. The procedure given below simply
compares the freeboard clearance to the slosh height; this is considered to be conservative since
it allows no contact of the fluid with the tank roof.

Step 21 - The slosh height is given by the following equation:

hs = 0.837 R Sas
R = nominal radius of tank [in.] (from Step 1)
Sas = spectral acceleration (l/2% damping) of the ground or floor on which the
tank is mounted at the frequency of the sloshing mode (Fs, determined
In calculating the slosh height from this equation, the Sas value must be obtained from the input
demand spectrum at the sloshing mode frequency, Fs, and damping value of l/2%. Care should
be exercised in assuring that the spectrum values are accurately defined in the sloshing mode
frequency range, typically for 0.5 Hz to 0.2 Hz. The sloshing mode frequency can be calculated
from the following equation:

1 1.84G  1.84H 
Fs = tanh   [Hz]
2π R  R 
G = acceleration of gravity
= 386.4 [in/sec2]
R [in.] (from Step 1)
H [in.] (from Step 1)

Revision 3A

Alternately, determine the slosh height by entering Table 7-5 with:

H/R (from Step 2)
R [in.] (from Step 1)
and determine the slosh height of the fluid in the tank for a ZPA of 1g at the base of the tank:

h′s [in.] (from Table 7-5)

In calculating the slosh height given in Table 7-5, it has been assumed that for an input spectrum
normalized to a ZPA of 1 g, the Sas (l/2% damping) values vary linearly from 0.75 g at 0.5 Hz to
0.4 g at 0.2 Hz.
Compute the slosh height of the fluid in the tank for the ZPA of the ground or floor on which the
tank is mounted:

hs = h′s ZPA

h′s [in.] (from above)

ZPA [g] (from horizontal response spectrum)

Step 22 - Determine the available freeboard above the fluid surface at the maximum level to
which the tank will be filled (h f, in.).
For conical tank roofs, measure the freeboard from the fluid surface to the intersection of the
wall and the roof (a distance R from the tank centerline).
For tanks with a domed roof, measure the freeboard from the fluid surface to the point where the
roof surface is at a distance of 0.9R from the tank centerline.
Compare the available freeboard (hf) to the slosh height of the fluid (hs, from Step 21). If
hf ≥ hs
then the tank is adequate for this condition; proceed to Step 23. If the tank does not meet this
guideline, classify the tank as an outlier and proceed to Section 5, Outlier Identification and
Resolution, after completing the remainder of the evaluations in this section.

7.3.6 Attached Piping Flexibility

For evaluation of large, flat-bottom, cylindrical, vertical tanks, the loads imposed on the tank due
to the inertial response of attached piping can be neglected. It is considered that these piping
loads have very little effect on the loads applied to the anchorage of large, flat-bottom tanks

Revision 3A

compared to the large hydrodynamic inertial loads from the tank and its contents. However, the
relative motion between the tank and the piping presents a potential failure mode for the attached
piping which could result in rapid loss of the tank's contents. This has occurred under certain
circumstances in past earthquakes. Therefore this concern is addressed by requiring adequate
flexibility in the piping system to accommodate tank motion as described below:

Step 23 - Flexibility of Attached Piping. The Seismic Review Team should be aware that the
analytical evaluation method for vertical tanks allows for a limited amount of base anchorage
inelastic behavior. This, in turn, means that there may be a very slight uplift of the tank during
seismic motion. When performing in-plant evaluations of tank anchorage, the Seismic Review
Team should assess attached piping near the base of the tank to ensure that the piping has
adequate flexibility to accommodate any anticipated tank motion. Near the top of the tank, there
will be considerably more motion and any attached piping should have substantial flexibility.

7.3.7 Tank Foundation

The screening guidelines contained herein are for use with all types of tank foundations typically
found in the nuclear industry except ring-type foundations. Ring foundations should be
identified as outliers and evaluated separately.

An acceptable outlier evaluation method for ring-type foundations is to check the tank
overturning resistance and the adequacy of the rebar in the foundation. The overturning
resistance may be checked by using the energy method to compute how much the tank and
attached ring foundation lift up and whether there is adequate flexibility in the tank floor, shell,
and associated welds, .as well as any attached piping.

For newly designed and constructed flat-bottom vertical tanks, the tank foundation (ring-type
or otherwise) shall be designed to resist the overturning moment.

This completes the seismic evaluation for vertical tanks.

Revision 3A

Table 7-1
Applicable Range of Parameters and Assumptions for Vertical Tanks

Tank Material1 Carbon or Stainless Steel, Aluminum

Nominal Radius of Tank R = 5 to 35 ft. (60 to 420 in.)

Height of Tank Shell H′ = 10 to 80 ft. (120 to 960 in.)

Height of Fluid at the Maximum Level to Which the Tank H = 10 to 80 ft. (120 to 960 in.)
Will be Filled

Minimum Thickness of the Tank Shell in the Lowest 10% of ts = 3/16 to 1in.
the Shell Height (H′)

Effective Thickness of Tank Shell Based on the Mean of the tef = 3/16 to 1 in.
Average Thickness (tav) and the Minimum Thickness (tmin)

Diameter of Anchor Bolt2 d = 1/2 to 2 in.

Number of Anchor Bolts3 N = 8 or more

Tank Wall Thickness (at Base)-to-Tank Radius Ratio ts/R = 0.001 to 0.01

Effective Tank Wall Thickness-to-Tank Radius Ratio tef/R = 0.001 to 0.01

Fluid Height-to-Tank Radius Ratio H/R = 1.0 to 5.0


1 The tank material is assumed to be carbon steel (ASTM A36 or A283 Grade C), stainless steel
(ASTM A240 Type 304), aluminum, or better material.

2 Anchor bolts are assumed to be cast-in-place or J-bolts and made of regular-strength or high-strength
carbon steel (ASTM A36 or A307 or better material A325).

3 Anchor bolts are assumed to be evenly spaced around the circumference of the tank.

Revision 3A

Table 7-2
Nomenclature Used for Vertical Tanks

Symbol Description [Units]

Ab − Cross-sectional area of embedded anchor bolt [in2]

a − Width of chair top plate parallel to shell (see Figure 7-5) [in.]

b − Depth of chair top plate perpendicular to shell (see Figure 7-5) [in.]

c − Thickness of chair top plate (see Figure 7-5) [in.]

c′ − Coefficient of tank wall thicknesses and lengths under stress [dimensionless]

d − Diameter of anchor bolt [in.]

Es − Elastic modulus of tank shell material [psi]

Eb − Elastic modulus of anchor bolt material [psi]

e − Eccentricity of anchor bolt with respect to shell outside surface (see Figure 7-5) [in.]

F − Frequency [Hz]

Fb − Allowable tensile stress of bolt [psi]

Ff − Frequency of fluid-structure interaction mode [Hz]

Fr − Reduced allowable tensile stress of bolt [psi]

Fs − Sloshing mode frequency [Hz]

f − Distance from outside edge of chair top plate to edge of hole (see Figure 7-5) [in.]

fy − Minimum specified yield strength of shell, chair, saddle, or base plate material [psi]

G − Acceleration of gravity [386.4 in/sec2]

g − Distance between vertical plates of chair (see Figure 7-5) [in.]

H − Height of fluid at the maximum level to which the tank will be filled (see Figure 7-1) [in.]

H′ − Height of tank shell (see Figure 7-1) [in.]

h − Height of chair (see Figure 7-5) [in.]

hb − Effective length of anchor bolt being stretched (usually from top of chair to embedded
anchor plate) (see Figure 7-1) [in.]

hc − Height of shell compression zone at base of tank (usually height of chair) (see Figure
7-1) [in.]

hf − Height of freeboard above fluid surface at the maximum level to which the tank will be
filled (see Figure 7-1) [in.]

Revision 3A

Table 7-2 (Continued)

Nomenclature Used for Vertical Tanks

Symbol Description [Units]

hs − Slosh height of fluid in tank [in.]

hs′ − Slosh height of fluid for a ZPA of 1g applied at tank base [in.]

j − Thickness of chair vertical plate (see Figure 7-5) [in.]

k − Width of chair vertical plate (see Figure 7-5). Use average width for tapered plates [in.].

M − Overturning moment at base of tank [in-lbf]

M′ − Base overturning moment coefficient [dimensionless]

Mcap − Overturning moment capacity of tank [in-lbf]

M′cap − Base overturning moment capacity coefficient [dimensionless]

N − Number of anchor bolts [dimensionless]

Pe − Fluid pressure at base of tank for elephant-foot buckling of tank shell [psi]

Pe′ − Pressure coefficient for elephant-foot buckling [dimensionless]

Pd − Fluid pressure at base of tank for diamond-shape buckling of tank shell [psi]

Pd′ − Pressure coefficient for diamond-shape buckling [dimensionless]

Pu − Allowable tensile load of anchor bolt [lbf]

Q − Shear load at base of tank [lbf]

Q′ − Base shear load coefficient [dimensionless]

Qcap − Base shear load capacity of tank [lbf]

R − Nominal radius of tank [in.] (see Figure 7-1)

r − Least radius of gyration of vertical stiffener plate cross-sectional area about a centroidal
axis [in.]

 R 
S1 − Coefficient of tank radius to shell thickness   [dimensionless]

 400 t s 

Sa − Spectral acceleration of ground or floor [g]

Saf − Spectral acceleration (4% damping) of the ground or floor on which the tank is mounted
at the frequency of the fluid-structure interaction mode (Ff) [g]

Sas − Spectral acceleration (1/2% damping) of the ground or floor on which the tank is
mounted at the frequency of the sloshing mode (Fs) [g]

Revision 3A

Table 7-2 (Continued)

Nomenclature Used for Vertical Tanks

Symbol Description [Units]

tav − Thickness of the tank shell averaged over the linear height of the tank shell (H') [in.]

tb − Thickness of bottom or base plate of tank (see Figure 7-5) [in.]

tef − Effective thickness of tank shell based on the mean of the average thickness (tav) and
the minimum thickness (tmin) [in.]

tmin − Minimum shell thickness anywhere along the height of the tank shell (H'), usually at the
top of the tank [in.]

ts − Minimum thickness of the tank shell in the lowest 10% of the shell height (H') [in.]

tw − Thickness of leg of weld [in.]

t′ − Equivalent shell thickness having the same cross-sectional area as the anchor bolts [in.]

Vs − Average shear wave velocity of soil for tanks founded at grade [ft/sec]

W − Weight of fluid contained in tank [lbf]

Wt − Weight of tank without fluid [lbf]

Ww − Average shear load on weld connecting anchor bolt chair to tank shell per unit length of
weld (i.e., total shear load on chair divided by total length of chair/shell weld) [lbf/in. of

Z − Tank shell stress reduction factor [dimensionless]

ZPA − Zero period acceleration [g]

β − Percentage damping [%]

γ − Buckling coefficient [1 - 0.73 (1 – e-φ)] [dimensionless]

γf − Weight density of fluid in tank [lbf/in3]

∆γ − Increase factor for internal pressure; given in Figure 7-10

σ − Stress at a point [psi]

σc − Stress at which shell buckles [psi]

σpe − Stress at which shell buckles in elephant-foot pattern [psi]

σpd − Stress at which shell buckles in diamond-shape pattern [psi]

σy − Yield strength of tank shell material [psi]

φ − Buckling coefficient [(1/16) (R/ts)1/2] [dimensionless]

Revision 3A

Table 7-3
Fluid-Structure Impulsive Mode Frequencies (Ff, Hz)
for Vertical Carbon Steel Tanks Containing Water
(Source: Reference 26, Table 2.2)

Tank Radius (R, in.)

H/R tef/R 60 120 180 240 300 360 420
1.0 0.001 46.7 23.3 15.6 11.7 9.3 7.8 6.7
1.0 0.002 65.2 32.6 21.7 16.3 13.0 10.9 9.3
1.0 0.003 79.3 39.7 26.4 19.8 15.9 13.2 11.3
1.0 0.004 91.2 45.6 30.4 22.8 18.2 15.2 13.0
1.0 0.005 101.6 50.8 33.9 25.4 20.3 16.9 14.5
1.0 0.007 119.5 59.7 39.8 29.9 23.9 19.9 17.1
1.0 0.010 142.0 71.0 47.3 35.5 28.4 23.7 20.3

1.5 0.001 32.2 16.1 10.7 8.0 6.4 5.4 4.6

1.5 0.002 45.1 22.6 15.0 11.3 9.0 7.5 6.4
1.5 0.003 55.0 27.5 18.3 13.7 11.0 9.2 7.9
1.5 0.004 63.3 31.6 21.1 15.8 12.7 10.5 9.0
1.5 0.005 70.6 35.3 23.5 17.6 14.1 11.8 10.1
1.5 0.007 83.2 41.6 27.7 20.8 16.6 13.9 11.9
1.5 0.010 99.0 49.5 33.0 24.7 19.8 16.5 14.1

2.0 0.001 23.6 11.8 7.9 5.9 4.7 3.9 3.4

2.0 0.002 33.0 16.5 11.0 8.2 6.6 5.5 4.7
2.0 0.003 40.1 20.1 13.4 10.0 8.0 6.7 5.7
2.0 0.004 46.1 23.1 15.4 11.5 9.2 7.7 6.6
2.0 0.005 51.4 25.7 17.1 12.8 10.3 8.6 7.3
2.0 0.007 60.5 30.2 20.2 15.1 12.1 10.1 8.6
2.0 0.010 71.8 35.9 23.9 18.0 14.4 12.0 10.3

2.5 0.001 17.8 8.9 5.9 4.5 3.6 3.0 2.5

2.5 0.002 25.0 12.5 8.3 6.2 5.0 4.2 3.6
2.5 0.003 30.4 15.2 10.1 7.6 6.1 5.1 4.3
2.5 0.004 35.0 17.5 11.7 8.7 7.0 5.8 5.0
2.5 0.005 39.0 19.5 13.0 9.7 7.8 6.5 5.6
2.5 0.007 45.9 23.0 15.3 11.5 9.2 7.7 6.6
2.5 0.010 54.6 27.3 18.2 13.7 10.9 9.1 7.8

3.0 0.001 13.9 7.0 4.6 3.5 2.8 2.3 2.0

3.0 0.002 19.5 9.7 6.5 5.9 3.9 3.2 2.8
3.0 0.003 23.7 11.8 7.9 4.9 4.7 3.9 3.4
3.0 0.004 27.2 13.6 9.1 6.8 5.4 4.5 3.9
3.0 0.005 30.3 15.1 10.1 7.6 6.1 5.0 4.3
3.0 0.007 35.6 17.8 11.9 8.9 7.1 5.9 5.1
3.0 0.010 42.2 21.1 14.1 10.6 8.4 7.0 6.0

Revision 3A

Table 7-3 (Continued)

Fluid-Structure Impulsive Mode Frequencies (F f, Hz)
for Vertical Carbon Steel Tanks Containing Water
(Source: Reference 26, Table 2.2)

Tank Radius (R, in.)

H/R tef/R 60 120 180 240 300 360 420
3.5 0.001 11.2 5.6 3.7 2.8 2.2 1.9 1.6
3.5 0.002 15.5 7.8 5.2 3.9 3.1 2.6 2.2
3.5 0.003 18.8 9.4 6.3 4.7 3.8 3.1 2.7
3.5 0.004 21.6 10.8 7.2 5.4 4.3 3.6 3.1
3.5 0.005 24.0 12.0 8.0 6.0 4.8 4.0 3.4
3.5 0.007 28.2 14.1 9.4 7.0 5.6 4.7 4.0
3.5 0.010 33.4 16.7 11.1 8.3 6.7 5.6 4.8

4.0 0.001 9.1 4.6 3.0 2.3 1.8 1.5 1.3

4.0 0.002 12.6 6.3 4.2 3.2 2.5 2.1 1.8
4.0 0.003 15.2 7.6 5.1 3.8 3.0 2.5 2.2
4.0 0.004 17.4 8.7 5.8 4.4 3.5 2.9 2.5
4.0 0.005 19.3 9.7 6.4 4.8 3.9 3.2 2.8
4.0 0.007 22.6 11.3 7.5 5.7 4.5 3.8 3.2
4.0 0.010 26.7 13.4 8.9 6.7 5.3 4.5 3.8

4.5 0.001 7.5 3.8 2.5 1.9 1.5 1.3 1.1

4.5 0.002 10.3 5.2 3.4 2.6 2.1 1.7 1.5
4.5 0.003 12.4 6.2 4.1 3.1 2.5 2.1 1.8
4.5 0.004 14.2 7.1 4.7 3.5 2.8 2.4 2.0
4.5 0.005 15.7 7.9 5.2 3.9 3.1 2.6 2.2
4.5 0.007 18.3 9.2 6.1 4.6 3.7 3.1 2.6
4.5 0.010 21.6 10.8 7.2 5.4 4.3 3.6 3.1

5.0 0.001 6.2 3.1 2.1 1.6 1.2 1.0 0.9

5.0 0.002 8.5 4.2 2.8 2.1 1.7 1.4 1.2
5.0 0.003 10.2 5.1 3.4 2.5 2.0 1.7 1.5
5.0 0.004 11.6 5.8 3.9 2.9 2.3 1.9 1.7
5.0 0.005 12.8 6.4 4.3 3.2 2.6 2.1 1.8
5.0 0.007 14.9 7.4 5.0 3.7 3.0 2.5 2.1
5.0 0.010 17.5 8.7 5.8 4.4 3.5 2.9 2.5

Revision 3A

Table 7-4
Base Overturning Moment Capacity Elastic Limit Values
(Source: Reference 26, Table 2.5)

σc   hc 
   
F  h 
c′  b   b  M′cap
0.01 0.052 0.0231

0.02 0.081 0.0454

0.05 0.147 0.1092

0.10 0.230 0.2087

0.15 0.300 0.3045

0.20 0.358 0.3932

0.40 0.560 0.7271

Table 7-5
Slosh Height of Water (h′s, in.) in Vertical Tanks for 1G Lateral Acceleration
(Source: Adapted from Reference 26, Table 2.7)

Tank Radius (R, in.)

H/R 60 120 180 240 300 360 420

1.0 39.0 60.2 78.7 95.5 111.5 126.7 141.4

1.5 39.6 61.2 79.8 96.8 112.9 128.3 143.2

2.0 39.7 61.3 79.9 97.1 113.2 128.5 143.4

2.5 39.7 61.3 80.0 97.1 113.2 128.6 143.4

3.0 39.7 61.3 80.0 97.1 113.2 128.6 143.4

3.5 39.7 61.3 80.0 97.1 113.2 128.6 143.4

4.0 39.7 61.3 80.0 97.1 113.2 128.6 143.4

4.5 39.7 61.3 80.0 97.1 113.2 128.6 143.4

5.0 39.7 61.3 80.0 97.1 113.2 128.6 143.4

Revision 3A

Figure 7-1. Large Vertical Tank

(Source: Reference 26, Figure 2.1)

Revision 3A

Figure 7-2. Fluid-Structure Impulsive Mode Frequency Coefficient for Vertical Carbon Steel
Tanks Containing Water. (Source: Reference 26, Figure 2.3)

Revision 3A

Figure 7-3. Base Shear Load Coefficient For Vertical Tanks

(Source: Reference 26, Figure 2.4)

Revision 3A

Figure 7-4. Base Overturning Moment Coefficient For Vertical Tanks

(Source: Reference 26, Figure 2.5)

Revision 3A

Figure 7-5. Typical Anchor Bolt Chair

(Source: Reference 26, Figure 2.13)

Figure 7-6. Alternate Anchor Bolt Chairs

(Source: Reference 26, Figure 2.14)

Revision 3A

Figure 7-7. Pressure Coefficient For Elephant-Foot Buckling of Vertical Tanks

(Source: Reference 26, Figure 2.6)

Revision 3A

Figure 7-8. Compressive Axial Stress Capacity For Vertical Tanks, Elephant-Foot Buckling
(Steel, E = 30,000 psi, σy = 36,000 psi) (Source: Reference 26, Figure 2.8)

Revision 3A

Figure 7-9. Pressure Coefficient For Diamond-Shape Buckling of Vertical Tanks

(Source: Reference 26, Figure 2.7)

Revision 3A

Figure 7-10. Compressive Axial Stress Capacity For Vertical Tanks, Diamond-Shape Buckling
(Steel, E = 30,000 psi) (Source: Reference 26, Figure 2.10)

Revision 3A

Figure 7-11. Increase Factor ∆γ for Diamond-Shape Buckling

(Source: Reference 26, Figure 2.9)

Revision 3A

Figure 7-12. Base Overturning Moment Capacity Coefficient For Vertical Tanks
(Source: Reference 26, Figure 2.12)

Revision 3A


This section describes (1) the scope of horizontal tanks and heat exchangers and range of
parameters which are covered by the screening guidelines and (2) the analysis procedure for
determining the seismic demand on, and the seismic capacity of horizontal tanks and heat
exchangers including their supports and anchorages.

7.4.1 Scope of Horizontal Tanks

The types of tanks covered by the screening guidelines in this section are cylindrical steel tanks
and heat exchangers whose axes of symmetry are horizontal and are supported on their curved
bottom by steel saddle plates. These types of tanks will be called “horizontal tanks” throughout
this section. A typical horizontal tank on saddles is shown in Figure 7-13. (Note: All the figures
and tables applicable to horizontal tanks are grouped together after Step 11 at the end of Section
7.4.) The range of parameters and assumptions which are applicable when using the guidelines to
evaluate horizontal tanks are listed in Table 7-6. The nomenclature and symbols used for
horizontal tanks are listed in Table 7-7.

The screening guidelines are based on the assumption that the horizontal tanks are anchored to a
stiff foundation which has adequate strength to resist the seismic loads applied to the tank. All
the base plates under the saddles are assumed to have slotted anchor bolt holes in the longitudinal
direction to permit thermal growth of the tank, except for the saddle at one end of the tank which
is fixed. The saddles are assumed to be uniformly spaced a distance S apart, with the two ends
of the tank overhanging the end saddles a maximum distance of S/2. These assumptions and the
range of parameters given in Table 7-6 have been selected to cover the majority of horizontal
tanks and heat exchangers in nuclear power plants.

7.4.2 Seismic Demand/Capacity of Horizontal Tanks

A simple, equivalent static method is used to determine the seismic demand on and capacity of
the anchorages and the supports for horizontal tanks. This approach is similar to the seismic
demand/capacity evaluations described in Section 4.4 and Appendix C for other types of

Revision 3A

equipment requiring anchorage verification (switchgear, transformers, pumps, battery chargers,

etc.). Note that it is not necessary to evaluate the seismic adequacy of the shell of horizontal
tanks or the shell-to-support welds since these items are normally rugged enough to withstand
the loads which can be transmitted to them from the anchor bolts and support saddles.

The screening guidelines contained in this section specifically address only the seismic loads due
to the inertial response of horizontal tanks. If, during the Screening Verification and Walkdown
of a tank, the Seismic Capability Engineers determine that the imposed nozzle loads due to the
seismic response of attached piping may be significant, then these loads should be included in
the seismic demand applied to the anchorage and supports of the tank. There is some discussion
provided on this subject for piping loads applied to horizontal pumps in Appendix B, Section
B.5.1, HP/BS Caveat 4; this discussion is also applicable to horizontal tank evaluations.

The guidelines in this section are in the form of tables, charts, and a few simple calculations to
determine the seismic capacity of horizontal tanks in terms of the peak acceleration the tanks can
withstand. This peak acceleration capacity is assumed to be composed of a uniform acceleration
capacity, λ, in the two horizontal directions, and 2/3 λ in the vertical direction. The screening
guidelines include the effect of combining the three directions of acceleration by the square-root-
of-the-sum-of-squares (SRSS) method. The seismic acceleration capacity, λ, is then compared
with either the ZPA or the peak of the 4% damped, horizontal floor response spectrum,
depending on whether: (1) the horizontal tank is rigid in the vertical or traverse direction (i.e.,
whether the tank shell acts as a rigid or flexible beam between the saddles); or (2) the horizontal
tank and its support system is rigid in the longitudinal direction.

The seismic adequacy of the following critical parts of horizontal tanks are evaluated in these
screening guidelines:

• Anchor bolts and their concrete embedment

• Base plate bending

Revision 3A

• Base plate-to-saddle weld

• Saddle bending and compression

Step-By-Step Procedure for Horizontal Tanks

Step 1 - Determine the following input data. See Figure 7-13 for location of some of these
Tank: D (Diameter of tank) [ft.]
L (Length of tank) [ft.]
t (Thickness of tank shell) [in.]
Wtf (Weight of tank plus fluid) [lbf]
γt or γh (Weight density of horizontal tank or heat exchanger including fluid) [lbf/ft3]
Hcg (Height of center-of-gravity of tank and fluid above the floor where the tank is
anchored) [ft.]
Saddles: S (Spacing between support saddles) [ft.]
h (Height of saddle plate from the bottom of the tank to the base plate) [in.]
G (Shear modulus of saddle plate and stiffener material) [psi]
E (Elastic modulus of saddle plate and stiffener material) [psi]
NS (Number of saddles)
Base Plate: tb (Thickness of base plate under saddle) [in.]
fy (Minimum specified yield strength of saddle base plate) [psi]
tw (Thickness of leg of weld between saddle and base plate) [in.]
es (Eccentricity from the anchor bolt centerline to the vertical saddle plate) [in.]
Bolts: NL (Number of bolt locations on each saddle)
NB (Number of anchor bolts at each bolt location)
d (Diameter of anchor bolt) [in.]

D′ (Distance between extreme anchor bolts in base plate of saddle) [ft.]

Loading: Floor response spectrum at 4% damping

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Confirm that the parameters and values determined in this step are within the range of applicable
parameters given in Table 7-6. If they are, then the procedure given in this section is applicable
to the subject horizontal tank; proceed to Step 2. If the horizontal tank does not meet this
guideline, classify the tank as an outlier and proceed to Section 5, Outlier Identification and

Step 2 - Determine the anchor bolt tension and shear load allowables from Appendix C,
accounting for the effects of embedment, spacing, edge distance, and cracking in concrete, as
discussed in Section 4.4 and Appendix C.

Pu′ [lbf] (from Section 4.4 and Appendix C)

Vu′ [lbf] (from Section 4.4 and Appendix C)

Step 3 - Determine the base plate bending strength reduction factor (RB). The width of the base
plate that is stressed in bending is conservatively assumed to be equal to twice the distance
between the centerline of the bolt and the vertical saddle plate; i.e., 2es. The strength reduction
factor is determined by taking the ratio of the base plate yield strength (fy) over the maximum
bending stress (σ):

fy fy tb
RB = =
σ 3 Pu '

Step 4 - Determine the base plate weld strength reduction factor (RW). The length of weld
assumed to carry the anchor bolt load is taken to be equal to twice the distance from the bolt
centerline to the vertical saddle plate; i.e., 2 es. The strength reduction factor is the ratio of the
weld allowable strength (30,600 psi) over the weld stress (σ):

30,600 psi 2 t w e s (30,600 psi)

RW = =
σ Pu '

Step 5 - Determine the anchorage tension allowable using the strength reduction factors. The
tension allowable anchorage load is based on the smaller of the strength reduction factors for
base plate bending or base plate weld:

Pu = Pu′ @ (Smaller of: 1.0, RB or RW) [lbf]

Revision 3A

The shear allowable anchorage load is:

Vu = Vu′ [lbf]

Step 6 - Calculate the following ratios and values:

α = Pu/Vu

Wb =
NS ⋅ NL ⋅ NB



F1 = ( NS) 2 + 1

2 2 2
 H cg   2 H   ( NS) 2 
F2 = NL 
 +   +  cg   
2 
 D′  3  S   ( NS − 1) 

Step 7 - Determine the acceleration capacity of the tank anchorage. The acceleration capacity (λ)
of the tank anchorage is defined as the smaller of the two anchorage acceleration capacities λl or

 Vu   1 
λl =     [g]
 Wb   F1 

Vu 0.7
Wb α
λu = [g]
 0.7 
  F2 + F1
 α 

λ = (Smaller of λ l or λu) [g]

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Step 8 - Determine whether the tank is rigid or flexible in the transverse and vertical directions.
Enter Figure 7-14 (for horizontal tanks with weight density γt ≤ 75 lbf/ft3) or Figure 7-15 (for
horizontal heat exchangers with weight density γh ≤ 180 lbf/ft3) with:
D (Diameter of tank) [ft.]
t (Thickness of tank shell) [in.]
and determine the maximum saddle spacing for rigid transverse and vertical frequency response
(i.e., Ftrans. ≥ 30 Hz):
Sc [ft.] {from Figure 7-14 or 7-15)
If the maximum saddle spacing (Sc) is more than or equal to the actual spacing (S):
Sc ≥ S
then the tank is rigid in the transverse and vertical directions, otherwise it is flexible.

Step 9 - Determine whether the tank is rigid or flexible in the longitudinal direction. The rigidity
of the one saddle not having slotted holes in its base plate controls the frequency response of the
tank in the longitudinal direction. The longitudinal stiffness (ks) of the tank is determined by
assuming the saddle plate and its stiffeners bend with a fixed (built-in) connection at the tank and
a pinned connection at the base plate. The moment of inertia (Iyy) of the cross-sectional area of
the saddle plate and its stiffeners should be determined at a cross section just below the bottom
of the cylindrical tank. Compute the resonant frequency of the tank in the longitudinal direction
using the following equation:

1 ks g
Flong. = [Hz]
2π Wtf

Where the saddle stiffness (ks) is:

ks = 3
h h
3 E I yy A s G

Revision 3A

If the longitudinal resonant frequency (Flong.) is greater than or equal to about 30 Hz:

Flong. ≥ 30 Hz
then the tank is rigid in the longitudinal direction, otherwise it is flexible.

Step 10 - Determine the seismic demand acceleration and compare it to the capacity acceleration.
If the tank is rigid in all three directions; i.e.,

Sc ≥ S and

Flong. ≥ 30 Hz
then determine the ZPA from the 4% damped floor response spectrum (maximum horizontal
component). See Section 4.4.3, Step 1 for a discussion of input spectral acceleration.
ZPA [g] (from 4% damped floor response spectrum at 33 Hz)
and compare it to the acceleration capacity of the tank anchorage:
λ [g] (from Step 7)

λ ≥ ZPA
then the tank anchorage is adequate; proceed to Step 11. If the tank anchorage does not meet this
guideline, classify the tank as an outlier and proceed to Section 5, Outlier Identification and
Resolution, after completing the remainder evaluations in this section.
If the tank is flexible in any of the three directions, i.e.,
Sc < S or
Flong. < 30 Hz
then determine the spectral peak acceleration* from the 4% damped floor response spectrum
(maximum horizontal component):

This horizontal tank evaluation procedure uses the assumption that the tank is full of water. This
assumption always results in a conservative evaluation when the peak of the response spectrum is used
to estimate the seismic demand acceleration.

If, however, the Seismic Capability Engineers elect to determine the fundamental natural frequency of
the tank more accurately, and use a spectral acceleration corresponding to a frequency less than the
frequency at the peak of the demand spectrum, then they should also consider the case where the tank
may not be full. For seismic demand spectra with sharp increases over small frequency changes, the
seismic demand load for evaluation of the tank anchorage (weight x spectral acceleration) may be
greater for the partially filled tank than for the full tank.

Revision 3A

SPA* [g] (from peak of 4% damped response spectrum)

and compare it to the acceleration capacity of the tank anchorage:
λ [g] (from Step 7)

λ ≥ SPA
then the tank anchorage is adequate; proceed to Step 11. If the tank anchorage does not meet this
guideline, classify the tank as an outlier and proceed to Section 5, Outlier Identification and
Resolution, after completing the remainder of the evaluations in this section.

Step 11 - Check the saddle stresses. Longitudinal shear is the main load that the saddle and its
stiffeners must carry if the other saddles have slotted anchor bolt holes in the base plate. Except
for small tanks, the saddle which carries the longitudinal earthquake shear loading should have
stiffeners to resist this weak axis bending. In addition to the longitudinal shear load, there are
several other loads in the other directions which should be considered; these other loads are
carried equally by all the saddles. The loads to include in determining the stresses in the saddle
and its stiffeners are listed below.

• Longitudinal seismic loads

• Vertical compression load from dead weight
• Vertical seismic loads

• Overturning moment from transverse seismic load

The stresses in the saddle and its stiffeners should be determined in accordance with the
combined compression and bending provisions of Part 1 of the AISC Manual of Steel
Construction (Reference 29). If the stresses are less than or equal to 1.7 x AISC allowables (for
safe shutdown earthquake loading), then the saddle is adequate and hence the tank is satisfactory
for seismic loadings. If the saddle stresses exceed the AISC allowable, then classify the tank as
an outlier and proceed to Section 5, Outlier Identification and Resolution.
This completes the seismic evaluation for horizontal tanks.

Revision 3A

Table 7-6
Applicable Range of Parameters and Assumptions for Horizontal Tanks1

Diameter of Tank D = 1 to 14 ft.

Length of Tank L = 4 to 60 ft.

Height of Center-of-Gravity of Tank and Fluid Above the Floor Hcg = 1 to 12 ft.
Where the Tank is Anchored

Number of Saddles2 NS = 2 to 6

Spacing Between Support Saddles3 S = 3 to 20 ft.

Number of Bolting Locations4 per Saddle5 NL = 2 or 3

Number of Anchor Bolts per Bolting Location NB = 1 to 2

Distance Between Extreme Anchor Bolts in Base Plate of Saddle D′ = 1 to 12 ft.

Ratio of Tank C.G. Height-to-Saddle Spacing Hcg/S = 0.1 to 2.0

Ratio of Tank C.G. Height-to-Distance Between Extreme Anchor Hcg/D′ = 0.5 to 2.0

Weight Density of Horizontal:

- Tanks (including fluid) γt = 60 to 75 lbf/ft3

- Heat Exchangers (including fluid) γh = 130 to 180 lbf/ft3


1 Tanks are assumed to be cylindrical, horizontally oriented, and made of carbon steel.

2 Tanks are assumed to be supported on carbon steel plate saddles.

3 Saddles are assumed to be uniformly spaced a distance S apart with the tank overhanging the end
saddles a distance S/2.

4 One or two anchor bolts are assumed at each bolting location.

5 All the base plates under the saddles are assumed to have slotted anchor bolt holes in the
longitudinal direction to permit thermal growth of the tank, except for the saddle at one end of the tank
which is fixed.

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Table 7-7
Nomenclature Used for Horizontal Tanks

Symbol Description [Units]

As − Cross-sectional area of saddle plate and its stiffeners (see Figure 7-13) [in.2]

D − Diameter of tank (see Figure 7-13) [ft.]

D′ − Distance between extreme anchor bolts in base plate of a saddle (see Figure 7-13) [ft.]

d − Diameter of anchor bolt [in.]

E − Elastic modulus of saddle plate and stiffener material [psi]

es − Eccentricity (distance) from the anchor bolt centerline to the vertical saddle plate (see
Figure 7-13) [in.]

Flong. − Resonant frequency of tank in longitudinal direction [Hz]

Ftrans. − Resonant frequency of tank in transverse/vertical direction [Hz]

F1 − Coefficient [dimensionless]

F2 − Coefficient [dimensionless]

fy − Minimum specified yield strength of shell, chair, saddle, or base plate material [psi]

G − Shear modulus of saddle plate and stiffener material [psi]

g − Acceleration of gravity [386 in/sec2]

Hcg − Height of center-of-gravity of tank and fluid above the floor where the tank is anchored [ft.]

h − Height of saddle plate from the bottom of the tank to the base plate (see Figure 7-13) [in.]

Iyy − Moment of inertia of cross-sectional area of saddle plate and its stiffeners about axis Y-Y
(see Plan of Support S1 in Figure 7-13) [in.4]

ks − Stiffness of the saddle plate and its stiffeners in the direction of the longitudinal axis of the
tank [lbf/in]

L − Length of tank (see Figure 7-13) [ft.]

NB − Number of anchor bolts at each bolt location [dimensionless]

NL − Number of bolt locations on each saddle [dimensionless]

NS − Number of saddles [dimensionless]

Pu − Allowable tensile load of tank anchorage [lbf]

Pu′ − Allowable tensile load of anchor bolt [lbf]

RB − Strength reduction factor for base plate bending [dimensionless]

Revision 3A

Table 7-7 (Continued)

Nomenclature Used for Horizontal Tanks

Symbol Description [Units]

RE − Strength reduction factor for an anchor bolt near an edge [dimensionless]

RS − Strength reduction factor for closely spaced anchor bolts [dimensionless]

RW − Strength reduction factor for base plate weld [dimensionless]

S − Spacing between support saddles (see Figure 7-13) [ft.]

Sc − Maximum saddle spacing for rigid tank (Ftrans. ≥ 30 Hz) [ft.]

SPA − Spectral peak acceleration [g]

t − Thickness of tank shell [in.]

tb − Thickness of base plate under saddle [in.]

tw − Thickness of leg of weld [in.]

Vu − Allowable shear load of tank anchorage [lbf]

Vu′ − Allowable shear load of anchor bolt [lbf]

Wb − Weight of tank per anchor bolt,

Wb = [lbf]
NS ⋅ NL ⋅ NB

Wtf − Weight of tank plus fluid [lbf]

ZPA − Zero period acceleration [g]

α − Ratio of tensile to shear allowable anchorage load,

α= [dimensionless]

γh − Weight density of horizontal heat exchanger including fluid [lbf/ft3]

γt − Weight density of horizontal tank including fluid [lbf/ft3]

λ − Acceleration capacity of tank anchorage [g]

λl − Lower acceleration capacity of tank anchorages [g]

λu − Upper acceleration capacity of tank anchorages [g]

σ − Stress [psi]

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Figure 7-13. Horizontal Tank or Heat Exchanger

(Source: Reference 26, Figure 3.1)

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Figure 7-14. Maximum Saddle Spacing For Rigid (Ftrans. ≥ 30 Hz)

Horizontal Tanks (γt ≤ 75 lbf/ft3)
(Source: Reference 26, Figure 3.7)

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Figure 7-15. Maximum Saddle Spacing for Rigid (Ftrans. ≥ 30 Hz)

Horizontal Heat Exchangers (γh ≤ 180 lbf/ft3)
(Source: Reference 26, Figure 3.8)

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An outlier is defined as a tank or heat exchanger which does not meet the screening guidelines

• Buckling of the shell of large, flat-bottom, vertical tanks,

• Adequacy of anchor bolts and their embedments,

• Adequacy of anchorage connections between the anchor bolts and the tank shell, or
• Flexibility of piping attached to large, flat-bottom, vertical tanks.

When an outlier is identified, proceed to Section 5, Outlier Identification and Resolution, and
document the cause(s) for not meeting the screening guidelines on an Outlier Seismic
Verification Sheet (OSVS) (Exhibit 5-l).

Note that all of the screening guidelines should be evaluated (i.e., go through all the steps in this
procedure) so that all possible causes for a tank or heat exchanger being classified as an outlier
are identified before proceeding to Section 5 to resolve it.

The screening guidelines given in this section are intended for use as a generic screen to evaluate
the seismic adequacy of tanks and heat exchangers. Therefore, if a tank or heat exchanger fails
this generic screen, it may not necessarily be deficient for seismic loading; however, additional
outlier evaluations are needed to show that it is adequate. Such analyses could include use of the
principles and guidelines contained in this section and in Reference 26 for those types of tanks
and heat exchangers not covered herein; e.g., vertical tanks supported on skirts or structural legs.
When a tank or heat exchanger which is covered by this section fails to pass the screening
guidelines, refined analyses could be performed which include use of more realistic or accurate
methods instead of the simplified, generic analysis methods used in this section and Reference
26. Other generic methods for resolving outlier are provided in Section 5.

Revision 3A


The results of the engineering evaluations and field inspections performed using the guidelines in
this section should be retained in the utility's files.

The results of the evaluations and inspections should also be documented by completing a
Screening and Verification Data Sheet (SVDS) as described in Section 4.6. This SVDS would
be included in the Seismic Evaluation Report submitted to the NRC at the completion of the
Screening Verification and Walkdown.

If any of the screening guidelines contained in this section cannot be met, the tank should be
classified as an outlier. The Outlier Seismic Verification Sheet (OSVS), found in Exhibit 5-1,
should be completed to document the cause(s) for not meeting the screening guidelines.

Revision 3A


Listed below are the specific reasons for making the changes marked with a vertical line in the
margin of this section to create GIP-3A from GIP-3, Updated 5/16/97. The endnote numbers
listed below correspond to the bracketed numbers (e.g., [1]) located in the text of this section
where the changes are made.

SSER No. 2, Sec. II.7.2 – The Staff position is that the criteria and guidelines contained in Part II,
Section 7.0 of the GIP are not acceptable for new installations of tanks and heat exchangers.
Subsequent to issuance of SSER No. 2, SQUG proposed (in Reference 39) and the NRC Staff accepted
(in Reference 40) use of Part II, Section 7.0 for new tank and heat exchanger installations but with
different attributes for newly designed and constructed flat-bottom, vertical tanks.
The GIP has been amended in Part II, Sections 7.0,,, and 7.3.7 to reflect the additional
requirements in References 39 and 40 that must be used when applying the GIP for newly designed and
constructed flat-bottom, vertical tanks as described in the NARE Guidelines (Reference 41). These
additional requirments are listed below.
• Part II, Section – The allowable bolt stress for the cast-in-place anchorage is limited to the
yield strength of the bolting material.
• Part II, Section, Step 16 – The allowable buckling stress equation defined in this step is
revised to use a factor of 0.6 instead of 0.72.
• Part II, Section 7.3.7 – The tank foundation shall be designed to resist uplift and overturning moment.
SSER No. 2, Sec. II.4.1 – The Staff position is that the licensee must commit to both the SQUG
commitments and the use of the entire implementation guidance provided in GIP-2, unless otherwise
justified to the staff as described in GIP-2 and SSER No. 2.

The GIP has been amended in the “SQUG Commitments” sections of Part II to reiterate the requirement
contained in the GIP, Part I, Section 1.3 to (1) provide written justification to the NRC for prior
approval of any substantial deviations from the SQUG commitments and (2) notify the NRC of
significant or programmatic deviations from the GIP guidance no later than the summary report.
SSER No. 2, Sec. II.7.1 – The Staff strongly recommends that the input data required in Step 1 of
Section 7.3.2 be based on the pertinent as-built drawings and verification through walkdowns of the
condition of the tanks and supporting foundation.
The GIP has been amended in Part II, Section 7.3.2, Step 1 to suggest that, where practical, as-built
drawings should be used or walkdowns performed to gather data on the tank.

Revision 3A

Section 8
Cable and Conduit Raceway Review


The purpose of this section is to describe the Cable and Conduit Raceway Review which should
be used to screen out from further consideration the cable and conduit raceways which can be
shown to be seismically adequate.

The Cable and Conduit Raceway Review consists of: (1) a plant walkdown in which the
raceways are evaluated against a set of Walkdown Guidelines, and (2) an analytical check of
selected worst-case supports using a set of Limited Analytical Review Guidelines. Those
portions of the raceway systems which do not pass these screening guidelines are classified as
outliers and should be evaluated separately using alternative methods. Some acceptable
alternative methods for evaluating certain types of outliers are given. The remainder of this
Introduction summarizes the elements of the Cable and Conduit Raceway Review.

Basis for Screening Procedure

The screening procedure contained in this section is based primarily on the use of earthquake
experience and shake table test data. With few exceptions, raceway systems have exhibited
superior performance in past earthquakes and in shake table tests. This successful performance
has occurred despite the fact that most of the raceway systems in the database had not been
designed for earthquakes. This section of the GIP provides guidance for understanding those
aspects of raceway construction that provide acceptable performance and those features that
might lead to poor performance.

Other more refined or sophisticated seismic qualification techniques may be used to verify the
seismic adequacy of cable and conduit raceway systems; however, these other methods are
generally not described in detail in this document. Some acceptable methods, based on standard

Revision 3A

engineering principles with consistent factors of conservatism, are included herein for evaluating
certain types of outliers to the screening procedure.

Seismic Review Guidelines

The seismic review guidelines contained in this section are applicable to steel and aluminum
cable tray and conduit support systems at any elevation in a nuclear power plant, provided the
Bounding Spectrum (shown in Section 4, Figure 4-2) envelopes the largest horizontal component
of the 5% damped, free-field, safe shutdown earthquake (SSE) ground response spectrum to
which the nuclear plant is licensed.

Cable and conduit raceway systems are considered seismically adequate if, during and following
a safe shutdown earthquake, the electrical cables being supported by the raceway systems can
continue to function and the raceway systems continue to maintain overhead support as defined
in this section. Minor damage, such as member buckling or connection yielding, is considered
acceptable behavior. The following guidelines are provided in this section:

• Walkdown Guidelines - The purpose of the walkdown guidelines is to verify that the
raceway systems are bounded by the earthquake experience and shake table test databases.
This is done by checking the raceway systems against a set of “Inclusion Rules.”
Guidelines are also provided to assess “Other Seismic Performance Concerns” which could
result in unacceptable damage. Guidance is also provided for selecting worst-case samples
of the raceway support systems in the plant for which “Limited Analytical Reviews”
should be performed. Finally, the walkdown should be used to verify that there are no
seismic spatial interactions which could adversely affect the performance of the raceway
system. Section 8.2 covers these Walkdown Guidelines.

• Limited Analytical Review Guidelines - The purpose of the Limited Analytical Review is
to check that selected worst-case, representative samples of the raceway support systems in
the plant are at least as rugged under seismic loadings as those in the earthquake
experience and shake table test databases that performed well. If these samples do not pass
this Limited Analytical Review, further evaluations should be conducted and the sample
expanded as appropriate. Section 8.3 covers these Limited Analytical Review Guidelines.

The background for these guidelines is described in Reference 9. A summary of available

experience data from earthquakes and shake table tests can be found in Reference 10. Additional

Revision 3A

background on the philosophy behind several aspects of the guidelines [1]is included in
Reference 11. These references should be studied in conjunction with the guidelines in this
section before conducting the seismic adequacy review of raceway systems.

Outlier Resolution

An outlier is defined as a raceway hardware feature which does not meet the Inclusion Rules, has
significant Other Seismic Performance Concerns, or does not satisfy the Limited Analytical
Review Guidelines contained in this section. An outlier may be adequate for seismic loadings,
however, additional evaluations should be performed or alternative methods used beyond the
scope of the screening evaluation procedure contained in this section. Section 8.4 describes
some of the acceptable methods for evaluating raceway outliers. These additional evaluations
and alternative methods should be thoroughly documented to permit independent review.

Seismic Capability Engineers

The screening guidelines for performing in-plant walkdowns and limited analytical reviews
should be applied by a Seismic Review Team (SRT) consisting of at least two Seismic
Capability Engineers who meet the qualification and training guidelines given in Section 2.
These engineers are expected to exercise engineering judgment based upon the guidelines given
in this section and the background and philosophy used to develop these guidelines as described
in References 9, 10, and 11. They should understand those aspects of raceway construction that
provide acceptable performance and those features that may lead to poor performance.

When resolving outliers, it is especially important that the Seismic Capability Engineers exercise
professional judgment when applying the guidelines contained in this section since these
guidelines are generic in nature to cover a wide range of applications. The Seismic Review
Team should be satisfied that the specific raceway system under review is adequately supported,
based upon an understanding of the background and philosophy used to develop the guidelines in
this section.

Revision 3A

Scope of Review

The scope of review includes all the cable and conduit raceway systems in the plant which
support electrical wire for equipment on the Safe Shutdown Equipment List (SSEL), as
developed in Section 3.

In some older power plants it may be difficult to identify which raceways support the power,
control, and instrumentation wiring for individual items of equipment. If this detailed
information is not available then all the cable and conduit raceway systems in the plant which
could carry wiring for safe shutdown equipment should be reviewed using the guidelines
contained in this section.

Organization of Section

The remainder of this section is organized as follows:

• Section 8.1 contains the requirements to which SQUG utilities commit when adopting the
Cable and Conduit Raceway Review procedure for resolution of USI A-46.

• Section 8.2 contains the Walkdown Guidelines for conducting in-plant seismic adequacy
reviews of as-installed conduit, cable trays, and their support systems.

• Section 8.3 contains the Limited Analytical Review Guidelines for checking the seismic
adequacy of a bounding sample of the plant raceway support systems.

• Section 8.4 contains a summary of additional evaluations and alternative methods for
assessing the seismic adequacy of raceway outliers.

• Section 8.5 contains guidelines on how to document the results of the Cable and Conduit
Raceway Review.


Members of SQUG adopting the Generic Implementation Procedure for USI A-46 resolution
commit to the following in regard to the verification of seismic adequacy of cable and conduit
raceways. As specified in GIP, Part I, Section 1.3, any substantial deviations from the SQUG

Revision 3A

Commitments must be justified to the NRC in writing prior to implementation. Likewise the
NRC should be notified of significant or programmatic deviations from the GIP guidance
(Sections 8.2 through 8.5) but implementation may begin without first obtaining NRC
concurrence (at the licensee’s own risk).

8.1.1 Walkdown of Cable and Conduit Raceways

The licensee shall conduct an in-plant review of conduit, cable trays, and their support systems.
This review will accomplish the following objectives.

• Check in-plant raceway systems against Inclusion Rules (see Section 8.2.2, below, for

• Judge whether Other Seismic Performance Concerns (discussed further in Section 8.2.3,
below) which are noticed during the in-plant review could compromise the seismic
adequacy of the raceway system.

• Select a representative, worst-case sample of raceway supports which will receive a

Limited Analytical Review (discussed further in Section 8.3, below).

• Judge whether any seismic spatial interactions with adjacent equipment and structures
could cause the raceway system to fail its safe shutdown function.

8.1.2 Limited Analytical Review

The licensee will conduct a Limited Analytical Review of selected cable tray and conduit
supports considered to be representative worst-cases.

8.1.3 Documentation

The licensee will document the results of the cable and conduit raceway walkdown and the
results of the Limited Analytical Review.


Guidelines for conducting an in-plant seismic adequacy review of as-installed conduit, cable
trays, and their support systems are presented in this section. The in-plant review has two

Revision 3A

purposes. The first is to check the raceway systems against certain Inclusion Rules to show the
plant raceway systems are within the envelope of the earthquake experience and shake table test
databases. Guidelines are also provided to assess Other Seismic Performance Concerns which
could result in unacceptable damage.

The second purpose of the in-plant review is to select representative, worst-case samples of the
raceway supports in the plant on which Limited Analytical Reviews will be performed. The
samples selected should encompass the diversity of the plant's support systems. The guidelines
for performing the Limited Analytical Review are covered in Section 8.3.

8.2.1 General Walkdown Procedure

The general walkdown procedure given in this subsection describes a method for performing
detailed in-plant screening and assessment of conduit and cable tray systems for seismic
adequacy. This evaluation relies in part upon engineering judgment which should be exercised
during the plant walkdown. This engineering judgment should be based on a good
understanding of the performance of raceway systems in past earthquakes and in shake table

The individuals on the raceway evaluation walkdown team should meet the requirements for
Seismic Capability Engineers as defined in Section 2. The walkdown should be conducted by
one or more Seismic Review Teams (SRT), each consisting of at least two Seismic Capability
Engineers. The SRT should have a clear understanding and working knowledge of the screening
guidelines presented below and have studied References 9, 10, and 11 thoroughly. They should
also become familiar with the raceway design and construction practices of the plant, as well as
with the general plant layout, raceway routing, and the design of raceway systems which cross
building separations.

It is expected that the SRT will spend from one to two weeks in the plant. The duration may
vary depending on the number of SRTs, the size of the plant, the complexity and accessibility of
the plant raceway systems, and so forth.

Revision 3A

It is recommended that the SRT take general notes, including rough sketches or photographs, as
appropriate, of typical system attributes. More detailed notes should be taken to document
decisions and evaluations made in the field. Walkdowns may be conducted on an area-by-area,
system-by-system, or run-by-run basis. Time should be set aside on a daily basis for the SRT to
review notes and sketches; to collect plant drawings or information, if needed; and to check
selected supports by preliminary calculations, if warranted. Recommended documentation for
the review is discussed in Section 8.5.

During the plant walkdown, the SRT should: (1) verify that the cable and conduit raceway
systems meet the Inclusion Rules given in Section 8.2.2; (2) note and evaluate any of the Other
Seismic Performance Concerns given in Section 8.2.3; (3) select a sample of representative
worst-case raceway supports as described in Section 8.2.4; and (4) judge whether there are any
seismic spatial interactions which could adversely affect the performance of the raceway system
as outlined in Section 8.2.5. The distinction between the first two walkdown objectives is
explained below.

The Inclusion Rules identify the important limits of the earthquake experience and shake table
test databases and certain undesirable details which, if violated, could significantly compromise
the seismic adequacy of a raceway system.

The SRT should visually inspect the raceway systems within the scope of review to determine
whether the general construction practice in the plant is in agreement with the Inclusion Rules.
The SRT should examine in detail several supports or spans of each different configuration type
at a variety of locations in the plant. In addition, the SRT should actively seek out problems and
be alert for, and evaluate any instances of, non-compliance with the Inclusion Rules noticed as
part of the walkdown.

If it appears that any of the Inclusion Rules are not met, then the SRT should investigate that
portion of the raceway system in sufficient detail so that the team is convinced they understand
the extent of the identified condition. That portion of the raceway system should then be
classified as an outlier and evaluated using the guidelines given in Section 8.4.

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The Other Seismic Performance Concerns given in Section 8.2.3 represent less significant or less
well-defined conditions which should be evaluated during the plant walkdown. They are
included in the guidelines of this section as representative of the type of concerns which the SRT
should look for and evaluate to determine whether they could significantly compromise the
seismic adequacy of the raceway system.

It is not necessary for all of the raceway systems in the plant to be inspected in detail for the
Other Seismic Performance Concerns. Instead, the SRT should note and evaluate any of these
concerns, if and when they are noticed as a part of the walkdown.

If it appears that any of the other Seismic Performance Concerns are not met, then the SRT
should exercise their engineering judgment in assessing whether the condition significantly
compromises the seismic adequacy of the raceway system. If it appears that the area of concern
is not significant, then the SRT should note the condition on the walkdown documentation and
provide a written explanation for their conclusion. However, if, in their judgment, the area of
concern is significant, then that portion of the raceway system should be classified as an outlier
and evaluated in a manner similar to an Inclusion Rule outlier.

In many cases, the plant walkdown may be conducted from the floor level. In some cases,
however, it may be necessary to examine the raceway system more closely if vision from the
floor is obstructed. As different support configurations are observed during the plant walkdown,
the SRT should examine them to familiarize themselves with the construction and details of the
raceway system. When any suspect condition is observed which may violate one of the
Inclusion Rules or may represent a significant Other Seismic Performance Concern, then a closer
examination should be carried out.

In general, the level of effort of the review should be enough to give the SRT confidence in the
seismic adequacy of the plant raceway systems. Ultimately the SRI is responsible for the seismic
evaluations. Their sound engineering judgment is the key to successful execution of these
guidelines so that the review is both safety-effective and cost-effective. In this spirit, these

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guidelines are only guidelines, not requirements; the sound engineering judgment of the SRT is
the most important factor, particularly when evaluating the seismic adequacy of outliers.

8.2.2 Inclusion Rules

The Inclusion Rules in this section identify the important limits of the earthquake experience and
shake table test databases and certain undesirable details which, if violated, could significantly
compromise the seismic adequacy of a raceway system. These Inclusion Rules should be
evaluated using the general walkdown procedure given in Section 8.2.1.

Rule 1 - Cable Tray Span. The length of unsupported cable tray between adjacent supports
should not exceed about 10 feet in the direction of the run. When the cable tray extends beyond
the last support in a run, it should not cantilever out (overhang) beyond this support more than l/2
the maximum unsupported span length, i.e., about 5 feet. [1]These span and cantilever overhang
were selected because they are supported by earthquake experience data.

Rule 2 - Conduit Span. The length of unsupported conduit in the direction of the run between
adjacent supports, or the length of unsupported conduit cantilevered out from the last support in a
run should not exceed the spans and overhangs given in the following table. These spans and
overhangs were selected because they are supported by earthquake experience data and are
consistent with the National Electrical Code (Reference 18).

Approximate Maximum
Spans Between Approximate Maximum
Adjacent Supports Cantilever Overhang
Conduit Size (inches) (feet) (feet)
1/2 and 3/4 10 5
1 12 6
1-1/4 and 1-1/2 14 7
2 and 2-1/2 16 8
3 and larger 20 10

Rule 3 - Raceway Member Tie-downs. For cantilever bracket-supported systems, cable trays
and conduit should be secured to their supports so the trays or conduit cannot slide and fall off
the supports. Normal industrial friction-type hardware, such as the “z-clip” commonly used for
cable trays, is a sufficient means of attachment.

Systems do not have to be secured to every support, unless the supports are at the maximum
spacing described above. For example, consider a 60-foot length of cable tray. If there is a
support at each end and the interior supports are at the maximum span of 10 feet described in

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Rule 1, then the raceway system should be tied down at all seven supports in the 60-foot run. If
there are more than seven supports, the trays need to be secured to only about seven of these
supports in any 60-foot run, regardless of how many additional supports there actually are in the

Rule 4 - Channel Nuts. Channel nuts used with light metal framing systems should have teeth or
ridges stamped into the nuts where they bear on the lip of a channel as shown in Figure 8-l.

Rule 5 - Rigid Boot Connection. Strut systems supported by “boots” or similar rigid devices,
especially plant-specific designs, should be evaluated on a case-by-case basis. Shake table tests
have shown that a rigid boot overhead connection detail, as shown in Figure 8-2(a), has a
significantly reduced, vertical load-carrying capacity in seismic motion. Any gap between the
vertical support member and the boot prevents the development of high clamping forces in the
connection and thus causes a significantly reduced load-carrying capacity. Cable tray test
specimens with this detail have collapsed in shake table tests.

A rigid boot connection with gaps can be upgraded to an acceptable connection by using a
through bolt as shown in Figure 8-2(b). This connection has been shown to be acceptable by
shake table tests.

Rule 6 - Beam Clamps. Beam clamps should not be oriented in such a way that gravity loads are
resisted only by the clamping or frictional forces developed by the clamps. The earthquake
experience database includes many examples of beam clamps attached to the lower flange of
structural steel beams such that the gravity loads are resisted by bearing [1]on the inside top of the
clamp on the top of the lower flange of the beam. On the other hand, beam clamps oriented so
gravity load is resisted only by the clamping frictional force, as shown in Figure 8-3, might
loosen and slip off in an earthquake and possibly cause a collapse.

Rule 7 - Cast-Iron Anchor Embedment. Threaded rod-hanger anchor embedments constructed of

cast iron should be specially evaluated since there is a potential for a brittle failure mode. Plant
documentation should be used to determine whether anchor embedments are cast iron. The
earthquake experience database includes examples where heavily loaded rod hangers threaded
into cast-iron inserts failed. The cast-iron anchor detail is shown in Figure 8-4. Failure modes
included anchor pullout and anchor fracture where rods were only partially threaded into the

8.2.3 Other Seismic Performance Concerns

The Other Seismic Performance Concerns in this section represent less significant or less well-
defined conditions which should be evaluated during the plant walkdown. They are included in
the guidelines of this raceway evaluation section as representative of the type of concerns which
the Seismic Review Team (SRT) should be looking for during the plant walkdown. When one of
these Other Seismic Performance Concerns is found, the SRT should determine whether the area

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of concern could significantly compromise the seismic adequacy of the raceway system. These
seismic concerns should be evaluated using the general walkdown procedure given in Section

Concern 1 - Anchorage. The SRT should pay close attention to the review of anchorages for the
raceway supports. The team should pay particular attention to system anchorages for heavily
loaded supports. When the type of anchorage detail cannot be determined by visual inspection,
other methods of determining the anchorage detail may be used, provided the SRT is convinced
they understand the actual details. For example, the plant design drawings, construction records,
or procurement specifications may provide the unknown details. If overhead welds are not
visible (for example, they are covered by fire retardant), other similar supports without the
coating can be inspected, or as-installed plant documentation reviewed to gain understanding of
the weld adequacy. Similarly, if the anchorage for large junction boxes is not visible (for
example, if the box is flush-mounted to a wall), then other boxes that can be readily opened or
reviewed may be inspected instead, or plant installation specifications may be reviewed to
provide the unknown details. Small, lightweight junction boxes need not be specifically
anchored if they are not required to act as conduit supports (i.e., they may be included within
conduit spans as defined in Rule 2 of Section 8.2.2).

Adequacy of other types of anchorage such as plastic inserts or lead shield plugs for cable tray
systems are not covered by these guidelines. However, the adequacy of anchorage such as
plastic inserts or lead shield plugs on lightly-loaded conduit supports rigidly attached to a wall
may be evaluated on a case-specific basis by using manufacturers' information, performing plant-
specific tests, or performing proof tests. In addition, anchorage adequacy for lightly-loaded
conduit supports which are rigidly attached to a wall with less than about 15 pounds dead load
may be verified by giving the conduit a tug by hand.

Concern 2 - Cracks in Concrete. Visible large cracks, significantly spalled concrete, serious
honeycomb or other gross defects in the concrete to which the cable tray or conduit supports are
attached should be evaluated for their potential effects on anchorage integrity during an
earthquake. The walkdown team should include supports of raceways anchored into concrete
with gross defects in the sample selected for the Limited Analytical Review (Section 8.3).

Concern 3 - Corrosion. Excessive corrosion of cable trays, conduit, supports, or anchorage

should be evaluated for its potential effect on structural integrity. Evaluations should consider
the alternative of estimating the strength reduction due to corrosion, if appropriate.

Concern 4 - Sag of Conduit and Cable Trays. There should not be noticeable sag of the conduit
or cable tray. As a general guideline, noticeable sags are defined as about 1 inch of deflection, in
a span with a length of 10 feet. If noticeable sag is found, its cause should be determined before
concluding corrective action is required. For example, the sag may have occurred during
construction, have no relation to structural integrity, and thus not require any corrective
measures. The walkdown team should include supports of raceways sagging due to heavy loads
in the sample selected for the Limited Analytical Review (Section 8.3).

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Concern 5 - Broken or Missing Components. Broken or missing cable tray and conduit
components should be repaired or replaced. Locations where cable is routed near rough, sharp
edges such as sheet metal cutouts should be evaluated for their potential to cause insulation
damage in an earthquake.

Concern 6 - Restraint of Cables. Any cables above the top of the side rail should be restrained to
keep them in the tray during an earthquake. Isolated cables in the center of the tray do not have
to be restrained. If cables are not restrained, they should be evaluated to determine if they are a
credible earthquake hazard to themselves (through flopping or falling out of the trays and
becoming pinched or cut) or whether they are a hazard to nearby plant features (for example, by
impacting a fragile component).

When cable trays have vertical drops of more than about 20 feet and flapping of the cables
during an earthquake might cause pinching or cutting of the cables or impact with nearby fragile
equipment, the cables should be restrained to keep them in the tray.

Concern 7 - Aging of Plastic Cable Ties. There is concern that old cable ties which are made of
plastic-type materials may not have sufficient strength as a result of aging. Cable ties are
frequently used to restrain cables within cable trays. If restraining straps are required on vertical
drops or when trays are filled above the top of their side rails and those restraining straps are of a
plastic-type material, then the walkdown engineers should make a brief qualitative evaluation by
physically pulling or tugging on a few of the straps or enclosed cables to ensure that the straps
have not become brittle. If the straps break or easily fail under this simple test, then their
effectiveness in an earthquake is obviously questionable and they should be replaced in those
areas where they are needed.

Concern 8 - Hard Spots. Occasional stiff supports in long flexible runs of cable trays or conduit
should be evaluated to determine if the seismic movement of the run could cause the stiff support
to fail. This concern is mainly associated with longitudinal motion. Cable tray or conduit
systems with a long run of supports that are relatively flexible in the longitudinal direction may
also contain a support that is relatively stiff as shown in Figure 8-5. The stiff support may thus
be subjected to considerable load and fail due to loads from earthquake-induced, longitudinal
movement of the cable tray or conduit run. Where the stiff support is located around the bend
from the long run, the flexibility and ductility of the bend in the tray or conduit will typically
prevent failure of the stiff support from being a credible event. The SRT should review
Reference 19 which provides examples of undamaged, long raceway runs from the earthquake
experience database.

The Limited Analytical Review Guidelines in Section 8.3 include an evaluation for fatigue
effects of fixed-end rod hanger trapeze supports. The walkdown team should note instances of
occasional short, fixed-end rod hangers (stiff supports) in raceway runs with predominantly
longer, more flexible supports. These should be specially evaluated for possible failure due to
fatigue using the Rod Hanger Fatigue Evaluation methodology given in Section 8.3.6. Rod
hanger trapeze support systems which are eccentrically braced should also be similarly

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8.2.4 Selection of Sample for Limited Analytical Review

The purpose of this subsection is to provide guidelines for selecting representative, worst-case
samples of raceway supports on which Limited Analytical Reviews will be performed. The
samples should include representative samples of the major different types of raceway support
configurations in the plant. The sample size will vary with the diversity and complexity of the
design and construction of each specific plant's raceway support system. As a general guideline,
10 to 20 different sample supports should be selected.

Before the samples are selected, the Seismic Capability Engineers should become familiar with
the Limited Analytical Review Guidelines in Section 8.3 and should review the sample
evaluations contained in Reference 9.

During the plant walkdown, notes should be taken which describe the basis for selection of each
sample. The location of the selected sample should be noted and detailed sketches of the as-
installed support should be made. As-built sketches should include the support configuration,
dimensions, connection details and anchorage attributes, member sizes, and loading. Any
additional information that may be considered relevant to the seismic adequacy of the sample
support should be noted in detail.

The Seismic Capability Engineers should seek out the most heavily loaded raceway support for
each configuration. Deep cable fill, long spans, sagging raceways, multiple tier systems, top
supports at vertical runs, and fire protective coatings are indicators of heavy load. Of particular
importance are raceway support systems that appear to have possibly more load than originally
designed for. These can be identified by the presence of other plant components attached to the
raceway support, such as pipe supports, HVAC duct supports, and tack welded-on conduit

Conduit and cable tray supports with anchorages that appear marginal for the supported weight
are good candidates for sample evaluation. Anchorages of undersized welds, incomplete welds,
or welds of poor quality should also be included as samples. When overhead miscellaneous

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support steel, such as steel angle, is used specifically as an anchor point to support the raceways,
its anchorage to the building structure should also be reviewed, and included as part of the
sample, especially if its anchorage appears to be the weak link in the load path back to the
structure. In addition, the sample should also include worst-case large junction boxes that are
also used to support conduit, if the anchorage for the box appears to be marginal for the
supported weight. As an example, cable trays and junction boxes in electrical penetration areas
may be good candidates as these can become heavily loaded.

It may facilitate decision-making processes in the plant if some sample or bounding calculations
are performed prior to walkdowns. As an example, simple screening tables can be developed
which list anchor capacities and raceway system weights. These tables would enable rapid
assessment of certain anchors appearing marginal for the supported load.

8.2.5 Seismic Interaction

The Seismic Capability Engineers should use the seismic interaction assessment guidelines given
in Section 4.5 and Appendix D to look for and evaluate potential seismic interaction hazards.
The interaction concerns to be addressed include potential proximity effects, structural failure
and falling, and flexibility of attached cables. As an example, raceway systems attached to or in
the vicinity of unanchored components, or unrestrained block walls, should be noted and

It may also be necessary to evaluate the seismic interaction effect of a single isolated raceway
support which could fail and fall onto a nearby fragile item of safe shutdown equipment.


This subsection describes the Limited Analytical Review which should be performed on cable
tray and conduit supports. Analytical review calculations should be conducted to evaluate the
structural integrity of the raceway supports chosen as representative, worst-case samples of the
plant raceway support systems. The Limited Analytical Review Guidelines given in this section
address structural integrity by correlation with raceway support systems that performed well in

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past earthquakes. The purpose of the calculations is not to estimate actual seismic response and
system performance during an earthquake. Rather, the purpose of the calculations is to show that
cable tray and conduit supports are at least as rugged as those that performed well as evidenced
by past experience. It is important to understand the difference between these two purposes.

The Limited Analytical Review Guidelines are primarily based on the back-calculated capacities
of raceway supports in the seismic experience database. The checks of these guidelines are
formulated to ensure that cable tray and conduit supports are seismically rugged, consistent with
the seismic experience success data. The checks include the use of static load coefficients,
plastic behavior structural theory, and engineering judgment. Reference 11 should be read by the
Seismic Capability Engineers since it provides considerable discussion and background
information on the philosophy for the analytical review process.

The analytical checks and evaluations discussed in this section are as follows:

• Dead Load Check

• Vertical Capacity Check
• Ductility Check

• Lateral Load Check

• Rod Hanger Fatigue Evaluations
• Floor-to-Ceiling Support Evaluations

• Base-Mounted Support Evaluations

Allowable capacities and raceway system weights are also discussed in this section.

The relationship between the above analytical checks for suspended raceway support systems is
shown in a logic diagram in Figure 8-6. It is suggested that this figure be used while reading the
following descriptions of these analytical checks.

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The raceway supports should pass a normal engineering dead load design review to working
stress level allowable loads. This Dead Load Check is described in Section 8.3.1. This is the
only check needed for rigid, wall-mounted supports. Rigid-mounted conduit and cable trays are
inherently very stable and subject to minimal seismic amplification. A detailed dead load design
review of these systems provides ample margin for seismic effects. The working stress level
allowable loads which should be used are described in Section 8.3.8. Supports not meeting the
dead load check should be considered as outliers. If a support does not meet the Dead Load
Check, but is not required in order to meet the span Inclusion Rules #l and #2 of Section 8.2.2,
then the adjacent supports should be checked, with the support in question assumed to be not

All raceway supports, except rigid-mounted conduit and cable trays, and base-mounted raceway
supports should also pass a Vertical Capacity Check of 3 times dead load. This is described in
Section 8.3.2. The Vertical Capacity Check ensures that the vertical capacity to dead load
demand ratio is at least as high as those of support systems in the earthquake experience database
that performed well.

The Ductility Check is described in Section 8.3.3. As shown in Figure 8-6, supports
characterized as ductile do not require an explicit lateral load check. Instead, seismic ruggedness
for ductile supports is assured by the Vertical Capacity Check (Section 8.3.2). The high vertical
capacity of the ductile database raceway supports is the main attribute credited for their good
seismic performance.

Supports that may not respond to seismic loads in a ductile manner should be checked for lateral
load capacity. The Lateral Load Check, described in Section 8.3.4, is in the form of an
equivalent static lateral load coefficient. Because this static coefficient is derived from the
earthquake experience database, it is considered applicable to ground motion consistent with the
Bounding Spectrum shown in Section 4, Figure 4-2. A method for scaling down the load
coefficient for sites with lower ground motion response spectra is provided in Section 8.3.4.

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The simple equivalent static lateral load method becomes overly conservative for suspended
supports with long drop vertical support members from overhead. This is because calculated
moments at the ceiling connection become very large. Unless the vertical support member is
very rigid, lateral load effects may be limited by seismic response peak displacements. Section
8.3.4 provides a method for determining more realistic, deflection-controlled lateral loads for
evaluation of these cases.

Although rod hanger trapeze supports may be characterized as ductile for seismic loading, the
fatigue life of the threaded rod hangers may limit seismic capacity when fixed-end connections
are subject to large bending strains. Rod Hanger Fatigue Evaluations should be done using the
guidelines in Section 8.3.5 for rod hanger trapeze supports with fixed-end rods.

The checks described above and illustrated in the Figure 8-6 logic diagram directly apply only to
seismic evaluations of suspended (and wall-mounted) raceway supports. Similarly, simple
evaluation methods may also be applied to floor-to-ceiling supports and base-mounted supports,
as long as consideration is given to lack of pendulum restoring force effects and instabilities that
may arise from plastic hinge formation.

Floor-to-Ceiling Support Evaluations are discussed in Section 8.3.6. Ductility arguments may
only be used if the support's base mount can be neglected (i.e., treating the support as if it is
suspended). When the base mount is required to help resist vertical load, Lateral Load Checks of
the top and bottom connections, as well as buckling capacity checks of the vertical support
member, are warranted.

