Operating Systems Windows 2000
Operating Systems Windows 2000
Operating Systems Windows 2000
Windows 2000
January 2003
based upon
•Control Hardware - The operating system controls all the parts of the
computer and attempts to get everything working together.
•Manage Data and Files - The OS makes it easy for you to organize
your computer. Through the OS you are able to do a number of things to
data including copy, move, delete, and rename it. This makes it much
easier to find and organize what you have.
DISKS S.O. Aplications
Corporate use Overlayed windows and icons. Word and Excel are
1987 Windows 2 born.
Windows ME
• Windows 1.0:
• Windows 2.0:
• Windows 3.X:
• Windows NT:
• Windows 95:
• Windows XP:
File System
All the information kept in the storage units must be following an order
to be found. Otherwise would be difficult to find a file when we are
looking for it in our hard disk.
The library is your hard disk, the librarian your operating system and
the catalog the file system.
File System
FAT 16: it is fairly universal with windows 3x, windows 95, and
windows NT recognizing it. The only sore side is that FAT 16 waste a
lot of useful space as the hard drive grows in size. FAT 16 will only
allow partitions of 2 GB's.
Because the original FAT used 16-bit cluster addressing, the FAT
system itself imposed limitations on how hard drives were used. (For
convenience, this original FAT system is referred to as FAT16.) Since
the FAT16 could handle only 216 (= 65,536) addresses, hard drives
larger than 512MB needed to allocate file space in 16KB blocks.
FAT 32: handles 32-bit addresses (232), again erasing the old
limitations imposed by the FAT16 addressing. Allows to make better
use of space (more than 2 GB’s). Faster data transfer rates.
File System
Windows 3.1 X
Windows 95 X X
(W95 Release 2)
Windows 98 X X
Windows NT X X
Windows 2000 X X X
Windows XP X X X
File System
Not only hard disks need a file system. Also external storage devices
need so.
May be we must have a look at the BIOS Setup to allow this option
(DEL on booting).
Operating System
Could we have more than one operating system installed in our
•To do so it is recommendable (if not compulsory) to have them in
diferent storage units.
•If we have got only one physical unit we can create logical units, also
called Partitions.
Hard Disk
Logical Logical
Unit Unit
11 22
Operating System
•When using several units we can use a different file system in each
one of them. However we must remember some Operating Systems
do not support all file systems.
•For example:
Hard Disk •Windows NT does not support
FAT 32. (D:) unit will remain
invisible for Windows NT.
•Windows 2000 allows FAT 32
(C:) (D:)
(D:) and NTFS. Both units will be
Windows Windows
Windows accessible from Windows 2000.
NT 2000
(NTFS) (FAT32)
(FAT 32)
Operating System
•Operating systems have been improving their security options. This
will avoid malfunctions because of strange devices, not allowed
•HLC (Hardware Compatibility List). A data base containing the
devices which have been tested by Microsoft. If a device does not
appear in the list it does not mean it is not working properly, but
Microsoft can not guarantee it works as it should.
•NTFS has supposed an important change in security. Unix allowed
from the beginning to assign rights to files depending on the user.
Read (r), write (w) and execution (x) rights could be chosen for every
file for diferent profiles.
Operating System
•Former Windows versions using FAT file system did not offer any
security options. Only the attrib command could be used but it was
only useful to hide files and every user had the same rights on a file.
Network config
•Today our computer is probably forming part of a community. A
group of PC are connected forming a LAN (Local Area Network) in
order to share information between them.
Network config
There are four IP addresses classes:
A Class (0-127)
B Class (128-191)
C Class (192-223)
D Class (224-239)
Network config
When working on a LAN we can
find subnetting. That means we
are splitting a net in smaller ones.
To do so a subnet mask is used.