Understanding Visual Fields Part I Goldmann Perime
Understanding Visual Fields Part I Goldmann Perime
Understanding Visual Fields Part I Goldmann Perime
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Volume 2, Number 2
June 2006
Types of Perimetry
Static, Kinetic, Manual or Automated?
There are two basic types of visual field tests commonly used in the clinic. Depending
on whether or not the stimulus moves, the test can be classified as static or kinetic.
Goldmann perimetry is a common example of kinetic perimetry. The Humphrey Field
Analyzer™ (Allergan-Humphrey, San Leandro, CA) is a common example of static
perimetry. In fact, both perimeters have the capability of doing both static and kinetic
tests, but in practice, they are used as described above.
Perimeters can also be classified as manual or automated, depending on whether
the stimulus is moved by hand as in the Goldmann, or if the stimulus location is changed
by a computer, as in the Humphrey visual field (HVF).
The patient should be comfortably seated. Make all preparations for testing before the
patient is positioned in the machine. Lenses used to test the central 30 degrees are
determined by the patient’s distance correction and Goldmann’s add for age (Table 1).
Use the spherical equivalent whenever the cylinder is 1.00 diopter or less. Myopia,
aphakia, pseudophakia or dilation may affect the choice of lens power. People with high
myopia or aphakia may require a contact lens for accurate testing. Place the correct lenses
in the holder. Insert the perimeter paper and lock into place. Be sure that markings on the
paper are aligned with the notches of the frame. Explain the test to the patient. Assess the
patient’s ability to push the button on the buzzer in response to the stimuli. Some patients
find it easier to respond verbally. Patch the eye that is not being tested: the eye must be
completely covered. If there is significant dermatochalasis, tape the excess tissue. If
there is ptosis, taping may not elevate the lid sufficiently. In this case, an assistant may be
asked to hold the lid during testing of the superior visual field. Move the chin rest to the
correct side of the bowl. Help the patient move onto the chinrest and position the
forehead against the forehead strap (Figure 1). Emphasize the need to maintain this
position during testing. Some machines have a head strap that will help keep the patient
in the proper position throughout testing. Turn out the room lights.
The perimetrist should adjust his/her seat for comfort. Look at the patient’s eye through
the observer’s tube (Figure 2). If the patient’s eye is not centered in the observer’s tube,
adjust the vertical and horizontal position of the chinrest with the knobs located below the
paper. After this adjustment, ask the patient if he/she is comfortable. Choose the size and
intensity of the first target. The most common stimuli are I4e for peripheral and I2e for
central visual field. Stimuli of other sizes and intensities may be used to give greater
detail to the visual field. A GVF is performed by using the pantograph handle to move
the stimuli from the non-seeing area into a seeing area at about 3-5 degrees per second.
Start with the peripheral field without the correction. After the peripheral isopter is
determined, place the corrective lens into position and proceed with plotting the central
field. The blind spot is outlined with the smallest target that easily encompasses it. Static
checks to test for scotoma are done after the isopters are completely outlined. To avoid
patient fatigue, the test should not exceed 10 minutes per eye. Allow any patient showing
signs of fatigue to have rest times during the test.
It is important to evaluate the patient’s ability to do visual field testing. Retesting areas
will give you information about the consistency of the patient’s responses. Occasionally,
turn off the stimuli and stop testing for a few seconds: the patient should not respond
during this time. Watching the patient’s eye through the observation tube while moving
the pantograph handle, allows evaluation of fixation. If responses are inconsistent or
fixation is poor, reinstruct the patient.
After testing the first eye, allow the patient to sit back and rest while preparations are
made for testing the other eye. Look over the completed test to verify all quadrants have
been tested sufficiently.
Unlike defects on most automated visual fields (which show up as dark areas), most
defects on a GVF are changes in the isopter. If the circle has an indented area (see the
blue circle in Figure 4 below), this represents an area of the visual field where the
stimulus was not seen. Additionally, the distance between the isopters is important. If
the defect is mild, the isopter will look indented towards the center, but will remain about
the same distance away from the other isopter. However, when the defect is more severe,
the isopters will be much closer together2. Dense central defects on GVF are generally
shaded in, similar to automated tests (Figure 5).
2. The full extent of the visual field needs to be tested. A GVF can be a reliable,
reproducible test for the full field and can usually be performed in a short amount of time.
Low Vision
Goldmann visual field testing is preferred over automated visual field testing for low
vision patients with central scotomata for the following reasons: 1) fixation is easier to
monitor when a human perimetrist is performing the test since they can provide direction
and encouragement to the patient and 2) also due to difficulties with fixation, a human
perimetrist is better able to map the size and shape of the central scotoma. The size and
shape of the central scotoma can be helpful in guiding the patient and therapist during
eccentric viewing training in locating a preferred retinal locus. Other less common
indications would include patients with isolated peripheral islands of remaining visual
field and patients who are unable to provide reliable automated visual field responses.
Figure 5. Note the large central scotoma in this patient with low vision.
Figure 7. Constricted Visual Fields OU which improve to normal one month later
with reassurance that no organic lesion exists.
Goldmann visual field testing is an invaluable test to detect and follow the progression of
scotomas in a variety of ocular diseases, especially when performed by an experienced
tester. However, the ease and other advantages of using computerized systems has
relegated GVFs to mostly a second choice test. Although older, it still has value in our
clinics and should be understood by all ophthalmic personnel. Its newer sibling,
automated perimetry, will be visited in part II of our four part series on understanding
visual fields.
This work was supported in part by an unrestricted grant from Research to Prevent
Blindness and the Pat & Willard Walker Eye Research Center, Jones Eye Institute,
University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences (Little Rock, AR).
3. Katz J, Tielsch JM, Quigley HA, Sommer A. Automated perimetry detects visual field
loss before manual Goldmann perimetry. Ophthalmology 1995;102(1):21-6.
4. Choplin NT, Edwards RP.Visual Field Testing with the Humphrey Field.2nd ed. New
Jersey: SLACK;1999.