Base-Mounted Support Evaluations are discussed in Section 8.3.7. These supports cannot be
characterized as inherently ductile and strength checks are required for both equivalent lateral
and longitudinal loads. In addition, the base connection hardware details should be reviewed for
rigidity. Slight connection slips that may lead to acceptable behavior for suspended systems can
result in an additional overturning moment due to P-delta effects (i.e., eccentric loadings) for
base-mounted supports and should be reviewed.

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If a support fails to meet the Limited Analytical Review Guidelines, then it should be considered
to be an outlier. Further analyses or tests may be performed on this outlier to demonstrate its
seismic ruggedness as described in Section 8.4.

If supports of the worst-case sample selection do not meet the Limited Analytical Review checks
(i.e., are outliers), then the review team should develop an understanding of what supports in the
plant are impacted by this analysis result. It is not intended that the bounding sample be grossly
expanded and that many calculations be generated if the analytical checks are not met.

The Vertical Capacity and Lateral Load Checks should be done using realistic capacity
allowables as discussed in Section 8.3.8.

The raceway system weights that should be used for these Limited Analytical Reviews are
described in Section 8.3.9.

8.3.1 Dead Load Check

Back-analysis of raceway supports in the database indicates that most systems have adequate
dead load design. A detailed dead load design review of the worst-case sample conduit and
cable tray supports should be conducted using normal design working stress allowable loads.
The check should consider the as-installed configuration, connection detailing, and loading
condition of the raceway support. All components such as bracket members, support members,
conduit clamps, internal framing connections, and support anchorage should be checked. All
system eccentricities, including load to anchor point eccentricity, should be considered,
excluding evaluation of clip angle bending stresses. (Note, however, that clip angle bending
stress should be considered during evaluation of base connections of floor-mounted supports as
discussed in (Section 8.3.7.). Loads from other attached systems, such as piping or ducting,
should be considered.

This is the only check recommended for cable tray and conduit supports directly mounted to or
rigidly cantilevered from an adjacent structural wall. These support types have been shown to be
inherently rugged by past experience. The mounting configuration is generally rigid for lateral

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response, so dynamic amplification of seismic motion is minimal. Performing a detailed dead

load design review for these support types ensures adequate margin for seismic loads.

Consideration should also be given to the seismic adequacy of the wall to which cable tray and
conduit raceway supports are attached. Reinforced concrete structural walls are not a concern.
With the exception of very light conduit, anchorage into transite walls (asbestos fiber board) and
gypsum board partitions should be considered outliers. Masonry walls should be checked to
verify that they have been reviewed for seismic adequacy as part of the IE Bulletin 80-11
program. The anchor capacities in Appendix C cannot be used for expansion anchors in masonry
block walls (especially if the anchorages are installed in hollow block cores or mortar joints) or
in nonstructural material; reduced values should be used. The anchorage of partition walls and
shielding walls should be checked.

8.3.2 Vertical Capacity Check

This check concentrates on the support anchorage, focusing on the weak link in the support
anchorage load path. Back-analysis of conduit and cable tray support systems in the database
indicates that most supports have relatively high, vertical anchorage capacity. The high
capacities are inherent in standard available connection hardware used for raceway support
systems. The high vertical capacity is one of the primary design attributes that is given credit for
good seismic performance. The Vertical Capacity Check evaluates whether the vertical capacity
to dead load demand ratio is in the range of support systems in the database that performed well.
The high vertical capacity provides considerable margin for horizontal earthquake loading.

This Vertical Capacity Check is only applicable to raceway supports suspended from overhead.
The Vertical Capacity Check is an equivalent static load check, in which the support is subjected
to 3.0 times Dead Load in the downward direction, using the capacities discussed in Section
8.3.8. This check is limited to the primary raceway support connections and the anchorage of
suspended support systems. It is not necessary to evaluate clip angle bending stress or secondary
support members. Base-mounted supports are not subject to this check (see Section 8.3.7);
however, the lower support member of floor-to-ceiling configurations should be checked for

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buckling if the upper connection cannot resist 3.0 times Dead Load by itself as discussed in
Section 8.3.6.

Eccentricities resulting in anchor prying and eccentricities between vertical support members and
anchor points should, in general, be ignored. This concept is the result of back-analyses of
database cable tray supports and is consistent with limit state conditions observed in test

For cantilever bracket support types, the eccentricity of the cantilevered dead load should be
ignored. Even if overhead moment capacity is completely lost, the vertical support integrity is
maintained, as the support balances itself with the center of mass below the anchor point. It is
important to realize that this calculational method is only used to demonstrate seismic adequacy
by comparison with experience data. It is not expected, and it has not been shown by the
experience data, that a support will end up in this deformed position after an earthquake on the
order of the Bounding Spectrum shown in Figure 4-2 of Section 4.

For trapeze frame and rod-hung supports, load distribution between the two vertical framing
members should be considered if the center of the load is significantly distant from the centerline
of the support frame. The bending strength and stiffness of frame members should be checked
for transfer of the load between anchor bolts when overhead support is provided by light metal
framing with anchor bolts spaced at relatively large intervals and when multiple anchor bolts are
needed to resist the vertical load.

For most conduit and cable tray support systems, the anchorage is the weak link in the load path.
For these support systems the Vertical Capacity Check is simply a comparison of anchor
capacity to 3.0 times the supported load.

The 3.0 times dead load static coefficient should not be reduced if the design basis earthquake
ground motion response spectrum for that plant site is less than the Bounding Spectrum shown in
Figure 4-2. This is because there are only a few supports in the earthquake experience database
which have back-calculated vertical capacities less than 3.0 times Dead Load. If the 3.0 times

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Dead Load guideline is not met, then the support should be classified as an outlier. Resolution of
the outlier can be accomplished by the methods described in Section 8.4.

8.3.3 Ductility Check

An evaluation should be conducted of the supports selected for review to characterize their
response to lateral seismic motion as either ductile or potentially non-ductile. Supports
suspended only from overhead may be characterized as ductile if they can respond to lateral
seismic motion by swinging freely without degradation of primary vertical support connections
and anchorage. Ductile, inelastic performance such as clip angle yielding or vertical support
member yielding is acceptable so long as deformation does not lead to brittle or premature
failure of overhead vertical support.

Review of typical conduit and cable tray support systems in the earthquake experience and shake
table test databases indicates that many overhead mounted support types are inherently ductile
for lateral seismic motion. Back-analysis of many database conduit and cable tray supports
predicts yielding of members and connections. These database systems performed well, with no
visible signs of distress. Ductile yielding of suspended supports results in a stable, damped
swaying response mode. This is considered to be acceptable seismic response.

The ductility review of anchorage connection details is most important for rigid-type suspended
raceway supports. Supports with rigid, non-ductile anchorage that do not have the capacity to
develop the plastic strength of the vertical support members can possibly behave in a non-ductile
fashion. Examples include large tube steel supports welded to overhead steel with relatively
light welds, or rigid supports welded to large base plates and outfitted with relatively light
anchorage. These types of support systems are not well represented in the database.

The seismic design of certain raceway support members may have been controlled by high
frequency requirements rather than design loads, yet anchors may have been sized by the design
loads. These types of supports may have low seismic margin due to loads placed on the support
which were not considered by the original design. Supports with rigid, non-ductile anchorage
are subject to further horizontal load strength review (see Section 8.3.4).

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Examples of ductile and non-ductile raceway support connection details and configurations are
shown in Figures 8-7 and 8-8, respectively, and are described below.

Standard Catalog Light Metal, Strut Framing Members, Clip Angles, and Bolts With Channel
Nuts. The seismic experience data include many examples of unbraced supports suspended from
overhead, constructed of standard catalog light metal, strut framing channels, clip angles, and
bolts with channel nuts as shown in Figures 8-7A, B, C, and D. The good performance of these
support types indicates that they may be characterized as ductile. This is even true of supports
constructed of standard catalog light metal strut framing, gusseted, clip angle connections.
Review of shake table tests of raceway support systems shows that slight slipping of channel
nuts due to prying action of gusseted clip angles leads to acceptable behavior for suspended
supports. The tests show that once the overhead moment connection is relaxed by this slippage,
the support system is free to swing without additional degradation of the overhead connection.

Welded Steel Members. The philosophy of acceptable seismic response involving clip angle
connection yielding for supports constructed of light metal, strut framing is extended to supports
constructed of welded steel members as shown in Figure 8-7F. If an anchor point connection
weld is stronger than the vertical member, then a plastic hinge will be able to form in the vertical
member, allowing ductile response without weld failure. A support is seismically rugged so long
as overhead support is maintained. In this case, plastic hinge action in the vertical member
prevents transmission of loads capable of failing the welded anchorage point. For open channel
structural sections, an all-around fillet weld whose combined throat thicknesses exceed the
thickness of the part fastened, may be considered capable of developing the plastic hinge
capacity of the open channel section vertical member. If the plastic hinge capacity of the
framing support member exceeds the capacity of the weld, as shown in Figures 8-8A and B, then
a brittle failure is possible, which is not acceptable seismic performance. For light metal, strut
framing members, welded connections are likely to be non-ductile and thus not capable of
developing plastic moment capacity of the framing member.

Ceiling Connection Plate Secured with Expansion Anchors. Raceway supports with overhead
anchorage provided by a plate attached to concrete with expansion anchors may also be shown to
be ductile. The anchorage may be characterized as ductile if it is stronger than the plastic
flexural strength of the vertical support member. A simple anchor moment capacity estimate
may be used, by multiplying the bolt pullout capacity times the distance between the bolts or
center of bolt groups. In some cases, it may be possible to demonstrate ductility if the ceiling
connection plate is the weak link in the anchorage load path. This is similar to the case of clip
angle bending. The key to characterizing a support as ductile or non-ductile is reviewing the
anchorage load path and determining if the weak link responds in a ductile or brittle manner.

Braced Cantilever Bracket and Trapeze Frame Supports. The presence of a diagonal brace in a
support, as shown in Figures 8-8E and F, has the potential of significantly increasing the pullout
loads on anchorage when the support is subjected to horizontal motion. This is a function of the
support geometric configuration, the realistic capacity of the brace, and the realistic capacity of

Revision 3A

the anchorage. Non-ductile behavior is possible when the brace reaction to horizontal load plus
dead load has the capability of exceeding the primary the support anchor capacity. If a brace
buckles or has a connection failure before primary support anchor capacity is reached, then the
support may be considered as ductile. Braced supports are subject to further horizontal load
capability review in Section 8.3.4 with a focus on primary support anchorage.

Unbraced Rigid Trapeze Frames. Trapeze frames constructed as moment-resisting frames, such
as those with a number of stiff cross-beam members welded to the two vertical supports as
shown in Figure 8-8D, have the potential of significantly increasing the pullout loads on anchor
bolts when the frame is subject to horizontal motion. Non-ductile behavior is possible when the
rigid frame anchor point reactions to horizontal load exceed the anchor capacity. Unbraced rigid
trapeze frames are subject to further horizontal load strength review in Section 8.3.4 with focus
on anchorage.

Floor-Mounted Supports. Plastic behavior of floor-mounted supports may lead to structural

instability. Ductility, as defined by these guidelines, only applies to suspended systems. Floor-
mounted supports are characterized as non-ductile and are subject to further horizontal strength
review in Sections 8.3.6 and 8.3.7 with focus on stability.

Rod Hanger Trapeze Supports. Supports constructed of threaded steel rods with fixed-end
connection details at the ends of the rods behave in a ductile manner under horizontal motion;
however, relatively short rods may undergo very large strains due to bending imposed by
horizontal seismic motion, at the fixed ends of the rods. Low cycle fatigue may govern response.
Rod hanger trapeze supports with short, fixed-end rods should be evaluated for low cycle fatigue
effects in Section 8.3.5.

No further review of horizontal response capability is required of supports characterized as

ductile. Only the support vertical capacity need be verified, as discussed in Sections 8.3.1 and
8.3.2. If a support is characterized as non-ductile or has questionable ductility, then its lateral
load capacity should be verified, as discussed in Section 8.3.4, as shown in the logic diagram for
making these decisions in Figure 8-6.

8.3.4 Lateral Load Check

A Lateral Load Check should be performed for the bounding case raceway supports that are
characterized as potentially non-ductile. The Lateral Load Check is in the form of an equivalent
static lateral load coefficient. The Lateral Load Check compares the ratio of horizontal load
capacity divided by dead load demand (for potentially non-ductile supports) to the same ratios
for support systems in the seismic experience database that performed well. Because many of
these database raceway systems were subjected to earthquake ground motions that may have

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been greater than the Safe Shutdown Earthquakes (SSEs) for many plants, provisions for scaling
down the equivalent static horizontal loads are given below.

If a support is ductile, then no further review of horizontal response capability is required and the
support may be shown to be seismically rugged by the Vertical Capacity Check (Section 8.3.2).
If a support is non-ductile or has questionable ductility, then it should be analyzed for one of the
following transverse load conditions:

• Dead load plus a 2.0g horizontal acceleration in the transverse direction. The horizontal
acceleration may be scaled down linearly by multiplying 2.0g by the maximum ratio of the
design basis earthquake ground motion spectral acceleration for the plant site divided by
the corresponding spectral acceleration of the Bounding Spectrum given in Figure 4-2.

• Dead load plus a transverse acceleration of 2.5 times the Zero Period Acceleration (ZPA)
of the floor response spectrum for the anchor point in the plant where the raceway system
is attached.

• For elevations lower than about 40 feet above plant grade (see definition of “effective
grade,” in Section 4.2.3), dead load plus a transverse acceleration of 2.5 times the floor
ZPA where the floor ZPA is equal to the free-field ground ZPA times 1.5 (to account for
building amplification), times 1.25 (to adjust for median-centered response).

For these loading conditions, only the tributary mass corresponding to dead load on the support
should be considered. If large junction boxes are included in the worst-case sample, then the
lateral load coefficients described above may be used as the seismic demand and the anchorage
evaluated following the guidelines of Section 4.4.

The loading condition selected should be used consistently for all the plant raceway support
systems selected as samples in any particular building. Different methods may be used for
different structures. For example, the floor ZPA scaling method may be preferable for rock-
founded structures or soil-founded structures for which realistic floor response spectra may be
available. The scaled 2.0g method may be preferable for soil-founded structures, such as diesel
generator buildings, for which realistic floor response spectra may not be available.

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The simple equivalent static load coefficient method may be too conservative for supports with
long drops from the ceiling anchorage to the raceways. The static coefficient method predicts
very high connection bending moments in these cases. In this case, the bending moment
imposed on the ceiling connection may be limited by peak seismic deflection and not seismic
accelerations. This is consistent with observations of back-calculated static coefficient capacities
from the experience data. The lowest back-calculated capacities were often from supports with
long drops and were not considered representative (i.e., they were not used to attempt to justify a
static coefficient less than 2.0g).

If the support has long vertical members and has low natural frequency, then an alternative
loading condition of dead load plus reaction forces due to a realistic estimate for seismic
deflection imposed in the transverse direction may be used. A conservative estimate for seismic
deflection may be obtained by using floor spectral displacement at a lower bound frequency
estimate considering only single degree of freedom pendulum response of the support.

For diagonally braced supports with ductile overhead anchorages, the load reaction imposed on
the support anchorage during the Lateral Load Check does not need to exceed the buckling
capacity of the brace or its connections. For example, if it is shown that a brace buckles at 0.80g
lateral load, then this load should be used for the Lateral Load Check and not 2.0g. For
diagonally braced supports where the anchorage is not ductile, the portion of the lateral load that
is not resisted by the brace should be redistributed as bending stress to the overhead connection.
The loads in the diagonal brace will cause additional vertical and horizontal loads on the
anchorage, which should be accounted for.

An upper and lower bound estimate should be used for buckling capacity of the brace, whichever
is worse, for the overhead anchorage. There is considerable variation in test data capacity for
light metal strut framing connections. An upper bound estimate of 2.0 times the realistic
capacities discussed in Section 8.3.8 can be used for these connection types.

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8.3.5 Rod Hanger Fatigue Evaluations

Shake table tests have shown that the seismic capacity of fixed-end rod hanger trapeze supports
is limited by the fatigue life of the hanger rods. Rod hanger trapeze supports should be evaluated
for possible fatigue effects if they are constructed with fixed-end connection details. This fatigue
evaluation should be done in addition to the checks described in the previous sections.

Fixed-end connection details include double-nutted rod ends at connections to flanges of steel
members, rods threaded into shell-type concrete expansion anchors, and rods connected by rod
coupler nuts to nonshell concrete expansion anchors. Fixed-end connection details also include
rods with lock nuts at cast-in-place light metal strut channels and rod coupler nuts welded to
overhead steel.

This section describes a screening method for evaluating rod hangers for fatigue based on the use
of rod fatigue bounding spectra (shown in Figure 8-9) and generic rod fatigue evaluation
screening charts (shown in Figures 8-10 to 8-14). This screening method is based upon generic,
bounding case fatigue evaluations in Reference 20.

The screening charts are directly applicable to hangers constructed of manufactured all-thread
rods in raceway system runs with uniform length hangers. The charts may also be used for
evaluation of supports constructed of field-threaded rods and for short, isolated fixed-end rod
hangers in more flexible systems with relatively much longer rod hangers; guidance is given later
in this section on how to adjust the parameters when evaluating these special cases.

Manufactured All-Thread Rods

The fatigue evaluation for short, fixed-end rod hangers (manufactured all-thread) in trapeze
supported raceway runs with all of the rods of uniform length, should proceed as follows:

• Obtain the 5% damped floor response spectrum for the location of the support.
• Enter Figure 8-9 which contains Rod Fatigue Bounding Spectrum anchored to 0.33g,
0.50g, and 0.75g. Select a spectrum which envelops the floor response spectrum. If the

Revision 3A

selected spectrum does not entirely envelop the floor response spectrum, then select a
spectrum that envelops the floor response spectrum at the resonant frequency of the

Support resonant frequency may be estimated as follows:

1 Ks
fsupport =
2π M s

Ms = W/g
Ks = 2(12EI/L3) + W/L
W = total dead weight on the pair of rod supports
g = gravitational constant
E = elastic modulus of steel
I = moment of inertia of rod root section
L = length of rod above top tier

• Enter one of the Fatigue Evaluation Screening Charts shown in Figures 8-10 to 8-14
corresponding to the diameter of the threaded rod. Focus on the curve associated with the
acceleration (0.33g, 0.50g, or 0.75g) of the Rod Fatigue Bounding Spectrum selected in the
previous step. These charts do not directly apply to field-threaded rods (see discussion

• Compare the rod hanger length (L, length of rod above top tier) and rod hanger weight
(W, total dead weight on the pair of rod supports) with acceptable combinations of length
and weight on the screening charts. Acceptable regions of the Fatigue Evaluation
Screening Charts are below and to the right of the Screening Chart curve selected in the
previous step.

If the support parameters are within acceptable regions on the Fatigue Evaluation Screening
Chart, then the rod hanger support is seismically adequate. Note however, that the weight limit
associated with the Vertical Capacity Check of 3 times the dead load (Section 8.3.2) may be
more limiting than the fatigue limits for the threaded rods shown in the Fatigue Evaluation
Screening Charts (Figures 8-10 to 8-14) for those situations where expansion anchors are used to
secure the threaded rods to the ceiling.

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Field-Threaded Rods

Rod fatigue tests have shown that field-threaded rods have less fatigue life than all-thread,
manufactured rods. The evaluation method for field-threaded rods proceeds the same way as for
manufactured threaded rods, except that adjusted weights and lengths should be used for
comparison with the Fatigue Evaluation Screening Charts. For field-threaded rods, enter the
Screening Charts with double the actual weight and 2/3 the actual length of the rods. If these
modified parameters are in acceptable regions of the Screening Charts, then the rod hanger is
seismically adequate.

Isolated, Short, Fixed-End Rod Hangers

If an isolated, short, fixed-end rod hanger is used in a system with predominantly longer, more
flexible hangers, a special evaluation should be conducted that decouples the response effects of
the short isolated rod. The special evaluation method is as follows:

• Estimate the frequency of the support system, neglecting the isolated, short rod. The
frequency estimation formula given above may be used. The length of the longer rods
should be used in the formula.

• Enter the applicable Fatigue Evaluation Screening Chart (Figures 8-10 to 8-14) which
corresponds to the Rod Fatigue Bounding Spectrum (Figure 8-9) that envelops the plant
floor response spectrum (5% damping) at the frequency of interest which was calculated in
the previous step.

• Back-calculate an equivalent weight for evaluation of the isolated short rod hanger, using
the frequency of the longer rod hanger supports, with the following formula:

24 E I g
Wequiv. =
( 2πf ) 2 L3 − gL2

• Enter the appropriate Fatigue Evaluation Screening Chart (Figures 8-10 to 8-14) by using
the above calculated equivalent weight and the length of the isolated short rod hanger.

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If these parameters are in an acceptable region on the Fatigue Evaluation Screening Chart, then
the isolated, short, fixed-end rod hanger is seismically adequate.

Reference 20 may be reviewed to obtain an understanding of the analytical methods used to

develop the Fatigue Evaluation Screening Charts. When using the charts, the simple equations
given in this section for calculating response frequency should be used for consistency since
these are the same equations used to generate the screening charts (i.e., the screening charts are
based on the simplified results obtained from detailed fatigue analysis, considering capacities
determined by component test results).

8.3.6 Floor-to-Ceiling Support Evaluations

Floor-to-ceiling supports may be evaluated as suspended raceway supports if they can meet the
previous Limited Analytical Review Checks by conservatively neglecting the floor connection
and anchorage.

Seismic ruggedness for floor-to-ceiling supports that depend on the floor connection may be
evaluated as follows. The checks described here ensure seismic adequacy by showing that the
supports maintain high vertical capacity, demonstrate ductility, and maintain connection shear

The lower vertical support column member should be checked for buckling. The imposed
buckling load should be the portion of 3.0 times Dead Load that cannot be resisted by the
overhead anchorage. In addition, the support should be subject to a Lateral Load Check. The
imposed lateral load static coefficient should be obtained as described in Section 8.3.4. The top
and bottom connections and anchors should be checked for dead load plus the equivalent static
lateral load reactions. Clip angle bending stresses may be ignored. The support columns
themselves do not have to be checked for lateral loading; however, the entire support should be
checked for design dead load as described in Section 8.3.1.

Revision 3A

8.3.7 Base-Mounted Support Evaluations

Base-mounted supports present a different case than suspended supports in that, with excessive
deflections and inelastic response effects, the base-mounted supports tend to become unstable
whereas suspended supports have increased pendulum-restoring force. The checks which should
be performed include a detailed Dead Load Check and Lateral Load Check non-concurrently in
both orthogonal directions, including P-delta effects if base hardware slip may be anticipated.
P-delta effects include the second order increases in base overturning moment due to additional
eccentricity of the supported dead load during seismic deflections of the support. These P-delta
effects may become significant if the connection hardware at the base of the support does not
remain rigid. Base hardware slips that should be considered are discussed below. Reference 11
provides considerable discussion on the philosophy of the base-mounted support evaluations.

A detailed, Dead Load Check should be performed, similar to the check described in Section
8.3.1. The only exception is that clip angle bending stresses should be evaluated at the base
connections. Base flexibility associated with clip angle inelastic behavior may lead to increased
deflection and subsequent P-delta effects and possibly instability.

A Vertical Capacity Check should not be conducted since the philosophy behind the Vertical
Capacity Check only applies to ductile, suspended raceway supports. A Dead Load plus
equivalent static Lateral Load Check should be performed instead, for loading non-concurrently
in both orthogonal directions.

The equivalent static lateral load should be determined as outlined in Section 8.3.4. The Lateral
Load Check should evaluate all members, connections, and anchors associated with the primary
support frame and its bracing (if present). Realistic capacities should be used for the evaluation.
If brace members (lower bound capacity estimate) cannot resist all of the lateral load, the portion
of load exceeding the brace capacity may be transmitted to the base and resisted by the base
moment capacity.

If light metal strut framing clip angle construction is used, bolt (with channel nut) slip of
l/16 inch should be considered for P-delta evaluation. If the nominal capacities given in

Revision 3A

Appendix C are used for nonshell expansion anchors, anchor bolt slip of l/8 inch should be
considered for P-delta evaluation. For P-delta evaluation, all these bolt slips should be used to
obtain an estimate for maximum possible base connection rotation.

Using this base rotation, and considering the displacement due to the flexibility of the vertical
support post, a deflection of the raceways should be calculated. This additional deflection times
dead load provides the effective P-delta base moment. If this moment is more than about 5% of
the total moment from the Dead Load plus Lateral Load Check, it should be included in the Dead
Load plus Lateral Load Check.

Torsional moments at the base of the support post that may result from lateral or longitudinal
load checks may be ignored. Stresses in the support brackets due to longitudinal loading may
also be ignored. These forces resulting from longitudinal loading are not considered realistic due
to raceway member framing action and inelasticity of other components in the load resistance
chain such as restraining clips. The goal of the lateral and longitudinal checks is to demonstrate
seismic ruggedness.

8.3.8 Allowable Capacities

The allowable capacities which can be used in the Limited Analytical Review are discussed in
this section. For the Dead Load Check (Section 8.3.1), normal engineering design working stress
allowable capacities should be used. For example, the capacities defined in Part 1 of the AISC
Specification for Steel Design (Reference 29) can be used.

More realistic allowable capacities can be used for the remainder of the checks in the Limited
Analytical Review (Sections 8.3.2 to 8.3.7).

The remainder of this subsection defines these capacities for expansion anchors, cast-in-place
anchors, embedded plates and channels, welds, steel bolts, structural steel, and other support

Revision 3A

Capacity values for expansion anchors are provided in Appendix C. The guidelines for using
these anchorage capacities, as defined in Section 4.4 and Appendix C, should be followed,
including edge distance, bolt spacing, and inspection procedures. Note that tightness checks
need not be conducted for anchor bolts of supports which resist tensile force under dead load.
Tightness checks are waived because suspended and some wall-mounted raceway systems cause
these types of anchorages to be subjected to constant tension under dead load and therefore the
anchorages are, in effect, continuously proof-tested. The tightness checks should be carried out,
however, for floor-mounted support anchors.

Capacity values for embedded steel which uses headed studs are given in Section C.3 of
Appendix C. These capacities should be used along with the generic guidelines contained in
Section 4.4. For cast-in-place embedments, other than those which use headed studs, the
capacity may be determined using the approach discussed in Section 4.4.1, Check 14 -
Embedment Steel and Pads.

The plant design or as-built drawings for cast-in-place anchors and steel plates should be
reviewed to obtain details on these anchorage types. Anchor capacities for cast-in-place light
metal strut framing channels should be taken as the manufacturer's catalog values with published
factors of safety, or may be determined by available test information with appropriate factors of

Capacities for welds, structural steel, and steel bolts should be taken as defined in Part 2 of the
AISC Specification for Steel Design (Reference 29). Capacity values for light metal strut
framing hardware are taken as the manufacturer's recommended design values, including the
published factor of safety. This factor of safety is considered sufficient to encompass the lower
bounds of strength values, such as may result from minor product variation or low bolt torque.

When upper-bound strength estimates are required, such as in ductility reviews or limit state
evaluations, the manufacturer's catalog capacities should be increased. A recommended upper
bound estimate for bolts with channel nuts is double the manufacturer's published design values.

Revision 3A

Tests may be used to establish realistic, ultimate capacities of raceway components. Appropriate
factors of safety should be used with these test results. Dynamic tests should be performed to
establish ultimate capacities of friction-type connections in most cases.

8.3.9 Raceway System Weights

Cable tray weights may be estimated as 25 pounds per square foot for a standard tray with
4 inches of cable fill. It is suggested that the cable trays be considered to be completely full
during the initial attempt at using the screening guidelines described above. Linear adjustment
may be made for trays with more and less cable fill. Sprayed-on fireproof insulation may be
conservatively assumed to have the same unit weight by itself as the cable in the tray it covers.

Estimated weights for steel and aluminum conduit may be taken as follows:

Conduit Weight Including Cable

(pounds per foot)
Conduit Diameter
(inches) Steel Aluminum
1/2 1.0 0.5
3/4 1.4 0.7
1 2.2 1.1

1-1/2 3.6 1.8

2 5.1 2.8
2-1/2 8.9 5.2

3 12.8 7.9
4 16.5 9.5
5 23.0 13.6

Conservative estimates should be made for the weights of other miscellaneous items attached to
the raceway support, such as HVAC ducting, piping, and lighting.

Revision 3A


An outlier is defined as a raceway hardware feature which does not meet one or more of the
screening guidelines contained in this section. Namely, an outlier:

• Does not meet the Inclusion Rules given in Section 8.2.2,

• Has significant Other Seismic Performance Concerns as given in Section 8.2.3,
• Has the potential for adverse seismic spatial interaction(s) as given in Section 8.2.5, or

• Does not satisfy the Limited Analytical Review Guidelines given in Section 8.3.

When an outlier is identified, proceed to Section 5, Outlier Identification and Resolution, and
document the cause(s) for not meeting the screening guidelines on an Outlier Seismic
Verification Sheet (OSVS), shown in Exhibit 5-l.

The conservative screening criteria given earlier in this section are intended for use as a generic
basis to evaluate the seismic adequacy of cable and conduit raceway systems. If a raceway
hardware feature fails this generic screen, it may not necessarily be deficient for seismic loading;
however, additional evaluations are needed to show that it is adequate. Some of the additional
evaluations and alternate methods for demonstrating seismic adequacy are summarized below.
Additional details are also found in the previous subsections where these generic screening
guidelines are described. Other generic methods for resolving outliers are found in Section 5.

In some cases it may be necessary to exercise engineering judgment when resolving outliers,
since strict adherence to the screening guidelines in the previous subsections is not absolutely
required for raceway support systems to be seismically adequate. These judgments, however,
should be based on a thorough understanding of the background and philosophy used to develop
these screening guidelines as described in References 9, 10, and 11. The justification and
reasoning for considering an outlier to be acceptable should be based on mechanistic principles
and sound engineering judgment.

Revision 3A

The screening guidelines contained in the previous subsections have been thoroughly reviewed
by industry experts to ensure that they are appropriate for generic use; however, the alternative
evaluation methods and engineering judgments used to resolve outliers are not subject to the
same level of peer review. Therefore, the evaluations and judgments used to resolve outliers
should be thoroughly documented so that independent reviews can be performed if necessary.

8.4.1 Cable Tray Span

As discussed in Inclusion Rules 1 and 2, the span lengths given there are not necessarily rigid
requirements. For example, an isolated cable tray span of about 13 feet may be acceptable if the
tray is lightly loaded and of rugged construction (for example, the tray meets the NEMA
standards in Reference 31 and the cable loading is no more than one-half that in Table 3-l of
Reference 31).

8.4.2 Conduit Span

An isolated conduit overspan may be acceptable if its vertical deflection is limited by other plant
features in proximity. In addition, 3.0 times dead load vertical static load tests can be used to
show that an isolated overspan is acceptable.

8.4.3 Raceway Member Tie-downs

Tie-downs should be installed until Inclusion Rule 3 is satisfied. As an alternative, analyses or a

static lateral pull test of the lateral load-carrying capacity of the as-built trays or conduit can be
performed to show that the trays or conduit are not capable of falling off the support. The
amount of static lateral force used in this evaluation should be consistent with one of the options
in the Lateral Load Check given in Section 8.3.4. It is preferable, and usually not a difficult
maintenance activity, to add missing raceway member tie-downs.

8.4.4 Channel Nuts

Channel nuts without teeth should be replaced with nuts with teeth or an extensive plant-specific
dynamic testing program can be performed to show that the channel nuts without teeth are
capable of carrying the anticipated seismic load.

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8.4.5 Rigid Boot Connection

Rigid boots are considered to be outliers even when there is only a small gap between the boot
and the member it supports. If the boot was field-assembled in such a way that no gaps exist and
the boot fits the member tightly, then this connection can be considered acceptable. The basis
for the finding that there are no gaps should be thoroughly documented. One simple fix to a
rigid boot with gaps is to replace the individual bolts with one through bolt.

8.4.6 Beam Clamps

The clamp should be replaced with a positive connection or the clamp oriented so that gravity
loads are not resisted by the clamping friction; however, if supported loads are less than about 15
pounds, the adequacy of an isolated clamp oriented in the wrong direction can simply be verified
by tugging and shaking it by hand.

If an entire run of small conduit with light support dead loads (less than about 15 pounds per
support) is anchored with beam clamps which resist dead load only by clamping friction, then a
sufficient number of supports representative of the entire conduit run should be tugged to verify

8.4.7 Cast-Iron Anchor Embedments

Cast-iron anchor embedments should be replaced with an acceptable anchorage or the support
braced horizontally and the stress in the anchor kept very low.

8.4.8 Analytical Outliers

Outliers that do not satisfy the Limited Analytical Review guidelines, as illustrated in Figure 8-6,
can be evaluated further using more detailed analytical models of the raceway system or in-plant
testing to demonstrate that the raceways are as rugged as required. Remember, however, that the
analytical guidelines only have to be satisfied in an approximate manner. For example, if a
support has a capacity of only 2.7 times Dead Load rather than the desired 3.0 times Dead Load,
the seismic review team performing the screening evaluation may still find the support

Revision 3A

acceptable based on their professional judgment. Examples of acceptable outlier evaluation

methods include Limit State Evaluations, Lateral Load Evaluations, Redundancy and
Consequence Evaluations, and Support Upgrades. These methods are described below.

Limit State Evaluation. A limit state evaluation may be used to resolve ductile supports that do
not meet the Vertical Capacity Check (3.0 times Dead Load) in Section 8.3.2. The Vertical
Capacity Check provides a quick, generic means for assuring seismic ruggedness, consistent with
the experience data. However, for certain configurations of raceway support systems, especially
unbraced rod hanger trapeze systems, the Vertical Capacity Check may be too conservative.

The principle behind the Limit State Check is that the support anchorage capacity need only be
greater than the maximum possible reactions from plastic hinge formation in the support, while
the support is also subjected to dead load. This principle only applies to supports that are
suspended from above and that are characterized as ductile, following the guidelines of
Section 8.3.3.

The Limit State Evaluation provides a check of anchorage and anchorage connection capacity.
The seismic demand applied to the anchor point using the limit state evaluation method is based
on dead load plus anchor reaction due to formation of plastic hinges at credible support joint
locations. Realistic upper bound estimates should be used for the support joint plastic hinge
moment capacities, based on test results if possible.

The basic philosophy for the Limit State Check is that for ductile supports suspended from the
overhead, anchor connection capacity need only exceed the maximum possible reactions
resulting from the plastic hinges developed in the support, plus dead loads.

For rod hanger trapeze supports with fixed-end connection details, the Limit State Check is
straightforward. The anchor capacity should be greater than dead load reaction plus the reaction
from plastic hinges formed in the hanger rods at fixed-end connections. For multiple tier
hangers, as a first approximation, plastic hinge formation may be assumed at all joints at all tiers.
If the lateral deflection corresponding to onset of all these plastic hinges is excessive, such as if it

Revision 3A

is greater than the peak floor spectral displacement, then a more refined evaluation may be
conducted. This may be accomplished by considering a realistic deflected shape for those
locations where credible plastic hinges can be formed.

For threaded rods, the plastic hinge moment capacity should be consistent with those observed in
the rod hanger fatigue tests (see Reference 20). The plastic moment capacity may be calculated
using the rod hanger's cross-sectional moment of inertia based on the root diameter of the
threaded section, a 1.7 shape factor, and a 90 ksi apparent yield stress. For example, the plastic
moment capacity of a l/2-inch diameter threaded rod may be taken as 1,010 inch-pounds.

The anchorage shear load for the Limit State Evaluation may be calculated by estimating a point
of inflection in the limit state deflection shape. For example, for a rod hanger trapeze support,
the point of inflection may be taken as the mid-point between the top tier cross beam and the
overhead anchorage.

Limit State Evaluations of light metal strut framing trapeze supports constructed with clip angles
may assume that plastic hinges develop in all clip angles, with the strut framing members
remaining rigid. The anchorage capacity should be greater than dead load reaction, plus frame
reaction at the anchor point due to the formation of plastic hinges at all clip angles, plus reaction
due to local prying action at the anchor due to a plastic moment in its clip angle.

The local prying anchor load may be taken as the connection ultimate moment capacity divided
by the distance between anchors for double clip angle connections. For single clip connections,
the moment may be divided by the distance from the anchor bolt to the far edge of the light metal
strut framing vertical member. The moment capacities for clip angle connections can be very
difficult to estimate by calculation so it is better to base these moment capacities on test data if

Lateral Load Evaluation. The Lateral Load Check of Section 8.3.4 may be used to evaluate
outliers that do not meet the Vertical Capacity Check (3.0 times dead load) in Section 8.3.2.

Revision 3A

This is most applicable to supports characterized as non-ductile in Section 8.3.3, but may also be
used for ductile supports.

Redundancy and Consequence Evaluation. Isolated cases of an outliner support which does not
meet the Limited Analytical Review Guidelines described in Section 8.3 may be resolved if the
adjacent raceway support system has high redundancy, and if a postulated failure of the support
in question has no adverse consequence to plant safety, e.g., it will not fall on safety-related
equipment and damage it. High redundancy can be demonstrated by showing that the adjacent
supports are suspended and meet the Vertical Capacity Check (3 times Dead Load) of Section
8.3.2, and either the Ductility Check of Section 8.3.3 or the Lateral Load Check of Section 8.3.4.

“Isolated” means that it is not acceptable for as many as every other support to fail to meet the
guidelines. In other words, there should be at least two supports, each of which meets the
guidelines of Section 8.3.2 and either Section 8.3.3 or Section 8.3.4, between each “isolated”

The “consequence” of a failed isolated support should also be evaluated to determine whether
there is any undesirable effect on nearby equipment. Engineering judgment should be used by
the Seismic Capability Engineers to make this evaluation. If it is not credible for the support to
swing away or fall, then there is no safety consequence. If it is credible for the support to swing
away or fall, then it should be treated as a source of seismic interaction. In this case, there is no
safety consequence if there are no fragile, safety-related targets in the vicinity or below.

Acceptance of worst-case, bounding supports by the Redundancy and Consequence Evaluation

described above does not provide, by itself, sufficient insight into the seismic ruggedness of the
plant's raceway support systems. Rather, this option should be used during the walkdown to
screen out isolated instances of supports which appear marginal, so as to exclude them from the
bounding case sample.

Revision 3A

Support Upgrade. For certain supports which do not meet the Limited Analytical Review
Checks, it may be preferable to strengthen these supports rather than expend resources on more
refined analyses and evaluations.

When upgrading raceway supports, the utility may wish to use the Limited Analytical Review
guidelines in this section as the starting point in the design process. It is recommended that new
designs or retrofit designs use additional factors of safety, especially for anchorage, since the
incremental added cost for larger anchor bolts is not significant but it leads to significantly larger
seismic margin.


A summary package should be assembled to document and track the Seismic Capability
Engineer's evaluation activities. Documentation should include records of the plant areas
evaluated, the dates of the walkdowns, the names of the engineers conducting the evaluations,
and a summary of results. Recommended data sheets for the summary package are given in
Exhibits 8-l to 8-3 and are described below. Outlier Seismic Verification Sheets (OSVS) are
given in Section 5, Exhibit 5-l.

Exhibit 8-l provides a Plant Area Summary Sheet. A separate summary sheet should be
completed for each designated room number or plant location where evaluations are conducted.
The sheet includes reminders, as a checklist, for primary aspects of the evaluation guidelines;
however, the walkdown engineers should be familiar with all aspects of the seismic evaluation
guidelines during in-plant screening reviews and not rely solely on the checklist. The Seismic
Capability Engineers who sign these sheets are ultimately responsible for the seismic evaluations

Exhibit 8-2 provides an Analytical Review Data Sheet for recording information on the supports
selected as the worst-case, representative samples.

Revision 3A

Exhibit 8-3 provides a Tracking Summary for the Analytical Review Data Sheets. As items are
completed and resolved, the responsible engineers should initial the line item on the tracking
sheets to confirm final closure.

Exhibit 5-l (Section 5) provides an Outlier Seismic Verification Sheet. When collecting these
data, the Seismic Capability Engineers should record ample information so that repeated trips to
the plant are not required for final outlier resolution.

Photographs may be used to supplement documentation, as required. When used as formal

documentation for the summary packages, photographs should be clearly labeled for

Revision 3A

Exhibit 8-1
Plant Area Summary Sheet
Sheet 1 of 2

Room No.: Plant Location:

Raceway Designation No.:

Inclusion Rule Review Acceptance

Cable Tray Spans: Yes No N/A
Conduit Spans: Yes No N/A
Tie Downs: Yes No N/A
Channel Nuts: Yes No N/A
Rigid Boots: Yes No N/A
Beam Clamps: Yes No N/A
Cast Iron Inserts: Yes No N/A

Other Seismic Performance Concern Review Acceptance

Anchor Bolts: Yes No N/A
Welded Connections: Yes No N/A
Concrete Condition: Yes No N/A
Corrosion: Yes No N/A
Sagging Raceways: Yes No N/A
Broken or Missing Components and Sharp Edges: Yes No N/A
Restraint of Cables: Yes No N/A
Cable Fill/Ties: Yes No N/A
Aging of Plastic Ties: Yes No N/A
System Hardspots: Yes No N/A
Short Rods: Yes No N/A

Seismic Interaction Review Acceptance

Proximate Features: Yes No N/A
Falling Hazards: Yes No N/A
Differential Displacement: Yes No N/A
Isolated Outliers: Yes No N/A
Additional Comments:

Revision 3A

Exhibit 8-1
Plant Area Summary Sheet
Sheet 2 of 2

Room No.: Plant Location:

Raceway Designation No.:

Outlier Descriptions
Total No. of Attached OSVS (Exhibit 5-1):
Outer Nos.:

Analytical Review Support Selection

Total No. of Attached Analytical Review Data Sheets:
Selection Nos.:

Additional Field Notes

CERTIFICATION: (Signatures of at least two Seismic Capability Engineers are required; one of whom is a
licensed professional engineer.)

Print or Type Name/Title Signature Date

Print or Type Name/Title Signature Date

Revision 3A

Exhibit 8-2
Analytical Review Data Sheet
Sheet ___ of ___

Room No.: Selection No.:

Plant Location:

Description and Sketch:

Referenced Calculation:

Addiditonal Notes:

CERTIFICATION: (Signatures of at least two Seismic Capability Engineers are required; one of whom is a
licensed professional engineer.)

Print or Type Name/Title Signature Date

Print or Type Name/Title Signature Date

Revision 3A

Exhibit 8-3
Analytical Review Tracking Summary
Sheet ___ of ___

Room Plant Selection Final Initials/

Number Location Number Resolution Date

Revision 3A

Figure 8-1. Channel Nut with Teeth or Ridges in Light Metal Framing Strut
(Source: Reference 9)

Revision 3A

(a) Rigid “Boot” Connection Detail That Failed in (b) Addition of a Through Bolt Corrected the
Shake Table Test Design Flaw

Note: The size of the gap is exaggerated for emphasis. Any size gap, no matter how small, is a
possible concern.

Figure 8-2. Rigid Boot Connection Details

(Source: Reference 9)

Revision 3A

Note: This arrangement may loosen and slip, resulting in support collapse.

Figure 8-3. Beam Clamps Oriented With Dead Load Resisted Only By Clamping Friction
(Source: Reference 9)

Revision 3A

Figure 8-4. Cast-Iron Anchorage Detail That Failed at the

Pacific Bell Alhambra Station, 1987 Whittier Earthquake
(Source: Reference 9)

Revision 3A

Note: The short, stiff support may attract considerable load from longitudinal motion during an

Figure 8-5. Short, Stiff Support In a System of Longer, More Flexible Supports
(Source: Reference 9)

Revision 3A

Figure 8-6. Logic Diagram for Limited Analytical Review of Suspended Raceway Supports

Revision 3A

Notes: • Connections A, B, C, and D are ductile connections of standard catalog, light metal, strut framing systems.

• Connection E is a properly oriented beam clamp, configured as a pin-ended connection. Pin-ended connections are
considered ductile.
• Connection F is an all-around fillet weld on a structural steel angle section. If combined weld throat thickness is
larger than the steel angle flange thickness, this may be considered a ductile connection.
• Connections C and D are ductile if the vertical bolts are into steel members as shown. If the vertical bolts are into
concrete, the connections may not be ductile and should be checked.

Figure 8-7. Examples of Inherently Ductile Raceway Support

Connection Details and Configurations
(Source: Reference 9)

Revision 3A

Notes: • Connections A and B are partially welded connection details. Partial welds cannot develop the plastic moment
capacity of the vertical member, and are considered non-ductile.
• Connection C is the non-ductile rigid boot connection.

• Connection D is a rigid moment-resisting frame and should be checked for horizontal load.

• Connections E and F are diagonally braced, and should be checked for horizontal load.

Figure 8-8. Examples of Potentially Non-Ductile Connection Details and Configurations

(Source: Reference 9)

Revision 3A

Figure 8-9. Rod Fatigue Bounding Spectrum Anchored to 0.33g, 0.50g, and 0.75g
(Source: Reference 9)

Revision 3A

Notes: • “W” corresponds to the total dead weight of the support (i.e., carried by both rods).

• “L” corresponds to the clear length above the top tier.

• Note that the weight limit associated with the Vertical Capacity Check of 3 times the dead load (Section 8.3.2) may
be more limiting than fatigue limits for the threaded rods shown on this chart for those situations where expansion
anchors are used to secure the threaded rods to the ceiling.

Figure 8-10. Fatigue Evaluation Screening Chart for

1/4-Inch Diameter Manufactured All-Thread Rods
(Source: Reference 9)

Revision 3A

Notes: • “W” corresponds to the total dead weight of the support (i.e., carried by both rods).
• “L” corresponds to the clear length above the top tier.

• Note that the weight limit associated with the Vertical Capacity Check of 3 times the dead load (Section 8.3.2) may
be more limiting than fatigue limits for the threaded rods shown on this chart for those situations where expansion
anchors are used to secure the threaded rods to the ceiling.

Figure 8-11. Fatigue Evaluation Screening Chart for

3/8-Inch Diameter Manufactured All-Thread Rods
(Source: Reference 9)

Revision 3A

Notes: • “W” corresponds to the total dead weight of the support (i.e., carried by both rods).

• “L” corresponds to the clear length above the top tier.

• Note that the weight limit associated with the Vertical Capacity Check of 3 times the dead load (Section 8.3.2) may
be more limiting than fatigue limits for the threaded rods shown on this chart for those situations where expansion
anchors are used to secure the threaded rods to the ceiling.

Figure 8-12. Fatigue Evaluation Screening Chart for

1/2-Inch Diameter Manufactured All-Thread Rods
(Source: Reference 9)

Revision 3A

Notes: • “W” corresponds to the total dead weight of the support (i.e., carried by both rods).

• “L” corresponds to the clear length above the top tier.

• Note that the weight limit associated with the Vertical Capacity Check of 3 times the dead load (Section 8.3.2) may
be more limiting than fatigue limits for the threaded rods shown on this chart for those situations where expansion
anchors are used to secure the threaded rods to the ceiling.

Figure 8-13. Fatigue Evaluation Screening Chart for

5/8-Inch Diameter Manufactured All-Thread Rods
(Source: Reference 9)

Revision 3A

Notes: • “W” corresponds to the total dead weight of the support (i.e., carried by both rods).

• “L” corresponds to the clear length above the top tier.

• Note that the weight limit associated with the Vertical Capacity Check of 3 times the dead load (Section 8.3.2) may
be more limiting than fatigue limits for the threaded rods shown on this chart for those situations where expansion
anchors are used to secure the threaded rods to the ceiling.

Figure 8-14. Fatigue Evaluation Screening Chart for

3/4-Inch Diameter Manufactured All-Thread Rods
(Source: Reference 9)

Revision 3A


Listed below are the specific reasons for making the changes marked with a vertical line in the
margin of this section to create GIP-3A from GIP-3, Updated 5/16/97. The endnote numbers
listed below correspond to the bracketed numbers (e.g., [1]) located in the text of this section
where the changes are made.

Typographical error corrected.
SSER No. 2, Sec. II.4.1 – The Staff position is that the licensee must commit to both the SQUG
commitments and the use of the entire implementation guidance provided in GIP-2, unless otherwise
justified to the staff as described in GIP-2 and SSER No. 2.
The GIP has been amended in the “SQUG Commitments” sections of Part II to reiterate the requirement
contained in the GIP, Part I, Section 1.3 to (1) provide written justification to the NRC for prior
approval of any substantial deviations from the SQUG commitments and (2) notify the NRC of
significant or programmatic deviations from the GIP guidance no later than the summary report.

Revision 3A

Section 9


The purpose of this section is to describe the various types of documents which should be
generated for the USI A-46 program and how they relate to each other. This section also
describes the types of information which should be submitted to the NRC.

The following four major types of documents are described in this section.

• Safe Shutdown Equipment List (SSEL) Report

• Relay Evaluation Report
• Seismic Evaluation Report

• Completion Letter

The relationship between these documents and the time sequence for preparing them are
illustrated in Figure 9-1. This figure also shows other minor documents which should be
prepared to support the above four major documents. The important features of these documents
as shown in this figure are summarized below.

The first type of document to be generated is a Safe Shutdown Equipment List (SSEL) Report.
There are three types of SSELs that can be developed for this report, as described in Section 3
and Appendix A:

• The Composite SSEL includes all of the equipment identified as being needed for safe
shutdown of the plant including (1) equipment which should be reviewed for seismic
adequacy, (2) equipment which could be adversely affected by relay chatter, and, at the
option of the utility, (3) other types of equipment needed for safe shutdown but which need
not be reviewed for seismic adequacy or relay chatter, e.g., inherently rugged equipment
like check valves and manual valves or passive equipment like filters.

Revision 3A

Figure 9-1. Documentation for USI A-46

Revision 3A

• The Seismic Review SSEL is a subset of the Composite SSEL and includes only those
items of active mechanical and electrical equipment and tanks and heat exchangers for
which a seismic review should be performed.

• The Relay Review SSEL is also a subset of the Composite SSEL and overlaps (i.e.,
includes some of the same equipment as) the Seismic Review SSEL. The Relay Review
SSEL includes those items of equipment which could inadvertently change state, operate,
or not operate due to relay chatter in the control circuits of this equipment.

The Seismic Review and Relay Review SSELs are input for the Seismic Evaluation Report and
the Relay Evaluation Report, respectively. Note also that the plant Operations Department
should review the SSEL against the plant operating procedures.

The second document to be generated for a USI A-46 review is the Relay Evaluation Report.
This report describes the results of the relay review covered in Section 6 and Reference 8 in
which (1) the essential relays are identified in the circuits of mechanical and electrical equipment
needed for safe shutdown of the plant, and (2) the seismic capacity of these essential relays is
compared to the seismic demand imposed on them. Note that one of the products of the relay
review is a list of cabinets and panels which house essential relays. These cabinets and panels
should be added to the Seismic Review SSEL in the SSEL Report so that they can be evaluated
for seismic adequacy. The Relay Review Report should be submitted to the NRC. Also, if there
are any relays identified as outliers during the review, they would be subject to resolution.

The Seismic Evaluation Report is the third type of document to be generated the USI A-46
review. This report describes the results of the seismic reviews of active mechanical and
electrical equipment (Section 4), tanks and heat exchangers (Section 7), and cable and conduit
raceways (Section 8). The Seismic Evaluation Report should be submitted to the NRC. Also, if
there are any items of equipment identified as outliers during these seismic reviews, they would
be subject to resolution.

After resolving all the outliers which the licensee plans to address, a Completion Letter should be
sent to the NRC notifying them that all planned actions for resolution of USI A-46 are complete.

Revision 3A

This section describes both the type of documentation to be developed and retained by the utility
to support the resolution of USI A-46 and the documentation to be sent to the NRC at the
completion of the program. The documentation to be sent to the NRC at the start of the program
is not covered here; see Part I, Section 2.2.1, for a description of the implementation schedule
and commitment letter to be submitted before beginning implementation.

The extent of documentation required in this section is limited. The underlying reason for this is
that the seismic evaluations are to be done by highly qualified individuals who have been trained
in the use and application of the GIP. For example, Seismic Capability Engineers should have
the background, experience, and training to make engineering judgments during the plant
walkdown and thus avoid having to develop large quantities of backup documentation to record
every decision made in applying this procedure. These Seismic Capability Engineers are then
held accountable for the scope, accuracy, and completeness of the Screening Verification and
Walkdown process by having all the these engineers certify that the results of the Screening
Verification and Walkdown are correct and accurate. One of these signatories should also be a
licensed professional engineer.


Members of SQUG adopting the Generic Implementation Procedure for USI A-46 resolution
commit to the following in regard to documenting and reporting to the NRC the results of the
safe shutdown equipment identification, the screening verification and walkdown, the relay
evaluation, the tanks and heat exchangers review, the cable and conduit raceway review, and the
outlier identification and resolution. [1]As specified in GIP, Part I, Section 1.3, any substantial
deviations from the SQUG Commitments must be justified to the NRC in writing prior to
implementation. Likewise the NRC should be notified of significant or programmatic deviations
from the GIP guidance (Sections 9.2 through 9.5) but implementation may begin without first
obtaining NRC concurrence (at the licensee’s own risk).

The licensee will submit to the NRC the following plant-specific information for resolution of
USI A-46.

Revision 3A

1. Description of the safe shutdown path(s) chosen for resolution of USI A-46, i.e.,
systems selected for achieving and maintaining safe shutdown. If the scope of
review is expanded beyond the systems required for safe shutdown and this
expanded scope of equipment is submitted as part of the USI A-46 summary report,
then these additional systems should be identified.
2. A summary of the main steps in the plant operating procedures used to bring the
plant to a safe shutdown condition and the results of the plant Operations Department
review of the SSEL against the plant operating procedures.
3. List of the equipment on the Composite SSEL.
4. List of equipment on the Seismic Review SSEL and the location of equipment in the
plant (building and floor elevation).
5. List of equipment on the Relay Review SSEL.
6. Description of the SSE used in the USI A-46 program including a description of how
the seismic demand input motion to each item of equipment was determined. This
can be done on the SVDS form (Exhibit 4-1, Column 10).
7. Qualifications of the Seismic Capability Engineers and the Lead Relay Reviewer.
8. Results of the Screening Verification and Walkdown for mechanical and electrical
9. Identification of instances in which the intent of the caveat is met without meeting
the specific wording of the caveat rule.
10. List of essential relays, including their plant identification numbers, when available,
the manufacturer's model number, and the floor elevations in the plant where the
relays are mounted. The manufacturer's model number should include any submodel
designation or other reference which can be used to uniquely identify the GERS or
the vendor qualification analysis or test data which is used as the basis for the
seismic capacity of the relay.
11. Results of the functional screening of relays which affect equipment on the Relay
Review SSEL and the results of the seismic capacity evaluations of essential relays.
12. Results of the tanks and heat exchangers review.
13. Results of the cable and conduit raceway review.
14. Description of the significant or programmatic deviations from the GIP.
15. Description of the outliers and any deficiencies.
16. List of the unresolved outliers (i.e., those not meeting the GIP screening guidelines)
and an explanation of the safety implications of not resolving these outliers.

Revision 3A

17. Proposed schedule for complete resolution, future modifications, and replacements
of those outliers which will be resolved.
18. Results of the third-party audit.

After all planned actions to resolve outliers are complete, the utility will inform the NRC of this
fact by letter.


The Safe Shutdown Equipment List (SSEL) Report and supporting documents should describe
the overall approach used in the resolution of USI A-46 for shutting down the plant following a
postulated safe shutdown earthquake (SSE). The systems selected for accomplishing each of the
four safe shutdown functions and the basis for selecting them should be summarized in this

The equipment selected within these systems should be identified and included on three types of
SSELs which are described below.

• The Composite SSEL should contain all of the equipment described in Section 3 which
should be evaluated for seismic adequacy and equipment for which relay chatter could
cause inappropriate operation. Other equipment in the safe shutdown systems (e.g.,
inherently rugged and passive equipment) may also be added to this SSEL at the option of
the utility.

• The Seismic Review SSEL is a subset of the Composite SSEL and contains all of the
mechanical and electrical equipment and the tanks and heat exchangers for which a seismic
evaluation should be done as described in Sections 4 and 7, respectively.

• The Relay Review SSEL is a subset of the Composite SSEL and contains all of the
mechanical and electrical equipment for which relay chatter could cause inappropriate
operation. This list is the starting point for performing the Relay Functionality Review
described in Section 6.

• Justification for any deviations from the GIP (per Part I, Section 1.3).

Revision 3A

The SSEL Report should also describe the method used by the Operations Department for
verifying the compatibility of the SSEL with the plant operating procedures.

The information from the SSEL Report which should be sent to the NRC is listed below. Note
that it is not necessary to submit the SSEL Report itself. The information listed below may be
included with the Relay Evaluation Report and/or the Seismic Evaluation Report described

• Description of the safe shutdown path(s) chosen for resolution of USI A-46, i.e., systems
selected for achieving and maintaining safe shutdown. If the scope of review is expanded
beyond the systems required for safe shutdown and this expanded scope of equipment is
submitted as part of the USI A-46 summary report, then these additional systems should be

• List of equipment included on the Composite SSEL.

• List of equipment included on the Seismic Review SSEL and location of equipment in the
plant (building and floor elevation).

• List of equipment included on the Relay Review SSEL.

• A summary of the main steps in the plant operating procedures used to bring the plant to a
safe shutdown condition and the results of the plant Operations Department review of the
SSEL against the plant operating procedures.

• Description of significant or programmatic deviations from the GIP (per Part I,

Section 1.3).


The information which should be documented for the Relay Functionality Review (Section 6) is
listed below.

• Identification and listing of all the safe shutdown equipment for which a relay evaluation
should be done.

• Résumé of Lead Relay Reviewer.

• Identification and listing of all relays or groups of relays which affect the operation of the
safe shutdown equipment. The documentation should be sufficiently detailed such that a

Revision 3A

reviewer can trace the conclusions reached regarding the effect of relay malfunction on
operation of any safe shutdown item of equipment. The relays (including all contact
devices) which are screened out, because chatter is acceptable, or by use of the other
screening approaches which do not require relay-specific evaluation, do not need to be
identified individually. Only the essential relays which require relay-specific seismic
capacity evaluations need to be individually identified.

• Identification of relays screened out using switchgear GERS.

• List of any low ruggedness relays used in essential applications.

• Description of the methods used and the results of the functional screening and capacity
• Assumptions and judgements used in the evaluations (optional).
• Description and justification of the method used to determine the in-cabinet response
spectra for Screening Level 3 in Section 6.4.2, if Reference 33 was not used to generate the
response spectra.

• Identification of cabinets, panels, and other enclosures which house essential relays.
• Results of walkdown spot checks.
• Description of the outliers.

• Recommended corrective actions.

• Justification for any deviations from the GIP (per Part I, Section 1.3).

The Relay Evaluation Report to be submitted to the NRC should contain the following
information. (Note: Some of the information from the SSEL Report may also be included in this

• Résumé of the Lead Relay Reviewer.

• Results of the functional screening of relays which affect equipment on the Relay Review

• List of essential relays including their plant identification number, when available, the
manufacturer's model number and the plant floor elevations where the relays are mounted.
The manufacturer's model number should include any submodel designation or other
reference which can be used to uniquely identify the GERS or the vendor qualification
analysis or test data which is used as the basis for the seismic capacity of the relay.

• Results of seismic capacity evaluations of essential relays.

Revision 3A

• Description of the relay outliers.

• List of the unresolved outliers (i.e., those not meeting the GIP screening guidelines) and an
explanation of the safety implications of not resolving these outliers.

• Proposed schedule for complete resolution, future modifications, and replacements of

those outliers which will be resolved.

• Description of significant or programmatic deviations from the GIP (per Part I,

Section 1.3).

After submitting this information to the NRC, the utility may use normal methods for
implementing and tracking licensing commitments for resolving outliers.


As a result of the screening evaluations described in Sections 4, 5, 7, and 8, the following

information should be documented:

• Description of the seismic design basis of plant including SSE ground and floor response
spectra, description of the earth on which the plant is founded (e.g., rock or soil; effective
grade of plant; etc.), [3]and basis for establishing the degree of uncertainty in the natural
frequency of the building structure if unbroadened response spectra are used with
frequency shifting of response peaks.

• List of the equipment on the Seismic Review SSEL.

• Résumés of Seismic Capability Engineers.

• Checklists (e.g., SEWS and Exhibits 8-1, 8-2, and 8-3).

• Notes, photographs, drawings, calculations, [2]assumptions, judgements, etc. used to back
up the Screening Verification and Walkdown (optional).

• Results of the Screening Verification and Walkdown for mechanical and electrical
equipment on SVDS forms, including descriptions of any cases which specific caveats are
met by intent without meeting the specific wording of the caveat rule.

• Results of the tanks and heat exchangers evaluation.

• Results of the cable and conduit raceway review including the basis for identifying which
raceway systems support the electrical, control, and instrumentation cable for safe
shutdown equipment.

Revision 3A

• Description of the outliers on OSVS forms.

• Results of engineering evaluations, tests, calculations, and equipment modifications and
replacements used to resolve outliers.

• Justification for any deviations from the GIP (per Part I, Section 1.3).
• Results of the third-party audit.

The Seismic Evaluation Report to be submitted to the NRC should contain the following
information. (Note: Some of the information from the SSEL Report may also be included in this

• Description of the Safe Shutdown Earthquake (SSE) used in the USI A-46 program
including a description of how the seismic demand input motion to each item of equipment
was determined. This can be done on the SVDS form (Exhibit 4-1, Column 10).

• Résumés of the Seismic Capability Engineers.

• Results of the Screening Verification and Walkdown for mechanical and electrical

• Identification of instances in which the intent of caveat is met without meeting the specific
wording of the caveat rule.

• Results of the tanks and heat exchangers review.

• Results of the cable and conduit raceway review.

• Description of the equipment outliers.
• List of the unresolved outliers (i.e., those not meeting the GIP screening guidelines) and an
explanation of the safety implications of not resolving these outliers.

• Proposed schedule for complete resolution, future modifications, and replacements of

those outliers which will be resolved.

• Description of significant or programmatic deviations from the GIP (per Part I,

Section 1.3).

• Results of the third-party audit.

After submitting this information to the NRC, the utility may use normal methods for
implementing and tracking licensing commitments for resolving outliers.

Revision 3A


A completion letter should be sent to the NRC advising them that any corrective actions
identified in the Relay Evaluation Report and the Seismic Evaluation Report or any corrective
actions agreed to with the NRC Staff as a result of other related correspondence have been

Revision 3A


Listed below are the specific reasons for making the changes marked with a vertical line in the
margin of this section to create GIP-3A from GIP-3, Updated 5/16/97. The endnote numbers
listed below correspond to the bracketed numbers (e.g., [1]) located in the text of this section
where the changes are made.

SSER No. 2, Sec. II.4.1 – The Staff position is that the licensee must commit to both the SQUG
commitments and the use of the entire implementation guidance provided in GIP-2, unless otherwise
justified to the staff as described in GIP-2 and SSER No. 2.
The GIP has been amended in the “SQUG Commitments” sections of Part II to reiterate the requirement
contained in the GIP, Part I, Section 1.3 to (1) provide written justification to the NRC for prior
approval of any substantial deviations from the SQUG commitments and (2) notify the NRC of
significant or programmatic deviations from the GIP guidance no later than the summary report.
SSER No. 2, Sec. II.2 and II.9 – The Staff recommends that where judgments are needed to determine
the seismic adequacy of equipment, the assumptions and the basis for the judgmental conclusions
should be documented. This will facilitate the reconstruction of relevant bases for the licensee’s
The GIP has been amended in Part II, Sections 9.3 and 9.4 to include assumptions and judgements as
information that optionally should be documented in the Relay Evaluation Report and the Seismic
Evaluation Report.
SSER No. 2, Sec. II.4.4.13 – The Staff position is that licensees should provide a reference or basis for
the “frequency shifting” method when it is used so that the uncertainty in the natural frequency of the
building structure is addressed.
The GIP has been amended in Part II, Sections 4.2, 4.4.3, and 9.4 where use of unbroadened response
spectra is discussed to recommend that a reference or basis be included in the plant records for
establishing the uncertainty in the estimated natural frequency of the building.

Revision 3A

Section 10

1. Generic Letter 87-02, “Verification of Seismic Adequacy of Mechanical and Electrical

Equipment in Operating Reactors, Unresolved Safety Issue (USI) A-46,” U.S. Nuclear
Regulatory Commission, Washington, DC, February 19, 1987.
2. NUREG-1030, “Seismic Qualification of Equipment in Operating Nuclear Power Plants,
Unresolved Safety Issue A-46,” U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, DC,
February 1987.
3. NUREG-1211, “Regulatory Analysis for Resolution of Unresolved Safety Issue A-46,
Seismic Qualification of Equipment in Operating Plants,” U.S. Nuclear Regulatory
Commission, Washington, DC, February 1987.
4. EPRI Report NP-7149, “Summary of the Seismic Adequacy of Twenty Classes of
Equipment Required for the Safe Shutdown of Nuclear Plants,” Electric Power Research
Institute, Palo Alto, CA, prepared by EQE Engineering, March 1991. (See footnote 1
5. SSRAP Report, “Use of Seismic Experience and Test Data to Show Ruggedness of
Equipment in Nuclear Power Plants,” Senior Seismic Review and Advisory Panel,
Revision 4.0, February 28, 1991.
6. EPRI Report NP-5223, Revision 1, “Generic Seismic Ruggedness of Power Plant
Equipment,” Electric Power Research Institute, Palo Alto, CA, prepared by ANCO
Engineers, Inc., August 1991.
7. EPRI Report NP-5228, Revision 1, “Seismic Verification of Nuclear Plant Equipment
Anchorage,” Volumes l - 4, Electric Power Research Institute, Palo Alto, CA, prepared by
URS Corporation/John A. Blume & Associates, Engineers, June 1991.
8. EPRI Report NP-7148, “Procedure for Evaluating Nuclear Power Plant Relay Seismic
Functionality,” Electric Power Research Institute, Palo Alto, CA, prepared by MPR
Associates, Inc., December 1990.
9. EPRI Report NP-7151, “Cable Tray and Conduit System Seismic Evaluation Guidelines,”
Electric Power Research Institute, Palo Alto, CA, prepared by EQE Engineering, March

The NRC Staff has not reviewed the Twenty Classes Report (Reference 4) in its entirety and SSRAP (in
Reference 5) has not endorsed Reference 4 in its entirety. Therefore, any specific application of the
detailed information documented in Reference 4 should be submitted to the NRC Staff for review and
approval before it is used for resolving outliers.

Revision 3A

10. EPRI Report NP-7150, “The Performance of Raceway Systems in Strong Motion
Earthquakes,” Electric Power Research Institute, Palo Alto, CA, prepared by EQE
Engineering, March 1991.
11. SSRAP Report, “Review Procedure to Assess Seismic Ruggedness of Cantilever Bracket
Cable Tray Supports,” Senior Seismic Review and Advisory Panel (SSRAP), Rev. 3.0,
March 1, 1991.
12. EPRI Report NP-6041, Revision 1, “A Methodology for Assessment of Nuclear Power
Plant Seismic Margin,” Electric Power Research Institute, Palo Alto, CA, prepared by NTS
Engineering, Long Beach, California, and RPK Consulting, Yorba Linda, CA, Revision by
J. R. Benjamin and Associates, Mountain View, CA, August 1991.
13. (This reference number not used.)
14. S&A Report, “ANCHOR Users' Guide, 3.0, Rev. 0,” Stevenson & Associates, Boston,
MA, August 16, 1990.
15. (This reference number not used.)
16. MPR Report, “Results of PWR Trial Plant Review (Trial Plant 1),” MPR Associates, Inc.,
Washington, DC, June 1987.
17. SQUG (N. Smith) Letter to NRC (L. B. Marsh) dated December 5, 1989, forwarding
SQUG Position Paper, “Technical Basis for Excluding NSSS Equipment and Supports
from the Scope of USI A-46,” October 16, 1989.
18. NFPA 70-1984, “National Electrical Code,” National Fire Protection Association, Boston,
MA, 1984.
19. EPRI Report NP-7153, “Longitudinal Load Resistance in Seismic Experience Data Base
Raceway Systems,” Electric Power Research Institute, Palo Alto, CA, prepared by EQE
Engineering, March 1991.
20. EPRI Report NP-7152, “Seismic Evaluation of Rod Hanger Supports for Electrical
Raceway Systems,” Electric Power Research Institute, Palo Alto, CA, prepared by EQE
Engineering, March 1991.
21. NUREG/CR-1489, UCRL-52746, “Best Estimate Method vs. Evaluation Method: A
Comparison of Two Techniques in Evaluating Seismic Analysis and Design,” Lawrence
Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA, May 1980.
22. LLL-TB-026, “Seismic Safety Margins Research Program, Executive Summary Number 1
- Best Estimate vs. Evaluation Method,” Lawrence Livermore Laboratory, Livermore, CA,
[No Date].
23. NUREG/CR-0098, “Development of Criteria for Seismic Review of Selected Nuclear
Power Plants,” by N. M. Newmark, et. al., May 1978.
24. NRC Regulatory Guide 1.60, Revision 1, “Design Response Spectra for Seismic Design of
Nuclear Power Plants,” U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, December 1973.

Revision 3A

25. MPR Report, “Results of BWR Trial Plant Review, Nine Mile Point Unit 1,” MPR
Associates, Inc., Washington, DC, April 1988.
26. EPRI Report NP-5228, Revision 1, “Seismic Verification of Nuclear Plant Equipment
Anchorage,” Volume 4, “Guidelines for Tanks and Heat Exchangers,” Electric Power
Research Institute, Palo Alto, CA, prepared by URS Corporation/John A. Blume &
Associates, Engineers, June 1991.
27. American Iron and Steel Institute, “Design of Plate Structures, Steel Plate Engineering
Data - Volume 2,” June 1985, Part VII, Anchor Bolt Chairs.
28. TVA Report, “Analysis of Laboratory Tests on Grouting of Anchor Bolts Into Hardened
Concrete,” by Marvin A. Cones, Division of Engineering Design, Civil Engineering and
Design Branch, Tennessee Valley Authority, November 1977.
29. AISC, “Manual of Steel Construction,” 9th Edition, American Institute of Steel
Construction, Inc., Chicago, IL, 1989.
30. ACI-349-90, “Code Requirements for Nuclear Safety Related Concrete Structures,”
American Concrete Institute, Detroit, MI, March 1990.
31. NEMA Standard VE 1-1984, “Metallic Cable Tray Systems,” National Electric
Manufacturers Association, Washington, DC, 1984.
32. EPRI Report NP-7147, “Seismic Ruggedness of Relays,” Electric Power Research
Institute, Palo Alto, CA, prepared by ANCO Engineers, Inc., August 1991.
33. EPRI Report NP-7146, “Development of In-Cabinet Amplified Response Spectra for
Electrical Benchboards and Panels,” Electric Power Research Institute, Palo Alto, CA,
prepared by Stevenson & Associates, December 1990.
34. Generic Letter 87-02, Supplement No. 1, Transmitting Supplemental Safety Evaluation
Report No. 2 (SSER No. 2) on SQUG Generic Implementation Procedure, Revision 2, as
Corrected on February 14, 1992 (GIP-2), U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission,
Washington, DC, May 22, 1992.
35. EPRI Report NP-7148, Volume 2:Addendum, “Procedure for Evaluating Nuclear Power
Plant Relay Seismic Functionality,” Electric Power Research Institute, Palo Alto, CA,
prepared by MPR Associates, Inc., September 1993.
36. EPRI Report NP-5228-VlRl, Revision 1, “Addendum to Seismic Verification of Nuclear
Plant Equipment Anchorage, Volume 1: Development of Anchorage Guidelines
(Revision l),” Electric Power Research Institute, Palo Alto, CA, prepared by URS/John A.
Blume & Associates, Engineers, June 1994.
37. SQUG (N. Smith) letter to NRC (J. Partlow), dated March 26, 1993, forwarding
Revision 2A of the Generic Implementation Procedure (GIP-2A).
38. NRC (J. Stolz) Letter to SQUG (N. Smith), dated December 4, 1997, forwarding the
NRC’s “Supplemental Safety Evaluation Report No. 3 (SSER No. 3) on the Review of

Revision 3A

Revision 3 to the Generic Implementation Procedure for Seismic Verification of Nuclear

Power Plant Equipment, Updated May 16, 1997, (GIP-3).”
39. SQUG (N. Smith) Letter to NRC (R. Capra) dated July 15, 1998, forwarding the “Report
on the Use of the GIP for New and Replacement Equipment (NARE).”
40. NRC (E. Adensam) Letter to SQUG (N. Smith) dated June 23, 1999, forwarding the
NRC’s “Review of Seismic Qualification Utility Group’s Report on the Use of the Generic
Implementation Procedure for New and Replacement Equipment and Parts.”
41. SQUG (J. Richards and R. Kassawara) memorandum to SQUG members, dated July 25,
2000, forwarding the NARE Guidelines, Revision 4, “Implementation Guidelines for
Seismic Qualification of New and Replacement Equipment/Parts (NARE) Using the
Generic Implementation Procedure (GIP).”

