Docsis® Provisioning of Epon Specifications Dpoev2.0: Issued

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DOCSIS® Provisioning of EPON Specifications


DPoE Architecture Specification




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 Cable Television Laboratories, Inc., 2011-2019

DPoE-SP-ARCHv2.0-I07-190213 DOCSIS® Provisioning of EPON Specifications


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DPoE Architecture Specification DPoE-SP-ARCHv2.0-I07-190213

Document Status Sheet

Document Control Number: DPoE-SP-ARCHv2.0-I07-190213

Document Title: DPoE Architecture Specification

Revision History: I01 - Released 10/04/12

I02 - Released 08/07/14
I03 - Released 03/19/15
I04 - Released 06/11/15
I05 - Released 06/02/16
I06 - Released 02/28/18
I07 - Released 02/13/19

Date: February 13, 2019

Status: Work in Draft Issued Closed


Distribution Restrictions: Author CL/Member CL/ Member/ Public

Only Vendor

Key to Document Status Codes

Work in Progress An incomplete document, designed to guide discussion and generate feedback
that may include several alternative requirements for consideration.

Draft A document in specification format considered largely complete, but lacking

review by Members and vendors. Drafts are susceptible to substantial change
during the review process.

Issued A generally public document that has undergone Member and Technology
Supplier review, cross-vendor interoperability, and is for Certification testing if
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DPoE-SP-ARCHv2.0-I07-190213 DOCSIS® Provisioning of EPON Specifications

1 INTRODUCTION ...............................................................................................................................................7
1.1 DPoE Technology Introduction .....................................................................................................................7
1.2 Scope .............................................................................................................................................................8
1.3 DPoE Architecture Specification Goals.........................................................................................................8
1.4 Requirements .................................................................................................................................................8
1.5 DPoE Version 2.0 Specifications ...................................................................................................................9
1.6 Reference Architecture ................................................................................................................................ 10
1.7 DPoE Interfaces and Reference Points ........................................................................................................ 10
2 REFERENCES .................................................................................................................................................. 14
2.1 Normative References.................................................................................................................................. 14
2.2 Informative References ................................................................................................................................ 15
2.3 Reference Acquisition.................................................................................................................................. 17
3 TERMS AND DEFINITIONS .......................................................................................................................... 18
3.1 DPoE Network Elements ............................................................................................................................. 18
3.2 Other Terms ................................................................................................................................................. 20
4 ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS .......................................................................................................... 21
5 DPOE SERVICE REQUIREMENTS .............................................................................................................. 25
5.1 Business Services Overview ........................................................................................................................ 25
5.2 Service Requirements .................................................................................................................................. 26
5.2.1 Introduction ......................................................................................................................................... 26
5.2.2 Private Data Services .......................................................................................................................... 26
5.2.3 IP (Public IP/Internet) ......................................................................................................................... 26
5.2.4 Voice Services ...................................................................................................................................... 26
5.2.5 Vertical Markets .................................................................................................................................. 26
5.3 Single Tenant Businesses............................................................................................................................. 27
5.4 Multiple Tenant Businesses ......................................................................................................................... 27
5.5 DPoE Fully Automated and Partially Automated Services ......................................................................... 27
5.5.1 Private Data Services .......................................................................................................................... 27
5.5.2 Internet Access Service ........................................................................................................................ 28
5.5.3 Internet Transit Service ....................................................................................................................... 28
5.5.4 Internet Peering Function .................................................................................................................... 28
5.6 Recommendations for DPoE as a Metro Ethernet or IP Transport .............................................................. 28
5.6.1 Voice Services ...................................................................................................................................... 28
5.6.2 Wholesale Ethernet .............................................................................................................................. 29
5.6.3 T1 or T3 Circuit Emulation ................................................................................................................. 29
5.6.4 IP-PBX ................................................................................................................................................. 29
5.6.5 Cell Tower Backhaul ........................................................................................................................... 29
5.6.6 Video Distribution and Transport ........................................................................................................ 30
5.6.7 Storage Network Services .................................................................................................................... 30
5.6.8 Cloud Services ..................................................................................................................................... 30
5.6.9 Vertical Markets .................................................................................................................................. 30
6 ARCHITECTURAL FOUNDATION .............................................................................................................. 32
6.1 Forwarding................................................................................................................................................... 32
6.1.1 Ethernet Virtual Connections .............................................................................................................. 32
6.1.2 Metro Ethernet Services....................................................................................................................... 32
6.1.3 Internet Services .................................................................................................................................. 32
6.2 Service Integration ....................................................................................................................................... 33
6.3 Multipoint Architecture ............................................................................................................................... 33

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DPoE Architecture Specification DPoE-SP-ARCHv2.0-I07-190213

6.4 DOCSIS Emulation ..................................................................................................................................... 33

6.5 eDOCSIS ..................................................................................................................................................... 34
6.6 EPON OAM ................................................................................................................................................ 35
7 REQUIREMENTS ............................................................................................................................................ 36
7.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................................................. 36
7.2 Architectural Elements ................................................................................................................................ 36
7.2.1 DPoE Network Elements ..................................................................................................................... 36
7.2.2 DPoE Network Definition .................................................................................................................... 36
7.2.3 DPoE System Definition ...................................................................................................................... 36
7.2.4 DPoE ONU Definition ......................................................................................................................... 36
7.2.5 DPoE Standalone ONU Definition ...................................................................................................... 37
7.2.6 DPoE Bridge ONU Definition ............................................................................................................. 37
7.3 Interface and Reference Point Detailed Descriptions .................................................................................. 37
7.3.1 DPoE Interfaces................................................................................................................................... 37
7.3.2 DPoE Reference Interfaces and Reference Points ............................................................................... 39
7.4 Architectural Requirements ......................................................................................................................... 40
7.4.1 Ethernet Service Based Architecture ................................................................................................... 40
7.5 Service Model .............................................................................................................................................. 41
7.5.1 Service Multiplexing Model ................................................................................................................. 41
7.5.2 Classification Reference Points ........................................................................................................... 41
7.6 IP(HSD) Forwarding Model ........................................................................................................................ 42
7.7 L2HSD Forwarding Model .......................................................................................................................... 42
7.8 eDOCSIS ..................................................................................................................................................... 42
7.8.1 eDOCSIS on S-ONU ............................................................................................................................ 42
7.8.2 eSAFE Discovery ................................................................................................................................. 42
7.8.3 vCM and eCM ...................................................................................................................................... 43
7.8.4 eDOCSIS Applicability ........................................................................................................................ 43
7.9 Power Saving ............................................................................................................................................... 43
7.10 Optical Link Protection................................................................................................................................ 44
8 EVPL, E-LAN, AND E-TREE SERVICES ..................................................................................................... 45
8.1 E-Line Service ............................................................................................................................................. 46
8.2 E-LAN and E-Tree Services ........................................................................................................................ 46
8.3 Supported Forwarding Models .................................................................................................................... 46
8.3.1 Fully Centralized ................................................................................................................................. 46
8.3.2 Fully Distributed .................................................................................................................................. 46
8.3.3 Hybrid Centralized-Distributed ........................................................................................................... 47
8.4 EVPL, E-LAN, E-Tree Service Provisioning .............................................................................................. 47
8.4.1 DOCSIS-L2VPN Service Provisioning Model ..................................................................................... 47
8.4.2 [RFC 6074]-Based Service Provisioning ............................................................................................ 49
8.4.3 Associating Service Delimiting Tags to an MPLS Service................................................................... 51
8.4.4 Simplified MPLS Provisioning Mode for Encapsulation Mode ........................................................... 52
8.5 Local VSI and PW Forwarder Configuration Management Requirements ................................................. 53
8.5.1 Adding Attachment Circuits to an Active VSI or PW Instance on a DPoE System .............................. 53
8.5.2 Modifying an Active VSI or PW Instance on a DPoE System .............................................................. 54
8.5.3 Removing Attachment Circuits from an Active VSI or PW Instance on a DPoE System ..................... 54
8.6 L2VPN Layer 2 Forwarding Services.......................................................................................................... 54
8.7 IP Transport Introduction............................................................................................................................. 55
8.7.1 General VPWS/VPLS Forwarding ....................................................................................................... 55
8.7.2 E-Tree Forwarding .............................................................................................................................. 56
APPENDIX I ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS .......................................................................................................... 61
APPENDIX II REVISION HISTORY .............................................................................................................. 62
II.1 Engineering Changes for DPoE-SP-ARCHv2.0-I02-140807 ...................................................................... 62

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II.2 Engineering Change for DPoE-SP-ARCHv2.0-I03-150319........................................................................ 62

II.3 Engineering Changes for DPoE-SP-ARCHv2.0-I04-150611 ...................................................................... 62
II.4 Engineering Changes for DPoE-SP-ARCHv2.0-I05-160602 ...................................................................... 62
II.5 Engineering Change for DPoE-SP-ARCHv2.0-I06-180228........................................................................ 62
II.6 Engineering Change for DPoE-SP-ARCHv2.0-I07-190213........................................................................ 62

Figure 1 - DPoEv2.0 Reference Architecture .............................................................................................................. 10
Figure 2 - DPoEv2.0 Interfaces and Reference Points................................................................................................. 11
Figure 3 - D-ONU Types ............................................................................................................................................. 19
Figure 4 - DPoE Network Elements ............................................................................................................................ 19
Figure 5 - eDOCSIS Reference Model (from Figure 5-1 of [eDOCSIS]) ................................................................... 34
Figure 6 - eCM Functionality in an eDOCSIS Device Split Between DPoE System and S-ONU .............................. 35
Figure 7 - S-ONU that is an eDOCSIS Device, with vCM in DPoE System .............................................................. 35
Figure 8 - DPoE Specifications Support Both Embedded SAFEs and External CPE ................................................. 43
Figure 9 - ELAN-MPLS DPoE Model ........................................................................................................................ 45
Figure 10 - Encapsulation NSI Extension .................................................................................................................... 47
Figure 11 - L2VPN Example Config ........................................................................................................................... 48
Figure 12 - Example CM Configuration File ............................................................................................................... 49
Figure 13 - VSI New TLV Object Model .................................................................................................................... 50
Figure 14 - VE Reference Model................................................................................................................................. 55
Figure 15 - E-Tree Forwarding .................................................................................................................................... 56
Figure 16 - DPoE-PBB-DEMARC .............................................................................................................................. 57
Figure 17 - PBB-D-ONU ............................................................................................................................................. 58
Figure 18 - PBB Upstream Forwarding ....................................................................................................................... 59
Figure 19 - PBB Downstream Forwarding .................................................................................................................. 60

Table 1 - DPoEv2.0 Series of Specifications .................................................................................................................9
Table 2 - DPoEv2.0 Interface and Reference Point Descriptions ................................................................................ 12
Table 3 - DPoE Network Element Abbreviations........................................................................................................ 36
Table 4 - Examples of BP-ONUs ................................................................................................................................ 37
Table 5 - L2 Forwarding Modes .................................................................................................................................. 54

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DPoE Architecture Specification DPoE-SP-ARCHv2.0-I07-190213

DOCSIS Provisioning of EPON (DPoE) version 2.0 specifications are a joint effort of Cable Television Laboratories
(CableLabs), cable operators, vendors, and suppliers to support EPON technology using existing DOCSIS-based
back office systems and processes. DPoEv2.0 specifications augment the DPoE v1.0 specifications to provide
requirements for additional service capabilities and corresponding provisioning and network management
Ethernet PON (EPON) is an [802.3] standard for a passive optical network (PON). A PON is a specific type of
multi-access optical network. A multi-access optical network is an optical fiber based network technology that
permits more than two network elements to transmit and receive on the same fiber.
DPoE specifications are focused on DOCSIS-based provisioning and operations of Internet Protocol (IP) using
DOCSIS Internet service (which is typically referred to as High Speed Data (HSD)), or IP(HSD) for short, and
Metro Ethernet services as described by Metro Ethernet Forum (MEF) standards. DPoE Networks offer IP(HSD)
services, functionally equivalent to DOCSIS networks, where the DPoE System acts like a DOCSIS CMTS and the
DPoE System and DPoE Optical Network Unit (ONU) together act like a DOCSIS CM.

1.1 DPoE Technology Introduction

DPoE technology was established with the following common requirements already developed by operators. Each of
the participant operators had previously selected 1G-EPON and 10G-EPON as the appropriate technology for one or
more applications. EPON is a widely deployed technology with a sufficient and large supply of vendors offering a
variety of products for each component of the access network. 2G-EPON, as described Annex A of [DPoE-
PHYv2.0], uses the same 1G upstream as 1G-EPON (operates at the effective rate of 1 Gbps), but provides a 2G
downstream (operates at the effective rate of 2 Gbps). With the exception of requirements specified in Annex A of
[DPoE-PHYv2.0], 2G-EPON is expected to meet all of the requirements specified for 1G-EPON. 10G-EPON
technology is available and is backwards compatible with 1G-EPON. A 1G-EPON network can be incrementally
upgraded to 10G-EPON, adding or replacing ONUs as business needs require. 1G-EPON, 2G-EPON, and 10G-
EPON are compatible with [SCTE 174].
1G-EPON, originally defined in [802.3ah], 2G-EPON part of the CCSA specifications ([YD/T 1993.1-2009], and
[YD/T 1993.2-2010]), and 10G-EPON [802.3av] respectively, support a point-to-multipoint architecture with a
centralized controller called an Optical Line Terminal (OLT) and distributed low cost Layer 2 ONUs. The basic
service mapping architecture in EPON is to map Ethernet (or IP) frame header information (e.g., addresses, IP
Differentiated Service Code Points, Ethernet Q tag, S-VLAN/C-VLAN ID, ISID, bridge address, etc.) to a logical
circuit called a Logical Link Identifier (LLID) in [802.3ah]. The service mapping function in DPoE specifications is
similar to that used in DOCSIS specifications. Both DOCSIS and DPoE networks rely on a centralized scheduler
though EPON utilizes an LLID which functions like a SID in DOCSIS to support unicast, broadcast, and multicast.
At the time when development efforts around the DPoE specifications started, there were no standard management
interfaces for the ongoing operations and maintenance of the network, including fault management, performance
management, security, etc. Operators already had fully working and scaled-out systems that solve these challenges
for DOCSIS networks. One of the primary goals for DPoE specifications, therefore, was to use the existing DOCSIS
back office infrastructure to scale up EPON-based business services.

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DPoE-SP-ARCHv2.0-I07-190213 DOCSIS® Provisioning of EPON Specifications

1.2 Scope
This specification describes the version 2.0 architecture for DPoE Networks.
Existing business services include one or more DOCSIS IP services, baseband and broadband Ethernet services over
coaxial cable, IP and Ethernet over fiber with baseband and broadband (Course Wavelength Division Multiplexing
(CWDM) and Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing (DWDM)), Broadband Passive Optical Network (BPON),
Ethernet Passive Optical Network (EPON), and wireless services. The majority of business services (and all
residential Internet and voice) customers are supported by the DOCSIS systems and processes. The maturity of both
the technology and the back office systems and processes allows for a high degree of scaling as evidenced by the
growth of IP(HSD) (residential broadband) and more recently voice service, using these existing processes and
This version of the document specifies requirements for these services only:
• MEF E-Line, E-LAN, and E-Tree services
• IP(HSD) Internet Service as defined by DOCSIS 3.0.
An operator can offer IP-based services over the Metro Ethernet service platform by treating IP as an application
over the DPoE Network.
Other services can be operated "over-the-top" of the above services, but the provisioning, operations, and other
requirements for such services are not specified in this version of DPoE specifications.

1.3 DPoE Architecture Specification Goals

The DPoE Architecture specification accomplishes the following objectives:
• Identify and document the common requirements for services for business customers over EPON.
• Define and describe the interfaces and reference points as part of the DPoE reference architecture.
• Define and describe the elements that collectively form a DPoE Network.
• Communicate the architectural foundation on which other DPoE specifications depend.
• Define requirements for services supported using DPoEv2.0 specifications.

1.4 Requirements
Throughout this document, the words that are used to define the significance of particular requirements are
capitalized. These words are:

"MUST" This word means that the item is an absolute requirement of this specification.
"MUST NOT" This phrase means that the item is an absolute prohibition of this specification.
"SHOULD" This word means that there may exist valid reasons in particular circumstances to ignore
this item, but the full implications should be understood and the case carefully weighed
before choosing a different course.
"SHOULD NOT" This phrase means that there may exist valid reasons in particular circumstances when the
listed behavior is acceptable or even useful, but the full implications should be understood
and the case carefully weighed before implementing any behavior described with this
"MAY" This word means that this item is truly optional. One vendor may choose to include the
item because a particular marketplace requires it or because it enhances the product, for
example; another vendor may omit the same item.

