PSYC226 Syllabus PDF
PSYC226 Syllabus PDF
PSYC226 Syllabus PDF
4) Tentative Course Outline/Weekly Schedule
Academic dishonesty will not be tolerated and will be dealt with according to university policy
(detailed later).
1. Midterm Exams
The midterm exams will be content-based exams (based on four chapters each). They will
include a range of multiple choice, fill-in-the-blank, and short-answer questions, as well as
labeling exercises covering the specified body of content.
2. Final Exam
The final exam will be a content-based exam (based on five chapters). It will include a
range of multiple choice, fill-in-the-blank, and short-answer questions, as well as labeling
exercises covering the specified body of content.
Grading will be criterion-based. The exact criteria for each grade will be provided in due course,
as will the content and format of the exams.
I reserve the right to change the dates and the format of exams during the course if necessary but
will provide advance notice.
Makeup Exams for Legitimate Reasons
If you experience an extraordinary event that prevents you from taking your exams on time,
contact me as soon as possible. Valid reasons for absences or missed exams are limited to
illnesses (medical or psychological). They will have to be documented by a note from the
University Health Services or the Counseling Centre. Excuses that are not health-related might be
acceptable for absences (but not assignments/exams), provided they are discussed with me
beforehand and documented.
Final exam
Missing the final exam will lead to a make-up exam only if the excuse is valid. The make-up exam
will, however, be more difficult.
absences without valid excuse, each additional absence will result in 1% being deducted from the
final grade, up to a maximum of 20% of the total grade. Students who miss more than 1/5 of the
total number of classes without valid excuse in the first 3 weeks of the semester may be asked to
drop the course. Students are responsible for keeping track of their own attendance. Warnings
may or may not be given. It is your responsibility to catch up with the material if you miss a class
for any reason.
Student Conduct
The university seeks an environment that promotes academic achievement and integrity, that is
protective of free enquiry, and that serves the educational mission of the university. Similarly, the
university seeks a community that is free from violence, threats, and intimidation; that is respectful
of the rights, opportunities, and welfare of students, faculty, staff, and guests of the university; and
that does not threaten the physical or mental health or safety of members of the university
This section specifically addresses disruptive classroom conduct, which means “engaging in
behavior that substantially or repeatedly interrupts either the instructor’s ability to teach or student
learning. The classroom extends to any setting where a student is engaged in work toward
academic credit or satisfaction of program-based requirements or related activities.
Use of Personal Electronic Devices in the Classroom
During class, cell phones are not to be seen or heard, or they may be confiscated for an indefinite
period. You may choose to take notes by hand or on your laptops during class.
Academic Integrity/Scholastic Dishonesty
You are expected to do your own academic work and cite sources as necessary. Failing to do so
is scholastic dishonesty. Scholastic dishonesty means plagiarizing, cheating on assignments or
examinations, engaging in unauthorized collaboration on academic work, taking, acquiring, or
using test materials without faculty permission.
Cheating on assignments/exams, plagiarism, presenting work you did not do, violating rules of
proper academic conduct and other related matters will not be tolerated and will be dealt with
according to strict AUB policies. Failure to present your own original work will result in disciplinary
Please refer to AUB Student Code of Conduct:
%20for%20Processing%20Violations%20.pdf, in particular section 1.1.
Appropriate Student Use of Class Notes and Course Materials
Taking notes is a means of recording information but more importantly of personally absorbing
and integrating the educational experience. However, broadly disseminating class notes beyond
the classroom community or accepting compensation for taking and distributing classroom notes
undermines instructor interests in their intellectual work product while not substantially furthering
instructor and student interests in effective learning. Such actions violate shared norms and
standards of the academic community.
As a student, you may experience a range of issues that can cause barriers to learning, such as
strained relationships, increased anxiety, alcohol/drug problems, feeling down, difficulties
concentrating and/or lack of motivation. These mental health concerns or stressful events may
lead to diminished academic performance and may reduce your ability to participate in daily
activities. Do not hesitate to contact me during office hours, by appointment, or by email with any
personal concerns. You may also contact me with questions about the course and to clarify any
material that you haven’t grasped.
Emails are a core element in our communication. Consequently, regular access to your AUB
email account and familiarity with the internet are crucial if you are to keep up with the
developments of this course. In addition, some instructions and announcements might be given
only during class and it is your responsibility to make sure you aware of those if you miss a
AUB strives to make learning experiences as accessible as possible. If you anticipate or
experience academic barriers due to a visible or invisible disability (including mental health,
chronic or temporary medical conditions), please inform me immediately so that we can privately
discuss options. In order to help establish reasonable accommodations and facilitate a smooth
accommodation process, request a letter of accommodations from the Accessible Education
Office (AEO) in the first few weeks of the semester:; +961-1-350000,
Ext. 3246; West Hall, 314. Letters of accommodations received late in the semester will be
accepted only in exceptional circumstances.
Additional information:
AUB is committed to facilitating a campus free of all forms of discrimination including sex/gender-
based harassment prohibited by Title IX. The University’s non-discrimination policy applies to,
and protects, all students, faculty, and staff. If you think you have experienced discrimination or
harassment, including sexual misconduct, we encourage you to tell someone promptly. If you
speak to a faculty or staff member about an issue such as harassment, sexual violence, or
discrimination, the information will be kept as private as possible, however, faculty and
designated staff are required to bring it to the attention of the University’s Title IX Coordinator.
Faculty can refer you to fully confidential resources, and you can find information and contacts at . To report an incident, contact the University's Title IX Coordinator Trudi
Hodges at 01-350000 ext. 2514, or An anonymous report may be submitted
online via EthicsPoint at