Revision 3A


Listed below are the specific reasons for making the changes marked with a vertical line in the
margin of this section to create GIP-3A from GIP-3, Updated 5/16/97. The endnote numbers
listed below correspond to the bracketed numbers (e.g., [1]) located in the text of this section
where the changes are made.

SSER No. 2, Sec. II.5 and II.10 – The Staff had not reviewed the Twenty Classes Report (Reference 4)
in its entirety and SSRAP (in Reference 5) had not endorsed Reference 4 in its entirety. Therefore, the
Staff position is that any specific application of the detailed information documented in Reference 4 for
resolving outliers should be submitted to the NRC Staff for review and approval before it is used.
GIP-3A has been amended in Part II, Sections 5.3 and 10 to add a footnote which describes the Staff
NRC SSER No. 2 (Reference 34) was added as a reference to GIP-3A since it provides the results of the
NRC Staff review of GIP-2, Corrected 2/14/92, including the Staff‘s clarifications, interpretations, and
exceptions, which have been addressed in GIP-3A.
The addendum to EPRI NP-7148 (Reference 35) was added as a reference to GIP-3A since it
incorporates the following three changes to the Relay Review methodology as required by SSER No. 2
(Reference 34).
• A requirement was added to have the seismic demand spectrum bounded by the relay capacity
spectrum at the ZPA, in addition to the 4 – 16 Hz range
• A requirement was added to document the justification for use of the 0.6 reduction factor when
determining the effective in-cabinet amplification factor for relays mounted in cabinets, panels, and
enclosures that are different that the conventional control panels and benchboards covered by
Reference 33 and used in the GENRS software.
• A requirement was added to have the NRC Staff review and approve the use of the GENRS
software for classes of equipment other than the control room benchboards and panels covered in
Reference 33.
GIP-2A (Reference 37) was added as a reference to GIP-3A since it was developed by SQUG to address
the NRC Staff’s clarifications, interpretations, and exceptions contained in SSER No. 2 (Reference 34).
The changes made in GIP-2A have been incorporated into GIP-3A.
NRC SSER No. 3 (Reference 38) was added as a reference to GIP-3A since it provides the results of the
NRC Staff review of GIP-3, Updated 5/16/97, including the Staff’s clarifications, interpretations, and
exceptions, which have been addressed in GIP-3A.
The SQUG letter (Reference 39), with its attached report on how the GIP can be used to evaluate the
seismic adequacy of new and replacement equipment and parts (NARE), was added as a reference to
GIP-3A since it contains several additional requirements, beyond those in GIP-3, Updated 5/16/97, that
must be met when using the GIP for NARE.
The NRC evaluation (Reference 40) of the SQUG report (Reference 39) on how the GIP can be used to
evaluate the seismic adequacy of new and replacement equipment and parts (NARE) was added as a

Revision 3A

reference to GIP-3A since it contains several additional requirements, beyond those in GIP-3, Updated
5/16/97, that must be met when using the GIP for NARE.
The NARE Guidelines (Reference 41) were added as a reference to GIP-3A since they incorporate the
five additional requirements, contained in the SQUG report sent to the NRC (Reference 39) and the
NRC comments on that report (Reference 40), which must be met when using the GIP for NARE. The
five additional requirements that have been incorporated into GIP-3A are summarized below.
• Part II, Section 4.2.3 – In addition to the restrictions and limitations on use of Method A as defined
in the GIP, a special condition must also be applied, i.e., realistic, median-centered in-structure
response spectra must not be more that a factor of about 1.5 times the ground response spectra for
the plant.
• Part II, Section 4 and Appendix C – As discussed in the GIP, Part I, Section 2.3.4, the factor of
safety currently recommended for new nuclear plants should be used for determining allowable
anchorage loads for new installations and newly designed anchorages in modifications and
replacements instead of those contained in the GIP for resolution of USI A-46.
• Part II, Section – The allowable bolt stress for the cast-in-place anchorage of newly designed
and constructed flat-bottom, vertical tanks is limited to the yield strength of the bolting material.
• Part II, Section, Step 16 – The allowable buckling stress equation defined in this step is
revised to use a factor of 0.6 instead of 0.72 for newly designed and constructed flat-bottom, vertical
• Part II, Section 7.3.7 – The tank foundation shall be designed to resist uplift and overturning
moment for newly designed and constructed flat-bottom, vertical tanks.

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Appendix A
Procedure for Identification
of Safe Shutdown Equipment

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Section Page
Contents ................................................................................................................ A-ii
A.1 Introduction ....................................................................................................................... A-1
A.2 Detailed Description of Safe Shutdown Alternatives for PWRs....................................... A-1
A.2.1 Reactor Reactivity Control (PWR) ..................................................................... A-1
A.2.2 Reactor Coolant Pressure Control (PWR) .......................................................... A-5
A.2.3 Reactor Coolant Inventory Control (PWR) ........................................................ A-8
A.2.4 Decay Heat Removal (PWR)............................................................................ A-11
A.3 Detailed Description of Safe Shutdown Alternatives for BWRs .................................... A-13
A.3.1 Reactor Reactivity Control (BWR)................................................................... A-14
A.3.2 Reactor Coolant Pressure Control (BWR)........................................................ A-16
A.3.3 Reactor Coolant Inventory Control (BWR)...................................................... A-18
A.3.4 Decay Heat Removal (BWR)............................................................................ A-21
A.4 Step-by-Step Procedure for Identifying Safe Shutdown Equipment............................... A-24
Step 1 - Pick a Safe Shutdown Function ......................................................................... A-26
Step 2 - Identify Paths Available..................................................................................... A-27
Step 3 - Pick a Primary/Backup Path .............................................................................. A-28
Step 4 - Identify an Item of Equipment........................................................................... A-30
Step 5 - Determine Location in Plant .............................................................................. A-31
Step 6 - Determine Normal State .................................................................................... A-32
Step 7- Determine Desired State ..................................................................................... A-33
Step 8 - Is Power Needed? .............................................................................................. A-33
Step 9 - Identify Power Sources ...................................................................................... A-36
Step 10 - Identify Supporting Systems and Components................................................ A-36
Step 11 - Identify Instruments for Function .................................................................... A-37
Step 12 - Identify Instruments For Control ..................................................................... A-39
Step 13 - Is All Equipment Identified?............................................................................ A-40

Revision 3A

Contents (cont’d)

Section Page
Step 14 - Are All Power/Support Systems Identified?.................................................... A-40
Step 15 - Are Primary and Backup Paths Considered?................................................... A-41
Step 16 - Are All Four Functions Evaluated? ................................................................. A-42
Step 17 - Develop Seismic Review SSEL....................................................................... A-42
Step 18 - Develop Relay Review SSEL .......................................................................... A-43
Exhibits A-1 to A-6 of Safe Shutdown Equipment Lists (SSELs)............................. A-46
Reasons for Changes to GIP, Part II, Appendix A ...............................................A-53

Revision 3A

Appendix A
Procedure for
Identification of Safe Shutdown Equipment


The purpose of this appendix is to amplify the method described in Section 3 for identifying safe
shutdown equipment. This is done by: (1) describing typical alternative methods for
accomplishing a safe shutdown for a pressurized water reactor (PWR) (Section A.2) and for a
boiling water reactor (BWR) (Section A.3), and by (2) describing a step-by-step procedure for
identifying the individual items of equipment and documenting the results (Section A.4).


Pressurized water reactors (PWRs) typically have several paths or methods which can be used to
bring the plant to a safe shutdown condition. Typical alternative methods for accomplishing the
four safe shutdown functions (reactor reactivity control, reactor coolant pressure control, reactor
coolant inventory control, and decay heat removal) are described in detail for PWRs in this

A.2.1 Reactor Reactivity Control (PWR)

The safe shutdown alternatives for accomplishing the reactor reactivity control function for
PWRs are illustrated in the block diagram shown in Figure A-l; these alternatives are described

Generally, nuclear plants have two methods for controlling reactivity. The primary method for
shutting down the nuclear reaction (inserting negative reactivity) is by control rod insertion
(SCRAM). A second method is the rapid addition of liquid neutron poison, typically boron, to
the reactor coolant; this method requires a minimum of 10 to 15 seconds to inject sufficient

Revision 3A

neutron poison into the reactor coolant system to make the core subcritical without control rod
insertion. While both methods are available for emergency shutdown, it is considered that, from
a practical standpoint, fast control rod insertion (SCRAM) should be available for initial reactor
shutdown during and after an earthquake; therefore, the control rods and associated control rod
insertion mechanisms and systems are considered essential for safe shutdown. Since reactors are
designed to shut down with one control rod not inserted, this method meets the single failure

In addition to control rod insertion, reactors also typically require supplemental long-term
reactivity control by the addition of liquid poison to the reactor coolant system. This long-term
control is needed to compensate for the combined effects of positive reactivity increases
resulting from Xenon-135 decay and reduction of the reactor coolant temperature. Note that
some plants may need to compensate for significant reactor coolant temperature decreases to get
to the hot shutdown mode. Two methods are typically available for injection of borated water
into the reactor coolant system to compensate for these long-term, positive reactivity effects.
These safe shutdown alternatives include injection via the:

• Chemical and Volume Control System (CVCS), or

• High Pressure Coolant Injection (HPCI) system.

Revision 3A

Figure A-1. Safe Shutdown Alternatives for Reactor Reactivity Control of PWRs

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Figure A-2. Safe Shutdown Alternatives for Reactor Coolant Pressure Control of PWRs

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A.2.2 Reactor Coolant Pressure Control (PWR)

The safe shutdown alternatives for accomplishing the reactor coolant pressure control function
for PWRs are illustrated in the block diagram shown in Figure A-2; these alternatives are
described below along with the conditions under which they can be used. There are various
pressure-temperature limits which should not be exceeded in the reactor coolant system of
PWRs. These are illustrated in Figure A-3 where the unshaded area in the center of the figure is
the Operating Region for the reactor coolant system during and following an earthquake while
the reactor coolant pumps are not operating (loss of offsite power is assumed). The shape of the
curves and the values of pressure and temperature are approximate. Actual plant limits may be

The methods which can be used to avoid exceeding the pressure-temperature limits are
illustrated in Figure A-3 by arrows within the Operating Region. These arrows indicate the
direction of change of the pressure and temperature when one of the indicated systems or
methods is used to avoid exceeding the limits.

The discussion below explains the various pressure-temperature limits and the methods which
can be used to avoid them:

The reactor coolant system design pressure (about 2500 psia) is the upper limit on pressure. The
pressurizer safety relief valves (SRVs) have the capability to prevent this limit from being
exceeded. Also, the power-operated relief valves (PORVs) on the pressurizer can be used to
lower the pressure throughout the Operating Region from 2500 psia down to ambient pressure.
In addition, reactor coolant system pressure can be reduced by spraying water into the steam
space of the pressurizer using an auxiliary spray system. (Normal spray is not available since the
reactor coolant pumps are not running due to the assumed loss of offsite power.)

The subcooling margin is another limit on the reactor coolant system pressure (and temperature).
It is required to avoid formation of a steam bubble within the reactor vessel. This limit, shown in
Figure A-3, is typically about 50°F of subcooling from the saturation line; this amount of
subcooling margin is used during natural circulation decay heat removal with the steam

Revision 3A

generators at secondary side pressures above about 250 psia. Less subcooling margin (about
15°F) is needed below this pressure to maintain sufficient net positive suction head (NPSH) on
the low pressure residual heat removal pumps.

The subcooling margins can be maintained by increasing the pressure of the reactor coolant
system. Above the maximum operating pressure of the residual heat removal system (RHRS)
(about 250 psia), the chemical and volume control system (CVCS) or the high pressure coolant
injection (HPCI) system can be used to inject water into the reactor coolant system and thereby
compress the steam bubble in the pressurizer and increase the system pressure. As an
alternative, the saturation temperature of the reactor coolant in the pressurizer can be increased
via pressurizer heaters and thereby raise the pressure. At lower pressures, the low pressure
coolant injection (LPCI) system also can be used. Note that injection of cool water into the
reactor coolant system also slightly reduces the overall bulk temperature of the reactor coolant.
As the water is cooled, it contracts slightly; this is shown by the leftward leaning arrows pointing
upward from the subcooling margin line.

Another method of maintaining adequate subcooling margin is to decrease the temperature of the
reactor coolant system by increasing the rate of decay heat removal as described in Section
A.2.4, Decay Heat Removal (PWR). For pressures above about 250 psia, natural circulation
decay heat removal via the steam generators (SGs) can be used. For pressures lower than this,
the residual heat removal system (RHRS) can be used.

The reactor vessel brittle fracture limit is another limit on reactor coolant system pressure (and
temperature). This limit can be avoided by lowering the reactor coolant system pressure by the
same methods described earlier.

Revision 3A

Figure A-3. Pressure-Temperature Limits for Typical PWR Reactor Coolant System
Without Reactor Coolant Pumps Operating

Revision 3A

Steam generator (SG) tube differential pressure (delta P) limit is another limit on reactor coolant
system pressure (and temperature). This limit can be exceeded by overpressurizing the ID of the
SG tube with the reactor coolant system without sufficient balancing pressure on the OD of the
tube for a given temperature. This limit can be avoided by lowering the reactor coolant system
pressure using the same methods described in the previous paragraphs.

One other method of avoiding the reactor vessel brittle fracture limit and the SG tube delta P
limit is to allow the temperature of the reactor coolant to rise by reducing the steam generator
(SG) cooling. This method is illustrated by the dashed arrow pointing to the right in the
operating region of Figure A-3; this arrow is sloping upward to show that as the reactor coolant
gets hotter, it also expands and increases the system pressure slightly.

The residual heat removal system (RHRS) design pressure (about 400 psia) should not be
exceeded after the residual heat removal system has been connected to the reactor coolant
system. In addition to all of the methods described above for lowering the reactor coolant
system pressure, the safety relief valves (SRVs) on the RHRS also can be used when the RHRS
is connected to the reactor coolant system. Note that it is not necessary to use the RHRS unless
the plant elects to go to cold shutdown.

A.2.3 Reactor Coolant Inventory Control (PWR)

The safe shutdown alternatives for accomplishing the reactor coolant inventory control function
for PWRs are illustrated in the block diagram shown in Figure A-4; these alternatives are
described below.

The inventory of the reactor coolant system is controlled by feeding water into the system and by
minimizing the loss of water from the various openings in the system. Note that the alternatives
for reactor coolant inventory control are directly related to some of the alternatives for reactor
coolant pressure control, e.g., adding water to the reactor coolant system increases the system
pressure while removing steam (decreasing inventory) decreases the pressure. Therefore many
of the same alternatives are used for both of these safe shutdown functions.

Revision 3A

Figure A-4. Safe Shutdown Alternatives for Reactor Coolant Inventory Control of PWRs

Revision 3A

Feed Into the Reactor Coolant System (PWR). Typically, there are three safe shutdown
alternatives available for feeding the reactor coolant system:

• Chemical and Volume Control System (CVCS),

• High Pressure Coolant Injection (HPCI) system, or

• Low Pressure Coolant Injection (LPCI) system (at low pressure only).

The CVCS and HPCI systems can be used to control the reactor coolant inventory at both high
and low system pressure. The HPCI system in some plants does not have the capability to inject
reactor coolant at normal system pressure (about 2250 psia) but can do so at a somewhat lower
pressure (about 1600 psia). The LPCI system can only inject reactor coolant into the system at
pressures below about 250 psia, depending upon the plant-specific design.

Discharge From the Reactor Coolant System (PWR). There are several paths through which
reactor coolant can leave the reactor coolant system. Listed below are typical discharge paths
which should be controlled to minimize loss of inventory:

• Reactor Coolant Pump Seal1 Leakoff,

• Normal and Excess Letdown Paths,

• Pressurizer Power-Operated Relief Valves (PORVs),
• Pressurizer Safety Relief Valves (SRVs) (only at pressures at or above the SRV set point),

• Other Vents and Drains.

Note that the reactor coolant pump seals may need a supply of water for cooling (closed cooling,
injection, or both) to maintain their integrity while the reactor coolant system is at elevated pressure. If
these services are not included in the selected safe shutdown approach, the consequences of seal failure
leakage should also be addressed with adequate makeup capacity.

Revision 3A

A.2.4 Decay Heat Removal (PWR)

The safe shutdown alternatives for accomplishing the decay heat removal function for PWRs are
illustrated in the block diagram shown in Figure A-5; these alternatives are described below.

While the reactor coolant system is at high pressure the steam generators can be used for
removing decay heat from PWRs. After the reactor coolant system pressure is lowered
sufficiently, the residual heat removal system can also be used.

To remove decay heat via the steam generators, it is necessary to establish natural circulation of
reactor coolant between the core (heat source) and the steam generators (heat sink). It is
assumed that the reactor coolant pumps are unavailable since they rely upon the use of offsite
power. Natural circulation normally requires the reactor coolant to be subcooled to minimize
void formation within the reactor vessel (as described in Section A.2.2, Reactor Coolant Pressure
Control). After natural circulation is established, heat can be removed from the reactor coolant
by boiling the feedwater on the secondary side of the steam generators. The steam generated
from this boiling can be discharged to the atmosphere through the main steam atmospheric steam
dump valves. The main steam safety valves (SRV) also can be used to discharge steam if the
secondary side pressure is allowed to go up to the SRV set point. Condenser steam dumps are
not available due to the assumed loss of condenser circulating water pumps, which are driven
from offsite power.

Makeup feedwater can be supplied to the secondary side of the steam generator via the
emergency/auxiliary feedwater (AFW) system. The condensate storage tank (CST) is the
preferred source of auxiliary feedwater with the service water system (SW) typically available as
a backup.

Revision 3A

Figure A-5. Safe Shutdown Alternatives for Decay Heat Removal of PWRs

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The reactor coolant temperature and pressure can be lowered by manually lowering the steam
generator secondary side pressure using the atmospheric steam dump valve. In some plants,
decay heat removal via the steam generators can continue at low reactor coolant system pressure
and temperature; however, in other plants, it is difficult to continue this natural circulation mode
of decay heat removal after the reactor coolant system pressure and temperature have dropped
below about 250 psia and 350°F. In these cases a low pressure decay heat removal system can
be used.

If it is preferred (or required due to certain plant limitations) to bring the plant to a cold
shutdown condition, the residual heat removal system (RHRS) can be used to remove decay heat
from the core after the reactor coolant system pressure and temperature are typically below about
250 psia and 350°F. There is considerable variation in the design of this system both among
reactor vendors and as a result of evolution of each vendor's design; however, this system
typically consists of pumps which take suction from the reactor coolant system, circulate the
water through heat exchangers, and inject the water back into the reactor coolant system. Heat is
transferred from the RHRS heat exchangers to the closed loop, component cooling water (CCW)
system which has its own set of pumps for circulating water. Heat is transferred from the CCW
system to the service water (SW) system in another heat exchanger and from there to the ultimate
heat sink (e.g., lake, river, or atmosphere).


Boiling water reactors (BWRs) typically have several paths or methods which can be used to
bring the plant to a safe shutdown condition. Typical alternative methods for accomplishing the
four safe shutdown functions (reactor reactivity control, reactor coolant pressure control, reactor
coolant inventory control, and decay heat removal) are described in detail in this section for

Revision 3A

A.3.1 Reactor Reactivity Control (BWR)

The safe shutdown alternative for accomplishing the reactor reactivity control function for
BWRs is illustrated in the block diagram shown in Figure A-6. Although two independent
methods are available for reactivity control during reactor shutdown conditions, control rod drive
system and standby liquid control system, the control rod drive system is the preferred method.

Control Rod Drive System (BWR). The control rod drive (CRD) system is the primary method
of reactivity control and is the only method capable of rapid shutdown (SCRAM) of the reactor
or operational control of fast reactivity transients. For this reason, the CRD system is considered
an essential safe shutdown system. The CRD system is used to manually position neutron
absorbing control rods in the reactor core and acts automatically to rapidly insert the control rods
when required.

The CRD mechanism consists of a double-acting, mechanically latched, hydraulic cylinder

which uses demineralized water from the condensate storage tank or condenser hotwell as the
operating fluid. A separate hydraulic control unit is provided for each individual control rod.
The CRD hydraulic system supplies and controls the pressure and flow requirements to the drive

Each CRD drive mechanism is connected to a SCRAM accumulator tank pressurized with
nitrogen. The SCRAM accumulator tank stores sufficient energy to fully insert the control rod
independent of any other source of energy; i.e., pneumatic, AC, or DC power. During SCRAM,
accumulator pressure is admitted below the drive piston and the volume over the drive piston is
vented to the SCRAM discharge volume tank. The large differential pressure across the drive
piston produces a large upward force on the control rod to insert the control rod into the core.

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Figure A-6. Safe Shutdown Alternatives for Reactor Reactivity Control of BWRs

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Standby Liquid Control System (BWR). The standby liquid control (SLC) system provides a
backup method of reactivity control. The SLC system will shut down the reactor from full
power to cold shutdown in the event the control rods are inoperable. The SLC system is
manually initiated from the control room and pumps a neutron absorbing solution (sodium
pentaborate) into the reactor vessel. The injection time is approximately 1 to 2 hours, depending
on the pump capacity and the amount of solution in the tank. The SLC system is only required to
shut down the reactor at a steady state within the capacity of the normal shutdown cooling
systems. The SLC system is not capable of rapid shutdown (SCRAM) of the reactor or
operational control of fast reactivity transients. Since the CRD system is required and is
sufficient to achieve and maintain reactor shutdown in BWRs during and after an earthquake, the
SLC system is not considered an essential safe shutdown system in BWRs.

A.3.2 Reactor Coolant Pressure Control (BWR)

The safe shutdown alternatives for accomplishing the reactor coolant pressure control function
for BWRs are illustrated in the block diagram shown in Figure A-7; these alternatives are
described below.

Overpressure protection of the reactor coolant system is provided by safety relief valves and
safety valves located on the main steam lines in the drywell. The safety relief valves are self-
actuated by the reactor coolant system pressure to open at their set relieving pressure. Typically,
the safety relief valves are set to open at a lower pressure than the safety valves. The safety
relief valves discharge steam directly to the suppression pool. Also, they may be actuated
remotely from the control room to open at lower pressures to depressurize the reactor coolant
system so that low pressure systems can be used for reactor coolant inventory control and decay
heat removal. In addition, some of the safety relief valves open automatically during certain
LOCAs in the event the high pressure core cooling systems are unavailable or are unable to
maintain acceptable reactor water level above the core.

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Figure A-7. Safe Shutdown Alternatives for Reactor Coolant Pressure Control of BWRs

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The safety valves are spring-loaded valves which are self-actuated by the reactor coolant system
pressure to open at the set relieving pressure. The safety valves are set to open at a higher
pressure than the safety relief valves, and, in conjunction with the safety relief valves, protect the
reactor coolant system from severe pressure transients. The safety valves generally discharge to
the drywell.

Safety valves on the low pressure residual heat removal system also can be used during low
pressure decay heat removal to prevent the reactor coolant system pressure from exceeding the
design pressure of the low pressure system.

A.3.3 Reactor Coolant Inventory Control (BWR)

The safe shutdown alternatives for accomplishing the reactor coolant inventory control function
for BWRs are illustrated in the block diagram shown in Figure A-8; these alternatives are
described below.

During reactor shutdown conditions, makeup water to the reactor coolant system is required to
replace steam released through the safety relief valves and safety valves, to make up for leakage
from the reactor coolant system (i.e., recirculation pump seals, normal unidentified leakage, etc.),
and to compensate for the contraction of the reactor coolant system volume due to cooldown.
The following high and low pressure systems are available for supplying makeup water to the
reactor vessel.

High Pressure Systems (BWR). Available high pressure systems consist of the following:

1. High Pressure Coolant Injection (HPCI) System, or High Pressure Core Spray (HPCS)
System (BWR). BWRs will have only one of these two high pressure injection systems.
Most older BWRs have HPCI systems while the newer BWRs have HPCS systems.
The HPCI system uses a steam turbine-driven pump to pump water the condensate storage
tank into the feedwater system. Water is injected into the reactor vessel through the
feedwater sparger. On low condensate storage tank level or high suppression pool level,
the pump suction is automatically transferred to the suppression pool. Manual transfer
may also be made from the control room.

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Figure A-8. Safe Shutdown Alternatives for Reactor Coolant Inventory Control of BWRs

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The HPCS system uses a motor-driven pump to pump water from the condensate storage
tank into the reactor vessel through a spray header located inside the reactor vessel. On
low condensate storage tank level or high suppression pool level, the pump suction is
automatically transferred to the suppression pool. Manual transfer may also be made from
the control room.
2. Reactor Core Isolation Cooling System (BWR). The reactor core isolation cooling (RCIC)
system uses a steam turbine-driven pump to pump water from the condensate storage tank
into the feedwater system. Water is injected into the reactor vessel through the feedwater
Another source of water is the suppression pool in the event the condensate storage tank
becomes depleted. The RCIC system is provided on older BWRs with isolation condenser
3. Control Rod Drive Hydraulic System (BWR). Another source of high pressure water is
from the control rod drive (CRD) hydraulic system. The CRD hydraulic system is
relatively limited in capacity (approximately 100 gpm), but can provide sufficient makeup
to maintain reactor vessel water level after the reactor has been shutdown for several hours.
In some plants, the CRD hydraulic system may not be available to-perform safe shutdown
functions due to reliance on offsite AC power to operate the electric-driven CRD pumps.
The earliest BWRs (e.g., Oyster Creek, Nine Mile Point 1, and Millstone 1) have feedwater
coolant injection (FWCI) systems instead of HPCI or HPCS systems. The FWCI system
uses the electric-driven main feedwater pumps to pump water into the reactor vessel via the
main feedwater system; however, the FWCI system is considered unavailable for
performing safe shutdown functions due to its reliance on offsite AC power for the main
feedwater pumps. Thus, these plants must use the CRD hydraulic system or the reactor
coolant system must be depressurized so that low pressure systems can be used for reactor
coolant inventory control.

Low Pressure Systems (BWR). The Automatic Depressurization System (ADS) may be used in
conjunction with low pressure systems to supply makeup water to the reactor vessel. The ADS
may be remotely manually actuated from the control room. The ADS depressurizes the reactor
vessel by releasing steam to the suppression pool through the safety relief valves. Available low
pressure systems consist of the following:

1. Low Pressure Coolant Injection System (BWR). The low pressure coolant injection
(LPCI) system uses the electric-driven residual heat removal (RHR) pumps to pump water
from the suppression pool to the reactor vessel through a recirculation line. The LPCI
system is not provided on some of the early BWRs.
2. Low Pressure Core Spray System (BWR). The low pressure core spray (LPCS) system
uses electric-driven pumps to pump water from the suppression pool to the reactor vessel
through a spray header located inside the reactor vessel.

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Discharge From Reactor Coolant System (BWR). There are several paths through which reactor
coolant can leave the reactor coolant system. Listed below are typical discharge paths which
should be controlled to minimize loss of inventory:

• Safety Relief Valves (SRV),

• Letdown Paths, and
• Other Vents and Drains.

A.3.4 Decay Heat Removal (BWR)

The safe shutdown alternatives for accomplishing the decay heat removal function for BWRs are
illustrated in the block diagram shown in Figure A-9; these alternatives are described below.
The following high and low pressure systems are available to remove reactor core decay heat
following reactor shutdown.

High Pressure Systems (BWR). The high pressure systems typically available to remove reactor
core decay heat are as follows:

1. Isolation Condenser (IC) System or Reactor Core Isolation Cooling (RCIC) System
(BWR). Early BWRs have an IC system to remove decay heat in the event the reactor
becomes isolated from the main condenser. Later BWRs have the RCIC system.
The IC system consists of a large vessel filled with water with an internal U-tube bundle
which is connected by piping to the reactor vessel. Isolation valves (one AC powered and
one DC powered) are provided on the steam supply and condensate return lines.
Normally, the isolation valves on the steam supply lines are open so that the steam supply
line, condenser tubes, and condensate return line are pressurized at reactor pressure. The
AC isolation valve in the condensate return line normally is open and the DC valve
normally is closed. The system is placed in operation by opening the normally closed DC
isolation valve in the condensate return line. Thus, AC power is not required to place this
system in operation. Steam flows by natural circulation from the reactor vessel to the
isolation condenser where it is condensed and cooled by boil-off of water on the shell side
of the condenser to the atmosphere. The condensate returns to the reactor vessel through
the condensate return line which connects with the reactor recirculation system. Makeup
to the shell side of the isolation condenser is normally from the condensate storage tank or
a dedicated makeup storage tank. In addition, most plants can also supply makeup water to
the shell side of the isolation condenser by alternate methods (e.g., from the fire protection
system, suppression pool, etc.).

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Figure A-9. Safe Shutdown Alternatives for Decay Heat Removal of BWRs

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The RCIC system consists of a steam turbine-driven injection pump and associated piping,
valves, and controls. Core decay heat is removed by releasing steam through the safety
relief valves to the suppression pool. Suppression pool cooling is provided via the residual
heat removal (RHR) heat exchangers. The RHR heat exchangers are cooled by the reactor
building closed cooling water (RBCCW) system which is cooled by the emergency service
water (ESW) system. Makeup to the reactor vessel is provided by the RCIC pump which
uses steam produced in the reactor vessel to pump demineralized water from the
condensate storage tank to the feedwater system. The feedwater system provides a direct
flow path to the reactor vessel. Another source of water is the suppression pool in the
event the condensate storage tank becomes depleted.
In newer BWRs, the steam condensing mode of the RHR system may be manually initiated
approximately 1.5 hours after reactor shutdown. In this mode, steam is routed through one
of the RHR heat exchangers where it is condensed and cooled, then returned to the reactor
vessel by an interconnection with the RCIC pump, providing closed loop cooling.
2. High Pressure Coolant Injection (HPCI) System or High Pressure Core Spray (HPCS)
System (BWR). Early BWRs used the HPCI system. In later BWRs, the HPCI system
was replaced with the HPCS system. The HPCI and HPCS systems are designed to protect
the core in the event of a LOCA. The HPCI and HPCS systems also may be used for long-
term decay heat removal following reactor shutdown. Core decay heat is removed by
releasing steam through the safety relief valves to the suppression pool. Suppression pool
cooling is provided via the RHR heat exchangers. The RHR heat exchangers are cooled by
the RBCCW system which is cooled by the ESW system. Makeup to the reactor vessel is
provided by the HPCI or HPCS injection pumps. The HPCI pumps are steam turbine-
driven and pump demineralized water from the condensate storage tank to the feedwater
system. The feedwater system provides a direct flow path to the reactor vessel. The HPCS
pumps are electric-driven and pump demineralized water from the condensate storage tank
to a spray header located inside the reactor vessel. On low condensate storage tank level,
the HPCI and HPCS pump suctions are automatically transferred to the suppression pool.

Low Pressure Systems (BWR). If desired, the reactor coolant system may be depressurized
manually by using the Automatic Depressurization System (ADS) to release steam through the
safety relief valves to the suppression pool. This will allow the use of the following low pressure
systems for long-term decay heat removal.

1. Shutdown Cooling (SC) System or Residual Heat Removal (RHR) System (BWR). Early
BWRs contained a separate low pressure SC system for removal of core decay heat
following reactor shutdown. In later BWRs, the SC system was replaced with the RHR
system which can be operated in several different modes to accomplish the following:

• Shutdown cooling

• Low pressure coolant injection

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• Vessel head spray cooling

• Suppression pool cooling
• Containment cooling
The SC system uses electric-driven pumps to circulate reactor coolant from the reactor
recirculation system to the SC heat exchangers and back to the recirculation system. The
shutdown cooling heat exchangers are cooled by the RBCCW system which is, cooled by
the ESW system.
The shutdown cooling mode of the RHR system operates in a similar manner; i.e., reactor
coolant is circulated from the recirculation system through the RHR heat exchangers and
back to the recirculation system using electric-driven RHR pumps. The RHR heat
exchangers are cooled by the RBCCW system which is cooled by the ESW system.
2. Low Pressure Coolant Injection System (BWR). The low pressure coolant injection
(LPCI) mode of the RHR system also can be used for long-term decay heat removal at low
pressure following reactor shutdown. Core decay heat is removed by releasing steam
through the safety relief valves to the suppression pool. Suppression pool cooling is via
the RHR heat exchanger. The RHR heat exchangers are cooled by the RBCCW system
which is cooled by the ESW system. Makeup to the reactor vessel is provided by the
electric-driven LPCI injection pumps (which are actually RHR pumps). In the LPCI mode,
water is pumped by the RHR pumps from the suppression pool to the reactor recirculation
3. Low Pressure Core Spray System (BWR). The low pressure core spray (LPCS) system
provides another redundant method of removing core decay heat at low pressure following
reactor shutdown. Core decay heat is removed by releasing steam through the safety relief
valves to the suppression pool. On early BWRs with a separate shutdown cooling system
instead of the multi-purpose RHR system, the suppression pool is cooled via the
containment spray heat exchangers. The containment spray heat exchangers are cooled by
the RBCCW system which is cooled by the ESW system. On later BWRs with the multi-
purpose RHR system, the suppression pool is cooled via the RHR heat exchangers. The
RHR heat exchangers are cooled by the RBCCW system which is cooled by the ESW
system. Makeup to the reactor vessel is provided by the LPCS electric-driven pumps
which pump water from the suppression pool to a spray header inside the reactor vessel.



This section describes a step-by-step procedure for:

• Identifying the major system alternatives available for achieving and maintaining safe
shutdown conditions at a nuclear power plant,

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• Selecting preferred safe shutdown alternatives for the primary and backup means of safe
shutdown, and

• Identifying all the equipment required by the preferred safe shutdown alternatives.

The approach taken in this procedure is to identify the major system alternatives and then select a
preferred major system alternative or shutdown train for the primary and backup means of safe
shutdown. Only the equipment in these preferred alternatives need to be identified prior to the
seismic walkdown. The decision as to which alternatives should be selected can be made from a
high-level engineering evaluation conducted by a team of engineers with experience in the
mechanical and electrical systems of the plant and with background in seismic areas. Also, plant
operations and management should review the selection of the preferred safe shutdown

If desired, the equipment associated with other major system alternatives also can be identified
prior to the walkdown. This would provide additional flexibility during the walkdown in case
the seismic adequacy of certain equipment in the preferred paths cannot be easily verified.

The flow diagram in Figure A-10 (located at the end of this appendix) shows all the steps to be
taken in identifying the safe shutdown equipment in the plant. It is suggested that this figure be
referred to while reading this section. The steps in this procedure can be divided into three major

• Identification of the primary and backup safe shutdown alternatives for each of the four
safe shutdown functions described in Section 3.4. The generic safe shutdown alternatives
described in Sections A.2 and A.3 of this appendix can be used as a guide. This major task
is shown in Steps 1 through 3 in Figure A-10.

• Identification of the equipment needed for each of the four safe shutdown functions and
generation of a safe shutdown equipment list (SSEL) for each function. This major task is
shown in Steps 4 through 16 in Figure A-10.

• Generation of a safe shutdown equipment list (SSEL) for the seismic evaluation and an
SSEL for the relay evaluation from the SSELs generated above. This major task is shown
in Steps 17 and 18 in Figure A-10.

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The sequence of steps in this procedure is to: (1) select one of the safe shutdown functions, (2)
identify the preferred safe shutdown alternative, and (3) identify the equipment in that
alternative. However, the user may wish to identify all the preferred alternatives for all four
functions prior to identifying the specific equipment in any of these alternatives; i.e., perform the
first major task (Steps 1 through 3) for all four functions prior to performing the remainder of the
procedure. Then, the results of this overall system selection process can be reviewed by utility
operations and management before proceeding with the detailed (and time consuming) process of
identifying the individual items of equipment.

The steps in this procedure include a description of how to document its implementation. Note
that the purpose of documenting these steps is to provide a systematic method of identifying all
the equipment needed for safe shutdown. The documentation identified by this procedure
includes: (1) a description of the plant-specific, preferred safe shutdown alternative and the
procedures which would be used for each safe shutdown function, (2) marked-up schematic
diagrams (fluid system P&IDs, electrical one-line diagrams, instrumentation block diagrams,
etc.), (3) safe shutdown equipment lists (SSELs) for each safe shutdown function and any other
SSELs for support systems, (4) an SSEL for seismic evaluation, and (5) an SSEL for relay
evaluation. Blank forms are provided in Exhibits A-l, A-3, and A-5 at the end of this appendix
for documenting the identification of equipment on SSELs; the discussion below describes how
to fill out these forms. Exhibits A-2, A-4, and A-6 show these forms filled out with a database
management system.

The details for performing each of the steps shown in Figure A-10 are provided below. The
number and description within each box of the flow diagram in Figure A-10 correspond to the
step number and section title in the description below.

Step 1 - Pick a Safe Shutdown Function

The four safe shutdown functions which should be accomplished during and following a safe
shutdown earthquake are:

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• Reactor Reactivity Control

• Reactor Coolant Pressure Control
• Reactor Coolant Inventory Control

• Decay Heat Removal

One of these four functions should be selected on the first pass through this procedure.
Succeeding passes through this procedure should pick up the other three functions. A separate
SSEL should be generated for each of these four functions. In some cases a separate SSEL can
be generated for the primary and backup trains of equipment. Also, additional tables can be
generated for supporting systems which are common to several functions so that the same
equipment does not need to be duplicated on several tables. The form shown in Exhibit A-l can
be used for each of these SSELs.

Step 2 - Identify Paths Available

There are normally several alternatives for accomplishing each of the safe shutdown functions
selected in Step 1, above. In this step, various major system alternatives should be identified and

The description of each safe shutdown alternative should be similar to the descriptions of the
generic safe shutdown alternatives contained in Section A.2 or A.3 of this appendix. Plant-
unique equivalents to these generic alternatives also may be identified. These descriptions
should address how the systems used for each alternative can be put into operation including any
automatic controls and operator initiated actions using the plant procedures. Note that manual
initiation and verification of operation at a local station is an acceptable alternative to automatic
initiation and remote indication, provided time, manpower, and appropriate procedures are
available to use the local station.

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It should be noted that for each of the four safe shutdown functions, a backup or redundant item
of equipment or alternate method should be available for each active item of equipment in the
system being used.

Backup equipment need not necessarily be installed spares. Alternative means of providing
backup capability can include manual operation of power-operated equipment, substitution of a
temporary item of equipment (if enough time and procedures are available to bring it into
operation), or use of another safe shutdown alternative.

Completion of this step should result in the following:

• Descriptions of the safe shutdown alternatives for accomplishing the safe shutdown

• Descriptions of how the alternatives can be put into operation using the plant procedures.

The above results should be documented in a format similar to the descriptions shown in
Sections A.2 and A.3 of this appendix.

Step 3 - Pick a Primary/Backup Path

The purpose of this step is to review the various alternative methods for achieving safe shutdown
defined in Step 2 and to select a preferred method for either the primary or backup means of
shutdown. This selection can be based on one or a combination of the following considerations:

• The systems and equipment selected for shutting down the plant following a fire. It should
be noted, however, that the safe shutdown equipment identified for this procedure will not
necessarily be the same as equipment identified for 10 C.F.R. Part 50, Appendix R, for the
same general shutdown method.

• The alternatives which rely on the systems and equipment to operate in their normal mode.

• The alternatives which are straightforward and present the least challenge to the operators.
• The status of the seismic classification, design, and documentation for the equipment in the
safe shutdown alternative.

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• The results of previous seismic reviews and walkdowns.

• The location (elevation) of the equipment within the plant (the lower the elevation, the
lower the seismic excitation).

• The operating procedures (normal or emergency) used to achieve and maintain safe
shutdown conditions.

In addition, the following factors may also be considered:

• The practicality/difficulty and cost of returning the plant to normal operation after a SSE.
• The alternatives which minimize the amount of effort, expense, and radiation exposure to
verify the seismic adequacy of the equipment.

Selection of the preferred safe shutdown alternatives requires a broad understanding of the
systems, equipment, and procedures used in the plant. This high-level selection process should
be reviewed by plant operations and management. Specific items of equipment within the
selected systems can then be identified by the systems engineer in the remaining steps of this

Completion of this step will result in the following:

• Completed headings beneath the title on the SSEL (Exhibit A-l) with the following

− Name of safe shutdown function for which equipment will be identified, for
FUNCTION: Decay Heat Removal

− Description of alternative for accomplishing the safe shutdown function, for

ALTERNATIVE: SG Cooling/AFW and Steam Dump Valves

• Description of the safe shutdown alternatives selected for accomplishing each of the four
safe shutdown functions. This summary should also identify the major steps in the

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procedures which would be used in bringing the selected safe shutdown equipment into
operation and continuing to operate it.

Step 4 - Identify an Item of Equipment

The preferred safe shutdown alternative identified in Step 3, above, typically will require several
different systems or parts of systems to operate. The purpose of this step is to trace the path of
fluid (or power, or cooling, etc.) from its source to its destination and identify one item of
equipment. The schematic diagram (fluid system P&ID, electrical system one-line diagram,
instrument block diagram, etc.) can be marked up with see-through markers or highlighters to
illustrate the path selected and to ensure that all branches and alternate paths are accounted for.

The equipment to be identified for safe shutdown should be one of the Equipment Classes #0
through #21 described in Table 3-l of Section 3. Equipment to be included in the safe shutdown
equipment list are those items of active mechanical and electrical equipment which should
operate or change state to accomplish the safe shutdown function selected in Step 1. It should
also include electrical equipment which should not inadvertently operate or change state due to
relay (contact) chatter. The equipment needed for supporting the safe shutdown equipment
should also be identified, such as, electrical power and control, pneumatic power and control,
cooling, lubrication, etc.; this is done in Steps 9, 10, 11, and 12.

The marked-up areas on the schematic diagram should extend up to, and include the isolation
valves in the main and branch lines which form the boundary of the system. The configuration
of the system used during normal operation of the plant should be used when marking the
diagram and identifying the boundary. It is optional whether passive items of equipment (other
than those for which a relay review is needed) are listed on the SSEL.

If the identified system is used differently by another safe shutdown alternative, a separate SSEL
should be generated and a separate schematic diagram should be marked up for that alternative.

Completion of this step should result in the following:

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• Marked-up schematic diagram (e.g., fluid system P&IDs, electrical system one-line
diagrams, instrument block diagrams, etc.) for the identified system for one of the safe
shutdown alternatives.

• Completed columns (1) through (6) and columns (10) and (11) of the SSEL with the
following information for the item of equipment:

Column No. Column Description

1 Table Line Number
2 Train or Backup Component Designation
3 Equipment Class (from Table 3-1)
4 Equipment Identification Number (Plant Unique)
5 System Designation and Equipment Description
6 Schematic Drawing Number and Zone. The schematic drawing number
and zone is optional. It can be used to help retrace the steps used in
identifying the safe shutdown equipment.
10 Type of Evaluation Needed, i.e., Seismic and/or Relay Review
11 Note Number. The note number is optional. Notes can be used to
document the reason why certain equipment was or was not included in
the safe shutdown equipment list.

Step 5 - Determine Location in Plant

The location of the item of equipment should be identified in this step. In some cases it may be
necessary to walkdown the plant to find where the equipment is located. The floor elevation
from which the equipment can be seen should be identified.

Completion of this step should result in the following:

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• Completed columns (7) through (9) of the SSEL with the following information for the
item of equipment.

Column No. Column Description

7 Building in Which Equipment is Located
8 Floor Elevation in Building From Which Equipment Can Be Seen. It is
suggested that the floor elevation from which the equipment can be seen
be entered into this column for use in sorting equipment for later
walkdown. The seismic review team should determine the actual plant
elevation from which the equipment receives its seismic input (demand)
during the plant walkdown (for input into the SVDS shown in Exhibit
4-1, Column 7, Base Elevation).
9 Room or Row and Column Number Designation Where Equipment is

Step 6 - Determine Normal State

The purpose of this step is to identify the normal operating state of the item of equipment
identified in Step 4 during normal operation of the plant. This information is often given on the
fluid system schematic diagrams (P&IDs); however, this information should be confirmed by an
operator familiar with the specific plant being evaluated.

Completion of this step should result in the following:

• Completed column (12), “Normal State,” of the SSEL with one of the following
OPEN (Equipment is normally open)
CLOSED (Equipment is normally closed)
OP/CL (Equipment normally changes state from open to closed or from closed
to open)
ON (Equipment is on and normally operating)
OFF (Equipment is off and normally not operating)
N/A (Not Applicable)

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Step 7- Determine Desired State

The purpose of this step is to identify the desired operating state of the equipment identified in
Step 4 to accomplish the safe shutdown function selected in Step 1. This operating state should
be confirmed by an operator familiar with the specific plant being evaluated.

Completion of this step should result in the following:

• Completed column (13), “Desired State,” in the SSEL with one of the following
OPEN (Equipment should be open)
CLOSED (Equipment should be closed)
OP/CL (Equipment should change state from open to closed or from closed to
ON (Equipment should be on and operating)
OFF (Equipment should be off and not operating)
N/A (Not applicable)

Step 8 - Is Power Needed?

This step asks whether the equipment identified in Step 4 needs an external source of power
(hydraulic, pneumatic, electrical) to operate, or if power is needed to control its operation so that
it can accomplish the safe shutdown function selected in Step 1. This information is used in
Step 9 to identify a power source and to decide whether a Seismic and/or Relay review is needed
(Column 10).

The answer to whether power is needed depends upon which of the following four categories the
equipment falls into. These categories depend upon whether the equipment is in the desired
operating state while the plant is at normal operation and whether the equipment will achieve the
desired operating state upon loss of operating or control power. These four categories and the

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answer as to whether operating or control power is needed are given below. The table at the end
of this description summarizes these categories.

1. The equipment is in the desired state to achieve the safe shutdown function, and upon loss
of operating and/or control power, the equipment stays in the desired state. This would
include valves which normally are open and fail open, valves which normally are closed
and fail closed, and other active equipment (e.g., pumps, compressors, M-G sets, etc.)
which normally are not running and fail in the not running state. Equipment in this
category does not need operating or control power to maintain the desired operating state;
therefore, this equipment is not considered active and does not need to be seismically
evaluated. However, to be sure that this equipment does not inadvertently become
energized and change state, this equipment should be identified for Relay review (Column
10) and included as a line item on the SSEL if it is electrically-powered or -controlled so
that it can later (Step 18) be included on the SSEL for relay evaluation. For this category
of equipment, skip Step 9 and proceed to Step 10.
2. The equipment is in the desired state to achieve the safe shutdown function, but upon loss
of operating and/or control power, the equipment does not stay in the desired state. This
would include valves which normally are open and fail closed, valves which normally are
closed and fail open, and other active equipment which normally is running and fails in the
not running state. Equipment in this category does need operating power and perhaps also
control power to maintain the desired operating state. This equipment is considered active
and should be seismically evaluated. Also, this equipment should be identified for Relay
review (Column 10) if it is electrically powered or controlled so that it can later (Step 18)
be included on the SSEL for relay evaluation. For this category of equipment, proceed to
Step 9.
3. The equipment is not in the desired state to achieve the safe shutdown function, but upon
loss of operating and/or control power, the equipment will go to the desired state. This
would include valves which normally are open and fail closed, valves which normally are
closed and fail open, and other active equipment which normally is running and fails in the
not running state. Equipment in this category does need control power to assure that
operating power will be cut off from the equipment to obtain the desired operating state.
This equipment is considered active and should be seismically evaluated. Also, this
equipment should be identified for Relay review (Column 10) and included as a line item
on the SSEL if it is electrically-powered or -controlled so that it can later (Step 18) be
included on the SSEL for relay evaluation. For this category of equipment, proceed to
Step 9.
4. The equipment is not in the desired state to achieve the safe shutdown function, and upon
loss of operating and/or control power, the equipment will not go to the desired state. This
would include valves which normally are open and fail open, valves which normally are
closed and fail closed, and other active equipment which normally is not running and fails
in the not running state. Equipment in this category does need operating power and
possibly also needs control power to obtain the desired operating state. This equipment is

Revision 3A

considered active and should be seismically evaluated. Also, this equipment should be
identified for Relay review (Column 10) and included as a line item on the SSEL if it is
electrically-powered or -controlled so that it can later (Step 18) be included on the SSEL
for relay evaluation. For this category of equipment, proceed to Step 9.

The above categories of equipment are summarized in the following table. Substitute the
following words in the table below at each location where there is an asterisk (*) or a pound
symbol (#) to determine what answer should be placed in Column (14) of the SSEL:

(*) = (the desired operating state[1])

(#) = (to achieve safe shutdown function)

Is power needed?
During normal operation, Upon loss of power, (Answer for
the equipment the equipment Column 14 in the SSEL)
is in (*) stays in (*) (#) No (Go to Step 10)
is in (*) does not stay in (*) (#) Yes (Go to Step 9)
is not in (*) will go to (*) (#) Yes** (Go to Step 9)
is not in (*) will not go to (*) (#) Yes (Go to Step 9)
Or does power need to be interrupted? If the answer is “YES”, then include the
supporting equipment on the SSEL.

Completion of this step should result in the following:

• Completed column (14), “Power Required?”, in the SSEL with one of the following
answers to the question posed by this step:
NO (For 1st Line in Above Table. Proceed to Step 10 of Procedure.)
YES (For 2nd, 3rd, or 4th Line in Above Table. Proceed to Step 9 of

Revision 3A

Step 9 - Identify Power Sources

The purpose of this step is to identify the sources of power which are used to power and control
the equipment identified in Step 4. The main motive source of power to operate the equipment
or hold it in position and the control power for controlling this main motive force should be
identified. It is necessary to identify only the immediate source of power for the subject item of
equipment in this step. Subsequent passes through this section of the procedure will identify all
the items of equipment included in these sources of power; each one of these individual power
train items of equipment will later be included as a separate line item in the SSEL.

Completion of this step should result in the following:

• Completed column (15), “Supporting System Drawing Number,” in the SSEL with any
reference drawing number which identifies the power sources.

• Completed column (16) “Required Supporting Systems or Components,” in the SSEL with
the identification name and/or number of the power sources. For example, entries in this
column could be:
AC BUS 622
DC BUS 212
-- (Equipment does not require power)
N/A (Not applicable)

Step 10 - Identify Supporting Systems and Components

The purpose of this step is to identify the supporting systems or components needed by the
equipment identified in Step 4 so that subsequent passes through this procedure can identify all
the equipment in these supporting systems. Supporting systems include such services as cooling,
lubrication, HVAC, etc.

Revision 3A

It is only necessary to identify the systems or components supporting the equipment in this step;
subsequent passes through this section of the procedure will identify all the equipment included
in a supporting system. Each of these individual items of equipment in a supporting system will
be included later as separate line items in the SSEL.

Completion of this step should result in the following:

• Completed column (15), “Supporting System Drawing Number,” in the SSEL with any
reference drawing number which identifies the supporting system.

• Completed column (16), “Required Supporting Systems or Components,” in the SSEL

with the name of each system or component supporting the equipment identified in Step 4.
For example, entries in this column could be:
CCW (Component Cooling Water System)
HVAC (Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning System)
-- (Equipment does not require any supporting system)
N/A (Not Applicable)

Step 11 - Identify Instruments for Function

To assure that the safe shutdown function selected in Step 1 is being accomplished, a number of
process variables should be measured. The purpose of this step is to identify the primary process
variables and instruments associated with the safe shutdown function defined in Step 1. For
example, to control the inventory in the reactor coolant system, the water level instrumentation
for the pressurizer (PWR), or the reactor vessel (BWR), should be identified as an essential
instrument. Note that other process variables and instruments, needed to control the individual
items of equipment, are identified in Step 12 of this procedure.

Revision 3A

For each process variable identified, a transmitter and its indicator (or recorder) should be listed
as line items on the SSEL (Exhibit A-l). For example, transmitters can be identified as either
Equipment Class 18 (Instrument Racks) or Class 19 (Temperature Sensors), while indicators (or
recorders) can be identified as Equipment Class 20 (Instrumentation and Control Cabinets) on
the SSEL.

Completion of this step should result in the following:

• Completed columns (1) through (11) and columns (14) through (16) of the SSEL with the
following information for the transmitters and indicators (or recorders):

Column No. Column Description

1 Table Line Number
2 Train or Backup Component Designation
3 Equipment Class (from Table 3-1)
4 Equipment Identification Number (Plant Unique)
5 System Designation and Equipment Description
6 Schematic Drawing Number and Zone. The schematic drawing number
and zone is optional. It can be used to help retrace the steps used in
identifying the safe shutdown equipment.
7 Building in Which Equipment is Located
8 Floor Elevation in Building From Which Equipment Can Be Seen. It is
suggested that the floor elevation from which the equipment can be seen
be entered into this column for use in sorting equipment for later
walkdown. The Seismic Review Team should determine, during the
plant walkdown, the actual plant elevation from which the equipment
receives its seismic input (demand).
9 Room or Row and Column Number Designation Where Equipment is
10 Type of Evaluation Needed, i.e., Seismic and/or Relay Review
11 Note Number. The note number is optional. Notes can be used to
document the reason why certain equipment was or was not included in
the safe shutdown equipment list.

Revision 3A

Column No. Column Description

14 Is Power Required to Attain or Maintain the Desired Operating State or
Condition? (Yes or No)
15 Reference Drawing Number for Supporting Power
16 Power Source Identification Number for the Instrument

Step 12 - Identify Instruments For Control

The purpose of this step is to identify the essential process variables which should be measured
to control the operation of the equipment identified in Step 4. It is necessary to measure these
equipment-related process variables in addition to the primary process variables identified in
Step 11 for the reactor and reactor coolant system.

Note that only those process variables needed for controlling the subject item of equipment need
be identified. For example, it may be necessary to measure the level of water in a tank so that
the operator (or an automatic control system) knows when the suction should be transferred to
another tank. In this case, the tank level measurement is needed for the operation of a set of
valves which connect the two tanks to the pump suction; tank level should be identified as an
essential process variable for the operation of these valves.

Note that this step only identifies the process variables to be measured; identification of the
transmitters and indicators (or recorders) will be done during subsequent passes through this
procedure. It is necessary, however, to have an understanding of the available instruments in the
plant so that appropriate process variables can be identified.

Completion of this step should result in the following:

• Completed column (15), “Supporting System Drawing Number,” in the SSEL with any
reference drawing number which identifies the instruments which can be used to measure
the process variables.

Revision 3A

• Completed column (16), “Supporting Systems or Components,” in the SSEL with the
name of each process variable to be measured for controlling the change in operating state
of the equipment identified in Step 4. For example, entries in this column could be:
RC P (Reactor coolant pressure)
SG A LVL (Steam generator A level)
-- (Equipment does not require any process variables to be measured to
control its operation)
N/A (Not Applicable)

Step 13 - Is All Equipment Identified?

This step asks whether all the equipment (mechanical equipment, electrical equipment,
instrumentation, controls, tanks, and heat exchangers) have been identified which are needed to
accomplish the safe shutdown function selected in Step 1. To answer this question, the
schematic diagrams, being marked up in Step 4, should be reviewed to determine whether all the
equipment has been identified.

Step 14 - Are All Power/Support Systems Identified?

This step asks whether all the individual items of equipment for power, control, instrumentation,
and other supporting systems have been identified which are needed to accomplish the safe
shutdown function selected in Step 1.

One approach for systematically identifying all the equipment is to first identify all the
equipment on the fluid system schematic diagrams and enter them as line items in the SSEL.
Next, trace all the operating and control power equipment listed in column (16) using the
electrical one-line diagrams and enter these as separate line items in the SSEL. Then, the
transmitters and indicators (or recorders) should be identified from the list of process variables
listed in column (16) of the SSEL. Finally, the equipment contained in any supporting systems
listed in column (16) of the SSEL should be added as additional line entries in the SSEL. This

Revision 3A

process of adding equipment to the SSEL should continue until all the equipment contained in
the systems listed in column (16) are entered as line items.

Note that it may be convenient to use separate tables for some of the supporting systems since
they support several safe shutdown functions. For example, the emergency diesel generators
could be needed for both the decay heat removal function and the inventory control function.
Using a separate SSEL for the supporting systems would eliminate the need for repeating these
entries in several different tables.

If additional equipment should be added to the SSEL, then go back to Step 4, identify another
item of equipment, and add it to the list. However, if all equipment and instruments have been
identified for accomplishing the safe shutdown function selected in Step 1, then continue on to
Step 15.

Step 15 - Are Primary and Backup Paths Considered?

This step asks whether both the primary and the backup equipment or trains have been identified
to accomplish the safe shutdown function selected in Step 1. To answer this question, each item
of equipment in the primary SSEL should be reviewed to determine whether another backup item
of equipment or another backup train of equipment has been identified.

If the backup equipment and instruments have not been identified, then go back to Step 3 and
select a backup safe shutdown alternative. Note that it may be convenient to use a separate
SSEL for the backup equipment or train and to mark the schematic drawings with a different
color highlighter to distinguish between primary and backup.

If the backup equipment and instruments have been identified for each item of equipment in the
primary safe shutdown alternative, then continue on to Step 16.

Revision 3A

Step 16 - Are All Four Functions Evaluated?

This step asks whether all four of the safe shutdown functions have been evaluated for safe
shutdown equipment. If they have not all been evaluated, then go back to Step 1 and select
another safe shutdown function to evaluate. A new SSEL should be generated for this new

When the equipment for all four safe shutdown functions has been identified, then proceed to
Step 17.

Step 17 - Develop Seismic Review SSEL

The purpose of this step is to combine the various safe shutdown equipment lists, generated by
repeated application of Steps 1 through 16, into a single safe shutdown equipment list which can
be used as the basis for the seismic evaluation to be done in Section 4. This seismic review
SSEL should have only one line entry for each unique item of equipment. The SSELs generated
in Steps 1 through 16 typically contain some of the same equipment; this seismic review SSEL
should eliminate this duplication.

This seismic review SSEL should contain only equipment for which a Seismic review(s) or a
Seismic and a Relay review (S, R) is identified in column (10).

The seismic review SSEL contains the following columns of information, as shown in
Exhibit A-3:

Revision 3A

Column No. Column Description

1 Equipment Class (from Table 3-1)
2 Train or Backup Component Designation
3 Equipment Identification Number (Plant Unique)
4 System Designation and Equipment Description
5 Building in Which Equipment is Located
6 Floor Elevation in Building from Which Equipment Can Be Seen
7 Room or Row and Column Number Designation Where Equipment is

Generating this seismic review SSEL can be done rather easily by using a computerized database
management program. A database program can also be used to generate subsets of this SSEL in
which the equipment can be sorted by equipment class, by equipment ID number, by location in
the plant, etc.

Step 18 - Develop Relay Review SSEL

The purpose of this step is to combine the various safe shutdown equipment lists (SSELs),
generated by repeated application of Steps 1 through 16, into a single safe shutdown equipment
list which can be used as the basis for the relay evaluation described in Section 6.

This relay review SSEL should contain the items of active equipment from the various earlier
SSELs which use electricity for power, control, or instrumentation and passive equipment which,
if they change state or inadvertently operate, could prevent one of the safe shutdown functions
from being accomplished. This SSEL should contain only equipment for which a Relay review
(R) or a Seismic and a Relay review (S, R) is identified in Column (10).

The relay review SSEL contains the following columns of information, as shown in Exhibit A-5:

Revision 3A

Column No. Column Description

1 Equipment Class (from Table 3-1)
2 Train or Backup Component Designation
3 Equipment Identification Number (Plant Unique)
4 System Designation and Equipment Description
5 Building in Which Equipment is Located
6 Floor Elevation in Building from Which Equipment Can Be Seen
7 Room or Row and Column Number Designation Where Equipment is

Generating the relay review SSEL can be done rather easily by using a computer-based database
management program. A database program can also be used to generate subsets of this relay
evaluation SSEL in which the equipment can be sorted by equipment class, by equipment ID
number, by location in the plant, etc.

Revision 3A

Figure A-10. Steps for Identifying Safe Shutdown Equipment

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Exhibits A-1 to A-6 of Safe Shutdown Equipment Lists (SSELs)

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Exhibit A-1

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Exhibit A-2

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Exhibit A-3

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Exhibit A-4

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Exhibit A-5

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Exhibit A-6

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Listed below are the specific reasons for making the changes marked with a vertical line in the
margin of this appendix to create GIP-3A from GIP-3, Updated 5/16/97. The endnote numbers
listed below correspond to the bracketed numbers (e.g., [1]) located in the text of this appendix
where the changes are made.

Typographical error corrected.

Revision 3A

Appendix B
Summary of Equipment Class
Descriptions and Caveats

Revision 3A


Section Page
Contents ................................................................................................................ B-ii
Introduction ........................................................................................................... B-1
B.1 Motor Control Centers* ..................................................................................................B.1-1
B.2 Low Voltage Switchgear*...............................................................................................B.2-1
B.3 Medium Voltage Switchgear*.........................................................................................B.3-1
B.4 Transformers*..................................................................................................................B.4-1
B.5 Horizontal Pumps ............................................................................................................B.5-1
B.6 Vertical Pumps ................................................................................................................B.6-1
B.7 Fluid-Operated Valves*...................................................................................................B.7-1
B.8A Motor-Operated Valves*..............................................................................................B.8A-1
B.8B Solenoid-Operated Valves*..........................................................................................B.8B-1
B.9 Fans .................................................................................................................................B.9-1
B.10 Air Handlers ..................................................................................................................B.10-1
B.11 Chillers ..........................................................................................................................B.11-1
B.12 Air Compressors............................................................................................................B.12-1
B.13 Motor-Generators..........................................................................................................B.13-1
B.14 Distribution Panels* ......................................................................................................B.14-1
B.15 Batteries on Racks*.......................................................................................................B.15-1
B.16 Battery Chargers and Inverters*....................................................................................B.16-1
B.17 Engine-Generators.........................................................................................................B.17-1
B.18 Instruments on Racks* ..................................................................................................B.18-1
B.19 Temperature Sensors .....................................................................................................B.19-1
B.20 Instrumentation and Control Panels and Cabinets* ......................................................B.20-1
Reasons for Changes to GIP, Part II, Appendix B ................................. B(reasons)-1
* GERS are included for this equipment class

Revision 3A

Appendix B
Summary of Equipment Class
Descriptions and Caveats


The purpose of this appendix is to summarize the descriptions of the equipment classes and the
inclusion and exclusion rules, also called caveats, which apply to the classes of equipment
determined to be seismically rugged based on earthquake experience data and generic seismic
testing data. The “equipment class descriptions” summarize the general parameters of this
equipment. The “caveats” identify the important characteristics and features which an item of
equipment should have in order to verify its seismic adequacy.

The procedure for using these class descriptions and caveats is covered in Section 4. Note,
however, that if equipment-specific seismic qualification data is used instead of the earthquake
experience data or generic seismic testing data summarized in this appendix, then the equipment
should meet any specific restrictions applicable to that equipment-specific qualification data
rather than the class descriptions and caveats in this appendix.

This appendix is organized by equipment class corresponding to the listing in Section 3,

Table 3-1. For each equipment class, the class description and the caveats applicable to the
Bounding Spectrum are given first. Next, the class description and the caveats applicable to the
GERS are given, when available. (Note: Some equipment classes have more than one GERS
while other classes have none.) A plot of the GERS follows the caveats for each applicable
equipment class.

The class descriptions and caveats summarized in this appendix are based on the information
contained in References 4, 5, and 6. More details and photographs are given in References 4 and
6. Note that in some cases, clarifying remarks have been included in this appendix which are not

Revision 3A

contained in the above reference documents. These clarifying remarks include such things as the
reason for including a particular caveat, the intent of the caveat, and recommended allowables
for stress analysis. These clarifying remarks are based on experience gained during the SQUG
trial plant reviews and serve to help guide the Seismic Capability Engineers in making judgment.

Note: The Seismic Capability Engineers should not use the summaries contained in this
appendix unless they have thoroughly reviewed and understand the above reference

Certain important caveats from the above reference documents are included in this appendix
even though they are also covered in other sections of the GIP, such as:

• Equipment should be adequately anchored.

• Relays for which chatter is not acceptable should be specifically evaluated.

• Possible seismic interaction concerns should not adversely affect the equipment.

Past earthquake experience has shown that these three concerns are very important to equipment
seismic adequacy. The anchorage evaluation guidelines are addressed in Section 4.4 and
Appendix C of the GIP. The relay evaluation guidelines are addressed in Section 6. The seismic
interaction evaluation guidelines are presented in Section 4.5 and Appendix D.

Note that although the primary responsibility for conducting the relay evaluation described in
Section 6 is the Lead Relay Reviewer, the Seismic Capability Engineers should be alert for any
seismically induced systems effects which may lead to loss of function or malfunction of the
equipment being evaluated.

Equipment Class #1 Revision 3A
Motor Control Centers


B.1.1 Bounding Spectrum - Motor Control Centers

The seismic capacity for the equipment class of motor control centers (MCCs) may be based
on earthquake experience data (as described in Section 4.2), provided the intent of each of the
caveats listed below is met. This equipment class includes control and electrical fault protection
systems for motors powered at 600 volts or less (typically 480 volts). Motor controllers are
mounted in sheet metal cubicles with controller cubicles typically assembled into stacks which
are lined up side-by-side and bolted together to form a motor control center. This equipment
class includes motor controllers mounted in individual cubicles on racks or walls as well as
freestanding MCCs.

Individual motor controllers are normally mounted in a sheet metal box that can be removed
from its cubicle in the motor control center. Motor controllers are arranged in vertical stacks or
sections attached to each other within the MCC assembly. The individual components of the
motor controller are attached to the sides and rear face of the box. Motor controller cubicles
typically include the following types of components: molded case circuit breaker (or disconnect
switch), magnetic contactors, a control transformer, fuses, push buttons, and pilot lights.

The motor controller cubicles are typically arranged in vertical stacks within an MCC assembly.
Each stack is a separate sheet metal enclosure, usually reinforced at its corners by overlapped
sheet metal or steel angle framework. Stacks are bolted together through adjacent sheet metal
side walls or steel framework.

Motor control centers may be either single- or double-sided. Double-sided MCCs have
controller cubicles on both the front and rear face of the cabinet, with vertical bus bars routed
through a center compartment between the front and rear stacks of controller cubicles. Single-
sided MCCs typically route electrical connections through vertical raceways along the sides of
each stack section.

Equipment Class #1 Revision 3A
Motor Control Centers

Motor control centers may be either freestanding units or form part of a more complex assembly.
In many cases, MCCs are included in an assembly with switchgear, distribution panels, and/or
transformers. Another alternative to the freestanding motor control center is the wall- or rack-
mounted motor control cubicle. Within these cubicles, motor control components are bolted to
the inner faces of the wall in the same manner as in a small control or instrument cabinet.
Access to the cubicle is usually through a swinging door that forms the front face of the cubicle.

MCC cabinet dimensions are generally standardized. Most MCC sections (stacks) are typically
20 to 24 inches wide, and 90 inches tall excluding the mounting channel. The depth of each
section typically varies from about 18 to 24 inches. Typical weight of each section is less than
about 650 pounds.

MCC cabinets can weigh up to about 800 pounds per section for assemblies consisting of at least
two adjacent cabinet sections which are bolted together. Narrower depth MCC cabinets should
be top-braced or attached to the wall.

The construction of motor control centers is typically governed by industry standards such as
those developed by the National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA) and
Underwriters' Laboratories (UL) (e.g., NEMA ICS-6, UL-508). These standards define
minimum sheet metal thickness as a function of wall area between reinforcement.

Motor control center assemblies represented in the equipment class contain motor starters
(contactors), disconnect switches, and, in some cases, over-current relays. They also contain
distribution panels, automatic transfer switches, and relay/instrumentation compartments, and
include attachments such as junction boxes, conduit and cables. Motor controllers are
represented in a variety of mounting configurations ranging from individual mounted controllers
to MCC assemblies in outdoor enclosures.

The Bounding Spectrum (BS) represents the seismic capacity of a Motor Control Center (MCC)
if the MCC meets the intent of the following inclusion and exclusion rules. Note, however, that

Equipment Class #1 Revision 3A
Motor Control Centers

when the specific wording of a caveat rule is not met, then a reason for concluding that the intent
has been met should be provided on the SEWS.

MCC/BS Caveat 1 - Earthquake Experience Equipment Class. The MCC should be similar to
and bounded by the MCC class of equipment described above. The equipment class descriptions
are general and the Seismic Capability Engineers should be aware that worst-case combinations
of certain parameters may not be represented in the generic equipment class. These worst case
combinations may have reduced seismic capacity and should be carefully evaluated on a case-
by-case basis.
MCC/BS Caveat 2 - Rating of 600 V or Less. The MCC should have a 600 V rating or less.
This is the upper limit voltage rating of MCCs in the earthquake experience equipment class.
MCC/BS Caveat 3 - Adjacent Cabinets Bolted Together. Adjacent cabinets which are close
enough to impact each other and sections of a multi-bay cabinet assembly should be bolted
together if any of these cabinets contains essential relays as defined in Section 6. The concern
addressed in this caveat is that unbolted cabinets could respond out of phase to one another and
impact each other during an earthquake. This would cause impact loadings and high frequency
vibration loadings which could cause any essential, impact-sensitive relays to chatter.
MCC/BS Caveat 4 - Attached Weight of 100 Pounds or Less. Equipment and their enclosures
(but not conduit) mounted externally to cabinets and supported by them should have a weight
less than about 100 pounds for a cabinet assembly, [2]i.e., a combination or a lineup of a number
of individual adjacent cabinets, bays, or frames. The concern is that the center of gravity of the
cabinet will be raised too high, the total weight of the cabinets will be too large, or large
eccentric weights will introduce excessive torsion. This additional load may also reduce the
natural frequency of the cabinet below 8 Hz. This concern is directed primarily toward
equipment which is attached to the cabinet but is not normally supplied with the MCC and
thereby possibly not included in the earthquake experience equipment class. The load path for
the attached component through the cabinet should be carefully examined. In addition, its
attachment should be reviewed to ascertain whether the attached component may become a
seismic interaction hazard source. Conduit was deleted from this caveat since conduit supported
above an MCC is well represented by the earthquake experience data. Additional support of the
cabinet and attached equipment will alleviate these concerns and satisfy the intent of this caveat.
For the purposes of anchorage checking, the effective weight of any attached conduit and
equipment should be included in the cabinet weight.
MCC/BS Caveat 5 - Externally Attached Items Rigidly Anchored. Externally attached items
should be rigidly attached to the cabinet. The concern addressed by this caveat is that these
items could impact the cabinet and possibly lead to relay chatter, or impact other components of
the MCC as a seismic interaction hazard. As an example, some electrical cabinets have small,
externally attached panels mounted on hinges to the main cabinet frame. During seismic motion
the externally attached panel may swing and cause significant impact loading to the electrical

Equipment Class #1 Revision 3A
Motor Control Centers

MCC/BS Caveat 6 - General Configuration Similar to NEMA Standards. The general

configuration of the cabinets should be similar to those constructed to NEMA Standards. The
MCC does not have to conform exactly to the NEMA standards but should be similar with regard
to the gage of the steel, internal structure and support. This caveat is intended to preclude
unusual designs not covered by the equipment class (thin gage material, flimsy internal structure,
etc.). In general, cabinets manufactured by the major manufacturers of MCCs conform to this
caveat if they have not been modified.
MCC/BS Caveat 7 - Cutouts Not Large. Cutouts in the lower half of the cabinet sheathing
should be less than 6 inches wide and 12 inches high. One concern of this caveat is that these
cutouts will reduce the natural frequency. A second concern is that the shear load from the
earthquake will not be able to be transferred through the shear walls to the anchorage. There are
many standard MCCs that exceed this caveat; however, in many cases, the area around the cutout
is reinforced with additional plate or steel members alleviating the concern of shear transfer.
This caveat is of more concern for cutouts modifying the standard design that are not reinforced.
MCC/BS Caveat 8 - Doors/Buckets Secured. All doors and drawout buckets should be secured
by a latch or fastener. The concern addressed by this caveat is that the doors and drawout
buckets could open during an earthquake and repeatedly impact the housing, causing internal
components such as relays and contactors to malfunction or chatter.
MCC/BS Caveat 9 - Natural Frequency Relative to 8 Hz Limit Considered. When using Method
A from Table 4-l for comparing seismic capacity to seismic demand, the lowest natural
frequency of the cabinet should be estimated in accordance with the guidelines of Section 4.2
(i.e., relative to the 8 Hz limit).
MCC/BS Caveat 10 - Adequate Anchorage. The unit should be properly anchored in accordance
with the guidelines of Section 4.4.
MCC/BS Caveat 11 - Potential Chatter of Essential Relays Evaluated. If relays are mounted on
the equipment, a relay functionality review in accordance with Section 6 should be performed.
MCC/BS Caveat 12 - Any Other Concerns? The Seismic Capability Engineers should seek out
suspicious details or uncommon situations not specifically covered by the caveats which could
adversely affect the seismic capacity of the MCC as described in Section 4.3.