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DPoE Architecture Specification DPoE-SP-ARCHv2.0-I07-190213

1.5 DPoE Version 2.0 Specifications

A list of the specifications included in the DPoEv2.0 series is provided in Table 1. For further information, please
refer to
Table 1 - DPoEv2.0 Series of Specifications

Designation Title
DPoE-SP-ARCHv2.0 DPoE Architecture Specification
DPoE-SP-OAMv2.0 DPoE OAM Extensions Specification
DPoE-SP-PHYv2.0 DPoE Physical Layer Specification
DPoE-SP-SECv2.0 DPoE Security and Certificate Specification
DPoE-SP-IPNEv2.0 DPoE IP Network Element Requirements
DPoE-SP-MULPIv2.0 DPoE MAC and Upper Layer Protocols Interface Specification
DPoE-SP-MEFv2.0 DPoE Metro Ethernet Forum Specification
DPoE-SP-OSSIv2.0 DPoE Operations and Support System Interface Specification

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DPoE-SP-ARCHv2.0-I07-190213 DOCSIS® Provisioning of EPON Specifications

1.6 Reference Architecture

The DPoE reference architecture shown in Figure 1 identifies the elements that a DPoE Network minimally requires
to illustrate and communicate the physical hardware and logical software interfaces between the functional
subsystems of the DPoE architecture. The principal elements in the architecture are the DPoE System that resides in
the headend or hub site, and the DPoE ONU (D-ONU) which may be an off-the-shelf EPON ONU, EPON SFP-
ONU, or an EPON ONU with additional subsystems. The remaining elements in the architecture are existing servers
and systems in the operator's network. All the server elements have connectivity through an IP (TCP/IP) network.
Transport of bearer traffic, and (in some cases) Layer 2 OAM Protocol Data Units (PDUs) are available through
either IP or Layer 2 Ethernet-based Network Interfaces.
RADIUS Routing
EPON OAM + EPON OAM Extensions SF2
SF3 eRouter CPE
SF5 WiFi
LLID ASF SF8.1+8.2
802.1 SF10.2 MESP


DPoE System

IEEE 802.3 (EPON) 802.1



D Converged IP Interface MN MEF NNI or INNI (and L2VPN NSI) SF Service Flow
LCI Logical CPE Interface MI MEF INNI ASF Aggregate Service Flow
CPE Customer Premise Equipment (CMCI only) MU MEF UNI
MESP Metro Ethernet Service Profile
CMCI Cable Modem CPE Interface CE Customer Equipment (MU only)

Figure 1 - DPoEv2.0 Reference Architecture

1.7 DPoE Interfaces and Reference Points

The DPoE interfaces and reference points shown in Figure 2 provide a basis for the description and enumeration of
DPoE specifications for the DPoE architecture. Each interface or reference point indicates a point between separate
subsystems. The reference points have protocols that run across them, or have a common format of bearer traffic
(with no signaling protocol). All the interfaces are bi-directional interfaces that support two-way communications.
The protocols in DPoE specifications operate within different layers based on the [802.3], [802.1], IETF, MEF, and
CableLabs specifications. The C reference points are uni-directional for upstream (CO) or downstream (CS)
classification, respectively.

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DPoE Architecture Specification DPoE-SP-ARCHv2.0-I07-190213

RADIUS Routing
SF1 1 eWiFi
EPON OAM + EPON OAM Extensions SF2
SF 3
3 eRouter CPE
SF5 5
vCM 6

SF7 .2

LLID ASF SF7 .1 +7.2
SF8 .1
8 CE
LLID ASF SF8 .1 +8.2 9
802.1 SF1 0.2 MESP
(VE) VSI1 LLID ASF SF1 0.2 Switch SF1 1 MESP
802.1 CMIM


DPoE System
MNE IEEE 802.3 (EPON) 802.1
Switch 802.1d MAC
MI Tags
MI S 802.1d MAC
802.1q VLAN
802.1ah ISID

D Converged IP Interface MN MEF NNI or INNI (and L2VPN NSI) SF Service Flow
Reference Reference Virtual
Interface LCI Logical CPE Interface MI MEF INNI ASF Aggregate Service Flow
Interface Point Interface CPE Customer Premise Equipment (CMCI only) MU MEF UNI
(RED) MESP Metro Ethernet Service Profile
(GREEN) (GREEN) (RED) CMCI Cable Modem CPE Interface CE Customer Equipment (MU only)

Figure 2 - DPoEv2.0 Interfaces and Reference Points

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DPoE-SP-ARCHv2.0-I07-190213 DOCSIS® Provisioning of EPON Specifications

Table 2 - DPoEv2.0 Interface and Reference Point Descriptions

Interface or Interface or Reference Point Description

Reference Point
MN MN is a logical concept used for the specification of requirements for MEF INNI that apply
to both MNE and MNI. MN logically provides the equivalent function of a MEF INNI or
L2VPN NSI. It is an NNI for Metro Ethernet services only.
MNE The MNE (MEF INNI External) interface is a substitute for the MN reference interface from
DPoE version 1.0 specifications. The MN interface is an [802.3] interface for Ethernet (or
MEF or L2VPN emulated) services only. It serves the role of a MEF INNI or L2VPN NSI. It
is an NNI for Metro Ethernet services only.
MNI The MNI reference interface is used to describe the virtual interface between an OLT and a
VPLS Virtual Switch Instance (VSI). In particular, it is used to describe the requirements for
stitching VSIs to DPoE System and OLT [802.1] components such as [802.1d] bridge groups,
[802.1ad] S-VLAN or C-VLAN (S-component or C-component), or [802.1ad] I-BEB (I-
component) or B-BEB (B-component) backbone edge bridges. The DPoE System stitches
VPLS and VPWS transport and forwarding for Metro Ethernet Services between the D
interface and the MNI reference interface 1.
D The D interface is the DOCSIS IP NNI interface. It is an operator network-facing interface,
sometimes called a Network Systems Interface (NSI) in DOCSIS specifications. The D
interface allows a DPoE System to communicate with an IP network. The D interface carries
all IP management traffic including OSSI and IP NE traffic. The D interface carries all
DOCSIS IP service traffic, IP/MPLS/VPLS traffic, and IP/MPLS/VPWS traffic.
TU The TU interface is the interface between the DPoE System and the D-ONU.
TUL The TUL interface is a virtual interface representing a logical EPON on an ODN. Each ODN
has at least one TUL, and each TUL represents a MAC domain.
C The C reference point is used for explanation of traffic ingress to a DPoE classifier.
CO The CO reference point is used for explanation of traffic ingress to a D-ONU upstream
CS The CS reference point is used for explanation of traffic ingress to a DPoE System
downstream classifier.
S The S interface is an IEEE 802 interface. The S interface may be an internal interface, (such
as an [802.3] GMII or XGMII interface implemented in the form of a SERDES) or an
external interface exposed in a BB-ONU or S-ONU for connection to other devices. The S
interface may be expressed in the form of CMCI, LCI, MU, MI, or other forms of interfaces
internal to the ONU.
LCI The Logical CPE Interface (LCI) interface is an eDOCSIS interface as defined in
[eDOCSIS]. eSAFEs are connected to LCI interfaces.
CMCI CMCI is the DPoE interface equivalent of the DOCSIS Cable Modem CPE Interface as
defined in [CMCIv3.0]. This is the service interface for DOCSIS-based IP services. Customer
Premise Equipment (CPE) is connected to CMCI interfaces.

1 MN is required for IP-based forwarding and transport of Metro Ethernet services with DPoE in order to provide MEF E-LAN
and E-TREE services described in DPoE version 2.0. While these services can be constructed with MNE, these specifications do
not describe the process to do so.

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DPoE Architecture Specification DPoE-SP-ARCHv2.0-I07-190213

Interface or Interface or Reference Point Description

Reference Point
MI MI is an S interface that operates as a MEF INNI with additional requirements as specified in
[DPoE-MEFv2.0]. The MI interface is an [802.3] interface (or reference point) between a D-
ONU and a DEMARC device.
• A D-ONU that provides a MEF INNI has an MI interface.
• A D-ONU can have MU as an interface and an MI reference point on different S
interfaces in a single D-ONU.
DEMARC devices are connected to MI interfaces.
MU MU is an S interface (or S reference interface) that operates as a MEF UNI. The MU
reference interface is an [802.3] interface (or reference point) between a D-ONU or a
DEMARC device and a customer's equipment.
• A D-ONU that directly provides a MEF UNI (MU) interface has MU as an interface.
• A D-ONU can have MU as an interface and an MI reference point on different S
interfaces in a single D-ONU.
Customer Edge (CE) devices are connected to MU interfaces.

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2.1 Normative References
In order to claim compliance with this specification, it is necessary to conform to the following standards and other
works as indicated, in addition to the other requirements of this specification. Notwithstanding, intellectual property
rights may be required to use or implement such normative references. At the time of publication, the editions
indicated were valid. All references are subject to revision, and users of this document are encouraged to investigate
the possibility of applying the most recent editions of the documents listed below. References are either specific
(identified by date of publication, edition number, version number, etc.) or non-specific. For a non-specific
reference, the latest version applies.
In this specification, terms "802.1ad" and "802.1ah" are used to indicate compliance with the [802.1ad] and
[802.1ah] standards, respectively, now incorporated as part of [802.1Q]. For all intents and purposes, claiming
compliance to [802.1Q], [802.1ad] or [802.1ah] in the scope of this specification will be treated as claiming
compliance to IEEE Std 802.1Q-2011. Unless otherwise stated, claiming compliance to 802.1Q-2005 requires a
specific date reference.

[1904.1A] IEEE Std 1904.1™-2016, IEEE Standard for Service Interoperability in Ethernet Passive
Optical Networks (SIEPON), Package A, draft D2.0.
[802.1] Refers to entire suite of IEEE 802.1 standards unless otherwise specified.
[802.1ad] IEEE Std 802.1ad™-2005, IEEE Standard for Local and Metropolitan Area Networks –
Virtual Bridged Local Area Networks Amendment 4: Provider Bridges, May 2006. Former
amendment to 802.1Q, now part of 802.1Q-2011.
[802.1ah] IEEE Std 802.1ah-2008, IEEE Standard for Local and Metropolitan Area Networks – Virtual
Bridged Local Area Networks – Amendment 6: Provider Backbone Bridges, January 2008.
Former amendment to 802.1Q, now part of 802.1Q-2011.
[802.1d] IEEE Std 802.1d™-2004, IEEE Standard for Local and Metropolitan Area Networks –
Media Access Control (MAC) Bridges.
[802.1Q] IEEE Std 802.1Q-2011, IEEE Standard for Local and Metropolitan Area Networks – Media
Access Control (MAC) Bridges and Virtual Bridge Local Area Networks, August 2011.
[802.3] IEEE Std 802.3-2012, IEEE Standard for Ethernet, December 2012.
[802.3ah] IEEE Std 802.3ah™-2004, IEEE Standard for Information technology-Telecommunications
and information systems-Local and metropolitan area networks-Specific requirements, Part
3: Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection (CSMA/CD) Access Method and
Physical Layer Specifications, Amendment: Media Access Control Parameters, Physical
Layers, and Management Parameters for Subscriber Access Networks, now part of [802.3].
[802.3av] IEEE Std 802.3av™-2009, IEEE Standard for Information technology-Telecommunications
and information systems-Local and metropolitan area networks-Specific requirements, Part
3: Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection (CSMA/CD) Access Method and
Physical Layer Specifications Amendment 1: Physical Layer Specifications and
Management Parameters for 10Gb/s Passive Optical Networks, now part of [802.3].
[CMCIv3.0] Data-Over-Cable Service Interface Specifications, Cable Modem to Customer Premise
Equipment Interface Specification, CM-SP-CMCIv3.0-I03-170510, March 10, 2017, Cable
Television Laboratories, Inc.
[DPoE-IPNEv2.0] DOCSIS Provisioning of EPON, IP Network Element Requirements, DPoE-SP-IPNEv2.0-
I07-180228, February 28, 2018, Cable Television Laboratories, Inc.
[DPoE-MEFv2.0] DOCSIS Provisioning of EPON, Metro Ethernet Forum Specification, DPoE-SP-MEFv2.0-
I06-180228, February 28, 2018, Cable Television Laboratories, Inc.

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[DPoE-MULPIv2.0] DOCSIS Provisioning of EPON, MAC and Upper Layer Protocols Interface Specification,
DPoE-SP-MULPIv2.0-I13-180228, February 28, 2018, Cable Television Laboratories, Inc.
[DPoE-OAMv2.0] DOCSIS Provisioning of EPON, OAM Extensions Specification, DPoE-SP-OAMv2.0-I14-
190213, February 13, 2019, Cable Television Laboratories, Inc.
[DPoE-OSSIv2.0] DOCSIS Provisioning of EPON, Operations and Support System Interface Specification,
DPoE-SP-OSSIv2.0-I12-180228, February 28, 2018, Cable Television Laboratories, Inc.
[DPoE-PHYv2.0] DOCSIS Provisioning of EPON, Physical Layer Specification, DPoE-SP-PHYv2.0-I06-
180228, February 28, 2018, Cable Television Laboratories, Inc.
[DPoE-SECv2.0] DOCSIS Provisioning of EPON, Security and Certificate Specification, DPoE-SP-SECv2.0-
I06-180228, February 28, 2018, Cable Television Laboratories, Inc.
[eDOCSIS] Data-Over-Cable Service Interface Specifications, eDOCSIS Specification, CM-SP-
eDOCSIS-I30-190213, February 13, 2019, Cable Television Laboratories, Inc.

2.2 Informative References

This specification uses the following informative references.

[802.1ag] IEEE Std 802.1ag™-2007, IEEE Standard for Local and metropolitan Area Networks – Virtual
Bridged Local Area Networks Amendment 5: Connectivity Fault Management, December
[802.1ax] IEEE Std 802.1ax-2008, IEEE Standard for Local and Metropolitan Area Networks-Link
Aggregation, January 2008.
[802.3as] IEEE Std 802.3as™2006, Amendment 3 to IEEE Standard for Information technology-
Telecommunications and information exchange between systems-Local and metropolitan area
networks-Specific requirements-Part 3: Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection
(CSMA/CD) Access Method and Physical Layer Specifications Amendment 3, November
2006, now part of [802.3].
[DOCSIS] Refers to DOCSIS 3.0 unless otherwise specified.
[eRouter] Data-Over-Cable Service Interface Specifications, eRouter Specification, CM-SP-eRouter-I19-
160923, September 23, 2016, Cable Television Laboratories, Inc.
[G.805] ITU-T Recommendation G.805 (03/2000), Generic functional architecture of transport
[L2VPN] Data-Over-Cable Service Interface Specifications, Layer 2 Virtual Private Networks, CM-SP-
L2VPN-I15-150528, May 28, 2015, Cable Television Laboratories, Inc.
[MEF 6] Metro Ethernet Forum, MEF 6.1 Ethernet Services Definitions, Phase 2, April 2008.
[MEF 9] Metro Ethernet Forum, Abstract Test Suite for Ethernet Services at the UNI, October 2004.
[MEF 14] Metro Ethernet Forum, Abstract Test Suite for Traffic Management Phase 1, November 2005.
[MEF 21] Metro Ethernet Forum, Service OAM and Requirements Framework, Phase 1, April 2007.
[MEF 26] Metro Ethernet Forum, External Network to Network Interface (ENNI) – Phase 1, January
[MULPIv3.0] Data-Over-Cable Service Interface Specifications, MAC and Upper Layer Protocols Interface
Specification, CM-SP-MULPIv3.0-C01-171207, December 07, 2017, Cable Television
Laboratories, Inc.
[OSSIv3.0] Data-Over-Cable Service Interface Specifications, Operations Support System Interface
Specification, CM-SP-OSSIv3.0-C01-171207, December 07, 2017, Cable Television
Laboratories, Inc.

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DPoE-SP-ARCHv2.0-I07-190213 DOCSIS® Provisioning of EPON Specifications

[PHYv3.0] Data-Over-Cable Service Interface Specifications, Physical Layer Specification, CM-SP-

PHYv3.0-C01-171207, December 07, 2017, Cable Television Laboratories, Inc.
[RFC 1918] IETF RFC 1918, Address Allocation for Private Internets, February 1996.
[RFC 2011] IETF RFC 2011, SNMPv2 Management Information Base for the Internet Protocol using
SMIv2, K. McCloghrie, November 1996.
[RFC 2863] IETF RFC 2863, The Interfaces Group MIB, June 2000.
[RFC 3418] IETF RFC 3418/STD0062, Management Information Base (MIB) for the Simple Network
Management Protocol (SNMP), June 2000.
[RFC 4188] IETF RFC 4188, Definitions of Managed Objects for Bridges, September 2005.
[RFC 4293] IETF RFC 4293, Management Information Base for the Internet Protocol (IP), April 2006.
[RFC 4364] IETF RFC 4364, BGP/MPLS IP Virtual Private Networks (VPNs), February 2006.
[RFC 4448] IETF RFC 4448, Encapsulation Methods for Transport of Ethernet over MPLS Networks, April
[RFC 4761] IETF RFC 4761, Virtual Private LAN Service (VPLS), Using BGP for Auto-Discovery and
Signaling, January 2007.
[RFC 4762] IETF RFC 4762, Virtual Private LAN Service (VPLS) Using Label Distribution Protocol
(LDP) Signaling, January 2007.
[RFC 5129] IETF RFC 5129, Explicit Congestion Marking in MPLS, January 2008.
[RFC 6074] IETF RFC 6074, Provisioning, Auto-Discovery, and Signaling in Layer 2 Virtual Private
Networks (L2VPNs), January 2011.
[SCTE 174] ANSI/SCTE 174 2010, Radio Frequency over Glass Fiber-to-the-Home Specification.
[SECv3.0] Data-Over-Cable Service Interface Specifications, Security Specification, CM-SP-SECv3.0-
C01-171207, December 07, 2017, Cable Television Laboratories, Inc.
[SFF-8077i] SFF-8077i 10 Gigabit Small Form Factor Pluggable Module, Revision 4.0, released April 13,
[SFF-8472] SFF-8472 Specification for Diagnostic Monitoring Interface for Optical Transceivers, Revision
10.4, released January 2009.
[SFP MSA] INF 8074i Rev 1.0, Small Form-factor Pluggable Multi-Source Agreement, released 12 May
[YD/T 1993.1- CCSA Technical requirements for access network 2Gbps Ethernet passive optical network (2G-
2009] EPON) Part1:Compatible mode
[YD/T 1993.2- CCSA Technical requirements for access network 2Gbps Ethernet passive optical network (2G-
2010] EPON) Part 2:Co-exist mode

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2.3 Reference Acquisition

• Cable Television Laboratories, Inc., 858 Coal Creek Circle, Louisville, CO 80027;
Phone +1-303-661-9100; Fax +1-303-661-9199;
• CCSA, China Communications Standards Association, 52# Hua Yuan Bei Road, Haidian District, Beijng,
P.R.China 100083, Telephone+86-10-62302645, Fax+86-10-62301849, Internet:
• Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) Secretariat, 48377 Fremont Blvd., Suite 117, Fremont, California
94538, USA, Phone: +1-510-492-4080, Fax: +1-510-492-4001,
• Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), +1 800 422 4633 (USA and Canada);
• ITU: International Telecommunications Union (ITU),
• MEF: Metro Ethernet Forum, 6033 W. Century Blvd, Suite 830, Los Angeles, CA 90045
Phone +1-310-642-2800; Fax +1-310-642-2808. Internet:
• SCTE, Society of Cable Telecommunications Engineers Inc., 140 Philips Road, Exton, PA 19341
Phone: +1-800-542-5040, Fax: +1-610-363-5898, Internet:
• Small Form Factor Committee (SFF),

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3.1 DPoE Network Elements

DPoE Network This term means all the elements of a DPoE implementation, including at least one
DPoE System and one or more D-ONUs connected to that DPoE System.
DPoE System This term refers to the set of subsystems within the hub site that provides the
functions necessary to meet DPoE specification requirements.

