VSAT Tender
VSAT Tender
VSAT Tender
Phone- 23412260 Fax- 23412556
E-mail - adm@irpmu.railnet.gov.in
Dated 14/12/2009 to Tender Notice No.: IRPMU/W/2009/162/ Additional VSAT (TMS&UTS) Dated:
27/10/ 09 (Tender No: 162/2009)
Name of Work Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of 412 remote VSAT locations
over Indian Railway including augmentation work at VSAT Hub
Clause Description
Rs. 64129605 /-(Rs. Six Crore Forty One Lakh Twenty
Estimated Cost of work Nine Thousand six hundred five only)
Rs. 470650/- (Rs. Four Lakh Seventy thousand six
Earnest Money
hundred fifty only )
Sale of Tender Documents up to 29/12/2009 up to 16:00 hrs
Last date/time of Tender Receipt 30/12/2009 up to 14:30 Hrs
Tender Opening Date/Time 30/12/2009 at 15:00 hrs
Section -1, chapter -3 Schedule of Revised Schedule of Requirements is available on websites
requirement under corrigendum 2
Other terms & conditions will remain same.
The corrigendum is also available in on IRPMU website i.e. www.irpmu.railnet.gov.in, NCR website
www.ncr.railnet.gov.in & Govt. of India Portal www.tenders.gov.in.
(D P Garg)
For and on behalf of President of India
Copy to:
1- C.P.R.O. / NCR for publication of Tender Notice.
3- FA & CAO/IRPMU for nomination of Official for opening the tender.
4- Notice Board/IRPMU
5. Notice Board/N.C. Rly. HQs office
Hkkjrh; jsyos ifj;kstuk izcU/ku bdkbZ
bjdkV ifjlj] f'kokth fczt ('kadj ekfdZV ds ihNs)
ubZ fnYyh & 110001
bZ- esy irk:- adm@irpmu.railnet.gov.in nw Hkk:-91-11-23412260/23413756
QSDl: - 91-11-23412556
'kqf)&i= l-22 fnukada 14@12@2009
fufonk lwpwpuk la-a- vkbZ-Z-vkj-ih-,e-;w@McY;w@2009@162@,Mh'kuy oh-lsV (Vh-,e-,l vksSsj ;w-Vh-,l) fnukadad% 27/10/ 09
dk;Z dk uke Hkkjrh; jsyos es 412 yksds'ku es oh-lsV dh lIykbZ, bUlVksys'ku,
VsfLVax ,oa dfe'kfuax rFkk gc dk vkxesUVs'ku dk;Z A
Section -1, chapter -3 Schedule of 'kksf/kr Schedule of Requirements 'kqf)&i= l-22 ds rgr osclkbV ij
requirement miyC/k gSA
vU; VeZl~ ,oa daMh'kUl~ igys tSlh gh gSa A
'kqf)~&i= vkbZ- vkj- ih- ,e- ;w-, dh osolkbV www.irpmu.railnet.gov.in m-e-jsyos dh osolkbV
www.ncr.railnet.gov.in vkSj Hkkjr ljdkj iksVZy www.tenders.gov.in ij Hkh miyC/k gS A
mi eq[; ladsr ,oa nwj lapkj vfHk;Urk@Vh-,u
Hkkjrh; jsy ifj;kstuk izcU/ku bdkbZ@ubZ fnYyh
d`rs Hkkjr ds jk"Vzifr ds fy, @ dh vksj ls
1- lh-ih-vkj-vks@m-e- jsyos bykgckn izdk'ku gsrw A
2- eq[; ladsr oa nwj lapkj vfHk;Urk m-e- jsyos lwpukFkZ A
3- foRr lykgdkj ,oa eq[; ys[kk vf/kdkjh@ vkbZ-vkj-ih-,e-;w lwpukFkZ dI;k VsaMj [kksyus ds fy,
foRr izfrfuf/k dk ukfer djsa A
4- vkbZ-vkj-ih-,e-;w ubZ fnYyh lwpukiV ds fy, A
5- m-e- jsyos eq[;ky; ds lwpukiV ds fy, A
Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of 412 remote VSAT locations over Indian Railway
including augmentation work at VSAT Hub
Revised Schedule of Requirement
S No. Item description unit Quantity Rate Rate Total
(in (in Amount
Fig) words) (in Fig)
HUB Equipment
9 Supply of items for Augmentation, addition and Lot 1
modification of Indian Railways HUB installed at Thomson
Road with Supply of followings as per specification given.
S. No. Parameter