B.1.2 GERS - Motor Control Centers

The seismic capacity for the equipment class of MCCs may be based on generic testing data
(as described in Section 4.2), provided the intent of each of the caveats listed below is met. This
equipment class includes control and electrical fault protection systems for motors powered at
600 VAC (480 VAC nominal), 250 VDC, or less. MCCs in the testing equipment class typically
include several enclosure sections which are normally about 20 inches wide, about 20 inches
deep, and about 90 inches high. These sections are fabricated of 14 gage (0.0747 inches thick) or

Equipment Class #1 Revision 3A
Motor Control Centers

heavier steel sheets and are supported at the floor on base channels which are either integral with
the MCC frame or are external members connected by internal bolts to the MCC frame.
Multiple MCC sections may be grouped together to make widths to 120 inches or greater. The
weight per section of these MCCs ranges from 200 to 800 pounds.

The types of components typically housed within MCCs in the equipment class include
contactors, overload relays, various types of other relays, circuit breakers, disconnect switches,
control or distribution transformers, and panelboards. MCCs may also have indicator lamps and
meters mounted on them.

The GERS represent the seismic capacity of a Motor Control Center (MCC) if the MCC meets
the intent of the following inclusion and exclusion rules. Note, however, that when the specific
wording of a caveat rule is not met, then a reason for concluding that the intent has been met
should be provided on the SEWS.

MCC/GERS Caveat 1 - Generic Seismic Testing Equipment Class. The MCC should be similar
to and bounded by the MCC class of equipment described above. The equipment class
descriptions are general and the Seismic Capability Engineers should be aware that worst case
combinations of certain parameters may not be represented in the generic equipment class.
These worst case combinations may have reduced seismic capacity and should be carefully
evaluated on a case-by-case basis.
MCC/GERS Caveat 2 - Bounding Spectrum Caveats. The MCC should meet all the caveats
given for the Bounding Spectrum. This caveat is included to cover the vulnerabilities identified
for the earthquake experience equipment class. Those GERS caveats which are the same as the
Bounding Spectrum caveats are not repeated below.

MCC/GERS Caveat 3 - Floor-Mounted Cabinet. The MCC should be floor-mounted. This is the
mounting configuration for all MCCs in the generic seismic testing equipment class.
MCC/GERS Caveat 4 - Weight Less Than 800 Pounds. The maximum weight per vertical
section should be less than about 800 pounds. This is the upper bound weight of MCCs in the
generic seismic testing equipment class.
MCC/GERS Caveat 5 - Anchored Through Base Channel. The MCC should be anchored
through a base channel integral to the MCC frame or an external base channel which is
connected to the MCC frame by internal bolts. The intent of this caveat is to avoid anchoring

Equipment Class #1 Revision 3A
Motor Control Centers

MCCs through flimsy or flexible sections in which significant bending of sheet metal could
occur during an earthquake.
MCC/GERS Caveat 6 - Load Path Check. To use the “Function After” GERS, the load transfer
path from the anchorage to base frame of the MCC should be checked for strength and stiffness.
In particular, the following load path elements should be checked for adequacy. There should be
stiff anchorage connections for each section to secure the unit to the floor, e.g., 4 anchors for a
single MCC cabinet or 2 anchors for interior cabinets in a multi-cabinet assembly if these
anchors are located near the shear wall of the cabinet and adjacent cabinets are bolted together.
If the MCC frame is connected to external base structural members provided by the manufacturer
with internal mounting bolts, then there should be at least four of these internal mounting bolts
per section, and these bolts should be at least 3/8 inches in diameter. Any sheet metal cabinet
components used for anchorage should have reinforcement. Excessive eccentricities in the
internal load path which allow significant bending of sheet metal should be evaluated separately
for strength and stiffness.
MCC/GERS Caveat 7 - “Function During” GERS. The “Function During” GERS can be used
only if all the relays within the MCC have GERS greater than 4.5g within the amplified spectral
region. For this caveat, the term “relays” does not include contactors and other starter
components. Auxiliary contacts of contactors require a separate relay evaluation as described in
Section 6 if they are used for external control or lockout signals.
MCC/GERS Caveat 8 - “Function After” GERS. The “Function After” GERS can be used if it
can be demonstrated that the starters can be reset. The Relay Functionality Review in Section 6
describes the guidelines for evaluating the acceptability of resetting relays and starters. Note
that, in general, both system tolerance of the changed state and operator availability for manual
reset should be shown.
MCC/GERS Caveat 9 – Adjacent Cabinets Bolted Together. Adjacent cabinets and sections of
a multi-bay cabinet assembly should be bolted together, including those that do not contain
essential relays. Adjacent cabinets and sections of multi-bay cabinet assemblies were bolted
together when tested for this generic seismic testing equipment class.

Equipment Class #1 Revision 3A
Motor Control Centers


Figure B.1-1. Generic Equipment Ruggedness Spectra (GERS) for Motor Control Centers
(Source: Reference 6)

Equipment Class #2 Revision 3A
Low Voltage Switchgear


B.2.1 Bounding Spectrum - Low Voltage Switchgear (LVS)

The seismic capacity for the equipment class of low voltage switchgear (LVS) assemblies may
be based on earthquake experience data (as described in Section 4.2), provided the intent of each
of the caveats listed below is met. This equipment class consists of one or more circuit breakers
and associated control relays, instrumentation, disconnect switches, and distribution buses
mounted in a sheet metal enclosure. The term “low voltage switchgear” is associated with
circuits of 600 volts or less, typically 440 to 480 volts in modern power plants and industrial

Switchgear assemblies are composed of vertical sections which normally contain stacks of two to
four circuit breaker cubicles. The vertical section is a sheet metal enclosure welded to a
framework of steel angles or channels. Each section includes a circuit breaker or other control
devices in a forward compartment and bus connections for the primary circuits in the rear

A section of a switchgear assembly is typically 90 inches in height and 60 inches in depth. The
width of each section ranges from 20 to 36 inches, depending on the size of the circuit breaker it
contains. A typical section weighs about 2000 pounds. Individual sections are bolted together
through adjoining walls to form an assembly. LVS assemblies normally include at least one
cubicle that serves as a metering compartment. The compartment typically contains ammeters,
voltmeters, relays, and transformers.

Most low voltage circuit breakers are the drawout type. They are mounted on a roller/rail
support system that allows them to be disconnected from their primary contacts at the rear, and
drawn forward out of their sheet metal enclosure for maintenance. While in operation, the circuit
breaker clamps to bus bars in the rear of the switchgear assembly. Additional positive
attachment of the breaker to its enclosure is made by a mechanical jack or racking mechanism
which slides the breaker in or out of its operating position.

Equipment Class #2 Revision 3A
Low Voltage Switchgear

The circuit breaker can include the following types of components: spring-actuated electric
contacts, a closing solenoid, various types of tripping devices (overcurrent, shunt, under voltage),
fuses, and auxiliary switches.

Low voltage breakers may be combined in assemblies with transformers, distribution panels,
medium voltage breakers, and motor controllers. Circuit breakers, relays, instrumentation, the
switchgear assembly enclosure, internal transformers, attachments such as junction boxes, and
attached conduit and cables are included in the Low Voltage Switchgear equipment class.

The Bounding Spectrum (BS) represents the seismic capacity of a Low Voltage Switchgear
(LVS) if the switchgear meets the intent of the following inclusion and exclusion rules. Note,
however, that when the specific wording of a caveat rule is not met, then a reason for concluding
that the intent has been met should be provided on the SEWS.

LVS/BS Caveat 1 - Earthquake Experience Equipment Class. The low voltage switchgear
should be similar to and bounded by the LVS class of equipment described above. The
equipment class descriptions are general and the Seismic Capability Engineers should be aware
that worst case combinations of certain parameters may not be represented in the generic
equipment class. These worst case combinations may have reduced seismic capacity and should
be carefully evaluated on a case-by-case basis.
LVS/BS Caveat 2 - Rating of 600 V or Less. The low voltage switchgear should have a 600 V
rating or less. This is the upper bound voltage rating of LVS in the earthquake experience
equipment class.
LVS/BS Caveat 3 - Side-to-Side Restraint of Breaker. The support structure for circuit breakers
of the drawout type should have side-to-side restraint to limit relative motion with respect to the
cabinet. The concern is to prevent damage or disconnection of secondary contacts. Restraint
may be provided by the breaker support structure or by a special lateral restraint device.
LVS/BS Caveat 4 - Adjacent Cabinets Bolted Together. Adjacent cabinets which are close
enough to impact each other and sections of multi-bay cabinet assemblies should be bolted
together if any of these cabinets contain essential relays as defined in Section 6. The concern
addressed in this caveat is that unbolted cabinets could respond out of phase to one another and
impact each other during an earthquake. This would cause additional impact loadings and high
frequency vibration loadings which could cause any essential relays to chatter.
LVS/BS Caveat 5 - Attached Weight of 100 Pounds or Less. Equipment and their enclosures
(but not conduit) mounted externally to cabinets and supported by them should have a weight
less than about 100 pounds for a cabinet assembly, [2]i.e., a combination or a lineup of a number

Equipment Class #2 Revision 3A
Low Voltage Switchgear

of individual adjacent cabinets, bays, or frames. The concern is that the center of gravity of the
cabinet will be raised too high, the total weight of the cabinets will be too large, or large
eccentric weights will introduce excessive torsion. The concern is directed primarily for
equipment not normally supplied with the switchgear and thereby possibly not included in the
earthquake experience equipment class. The load path of the attached component through the
cabinet should be carefully examined. In addition, its attachment should be reviewed to ascertain
whether the attached component may become a seismic interaction hazard source. Conduit was
deleted from the caveat since conduit supported above switchgear is well represented by the
earthquake experience data. Additional support of the cabinet and attached equipment will
alleviate these concerns and satisfy the intent of this caveat.
For the purposes of anchorage checking, the effective weight of any attached conduit and
equipment should be included in the cabinet weight.
LVS/BS Caveat 6 - Externally Attached Items Rigidly Anchored. Externally attached items
should be rigidly attached to the cabinet. The concern addressed by this caveat is that these
items could impact the cabinet and possibly lead to relay chatter, or impact other components of
the switchgear as a seismic interaction hazard. As an example, some electrical cabinets have
small, externally attached panels mounted on hinges to the main cabinet frame. During seismic
motion the externally attached panel may swing and cause significant impact loading to the
electrical panel.
LVS/BS Caveat 7 - General Configuration Similar to ANSI C37.20 Standards. The general
configuration of the cabinets should be similar to those constructed to ANSI C37.20 Standards.
The switchgear does not have to conform exactly to ANSI standards but should be similar with
regard to the gage of the steel, internal structure and support. This caveat is intended to preclude
unusual designs not covered by the equipment class (thin gage material, flimsy internal structure,
etc.) In general, cabinets manufactured by the major manufacturers of switchgear conform to this
caveat if they have not been modified.
LVS/BS Caveat 8 - Cutouts Not Large. Cutouts in the lower half of cabinet sheathing should be
less than 30% of the width of the side panel, and the height of the cutout should be less then 60%
of the width of the side panel. This caveat also applies to side panels between multi-bay
cabinets. Cutout restrictions do not apply to the bus transfer compartment if the remaining part
of the enclosure conforms with the cutout limitation. The concern of this caveat is that the shear
load from the earthquake will not be able to be transferred through the shear walls to the
anchorage. Reinforcement around the cutout with additional plate or steel members may
alleviate the concern of shear transfer.
LVS/BS Caveat 9 - Doors Secured. All doors should be secured by a latch or fastener. The
concern addressed by this caveat is that loose doors could repeatedly impact the housing and be
damaged or cause internal components such as relays to malfunction or chatter.
LVS/BS Caveat 10 - Adequate Anchorage. The unit should be properly anchored in accordance
with the guidelines of Section 4.4.
LVS/BS Caveat 11 - Potential Chatter of Essential Relays Evaluated. If relays are mounted on
the equipment, a relay functionality review in accordance with Section 6 should be performed.

Equipment Class #2 Revision 3A
Low Voltage Switchgear

LVS/BS Caveat 12 - Any Other Concerns? Seismic Capability Engineers should seek out
suspicious details or uncommon situations not specifically covered by the caveats which could
adversely affect the seismic capacity of the switchgear as described in Section 4.3.

B.2.2 GERS - Low Voltage Switchgear

The seismic capacity for the equipment class of LVS may be based on generic testing data (as
described in Section 4.2), provided the intent of each of the caveats listed below is met. This
equipment class includes steel enclosures containing several draw-out type circuit breakers, bus
bars, protective/auxiliary relays, and meters. Units have a maximum rating of 600 VAC or
250 VDC. The metal enclosure sections are typically 20 to 30 inches wide, 60 inches deep, and
80 to 90 inches high. They are fabricated of 14 gage (0.0747 inches thick) or heavier steel sheet
metal and framed with angles or other formed members, with anchorage provisions included in
the base frame. The weight per section of the switchgear assembly ranges from 1000 to 1600
pounds. The units should be mounted within ANSI-type metal enclosures with either welded or
bolted anchorage. To exclude specialty-type switchgear, the equipment class is limited to the
following three manufacturers: ITE/Brown Boveri, Westinghouse, or General Electric.

The GERS represent the seismic capacity of a Low Voltage Switchgear (LVS) if the switchgear
meets the intent of the following inclusion and exclusion rules. Note, however, that when the
specific wording of a caveat rule is not met, then a reason for concluding that the intent has been
met should be provided on the SEWS.

LVS/GERS Caveat 1 - Generic Seismic Testing Equipment Class. The low voltage switchgear
should be similar to and bounded by the LVS class of equipment described above. The
equipment class descriptions are general and the Seismic Capability Engineers should be aware
that worst case combinations of certain parameters may not be represented in the generic
equipment class. These worst case combinations may have reduced seismic capacity and should
be carefully evaluated on a case-by-case basis.
LVS/GERS Caveat 2 - Bounding Spectrum Caveats Apply. The switchgear should meet all the
caveats given for the Bounding Spectrum. This caveat is included to cover the vulnerabilities
identified for the earthquake experience equipment class. Those GERS caveats which are the
same as the Bounding Spectrum caveats are not repeated below.

Equipment Class #2 Revision 3A
Low Voltage Switchgear

LVS/GERS Caveat 3 - Floor-Mounted Switchgear. The low voltage switchgear must be housed
within a floor-mounted ANSI-type enclosure. This ensures consistency with enclosures included
in the generic seismic testing equipment class.
LVS/GERS Caveat 4 - No Specially Designed Switchgear. The GERS are not applicable to
specially designed or custom-made switchgear, such as those which have been used in some
reactor trip systems. To preclude their use, the switchgear should be manufactured by
ITE/Brown Boveri, Westinghouse, or General Electric. These are the manufacturers which
produced the switchgear included in the generic seismic testing equipment class.
LVS/GERS Caveat 5 - Weight Per Section Less than 1600 Pounds. The maximum weight per
section should be less than about 1600 pounds. This is the upper bound weight limit of LVS in
the generic seismic testing equipment class.
LVS/GERS Caveat 6 - Base Anchorage Evaluation. The switchgear should be base anchored
and the installed anchorage should be evaluated as described in Section 4. This caveat ensures
consistency with the generic seismic testing equipment class.
LVS/GERS Caveat 7 - Breaker Function Relays Should Not Be On Low Ruggedness Relays
List. Relays which control switchgear operation should not appear on the Low Ruggedness
Relays list (given in Reference 8).
LVS/GERS Caveat 8 - Relay Screening Required for Other Functions. A separate relay
screening evaluation is required only for those relays in the switchgear which are essential to
other equipment or will cause an unacceptable lockout of equipment function. Relays which
control switchgear operation are addressed in LVS/GERS Caveat 7. The guidelines for
identifying and evaluating switchgear relays are summarized in Section 6 and described in
Reference 8.
LVS/GERS Caveat 9 - Vertical Restraint in the Form of Stops or Brackets. To utilize the 2.5g
GERS level, vertical restraint in the form of stops or brackets should be provided to prevent
uplift of the circuit breaker so that the wheels do not come disengaged from rails.
LVS/GERS Caveat 10 - Reinforcement of Outside Corners of End Units. To utilize the 2.5g
GERS level, the outside base frame corners of the outer switchgear cabinets in a lineup should
have certain enhancements to improve their seismic ruggedness. For Westinghouse type
switchgear, the outside base frame corners of the outer switchgear cabinets in a lineup should be
reinforced. For the other types of switchgear, the manufacturers (GE, ITE) should be consulted
to determine what enhancements, if any, should be included in their switchgear cabinets to give
them this seismic ruggedness level and then check whether these enhancements have been
included on these units.
LVS/GERS Caveat 11 – Adjacent Cabinets Bolted Together. Adjacent cabinets and sections
of a multi-bay cabinet assembly should be bolted together, including those that do not contain
essential relays. Adjacent cabinets and sections of multi-bay cabinet assemblies were bolted
together when tested for this generic seismic testing equipment class.

Equipment Class #2 Revision 3A
Low Voltage Switchgear

GERS-MVS/LVS.7 (Low Voltage)


Figure B.2-1. Generic Equipment Ruggedness Spectra (GERS) for Low Voltage Switchgear
(Source: Reference 6)

Equipment Class #3 Revision 3A
Medium Voltage Switchgear


B.3.1 Bounding Spectrum - Medium Voltage Switchgear (MVS)

The seismic capacity for the equipment class of medium voltage switchgear (MVS) assemblies
may be based on earthquake experience data (as described in Section 4.2), provided the intent of
each of the caveats listed below is met. This equipment class consists of one or more circuit
breakers and associated control relays and instrumentation mounted in a sheet metal enclosure.
The equipment class includes electrical switching and fault protection circuit breakers for
systems powered between 2400 and 4160 volts. Medium voltage circuit breakers are mounted in
sheet metal cabinets which are bolted together, side-by-side, to form a switchgear assembly.

Medium voltage circuit breakers or load interrupter switches are often integrated into unit
substations that may include a transformer (typically 4160/480 volt), a set of low voltage
switchgear, or a distribution switchboard. The switchgear assembly also may include internal
transformers, junction boxes, and attached conduit and cables. The basic component of a
medium voltage switchgear assembly is a metal-clad enclosure, typically containing a circuit
breaker compartment in a lower section and a metering compartment in an upper section. The
rear of the enclosure is a separate compartment for primary electrical connections. The
enclosure consists of sheet metal panels welded to a supporting frame of steel angles or channels.
Individual enclosures are typically 90 inches in height and approximately 90 inches in depth.
The width of an enclosure typically varies from 24 to 36 inches, depending on the size of the
circuit breaker within. The weight of a metal-clad enclosure ranges from 2000 to 3000 pounds,
with the circuit breaker itself weighing from 600 to 1200 pounds.

Electro-mechanical relays are mounted either to the swinging doors at the front of the enclosure,
or to the interior of the metering compartment. Relays are typically inserted through cutouts in
the door and secured by screws through a mounting flange into the sheet metal. The metering
compartment may also contain components such as ammeters, voltmeters, hand switches, and
small transformers.

Equipment Class #3 Revision 3A
Medium Voltage Switchgear

The medium voltage circuit breakers commonly used in power plant applications include the
drawout-type air-magnetic circuit breakers, and stationary load interrupter switches. Each type is
discussed in this section.

Drawout, air-magnetic circuit breakers are mounted on rollers to allow them to be wheeled in
and out of their individual sheet metal enclosures. There are two general types of drawout circuit
breakers: the horizontally racked model and the vertically racked model.

The horizontally racked model has clamping bus connections at its rear. It is racked into
operating position by a mechanical jack that rolls the circuit breaker into contact with the bus
connections at the rear of its enclosure and secures it in place. The weight of the circuit breaker
rests on the floor.

Vertically racked circuit breakers roll into position within their enclosure and are then engaged
by a jack built into the walls of the enclosure. The jack lifts the circuit breaker several inches
above the floor, until the clamping connections atop the circuit breaker contact the bus
connections at the top of the enclosure. The weight of the circuit breaker is then supported on
the framework of the sheet metal enclosure. Lateral restraint of the circuit breaker should be
provided by the cabinet framing and not solely by the jack lifts.

Air-magnetic circuit breakers typically include the following types of components: spring-
actuated contacts, tripping devices, auxiliary switches, and fuses. Typical capacities for medium
voltage circuit breakers range from 1200 to 3000 amperes.

Load interrupter switches perform the load connecting and interrupting function of circuit
breakers, but do not include the same capabilities of electrical fault protection. Interrupter
switches are bolted into sheet metal enclosures and are therefore designated as stationary
devices. Like air-magnetic circuit breakers, interrupter switches usually operate with spring-
actuated contacts to ensure quick opening of the primary circuit.

Equipment Class #3 Revision 3A
Medium Voltage Switchgear

The Bounding Spectrum (BS) represents the seismic capacity of a Medium Voltage Switchgear
(MVS) if the switchgear meets the intent of the following inclusion and exclusion rules. Note,
however, that when the specific wording of a caveat rule is not met, then a reason for concluding
that the intent has been met should be provided on the SEWS.

MVS/BS Caveat 1 - Earthquake Experience Equipment Class. The switchgear should be similar
to and bounded by the MVS class of equipment described above. The equipment class
descriptions are general and the Seismic Capability Engineers should be aware that worst case
combinations of certain parameters may not be represented in the generic equipment class.
These worst case combinations may have reduced seismic capacity and should be carefully
evaluated on a case-by-case basis.
MVS/BS Caveat 2 - Rating between 2.4 kV and 4.16 kV. The switchgear should have a rating
between 2.4 kV and 4.16 kV. This is the typical voltage range of MVS of this earthquake
experience equipment class.
MVS/BS Caveat 3 - Transformers Restrained from Relative Motion. Potential transformers
and/or control power transformers mounted on the switchgear should have restraints that limit
relative motion of the transformers to prevent damage or disconnection of contacts. In particular,
trunnion-mounted transformers should have positive vertical restraint to keep the trunnion pin in
its cradle. Positive vertical restraint of the trunnion pin is not required if the seismic demand at
the base of the switchgear cabinet is less than or equal to about l/2 of 1.5 x Bounding Spectrum,
i.e., less than 0.75 x Bounding Spectrum.
MVS/BS Caveat 4 - Adjacent Cabinets Bolted Together. Adjacent cabinets which are close
enough to impact each other and sections of multi-bay cabinet assemblies should be bolted
together if any of these cabinets contain essential relays as defined in Section 6. The concern
addressed in this caveat is that unbolted cabinets could respond out of phase to one another and
impact each other during an earthquake. This would cause additional impact loadings and high
frequency vibration loadings which could cause the essential relays to chatter.
MVS/BS Cave at 5 - Attached Weight of 100 Pounds or Less. Equipment and their enclosures
(but not conduit) mounted externally to cabinets and supported by them should have a weight
less than about 100 pounds for a cabinet assembly, [2]i.e., a combination or a lineup of a number
of individual adjacent cabinets, bays, or frames. The concern is that the center of gravity of the
cabinet will be raised too high, the total weight of the cabinets will be too large, or large
eccentric weights will introduce excessive torsion. The concern is directed primarily for
equipment not normally supplied with the switchgear and thereby possibly not included in the
earthquake experience equipment class. The load path for the attached component through the
cabinet should be carefully examined. In addition, its attachment should be reviewed to ascertain
whether the attached component may become a seismic interaction hazard source. Conduit was
deleted from the caveat since conduit supported above switchgear is well represented in the
seismic experience database. Additional support of the cabinet and attached equipment will
alleviate these concerns and satisfy the intent of this caveat.

Equipment Class #3 Revision 3A
Medium Voltage Switchgear

For the purposes of anchorage checking, the effective weight of any attached conduit and
equipment should be included in the cabinet weight.
MVS/BS Caveat 6 - Externally Attached Items Rigidly Anchored. Externally attached items
should be rigidly attached to the cabinet. The concern addressed by this caveat is that these
items could impact the cabinet and possibly lead to relay chatter or impact other components of
the switchgear as a seismic interaction hazard. As an example, some electrical cabinets have
small, externally attached panels mounted on hinges to the main cabinet frame. During seismic
motion the externally attached panel may swing and cause significant impact loading to the
electrical panel.
MVS/BS Caveat 7 - General Configuration Similar to ANSI C37.20 Standards. The general
configuration of the cabinets should be similar to those constructed to ANSI C37.20 Standards.
The switchgear does not have to conform exactly to ANSI standards but should be similar with
regard to the gage of the steel, internal structure, and support. This caveat is intended to preclude
unusual designs not covered by the equipment class (thin gage material, flimsy internal structure,
etc.). In general, cabinets manufactured by the major manufacturers of switchgear conform to
this caveat if they have not been modified.
MVS/BS Caveat 8 - Cutouts Not Large. Cutouts in the lower half of cabinet sheathing should be
less than 30% of the width of the side panel, and the height of the cutout should be less than 60%
of the width of the side panel. This caveat also applies to side panels between multi-bay
cabinets. Cutout restrictions do not apply to the bus transfer compartment if the remaining part
of the enclosure conforms [4]to the cutout limitations. The concern of this caveat is that the shear
load from the earthquake will not be able to be transferred through the shear walls to the
anchorage. Reinforcement around the cutout with additional plate or steel members may
alleviate the concern of shear transfer.
MVS/BS Caveat 9 - Doors Secured. All doors should be secured by a latch or fastener. The
concern addressed by this caveat is that the doors could open during an earthquake, and the loose
door could repeatedly impact the housing and be damaged or cause internal components such as
relays to malfunction or chatter.
MVS/BS Caveat 10 - Adequate Anchorage. The unit should be properly anchored in accordance
with the guidelines of Section 4.4.
MVS/BS Caveat 11 - Potential Chatter of Essential Relays Evaluated. If relays are mounted on
the equipment, a relay functionality review in accordance with Section 6 should be performed.
MVS/BS Caveat 12 - Any Other Concerns? Seismic Capability Engineers should seek out
suspicious details or uncommon situations not specifically covered by the caveats which could
adversely affect the seismic capacity of the switchgear as described in Section 4.3.

B.3.2 GERS - Medium Voltage Switchgear

The seismic capacity for the equipment class of metal clad medium-voltage switchgear may be
based on generic testing data (as described in Section 4.2), provided the intent of each of the

Equipment Class #3 Revision 3A
Medium Voltage Switchgear

caveats listed below is met. This equipment class includes steel panel enclosures containing
several wheel-mounted draw-out type circuit breakers, bus bars, auxiliary/ protective relays,
transformers, switches, and meters. Units are medium voltage rated at 5000 VAC. Circuit
breakers which must be jacked up to engage (vertical lift) into the connected position are not
included in this class. The equipment in the GERS equipment class include ANSI C37.20
enclosures whose nominal section sizes are 30 inches wide, 60 inches deep, and 90 inches high.
They are fabricated of 12 gage (0.1046 inches thick) or heavier steel sheet metal and framed with
angles or other formed members, with anchorage provisions included in the base frame. Widths
of MVS can range between 24 inches and 42 inches. Some cubicles can be essentially empty,
while other cubicles can house very heavy circuit breaker units. In general, a single cubicle
which houses a circuit breaker can typically weigh between 3000 and 5000 pounds. The MVS
GERS equipment class covers most medium voltage switchgear used in power plants for
overcurrent protection in primary voltage (normally 4160 VAC) distribution systems.

The GERS represent the seismic capacity of a Medium Voltage Switchgear (MVS) if the
switchgear meets the intent of the following inclusion and exclusion rules. Note, however, that
when the specific wording of a caveat rule is not met, then a reason for concluding that the intent
has been met should be provided on the SEWS.

MVS/GERS Caveat 1 - Generic Seismic Testing Equipment Class. The switchgear should be
similar to, and bounded by, the MVS class of equipment described above. The equipment class
descriptions are general and the Seismic Capability Engineers should be aware that worst case
combinations of certain parameters may not be represented in the generic equipment class.
These worst case combinations may have reduced seismic capacity and should be carefully
evaluated on a case-by-case basis.
MVS/GERS Caveat 2 - Bounding Spectrum Caveats Apply. The switchgear should meet all the
caveats given for the Bounding Spectrum. This caveat is included to cover the vulnerabilities
identified for the earthquake experience equipment class. Those GERS caveats which are the
same as the Bounding Spectrum caveats are not repeated below.
MVS/GERS Caveat 3 - Floor-Mounted Switchgear. The medium-voltage switchgear should be
housed within a floor-mounted ANSI-type enclosure. This ensures consistency with the
enclosures included in the generic seismic testing equipment class.
MVS/GERS Caveat 4 - No Specially Designed Switchgear. The GERS are not applicable to
specially designed or custom-made switchgear, such as those which have been used in some

Equipment Class #3 Revision 3A
Medium Voltage Switchgear

reactor trip systems. Specially designed switchgear are not included in the generic seismic
testing equipment class.
MVS/GERS Caveat 5 - No Jack-Up or Vertical-Lift Type Breakers. The breakers should be the
wheel-mounted type and not a jack-up or vertical-lift type. This is the only breaker configuration
represented in the generic seismic testing equipment class.
MVS/GERS Caveat 6 - Weight Per Section Less than 5000 Pounds. The maximum weight per
vertical breaker section should be less than about 5000 pounds (review of manufacturer's generic
seismic testing equipment class.
MVS/GERS Caveat 7 - Base Anchorage Evaluation. The switchgear should be base anchored
and the installed anchorage should be evaluated as described in Section 4. This caveat ensures
consistency with the generic seismic testing equipment class.
MVS/GERS Caveat 8 - Breaker Function Relays Should Not Be On Low-Ruggedness Relays
List. Relays which control switchgear operation should not appear on the Low Ruggedness
Relays list (given in Reference 8).
MVS/GERS Caveat 9 - Relay Screening Required for Other Functions. A separate relay
screening evaluation is required only for those relays in the switchgear which are essential to
other equipment or will cause an unacceptable lockout of equipment function. Relays which
control switchgear operation are addressed in MVS/GERS Caveat 8. The guidelines for
identifying and evaluating switchgear relays are summarized in Section 6 and described in
Reference 8.
MVS/GERS Caveat 10 - Vertical Restraint of Breaker. To utilize the 2.5g GERS level, vertical
restraint in the form of stops or brackets should be provided to prevent uplift of the circuit
breaker so that the wheels do not become disengaged from the rails.
MVS/GERS Caveat 11 - Horizontal Restraint of Arc Chutes. To utilize the 2.5g GERS level,
horizontal restraint of the circuit breaker arc chutes should be provided. This restraint may take
the form of blocks between adjacent arc chutes and between arc chutes and the wall or frame of
the cabinet.
MVS/GERS Caveat 12 - Relay Model Excluded. The 2.5g level GERS can not be used for
Westinghouse medium-voltage switchgear if the “Y” anti-pump relay is a Beaver Type Z.
MVS/GERS Caveat 13 - Separate Evaluation of Racking Mechanism. Breaker positioning or
racking mechanisms should be evaluated. There should be side-to-side restraint of the breaker to
prevent secondary/auxiliary breaker contacts from opening. The evaluation may consist of a
visual inspection by the Seismic Capability Engineers. This caveat is intended to address
potential damage or operational problems due to excessive relative motion between the drawout
breaker and the switchgear cabinet frame as observed in an example from the generic seismic
test data.
MVS/GERS Caveat 14 – Adjacent Cabinets Bolted Together. Adjacent cabinets and sections
of a multi-bay cabinet assembly should be bolted together, including those that do not contain
essential relays. Adjacent cabinets and sections of multi-bay cabinet assemblies were bolted
together when tested for this generic seismic testing equipment class.

Equipment Class #3 Revision 3A
Medium Voltage Switchgear

GERS-MVS/LVS.7 (Medium Voltage)


1 – 9, 13, 14

1 – 14 (g)
1 – 9, 13, 14 (g)

Figure B.3-1. Generic Equipment Ruggedness Spectra (GERS)

for Medium Voltage Switchgear[3]
(Source: Reference 6)

Equipment Class #4 Revision 3A


B.4.1 Bounding Spectrum - Transformers (TRN)

The seismic capacity for the equipment class of transformers (TRN) may be based on earth-
quake experience data (as described in Section 4.2), provided the intent of each of the caveats
listed below is met. This equipment class includes the unit substation type, typically 4160/480
volts, and the distribution type, typically 480/120 volts. Main power transformers with primary
voltages greater than about 13,800 volts are not included in this equipment class. Small trans-
formers that are components of electrical equipment, such as motor control centers or control
panels, are also not included in this equipment class but are addressed as components of other
classes of electrical equipment.

Unit substation transformers step power down from the medium voltage levels (typically
4160 volts for use in large mechanical equipment) to lower voltage levels (typically 480 volts)
for use in smaller equipment. Distribution transformers usually step power from the 480 volt
level to the 120 to 240 volt level to operate small mechanical equipment, battery chargers, or
lighting systems.

Unit substation transformers included in the equipment class can be freestanding or attached to
motor control centers or switchgear assemblies. They typically have primary voltages of 2400 to
4160 volts, and secondary voltages of 480 volts. This transformer type may be either liquid- or
air-cooled. Liquid-cooled units typically consist of a rectangular steel tank filled with oil or a
similar insulating fluid. The transformer coils are submerged in a liquid bath which provides
cooling and insulation within the steel tank casing. Most liquid-filled transformers have one or
more radiator coils attached to the side of the transformer.

Air-cooled or dry-type unit substation transformers are similar in size and construction to liquid-
cooled units, except the transformer coils are mounted in a ventilated steel enclosure, rather than
a liquid bath. Larger air-cooled unit substation transformers may have small fans mounted to
their enclosures for forced air-cooling.

Equipment Class #4 Revision 3A

The casings of both liquid-cooled and air-cooled unit substation transformers have typical overall
dimensions of 60 to 100 inches in height, and 40 to 100 inches in width and depth. The weights
of these units range from 2000 to 15,000 pounds.

Distribution transformers typically have primary voltages of 480 volts stepping down to
secondary voltages of 120 to 240 volts. This type of transformer is almost always air-cooled.
The construction of distribution transformers is essentially the same as that of unit substation
transformers, except for a difference in size. The sizes of typical distribution transformers range
from small wall-mounted or cabinet-mounted units that have overall dimensions of about
10 inches in height, width, and depth, and weights of 50 to 100 pounds; to larger units that are
typically floor-mounted with dimensions ranging up to the size of unit substation transformers
and weights ranging up to 5000 pounds.

The transformer equipment class includes the enclosure along with the internals and attached
cable and conduit.

The Bounding Spectrum (BS) represents the seismic capacity of a Transformer (TRN) if the
transformer meets the intent of the following inclusion and exclusion rules. Note, however, that
when the specific wording of a caveat rule is not met, then a reason for concluding that the intent
has been met should be provided on the SEWS.

TRN/BS Caveat 1 - Earthquake Experience Equipment Class. The transformer should be similar
to and bounded by the TRN class of equipment described above. The equipment class
descriptions are general and the Seismic Capability Engineers should be aware that worst case
combinations of certain parameters may not be represented in the generic equipment class.
These worst case combinations may have reduced seismic capacity and should be carefully
evaluated on a case-by-case basis.
TRN/BS Caveat 2 - Rating of 4.16 kV or Less. The transformer should have a 4.16 kV rating or
less. This is the upper bound voltage rating of transformers included in the earthquake
experience equipment class.
TRN/BS Caveat 3 - Transformer Coils Positively Restrained Within Cabinet. For floor-mounted
dry- and oil-type units, the transformer coils should be positively restrained within their cabinet
so that relative sliding and rocking motions between the transformer coil and their cabinet is kept
to an acceptable level. The concern is that excessive relative motions may damage the wiring

Equipment Class #4 Revision 3A

yoke, or that the coils may come in contact with their cabinet which may result in a short circuit
or damage to the electrical insulation. This caveat especially applies to transformers whose
installation procedure recommends that bolts used to anchor the coils during shipping be
removed. If the unit is factory-sealed or constructed so that removing shipping anchors is
precluded, no internal inspection is necessary.
TRN/BS Caveat 4 - Coils Top-Braced or Analyzed for Large Transformers. Large transformers
of 750 kVA or larger should also have the top of the coils braced by a structural frame or should
be analyzed for adequate restraint. If the unit is factory-sealed or constructed so that removing
shipping anchors is precluded, no internal inspection is necessary.
TRN/BS Caveat 5 - Clearance Between Energized Component and Cabinet. For 750 kVA
transformers and larger, there should be at least a 2-inch gap between the energized component
and the upper portion of the transformer cabinet. If the gap is less than 2 inches, it should be
verified by analysis that there is sufficient gap and/or there should be provisions for relative
lateral displacement to preclude contact between the energized component and the cabinet. The
concern is that without adequate clearance, transformers could be shorted out during the
earthquake and thereby rendered inoperable.
TRN/BS Caveat 6 - Adequate Slack in High Voltage Leads. For 750 kVA transformers and
larger, the connection between the high voltage leads and the first anchor point should
accommodate at least a 3-inch relative displacement, or should be analyzed for adequate slack
for relative displacement.
TRN/BS Caveat 7 - Wall-Mounted Units Anchored Close to Enclosure Support. The
transformer coil contained in wall-mounted units should have engineered anchorage and be
anchored to its enclosure near the enclosure support surface. The concern is that a well-
engineered load path should exist for earthquake loadings from the transformer coil (which is
relatively massive), through the enclosure, and to the enclosure support. If the transformer coil is
not anchored to the enclosure near the enclosure support surface, a calculation can be performed
to show that the earthquake loadings can be transferred to the anchorage.
TRN/BS Caveat 8 - Weak-Way Bending. The base assembly of floor-mounted units should be
properly braced or stiffened such that lateral forces in any direction do not rely on weak-way
bending of sheet metal or thin webs of structural steel shapes. If unbraced or unstiffened steel
webs are used, they should be specially evaluated so that adequate strength and stiffness is
TRN/BS Caveat 9 - Adjacent Cabinets Bolted Together. Adjacent cabinets which are close
enough to impact each other, and sections of multi-bay cabinet assemblies should be bolted
together if any of these cabinets contains essential relays as defined in Section 6. The concern
addressed in this caveat is that unbolted cabinets could respond out of phase to one another and
cause impact loadings and high frequency vibration loadings which could cause any impact
sensitive essential relays to chatter.
TRN/BS Caveat 10 - Doors Secured. All doors should be secured by a latch or fastener. The
concern addressed by this caveat is that the doors could open during an earthquake, and the loose

Equipment Class #4 Revision 3A

door could repeatedly impact the housing and be damaged or cause internal components such as
relays to malfunction or chatter.
TRN/BS Caveat 11 - Adequate Anchorage. The unit should be properly anchored in accordance
with the guidelines of Section 4.4.
TRN/BS Caveat 12 - Potential Chatter of Essential Relays Evaluated. If relays are mounted on
the equipment, a relay functionality review in accordance with Section 6 should be performed.
TRN/BS Caveat 13 - Any Other Concerns? Seismic Capability Engineers should seek out
suspicious details or uncommon situations not specifically covered by the caveats which could
adversely affect the seismic capacity of the transformer as described in Section 4.3.

B.4.2 GERS - Transformers

The seismic capacity for the equipment class of Transformers may be based on generic testing
data (as described in Section 4.2), provided the intent of each of the caveats listed below is met.
This equipment class includes only dry-type transformers. The equipment in the GERS
equipment class is limited to units which range from 7.5 to 225 kVA capacity with either single-
or three-phase voltage ratings of 120-480 volts AC. These transformers are housed in NEMA-
type metal enclosures which can be either wall-mounted or floor-mounted.

The GERS represent the seismic capacity of a Transformer (TRN) if the transformer meets the
intent of the following inclusion and exclusion rules. Note, however, that when the specific
wording of a caveat rule is not met, then a reason for concluding that the intent has been met
should be provided on the SEWS.

TRN/GERS Caveat 1 - Generic Seismic Testing Equipment Class. The transformer should be
similar to and bounded by the TRN class described above. The equipment class descriptions are
general and the Seismic Capability Engineers should be aware that worst case combinations of
certain parameters may not be represented in the generic equipment class. These worst case
combinations may have reduced seismic capacity and should be carefully evaluated on a case-
by-case basis.
TRN/GERS Caveat 2 - Bounding Spectrum Caveats Apply. The transformer should meet all the
caveats given for the Bounding Spectrum. This caveat is included to cover the vulnerabilities
identified for the earthquake experience equipment class. Those GERS caveats which are the
same as the Bounding Spectrum caveats are not repeated below.

Equipment Class #4 Revision 3A

TRN/GERS Caveat 3 - Only Dry-Type Transformer. The transformer should be a dry-type unit.
Oil-filled units are excluded, as they are not included in the generic seismic testing equipment
TRN/GERS Caveat 4 - NEMA-Type Enclosure. The transformer should be housed within a
wall- or floor-mounted NEMA-type enclosure (review of manufacturer's submittals is sufficient).
This is the enclosure type represented by the generic seismic testing equipment class.
TRN/GERS Caveat 5 - Voltage Rating of 120-480 VAC. The transformer should have a single-
or three-phase voltage rating of 120-480 volts AC (review of manufacturer's submittals or
transformer nameplate is sufficient).
TRN/GERS Caveat 6 - Capacity of 7.5 to 225 kVA. The transformer should have a capacity of
7.5 to 225 kVA (review of manufacturer's submittals or transformer nameplate is sufficient).
TRN/GERS Caveat 7 - Weight of 180-2000 Pounds. The transformer should weigh between
180 and 2000 pounds (review of the manufacturer's submittals or transformer nameplate is
TRN/GERS Caveat 8 - Transformer Internal Supports. The internal supports should provide
positive attachment of the transformer components (a force transfer path for seismic loads is
TRN/GERS Caveat 9 - Clearance Between Bare Conductors and Enclosure. The clearance
between any bare conductor and the transformer enclosure should be at least 3/8 inch. The
concern is that without adequate clearance, transformers could be shorted out during the
earthquake and thereby rendered inoperable.
TRN/GERS Caveat 10 - Adjacent Cabinets Bolted Together. Adjacent cabinets and sections of
a multi-bay cabinet assembly should be bolted together, including those that do not contain
essential relays. Adjacent cabinets and sections of multi-bay cabinet assemblies were bolted
together when tested for this generic seismic testing equipment class.

Equipment Class #4 Revision 3A


Figure B.4-1. Generic Equipment Ruggedness Spectra (GERS)

for Dry-Type Transformers
(Source: Reference 6)

Equipment Class #5 Revision 3A
Horizontal Pumps


B.5.1 Bounding Spectrum - Horizontal Pumps (HP)

The seismic capacity for the equipment class of Horizontal Pumps (HP) may be based on
earthquake experience data (as described in Section 4.2), provided the intent of each of the
caveats listed below is met. This equipment class includes all pumps commonly found in power
plant applications which have their axes aligned horizontally. The class includes pumps driven
by electric motors, reciprocating piston engines, and steam turbines. The common peripheral
components such as conduit, instrumentation, and suction and discharge lines up to their first
support on the building or nearby structure are included in this equipment class.

Pumps can generally be categorized as either kinetic (rotary impeller) or positive displacement
types. Kinetic pumps move fluid using the kinetic energy of a rotating impeller. Positive
displacement pumps move fluid by volumetric displacement.

Single-stage kinetic pumps typically include a single impeller that moves fluid primarily by
centrifugal force. The suction port is normally mounted along or near the impeller axis, and the
discharge port is mounted near the periphery. Pumps may range in size from fractional
horsepower units, with capacities of a few gallons per minute (gpm), to units requiring several
thousand horsepower, with capacities of tens of thousands of gpm.

Multi-stage kinetic pumps include two or more impellers working in series on a single shaft.
Depending on the impeller design, multi-stage pumps move fluid using either centrifugal force
toward the periphery of the impeller, or propeller force along the axis of the impeller. The
impeller is surrounded by a stationary casing or volute that directs the flow from the discharge of
one impeller to the intake of the next.

Kinetic pumps are usually powered by electric motors with the pump and motor sharing the same
shaft through a close-coupled connection. Larger multi-stage pumps sometimes couple the
motor and pump through a gearbox, which allows the pump and motor to turn at different speeds.
Single-stage pumps are occasionally belt-driven, with the motor mounted to the side, or even

Equipment Class #5 Revision 3A
Horizontal Pumps

atop the pump casing. Smaller, single-stage pumps sometimes mount the motor and impeller
within the same casing. Larger pumps, both single- and multi-stage, normally have the motor
and pump in separate casings, with both casings anchored to the same steel skid. Kinetic pumps
may also be powered by engines or steam turbines.

Reciprocating-piston positive displacement pumps are similar in design to reciprocating-piston

air compressors. They include an electric motor that powers a set of piston impellers through a
shaft or belt connection. The piston impellers are usually mounted within a cast block that also
contains the piston crank shaft and valve mechanism.

Rotary-screw positive displacement pumps are somewhat similar to multi-stage kinetic pumps,
except that the screw impeller moves fluid axially through volume displacement rather than
through a transfer of kinetic energy from the impeller to the fluid. The screw impeller is
normally powered by an electric motor through a close-coupled shaft.

Kinetic and positive displacement horizontal pumps driven by electric motors, engines, and
turbines are represented in the range from 5 to 2300 hp and 45 to 36,000 gpm. Submersible
pumps are not included in this equipment class.

The Bounding Spectrum (BS) represents the seismic capacity of a Horizontal Pump (HP) if the
pump meets the intent of the following inclusion and exclusion rules. Note, however, that when
the specific wording of a caveat rule is not met, then a reason for concluding that the intent has
been met should be provided on the SEWS.

HP/BS Caveat 1 - Earthquake Experience Equipment Class. The horizontal pump should be
similar to and bounded by the HP class of equipment described above. The equipment class
descriptions are general and the Seismic Capability Engineers should be aware that worst case
combinations of certain parameters may not be represented in the generic equipment class.
These worst case combinations may have reduced seismic capacity and should be carefully
evaluated on a case-by-case basis.
HP/BS Caveat 2 - Driver and Pump on Rigid Skid. The driver and pump should be connected by
a rigid base or common skid. The concern is that differential displacement between the pump

Equipment Class #5 Revision 3A
Horizontal Pumps

and driver may cause shaft misalignment. If they are not mounted on a rigid skid, the potential
for differential displacement between the driver and pump should be specially evaluated.
HP/BS Caveat 3 - Thrust Bearings in Both Axial Directions. Thrust restraint of the shaft in both
axial directions should exist. The concern arose from shake table testing on pumps without
thrust bearings that performed poorly. In general, pumps from U.S. manufacturers have such
axial thrust restraint so that explicit verification is not necessary; however, any indication to the
contrary should be investigated.
HP/BS Caveat 4 - Check of Long Unsupported Piping. Brief consideration should be given to
identify situations where the horizontal pump may be affected by gross pipe motion, differential
displacement, and excessive nozzle loads. The concern is that excessive force on pump nozzles
could potentially break the pump nozzle or cause sufficient pump case distortion to cause
binding, or fail the anchorage. These excessive forces are uncommon and need only be
considered if there is a long section of unsupported pipe or a heavy valve attached to the pipe
near the pump.
HP/BS Caveat 5 - Base Vibration Isolation System Checked. If the unit is mounted on vibration
isolators, the adequacy of the vibration isolators for seismic loads should be evaluated in
accordance with Section 4.4.
HP/BS Caveat 6 - Sufficient Slack and Flexibility of Attached Lines. Sufficient slack and
flexibility should be present in attached lines (e.g., cooling, air, and electrical) to preclude a line
breach due to differential seismic displacement of the equipment and the line's nearest support.
Sufficient slack and flexibility of lines is also considered in the seismic interaction review
(Section 4.5).
HP/BS Caveat 7 - Adequate Anchorage. The unit should be properly anchored in accordance
with the guidelines of Section 4.4.
HJ/BS Caveat 8 - Potential Chatter of Essential Relays Evaluated. If relays are mounted on the
equipment, a relay functionality review in accordance with Section 6 should be performed.
HP/BS Caveat 9 - Any Other Concerns? Seismic Capability Engineers should seek out
suspicious details or uncommon situations not specifically covered by the caveats which could
adversely affect the seismic capacity of the pump as described in Section 4.3.

B.5.2 GERS - Horizontal Pumps

There are no GERS for Horizontal Pumps.

Equipment Class #6 Revision 3A
Vertical Pumps


B.6.1 Bounding Spectrum - Vertical Pumps

The seismic capacity for the equipment class of Vertical Pumps (VP) may be based on earth-
quake experience data (as described in Section 4.2), provided the intent of each of the caveats
listed below is met. This equipment class includes pumps with the impeller drive shaft mounted
in a vertical (as opposed to horizontal) direction. Vertical pumps are typically powered by an
electric drive motor, vertically aligned, and mounted atop a steel or cast-iron support frame that
is anchored to a concrete base pad.

The two general types of vertical pumps represented in the earthquake experience equipment
class are deep-well pumps and centrifugal pumps. Motor sizes range from 5 to 7000 hp and flow
rates range from 95 to 16,000 gpm.

Deep-well turbine type pumps have the pump impeller attached to the bottom of a long vertical
drive shaft extending beneath the pump base plate. The pump drive shaft is enclosed in a steel or
cast iron casing which extends below the pump base plate. The pump impeller is mounted in a
contoured housing or bowl at the base of the casing. The casing or suction pipe is immersed in a
well and opened at the bottom for fluid inlet.

A variation of the deep-well turbine pump is the can-type pump. The casing that encloses the
impeller drive shaft is, in turn, enclosed by an outer casing or can. Fluid feed to the pump flows
through an inlet line, usually mounted in the support frame above the pump base plate. The can
forms an annular reservoir of fluid that is drawn into the impeller at the base of the inner casing.

Deep-well pumps range in size from fractional horsepower units to pumps of several thousand
horsepower. The casings, cantilevered below the base plate, have typical lengths of 10 to 20
feet. The most massive component of the pump is normally the drive motor, which may weigh
several tons.

Equipment Class #6 Revision 3A
Vertical Pumps

Single-stage centrifugal pumps are configured with the impeller mounted above the base plate,
directly beneath the drive motor. The impeller is housed in a casing that is usually part of the
support frame for the drive motor. Instead of drawing fluid from a well or can beneath the pump
base plate, the fluid inlet is a piping attachment aligned with a centerline of the impeller drive
shaft. The discharge line is tangential to the periphery of the centrifugal impeller casing.
Smaller centrifugal pumps are sometimes mounted directly on the piping system they serve.

The pump, drive motor, associated instrumentation and controls attached to the pump, and
attached piping and conduit up to their first support on the building or nearby structure are
included in the vertical pump equipment class. The equipment class does not include
submersible pumps.

The Bounding Spectrum Pump (BS) represents the seismic capacity of a Vertical (VP) if the
pump meets the intent of the following inclusion and exclusion rules. Note, however, that when
the specific wording of a caveat rule is not met, then a reason for concluding that the intent has
been met should be provided on the SEWS.

VP/BS Caveat 1 – Earthquake Experience Equipment Class. The vertical pump should be
similar to and bounded by the VP class of equipment described above. The equipment class
descriptions are general and the Seismic Capability Engineers should be aware that worst case
combinations of certain parameters may not be represented in the generic equipment class.
These worst case combinations may have reduced seismic capacity and should be carefully
evaluated on a case-by-case basis.
VP/BS Caveat 2 - Cantilever Impeller Shaft Less Than 20 Feet Long. The impeller shaft and
casing should not be cantilevered more than 20 feet below the pump mounting flange. This type
of cantilever vertical pump should have a radial bearing at the bottom of the casing to support the
impeller shaft. Twenty (20) feet represents the upper bound length of cantilever shafts of vertical
pumps in the earthquake experience equipment class. The concern is that pumps with longer
lengths may be subject to misalignment and bearing damage due to excessive lateral loads,
damage to the impeller due to excessive displacement, and damage due to interfloor
displacement on multi-floor supported pumps. Either individual analysis or use of another
method as a means of evaluating vertical pumps should be used when the shaft cantilever length
exceeds 20 feet. The evaluation should address the concerns of excessive shaft and casing
stresses and deflection of the impeller drive shaft.
VP/BS Caveat 3 - Check of Long Unsupported Piping. Brief consideration should be given to
identify situations where the vertical pump may be affected by gross pipe motion, differential

Equipment Class #6 Revision 3A
Vertical Pumps

displacement, and excessive nozzle loads. The concern is that excessive force on pump nozzles
could potentially break the pump nozzle or cause sufficient pump case distortion to cause
binding, or fail the anchorage. These excessive forces are uncommon and need only be
considered if there is a long section of unsupported pipe or a heavy valve attached to the pipe
near the pump.
VP/BS Caveat 4 - Sufficient Slack and Flexibility of Attached Lines. Sufficient slack and
flexibility should be present in attached lines (e.g., cooling, air, and electrical) to preclude a line
breach due to differential seismic displacement of the equipment and the line's nearest support.
Sufficient slack and flexibility of lines is also considered in the seismic interaction review
(Section 4.5).
VP/BS Caveat 5 - Adequate Anchorage. The unit should be properly anchored in accordance
with the requirements of Section 4.4.
VP/BS Caveat 6 - Potential Chatter of Essential Relays Evaluated. If relays are mounted on the
equipment, a relay functionality review in accordance with Section 6 should be performed.
VP/BS Caveat 7 - Any Other Concerns? Seismic Capability Engineers should seek out
suspicious details or uncommon situations not specifically covered by the caveats which could
adversely affect the seismic capacity of the pump as described in Section 4.3.

B.6.2 GERS - Vertical Pumps

There are no GERS for Vertical Pumps.

Equipment Class #7 Revision 3A
Fluid-Operated Valves


B.7.1 Bounding Spectrum - Fluid-Operated Valves

The seismic capacity for the equipment class of Fluid-Operated Valves (FOV) may be based
on earthquake experience data (as described in Section 4.2), provided the intent of each of the
caveats listed below is met. This equipment class includes a wide diversity of valve sizes, types,
and applications, which are actuated by air, water, or oil. Liquid-operated (i.e., hydraulic) piston
valves are not included in the FOV class of equipment because they have not been reviewed in
sufficient detail to be included.

The main types of fluid-operated valves are diaphragm-operated, piston- operated, and pressure
relief valves. The most common type of fluid-operated valve found in power plant applications
is a spring-opposed, diaphragm-operated pneumatic valve. The bell housing contains a
diaphragm (usually a thin, steel membrane) which forms a pressure barrier between the top and
bottom sections of the housing. The position of the actuated rod (or valve stem) is controlled by
a return spring and the differential pressure across the diaphragm. The actuated rod position, in
turn, controls the position of the valve. A yoke supports the bell housing and connects it to the
valve body. A solenoid valve or, on larger valves, a pneumatic relay controls the air pressure
difference across the diaphragm. This solenoid valve or pneumatic relay is often mounted
directly to the operator yoke.

Piston-operated valves are similar to diaphragm-operated valves, with a piston replacing the
diaphragm as the valve actuator. The piston typically acts in opposition to a spring to control the
position of the valve.

Pressure relief valves are also included in this equipment class. Pressure relief valves balance
confined fluid pressure against the force of a spring. The actuating force in a pressure relief
valve is supplied by the fluid that is confined by the valve. Fluid-operators are typically
cantilevered either above or to the side of the valves they serve. The valve and actuator can form
a continuous body, or the actuator can be attached to the valve through a flanged, threaded, or
ring clamp connection.

Equipment Class #7 Revision 3A
Fluid-Operated Valves

The valve, the operator, the inlet and outlet lines up to their first support on the building or
nearby structure, and peripheral attachments (air lines, pneumatic relays, control solenoids, and
conduit) are included in the Fluid-Operated Valve equipment class. The valve may be of any
type, size, or orientation.

The Bounding Spectrum (BS) represents the seismic capacity of a Fluid-Operated Valve (FOV)
if the valve meets the intent of the following inclusion and exclusion rules. Note, however, that
when the specific wording of a caveat rule is not met, then a reason for concluding that the intent
has been met should be provided on the SEWS.

FOV/BS Caveat 1 - Earthquake Experience Equipment Class. The valve should be similar to
and bounded by the FOV class of equipment described above. The equipment class descriptions
are general and the Seismic Capability Engineers should be aware that worst case combinations
of certain parameters may not be represented in the generic equipment class. These worst case
combinations may have reduced seismic capacity and should be carefully evaluated on a case-
by-case basis.
FOV/BS Caveat 2 - Valve Body Not of Cast Iron. The valve body should not be made of cast
iron. The intent of this caveat is to avoid the brittle failure mode of cast iron as evidenced by the
poor performance of some cast iron components in past earthquakes. Cast iron is not common in
such applications in nuclear plants; therefore, it is not necessary to determine the material of the
valve body unless it appears to the Seismic Capability Engineers that the body is made of cast
iron. It is suggested that the material of a flanged valve be checked. In such cases, if the valve is
indeed cast iron, the intent of this caveat is satisfied if seismic stresses in the valve body due to
piping loads are low (for example, less than 20% of specified minimum ultimate tensile
FOV/BS Caveat 3 - Valve Yoke Not of Cast Iron for Piston-Operated Valves and Spring-
Operated Pressure Relief Valves. The yoke of piston-operated valves and spring-operated
pressure relief valves should not be made of cast iron. The intent of this caveat is to avoid the
brittle failure mode of cast iron as evidenced by the poor performance of some cast iron
components in past earthquakes. Cast iron is not common in such applications in nuclear plants;
therefore, it is not necessary to determine the material of the valve yoke unless it appears to the
Seismic Capability Engineers that the yoke is made of cast iron. In such cases, if the yoke is
indeed cast iron, this caveat may be satisfied by performing a stress analysis of the valve for a 3g
load applied at the center of gravity of the operator in the yoke's weakest direction. If the yoke
stress is low (for example, less than 20% of specified minimum ultimate strength), then the intent
of the caveat is satisfied.

Equipment Class #7 Revision 3A
Fluid-Operated Valves

FOV/BS Caveat 4 - Mounted on l-Inch Diameter Pipe Line or Greater. The valve should be
mounted on a pipe line of at least l-inch diameter. This is the lower bound pipe size supporting
FOVs in the earthquake experience equipment class. The concern is that valves with heavy
operators on small lines may cause an overstressed condition in the adjacent piping. To satisfy
the intent of this caveat a stress analysis (that accounts for the valve operator eccentricity) may
be used to show that the pipe stress adjacent to the valve is low. There is no concern if the valve,
the operator, and the line (if smaller than 1 inch) are well supported and anchored to the same
support structure.
FOV/BS Caveat 5 - Valve Operator Cantilever Length for Air-Operated Diaphragm Valves,
Spring-Operated Pressure Relief Valves, and Light Weight Piston-Operated Valves. The
distance from the centerline of the pipe to the top of the operator or cylinder should not exceed
the distance given in Figure B.7-1 corresponding to the diameter of the pipe. This figure bounds
the pipe diameter and operator length combinations included in the earthquake experience
equipment class. The concern is that longer operator lengths may lead to excessive valve yoke
As a second screen to evaluate the operator weight and length, Figure B.7-2 may be used instead
of the limits given in Figure B.7-1 provided: (1) the yoke is not of cast iron (Caveat 3 applies),
and (2) the operator length does not exceed about 30% beyond the limits of Figure B.7-1.
As a third option, this caveat may also be satisfied by performing a stress analysis consisting of
applying a 3g load at the center of gravity of the operator in the yoke's weakest direction. If the
yoke stresses are low and the relative deflections are small (to ensure that shaft binding will not
occur) then the caveat is satisfied.
Alternately, an in-situ static test may be conducted to demonstrate seismic adequacy. In these
tests, a static force equal to three times the operator weight should be applied approximately at
the center of gravity of the operator, in each of the three orthogonal principal axes of the yoke
(non-concurrently). Such tests should include demonstration of operability; i.e., the valve can
open and close, following the application of the static loads. Note that all of the other limitations
still apply.
A mockup test stand may be used provided that the details are similar to those in the plant. If
there are numerous valves, a rational test program may be developed to envelop the valve
configurations in the plant.
FOV/BS Caveat 6 - Valve Operator Cantilever Length for Substantial Piston-Operated Valves.
For piston-operated valves which are of substantial weight, the distance from the centerline of
the pipe to the top of the operator or cylinder and the weight of the operator should not exceed
the values given in Figure B.7-2 corresponding to the diameter of the pipe. This figure
represents the pipe diameter and operator weight/length combinations included in the earthquake
experience equipment class. The concern is that longer operator lengths or heavier operator
weights may lead to excessive valve yoke stress.
To meet the intent of this caveat the operator length or weight may be extrapolated by as much as
30% beyond that given in Figure B.7-2 provided the product of the weight times the length from
pipe center to operator top does not exceed the limits of Figure B.7-2.

Equipment Class #7 Revision 3A
Fluid-Operated Valves

If the ground motion spectra for the site is below the Bounding Spectrum, given in Figure 4-2,
over the entire frequency range possible for the piping and valve network, the operator weight or
distance to the top of the operator can be increased by the ratio of the spectra. The cantilever
length or the operator weight should not be increased by more than about 30% beyond the limits
of Figure B.7-2.
Another option for satisfying this caveat is to perform a stress analysis that consists of applying a
3g load at the center of gravity of the operator in the yoke's weakest direction. If the yoke
stresses are low and the relative deflections are small (to ensure that shaft binding will not occur)
then the caveat is satisfied. Alternately, as discussed in FOV/BS Caveat 5, above, a static test
may be performed.
FOV/BS Caveat 7 - Actuator and Yoke Not Independently Braced. The valve actuator and yoke
should not be independently braced to the structure or supported by the structure unless the pipe
is also braced to the same structure immediately adjacent to the valve. The concern is that if the
operator is independently supported from the valve and attached piping, then the operator may
act as a pipe support during seismic motion and attract considerable load through the yoke and
possibly fail the yoke or bind the shaft. In addition, if both the operator and the valve/pipe are
restrained, and if they are both not tied back to the same structure, then differential motion of
support points may lead to high seismic loads and possible binding of the shaft. If either of these
concerns [4]is noted, then a special evaluation should be conducted to demonstrate low stress and
small deflections.
FOV/BS Caveat 8 - Sufficient Slack and Flexibility of Attached Lines. Sufficient slack and
flexibility should be present in attached lines (e.g., cooling, air, and electrical) to preclude a line
breach due to differential seismic displacement of the equipment and the line's nearest support.
Sufficient slack and flexibility of lines is also considered in the seismic interaction review
(Section 4.5).
FOV/BS Caveat 9 - Any Other Concerns? Seismic Capability Engineers should seek out
suspicious details or uncommon situations not specifically covered by the caveats which could
adversely affect the seismic capacity of the valve as described in Section 4.3.

Equipment Class #7 Revision 3A
Fluid-Operated Valves

Light Valve Operator

Cantilever Limits

Figure B.7-1. Valve Operator Cantilever Length Limits for Air-Operated

Diaphragm Valves, Spring-Operated Pressure Relief Valves and
Piston-Operated Valves of Light Weight Construction
(Source: Reference 5)

Equipment Class #7 Revision 3A
Fluid-Operated Valves

Heavy Valve Operator

Cantilever Limits

(1) Approximate Maximum Operator Weights Given for Various Ranges of Pipe Diameter

Figure B.7-2. Valve Operator Cantilever Length Limits for

Piston-Operated Valves of Substantial Weight and Construction
(Source: Reference 5)

Equipment Class #7 Revision 3A
Fluid-Operated Valves

B.7.2 GERS - Air-Operated Valves (AOV)

The seismic capacity for the equipment class of air-operated valves may be based on generic
testing data (as described in Section 4.2), provided the intent of each of the caveats listed below
is met. This equipment class consists of spring-opposed, diaphragm-type pneumatic actuators
which are designed to operate both gate and globe valves. They range in size from 12 to 40
inches in height (pipe centerline is reference position) with weights up to 500 pounds. The
valves within this class are for 3-inch and smaller pipe sizes with design pressures less than
2,500 psi. A pneumatic actuator generally consists of a reinforced rubber diaphragm enclosed in
a steel housing. The valve stem and diaphragm are attached so that any diaphragm movement
results in valve movement. A solenoid valve controls the admission of high pressure air (100 to
150 psi) to the diaphragm housing. A return spring supplies sufficient counter force to close or
open the valve when air pressure is not pushing on the diaphragm. The yoke of this class of
pneumatic actuator is an integral part of the unit which is directly bolted to the valve bonnet.
The valve body, bonnet, and yoke material should be carbon steel. The active components of the
actuator are the solenoid valve, limit switches, and a pressure regulator, all of which are yoke-
mounted appurtenances. This equipment class covers virtually all air-operated diaphragm valves
used in small bore power plant piping systems.

The GERS represent the seismic capacity of an Air-Operated Valve (AOV) if the valve meets the
intent of the following inclusion and exclusion rules. Note, however, that when the specific
wording of a caveat rule is not met, then a reason for concluding that the intent has been met
should be provided on the SEWS.

AOV/GERS Caveat 1 - Generic Seismic Testing Equipment Class. The valve should be similar
to and bounded by the AOV class of equipment described above. The equipment class
descriptions are general and the Seismic Capability Engineers should be aware that worst case
combinations of certain parameters may not be represented in the generic equipment class.
These worst case combinations may have reduced seismic capacity and should be carefully
evaluated on a case-by-case basis.
AOV/GERS Caveat 2 - Bounding Spectrum Caveats Apply. The valve should meet all the
caveats given for the Bounding Spectrum. This caveat is included to cover the vulnerabilities
identified for the earthquake experience equipment class. Those GERS caveats which are the
same as the Bounding Spectrum caveats are not repeated below.

Equipment Class #7 Revision 3A
Fluid-Operated Valves

AOV/GERS Caveat 3 - Only Diaphragm-Type Air Operated Valves. The air-operated gate or
globe valve should have a spring-opposed, diaphragm-type pneumatic actuator. This equipment
class does not include piston-operated, pressure relief valves, or other diaphragm-type valves
powered by fluids other than air. These valve types are the only types included in the generic
seismic testing equipment class.
AOV/GERS Caveat 4 - Evaluation of Amplified Response. The valves and operators were
tested with the valve fixed to the shake table. Therefore realistic amplification through the
piping system should be included when determining the amplified response of the valve-to-pipe
interface for comparison to the GERS.
AOV/GERS Caveat 5 - No Impact Allowed. A separate evaluation should be done to assure that
the valve and operator will not impact surrounding structures and components as a result of pipe
flexibility. The concern is that impact may damage the valve, operator, yoke, stem, or attached
components. This type of damage has occurred in past earthquakes and is also identified as a
seismic interaction concern (Section 4.5).
AOV/GERS Caveat 6 - Nominal Pipe Size 1 to 3 Inches. The nominal pipe size of the valve
should be within the range of 1 to 3 inches. This is the pipe size range included in the generic
seismic testing equipment class.
AOV/GERS Caveat 7 - Carbon Steel Valve Body, Bonnet, and Yoke. The valve body, bonnet,
and yoke should all be carbon steel. Cast iron components are not covered by the GERS. Since
cast iron is not commonly used in safe shutdown systems of nuclear plants, it is not necessary to
determine the material used for the valve body, bonnet, or yoke unless it appears to the Seismic
Capability Engineers that cast iron may have been used.

Equipment Class #7 Revision 3A
Fluid-Operated Valves


Figure B.7-3. Generic Equipment Ruggedness Spectra (GERS) for Air-Operated Valves
(Source: Reference 6)

Equipment Class #8A Revision 3A
Motor-Operated Valves


B.8A.1 Bounding Spectrum - Motor-Operated Valves

The seismic capacity for the equipment class of Motor-Operated Valves (MOV) may be based
on earthquake experience data (as described in Section 4.2), provided the intent of each of the
caveats listed below is met. This equipment class includes a wide diversity of sizes, types, and

Components of a motor-operated valve include a motor operator with a control box, gearbox, and
drive motor. The gearbox includes the gears which link the valve actuation to the drive motor
shaft. Local controls typically include a relay for actuating the primary circuit to the motor, and
torque and limit switches for coordinating the drive motor and the valve position. Valve
operators may have a local motor controller built into the operator housing. The valve actuator
shaft typically passes through the steel support frame or yoke. The valve which is actuated by a
motor operator may be of any type, size, or orientation.

Motor operators may be mounted in any position (e.g., cantilevered vertically above, below, or to
the side of the valve). The yoke, which connects the operator to the valve body, may take the
form of a steel pipe enclosing the actuator shaft or a frame of welded beams. The attachments of
the motor-gearbox to the yoke and the yoke to the valve are typically bolted flange connections,
threaded connections, or ring clamps. In some applications, motor operators are mounted at a
remote location above the valve.

The equipment class of motor-operated valves includes all valves actuated by an electric motor.
The valve, the operator, and the inlet and outlet lines and attached conduit up to their first
support on the building or nearby structure are included in the Motor-Operated Valve equipment

The Bounding Spectrum (BS) represents the seismic capacity of a Motor-Operated Valve (MOV)
if the valve meets the intent of the following inclusion and exclusion rules. Note, however, that

Equipment Class #8A Revision 3A
Motor-Operated Valves

when the specific wording of a caveat rule is not met, then a reason for concluding that the intent
has been met should be provided on the SEWS.

MOV/BS Caveat 1 - Earthquake Experience Equipment Class. The valve should be similar to
and bounded by the MOV class of equipment described above. The equipment class descriptions
are general and the Seismic Capability Engineers should be aware that worst case combinations
of certain parameters may not be represented in the generic equipment class. These worst case
combinations may have reduced seismic capacity and should be carefully evaluated on a case-
by-case basis.
MOV/BS Caveat 2 - Valve Body Not of Cast Iron. The valve body should not be made of cast
iron. The intent of this caveat is to avoid the brittle failure mode of cast iron as evidenced by the
poor performance of some cast iron components in past earthquakes. Cast iron is not common in
such applications in nuclear plants; therefore, it is not necessary to determine the material of the
valve body unless it appears to the Seismic Capability Engineers to be made of cast iron. It is
suggested that the material of flanged valves be checked. In such cases, if the valve is indeed
cast iron, the intent of this caveat is satisfied if seismic stresses in the valve body due to piping
loads are low (for example, less than 20% of specified minimum ultimate tensile strength).
MOV/BS Caveat 3 - Valve Yoke Not of Cast Iron. The yoke of the motor-operated valve should
not be made of cast iron. The intent of this caveat is to avoid the brittle failure mode of cast iron
as evidenced by the poor performance of some cast iron components in past earthquakes. Cast
iron is not common in such applications in nuclear plants; therefore, it is not necessary to
determine the material of the valve yoke unless it appears to be cast iron to the Seismic
Capability Engineers. In such cases, if the yoke is indeed cast iron, this caveat may be satisfied
by performing a stress analysis of the valve for a 3g load applied at the center of gravity of the
operator in the yoke's weakest direction. If the yoke stress is low (for example, less than 20% of
specified minimum ultimate strength), then the intent of the caveat is satisfied.
MOV/BS Caveat 4 - Mounted on l-Inch Diameter Pine Line or Greater. The valve should be
mounted on a pipe line of at least l-inch diameter. This is the lower bound pipe size supporting
MOVs in the earthquake experience equipment class. The concern is that valves with heavy
operators on small lines may cause an overstressed condition in the adjacent piping. To satisfy
the intent of this caveat a stress analysis (that accounts for the valve operator eccentricity) may
be used to show that the pipe stress adjacent to the valve is low. There is no concern if the valve,
the operator, and the line (if smaller than 1 inch) are well supported and anchored to the same
support structure. This caveat does not apply to SOVs, which typically are installed on air lines
smaller than 1 inch.
MOV/BS Caveat 5 - Valve Operator Cantilever Length for Motor-Operated Valves. The
distance from the centerline of the pipe to the top of the operator or cylinder and the weight of
the operator should not exceed the values given in Figure B.8A-1 corresponding to the diameter
of the pipe. This bounds the earthquake experience equipment class. The concern is that longer
operator lengths may lead to excessive valve yoke stress.