DPoE ONU (D-ONU) This term means a DPoE-capable ONU that complies with all the DPoE
specifications. There are two logical types of D-ONUs. These are the DPoE
Standalone ONU (S-ONU) and the DPoE Bridge ONU (B-ONU). Requirements
specified for a D-ONU must be met by all ONUs.
DPoE Standalone ONU This term means a D-ONU that provides all the functions of a B-ONU and also
(S-ONU) provides at least one CMCI port. An S-ONU can optionally have one or more
DPoE Bridge ONU (B-ONU) This term means a D-ONU that is capable of [802.1] forwarding but cannot do all
the encapsulation functions required to be an S-ONU. The B-ONU is a logical
definition used by the specification for requirements that apply to all types of B-
ONUs. The two types of B-ONUs are the BP-ONU and the BB-ONU.
DPoE Bridge Pluggable This term means a D-ONU that is a B-ONU which is pluggable. Pluggable BP-
ONU (BP-ONU) ONUs include devices such as an SFP-ONU (1G-EPON), SFP+ONU (10G-EPON),
or XFP-ONU (10G-EPON).
DPoE Bridge Baseband This term means a D-ONU that is a B-ONU which has a baseband IEEE Ethernet
ONU (BB-ONU) interface. BB-ONUs include those with one or more [802.3] baseband PMDs. (See
Section for examples.)
DEMARC Short form of "Demarcation Device." This term means the device, owned and
operated by the operator that provides the demarcation (sometimes called the UNI
interface) to the customer. Some architectures describe this device as the CPE (as in
DOCSIS) or the NID (as in the MEF model).

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Logical Used for DPoE Specifications

(Normative Requirements) D-ONU

Used for DPoE Specifications

Logical (Normative Requirements) or for
+ Product informative text.


May be used for DPoE

Product informative, but not for normative

Likely products. MUST not be +eSAFE
+eSAFEs +.1ah
used for DPoE normative +.1ah
Product (specifications). Should not be BP-ONU
Options BB-ONU
used for DPoE informative.

Logical DPoE Elements

B-ONU Bridge ONU
BP-ONU Bridge Pluggable ONU
BB-ONU Bridge Baseband ONU
S-ONU Standalone ONU BB-ONU
Real ONUs
S-ONU Standalone ONU
BB-ONU Bridge Baseband ONU

BP-ONU Bridge Pluggable ONUs


Figure 3 - D-ONU Types

802.1 eDVA





DPoE Network

Figure 4 - DPoE Network Elements

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3.2 Other Terms

1G-EPON EPON as defined in [802.3ah], now part of [802.3].

2G-EPON EPON as defined in Annex A 2G-EPON System Definition of [DPoE-
10G-EPON EPON as defined in [802.3ah], now part of [802.3].
Cable Modem CPE Interface CMCI as defined in [MULPIv3.0]
Customer Premise Equipment Customer Premise Equipment as defined in [DOCSIS]
Multi-Layer Switching A switch that can switch based on Layer 2, Layer 3, Layer 4, etc.
Ethernet Passive Optical Refers to 1G-EPON, 2G-EPON, and 10G-EPON collectively
Network (EPON)
EPON Operations and EPON OAM messaging as defined in [802.3] and [DPoE-OAMv2.0]; Ethernet
Maintenance Messaging OAM is not the same as EPON OAM; Ethernet OAM is defined in [802.1ag]
Logical CPE Interface LCI as defined in [eDOCSIS]
Network Interface Device A DEMARC device in DPoE specifications
Service Flow A unidirectional flow of packets from the upper layer service entity to the RF
with pre-defined QoS traffic parameters.
Service Provider The organization providing Ethernet services.
Subscriber The organization purchasing and/or using Ethernet services.
TRAN-Trail A TRAN-trail (see ITU-T Recommendation [G.805]) is a "transport entity"
responsible for the transfer of information from the input of a trail termination
source to the output of a trail termination sink.

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This specification uses the following abbreviations:

ATA Analog Terminal Adapter

BB-ONU DPoE Bridge Baseband ONU
BGP Border Gateway Protocol
BP-ONU DPoE Bridge Pluggable ONU
BPON Broadband Passive Optical Network
CBP Customer Bridge Port
CE Customer Edge
C-VID Customer VLAN Identifier
CMCI Cable Modem CPE Interface
CMIM Cable Modem Interface Mask
CO Classifier-ONU
CPE Customer Premise Equipment
CoS Class of Service
CS Classifier-System
CTBH Cell Tower Backhaul
CWDM Coarse Wavelength Division Multiplexing
DA Destination Address
DIA Dedicated Internet Access
DPoE DOCSIS Provisioning of EPON
DR Default Router
DSx Digital Signal (DS1 or DS3)
DVA Digital Voice Adapter
DWDM Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing
eCM embedded Cable Modem
eDVA embedded Digital Voice Adapter
ENNI External Network to Network Interface
EPL Ethernet Private Line
EP-LAN Ethernet Private LAN
EPON Ethernet Passive Optical Network
EP-Tree Ethernet Virtual Private Tree
eSAFE embedded Service/Application Functional Entity
ESP Ethernet Service Path
EVC Ethernet Virtual Connection
E-VPL Ethernet Virtual Private Line

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EVP-LAN Ethernet Virtual Private LAN

Gbps Gigabits per second (as used in the industry)
GBd Gigabaud
HSD High Speed Data
IGP Interior Gateway Protocol
INNI Internal Network to Network Interface
IP Internet Protocol
IP(HSD) High Speed Data (Broadband Internet Access using DOCSIS)
IP-SG IP Serving Group
IP-VPN Private IP
iSCSI Internet Small computer System Interface
I-SID [802.1ah] I-Component Service IDentifier
LCI Logical CPE Interface
LLDP Link Layer Discovery Protocol
LLID Logical Link IDentifier
MEF Metro Ethernet Forum
MEN Metro Ethernet Network
MI MEF INNI Interface at a customer premise
MI-SI MI Service Interface
MLS Multi-Layer Switching
MN MEF INNI Interface to operators MEN
MPCP Multi-Point Control Protocol
MPLS Multiprotocol Label Switching
MSC Mobile Switching Center
MU MEF UNI Interface
MU-SI MU Service Interface
NID Network Interface Device
NNI Network to Network Interface
NSI Network Systems Interface
OAM EPON Operations Administration and Maintenance
OAMP Operations Administration Maintenance and Provisioning
ODN Optical Distribution Network
OLT Optical Line Termination
ONU Optical Network Unit
OSC Optical Splitter Combiner
PB Provider Bridging [802.1ad]
PBB Provider Backbone Bridging [802.1ah]
P2P Point-to-Point

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P2PE Point-to-Point Emulation

P2MP Point-to-Multi-Point
PCP Priority Control Point
PCS Physical Coding Sublayer
PDU Protocol Data Unit
PE VPLS Capable Provider Edge
PHY Physical Layer
PMA Physical Medium Attachment
PMD Physical Media Dependent (Sublayer)
PON Passive Optical Network
PSTN Public Switched Telephone Network
PW Pseudowire
QoS Quality of Service
R IP Router
RD Route Distinguisher
RIP Routing Information Protocol
ROADM Reconfigurable Optical Add-Drop Multiplexer
RS Reconciliation Sublayer
S-ONU DPoE Standalone ONU
S-VID Service VLAN Identifier
SA Source Address
SCB Single Copy Broadcast
SD Service Delimiter
sDVA Standalone Digital Voice Adapter
SERDES Serializer/Deserializer
SF Service Flow
SFP Small Form-factor Pluggable
SFP+ Small Form-factor Pluggable Plus (+)
SI Service Interface
SID Service Identifier
S-ONU DPoE Standalone ONU
S-VID Service VLAN Identifier
TDM Time Division Multiplexing
TDMA Time Division Multiple Access
TPID Tag Protocol Identifier
UNI User Network Interface
V-UNI Virtual UNI
vCM Virtual Cable Modem

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VID VLAN Identifier

VLAN Virtual Local Area Network
VOIP Voice Over IP
VPLS Virtual Private LAN Service
VPWS Virtual Private Wire Service
VSI Virtual Switch Instance
VSI-ID VSI Identifier
WDM Wavelength Division Multiplexing
WSC Wireless Switching Center
X IEEE Ethernet Switch (Generic)
XFP X Form-factor Pluggable

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The purpose of this section is to document service requirements in sufficient detail to justify specific technical
requirements for DPoE specifications. The DPoE specifications do not attempt to identify the size of the markets,
explain the business interests, nor promote one or more services above any others.
This specification does not explain the variations of product feature sets required for a specific customer. Again, the
focus is on technical requirements. For example, one operator might desire to have a single box ONU solution that
fulfills all Ethernet business service customers. Another operator might prefer one ONU product for Ethernet
customers below 1Gbps and another for customers above 1Gbps. Other variations might include combinations with
other service sets (e.g., IP services, voice, video, etc.), variations in data rate capabilities, variations in packaging
and environmental requirements (wall mount, indoor versus outdoor, etc.). None of these variations is explored here.
The services requirements described here are those that have an impact on the Operations, Administration,
Maintenance, and Provisioning, and data collection for a multi-vendor EPON environment with DOCSIS, IP, and
Ethernet controls.
Most of these services require core functionality that is shared across multiple services. Some require additional
service-specific functionality.

5.1 Business Services Overview

The majority of business services can be delivered using Ethernet. In the access network, Ethernet can be used to
deliver native Ethernet services (Metro Ethernet as defined by the MEF), or IP services transported over Ethernet. IP
can, in turn, be used to deliver private IP (IP-VPN) services or public IP (Internet) services.
As used in this specification, a service is a set of functions that the operator delivers to a customer which are
integrated and managed in such a way that the customer can use the service without the customer having to manage
the service. In this specification, an application is a use of a service that is not only determined by the customer, but
which is managed or operated by the customer.
Metro Ethernet services, as described by the MEF, are services an operator provides to a customer to transport
Ethernet frames associated with that customer's applications. The operation of IP by such a customer, for example, is
an application running on that service.
IP(HSD) is a service an operator provides to a customer that provides Internet access for that customer's
applications. Operations such as file transfer, web browsing, or streaming video by such a customer are applications
running on that service.
In this context, DPoE specifications can be used to provide two basic services:
• Metro Ethernet service (as described by the MEF)
• IP(HSD) (also known as Internet Access)
In addition to these services, both Metro Ethernet services and IP(HSD) services can be used as Ethernet and IP
transports, respectively, to transport IP packets or frames from either the DPoE System itself or other network
elements and systems within the operator's network, to provide additional services. Because IP can always be
transported over a Metro Ethernet service, operators have the option of implementing transport for IP services with
IP(HSD) transport or IP over Metro Ethernet services.
DPoE Networks can be used to provide nearly all IP, Ethernet, or IP/Ethernet services either as the service delivery
platform or as a transport between the service delivery platform and a demarcation device or D-ONU which
provides some portion of the service delivery or at least demarcation of the service delivery.
IP can be used to deliver some storage network services, VoIP, or TDM circuit emulation. T1 or T3 circuit
emulation can be used to provide private line PSTN, IP-PBX, cell tower backhaul, and other services.

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5.2 Service Requirements

5.2.1 Introduction
Each group of services below can be further broken down into more detailed services that are closer to the product
descriptions of individual services that operators offer to their customers.

5.2.2 Private Data Services

Private data services are services that are privately used by one or more customers between designated customer
premises. These services include:
• Ethernet Service
• E-Line
• Ethernet Private Line (EPL)
• Ethernet Virtual Private Line (EVPL)
• E-Tree
• Ethernet Private Tree (EP-Tree)
• Ethernet Virtual Private Tree (EVP-Tree)
• Ethernet Private LAN (EP-LAN)
• Ethernet Virtual Private LAN (EVP-LAN)
• Private IP (IP-VPN)

5.2.3 IP (Public IP/Internet)

• IP(HSD) Fixed IP/Internet Service (CMTS IP Routing)
• Single fixed IPv4 or IPv6 address/MAC
• Multiple IPv4IPv4 or IPv6 addresses/MAC
• Internet Address Learning Service
• RIP-based address learning
• Border Gateway Protocol (BGP)-based address learning

5.2.4 Voice Services

• May include IP-PBX services (described below) but categorized as voice
• Single line telephony
• Multi-line telephony

5.2.5 Vertical Markets

Any of the above services can be offered for specific vertical markets such as Cell Tower Backhaul (CTBH), which
uses any one or more of T1 or T3 circuit emulation, Metro Ethernet, and Internet Access services.
IP multicast services within Metro Ethernet services are not explicitly considered in this version of the
specifications. Although IP multicast services can be operated within any Metro Ethernet service, just as they can be
operated on top of any Ethernet technology, EPON has unique capabilities to introduce greater broadcast and
multicast efficiencies because it is a P2MP technology that natively supports broadcast. IP multicast services within
Metro Ethernet services could be manually provisioned and operated by operators on a DPoE Network. However,

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this version of the DPoE specifications does not consider the operations, administration, maintenance, or
provisioning of IP multicast within Metro Ethernet services.

5.3 Single Tenant Businesses

Single tenant businesses can be served with a dedicated ONU. Each business customer may have one or more
applications. A 'service' in DPoE specifications is the network service provided on a single UNI port, such as CMCI
for IP(HSD), MU or MI for MEF, or an LCI for an embedded Service/Application Functional Entity (eSAFE).

5.4 Multiple Tenant Businesses

Multiple tenant buildings will differ from single tenant business buildings or mixed-use residential and business
buildings. Although it is possible, it is not highly practical to operate a multiple tenant business service by using
multiple ONUs and fiber splits within the facility.
The most cost-effective use of fiber would utilize a single strand into a building with a single ONU to service
multiple customers. The product variations required for different sized facilities, with variations in service
combinations, strongly suggest a modular solution. However, identifying the correct product is not the objective of
this effort. Rather, the objective is to identify the baseline requirements for provisioning and operating such a
solution. A modular approach can be useful to provide maximum flexibility in meeting the requirements of both
single tenant and multiple tenant cases. Such a modular approach could include an S-ONU and a separate DEMARC
device or a B-ONU plugged into a DEMARC device.

5.5 DPoE Fully Automated and Partially Automated Services

5.5.1 Private Data Services Ethernet Service

EPON provides a native Ethernet transport for Ethernet service or Metro Ethernet services. Services provided on top
of Ethernet can be constructed in a variety of ways. For example, an IP service can be constructed by building an
Ethernet service from the ONU UNI to a MEF UNI terminated at an IP router (physical or sub-interface).
Solutions might include technology variations for operator needs in servicing these requirements. For example, if an
operator has two customers in two separate buildings, their needs might be different from two similar customers co-
located in a single building. This has a direct correlation to EPON requirements. A single tenant solution with a
single ONU might include several services with several ports and thus requires a small number of LLIDs. For a
multi-tenant solution, it might be necessary to use a D-ONU that has more ports to accommodate a larger number of
customers. In that case, the number of required LLIDs for the multi-tenant ONU is expected to be significantly
larger. Private IP

IP service can be constructed with EPON by building an Ethernet service from the ONU Ethernet interface to an
Ethernet port physically connected to an IP router or to a virtual port logically connected to an IP router interface.
The Ethernet Service could be constructed to another customer or customer site on EPON or any other access
technology. That Ethernet service could also be constructed to reach service platforms within the operator's network.
Examples include a Class 5 server (switch) for IP-PBX or VoIP-based voice service, an IP router for BGP peering,
Interior Gateway Protocol (IGP) (RIP or static) routing, an IP router for IP-VPNs, Ethernet switches or virtual
Ethernet switches (VPLS, H-VPLS, or Layer 2 bridge groups) for Ethernet services, etc. This is the architecture
already widely adopted by operators for converged service transport.

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5.5.2 Internet Access Service

Internet access service can be offered by two different methods. DPoE specifications describe IP(HSD) service
functionally equivalent to that described in DOCSIS, but with higher data rates. The second method is to use Metro
Ethernet service, provisioned using DPoE specifications, as a transport and operate IP routing functions for the
service on separate operator-managed platforms. This is what operators have historically called Dedicated Internet
Access (DIA). Although these can be made to be functionally equivalent for customers, there remains a significant
difference between IP over Metro Ethernet transport and IP(HSD). The former requires additional (beyond
DOCSIS) provisioning systems and process. The latter can provide a fully automated provisioning process for DPoE
Networks that is substantially the same process used for DOCSIS. The resulting savings in engineering and
operations is one of the primary objectives of the DPoE specifications effort. Static Address Service DPoE IP(HSD) Service

Static address-based services can be implemented in exactly the same manner as with DOCSIS 3.0 services,
utilizing either a bridged service to the CMCI interface or the LCI interface with an eRouter as illustrated in Figure 1
and Figure 2. DPoE Ethernet Transport for DIA Service

The operator can also provide a static IP address service using [DPoE-MEFv2.0] to provide Ethernet service
between the customer equipment and another Ethernet interface connected to the operator's IP router.
This service could be implemented with a wide variation of Metro Ethernet service types. For instance, at the MU
connected to the operator's default router, the operator could construct a series of EVPLs where the far-end of each
EVPL connects to a different customer or customer location, some of which may be on a DPoE Network.
Alternatively, an E-LAN could be used to provide a functionally equivalent IP(HSD) service. Dynamic Address for Internet Access Service

Dynamic customer address learning via an IGP (such as RIP) can be supported using the same method, where the
DPoE S interface is used to provide Metro Ethernet service to a DEMARC at the customer premise. It can also be
supported by using a B-ONU to provide Metro Ethernet service through a DEMARC.