Equipment Class #8A Revision 3A
Motor-Operated Valves

To meet the intent of this caveat the operator length or weight may be extrapolated by as much as
30% beyond that given in Figure B.8A-1 provided the product of the weight times the length
from pipe center to operator top does not exceed the limits of Figure B.8A-1.
If the ground motion spectra for the site is below the Bounding Spectrum, given in Figure 4-2,
over the entire frequency range possible for the piping and valve network, the operator weight or
distance to the top of the operator can be increased by the ratio of the spectra. The cantilever
length or the operator weight should not be increased by more than about 30% beyond the limits
of Figure B.8A-1.
As an option, this caveat may also be satisfied by performing a stress analysis consisting of
applying a 3g load at the center of gravity of the operator in the yoke's weakest direction. If the
yoke stresses are low and the relative deflections are small (to ensure that shaft binding will not
occur) then the caveat may be shown to be satisfied.
Alternatively, an in-situ static test may be conducted to demonstrate seismic adequacy. In these
tests, a static force equal to three times the operator weight should be applied approximately at
the center of gravity of the operator, non-concurrently in each of the three orthogonal principal
axes of the yoke. Such tests should include demonstration of operability, i.e., the valve can open
and close, following the application of the static loads. Note that all of the other limitations still
A mockup test stand may be used provided that the details are similar to those in the plant. If
there are numerous valves, a rational test program may be developed to envelop the valve
configurations in the plant.
MOV/BS Caveat 6 - Actuator and Yoke Not Independently Braced. The valve actuator and yoke
should not be independently braced to the structure or supported by the structure unless the pipe
is also braced to the same structure immediately adjacent to the valve. The concern is that if the
operator is independently supported from the valve and attached piping, then the operator may
act as a pipe support during seismic motion and attract considerable load through the yoke and
possibly fail the yoke or bind the shaft. In addition, if both the operator and the valve/pipe are
restrained, and if they are both not tied back to the same structure, then differential motion of
support points may lead to high seismic loads and possible binding of the shaft. If either of these
concerns [4]is noted, then a special evaluation should be conducted to demonstrate low stress and
small deflections.
MOV/BS Caveat 7 - Sufficient Slack and Flexibility of Attached Lines. Sufficient slack and
flexibility should be present in attached lines (e.g., cooling, air, and electrical) to preclude a line
breach due to differential seismic displacement of the equipment and the line's nearest support.
Sufficient slack and flexibility of lines is also considered in the seismic interaction review
(Section 4.5).
MOV/BS Caveat 8 - Any Other Concerns? Seismic Capability Engineers should seek out
suspicious details or uncommon situations not specifically covered by the caveats which could
adversely affect the seismic capacity of the valve as described in Section 4.3.

Equipment Class #8A Revision 3A
Motor-Operated Valves

B.8A.2 GERS - Motors Operators for Valves

The seismic capacity for the equipment class of electric motor operators for valves (MOV)
may be based on generic testing data (as described in Section 4.2), provided the intent of each of
the caveats listed below is met. This equipment class includes operators designed to control the
five major types of valves (gate, globe, plug, ball, and butterfly). They range in weight from
150 up to 3,500 pounds. A valve operator consists of a metal housing which connects to the
valve body by a flange or yoke and contains limit switches, a torque switch, an electric motor, a
clutch, gears, and bearings. For this class of equipment, the motor controls (reversing starter,
overload relays, and push-button station) should be located in a remote location (usually a motor
control center). For some valve configurations, the valve actuators are mounted on secondary
reducers resulting in the actuator being eccentric and cantilevered from the valve body. For
these configurations, a special seismic bracket supplied by the manufacturer is required. The
mounting position of the valve operator is with the motor horizontal and the limit switch
compartment horizontal or vertical as specified by the manufacturer. These positions will
ensure the proper distribution of lubricants through the internal working component of the
units. This equipment class covers virtually all motor-driven valve operators used in power

The MOV GERS represent the seismic capacity of an electric Motor Operator for a Valve
(MOV) if the operator meets the intent of the following inclusion and exclusion rules. Note,
however, that when the specific wording of a caveat rule is not met, then a reason for concluding
that the intent has been met should be provided on the SEWS.

Equipment Class #8A Revision 3A
Motor-Operated Valves

Heavy Valve Operator

Cantilever Limits

(1) Approximate Maximum Operator Weights Given for Various Ranges of Pipe Diameter

Figure B.8A-1. Valve Operator Cantilever Length Limits for Motor-Operated Valves
(Source: Reference 5)

Equipment Class #8A Revision 3A
Motor-Operated Valves

MOV/GERS Caveat 1 - Generic Seismic Testing Equipment Class. The electric motor-driven
valve operator should be similar to and bounded by the MOV class of equipment described
above. The equipment class descriptions are general and the Seismic Capability Engineers
should be aware that worst case combinations of certain parameters may not be represented in
the generic equipment class. These worst case combinations may have reduced seismic capacity
and should be carefully evaluated on a case-by-case basis.
MOV/GERS Caveat 2 - Bounding Spectrum Caveats Apply. The operator should meet all the
caveats given for the Bounding Spectrum for the MOV class of equipment. This caveat is
included to cover the vulnerabilities identified for the earthquake experience equipment class.
Those GERS caveats which are the same as the Bounding Spectrum caveats are not repeated
MOV/GERS Caveat 3 - Evaluation of Amplified Response. The GERS were based on tests in
which the operators were mounted directly to the shake table and not on a valve yoke structure or
a valve. Therefore realistic amplification through the piping system and valve should be
included when determining the seismic demand at the operator-to-valve interface for comparison
to the GERS. Note also that the MOV GERS apply only to the operator; the seismic adequacy of
the valve and its yoke should be evaluated separately.
MOV/GERS Caveat 4 - Motor Axis Horizontal. The motor axis should be horizontal and the
limit switch compartment should be horizontal or vertical (definition of orientation directions
provided in manufacturer's submittals). These were the positions of the motor axis and limit
switch compartment in the generic seismic testing equipment class shake table tests.
MOV/GERS Caveat 5 - No Impact Allowed. A separate evaluation should be done to assure that
the operator will not impact surrounding structures and components as a result of pipe flexibility.
The concern is that impact may damage the operator, yoke, stem, or attached components. This
type of damage has occurred in past earthquakes and is also identified as a seismic interaction
concern (Section 4.5).
MOV/GERS Caveat 6 - Motor Controls Remotely Located. The motor controls (reversing
starter, overload relays, and push-button station) should be remotely located and separately
evaluated. The motor controls were not located on the valve operators during the GERS testing
and are therefore not included in the generic seismic testing equipment class.
MOV/GERS Caveat 7 - Seismic Brackets for Side-Mounted Actuators. Side-mounted valve
actuators attached to secondary reducers should have seismic brackets as supplied by the
manufacturer (review of manufacturer's submittals is sufficient). The actuators in the GERS
tests that were tested in this orientation had seismic brackets.
MOV/GERS Caveat 8 - Manufactured by Limitorque or Rotork. The operator should be
manufactured by either Limitorque or Rotork. These are the MOV manufacturers included in the
generic seismic testing equipment class.
MOV/GERS Caveat 9 - Tighten Loose Valve-to-Operator Bolts. Any missing or loose valve-to-
operator bolts which are noticed during the walkdown should be replaced or retightened; a
tightness check is not required.

Equipment Class #8A Revision 3A
Motor-Operated Valves


Figure B.8A-2. Generic Equipment Ruggedness Spectra (GERS)

for Motor Operators on Valves[5]
(Source: Reference 6)

Equipment Class #8B Revision 3A
Solenoid-Operated Valves


B.8B.1 Bounding Spectrum - Solenoid-Operated Valves

The seismic capacity for the equipment class of Solenoid-Operated Valves (SOV) may be
based on earthquake experience data (as described in Section 4.2), provided the intent of each of
the caveats listed below is met. This equipment class includes a wide diversity of sizes, types,
and applications.

Solenoid operators are smaller and lighter than motor operators. Solenoid-operated valves are
actuated by passing an electrical current through a coil, thereby creating a magnetic field which
opens or closes the valve. Solenoid operators are generally more compact than motor operators
with less of a cantilevered mass supported from the valve body. In addition, solenoid-operated
valves are typically mounted on smaller diameter lines than MOVs.

The equipment class of solenoid-operated valves includes all valves actuated by a solenoid. The
valve, the operator, and the inlet and outlet lines and attached conduit up to their first support on
the building or nearby structure are included in the Solenoid-Operated Valve equipment class.

The Bounding Spectrum (BS) represents the seismic capacity of a Solenoid-Operated Valve
(SOV) if the valve meets the intent of the following inclusion and exclusion rules. Note,
however, that when the specific wording of a caveat rule is not met, then a reason for concluding
that the intent has been met should be provided on the SEWS.

SOV/BS Caveat 1 - Earthquake Experience Equipment Class. The valve should be similar to
and bounded by the SOV class of equipment described above. The equipment class descriptions
are general and the Seismic Capability Engineers should be aware that worst case combinations
of certain parameters may not be represented in the generic equipment class. These worst case
combinations may have reduced seismic capacity and should be carefully evaluated on a case-
by-case basis.
SOV/BS Caveat 2 - Valve Body Not of Cast Iron. The valve body should not be made of cast
iron. The intent of this caveat is to avoid the brittle failure mode of cast iron as evidenced by the
poor performance of some cast iron components in past earthquakes. Cast iron is not common in
such applications in nuclear plants; therefore, it is not necessary to determine the material of the
valve body unless it appears to the Seismic Capability Engineers to be made of cast iron. It is

Equipment Class #8B Revision 3A
Solenoid-Operated Valves

suggested that the material of flanged valves be checked. In such cases, if the valve is indeed
cast iron, the intent of this caveat is satisfied if seismic stresses in the valve body due to piping
loads are low (for example, less than 20% of specified minimum ultimate tensile strength).
SOV/BS Caveat 3 - Valve Yoke Not of Cast Iron. The yoke of the solenoid-operated valve
should not be made of cast iron. The intent of this caveat is to avoid the brittle failure mode of
cast iron as evidenced by the poor performance of some cast iron components in past
earthquakes. Cast iron is not common in such applications in nuclear plants; therefore, it is not
necessary to determine the material of the valve yoke unless it appears to be cast iron to the
Seismic Capability Engineers. In such cases, if the yoke is indeed cast iron, this caveat may be
satisfied by performing a stress analysis of the valve for a 3g load applied at the center of gravity
of the operator in the yoke's weakest direction. If the yoke stress is low (for example, less than
20% of specified minimum ultimate strength), then the intent of the caveat is satisfied.
SOV/BS Caveat 4 - Valve Operator Cantilever Length for Solenoid-Operated Valves. The
distance from the centerline of the pipe to the top of the operator or cylinder and the weight of
the operator should not exceed the values given in Figure B.8B-l corresponding to the diameter
of the pipe. This applies to SOVs mounted on l-inch diameter and larger pipe lines. This bounds
the earthquake experience equipment class. The concern is that longer operator lengths may lead
to excessive valve yoke stress.
To meet the intent of this caveat the operator length or weight may be extrapolated by as much as
30% beyond that given in Figure B.8B-l provided the product of the weight times the length
from pipe center to operator top does not exceed the limits of Figure B.8B-1.
If the ground motion spectra for the site is below the Bounding Spectrum, given in Figure 4-2,
over the entire frequency range possible for the piping and valve network, the operator weight or
distance to the top of the operator can be increased by the ratio of the spectra. The cantilever
length or the operator weight should not be increased by more than about 30% beyond the limits
of Figure B.8B-1.
As an option, this caveat may also be satisfied by performing a stress analysis consisting of
applying a 3g load at the center of gravity of the operator in the yoke's weakest direction. If the
yoke stresses are low and the relative deflections are small (to ensure that shaft binding will not
occur) then the caveat may be shown to be satisfied.
Alternatively, an in-situ static test may be conducted to demonstrate seismic adequacy. In these
tests, a static force equal to three times the operator weight should be applied approximately at
the center of gravity of the operator, non-concurrently in each of the three orthogonal principal
axes of the yoke. Such tests should include demonstration of operability, i.e., the valve can open
and close, following the application of the static loads. Note that all of the other limitations still
A mockup test stand may be used provided that the details are similar to those in the plant. If
there are numerous valves, a rational test program may be developed to envelop the valve
configurations in the plant.
SOV/BS Caveat 5 - Actuator and Yoke Not Independently Braced. The valve actuator and yoke
should not be independently braced to the structure or supported by the structure unless the pipe

Equipment Class #8B Revision 3A
Solenoid-Operated Valves

is also braced to the same structure immediately adjacent to the valve. The concern is that if the
operator is independently supported from the valve and attached piping, then the operator may
act as a pipe support during seismic motion and attract considerable load through the yoke and
possibly fail the yoke or bind the shaft. In addition, if both the operator and the valve/pipe are
restrained, and if they are both not tied back to the same structure, then differential motion of
support points may lead to high seismic loads and possible binding of the shaft. If either of these
concerns [4]is noted, then a special evaluation should be conducted to demonstrate low stress and
small deflections.
SOV/BS Caveat 6 - Sufficient Slack and Flexibility of Attached Lines. Sufficient slack and
flexibility should be present in attached lines (e.g., cooling, air, and electrical) to preclude a line
breach due to differential seismic displacement of the equipment and the line's nearest support.
Sufficient slack and flexibility of lines is also considered in the seismic interaction review
(Section 4.5).
SOV/BS Caveat 7 - Any Other Concerns? Seismic Capability Engineers should seek out
suspicious details or uncommon situations not specifically covered by the caveats which could
adversely affect the seismic capacity of the valve as described in Section 4.3.

B.8B.2 GERS - Solenoid-Operated Valves

The seismic capacity for the equipment class of solenoid-operated valves (SOV) may be based
on generic testing data (as described in Section 4.2), provided the intent of each of the caveats
listed below is met. This equipment class consists of a combination of two basic functional
units: 1) a solenoid actuator (electro-magnet) with its plunger (or core), and 2) a valve body
containing an orifice in which a disc or plug is positioned to stop or allow flow. The valve is
opened or closed by movement of the magnetic plunger which is drawn into the solenoid when
the coil is energized. Solenoid valves can be two-way, three-way or four-way valves. In the
direct acting two-way solenoid valve, the solenoid acts directly on the valve stem to open or
close the valve. Three-way solenoid valves are principally used in power plants as pilot valves
to alternately apply pressure to and exhaust pressure from a diaphragm valve actuator. Four-way
solenoid valves are often used for controlling double-acting pneumatic or hydraulic cylinders.
The valves range in weight from a few pounds to 45 pounds and are made of either forged brass
or steel. The valves within this class are for pipe sizes which are 1 inch or less in diameter and
for design pressures less than 600 psi. This equipment class covers virtually all solenoid-
operated valves used in small bore power plant piping or process air systems.

Equipment Class #8B Revision 3A
Solenoid-Operated Valves

Heavy Valve Operator
Cantilever Limits

(1) Approximate Maximum Operator Weights Given for Various Ranges of Pipe Diameter

Figure B.8B-1. Valve Operator Cantilever Length Limits for Solenoid-Operated Valves
(Source: Reference 5)

Equipment Class #8B Revision 3A
Solenoid-Operated Valves

The SOV GERS represent the seismic capacity of a Solenoid-Operated Valve if the valve meets
the intent of the following inclusion and exclusion rules. Note, however, that when the specific
wording of a caveat rule is not met, then a reason for concluding that the intent has been met
should be provided on the SEWS.

SOV/GERS Caveat 1 - Generic Seismic Testing Equipment Class. The valve should be similar
to and bounded by the SOV class of equipment described above. The equipment class
descriptions are general and the Seismic Capability Engineers should be aware that worst case
combinations of certain parameters may not be represented in the generic equipment class.
These worst case combinations may have reduced seismic capacity and should be carefully
evaluated on a case-by-case basis.
SOV/GERS Caveat 2 - Bounding Spectrum Caveats Apply. The valve should meet all the
caveats given for the Bounding Spectrum for the SOV class of equipment. This caveat is
included to cover the vulnerabilities identified for the earthquake experience equipment class.
Those GERS caveats which are the same as the Bounding Spectrum caveats are not repeated
SOV/GERS Caveat 3 - Evaluation of Amplified Response. The valves and operators were tested
with the valve fixed to the shake table. Therefore realistic amplification through the piping
system should be included when determining the amplified response of the valve-to-pipe
interface for comparison to the GERS.
SOV/GERS Caveat 4 - No Impact Allowed. A separate evaluation should be done to assure that
the valve and operator will not impact surrounding structures and components as a result of pipe
flexibility. The concern is that impact may damage the valve, operator, yoke, stem, or attached
components. This type of damage has occurred in past earthquakes and is also identified as a
seismic interaction action concern (Section 4.5).
SOV/GERS Caveat 5 - Nominal Pipe Size 1 Inch or Less. The nominal pipe size of the valve
should be 1 inch or less. This is the upper bound pipe size included in the generic seismic testing
equipment class.
SOV/GERS Caveat 6 - Forged Brass or Steel Valve Body. The valve body should be made of
either forged brass or steel. Other materials are not covered by the generic seismic testing
equipment class.
SOV/GERS Caveat 7 - Orientation of Solenoid Housing. The solenoid housing should be
oriented in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations for the specific model (review
of manufacturer's submittals is sufficient). GERS testing was performed with the solenoid
housing in the recommended orientation.
SOV/GERS Caveat 8 - Overall Height Not to Exceed 12 Inches. The overall height of the valve
(pipe centerline to top of solenoid housing) should not exceed 12 inches. This is the upper bound
height limit included in the generic seismic testing equipment class.

Equipment Class #8B Revision 3A
Solenoid-Operated Valves

SOV/GERS Caveat 9 - Separate Evaluation of Main Valve Controlled by SOV. When the
Solenoid-Operated Valve is a pilot valve in a valve assembly, the main valve should be evaluated
separately. Note that the amplified response spectra at the attachment point of the SOV should
be used in the SOV evaluation as discussed in SOV/GERS Caveat 3.
SOV/GERS Caveat 10 - Lower ZPA for ASCO Type 206-381. For ASCO Type 206-381
solenoid valves, the GERS with a 3.5g ZPA should be used.

Equipment Class #8B Revision 3A
Solenoid-Operated Valves


Figure B.8B-2. Generic Equipment Ruggedness Spectra (GERS)

for Solenoid-Operated Valves
(Source: Reference 6)

Equipment Class #9 Revision 3A


B.9.1 Bounding Spectrum - Fans

The seismic capacity for the equipment class of Fans (FAN) may be based on earthquake
experience data (as described in Section 4.2), provided the intent of each of the caveats listed
below is met. This equipment class includes both freestanding and duct-mounted fans. Fans that
are components of other classes of equipment such as air handlers are handled by other
respective equipment classes and need not be specifically evaluated here. Blowers and
exhausters are included in this equipment class.

Typical differential pressures for fan range from l/2 inch to 5 inches of water. Some centrifugal
fans can have differential pressures ranging up to 12 inches of water. Air flow rates typically
range from less than 1000 cubic feet per minute (cfm) to flows on the order of 50,000 cfm.
Corresponding fan drive motors typically range from 1 hp to 200 hp. Typical weights of fan
units range from 100 to 1000 pounds, depending on capacity and design details. The two basic
types of fans in this equipment class include axial fans and centrifugal fans.

Axial fans are used in relatively low pressure applications such as building HVAC systems or
cooling towers. Propeller fans and vane-axial fans are the two major types of axial fans.
Propeller axial fans consist of two or more blades assembled on a central shaft and revolving
within a narrow mounting-ring. Propeller fans are often mounted to a wall or ceiling. Vane-
axial fans have an impeller wheel, typically with four to eight blades, mounted to a central shaft
within a cylindrical casing. Vane-axial fans are generally used in higher pressure, higher flow
applications than propeller fans. Vane-axial fans include a set of guide vanes mounted either
before or after the impeller that streamline the air flow for greater efficiency. A variation of
vane-axial design is the tube-axial fan, which includes the higher pressure impeller wheel
mounted within a cylindrical casing, but without the provision of vanes.

Certain axial fan designs include multiple impellers for increased pressure boost. Axial-flow
fans are normally mounted inside cylindrical ducting, supported by radial struts running from the
duct wall to the duct centerline. Electric drive motors are usually mounted along the duct

Equipment Class #9 Revision 3A

centerline immediately upstream of the impeller. The impeller and drive shaft are normally
cantilevered from the motor. Alternate designs mount the motor on the outside of the duct with a
belt connection between the motor and the impeller drive shaft.

Centrifugal fans are divided into three major categories depending upon the position of their
blades. The three blade positions are forward-curved, radial, and backward-inclined. Forward-
curved centrifugals have blades inclined toward the direction of rotation at the tip. These fans
produce high flow volumes at low static pressures. Radial-blade centrifugals have their blades
positioned on the radii extending from their axis of rotation. Backward-inclined fans are a type
of centrifugal fan and have their blades inclined opposite to the direction of rotation at the tip.

Centrifugal fans typically have a cylindrical intake duct centered on the fan shaft and a square
discharge duct directed tangentially from the periphery of the fan. A variation of the centrifugal
fan is the tubular centrifugal fan which redirects the discharged air in the axial direction. As with
axial-flow fans, centrifugal fans can have the electrical drive motor mounted either directly on
the fan shaft, or outside of the fan casing with a belt drive to the fan. The impeller and drive
shaft may have either a single-point, where they are cantilevered from the motor, or a two-point
support, where the shaft is supported both at the motor and at an end bearing.

The fan impeller and its enclosure, drive motor, attached ducting, mounted louvers, and attached
conduit and instrumentation lines are included in the Fan equipment class.

The Bounding Spectrum (BS) represents the seismic capacity of a Fan (FAN) if the fan meets the
intent of the following inclusion and exclusion rules. Note, however, that when the specific
wording of a caveat rule is not met, then a reason for concluding that the intent has been met
should be provided on the SEWS.

FAN/BS Caveat 1 - Earthquake Experience Equipment Class. The fan should be similar to and
bounded by the FAN class of equipment described above. The equipment class descriptions are
general and the Seismic Capability Engineers should be aware that worst case combinations of
certain parameters may not be represented in the generic equipment class. These worst case

Equipment Class #9 Revision 3A

combinations may have reduced seismic capacity and should be carefully evaluated on a case-
by-case basis.
FAN/BS Caveat 2 - Drive Motor and Fan Mounted on Common Base. The driver and fan should
be connected by a common base or attached in a way to limit differential displacement. The
concern is that differential displacement between the driver motor and fan may cause shaft
misalignment. If the driver motor and fan are not mounted on a common base, then the potential
for differential displacement should be specially evaluated.
FAN/BS Caveat 3 - Long Shafts Should be Supported at Fan and at Motor. Axial fans with long
shafts between the motor and fan should have the shaft supported at the fan and at the motor.
The concern is shaft misalignment. If the shaft is not supported in both locations, then a special
evaluation should be conducted. The potential earthquake displacement of the shaft should be
determined and compared to the operability displacement limits of the fan.
FAN/BS Caveat 4 - No Possibility of Excessive Duct Distortion Causing Binding or
Misalignment of Fan. The possibility of excessive duct distortion during an earthquake should
be considered for its effect on binding or misalignment of the fan. This need only be considered
in cases of long unsupported ducts near the fan or relatively stiff ducts subjected to significant
relative support motion. A special evaluation should be conducted to evaluate for this failure
mode if these conditions are considered to be significant by the Seismic Capability Engineers.
FAN/BS Caveat 5 - Base Vibration Isolation System Checked. If the unit is mounted on
vibration isolators, the adequacy of the vibration isolators for seismic loads should be evaluated
in accordance with Section 4.4.
FAN/BS Caveat 6 - Sufficient Slack and Flexibility of Attached Lines. Sufficient slack and
flexibility should be present in attached lines (e.g., cooling, air, and electrical) to preclude a line
breach due to differential seismic displacement of the equipment and the line's nearest support.
Sufficient slack and flexibility of lines is also considered in the seismic interaction review
(Section 4.5).
FAN/BS Caveat 7 - Adequate Anchorage. The unit should be properly anchored in accordance
with the guidelines of Section 4.4.
FAN/BS Caveat 8 - Any Other Concerns? Seismic Capability Engineers should seek out
suspicious details or uncommon situations not specifically covered by the caveats which could
adversely affect the seismic capacity of the fan as described in Section 4.3.

B.9.2 GERS - Fans

There are no GERS for Fans.

Equipment Class #10 Revision 3A
Air Handlers


B.10.1 Bounding Spectrum - Air Handlers

The seismic capacity for the equipment class of Air Handlers (AH) may be based on earth-
quake experience data, (as described in Section 4.2), provided the intent of each of the caveats
listed below is met. This equipment class includes sheet metal enclosures containing (as a
minimum) a fan and a heat exchanger. Air handlers are used for heating, dehumidifying or
chilling, and distributing air.

The basic components of an air handler include a fan and a coil section. Small capacity, simple
air handlers are often referred to as fan-coil units. Additional components such as filters, air-
mixing boxes, and dampers are included in more elaborate air handlers. Fans (normally
centrifugal) produce air flow across the coil for heat transfer. Coils act as heat exchangers in an
air handler. Cooling coils are typically rectangular arrays of tubing with fins attached. Filters
are typically mounted in steel frames which are bolted together as part of a modular system.
Mixing boxes are used as a plenum for combining two airstreams before channeling the resulting
blend into the air handler unit. Dampers are rotating flaps provided in the inlet or outlet sides of
the air handler to control the flow of air into or out of the fan.

Air handlers are typically classified as being either a draw-through or a blow-through type.
Draw-through air handlers have the heat exchanger (coil) upstream of the fan, whereas the blow-
through design locates the coil downstream. Air handler enclosures normally consist of sheet
metal welded to a framework of steel angles or channels. Typical enclosures range in size from
two feet to over ten feet on a side, with weights ranging from a few hundred pounds to several
thousand pounds. Large components, such as fans and coils, are typically bolted to internal
frames which are welded to the enclosure framing. Fans may be located in a variety of
orientations with respect to the coil unit.

Air handlers typically include a system of attached ducts which provide for the intake and
discharge of air. Additional attachments to air handlers include piping and cooling water or
refrigerant, electrical conduit, and instrumentation lines. Self-contained air conditioning units

Equipment Class #10 Revision 3A
Air Handlers

are a variation of air handlers, in which the sheet metal enclosure includes a small refrigeration
unit. Note that large centralized chillers are addressed as a separate equipment class (B.11).

Air handler configurations range from large floor-mounted units to smaller units suspended on
rod hangers from ceilings. The sheet metal enclosure, fans and motors, heat exchanger coils, air
filters, mixing boxes, dampers, attached ducts, instrument lines, and conduit are included in the
Air Handler equipment class.

The Bounding Spectrum (BS) represents the seismic capacity of an Air Handler (AH) if the air
handler meets the intent of the following inclusion and exclusion rules. Note, however, that
when the specific wording of a caveat rule is not met, then a reason for concluding that the intent
has been met should be provided on the SEWS.

AH/BS Caveat 1 - Earthquake Experience Equipment Class. The air handler should be similar to
and bounded by the AH class of equipment described above. The equipment class descriptions
are general and the Seismic Capability Engineers should be aware that worst case combinations
of certain parameters may not be represented in the generic equipment class. These worst case
combinations may have reduced seismic capacity and should be carefully evaluated on a case-
by-case basis.
AH/BS Caveat 2 - Anchorage of Internal Component. In addition to reviewing the (adequacy of
the unit's base anchorage, the attachment of heavy internal equipment of the air handler must be
assessed. Seismic Capability Engineers may exercise considerable engineering judgment when
performing this review. Internal vibration isolators should meet the requirements for base
isolators in Section 4.
AH/BS Caveat 3 - Doors Secured. All doors should be secured by a latch or fastener. The
concern addressed by this caveat is that the doors could open during an earthquake, and the loose
door could repeatedly impact the housing and be damaged or cause internal components such as
relays to malfunction or chatter. In addition, the door may act as an integral structural member
and may need to be latched to provide both stiffness and strength to the unit.
AH/BS Caveat 4 - No Possibility of Excessive Duct Distortion Causing Binding or Misalignment
of Internal Fan. If the air handling unit contains a fan, then the possibility of excessive duct
distortion during an earthquake should be considered for its effect on binding or misalignment of
the fan. This need only be considered in cases of long unsupported ducts near the air handling
unit or relatively stiff ducts subjected to significant relative motion. A special evaluation should
be conducted to evaluate for this failure mode if these conditions are considered to be significant
by the Seismic Capability Engineers.

Equipment Class #10 Revision 3A
Air Handlers

AH/BS Caveat 5 - Base Vibration Isolation System Checked. If the unit is mounted on vibration
isolators, the adequacy of the vibration isolators for seismic loads should be evaluated in
accordance with Section 4.4.
AH/BS Caveat 6 - Sufficient Slack and Flexibility of Attached Lines. Sufficient slack and
flexibility should be present in attached lines (e.g., cooling, air, and electrical) to preclude a line
breach due to differential seismic displacement of the equipment and the line's nearest support.
Sufficient slack and flexibility of lines is also considered in the seismic interaction review
(Section 4.5).
AH/BS Caveat 7 - Adequate Anchorage. The unit should be properly anchored in accordance
with the guidelines of Section 4.4.
AH/BS Caveat 8 - Potential Chatter of Essential Relays Evaluated. If relays are mounted on the
equipment, a relay functionality review in accordance with Section 6 should be performed.
AH/BS Caveat 9 - Any Other Concerns? Seismic Capability Engineers should seek out
suspicious details or uncommon situations not specifically covered by the caveats which could
adversely affect the seismic capacity of the air handler as described in Section 4.3.

B.10.2 GERS - Air Handlers

There are no GERS for Air Handlers.

Equipment Class #11 Revision 3A


B.11.1 Bounding Spectrum - Chillers

The seismic capacity for the equipment class of Chillers (CHL) may be based on earthquake
experience data (as described Section 4.2), provided the intent of each of the caveats listed below
is met. This equipment class includes skid-mounted units comprised of components such as a
compressor, a condenser, an evaporator, and a control and instrumentation panel. Chillers
condense refrigerant or chill water for indoor climate-control systems which supply conditioned
air for equipment operating environments and for personnel comfort.

Compressors draw vaporized refrigerant from the evaporator and force it into the condenser.
The compressor of a chiller unit may be either the centrifugal or the reciprocating piston type.
Condensers are heat exchangers which reduce the refrigerant from a vapor to a liquid state.
Chiller condensers are usually shell- and tube-type heat exchangers, with refrigerant on the shell
side. Evaporators are tube bundles over which refrigerant is sprayed and evaporated, the inverse
function of the condenser. Evaporator tubes can have either finned or plain surfaces. Control
panels provide local chiller system monitoring and control functions. Typical components
include: oil level switches/gauges, temperature switches/gauges, pressure switches/gauges,
undervoltage and phase protection relays, and compressor motor circuit breakers.

Chiller components may be arranged in a variety of configurations. Typically the evaporator and
condenser are mounted in a stacked configuration, one above the other, with the compressor and
the control panel mounted on the side. Variations of this arrangement include the side-by-side
configuration, with the compressor usually mounted above the condenser and evaporator, or a
configuration with all components mounted side by side on the skid. Components are usually
bolted to a supporting steel skid, which is, in turn, bolted to a concrete pad. Attachments to
chillers include piping for routing cooling water or refrigerant to the unit, electrical conduit, and
instrumentation and control lines. Chiller weights range up to about 40,000 lbs.

Equipment Class #11 Revision 3A

The compressor, condenser, evaporator, local control panel, support framing, and attached
piping, instrument lines, and conduit which are attached to the same skid are included in the
Chiller equipment class.

The Bounding Spectrum (BS) represents the seismic capacity of a Chiller (CHL) if the chiller
meets the intent of the following inclusion and exclusion rules. Note, however, that when the
specific wording of a caveat rule is not met, then a reason for concluding that the intent has been
met should be provided on the SEWS.

CHL/BS Caveat 1 - Earthquake Experience Equipment Class. The chiller should be similar to
and bounded by the CHL class of equipment described above. The equipment class descriptions
are general and the Seismic Capability Engineers should be aware that worst case combinations
of certain parameters may not be represented in the generic equipment class. These worst case
combinations may have reduced seismic capacity and should be carefully evaluated on a case-
by-case basis.
CHL/BS Caveat 2 - No Reliance on Weak-Way Bending of Steel Plate or Structural Steel
Shapes. The evaporator and condenser tanks should be reasonably braced between themselves
for lateral forces parallel to the axis of the tanks without relying on weak-way bending of steel
plate or webs of structural steel shapes. The concern is that in weak-way bending the structure
will not be capable of transferring the lateral earthquake loads. If weak-way steel plate bending
must be relied on to brace the upper tank, then the adequacy of the steel components should be
specially evaluated for adequate strength and stiffness.
CHL/BS Caveat 3 - Check Vibration Isolation Systems. Some chiller units are mounted on base
vibration isolation systems and/or are equipped with vibration isolators in the mountings of the
compressors and/or motors to the evaporators or condensers. The adequacy of these vibration
isolators for seismic loads should be evaluated in accordance with Section 4.4.
CHL/BS Caveat 4 - Adequate Anchorage. The unit should be properly anchored in accordance
with the guidelines of Section 4.4.
CHL/BS Caveat 5 - Potential Chatter of Essential Relays Evaluated. If relays are mounted on
the equipment, a relay functionality review in accordance with Section 6 should be performed.
CHL/BS Caveat 6 - Any Other Concerns? Seismic Capability Engineers should seek out
suspicious details or uncommon situations not specifically covered by the caveats which could
adversely affect the seismic capacity of the chiller as described in Section 4.3.

B.11.2 GERS- Chillers

There are no GERS for Chiller units.

Equipment Class #12 Revision 3A
Air Compressors


B.12.1 Bounding Spectrum - Air Compressors

The seismic capacity for the equipment class of Air Compressor (AC) may be based on earth-
quake experience data (as described in Section 4.2), provided the intent of each of the caveats
listed below is met. This equipment class includes freestanding air compressors together with
attached components such as air intakes, air receiver tanks, local control panels, conduit, and
discharge lines. Air compressors can be generally categorized as reciprocating piston or rotary
screw. The equipment class of air compressors encompasses a wide range of sizes,
configurations, and applications. Air compressors typically include as components: electric
drive motor, piston- or impeller-driven compressor, air receiver tank, air intake filter, air
aftercooler, moisture separator, lubrication system, and the control and instrument panel. Large
compressors typically include water jackets to cool the compressor casing and the air
aftercoolers, while smaller units are typically cooled by natural or fan-assisted convection to the
surrounding air.

Air compressors supply operating pressure to pneumatic instrumentation and control systems, in
particular to diaphragm-operated valves. Air compressors also charge pressurized air receiver
tanks that serve the pneumatic starting systems for emergency engine-generators.

Compressor configurations in the equipment class include air receiver tank-mounted

reciprocating piston or rotary screw compressors, skid-mounted reciprocating piston or rotary
screw compressors, and freestanding reciprocating piston compressors.

Reciprocating piston compressors are constructed much like an automobile engine, with pistons
encased in cast steel cylinders compressing the gas, and a system of timed valves controlling the
inlet and discharge. Drive motor sizes typically range from fractional horsepower to over 100
horsepower. Piston air compressors generally have one or two cylinders but may include more.
Cylinders are normally supported on a cast iron crankcase, which encloses the rotating
crankshaft, linked either directly to the electric motor through a drive shaft, or indirectly through

Equipment Class #12 Revision 3A
Air Compressors

a belt linkage. Smaller reciprocating piston compressors are commonly mounted atop an air
receiver tank.

Rotary screw compressors replace the reciprocating piston with a set of helical screws, typically
encased in a cast iron block. The components and attachments of the air compressor are similar
to reciprocating piston units except that the system of timed intake and discharge valves are not
required. The most common configuration has the air compressor mounted on top of its air
receiver tank. The units are usually not large, ranging in capacity from about 1 to 100 cfm (cubic
feet per minute of discharge air), with drive motors typically ranging from fractional horsepower
up to 30 hp. Tank-mounted rotary screw compressors typically range in weight from about 200
to 2500 pounds.

Reciprocating piston and rotary screw compressors may also be mounted on a steel skid. The
skid may be either open or enclosed in a sheet metal housing. The skid is normally constructed
of a welded steel frame with the compressor, drive motor, receiver tank, control panel, and other
components bolted to the frame in some convenient configuration. Skid-mounted compressors
typically range in capacity up to about 2000 cfm, with drive motors of up to about 300 hp. Skid-
mounted compressors typically range in weight from about 2000 to 8000 pounds.

Freestanding compressors are usually the reciprocating piston type with one or two cylinders
normally cantilevered from a crankcase. The crankcase may form the primary support for all
components, or it may be mounted on a steel or cast iron pedestal. Freestanding compressors
include the largest units typically found in power plant applications, ranging in capacity up to
about 4000 cfm, with drive motors up to about 1000 hp. Freestanding compressors range in
weight from small units on the order of about 500 pounds to units as large as 10 tons.

The Air Compressor equipment class includes the piston- or impeller-driven compressor, drive
motor, air receiver tank, and attached cooling coils and air intakes, attached air discharge lines,
instrument lines, and attached conduit (up to the first support away from the unit).

Equipment Class #12 Revision 3A
Air Compressors

The Bounding Spectrum (BS) represents the seismic capacity of an Air Compressor (AC) if the
compressor meets the intent of the following inclusion and exclusion rules. Note, however, that
when the specific wording of a caveat rule is not met, then a reason for concluding that the intent
has been met should be provided on the SEWS.

AC/BS Caveat 1 - Earthquake Experience Equipment Class. The air compressor should be
similar to and bounded by the AC class of equipment described above. The equipment class
descriptions are general and the Seismic Capability Engineers should be aware that worst case
combinations of certain parameters may not be represented in the generic equipment class.
These worst case combinations may have reduced seismic capacity and should be carefully
evaluated on a case-by-case basis.
AC/BS Caveat 2 - Check Vibration Isolation Systems. Some compressor units are mounted on
base vibration isolation systems and/or are equipped with vibration isolators in the compressor or
drive motor mountings (e.g., if the compressor is mounted atop an air receiver tank). The
adequacy of these vibration isolators for seismic loads should be evaluated in accordance with
Section 4.4.
AC/BS Caveat 3 - Sufficient Slack and Flexibility of Attached Lines. Sufficient slack and
flexibility should be present in attached lines (e.g., cooling, air, and electrical) to preclude a line
breach due to differential seismic displacement of the equipment and the line's nearest support.
Sufficient slack and flexibility of lines is also considered in the seismic interaction review
(Section 4.5).
AC/BS Caveat 4 - Adequate Anchorage. The unit should be properly anchored in accordance
with the guidelines of Section 4.4.
AC/BS Caveat 5 - Potential Chatter of Essential Relays Evaluated. If relays are mounted on the
equipment, a relay functionality review in accordance with Section 6 should be performed.
AC/BS Caveat 6 - Any Other Concerns? Seismic Capability Engineers should seek out
suspicious details or uncommon situations not specifically covered by the caveats which could
adversely affect the seismic capacity of the compressor as described in Section 4.3.

B.12.2 GERS - Air Compressors

There are no GERS for Air Compressors.

Equipment Class #13 Revision 3A


B.13.1 Bounding Spectrum - Motor-Generators

The seismic capacity for the equipment class of Motor-Generators (MG) may be based on
earthquake experience data (as described in Section 4.2), provided the intent of each of the
caveats listed below is met. This equipment class includes motors and generators that are
coupled into a motor-generator set (M-G set). Motor-generator sets are structurally similar to
horizontal pumps, which consist of an electric motor connected to a pump through a shaft.
Motor-generators are basically two motors connected through a common shaft. M-G sets
normally include either an AC or DC motor attached through a direct drive shaft to an AC or DC
generator. A large flywheel is often mounted at one end of the shaft for storage of rotational
inertia, to prevent transient fluctuations in generator output. Usually, both the motor and
generator in an M-G set are mounted to a common drive shaft and bolted to a steel skid. Smaller
sets sometimes house the motor and generator within the same casing. Motor-generator sets
typically range in weight from about 50 to 5000 pounds.

The motor, generator, flywheel, and attached conduit are included in the Motor-Generator
equipment class.

The Bounding Spectrum (BS) represents the seismic capacity of a Motor- Generator (MG) if the
motor-generator meets the intent of the following inclusion and exclusion rules. Note, however,
that when the specific wording of a caveat rule is not met, then a reason for concluding that the
intent has been met should be provided on the SEWS.

MG/BS Caveat 1 - Earthquake Experience Equipment Class. The motor- generator should be
similar to and bounded by the MG class of equipment described above. The equipment class
descriptions are general and the Seismic Capability Engineers should be aware that worst case
combinations of certain parameters may not be represented in the generic equipment class.
These worst case combinations may have reduced seismic capacity and should be carefully
evaluated on a case-by-case basis.
MG/BS Caveat 2 - Driver and Driven Component on Rigid Skid. The main driver and the driven
component should be connected by a rigid base or common skid. The concern is that differential
displacement between the driver and the driven component may bind the shaft or lead to

Equipment Class #13 Revision 3A

excessive bearing wear. If they are not mounted on a rigid skid, the potential for differential
displacement between the main driver and the driven component should be specially evaluated.
MG/BS Caveat 3 - Base Vibration Isolation System Checked. If the unit is mounted on vibration
isolators, the adequacy of the vibration isolators for seismic loads should be evaluated in
accordance with Section 4.4.
MG/BS Caveat 4 - Sufficient Slack and Flexibility of Attached Lines. Sufficient slack and
flexibility should be present in attached lines (e.g., cooling, air, and electrical) to preclude a line
breach due to differential seismic displacement of the equipment and the line's nearest support.
Sufficient slack and flexibility of lines is also considered in the seismic interaction review
(Section 4.5).
MG/BS Caveat 5 - Adequate Anchorage. The unit should be properly anchored in accordance
with the guidelines of Section 4.4.
MG/BS Caveat 6 - Potential Chatter of Essential Relays Evaluated. If relays are mounted on the
equipment, a relay functionality review in accordance with Section 6 should be performed.
MG/BS Caveat 7 - Any Other Concerns? Seismic Capability Engineers should seek out
suspicious details or uncommon situations not specifically covered by the caveats which could
adversely affect the seismic capacity of the motor-generator as described in Section 4.3.

B.13.2 GERS – Motor-Generators

There are no GERS for Motor-Generator sets.

Equipment Class #14 Revision 3A
Distribution Panels


B.14.1 Bounding Spectrum - Distribution Panels

The seismic capacity for the equipment class of Distribution Panels (DP) may be based on
earthquake experience data (as described in Section 4.2), provided the intent of each of the
caveats listed below is met. This equipment class consists of circuit breakers or fusible
disconnect switches mounted in vertical stacks within sheet metal cabinets. The function of
distribution panels is to distribute low voltage AC or DC power from a main circuit to branch
circuits, and to provide overcurrent protection. Distribution panels typically serve AC power
systems ranging up to 600 volts and DC power systems ranging up to 250 volts.

Two types of distribution panels are found in power plant electrical systems: switchboards and
panelboards. Although switchboards and panelboards perform the same function, they differ in
construction and application. Switchboards are typically floor-mounted assemblies, while
panelboards are usually wall-mounted. Switchboards usually distribute larger quantities of
power than panelboards.

Distribution switchboards are freestanding cabinets containing stacks of circuit breakers or

fusible switches. They have assemblies of circuit breakers or switches mounted into shelf-like
cubicles. Electrical connections are normally routed through enclosed cable compartments in the
rear of the cabinet. A switchboard will sometimes include a main circuit breaker and a power
metering section mounted in separate compartments within the cabinet. Switchboards are often
incorporated into substation assemblies that include motor control centers, transformers, and
switchgear. In typical power plant applications, the completely enclosed (safety) switchboard is
almost exclusively used. These switchboards are completely enclosed in a sheet metal casing.
Switchboard dimensions are standardized with individual sections ranging from 20 to 40 inches
in depth and width. The height is generally 90 inches. Switchboard sections can weigh up to
500 pounds.

Distribution panelboards are defined by the National Electric Code (NEC) as panels which
include buses, switches, and automatic protective devices designed for the control or distribution

Equipment Class #14 Revision 3A
Distribution Panels

of power circuits. Panelboards are placed in a cabinet or cutout box which is mounted in or
against a wall and accessible only from the front. The assembly of circuit breakers contained in
a panelboard is normally bolted to a steel frame, which is in turn mounted to the rear or sides of
the panelboard enclosure. Individual circuit breakers are either bolted or plugged into the steel
chassis. A cable gutter typically runs along the side of the circuit breaker chassis. Panelboards
have a wide range of cabinet sizes. Typical dimensions for wall-mounted units are 20 to 40
inches in height and width, and 6 to 12 inches in depth. Weights for wall-mounted panelboards
typically range from 30 to 200 pounds.

Industry standards developed by the National Electrical Manufacturers Association and the
Underwriters Laboratories (e.g., NEMA ICS-6, UL-SOS) are maintained for the construction of
distribution panel enclosures. These standards determine the minimum structural framing and
sheet metal thickness for distribution panel enclosures as a function of sheet metal area between
supports or reinforcing.

The Distribution Panel equipment class includes the circuit breakers, fusible switches, metering
compartments, switchboard/panelboard enclosure and internals, and attached conduit.

The Bounding Spectrum (BS) represents the seismic capacity of a Distribution Panel (DP) if the
panel meets the intent of the following inclusion and exclusion rules. Note, however, that when
the specific wording of a caveat rule is not met, then a reason for concluding that the intent has
been met should be provided on the SEWS.

DP/BS Caveat 1 - Earthquake Experience Equipment Class. The distribution panel should be
similar to and bounded by the DP class of equipment described above. The equipment class
descriptions are general and the Seismic Capability Engineers should be aware that worst case
combinations of certain parameters may not be represented in the generic equipment class.
These worst case combinations may have reduced seismic capacity and should be carefully
evaluated on a case-by-case basis.
DP/BS Caveat 2 - Contains only Circuit Breakers and Switches. The distribution panel should
only contain circuit breakers and switches. The concern is that other seismically vulnerable
components not normally associated with a distribution panel may have been added. Other
components contained within the panel should be evaluated on a case-by-case basis. This case-

Equipment Class #14 Revision 3A
Distribution Panels

by-case evaluation may include use of earthquake experience, test data or component specific
qualification data as discussed in Section 5, Outlier Evaluation.
DP/BS Caveat 3 - Doors Secured. All doors, latches or screwdriver-operated door fasteners
should be secured. The concern addressed by this caveat is that the doors could open during an
earthquake and the loose door could repeatedly impact the housing and be damaged or cause
internal components to malfunction or chatter.
DP/BS Caveat 4 - Adjacent Cabinets Bolted Together. Adjacent cabinets which are close
enough to impact each other and sections of multi-bay cabinet assemblies should be bolted
together if any of these cabinets contain essential relays as defined in Section 6. The concern
addressed in this caveat is that unbolted cabinets could respond out of phase to one another and
impact each other during an earthquake. This would cause additional impact loadings and high
frequency vibration loadings which may result in malfunction or chatter of internal components.
DP/BS Caveat 5 - General Configuration Similar to NEMA Standards. The general
configuration of the distribution panel should be similar to those constructed to NEMA
Standards. The unit does not have to conform exactly to NEMA Standards, but should be similar
with regard to the gage of steel, internal structure and support. This caveat is intended to
preclude unusual designs not covered by the equipment class (thin gage material, flimsy internal
structure, etc.). In general, units manufactured by the major manufacturers of distribution panels
conform to this caveat if they have not been modified.
DP/BS Caveat 6 - Adequate Anchorage. The unit should be properly anchored in accordance
with the guidelines of Section 4.4.
DP/BS Caveat 7 - Potential Chatter of Essential Relays Evaluated. If relays are mounted on the
equipment, a relay functionality review in accordance with Section 6 should be performed.
DP/BS Caveat 8 - Any Other Concerns? Seismic Capability Engineers should seek out
suspicious details or uncommon situations not specifically covered by the caveats which could
adversely affect the seismic capacity of the panel as described in Section 4.3.

B.14.2 GERS - Distribution Panels

The seismic capacity for the equipment class of Distribution Panels (or load centers) may be
based on generic testing data (as described in Section 4.2), provided the intent of each of the
caveats listed below is met. This equipment class consists of individual molded-case circuit
breakers and fused disconnect switches housed in NEMA-type floor and wall enclosures. Units
are low voltage rated at 600 VAC (480 VAC nominal) or 250 VDC. A distribution panel
receives its electrical power from the plant distribution system and distributes this power to each
of the circuit breakers and fused disconnect switches by an internal arrangement of vertical and
horizontal bus bars. This equipment class covers distribution panels which contain circuit

Equipment Class #14 Revision 3A
Distribution Panels

breakers and switches. For panels which contain an occasional relay or motor starter, the GERS
only applies to the remainder of the panel and components mounted on the panel, not to the relay
or motor starter. The evaluation of relays and motor starters is covered in Section 6.

Floor-mounted (freestanding) distribution panels are denoted as Switchboards (NEMA Standard

Publication No. PB2). The typical floor enclosure is 90 inches high, 36 inches wide, and 20
inches deep.

Wall-mounted (either flush or surface mount) distribution panels are denoted as Panelboards
(National Electrical Code NFPA/ANSI No. 70). Wall-mounted enclosures vary in size, with
nominal dimensions ranging up to 48 inches high, 24 inches wide, and 12 inches deep.

The GERS represent the seismic capacity of a Distribution Panel (DP) (Switchboard or
Panelboard) if the panel meets the intent of the following inclusion and exclusion rules. Note,
however, that when the specific wording of a caveat rule is not met, then a reason for concluding
that the intent has been met should be provided on the SEWS.

DP/GERS Caveat 1 - Generic Seismic Testing Equipment Class. The distribution panel should
be similar to and bounded by the DP class of equipment described above. The equipment class
descriptions are general and the Seismic Capability Engineers should be aware that worst case
combinations of certain parameters may not be represented in the generic equipment class.
These worst case combinations may have reduced seismic capacity and should be carefully
evaluated on a case-by-case basis.
DP/GERS Caveat 2 - Bounding Spectrum Caveats Apply. The panel should meet all the caveats
given for the Bounding Spectrum. This caveat is included to cover the vulnerabilities identified
for the earthquake experience equipment class. Those GERS caveats which are the same as the
Bounding Spectrum caveats are not repeated below.
DP/GERS Caveat 3 - Freestanding, Designated Switchboard. The Switchboard GERS can be
used only if the unit is freestanding and designated as a switchboard by the manufacturer;
otherwise the Panelboard GERS should be used. A review of manufacturer's submittals and
parts list is sufficient. These two subclasses (Switchboard and Panelboard) have different
seismic capacity based on the generic seismic test data.
DP/GERS Caveat 4 - Circuit Breaker Model Excluded. The GERS cannot be used for
distribution panels that contain the Westinghouse “Quicklag” Type E circuit breakers. This
circuit breaker model has been shown to trip at levels below the 2.5g GERS. A review of

Equipment Class #14 Revision 3A
Distribution Panels

manufacturer's submittals and parts listed is sufficient to determine whether this type of circuit
breaker is used.
DP/GERS Caveat 5 - Adjacent Cabinets Bolted Together. Adjacent cabinets and sections of a
multi-bay cabinet assembly should be bolted together, including those that do not contain
essential relays. Adjacent cabinets and sections of multi-bay cabinet assemblies were bolted
together when tested for this generic seismic testing equipment class.

Equipment Class #14 Revision 3A
Distribution Panels


Figure B.14-1. Generic Equipment Ruggedness Spectra (GERS)

for Distribution Switchboards and Panelboards
(Source: Reference 6)

Equipment Class #15 Revision 3A
Batteries on Racks


B.15.1 Bounding Spectrum - Batteries on Racks

The seismic capacity for the equipment class of Batteries on Racks (BAT) may be based on
earthquake experience data (as described in Section 4.2), provided the intent of each of the
caveats listed below is met. This equipment class includes both storage batteries and their
supporting structures. Most battery systems consist of lead-acid storage batteries mounted in
series on steel-frame racks or wooden racks.

A battery is a group of electro-chemical cells interconnected to supply a specified voltage of DC

power. Individual battery weights typically range from about 50 to 450 pounds. Batteries are
used to supply a steady source of DC power for circuits in control and instrumentation systems,
to power DC starter motors for emergency engine-generators, and to provide DC power to
inverters for uninterruptible power systems.

Lead-acid storage batteries are the most prevalent type of battery and are the subject of this
equipment class. The basic components of a lead-acid battery cell are the electrode element, cell
cover, cell jar, electrolyte, and flame arrestor. The electrode elements are the key components of
the battery system.

There are four basic types of lead-acid storage batteries which are distinguished by the
construction of their positive plates. These four types are: calcium flat plate, PlantJ or Manchex,
antimony flat plate, and tubular. Since there are no examples of antimony flat plate and tubular
batteries in experience data, they are excluded from the equipment class. The PlantJ or Manchex
battery is one of the older designs of batteries but still has limited use in the power industry. It is
constructed of heavy lead plate with either a series of horizontal cross-ribs attached to the plate
(PlantJ plate design), or a matrix of spiral buttons inserted into the plate (Manchex design).

Battery racks are normally frames of steel channels, angles, and struts that support the batteries
above the floor. Racks can be multi-rowed, multi-tiered, or multi-stepped. Multi-rowed racks
are adjacent rows of batteries all at the same level. Multi-tiered racks are vertical rows of

Equipment Class #15 Revision 3A
Batteries on Racks

batteries mounted directly above each other. Multi-stepped racks have each succeeding row of
batteries located above and to the rear of the previous row.

The shelf that supports the batteries typically consists of steel channels running longitudinally
that are, in turn, supported by transverse rectangular frames of steel angles. The racks are
usually braced by diagonal struts along either the front or rear face for longitudinal support. The
rack members are connected by a combination of welds and bolts.

Well-designed battery racks include a restraining rail running longitudinally along the front and
the rear of the row of batteries and wrapping around the ends of the row. The rails are located at
about mid-height of the battery, and can prevent accidental overturning of the batteries, or
overturning from earthquake loadings.

The battery (including the cell jar and enclosed plates, the supporting rack, electrical connections
between batteries (bus bar), and attached electrical cable) are included in the Batteries on Racks
equipment class.

The Bounding Spectrum (BS) represents the seismic capacity of Batteries on Racks (BAT) if the
batteries and racks meet the intent of the following inclusion and exclusion rules. Note,
however, that when the specific wording of a caveat rule is not met, then a reason for concluding
that the intent has been met should be provided on the SEWS.

BAT/BS Caveat 1 - Earthquake Experience Equipment Class. The batteries and racks should be
similar to and bounded by the BAT class of equipment described above. The equipment class
descriptions are general and the Seismic Capability Engineers should be aware that worst case
combinations of certain parameters may not be represented in the generic equipment class.
These worst case combinations may have reduced seismic capacity and should be carefully
evaluated on a case-by-case basis.
BAT/BS Caveat 2 - Plates of the Battery Cells Are Lead-Calcium Flat-Plate or They Are of
PlantJ or Manchex Design. The plates of the battery must be of the lead-calcium flat-plate or the
PlantJ or Manchex design. These are the only battery cell types included in the earthquake
experience equipment class.

Equipment Class #15 Revision 3A
Batteries on Racks

BAT/BS Caveat 3 - Each Individual Battery Weighs Less Than 450 Pounds. Individual battery
cells should weigh less than about 450 pounds. This is the upper bound weight of the battery
cel1s included in the earthquake experience equipment class.
BAT/BS Caveat 4 - Close-Fitting, Crush-Resistant Spacers Between Cells. There should be
close-fitting, crush-resistant spacers between the cells, which fill about two-thirds of the vertical
space between the cells. The concern is that the batteries without spacers can rock and collide
during the earthquake causing malfunction and damage.
BAT/BS Caveat 5 - Batteries Restrained by Side and End Rails. The battery racks should have
end and side rails incorporated in the design. The end and side rails should also be close fitting
against the cells (with shims, if needed). The concern is that batteries on racks without end and
side rails may tip or slide off the rack.
BAT/BS Caveat 6 - Battery Racks Have Longitudinal Cross Bracing. The racks should have
longitudinal cross bracing unless engineering judgment or analysis shows that such bracing is not
needed. The concern is that racks without cross bracing may not be able to transfer the lateral
seismic loads to the base support. Simple bounding hand calculations are recommended to show
that the structural components of the rack are capable of transferring these loads. The capacity
of rack steel members may be calculated following AISC Part 2 allowable stresses.
BAT/BS Caveat 7 - Racks Constructed of Wood To Be Evaluated. Battery racks constructed of
wood should be specially evaluated. The concern is that racks constructed of wood may be more
vulnerable to seismic loads than steel racks. Evaluation of the rack should consider industry
accepted structural design standards for wood construction, using extreme load allowable
stresses as appropriate.
BAT/BS Caveat 8 - Batteries Greater Than 10 Years Old To Be Evaluated. Batteries that are
more than 10 years old should be identified as outliers. The concern with the aging of batteries
is that some models have been shown by shake table testing to be susceptible to structural and or
metallurgical changes with time that result in either structural failure or reduced capacity after
BAT/BS Caveat 9 - Adequate Anchorage. The unit should be properly anchored in accordance
with the guidelines of Section 4.4.
BAT/BS Caveat 10 - Any Other Concerns? Seismic Capability Engineers should seek out
suspicious details or uncommon situations not specifically covered by the caveats which could
adversely affect the seismic capacity of the batteries on racks as described in Section 4.3.

B.15.2 GERS - Batteries on Racks

The seismic capacity for the equipment class of Batteries on Racks (BAT) may be based on
generic testing data (as described in Section 4.2), provided the intent of each of the caveats listed
below is met. This equipment class includes storage battery sets of the lead-calcium type
supported on racks with rail restraints. Each battery set consists of multiple lead-acid cells

Equipment Class #15 Revision 3A
Batteries on Racks

(nominal 2 volts each) interconnected by rigid bus connectors. Rows or groups of cells are
connected by flexible bus connectors. The racks have either a two-step or single-tier
configuration with longitudinal cross-braces. The racks have rail restraints to keep the batteries
in place. There are snug-fitting spacers between the cells and, if needed, shims between the cells
and rails. This equipment class covers typical stationary lead-acid battery cells used in power

The GERS represent the seismic capacity of Batteries on Racks (BAT) if the batteries and racks
meet the intent of the following inclusion and exclusion rules. Note, however, that when the
specific wording of a caveat rule is not met, then a reason for concluding that the intent has been
met should be provided on the SEWS.

BAT/GERS Caveat 1 - Generic Seismic Testing Equipment Class. The batteries and racks
should be similar to and bounded by the BAT class of equipment described above. The
equipment class descriptions are general and the Seismic Capability Engineers should be aware
that worst case combinations of certain parameters may not be represented in the generic
equipment class. These worst case combinations may have reduced seismic capacity and should
be carefully evaluated on a case-by-case basis.
BAT/GERS Caveat 2 - Bounding Spectrum Caveats Apply. The batteries on racks should meet
all the caveats given for the Bounding Spectrum. This caveat is included to cover the
vulnerabilities identified for the earthquake experience equipment class. Those GERS caveats
which are the same as the Bounding Spectrum caveats are not repeated below.
BAT/GERS Caveat 3 - Lead-Calcium Plates. The plates of the battery cell should be lead-
calcium. Lead-calcium battery cells are the only type included in the generic seismic testing
equipment class.
BAT/GERS Caveat 4 - Supported on Two-Step or Single-Tiered Racks with Longitudinal Cross-
Braces. The batteries should be supported on two-step racks or single-tier racks which have
longitudinal cross-braces as supplied by the battery manufacturer (review of manufacturer's
submittals is sufficient). A row of batteries should be restrained by double rails in front, back
and on the ends, symmetrically placed with respect to the cell center of gravity. The concerns
addressed by this caveat are that racks may not be able to transfer the lateral seismic loads to the
base support, and that the natural frequencies of the rack may be lower than those in the generic
seismic testing equipment class.
If the battery rack is custom made and/or does not have longitudinal cross-braces supplied by the
manufacturer, then the intent of this caveat can be satisfied by showing that the racks have
adequate strength (i.e., within 1.6 times normal AISC allowable stress limits) and have natural
frequencies above about 8 Hz horizontal and 20 Hz vertical. If the natural frequency of the rack

Equipment Class #15 Revision 3A
Batteries on Racks

is below these values, then a realistic amplification through the rack to the center of gravity of
the batteries should be included when determining the amplified response of the batteries for
comparison to the GERS (for this case the GERS represents the battery capacity).
If the racks only have a single rail, then this rail should be evaluated to determine whether it will
hold the cells in place and prevent significant relative motion between cells.

Equipment Class #15 Revision 3A
Batteries on Racks


Figure B.15-1. Generic Equipment Ruggedness Spectra (GERS) for Batteries on Racks
(Source: Reference 6)

Equipment Class #16 Revision 3A
Battery Chargers and Inverters


B.16.1 Bounding Spectrum - Battery Chargers and Inverters

The seismic capacity for the equipment class of Battery Chargers and Inverters (BCI) may be
based on earthquake experience data, provided the intent of each of the caveats listed below is
met. Chargers and Inverters are grouped into a single equipment class since they perform similar
(although electrically inverse) functions, contain similar components, and are packaged in
similar cabinets. Solid-state battery chargers are assemblies of electronic components whose
function is to convert AC input into DC output. Inverters are assemblies whose function is to
convert DC input into AC output. Battery chargers and inverters are normally housed in floor-
or wall-mounted cabinets.

The most common applications for both battery chargers and inverters are as components of an
uninterruptible power supply (UPS). A typical UPS consists of a solid-state inverter, a battery
charger, a set of lead-acid storage batteries, and an automatic transfer switch. Chargers serve the
station batteries which provide a DC power source to controls, instrumentation, and switchgear.
A portion of the DC power from the batteries is routed through inverters which provide a source
of AC power to critical equipment.

The primary electrical function of a battery charger is accomplished using a rectifier. Most
battery chargers are based on solid-state rectifiers consisting of semiconductors. This equipment
class is limited to solid-state battery chargers and inverters.

The primary components of battery chargers include solid-state diodes, transformer coils,
capacitors, electronic filters, and resistors. In addition, the primary components are usually
protected from electrical faults by molded case circuit breakers and fuses. The internal
components are normally bolted either to the rear panel or walls of a cabinet, or to interior panels
or steel frames mounted within a cabinet. The front panel of the cabinet typically contains
instrumentation and controls, including ammeters, voltmeters, switches, alarms, and control
relays. Inverters contain primary components similar to those found in battery chargers.
Virtually all inverters use solid state components.

Equipment Class #16 Revision 3A
Battery Chargers and Inverters

Battery chargers and inverters are typically mounted in separate cabinets, but they are sometimes
supplied as an assembly of two adjoining cabinets. The smallest units are wall-mounted or rack-
mounted with typical dimensions of 10 to 20 inches in height, width, and depth, and typical
weights of 50 to 200 pounds. Typical cabinet dimensions for larger floor-mounted units are 20
to 40 inches in width and depth, and 60 to 80 inches in height. The weights of the floor-mounted
chargers and inverters range from several hundred to several thousand pounds. Typical AC
voltages to battery chargers and from inverters range from 120 to 480 volts. Voltages in DC
power typically range from 24 to 240 volts.

Industry standards are maintained for the construction of cabinets by the National Electrical
Manufacturers Association and Underwriters Laboratories. These standards determine the
minimum structural framing and sheet metal thickness for charger and inverter cabinetry as a
function of size.

Solid-state inverters and battery chargers are included in the equipment class in freestanding,
rack-mounted, and wall-mounted configurations. The Battery Charger and Inverter equipment
class includes the sheet metal enclosure, all internal components, junction boxes, and attached
cable or conduit.

The Bounding Spectrum (BS) represents the seismic capacity of a Battery Charger or Inverter
(BCI) if the equipment meets the intent of the following inclusion and exclusion rules. Note,
however, that when the specific wording of a caveat rule is not met, then a reason for concluding
that the intent has been met should be provided on the SEWS.

BCI/BS Caveat 1 - Earthquake Experience Equipment Class. The battery charger or inverter
should be similar to and bounded by the BCI class of equipment described above. The
equipment class descriptions are general and the Seismic Capability Engineers should be aware
that worst case combinations of certain parameters may not be represented in the generic
equipment class. These worst case combinations may have reduced seismic capacity and should
be carefully evaluated on a case-by-case basis.
BCI/BS Caveat 2 – Solid-State Type. The battery charger or static inverter should be a solid-
state type. The solid-state electrical construction is the primary type included in the earthquake

Equipment Class #16 Revision 3A
Battery Chargers and Inverters

experience equipment class. The concern is that electronics which are not of the solid-state
variety (glass tubes, etc.) are vulnerable to earthquake damage.
BCI/BS Caveat 3 - Transformer Mounted Near Base of Floor-Mounted Units. For floor-
mounted units, the transformer, which is the heaviest component of this equipment, should be
positively anchored and mounted near the base of the cabinet. If not mounted near the base, then
the load path should be specially evaluated. The concern is that the lateral earthquake loads on
the transformer will not be properly transferred to the equipment base. The load path evaluation
may use judgment or simple calculations to ensure that the structure can transfer these loads.
BCI/BS Caveat 4 - No Reliance on Weak-Way Bending of Steel Plate or Structural Steel Shapes.
The base assembly of floor-mounted units should be properly braced or stiffened such that lateral
forces in any direction do not rely on weak-way bending of sheet metal or thin webs of structural
steel shapes. If such unbraced or unstiffened steel webs exist, they should be investigated and
verified for adequacy by the Seismic Capability Engineers to check the strength and stiffness.
BCI/BS Caveat 5 - Load Path Check for Wall-Mounted Units. If the battery charger or inverter
is a wall-mounted unit, the transformer supports and bracing should be visually reviewed for a
proper load path to the rear cabinet wall. Lateral earthquake loads on the heavy transformer need
to be properly transferred to the anchorage.
BCI/BS Caveat 6 - Doors Secured. All doors should be secured by a latch or fastener. The
concern addressed by this caveat is that the doors could open during an earthquake and the loose
door could impact the housing and be damaged or cause internal components to malfunction.
BCI/BS Caveat 7 - Adequate Anchorage. The unit should be properly anchored in accordance
with the guidelines of Section 4.4.
BCI/BS Caveat 8 - Potential Chatter of Essential Relays Evaluated. If relays are mounted on the
equipment, a relay functionality review in accordance with Section 6 should be performed.
BCI/BS Caveat 9 - Any Other Concerns? Seismic Capability Engineers should seek out
suspicious details or uncommon situations not specifically covered by the caveats which could
adversely affect the seismic capacity of the battery charger or inverter as described in
Section 4.3.

B.16.2 GERS - Battery Chargers and Inverters

The seismic capacity for the equipment class of both Battery Chargers and Inverters may be
based on generic testing data (as described in Section 4.2), provided the intent of each of the
caveats listed below is met. Battery charger units range from 25 to 600 amp capacity with either
single- or three-phase voltage ratings of 24 to 250 volts DC and 120 to 480 Volts AC. The units
utilize solid-state technology (silicon-controlled rectifier, SCR) in both the main circuits and the
power controls. Major components include protective circuit breakers, transformers, power

Equipment Class #16 Revision 3A
Battery Chargers and Inverters

supply, SCR, filter, and various alarm relays, and control circuits. The units are housed in
NEMA-type floor- or wall-mounted enclosures. This equipment class includes typical battery
chargers used in power plants for float charging of lead-acid storage battery sets.

DC to AC inverter units included in the GERS database range from 0.5 to 15 kVA capacity with
either single- or three-phase voltage ratings of 120 volts DC and 120 to 480 volts AC. The units
utilize solid-state technology (silicon-controlled rectifier, SCR), and have protective circuit
breakers, transformers, frequency control circuitry, various alarm relays and SCR power control
circuits as major components. The units are housed in NEMA-type floor-mounted enclosures.
This equipment class covers typical 120 VDC inverters used in power plants for critical power

The GERS represents the seismic capacity of a Battery Charger or Inverter (BCI) if the
equipment meets the intent of the following inclusion and exclusion rules. Note, however, that
when the specific wording of a caveat rule is not met, then a reason for concluding that the intent
has been met should be provided on the SEWS.

BCI/GERS Caveat 1 - Generic Seismic Testing Equipment Class. The battery charger or
inverter should be similar to and bounded by the BCS class of equipment described above. The
equipment class descriptions are general and the Seismic Capability Engineers should be aware
that worst case combinations of certain parameters may not be represented in the generic
equipment class. These worst case combinations may have reduced seismic capacity and should
be carefully evaluated on a case-by-case basis.
BCI/GERS Caveat 2 - Bounding Spectrum Caveats Apply. The battery charger or inverter
should meet all the caveats given for the Bounding Spectrum. This caveat is included to cover
the vulnerabilities identified for the earthquake experience equipment class. Those GERS
caveats which are the same as the Bounding Spectrum caveats are not repeated below.
BCI/GERS Caveat 3 - SCR Power Controls Within NEMA-Type Enclosure. The battery charger
or inverter should be a solid-state unit with SCR power controls (C&D, PCP, or Exide for battery
chargers) (Elgar, Solid State Controls, Staticon for inverters). Battery charger units should be
wall- or floor-mounted within a NEMA-type enclosure (review of manufacturer's submittals is
sufficient). Only floor-mounted inverter units are permitted. The enclosure does not have to
conform exactly to NEMA standards but should be similar with regard to the gage of the steel;
internal structure and support. The purpose of this caveat is to ensure similarity with the power
controls and enclosure type of the generic seismic testing equipment class.

Equipment Class #16 Revision 3A
Battery Chargers and Inverters

BCI/GERS Caveat 4 - Battery Charger Size and Capacity Range. Battery Charger size and
capacity should be within the following range: 24 to 250 VDC, 120 to 480 VAC, 25 to
600 amps; and weight in the range of 150 to 2,850 pounds with wall-mounted units limited to
600 pounds (review of manufacturer's submittals or Battery Charger nameplate is sufficient).
This represents the size and capacity limits of the generic seismic testing equipment class.
BCI/GERS Caveat 5 - Inverter Size and Capacity Range. Inverter size and capacity should be
within the following range: 120 VDC, 120 to 480 VAC, 0.5 to 15 kVA; and weight in the range
of 300 to 2,000 pounds. (Review of manufacturer's submittals or inverter nameplate is
sufficient.) This represents the size and capacity range of the generic seismic testing equipment
BCI/GERS Caveat 6 - Cutouts Require Separate Evaluation. Heavy components should, in
general, be located in the lower half of the enclosure height and either supported from the base or
rear panel. If cutouts are adjacent to support points for heavy internal components, a separate
evaluation is required. The concern is that the seismic load will not be able to be transferred
through the shear panels to the anchorage.

Equipment Class #16 Revision 3A
Battery Chargers and Inverters


Figure B.16-1. Generic Equipment Ruggedness Spectra (GERS) for Batter Chargers
(Source: Reference 6)

Equipment Class #16 Revision 3A
Battery Chargers and Inverters


Figure B.16-2. Generic Equipment Ruggedness Spectra (GERS) for Inverters

(Source: Reference 6)

Equipment Class #17 Revision 3A


B.17.1 Bounding Spectrum - Engine-Generators

The seismic capacity for the equipment class of Engine-Generators (EG) may be based on
earthquake experience data (as described in Section 4.2), provided the intent of each of the
caveats listed below is met. This equipment class includes a wide range of sizes and types of
generators driven by piston engines. Turbine driven generators are not included in this
equipment class. Engine-Generators are emergency power sources that provide bulk AC power
in the event of loss of off-site power.

In typical power plant applications, generators range from 200 kVA to 5000 kVA; electrical
output is normally at 480, 2400, or 4160 volts. Generators are typically the brushless rotating-
field type with either a rotating rectifier exciter or a solid-state exciter and voltage regulator.
Reciprocating-piston engines are normally diesel-fueled, although engines may operate on
natural gas or oil. In typical applications piston engines range from tractor-size to locomotive-
size, with corresponding horsepower ratings ranging from about 400 to 4000 horsepower.

Engine-generators normally include the piston engine and generator in a direct shaft connection,
bolted to a common steel skid. The skid or the engine block also supports peripheral attachments
such as conduit, piping, and a local control and instrumentation panel.

The engine-generator system also includes peripheral components for cooling, heating, starting,
and monitoring operation, as well as supplying fuel, lubrication, and air. The peripheral
components may or may not be mounted on or attached directly to the engine-generator skid. If
they are not mounted on the skid, they should be evaluated separately.

The Bounding Spectrum (BS) represents the seismic capacity of an Engine-Generator (EG) if the
generator meets the intent of the following inclusion and exclusion rules. Note, however, that
when the specific wording of a caveat rule is not met, then a reason for concluding that the intent
has been met should be provided on the SEWS.

Equipment Class #17 Revision 3A

EG/BS Caveat 1 - Earthquake Experience Equipment Class. The engine-generator should be

similar to and bounded by the EG class of equipment described above. The equipment class
descriptions are general and the Seismic Capability Engineers should be aware that worst case
combinations of certain parameters may not be represented in the generic equipment class.
These worst case combinations may have reduced seismic capacity and should be carefully
evaluated on a case-by-case basis.
EG/BS Caveat 2 - Driver and Driven Component on Rigid Skid. The driver and the driven
component should be connected by a rigid support or common skid. The concern is that
differential displacement between the driver and the driven component may bind the shaft or lead
to excessive bearing wear. If they are not mounted on a rigid skid, the potential for differential
displacement between the driver motor and driven component should be evaluated.
EG/BS Caveat 3 - Base Vibration Isolation System Checked. If the unit is mounted on vibration
isolators, the adequacy of the vibration isolators for seismic loads should be evaluated in
accordance with Section 4.4.
EG/BS Caveat 4 - Sufficient Slack and Flexibility of Attached Lines. Sufficient slack and
flexibility should be present in attached lines (e.g., cooling, air, and electrical) to preclude a line
breach due to differential seismic displacement of the equipment and the line's nearest support.
Sufficient slack and flexibility of lines is also considered in the seismic interaction review
(Section 4.5).
EG/BS Caveat 5 - Adequate Anchorage. The unit should be properly anchored in accordance
with the guidelines of Section 4.4.
EG/BS Caveat 6 - Potential Chatter of Essential Relays Evaluated. If relays are mounted on the
equipment, a relay functionality review in accordance with Section 6 should be performed.
EG/BS Caveat 7 - Any Other Concerns? Seismic Capability Engineers should seek out
suspicious details or uncommon situations not specifically covered by the caveats which could
adversely affect the seismic capacity of the engine-generator as described in Section 4.3.

B.17.2 GERS - Engine-Generators

There are no GERS for Engine-Generators.

Equipment Class #18 Revision 3A
Instruments on Racks


B.18.1 Bounding Spectrum - Instruments on Racks

The seismic capacity for the equipment class of Instruments on Racks (IR) may be based on
earthquake experience data (as described in Section 4.2), provided the intent of each of the
caveats listed below is met. This equipment class consists of steel frames that provide mounting
for local controls and instrumentation, such as signal transmitters to remote control panels.
Instrument racks typically consolidate transducer or control signals from several equipment
items in their immediate vicinity.

Instrument racks usually consist of steel members (typically steel angle, pipe, channel, or
Unistrut) bolted or welded together into a frame. Components are attached either directly to the
rack members or to metal panels that are welded or bolted to the rack. Floor-mounted instrument
racks typically range from 4 to 8 feet in height, with widths varying from 3 to 10 feet, depending
on the number of components supported on the rack. A simpler configuration of an instrument
rack is a single floor-mounted post supporting one or two components. Wall-mounted and
structural column-mounted racks are often used for supporting only a few components.

Control system components mounted on instrument racks may include electronic systems used
for functions such as temperature monitoring, starting, stopping, and throttling electric motors,
and monitoring electric power. Pneumatic system components mounted on instrument racks
may be used for monitoring fluid pressure, liquid level, fluid flow, and for adjusting
pneumatically-actuated control valves. Electronic control and instrumentation system
components mounted on instrument racks include transmitters that convert a pneumatic signal
from the transducer to an electric signal for transmission to the main control panel.

Typical components supported on instrument racks include pressure switches, transmitters,

gauges, recorders, hand switches, manifold valves, and solenoid valves. Attachments to
instrument racks include steel or plastic tubing, conduit, and junction boxes.

Equipment Class #18 Revision 3A
Instruments on Racks

Freestanding, wall-mounted, and structural column-mounted instrument racks of bolted and

welded steel construction are included in the equipment class along with the components
mounted on them. Both pneumatic and electronic components, as well as associated tubing,
wiring, and junction boxes, are included in the Instruments on Racks equipment class.

The Bounding Spectrum (BS) represents the seismic capacity of Instruments on Racks (IR) if the
instruments and racks meet the intent of the following inclusion and exclusion rules. Note,
however, that when the specific wording of a caveat rule is not met, then a reason for concluding
that the intent has been met should be provided on the SEWS.

IR/BS Caveat 1 - Earthquake Experience Equipment Class. The instruments and racks should be
similar to and bounded by the IR class of equipment described above. The equipment class
descriptions are general and the Seismic Capability Engineers should be aware that worst case
combinations of certain parameters may not be represented in the generic equipment class.
These worst case combinations may have reduced seismic capacity and should be carefully
evaluated on a case-by-case basis.
IR/BS Caveat 2 - Evaluate Computers and Programmable Controllers Separately. Computers
and programmable controllers should be evaluated separately. The concern is that the subclass
of computers and programmable controllers is so diverse that they may not be adequately
represented by the earthquake experience equipment class. Computers and programmable
controllers should therefore be evaluated on a case-by-case basis. Component specific test data
for computers and programmable controllers may be used to resolve this concern.
IR/BS Caveat 3 - Structure Adequate. The steel frame and sheet metal structure should be
evaluated in the walkdown for adequacy. Engineering judgment may be used to determine that
an adequate load path exists to transfer the lateral earthquake loads to the foundation.
IR/BS Caveat 4 - Adjacent Racks Bolted Together. Adjacent racks which are close enough to
impact each other and sections of multi-bay assemblies should be bolted together if any of these
assemblies contain essential relays as defined in Section 6. The concern addressed in this caveat
is that adjacent, unbolted racks could respond out of phase to one another and impact each other
during an earthquake. This would cause additional impact loadings and high frequency vibration
loadings which could cause essential relays to chatter.
IR/BS Caveat 5 - Natural Frequency Relative to 8 Hz Limit Considered. For slender unbraced
racks, the lowest natural frequency should be estimated. For racks which have a natural
frequency below about 8 Hz, the floor response spectrum should be compared to 1.5 times the
Bounding Spectrum (see Table 4-l of Section 4).
IR/BS Caveat 6 - Sufficient Slack and Flexibility of Attached Lines. Sufficient slack and
flexibility should be present in attached lines (e.g., cooling, air, and electrical) to preclude a line
breach due to differential seismic displacement of the equipment and the line's nearest support.

Equipment Class #18 Revision 3A
Instruments on Racks

Sufficient slack and flexibility of lines is also considered in the seismic interaction review
(Section 4.5).
IR/BS Caveat 7 - Adequate Anchorage. The unit should be properly anchored in accordance
with the guidelines of Section 4.4.
IR/BS Caveat 8 - Potential Chatter of Essential Relays Evaluated. If relays are mounted on the
equipment, a relay functionality review in accordance with Section 6 should be performed.
IR/BS Caveat 9 - Any Other Concerns? Seismic Capability Engineers should seek out
suspicious details or uncommon situations not specifically covered by the caveats which could
adversely affect the seismic capacity of the instrument rack as described in Section 4.3.

B.18.2 GERS - Instruments on Racks

The seismic capacity for the equipment class of Instruments on Racks may be based on generic
testing data (as described in Section 4.2), provided the intent of each of the caveats listed below
is met. This equipment class includes four kinds of transmitters: pressure, temperature, level,
and flow. The racks for these instruments are not covered in the generic seismic testing
equipment class. Transmitters are used in power plants to transmit signals received from
transducers which monitor plant operating conditions. The transmitters send electric signals to
control panels for use by safety systems, plant control systems, alarm systems and operator
displays. Some transmitters are designed for remote rack or control panel mounting while others
are mounted adjacent to the transducer. The term “transmitter” is also used for the
transducer/signal conditioner combination when the transducer and signal conditioner are
integral. This is the usual case for flow, pressure, and level transmitters. Temperature
transmitters are usually remote from the transducer. In general, transmitters range in size from a
few pounds to about 40 pounds: however, the majority of the transmitters weigh only a few
pounds. The largest physical dimension of a transmitter is usually less than about 12 inches.

The GERS represent the seismic capacity of a pressure, temperature, level, or flow transmitter if
the transmitter meets the intent of the following inclusion and exclusion rules. Note, however,
that when the specific wording of a caveat rule is not met, then a reason for concluding that the
intent has been met should be provided on the SEWS.

Equipment Class #18 Revision 3A
Instruments on Racks

IR/GERS Caveat 1 - Generic Seismic Testing Equipment Class. The transmitter should be
similar to and bounded by the IR class of equipment described above. Seismic Capability The
equipment class descriptions are general and the Engineers should be aware that worst case
combinations of certain parameters may not be represented in the generic equipment class.
These worst case combinations may have reduced seismic capacity and should be carefully
evaluated on a case-by-case basis.
IR/GERS Caveat 2 - Bounding Spectrum Caveats Apply. The transmitter and its supporting
rack, when present, should meet all the caveats given for the Bounding Spectrum. This caveat is
included to cover the vulnerabilities identified for the earthquake experience equipment class.
Those GERS caveats which are the same as the Bounding Spectrum caveats are not repeated
IR/GERS Caveat 3 - Component is a Pressure, Temperature, Level, or Flow Transmitter. The
component should be a pressure, temperature, level, or flow transmitter. These are the
components included in the generic seismic testing equipment class.
IR/GERS Caveat 4 - Specific Transmitter Models Included. There is a wide diversity of
transmitter types and mechanical properties. Specific manufacturer/models were tested for
function during an earthquake. The tested transmitters in the generic seismic testing equipment
class include: Foxboro E96, E13, E916; Devar 18-119; Rosemount 1151, 1152, 442; Robertshaw
161; Love 48, 54, 8100, 1106; Kepco PCX; Travis P8, P24.
This caveat may be satisfied for other models of transmitters by performing a case-by-case
evaluation of similarity to one of the above models.
IR/GERS Caveat 5 - Seismic Induced System Changes Should Be Evaluated. Transmitters are
sometimes sensitive to system perturbations. The concern is that the earthquake may induce
system changes (i.e., pressure, flow, and level variation) which may have the same effect on the
system being controlled as if the transmitter malfunctioned. For example, a level switch used to
measure the oil level in the crankcase of an emergency diesel-generator (EDG) may be tripped
during an earthquake when the oil is sloshing. This reading may inadvertently cause the EDG to
trip off line. This caveat is also addressed in the Relay Functionality Review in Section 6.
IR/GERS Caveat 6 - No Vacuum Tubes. Vacuum tubes should not be used as internal electrical
components. The concern is that glass tubes are especially vulnerable to earthquake damage.
IR/GERS Caveat 7 - All Mounting Bolts in Place. All external mounting bolts (transmitter to
bracket and bracket to support) should be in place. This is the condition under which the
transmitters were tested during the generic seismic tests.
IR/GERS Caveat 8 - Evaluation of Amplified Response. The transmitters which were tested
were attached directly to the shake table. Therefore realistic amplification through the rack (or
other supporting structure) to the transmitter should be included when determining the amplified
response of the transmitter-to-rack interface for comparison to the GERS. The basis for this
amplification factor should be documented.
IR/GERS Caveat 9 - Rack Requires Separate Evaluation. The transmitters were tested separately
from the rack, therefore in order use the GERS capacity curves which are higher than the

Equipment Class #18 Revision 3A
Instruments on Racks

Bounding Spectrum, an evaluation of the rack should be made. The evaluation should show that
the structural components of the rack are capable of transferring the earthquake loads to the
anchorage. This evaluation may depend upon the engineering judgment of the Seismic
Capability Engineers and may not require a formal calculation.
IR/GERS Caveat 10 - Adjacent Racks Bolted Together. Adjacent racks and sections of multi-
bay rack assemblies should be bolted together, including those that do not contain essential
relays. Adjacent racks and sections of multibay rack assemblies were bolted together when
tested for this generic seismic testing equipment class.

Equipment Class #18 Revision 3A
Instruments on Racks


Figure B.18-1. Generic Equipment Ruggedness Spectra (GERS) for Transmitters

(Source: Reference 6)

Equipment Class #19 Revision 3A
Temperature Sensors


B.19.1 Bounding Spectrum - Temperature Sensors

The seismic capacity for the equipment class of Temperature Sensors (TS) may be based on
earthquake experience data (as described in Section 4.2), provided the intent of each of the
caveats listed below is met. This equipment class includes thermocouples and resistance
temperature detectors (RTDs) that measure fluid temperature and typically are mounted within or
on piping or tanks. Thermocouples are probes consisting of two dissimilar metal wires routed
through a protective sleeve that produce a voltage output proportional to the difference in
temperature between the hot junction and the lead wires (cold junction). RTDs are similar in
construction to thermocouples, but their operation is based on variation in electrical resistance
with temperature. RTDs and thermocouples are connected to pressure vessel boundaries (piping,
tanks, heat exchangers, etc.) using threaded joints. The sensor's sheath will often be inserted into
a thermowell or outer protective tube that is permanently mounted in the pipe or tank. A
thermowell allows the thermocouple or RTD to be removed without breaking the pressure
boundary of the pipe or tank.

Sensors are typically linked to transmitters mounted on nearby instrument racks, which amplify
the electronic signal generated in the sensors, and transmit the signal to a remote instrument

The Temperature Sensors equipment class includes the connection head, threaded fitting, sheath
or protective tube, thermowell, and attached wires.

The Bounding Spectrum (BS) represents the seismic capacity of a Temperature Sensor (TS) if
the sensor meets the intent of the following inclusion and exclusion rules. Note, however, that
when the specific wording of a caveat rule is not met, then a reason for concluding that the intent
has been met should be provided on the SEWS.

TS/BS Caveat 1 - Earthquake Experience Equipment Class. The temperature sensor should be
similar to and bounded by the TS class of equipment described above. The equipment class

Equipment Class #19 Revision 3A
Temperature Sensors

descriptions are general and the Seismic Capability Engineers should be aware that worst case
combinations of certain parameters may not be represented in the generic equipment class.
These worst case combinations may have reduced seismic capacity and should be carefully
evaluated on a case-by-case basis.
TS/BS Caveat 2 - No Possibility of Detrimental Differential Displacement. Detrimental
differential displacement between the mounting of the connection head and the mounting of the
temperature sensor should not occur. The concern is that the differential displacement may
cause the wiring to be pulled out of the sensor.
TS/BS Caveat 3 - Solid State Electronics. The electronics associated with the temperature sensor
should be solid state (i.e., no vacuum tubes). The earthquake experience equipment class only
includes solid-state electronics for temperature sensors. The concern is that electronics that are
not of the solid-state variety (glass tubes, etc.) are vulnerable to earthquake damage.
TS/BS Caveat 4 - Sufficient Slack and Flexibility of Attached Lines. Sufficient slack and
flexibility should be present in attached lines (e.g., cooling, air, electrical) to preclude a line
breach due to differential seismic displacement of the equipment and the line's nearest support.
Sufficient slack and flexibility of lines is also considered in the seismic interaction review
(Section 4.5).
TS/BS Caveat 5 - Any Other Concerns? Seismic Capability Engineers should seek out
suspicious details or uncommon situations not specifically covered by the caveats which could
adversely affect the seismic capacity of the temperature sensor as described in Section 4.3.

B.19.2 GERS - Temperature Sensors

There are no GERS for Temperature Sensors.

Equipment Class #20 Revision 3A
Instrumentation and Control Panels and Cabinets


B.20.1 Bounding Spectrum - Instrumentation and Control Panels and Cabinets

The seismic capacity for the equipment class of Instrumentation and Control Panels and
Cabinets (I&C) may be based on earthquake experience data (as described in Section 4.2),
provided the intent of each of the caveats listed below is met. This equipment class includes all
types of electrical panels that support instrumentation and controls. This equipment class
includes both the sheet metal enclosure and typical control and instrumentation components
mounted on or inside the enclosure. Instrumentation and control panels and cabinets create a
centralized location for the control and monitoring of electrical and mechanical systems. In
addition to main control panels, local instrumentation and control panels are sometimes
distributed throughout the facilities, close to the systems they serve.

Instrumentation and control panels and cabinets have a wide diversity of sizes, types, functions,
and components. Panel and cabinet structures generally consist of a steel frame supporting sheet
metal panels to which instrumentation and control components are bolted or clamped. Cabinet
structures range from a single panel, braced against or built into a wall, to a freestanding cabinet
enclosure. These enclosures are generally categorized as either switchboards or benchboards as
described below.

A vertical switchboard is a single reinforced sheet metal instrument panel, which is either braced
against an adjacent wall or built into it. An enclosed switchboard is a freestanding enclosed
sheet metal cabinet with components mounted on the front face, and possibly on the interior
walls. The front or rear panel is usually hinged as a single or double swinging door to allow
access to the interior. A dual switchboard consists of two vertical panels braced against each
other to form a freestanding structure, with components mounted to both front and rear panels.
The sides are usually open, and the two panels are joined by cross members spanning between
their tops. A duplex switchboard is similar to a dual switchboard, except that it consists of a
panel fully enclosed by sheet metal on all sides, with access through doors in the two side panels.

Equipment Class #20 Revision 3A
Instrumentation and Control Panels and Cabinets

A benchboard consists of a control desk with an attached vertical panel. A control desk has
components mounted on the desk top, and interior access through swinging doors in the rear.
The single panel is similar to a vertical switchboard and is normally braced against or built into a
wall. A dual benchboard is similar to a dual switchboard, but the lower half of the front panel is
a desk console. A duplex benchboard is similar to a duplex switchboard, a totally enclosed
panel, but with a desk console in the lower half of the front panel.

Panel and cabinet enclosures normally consist of steel angles, channels, or square tubes welded
together, with sheet metal siding attached by spot welds. Large panels are typically made of
individual sections bolted together through adjoining framing. The cabinet may or may not
include a sheet metal floor or ceiling.

Electronic or pneumatic instrumentation or control devices attached to sheet metal panels or

within sheet metal cabinets are included in the equipment class. The Instrumentation and
Control Panels and Cabinets equipment class includes the sheet metal enclosure, switches, push
buttons, panel lights, indicators, annunciators, gauges, meters, recorders, relays (provided they
meet relay requirements), controllers, solid-state circuit boards, power supplies, tubing, wiring,
and terminal blocks.

The Bounding Spectrum (BS) represents the seismic capacity of Instrumentation and Control
Panels and Cabinets (I&C) if the panel or cabinet meets the intent of the following inclusion and
exclusion rules. Note, however, that when the specific wording of a caveat rule is not met, then a
reason for concluding that the intent has been met should be provided on the SEWS.

I&C/BS Caveat 1 - Earthquake Experience Equipment Class. The panel or cabinet should be
similar to and bounded by the I&C class of equipment described above. The equipment class
descriptions are general and the Seismic Capability Engineers should be aware that worst case
combinations of certain parameters may not be represented in the generic equipment class.
These worst case combinations may have reduced seismic capacity and should be carefully
evaluated on a case-by-case basis.
I&C/BS Caveat 2 - Evaluate Computers and Programmable Controllers Separately. Computers
and programmable controllers should be evaluated separately. The concern is that the subclass
of computers and programmable controllers is so diverse that they may not be adequately

Equipment Class #20 Revision 3A
Instrumentation and Control Panels and Cabinets

represented by the earthquake experience data. Computers and programmable controllers should
therefore be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.
I&C/BS Caveat 3 - Evaluate Strip Chart Recorders Separately. Strip chart recorders should be
evaluated separately. The concern is that long, narrow recorders which are cantilevered off the
panel may not have adequate structural support. Strip chart recorders are commonly supported
on compression-type mounting brackets supplied by the manufacturer. These types of support
brackets are inherently rugged and generally adequate for transfer of seismic loads. If there are
no support brackets, or the support system appears to be a custom design, or the Seismic
Capability Engineers have any concerns regarding the adequacy of the bracket, then the support
system should be subject to further evaluation.
I&C/BS Caveat 4 - Structural Adequacy. The steel frame and sheet metal should be evaluated
for adequacy. Engineering judgment may be used to determine that an adequate load path exists
to transfer the lateral earthquake loads to the foundation.
I&C/BS Caveat 5 - Adjacent Cabinets or Panels Bolted Together. Adjacent cabinets or panels
which are close enough to impact each other and sections of multi-bay assemblies should be
bolted together if any of these assemblies contain essential relays as defined in Section 6. The
concern addressed in this caveat is that unbolted cabinets or panels could respond out of phase to
one another and impact each other during an earthquake. This would cause additional impact
loadings and high frequency vibration loadings which could cause any essential relays to chatter.
I&C/BS Caveat 6 - Drawers or Equipment on Slides Restrained. Drawers or equipment on slides
should be restrained to prevent them from falling out during seismic motion. The concern is that
the components in the drawer could slide and become damaged, or slide out and fall onto some
other fragile essential component in the vicinity. A latch or fastener should secure these sliding
I&C/BS Caveat 7 - Doors Secured. All doors should be secured by a latch or fastener. The
concern addressed by this caveat is that loose doors could repeatedly impact the housing and be
damaged or cause internal components such as relays to malfunction or chatter.
I&C/BS Caveat 8 - Sufficient Slack and Flexibility of Attached Lines. Sufficient slack and
flexibility should be present in attached lines (e.g., cooling, air, and electrical) to preclude a line
breach due to differential seismic displacement of the equipment and the line's nearest support.
Sufficient slack and flexibility of lines is also considered in the seismic interaction review
(Section 4.5).
I&C/BS Caveat 9 - Adequate Anchorage. The unit should be properly anchored in accordance
with the guidelines of Section 4.4.
I&C/BS Caveat 10 - Potential Chatter of Essential Relays Evaluated. If relays are mounted on
the equipment, a relay functionality review in accordance with Section 6 should be performed.
I&C/BS Caveat 11 - Any Other Concerns? Seismic Capability Engineers should seek out
suspicious details or uncommon situations not specifically covered by the caveats which could
adversely affect the seismic capacity of the cabinet or panel as described in Section 4.3.

Equipment Class #20 Revision 3A
Instrumentation and Control Panels and Cabinets

B.20.2 GERS - Instrumentation and Control Panels and Cabinets

There are no GERS for Instrumentation and Control Panels and Cabinets.

Revision 3A


Listed below are the specific reasons for making the changes marked with a vertical line in the
margin of this appendix to create GIP-3A from GIP-3, Updated 5/16/97. The endnote numbers
listed below correspond to the bracketed numbers (e.g., [1]) located in the text of this appendix
where the changes are made.

SSER No. 2, Sec. III.2.1 – The Staff noted that throughout Appendix B there are statements such as
“equipment determined to be seismically rugged” and the equipment “has been determined to be
seismically rugged . . . provided the intent of each of the caveats listed below is met . . .” The Staff
position is that in addition to meeting the caveats, the user of the GIP must demonstrate that the demand
level is appropriately satisfied by the capacity level before the equipment can be considered to be
rugged and acceptable for its application.

The GIP has been amended in each subsection of Appendix B to delete the phrase “has been determined
to be seismically rugged” and to add a reference to Section 4.2 of the GIP, which discusses comparison
of capacity to demand.
SSER No. 2, Sec. III.2.2 – The Staff clarified their understanding that when the GIP uses the term “a
cabinet assembly,” regarding an attachment weight of 100 pounds, that it means a combination or lineup
of a number of individual cabinets, bays, or frames.

The GIP has been amended in Part II, Appendix B, Sections B.1.1, B.2.1, and B.3.1 to incorporate the
Staff’s clarification by adding a phrase after the term “cabinet assembly” as follows: “. . . i.e., a
combination or a lineup of a number of individual adjacent cabinets, bay, or frames.”
SSER No. 2, Sec. III.2.3 – The Staff position that sections of multi-bay cabinets should be bolted
together, even if they do not contain essential relays, if the GERS capacities are used since sections of
such cabinets were bolted together during testing.
The GIP has been amended in Part II, Appendix B, Sections B.1.2, B.2.2, B.3.2, B.4.2, B.14.2, and
B.18.2 and in the SEWS in Appendix G for Equipment Classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 14, and 18 to include a GERS
caveat requiring adjacent cabinets to be bolted together.
Typographical error corrected.
SSER No. 2, Sec. II.2.3 – The Staff suggested that the information presented in NUREG/CR-4659,
Vol. 4 should be considered in the evaluation of motor operators on valves, especially for some earlier
models, since the capacities levels in this report appear to be lower than the GERS levels in GIP
Figure B.8A-2.

The seismic capacity levels reported in NUREG/CR-4659, Vol. 4 are not comparable to the GERS for
motor operators on valves because the NUREG levels are for a more general class of “Valve Operators
(Motor, Air, and Solenoid)”, whereas the GERS levels are provided separately for motor operators and
for air-operated and solenoid-operated valve assemblies. SQUG notes that the peak GERS levels for
air-operated and solenoid-operated valve assemblies (7g and 9g, respectively, over 4 – 16 Hz) are
significantly lower than the GERS level for motor operators on valves (20g to 22g). The NUREG does

Revision 3A

not provide the data for only motor operators. Because the NUREG data for only motor operators has
not been compared to the GERS for motor operators on valves, no changes to the motor operator GERS
or the guidance in the GIP are warranted at this time.
Typographical error corrected. Figure B.8B-1 should be the same as Figure B.8-1 from GIP-2, i.e.,
“Heavy Valve Operator Cantilever Limits.”

Revision 3A

Appendix C
Anchorage Data

Revision 3A


Section Page
Contents ................................................................................................................ C-ii
Introduction ........................................................................................................... C-1
C.1 Generic Equipment Characteristics for Anchorage Evaluations.....................................C.1-1
C.2 Expansion Anchors..........................................................................................................C.2-1
C.2.1 Nominal Allowable Capacities .........................................................................C.2-1
C.2.2 Check for Anchor Type ....................................................................................C.2-2
C.2.3 Tightness Check..............................................................................................C.2-10
C.2.4 Embedment Check..........................................................................................C.2-13
C.2.5 Spacing Check.................................................................................................C.2-17
C.2.6 Edge Distance Check......................................................................................C.2-18
C.2.7 Concrete Strength Check ................................................................................C.2-19
C.2.8 Check for Concrete Cracks .............................................................................C.2-20
C.2.9 Check for Essential Relays .............................................................................C.2-21
C.2.10 Reduced Inspection Alternative......................................................................C.2-22
C.2.11 Shear-Tension Interaction...............................................................................C.2-24
C.3 Cast-In-Place Bolts and Headed Studs............................................................................C.3-1
C.3.1 Nominal Allowable Capacities .........................................................................C.3-1
C.3.2 Embedment Check............................................................................................C.3-2
C.3.3 Spacing Check...................................................................................................C.3-5
C.3.4 Edge Distance Check........................................................................................C.3-7
C.3.5 Concrete Strength Check ..................................................................................C.3-9
C.3.6 Check for Concrete Cracks ...............................................................................C.3-9
C.3.7 Shear-Tension Interaction...............................................................................C.3-10
C.4 Cast-In-Place J-Bolts.......................................................................................................C.4-1
C.4.1 Nominal Allowable Capacities .........................................................................C.4-1
C.4.2 Embedment Check............................................................................................C.4-3

Revision 3A

Contents (cont’d)

Section Page
C.4.3 Spacing Check...................................................................................................C.4-4
C.4.4 Edge Distance Check........................................................................................C.4-4
C.4.5 Concrete Strength Check ..................................................................................C.4-4
C.4.6 Check for Concrete Cracks ...............................................................................C.4-5
C.4.7 Shear-Tension Interaction.................................................................................C.4-6
C.5 Grouted-In-Place Bolts....................................................................................................C.5-1
C.5.1 Nominal Allowable Capacities .........................................................................C.5-1
C.5.2 Embedment, Spacing, and Edge Distance Checks ...........................................C.5-3
C.5.3 Checks for Concrete Strength and Cracks in Concrete.....................................C.5-3
C.5.4 Shear-Tension Interaction.................................................................................C.5-3
C.6 Welds to Embedded or Exposed Steel ............................................................................C.6-1
C.6.1 Allowable Loads for Typical Welds .................................................................C.6-1
C.6.2 Summary of Equivalent Weld Sizes .................................................................C.6-3
C.6.3 Weld Check.......................................................................................................C.6-3
C.6.4 Shear-Tension Interaction for Welds ................................................................C.6-4
C.6.5 Embedded or Exposed Steel Check ..................................................................C.6-4
Reasons for Changes to GIP, Part II, Appendix C .................................................... 1

Revision 3A

Appendix C
Anchorage Data


The purpose of this appendix is to:

• Provide generic information on the various equipment classes for use in anchorage

• Provide nominal allowable capacities for certain types of anchors, and

• Describe anchor-specific inspection checks and capacity reduction factors.

A general description of the anchorage evaluation procedure is included in Section 4.4. Only
those specific inspection checks or evaluations which apply to a particular type of anchor are
described in this appendix.

The criteria in the GIP may be applied to modifications or repair of existing anchorages (e.g.,
anchor bolts or welds) including one-for-one component replacements (e.g., replacing bolts in
one-for-one component replacements). For new installations and newly designed anchorages in
modifications or replacements, the USI A-46 (GIP) criteria and procedures may also be applied,
except that the factor of safety currently recommended for new nuclear plants in determining the
anchorage capacities shall be met.

This appendix is organized with the generic equipment characteristics for anchorage evaluations
given first and the remaining information grouped by anchor type as follows:

C.1 Generic Equipment Characteristics for Anchorage Evaluations

C.2 Expansion Anchors
C.3 Cast-In-Place Bolts and Headed Studs

Revision 3A

C.4 Cast-In-Place J-Bolts

C.5 Grouted-In-Place Bolts
C.6. Welds to Embedded or Exposed Steel

The first section in this appendix contains generic equipment characteristics for anchorage
evaluations for use when equipment-specific data is not available for equipment mass, natural
frequency, or damping.

The remaining sections of this appendix contain a table of nominal allowable load capacities
along with anchor-specific inspections which should be performed. In some cases a capacity
reduction factor is given which may be used to lower the nominal allowable load capacities if the
inspection check reveals that the installation does not meet the minimum guidelines.

The material in this appendix is based on the information contained in Reference 7 and
Reference 36.

Note: The Seismic Capability Engineers should not use the material contained in this
appendix unless they have thoroughly reviewed and understand Reference 7 and Reference

C.1 Generic Equipment Characteristics for Anchorage Evaluations Revision 3A


This section of the appendix contains estimates of equipment mass, natural frequency, and
damping for the various classes of equipment listed in Table 3-l for anchorage evaluations. Note
that an expanded discussion of equipment natural frequency and damping is included in Section
4.4.3, Step 1, Input Seismic Accelerations. The purpose of the discussion is to describe generic
characteristics which may be used during anchorage evaluations in place of equipment-specific
data. These generic characteristics typically result in larger than actual loadings on the
anchorages. However, for unusual items of equipment, e.g., motor control center weighing
800 pounds with an additional 100 pounds external weight, an independent check should be
made of the reasonableness of the values contained in Table C.l-1.

The equipment mass contained in Table C.l-1 is based on the heaviest item found in each of the
classes covered during a survey of equipment. Note that these masses are the same as those used
in the screening tables given in the EPRI Anchorage Report (Reference 7) except for the motor
control centers which use 625 pounds per cabinet in the Reference 7 screening tables instead of
the 800 pounds given in Table C.l-1.

Equipment lowest natural frequency is given as a relative rigidity of either “rigid” or “flexible”
in Table C.l-1. Equipment with a lowest natural frequency of the overall structural mode greater
than about 20 Hz is considered rigid1. Equipment with natural frequencies below about 20 Hz
is considered flexible 1.

The relative rigidities given in Table C.l-1 are for “typical” equipment in nuclear power plants.
These generic categories of rigid or flexible should be checked when performing the seismic
evaluation, noting particularly the rigidity or flexibility of the base support system for the
equipment and the rigidity of the anchorage itself. In particular, the estimate for natural

Note that the “rigid” and “flexible” categories of equipment in Table C.1-1 apply only to anchorage
evaluations. These categories are different than the 8 Hz natural frequency limitation discussed in
Section 4.2 and Table 4-1. The 8 Hz limitation applies to comparison of equipment seismic capacity to
ground response spectra and includes internal panel modes and device modes where applicable.

C.1 Generic Equipment Characteristics for Anchorage Evaluations Revision 3A

frequency of equipment secured with expansion anchors should take into account the potential
for slippage of these types of anchors. This would be necessary, for example, when natural
frequency estimates of equipment secured with expansion anchors are based on analytical
models which used fixed anchor points or when shake table test results are used in which the
equipment was welded to the table.

For rigid equipment, the seismic demand on the equipment can be determined by using the Zero
Period Acceleration (ZPA) of the appropriate floor response spectrum. For flexible equipment,
the peak of the floor response spectrum (for the damping value given in Table C.l-1) should be

C.1 Generic Equipment Characteristics for Anchorage Evaluations Revision 3A

Table C.1-1
Generic Equipment Characteristics for Anchorage Evaluations

Typical Natural
Equipment Class Frequency(c) and
Number(a) and Name Typical Maximum Mass Damping

#1 Motor Control Centers 800 lb per cabinet(e) Flexible 5% Damping

#2 Low Voltage Switchgear 35 lb/ft3 Flexible 5% Damping

#3 Medium Voltage Flexible 5% Damping

Switchgear(b) 31 lb/ft3

#4 Transformers Rating (kVA) Mass (lb) Flexible 5% Damping

3,000 15,000
2,500 11,050
2,000 9,400
1,000 6,300
100 975

#5 Horizontal Pumps with Power (HP) Mass (lb) Rigid 5% Damping(d)

1,000 20,000
600 16,500
500 12,000
400 8,600
200 6,000
100 3,600

#6 Vertical Pumps with Motors Power (HP) Mass (lb)

a. Vertical Immersion 150 4,000 Flexible 3% Damping

b. Centrifugal 500 9,000

2,000 48,000 Rigid 5% Damping(d)

c. Deep-Well 500 9,000 Flexible 3% Damping


(a) The equipment class numbers given in this table correspond to the numbers given in Table 3-1.
(b) Medium voltage switchgear [2]is called “Metal-Clad Switchgear” in Reference 7.
(c) The lowest natural frequencies of the overall structural mode are given as either Rigid (> about 20 Hz) or Flexible
(< about 20 Hz) and apply only to anchorage evaluations. (Note that the 8 Hz natural frequency limitation
discussed in Section 4.2 applies to comparison of equipment seismic capacity to ground response spectra.)
(d) A damping value of 5% can be used for rigid equipment since the seismic accelerations can be taken from the
ZPA which is not affected significantly by damping level.
(e) Note: When using the screening tables in the EPRI Anchorage Report (Reference 7), an average weight per
MCC section of 625 pounds was used rather than the 800 pounds shown in this table.

C.1 Generic Equipment Characteristics for Anchorage Evaluations Revision 3A

Table C.1-1 (Cont’d)

Generic Equipment Characteristics for Anchorage Evaluations

Typical Natural
Equipment Class Frequency(c) and
Number(a) and Name Typical Maximum Mass Damping

#12 Air Compressors Power (HP) Mass (lb)

50 4,000 Rigid 5% Damping(d)
200 10,000

#13 Motor-Generators (Not Available) Rigid 5% Damping(d)

#15 Batteries on Racks 0.11 lb/in3 for batteries, Flexible 5% Damping

plus weight of racks

#16 Battery Chargers and 45 lb/ft3 Flexible 5% Damping


#17 Engine-Generators (Not Available) Rigid 5% Damping(d)

#18 Instrument Racks 20 lb/ft2 of vertical face Flexible 3% Damping

#14 & Generic Equipment 3 times the weight of cabinet housing Flexible 5% Damping
#20 Cabinets

#14 & Walk-Through Control Determine and use weight Flexible 5% Damping
#20 Panels per foot of length

C.2 Expansion Anchors Revision 3A


The topics covered in this section of the appendix for expansion anchors are as follows. The
subsection number of each of these topics is also given.

C.2.1 Nominal Allowable Capacities

C.2.2 Check for Anchor Type
C.2.3 Tightness Check
C.2.4 Embedment Check
C.2.5 Spacing Check
C.2.6 Edge Distance Check
C.2.7 Concrete Strength Check
C.2.8 Check for Concrete Cracks
C.2.9 Check for Essential Relays
C.2.10 Reduced Inspection Alternative
C.2.11 Shear-Tension Interaction

The specific checks described in this section should be performed in conjunction with the generic
anchorage installation inspection checks described in Section 4.4.1. (See Table 4-2 for the
checks which are applicable for this anchor type.)

The nominal allowable capacities and capacity reduction factors provided in this section should
be used in the anchorage capacity equations given in Section 4.4.2.

C.2.1 Nominal Allowable Capacities

The nominal allowable load capacities which can be used for the types of expansion anchors
covered by this procedure (i.e., those listed in Table C.2-2) are given in Table C.2-1, below.

C.2 Expansion Anchors Revision 3A

Table C.2-1
Nominal Allowable Capacities for Expansion Anchors
(f′c ≥ 4000 psi for pullout and f′c ≥ 3500 psi for shear) 1

Bolt/Stud Pullout Shear Minimum Min. Edge

Diameter Capacity Capacity Spacing2 Distance 2
(D, in.) (Pnom, kip) (Vnom, kip) (Smin, in.) (Emin, in.)
3/8 1.46 1.42 3.75 3.75
1/2 2.29 2.38 5.00 5.00
5/8 3.17 3.79 6.25 6.25
3/4 4.69 5.48 7.50 7.50
7/8 6.09 7.70 8.75 8.75
1 6.95 9.53 10.00 10.00
1. The pullout and shear capacities shown here are for the expansion anchor types included in
Section C.2.2 installed in sound, uncracked concrete (i.e., no cracks passing through the anchor bolt
installation) with a compressive strength (f′c) of at least 4000 psi for pullout and 3500 psi for shear.
2. Minimum spacings and edge distances are measured from bolt center to bolt center or concrete
edge. Smaller spacings and edge distances less than the minimums given here can be used with the
reduction factors given in Sections C.2.5 and C.2.6.

C.2.2 Check for Anchor Type

The specific manufacturers and product names of expansion anchors covered by this procedure
are listed in Table C.2-2, below. This table also lists capacity reduction factors (RTp for pullout
and RTs for shear) which should be multiplied by the nominal pullout and shear capacities (Pnom,
Vnom) given in Table C.2-1 to obtain the allowable pullout and shear capacities (Pall, Vall) as

Pall = Pnom RTp

Vall = Vnom RTs

Pall = Allowable pullout capacity of anchor
Pnom = Nominal pullout capacity of anchor from Table C.2-1

C.2 Expansion Anchors Revision 3A

Vall = Allowable shear capacity of anchor

Vnom = Nominal shear capacity of anchor from Table C.2-1
RTp = Pullout capacity reduction factor for type of expansion anchor from
Table C.2-2
RTs = Shear capacity reduction factor for type of expansion anchor from Table C.2-2

If the specific manufacturer and product name of an expansion anchor is not known, generic
capacity reduction factors as indicated below may be used:

RTp = 0.50 and RTs = 0.75 (for bolt diameter = 3/8-inch)

RTp = 0.60 and RTs = 0.75 (for bolt diameter > 3/8-inch).

Note, however, that these generic capacity reduction factors may only be used for expansion
anchors made from carbon steel or better material. Concrete fasteners made from other materials
or which use fastening mechanisms which are different than that of expansion anchors should be
identified as outliers. This would include fasteners such as lead cinch expansion anchors,
chemical anchors, plastic anchors, powder-actuated fasteners, and concrete screws.

“Unknown” anchors should be examined to ensure they are not WEJ-IT Wedge anchor bolts,
which can be distinguished from all other bolts by the two vertical slots cut along opposite sides
of the bolt, parallel to the longitudinal axis of the bolt.

In general, expansion anchors should not be used for securing vibratory equipment such as
pumps and air compressors. If such equipment is secured with expansion anchors, then there
should be a large margin between the pullout loads and the pullout capacities; i.e., the loads on
these expansion anchors should be primarily shear.

The principal differences between shell- and nonshell-type expansion anchors are explained

C.2 Expansion Anchors Revision 3A

Table C.2-2
Type of Expansion Anchors Covered by This Procedure
and Associated Capacity Reduction Factors

* See discussion of limitations on use of generic capacity reduction factors of 0.50, 0.60, and 0.75 for
“Unknown” concrete fasteners.

C.2 Expansion Anchors Revision 3A

Shell-type expansion anchors are expanded into the concrete by application of a setting force
independent of the load later applied to the bolt or nut by the equipment being anchored. The key
feature of this type of expansion anchor is that it relies upon its initial preset for holding it in place.
Figure C.2-1 shows the features of several types of shell-type expansion anchors.

Figure C.2-l.a shows a “Self-Drilling Type” of shell-type expansion anchor. This type of anchor
is set in place by driving the shell down over the cone expander which is resting against the
bottom of the hole.

Figure C.2-l.b shows a “Drop-In Type” which is set in place by driving a cone expander down
through the center of the shell thereby causing the lower portion of the shell to expand into the

Figure C.2-l.c shows a “Phillips Stud Type” which is set in place by driving the stud down over
the cone expander which is resting against the bottom of the hole.

Nonshell-type expansion anchors are expanded into the concrete by pulling the stud up out of the
hole which causes a sleeve or a split ring to be forced into the concrete. The key feature of this
type of expansion anchor is that the more the stud is loaded in tension, the greater the expansion
setting force becomes. Figure C.2-2 shows the features of two types of nonshell-type expansion

Figure C.2-2.a shows a “Sleeve Type” which is set in place by pulling the stud, with its integral
cone expander on the bottom, up into the sleeve thereby forcing the lower split portion of the
sleeve into the concrete. The sleeve is held in place during this setting process by butting up
against the lower surface of the washer.

Figure C.2-2.b shows a “Wedge Type” which is set in place by pulling the stud, with its integral
cone expander on the bottom, up though a split ring. Note that the split ring relies on friction
against the concrete to stay in place during the setting operation.

C.2 Expansion Anchors Revision 3A

Figure C.2-1. Features of Shell-Type Expansion Anchors

(Source: Reference 7)

C.2 Expansion Anchors Revision 3A

Figure C.2-2. Features of Nonshell-Type Expansion Anchors

(Source: Reference 7)

C.2 Expansion Anchors Revision 3A

Distinguishing characteristics of shell- and nonshell-type expansion anchors in their as-installed

condition are shown in Figure C.2-3.

Figure C.2-3.a shows a nonshell-type expansion anchor in which the visible portion is
characterized by a smoothly cut or mechanically finished threaded stud with a nut holding the
base of the equipment in place.

Figure C.2-3.b shows the most common type of shell-type expansion anchor in which the visible
portion is characterized by a head of a bolt.

Figures C.2-3.c and C.2-3.d show other types of shell-type expansion anchors in which the
visible portion is characterized by a rough cut or a raised knob on the end of the threaded rod.
Careful inspection is necessary to distinguish these two types of shell expansion anchors from
the nonshell-type shown in Figure C.2-3.a.

C.2 Expansion Anchors Revision 3A

Figure C.2-3. Distinguishing Characteristics of Installed Shell- and

Nonshell-Type Expansion Anchors
(Source: Reference 7)

C.2 Expansion Anchors Revision 3A

C.2.3 Tightness Check

(Note: This inspection check is not needed if the Reduced Inspection Alternative is chosen, as
described in Section C.2.10.)

The tightness check can be performed by using a standard size box or open-end wrench on the
bolt head or nut and applying a torque by hand until the bolt or nut is “wrench tight”; i.e.,
tightened without excessive exertion. For those cases where specific torque values must be used
(e.g., for maintenance work orders), the “Tightness Check Torque” values given in Table C.2-3,
below, can be used for this expansion anchor tightness check. These values correspond to about
20% of the normal installation torques.

Table C.2-3
Recommended Torque Values for Expansion Anchor Tightness Check

Anchor Diameter Installation Torque Tightness Check Torque

(in.) (ft-lbs) (ft-lbs)
3/8 25-35 5-7
1/2 45-65 9-13
5/8 80-90 16-18
3/4 125-175 25-35
7/8 200-250 40-50
1 250-300 50-60

A well-installed expansion anchor should not rotate under this applied torque. A small amount
of initial rotation (about l/4 turn) is acceptable provided the nut or bolt will tighten and resist the
applied torque. If a bolt turns more than about l/4 turn, but does eventually resist the torque, it
should be re-torqued to the manufacturer's recommended installation torque and then considered

A sampling program can be used to check the tightness of expansion anchors provided it
achieves 95% confidence that no more than 5% of the expansion anchors fail to meet the
tightness guidelines given above. This 95/5 criterion can be met using the guidelines given

C.2 Expansion Anchors Revision 3A

below for sample size, homogeneous population, allowable number of nonconforming anchors,
and use of initial tightness test results.

• Sample Size. The number of expansion anchors selected for tightness checking should be
at least as large as given in Table C.2-4, below, for “Sample Size”.

Table C.2-4
Sample Size for Expansion Anchor Tightness Check

Condition Sample Size1

Expansion Anchors Securing Equipment Which Contains 100%

Essential Relays
Total Size of Homogeneous Anchor Population is Less Than 100%
40 Anchors
Total Size of Homogeneous Anchor Population is Between 40 and 40 Anchors
160 Anchors
Total Size of Homogeneous Anchor Population is More Than 25%
160 Anchors

1. Note: The sample sizes provided in this table are for accessible bolts. See Section 4.4.1,
Check #4 for a discussion on how to handle inaccessible bolts.

• Homogeneous Population. The sample size is based on the total population of expansion
anchors being homogeneous. Factors such as installation specifications, quality assurance
procedures used in the installation specifications, quality assurance procedures used during
installation, bolt manufacturer, installation contractor, etc., should be considered when
judging whether or not the total population is homogeneous. If there is more than one
homogeneous set of expansion anchors, then the sample size limitations given above and
the allowable number of nonconforming anchors given below apply to each individual

• Allowable Number of Nonconforming Anchors. The criterion of 95% confidence that

there are no more than 5% nonconforming anchors can be met if the number of expansion
anchors which fails the tightness check does not exceed the limitations given in
Table C.2-5, below. If more than these number of anchors fail the tightness check, then the
sample size should be increased until the failure rate does not exceed the limitations in this

C.2 Expansion Anchors Revision 3A

• Use of Initial Tightness Test Results. The results of the initial torque tightness check on
each expansion anchor should be used to establish the failure rate for the purposes of the
sampling program. For example, if out of a total population of 400 expansion anchors 100
were tightness checked and 4 of these failed the initial check, then the sample size should
be expanded. (Table C.2-5 only allows 3 anchors to fail for 100 tests on a population of
400.) The sample size should be expanded even if all 4 of the failed anchors were able to
be fully tightened up to their installation torque requirements.

Table C.2-5
Allowable Number of Expansion Anchors Which Need Not Pass Tightness Check

Number of Anchors Which Need Not Pass Tightness Check

for Test Sample Size, (n):
Total Population
Size (N) 40 60 80 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500
100 1 2 3 5 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
200 N/A 1 2 3 6 10 --- --- --- --- --- ---
300 N/A N/A 2 3 5 7 10 15 --- --- --- ---
400 N/A N/A N/A 3 5 7 9 12 15 20 --- ---
500 N/A N/A N/A N/A 5 7 9 12 14 17 20 25
600 N/A N/A N/A N/A 5 7 9 11 14 16 19 22
700 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 7 9 11 13 16 18 21
800 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 6 9 11 13 16 18 21
900 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 8 11 13 15 18 20
1000 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 8 11 13 15 17 20

If certain expansion anchors are not accessible due to such things as high radiation, concrete
poured over the anchorages, equipment disassembly or removal being required, etc., then other
methods may be used to assess the tightness of the expansion anchors as discussed in
Section 4.4.1, Check #4 and summarized below.

• Use the Reduced Inspection Alternative (Section C.2.10) to verify the anchorage adequacy
(the reduced inspection does not require a tightness check).

• Delay the tightness checks until a later refueling outage when radiation hazards are less.

• Use engineering judgment to assess the anchorage adequacy based on other considerations,
e.g., tightness checks on similar anchors elsewhere in the plant, which show that

C.2 Expansion Anchors Revision 3A

installation practices produced consistently tight installation. This method should be used
as a last resort. The basis for the engineering judgment should be documented.

C.2.4 Embedment Check

(Note: This inspection check is not needed if the Reduced Inspection Alternative is chosen, as
described in Section C.2.10.)

The manufacturer's recommended minimum embedments listed in Table C.2-6, below, are from
the catalogs of each of the vendors listed in Reference 7, Page E-27. (These were the most
recent catalogs available when Reference 7 was published.) Expansion anchors with less than
the minimum embedment should be documented as outliers.

These minimum embedments can be verified by performing the following inspection checks for
shell- and nonshell-type expansion anchors. Note that these checks should be performed after
the tightness check (described in Section C.2.3) has been performed.

C.2 Expansion Anchors Revision 3A

Table C.2-6
Manufacturer’s Recommended Minimum Embedment
for Expansion Anchors Covered by This Procedure

Minimum Embedment (L) [in.] for Bolt/Stud

Product Name
Manufacturer (S=Shell, N=Nonshell) 3/8” 1/2” 5/8” 3/4” 7/8” 1”

Hilti Kwik-Bolt (N) 1.63 2.25 2.75 3.25 --- 4.50

HDI (S) 1.56 2.00 2.56 3.19 --- ---
Sleeve (N) 1.50 2.00 2.00 --- --- ---

ITW / Ramset Dynaset (S) 1.63 2.00 2.63 3.25 --- ---
Dynabolt (N) 2.00 2.25 2.25 --- --- ---
Trubolt (N) 1.50 2.25 2.75 3.38 4.00 4.50

ITW / Ramset / Multiset Drop-In (S) 1.63 2.00 2.50 3.19 --- ---
Redhead Self Drilling (S) 1.53 2.03 2.47 3.25 --- ---
Dynabolt Sleeve (N) 1.88 2.00 2.25 --- --- ---
Nondrill (S) 1.56 2.06 2.56 3.19 --- ---
Stud (S) 1.63 1.88 2.38 2.88 --- ---
TRUBOLT (N) 1.50 2.25 2.75 3.25 3.75 4.50

Molly Parasleeve (N) 1.50 2.00 2.00 --- --- ---

MDI (S) 1.56 2.00 2.50 3.19 --- ---
Parabolt (N) 1.50 2.25 2.75 3.25 4.00 4.50

Phillips Self-Drilling (S) 1.53 2.03 2.47 3.25 3.69 ---

Wedge (N) 1.75 2.13 2.63 3.25 3.75 4.50
Sleeve (N) 1.88 2.00 2.25 --- --- ---
Multi-Set (S) 1.38 1.75 2.25 2.50 --- ---
Stud (S) 1.63 1.88 2.38 2.88 --- ---
Non-Drilling (S) 1.56 2.06 2.56 3.19 --- ---

Rawl Drop-In (S) 1.88 2.38 3.00 3.50 --- ---

Stud (S) 1.75 2.25 2.88 3.38 4.00 4.50
Saber-Tooth (S) 1.53 2.03 2.47 3.25 3.69 ---
Bolt (N) 2.00 2.50 2.75 3.00 --- ---

Star Selfdrill (S) 1.53 2.03 2.47 3.25 3.69 ---

Steel (S) 1.44 1.94 2.38 3.00 --- ---
Stud (S) 1.63 1.75 2.38 2.88 --- ---

USE Diamond Sup-R-Drop (S) 1.56 2.00 2.53 3.19 --- ---
Sup-R-Stud (S) 2.16 2.81 3.31 4.25 4.72 5.56
Sup-R-Sleeve (N) 1.50 2.00 2.50 3.00 --- ---
Sup-R-Drill (S) 1.53 2.03 2.47 3.27 --- ---

WEJ-IT Drop-In (S) 1.63 2.00 2.50 3.25 --- ---

Sleeve (N) 1.50 1.88 2.00 2.25 --- ---
Wedge (N) 1.50 2.00 3.00 3.00 4.50 5.50
Stud (S) 1.75 2.13 3.63 3.25 --- 4.50

C.2 Expansion Anchors Revision 3A

Shell-Type Expansion Anchors. The embedment length of shell-type expansion anchors is

predetermined by the length of the shell and how it is installed in the concrete. The appropriate
shell length is assured if the expansion anchor is one of the types listed in Table C.2-6. An
appropriate installation is assured if the shell of these anchors does not protrude above the
surface of the concrete.

When making this embedment check, a check should also be made (as described in Section
4.4.1, Check #4) to confirm that the top of the shell is not touching the bottom of the base plate
of the item of equipment being anchored. This check should be performed after the tightness
check has been done. This will assure that the expansion anchor is tight in the hole and not just
tight up against the base of the equipment.

If it is necessary to remove the bolt or nut from the anchorage to make the above two checks,
then it is only necessary to spot check the embedment of a few anchors. If this spot check
indicates that these types of bolts may not be properly installed, then this inspection check should
be expanded accordingly. When re-installing the anchor, it should be re-tightened to a “wrench
tight” condition or to the recommended tightness check torque values using the guidelines given
in Section C.2.3, above.

Nonshell-Type Expansion Anchors. The embedment length of nonshell-type expansion anchors

is predetermined by the length of the stud and the installation of the anchor. The appropriate
overall length of nonshell studs is dependent upon the manufacturer, the model, and the thickness
of the equipment base plate for which the anchor is designed. Table C.2-7, below, can be used as
a generic screen for assessing whether a nonshell expansion anchor has adequate embedment. A
range of projections is given in Table C.2-7 since there are differences in acceptable projections
depending upon the make and model of the anchor. If a nonshell stud projects more than the
lower value of this range, then anchor-specific information should be used to determine the
embedment length of the anchor.

C.2 Expansion Anchors Revision 3A

Table C.2-7
Maximum Stud Projections Above Concrete for Nonshell-Type Expansion Anchors

Maximum Stud Projections

Stud Diameter Above Concrete
(in.) (in.)
3/8 1/2 – 3/4
1/2 1/2 – 3/4
5/8 1/2 – 7/8
3/4 7/8 – 1-1/2
7/8 1-1/2 – 2
1 1-1/2 – 2

Note that careful evaluation is needed when checking the projections since larger projections
than those given above may be needed if the base plate is relatively thick or if, at the time of
installation in the plant, a particular bolt length may not have been available. Also, for bolts
made by some manufacturers, the bolt projections may be larger than those given in the above
table even for their shortest bolts. Thus, while this check need only be visual, a careful
evaluation should be made to determine whether the stud projection is reasonable, given the bolt
diameter, base plate thickness, and whether a grout pad is used. When projections are larger than
those given in Table C.2-7, adequate embedment should be verified by consulting design and
construction documents and vendor catalogs. Alternately, ultrasonic inspection techniques may
be used to compare the measured bolt/stud length to the manufacturer’s recommended minimum
embedment given in Table C.2-6.

This embedment check should be performed on wedge- and sleeve-type, nonshell expansion
anchors after the tightness check has been done as described in Section C.2.3. This is to ensure
that the tightness check does not pull the expansion anchor partially out of the hole beyond the
required minimum embedment.

For bolts with deeper embedments than the minimum values given in Table C.2-6,
manufacturer’s catalog data may be used, if it is available, to establish the nominal allowable
capacities instead of those given in Table C.2-1. As an alternative, plant-specific testing may be
performed to establish the strength of the more deeply embedded expansion anchors.

C.2 Expansion Anchors Revision 3A

C.2.5 Spacing Check

If the spacing (S) between an expansion anchor and another anchor is less than the minimum
value (Smin) given in Table C.2-1, then a pullout capacity reduction factor (RSp) and a shear
capacity reduction factor (RSs) should be multiplied by the nominal pullout and shear capacities
(Pnom, Vnom) given in Table C.2-1 to obtain the allowable pullout and shear capacities (Pall, Vall)
as follows:

Pall = Pnom RSp

Vall = Vnom RSs

Pall = Allowable pullout capacity of anchor
Pnom = Nominal pullout capacity of anchor from Table C.2-1
Vall = Allowable shear capacity of anchor
Vnom = Nominal shear capacity of anchor from Table C.2-1
RSp = Pullout capacity reduction factor for closely spaced expansion anchors
= 1.0 for S ≥ 10D
= for 10D > S ≥ 5D
= 0.5 for 5D > S ≥ 2.5D
= Outlier for S < 2.5D
S = Spacing between anchors measured center-to-center
D = Diameter of anchor bolt/stud
RSs = Shear capacity reduction factor for closely spaced expansion anchors
= 1.0 for S ≥ 2D
= 0.5 for S < 2D

A reduction factor should be applied for each nearby anchor, whether it is another expansion
anchor or a different type of anchor. The spacings (S) given above are defined in terms of
multiples of the anchor bolt/stud diameter (D), measured from anchor centerline to centerline.

C.2 Expansion Anchors Revision 3A

C.2.6 Edge Distance Check

If the distance (E) from an expansion anchor to a free edge of concrete is less than the minimum
value (Emin) given in Table C.2-1, then a pullout capacity reduction factor (REp) and a shear
capacity reduction factor (REs) should be multiplied by the nominal pullout and shear capacities
(Pnom, Vnom) given in Table C.2-1 to obtain the allowable pullout and shear capacities (Pall, Vall)
as follows:

Pall = Pnom REp

Vall = Vnom REs

Pall = Allowable pullout capacity of anchor
Pnom = Nominal pullout capacity of anchor from Table C.2-1
Vall = Allowable shear capacity of anchor
Vnom = Nominal shear capacity of anchor from Table C.2-1
REp = Pullout capacity reduction factor for near edge expansion anchors
= 1.0 for E ≥ 10D
= for 10D > E ≥ 4D
= Outlier for E < 4D
E = Edge distance from centerline of anchor to free edge
D = Diameter of anchor bolt/stud
REs = Shear capacity reduction factor for near edge expansion anchors
= 1.0 for E ≥ 10D
 E 
= 10 D  for 10D > E ≥ 4D

= Outlier for E < 4D

C.2 Expansion Anchors Revision 3A

A reduction factor should be applied for each nearby edge; e.g., if an anchor is near a corner,
then two reduction factors apply. The edge distance (E) given in the tables above are in terms of
multiples of the anchor bolt/stud diameter (D), measured from the anchor centerline to the edge.

C.2.7 Concrete Strength Check

If the concrete compressive strength (f′c) is less than 4000 psi for pullout loads or 3500 psi for
shear loads, then a pullout capacity reduction factor (RFp) and a shear capacity reduction factor
(RFs) should be multiplied by the nominal pullout and shear capacities (Pnom, Vnom), given in
Table C.2-1, to obtain the allowable pullout and shear capacities (Pall, Vall) as follows:

Pall = Pnom RFp

Vall = Vnom RFs

Pall = Allowable pullout capacity of anchor
Pnom = Nominal pullout capacity of anchor from Table C.2-1
Vall = Allowable shear capacity of anchor
Vnom = Nominal shear capacity of anchor from Table C.2-1
RFp = Pullout capacity reduction factor for expansion anchors in low strength

= 1.0 for f′c ≥ 4000 psi

f c′
= for 4000 psi > f′c ≥ 2000 psi
= Outlier for f′c < 2000 psi
f′c = Concrete compression strength (psi)
RFs = Shear capacity reduction factor for expansion anchors in low strength concrete
= 1.0 for f′c ≥ 3500 psi
f c′
= + 0.65 for 3500 > f′c ≥ 2000 psi

= Outlier for f′c < 2000 psi

C.2 Expansion Anchors Revision 3A

C.2.8 Check for Concrete Cracks

If there are significant structural cracks in the concrete where expansion anchors are installed,
then a pullout capacity reduction factor (RCp) should be multiplied by the nominal pullout
capacity (Pnom), given in Table C.2-1, to obtain the allowable pullout capacities (Pall) as follows.

The shear capacity of expansion anchors is not significantly affected by cracks in the concrete.

Pall = Pnom RCp

Pall = Allowable capacity of anchor
Pnom = Nominal pullout capacity of anchor from Table C.2-1
RCp = Pullout capacity reduction factor for expansion anchors in cracked concrete
= See Table C.2-8 for values

The pullout capacity reduction factor applies only to significant structural cracks which penetrate
the concrete mass and pass through the vicinity of the anchor installation. Concrete with surface
(craze) cracks or shrinkage cracks which only affect the surface of the concrete should be
considered uncracked. It may be necessary to exercise judgment to establish whether cracks in
the vicinity of an anchor actually pass through the installation. Inspections for crack width
should be visual (i.e., detailed measurement of crack widths is not necessary).

C.2 Expansion Anchors Revision 3A

Table C.2-8
Pullout Capacity Reduction Factors for Expansion Anchors in Cracked Concrete

Reduction Factor for

Pullout Capacity
Conditions (RCp)

• No Cracks 1.0

• Crack size < 0.01 in. and the Number of

Required Anchors Securing the Equipment
Which Are Affected by These Cracks Is:

≤ 50% 1.0

> 50% 0.75*

• 0.01 in. ≤ Crack Size ≤ 0.02 in. 0.75*

• Crack Size > 0.02 in. Outlier

* Capacity reduction factor applies to all required anchors securing the item of equipment, not just the
anchors which are affected by the cracks.

C.2.9 Check for Essential Relays

If there are essential relays mounted in the item of equipment, then the following pullout
capacity reduction factor (RRp) and shear capacity reduction factor (RRs) should be multiplied by
the nominal pullout and shear capacities (Pnom, Vnom) given in Table C.2-1 to obtain the
allowable pullout and shear capacities (Pall, Vall) as follows:

Pall = Pnom RRp

Vall = Vnom RRs

Pall = Allowable pullout capacity of anchor
Pnom = Nominal pullout capacity of anchor from Table C.2-1
Vall = Allowable shear capacity of anchor
Vnom = Nominal shear capacity of anchor from Table C.2-1

C.2 Expansion Anchors Revision 3A

RRp = Pullout capacity reduction factor for expansion anchors securing equipment in
which essential relays are mounted
= 0.75
RRs = Shear capacity reduction factor for expansion anchors securing equipment in
which essential relays are mounted
= 0.75

The Relay Functionality Review described in Section 6 of the GIP identifies which cabinets and
items of equipment contain essential relays.

C.2.10 Reduced Inspection Alternative

A reduced level of inspection can be performed for expansion anchors if additional conservatism
is included in the anchorage evaluation. The two inspections which can be deleted for this
reduced inspection are:

• Tightness Check (Section C.2.3)

• Embedment Check (Section C.2.4)

However to use this Reduced Inspection Alternative, the following conditions should be met:

• Capacity Reduction Factor Applied. If the Reduced Inspection Alternative is used, then a
pullout capacity reduction factor (RIp) and shear capacity reduction factor (RIs) should be
multiplied by the nominal pullout and shear capacities (Pnom, Vnom) given in Table C.2-1 to
obtain the allowable pullout and shear capacities (Pall, Vall) as follows:

Pall = Pnom RIp

Vall = Vnom RIs

Pall = Allowable pullout capacity of anchor
Pnom = Nominal pullout capacity of anchor from Table C.2-1

C.2 Expansion Anchors Revision 3A

Vall = Allowable shear capacity of anchor

Vnom = Nominal shear capacity of anchor from Table C.2-1
RIp = Pullout capacity reduction factor for used with Reduced Inspection
= 0.75
RIs = Shear capacity reduction factor for use with Reduced Inspection
= 0.75

• Other Effects Do Not Reduce Anchor Capacity. None of the other effects which could
lower the capacity of the anchor are present. The following anchorage inspection checks,
from Section 4.4.1, should show that the anchors have full capacity. The checks and the
full capacity values are listed in Section 4.4.1 and in Sections C.2.5 through C.2.9:

Check 6 - Gap Size: None (Section 4.4.1)

Check 7 - Spacing: S ≥ 10D (Section C.2.5)
Check 8 - Edge Distance: E ≥ 10D (Section C.2.6)
Check 9 - Concrete Strength:
• For Pullout: f′c ≥ 4000 psi (Section C.2.7)
• For Shear: f′c ≥ 3500 psi (Section C.2.7)
Check 10 - Concrete Cracks: None
Check 11 - Essential Relays: None

• One Third of Anchors Not Available. The applied seismic and dead loads should be less
than the allowable anchor pullout and shear capacities given above when a third of the
anchors securing the item of equipment are assumed to be unavailable for carrying loads,
i.e., 50% more bolts are used to secure the item of equipment than necessary to meet the
allowable loads. There should be at least 6 anchors securing the equipment; 4 assumed to
be carrying the load and 2 not.

C.2 Expansion Anchors Revision 3A

C.2.11 Shear-Tension Interaction

When expansion anchors are subjected to simultaneous shear and tension, one of the following
shear-tension interaction formulations should be used. The linear formulation is conservative.
The bi-linear formulation is more realistic. Figure C.2-4 illustrates these formulations.

• Linear Formulation (conservative)

+ ≤ 1.0
Vall Pall

• Bilinear Formulation (more realistic)

≤ 1.0 for ≤ 0.3
Pall Vall

0.7 + ≤ 1.0 for 0.3 < ≤ 1.0
Pall Vall Vall

Where: P = Applied pullout loads due to earthquake plus dead loads.

V = Applied shear loads due to earthquake plus dead loads.
Pall = Allowable pullout capacity load for the anchor.
Vall = Allowable shear capacity load for the anchor.

C.2 Expansion Anchors Revision 3A


Figure 6.2-4. Shear-Tension Interaction Limitations for Expansion Anchors

(Source: Reference 7)

C.3 Cast-In-Place Bolts and Headed Studs Revision 3A


The topics covered in this section of the appendix for cast-in-place bolts and headed studs are as
follows. The [2]subsection number of each of these topics is also given.

C.3.1 Nominal Allowable Capacities

C.3.2 Embedment Check
C.3.3 Spacing Check
C.3.4 Edge Distance Check
C.3.5 Concrete Strength Check
C.3.6 Check for Concrete Cracks
C.3.7 Shear-Tension Interaction

The specific checks described in this section should be performed in conjunction with the generic
anchorage installation inspection checks described in Section 4.4.1. (See Table 4-2 for the
checks which are applicable for this anchor type.)

The nominal allowable capacities and capacity reduction factors provided in this section should
be used in the anchorage capacity equations given in Section 4.4.2

C.3.1 Nominal Allowable Capacities

The nominal allowable load capacities which can be used for cast-in-place bolts and headed
studs are listed in Table C.3-1, below.

C.3 Cast-In-Place Bolts and Headed Studs Revision 3A

Table C.3-1
Nominal Allowable Capacities for Cast-In-Place Bolts and Headed Studs
(f′c ≥ 3500 psi)1

Bolt/Stud Pullout Shear Minimum Minimum Min. Edge

Diameter Capacity Capacity Embedment2 Spacing3 Distance 3
(D, in.) (Pnom, kip) (Vnom, kip) (Lmin, in.) (Smin, in.) (Emin, in.)
3/8 3.74 1.87 3-3/4 4-3/4 3-3/8
1/2 6.66 3.33 5 6-1/4 4-3/8
5/8 10.44 5.22 6-1/4 7-7/8 5-1/2
3/4 15.03 7.51 7-1/2 9-1/2 6-5/8
7/8 20.44 10.22 8-3/4 11 7-3/4
1 26.69 13.35 10 12-5/8 8-3/4
1-1/8 33.80 16.90 11-1/4 14-1/4 9-7/8
1-1/4 41.72 20.86 12-1/2 15-3/4 11
1-3/8 50.40 25.25 13-3/4 17-3/8 12-1/8
1. The pullout and shear capacities shown here are for ASTM A-307 or equivalent strength bolts
installed in sound, uncracked concrete (i.e., no cracks passing through the anchor bolt installation)
with a compressive strength of 3500 psi or greater. For bolt capacities in lower strength concrete,
see Section C.3.5. For bolt capacities in cracked concrete, see Section C.3.6.
2. See Figure C.3-1 for definition of embedment length (L). Smaller embedments than the minimum
given here can be used with the reduction factor given in Section C.3.2.
3. Minimum spacings and edge distances are measured from bolt center to bolt center or concrete
edge. Spacings and edge distances less than the minimums given here can be used with the
reduction factors given in Sections C.3.3 and C.3.4.

C.3.2 Embedment Check

The nominal pullout and shear capacities (Pnom, Vnom) given in Table C.3-1 are based on the
assumption that the embedment length is sufficiently long to preclude failure in the concrete.
The minimum embedments (L min) given in Table C.3-1 are equal to 10 times the bolt diameter
(D). Figure C.3-1 shows the embedment length (L) for a cast-in-place bolt and a headed stud.

The embedment length should be verified by consulting existing drawings to ensure that the
actual embedment length (L) is more than the minimum (L min). If the construction drawings are

C.3 Cast-In-Place Bolts and Headed Studs Revision 3A

not available, ultrasonic means or other appropriate methods may be used to verify the actual

If the embedment length (L) is less than the minimum value (L min) given in Table C.3-1, then a
pullout capacity reduction factor (RLp) and a shear capacity reduction factor (RLs) should be
multiplied by the nominal pullout and shear capacities (Pnom, Vnom) given in Table C.3-1 to
obtain the allowable pullout and shear capacities (Pall, Vall) as follows:

Pall = Pnom RLp

Vall = Vnom RLs

Pall = Allowable pullout capacity of anchor
Pnom = Nominal pullout capacity of anchor from Table C.3-1
Vall = Allowable shear capacity of anchor
Vnom = Nominal shear capacity of anchor from Table C.3-1
RLp = RLs = Pullout (p) and shear (s) capacity reduction factors for cast-in-place
anchors with shallow embedment
= 1.0 for L ≥ 10D
( L + D) L
= for 4D < L < 10D and L > 3 inches
( L min + D) L min
= Outlier for L < Greater of: 4D or 3 inches
L = Length of anchor embedment per Figure C.3-1
Lmin = Minimum length of anchor embedment from Table C.3-1
D = Diameter of anchor bolt/stud

C.3 Cast-In-Place Bolts and Headed Studs Revision 3A

L = Embedment Length

Figure C.3-1. Typical Installations of Cast-In-Place Bolt and Headed Stud

C.3 Cast-In-Place Bolts and Headed Studs Revision 3A

C.3.3 Spacing Check

If the spacing (S) between a cast-in-place anchor and another anchor is less than the minimum
value (Smin) given in Table C.3-1, then a pullout capacity reduction factor (RSp) and a shear
capacity reduction factor (RSs) should be multiplied by the nominal pullout and shear capacities
(Pnom, Vnom) given in Table C.3-1 to obtain the allowable pullout and shear capacities (Pall, Vall)
as follows.

Note that a reduction factor should be applied for each nearby anchor, whether it is another cast-
in-place anchor or a different type of anchor. For example, for 4 bolts in a line, the interior bolts
would be subject to 2 reductions, while the exterior bolts would be subject to only 1 reduction.

Note that if there are 5 or more cast-in-place anchors in a cluster which are spaced closer
together than the minimum (Smin) as defined in Table C.3-1, then the pullout capacity reduction
factor (RSp) cannot be used; the anchors in that cluster should instead be identified as outliers.