5.5.3 Internet Transit Service

Internet transit service using BGP can be provided using the same Metro Ethernet services specified in [DPoE-

5.5.4 Internet Peering Function

Operators could use DPoE Networks for peering with (non-paying) Internet peers in exactly the same manner as for
transit service.

5.6 Recommendations for DPoE as a Metro Ethernet or IP Transport

5.6.1 Voice Services
VoIP service other than PacketCable 2.0 can be supported with VoIP or DS1 circuit emulation using DPoE
Networks as either an IP transport (with IP(HSD)) or using Metro Ethernet as a transport (with or without IP running

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5.6.2 Wholesale Ethernet

The service requirements for wholesale Ethernet are defined by MEF. The requirements for the service (UNI to
UNI) are common for all Metro Ethernet services. Wholesale requires the addition of what MEF calls the External
NNI (ENNI). The current [MEF 26] specifications are based on manually mapping Ethernet [802.1ad] tags between
MEF Metro Ethernet Networks (MEN). [MEF 26] is the first of three planned phases that will deliver progressively
more complex functionality for ENNI. Carrier interconnection and ENNI are outside of the scope of the access
network, and therefore, not defined by DPoE specifications.

5.6.3 T1 or T3 Circuit Emulation

Digital Signal (DSx) emulation over IP (over Ethernet) can be utilized to provide T1 or T3 access services. Latency
and variation in latency over time (jitter) in EPON are well-bounded by the maximum delay in the OLT scheduler
(per PON). Although there are no EPON-specific standards for DSx emulation over EPON, any DSx circuit
emulation solutions for Ethernet or IP can be transported over EPON.
T1 can be used for variety of applications ranging from customer service-agnostic private line to PBX extensions,
carrier wholesale, cell tower backhaul, or other specific services.
Although jitter in DSx emulation is minimal, circuit emulation solutions are typically not accurate enough to meet
the requirements of ITU-T G.824, which specifies the DSx hierarchy for timing signals. In particular, the lack of an
absolute synchronous signal in EPON networks leaves wander as an outstanding problem for circuit emulation
solutions. DPoE specifications provide for a synchronization solution in [DPoE-MULPIv2.0].
EPON is capable of native T1 transport without IP. Although some products support DSx over EPON, neither
EPON nor DPoE Networks have specific DSx standards at this time. DPoE specifications do not preclude such
support, which may be implemented provided that the operation of such services does not affect DPoE operation,
including the management and provisioning of both ONU-specific and total PON bandwidth and scheduling (QoS or
CoS) specifications and requirements.

5.6.4 IP-PBX
IP-PBX services can be supported just like any other IP service. Although there are no specific provisions for IP-
PBX, there are a variety of methods to support IP-PBX over EPON or DPoE Networks. Both require the manual
provisioning of EPON bandwidth. IP-PBX could be implemented by:
• IP through LCI interface over EPON transport through the D interface to a remote IP-PBX
• Using the DOCSIS 1.1 IP service solution (bridged to DPoE System router).
• Using the DOCSIS 3.0 IP service solution (bridged or routed with eRouter on S-ONU to DPoE System
• MEF-based Ethernet transport solution
• Using the MEF solution to transport an EVC from a call platform across the DPoE Network and through an
MI interface to a DEMARC device with an IP-PBX or with an IP-PBX attached.
• Using the MEF solution to transport an EVC from a call platform across the DPoE Network and through an
MU interface to an IP-PBX attached.
The latter is possibly the most flexible option. An EVC can be constructed from the S interface to a Class 5 server
(switch) operating the IP PBX service. Such services have already been successfully deployed by operators using
EPON and can be supported by [DPoE-MEFv2.0].

5.6.5 Cell Tower Backhaul

Cell Tower Backhaul (CTBH) requires either or both DSx and Ethernet services. DSx CTBH can be supported using
DSx pseudowire, non-standard DSx over Ethernet, or DSx over EPON solutions as described above.
An EVC can be constructed from the MU (or via an S interface to a DEMARC providing an external MEF UNI)
interface to a Mobile Switching Center (MSC) or Wireless Switching Center (WSC). For Ethernet, the service can
be delivered as an EVPL to meet MSC or WSC Ethernet aggregation requirements. For DSx emulation, the EVPL

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can terminate at a pseudowire service aggregation device. Such services have already been successfully deployed by
operators using EPON and can be supported by [DPoE-MEFv2.0].

5.6.6 Video Distribution and Transport

Video can be transported over EPON, within a facility or between facilities, using video over IP or video over
Ethernet. Native video transport over Ethernet is compatible with current Gigabit Ethernet video technologies.
Video distribution using EPON within a facility does not require DPoE specifications because it will typically not be
a dynamic access configuration environment, but rather a static provisioned implementation.
Video transport over EPON for third parties can be supported by using IP(HSD) forwarding or MEF forwarding as
specified in [DPoE-MULPIv2.0] and [DPoE-MEFv2.0].

5.6.7 Storage Network Services

DPoE specifications do not contain any specific requirements or recommendations for storage network services. As
with all Ethernet-based services, EPON can only support IEEE standard frame sizes. As an IEEE 802 Ethernet
protocol, 1G-EPON, 2G-EPON, and 10G-EPON do not typically transport frames larger than 2000 bytes 2 as
specified by [802.3]. Because 1G-EPON was developed prior to the Amendment of [802.3] based on [802.3as] (for
2000 bytes), most 1G-EPON implementations are limited to 1600 bytes. It is expected, though, that new generations
of 1G-EPON and 10G-EPON chipsets will support frame sizes larger than 2000 bytes to support mobile backhaul
and data center applications. The frame size requirements for DPoE Networks are specified in [DPoE-MULPIv2.0].
Some storage services such as iSCSI do not require (although they optionally support) jumbo frames. For these
services, EPON can be used for storage network transport by delivering Ethernet with [DPoE-MEFv2.0].

5.6.8 Cloud Services

Both Metro Ethernet and IP(HSD) services can be used to provide network access to cloud services.

5.6.9 Vertical Markets

A vertical market is a market for telecommunications services that requires specific services or functions in the
network services or management of the network services. Vertical markets often require additional functionality
such as specialized network management services, on-demand or custom-provisioning capability, and non-standard
network interface support from customer premise equipment.
DPoE specifications do not contain any requirements that were designed specifically for a vertical market. However,
the architecture for DPoE Networks was designed to allow over-the-top management of services either within an S-
ONU or beyond the DPoE S interface or reference point on the far side of a DEMARC device as illustrated in Figure
1 and Figure 2.
Support for over-the-top control, signaling, and management is provided by EVCs across the CO reference point for
B-ONU implementations. Such a management connection is no different than other EVCs.
For an S-ONU, there are three possible models for signaling and management. The first is an embedded model. In
the embedded model, an EVC extends from the DPoE System to an eSAFE within an eDOCSIS device (a D-ONU)
across the LCI interface. This EVC is terminated on the DPoE System. In the second model, the operator would
construct an over-the-top EVC through the S interface where there is a single EVC on a single S interface. In the
third model, the operator would construct an over-the-top EVC within an EPL or EVPL through an S interface. Such
a model could, for example, be used to provide a management connection (such as a VLAN) to a DEMARC device
over the same S interface carrying bearer traffic as illustrated in Figure 2.
In both over-the-top models, the constructed EVC could terminate on some other device, such as an MU on another
DPoE System, which connects to some operator's service management network.

2IEEE 802.3 support for 1500 byte payload remains the same in both 1G-EPON, 2G-EPON, and 10G-EPON. The additional 100
bytes (1600 byte total) in 1G-EPON and 2G-EPON or the additional 500 bytes (2000 byte total) in 10G-EPON are for frame
overhead. Frame overhead is used for IEEE 802.1ad, IEEE 802.1Q, IEEE 802.1ah and other Ethernet tag and frame overhead.

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One or more EVCs can be constructed to allow either combined or separate logical circuits for signaling,
management, and bearer traffic. Those EVCs can be provisioned across the MEN to another customer on EPON or
any other access technology. The EVC could also be provisioned back to service platforms within the operator's
network. Examples include a Class 5 server (switch) for IP-PBX or VoIP-based voice service, an IP router for BGP
peering, IGP (RIP or static) routing, an IP router for IP-VPNs, Ethernet switches, or virtual Ethernet switches
(VPLS, H-VPLS, or Layer 2 bridge groups) for Ethernet services, etc. This is the architecture already widely
adopted by operators for converged service transport.

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6.1 Forwarding
The foundation for all DPoE services is an Ethernet service model as described by MEF. The Metro Ethernet
services, IP services, and IP management for DEMARC are based on a common Metro Ethernet service architecture.

6.1.1 Ethernet Virtual Connections

Services constructed with DPoE Networks use an Ethernet connection as defined by MEF. MEF defines an Ethernet
Virtual Connection (EVC) between user-defined end points called User to Network Interfaces, or UNI. As in MEF,
the EVC is the least common denominator of service for DPoE Networks.
In [802.1ad], the term S-VID refers to a Service (S) VLAN Identifier, and the term C-VID refers to a Customer (C)
VLAN Identifier. Services implemented according to DPoE specifications use the S-VID as an “outer” VLAN
identifier and the C-VID as an “inner” VLAN identifier without respect to their typical meaning in [802.1ad].
IP services are implemented over the top of Metro Ethernet services to allow for:
• Uniform forwarding and multiplexing model
• Uniform QoS rules in the access network
• Extensible architecture beyond the access platform into the operator MEN
• Extensible architecture beyond the access platform into a customer premise MEN
• Interoperability with other MEF systems
For some services, the EVC may terminate at a Virtual UNI (V-UNI) 3, sub-interface, attachment interface, or
similar interface within the hub. For other services, the EVC may traverse a Layer 2 Metro Ethernet Network
(MEN) to a remote UNI within the operator's network or at another customer premise. On top of each EVC,
additional services such as IP can be implemented. In other words, the fundamental building block of services
delivered over a DPoE Network will be an EVC from a DEMARC device to a D-ONU to a DPoE System. From the
DPoE System, the EVC trail can be "spliced" into Ethernet transports or "terminated" at an IP router interface for IP
transport and services. Because IP routing functionality is an integral part of a DPoE System, the IP service can be
provisioned using DPoE specifications.

6.1.2 Metro Ethernet Services

Metro Ethernet services require a variety of architectural needs. These include single box MEF solution, support for
external NIDs (which DPoE specifications call a DEMARC), and many types of INNI interfaces at the MN
interface. Each service that MEF describes needs to be supported over each of these different models. MEF itself
supports [802.1d], [802.1Q], [802.1ad] (C tag only), and [802.1ad] (Provider Bridged) frames. MEF also offers a
variety of QoS parameters.
DPoE Networks are capable of supporting all Metro Ethernet services. The specifications for Metro Ethernet
services are described in [DPoE-MEFv2.0].

6.1.3 Internet Services

The IP(HSD) service is implemented using DPoE specifications in one of two ways. The first implementation
method is equivalent to a "bridged" service from the customer premise through a D-ONU interface configured as a
CMCI, to a default router (DR) operating on a DPoE System. The second implementation is [eRouter], which
operates an IP router within the S-ONU. In this implementation, the bridged service is from the router in the DPoE

3 As described by MEF, a V-UNI operates at an ENNI interface. Whether that ENNI interface operates within a single operator’s

network that is logically divided into separate operational networks, or literally between two different operators, does not affect
the requirements for such a V-UNI because they are the same functional requirements.

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System to an LCI interface on an eRouter (which is a type of eSAFE) in an S-ONU that is operating as an eDOCSIS

6.2 Service Integration

In DOCSIS, the service provisioning and services are tied closely together. This remains the case with DPoE
specifications. DPoE specifications use the EPON LLID as the primary mechanism for mapping Metro Ethernet
services to the MAC and MAC sub-layers in order to provide consistent Quality of Service based on the TDM
capabilities of EPON. In DPoE version 2.0 specifications, an LLID may carry more than one Metro Ethernet service
as described in [DPoE-MEFv2.0] and [DPoE-MULPIv2.0].

6.3 Multipoint Architecture

One fundamental difference between EPON, DOCSIS, and Ethernet is derived from the multi-access architecture of
EPON. EPON is fundamentally a multi-access optical fiber network. Although it can be used to provide broadcast
and unicast services just like DOCSIS, the multi-access function in EPON does not operate as it does in DOCSIS.
Broadcast services in EPON are natively supported at the physical layer due to the properties of the underlying
optical distribution network. EPON supports forward broadcast, multicast, and unicast when using the MAC.
Upstream transmissions in EPON are not broadcast to all ONUs. In the upstream direction, optical signals from
individual ONUs are passively combined into a single return path and optical combiners are highly unidirectional.
The EPON TDMA implementation features a master scheduler in the OLT to time division multiplex upstream burst
transmissions. The portion of fiber in the ODN from the splitter to the customer premise is a dedicated access
medium that is a non-broadcast transmission path in the reverse direction. EPON's Multi-Point Control Protocol
(MPCP) handles the management of the shared return path. The OLT operates as a master scheduler, and the ONUs
are slaves to the OLT.
EPON's MPCP, in combination with the service segregation capabilities of the Logical Link Identifier (LLID),
offers the capability to emulate everything that is done in DOCSIS today, add on native Metro Ethernet services, and
provide managed services.

6.4 DOCSIS Emulation

A DPoE Network, to outside systems (CPE and the operator OSS), acts like a DOCSIS system with a CMTS and
attached CMs. IP interfaces on the DPoE System act like those on a DOCSIS CMTS. The D-ONU provides the
same service capabilities as a CM.
Most ONUs do not have an IP software stack and lack the resources to operate as a CM. The lack of an IP stack is
both an additional security advantage and an economic advantage of EPON technology. Operators specifically want
to avoid bifurcating the EPON ONU market and specifically want to take advantage of the benefits of scale in
manufacturing and support of existing EPON ONU products and technologies.
Since all traffic going to a D-ONU from the OSS passes through the DPoE System, it is possible for the DPoE
System to perform the IP layer functions of a CM. DPoE Systems instantiate a virtual Cable Modem (vCM) for each
registered D-ONU. The vCM handles all the OAMP functions for DOCSIS as described in [DPoE-MULPIv2.0] and
[DPoE-OSSIv2.0]. The vCM can proxy requests, signaling, and messages to the D-ONU using EPON OAM
messages defined in [DPoE-OAMv2.0].
The vCM model applies only to the D-ONU and not to other embedded components that may be present in the D-
ONU. eDOCSIS devices (if present) use an IP stack on the D-ONU for all other DOCSIS services beyond CMCI-
based services. This includes Embedded Digital Voice Adapter (eDVA), eRouter, or any other eSAFE subsystem
within a D-ONU.
Customer-forwarded MEF or IP traffic does not pass through the vCM. The vCM is typically implemented in IETF
[RFC 1918] non-globally routed (private) IP address space because the vCM IP address is used only within the
operator's network.
The concept of a DOCSIS Service Flow (SF) is maintained in the DPoE architecture. Services transmitted over a
DPoE Network are classified and assigned to an SF. An LLID is the mechanism for guaranteed delivery of SFs over

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the DPoE Network. One or more SFs may be aggregated and transmitted using a single LLID. An explanation of SF
aggregation is provided in [DPoE-MULPIv2.0].
Since each service has separate requirements, delivery must be guaranteed for each individual service. Probabilistic
techniques that are not absolutely controlled or controllable are not sufficient to meet this requirement. Therefore,
any QoS technologies that use packet or frame marking and queuing only (without a fixed-time algorithm scheduler)
are not acceptable. Like the SID scheduler in DOCSIS, the LLID scheduler for EPON is a TDMA algorithm, which
guarantees service delivery for each properly configured LLID. Packet and frame marking technologies are still both
useful, and required, for traffic management within an individual service; however, this requirement is distinguished
from the need to guarantee individual services.

As shown in Figure 5, an eDOCSIS device defined in [eDOCSIS] consists of an embedded DOCSIS cable modem
(eCM) and one or more eSAFEs. An eDOCSIS device may also have one or more physically exposed interfaces.
DPoE specifications allow for the optional support of [eDOCSIS] 4. An S-ONU that includes an eRouter, eDVA, or
other eSAFEs is considered an eDOCSIS device.

eDOCSIS Device
LCIs Service/Application
eCM SLED Functional Entities

Home Network
Logical CPE interface for
PS or eRouter
ePS or eRouter (Ethernet, USB,
802.11, etc.)
MAC Bridges and Filters

Logical CPE interface for Phone(s)

eMTA (RJ11)
SF Classifiers

DOCSIS Logical CPE interface for Audio/Video,

eSTB CableCard I/F
(with DSG Logical CPE interface for Sensors, Keypads,
eSG etc
Logical CPE interface for
PHY Logical CPE interface for
Other eSAFEs Other Interfaces
other SAFE(s)

Physical CPE interfaces

Other CPEs

* Required for eSTB only

Figure 5 - eDOCSIS Reference Model (from Figure 5-1 of [eDOCSIS])

The DPoE architecture calls for the IP management functionality of a CM to reside in the DPoE System. Thus,
similar to a CM without an eSAFE, and notwithstanding the downstream and upstream PHY, the functionality of the
eCM in the eDOCSIS device is correspondingly split between the DPoE System and the S-ONU. The eSAFE
functionality remains unchanged and is described in [eDOCSIS]. This arrangement is shown conceptually in
Figure 6. Note the ePTA has no downstream external interface.