Pall = Pnom RSp

Vall = Vnom RSs

Pall = Allowable pullout capacity of anchor
Pnom = Nominal pullout capacity of anchor from Table C.3-1
Vall = Allowable shear capacity of anchor
Vnom = Nominal shear capacity of anchor from Table C.3-1
RSp = Pullout capacity reduction factors for closely spaced cast-in-place anchors

= 1.0 for S ≥ Smin

A s , red
= S < Smin
A s, nom

= Outlier where there are 5 or more cast-in-place anchors in a cluster

in which S < Smin

C.3 Cast-In-Place Bolts and Headed Studs Revision 3A

S = Spacing from the bolt being evaluated to an adjacent bolt measured center-to-
Smin = Minimum spacing to develop full pullout strength from Table C.3-1
As,nom= Nominal projected area of the nonoverlapping shear cone of a single bolt
located at the minimum spacing distance (Smin) from Table C.3-2. The values
of As,nom given in Table C.3-2 are about 13 percent less than the full, geometric
shear cone projected area.
As,red = Reduced projected area of the nonoverlapping shear cone of a single bolt
located less than the minimum spacing (Smin) from another bolt. The values of
Ared are calculated from the following equation:

1 2  θ 
= πr 2 − r θ − r S sin  
2   2 

2L + D
r =

 S 
θ= 2 cos −1  
 2L + D 
S = Spacing between bolt being evaluated and adjacent bolt measured center-to-
L = Length of embedment of bolt being evaluated
D = Diameter of anchor bolt/stud
RSs = Shear capacity reduction factor for closely spaced cast-in-place anchors

= 1.0 for S ≥ 2D
= 0.5 for S < 2D

C.3 Cast-In-Place Bolts and Headed Studs Revision 3A

Table C.3-2
Nonoverlapping Projected Shear Cone Areas for Bolts Meeting Minimum Spacing Requirements

Nonoverlapping Shear
Bolt Diameter Cone Area
(D, in.) (As,nom, in.2)

3/8 41.9

1/2 74.1

5/8 116.0

3/4 167.4

7/8 227.2

1 297.3

1-1/8 376.7

1-1/4 464.1

1-3/8 562.2

C.3.4 Edge Distance Check

If the distance (E) from a cast-in-place bolt or a headed stud to a free edge of concrete is less
than the minimum value (E min), given in Table C.3-1, then a pullout capacity reduction factor
(REp) and a shear capacity reduction factor (REs) should be multiplied by the nominal pullout
and shear capacities (Pnom, Vnom), given in Table C.3-1, to obtain the allowable pullout and shear
capacities (Pall, Vall) as follows. A reduction factor should be applied for each nearby edge; e.g.,
if an anchor is near a corner, then two reduction factors apply.

Pall = Pnom REp

Vall = Vnom REs

Pall = Allowable pullout capacity of anchor
Pnom = Nominal pullout capacity of anchor from Table C.3-1
Vall = Allowable shear capacity of anchor

C.3 Cast-In-Place Bolts and Headed Studs Revision 3A

Vnom = Nominal shear capacity of anchor from Table C.3-1

REp = Pullout capacity reduction factor near edge cast-in-place bolts and headed

= 1.0 for E ≥ Emin

A e , red
= for Emin > E ≥ 4D
A e , nom

= Outlier for E < 4D

E = Edge distance from centerline of anchor to free edge
Emin = Minimum edge distance to develop full pullout capacity from Table C.3-1
D = Diameter of anchor bolt/stud
Ae,nom= Nominal projected shear cone area of a bolt which is located away from a free
concrete edge at least the minimum edge distance (Emin) given in Table C.3-1.
= 0.96 (2L + D)2
L = Length of embedment of bolt being evaluated

Ae,red = Reduced projected shear cone area of a bolt located at less than the minimum
edge distance from a concrete edge

1 2  θ 
= πr 2 −  r θ − 2r E sin  
2  2 

 2E 
θ= 2 cos −1  
 2L + D 
2L + D
r =
REs = Shear capacity reduction factor for near edge cast-in-place bolts and headed

= 1.0 for E ≥ 8.75D

= 0.0131   for 8.75D > E ≥ 4D
= Outlier for E < 4D

C.3 Cast-In-Place Bolts and Headed Studs Revision 3A

C.3.5 Concrete Strength Check

If the concrete compressive strength (f'c) is less than 3500 psi, then a pullout capacity reduction
factor (RFp) and a shear capacity reduction factor (RFs) should be multiplied by the nominal
pullout and shear capacities (Pnom, Vnom) given in Table C.3-1, to obtain the allowable pullout
and shear capacities (Pall, Vall) as follows:

Pall = Pnom RFp

Vall = Vnom RFs

Pall = Allowable pullout capacity of anchor
Pnom = Nominal pullout capacity of anchor from Table C.3-1
Vall = Allowable shear capacity of anchor
Vnom = Nominal shear capacity of anchor from Table C.3-1
RFp = RFs = Pullout (p) and shear (s) capacity reduction factors for cast-in-place bolts
and headed studs in low strength concrete

= 1.0 for f′c ≥ 3500 psi

f c′
= for 3500 psi > f′c ≥ 2500 psi

= Outlier for f′c < 2500 psi

f′c = Concrete compressive strength (psi)

C.3.6 Check for Concrete Cracks

If there are significant structural cracks in the concrete where the cast-in-place bolts and headed
studs are installed, then a pullout capacity reduction factor (RCp) should be multiplied by the
nominal pullout capacity (Pnom) given in Table C.3-1 to obtain the allowable pullout capacity
(Pall) as follows. The shear capacity of the cast-in-place bolts and headed stud anchors is not
significantly affected by cracks in the concrete.

C.3 Cast-In-Place Bolts and Headed Studs Revision 3A

The pullout capacity reduction factor applies only to significant structural cracks which penetrate
the concrete mass and pass through the vicinity of the anchor installation. Concrete with surface
(craze) cracks or shrinkage cracks which only affect the surface of the concrete should be
considered uncracked. It may be necessary to exercise judgment to establish whether cracks in
the vicinity of an anchor actually pass through the installation. Inspections for crack width
should be visual (i.e., detailed measurement of crack widths is not necessary).

Pall = Pnom RCp

Pall = Allowable pullout capacity of anchor
Pnom = Nominal pullout capacity of anchor from Table C.3-1
RCp = Pullout capacity reduction factor for cast-in-place anchors in cracked concrete
= 1.0 for no cracks and for CS < 0.01 in.
= 1.08 – 8 CS for 0.01 in. ≤ CS ≤ 0.06 in.
= Outlier for CS > 0.06 in.
CS = Crack size (approximate size based on visual observation)

C.3.7 Shear-Tension Interaction

For existing cast-in-place bolts subjected to simultaneous shear and tension, the shear-tension
interaction depends on the anticipated failure mode. Figure C.3-2 presents the interaction curves
for cast-in-place bolts for failure in the bolt steel or failure in the concrete. Since the anchorage
criteria in this procedure (and Reference 7) for cast-in-place bolts, and headed studs ensure that
failure does not occur in the concrete, it is recommended that the interaction formulation for steel
failure be used, i.e., the bi-linear shear-tension curve shown in Figure C.3-2.

C.3 Cast-In-Place Bolts and Headed Studs Revision 3A


Figure C.3-2. Shear-Tension Interaction Limitations for Cast-In-Place Bolts and Headed Studs
(Source: Reference 7)

C.4 Cast-In-Place J-Bolts Revision 3A


The term J-Bolt refers to a plain steel bar with a hook formed at the embedded end, and threaded
at the other end. A typical J-bolt is shown in Figure C.4-1. The following topics are covered in
this section of the appendix. The [2]subsection number of each of these topics is also given.

C.4.1 Nominal Allowable Capacities

C.4.2 Embedment Check
C.4.3 Spacing Check
C.4.4 Edge Distance Check
C.4.5 Concrete Strength Check
C.4.6 Check for Concrete Cracks

The specific checks described in this section should be performed in conjunction with the generic
anchorage installation inspection checks described in Section 4.4.1. (See Table 4-2 for the
checks which are applicable for this anchor type.)

The nominal allowable capacities and capacity reduction factors provided in this section should
be used in the anchorage capacity equations given in Section 4.4.2.

C.4.1 Nominal Allowable Capacities

The nominal allowable load capacities which can be used for cast-in-place J-bolts are listed in
Table C.4-1, below. An embedded bar can be considered as a J-bolt only if it has a hook on the
embedded end meeting the minimum dimensions shown in Figure C.4-1.

C.4 Cast-In-Place J-Bolts Revision 3A

Figure C.4-1. Typical J-Bolt Installations

(Source: Reference 7)

C.4 Cast-In-Place J-Bolts Revision 3A

Table C.4-1
Nominal Allowable Capacities for J-Bolts Cast-In-Place
(f′c ≥ 3500 psi)1

Minimum Embedment2
Bar Pullout Shear Minimum Min. Edge
(Lmin, in.)
Diameter Capacity Capacity Spacing3 Distance 3
(D, in.) (Pnom, kip) (Vnom, kip) 180° Hook 90° Hook (Smin, in.) (Emin, in.)
3/8 3.74 1.87 16 20-1/2 1-1/8 3-3/8
1/2 6.66 3.33 21-1/4 27-1/4 1-1/2 4-3/8
5/8 10.44 5.22 26-5/8 34-1/8 1-7/8 5-1/2
3/4 15.03 7.51 31-7/8 40-7/8 2-1/4 6-5/8
7/8 20.44 10.22 37-1/4 47-3/4 2-5/8 7-3/4
1 26.69 13.35 42-1/2 54-1/2 3 8-3/4
1-1/8 33.80 16.90 47-7/8 61-3/8 3-3/8 9-7/8
1-1/4 41.72 20.86 53-1/8 68-1/3 3-3/4 11
1-3/8 50.40 25.25 58-1/2 75 4-1/8 12-1/8
1. The pullout and shear capacities shown here are from J-Bolts installed in sound, uncracked concrete
with a compressive strength (f′c) of al least 3500 psi.
2. Embedment length is defined in Figure C.4-1.
3. Spacing and edge distance are measured from the center of the bolt(s).

C.4.2 Embedment Check

The nominal pullout capacities (Pnom) given in Table C.4-1 are based on the assumption that the
embedded length is at least as long as the minimum embedment lengths (L min) given in
Table C.4-1.

If the embedment length (L) is less than the minimum value (L min), then a pullout capacity
reduction factor (RLp) should be multiplied by the nominal pullout capacity (Pnom) to obtain the
allowable pullout capacity (Pall). A capacity reduction factor for shear is not needed since J-bolts
develop their full shear strength even when the embedment is so small that the J-bolt becomes an
outlier due to insufficient embedment for pullout (at L = 16D).

C.4 Cast-In-Place J-Bolts Revision 3A

Pall = Pnom RLp

Pall = Allowable pullout capacity of anchor
Pnom = Nominal pullout capacity of anchor from Table C.4-1
RLp = Pullout capacity reduction factor for cast-in-place J-bolts
= 1.0 for L ≥ Lmin
L + 20D
= for 180° hook when L min > L ≥ 16D
L + 8D
= for 90° hook when L min > L ≥ 16D
= Outlier for L < 16D
L = Length of J-Bolt embedment per Figure C.4-1 (in.)
Lmin = Minimum length of J-Bolt embedment from Table C.4-1
D = Rod diameter (in.)

C.4.3 Spacing Check

The nominal shear capacities (Vnom) for J-bolts given in Table C.4-1 are based on a minimum
spacing of 3D, where D is the diameter of the J-bolt.

For spacings less than 3D, the J-bolt is an outlier.

C.4.4 Edge Distance Check

The minimum edge distances given in Table C.4-1 for J-bolts are the same as those for cast-in-
place bolts and headed studs. Likewise the capacity reduction factors for J-bolts installed near an
edge are also the same as discussed in Section C.3.4 for cast-in-place bolts and headed studs.

C.4.5 Concrete Strength Check

If the concrete compressive strength (f′c) is less than 3500 psi, then a pullout capacity reduction
factor (RFp) and a shear capacity reduction factor (RFs) should be multiplied by the nominal

C.4 Cast-In-Place J-Bolts Revision 3A

pullout and shear capacities (Pnom, Vnom) given in Table C.4-1, to obtain the allowable pullout
and shear capacities (Pall, Vall) for J-bolts.

Pall = Pnom RFp

Vall = Vnom RFs

Pall = Allowable pullout capacity of anchor
Pnom = Nominal pullout capacity of anchor from Table C.4-1
Vall = Allowable shear capacity of anchor
Vnom = Nominal shear capacity of anchor from Table C.4-1
RFp = RFs = Pullout (p) and shear (s) capacity reduction factors for J-bolts in low
strength concrete

= 1.0 for f′c ≥ 3500 psi

f c′
= for 2500 psi ≤ f′c < 3500 psi

= Outlier for f′c < 2500 psi

f′c = Concrete compressive strength (psi)

C.4.6 Check for Concrete Cracks

The areas adjacent to J-bolt installations should be inspected for significant structural cracks
which penetrate the concrete mass. Concrete with surface (craze) cracks or shrinkage cracks
which only affect the surface of the concrete should be considered uncracked. Inspections for
crack width should be visual (i.e., detailed measurement of crack widths is not necessary).
J-bolts should be classified as outliers when either of the following two crack sizes are exceeded:

• When cracks are larger than about 0.02 inch wide and traverse through the J-bolt
installation, or

• When cracks are larger than about 0.05 inches wide and exist near the J-bolt installation.

C.4 Cast-In-Place J-Bolts Revision 3A

C.4.7 Shear-Tension Interaction

It is left to the user to select an appropriate shear-tension interaction formulation for use with
J-bolts when both tension and shear loads are significant.

C.5 Grouted-In-Place Bolts Revision 3A


The topics covered in this section of the appendix for grouted-in-place bolts are as follows. The
subsection number of each of these topics is also given.

C.5.1 Nominal Allowable Capacities

C.5.2 Embedment, Spacing, and Edge Distance Checks
C.5.3 Concrete Strength Check and Cracks in Concrete
C.5.4 Shear-Tension Interaction

The specific checks described in this section should be performed in conjunction with the generic
anchorage installation inspection checks described in Section 4.4.1. (See Table 4-2 for the
checks which are applicable for this anchor type.)

The nominal allowable capacities and capacity reduction factors provided in this section should
be used in the anchorage capacity equations given in Section 4.4.2.

C.5.1 Nominal Allowable Capacities

The nominal allowable pullout and shear capacities which can be used for grouted-in-place bolts
are listed in Table C.5-1, below. Note that the values in this table are identical to those in Table
C.3-1 for cast-in-place bolts and headed studs except that the pullout capacities (Pnom) are
reduced by a factor of 10. This was done since the pullout capacity of grouted-in-place bolts is
significantly affected by the method of installation. Since documentation of the method used to
install grouted-in-place bolts often is not available, the pullout capacities given in the table below
are reduced significantly.

However, if the bolts were installed using effective installation procedures similar to those in
Reference 28, then the pullout capacities of this grouted-in-place bolts may be taken to be the
same as for cast-in-place bolts (i.e., use the capacities given in Table C.3-1). Some of the
installation techniques used in Reference 28 include such things as thorough cleansing of the

C.5 Grouted-In-Place Bolts Revision 3A

concrete hole, acid etching of the concrete hole to roughen the surfaces, and use of grout which
expands while it is curing.

Table C.5-1
Nominal Allowable Capacities for Grouted-In-Place Bolts
(f′c ≥ 3500 psi)1

Bolt/Stud Pullout Shear Minimum Minimum Min. Edge

Diameter Capacity2 Capacity Embedment3 Spacing4 Distance 4
(D, in.) (Pnom, kip) (Vnom, kip) (Lmin, in.) (Smin, in.) (Emin, in.)
3/8 0.37 1.87 3-3/4 4-3/4 3-3/8
1/2 0.67 3.33 5 6-1/4 4-3/8
5/8 1.04 5.22 6-1/4 7-7/8 5-1/2
3/4 1.50 7.51 7-1/2 9-1/2 6-5/8
7/8 2.04 10.22 8-3/4 11 7-3/4
1 2.67 13.35 10 12-5/8 8-3/4
1-1/8 3.38 16.90 11-1/4 14-1/4 9-7/8
1-1/4 4.17 20.86 12-1/2 15-3/4 11
1-3/8 5.04 25.25 13-3/4 17-3/8 12-1/8
1. The pullout and shear capacities shown here are for ASTM A-307 or equivalent strength bolts
installed in sound, uncracked concrete (i.e., no cracks passing through the anchor bolt installation)
with a compressive strength of 3500 psi or greater. For bolt capacities in lower strength concrete see
Section C.3.5. For bolt capacities in cracked concrete see Section C.3.6.
2. The pullout capacities (Pnom) are based on not having used special installation practices (or not
knowing whether such practices were used). However, if installation procedures similar to those in
Reference 28 were used, then the pullout capacities for cast-in-place bolts (Table C.3-1) can be used
in place of the values in this table.
3. See Figure C.3-1 for definition of embedment length (L). Smaller embedments than the minimum
given here can be used with the reduction factor given in Section C.3.2.
4. Minimum spacings and edge distances are measured from bolt center to bolt center or concrete
edge. Spacings and edge distances less than the minimums given here can be used with the
reduction factors given in Sections C.3.3 and C.3.4.

C.5 Grouted-In-Place Bolts Revision 3A

C.5.2 Embedment, Spacing, and Edge Distance Checks

For grouted-in-place bolts having embedments, spacings, and/or edge distances which are less
than the minimum values given in Table C.5-1, the capacity reduction factors given in Sections
C.3.2, C.3.3, and C.3.4 for cast-in-place bolts may be used to reduce the nominal pullout and
shear capacities given in Table C.5-1.

C.5.3 Checks for Concrete Strength and Cracks in Concrete

When grouted-in-place bolts are installed in concrete which has a compressive strength of
f′c ≤ 3500 psi, the capacity reduction factors given in Section C.3.5 for cast-in-place bolts may be
used to reduce the nominal pullout and shear capacities given in Table C.5-1.

If there are significant structural cracks in the concrete where the grouted-in-place bolts are
installed, then the pullout capacity reduction factors given in Section C.3.6 for cast-in-place bolts
may be used to reduce the nominal pullout capacities given in Table C.5-1.

C.5.4 Shear-Tension Interaction

For grouted-in-place bolts subjected to simultaneous shear and tension, the guidelines given in
Section C.3.7 for cast-in-place bolts may be used to compare the allowable loads to the applied

C.6 Welds to Embedded or Exposed Steel Revision 3A


Equipment at nuclear plants [2]is often anchored by welds to steel plates or channels which are
embedded in concrete (see Figure C.3-l.b). The strength of such an anchorage depends on the
weld of the equipment to the steel and the shear and pullout resistance of the headed stud that
anchors the steel into the concrete. The following topics are covered in this section of the
appendix. The [2]subsection number of each of these topics is also given.

C.6.1 Allowable Loads for Typical Welds

C.6.2 Summary of Equivalent Weld Sizes
C.6.3 Weld Check
C.6.4 Shear-Tension Interaction for Welds
C.6.5 Embedded or Exposed Steel Check

The specific checks described in this section should be performed in conjunction with the generic
anchorage installation inspection checks described in Section 4.4.1. (See Table 4-2 for the
checks which are applicable for welds.)

C.6.1 Allowable Loads for Typical Welds

The allowable loads for typical welds made with E60 electrodes are listed in Table C.6-1, below.
These allowable loads are based on a weld stress allowable of 30,600 psi.

C.6 Welds to Embedded or Exposed Steel Revision 3A

Table C.6-1
Allowable Capacities for Typical Welds
(E60 Electrodes)

Weld Sizes
Throat Area
t L (A = .707 t L) Allowable Fw
(in.) (in.) (in.2) (kips)
1/8 1/2 0.0442 1.35
1/8 3/4 0.0663 2.03
1/8 1 0.0884 2.70
3/16 1/4 0.0331 1.01
3/16 1/2 0.0663 2.03
3/16 3/4 0.0994 3.04
3/16 1 0.1326 4.06
1/4 1/4 0.0442 1.35
1/4 1/2 0.0884 2.70
1/4 3/4 0.1326 4.06
1/4 1 0.1768 5.41

Where: t = Thickness of the weld leg
L = Length of the weld
A = Cross-sectional area through the throat of the weld
= 0.707 t L
Fw = Allowable load capacity of weld

C.6 Welds to Embedded or Exposed Steel Revision 3A

C.6.2 Summary of Equivalent Weld Sizes

A summary of equivalent weld sizes which have the same capacity as other types of fasteners is
shown in Table C.6-2, below.

Table C.6-2
Summary of Equivalent Weld Sizes

Welds Equivalent Bolt Diameter (D, in.)

Typical Size Throat Area Expansion Cast-in-Place
(L x t, in.) (in.2) Anchor Bolts Anchor Bolts
1/2 x 1/8 0.0442 3/8 ---
1 x 1/8 0.0884 1/2 ---
1 x 3/16 0.1326 3/4 3/8
1 x 1/4 0.1768 3/4 3/8
2 x 3/16 0.2651 7/8 1/2
2 x 1/4 0.3535 1 5/8
2 x 3/8 0.5305 --- 3/4

C.6.3 Weld Check

The welds used for anchoring equipment to embedded or exposed steel should be inspected in
the following areas:
• Determine the overall length (L) and thickness (t) of the welds. The weld thickness should
be limited to the thinnest part of either the weld itself or the connecting part.

• Check for weld burn-through on cabinets made of thin material.

• Check for weld quality, particularly in puddle welds which carry high tension loads.
• The minimum effective length of fillet welds should not be less than 4 times the nominal
size of the weld, or else the size of the weld should be considered not to exceed l/4 of its
effective length.

C.6 Welds to Embedded or Exposed Steel Revision 3A

C.6.4 Shear-Tension Interaction for Welds

When welds are subjected to simultaneous shear and tension, the allowable loads can be
compared to the applied loads using the following shear- tension interaction formulation:

2 2
 P  V 
  +   ≤ 1
 Fw   Fw 

P = Pullout (tensile) load applied to weld [kip]
V = Shear load applied to weld [kip]
Fw = Allowable load for weld from Table C.6-1 [kip]

C.6.5 Embedded or Exposed Steel Check

The embedded steel or the exposed steel to which the equipment is anchored by the weld should
be evaluated to determine whether it has the capacity to carry the loads applied to it.

The allowable stresses from Part 2 of the AISC code (Reference 29) may be used for evaluating
the adequacy of exposed steel and the structural members of an embedded steel assembly. The
guidelines given in Section C.3 of this appendix can be used for evaluating the cast-in-place bolts
and headed studs which are a part of the embedded steel assembly.

Revision 3A


Listed below are the specific reasons for making the changes marked with a vertical line in the
margin of this appendix to create GIP-3A from GIP-3, Updated 5/16/97. The endnote numbers
listed below correspond to the bracketed numbers (e.g., [1]) located in the text of this appendix
where the changes are made.

SSER No. 2, Sec. II.4.4.7 – The Staff concurred with the GIP statement in Part I, Section 2.3.4 that the
factor of safety currently recommended for new nuclear plants should be used for new installations and
newly designed anchorages in modifications or replacements instead of those contained in the GIP for
resolution of USI A-46. However, the Staff provided alternative language to describe this requirement.
The GIP has been edited in Part I, Section 2.3.4 to incorporate the alternative Staff language. Part II,
Section 4.4.2 and Appendix C have also been amended to include a paragraph reminding the licensee of
this requirement.
Typographical error corrected.

Revision 3A

Appendix D
Seismic Interaction

Revision 3A


Section Page
D.1 Introduction ....................................................................................................................... D-1
D.2 Proximity ........................................................................................................................... D-2
D.2.1 Piping, Raceways, and Ductwork Deflections.................................................... D-2
D.2.2 Mechanical and Electrical Equipment Deflections............................................. D-3
D.3 Structural Failure and Falling............................................................................................ D-4
D.3.1 Mechanical and Electrical Equipment ................................................................ D-4
D.3.2 Piping, Raceways, and HVAC Systems.............................................................. D-4
D.3.3 Architectural Features......................................................................................... D-5
D.3.4 Operations, Maintenance, and Safety Equipment............................................... D-5
D.4 Flexibility of Attached Lines............................................................................................. D-6
D.5 Evaluation of Interaction Effects ...................................................................................... D-7
D.6 Summary of Interaction Examples.................................................................................... D-7

Revision 3A

Appendix D
Seismic Interaction


The purpose of this appendix is to describe seismic interaction and how it can be evaluated for
safe shutdown equipment.

Seismic interaction is the physical interaction of any structures, piping, or equipment with a
nearby item of safe shutdown equipment caused by relative motions from an earthquake. An
inspection should be performed in the area adjacent to and surrounding all safe shutdown
equipment to identify any seismic interaction condition which could adversely affect the
capability of the safe shutdown equipment to perform its intended safe shutdown function.

The three seismic interaction effects which are included within the scope of this procedure are:

• Proximity
• Structural failure and falling

• Flexibility of attached lines and cables

These areas are described below.

There are other areas of seismic interaction which can occur in a nuclear plant but are not
included within the scope of this procedure. These areas are:

• Effects of fire

• Flooding or exposure to fluids from ruptured vessels and piping systems

Revision 3A

• Failure of distribution lines (pipes, cables, etc.) due to large relative motion between
different building structures. (Note: Flexibility between the safe shutdown equipment and
building structures is covered by this procedure.)

The remainder of this appendix describes the three seismic interaction effects covered by this
procedure and how they can be evaluated for safe shutdown equipment. Note that the SQUG
training course includes many examples covering this seismic interaction issue.


Seismic proximity interaction is the impact of adjacent equipment or structures on safe shutdown
equipment due to their relative motion during seismic excitation. This relative motion can be the
result of the vibration and movement of the safe shutdown equipment itself or any adjacent
equipment or structures. When sufficient anchorage, bracing, or other means are provided to
preclude large deflections, seismic proximity effects are not typically a concern.

Even if there is impact between adjacent equipment or structures, there may not be any
significant damage to the safe shutdown equipment. In such cases, this seismic interaction
would not be considered a reason for concern, provided the equipment can still accomplish its
intended safe shutdown function. One exception to this is electrical cabinets containing essential
relays, as defined in Section 6, which are required for a safe shutdown function. Since relays are
susceptible to chatter, any impact on an electrical cabinet which has such an essential relay in it
should be considered an unacceptable seismic interaction and cause for identifying that electrical
cabinet as an outlier.

D.2.1 Piping, Raceways, and Ductwork Deflections

The motion of piping, conduit, cable raceways, and other distribution lines may result in impact
interactions with safe shutdown equipment. Non-safety-related piping is commonly supported
with rod hangers or other forms of flexible dead load support, with little or no lateral restraint.
Where adequate clearance with safe shutdown equipment is not provided, potential impact
interaction may result. The integrity of the piping is typically not a concern. (Threaded fittings,

Revision 3A

cast iron pipes and fittings, and victaulic couplings may be exceptions where large anchor
movement is possible.) In general, impacts between distribution systems (piping, conduit, ducts,
raceways) and safe shutdown equipment of comparable size are not a cause for concern; the
potential for large relative motions between dissimilar size systems should be carefully evaluated
to assure that a large system cannot carry away a smaller one.

Judgment should be exercised by the Seismic Capability Engineers in estimating potential

motions of distribution systems in proximity to the safe shutdown equipment under evaluation.
For screening purposes, a clearance of 2 inches for relatively rigid cable tray and conduit
raceway systems and 6 inches for relatively flexible systems would normally be adequate to
prevent impacts, subject to the judgment of the Seismic Capability Engineers.

Where potential interaction may involve systems with significant thermal movements during
plant normal operating conditions, the thermal displacements should be evaluated along with
those resulting from seismic deflections. Inter-equipment displacement limits may be developed
from the applicable floor response spectra to assist in this effort.

D.2.2 Mechanical and Electrical Equipment Deflections

Inadequately anchored or inadequately braced mechanical and electrical equipment such as

pumps, valves, vessels, cabinets, and switchgear may deflect or overturn during seismic loadings
resulting in impact with nearby safe shutdown equipment. Certain items, such as tanks with high
height-to-diameter aspect ratios, can deflect and impact nearby equipment. Electrical cabinets in
proximity to each other may pound against each other.

The Seismic Capability Engineers should use judgment in such cases to evaluate the potential
displacements and their potential effect on nearby safe shutdown equipment. Cabinets with
essential relays warrant special concern as described above.

Revision 3A


Safe shutdown equipment can be damaged and unable to accomplish its safe shutdown function
due to impact caused by failure of overhead or adjacent equipment, systems, or structures. (This
interaction hazard is commonly referred to as a Category II over Category I concern.) This
seismic interaction effect can occur from nearby or overhead: (1) mechanical and electrical
equipment; (2) piping, raceway, and HVAC systems; (3) architectural features; and
(4) operations, maintenance, and safety equipment. The seismic interaction effects which are of
concern for these types of equipment, systems, and structures are described below. It is the
intent of this evaluation that realistic hazards be identified and corrected; failure of non-
seismically supported equipment and systems located over safe shutdown equipment should not
be arbitrarily assumed. The judgment of the Seismic Capability Engineers should be used to
differentiate between likely and unlikely interaction hazards.

D.3.1 Mechanical and Electrical Equipment

Equipment such as tanks, heat exchangers, and electrical cabinets that are inadequately anchored
or inadequately braced have historically overturned and/or slid due to earthquake excitation. In
some cases this has resulted in damage to nearby equipment or systems.

D.3.2 Piping, Raceways, and HVAC Systems

Falling of non-seismically designed piping, raceways, and HVAC systems have been observed in
very limited numbers during earthquakes due to unique circumstances. Most commonly reported
are falling of inadequately secured louvers and diffusers on lightweight HVAC ducting. Damage
to piping systems is less common and usually is limited to component failures which have rarely
compromised system structural integrity. Typical damage is attributed to differential motions of
systems resulting from movement of unanchored equipment, attachment of systems between
buildings, or extremely flexible long runs of unrestrained piping. Very long runs of raceway
systems pose a potential falling hazard when the runs are resting on, but not attached to,
cantilever supports.

Revision 3A

D.3.3 Architectural Features

Architectural features include such items as ceilings, light fixtures, platform grating,
unreinforced masonry walls, and non-seismic Category I structures. The seismic interaction
effects for these are described below:

• Ceilings. T-bar suspended tiles, recessed fixtures, and sheet rock are used in some plant
areas (such as the control room). Seismic capabilities of these ceilings may be low. The
Seismic Capability Engineers should check for details that are known to lead to failure
such as open hooks, no lateral wire bracing, etc.

• Light Fixtures. Normal and emergency light fixtures are used throughout the plant.
Fixture designs and anchorage details vary widely. Light fixtures may possess a wide
range of seismic capabilities. Pendant-hung fluorescent fixtures and tubes pose the highest
risk of failure and damage to sensitive equipment. The Seismic Capability Engineers
should check for positive anchorage, such as closed hooks and properly twisted wires.
Typically this problem is not caused by lack of strength; it is usually due to poor
connections. Emergency lighting units and batteries can fall and damage safe shutdown
equipment due to impact or spillage of acid.

• Platform Gratings. Unrestrained platform gratings and similar personnel access provisions
may pose hazards to impact-sensitive safe shutdown equipment or components mounted on
them. Some reasonable positive attachment is necessary, if the item can fall.

• Unreinforced Masonry Walls. Unreinforced, masonry block walls should be evaluated for
possible failure and potential seismic interaction with safe shutdown equipment unless the
wall has been seismically qualified as part of the IE Bulletin 80-11 program. The Seismic
Capability Engineers should review the documentation for IE Bulletin 80-11 masonry
walls to determine which walls have and which walls have not been seismically qualified
during that program.

• Non-Seismic Category I Structures. If any safe shutdown equipment is located in non-

Seismic Class I structures, then potential structural vulnerabilities of the building should be
identified; however, nuclear plant structures (including non-seismic structures) are
typically seismically adequate.

D.3.4 Operations, Maintenance, and Safety Equipment

Nuclear plant operations and maintenance require specialized equipment, some of which may be
permanently located or stored in locations near safety systems.

Revision 3A

Some operations, maintenance, and safety equipment is designed so that it may be easily
relocated by plant personnel. Where equipment design or plant operating procedures do not
consider anchorage for permanently located equipment, this equipment may slide, fall, overturn,
or impact with safe shutdown equipment. Typically such equipment include:

• Cabinets and Lockers. Inadequately restrained floor and wall-mounted filing cabinets and
equipment storage lockers may result in overturning or falling and impact.

• Gas Storage Bottles. Unrestrained or inadequately restrained gas bottles may result in
overturning and rolling and cause impact.

• Refueling Equipment. Refueling equipment such as lifting equipment and servicing and
refueling tools may be stored in proximity to safe shutdown equipment. Inadequately
restrained equipment may pose hazards.

• Monorails, Hoists, and Cranes. Monorails and service cranes are permanently located over
heavy equipment requiring movement for service. Falling of service crane appurtenances
such as tool and equipment boxes may result from inadequate component anchorage. They
should be restrained from falling. Judgment by the Seismic Capability Engineers should
be used to assess the potential for and consequences of such equipment falling.

• Radiation Shields, Fire Protection, and Miscellaneous Equipment. Temporary and

permanent radiation shielding may pose hazards. Miscellaneous maintenance tools, such
as chains and dollies, test equipment, and fire protection equipment such as fire
extinguishers and hose reels may fall if inadequately restrained. Equipment carts may roll
into safe shutdown equipment.


Distribution lines, such as small bore piping, tubing, conduit, or cable, which are connected to
safe shutdown equipment can potentially fail if there is insufficient flexibility to accommodate
relative motion between the safe shutdown equipment and the adjacent equipment or structures.
Straight, in-line connections in particular are prone to failure. The scope of review for flexibility
of these lines extends from the item of equipment being evaluated to their first support on the
building or nearby structure.

Revision 3A


The Seismic Capability Engineers should identify and evaluate all credible and significant
interactions in the immediate vicinity of the safe shutdown equipment. This includes
consideration of seismic interactions on the equipment itself and on any connected distribution
lines (e.g., instrument air lines, electrical cable, and instrumentation cabling) which are in the
vicinity of the item of equipment. Evaluation of interaction effects should consider detrimental
effects on the capability of equipment and systems to function, taking into account equipment
attributes such as mass, size, support configuration, and material hardness in conjunction with
the physical relationships of interacting equipment, systems, and structures. In the evaluation of
proximity effects and overhead or adjacent equipment failure and interactions, the effects of
intervening structures and equipment which would preclude impact should be considered.

Damage from interaction in earthquakes is from unusual circumstances or from generic, simple
details such as open hooks on suspended lights. The Seismic Capability Engineers should spend
most of their time looking for: 1) unusual impact situations, and 2) lack of proper anchorage or
bracing, and not be concerned much with piping and other system or structural component

The effects of fire, flooding or exposure to fluids from ruptured vessels and piping are out of the
scope of USI A-46. Individual utilities may add these to the scope of their review as an option if
they desire.


This section briefly summarizes examples of possible seismic interaction effects. Some of the
following effects may not have occurred in earthquakes, but they are included for completeness.

• Unreinforced masonry walls adjacent to equipment may spall or fall and impact equipment
or cause loss of support of equipment. The wall does not have to be evaluated if it has
already been addressed as part of an IE Bulletin 80-11 program.

Revision 3A

• Emergency lighting units and batteries used for emergency lighting can fall or overturn and
damage equipment by impact or spilling of acid.

• Fire extinguishers may fall and impact or roll into equipment.

• Intercom speakers can fall and impact equipment.
• Equipment carts, dollies, chains, air bottles, welding equipment, etc., may roll into, slide,
overturn, or otherwise impact equipment.

• Piping, cable trays, conduit, and HVAC may deflect and impact equipment.

• Cable trays, conduit systems, and HVAC systems, including HVAC louvers and diffusers,
may fall and impact equipment.

• Structures or structural elements may deform or fall and impact equipment.

• Anchor movement may cause breaks in piping, cable trays, conduit, HVAC, etc., which
may fall or deflect and impact adjacent equipment.

• Mechanical piping couplings can fail and lead to pipe deflection or falling and impact on

• Electrical cabinets that deflect and impact walls, structural members, another cabinet, etc.,
may damage devices in the cabinet or cause devices to trip or chatter.

• Storage cabinets, office cabinets, files, bookcases, wall lockers, and medicine cabinets may
fall or tip into equipment.

• The doors on electrical cabinets may swing and impact devices or cause relays to chatter.

• Inadequately anchored or braced equipment such as pumps, vessels, tanks, heat

exchangers, cabinets, and switchgear may deflect or overturn and impact equipment.

• Architectural features such as suspended ceilings, ceiling components such as T-bars and
acoustical panels, light fixtures, fluorescent tubes, partition walls, and plate glass may
deflect, overturn or break and fall and impact equipment.

• Grating may slide or fall and impact equipment.

• Sheetrock may fall and impact equipment if it was previously water-damaged or if there is
severe distortion of the building.

• Unanchored room heaters, air conditioning units, sinks, and water fountains may fall or
slide into equipment.

Revision 3A

Appendix E
Preparatory Work Prior to Walkdown

Revision 3A


Section Page
Contents ................................................................................................................ E-ii
E.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................E-1
E.2 Systems Engineering and Plant Operations........................................................................E-1
E.3 Pre-Walkdown Planning.....................................................................................................E-2
Reasons for Changes to GIP, Part II, Appendix E .................................................E-5

Revision 3A

Appendix E
Preparatory Work Prior to Walkdown


Experience from the SQUG trial plant reviews has demonstrated that preparatory work
performed prior to conducting the plant screening evaluations will maximize the effectiveness of
the walkdown. This appendix describes these preparations.


Prior to the walkdown, the systems engineer(s) and plant operations representative should review
the plant design documents to familiarize themselves with plant design features and, in
particular, those associated with the safe shutdown systems. Much of the required initial
information is contained in the FSAR. In addition, piping and instrumentation diagrams
(P&IDS), electrical one-line drawings, instrument block diagrams, operating procedures, system
descriptions, plant arrangement drawings, and selected topical reports and specifications should
be used to identify the safe shutdown equipment (Section 3).

Discussions with plant operations personnel are very helpful in identifying equipment within
various safe shutdown trains. Systems engineers may wish to consider the inclusion of
equipment which does not have seismic qualification documentation, thereby upgrading its
seismic qualification status. Most of the industrial-grade equipment in the earthquake experience
equipment class has been shown to be seismically rugged [1]with seismic capacity at least as
great as the earthquake experience Bounding Spectrum even though it has not been qualified for
seismic loadings.

Plant arrangement drawings should be marked with the location of each item of equipment
selected for review and provided to the Seismic Capability Engineers who will be doing the
seismic evaluation. In addition, the Safe Shutdown Equipment Lists (SSELs), described in

Revision 3A

Section 3 and Appendix A, which identify the candidate equipment to be seismically verified,
should be completed. It is recommended they be entered into a personal computer database
management program for use in preparing columns 1 - 6 of the SVDS shown in Section 4,
Exhibit 4-l.


The purpose of pre-walkdown planning is to organize the who, how, where, and when associated
with the plant walkdown. Judicious planning will minimize the time spent in the field by the
Seismic Review Team (SRT).

The planning process should be performed with active participation from the principal walkdown
participants and the utility personnel with experience in the configuration and operation of the
plant under review. The following organizations or individuals will typically be involved in the
walkdown and hence should be part of the planning effort:

• Utility manager in charge of the USI A-46 project effort

• Utility systems engineer(s)
• Plant operations and/or radiation protection personnel
• Seismic Capability Engineers

Advance planning on when to perform the walkdown is advisable. Walkdowns should not
interfere with the normal operation of the plant. Security, radiation level, operations, and
maintenance considerations are necessary in deciding when each area of the plant can be visited.
Some areas of the plant are inaccessible during normal operation and can only be inspected
during outage periods. The Screening Verification and Data Sheets (SVDSs), discussed in
Section 4, can be organized by plant location and thereby used as a checklist and itinerary for the
walkdown. The itinerary, however, should be flexible to allow the walkdown teams time to
revisit certain areas or alter their plans because of difficulties in determining seismic adequacy of
particular types of equipment. It is also advisable to provide the walkdown teams with the

Revision 3A

itineraries in advance so that they can review the items of equipment assigned prior to the

Advance planning and preparation are needed to gain access to operating plants, particularly if
contractors are used to conduct the walkdown. The SRT may be required to obtain security
clearances, access badges, and radiation training. The walkdown participants may need to be
accompanied by plant security and radiation protection personnel; however, such accompani-
ment is costly (ties up personnel) and tends to interfere with normal plant operations and
maintenance. It also increases the number of individuals involved with the walkdown which
tends to slow down the pace of the effort. Advance notification and scheduling can streamline
the process of gaining plant access. All people concerned with the plant walkdown including
walkdown team members, plant operations personnel, health physics personnel, security
personnel and utility staff should be advised of the dates and duration of the plant walkdown well
in advance of the scheduled walkdowns (e.g., two months ahead of time).

The seismic review teams or individual team members may want to have discussions with other
plant operations personnel prior to and during the walkdown to clarify the way a system or an
item of equipment operates. If possible, these meetings should be planned well in advance so
that people knowledgeable in the specific areas of concern will be available with a minimum of
disruption in the normal operation of the plant.

A summary of all the available seismic design and qualification data should be prepared and
provided to the SRT several weeks before their scheduled walkdown. The summary does not
have to be formal, but it should be comprehensive. The Seismic Capability Engineers
performing the walkdown should become thoroughly familiar with the plant seismic design
basis. The greater the understanding of the plant seismic design basis and the design basis
approaches taken for equipment qualification and anchorage, the easier it will be to exercise
judgment and experience to eliminate outliers. The ground response spectra resulting from the
Safe Shutdown Earthquake (SSE), the in-structure response spectra and how they were
generated, and data pertaining to effective grade of each building should be provided to the SRT.

Revision 3A

Construction details of the anchorages for the safe shutdown equipment are essential for
evaluating the seismic adequacy of the equipment. Inspection and evaluation of anchorages is
difficult if not impossible without the use of construction drawings, specifications, and bills of

The documents which should be available to the SRT include:

1. List of the safe shutdown equipment prepared using Appendix A.

2. List of equipment for which prior seismic qualification documentation exists.
3. Summary of the plant seismic design basis, specifically: ground response spectra for
the SSE, background data for effective grade definition, seismic design criteria,
amplified in-structure response spectra, etc.
4. Standard details for equipment anchorages.
5. Plant arrangement drawings.
6. Health physics and plant security requirements.

Revision 3A


Listed below are the specific reasons for making the changes marked with a vertical line in the
margin of this appendix to create GIP-3A from GIP-3, Updated 5/16/97. The endnote numbers
listed below correspond to the bracketed numbers (e.g., [1]) located in the text of this appendix
where the changes are made.

SSER No. 2, Sec. III.5 – The GIP states that most of the equipment “has been shown to be seismically
rugged . . .” As explained in SSER No. 2, Section III.2.1, the Staff considers this statement to be
ambiguous unless the appropriate vibration level is associated with it.
The GIP has been amended in Part II, Appendix E, Section E.2 to address the Staff concern by adding to
the subject phrase the following qualifying statement: “ . . . with seismic capacity at least as great as the
earthquake experience Bounding Spectrum . . .”

Revision 3A

Appendix F
Screening Walkdown Plan

Revision 3A


Section Page
F.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................ F-1
F.2 Organization and Approach of SRT................................................................................... F-1
F.3 Degree of Inspection .......................................................................................................... F-2
F.4 Walkdown Logistics........................................................................................................... F-3
F.5 Screening Walkdown Completion...................................................................................... F-4

Revision 3A

Appendix F
Screening Walkdown Plan


This appendix describes an approach which can be used to perform the screening evaluation of
the safe shutdown equipment during the plant walkdown. This approach is based on the
experience gained in performing the SQUG trial plant reviews. This appendix covers: (1) the
organization and approach which can be used by the Seismic Review Team (SRT), (2) the degree
of inspection to be performed, (3) walkdown logistics, and (4) screening walkdown completion.


The number of individuals in each Seismic Review Team (SRT) should be minimized to permit
ready access to inspect equipment and facilitate movement. In addition to the two Seismic
Capability Engineers, a systems or operations engineer may also be involved in the walkdown as
needed by the SRT to provide information on how a system or an item of equipment operates to
accomplish its safe shutdown function. Health physics and security personnel may also
accompany the SRT as the need arises.

Each group of individuals walking down the plant should collectively have:

1. An understanding of the plant layout and location of the various system and
equipment scheduled to be evaluated during that walkdown period;
2. An understanding of the scope and objectives of the walkdown including the
methodology and procedures;
3. An understanding of the seismic verification guidelines including inspection
techniques and evaluation criteria; and
4. An understanding of the operational aspects of the plant and the importance of the
various plant systems and equipment.

Revision 3A

SRT decisions concerning equipment seismic adequacy should be made on the spot, if possible,
and the walkdown should proceed at a pace consistent with this objective. Decisions to verify
the seismic adequacy of equipment should be unanimous among the Seismic Capability
Engineers. Concerns which do not permit seismic verification during the screening walkdown
should be documented and left for further review to either eliminate the equipment as a required
part of the safe shutdown system (i.e., select a different train or set of equipment) or identify it as
an outlier for further evaluation (as described in Section 5). During the walkdown, many items
of equipment may have verification results that are unknown. The SRT should decide what
information or additional action is required to resolve the issue and inform the appropriate
support staff personnel so that, if possible, the issue may be resolved during the later part of the

If several Seismic Review Teams are used to conduct the screening verification and walkdown,
then a means for coordinating the activities of the various teams should be used to ensure that all
the equipment and activities of the evaluation are covered. This coordinating function could be
performed by a single individual or by a committee of individuals from the various SRTs.


All of the equipment on the seismic review safe shutdown equipment list (SSEL) should be
reviewed. Exceptions to this may occur (e.g., equipment in very high radiation areas or
otherwise inaccessible locations), and each exception should be justified by the SRT. The level
or scope of evaluation may vary depending upon the experience and judgment of the SRT.

The number of equipment items that are classified as outliers, and require further evaluation,
usually depends on the original design and construction of the plant, existing available
documentation, current maintenance practice, and the degree of expertise of the SRTs.

Revision 3A


The SQUG trial plant walkdowns were conducted over a two-week period using several SRTs.
The following procedure was used to facilitate these walkdowns.

A three-to-four hour kick-off meeting was scheduled for the beginning of the plant walkdown.
This meeting provided a briefing on the objectives of the walkdown, the organization of the
walkdown groups, the planning for the walkdown, and the breakdown of the total list of
equipment for which each group was responsible. Radiation training (including whole body
counts and issuance of personnel dosimetry) and plant access requirements (obtaining security
badges) for the SRT members were done prior to this kick-off meeting. After this kick-off
meeting, the SRTs commenced with the plant walkdown.

A daily morning meeting was held in which the SRT reviewed the equipment included in that
day's walkdown. Anchorage drawings were also made available and reviewed by the SRT. The
walkdown was conducted in morning and afternoon sessions. A meeting was also held during
the lunch break to discuss problem areas and the approaches used by other SRTs.

The afternoon session began after lunch and lasted until dinner time. At the option of the utility
and the SRTs, it may be desirable to conduct the walkdown outside of normal working hours. In
any case, it is not recommended that the walkdown "day" exceed a total of about 10 hours.

A short meeting was also held at the end of each day to discuss the day's walkdown, request
information as required from the appropriate support staff personnel, certify the completed
SVDSs, review information retrieved by the support staff so that previously started evaluations
could be completed, and organize the next day's activities. Any unknowns were reconciled as
soon as possible after the item of equipment had been inspected. The memory of the SRT for the
particular equipment verification was clearer, and the number of unknown equipment items did
not mount up during the course of the walkdown.

Revision 3A

When performing the walkdown, the SRT had the appropriate tools to collect and record data.
These tools included a clip board (e.g., for SVDS and SEWS), a ten foot long tape measure
capable of measuring to l/16 inch, pencils or pens, and a flashlight. The SRT may wish to use
some form of carrying pack to allow hands to be free for climbing ladders, going through crawl
spaces, etc.

Other tools may be included depending on the preference of the SRT. For example, a compact
camera (subject to plant policy) can be useful to record visual findings (each picture frame
should have a designation and be fully described.) A small audio cassette recorder can be used to
record the subject of each picture frame and general notes about the walkdown. More elaborate
visual records can be obtained by using a video recorder. However, video equipment is usually
cumbersome and expensive, and has not been used extensively in past plant walkdowns. It
should also be understood that the use of personal equipment is typically at the individual's own
risk. If equipment is contaminated or broken, there is often no compensation by the plant.

The SRT should be aware that there is usually a need for hard hats, safety glasses, hearing
protection, and sometimes safety shoes. SRT members should consider wearing light cotton
clothing since temperatures inside operating nuclear stations, regardless of the time of year, are
usually 75° to 90°F with high humidity. These conditions can lead to extreme personnel
discomfort, especially when protective clothing is required for walkdowns in contaminated and
high radiation areas.


At the completion of the Screening Verification and Walkdown, all identified safe shutdown
equipment included in the walkdown should be classified as being either verified or an outlier.
The SVDS should be completed, checked for accuracy, and certified for each item of equipment.
The outlier sheets (OSVS) should be completed for each item of equipment identified as an
outlier. Work sheets (SEWS), if used, should also be checked so that the information noted
(judgments, description, and calculations) can be reasonably followed by a reviewer. At the

Revision 3A

completion of the Screening Verification and Walkdown, the SRT should inform the utility
management about the walkdown results in detail.

Revision 3A

Appendix G
Screening Evaluation Work Sheets

Revision 3A


Section Page
Contents ................................................................................................................ G-ii
Introduction ........................................................................................................... G-1
0 Other .............................................................................................................................. G.0-1
1 Motor Control Centers ................................................................................................... G.1-1
2 Low Voltage Switchgear................................................................................................ G.2-1
3 Medium Voltage Switchgear.......................................................................................... G.3-1
4 Transformers................................................................................................................... G.4-1
5 Horizontal Pumps ........................................................................................................... G.5-1
6 Vertical Pumps ............................................................................................................... G.6-1
7 Fluid-Operated Valves.................................................................................................... G.7-1
8A Motor-Operated Valves.................................................................................................G8A-1
8B Solenoid-Operated Valves.............................................................................................G8B-1
9 Fans .............................................................................................................................. G.9-1
10 Air Handlers ................................................................................................................. G.10-1
11 Chillers ......................................................................................................................... G.11-1
12 Air Compressors........................................................................................................... G.12-1
13 Motor-Generators......................................................................................................... G.13-1
14 Distribution Panels ....................................................................................................... G.14-1
15 Batteries on Racks........................................................................................................ G.15-1
16 Battery Chargers and Inverters..................................................................................... G.16-1
17 Engine-Generators........................................................................................................ G.17-1
18 Instruments on Racks ................................................................................................... G.18-1
19 Temperature Sensors .................................................................................................... G.19-1
20 Instrumentation and Control Panels and Cabinets ....................................................... G.20-1
21 Tanks and Heat Exchanger........................................................................................... G.21-1
Reasons for Changes to GIP, Part II, Appendix G .................................G(reasons)-1

Revision 3A

Appendix G
Screening Evaluation Work Sheets (SEWS)


The purpose of the Screening Evaluation Work Sheets (SEWS) is to provide a convenient
summary and checklist of the seismic evaluation criteria described in Section 4, Screening
Verification and Walkdown, and in Section 7, Tanks and Heat Exchangers Review. The
equipment class caveats contained in Appendix B, the anchorage criteria contained in Appendix
C, and the seismic interaction criteria contained in Appendix D are also summarized on the
SEWS. The short summaries of the criteria provided in the SEWS are for general guidance
only. The detail criteria contained in Sections 4 and 7 and Appendices B, C, and D should be
used as the basis for evaluating the seismic adequacy of equipment.

These SEWS, or a similar checklist, should be used during the plant walkdown to document the
results of the evaluation. The SEWS in this appendix are designed to be compatible with the
Screening Verification Data Sheets (SVDS) shown in Exhibit 4-l of Section 4 so that the
summary information from the SEWS can be transferred directly to the SVDS.

This appendix contains SEWS for Equipment Classes #0 through #21. See Section 3.3 for a
summary of the equipment included within the scope of USI A-46. The checklist statements are
very abbreviated; see Sections 4 and 7 and Appendices B and C for a complete description of
each checklist item.

Note: The work sheets cannot be used unless the user has a thorough understanding of this
procedure and the reference documents.

Most of the information at the top of each SEWS (Equipment ID Number, Equipment
Description, Equipment Location, etc.) can be entered on the SEWS prior to the plant walkdown.

Revision 3A

If a database program is used to develop the Safe Shutdown Equipment List (SSEL) as described
in Section 3, then the information at the too of each page of the SEWS can be printed directly
from the database file containing the SSEL information. Appendix B of the report “Results of
PWR Trial Plant Review” (Reference 16) contains examples of SEWS used during a SQUG trial
plant review with this information entered at the top of each page of the SEWS.

The SEWS can be used as a checklist by circling the appropriate symbol in response to each
statement. The meaning of the symbols is given below:

Y - Yes. This criterion is met. (“Y” is always the favorable response, i.e., all the
“Y” symbols should be circled if an item of equipment is seismically

N - No. This criterion is not met.

U - Unknown. It cannot be determined whether this criterion is met at this time.

(This response can be used while the screening verification is in progress to
identify criteria which must be evaluated later.)

N/A - Not Applicable. Some of the criteria may not apply for a particular item of

Some of the statements on the SEWS ask which of several alternatives is being used in the
Screening Verification and Walkdown. Circle the symbol for the selected alternative. The
meaning of these symbols is self-explanatory. After circling all the appropriate responses in
each section of the SEWS, the final statement in each section can then be answered as either Y,
N, or U. Likewise, when all the sections have a final response, the last question on the SEWS
can then be answered (“Is Equipment Seismically Adequate?”). The responses to the final
question in each section and the last overall question can all be entered directly into the
appropriate column in the SVDS (shown in Exhibit 4-l of Section 4).

The SEWS also provide space to record information about the item of equipment [2](e.g.,
manufacturer, model), to document any comments the Seismic Capability Engineers may wish to
make, to document the reason why the intent of any caveats are met without meeting the specific
wording of the caveat rule, to sketch the equipment, and to sign off.

Revision 3A
Status Y N U

Screening Evaluation Work Sheet (SEWS) Sheet 1 of 2

Equipment ID No. Equip. Class 0 – Other

Equipment Description
Location: Bldg. Floor El. Room, Row/Col
Manufacturer, Model, Etc. (optional but recommended[2])

Seismic Capacity vs. Demand

Does capacity exceed demand? [3](Indicate at right (*) and in Y N U N/A
Comments if a special exception to enveloping of seismic demand
spectrum is invoked per Section 4.2 of the GIP.)

Is the anchorage adequate? Y N U N/A

Interaction Effects
Is the equipment free of adverse seismic interaction effects? Y N U N/A

Does the Equipment Meet the GIP Criteria? Y N U

Revision 3A

Screening Evaluation Work Sheet (SEWS) Sheet 2 of 2

Equipment ID No. Equip. Class 0 – Other

Equipment Description


Evaluated by: Date:

Revision 3A
Status Y N U

Screening Evaluation Work Sheet (SEWS) Sheet 1 of 3

Equipment ID No. Equip. Class 1 – Motor Control Centers

Equipment Description
Location: Bldg. Floor El. Room, Row/Col
Manufacturer, Model, Etc. (optional but recommended[2])

Seismic Capacity vs. Demand

1. Elevation where equipment receives seismic input
2. Elevation of seismic input below about 40′ from grade Y N U N/A
3. Equipment has fundamental frequency above about 8 Hz Y N U N/A
4. Capacity based on: Existing Documentation DOC
Bounding Spectrum BS
1.5 x Bounding Spectrum ABS
5. Demand based on: Ground Response Spectrum GRS
1.5 x Ground Response Spectrum AGS
Conserv. Desc. In-Str. Resp. Spec. CRS
Realistic M-Ctr. In-Str. Resp. Spec. RRS
Does capacity exceed demand? [3](Indicate at right (*) and in Comments if Y N U
a special exception to enveloping of seismic demand spectrum is invoked
per Section 4.2 of the GIP.)

Caveats – Bounding Spectrum (Identify with an asterisk (*) those caveats which are met by intent without
meeting the specific wording of the caveat rule and explain the reason for this conclusion in the Comments
section below.)
1. Equipment is included in earthquake experience equipment class Y N U N/A
2. 600 V rating or less Y N U N/A
3. Adjacent cabinets which are close enough to impact, or sections of Y N U N/A
multi-bay cabinets, are bolted together if they contain essential
4. Attached weight (except conduit) less than about 100 lbs per cabinet Y N U N/A
5. Externally attached items rigidly anchored Y N U N/A
6. General configuration similar to NEMA Standards Y N U N/A
7. Cutouts in lower half less than 6 in. wide and 12 in. high Y N U N/A
8. All doors secured by latch or fastener Y N U N/A
9. Natural frequency relative to 8 Hz limit considered Y N U N/A
10. Anchorage adequate (See checklist, below, for details.) Y N U N/A
11. Relays mounted on equipment evaluated Y N U N/A
12. Have you looked for and found no other adverse concerns? Y N U N/A
Is the intent of all the caveats met for Bounding Spectrum? Y N U N/A

Revision 3A

Screening Evaluation Work Sheet (SEWS) Sheet 2 of 3

Equipment ID No. Equip. Class 1 – Motor Control Centers

Equipment Description

Caveats – GERS (Identify with an asterisk (*) those caveats which are met by intent without meeting the
specific wording of the caveat rule and explain the reason for this conclusion in the Comments section
1. Equipment is included in generic seismic testing equipment class Y N U N/A
2. Meets all Bounding Spectrum caveats Y N U N/A
3. Floor mounted cabinet Y N U N/A
4. Maximum weight per section less than 800 pounds Y N U N/A
5. Base anchorage utilizing MCC base channels Y N U N/A
6. Adequate strength and stiffness in load transfer path from anchorage Y N U N/A
to base frame (only for “function after” GERS)
7. Essential relays have GERS > 4.5g (only for “function during” Y N U N/A
8. Able to reset starters (only for “function after” GERS) Y N U N/A
9. All adjacent cabinets or sections of multi-bay assemblies bolted Y N U N/A
Is the intent of all the caveats met for GERS? Y N U N/A

1. Appropriate equipment characteristics determined (mass, CG, Y N U N/A
natural freq., damping, center of rotation)
2. Type of anchorage covered by GIP Y N U N/A
3. Sizes and locations of anchors determined Y N U N/A
4. Anchorage installation adequate, e.g., weld quality and length, nuts Y N U N/A
and washers, expansion anchor tightness
5. Factors affecting anchorage capacity or margin of safety considered: Y N U N/A
embedment length, anchor spacing, free-edge distance, concrete
strength/condition and concrete cracking
6. For bolted anchorages, gap under base less than 1/4-inch Y N U N/A
7. Factors affecting essential relays considered: gap under base, Y N U N/A
capacity reduction for expansion anchors
8. Base has adequate stiffness and effect of prying action on anchors Y N U N/A
9. Strength of equipment base and load path to CG adequate Y N U N/A
10. Embedded steel, grout pad, or large concrete pad adequacy evaluated Y N U N/A
11. [6]Anchorage capacity exceeds demand Y N U N/A
Are anchorage requirements met? Y N U

Revision 3A

Screening Evaluation Work Sheet (SEWS) Sheet 3 of 3

Equipment ID No. Equip. Class 1 – Motor Control Centers

Equipment Description

Interaction Effects
1. Soft targets free from impact by nearby equipment or structures Y N U N/A
2. If equipment contains sensitive relays, equipment free from all Y N U N/A
impact by nearby equipment or structures
3. Attached lines have adequate flexibility Y N U N/A
4. Overhead equipment or distribution systems are not likely to Y N U N/A
5. Have you looked for and found no other adverse concerns? Y N U N/A
Is equipment free of interaction effects? Y N U
Does the Equipment Meet the GIP Criteria? Y N U


Evaluated by: Date:

Revision 3A
Status Y N U

Screening Evaluation Work Sheet (SEWS) Sheet 1 of 3

Equipment ID No. Equip. Class 2 – Low Voltage Switchgear

Equipment Description
Location: Bldg. Floor El. Room, Row/Col
Manufacturer, Model, Etc. (optional but recommended[2])

Seismic Capacity vs. Demand

1. Elevation where equipment receives seismic input
2. Elevation of seismic input below about 40′ from grade Y N U N/A
3. Equipment has fundamental frequency above about 8 Hz Y N U N/A
4. Capacity based on: Existing Documentation DOC
Bounding Spectrum BS
1.5 x Bounding Spectrum ABS
5. Demand based on: Ground Response Spectrum GRS
1.5 x Ground Response Spectrum AGS
Conserv. Desc. In-Str. Resp. Spec. CRS
Realistic M-Ctr. In-Str. Resp. Spec. RRS
Does capacity exceed demand? [3](Indicate at right (*) and in Comments if a Y N U
special exception to enveloping of seismic demand spectrum is invoked
per Section 4.2 of the GIP.)

Caveats – Bounding Spectrum (Identify with an asterisk (*) those caveats which are met by intent without
meeting the specific wording of the caveat rule and explain the reason for this conclusion in the Comments
section below.)
1. Equipment is included in earthquake experience equipment class Y N U N/A
2. 600 V rating or less Y N U N/A
3. Side-to-side restraint of draw-out circuit breakers is provided Y N U N/A
4. Adjacent cabinets which are close enough to impact, or sections of Y N U N/A
multi-bay cabinets, are bolted together if they contain essential relays
5. Attached weight (except conduit) less than about 100 lbs per cabinet Y N U N/A
6. Externally attached items rigidly anchored Y N U N/A
7. General configuration similar to ANSI C37.20 Standards Y N U N/A
8. Cutouts in lower half of cabinet side sheathing less than 30% of Y N U N/A
width of side panel wide and less than 60% of width of side panel
high excluding bus transfer compartment
9. All doors secured by latch or fastener Y N U N/A
10. Anchorage adequate (See checklist, below, for details.) Y N U N/A
11. Relays mounted on equipment evaluated Y N U N/A
12. Have you looked for and found no other adverse concerns? Y N U N/A
Is the intent of all the caveats met for Bounding Spectrum? Y N U N/A

Revision 3A

Screening Evaluation Work Sheet (SEWS) Sheet 2 of 3

Equipment ID No. Equip. Class 2 – Low Voltage Switchgear

Equipment Description

Caveats – GERS (Identify with an asterisk (*) those caveats which are met by intent without meeting the
specific wording of the caveat rule and explain the reason for this conclusion in the Comments section
1. Equipment is included in generic seismic testing equipment class Y N U N/A
2. Meets all Bounding Spectrum caveats Y N U N/A
3. Floor-mounted enclosure Y N U N/A
4. Manufactured by major vendor (ITE/Brown Boveri, Westinghouse,
or GE)
5. [1]Maximum weight per section less than 1600 pounds Y N U N/A
6. Base anchorage adequate (See checklist, below, for details.) Y N U N/A
7. Relays used for breaker function are not on “Low Ruggedness Y N U N/A
Relays” list
8. Relay evaluation completed for all relays that are essential to other Y N U N/A
equipment or cause unacceptable lockout
9. For 2.5 g level GERS, vertical restraint prevents breaker uplift Y N U N/A
10. For 2.5 g level GERS, outside corners of end units are reinforced, if Y N U N/A
11. All adjacent cabinets or sections of multi-bay assemblies bolted Y N U N/A
Is the intent of all the caveats met for GERS? Y N U N/A

1. Appropriate equipment characteristics determined (mass, CG, Y N U N/A
natural freq., damping, center of rotation)
2. Type of anchorage covered by GIP Y N U N/A
3. Sizes and locations of anchors determined Y N U N/A
4. Anchorage installation adequate, e.g., weld quality and length, nuts Y N U N/A
and washers, expansion anchor tightness
5. Factors affecting anchorage capacity or margin of safety considered: Y N U N/A
embedment length, anchor spacing, free-edge distance, concrete
strength/condition and concrete cracking
6. For bolted anchorages, gap under base less than 1/4-inch Y N U N/A
7. Factors affecting essential relays considered: gap under base, Y N U N/A
capacity reduction for expansion anchors
8. Base has adequate stiffness and effect of prying action on anchors Y N U N/A
9. Strength of equipment base and load path to CG adequate Y N U N/A
10. Embedded steel, grout pad, or large concrete pad adequacy evaluated Y N U N/A
11. [6]Anchorage capacity exceeds demand Y N U N/A
Are anchorage requirements met? Y N U

Revision 3A

Screening Evaluation Work Sheet (SEWS) Sheet 3 of 3

Equipment ID No. Equip. Class 2 – Low Voltage Switchgear

Equipment Description

Interaction Effects
1. Soft targets free from impact by nearby equipment or structures Y N U N/A
2. If equipment contains sensitive relays, equipment free from all Y N U N/A
impact by nearby equipment or structures
3. Attached lines have adequate flexibility Y N U N/A
4. Overhead equipment or distribution systems are not likely to Y N U N/A
5. Have you looked for and found no other adverse concerns? Y N U N/A
Is equipment free of interaction effects? Y N U
Does the Equipment Meet the GIP Criteria? Y N U


Evaluated by: Date:

Revision 3A
Status Y N U

Screening Evaluation Work Sheet (SEWS) Sheet 1 of 3

Equipment ID No. Equip. Class 3 – Medium Voltage Switchgear

Equipment Description
Location: Bldg. Floor El. Room, Row/Col
Manufacturer, Model, Etc. (optional but recommended[2])

Seismic Capacity vs. Demand

1. Elevation where equipment receives seismic input
2. Elevation of seismic input below about 40′ from grade Y N U N/A
3. Equipment has fundamental frequency above about 8 Hz Y N U N/A
4. Capacity based on: Existing Documentation DOC
Bounding Spectrum BS
1.5 x Bounding Spectrum ABS
5. Demand based on: Ground Response Spectrum GRS
1.5 x Ground Response Spectrum AGS
Conserv. Desc. In-Str. Resp. Spec. CRS
Realistic M-Ctr. In-Str. Resp. Spec. RRS
Does capacity exceed demand? [3](Indicate at right (*) and in Comments if Y N U
a special exception to enveloping of seismic demand spectrum is invoked
per Section 4.2 of the GIP.)

Caveats – Bounding Spectrum (Identify with an asterisk (*) those caveats which are met by intent without
meeting the specific wording of the caveat rule and explain the reason for this conclusion in the Comments
section below.)
1. Equipment is included in earthquake experience equipment class Y N U N/A
2. 2.4 kV to 4.16 kV rating Y N U N/A
3. Internally mounted potential and/or control power transformers are Y N U N/A
restrained to prevent damage to or disconnection of contacts
4. Adjacent cabinets which are close enough to impact, or sections of Y N U N/A
multi-bay cabinets, are bolted together if they contain essential relays
5. Attached weight (except conduit) less than about 100 lbs per cabinet Y N U N/A
6. Externally attached items rigidly anchored Y N U N/A
7. General configuration similar to ANSI C37.20 Standards Y N U N/A
8. Cutouts in lower half of cabinet side sheathing less than 30% of Y N U N/A
width of side panel wide and less than 60% of width of side panel
high excluding bus transfer compartment
9. All doors secured by latch or fastener Y N U N/A
10. Anchorage adequate (See checklist, below, for details.) Y N U N/A
11. Relays mounted on equipment evaluated Y N U N/A
12. Have you looked for and found no other adverse concerns? Y N U N/A
Is the intent of all the caveats met for Bounding Spectrum? Y N U N/A

Revision 3A

Screening Evaluation Work Sheet (SEWS) Sheet 2 of 3

Equipment ID No. Equip. Class 3 – Medium Voltage Switchgear

Equipment Description

Caveats – GERS (Identify with an asterisk (*) those caveats which are met by intent without meeting the
specific wording of the caveat rule and explain the reason for this conclusion in the Comments section
1. Equipment is included in generic seismic testing equipment class Y N U N/A
2. Meets all Bounding Spectrum caveats Y N U N/A
3. Floor-mounted enclosure Y N U N/A
4. The switchgear is not a specially-designed type Y N U N/A
5. Circuit breakers are truck-mounted type, not jack-up or vertical-lift Y N U N/A
6. Maximum weight per section less than 5000 pounds Y N U N/A
7. Base anchorage adequate (See checklist, below, for details.) Y N U N/A
8. Relays used for breaker function are not on “Low Ruggedness Y N U N/A
Relays” list
9. Relay evaluations completed for all relays that are essential to other Y N U N/A
equipment or cause unacceptable lockout
10. For 2.5 g level GERS, vertical restraint prevents breaker uplift Y N U N/A
11. For 2.5 g level GERS, circuit break arc chutes are restrained Y N U N/A
12. For 2.5 g level GERS, a Beaver Type Z relay is not used in Y N U N/A
Westinghouse MV switchgear for the “Y” anti-pump relay
13. Separate evaluation of breaker racking mechanism completed; Y N U N/A
seismic positioner or sufficient side-to-side restrained used
14. All adjacent cabinets or sections of multi-bay assemblies bolted Y N U N/A
Is the intent of all the caveats met for GERS? Y N U N/A

1. Appropriate equipment characteristics determined (mass, CG, Y N U N/A
natural freq., damping, center of rotation)
2. Type of anchorage covered by GIP Y N U N/A
3. Sizes and locations of anchors determined Y N U N/A
4. Anchorage installation adequate, e.g., weld quality and length, nuts Y N U N/A
and washers, expansion anchor tightness
5. Factors affecting anchorage capacity or margin of safety considered: Y N U N/A
embedment length, anchor spacing, free-edge distance, concrete
strength/condition and concrete cracking
6. For bolted anchorages, gap under base less than 1/4-inch Y N U N/A
7. Factors affecting essential relays considered: gap under base, Y N U N/A
capacity reduction for expansion anchors

Revision 3A

Screening Evaluation Work Sheet (SEWS) Sheet 3 of 3

Equipment ID No. Equip. Class 3 – Medium Voltage Switchgear

Equipment Description

Anchorage (cont’d)
8. Base has adequate stiffness and effect of prying action on anchors Y N U N/A
9. Strength of equipment base and load path to CG adequate Y N U N/A
10. Embedded steel, grout pad, or large concrete pad adequacy evaluated Y N U N/A
11. [6]Anchorage capacity exceeds demand Y N U N/A
Are anchorage requirements met? Y N U

Interaction Effects
1. Soft targets free from impact by nearby equipment or structures Y N U N/A
2. If equipment contains sensitive relays, equipment free from all Y N U N/A
impact by nearby equipment or structures
3. Attached lines have adequate flexibility Y N U N/A
4. Overhead equipment or distribution systems are not likely to Y N U N/A
5. Have you looked for and found no other adverse concerns? Y N U N/A
Is equipment free of interaction effects? Y N U
Does the Equipment Meet the GIP Criteria? Y N U


Evaluated by: Date:

Revision 3A
Status Y N U

Screening Evaluation Work Sheet (SEWS) Sheet 1 of 3

Equipment ID No. Equip. Class 4 – Transformers

Equipment Description
Location: Bldg. Floor El. Room, Row/Col
Manufacturer, Model, Etc. (optional but recommended[2])

Seismic Capacity vs. Demand

1. Elevation where equipment receives seismic input
2. Elevation of seismic input below about 40′ from grade Y N U N/A
3. Equipment has fundamental frequency above about 8 Hz Y N U N/A
4. Capacity based on: Existing Documentation DOC
Bounding Spectrum BS
1.5 x Bounding Spectrum ABS
5. Demand based on: Ground Response Spectrum GRS
1.5 x Ground Response Spectrum AGS
Conserv. Desc. In-Str. Resp. Spec. CRS
Realistic M-Ctr. In-Str. Resp. Spec. RRS
Does capacity exceed demand? [3](Indicate at right (*) and in Comments if Y N U
a special exception to enveloping of seismic demand spectrum is invoked
per Section 4.2 of the GIP.)