4 The SLED functionality defined in [eDOCSIS] is not explicitly supported in DPoE specifications.

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DPoE System S-ONU

eDOCSIS Device Logical CPE

eCM Service/Application
Functional Entities

Logical CPE eSAFE1

Physical CPE Interfaces

Logical CPE eSAFE2


MAC and
Logical CPE eSAFE3
Filters Interface
Logical CPE eSAFEn
Physical CPE

Figure 6 - eCM Functionality in an eDOCSIS Device Split Between DPoE System and S-ONU

Consistent with the DPoE architecture, the portion of the eCM that resides in the DPoE System is identical to the
vCM, plus additional requirements levied on the eCM in [eDOCSIS]. The remaining functionality of the eDOCSIS
device, which includes classification, forwarding, QoS enforcement, and eSAFE functionality, is implemented in the
S-ONU, as shown in Figure 7. The vCM that is created on behalf of an eDOCSIS S-ONU must satisfy the IP
management requirements defined in [eDOCSIS], while the eDOCSIS S-ONU must satisfy the remaining
requirements in [eDOCSIS].
DPoE System S-ONU

eDOCSIS Device Logical CPE

vCM Functional Entities

Logical CPE eSAFE1

Physical CPE Interfaces

Logical CPE eSAFE2

EPON Bridge

MAC and
Logical CPE eSAFE3
Filters Interface
Logical CPE eSAFEn
Physical CPE

Figure 7 - S-ONU that is an eDOCSIS Device, with vCM in DPoE System


As described above, the control path for communication between the DPoE System and D-ONUs are EPON OAM
messages and OAM Extensions as defined in [802.3] and [DPoE-OAMv2.0]. EPON OAM messages are datagrams
available only on the PON and sent between the OLT and ONU. EPON OAM messages are not forwarded beyond
the OLT or beyond the ONU. The capabilities of EPON OAM and the related extensions defined in the DPoE
specifications include ONU configuration, alarm and event management, and statistics gathering. EPON OAM is
distinct from Ethernet service OAM, such as [802.1ag] or MEF OAM as defined in [MEF 21].

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7.1 Introduction
The technical requirements for DPoE Networks are driven by three factors. The first set of requirements is for back-
office compatibility with existing DOCSIS infrastructure and DOCSIS-based operations, administration,
maintenance, and provisioning. The second set of requirements is for specific services. The third set of requirements
is built on support for existing [802.3] EPON related specifications and products.
One very fundamental difference between DOCSIS and DPoE Networks is that the least common denominator of
services in DOCSIS is IP, whereas the least common denominator of services in DPoE Networks is Ethernet.
DOCSIS services assume an IP transport and must emulate Ethernet services. DPoE specifications assume an
Ethernet service that can run Ethernet or IP "over-the-top" of Ethernet.

7.2 Architectural Elements

7.2.1 DPoE Network Elements
A DPoE Network element is a device for which DPoE specifications provide requirements. The DPoE Network
elements and their corresponding abbreviations are:
Table 3 - DPoE Network Element Abbreviations

DPoE Network Element Abbreviation

DPoE System
DPoE Standalone ONU S-ONU
DPoE Bridge Pluggable ONU BP-ONU
DPoE Bridge Baseband ONU BB-ONU

7.2.2 DPoE Network Definition

The term DPoE Network means the entire network described in Figure 2 from the D or MN interface to the LCI,
CMCI, S, MI, or MU interface. This includes one DPoE System, one PON, and all connected D-ONUs.

7.2.3 DPoE System Definition

The DPoE System is analogous to the CMTS in DOCSIS networks. The DPoE System is the control point for the
DPoE Network and is responsible for allocating upstream bandwidth to the connected D-ONUs.
The DPoE System refers to of one or more physical devices that are required to mimic the CMTS. It provides the
DPoE function within the operator's network facilities. This includes the EPON OLT function, DOCSIS service
functions required for the D interface, Metro Ethernet service functions required for the MN interface, and IP NE
element management, routing, and forwarding functions specified in [DPoE-IPNEv2.0]. The DPoE System is
depicted in Figure 4. While the DPoE System may consist of more than a single networked device, it MUST appear
to the OSS as a single device.

7.2.4 DPoE ONU Definition

This term means a DPoE-capable ONU (D-ONU) that complies with all the DPoE specifications. There are two
logical types of D-ONUs. These are the DPoE Standalone ONU (S-ONU) and the DPoE Bridge ONU (B-ONU).
The D-ONU is a logical definition used by the specification for requirements that apply to all types of ONUs.

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7.2.5 DPoE Standalone ONU Definition

The DPoE Standalone ONU (S-ONU)is intended to support both IP(HSD) services and Metro Ethernet services
without the need for an external device, such as a DEMARC device. Although an S-ONU does not require a
DEMARC to provide a UNI interface such as MU, an S-ONU can be optionally used with a DEMARC connected to
the UNI.
An S-ONU MAY contain more than one Ethernet port and support a variety of [802.3] physical media. If an S-ONU
has more than one Ethernet port, it MAY also support a variety of bridging and switching functions. An S-ONU
MAY support internal LCI interfaces. Specifically, an S-ONU MAY include a PacketCable 2.0 eDVA, a DOCSIS
3.0 eRouter, DSG, or other eDOCSIS implementation. Any eDOCSIS implementation must be accessible across the
EPON by a dedicated LLID mapped to a logical Ethernet bridge or switched port as illustrated in Figure 1 and
Figure 2. The LCI interface represents the [802.1] switch to an eDOCSIS device interface providing an architecture
equivalent to the eDOCSIS architecture. An S-ONU MUST use a dedicated LLID for every service flow associated
with an LCI.

7.2.6 DPoE Bridge ONU Definition

The term DPoE Bridge ONU (B-ONU) refers to a D-ONU that MUST have at least one S interface that can be
operated in "Transport Mode" as described in [DPoE-MEFv2.0]. One example of a B-ONU is an SFP-ONU.
Another example of a B-ONU is a simple ONU based on an EPON chipset with one or possibly two Ethernet ports,
but with no switching, forwarding, nor encapsulation capabilities beyond those of the EPON chipset. DPoE Bridge Pluggable ONU Definition

The term DPoE Bridge Pluggable ONU (BP-ONU) refers to a sub-type of B-ONU that is a modular EPON ONU
and EPON transceiver in a single package or device that can be plugged into a DEMARC device using an interface
such as those described below in Table 4. A BP-ONU typically receives power from the DEMARC. Examples of
BP-ONUs include:
Table 4 - Examples of BP-ONUs

BP-ONU Description BP-ONU Abbreviation

Small Form-factor Pluggable transceiver plus 1G-EPON ONU SFP-ONU
Small Form-factor Pluggable transceiver plus 10G-EPON ONU SFP+ONU
X Form-factor Pluggable transceiver plus 10G-EPON ONU XFP-ONU

The BP-ONUs provided here are examples only. Other form factors of BP-ONU are possible and permissible. BP-
ONUs are expected to meet all requirements written for D-ONUs and B-ONUs. DPoE Bridge Baseband ONU Definition

The term DPoE Bridge Baseband ONU (BB-ONU) refers to a type of B-ONU that is independently powered from
other elements and which uses an [802.3] baseband PMD. While the complete list is provided in [802.3], examples
of such PMDs include 100BASE-T, 1000BASE-T, 1000BASE-FX, 10GBASE-LR/SR, etc.

7.3 Interface and Reference Point Detailed Descriptions

DPoE specifications have both interfaces and reference points.

7.3.1 DPoE Interfaces

Interfaces are the inputs and outputs of the separable subsystems of DPoE Network elements – that is, the inputs and
outputs between the OSS and the DPoE System, between the DPoE System and a D-ONU, and between the D-ONU
and various types of interfaces to CPE, eDOCSIS devices, and DEMARC devices. Since S-ONUs can contain

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embedded subsystems (eDOCSIS devices) that are often built by OEMs other than the ONU vendors, the DPoE
specifications include a set of interfaces within the D-ONU called the S interface.
There are two types of DPoE interfaces. These are external interfaces and internal interfaces. External Interfaces

External interfaces (referred to only as "interfaces") are physical interfaces that can be connected to other DPoE
Network elements or external devices, and can be tested. Interfaces are accessible for direct testing. Internal Interfaces

Internal interfaces are those that can be described and specified, but which cannot be directly tested. An example of
an internal interface is the MNI interface. The function of MNI can only be indirectly tested by configuring the
DPoE System and using it in a DPoE Network that is also connected to an IP network with VPLS. Although such an
internal interface (like a reference point) cannot be directly tested, it is further distinguished from a reference point
in that the actions of a DPoE Network element at an internal interface can be indirectly observed. In the example of
MNI, the output at the D interface can be tested to show conformance with specifications for MNI. D Interface

The D interface is the interface from the DPoE System to the operator's IP network for all IP traffic, including:
• bearer traffic for IP service
• OAMP functionality for IP and Ethernet services
• VPLS or VPWS PWE encapsulated traffic for Metro Ethernet services
Each D interface on the DPoE System must support IP routing and forwarding as described in [DPoE-IPNEv2.0].
The D interface is also the interface for interoperability between the operator's OSS and DPoE Systems. TU Interface

The TU interface is the interface between a DPoE System and one or more D-ONUs. Any DPoE System is intended
to interoperate with any D-ONU. Each TU interface supports at least one TUL. TUL Interface

TUL is a virtual interface used to describe a MAC domain on a DPoE Network. TUL and MAC domains are
described in [DPoE-MULPIv2.0] and are used in [DPoE-OSSIv2.0], and [DPoE-IPNEv2.0]. S Interface

The S interface represents the customer interfaces in the DPoE Network on D-ONUs. An S interface is present on
D-ONUs with external PHY interfaces operating as CMCI, MI or MU. An S interface MAY also be hardwired to an
eDOCSIS device (e.g., an LCI) or as an internal control interface (such as an [802.3] GMII or XGMII interface
implemented in the form of a SERDES). Specifications for provisioning ports to operate as MI or MU are in [DPoE-
MEFv2.0]. Specifications for provisioning ports to operate as CMCI are in [DPoE-MULPIv2.0]. LCI Interface

The LCI interface is equivalent to an eDOCSIS Logical CPE Interface (LCI) as described in [eDOCSIS]. An S
interface connected to an eDOCSIS device such as an eDVA, eRouter, or DSG is always an LCI interface.

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7.3.2 DPoE Reference Interfaces and Reference Points

Reference interfaces are interfaces used on DPoE Network elements for which the requirements are identified by
reference to another standard, recommendation, or specification other than DPoE or DOCSIS.
Reference points are similar to interfaces in that they point to locations where there are inputs and outputs. However,
reference points may either not be separable because they are inside of an element, or they may be a reference to an
independent industry standard. MN Interface

The virtual forwarding function that connects to the physical or logical interface that provides the MEF INNI to the
operator's Metro Ethernet Network (MEN) is the MN reference point in DPoE. The requirements for MN are
specified in [DPoE-IPNEv2.0]. The MN reference point is used to describe the MEF bearer traffic interface on a
DPoE System connecting to an operator's MEN. MNE Reference Interface

The MNE (MEF INNI External) interface is substitute for the MN reference interface from DPoE version 1.0
specifications. The MNE interface is an [802.3] interface for Ethernet (or MEF or L2VPN emulated) services only. It
serves the role of a MEF INNI or L2VPN NSI. It is an NNI for Metro Ethernet services only. MNI Reference Point

The MNI reference point is used to describe the virtual interface between an OLT and a VPLS VSI. In particular, it
is used to describe the requirements for stitching VPLS VSIs to DPoE System and OLT [802.1] components such as
[802.1d] bridge groups, [802.1ad] S-VLAN or C-VLAN (S-component or C-component), or [802.1ah] I-BEB (I-
component) or B-BEB (B-component) backbone edge bridges. The DPoE System stitches VPLS and VPWS
transport and forwarding for Metro Ethernet services between the D interface and the MNI reference interface.
Converged IP(HSD), management [DPoE-IPNEv2.0], [DPoE-OSSIv2.0], and [DPoE-SECv2.0]), and
IP/MPLS/VPLS or IP/MPLS/VPWS traffic is carried on the D interface. S Reference Point

The S reference points are used to describe either virtual (logical) or real (external) Ethernet ports on D-ONUs. The
S reference point is used to provide a logical means for common requirements for all D-ONU interfaces.
Requirements for the S reference points are the same as those for the S interface. An S reference point performs the
same function as an S interface, but this specification cannot formally specify requirements for that reference point
because the element is not fully specified by DPoE. CS Reference Point

The classifier on the DPoE System is identified and described by the Classifier-System (CS) reference point. This
reference point is useful for describing classification, scheduling, and forwarding functions required for
interoperability between DPoE Systems and D-ONUs and for interoperability between DPoE Systems and the D and
MN interface and reference points. CO Reference Point

The classifier on a D-ONU is identified and described by the Classifier-ONU (CO) reference point. This reference
point is useful for describing classification, scheduling, and forwarding functions required for interoperability
between the OSS or DPoE System and D-ONU. It is also useful for describing the same parameters between the CO
reference point and the S interface or reference points.

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The physical or logical interface that provides the MEF INNI to a DEMARC device (at a customer premise) is the
MI reference point. MI is a reference point because DPoE specifications do not specify the requirements for the
interface. The requirements for MI are specified in MEF and [802.3]/[802.1]. The MI reference point is used to
describe the MEF bearer traffic interface on a DEMARC device, which in turn provides either another INNI (MI
reference point) or MEF UNI interface (MU reference point). MU Reference Point

An interface that provides the MEF UNI on a D-ONU or on a DEMARC device is the MU reference point. MU is a
reference point because DPoE specifications do not specify the requirements for the interface. The requirements for
MU are specified in MEF specifications. The MU reference point is used to describe the MEF User to Network
Interface (UNI) on S-ONUs or DEMARC devices.

7.4 Architectural Requirements

DPoE implementations are organized around an architecture designed for compatibility with:
• DOCSIS Operations and Support Systems (OSS)
• DOCSIS back-office systems
• Layer 2 Ethernet, IP-based Ethernet Transport, or MEF MEN networks
• EPON OLT systems and architecture
All DPoE Network elements require [802.3ah], and, if applicable, [802.1], and IETF protocol support (as defined in
[DPoE-IPNEv2.0] and [DPoE-OSSIv2.0]). The architecture does not require any interoperability between
subsystems that comprise the DPoE System located in the operator's network facility. Each DPoE Network may be
implemented in a variety of physical configurations. The DPoE architecture requires only the interfaces to the PON
(the TU interface), the OSS, IP transport interfaces D, and the MEF Ethernet interfaces MN, MI, and MU to be
interoperable with other systems.

7.4.1 Ethernet Service Based Architecture

The Metro Ethernet service model for a DPoE Network uses tag-based 802.1 Ethernet switching and forwarding,
augmented with DOCSIS-based provisioning and configuration automation mechanisms. The tag-based switching
and forwarding uses a combination of [802.1ad] or [802.1ah] tags to establish a data path between a D-ONU and
DPoE System. Frames belonging to the same service share the same [802.1ad] or [802.1ah]tags and follow the same
path through the DPoE Network, as configured by the operator. Each Metro Ethernet service is granted a dedicated
[802.1ad] or [802.1ah] EVC spanning between the D-ONU and DPoE System. IP(HSD) is a DPoE service that
transports IP packets between D-ONU and DPoE System to an IP router that is part of the DPoE System.
Forwarding decisions for IP(HSD) frames are based on a combination of dynamic MAC learning or static MAC
address provisioning, supporting the [802.1d] bridged service model.
Various modes of operation are supported in the DPoE Network, where the D-ONUs and DPoE System may (i)
perform encapsulation or de-encapsulation (so-called Encapsulation Mode) of subscriber frames by adding or
stripping configured [802.1ad] or [802.1ah] tags or (ii) relay subscriber frames transparently (so-called Transport
Mode) without making changes to already existing [802.1ad] or [802.1ah] tags. The D-ONU and DPoE System may
be configured to perform either one of these modes independently to achieve the target service connectivity across
the DPoE Network. The decision on which mode to configure individual DPoE Network elements is determined by
the operator based on the vCM configuration.
Details about the MEF services, their configuration and provisioning mechanisms, as well as types of supported
services can be found in [DPoE-MEFv2.0]. Details about the IP(HSD) services, their configuration and provisioning
mechanisms, can be found in this specification and [DPoE-MULPIv2.0].

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7.5 Service Model

DPoE services are based on the operator requirement to deliver a high QoS for each service. The DPoE
specifications utilize the LLID by associating either multiplexed or individual services with those LLIDs.

7.5.1 Service Multiplexing Model

In order to provide strict scheduler control for each service, a D-ONU MUST support one LLID for each
provisioned service. A D-ONU MAY aggregate traffic from two or more Metro Ethernet services received from MU
or MI interfaces onto the same LLID.
Specifications for provisioning ports for MI or MU services can be found in [DPoE-MEFv2.0]. Specifications for
provisioning ports for CMCI or LCI service can be found in [DPoE-MULPIv2.0]. DPoE Network forwarding and
configuration for DOCSIS modes are described in [DPoE-MULPIv2.0]. DPoE Network forwarding and
configuration for Metro Ethernet services are described in [DPoE-MEFv2.0].
Management traffic for embedded subsystems or external devices may be carried in a separate EVC. For example,
dedicated management for an eSAFE would be directed to that eSAFE device via proper configuration of the
classifiers on the DPoE System and the DPoE ONU. Operators may choose to provision a dedicated LLID for such
eSAFE management traffic, if bandwidth requirements imposed by such traffic justify allocation of a dedicated
An LCI interface is an internal interface that connects only to an eSAFE such as, e.g., eRouter, eDVA, or other
eSAFEs. Each eSAFE uses a single LCI interface and the LCI interface is also a type of S interface. Customer-
facing eSAFE ports are not included in the port count for the minimum number of required LLIDs. For example, an
eSAFE with two customer-facing ports is counted as a single S interface for minimum LLID requirements.
A D-ONU MUST support at least eight (8) LLIDs. A D-ONU MUST support at least one (1) LLID for each S
interface supported by the D-ONU. A D-ONU SHOULD support at least two (2) LLIDs for each S interface
supported by the D-ONU. A D-ONU SHOULD support at least one (1) LLID for each customer-facing eSAFE
Consider two examples of D-ONU configurations with multiple types of interfaces.
A D-ONU with four (4) S interfaces, with one of those S interfaces connected to an eRouter that provides four (4)
customer-facing eSAFE ports, is required to have at least eight (8) LLIDs. Ideally, the D-ONU should provide 12
LLIDs (two (2) LLIDs x four (4) S interfaces, plus one (1) LLID x four (4) customer-facing eSAFE ports).
A D-ONU with four (4) S interfaces, with one of those S interfaces connected to an eDVA that provides one (1)
customer-facing eSAFE port is required to have at least eight (8) LLIDs. Ideally, the D-ONU should provide nine
(9) LLIDs (two (2) LLIDs x four (4) S interfaces, plus one (1) LLID x one (1) customer-facing eSAFE port).

7.5.2 Classification Reference Points

Classification and scheduling in a DPoE Network is defined by the DPoE System classification reference point CS
and the D-ONU classification reference point CO. Upstream Classification Reference Point

D-ONUs MUST perform all upstream traffic encapsulation, tagging, marking, and transcoding of frames at or
before the CO reference point. Upstream traffic encapsulation and forwarding are described in [DPoE-MULPIv2.0]
for IP(HSD) and [DPoE-MEFv2.0] for Metro Ethernet services. Classification and scheduling for all services are
described in [DPoE-MULPIv2.0]. By definition, all upstream classification is performed at or before the CO
reference point. Some traffic encapsulation, tagging, marking, and transcoding of frames or packets is performed on
the DPoE System, but always prior to the D or MN interface.

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DPoE Systems MUST perform all traffic encapsulation, tagging, marking, and transcoding at or before the CS
reference point. Downstream traffic encapsulation and forwarding are described in [DPoE-MULPIv2.0] for IP(HSD)
and [DPoE-MEFv2.0] for Metro Ethernet services. Classification and scheduling for all services are described in
[DPoE-MULPIv2.0]. By definition, all downstream classification is performed at the CS reference point.

7.6 IP(HSD) Forwarding Model

The IP(HSD) forwarding model is described in this specification and also in [DPoE-MULPIv2.0]. The DPoE
System MUST include a fully functional IP router to meet all the requirements in [DPoE-IPNEv2.0]. These are the
same requirements that operators have for DOCSIS-based CMTS systems.
IP(HSD) frame forwarding is based on [802.1d] bridging. The DPoE ONU and the DPoE System (in combination)
implement the MAC learning function, where the source MAC address of the received frame is recorded in a local
MAC address table, creating an association with the given UNI port / LLID and the specific CPE MAC address.
In the downstream direction, data forwarding through the DPoE System is a combination of transparent bridging and
network layer forwarding. After network layer processing completes, the DPoE System uses the aforementioned
MAC address table to map the destination MAC address of a frame to the appropriate LLID for transmission over
the ODN. Once the frame is received by the D-ONU, the D-ONU may consult its MAC address table to forward the
frame out the appropriate interface.
Specific requirements for DPoE Systems and D-ONU are provided in [DPoE-MULPIv2.0].

7.7 L2HSD Forwarding Model

L2HSD is a simple VLAN-based L2 bridge service instantiated per Serving Group using the same constructs as
IP(HSD) (i.e., TLVs and DPoE System configuration parameters as described in [DPoE-IPNEv2.0]), The DPoE
System identifies an L2HSD service by an S-VLAN definition in a serving group configuration.
L2HSD is similar to L2VPN functionally and both may be simultaneously instantiated within a single DPoE system.
However, S-VLANs are not shared between L2HSD and L2VPN services. Basic multipoint operation is expanded to
include user-to-user communication restrictions similar to those in VLAN-rooted multipoint configurations.

DOCSIS supports a bridged as well as a routed option utilizing an eRouter with embedded IP routing on the CM. IP
services that operate on the DOCSIS model do so across the eDOCSIS LCI.

7.8.1 eDOCSIS on S-ONU

Any S-ONU that implements a DOCSIS eSAFE such as eRouter, eSTB, or eDVA is an eDOCSIS device and
MUST support [eDOCSIS]. An S-ONU that is an eDOCSIS device MUST have an IP stack on the S-ONU for each
eSAFE. This includes eDVA, eRouter, or any other eSAFE subsystem within an S-ONU. External CPE devices such
as a DVA uses IP stacks on each respective device. The vCM model is only used for DOCSIS CM management
An S-ONU that is an eDOCSIS device MUST implement the "SF Classifier" and "MAC Bridge and Filter"
functions of the eCM.

7.8.2 eSAFE Discovery

A vCM MUST use [DPoE-OAMv2.0] PDUs to query an S-ONU for embedded components. When queried by the
DPoE System, an S-ONU that is an eDOCSIS device MUST use [DPoE-OAMv2.0] PDUs to indicate embedded
components to the vCM. The indicated embedded components are then used to populate subsequent DHCP
messages sent by the vCM to the OSS, as described below.

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7.8.3 vCM and eCM

DPoE Systems MUST implement part of the eDOCSIS eCM within the DPoE System as illustrated in Figure 7. The
vCM in the DPoE System MUST operate as the eDOCSIS eCM for management purposes. The vCM MUST use
DHCP Option 43, detailed in [eDOCSIS], to report eSAFEs present in an S-ONU. When a vCM receives and
proxies a software image for an S-ONU that is an eDOCSIS device, the S-ONU software image MUST be a
monolithic software image for the eDOCSIS device, as described in [eDOCSIS].
DPoE Systems MUST use [DPoE-OAMv2.0] PDUs for all required eCM functions described in [eDOCSIS]. S-
ONUs MUST use [DPoE-OAMv2.0] PDUs for all required eCM functions described in [eDOCSIS].

7.8.4 eDOCSIS Applicability

An eDOCSIS device consists of an embedded DOCSIS cable modem (eCM) and one or more eSAFEs. The eCM is
connected to an eSAFE via a Logical CPE Interface (LCI). An eDOCSIS device may also have one or more
physically exposed interfaces (CMCI ports). The eDOCSIS model defines a set of eSAFEs (e.g., eMTA, eSTB,
eRouter,) and also allows for "other eSAFEs" with "other interfaces" (as described in [eDOCSIS]). The DPoE
specifications continue to use the eDOCSIS model and allow for the support of "other eSAFEs" within an eDOCSIS
device. An example might be an embedded MoCA or WiFi device which acts as a PHY bridge. eDOCSIS also
specifically includes interfaces from the internal MAC bridge directly to Physical CPE interfaces.
With each LCI connection in an S-ONU (as shown in Figure 8), there is a uniform model for provisioning eSAFEs.
For external devices connected to a CMCI port (and not an LCI), the OSS is not aware of the QoS that may be
necessary for that external device. Nevertheless, if a particular S-ONU provides dedicated ports for specific external
devices, operators may provision specific QoS for the interface connected to the external device.




Embedded SAFE

External CPE

Figure 8 - DPoE Specifications Support Both Embedded SAFEs and External CPE

7.9 Power Saving

Power conservation and reduction of the carbon footprint of access networks is globally recognized as one of the
technical targets for the optical access networks. The objectives of the power-saving mechanisms are to reduce
ecological impact, reduce operating cost, and extend battery backup time (if supported by the given product), while
minimizing any degradation of network performance to maintain the configured SLA. The scope of the power
saving mechanism defined for DPoE covers the operation of the ONU, DPoE System, as well as the interaction
between the DPoE System and the ONU (control protocol).
There are no requirements for the performance of the power saving mechanism (i.e., number of watts saved) when
enabled on the ONU and the DPoE System.

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In the scope of DPoE specifications, the power saving mechanism is defined via reference to [1904.1A], with details
included in [DPoE-MULPIv2.0] and [DPoE-OAMv2.0] specifications. The objectives of the power saving
mechanism are specified in [1904.1A], subclause 10.4.

7.10 Optical Link Protection

Optical link protection provides redundancy for the data path between the DPoE System and ONUs connected to
one of the TU interfaces on the DPoE System. Two types of optical link protection schemes are supported in
[1904.1A], i.e., namely, a trunk protection (see [1904.1A], subclause 9.3.3) and a tree protection (see [1904.1A],
subclause 9.3.4), each addressing a different application space and providing different types of functionality. The
scope of the optical link protection mechanisms defined in DPoE specifications covers the operation of the ONU,
DPoE System, as well as the interaction between the DPoE System and the ONU (control protocol).
There are no requirements for the performance of the optical link protection mechanism (i.e., maximum number of
lost packets, maximum down time, etc.) when enabled on the ONU and the DPoE System.
In the scope of DPoE specifications, the optical link protection is defined via reference to [1904.1A], with details
included in [DPoE-MULPIv2.0] and [DPoE-OAMv2.0] specifications. Device architecture is described in
[1904.1A], subclause 9.3.2, with trunk and tree protection mechanisms defined in [1904.1A], subclause 9.3.3 and
9.3.4, respectively.

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In DPoE 1.0 specifications, a single MU equated to a single EPL service instance end-point. In this version of the
specifications, with an EVPL service, a given MU interface can have multiple service instances attached to it,
commonly conceptualized as sub-interfaces or C-tagged service interfaces [802.1Q].
For the purpose of this document, these specific service interfaces on an MU will be called MU Service Interfaces
(MU-SI). Specific service interfaces on an MI will be referenced as MI Service Interfaces (MI-SIs.) An MI-SI or
MU-SI can include a pool of matched VIDs (as in bundling or all-to-one bundling) or just a single matched VID. An
MI-SI or MU-SI may also include a set of matched CoS identifiers (such as Ethernet Priority Control Point (PCP)
values, IP Precedence values, DSCP values, or Traffic Class values.) The generic term SI will be used to indicate a
service instance match based strictly on the classification rules in a transport-mode service or based on the
classification rules and [L2VPN] encapsulation, regardless of whether the service interface exists on an MI or an

Figure 9 - ELAN-MPLS DPoE Model

To provision these advanced services, an operator will provision the classifiers, service flows, and encapsulation
NSI as they do with all MEF services. These values will configure the TRAN-trail (see Figure 9) between the D-
ONU and the virtual switch instance (VSI) within the Router/PE. A new CM configuration object (the service
delimiter) will be utilized to associate the TRAN-trail via its [802.1Q] encapsulations on the MNI interface, the
interface where all the TRAN-trails must traverse to reach the router/PE inside the DPoE System.
Additional configuration elements (defined later within this document) will be utilized to provision the specific local
service elements. These can be either pseudowire configuration or VPLS VSI configuration. The pseudowire and
VPLS VSI configuration can either be completely provisioned via the CM configuration file or can be provisioned
via a reference to a pseudowire or VSI configured manually on the DPoE System. The subsequent text describes
these varying operations in greater detail.

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8.1 E-Line Service

This specification supports the automation and provisioning of an E-Line where both SIs exist on D-ONUs on
different DPoE Systems, where both SIs exist on D-ONUs connected to the same DPoE Network, as well as where
both SIs exist on the same D-ONU. In all aforementioned cases, the service frames must traverse the connected
DPoE System before being forwarded from one SI to another SI. In other words, this specification does not support
the direct forwarding between two SIs participating in the same E-Line on the same D-ONU without being
forwarded through the connected DPoE System.
In addition, this specification supports the automation and provisioning of one-half of an E-Line in the case where
one end of the E-Line exists on a D-ONU MU-SI or MI-SI and the other end of the E-Line exists on a MEF UNI on
some other non-DPoE device. In this case, this specification would support the automated provisioning of the MU-
SI and the supporting service-layers that connects to the D-ONU, and the operator would be responsible for
configuring the UNI and supporting service-layers that connect to the non-DPoE-provisioned device via a separate
mechanism (i.e., manual configuration, separate dynamic configuration process, etc.).

8.2 E-LAN and E-Tree Services

This specification supports the automation and provisioning of an E-LAN and E-Tree where the SIs being
automated exist on a D-ONU. This specification also supports the automation and provisioning of multiple SIs
provisioned on the same D-ONU, different D-ONUs on the same DPoE System, as well as D-ONUs on different
DPoE Systems. As a result, multiple TRAN-trails can exist on the same DPoE System and participate in the same E-
LAN or service instance.
In addition, this specification supports the automation and provisioning of the SIs participating in an E-LAN or E-
Tree that exist on a D-ONU in conjunction with some alternately-provisioned SIs whose UNIs exist on some non-
DPoE-provisioned subject to the restrictions at the end of Section 8.1.

8.3 Supported Forwarding Models

This specification supports two general learning and forwarding models: (1) Distributed – the [802.1]
bridging/learning occurs locally on the DPoE System where the service endpoint is provisioned and (2) Centralized
– the [802.1] bridging/learning occurs on some remote system (i.e., not on the DPoE System where the service
interface is provisioned). In the case of the centralized bridging model, the DPoE System still participates in
forwarding behavior between the local attachment circuit and the pseudowire (PW) forwarder. To accommodate
this, the bridging/learning behavior is provisioned along with the service instance.
As a result, the bridge network topology could be provisioned to be fully centralized, fully distributed, or it could be
a hybrid of the two, based on operator preference.

8.3.1 Fully Centralized

In the fully centralized model, the MAC learning and forwarding occurs within a "centralized" bridge or Virtual
Switching Instance (VSI). Thus, per operator provisioning, each DPoE System would establish a spoke pseudowire
or VPWS per participating SI to the centralized VSI. The centralized VSI would forward the frames based on
standard [802.1d] bridging (unqualified learning via [802.1d]; or qualified learning via [802.1d] + [802.1Q])
behavior to the appropriate pseudowire spoke, VPWS, or local attachment circuit.

8.3.2 Fully Distributed

In the fully distributed model, each DPoE System with a participating SI in an E-LAN or E-TREE service instance
would contain and operate its own local VSI. The DPoE System would forward frames within that VSI based on
standard [802.1d] bridging (unqualified learning via [802.1d]; or qualified learning via [802.1d] + [802.1Q])
behavior to the appropriate pseudowire spoke, VPWS, or local attachment circuit.

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8.3.3 Hybrid Centralized-Distributed

Because the type of switching is based on local provisioning, per SI, an operator could provision a hybrid service
among multiple DPoE Systems, or among some set of DPoE Systems and other PEs. An operator could provision
some SIs as VPWS spokes to a centralized VSI in the cloud and other SIs to a distributed (local) VSI on the DPoE
System. Via [RFC 6074]-based implementations, it would then be possible for the local VSI to construct a
topological relationship to the VSI in the cloud such that an end-to-end service instance exists for the EVC.

8.4 EVPL, E-LAN, E-Tree Service Provisioning

The general EVPL, E-LAN, and E-Tree service provisioning model is identical to the provisioning model for all
other services in that there is some configuration file that the vCM loads when it boots. The vCM then parses the
configuration. For part of the configuration, the vCM generates extended OAM messages which configure the
behavior of the D-ONU; this includes configuring objects like the downstream classifiers, MESP parameters, etc.
For the remainder of the configuration file, the vCM generates local configuration for the DPoE System service

8.4.1 DOCSIS-L2VPN Service Provisioning Model

In the [L2VPN] provisioning model, using applicable TLVs from [L2VPN], an operator can configure an EVPL via
VPWS as an ELAN or E-Tree spoke to a centralized forwarding entity using the VPWS to connect to a centralized
VSI. The pertinent TLVs from [L2VPN] are: VPN-ID, MPLS Peer, Pseudowire ID, and Pseudowire Type. There are
a number of TLVs required and defined in [DPoE-MEFv2.0] to provide enhanced capabilities above that already
defined in [L2VPN]. The set of TLVs includes the Backup MPLS Peer, Backup Pseudowire ID, PW-Class, and the
Service Delimiter (SD) TLV.
An important distinction between the MPLS service provisioning in [L2VPN] for DOCSIS from the similar
capabilities described in this text is that in the DPoE specifications, both the TRAN-trail (classifier, service-flow,
encapsulation [802.1Q] tags) and the pseudowire configuration elements need to be provisioned. In [L2VPN] either
[802.1Q] encapsulation is provisioned or MPLS-based pseudowires are provisioned.
A brief description of each of the new TLVs is provided here, though the detailed description and interaction
between the TLVs is defined in [DPoE-MEFv2.0]. The extensions to the Encapsulation NSI TLV (43.5.2) are shown
below in Figure 10.

Figure 10 - Encapsulation NSI Extension

• Service Delimiter: the selector-bytes used by the Bridge Forwarder to associate the frames from a defined
TRAN-trail to the service instance or pseudowire forwarder. The Service Delimiter TLV has a number of sub-
options including the SD-C-VID, SD-S-VID, SD-I-SID, and SD-B-VID. This provides the flexibility of the
DPoE System VPLS Edge (VE) to associate the proper TRAN-trail to the VSI.
• Backup MPLS Peer: the backup MPLS peer is used to define a second Pseudowire destination IP for use in
pseudowire redundancy. The protocol requirements for pseudowire redundancy are included in [DPoE-
• Backup Pseudowire ID: this is the backup MPLS Pseudowire ID also needed to define the second pseudowire
endpoint for use in pseudowire redundancy.

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• PW-Class: the PW-Class is used to define standard pseudowire behavior via a class locally configured on the
DPoE System. The PW-Class is a configuration file reference to an object configured on the DPoE System. The
PW-Class includes objects such as pseudowire MTU, service delimiter tag pop or retain actions, and
pseudowire redundancy behavior such as primary PW preemption. The complete description of the PW-Class
object is included in [DPoE-IPNEv2.0].
• If a PW is configured where both endpoints exist on the same DPoE System, where the DPoE System notes that
both endpoints a) have the same VPN-ID, b) have the same MPLS Peer, and c) have the same Pseudowire ID,
the DPoE System MUST configure the service as an ethernet cross-connect. Example DOCSIS L2VPN Pseudowire Service Configuration

To provision an MPLS Pseudowire associated with some SI, the operator must provide the following configuration
• Upstream and Downstream Classifiers
• Upstream and Downstream Service Flows
• NSI L2VPN Encapsulation information - which includes the following:
• L2VPN Mode (if TRAN-trail is operating in Encapsulation mode)
• [802.1ad] VID - e.g., TLV
• MPLS Peer
• Pseudowire ID
• Service Delimiter
All of the necessary configuration objects may be provisioned via the CM configuration file or there may be a
mixture of manual provisioning on the DPoE System and dynamic provisioning via CM configuration file.