Caveats – Bounding Spectrum (Identify with an asterisk (*) those caveats which are met by intent without
meeting the specific wording of the caveat rule and explain the reason for this conclusion in the Comments
section below.)
1. Equipment is included in earthquake experience equipment class Y N U N/A
2. 4.16 kV rating or less Y N U N/A
3. For floor-mounted dry- and oil-type unit, transformer coils are Y N U N/A
positively restrained within cabinet
4. For 750 kV or larger units, coils are top braced or adequacy shown Y N U N/A
by evaluation
5. For 750 kVA or larger units, 2-inch clearance is provided between Y N U N/A
energized component and cabinet
6. For 750 kVA or larger units, the slack in the connection between the Y N U N/A
high-voltage leads and the first anchor accommodates 3-inch
relative displacement
7. For wall-mounted units, transformer coils anchored to enclosure Y N U N/A
near enclosure support surface
8. For floor-mounted units, anchorage does not rely on weak-way Y N U N/A
bending of cabinet structures under lateral forces
9. Adjacent cabinets which are close enough to impact are bolted
together if they contain essential relays
10. All doors secured by latch or fastener Y N U N/A

Revision 3A

Screening Evaluation Work Sheet (SEWS) Sheet 2 of 3

Equipment ID No. Equip. Class 4 – Transformers

Equipment Description

Caveats – Bounding Spectrum (Continued)

11. Anchorage adequate (See checklist, below, for details.) Y N U N/A
12. Relays mounted on equipment evaluated Y N U N/A
13. Have you looked for and found no other adverse concerns? Y N U N/A
Is the intent of all the caveats met for Bounding Spectrum? Y N U N/A

Caveats – GERS [7](Identify with an asterisk (*) those caveats which are met by intent without meeting the
specific wording of the caveat rule and explain the reason for this conclusion in the Comments section
1. Equipment is included in generic seismic testing equipment class Y N U N/A
2. Meets all Bounding Spectrum caveats Y N U N/A
3. Dry-type unit (not oil-filled) Y N U N/A
4. Wall or floor-mounted NEMA-type enclosure Y N U N/A
5. 120 to 480 VAC rating Y N U N/A
6. 7.5 to 225 kVA rating Y N U N/A
7. 180 to 2000 pound weight Y N U N/A
8. Internal supports provide positive attachment of transformer Y N U N/A
9. There is a minimum clearance of 3/8-inches between bare conductors Y N U N/A
and enclosure
10. All adjacent cabinets or sections of multi-bay assemblies bolted Y N U N/A
Is the intent of all the caveats met for GERS? Y N U N/A

1. Appropriate equipment characteristics determined (mass, CG, Y N U N/A
natural freq., damping, center of rotation)
2. Type of anchorage covered by GIP Y N U N/A
3. Sizes and locations of anchors determined Y N U N/A
4. Anchorage installation adequate, e.g., weld quality and length, nuts Y N U N/A
and washers, expansion anchor tightness
5. Factors affecting anchorage capacity or margin of safety considered: Y N U N/A
embedment length, anchor spacing, free-edge distance, concrete
strength/condition and concrete cracking
6. For bolted anchorages, gap under base less than 1/4-inch Y N U N/A
7. Factors affecting essential relays considered: gap under base, Y N U N/A
capacity reduction for expansion anchors
8. Base has adequate stiffness and effect of prying action on anchors Y N U N/A

Revision 3A

Screening Evaluation Work Sheet (SEWS) Sheet 3 of 3

Equipment ID No. Equip. Class 4 – Transformers

Equipment Description

Anchorage (cont’d)
9. Strength of equipment base and load path to CG adequate Y N U N/A
10. Embedded steel, grout pad, or large concrete pad adequacy evaluated Y N U N/A
11. [6]Anchorage capacity exceeds demand Y N U N/A
Are anchorage requirements met? Y N U

Interaction Effects
1. Soft targets free from impact by nearby equipment or structures Y N U N/A
2. If equipment contains sensitive relays, equipment free from all Y N U N/A
impact by nearby equipment or structures
3. Attached lines have adequate flexibility Y N U N/A
4. Overhead equipment or distribution systems are not likely to Y N U N/A
5. Have you looked for and found no other adverse concerns? Y N U N/A
Is equipment free of interaction effects? Y N U
Does the Equipment Meet the GIP Criteria? Y N U


Evaluated by: Date:

Revision 3A
Status Y N U

Screening Evaluation Work Sheet (SEWS) Sheet 1 of 2

Equipment ID No. Equip. Class 5 – Horizontal Pumps

Equipment Description
Location: Bldg. Floor El. Room, Row/Col
Manufacturer, Model, Etc. (optional but recommended[2])
Horsepower/Motor Rating (opt.) RPM (opt.) Head (opt.) Flow Rate (opt.)

Seismic Capacity vs. Demand

1. Elevation where equipment receives seismic input
2. Elevation of seismic input below about 40′ from grade Y N U N/A
3. Equipment has fundamental frequency above about 8 Hz Y N U N/A
4. Capacity based on: Existing Documentation DOC
Bounding Spectrum BS
1.5 x Bounding Spectrum ABS
5. Demand based on: Ground Response Spectrum GRS
1.5 x Ground Response Spectrum AGS
Conserv. Desc. In-Str. Resp. Spec. CRS
Realistic M-Ctr. In-Str. Resp. Spec. RRS
Does capacity exceed demand? [3](Indicate at right (*) and in Comments if Y N U
a special exception to enveloping of seismic demand spectrum is invoked
per Section 4.2 of the GIP.)

Caveats – Bounding Spectrum (Identify with an asterisk (*) those caveats which are met by intent without
meeting the specific wording of the caveat rule and explain the reason for this conclusion in the Comments
section below.)
1. Equipment is included in earthquake experience equipment class Y N U N/A
2. Driver and pump connected by rigid base or skid Y N U N/A
3. No indication that shaft does not have thrust restraint in both axial Y N U N/A
4. No risk of excessive nozzle loads such as gross pipe motion or Y N U N/A
differential displacement
5. Base vibration isolators adequate for seismic loads Y N U N/A
6. Attached lines (cooling, air, electrical) have adequate flexibility Y N U N/A
7. Anchorage adequate (See checklist, below, for details.) Y N U N/A
8. Relays mounted on equipment evaluated Y N U N/A
9. Have you looked for and found no other adverse concerns? Y N U N/A
Is the intent of all the caveats met for Bounding Spectrum? Y N U N/A

1. Appropriate equipment characteristics determined (mass, CG, Y N U N/A
natural freq., damping, center of rotation)
2. Type of anchorage covered by GIP Y N U N/A
3. Sizes and locations of anchors determined Y N U N/A

Revision 3A

Screening Evaluation Work Sheet (SEWS) Sheet 2 of 2

Equipment ID No. Equip. Class 5 – Horizontal Pumps

Equipment Description

Anchorage (cont’d)
4. Anchorage installation adequate, e.g., weld quality and length, nuts Y N U N/A
and washers, expansion anchor tightness
5. Factors affecting anchorage capacity or margin of safety considered: Y N U N/A
embedment length, anchor spacing, free-edge distance, concrete
strength/condition and concrete cracking
6. For bolted anchorages, gap under base less than 1/4-inch Y N U N/A
7. Factors affecting essential relays considered: gap under base, Y N U N/A
capacity reduction for expansion anchors
8. Base has adequate stiffness and effect of prying action on anchors Y N U N/A
9. Strength of equipment base and load path to CG adequate Y N U N/A
10. Embedded steel, grout pad, or large concrete pad adequacy evaluated Y N U N/A
11. [6]Anchorage capacity exceeds demand Y N U N/A
Are anchorage requirements met? Y N U

Interaction Effects
1. Soft targets free from impact by nearby equipment or structures Y N U N/A
2. If equipment contains sensitive relays, equipment free from all Y N U N/A
impact by nearby equipment or structures
3. Attached lines have adequate flexibility Y N U N/A
4. Overhead equipment or distribution systems are not likely to Y N U N/A
5. Have you looked for and found no other adverse concerns? Y N U N/A
Is equipment free of interaction effects? Y N U
Does the Equipment Meet the GIP Criteria? Y N U


Evaluated by: Date:

Revision 3A
Status Y N U

Screening Evaluation Work Sheet (SEWS) Sheet 1 of 2

Equipment ID No. Equip. Class 6 – Vertical Pumps

Equipment Description
Location: Bldg. Floor El. Room, Row/Col
Manufacturer, Model, Etc. (optional but recommended[2])
Horsepower/Motor Rating (opt.) RPM (opt.) Head (opt.) Flow Rate (opt.)

Seismic Capacity vs. Demand

1. Elevation where equipment receives seismic input
2. Elevation of seismic input below about 40′ from grade Y N U N/A
3. Equipment has fundamental frequency above about 8 Hz Y N U N/A
4. Capacity based on: Existing Documentation DOC
Bounding Spectrum BS
1.5 x Bounding Spectrum ABS
5. Demand based on: Ground Response Spectrum GRS
1.5 x Ground Response Spectrum AGS
Conserv. Desc. In-Str. Resp. Spec. CRS
Realistic M-Ctr. In-Str. Resp. Spec. RRS
Does capacity exceed demand? [3](Indicate at right (*) and in Comments if Y N U
a special exception to enveloping of seismic demand spectrum is invoked
per Section 4.2 of the GIP.)

Caveats – Bounding Spectrum (Identify with an asterisk (*) those caveats which are met by intent without
meeting the specific wording of the caveat rule and explain the reason for this conclusion in the Comments
section below.)
1. Equipment is included in earthquake experience equipment class Y N U N/A
2. Casing and impeller shaft not cantilevered more than 20 feet, with Y N U N/A
radial bearing at bottom to support shaft
3. No risk of excessive nozzle loads such as gross pipe motion or Y N U N/A
differential displacement
4. Attached lines (cooling, air, electrical) have adequate flexibility Y N U N/A
5. Anchorage adequate (See checklist, below, for details.) Y N U N/A
6. Relays mounted on equipment evaluated Y N U N/A
7. Have you looked for and found no other adverse concerns? Y N U N/A
Is the intent of all the caveats met for Bounding Spectrum? Y N U N/A

1. Appropriate equipment characteristics determined (mass, CG, Y N U N/A
natural freq., damping, center of rotation)
2. Type of anchorage covered by GIP Y N U N/A
3. Sizes and locations of anchors determined Y N U N/A
4. Anchorage installation adequate, e.g., weld quality and length, nuts Y N U N/A
and washers, expansion anchor tightness

Revision 3A

Screening Evaluation Work Sheet (SEWS) Sheet 2 of 2

Equipment ID No. Equip. Class 6 – Vertical Pumps

Equipment Description

Anchorage (cont’d)
5. Factors affecting anchorage capacity or margin of safety considered: Y N U N/A
embedment length, anchor spacing, free-edge distance, concrete
strength/condition and concrete cracking
6. For bolted anchorages, gap under base less than 1/4-inch Y N U N/A
7. Factors affecting essential relays considered: gap under base, Y N U N/A
capacity reduction for expansion anchors
8. Base has adequate stiffness and effect of prying action on anchors Y N U N/A
9. Strength of equipment base and load path to CG adequate Y N U N/A
10. Embedded steel, grout pad, or large concrete pad adequacy evaluated Y N U N/A
11. [6]Anchorage capacity exceeds demand Y N U N/A
Are anchorage requirements met? Y N U

Interaction Effects
1. Soft targets free from impact by nearby equipment or structures Y N U N/A
2. If equipment contains sensitive relays, equipment free from all Y N U N/A
impact by nearby equipment or structures
3. Attached lines have adequate flexibility Y N U N/A
4. Overhead equipment or distribution systems are not likely to Y N U N/A
5. Have you looked for and found no other adverse concerns? Y N U N/A
Is equipment free of interaction effects? Y N U
Does the Equipment Meet the GIP Criteria? Y N U


Evaluated by: Date:

Revision 3A
Status Y N U

Screening Evaluation Work Sheet (SEWS) Sheet 1 of 2

Equipment ID No. Equip. Class 7 – Fluid-Operated Valves

Equipment Description
Location: Bldg. Floor El. Room, Row/Col
Pipe Size and Design Classification: (optional but recommended[2])
Manufacturer, Model, Etc. (optional but recommended[2])

Seismic Capacity vs. Demand

1. Elevation where equipment receives seismic input
2. Elevation of seismic input below about 40′ from grade Y N U N/A
3. Capacity based on: Existing Documentation DOC
Bounding Spectrum BS
1.5 x Bounding Spectrum ABS
4. Demand based on: Ground Response Spectrum GRS
1.5 x Ground Response Spectrum AGS
Conserv. Desc. In-Str. Resp. Spec. CRS
Realistic M-Ctr. In-Str. Resp. Spec. RRS
Does capacity exceed demand? [3](Indicate at right (*) and in Comments if Y N U
a special exception to enveloping of seismic demand spectrum is invoked
per Section 4.2 of the GIP.)

Caveats – Bounding Spectrum (Identify with an asterisk (*) those caveats which are met by intent without
meeting the specific wording of the caveat rule and explain the reason for this conclusion in the Comments
section below.)
1. Equipment is included in earthquake experience equipment class Y N U N/A
2. No cast iron body Y N U N/A
3. No cast iron yoke (for spring-operated pressure relief or piston- Y N U N/A
operated valves)
4. Mounted on 1-inch diameter pipe or larger Y N U N/A
5. Centerline of pipe to top of operator within restrictions of Figure Y N U N/A
B.7-1 or Appendix B, or yoke can take static 3g load (for air-
operated diaphragm, lightweight piston-operated, and spring-
operated pressure relief valves)
6. Centerline of pipe to top of operator within restrictions of Figure Y N U N/A
B.7-2 of Appendix B, or yoke can take static 3g load (for piston-
operated valve of substantial weight)
7. Actuator and yoke not braced independently from pipe Y N U N/A
8. Attached lines (air, electrical) have adequate flexibility Y N U N/A
9. Have you looked for and found no other adverse concerns? Y N U N/A
Is the intent of all the caveats met for Bounding Spectrum? Y N U N/A

Revision 3A

Screening Evaluation Work Sheet (SEWS) Sheet 2 of 2

Equipment ID No. Equip. Class 7 – Fluid-Operated Valves

Equipment Description

Caveats – GERS (Identify with an asterisk (*) those caveats which are met by intent without meeting the
specific wording of the caveat rule and explain the reason for this conclusion in the Comments section
below.) (Note that GERS for this class apply up to attachment point of valve to piping system; valve/pipe
interface is not covered.)
1. Equipment is included in generic seismic testing equipment class Y N U N/A
2. Meets all Bounding Spectrum caveats Y N U N/A
3. Air-operated gate or globe valve with spring-opposed diaphragm- Y N U N/A
type pneumatic actuator
4. Use amplified response spectrum of piping system at piping/valve Y N U N/A
5. Valve and operator will not impact surrounding structures and Y N U N/A
6. Mounted on 1- to 3-inch nominal pipe line Y N U N/A
7. Carbon steel (not cast iron) yoke or bonnet Y N U N/A
Is the intent of all the caveats met for GERS? Y N U N/A

Interaction Effects
1. Soft targets free from impact by nearby equipment or structures Y N U N/A
2. Attached lines have adequate flexibility Y N U N/A
3. Overhead equipment or distribution systems are not likely to Y N U N/A
4. Have you looked for and found no other adverse concerns? Y N U N/A
Is equipment free of interaction effects? Y N U
Does the Equipment Meet the GIP Criteria? Y N U


Evaluated by: Date:

Revision 3A
Status Y N U

Screening Evaluation Work Sheet (SEWS) Sheet 1 of 2

Equipment ID No. Equip. Class 8A – Motor-Operated Valves

Equipment Description
Location: Bldg. Floor El. Room, Row/Col
Pipe Size and Design Classification: (optional but recommended[2])
Manufacturer, Model, Etc. (optional but recommended[2])

Seismic Capacity vs. Demand

1. Elevation where equipment receives seismic input
2. Elevation of seismic input below about 40′ from grade Y N U N/A
3. Capacity based on: Existing Documentation DOC
Bounding Spectrum BS
1.5 x Bounding Spectrum ABS
4. Demand based on: Ground Response Spectrum GRS
1.5 x Ground Response Spectrum AGS
Conserv. Desc. In-Str. Resp. Spec. CRS
Realistic M-Ctr. In-Str. Resp. Spec. RRS
Does capacity exceed demand? [3](Indicate at right (*) and in Comments if Y N U
a special exception to enveloping of seismic demand spectrum is invoked
per Section 4.2 of the GIP.)

Caveats – Bounding Spectrum (Identify with an asterisk (*) those caveats which are met by intent without
meeting the specific wording of the caveat rule and explain the reason for this conclusion in the Comments
section below.)
1. Equipment is included in earthquake experience equipment class Y N U N/A
2. No cast iron body Y N U N/A
3. No cast iron yoke Y N U N/A
4. Mounted on 1-inch diameter pipe or larger Y N U N/A
5. Centerline of pipe to top of operator within restrictions of Figure Y N U N/A
B.8A-1 of Appendix B, or yoke can take static 3g load
6. Actuator and yoke not braced independently from pipe Y N U N/A
7. Attached lines (electrical) have adequate flexibility Y N U N/A
8. Have you looked for and found no other adverse concerns? Y N U N/A
Is the intent of all the caveats met for Bounding Spectrum? Y N U N/A

Caveats – GERS (Identify with an asterisk (*) those caveats which are met by intent without meeting the
specific wording of the caveat rule and explain the reason for this conclusion in the Comments section
below.) (Note that GERS for this class apply to only motor operator and its connection to valve; valve itself
and valve/pipe interface are not covered.)
1. Equipment is included in generic seismic testing equipment class Y N U N/A
2. Meets all Bounding Spectrum caveats Y N U N/A

Revision 3A

Screening Evaluation Work Sheet (SEWS) Sheet 2 of 2

Equipment ID No. Equip. Class 8A – Motor-Operated Valves

Equipment Description

Caveats – GERS (cont’d)

3. Use amplified response spectrum of piping system and valve at Y N U N/A
valve/operator interface
4. Motor axis is horizontal Y N U N/A
5. Valve and operator will not impact surrounding structures and Y N U N/A
6. Motor controls remotely located Y N U N/A
7. If valve has side mounted actuator attached to secondary reducer, Y N U N/A
seismic brackets are used
8. Manufactured by Limitorque or Rotork Y N U N/A
9. Any loose or missing valve-to-operator bolts are tightened or Y N U N/A
replaced (tightness check not required)
Is the intent of all the caveats met for GERS? Y N U N/A

Interaction Effects
1. Soft targets free from impact by nearby equipment or structures Y N U N/A
2. Attached lines have adequate flexibility Y N U N/A
3. Overhead equipment or distribution systems are not likely to Y N U N/A
4. Have you looked for and found no other adverse concerns? Y N U N/A
Is equipment free of interaction effects? Y N U
Does the Equipment Meet the GIP Criteria? Y N U


Evaluated by: Date:

Revision 3A
Status Y N U

Screening Evaluation Work Sheet (SEWS) Sheet 1 of 2

Equipment ID No. Equip. Class 8B – Solenoid-Operated Valves

Equipment Description
Location: Bldg. Floor El. Room, Row/Col
Pipe Size and Design Classification (optional but recommended[2])
Manufacturer, Model, Etc. (optional but recommended[2])

Seismic Capacity vs. Demand

1. Elevation where equipment receives seismic input
2. Elevation of seismic input below about 40′ from grade Y N U N/A
3. Capacity based on: Existing Documentation DOC
Bounding Spectrum BS
1.5 x Bounding Spectrum ABS
4. Demand based on: Ground Response Spectrum GRS
1.5 x Ground Response Spectrum AGS
Conserv. Desc. In-Str. Resp. Spec. CRS
Realistic M-Ctr. In-Str. Resp. Spec. RRS
Does capacity exceed demand? [3](Indicate at right (*) and in Comments if Y N U
a special exception to enveloping of seismic demand spectrum is invoked
per Section 4.2 of the GIP.)

Caveats – Bounding Spectrum

1. Equipment is included in earthquake experience equipment class Y N U N/A
2. No cast iron body Y N U N/A
3. No cast iron yoke Y N U N/A
4. Centerline of pipe to top of operator within restrictions of Figure Y N U N/A
B.8B-1 of Appendix B, or yoke can take static 3g load for SOVs
mounted on lines ≥ 1-inch
5. Actuator and yoke not braced independently from pipe Y N U N/A
6. Attached lines (electrical) have adequate flexibility Y N U N/A
7. Have you looked for and found no other adverse concerns? Y N U N/A
Is the intent of all the caveats met for Bounding Spectrum? Y N U N/A

Caveats – GERS (Identify with an asterisk (*) those caveats which are met by intent without meeting the
specific wording of the caveat rule and explain the reason for this conclusion in the Comments section
below.) (Note that GERS for this class apply up to attachment point of valve to piping system or parent
valve (if SOV is a pilot valve); valve/pipe interface or parent valve is not covered.)
1. Equipment is included in generic seismic testing equipment class Y N U N/A
2. Meets all Bounding Spectrum caveats Y N U N/A

Revision 3A

Screening Evaluation Work Sheet (SEWS) Sheet 2 of 2

Equipment ID No. Equip. Class 8B – Solenoid-Operated Valves

Equipment Description

Caveats – GERS (cont’d)

3. Use amplified response spectrum of piping system and valve at Y N U N/A
valve/operator interface
4. Valve and operator will not impact surrounding structures and Y N U N/A
5. Nominal pipe size is 1-inch or less Y N U N/A
6. Valve body is forged brass or steel Y N U N/A
7. Housing oriented in accordance with manufacturer’s Y N U N/A
8. Height of valve (pipe centerline to top of housing) does not exceed Y N U N/A
12 in.
9. If SOV is a pilot on a larger valve, use amplified response spectrum Y N U N/A
at attachment point of SOV to larger valve
10. Use 3.5g ZPA GERS for ASCO Type 206-381 Y N U N/A
Is the intent of all the caveats met for GERS? Y N U N/A

Interaction Effects
1. Soft targets free from impact by nearby equipment or structures Y N U N/A
2. Attached lines have adequate flexibility Y N U N/A
3. Overhead equipment or distribution systems are not likely to Y N U N/A
4. Have you looked for and found no other adverse concerns? Y N U N/A
Is equipment free of interaction effects? Y N U
Does the Equipment Meet the GIP Criteria? Y N U


Evaluated by: Date:

Revision 3A
Status Y N U

Screening Evaluation Work Sheet (SEWS) Sheet 1 of 2

Equipment ID No. Equip. Class 9 – Fans

Equipment Description
Location: Bldg. Floor El. Room, Row/Col
Manufacturer, Model, Etc. (optional but recommended[2])

Seismic Capacity vs. Demand

1. Elevation where equipment receives seismic input
2. Elevation of seismic input below about 40′ from grade Y N U N/A
3. Equipment has fundamental frequency above about 8 Hz Y N U N/A
4. Capacity based on: Existing Documentation DOC
Bounding Spectrum BS
1.5 x Bounding Spectrum ABS
5. Demand based on: Ground Response Spectrum GRS
1.5 x Ground Response Spectrum AGS
Conserv. Desc. In-Str. Resp. Spec. CRS
Realistic M-Ctr. In-Str. Resp. Spec. RRS
Does capacity exceed demand? [3](Indicate at right (*) and in Comments if Y N U
a special exception to enveloping of seismic demand spectrum is invoked
per Section 4.2 of the GIP.)

Caveats – Bounding Spectrum (Identify with an asterisk (*) those caveats which are met by intent without
meeting the specific wording of the caveat rule and explain the reason for this conclusion in the Comments
section below.)
1. Equipment is included in earthquake experience equipment class Y N U N/A
2. Drive motor and fan mounted on common base Y N U N/A
3. For axial fan with long shaft between fan and motor, shaft supported Y N U N/A
at fan as well as motor
4. No possibility of excessive duct distortion causing binding or Y N U N/A
misalignment of fan
5. Base vibration isolators adequate for seismic loads Y N U N/A
6. Attached lines (electrical) have adequate flexibility Y N U N/A
7. Anchorage adequate (See checklist, below, for details.) Y N U N/A
8. Have you looked for and found no other adverse concerns? Y N U N/A
Is the intent of all the caveats met for Bounding Spectrum? Y N U N/A

1. Appropriate equipment characteristics determined (mass, CG, Y N U N/A
natural freq., damping, center of rotation)
2. Type of anchorage covered by GIP Y N U N/A
3. Sizes and locations of anchors determined Y N U N/A

Revision 3A

Screening Evaluation Work Sheet (SEWS) Sheet 2 of 2

Equipment ID No. Equip. Class 9 – Fans

Equipment Description

Anchorage (cont’d)
4. Anchorage installation adequate, e.g., weld quality and length, nuts Y N U N/A
and washers, expansion anchor tightness
5. Factors affecting anchorage capacity or margin of safety considered: Y N U N/A
embedment length, anchor spacing, free-edge distance, concrete
strength/condition and concrete cracking
6. For bolted anchorages, gap under base less than 1/4-inch Y N U N/A
7. Base has adequate stiffness and effect of prying action on anchors Y N U N/A
8. Strength of equipment base and load path to CG adequate Y N U N/A
9. Embedded steel, grout pad, or large concrete pad adequacy evaluated Y N U N/A
10. [6]Anchorage capacity exceeds demand Y N U
Are anchorage requirements met? Y N U

Interaction Effects
1. Soft targets free from impact by nearby equipment or structures Y N U N/A
2. Distribution lines have adequate flexibility Y N U N/A
3. Overhead equipment or distribution systems are not likely to Y N U N/A
4. Have you looked for and found no other adverse concerns? Y N U N/A
Is equipment free of interaction effects? Y N U
Does the Equipment Meet the GIP Criteria? Y N U


Evaluated by: Date:

Revision 3A
Status Y N U

Screening Evaluation Work Sheet (SEWS) Sheet 1 of 2

Equipment ID No. Equip. Class 10 – Air Handlers

Equipment Description
Location: Bldg. Floor El. Room, Row/Col
Manufacturer, Model, Etc. (optional but recommended[2])

Seismic Capacity vs. Demand

1. Elevation where equipment receives seismic input
2. Elevation of seismic input below about 40′ from grade Y N U N/A
3. Equipment has fundamental frequency above about 8 Hz Y N U N/A
4. Capacity based on: Existing Documentation DOC
Bounding Spectrum BS
1.5 x Bounding Spectrum ABS
5. Demand based on: Ground Response Spectrum GRS
1.5 x Ground Response Spectrum AGS
Conserv. Desc. In-Str. Resp. Spec. CRS
Realistic M-Ctr. In-Str. Resp. Spec. RRS
Does capacity exceed demand? [3](Indicate at right (*) and in Comments if Y N U
a special exception to enveloping of seismic demand spectrum is invoked
per Section 4.2 of the GIP.)

Caveats – Bounding Spectrum (Identify with an asterisk (*) those caveats which are met by intent without
meeting the specific wording of the caveat rule and explain the reason for this conclusion in the Comments
section below.)
1. Equipment is included in earthquake experience equipment class Y N U N/A
2. Anchorage of heavy internal components is adequate; internal vibration Y N U N/A
isolators have seismic stops to limit uplift and lateral movement
3. All doors secured by latch or fastener Y N U N/A
4. No possibility of excessive duct distortion causing binding or Y N U N/A
misalignment of any internal fan
5. Base vibration isolators adequate for seismic loads Y N U N/A
6. Attached lines (water, air, electrical) have adequate flexibility Y N U N/A
7. Anchorage adequate (See checklist, below, for details.) Y N U N/A
8. Relays mounted on equipment evaluated Y N U N/A
9. Have you looked for and found no other adverse concerns? Y N U N/A
Is the intent of all the caveats met for Bounding Spectrum? Y N U N/A

1. Appropriate equipment characteristics determined (mass, CG, Y N U N/A
natural freq., damping, center of rotation)
2. Type of anchorage covered by GIP Y N U N/A
3. Sizes and locations of anchors determined Y N U N/A

Revision 3A

Screening Evaluation Work Sheet (SEWS) Sheet 2 of 2

Equipment ID No. Equip. Class 10 – Air Handlers

Equipment Description

Anchorage (cont’d)
4. Anchorage installation adequate, e.g., weld quality and length, nuts Y N U N/A
and washers, expansion anchor tightness
5. Factors affecting anchorage capacity or margin of safety considered: Y N U N/A
embedment length, anchor spacing, free-edge distance, concrete
strength/condition and concrete cracking
6. For bolted anchorages, gap under base less than 1/4-inch Y N U N/A
7. Factors affecting essential relays considered: gap under base, Y N U N/A
capacity reduction for expansion anchors
8. Base has adequate stiffness and effect of prying action on anchors Y N U N/A
9. Strength of equipment base and load path to CG adequate Y N U N/A
10. Embedded steel, grout pad, or large concrete pad adequacy evaluated Y N U N/A
11. [6]Anchorage capacity exceeds demand Y N U N/A
Are anchorage requirements met? Y N U

Interaction Effects
1. Soft targets free from impact by nearby equipment or structures Y N U N/A
2. If equipment contains sensitive relays, equipment free from all Y N U N/A
impact by nearby equipment or structures
3. Attached lines have adequate flexibility Y N U N/A
4. Overhead equipment or distribution systems are not likely to Y N U N/A
5. Have you looked for and found no other adverse concerns? Y N U N/A
Is equipment free of interaction effects? Y N U
Does the Equipment Meet the GIP Criteria? Y N U


Evaluated by: Date:

Revision 3A
Status Y N U

Screening Evaluation Work Sheet (SEWS) Sheet 1 of 2

Equipment ID No. Equip. Class 11 – Chillers

Equipment Description
Location: Bldg. Floor El. Room, Row/Col
Manufacturer, Model, Etc. (optional but recommended[2])

Seismic Capacity vs. Demand

1. Elevation where equipment receives seismic input
2. Elevation of seismic input below about 40′ from grade Y N U N/A
3. Equipment has fundamental frequency above about 8 Hz Y N U N/A
4. Capacity based on: Existing Documentation DOC
Bounding Spectrum BS
1.5 x Bounding Spectrum ABS
5. Demand based on: Ground Response Spectrum GRS
1.5 x Ground Response Spectrum AGS
Conserv. Desc. In-Str. Resp. Spec. CRS
Realistic M-Ctr. In-Str. Resp. Spec. RRS
Does capacity exceed demand? [3](Indicate at right (*) and in Comments if Y N U
a special exception to enveloping of seismic demand spectrum is invoked
per Section 4.2 of the GIP.)

Caveats – Bounding Spectrum (Identify with an asterisk (*) those caveats which are met by intent without
meeting the specific wording of the caveat rule and explain the reason for this conclusion in the Comments
section below.)
1. Equipment is included in earthquake experience equipment class Y N U N/A
2. Evaporator and condenser tanks reasonably braced between Y N U N/A
themselves for lateral forces without relying on weak-way bending
of steel plates or structural steel shapes
3. Base and/or compressor/motor vibration isolators adequate for Y N U N/A
seismic loads
4. Anchorage adequate (See checklist, below, for details.) Y N U N/A
5. Relays mounted on equipment evaluated Y N U N/A
6. Have you looked for and found no other adverse concerns? Y N U N/A
Is the intent of all the caveats met for Bounding Spectrum? Y N U N/A

1. Appropriate equipment characteristics determined (mass, CG, Y N U N/A
natural freq., damping, center of rotation)
2. Type of anchorage covered by GIP Y N U N/A
3. Sizes and locations of anchors determined Y N U N/A
4. Anchorage installation adequate, e.g., weld quality and length, nuts Y N U N/A
and washers, expansion anchor tightness

Revision 3A

Screening Evaluation Work Sheet (SEWS) Sheet 2 of 2

Equipment ID No. Equip. Class 11 – Chillers

Equipment Description

Anchorage (cont’d)
5. Factors affecting anchorage capacity or margin of safety considered: Y N U N/A
embedment length, anchor spacing, free-edge distance, concrete
strength/condition and concrete cracking
6. For bolted anchorages, gap under base less than 1/4-inch Y N U N/A
7. Factors affecting essential relays considered: gap under base, Y N U N/A
capacity reduction for expansion anchors
8. Base has adequate stiffness and effect of prying action on anchors Y N U N/A
9. Strength of equipment base and load path to CG adequate Y N U N/A
10. Embedded steel, grout pad, or large concrete pad adequacy evaluated Y N U N/A
11. [6]Anchorage capacity exceeds demand Y N U N/A
Are anchorage requirements met? Y N U

Interaction Effects
1. Soft targets free from impact by nearby equipment or structures Y N U N/A
2. If equipment contains sensitive relays, equipment free from all Y N U N/A
impact by nearby equipment or structures
3. Attached lines have adequate flexibility Y N U N/A
4. Overhead equipment or distribution systems are not likely to Y N U N/A
5. Have you looked for and found no other adverse concerns? Y N U N/A
Is equipment free of interaction effects? Y N U
Does the Equipment Meet the GIP Criteria? Y N U


Evaluated by: Date:

Revision 3A
Status Y N U

Screening Evaluation Work Sheet (SEWS) Sheet 1 of 2

Equipment ID No. Equip. Class 12 – Air Compressors

Equipment Description
Location: Bldg. Floor El. Room, Row/Col
Manufacturer, Model, Etc. (optional but recommended[2])

Seismic Capacity vs. Demand

1. Elevation where equipment receives seismic input
2. Elevation of seismic input below about 40′ from grade Y N U N/A
3. Equipment has fundamental frequency above about 8 Hz Y N U N/A
4. Capacity based on: Existing Documentation DOC
Bounding Spectrum BS
1.5 x Bounding Spectrum ABS
5. Demand based on: Ground Response Spectrum GRS
1.5 x Ground Response Spectrum AGS
Conserv. Desc. In-Str. Resp. Spec. CRS
Realistic M-Ctr. In-Str. Resp. Spec. RRS
Does capacity exceed demand? [3](Indicate at right (*) and in Comments if Y N U
a special exception to enveloping of seismic demand spectrum is invoked
per Section 4.2 of the GIP.)

Caveats – Bounding Spectrum (Identify with an asterisk (*) those caveats which are met by intent without
meeting the specific wording of the caveat rule and explain the reason for this conclusion in the Comments
section below.)
1. Equipment is included in earthquake experience equipment class Y N U N/A
2. Base vibration isolators adequate for seismic loads Y N U N/A
3. Attached lines have adequate flexibility Y N U N/A
4. Anchorage adequate (See checklist, below, for details.) Y N U N/A
5. Relays mounted on equipment evaluated Y N U N/A
6. Have you looked for and found no other adverse concerns? Y N U N/A
Is the intent of all the caveats met for Bounding Spectrum? Y N U N/A

1. Appropriate equipment characteristics determined (mass, CG, Y N U N/A
natural freq., damping, center of rotation)
2. Type of anchorage covered by GIP Y N U N/A
3. Sizes and locations of anchors determined Y N U N/A
4. Anchorage installation adequate, e.g., weld quality and length, nuts Y N U N/A
and washers, expansion anchor tightness
5. Factors affecting anchorage capacity or margin of safety considered: Y N U N/A
embedment length, anchor spacing, free-edge distance, concrete
strength/condition and concrete cracking
6. For bolted anchorages, gap under base less than 1/4-inch Y N U N/A

Revision 3A

Screening Evaluation Work Sheet (SEWS) Sheet 2 of 2

Equipment ID No. Equip. Class 12 – Air Compressors

Equipment Description

Anchorage (cont’d)
7. Factors affecting essential relays considered: gap under base, Y N U N/A
capacity reduction for expansion anchors
8. Base has adequate stiffness and effect of prying action on anchors Y N U N/A
9. Strength of equipment base and load path to CG adequate Y N U N/A
10. Embedded steel, grout pad, or large concrete pad adequacy evaluated Y N U N/A
11. [6]Anchorage capacity exceeds demand Y N U N/A
Are anchorage requirements met? Y N U

Interaction Effects
1. Soft targets free from impact by nearby equipment or structures Y N U N/A
2. If equipment contains sensitive relays, equipment free from all Y N U N/A
impact by nearby equipment or structures
3. Attached lines have adequate flexibility Y N U N/A
4. Overhead equipment or distribution systems are not likely to Y N U N/A
5. Have you looked for and found no other adverse concerns? Y N U N/A
Is equipment free of interaction effects? Y N U
Does the Equipment Meet the GIP Criteria? Y N U


Evaluated by: Date:

Revision 3A
Status Y N U

Screening Evaluation Work Sheet (SEWS) Sheet 1 of 2

Equipment ID No. Equip. Class 13 – Motor-Generators

Equipment Description
Location: Bldg. Floor El. Room, Row/Col
Manufacturer, Model, Etc. (optional but recommended[2])

Seismic Capacity vs. Demand

1. Elevation where equipment receives seismic input
2. Elevation of seismic input below about 40′ from grade Y N U N/A
3. Equipment has fundamental frequency above about 8 Hz Y N U N/A
4. Capacity based on: Existing Documentation DOC
Bounding Spectrum BS
1.5 x Bounding Spectrum ABS
5. Demand based on: Ground Response Spectrum GRS
1.5 x Ground Response Spectrum AGS
Conserv. Desc. In-Str. Resp. Spec. CRS
Realistic M-Ctr. In-Str. Resp. Spec. RRS
Does capacity exceed demand? [3](Indicate at right (*) and in Comments if Y N U
a special exception to enveloping of seismic demand spectrum is invoked
per Section 4.2 of the GIP.)

Caveats – Bounding Spectrum (Identify with an asterisk (*) those caveats which are met by intent without
meeting the specific wording of the caveat rule and explain the reason for this conclusion in the Comments
section below.)
1. Equipment is included in earthquake experience equipment class Y N U N/A
2. Main driver and driven equipment connected by a rigid support Y N U N/A
or skid
3. Base vibration isolators adequate for seismic loads Y N U N/A
4. Attached lines have adequate flexibility Y N U N/A
5. Anchorage adequate (See checklist, below, for details.) Y N U N/A
6. Relays mounted on equipment evaluated Y N U N/A
7. Have you looked for and found no other adverse concerns? Y N U N/A
Is the intent of all the caveats met for Bounding Spectrum? Y N U N/A

1. Appropriate equipment characteristics determined (mass, CG, Y N U N/A
natural freq., damping, center of rotation)
2. Type of anchorage covered by GIP Y N U N/A
3. Sizes and locations of anchors determined Y N U N/A
4. Anchorage installation adequate, e.g., weld quality and length, nuts Y N U N/A
and washers, expansion anchor tightness

Revision 3A

Screening Evaluation Work Sheet (SEWS) Sheet 2 of 2

Equipment ID No. Equip. Class 13 – Motor-Generators

Equipment Description

Anchorage (cont’d)
5. Factors affecting anchorage capacity or margin of safety considered: Y N U N/A
embedment length, anchor spacing, free-edge distance, concrete
strength/condition and concrete cracking
6. For bolted anchorages, gap under base less than 1/4-inch Y N U N/A
7. Factors affecting essential relays considered: gap under base, Y N U N/A
capacity reduction for expansion anchors
8. Base has adequate stiffness and effect of prying action on anchors Y N U N/A
9. Strength of equipment base and load path to CG adequate Y N U N/A
10. Embedded steel, grout pad, or large concrete pad adequacy evaluated Y N U N/A
11. [6]Anchorage capacity exceeds demand Y N U N/A
Are anchorage requirements met? Y N U

Interaction Effects
1. Soft targets free from impact by nearby equipment or structures Y N U N/A
2. If equipment contains sensitive relays, equipment free from all Y N U N/A
impact by nearby equipment or structures
3. Attached lines have adequate flexibility Y N U N/A
4. Overhead equipment or distribution systems are not likely to Y N U N/A
5. Have you looked for and found no other adverse concerns? Y N U N/A
Is equipment free of interaction effects? Y N U
Does the Equipment Meet the GIP Criteria? Y N U


Evaluated by: Date:

Revision 3A
Status Y N U

Screening Evaluation Work Sheet (SEWS) Sheet 1 of 3

Equipment ID No. Equip. Class 14 – Distribution Panels

Equipment Description
Location: Bldg. Floor El. Room, Row/Col
Manufacturer, Model, Etc. (optional but recommended[2])

Seismic Capacity vs. Demand

1. Elevation where equipment receives seismic input
2. Elevation of seismic input below about 40′ from grade Y N U N/A
3. Equipment has fundamental frequency above about 8 Hz Y N U N/A
4. Capacity based on: Existing Documentation DOC
Bounding Spectrum BS
1.5 x Bounding Spectrum ABS
5. Demand based on: Ground Response Spectrum GRS
1.5 x Ground Response Spectrum AGS
Conserv. Desc. In-Str. Resp. Spec. CRS
Realistic M-Ctr. In-Str. Resp. Spec. RRS
Does capacity exceed demand? [3](Indicate at right (*) and in Comments if Y N U
a special exception to enveloping of seismic demand spectrum is invoked
per Section 4.2 of the GIP.)

Caveats – Bounding Spectrum (Identify with an asterisk (*) those caveats which are met by intent without
meeting the specific wording of the caveat rule and explain the reason for this conclusion in the Comments
section below.)
1. Equipment is included in earthquake experience equipment class Y N U N/A
2. Contains only circuit breakers and switches Y N U N/A
3. All latches and fasteners in door secured Y N U N/A
4. Adjacent cabinets which are close enough to impact, or sections of Y N U N/A
multi-bay cabinets, are bolted together if they contain essential relays
5. Wall- or floor-mounted NEMA-type enclosure Y N U N/A
6. Anchorage adequate (See checklist, below, for details.) Y N U N/A
7. Relays mounted on equipment evaluated Y N U N/A
8. Have you looked for and found no other adverse concerns? Y N U N/A
Is the intent of all the caveats met for Bounding Spectrum? Y N U N/A

Caveats – GERS (Identify with an asterisk (*) those caveats which are met by intent without meeting the
specific wording of the caveat rule and explain the reason for this conclusion in the Comments section
1. Equipment is included in the generic seismic testing equipment class Y N U N/A
2. Meets all Bounding Spectrum caveats Y N U N/A
3. Use panelboard GERS unless unit is free-standing and designated as Y N U N/A
a switchboard by manufacturer

Revision 3A

Screening Evaluation Work Sheet (SEWS) Sheet 2 of 3

Equipment ID No. Equip. Class 14 – Distribution Panels

Equipment Description

Caveats – GERS (cont’d)

4. W “Quicklag” Type E circuit breakers are not in distribution panel Y N U N/A
5. All adjacent cabinets or sections of multi-bay assemblies bolted Y N U N/A
Is the intent of all the caveats met for GERS? Y N U N/A

1. Appropriate equipment characteristics determined (mass, CG, Y N U N/A
natural freq., damping, center of rotation)
2. Type of anchorage covered by GIP Y N U N/A
3. Sizes and locations of anchors determined Y N U N/A
4. Anchorage installation adequate, e.g., weld quality and length, nuts Y N U N/A
and washers, expansion anchor tightness
5. Factors affecting anchorage capacity or margin of safety considered: Y N U N/A
embedment length, anchor spacing, free-edge distance, concrete
strength/condition and concrete cracking
6. For bolted anchorages, gap under base less than 1/4-inch Y N U N/A
7. Factors affecting essential relays considered: gap under base, Y N U N/A
capacity reduction for expansion anchors
8. Base has adequate stiffness and effect of prying action on anchors Y N U N/A
9. Strength of equipment base and load path to CG adequate Y N U N/A
10. Embedded steel, grout pad, or large concrete pad adequacy evaluated Y N U N/A
11. [6]Anchorage capacity exceeds demand Y N U N/A
Are anchorage requirements met? Y N U

Interaction Effects

1. Soft targets free from impact by nearby equipment or structures Y N U N/A

2. If equipment contains sensitive relays, equipment free from all Y N U N/A
impact by nearby equipment or structures
3. Attached lines have adequate flexibility Y N U N/A
4. Overhead equipment or distribution systems are not likely to Y N U N/A
5. Have you looked for and found no other adverse concerns? Y N U N/A
Is equipment free of interaction effects? Y N U
Does the Equipment Meet the GIP Criteria? Y N U

Revision 3A

Screening Evaluation Work Sheet (SEWS) Sheet 3 of 3

Equipment ID No. Equip. Class 14 – Distribution Panels

Equipment Description


Evaluated by: Date:

Revision 3A
Status Y N U

Screening Evaluation Work Sheet (SEWS) Sheet 1 of 3

Equipment ID No. Equip. Class 15 – Batteries on Racks

Equipment Description
Location: Bldg. Floor El. Room, Row/Col
Manufacturer, Model, Etc. (optional but recommended[2])

Seismic Capacity vs. Demand

1. Elevation where equipment receives seismic input
2. Elevation of seismic input below about 40′ from grade Y N U N/A
3. Equipment has fundamental frequency above about 8 Hz Y N U N/A
4. Capacity based on: Existing Documentation DOC
Bounding Spectrum BS
1.5 x Bounding Spectrum ABS
5. Demand based on: Ground Response Spectrum GRS
1.5 x Ground Response Spectrum AGS
Conserv. Desc. In-Str. Resp. Spec. CRS
Realistic M-Ctr. In-Str. Resp. Spec. RRS
Does capacity exceed demand? [3](Indicate at right (*) and in Comments if Y N U
a special exception to enveloping of seismic demand spectrum is invoked
per Section 4.2 of the GIP.)

Caveats – Bounding Spectrum (Identify with an asterisk (*) those caveats which are met by intent without
meeting the specific wording of the caveat rule and explain the reason for this conclusion in the Comments
section below.)
1. Equipment is included in earthquake experience equipment class Y N U N/A
2. Plates of the cells are of lead-calcium flat-plate, PlantJ, or of Y N U N/A
Manchex design
3. Each individual battery weighs less than 450 lbs Y N U N/A
4. Close-fitting, crush resistant spacers fill two-thirds of vertical space Y N U N/A
between cells
5. Cells restrained by end and side rails Y N U N/A
6. Racks have longitudinal cross bracing Y N U N/A
7. Wood racks evaluated to industry accepted standards Y N U N/A
8. Batteries greater than 10 years old specifically evaluated for aging Y N U N/A
9. Anchorage adequate (See checklist, below, for details.) Y N U N/A
10. Have you looked for and found no other adverse concerns? Y N U N/A
Is the intent of all the caveats met for Bounding Spectrum? Y N U N/A

Revision 3A

Screening Evaluation Work Sheet (SEWS) Sheet 2 of 3

Equipment ID No. Equip. Class 15 – Batteries on Racks

Equipment Description

Caveats – GERS (Identify with an asterisk (*) those caveats which are met by intent without meeting the
specific wording of the caveat rule and explain the reason for this conclusion in the Comments section
1. Equipment is included in the generic seismic testing equipment class Y N U N/A
2. Meets all Bounding Spectrum caveats Y N U N/A
3. Plates of the cells are of lead-calcium flat-plate design (i.e., not Y N U N/A
Manchex design)
4. Batteries supported on two-step racks or single-tier racks; restrained Y N U N/A
by double side and end rails which are symmetrically located with
respect to the cell center-of-gravity
Is the intent of all the caveats met for GERS? Y N U N/A

1. Appropriate equipment characteristics determined (mass, CG, Y N U N/A
natural freq., damping, center of rotation)
2. Type of anchorage covered by GIP Y N U N/A
3. Sizes and locations of anchors determined Y N U N/A
4. Anchorage installation adequate, e.g., weld quality and length, nuts Y N U N/A
and washers, expansion anchor tightness
5. Factors affecting anchorage capacity or margin of safety considered: Y N U N/A
embedment length, anchor spacing, free-edge distance, concrete
strength/condition and concrete cracking
6. For bolted anchorages, gap under base less than 1/4-inch Y N U N/A
7. Base has adequate stiffness and effect of prying action on anchors Y N U N/A
8. Strength of equipment base and load path to CG adequate Y N U N/A
9. Embedded steel, grout pad, or large concrete pad adequacy evaluated Y N U N/A
10. [6]Anchorage capacity exceeds demand Y N U N/A
Are anchorage requirements met? Y N U

Interaction Effects

1. Soft targets free from impact by nearby equipment or structures Y N U N/A

2. Attached lines have adequate flexibility Y N U N/A
3. Overhead equipment or distribution systems are not likely to Y N U N/A
4. Have you looked for and found no other adverse concerns? Y N U N/A
Is equipment free of interaction effects? Y N U
Does the Equipment Meet the GIP Criteria? Y N U

Revision 3A

Screening Evaluation Work Sheet (SEWS) Sheet 3 of 3

Equipment ID No. Equip. Class 15 – Batteries on Racks

Equipment Description


Evaluated by: Date:

Revision 3A
Status Y N U

Screening Evaluation Work Sheet (SEWS) Sheet 1 of 3

Equipment ID No. Equip. Class 16 – Battery Chargers & Inverters

Equipment Description
Location: Bldg. Floor El. Room, Row/Col
Manufacturer, Model, Etc. (optional but recommended[2])

Seismic Capacity vs. Demand

1. Elevation where equipment receives seismic input
2. Elevation of seismic input below about 40′ from grade Y N U N/A
3. Equipment has fundamental frequency above about 8 Hz Y N U N/A
4. Capacity based on: Existing Documentation DOC
Bounding Spectrum BS
1.5 x Bounding Spectrum ABS
5. Demand based on: Ground Response Spectrum GRS
1.5 x Ground Response Spectrum AGS
Conserv. Desc. In-Str. Resp. Spec. CRS
Realistic M-Ctr. In-Str. Resp. Spec. RRS
Does capacity exceed demand? [3](Indicate at right (*) and in Comments if Y N U
a special exception to enveloping of seismic demand spectrum is invoked
per Section 4.2 of the GIP.)

Caveats – Bounding Spectrum (Identify with an asterisk (*) those caveats which are met by intent without
meeting the specific wording of the caveat rule and explain the reason for this conclusion in the Comments
section below.)
1. Equipment is included in earthquake experience equipment class Y N U N/A
2. Solid state type Y N U N/A
3. For floor-mounted, transformer positively anchored and mounted Y N U N/A
near base, or load path is evaluated
4. Base assembly of floor-mounted unit properly braced or stiffened for Y N U N/A
lateral forces
5. For wall-mounted units, transformer supports and bracing provide Y N U N/A
adequate load path to the rear cabinet wall
6. All latches and fasteners in doors secured
7. Anchorage adequate (See checklist, below, for details.) Y N U N/A
8. Relays mounted on equipment evaluated Y N U N/A
9. Have you looked for and found no other adverse concerns? Y N U N/A
Is the intent of all the caveats met for Bounding Spectrum? Y N U N/A

Caveats – GERS (Identify with an asterisk (*) those caveats which are met by intent without meeting the
specific wording of the caveat rule and explain the reason for this conclusion in the Comments section
1. Equipment is included in the generic seismic testing equipment class Y N U N/A
2. Meets all Bounding Spectrum caveats Y N U N/A

Revision 3A

Screening Evaluation Work Sheet (SEWS) Sheet 2 of 3

Equipment ID No. Equip. Class 16 – Battery Chargers & Inverters

Equipment Description

Caveats – GERS (cont’d)

3. Silicon-Controlled Rectifier (SCR) power controls; wall- or floor- Y N U N/A
mounted NEMA-type enclosure
4. Within range of battery charger ratings:
24-250 VDC Y N U N/A
120-480 VAC Y N U N/A
25-600 amps Y N U N/A
150-2850 pounds (floor-mounted) Y N U N/A
150-600 pounds (wall-mounted) Y N U N/A
5. Within range of inverter ratings:
120 VDC only Y N U N/A
120-480 VAC Y N U N/A
0.5-15 kVA Y N U N/A
300-2000 pounds Y N U N/A
6. Heavy components are located in lower half of cabinet and are Y N U N/A
supported from base or rear panel with no panel cutouts adjacent to
Is the intent of all the caveats met for GERS? Y N U N/A

1. Appropriate equipment characteristics determined (mass, CG, Y N U N/A
natural freq., damping, center of rotation)
2. Type of anchorage covered by GIP Y N U N/A
3. Sizes and locations of anchors determined Y N U N/A
4. Anchorage installation adequate, e.g., weld quality and length, nuts Y N U N/A
and washers, expansion anchor tightness
5. Factors affecting anchorage capacity or margin of safety considered: Y N U N/A
embedment length, anchor spacing, free-edge distance, concrete
strength/condition and concrete cracking
6. For bolted anchorages, gap under base less than 1/4-inch Y N U N/A
7. Factors affecting essential relays considered: gap under base, Y N U N/A
capacity reduction for expansion anchors
8. Base has adequate stiffness and effect of prying action on anchors Y N U N/A
9. Strength of equipment base and load path to CG adequate Y N U N/A
10. Embedded steel, grout pad, or large concrete pad adequacy evaluated Y N U N/A
11. [6]Anchorage capacity exceeds demand Y N U N/A
Are anchorage requirements met? Y N U

Revision 3A

Screening Evaluation Work Sheet (SEWS) Sheet 3 of 3

Equipment ID No. Equip. Class 16 – Battery Chargers & Inverters

Equipment Description

Interaction Effects
1. Soft targets free from impact by nearby equipment or structures Y N U N/A
2. If equipment contains sensitive relays, equipment free from all Y N U N/A
impact by nearby equipment or structures
3. Attached lines have adequate flexibility Y N U N/A
4. Overhead equipment or distribution systems are not likely to Y N U N/A
5. Have you looked for and found no other adverse concerns? Y N U N/A
Is equipment free of interaction effects? Y N U
Does the Equipment Meet the GIP Criteria? Y N U


Evaluated by: Date:

Revision 3A
Status Y N U

Screening Evaluation Work Sheet (SEWS) Sheet 1 of 2

Equipment ID No. Equip. Class 17 – Engine-Generators

Equipment Description
Location: Bldg. Floor El. Room, Row/Col
Manufacturer, Model, Etc. (optional but recommended[2])

Seismic Capacity vs. Demand

1. Elevation where equipment receives seismic input
2. Elevation of seismic input below about 40′ from grade Y N U N/A
3. Equipment has fundamental frequency above about 8 Hz Y N U N/A
4. Capacity based on: Existing Documentation DOC
Bounding Spectrum BS
1.5 x Bounding Spectrum ABS
5. Demand based on: Ground Response Spectrum GRS
1.5 x Ground Response Spectrum AGS
Conserv. Desc. In-Str. Resp. Spec. CRS
Realistic M-Ctr. In-Str. Resp. Spec. RRS
Does capacity exceed demand? [3](Indicate at right (*) and in Comments if Y N U
a special exception to enveloping of seismic demand spectrum is invoked
per Section 4.2 of the GIP.)

Caveats – Bounding Spectrum (Identify with an asterisk (*) those caveats which are met by intent without
meeting the specific wording of the caveat rule and explain the reason for this conclusion in the Comments
section below.)
1. Equipment is included in earthquake experience equipment class Y N U N/A
2. Driver and driven equipment connected by a rigid support or Y N U N/A
common skid
3. Base vibration isolators adequate for seismic loads Y N U N/A
4. Attached lines (cooling, air, electrical) have adequate flexibility Y N U N/A
5. Anchorage adequate (See checklist, below, for details.) Y N U N/A
6. Relays mounted on equipment evaluated Y N U N/A
7. Have you looked for and found no other adverse concerns? Y N U N/A
Is the intent of all the caveats met for Bounding Spectrum? Y N U N/A

1. Appropriate equipment characteristics determined (mass, CG, Y N U N/A
natural freq., damping, center of rotation)
2. Type of anchorage covered by GIP Y N U N/A
3. Sizes and locations of anchors determined Y N U N/A
4. Anchorage installation adequate, e.g., weld quality and length, nuts Y N U N/A
and washers, expansion anchor tightness

Revision 3A

Screening Evaluation Work Sheet (SEWS) Sheet 2 of 2

Equipment ID No. Equip. Class 17 – Engine-Generators

Equipment Description

Anchorage (cont’d)
5. Factors affecting anchorage capacity or margin of safety considered: Y N U N/A
embedment length, anchor spacing, free-edge distance, concrete
strength/condition and concrete cracking
6. For bolted anchorages, gap under base less than 1/4-inch Y N U N/A
7. Factors affecting essential relays considered: gap under base, Y N U N/A
capacity reduction for expansion anchors
8. Base has adequate stiffness and effect of prying action on anchors Y N U N/A
9. Strength of equipment base and load path to CG adequate Y N U N/A
10. Embedded steel, grout pad, or large concrete pad adequacy evaluated Y N U N/A
11. [6]Anchorage capacity exceeds demand Y N U N/A
Are anchorage requirements met? Y N U

Interaction Effects
1. Soft targets free from impact by nearby equipment or structures Y N U N/A
2. If equipment contains sensitive relays, equipment free from all Y N U N/A
impact by nearby equipment or structures
3. Attached lines have adequate flexibility Y N U N/A
4. Overhead equipment or distribution systems are not likely to Y N U N/A
5. Have you looked for and found no other adverse concerns? Y N U N/A
Is equipment free of interaction effects? Y N U
Does the Equipment Meet the GIP Criteria? Y N U


Evaluated by: Date:

Revision 3A
Status Y N U

Screening Evaluation Work Sheet (SEWS) Sheet 1 of 3

Equipment ID No. Equip. Class 18 – Instruments on Racks

Equipment Description
Location: Bldg. Floor El. Room, Row/Col
Manufacturer, Model, Etc. (optional but recommended[2])

Seismic Capacity vs. Demand

1. Elevation where equipment receives seismic input
2. Elevation of seismic input below about 40′ from grade Y N U N/A
3. Equipment has fundamental frequency above about 8 Hz Y N U N/A
4. Capacity based on: Existing Documentation DOC
Bounding Spectrum BS
1.5 x Bounding Spectrum ABS
5. Demand based on: Ground Response Spectrum GRS
1.5 x Ground Response Spectrum AGS
Conserv. Desc. In-Str. Resp. Spec. CRS
Realistic M-Ctr. In-Str. Resp. Spec. RRS
Does capacity exceed demand? [3](Indicate at right (*) and in Comments if Y N U
a special exception to enveloping of seismic demand spectrum is invoked
per Section 4.2 of the GIP.)

Caveats – Bounding Spectrum (Identify with an asterisk (*) those caveats which are met by intent without
meeting the specific wording of the caveat rule and explain the reason for this conclusion in the Comments
section below.)
1. Equipment is included in earthquake experience equipment class Y N U N/A
2. No computers or programmable controllers Y N U N/A
3. Steel frame and sheet metal structurally adequate Y N U N/A
4. Adjacent racks which are close enough to impact or sections of multi- Y N U N/A
bay racks are bolted together if they contain essential relays
5. Natural frequency relative to 8 Hz limit considered Y N U N/A
6. Attached lines have adequate flexibility
7. Anchorage adequate (See checklist, below, for details.) Y N U N/A
8. Relays mounted on equipment evaluated Y N U N/A
9. Have you looked for and found no other adverse concerns? Y N U N/A
Is the intent of all the caveats met for Bounding Spectrum? Y N U N/A

Caveats – GERS (Identify with an asterisk (*) those caveats which are met by intent without meeting the
specific wording of the caveat rule and explain the reason for this conclusion in the Comments section
1. Equipment is included in the generic seismic testing equipment class Y N U N/A
2. Meets all Bounding Spectrum caveats Y N U N/A
3. Component is a pressure, temperature, level or flow transmitter Y N U N/A

Revision 3A

Screening Evaluation Work Sheet (SEWS) Sheet 2 of 3

Equipment ID No. Equip. Class 18 – Instruments on Racks

Equipment Description

Caveats – GERS (cont’d)

4. Component is one of the specific makes and models tested, as listed Y N U N/A
in Appendix B
5. Necessary function of component not sensitive to seismically Y N U N/A
induced system perturbations (e.g., sloshing)
6. No vacuum tubes Y N U N/A
7. All external mounting bolts in place Y N U N/A
8. Demand based on amplified portion of 3% damped floor response Y N U N/A
spectrum if estimated natural frequency of rack less than 33 Hz
9. Rack capable of structurally transferring seismic demand loads to Y N U N/A
10. All adjacent racks or sections of multi-bay assemblies bolted Y N U N/A
Is the intent of all the caveats met for GERS? Y N U N/A

1. Appropriate equipment characteristics determined (mass, CG, Y N U N/A
natural freq., damping, center of rotation)
2. Type of anchorage covered by GIP Y N U N/A
3. Sizes and locations of anchors determined Y N U N/A
4. Anchorage installation adequate, e.g., weld quality and length, nuts Y N U N/A
and washers, expansion anchor tightness
5. Factors affecting anchorage capacity or margin of safety considered: Y N U N/A
embedment length, anchor spacing, free-edge distance, concrete
strength/condition and concrete cracking
6. For bolted anchorages, gap under base less than 1/4-inch Y N U N/A
7. Factors affecting essential relays considered: gap under base, Y N U N/A
capacity reduction for expansion anchors
8. Base has adequate stiffness and effect of prying action on anchors Y N U N/A
9. Strength of equipment base and load path to CG adequate Y N U N/A
10. Embedded steel, grout pad, or large concrete pad adequacy evaluated Y N U N/A
11. [6]Anchorage capacity exceeds demand Y N U N/A
Are anchorage requirements met? Y N U

Revision 3A

Screening Evaluation Work Sheet (SEWS) Sheet 3 of 3

Equipment ID No. Equip. Class 18 – Instruments on Racks

Equipment Description

Interaction Effects
1. Soft targets free from impact by nearby equipment or structures Y N U N/A
2. If equipment contains sensitive relays, equipment free from all Y N U N/A
impact by nearby equipment or structures
3. Attached lines have adequate flexibility Y N U N/A
4. Overhead equipment or distribution systems are not likely to Y N U N/A

Interaction Effects (cont’d)

5. Have you looked for and found no other adverse concerns? Y N U N/A
Is equipment free of interaction effects? Y N U
Does the Equipment Meet the GIP Criteria? Y N U


Evaluated by: Date:

Revision 3A
Status Y N U

Screening Evaluation Work Sheet (SEWS) Sheet 1 of 2

Equipment ID No. Equip. Class 19 – Temperature Sensors

Equipment Description
Location: Bldg. Floor El. Room, Row/Col
Manufacturer, Model, Etc. (optional but recommended[2])

Seismic Capacity vs. Demand

Elevation where equipment receives seismic input
Elevation of seismic input below about 40′ from grade Y N U N/A
Equipment has fundamental frequency above about 8 Hz Y N U N/A
Capacity based on: Existing Documentation DOC
Bounding Spectrum BS
1.5 x Bounding Spectrum ABS
5. Demand based on: Ground Response Spectrum GRS
1.5 x Ground Response Spectrum AGS
Conserv. Desc. In-Str. Resp. Spec. CRS
Realistic M-Ctr. In-Str. Resp. Spec. RRS
Does capacity exceed demand? [3](Indicate at right (*) and in Comments if Y N U
a special exception to enveloping of seismic demand spectrum is invoked
per Section 4.2 of the GIP.)

Caveats – Bounding Spectrum (Identify with an asterisk (*) those caveats which are met by intent without
meeting the specific wording of the caveat rule and explain the reason for this conclusion in the Comments
section below.)
1. Equipment is included in earthquake experience equipment class Y N U N/A
2. No possibility of detrimental differential displacement between Y N U N/A
mounting of connection head and mounting of temperature sensor
3. Associated electronics are all solid state (no vacuum tubes) Y N U N/A
4. Attached lines have adequate flexibility
5. Have you looked for and found no other adverse concerns? Y N U N/A
Is the intent of all the caveats met for Bounding Spectrum? Y N U N/A

Interaction Effects
1. Soft targets free from impact by nearby equipment or structures Y N U N/A
2. Attached lines have adequate flexibility Y N U N/A
3. Overhead equipment or distribution systems are not likely to Y N U N/A
4. Have you looked for and found no other adverse concerns? Y N U N/A
Is equipment free of interaction effects? Y N U
Does the Equipment Meet the GIP Criteria? Y N U

Revision 3A

Screening Evaluation Work Sheet (SEWS) Sheet 2 of 2

Equipment ID No. Equip. Class 19 – Temperature Sensors

Equipment Description


Evaluated by: Date:

Revision 3A
Status Y N U

Screening Evaluation Work Sheet (SEWS) Sheet 1 of 2

Equipment ID No. Equip. Class 20 – Instr. & Control Panels & Cabinets
Equipment Description
Location: Bldg. Floor El. Room, Row/Col
Manufacturer, Model, Etc. (optional but recommended[2])

Seismic Capacity vs. Demand

1. Elevation where equipment receives seismic input
2. Elevation of seismic input below about 40′ from grade Y N U N/A
3. Equipment has fundamental frequency above about 8 Hz Y N U N/A
4. Capacity based on: Existing Documentation DOC
Bounding Spectrum BS
1.5 x Bounding Spectrum ABS
5. Demand based on: Ground Response Spectrum GRS
1.5 x Ground Response Spectrum AGS
Conserv. Desc. In-Str. Resp. Spec. CRS
Realistic M-Ctr. In-Str. Resp. Spec. RRS
Does capacity exceed demand? [3](Indicate at right (*) and in Comments if Y N U
a special exception to enveloping of seismic demand spectrum is invoked
per Section 4.2 of the GIP.)

Caveats – Bounding Spectrum (Identify with an asterisk (*) those caveats which are met by intent without
meeting the specific wording of the caveat rule and explain the reason for this conclusion in the Comments
section below.)
1. Equipment is included in earthquake experience equipment class Y N U N/A
2. No computers or programmable controllers Y N U N/A
3. No strip chart recorders Y N U N/A
4. Steel frame and sheet metal structurally adequate Y N U N/A
5. Adjacent cabinets or panels which are close enough to impact, or Y N U N/A
sections of multi-bay cabinets or panels, are bolted together if they
contain essential relays
6. Drawers and equipment on slides restrained from falling out
7. All doors secured by latch or fastener
8. Attached lines have adequate flexibility
9. Anchorage adequate (See checklist, below, for details.) Y N U N/A
10. Relays mounted on equipment evaluated Y N U N/A
11. Have you looked for and found no other adverse concerns? Y N U N/A
Is the intent of all the caveats met for Bounding Spectrum? Y N U N/A

1. Appropriate equipment characteristics determined (mass, CG, Y N U N/A
natural freq., damping, center of rotation)
2. Type of anchorage covered by GIP Y N U N/A

Revision 3A

Screening Evaluation Work Sheet (SEWS) Sheet 2 of 2

Equipment ID No. Equip. Class 20 – Instr. & Control Panels & Cabinets
Equipment Description

Anchorage (cont’d)
3. Sizes and locations of anchors determined Y N U N/A
4. Anchorage installation adequate, e.g., weld quality and length, nuts Y N U N/A
and washers, expansion anchor tightness
5. Factors affecting anchorage capacity or margin of safety considered: Y N U N/A
embedment length, anchor spacing, free-edge distance, concrete
strength/condition and concrete cracking
6. For bolted anchorages, gap under base less than 1/4-inch Y N U N/A
7. Factors affecting essential relays considered: gap under base, Y N U N/A
capacity reduction for expansion anchors
8. Base has adequate stiffness and effect of prying action on anchors Y N U N/A
9. Strength of equipment base and load path to CG adequate Y N U N/A
10. Embedded steel, grout pad, or large concrete pad adequacy evaluated Y N U N/A
11. [6]Anchorage capacity exceeds demand Y N U N/A
Are anchorage requirements met? Y N U

Interaction Effects
1. Soft targets free from impact by nearby equipment or structures Y N U N/A
2. If equipment contains sensitive relays, equipment free from all Y N U N/A
impact by nearby equipment or structures
3. Attached lines have adequate flexibility Y N U N/A
4. Overhead equipment or distribution systems are not likely to Y N U N/A
5. Have you looked for and found no other adverse concerns? Y N U N/A
Is equipment free of interaction effects? Y N U
Does the Equipment Meet the GIP Criteria? Y N U


Evaluated by: Date:

Revision 3A
Status Y N U

Screening Evaluation Work Sheet (SEWS) Sheet 1 of 2

Equipment ID No. Equip. Class 21 – Tanks and Heat Exchangers

Equipment Description
Location: Bldg. Floor El. Room, Row/Col
Manufacturer, Model, Etc. (optional but recommended[2])

Shell Capacity vs. Demand

Buckling capacity of shell of large, flat-bottom, vertical tank is equal Y N U N/A
to or greater than demand:

Capacity of anchor bolts and their embedments is equal to or greater Y N U N/A
than demand:

Connection Between Anchor Bolts and Shell

Capacity of connections between the anchor bolts and the tank shell is Y N U N/A
equal to or greater than the demand:

Flexibility of Attached Piping

Attached piping has adequate flexibility to accommodate motion of Y N U N/A
large, flat-bottom, vertical tank:

Revision 3A

Screening Evaluation Work Sheet (SEWS) Sheet 2 of 2

Equipment ID No. Equip. Class 21 – Tanks and Heat Exchangers

Equipment Description

Tank Foundation
Ring-type foundation is not used to support large, flat-bottom, Y N U N/A
vertical tank:

Does the Equipment Meet the GIP Criteria? Y N U


Evaluated by: Date:

Revision 3A


Listed below are the specific reasons for making the changes marked with a vertical line in the
margin of this appendix to create GIP-3A from GIP-3, Updated 5/16/97. The endnote numbers
listed below correspond to the bracketed numbers (e.g., [1]) located in the text of this appendix where
the changes are made.

SSER No. 2, Sec. III.7.1 – The Staff position is that the information in the SEWS is a summary of the
criteria contained other sections of the GIP (e.g., Appendices B and C). Therefore, if there is any conflict
between the information on the SEWS and these other sections of the GIP, these other sections should take
precedence. For example, for motor control centers, the weight of 800 pound should be considered
maximum instead of average.
The GIP has been amended in Part II, Appendix G, “Introduction,” to add a clarification that the short
summaries of the criteria provided in the SEWS are for general guidance only. The detail criteria contained
in Sections 4 and 7 and Appendices B, C, and D should be used as the basis for evaluating the seismic
adequacy of equipment.

The GIP has also been corrected in Part II, Appendix G, SEWS for Classes 1, 2, and 3 to indicate that the
maximum weight of each vertical section (not the average weight) should not exceed the limit provided in
the SEWS caveat.
SSER No. 2, Sec. III.7.2 – The Staff noted that the SEWS do not require documentation of manufacturer,
model, etc. For information purposes only, the Staff strongly recommends that such information should be
recorded if readily available.
The GIP has been amended in Part II, Appendix G, “Introduction” to address the Staff recommendation by
adding “(e.g., manufacturer, model)” to the discussion of the information to be recorded on the SEWS.
Each of the SEWS in Appendix G has also been modified to indicate that although such information as
manufacturer, model, etc. is optional, it is recommended that it be recorded.
SSER No. 2, Sec. III.7.3 – The NRC position is that since GIP-2 allows the demand level to exceed the
capacity level under certain conditions, in response to the question “Does capacity exceed demand?” on the
Screening Evaluation Work Sheets (SEWS) for each piece of equipment, the reviewer must also identify
whether the exceptions described on page 4-10 of GIP-2 were used in the comparison.
The GIP has been amended in Part II, Section 4.2, “Enveloping of Seismic Demand Spectrum,” to address
the Staff position by requiring the SEWS to be marked to indicate if one of the special exceptions to having
capacity envelop demand at all frequencies is invoked.

Each SEWS in Appendix G has also been modified to include a reminder, next to the question “Does
capacity exceed demand?” to indicate if an exception is invoked.
Editorial change in last question on each SEWS to ask whether the item of equipment meets the GIP criteria,
rather than whether it is seismically adequate. An item of equipment may be seismically adequate (e.g., by
resolving an outlier) however it may not meet the GIP criteria and therefore should be characterized as an
outlier, i.e., the answer to the question should be No (N).

Revision 3A

SSER No. 2, Sec. III.2.3 – The Staff position is that sections of multi-bay cabinets should be bolted together,
even if they do not contain essential relays, if the GERS capacities are used, since sections of such cabinets
were bolted together during testing.
The GIP has been amended in Part II, Appendix B, Sections B.1.2, B.2.2, B.3.2, B.4.2, B.14.2, and B.18.2
and in the SEWS in Appendix G for Equipment Classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 14, and 18 to include a GERS caveat
requiring adjacent cabinets to be bolted together.
Editorial change to add a checklist item on each SEWS where anchorage is checked to evaluate the
anchorage capacity of an item of equipment compared to the seismic demand imposed on it. This checklist
item was inadvertently omitted in previous revisions of the GIP.
Typographical error corrected.
Editorial change in the SEWS for Instrument Racks (Class #18) to make the GERS Caveat #9 correspond to
the Appendix B requirement that an evaluation should be done to show that the instrument rack is capable of
transferring the seismic demand load (not the GERS capacity) to the anchorage.


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