Figure 11 - L2VPN Example Config

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For this example, assume that all the configuration detail is present within the CM configuration file and assume that
the S interface where the SI is to be provisioned is configured to operate as an MU in encapsulation mode.
Figure 11 depicts the basic configuration of the various elements including the D-ONU and sub-elements within the
DPoE System. This diagram depicts a simplified view of the configuration output post CM configuration file
parsing. In the case where more than one bridge is present in the system it is anticipated that the bridge configuration
will have to occur on all internal bridge elements to provide continuity of the TRAN-trail from TUL <> MNI
In the upstream direction, the provisioned service will classify on the CMIM in the upstream, associate the customer
frames with a service flow defining the QoS parameters, and then encapsulate the matching frames with an S-VID of
100. The DPoE System OLT and bridge will forward the service frames matching S-VID=100 as a connection-
oriented ethernet bridge from the TUL interface to the MNI at which point the Router will match on the configured
Service Delimiter (S-VID=100) and associate those frames to a pseudowire forwarder. In this case we assume the
default Pseudowire Class is configured to pop the Service Delimiter. Thus forwarding out the D interface is the
original frame as ingressed at the MU interface preceded by the MPLS header and additional layer-2 header.
In the downstream direction, the provisioned service will match on the MPLS label which will include (at a
minimum) a VPN label matching the pseudowire instance. The MPLS VPN labels are typically learned dynamically
via BGP or LDP. Since the pseudowire forwarder is point-to-point, there is no learning required, the pseudowire
forwarder will remove the pseudowire header and push an S-VID equal to the Service Delimiter onto the customer
frame before forwarding out the MNI interface. The DPoE System will forward the frame toward the TUL interface
as a connection-oriented ethernet bridge and classify on the S-VID in the downstream direction to the correct
service-flow and LLID. When the D-ONU receives the frame it will classify on the LLID and S-VID, find the egress
MU, then perform the reciprocal decapsulate in the downstream direction to deliver the original customer frame out
the correct MU interface.
In this example, the Upstream classifier would match on the CMIM while the Downstream classifier would match
on S-VID = 100. The QoS Configuration is similar to that of any MEF service. The additional features come from
the L2VPN NSI Encapsulation object. The configuration detail needed to instantiate an MPLS pseudowire is
depicted in the example in Figure 12.

Figure 12 - Example CM Configuration File

8.4.2 [RFC 6074]-Based Service Provisioning

This provisioning model uses [RFC 6074] for VPLS signaling and discovery. With proper configuration [RFC 6074]
can be made to provision centralized ELAN forwarding services via VPWS, or distributed forwarding services via
VPLS. To support this provisioning model, there are a number of new TLVs required and defined in [DPoE-
MEFv2.0], the set of which includes the VSI, VPLS-Class, E-Tree-Role, Root-VID, Leaf-VID, Service Delimiter,
and a BGP object with L2VPN-ID Reference, Route Distinguisher, and Import and Export RouteTargets.
A brief description of each of the new TLVs is provided here, though the detailed description and interaction
between the TLVs is defined in [DPoE-MEFv2.0]. The object-model for the relationship between the existing and
new TLVs is shown in Figure 13.

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Figure 13 - VSI New TLV Object Model

• VSI: the Virtual Switch Instance is a TLV which includes a number of sub-TLVs. The set of VSI sub-TLVs
includes all the values required to provision a new service instance on the DPoE System or modify an existing
service instance on the DPoE System to add additional participating TRAN-trails.
• VPLS-Class: the VPLS-Class is used to define standard operator VPLS behavior. The VPLS-Class is a
configuration file reference to an object configured on the DPoE System. The VPLS-Class includes objects such
as bridge group MTU, service delimiter tag pop or retain actions, and Flow Aware Transport for VPLS, etc. The
complete description of the VPLS-Class object is included in [DPoE-IPNEv2.0].
• E-Tree-Role: the E-Tree-Role defines the specific role of the attachment circuit with respect to the bridge
group. Available roles are either a root attachment circuit or a leaf attachment circuit.
• Root-VID: On transmission, the Root VID object defines which VLAN ID to apply on frames as they egress
towards the D-interface to identify the frame on receipt as originating from a root attachment circuit. On receipt,
the Root VID object defines which VID identifies a root-originated frame.
• Leaf-VID: On transmission, the Leaf VID object defines which VLAN ID to apply on frames as they egress
towards the D-interface to identify the frame on receipt as originating from a leaf attachment circuit. On receipt,
the Leaf VID object defines which VID identifies a leaf-originated frame.
• BGP: The BGP TLV includes a number of sub-options to define the BGP parameters necessary for the service
• VPN-ID: The reference from the BGP object to the service L2VPN associated with the referenced VPNID
object used to identify the BGP object associated with the VPN configuration.
• RD: the Route Distinguisher use within BGP is described by [RFC 4364].
• Route Target (Import): the Import Route Target use within BGP is described by [RFC 4364].
• Route Target (Export): the Export Route Target use within BGP is described by [RFC 4364].
There are three general methods for provisioning and configuring these advanced services. The first is by
provisioning the service instance manually, such that an operator might manually configure the VSI on the DPoE
System. Based on the configuration file, the DPoE System would then associate the spoke TRAN-trails to the VSI.
To provision this service association, the operator would provision the following TLVs in the CM configuration file
for the VSI attachment circuit: the VPN-ID the same as the manually-configured VSI, and the Service Delimiter.
This would associate the service delimiter to the manually configured VSI. In the case of an E-Tree service, the
operator would also provision the E-Tree Role TLV for the given TRAN-trail in addition to the aforementioned
The second method for provisioning and configuring these advanced services is by a more complete CM
configuration file, which would include the VSI configuration in the CM configuration file. To configure one spoke
of an EVPL or ELAN service, the operator would provision the following TLVs in the CM configuration file: VPN-
ID, VSI, VPLS-Class, Service Delimiter (SD), and optionally the BGP object to include the Route Distinguisher,
RT-Export and RT-Import. For E-Tree services, an additional TLV – the E-Tree-Role TLV – would be configured
to provision the spoke as either a LEAF or ROOT. The default would be the same as setting the value to 0 – perform
as a root.

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The VPN-ID should be a unique, global identifier for the VPLS instance within the operator's network, though there
may be multiple spokes on a given DPoE Network that all reference the same VPN-ID. The VPLS-Class would
point to a class-name that is pre-configured on the DPoE System. Within the VPLS-Class, the DPoE System would
have the definition of the local bridge instance including items like learning behavior (on or off), max MAC address
table size, IB-BEB B-DA MAC Translation, and service delimiter behavior (pop or retain).
The DPoE System would use the Service Delimiter TLVs to define the selector-bytes of the [802.1Q] header used
by the VSI to associate the TRAN-trail as a logical attachment circuit to the VSI or PW forwarder. The Route
Distinguisher (RD) is used to set the BGP extended community value that identifies the VPLS instance within BGP.
E-Tree service construction can be achieved by setting the Leaf and Root VLAN identifiers within the VSI. Further
VPLS topological improvements can be made by configuring a separate root and leaf import/export RTs such that
only the VSIs that own a root attachment circuit build topological relationships to VSIs that connect to only leaf
attachment circuits. In this scenario, VSIs that only connect to leaf attachment circuits will not build attachment
circuits to other VSIs that only connect to leaf attachment circuits.
The third method is really a variant, which can be used with either the first or the second method described above.
The third method is intended to simplify the CM configuration file by having the DPoE system automatically select
the [802.1Q] encapsulation values from the serving group (SG) configured in IPNE which also automatically
associates those encapsulation values to the MPLS service element via a service delimiter. The details of this
method are further described in Section 8.4.4.

8.4.3 Associating Service Delimiting Tags to an MPLS Service

The router within the DPoE System must have a mechanism for associating a specific TRAN-trail to an attachment
circuit associated with a PW forwarder or VSI. The Service Delimiter TLV defines information contained in the
[802.1Q] Ethernet frame that the DPoE System uses to identify the frame as belonging to a particular attachment
circuit. The DPoE System uses the service delimiter to associate the frame as observed on the MNI to a provisioned
VSI or PW forwarder.
There are two ways to provision a DPoE System to associate a TRAN-trail to a specific VSI or PW forwarder. The
first way is by explicitly provisioning the Service Delimiter TLVs which includes the C-VID, S-VID, I-SID, and B-
VID. If the operator desired to configure a specific S-VID as a service delimiter on a VSI, the operator would
configure only the SD S-VID sub-TLV. Similarly, if an operator desired to configure a specific I-SID and B-VID as
a service delimiter to associate it as an attachment circuit on a VSI, the operator would configure the SD I-SID and
B-VID sub-TLVs. The SD TLV defines the outer-most [802.1Q] tags as observed at the MNI by the DPoE System’s
VSI or Pseudowire Forwarder. The VSI would only match the frame if the sub-TLVs match the outer tags. If an
Operator were to provision the SD S-VID sub-TLV and a frame ingressed the VSI at the MNI with a matching S-
VID but also with an I-Tag, the DPoE System VSI would not consider the frame a match. One or more of these
TLVs can be provisioned to define the service delimiter.
The second way to provision a DPoE System to associate a TRAN-trail to a specific VSI or PW forwarder is via the
simplified MPLS provisioning model where the operator provisions an SG TLV which references an SG identifier
configured on the DPoE System, allowing it to allocate the service delimiter (along with the encapsulation values)
from the range of values identified in the referenced SG. The SG allows the DPoE System to dynamically allocate
the [802.1Q] tags utilized for upstream and downstream encapsulation and forwarding at the D-ONU, and utilized
for classification and forwarding at the DPoE System. The configuration of the SG objects is described in [DPoE-
IPNEv2.0]. Service Delimiter Requirements

The DPoE System MUST support both the provisioning and forwarding behavior to associate a TRAN-trail to a VSI
via a provisioned SD S-VID sub-TLV.
The DPoE System MUST support both the provisioning and forwarding behavior to associate a TRAN-trail to a VSI
via a provisioned SD I-SID sub-TLV.
The DPoE System MUST support both the provisioning and forwarding behavior to associate a TRAN-trail to a VSI
via a provisioned SD B-VID sub-TLV.

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The DPoE System MUST support both the provisioning and forwarding behavior to associate a TRAN-trail to a VSI
via a provisioned SD I-SID and B-VID sub-TLV.
The DPoE System MUST support forwarding of the frame from MNI into the VSI or Pseudowire forwarder by
matching the outermost two [802.1Q] tags.
The DPoE System MAY support the provisioning and forwarding behavior to associate a TRAN-trail to a VSI via
any other set of provisioned SD sub-TLVs.

8.4.4 Simplified MPLS Provisioning Mode for Encapsulation Mode

This provisioning mode functions with Encapsulation Mode only. The simplified mode enables the DPoE System to
dynamically select and configure the service delimiter, encapsulation tags, and downstream classifier values to
associate the SI with the VSI or PW service instance as defined in the CM configuration file. In the Simplified
MPLS Provisioning Mode for Encapsulation Mode, the operator must still provide the TLVs to provision the
upstream classifier and the upstream and downstream service flow parameters within the CM configuration file.
In DPoE version 1.0 specifications, as in [L2VPN], the upstream and downstream service flows are not explicitly
linked. There has previously been no need to construct a relationship within the CM configuration file between the
upstream and downstream service flows as the classification and forwarding behavior is explicitly provisioned in
both directions. In the case of the Simplified Provisioning Mode, there is a need to explicitly define the relationship
between upstream and downstream service flows to ensure the upstream encapsulation TLVs and downstream
classifiers are correctly provisioned as a matched pair. The way the upstream and downstream service flows are
associated to each other is described in [DPoE-MULPIv2.0]. Simplified PB MPLS Provisioning

For Simplified PB MPLS Provisioning, the mandatory configuration file TLVs include the upstream classifiers,
service flow provisioning, VPN-ID, and VSI provisioning objects. The SG TLV (defined in [DPoE-MULPIv2.0]), is
used to provide an object the DPoE System can explicitly key on to perform Simplified PB MPLS Provisioning for
the service flow.
Within [DPoE-IPNEv2.0] there is an SG configuration item to set aside a range of S-VIDs for use in MPLS auto-
provisioning. The Simplified PB MPLS Provisioning mode can be used to support the [L2VPN] auto-provisioning
model and the [RFC 6074]-based provisioning model. The following normative statements define the behavior for
configuration TLVs specific to each model. Simplified PB MPLS Provisioning Requirements

When the vCM parses the CM configuration file and sees an SG TLV in the service flow matching the SG ID of an
SG configured on the DPoE System, the DPoE System MUST assign an S-VID from the VPN-SG S-VID pool for
use as the encapsulation VID in the upstream and as the downstream classifier for a service flow.
When the vCM parses the configuration file and sees a service flow associated with a VPN-ID, which includes a
VSI and a service flow including the SG TLV with a matching ID of an SG configured, the DPoE System MUST
assign an S-VID from the SG S-VID pool for use as the encapsulation VID in the upstream and as the downstream
classifier for the service flow.
When configured for Simplified PB MPLS Provisioning, the DPoE System MUST use the S-VID selected from the
referenced SG S-VID pool for the service flow downstream classifier.
When configured for Simplified PB MPLS Provisioning, the DPoE System MUST use the S-VID selected from the
referenced SG S-VID pool for the upstream encapsulation configuration on the D-ONU.
When configured for Simplified PB MPLS Provisioning, the DPoE System MUST use the S-VID selected from the
referenced SG S-VID pool for the service delimiter to associate the SI as a local attachment circuit to the VPLS or

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There is no Simplified PBB MPLS Provisioning model in this version of the specification.

8.5 Local VSI and PW Forwarder Configuration Management Requirements

The DPoE System MUST have the capability of displaying the VSI configured via the CM configuration file in the
same way as the DPoE System would display the manually configured VSI.
In the case of the VSI configured via the CM configuration file, the configuration would be volatile and not persist
through DPoE System reboots while the manually configured VSI would be stored in non-volatile storage and
persist through reboots.
The DPoE System MUST treat the VSI configuration instantiated via CM Configuration file as volatile in that it
does not persist through DPoE System reboots.
For instance, if an operator provisioned a D-ONU SI participating in VSI with a VPN-ID of BLUE, when that
operator executes a command to show the operating configuration on the DPoE System, the DPoE System MUST
display the current running configuration of that VSI.

8.5.1 Adding Attachment Circuits to an Active VSI or PW Instance on a DPoE System

When a new SI is activated and associated with a VSI that already has provisioned attachment circuits, there is a set
of behaviors corresponding to each of the two provisioning methods. There is one behavior required when the VSI is
manually configured on the DPoE System. There is a different behavior required when the VSI is dynamically
configured via the CM configuration file. These normative behaviors are described below.
If, through the dynamic configuration update, a vCM parses a CM configuration file that includes a VPN-ID that is
already provisioned on the DPoE System for the vCM and D-ONU undergoing the dynamic configuration update
and that VPN-ID provisioned on the DPoE System is associated with an MPLS Peer, the DPoE System MUST
replace the configuration of the previously provisioned VPN-ID with the new configuration for the VPN-ID.
If a vCM downloads and parses a configuration file via a new D-ONU registration, and that CM configuration file
includes a VPN-ID that is already provisioned on the DPoE System and that VPN-ID provisioned on the DPoE
System is associated with an MPLS Peer, the DPoE System MUST reject the configuration file.
If a vCM parses a configuration file that includes a VSI with a VSI-ID that is already provisioned on the DPoE
System, the vCM MUST ignore the following TLVs: VPLS-Class, Route-Distinguisher, Root VID, and Leaf VID.
If a vCM parses a configuration file that includes an L2VPN encoding with a VPN-ID that is already provisioned on
the DPoE System, the DPoE System MUST act upon the following TLVs by adding them to the already present set
on the VSI: Service Delimiter. Note that the service delimiter in this case can be the service delimiter as derived
from the Simplified Provisioning mode or one present in the CM configuration file.
As an example of the expected behavior, suppose a D-ONU (D-ONU-A) registers with the DPoE System; the vCM
corresponding to D-ONU-A accordingly downloads the configuration file and configures the D-ONU with an MU-
SI. That CM configuration file defines that the MU-SI is associated with some VPN-ID, and when the vCM parses
the configuration file it discovers the service delimiter that it needs to associate with that VPN-ID has an S-VID=3.
Since this is the first time the VSI has been activated on the DPoE system, the vCM configures the DPoE System to
activate the VSI with that VPN-ID and associate the VPN-ID with the configured VPLS-Class, and attachment
circuit which has an S-VID=3 to the VSI. Subsequently, another D-ONU comes online on the same DPoE System
and the vCM, after it downloads the configuration file, finds another MU-SI that is a member of the same VSI
(determined by the matching VPN-ID) and has defined an S-VID=27 in the service delimiter TLV. The vCM would
configure the VSI to add a new attachment circuit with an S-VID=27 to that VSI.

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8.5.2 Modifying an Active VSI or PW Instance on a DPoE System

There are a number of configuration parameters that are not modified via the CM configuration file when the VSI is
already instantiated on the DPoE System. These values are: VPLS-Class, Route-Distinguisher, Root VID, and Leaf
In the case that an operator needs to modify these values on a VSI instantiated through the CM configuration
process, there are two mechanisms for directly modifying these values. An operator can make changes to the VSI,
Bridge Group Instance, or PW instance via SNMP Write Access. Alternatively, an operator can make changes to the
VSI, Bridge Group Instance, or PW instance via CLI access.

8.5.3 Removing Attachment Circuits from an Active VSI or PW Instance on a DPoE System
The DPoE System needs to clean up the configuration once certain configuration elements are changed or removed
via D-ONU de-registration.
When the D-ONU that has SIs associated with a specific VSI, as denoted by the VPN-ID, de-registers, the vCM
MUST remove the attachment circuit association from the VSI.
When the D-ONU that has an SI associated with an MPLS Peer de-registers, the vCM MUST remove the PW
configuration associated with that SI.
A DPoE System MUST remove the configuration for a dynamically provisioned VSI that no longer has any member
attachment circuits associated with it.
A DPoE System MUST NOT remove the configuration for a manually configured VSI that no longer has any
member attachment circuits associated with it.

8.6 L2VPN Layer 2 Forwarding Services

DPoE supports [L2VPN] Layer 2 forwarding mode in point-to-point and multipoint configurations. DPoE expands
on the functionality of [L2VPN] multipoint forwarders to allow or prohibit forwarding between service flows
associated with different D-ONUs (i.e., user-to-user communications). As described in [L2VPN], TLV 43.5.27 is
used to define multipoint forwarding mode. The supported [L2VPN] configuration, capabilities, and restrictions are
indicated below in Table 5. Sample L2VPN encodings for point-to-point and multipoint configurations are provided
in [L2VPN], Appendix I.
Table 5 - L2 Forwarding Modes

Service Type VPNID: TLV VLAN ID: Notes

43.5.1 TLV22/23.14.2/6
Multipoint (i.e., Same for vCMs Same for vCMs MAC learning enabled. User-user
simple VLAN) communication may be restricted via TLV
Point-to-Point Same for vCMs Different among vCMs No MAC learning. Only 2 connections are
Connection permitted. Additional instances are rejected.
Point-to-Point Different among Same for vCMs No MAC learning. Only one connection using
Connection vCMs the designated VLAN ID is allowed. Additional
instances are rejected.
Point-to-Point Different among Different among vCMs No MAC learning. Both endpoints may reside
Connection vCMs within the same DPoE System or a single
endpoint can exist outside the DPoE System.

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8.7 IP Transport Introduction

To support the construction of EVPL and E-LAN services via VPWS/VPLS, the operator network consists of some
interior gateway protocol for local reachability, such as LDP and MP-BGP. The specific requirements of the DPoE
System for those protocols are detailed in [DPoE-IPNEv2.0].

8.7.1 General VPWS/VPLS Forwarding

As shown in Figure 14, the DPoE System VPWS/VPLS forwarding system is split into two logical components; 1)
the connection-oriented-[802.1Q] bridge module made up of the OLT and PBB/PB forwarder and 2) the VPLS
Capable Provider Edge (PE), or VPLS Edge (VE). These elements are connected to each other for Metro Ethernet
services via the MNI interface.

DPoE System
Pseudowire S101
Attachment Circuits

B102, I1601
VE VSI1 S104

VSI2 S105

VSI3 S106
B107, I1801
VSIn B108, I1801

Figure 14 - VE Reference Model

Within the DPoE specifications, it is a fundamental requirement that the service delimiters are unique within a DPoE
Network. There is no requirement of service delimiter uniqueness across multiple DPoE Networks. Specifically, the
service-delimiting VIDs (and/or ISIDs), collectively known as the service-delimiters, that identify the TRAN-trail
are unique across a set of TULs attached to the DPoE System. For the VE to properly associate a specific TRAN-
trail to a service, the VE has to assume uniqueness of the service delimiter on the MNI interface. This enables the
VE to properly classify on the TRAN-trail via the service delimiters and to associate that TRAN-trail to some VSI or
PW forwarder.
The DPoE System and VE MUST use the SD TLV or the auto-allocated service delimiter value (see Section 8.4.4)
to identify the frames on the MNI interface and associate those frames with the PW forwarder or with the VSI.
If the PW or VSI is configured to pop the service delimiting tag, the DPoE System MUST strip the service
delimiters before the frame is sent to the PW per [RFC 4448].
When configured to strip the service delimiters, the DPoE System MUST only strip service delimiters as identified
by the SD sub-TLVs.
The DPoE System MUST NOT strip the [802.1Q] I-Tag service delimiter prior to sending the frame to the PW or
If the "retain tag" configuration value is set within the VPLS-Class, the DPoE System MUST NOT strip the C-Tag,
S-Tag, or B-Tag before the frame is sent to the PW.
The DPoE System MUST by default copy the PCP bits from the outer-most tag of the service delimiter into the
MPLS Traffic Class field.

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Thus, if the service delimiter includes both an I-Tag and a B-Tag, the DPoE System will copy the PCP values from
the B-Tag into the MPLS Traffic Class field [RFC 5129].
The DPoE System MUST transpose the PCP values into the MPLS Traffic Class field based on a configuration table
as defined in [DPoE-IPNEv2.0].

8.7.2 E-Tree Forwarding

VPLS treats all attachment circuits as equal and provides no distinction between root and leaf. As a result, VPLS
forwards in an any-to-any fashion based strictly upon the layer-2 bridge table associated with that VSI. E-Tree adds
an additional requirement regarding the ability to restrict certain attachment circuit to attachment circuit forwarding
based on port rules. The essential rule for E-Tree forwarding is a restriction of leaf-to-leaf communication. Root-to-
root, root-to-leaf, and leaf-to-root forwarding are all permitted in E-Tree.
As a result, with the E-Tree forwarding case, there are a few additional requirements applied to the VSI local to a
DPoE System. When a VSI is configured for E-Tree, the VSI is configured to apply either an S-Tag or a B-Tag,
depending on the local configuration of the VPLS-Class. In a DPoE System, there is no need to provide both root
and leaf identifiers from the SIs, as each SI is distinctly either a root SI or a leaf SI; this is determined when an SI is
provisioned and mapped into a VSI.
This is no different than what is required to occur across the provider MPLS network by pushing a specific S-tag
with one S-VID to identify a frame that ingressed on a root-SI and a different S-VID to identify a frame that
ingressed on a leaf-SI.

Figure 15 - E-Tree Forwarding

In Figure 15 above, the original frame ingressing into the MU is encapsulated at the D-ONU per provisioning which
associates the S-VID as the service delimiter to allow the VE to associate the SI as an attachment circuit of the VSI.
The VSI is configured such that root and leaf S-VIDs are defined. The VSI is also informed via provisioning that the
attachment circuit is a leaf attachment circuit, and as a result, when the VSI forwards the frame across the provider
network, it swaps the service-delimiting S-VID (or B-VID) with the leaf S-VID (or B-VID) and encapsulates the
entire Ethernet frame in a pseudowire and MPLS header.
As an example of this forwarding behavior, suppose DPoE System A's VE (shown in Figure 15 ) receives the frame
with the pseudowire header, associates the pseudowire with the proper VSI, notes that the S-VID is a leaf S-VID,
and the bridge table shows the C-DA is destined to a root attachment circuit. The VSI strips the PW header, swaps
the leaf S-VID with the S-VID encapsulation as defined by the local destination attachment circuit / service

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DPoE Architecture Specification DPoE-SP-ARCHv2.0-I07-190213

delimiters for the proper MU-SI, and forwards the frame out the MNI. The D-ONU strips the encapsulation and
forwards the original frame out the MU.
In this version of the specification, it is required that an E-Tree service that has multiple VEs participating in the
same E-Tree service all use the same S-VID/B-VID to identify root-originated frames and the same S-VID/B-VID
to identify leaf-originated frames. The way to ensure that the S-VIDs are the same across a given service is via
proper provisioning mechanisms.
Within a local VSI, it is required that forwarding between local attachment circuits is handled by bridging and
forwarding logic that restricts leaf-to-leaf communication based on the provisioning of the attachment circuit.
When configured to operate as an E-Tree, the DPoE System VSI MUST NOT forward frames from a leaf
attachment circuit to a leaf attachment circuit.
When configured to operate as an E-Tree, the DPoE System VSI MUST NOT forward frames arriving on the D
interface with the leaf S-VID (or B-VID) to leaf attachment circuits. PB Learning and Forwarding

There are two learning modes that can occur within a VSI – qualified and unqualified learning. The specific learning
mode is operator-provisioned within the VPLS-Class object defined within [DPoE-IPNEv2.0].
The DPoE System MUST support unqualified learning within a VSI.
The DPoE System SHOULD support qualified learning within a VSI.
The DPoE System VSI in PB-forwarding mode MUST perform MAC bridging between the logical attachment
circuits (designated by the service delimiter) and the dynamically constructed pseudowires which connect the local
VSI to other VSI or PW forwarders across the operator network. PBB Learning and Forwarding

The first PBB forwarding case is one where the DEMARC performs the function of an I-BEB or an IB-BEB, and the
D-ONU performs the function of a B-BEB or simply classifies and forwards the frames without participation in
PBB. The DPoE System would perform the function of a BCB. This is a simple case that involves basic PB MAC
forwarding on the DPoE System as the DEMARC is performing the B-DA learning. This scenario is depicted in
Figure 16.

Figure 16 - DPoE-PBB-DEMARC

Referring to Figure 16, note that the Customer Bridge Port (CBP) is connected to the DEMARC in this case and that
the DEMARC is operating as the I-BEB. The DPoE System (according to the provisioning of the VSI) can associate

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DPoE-SP-ARCHv2.0-I07-190213 DOCSIS® Provisioning of EPON Specifications

the TRAN-trail to the VSI based on the service delimiter. The service delimiter may identify only the B-VID, only
the I-SID, or both I-SID and B-VID, to enable both flexibility and service scaling at the MNI. Whether the DPoE
System is using a service delimiter including only the B-VID, B-VID + I-SID, or only the I-SID, the DPoE System
VSI would perform the function of the BCB in this configuration – either MAC forwarding only (unqualified
learning) or MAC forwarding + B-VID forwarding (qualified learning).
In the second PBB forwarding case, (see Figure 17), the D-ONU operates as the encapsulation half of an IB-BEB.
The D-ONU may be provisioned to add both an I-Component and a B-Component or just an I-Component. The CBP
is connected to the D-ONU, which operates as an I-BEB or IB-BEB based on the service configuration. The
provisioning needed on the VSI to configure the DPoE System IB-BEB to perform the B-DA translation is within
the VPLS-Class, defined in [DPoE-IPNEv2.0].
In the case where the B-DA is not provided in the CM configuration file, the DPoE System will create the Backbone
Service Instance Group address and send that to the D-ONU to use as the B-DA for the complete I-Tag
encapsulation. As specified in [802.1Q], section 26.3, the Backbone Service Instance Group address is constructed
by concatenating the three octets IEEE 802.1Q Backbone Service Instance Group (00-1E-83) with the three octet I-
SID, and asserting the I/G bit in the first octet of the resultant value to signify a group MAC address.
The D-ONU adds the encapsulation as provisioned including the Backbone Service Instance Group address as the
B-DA and the provisioned I-SID. The DPoE System VSI is then responsible for translating the Backbone Service
Instance Group address either to a valid unicast B-DA MAC address (if available) or to the Default Backbone
Address as defined by [802.1Q].

Figure 17 - PBB-D-ONU

The DPoE System’s VSI MUST support forwarding PBB frames as a BCB.
The DPoE System’s VSI SHOULD support I-SID-aware frame forwarding.
As a result of the requirements above, the following requirements are only mandatory when a DPoE System’s VSI
supports I-SID aware frame forwarding:
• When a configuration file is parsed by a vCM to add an I-Tag encapsulation without a B-DA, the DPoE
System MUST create the Backbone Service Instance Group address and provide that to the D-ONU to use
as the B-DA for the encapsulation.
• When the DPoE System VSI receives a frame with the Backbone Service Instance Group address, the
DPoE System VSI, operating as an IB-BEB, MUST translate the Backbone Service Instance Group address
to the actual B-DA if an entry exists for the C-DA within the VSI bridge table.
• If a MAC entry does not exist within the VSI for the Backbone Service Instance Group, the DPoE System
MUST translate the B-DA to the Default Backbone Address as defined in [802.1Q].

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DPoE Architecture Specification DPoE-SP-ARCHv2.0-I07-190213

• The DPoE System VSI MUST NOT forward between two attachment circuits that have different I-SIDs.
If a DPoE System receives a configuration file including an I-SID as a service delimiter and the DPoE System VSI
does not support I-SID-aware frame forwarding, the DPoE System MUST reject the configuration file. Upstream PBB Forwarding

This section describes the upstream forwarding from the SI toward the D interface including B-DA translation
within the VSI.
As shown in Figure 18, a PB-tagged frame arrives at the MU interface and is encapsulated with a PBB encapsulation
to include the I-Tag, B-Tag, B-SA, and B-DA. The I-Tag and the B-Tag come from the CM configuration file. The
B-SA is manually configured on the DPoE System and sent to the D-ONU via eOAM messages. The B-DA can
either be generated by the DPoE System or explicitly provisioned within the CM configuration file. In this
forwarding explanation, the B-DA for this service is explicitly left blank and thus the DPoE System generates the
Backbone Service Instance Group MAC address and sends that to the D-ONU via eOAM messages. The D-ONU
encapsulates the original frame in the provisioned PBB header and sends the frame towards the TU interface.
The DPoE System receives the frame on the TUL interface and forwards across the local PBB bridge based on the
B-VID and I-SID to the MNI. The VE associates attachment circuits based on the provisioned service delimiter for a
given VSI – these service delimiters include the B-VID and I-SID. The frame ingresses into the VSI which is
provisioned to pop the service delimiter.

Figure 18 - PBB Upstream Forwarding

Based on that VSI configuration, the VSI strips the B-VID, looks at the B-DA which is the Backbone Service
Instance Group MAC address, and then performs a lookup in the C-DA to B-DA MAC bridging table for the unicast
B-DA that is associated with the C-DA. Assuming the VSI finds the unicast B-DA, the VSI replaces the Backbone
Service Instance Group MAC address with the unicast B-DA. In the case that no unicast B-DA is present in the C-
DA to B-DA MAC bridging table for the C-DA, the VSI replaces the B-DA of the Backbone Service Instance
Group MAC address with the default backbone MAC address.
Once all packet manipulations are performed as described above, the VSI will forward the frame to the egress
attachment circuits and/or pseudowires based on the bridge table lookup.

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DPoE-SP-ARCHv2.0-I07-190213 DOCSIS® Provisioning of EPON Specifications Downstream PBB Forwarding

This section describes the downstream forwarding from the D-interface to the MU interface including I-SID
translation within the VSI. This scenario is shown in Figure 19.

Figure 19 - PBB Downstream Forwarding

In the downstream direction, the MPLS-encapsulated frame arrives at the D interface. This frame may include an
LSP label and a VPN label or may only include the VPN label if the upstream router performed Penultimate Hop
Popping. The VE associates the ingress frame to a VSI based on the VPN label.
At ingress the VSI strips the PW header and looks up the egress attachment circuit based on the B-DA in the
[802.1Q] header. The VSI also pushes the B-Tag onto the frame if the attachment circuit has an associated B-VID
and is configured to strip the service delimiter in the upstream direction.
When the frame is transmitted by the VSI and VE toward the MNI interface in the downstream direction, the frame
has the same B-VID and I-SID as used on the local PBB bridge to send the frame toward the correct LLID and
ultimately to the correct D-ONU and MU interface.
The DPoE System will forward the frame from across the local DPoE bridge from the MNI toward the TU interface.
The D-ONU will receive the frame and, based on configuration, pop the encapsulation and forward the original
frame out the MU interface.

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DPoE Architecture Specification DPoE-SP-ARCHv2.0-I07-190213

Appendix I Acknowledgements
On behalf of our industry, we would like to thank the following individuals for their contributions to the
development of this specification, listed in alphabetical order of company affiliation.

Contributor Company Affiliation

Mike Emmendorfer Arris
Dylan Ko Qualcomm-Atheros
John Dickinson, Edwin Mallette Bright House Networks
Drew Davis, Paul Gray, Victor Hou Broadcom
Lane Johnson, Curtis Knittle, Glenn Russell, Vikas Sarawat, Karthik CableLabs
Jimmy Hu Ciena
Tim Brophy Cisco
Jean-Nicolas Huppe Cogeco
Mehmet Toy, Shamim Akhtar Comcast
Mike Holmes, Wen Li Finisar Corporation
James Chen, Hesham ElBakourey Hitachi
Victor Blake Independent Consultant
Janet Bean, Nagesh Nandiraju Motorola
Seth Adler MRV
Michael Peters, Christopher Griffith Sumitomo
Robert Harris, Kevin A. Noll, Armin Sepehri Time Warner Cable
Marek Hajduczenia, Nevin Jones ZTE

Steve Burroughs, CableLabs

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DPoE-SP-ARCHv2.0-I07-190213 DOCSIS® Provisioning of EPON Specifications

Appendix II Revision History

II.1 Engineering Changes for DPoE-SP-ARCHv2.0-I02-140807
ECN Date Summary Author
ARCHv2.0-N-14.0131-1 03/27/2014 Support for larger MTUs Marek Hajduczenia
ARCHv2.0-N-14.0140-1 04/11/2014 IP(HSD) changes for Arch2.0 Steve Burroughs
ARCHv2.0-N-14.0169-1 07/03/2014 Alignment and cleanup of 802.3 references Marek Hajduczenia
ARCHv2.0-N-14.0185-1 07/10/2014 DPoEv2 ARCH edits to Support 2G-EPON Lane Johnson

II.2 Engineering Change for DPoE-SP-ARCHv2.0-I03-150319

The following Engineering Change was incorporated into DPoE-SP-ARCHv2.0-I03-150319.

ECN Date Summary Author

ARCHv2.0-N-14.0196-1 10/30/2014 Support for Power Saving mechanism Marek Hajduczenia

II.3 Engineering Changes for DPoE-SP-ARCHv2.0-I04-150611

ECN Date Summary Author
ARCHv2.0-N-15.0206-1 04/02/2015 Support for Power Saving mechanism Arkin Aydin
ARCHv2.0-N-15.0209-1 04/30/2015 Enhance L2VPN Multipoint Forward Arkin Aydin

II.4 Engineering Changes for DPoE-SP-ARCHv2.0-I05-160602

ECN Date Summary Author
ARCHv2.0-N-15.0222-1 12/10/2015 Support for Tree / Trunk optical line protection mechanism Arkin Aydin
ARCHv2.0-N-15.0225-1 12/31/2015 Remove DEMARC Specification References and Attributes Arkin Aydin
ARCHv2.0-N-16.0235-1 03/31/2016 DPoE 2.0 ARCH - Retire SOAM Specification Steve Burroughs

II.5 Engineering Change for DPoE-SP-ARCHv2.0-I06-180228

ECN Date Summary Author
ARCHv2.0-N-18.0259-1 2/8/2018 S/S1/S2 interface alignment and simplification Marek Hajduczenia

II.6 Engineering Change for DPoE-SP-ARCHv2.0-I07-190213

ECN Date Summary Author
ARCHv2.0-N-18.0268-2 11/21/2018 Add DPoE Embedded Test Agent to Architecture Steve Burroughs


62 CableLabs 02/13/19

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